PDF document
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Guide for   

Affordable Care Act 

(ACA) Information  

Returns (AIR) 


Composition an                                                                      

Reference Guid



Publication 5258 (Rev. 10 -2022)  Catalog Number 69127G  Department of the Treasury  Internal Revenue Service  www.irs.gov 

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Last Updated 07/28/2022 

Change/Document History 
It will be assured that this document is current. Printed documents and locally copied files may become 
obsolete due to changes to the master document. 

Date                    Summary of Changes                              Changes Marked 

07/28/2022 Updated TLS information throughout publication               No 

07/28/2022 Updated Digital Certificate information in Section No 

07/28/2022 Updated tax year from 2021 to 2022 throughout publication    No 

07/28/2022 Updated formatting issues throughout publication             No 

                        Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters i i

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Table of Content

Section 1 Introduction                                                      2 

     1.1  |  Identification .................................................... 

     1.2  |  Scope.......................................................... 

     1.3  |  Purpose ........................................................ 

     1.4  |  Related Documents .............................................. 

Section 2 Interface Overview                                                5 

     2.1  |  ISS-UI Channel .................................................. 

     2.2  |  ISS-A2A Channel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  

Section 3 Composing IRS ACA Information Returns Transmission 

     3.1  |  Namespace and Prefix ............................................ 

     3.2  |  Guidelines for Composing IRS Form Data File  ....................... 1

     3.3  |  IRS Form Data File Naming Convention............................. 1

     3.4  |  Structure of IRS Form Data File  ................................... 1

          3.4.1  |  Transmission XML Elements ................................. 1

          3.4.2  |  Uniquely Identifying Transmissions, Submissions, and Records  ..... 1

          3.4.3  |  Computing Checksum...................................... 1

Section 4 Transmitting IRS ACA Form Data File and Retrieving Acknowledgment vi 
 the ISS-UI Channel                                          2

     4.1  |  Transmitter Operations  .......................................... 2

     4.2  |  Transmitting UI Files to IRS ....................................... 2

          4.2.1  |  Sample Manifest File ....................................... 2

          4.2.2  |  Sample Form Data File ..................................... 2

     4.3  |  Retrieving Acknowledgment from IRS .............................. 3

                             Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters   ii  ii

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4.4  |  Transmitter IRS Form Data File Specification ........................ 3

4.5  |  Transmitting Information Returns to IRS ............................ 3

4.5.1  |  Validation of IRS Form Data File .............................. 3

4.5.2  |  Processing of IRS Form Data File ............................. 3

4.6  |  Retrieving Status of the Transmission through UI ..................... 3

4.7  |  IRS Error Data File .............................................. 3

4.8  |  UI Channel TY2015, TY2016, TY2017, TY2018, TY2019,
TY2020, TY2021 and TY2022 Schemas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3

4.9  |  4.9 Calculate AttachmentByteSizeNum for TY2015, TY2016, TY2017, 
TY2018, TY2019, TY2020, TY2021 and TY2022  ............................ 3

Section 5 Transmitting IRS ACA Form Data File and RetrievingAcknowledgment
via the ISS-A2A Channel                                                              4

5.1  |  Message Compression  .......................................... 4

5.2  |  Basic SOAP Message Structure ................................... 4

5.2.1  |  Creating the SOAP Envelope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4

5.2.2  |  SQL Injection in the SOAP Message ........................... 4

5.3  |  SOAP Header  .................................................. 4

5.3.1  |  WS-Security .............................................. 4

5.3.2  |  ACA Transmitter Business Header Elements  .................... 5

5.3.3  |  ACA AIR Transmission Manifest .............................. 5

5.4  |  SOAP Body .................................................... 5

5.4.1  |  Message Attachment File Format ............................. 5

5.4.2  |  Message Attachment Content Type  ........................... 5

5.5  |  ISS-A2A Web Services Summary  .................................. 5

5.5.1  |  Overview of Transmission and Submission ...................... 5

5.5.2  |  IRS-ACA Submit Transmission Request Message ................ 5

5.5.3  |  IRS-ACA Retrieve Acknowledgement Request Message ........... 6

5.5.4  |  A2A Channel TY2015, TY2016, TY2017, TY2018, TY2019, TY2020,
TY2021 and TY2022 Schema/WSDL Guidance ......................... 6

                         Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters iiiiii

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Section 6 Identifying Transmissions and Records                                    64 

6.1  |  Identifying the Transmission Type .................................. 6

6.2  |  Identifying the Transmission Status (Acknowledgement)  .............. 6

6.3  |  Receipt ID or UTID as Basis for Uniquely Identifying Transmissions
and Records ........................................................ 6

6.3.1  |  Uniquely Identifying Forms 1094 within a Transmission ............ 7

6.3.2  |  Uniquely Identifying Forms 1095 within a Transmission ............ 7

6.4  |  Identifying Records with Errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7

6.5  |  Corrections and Replacements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7

6.5.1  |  The Correction Process ..................................... 7

6.5.2  |  Transmitting Corrections .................................... 7

6.5.3  |  Transmitting Form 1094-C Corrections (Authoritative Transmittals Only)75 

6.5.4  |  Transmitting Forms 1095-B or 1095-C Corrections  ............... 7

6.5.5  |  Transmitting Forms 1094-C and Forms 1095-C Corrections ........ 7

6.6  |  Rejected Transmissions .......................................... 7

6.6.1  |  Transmissions Rejected by IRS Portal .......................... 7

6.6.2  |  Transmissions/Submissions Rejected by AIR .................... 7

6.7  |  Replacement Process - Transmitting Replacements .................. 7

6.7.1  |  Replacement Transmission .................................. 7

6.7.2  |  Replacement Submission ................................... 8

Section 7 Data Mapping for ISS-UI Services/ISS-A2A Web Services                    8

7.1  |  Data Mapping – Message Data Boundary ........................... 8

7.2  |  Data Mapping – Form Data Boundary  .............................. 9

Section 8 Example ISS-A2A Web Service Messages                                     106 

8.1  |  Transmitter Services SOAP Message Elements ..................... 10

8.1.1  |  IRS-ACASubmitService SOAP Request Message – Manifest Header
(ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequestService.wsdl) ........................ 10

8.1.2  |  IRS-ACASubmitService SOAP Request Message – Form Data File
(ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequestService.wsdl) ........................ 10

                       Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters iviv

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        8.1.3  |  IRS-ACASubmitService SOAP Response Message 
        (ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequestService.wsdl) ........................ 11

        8.1.4  |  IRS-ACAAckngService SOAP Request Message 
        (ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequestStatus.wsdl) ......................... 11

        8.1.5  |  IRS-ACAAckngService SOAP Response Message – Manifest Header
        (ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequestStatus.wsdl) ......................... 11

        8.1.6  |  IRS- ACAAckngService SOAP Response Message – Error Data File
        (ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequestStatus.wsdl) ......................... 11

Section 9 General Philosophy on Data Elements in XML Schemas                  116 

Section 10 Validating a Transmission against XML Schema                       118 

10.1  |  Structure of Transmission ...................................... 11

10.2  |  Validation of Transmission...................................... 11

10.3  |  Validating the Transmission Envelope Including Contents............ 11

10.4  |  How Errors are Reported....................................... 12

Section 11 Reporting Business Rule Validation Errors                          123 

11.1  |  Overview .................................................... 12

11.2  |  Data Validation and Error Reporting.............................. 12

        11.2.1  |  Processing Status ....................................... 12

        11.2.2  |  Error and Business Rule Library ............................ 12

Section 12 SOAP Fault Response Messages                                       126 

12.1  |  ISS-Portal Error Codes and Messages............................ 12

Section 13 Appendix A - Acronyms and Abbreviations                            142 

Section 14 Appendix B - AIR Transmission Checklist (A2A) for TY2022           144 

Section 15 Appendix C - IR Transmission Checklist (UI) for TY2022             150 

                            Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters v  v

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List of Tables 
Table 3-1: Prefix and Target Namespaces ....................................................... 
Table 3-2: Transmission Manifest XML Elements ................................................ 1
Table 4-1: Forms to XML Schema File Mapping ................................................. 3
Table 4-2: Transmission Processing Status Included in Acknowledgement  .......................... 3
Table 5-1: Characters not allowed due to SQL Injection Concerns ................................. 4
Table 5-2: IRS Authorized Certificate Issuing Authorities ......................................... 5
Table 5-3: Transmitter Business Header Elements  .............................................. 5
Table 5-4: Transmission SOAP Message Binding – SOAP Request Message Header .................. 5
Table 5-5: Transmission SOAP Message Binding – SOAP Request Message Body  .................... 5
Table 5-6: Transmission SOAP Message Binding SOAP Response Message Header.................        5
Table 5-7: Transmission SOAP Message Binding – Soap Response Message Body ................... 5
Table 5-8: Status Request SOAP Message Binding – SOAP Request Message Header  ................ 6
Table 5-9: Status Request SOAP Message Binding – SOAP Request Message Body .................. 6
Table 5-10: Status SOAP Message Binding – SOAP Request Message Header ....................... 6
Table 5-11: Transmission SOAP Message Binding – Soap Response Message Body .................. 6
Table 6-1: Transmission Type Codes .......................................................... 6
Table 6-2: Unique Submission Identifier ....................................................... 7
Table 6-3: Unique Record Identifier ........................................................... 7
Table 7-1: Form 1094-1095 B and C Transmission SOAP Request Header – ACA Business Header  ...... 8
Table 7-2: Form 1094-1095 B and C Transmission SOAP Request Manifest Header ................... 8
Table 7-3: Form 1094-1095 B and C Transmission SOAP Response  ................................ 8
Table 7-4: Form 1094-1095 B and C Acknowledgement SOAP Request to check the Status of the
Transmission ............................................................................. 90
Table 7-5: Form 1094-1095 B and C Transmission SOAP Response Header .......................... 9
Table 7-6: Form 1094-1095 B and C Transmission SOAP Response Header – ACA Business Header  ..... 9
Table 7-7: Form 1094-B ..................................................................... 9
Table 7-8: Form 1095-B ..................................................................... 9
Table 7-9: Form 1094-C ..................................................................... 9
Table 7-10: Form 1095-C ................................................................... 10
Guide for ACA Information Returns Submission Composition and Reference Guide ................. 12
Table 12-1: Portal Error Codes (Fault Codes) for Tax Years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 
2021 and 2022. ........................................................................... 12
Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters .... 14

                               Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters vivi

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List of Figures 
Figure 2-1: External Clients and IRS AIR ........................................................ 
Figure 3-1: Structure of IRS Form Data File [B and C] ............................................ 1
Figure 3-2: Unique Transmission Identifier (UTID) ............................................... 1
Figure 3-2: Unique Transmission Identifier (UTID) ............................................... 1
Figure 3-3: Unique Submission Identifier ...................................................... 1
Figure 3-4: Unique Record Identifier .......................................................... 1
Figure 4-1: ISS-UI Channel Features .......................................................... 2
Figure 4-2: ISS-UI Channel Transmission Submission Screen ..................................... 2
Figure 4-3: ISS-UI Channel Transmission Submission Screen ..................................... 2
Figure 4-4: Sample Manifest File ............................................................. 2
Figure 4-5: Sample 1094-1095 B Form Data File  ................................................ 2
Figure 4-6: Transmission Status Search Page .................................................. 3
Figure 4-6b: Transmission Status Search Page (UTID) ........................................... 3
Figure 4-7: A2A Check Status using UTID Request .............................................. 3
Figure 4-8: A2A Check Status using UTID Response to Transmitter ................................ 3
Figure 4-9: ISS-UI Channel Transmission Status Results Screen................................... 3
Figure 4-10: Example of Acknowledgement via ISS-UI Channel  ................................... 3
Figure 4-11: Error Data XML File ............................................................. 3
Figure 5-1: Basic SOAP Message Structure .................................................... 4
Figure 5-2: High Level Form schema structure  ................................................. 5
Figure 5-3: ACA Binding – ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequestService.wsdl ............................ 5
Figure 5-4: ACA Binding ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequestStatus.wsdl.............................        6
Figure 6-1: Identifying the Transmission Status Code ............................................ 6
Figure 6-3: Sample AIR ISS-A2A Transmission Intake Response Message  .......................... 6
Figure 6-4: Sample AIR ISS-UI Transmission Intake Response Message ............................ 6
Figure 6-5: Submission Id is Required for Every Form 1094 in the Transmission ...................... 7
Figure 6-6: Form 1094-C XML Schema Including RecordId ....................................... 7
Figure 6-7: Reference Records to be Corrected  ................................................ 7
Figure 6-8: Replacing a Rejected Transmission ................................................. 8
Figure 6-9: Visual depicting the first-rejected submission in a chain of rejections that should be replaced8 

                                 Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters viivii

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Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitter  1


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Section 1              Introduction 
The ACA Information Returns (AIR) Project is responsible for delivering applications, infrastructure, and 
supporting processes required to process information returns. In January 2016, filing Forms 1094/1095-B and 
Forms 1094/1095-C became mandatory. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will begin accepting TY2022 Forms 
1094/1095-B and Forms 1094/1095-C, as well as original prior year forms and corrections, in January 2023. 
AIR has two transmission methods: An Application-to-Application (A2A) channel and a Web Browser-based 
User Interface (UI) channel. AIR will perform structural and initial data validations on the information returns. 
Both the A2A and UI channels will also support requests for status responses (was the transmission accepted 
or rejected). 

1.1  | Identification 
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to all types of external transmitters about composing 
and successfully transmitting compliant submissions to IRS. The audience of this document is: 
	 Issuer – A business filing their own ACA Information Returns regardless of whether they are required
    to file electronically (transmit 250 or more of the same type of information return) or volunteer to file
    electronically. The term issuer includes any person required to report coverage on Form 1095-B and
    any applicable large employer required to report offers of coverage on Form 1095-C and file associated
    transmittals Form 1094-B or 1094-C.

	 Proposed Treas. Reg. [REG-102951-16] reduces the threshold from 250 to 100 and requires corrected
    information returns to be filed in the same manner as original information returns.

	 Transmitter – A third-party sending the electronic information return data directly to IRS on behalf of
    any business required to file. (Note: If you are transmitting returns for your own business, in addition to
    transmitting returns on behalf of another business, you do not need both the Transmitter and Issuer role.
    You can file all returns as a Transmitter.)

	 Software Developer – An organization writing either origination or transmission software according to
    IRS specifications.
Issuers, Transmitters, and Software Developers are collectively referred to as transmitters throughout this 
document. Please note that not all transmitters are software developers and vice versa, but some of them can 
be both. 

1.2  | Scope 
This document covers details on composing and submitting Forms 1094/1095-B and Forms 1094/1095-C by 
transmitters to IRS. The scope of the document addresses the A2A-application based via SOAP messages 
exchanged between client and exposed Web Service endpoints and the Web UI-browser-based requiring 
human initiation. This publication is a living document that will be amended and updated each Tax Year/Filing 
Season and as deemed necessary. 
When updates are made to the schema package for the A2A and UI channels, this publication will be updated 
AIR accepts the following information return transmittals and documents for TY2015 through TY2022 in 

                                       Guide for ACA Information Returns Submission Composition and Reference Guide 2 

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Processing Year (PY) 2023: 
  Form 1094-B, Transmittal of Health Coverage Information Returns

  Form 1095-B, Health Coverage

	 Form 1094-C, Transmittal of Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage Information

  Form 1095-C, Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage
AIR will process each submission, provide a status and detailed Acknowledgement for the Transmitter. 
Generally, the Forms 1095-B and 1095-C will be submitted with their associated transmittals, Forms 1094-B 
and 1094-C. However, in the case where a previously submitted and processed Form 1094-C, Authoritative 
Transmittal, requires a correction, the corrected Form 1094-C, Authoritative Transmittal, must be submitted 
alone without any accompanying Form 1095-C records. 

1.3  | Purpose 
The purpose of this document is to provide sufficient technical information to the transmitters so that they are 
able to compose and submit valid submissions comprised of Forms 1094/1095-B and Forms 1094/1095-C. 
The document addresses how the Receipt ID is transmitted from AIR to the Transmitter, as part of the 
synchronous session initiated by the Transmitter to submit the submission, and how the Receipt ID forms the 
basis for uniquely identifying Form 1094 and Form 1095 records within a transmission. 

1.4  | Related Documents 
Following documents are related with this guide: 
  Publication 5165, Guide for Electronically Filing Affordable Care Act (ACA) Information Returns for
    Software Developers and Transmitter

  Publication 5164, Test Package for Electronic Filers of Affordable Care Act (ACA) Information

  Publication 5308, Automated Enrollment Guide for ACA Providers The External Guide
Online documentation related to Forms 1094/1095-B and Forms 1094/1095-C are available at Affordable 
Care Act Information Returns (AIR)  
  Form 1094-B - http://www.irs.gov/uac/About-Form-1094-B

  Form 1095-B - http://www.irs.gov/uac/About-Form-1095-B

  Form 1094-C - http://www.irs.gov/uac/About-Form-1094-C

  Form 1095-C - http://www.irs.gov/uac/About-Form-1095-C

                             Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 3  3

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Section 2  Interface Overview 
The data is exchanged between Transmitters and IRS via Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) messages 
with Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM) attachment or via XML file upload using the 
Transmitter’s web browser. MTOM is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard that provides a method of 
efficiently sending binary data to and from Web services. The SOAP data structures and XML Schema are 
specified in this document. As illustrated in Figure 2-1, there are two data communication channels between 
the external clients and IRS. 

Figure 2-1: External Clients and IRS AIR 

                                         Guide for ACA Information Returns Submission Composition and Reference Guide 5 

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                                                                                    INTERFACE OVERVIEW 

2.1  | ISS-UI Channel 
In this channel, information returns are uploaded as XML files using the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 
over Transport Layer Security (TLS 1.2). A user interface is exposed in IRS portal where a user will login and, if 
authenticated and authorized, will be allowed to upload files containing information returns. 
Both Schemas and sample XML are part of the schema package posted on IRS.gov. 
Transmitters must upload two XML files: 
1.	 Manifest file: To create Request Manifest file: Transmitters should use Schema
    IRSACAUserInterfaceHeaderMessage.xsd to add/create “ACA Business Header” and “Request
    Manifest Details

<xsd:element ref=”acabushdr:ACABusinessHeader”/> 
<xsd:element ref=”:ACATransmitterManifestReqDtl” /> 
  • Element ACABusinessHeader definition defined in IRSACABusinessHeaderMessage.xsd 
Element ACATransmitterManifestReqDtl definition defined in IRS-EXT-ACA-AIR- 1094BC.xsd 

2.	 Form Data File: (1094/1095-[B,C]) 

  • IRS-Form1094-1095BTransmitterUpstreamMessage.xsd 
  • IRS-Form1094-1095CTransmitterUpstreamMessage.xsd 

Note: The Manifest file is created using the “IRS-ACAUserInterfaceHeaderMessage.xsd”, which is 
uploaded via the ISS-UI Channel. The resulting Manifest file will include both the Manifest Header and the 
ACA Business Header and will be ready to upload. 

2.2  | ISS-A2A Channel 
In this channel, information returns are sent as SOAP messages with a MTOM-encoded attachment and gzip 
compression (see Section 5.1 for more details on HTTP Message Compression) using the SOAP Web Services 
request-response model. A web service endpoint is exposed in the external-facing IRS portal. The SOAP 
message will carry the credentials for authentication and authorization. The information returns are transmitted 
in the file as the MTOM-encoded attachment. 
All external partner communication will need to support encryption using TLS v1.2 or greater in accordance 
with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Publication 140-3. Compliant cryptography will be 
used for strong and secure communication between Transmitters and IRS. 

                             Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 6  6

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Section 3               Composing IRS ACA Information 

Returns Transmission 
An IRS transmission consist of two parts: The Manifest and the Form Data File. 
 The Manifest contains information about the transmitter, transmission and the payload 

 The Form Data File contains one or more submissions in XML format 

 A submission is either: 
       „ One Form 1094-B and one or more Form 1095-Bs or 
       „ One Form 1094-C and one or more Form 1095-Cs or 
       „ One Form 1094-C, Authoritative Transmittal, and zero Form 1095-Cs, whenever the Form 1094-C, 
         Authoritative Transmittal, is marked as a correction (for a previously submitted 1094-C) 
Each transmission will have either Forms 1094/1095-B or Forms 1094/1095-C. The transmission may not 
contain comingled B and C submissions. This section covers composing the Form Data File and namespace 
prefix. In the context of Forms 1095-B and 1095-C, the recipient is referred to as payee. 

3.1  | Namespace and Prefix 
XML namespaces are used for providing uniquely named elements and attributes in an XML document. An 
XML instance may contain element or attribute names from more than one XML vocabulary. If each vocabulary 
is given a namespace, the ambiguity between identically named elements or attributes can be resolved to 
avoid collisions that can occur when markup intended for another software package uses the same element 
name or attribute name. 
The following table identifies the target namespace associated with the various prefixes for ACA Forms 
1094/1095-B and Forms 1094/1095-C request and response messages. 
Namespaces may change between versions of IRS-published schemas. The most recent IRS published 
schemas must always be used. 
Note: Transmitters can assign their own prefix to each namespace, but should make sure that the usage 
matches the definition throughout the document. Namespaces and prefix must be declared at the beginning 
of the payload and manifest files in order for AIR to process the transmissions properly. 

                                      Guide for ACA Information Returns Submission Composition and Reference Guide 8 

- 17 -
                                                        COMPOSING IRS ACA INFORMATION RETURNS TRANSMISSION 

Table 3-1: Prefix and Target Namespaces 

  Namespace                                                     Prefix       Uses 

  urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:srv:gettransmitterbulkrequest         acaSoapReq 

  urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:irsacabulkrequesttransmitter      acaBodyReq 

  urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:acabusinessheader                 acaBusHeader 

  urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:acasecurityheader                 acaSec 

  urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:irstransmitterstatusrequest       acaStsReq 

  urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:common                                irs 

  urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ext:aca:air:tyYY1                                  Form 

  urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:form1094-1095BCtransmittermessage form109495BC Error Data File 

  urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:form10941095Btransmitterupstream               SOAP 
  message                                                                    message 

  urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:form10941095Ctransmitterupstream               SOAP 
  message                                                                    message 

1 To account for prior, current and for future Tax Year (TY) and Filing Season (FS) updates -Insert the associated “Tax Year (i.e. tyYY 
for example ty21) will have the associated Processing Year “22” 

                                 Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters       9  9

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                                                        COMPOSING IRS ACA INFORMATION RETURNS TRANSMISSION 

3.2  | Guidelines for Composing IRS Form Data File 
The content file or payload contains transmittals, (i.e. Form 1094) along with one or more associated 
Forms 1095. Below are general guidelines for composing the Form Data File which contains either Forms 
1094/1095-B submissions or Forms 1094/1095-C submissions, but not both: 
 1.	  The Form Data File can only contain valid uncompressed and unencrypted XML 
 2.	  The Form Data File cannot exceed 100 MB in size 
 3.	  Only one IRS Form Data File is allowed as an attachment to a transmission 
 4.	  A submission structure consists of a Form 1094 (transmittal) and one or more associated Form 1095 
      records according to the following rules: 
       „ A Form 1094-B transmittal and at least one or more Form 1095-B 
       „ A Form 1094-C transmittal and at least one or more Form 1095-C (Exception – A Form 1094-C, 
         Authoritative Transmittal, can be submitted without including a Form 1095-C and still be 
         considered a valid submission, only in the case where the Form 1094-C, Authoritative Transmittal, 
         is a correction to a previously submitted and processed Form 1094-C. Corrected Forms 1094C, 
         Authoritative Transmittal, must be submitted without including any Forms 1095-C) 
 5.	  A transmission will contain at least one submission or as many as the 100 MB maximum payload file 
      size allows 
 6.	  A transmission cannot comingle Forms 1094/1095-B submissions and Forms 1094/1095-C
      submissions otherwise it will be rejecte
 7.	  The XML Schema requires two attributes that when missing cause a transmission to be rejected by 
      IRS. The following attributes are defined in the XML Schema and must be present on each record in 
      the Form Data File: 

<xsd:attribute name=”recordType” type=”xsd:string” use=”required”/> 
<xsd:attribute name=”lineNum” type=”xsd:integer” use=”required”/> 

For every record, recordType must be “String” (word) or “” and lineNum must be 0 (zero). The content files 
Root elements: must have the attributes as depicted and highlighted for the Form1094BUpstreamDetail: 

<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?> 
 xsi:schemaLocation=”urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:form10941095Btransmi tterupstreammessage IRS-Form1094-
          <Form1094BUpstreamDetail recordType=”String” lineNum=”0”> 
               <SubmissionId> </SubmissionId>1

                               Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 1010

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                                                    COMPOSING IRS ACA INFORMATION RETURNS TRANSMISSION 

Each 1095 record must also have the attributes as depicted and highlighted for the 
Form1095CUpstreamDetail below: 

<Form1095CUpstreamDetail recordType=”String” lineNum=”0”>
               <RecordId> </RecordId>1

3.3  | IRS Form Data File Naming Convention 
The Form Data file naming convention defined in the efile AIRDocumentSystemFileNmType  includes the Form 
Type, a static indicator (Request), the Transmitter Control Code (TCC), the date and Greenwich Mean Time 
(GMT) the transmitter submits the file. The name specifically includes the following components: 

1094<form type>_Request_<TCC>_<Date>T<TimeStamp>Z.xml  
For example: 
(Note: Please use the timezone generated by your system and not the example provided here.) 

The XML naming pattern to be used to create Form Data files is as follows: 

<xsd:pattern value=”1094[B|C]_Request_[B-DF-HJ-NP-TV- Z]{2}[B-DF-HJ-NP-TV-Z0- 9]{3}_[1-9][0-9]{3}(0[1-

                           Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 1111

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                                                      COMPOSING IRS ACA INFORMATION RETURNS TRANSMISSION 

3.4  | Structure of IRS Form Data File 

The Form Data File is structured in a hierarchical fashion, i.e. the file contains one or more submissions. Each 
submission will have exactly one Form 1094 and one or more associated Form 1095 (Exception: Form 
1094-C, Authoritative Transmittal, must be submitted alone when the transmittal is marked as a correction). In 
the example shown below there are total of three submissions with 2, 1, and 3 Form 1095 records 

Figure 3-1: Structure of IRS Form Data File [B and C] 

              Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters   1212

- 21 -
                                                         COMPOSING IRS ACA INFORMATION RETURNS TRANSMISSION 

3.4.1  | Transmission XML Elements 
The following table provides details of XML elements that the XML Schema requires in the Manifest Header of 
the SOAP message when transmitting information returns to IRS. 

Table 3-2: Transmission Manifest XML Elements 

Element Name      eFile Type              eFile Type                Required?                        Max  
                                          Definition                                                 Occurs 

                                                                                                                This is the tax 
                                          string pattern “[1-9]                                                 year for which the 
PaymentYr         YearType                                          Yes                 1            1 
                                          [0- 9]{3}”                                                            information return is 
                                                                                                                being reported. 

                                                                                                                “0” for current filing 
                                          enumerated string 
PriorYear         DigitBool                                                                                     year 
                                          value=”0”                 Yes                 1            1 
DataInd           eanType                                                                                       “1” for prior filing 

                                          string pattern “[0-9]                                                 Identification 
EIN               EINType                                           Yes                 1            1 
                                          {9}”                                                                  Number belonging 
                                                                                                                to the transmitter 

                                                                                                                Type of records:  
                                          enumerated string 
Transmission      Transmission                                                                                  “O” – Original  
                                          value=”O” value=”C”       Yes                 1            1 
TypeCd            TypeCdType                                                                                    “C” – Correction  
                                                                                                                “R” - Replacement 

                  TestFile                string pattern                                                        “T” – AATS  
TestFileCd                                                          Yes                 1            1 
                  CdType                  “([TP])?”                                                             “P” – Production 

                                          pattern  [^\s].[^\s]                                                  Reference to the 
OriginalReceiptId OriginalReceiptIdType                             No                  0            1 

                                                                                                                Receipt ID of the 
                                                                                                                transmission for 
                                                                                                                which replacement 
                                          “[^\s].[^\s] {1,80}”/> 
                                                                                                                transmissions are 
ReceiptId         ReceiptId Type          maxLength  
                                                                                                                submitted - Do not 
                                                                                                                include XML tags on 
                                                                                                                transmissions with 
                                                                                                                original records 

                                                                                                                “1” identifies the 
                                                                                                                transmitter as a 
                                                                                                                foreign entity, do 
                  DigitBoolean            enumerated string                                                     not include XML 
Foreign                                                             No                  0            1 
                  Type                    value=”0” value=”1”                                                   tags or have “0” 
                                                                                                                as an indicator if 
                                                                                                                transmitter is not a 
                                                                                                                foreign entity 

                                Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters       1313

- 22 -
                                                   COMPOSING IRS ACA INFORMATION RETURNS TRANSMISSION 

Element Name eFile Type             eFile Type                Required?           Min          Max  
                                    Definition                                    Occurs       Occurs 

Transmitter  Business                                                                                     The transmitter’s 
                                    Complex Element           Yes                 1            1 
NameGrp      NameType                                                                                     name 

                                                                                                          The transmitter 
Company                                                                                                   address, name of 
Information                         Complex Element           Yes                 1            1          the company to 
Grp                                                                                                       contact, and phone 
                                                                                                          number to call 

                                                                                                          Identifies if software 
                                                                                                          was developed 
                                                                                                          by a vendor (V)or 
VendorInfor  VendorInfor  
                                    Complex Element           Yes                 1            1          inhouse (I) as well as 
mationGrp    mationGrpType 
                                                                                                          contact information 
                                                                                                          regarding the 

                                                                                                          The total number 
TotalPayee   TotalNumber                                                                                  of Forms 1095 
                                    nonNegativeInteger        Yes                 1            1 
RecordCnt    Type                                                                                         included in the 
                                                                                                          entire transmission 

                                                                                                          The total number 
TotalPayer   TotalNumber                                                                                  of Forms 1094 
                                    positiveInteger           Yes                 1            1 
RecordCnt    Type                                                                                         included in the 
                                                                                                          entire transmission 

                                                                                                          The Software ID 
             SoftwareId                                                                                   assigned to the 
SoftwareId   Number                                           Yes                 1            1          software when 
             Type                                                                                         the software was 
                                                                                                          registered with IRS 

                                                                                                          Will contain 
                                                                                                          “1094/1095B” if 
                                                                                                          Forms 1094/1095-B 
                                    enumerated string                                                     are included in the 
FormTypeCd                          value=”1094/1095B”        Yes                 1            1          transmission or 
                                    value=”1094/1095C”                                                    “1094/1095C” if 
                                                                                                          Forms 1094/1095-C 
                                                                                                          are included in the 

                          Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters       1414

- 23 -
                                                     COMPOSING IRS ACA INFORMATION RETURNS TRANSMISSION 

Element Name  eFile Type              eFile Type                Required?           Min          Max  
                                      Definition                                    Occurs       Occurs 

                                      enumerated string                                                     Will contain 
BinaryFormCd                          value=”application /      Yes                 1            1          “application/xml” 

                                                                                                            The SHA256 
                                                                                                            computed on 
Augmentation  SHA256Type              string pattern            Yes                 1            1 
                                      “[0-9A-Faf]{64}”                                                      the Form Data 
                                                                                                            File attached to 

                                                                                                            The size in bytes 
                                                                                                            of the Form Data 
                                                                                                            File attached to the 
              Attachment              string “([1-9]{1}[0-9]                                                transmission 
              ByteSize                {0,})|([0])”/>max         Yes                 1            1 
              NumType                 Length = 12 

                                      String                                                                The name of the 
                                      value=”1094[B|C]_                                                     Form Data File 
                                      Re quest_[B-DF-HJ-                                                    attached to the 
Document      AIRDocument             NP-TV-Z0-9]{3}_[1- 9]                                                 transmission 
System        System                  [0-9]{3}(0[19]|1[0-       Yes                 1            1 
FileNm        FileNmType              [0-9]|3[0-1])T(0[0-

3.4.2  | Uniquely Identifying Transmissions, Submissions, and Records 
The XML Schemas for Forms 1094/1095-B and Forms 1094/1095-C include elements designed to uniquely 
identify ACA Information Returns transmission, submission within the transmission, and records within the 
submission. The transmitter that generates the Form Data File for transmissions to IRS must generate these 
IDs and maintain them along with their associated transmissions. Unique IDs are used to simplify and increase 
the precision of communications, corrections, and replacements. 
The Transmitter will uniquely identify each transmission by the Unique Transmission Identifier (UTID) in the 
The format for the UTID includes various fields separated by colons (:) is as follows: 
■  UUID  a universally unique identifier (UUID) is an identifier standard defined by the Internet 
   Engineering Task Force (IETF) in Request For Comments (RFC) 4122. The UUID consists of a 16-octet 
   (128-bit) number. This is a mandatory field. In its canonical form, a UUID is represented by 32 
   hexadecimal digits, displayed in five groups separated by hyphens, in the form 8-4-4-4-12 for a total of 

                            Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters     1515

- 24 -
                                                         COMPOSING IRS ACA INFORMATION RETURNS TRANSMISSION 

   36 characters (32 digits and four hyphens). For example: 

 Application ID  the Application ID will be SYS12 and is a mandatory field. 

 Transmitter Control Code  is 5 characters alphanumeric field that will contain the Transmitter’s TCC 
   and is mandatory – enter the TCC that IRS assigned when the Transmitter applied to electronically file 
   Forms 1094/1095-B and Forms 1094/1095-C. Note: TCCs do not include lower case characters. 

 Reserved  is an empty field 

 Request Type  the Request Type defines the types of request which must be “T” (Transactional) and is 
The UTID for the transmission will always be 51 bytes (see Figure 3-2: Unique Transmission Identifier below): 

Figure 3-2: Unique Transmission Identifier (UTID) 

Figure 3-2: Unique Transmission Identifier (UTID) 

A transmission will contain one or more Forms 1094/1095-B submissions (transmittals/payee records) or one 
or more Forms 1094/1095-C submissions (transmittals/payee records) or only one Form 1094-C, Authoritative 
Transmittal (when marked as a correction for a previously submitted Form 1094-C). A transmission may 
not contain comingled B and C submissions. The Submission Identifier (SID) construct is applicable to all 
submissions (Forms 1094) within a transmission whether that transmission contains B or C Information 
Returns. Each submission will include a SID that will start at one and increment by one for each subsequent 
submission in the transmission. 

SID = 1,2,3,4,5... 
A submission will contain one or more Form 1095 Information Returns along with its corresponding 
Transmittal Form 1094. A Corrected 1094-C submission may not have Form 1095-C information. The Record 
Identifier (RID) construct is applicable to all Form 1095 records within a submission, regardless of whether 
that Submission contains Forms 1095-B or Forms 1095-C Information Returns. Each Form 1095 record in a 
submission will include a RID that will start at one and increment by one for every subsequent record in the 

RID = 1,2,3,4..n (e.g. 2, 17, 31, 86, 1023,9842, …) 
RECEIPTID  = 1094B-20-00001234 
RECEIPTID  = 1094C-20-00044923 
RECEIPTID  = 1094C-20-00000385 

                                Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 1616

- 25 -
                                                       COMPOSING IRS ACA INFORMATION RETURNS TRANSMISSION 

When IRS successfully receives a transmission for processing, a unique Receipt ID is generated by IRS which 
uniquely identifies the transmission. The Receipt ID is used by the transmitter to retrieve the processing status 
of the transmission after it is processed. In addition, IRS uses the Receipt ID along with the submission and 
record IDs to uniquely identify the records in a transmission. 
When an error is identified, both Form 1094 and Form 1095 records are uniquely identified within a 
transmission by concatenating the Receipt ID, SID, and RID (as applicable) and returning them to the 
transmitter as follows: 

UniqueSubmissionId = RECEIPTID|SID 

Unique Submission Identifier (USID) and Unique Record Identifier (URID) enable: 
	 IRS to report errors to transmitters that are clearly related to the specific record(s) within the submission 
    and the transmission 

  Transmitters to send corrected records to IRS precisely identifying the record to be corrected 

  Both IRS and transmitters to track transmissions and submissions 
For example, the Form 1094 data located in submission 12 of a transmission would have a USID as follows: 

                                     Unique Submission Identifier (USID) 

Figure 3-3: Unique Submission Identifier 

The 1095 data located in record 98 of submission 12 of a transmission would have a URID as follows: 

                                     Unique Record Identifier (URID) 

Figure 3-4: Unique Record Identifier 

                              Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 1717

- 26 -
                                                     COMPOSING IRS ACA INFORMATION RETURNS TRANSMISSION 

3.4.3  | Computing Checksum 
All transmissions (Production and AATS) must use the SHA-256 Checksum algorithm. There are many 
algorithms readily available that can be used to calculate a SHA-256 Checksum: 
a) The algorithm that a transmitter uses will differ depending on their technology stack. For example, if 
the transmitter is building the interface on Windows/.NET Framework, they will need to obtain a SHA-256 
Checksum algorithm that runs on the Windows platform. If the transmitter is building their interface on Linux/ 
Java, they will need to obtain a SHA- 256 Checksum that runs on the Linux platform. 
b) Element checksum at manifest - algorithm should be SHA-256 which will generate 64 characters. Every 
transmission “Checksum” value should be 64 characters. Checksum will be used to identify duplicate 
transmissions “Accepted”, “Accepted with Errors” and “Partially Accepted”. 

                            Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 1818

- 27 -


Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 19 


- 28 -
Section 4  Transmitting IRS ACA Form Data 

File and Retrieving Acknowledgment via the 

ISS-UI Channel 
The ISS-UI Channel is a Web Browser based user interface that allows transmitters to submit Form Data 
Files to IRS and retrieve acknowledgments. The purpose of this section is to describe the requirements for 
submitting an ACA Information Return Form Data File to IRS via the UI Channel. 

4.1  | Transmitter Operations 
As shown below, Figure 4-1: ISS-UI Channel Features, the operations available to transmitters, provided by 
the ISS-UI Channel are: A) Upload ACA Forms, and B) Check Transmission Status. 

Figure 4-1: ISS-UI Channel Features 

                                    Guide for ACA Information Returns Submission Composition and Reference Guide 20 

- 29 -

4.2  | Transmitting UI Files to IRS 
Figure 4-2: ISS-UI Channel Transmission Submission Screen, shows the capability of the ISS- UI Channel that 
allows a transmitter to upload the Manifest file and the associated Form Data File containing either Forms 
1094/1095-B or Forms 1094/1095-C submissions. The number of records that can be included in the Form 
Data File is only constrained by the 100 MB file size limit. The transmitter will have to provide information 
about the transmission, and the transmission itself, through ISS-UI channel. The transmitter provides a UTID 
in the transmission manifest file which will be uploaded along with transmission file. IRS recommends that 
external users validate their XML files against the schemas provided by IRS prior to submitting them to IRS. 
Taking this step will help avoid discovering errors after the XML file is submitted. 
Performing this validation on the user end makes it easier and faster to identify and locate schema errors. Any 
tool which allows the external user to validate their XML files against the schemas, such as “Altova XMLSpy” 
or “SoapUI” should be suitable. 
Once the transmission Manifest and transmission files are uploaded and validated by IRS, IRS generates a 
Receipt ID which will be displayed to the transmitter. The Receipt ID is used to retrieve the Acknowledgement 
after the transmission is processed. It is also used in combination with other identifiers to uniquely identify 
records in a transmission. 

Note: It is very important that the Receipt ID be recorded and associated with the correct transmission. It 
will be needed to retrieve acknowledgements and may be needed for any corrections or replacements. 

                                Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 2121

- 30 -

Figure 4-2: ISS-UI Channel Transmission Submission Screen 

Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 2222

- 31 -

Figure 4-3: ISS-UI Channel Transmission Submission Screen 

The above Transmission Cancellation Pop-up shows a cancellation warning of a UI Channel Transmission 
Submission Screen and the option to select the “Yes” or “No” button. 

4.2.1  | Sample Manifest File 
To create the Request Manifest XML file, Transmitters should use IRSACAUserInterfaceHeaderMessage.xsd 
There is no requirement for naming the Manifest XML file. However, the suggested way is as follows: 

Manifest_<Form Data File Name (without extension)>.xml 
For example: Manifest_1094B_Request XXXXX20140101T010102000Z.xml  

Note that the resulting Manifest file will include both the Manifest Header and the ACA Business Header and 
should be ready for upload. 

                              Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 2323

- 32 -

The following is a sample of the Manifest XML file that would be uploaded via the ISS-UI channel: 
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?> 
<p:ACAUIBusinessHeader xmlns:p=”urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:acauibusinessheader”  
xmlns:p2=”http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility- 1.0.xsd” 
xmlns:xsi=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance” xsi:schemaLocation=”urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:acaui
businessheader IRS-ACAUserInterfaceHeaderMessage.xsd “> 
 <p1:ACABusinessHeader p2:Id=”idvalue0”> 
 <ACATransmitterManifestReqDtl p2:Id=”idvalue1”> 
          <PriorYearDataInd> </PriorYearDataInd>0
          <TransmissionTypeCd> </TransmissionTypeCd>O
          <TestFileCd> </TestFileCd>P
          <TransmitterForeignEntityInd> </TransmitterForeignEntityInd>0

1 Author replaced ty22 with tyYY - Use of generic namespace text to minimize need for Current Tax Year updates and continued 
document maintenance. 

                               Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 2424

- 33 -

  <VendorCd> </VendorCd>V
 <TotalPayeeRecordCnt> </TotalPayeeRecordCnt>1
 <TotalPayerRecordCnt> </TotalPayerRecordCnt>1
 <DocumentSystemFileNm>1094B_Request_BB000_10000101T000000000Z.xml</DocumentSystem FileNm> 

Figure 4-4: Sample Manifest File 

                                 Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 2525

- 34 -

4.2.2  | Sample Form Data File 
To create the Form Data File: (1094/1095-[B,C]), Transmitters should use the following schema files: 


The following is a sample of the Form Data File XML file that would be uploaded via the ISS-UI channel: 

<?xml version=”1.0”  encoding=”UTF-8”?>
xsi:schemaLocation=”urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:form1094- 1095Btransmitterupstreammessage IRS-Form1094-
1095BTransmitterUpstreamMessage.xsd “>
<p1:Form1094BUpstreamDetail lineNum=”0”  recordType=””>
<p1:SubmissionId> </p1:SubmissionId>1
<p1:BusinessNameLine1Txt>Information Systems</p1:BusinessNameLine1Txt>
<p1:PersonMiddleNm> </p1:PersonMiddleNm>P

<?xml version=”1.0”  encoding=”UTF-8”?>
 xmlns:p1=”urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ext:aca:air: tyYY” xmlns:p2=”urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:common” 
 xsi:schemaLocation=”urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:form1094-1095Btransmitterupstreammessage IRS-Form1094-
1095BTransmitterUpstreamMessage.xsd “> 
 <p1:Form1094BUpstreamDetail lineNum=”0”  recordType=””> 
         <p1:SubmissionId> </p1:SubmissionId>1

                                     Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 2626

- 35 -

  <p1:Form1095BUpstreamDetail lineNum=”0”  recordType=””>
   <p1:RecordId> </p1:RecordId>1
   <p1:CorrectedInd> </p1:CorrectedInd>0

                          Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 2727

- 36 -

    <p1:HealthCoverageOriginCd> </p1:HealthCoverageOriginCd>A

                          Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 2828

- 37 -

 <p1:CoveredIndividualAnnualInd> </p1:CoveredIndividualAnnualInd>0

Figure 4-5: Sample 1094-1095 B Form Data File 

                                 Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 2929

- 38 -

4.3  | Retrieving Acknowledgment from IRS 
Transmitters must submit a request to retrieve the processing status and error detail of their transmission 
which is known as the Acknowledgement. To retrieve the Acknowledgement, the transmitter must provide 
their Transmitter Control Code (TCC) and the Receipt ID or UTID from the transmission for which they are 
requesting the processing status. The below screen shots are ISS-UI Channel Transmission Status Retrieval 
Screens depicting the Transmission Retrieval features. 

Figure 4-6: Transmission Status Search Page 

Figure 4-6a: Transmission Status Search Page (TCC and Receipt ID) 

Figure 4-6b: Transmission Status Search Page (UTID) 

       Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters     3030

- 39 -

Note: The UTID can also be used to check the status of a transmission. The Schema allows either Receipt 
ID or the UTID to check status. 

Figure 4-7: A2A Check Status using UTID Request 

Figure 4-8: A2A Check Status using UTID Response to Transmitter 

     Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters   3131

- 40 -

4.4  | Transmitter IRS Form Data File Specification 
Please refer to Section 3 – Composing IRS ACA Information Returns Transmission for details on composing 
an IRS ACA Form Data File that will be submitted by a transmitter to IRS. 

4.5  | Transmitting Information Returns to IRS 
In order to transmit a Form Data File through the ISS-UI channel, a transmitter must have an active IRS 
e-Services account, an ACA Transmitter Control Code (TCC), and must be using IRS approved software to 
submit returns or retrieve acknowledgements. The transmitter will be required to interactively log in to IRS web 
site with their web browser and invoke the appropriate URL for AIR. The application will allow transmitters to 
submit information returns to IRS using the following browsers: 
   1.  Microsoft Edge 
   2.  Firefox 
   3.  Safari 9 (or latest supported version) 
   4.  Chrome 
The transmitter must have two XML files to submit a single transmission via the ISS-UI Channel. The 
Manifest file will contain information in uncompressed native XML format related to the transmitter and the 
transmission. The Manifest file will include the Manifest Header XML as defined by the XML Schema located 
at Affordable Care Act Information Returns Schemas in IRS-Form1094-1095BCTransmitterReqMessage. 
xsd file located in the MSG folder of the schema. Many of the elements in the Transmission Data File will 
not change from transmission to transmission and thus can be reused. Elements such as the transmitter 
information (TransmitterNameGrp, TransmitterForeignEntityInd, MailingAddressGrp, SoftwareID, etc.) should 
not change frequently, if at all. Other elements in the Manifest file are likely to change for every transmission. 
Elements such as the transmission information (total payer and payee counts, checksum, file byte size, 
document file name, etc.) will be different for every transmission. Section 4.2.1, Sample Manifest File – 
Manifest Header, includes the elements that are required in the Transmission Data File. 
The Form Data File will contain Forms 1094/1095-B or Forms 1094/1095-C data in uncompressed native XML 
format relative to the Form 1094/1095 data. Once the required files are uploaded to IRS, the transmitter will 
receive a Receipt ID, and other information about the transmission, as part of the interactive session. 
The Receipt ID does not provide proof that the transmission was either Accepted or Rejected. The 
Receipt ID simply provides proof that IRS received the transmission. The transmitter must retrieve their 
Acknowledgement using the TCC and Receipt ID or the UTID to obtain proof of acceptance or rejection. 
The web interface will only accept uncompressed native XML files. Security checking (XML Threat detection, 
virus scanning, etc.) is performed on each file before routing to IRS back-end systems. 
Transmitters that take advantage of the ISS-UI Channel to submit their transmissions will have to log into IRS 
from a web browser on their local systems. The URL for AIR that facilitates interaction with the transmitter 
community will be provided on the Affordable Care Act Information Returns (AIR) page and other related 
guidance and Job Aids produced by IRS will also be available to the transmitters on the AIR page. The ISS-UI 
Channel will guide the transmitters through all the steps necessary to upload the required files from their local 

                      Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 3232

- 41 -

The Form Data File that a transmitter uploads through the ISS-UI Channel must contain valid XML. Open tags 
must be followed by closed tags. For example, the open tag <TaxYear> must be followed by the data and the 
closed tag </TaxYear> (i.e., <TaxYear>2021</TaxYear>). 
Empty tags should not be included in Form Data File. The Form Data File must conform to the XML Schema 
definitions included in the applicable xsd files. Table 4-1 maps the ACA forms to the XML Schema file names. 

Table 4-1: Forms to XML Schema File Mapping 

Applicable Forms                      XML Schema Root Element File 

Form 1094-B/1095-B                    IRS-Form1094-1095BTransmitterUpstreamMessage.xsd 

Form 1094-C/1095-C                    IRS-Form1094-1095CTransmitterUpstreamMessage.xsd 

All of the required information for a transmission will be included in the file that is uploaded, including the 
transmission information, the form type, the Form 1094 form elements and the Form 1095 form elements. 

4.5.1  | Validation of IRS Form Data File 
IRS performs security checks on the Form Data File received from the transmitter. If no security threats are 
detected, IRS generates the Receipt ID and returns it along with the Timestamp to the transmitter. Each 
Receipt ID uniquely identifies a Form Data File submitted to IRS. The TCC and Receipt ID or the UTID is used 
to retrieve the status of the transmission. As such, the Receipt ID returned to the transmitter should be kept 
with the Form Data File submitted and protected from loss or deletion. 
When IRS receives the uploaded Form Data File, the following checks are performed: 

1. The file must be free of viruses 
2. The file size must not exceed 100 MB 
3. The file must be readable by AIR 
4. The IRS application must be able to write the file to disk 
5. The file must pass XML validations 
6. The file must not contain comingled Forms 1094/1095-B and Forms 1094/1095-C 
7. UUID is verified to be unique for the TCC 
8. Metadata entered by the transmitter is checked for any discrepancies 
9. Duplicate transmission check is performed using the DocumentSystemFileNm, Checksum and TCC 
10. The reported checksum must match with IRS calculated checksum 

4.5.2  | Processing of IRS Form Data File 
Once the file is processed, the status is made available for the transmitter to retrieve through Retrieve 
Acknowledgement web service described below. When errors are identified during file processing (such as 
read/write errors, invalid XML, etc.), the transmission is rejected and appropriate error(s) and description(s) 
are returned to the transmitter through the user interface. When business rule errors are identified during 
processing the XML Form Data File, IRS will record these error codes and their descriptions and return them 
in an XML Error Data File attached to the Acknowledgement message which the transmitter will retrieve. The 
transmitter will have an opportunity to correct the errors and resubmit the Form Data File. 

                                    Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 3333

- 42 -

4.6  | Retrieving Status of the Transmission through UI 
After the transmitter successfully uploads a Form Data File and receives a Receipt ID, they will use the TCC 
and Receipt ID or the UTID to request the Acknowledgement for that transmission. Transmitters should wait 
at least 10 minutes after the Receipt ID is provided to request the Acknowledgement for a transmission. 
The transmitter is required to log in to IRS web site and invoke the appropriate URL provided by IRS. The 
transmitter shall select the option to retrieve one or more Acknowledgements from user interface. The TCC 
and Receipt ID or the UTID is the key information required for a transmitter to retrieve the Acknowledgement 
for a specific transmission. As such, when the transmitter receives the Receipt ID, it should be kept with the 
transmission and protected from loss or deletion. 
Figure 4-9: ISS-UI Channel Transmission Status Results Screen, is showing a sample transmission status 
retrieved using the ISS-UI Channel Transmission Status Retrieval feature. 

Figure 4-9: ISS-UI Channel Transmission Status Results Screen 

The status of the transmission includes one of the outcomes identified in Table 4-2. 

Table 4-2: Transmission Processing Status Included in Acknowledgement 

Transmission Status                                                                                Description 

Processing                                                                                         IRS has not completed processing the transmission. 

                                                                                                   IRS has completed processing the transmission and 
                                                                                                   found no errors. 

                                                                                                   IRS has completed processing the transmission 
Accepted with Errors                                                                               and the errors are documented in the Error Data File 
                                                                                                   attached to the Acknowledgement. 

                     Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters                                   3434

- 43 -

Transmission Status                                                                                Description 

                                                                                                   IRS has completed processing the transmission 
                                                                                                   and has rejected at least one (but not all) of the 
Partially Accepted 
                                                                                                   submissions. An Error data file will be attached to 
                                                                                                   the Acknowledgement File. 

                                                                                                   IRS has rejected the transmission – depending 
                                                                                                   on why the transmission was rejected, an Error 
                                                                                                   Data File may or may not be attached to the 

                                                                                                   IRS could not find a transmission corresponding to 
                                                                                                   the Receipt ID provided. If the Receipt ID doesn’t 
Not Found 
                                                                                                   match with IRS generated Receipt ID, the Receipt ID 
                                                                                                   doesn’t belong to the Transmitter TCC. 

The transmission Acknowledgement includes the status of the transmission, and if applicable, details of errors 
such as any business rules validation errors, and TIN validation errors that were found when IRS processed 
the Form Data File. 
The details of errors found when IRS processed the Form Data File are included in an Error Data File that 
can be viewed and downloaded through the ISS-UI user-interface. The Acknowledgement includes the 
errors found, in XML format, during Form Data File processing. If no errors are found during processing, no 
Error Data File will be included with the Acknowledgement and the transmission processing status will be 
“Accepted”. The transmission Acknowledgement may include: 

•  Unique Transmission ID (UTID) Transmitter Control Code (TCC) 
•  Shipment Number assigned to the transmission Receipt ID 
•  Form Type Code Timestamp 
•  Transmission Status Code: Processing, Partially Accepted, Accepted, Accepted with Errors, Rejected, Not Found 
•  Error Message Detail Errors (if applicable – included in the Error Data File) 

4.7  | IRS Error Data File 
IRS accumulates any errors encountered during Form Data File processing in the Error Data File. As with the 
Form Data File 100 MB size constraint, Error Data Files are also constrained by a 200 MB size limitation. Only 
one Error Data File will ever be created per transmission. It is possible that the Error Data File could contain a 
significantly large number of errors that the 200 MB file size limitation is exceeded. In this case, while AIR will 
process the entire Form Data File and record all of the errors found, the Error Data File will be truncated and 
a message will be placed at the end of the file indicating that it was truncated. Error Data Files that exceed 
the 200 MB size constraint are typical of a systemic problem within the Form Data File that when addressed 
will substantially reduce the number of errors found. If the Transmitter has questions about errors that were 
truncated, they can contact the AIR Mailbox at wi.air.mailbox@irs.gov for assistance. The Error Data File is 
returned in ACA Assurance Testing System (AATS) and Production Environment. 

                            Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters                           3535

- 44 -

The Error Data File includes the following data: 

• 	The identifier that uniquely identifies the record with an error (Unique Submission Identifier or Unique Record 
•  The error message code indicating what the error is 
•  The error message text explaining what the error is 
•  The element that was in error 
Figure 4-10 provides an example of the information that will be displayed on-screen in the ISS- UI. 

  Note: the “Download” button that enables the transmitter to download the Error Data XML File. 

Figure 4-10: Example of Acknowledgement via ISS-UI Channel 

                                 Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 3636

- 45 -

Figure 4-11 provides an example of the information that will be included in the Error Data File (which contains 
the error codes, the error descriptions, and the XPath reference to the element found to be in error), that can 
be downloaded via the ISS-UI channel. 

<?xml version=”1.0”  encoding=”UTF-8”  standalone=”yes”?> 
xmlns:ns2=”urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:common” xmlns:ns3=”urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:form1094-
<SubmissionLevelStatusCd>Accepted with Errors 
 <ns2:ErrorMessageTxt>If Form 1095C ‘BirthDt’ in ‘CoveredIndividualGrp’ has a value, then it must not occur in 
the future (greater than current processing date)</ns2:ErrorMessageTxt> 
<ns2:XpathContent>/Form109495CTransmittalUpstream/Form1094CUpstreamDetail/Fo rm1095CUpstreamDetail/
<ns2:ErrorMessageTxt>The value in Manifest ‘TotalPayeeCount’ must equal the number of 1095s within the 
submission </ns2:ErrorMessageTxt>
<ns2:ErrorMessageTxt>If Form 1095C ‘BirthDt’ in ‘CoveredIndividualGrp’ has a value, then it must not be earlier 
than Tax Year minus 120 years</ns2:ErrorMessageTxt>
<ns2:XpathContent>/Form109495CTransmittalUpstream/Form1094CUpstreamDetail/Fo rm1095CUpstreamDetail/

Figure 4-11: Error Data XML File 
 Note: XML structure of Error Data File and library import will always follow the TY2022 schema package. 

                                 Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 3737

- 46 -
4.8 	| UI Channel TY2015, TY2016, TY2017, TY2018, TY2019, TY2020, TY2021 and 
TY2022 Schemas 
Transmitters sending returns through UI Channel (AATS and Production): 
■  AIR will accept Tax Years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 for Processing Year 2023 
       „ Transmitters should use latest the TY2022 schema version to generate Forms 1094/1095-B or 
         Forms 1094/1095-C Form Data (payload) for TY2022 returns 
       „ For prior year returns TY2015, TY2016, TY2017, TY2018, TY2019, TY2020, and TY2021 use the 
         latest year schema for that tax year for the Form Data (payload). 
       „ Example: Transmitters should use latest TY2019 schema version to generate Forms 1094/1095-B 
         or Forms 1094/1095-C Form Data (payload) for TY2019 returns 
■  Forms 1094/1095-B and Forms 1094/1095-C: Manifest element: 
       „ Transmitter should use Manifest schema from TY2022 schema package to generate TY2015, 
         TY2016, TY2017, TY2018, TY2019, TY2020, TY2021 and TY2022 Manifest file. 
       „ Example: <PaymentYr>2015</PaymentYr> Manifest will be checked and validated against TY2022 
         manifest schema and business rules. 

4.9 	| 4.9 Calculate AttachmentByteSizeNum for TY2015, TY2016, TY2017, 
TY2018, TY2019, TY2020, TY2021 and TY2022 
Right click on Form Data File, click on “Properties” copy the size in bytes (not “Size of Disk”) and paste on 
Manifest element: 


                                         Guide for ACA Information Returns Submission Composition and Reference Guide 38 

- 47 -




- 48 -
Section 5       Transmitting IRS ACA Form Data 

File and Retrieving Acknowledgment via the 

ISS-A2A Channel 
The ISS-A2A Channel allows transmitters to submit a Form Data File to IRS and retrieve the Acknowledgement 
for that transmission via a Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) interface. The Form Data File is transmitted in 
the SOAP Message as an MTOM attachment. The response to a request for Acknowledgement may or may 
not include an Error Data File. If an Error Data File is produced by AIR, it will be returned to the transmitter in 
the SOAP Response as an MTOM attachment. MTOM is the only method allowed by IRS for transmitters to 
attach files to a SOAP Message for ACA Information Returns. The purpose of this section is to describe the 
requirements for submitting an ACA Information Returns Form Data File to IRS using the ISS-A2A Channel. 

5.1  | Message Compression 
HTTP compression is used to maximize transfer efficiency and is a standard capability within the HTTP 
protocol. GZIP is a specific compression method defined under HTTP that is required of messages to IRS 
for ACA. A comprehensive explanation of the GZIP specification is provided by the Internet Engineering Task 
Force: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1952. 
Depending on what tool the Transmitter is using to submit the message, packaged software like SoapUI 
allows users to simply enable HTTP transmission compression via a setting while custom solutions would 
require the appropriate code. GZIP compression is required for sending transmissions via ISS-A2A Channel. 

5.2  | Basic SOAP Message Structure 
A SOAP message is an XML structure consisting of SOAP Envelope, SOAP Header and SOAP Body 
which may contain payload data or an MTOM-encoded attachment. A SOAP message starts with an XML 
declaration <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>. The following section explains various sections and aspects 
of a SOAP message and IRS A2A web service available to the transmitters. Please be advised that this 
document is not intended as a tutorial and therefore covers only important aspects of a SOAP message. 
Please refer to www.w3.org/TR/soap/ and other authoritative websites for more information. This section 
describes the logical structure of basic messages with a SOAP Header and SOAP Body blocks within a SOAP 
Message Envelope. A SOAP message contains one SOAP Header and one SOAP Body within one SOAP 
Envelope. The SOAP Header contains the Web Services (WS) Addressing (WS-Addressing), WS-Security, and 
ACA-related business header information. The SOAP Body contains the other ACA Business Information and 
ACA Information Returns as MTOM-encoded attachment. 

                                            Guide for ACA Information Returns Submission Composition and Reference Guide 40 

- 49 -

An example of the SOAP Message Structure is shown below in Figure 5-1. 

Figure 5-1: Basic SOAP Message Structure 

5.2.1  | Creating the SOAP Envelope 
The SOAP Envelope consist of a SOAP header and a SOAP body. The SOAP header contains information 
about the transmitter and the transmission and metadata about the payload in the SOAP body. The SOAP 
body is also referred to as the content file, Form Data File or simply payload. To create the SOAP envelope, 
the transmitter needs to know the following information: 

• 	UTID (Business Correlation ID) 
• 	TCC 
• 	Form Data File 
• 	The content type for the SOAP Envelop with MTOM encoded attachment must be “application/xop+xml” and the 
   contenttransfer-encoding must be 8-bit. 
   AttachmentByteSizeNum in Manifst should be same as size of the file. 
• 	Right click on Form data file   click on“Properties”   copy the size in bytes                 (not “Size of disk”) 

Injection Concerns 

                                           Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 4141

- 50 -

5.2.2  | SQL Injection in the SOAP Message 
The special characters listed below are treated as SQL (Structured Query Language) injections. SQL injections 
exploit security vulnerabilities in an application’s software. SQL injections are mostly known as an attack 
vector for websites or A2A communication between two sources. 
SQL Injections may allow attackers to spoof identity, tamper with existing data, cause repudiation issues 
such as voiding transactions or changing balances, allow the complete disclosure of all data on the system, 
or destroy the data. Characters that are not allowed due to concerns about SQL Injections are shown in this 
table. If needed, the escape characters shown in Table 5-1 can be used and are allowed, depending on the 
efile type. 

Table 5-1: Characters not allowed due to SQL Injection Concerns 

            Character              Character                                                           Escape
Character                                                                                                            Character
            Description            Allowed?                                                            Characters 

                                   Rejected                                                                          Allowed 
&           Ampersand                                                                                  & 
                                   (malformed check) 

                                   Rejected (sql                                                                     Allowed 
          Apostrophe                                                                                 ' 
                                   injection check) 

          Quotation Mark         Allowed                                                             "        Allowed 

                                   Rejected (sql                                                                     N/A 
         Double Dash                                                                                Not Available 
                                   injection check) 

                                   Rejected (sql                                                                     N/A 
#           Hash Key                                                                                   Not Available 
                                   injection check) 

                                   Rejected                                                                          Allowed 
<           Less Than                                                                                  < 
                                   (malformed check) 

>           Greater Than           Allowed                                                             >          Allowed 

Note: Allowed escaped characters may be identified as a potential threat (Error Code TPE 1204) when 
they are used in conjunction with certain words such as “and” and “or”, as in “& or '”. If this 
occurs troubleshoot by removing the apostrophe. 

                         Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters     4242

- 51 -

5.3  |    SOAP Header 
IRS defines what should be in the SOAP header. 
Basic steps to consume web service and create client: 
■   Get the certificate used for A2A message 

■   Generate and Compile the implementation class 

■ 	 Deploy the WAR file. The tie classes (which are used to communicate with clients) are generated by the 
    Application Server during deployment 

■   Code the client class 

■   Use ws import to generate and compile the stub files 

■   Compile the client class 

■   Run the client 

■   WS-Security Provides mechanisms for user identification and assertions in SOAP messages 

■ 	 ACA AIR Transmission Header Business Elements – Provides elements required for all SOAP messages 
    on the A2A channel 

■   •CA AIR Transmission Manifest Provides manifest elements 

5.3.1  |  WS-Security 
ACA A2A Web Services exposed via IRS Portal comply with Web Services Security (WSSecurity) specification 
version 1.0 for implementing end to end message security. It is an open standard published by OASIS that 
defines mechanisms for signing and encrypting SOAP messages and provides transport-neutral mechanisms 
to enforce integrity and confidentiality on messages and allows the communication of various security token 
WS-Security defines SOAP extensions to implement client authentication, message integrity and message 
confidentiality on the message level. Authentication helps identify the Sender (the transmitter). Message 
integrity ensures the recipient receives unaltered request. XML Signature specification ensures integrity of 
the message, which defines a methodology for cryptographically signing XML. Message confidentiality is to 
make the user sure that the data can’t be read during transit. The XML Encryption specification is the basis 
to encrypt the parts of SOAP message including headers, body blocks, and substructures, which may be 
To consume ACA A2A web services, the transmitter must use the X.509 authentication framework with the 
WS-Security specification. An X.509 certificate specifies a binding between a public key and a set of attributes 
that includes (at least) a subject name, issuer name, serial number, and validity interval. An X.509 certificate 
may be used to validate a public key that may be used to verify a SOAP message element or to identify the 
public key with SOAP message that has been digitally signed. | Creating the XML Signature 
The signatures are defined using a <Signature> element and accompanying sub-elements as part of a 
security header. Note that the signature must be created after the content of the message is finalized. If 
changes are made to the message after the signature is created, it may result in a digest mismatch. Below is 
a quick overview of how to create an XML signature. Note that XML Digital Signature APIs and XML Digital 

                                 Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 4343

- 52 -

Signature libraries are also publicly available that may simplify development. An overview and tutorial can be 
found using the following url: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/security/xmldsig/ 
 1.   Determine which resources are to be signed. 
 2.   Calculate the digest of each resource:  
     Each referenced resource is specified through a <Reference> element and its digest (calculated on the 
     identified resource and not the <Reference> element itself) is placed in a <DigestValue> child element 
     mentioned in the XML snippet below. 

<ds:Reference URI=”#TS-E68EBBF1696C5DD4AA143353323390073”> <ds:Transforms> 
    <ds:Transform Algorithm=”http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#”> 
     <InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList=”wsse wsa soapenv urn urn1 urn2 urn3” xmlns=”http://                            
    www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#” /> 
<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=”http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256” /
> <ds:DigestValue>?TimestampDigestValue?</ds:DigestValue> </ ds:Reference>
The <DigestMethod> element identifies the algorithm used to calculate the digest. 
 3.   Collect the Reference elements:  
     Collect the <Reference> elements (with their associated digests) within a <SignedInfo> element as shown 
     below. Note that InclusiveNamespaces cannot be a child element of the CanonicalizationMethod 

    <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#WithComments” /> 
<ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm=”http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256” />
 <ds:Reference URI=”#TS-E68EBBF1696C5DD4AA143353323390073”> 
     <ds:Transform Algorithm=”http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc- c14n#WithComments”> 
                     <InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList=”wsse wsa soapenv urn urn1 urn2 urn3” 
                xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#WithComments” /> 
                <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=”http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256” /
                > <ds:DigestValue>?TimestampDigestValue?</ds:DigestValue>
     <ds:Reference URI=”#id-E68EBBF1696C5DD4AA143353323390577”> 
                     <ds:Transform Algorithm=”http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#”> 
                          <InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList=”wsa soapenv urn1 urn2 urn3”   
                          xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#” /> 
                     <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=”http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256” /> 

                               Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 4444

- 53 -

                             <ds:Reference URI=”#id-E68EBBF1696C5DD4AA143353323390578”> 
                                 <ds:Transform Algorithm=”http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-                          
                                           <InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList=”wsa soapenv urn urn1 
                                 urn3          xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#” />                   
                              <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=”http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256” / 
                 <ds:Dig>estValue>?ACABusinessHeaderDigestValue?</ds:DigestValue> </ds:Reference> 

The <CanonicalizationMethod> element indicates the algorithm was used to canonize the <SignedInfo> element. 
Different data streams with the same XML information set may have different textual representations, e.g. 
differing as to whitespace. The <SignatureMethod> element identifies the algorithm used to produce the 
signature value. 
  4.   Signing:  
     Calculate the digest of the <SignedInfo> element, sign that digest and put the signature value in a 
     <SignatureValue> element. 

  5.   Add key information:  
     If keying information is to be included, place it in a <KeyInfo> element. Here the keying information 
     contains the X.509 certificate for the transmitter, which would include the public key needed for 
     signature verification. 

 <ds:KeyInfo Id=”KI-E68EBBF1696C5DD4AA143353323390475”> 
    <wsse:SecurityTokenReference wsu:Id=”STR-E68EBBF1696C5DD4AA143353323390476”> 
 <wsse:KeyIdentifier EncodingType=”http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-soapmessage- 
 security- 1.0#Base64Binary”   ValueType=”http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-

                                Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 4545

- 54 -

   6.   Enclose in a Signature element 

Place the <SignedInfo>,<SignatureValue>, and<KeyInfo> elements into a<Signature> element. The<Signature> 
element comprises the XML signature. 

 <ds:Signature Id=”SIG-E68EBBF1696C5DD4AA143353323390579” 
    xmlns:ds=http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#”> <ds:SignedInfo>
                 <ds:CanonicalizationMethod …/
                 > <ds:SignatureMethod …/>
                 <ds:Reference …/>
                 <ds:Reference …/>
                 <ds:Reference …/>
    <ds:KeyInfo Id=”KI-E68EBBF1696C5DD4AA143353323390475”…/> </ds:Signature> | ACA SOAP Header Elements to be Digitally Signed 
The Header Elements in the Request SOAP Message to be digitally signed: 

 • 	Message Type - ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequestService
 • 	Message Type – ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequestStatus
          -ACABulkRequestTransmitterStatusDetailRequest -Timestamp | Message Timeout 
WS-Security provides the <Timestamp> header that can be used to record creation and expiration time of a 
request message. Note that the WS Timestamp must be used within 10 minutes of creation time based on 

 <wsu:Timestamp wsu:Id=”TS-E68EBBF1696C5DD4AA143353323390073”>
    <wsu:Expires>2015-06-05T19:50:33.900Z</wsu:Expires> </wsu:Timestamp>

                               Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 4646

- 55 -
          TRANSMITTING IRS ACA FORM DATA FILE AND RETRIEVING ACkNOWLEDGMENT VIA THE ISS-A2A CHANNEL | SOAP Header Examples showing Security Header and related elements 

A sample of ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequestService: 
 NOTE: For processing year 2022, use xmlns:urn=”urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ext:aca:air:ty21” as shown in the 
 sample on the next page. 

<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8”?>

             <Signature Id=”SIG-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx” xmlns=”http://www.                            
                          <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=”http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-                  
                  c14n#WithComments” /> 
                          <SignatureMethod Algorithm=”http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-                         
                  more#rsa-sha256” /> 
                          <Reference URI=”#reference-URI-1”> 
                                      <Transform Algorithm=”http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-                   
                                      <InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList=”wsse wsa oas1 soapenv urn urn1            
                           urn2 urn3 urn4” xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-                             
                          c14n#” /> 
                           <DigestMethod Algorithm=”http://www.w3.org/2001/04/                                   
                          xmlenc#sha256” /> 
                          <Reference URI=”#reference-URI-2”> 
                                      <Transform Algorithm=”http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-                   
                                      <InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList=”wsa oas1 soapenv urn urn1                 
                           urn3 urn4” xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#”                            

                           Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 4747

- 56 -

                           <DigestMethod Algorithm=”http://www.w3.org/2001/04/                           
                  xmlenc#sha256” /> 
                  <Reference URI=”#reference-URI-3”> 
                                 <Transform Algorithm=”http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-                
                                 <InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList=”wsa oas1 soapenv urn1 urn2             
                           urn3 urn4” xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#”                    
                           <DigestMethod Algorithm=”http://www.w3.org/2001/04/                           
                  xmlenc#sha256” /> 
                 <KeyInfo Id=”KI-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”> 
<wsu:Timestamp wsu:Id=”reference-URI-1”> 
  <urn:ACATransmitterManifestReqDtl wsu:Id=”reference-URI-2”>
   <!-- TestFileCd value is P or T-->

                   Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 4848

- 57 -

    <urn:BusinessNameLine1Txt>business name1</urn:BusinessNameLine1Txt> 
    <urn:BusinessNameLine2Txt>business name2</urn:BusinessNameLine2Txt> 
    <urn:CompanyNm>company name</urn:CompanyNm> 
      <urn:AddressLine1Txt>address line1</urn:AddressLine1Txt> 
      <urn:AddressLine2Txt>address line2</urn:AddressLine2Txt> 
      <urn1:CityNm>city name</urn1:CityNm> 
  <urn2:ACABusinessHeader wsu:Id=”reference-URI-3”> 

      Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 4949

- 58 -

          <urn4:ACABulkRequestTransmitter version=”1.0”> 
                    <inc:Include href=”cid:attachment-filename.xml” xmlns:inc=”http://www.w3.org/2004/08/ 
xop/include” /> 

A sample of ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequestStatus (check status of a transmission): 
< Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate Content-  
Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8 SOAPAction:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:oas1=”http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss- wssecurity-secext-
1.0.xsd”  xmlns:soapenv=”http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/” xmlns:urn=”urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:irst
 xmlns:urn1=”urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ext:aca:air:tyYY” xmlns:urn2=”urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:common”   
<soapenv:Header xmlns:wsa=http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing”> 
          utility-1.0.xsd”> <ds:Signature Id=”SIG-82E7E6716E615C14D6144736030986660”   
          xmldsig#”> <ds:SignedInfo> 
                <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=”http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-                        
          20010315#WithComments” /> 
                    <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm=http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig- 
                    more#rsa-sha256” /
                    > <ds:Reference URI=#TS-82E7E6716E615C14D6144736030985954”>
                               <ds:Transform Algorithm=”http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-                           
                          <InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList=”wsse wsa oas1 soapenv urn urn1 urn2 urn3” 
                               xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#WithComments” />                        
                          <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=”http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256” />

                               Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 5050

- 59 -

                         <!-- DigestValue from Timestamp --> 
                <ds:Reference URI=”#id-82E7E6716E615C14D6144736030986558”> 
                            <ds:Transform Algorithm=”http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#”> 
                                  <InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList=wsa oas1 soapenv urn1 urn2 

                                        xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#” /> 
                         <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=”http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256” /> 
                         <!-- DigestValue from ACABusinessHeader --> 
                <ds:Reference URI=”#id-82E7E6716E615C14D6144736030986559”> 
                         <ds:Transform Algorithm=”http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#”> 
                         <InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList=”oas1 soapenv urn1 urn2 urn3” 
                            xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#” /> 
                <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=”http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256” /> 
                <!-- DigestValue from ACABulkRequestTransmitterStatusDetailRequest --> 
 <ds:KeyInfo Id=”KI-82E7E6716E615C14D6144736030986456”> 
 <wsse:SecurityTokenReference wsu:Id=”STR-82E7E6716E615C14D6144736030986457”> 
 <wsse:KeyIdentifier EncodingType=”http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-                      
 ValueType=”http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-x509-token- profile1.0#X5                    
           <wsu:Timestamp wsu:Id=”TS-82E7E6716E615C14D6144736030985954”> 
        <urn:ACABusinessHeader wsu:Id=”id-82E7E6716E615C14D6144736030986558”  

                           Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 5151

- 60 -

  <urn3:ACASecurityHeader /> 
  version=”1.0”  wsu:Id=”id82E7E6716E615C14D6144736030986559”

                           Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 5252

- 61 -
Digital certificates bind digital information to physical identities and provide non-repudiation and data integrity. 
Before you begin the enrollment process, each entity should obtain one valid digital certificate issued by an 
approved certificate authority (CA). Automated Enrollment only recognizes and accepts digital certificates 
issued by IRS approved certificate authorities, listed below. The ISS-A2A channel requires the full certificate 
chain including the root certificate and all CA certificates used for signing. Certificates' Key Usage attribute 
should list both of the values "digital signature" and "key encipherment," and no other values. A certificate can 
be associated with more than one TCC/ Role, and it can be used by any ACA service. 

Table 5-2: IRS Authorized Certificate Issuing Authorities 

Certificate Authority                                                                                Type of Certificate 

                                                                                                     Go to ORC ECA and select “Order Component/ 
ORC ECA, naming a server                                                                             Server Certificates”. On the screen for order, 
                                                                                                     please choose “Server Certificates”. 

                                                                                                     Go to Identrust Government Agencies and click 
                                                                                                     on “Buy Now”, you’ll see a long list of Government 
                                                                                                     programs for which you can get a certificate and 
IGC Medium Assurance Device, naming a device 
                                                                                                     select “Department of Treasury - IRS MeF e-File”. 
                                                                                                     The type to choose is "IGC | Medium Assurance | 
                                                                                                     Organization Identity | Device". 

                                                                                                     Go to Identrust Government Agencies  and click 
                                                                                                     on “Buy Now”, you’ll see a long list of Government 
                                                                                                     programs for which you can get a certificate 
IGC Medium Assurance Affiliated or IGC Medium                                                        and select the “Department of Treasury - IRS 
Assurance Affiliated Hardware, naming an                                                             MeF e-File” or “Department of Treasury - IRS 
individual                                                                                           Secure Data Transfer”. The types to choose are 
                                                                                                     "IGC | Medium Assurance | Business Identity | 
                                                                                                     Hardware Storage" or "IGC | Medium Assurance | 
                                                                                                     Organization Identity | Device". 

5.3.2  |  ACA Transmitter Business Header Elements 

Table 5-3: Transmitter Business Header Elements 

Element                                                                                              Description 

                                                                                                     Unique identifier assigned by the transmitter to 
UniqueTransmissionId                                                                                 each transmission 

                                                                                                     The date and time (based on the local time zone 
Timestamp                                                                                            of the transmitter) that the SOAP Message was 

                               Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters                         5353

- 62 -

5.3.3  | ACA AIR Transmission Manifest 
The Manifest provides information about the submission and must pass validation checks before submission 
can be accepted. It consist of details about the transmitter and about the file transmitted. 

5.4  |   SOAP Body 
The SOAP Body contains the request message and the Form Data File as an MTOM attachment submitted 
by the transmitter application. When retrieving acknowledgments, the SOAP body contains the response 
message, and optionally the Error Data File as an MTOM attachment, which informs the transmitter of any 
errors in the submissions. 

5.4.1  | Message Attachment File Format 
Only one Form Data File will be accepted as an attachment sent by a transmitter and, in the event errors are 
found during processing, only one Error Data File will be returned as an attachment by IRS to the transmitter. 
The Form Data File and the Error Data File will be in XML format and will be attached to the message using the 
W3C MTOM specification. 
The Form Data File must be encoded in UTF-8 without BOM file format prior to MTOM encoding during 
submission. Please refer to the fault messages below. 

                                                                                                    A2A - Fault        UI - Fault
Fault Code Service Leg                  Reason 
                                                                                                    Message            Message 

                                                                                                                       [TPE1118] Our 
                                                                                                                       system has 
                                                                                                                       detected UTF-8 
                                                                                                                       BOM encoding 
                                        Manifest file is                                            *Error not         in the Manifest 
TPE1118    Request                      using UTF-8                                                 applicable to      file and cannot 
                                        BOM encoding                                                ISS- A2A           be interpreted. 
                                                                                                                       Please review the 
                                                                                                                       XML standards 
                                                                                                                       outlined in 
                                                                                                                       Section 10 

                                                                                                                       [TPE1208] Our 
                                                                                                    Our system has 
                                                                                                                       system has 
                                                                                                    detected UTF-8 
                                                                                                                       detected UTF-8 
                                                                                                    BOM encoding 
                                                                                                                       BOM encoding 
                                                                                                    in the Form file 
                                        Form file is using                                                             in the Form file 
                                                                                                    and cannot be 
TPE1208    Request                      UTF- 8 BOM                                                                     and cannot be 
                                        encoding                                                                       interpreted. 
                                                                                                    Please review the 
                                                                                                                       Please review the 
                                                                                                    XML standards 
                                                                                                                       XML standards 
                                                                                                    outlined in 
                                                                                                                       outlined in 
                                                                                                    Section 10 
                                                                                                                       Section 10 

                           Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters              5454

- 63 -

5.4.2  | Message Attachment Content Type 
ISS-A2A AIR web services require transmitters to use SOAP-over-HTTP messaging with MTOM to send XML 
data files. The file that is encoded in the MTOM attachment must be uncompressed native XML. The content 
type for the MTOM encoded binary object identified in the Manifest header must be “text/xml”. If the content-
transfer-encoding of the Form Data File is 7-bit, “Pretty Print” formatting must be used. 

5.5  |   ISS-A2A Web Services Summary 
Transmitters that take advantage of the A2A channel to submit their transmissions will have to program 
their systems to generate and transmit information returns via SOAP Messages (Request/Response). The 
transmitter will implement a Web Service Client on their host systems and will configure their SOAP Messages 
so that they are delivered to the Web Service endpoint exposed by IRS. 
The SOAP Message is made up of a HTTP Header and a SOAP Envelope. The SOAP Envelope contains 
a SOAP Header and a SOAP Body. The XML elements in the SOAP Header facilitate transporting the 
information returns between the end points representing applications (Application to Application or A2A). The 
SOAP Header contains the URL for the Web Service endpoint exposed at IRS as well as security mechanisms 
for authenticating the transmitter. 
The SOAP Body contains the XML elements that make up the Information Return transmission. ACA 
Information Return XML Schema will ensure that all required information pertaining to the transmitter and 
transmission is captured in corresponding XML elements. The normal processing for a transmission is as 

• 	Transmitter sends a transmission to IRS via SOAP Request message 
• 	Transmitter receives a SOAP Response message which includes the Receipt ID assigned and the status (i.e. 
   Processing or Rejected) to the transmission by IRS 
• 	IRS processes the transmission 
• 	Transmitter sends a request for Acknowledgment via SOAP Request message to IRS with the Receipt ID 
   corresponding to the transmission for which they are requesting status 
• 	Transmitter receives a SOAP Response message which provides the status of the transmission (i.e., Accepted, 
   Accepted with Errors, Rejected, Processing, Not Found, and Partially Accepted) and any errors in the Error Data 
   File attached to the SOAP Response message. 

The exception path covers the following error processing: 

•  Manifest errors (errors relating to transmitter information and/or transmission details) 
•  Duplicate transmissions 
•  Business Rule errors 
•  System errors 
Transmitters transmitting ACA Information Returns have two channels with which they can submit 
transmissions containing the information returns. IRS has directed that ACA Information Returns will be 
transmitted as XML documents. 

                                  Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 5555

- 64 -

Following services (service names) are available to the transmitters through ISS-A2A Channel: 

•  IRS-ACASubmitService (ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequestService.wsdl) - 1095BC_Transmission 
•  IRS-ACAAckngService (ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequestStatus.wsdl) - 1095BC_Status_Request 

5.5.1  | Overview of Transmission and Submission 
A transmission must consist of specific information pertaining to the transmitter and the transmission and at 
least one transmittal and the corresponding detail records. The transmittal information equates to the Form 
1094 and the corresponding detail records equate to Form 1095. 
Note that a transmission consists of the following: 

•  Transmitter, transmission, and transmission summary information 
•  All of the Form 1094/1095 forms and summary information 

A submission consists of one Form 1094 and its associated Form 1095 forms and the submission summary 
information. A submission may also consist of one Form 1094-C and zero Form 1095-Cs, whenever the Form 
1094-C is marked as a correction to an Authoritative Transmittal (for a previously accepted Form 1094-C). A 
transmission must contain at least one submission. A transmission can contain more than one submission. A 
transmission cannot comingle Forms 1094/1095-B and Forms 1094/1095-C. 
In the example below, the text in brown/orange is required for A2A SOAP Transactions between two exposed 
Web Service endpoints and do not contain any information pertinent to the transmission. The text in blue are 
comments and have no effect on the processing of the transmission. 

         <!-- WS Addressing -->
         <!-- WS Security -->
         Example of 1094B and 1095B schema
                <!-- ALL TRANSMITTAL/1094B INFORMATION GOES HERE --> 
                <!-- ALL TRANSMITTAL/1095B INFORMATION GOES HERE --> 
                <!-- ALL TRANSMITTAL/1095B INFORMATION GOES HERE --> 
         Example of 1094C and 1095C schema 
               <!-- ALL TRANSMITTAL/1094C INFORMATION GOES HERE --> 
               <!-- ALL TRANSMITTAL/1095C INFORMATION GOES HERE --> 

                               Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 5656

- 65 -


Figure 5-2: High Level Form schema structure 

The information contained within the open element tag <Form109495BTransmittalUpstream>and the close element 
tag </Form109495BTransmittalUpstream> or<Form109495CTransmittalUpstream> and the closing element tag 
</Form109495CTransmittalUpstream> are the “as-is” transmission submitted by the transmitter. This XML will 
be retained in the Information Return Repository as received from the transmitter without alteration, while 
ensuring appropriate access controls are in place to protect the integrity of the transmission. 
The information required for the transmittal and transmission is contained within the element tags 
<Form109495BUpstreamDetail> and </Form109495BUpstreamDetail> for Form 1094-B and Form 1095-B. The tags 
<Form109495CUpstreamDetail> and </Form109495CUpstreamDetail> are for Form 1094-C and Form 1095-C. 
Transmitter meta-data information goes in the Manifest File and Transmittal information is in the Form Data 
This is the information that equates to the “T” Record documented in Publication 1220, Specifications for 
Electronic Filing of Forms 1097, 1098, 1099, 3921, 3922, 5498, and W-2G. 
The information required for the detail information (1095X) associated with each transmittal (1094X) is 
contained within the variable number of element tags <Form1095BUpstreamDetail>   
</Form1095BUpstreamDetail> and <Form1095CUpstreamDetail>                                          </Form1095CUpstreamDetail>. This is the information 
that equates to the “B” Record documented in Publication 1220. 

                                Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters                      5757

- 66 -

5.5.2  | IRS-ACA Submit Transmission Request Message 
The ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequestService operation allows the transmitter to send transmissions to the web 
service endpoint exposed at IRS. The service name within the WSDL file is 1095BC_Transmission. The binding 
for the exposed web service is as follows: 

Figure 5-3: ACA Binding – ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequestService.wsdl 

The SOAP Message Header in the SOAP Request message, ACATransmitterStatusReqBody, requires the 
following elements (see <wsdl:input> in Figure 5-3 above): 

Table 5-4: Transmission SOAP Message Binding – SOAP Request Message Header 

SOAP Binding – Input Header Element                                                                 SOAP Binding – Header Element Description 

                                                                                                    For A2A transmissions the ASID associated with the 
ACASecurityHeader                                                                                   certificate must be provided in the UserID element. 

                                                                                                    Requires Signature (Signed Info, Signature Value, 
                                                                                                    KeyInfo) and a Timestamp 

                                                                                                    Requires the Unique Transmission ID (UTID) and a 

                                                                                                    Requires the metadata (information) pertaining to the 
                                                                                                    transmitter and the transmission 

                             Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters                             5858

- 67 -

The SOAP Message Body in the SOAP Request message requires the following elements: 

Table 5-5: Transmission SOAP Message Binding – SOAP Request Message Body 

SOAP Binding – Input Header Element                                                        SOAP Binding – Header Element Description 

                                                                                           Requires the BulkExchangeFile is the base64Binary 
BulkRequestTransmitter                                                                     MTOM encoded attachment containing the Form 
                                                                                           Data File 

The SOAP Message Header in the SOAP Response message includes the following elements: 

Table 5-6: Transmission SOAP Message Binding – SOAP Response Message Header 

SOAP Binding – Output Header Element                                                       SOAP Binding – Header Element Description 

                                                                                           Includes the Unique Transmission ID (UTID) and a 

ACASecurityHeader                                                                          IRS Credentials for identification and authentication 

                                                                                           Securing the message according to OASIS 

The SOAP Message Body in the SOAP Response message includes the following elements: 

Table 5-7: Transmission SOAP Message Binding – Soap Response Message Body 

SOAP Binding – Output BodyElement                                                          SOAP Binding – Body Element Description 

                                                                                           Includes “TransmissionStatusCd”, “ReceiptId”,“irs:Err 

                       Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters                          5959

- 68 -

5.5.3  | IRS-ACA Retrieve Acknowledgement Request Message 
The ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequestStatus operation allows the transmitter to send a request for processing 
status and detail for transmissions they previously sent to IRS. The service name within the WSDL file is 
1095BC_Status_Request. The binding for the exposed web service is as follows: 

Figure 5-4: ACA Binding – ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequestStatus.wsdl 

The SOAP Message Header in the SOAP Request message requires the following elements (see <wsdl:input> 
in Figure 5-4 above): 

Table 5-8: Status Request SOAP Message Binding – SOAP Request Message Header 

SOAP Binding – InputHeader Element                                                                  SOAP Binding – Header ElementDescription 

                                                                                                    For A2A transmissions the ASID associated with the 
                                                                                                    certificate must be provided in the UserID element. 

                                                                                                    Requires Signature (Signed Info, Signature Value, 
                                                                                                    KeyInfo) and a Timestamp 

                                                                                                    Requires the Unique Transmission ID (UTID) and a 

                      Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters                                  6060

- 69 -

The SOAP Message Body in the SOAP Request message requires the following elements: 

Table 5-9: Status Request SOAP Message Binding – SOAP Request Message Body 

SOAP Binding – InputBody Element                                                           SOAP Binding – Body ElementDescription 

ACATransmitterStatusReqBody                                                                Includes Receipt ID 

The SOAP Message Header in the SOAP Request message includes the following elements: 

Table 5-10: Status SOAP Message Binding – SOAP Request Message Header 

SOAP Binding – Output Header Element                                                       SOAP Binding – Header Element Description 

                                                                                           For A2A transmissions the ASID associated with the 
                                                                                           certificate must be provided in the UserID element. 

                                                                                           Requires Signature (Signed Info, Signature Value, 
                                                                                           KeyInfo) and a Timestamp 

                                                                                           Requires the Unique Transmission ID (UTID) and a 

The SOAP Message Body in the SOAP Response message includes an MTOM attachment containing the 
following elements for each error identified during processing: 

Table 5-11: Transmission SOAP Message Binding – Soap Response Message Body 

SOAP Binding – Output Body Element                                                         SOAP Binding – Body ElementDescription 

                                                                                           Includes the Unique Record Identifier, 
BulkRequestTransmitterResponse                                                             ErrorMessageCd, ErrorMessageTxt, and 

                            Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters                   6161

- 70 -

5.5.4 	| A2A Channel TY2015, TY2016, TY2017, TY2018, TY2019, TY2020, TY2021, and TY2022 Schema/ 
         WSDL Guidance 
Transmitters sending returns through A2A Channel (AATS and Production): 
  AIR will accept Tax Years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022  for Processing Year 2023 
         „ Transmitters should use the latest TY2022 schema version to generate Forms 1094/1095-B or 
           Forms 1094/1095-C Form Data (payload) for TY2022 returns 
         „ For prior year returns TY2015, TY2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 use the latest year 
           schema for that tax year. 
         „ Example: Transmitters should use the latest TY2019 schema version to generate Forms 
           1094/1095-B or Forms 1094/1095-C Form Data (payload) for TY2019 returns 
  Transmitters should use TY2022 schema package and deploy at their end 

	 Transmitters should use TY2022 WSDL’s: ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequestService.wsdl to transmit 
    TY2015, TY2016, TY2017, TY2018, TY2019, TY2020, TY2021, and TY2022 transmissions ACAGetTr 
    ansmitterBulkRequestStatus.wsdl to check the status of TY2015, TY2016, TY2017, TY2018, TY2019, 
    TY2020, TY2021 and TY2022 transmissions 

	 TY2022 WSDL capable to generate SOAP envelope for TY 2015, TY2016, TY2017, TY2018, TY2019, 
    TY2020, TY2021, and TY2022 transmissions 

	 SOAP envelope generated by TY2022 WSDL’s contained: ACA Header, WS-Security, ACA Business 
    header and Manifest information which are same for TY2015, TY2016, TY2017, TY2018, TY2019, 
    TY2020, TY2021, and TY2022 transmission (namespaces are different in payload) 

  Forms 1094/1095-B and Forms 1094/1095-C: Manifest element: 

	 Transmitter should use Manifest schema from current tax year (TY2022) schema package to generate 
    TY2015, TY2016, TY2017, TY2018, TY2019, TY2020, TY2021, and TY2022 Manifest file. Manifest will be 
    validated against the 2022 schema. 
         „ Example: <PaymentYr>2015</PaymentYr> Manifest will be checked and validated against TY2022 
           manifest schema and business rules 

                              Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 6262

- 71 -




- 72 -
Section 6              Identifying Transmissions and 


6.1  | Identifying the Transmission Type 
A transmitter can submit three types of ACA transmissions to IRS: 

Table 6-1: Transmission Type Codes 

Type of Transmission                     Description 

                                         A transmission containing original Form 1094/1095 
Original Records (“O”) 

                                         A transmission containing correction Form 
Correction Records (“C”) 
                                         1094/1095 records 

                                         A transmission containing original Form 1094/1095 
Replace Transmission (“R”) 
                                         records to replace a transmission that IRS rejected 

Note: A transmission containing corrected 1094/1095 records that IRS rejected must be resubmitted with 
TransmissionTypeCd = “C” 

                                   Guide for ACA Information Returns Submission Composition and Reference Guide 64 

- 73 -
                                                                      IDENTIFYING TRANSMISSIONS AND RECORDS  

The type of transmission is identified in the XML Schema in the ACATransmitterManifestReqDtl by the data 
included in the TransmissionTypeCd element. The TransmissionTypeCd element is required and the eFile Type 
TransmissionTypeCdType data must be one of the following enumerated values shown below: 

<xsd:simpleType name=”TransmissionTypeCdType”> 
                <DictionaryEntryNm>Transmission Type Code</DictionaryEntryNm>
                <MajorVersionNum> </MajorVersionNum>1
                <MinorVersionNum> </MinorVersionNum>0
                <VersionDescriptionTxt>Initial version</VersionDescriptionTxt>
                <DescriptionTxt>Transmission Type Indicates whether Transmission has Original Records, 
Corrected Records, or is a Replacement</DescriptionTxt> 
 <xsd:restriction base=”xsd:string”>
      <xsd:enumeration value=”O”/>
      <xsd:enumeration value=”C”/>
      <xsd:enumeration value=”R”/>

A transmission consisting of original records which have not been previously submitted to IRS is coded “O”. 
A transmission containing corrected records consist of corrections to records that have been submitted to IRS 
and have been accepted by IRS is coded “C”. 
A transmission that replaces a rejected transmission or that contains submissions that replace rejected 
submissions is coded “R”. 

 Note: Do not comingle submissions of different types (O, C, or R) in the same transmission. Each 
 transmission must contain only one type of submission. Additionally, each submission must only contain 
 one type of records (O, C, or R). 

                                  Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 6565

- 74 -
                                                               IDENTIFYING TRANSMISSIONS AND RECORDS  

6.2  | Identifying the Transmission Status (Acknowledgement) 
When the transmitter retrieves their Acknowledgement, the ACABulkRequestTransmitterResponse includes 
the XML element TransmissionStatusCd which conveys the status of the transmission. The eFile Type 
TransmissionStatusCodeType data conveys one of the following enumerated values shown below: 

<xsd:simpleType name=TransmissionStatusCodeType”> 
                    <DictionaryEntryNm>ACA Information Returns (AIR) Submission Status Type</
                    <MajorVersionNum> </MajorVersionNum>2
                    <MinorVersionNum> </MinorVersionNum>0
                    <VersionDescriptionTxt>Initial version</VersionDescriptionTxt> 
                    <DescriptionTxt>The AIR form(s) submission status type code types.</DescriptionTxt> 
 <xsd:restriction base=”xsd:string”>
       <xsd:enumeration value=”Accepted”/>
       <xsd:enumeration value=”Accepted with Errors”/>
       <xsd:enumeration value=”Partially Accepted”/>
       <xsd:enumeration value=”Rejected”/>
       <xsd:enumeration value=”Processing”/>
       <xsd:enumeration value=”Not Found”/>

                           Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 6666

- 75 -
                                                                  IDENTIFYING TRANSMISSIONS AND RECORDS  

A snippet of XML included in the Acknowledgement that will include the Transmission Status Code follows in 
Figure 6-1: 

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=”http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/”>
<acaBusHeader:ACABusinessHeader xmlns:irs=”urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:common”
xmlns=”urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ext:aca:air:tyYY” xmlns:ns3=”http://docs.oasis- open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-
xmlns:ns4=http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#” xmlns:acaBusHeader=”urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:acabusiness
header” xmlns:ns6=”urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:irsacabulkrequesttransmitter”    xmlns:ns7=”http://docs.oasis-open.
org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext- 1.0.xsd”
xmlns:irs=”urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:common” xmlns=”urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ext:aca:air:tyYY” xmlns:ns3=”http://
docs.oasis- open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss- wssecurityutility-1.0.xsd”
xmlns:ns4=”http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#” xmlns:ns5=”urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:acabusinessheader” 
xmlns:acaBodyReq=”urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:irsacabulkrequesttransmitter”  xmlns:ns7=”http://docs.oasis-open.
org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext- 1.0.xsd”


Figure 6-1: Identifying the Transmission Status Code 

All the records within a transmission have been received but not necessarily accepted for processing by 
IRS when the Transmission Status Code is one of either “Accepted” or “Accepted with Errors” or “Partially 
  ■ 	 If the Transmission Status Code is “Accepted”, it indicates that AIR did not find any errors in any of the 
      submissions within the transmission. 

  ■ 	 If the Transmission Status Code is “Accepted with Errors”, the transmission and all of the records within 
      the transmission have been accepted by IRS. However, errors identified in the transmission are expected 
      to be corrected and submitted in another transmission where the TransmissionTypeCd element is set to “C” 
      for corrections. 

  ■ 	 If the Transmission Status Code is “Partially Accepted”, the IRS has successfully processed and 
      accepted the transmission with at least one rejected submission included in the transmission, (but not all 

                              Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 6767

- 76 -
                                                                     IDENTIFYING TRANSMISSIONS AND RECORDS  

submissions). The rejected submission must be replaced, where the TransmissionTypeCd element is set to
“R” for replacement    
When the Transmission/Submission Status Code is “Rejected”, the transmission has been rejected and
will have to be replaced where the TransmissionTypeCd element is set to “R” for replacement

6.3 	| Receipt ID or UTID as Basis for Uniquely Identifying Transmissions  
     and Records 
When the transmitter sends a transmission to IRS, a Receipt ID is returned to the transmitter to indicate that 
IRS received the transmission. The Receipt ID, along with the transmitter’s Transmitter Control Code (TCC), 
or the UTID is the key information required for the transmitter to retrieve the Acknowledgement (processing 
status and error detail) for a given transmission. The structure of the Receipt ID is as shown in Fig 6-2. 

1094B- -21 00001234
1094B: Form Type 
21: Processing year 
00001234: Unique Number 

Figure 6-2: Structure of a Receipt ID 

Note: The Receipt ID format for TY2017–TY2022 ACA Assurance Testing System (AATS) begins with either 
AATS1094B or AATS1094C. For prior year (TY2015 and TY2016) transmissions, the Receipt ID format 
begins with either AATS1095B or AATS1095C. The Processing Year within the Receipt ID is based on the 
year the transmission was filed. For example, if filed in November of 2022 and through the associated 
PY2023, the Receipt ID would be 23 (AATS1095B-22-00001234. If filed in January of 2023 it would remain 
as 22(AATS1095B- 22-00001234). 

The Receipt ID format for TY2022 Production transmissions (PY2023) begins with either 1094B or 1094C: 
(i.e., “1094B-23-00001234” or “1094C-23-00001234”). For prior year (TY2015 and TY2016) Production 
transmissions, the Receipt ID format begins with either 1095B or 1095C: (i.e., “1095B-PY-00001234” or 
In the sample submission response message shown below in Figure 6-3, the Receipt ID assigned to a 
received transmission is “1094B-PY-00000000”. 
“PY” represents the processing year. In addition to uniquely identifying the transmission to both IRS and the 
transmitter, the Receipt ID also includes information about the type of forms contained in the transmission (in 
this case Forms 1094/1095-B) and the processing year) in which AIR received the transmission. The Receipt 
ID returned to the transmitter should be kept with the Form Data File submitted in the transmission and 
protected from loss or deletion. 
Figure 6-3 includes a sample Response message that the transmitter would receive if they had submitted 
the transmission via the ISS-A2A channel. Please note that the TransmissionStatusCd is “Processing”. 
The TransmissionStatusCd contained in the Response message to a transmission request will either be 
“Processing” or “Rejected” or “Accepted” or “Accepted with Errors” or “Partially Accepted” or “Not Found”. 

                                 Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 6868

- 77 -
                                    IDENTIFYING TRANSMISSIONS AND RECORDS  

Figure 6-3: Sample AIR ISS-A2A Transmission Intake Response Message 

If the transmitter uses the AIR ISS-UI channel to upload a transmission, the Receipt ID assigned to that 
transmission upon receipt is returned and displayed on the web browser as shown below in Figure 6-4. 

Figure 6-4: Sample AIR ISS-UI Transmission Intake Response Message 

Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters         6969

- 78 -
                                                                  IDENTIFYING TRANSMISSIONS AND RECORDS  

6.3.1  | Uniquely Identifying Forms 1094 within a Transmission 
When the transmitter generates the Form Data File, there are XML elements included in the schema that 
provide for uniquely identifying submission(s) within the transmission and record(s) within the submission. A 
submission is identified by the Form 1094 transmittal included in the transmission. Each Form 1094 transmittal 
XML schema (both for Form 1094-B and for Form 1094-C) includes the XML element SubmissionId within the 
respective Form1094BUpstreamDetailType or Form1094CUpstreamDetailType eFile Type. The XML Schema snippet for 
Form 1094-C that includes the SubmissionId follows: 

Figure 6-5: Submission Id is Required for Every Form 1094 in the Transmission 

The SubmissionIdType eFile Type is defined in the XML Schema as a string type. The Submission ID cannot be 
less than 1 (one) and cannot include fractions or decimal values. The Submission ID must not be duplicated 
within a transmission. IRS recommends that the Submission ID start at 1 for the first Form 1094 transmittal 
within the transmission and increment by 1 for every subsequent Form 1094 transmittal in the transmission. 
Every Form 1094 in a transmission can be uniquely identified by the XML element UniqueSubmissionId which 
is derived by concatenating the transmission Receipt ID generated by IRS with the Form 1094 Submission 
ID. For example, given the referenced Receipt ID below and a transmission from a Transmitter or Issuer that 
included 3 submissions, Forms 1094-B would be uniquely identified as follows: 

Table 6-2: Unique Submission Identifier 

    Form 1094-B Transmittal               Form 1094-B Transmittal
           SubmissionId                   UniqueSubmissionI

           1                              1094B-PY-00000283|1 

           2                              1094B-PY-00000283|2 

           3                              1094B-PY-00000283|3 

                              Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 7070

- 79 -
                                                                 IDENTIFYING TRANSMISSIONS AND RECORDS  

6.3.2  | Uniquely Identifying Forms 1095 within a Transmission 
Form 1095 records within a submission are identified in the XML schema (both for Form 1095-B and for Form 
1095-C) by the XML element RecordId within the respective Forrm1095BUpstreamDetailType or 
Form1095CUpstreamDetailType eFile Type. The XML Schema snippet for Form 1095-C that includes the RecordId 

Figure 6-6: Form 1094-C XML Schema Including RecordId 

The RecordIdType eFile Type is defined in the XML Schema as a string type. The Record ID cannot be less 
than 1 (one) and cannot include fractions or decimal values. The Record ID must not be duplicated within a 
submission. IRS recommends that the Record ID start at 1 for the first Form 1095 within the submission and 
increment by 1 for every subsequent Form 1095 in the submission. 
Every Form 1095 record in a submission can be uniquely identified by the XML element UniqueRecordId which 
is derived by concatenating the transmission Receipt ID, the Form 1094 Submission ID, and the Form 1095 
Record ID. For example, given the above referenced Receipt ID and a transmission from a Transmitter or 
Issuer that included 2 submissions with a variable number of records in each submission, Forms 1095-B 
would be uniquely identified as follows: 

                           Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 7171

- 80 -
                                                            IDENTIFYING TRANSMISSIONS AND RECORDS  

Table 6-3: Unique Record Identifier 

                                                                                    Unique Identifiers
Form 1094-B Transmittal 
                                    Form 1095-B RecordId                        UniqueSubmissionId or

       1                                                                            1094B-PY-00000283|1 

                                                      1                         1094B-PY-00000283|1|1 

                                                      2                         1094B-PY-00000283|1|2 

       2                                                                            1094B-PY-00000283|2 

                                                      1                         1094B-PY-00000283|2|1 

                                                      2                         1094B-PY-00000283|2|2 

                                                      3                         1094B-PY-00000283|2|3 

6.4  | Identifying Records with Errors 
When IRS records an error while processing a record, the unique identifiers described in Section 3.4.2 are 
used to inform the transmitter where the error occurred. Those errors are written to a file named the Error Data 
File. The Error Data File is attached (MTOM encoded attachment) to the SOAP Response message when the 
transmitter requests the status and processing detail (Acknowledgement) for the given transmission. Note: 
The Error Data File is returned for transmissions processed in the AATS and Production environment. 
The content of the Error Data File can be found in the root element IRS- ACABulkRequestTransmitterStatus 
DetailMessage.xsd found in the MSG folder. The ACABulkRequestTransmitterStatusDetailResponseType eFile Type 
includes a single optional and unbounded XML element TransmitterErrorDetailGrp. The error information for 
each record is contained within this complex element: 

                        Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 7272

- 81 -
                                                                IDENTIFYING TRANSMISSIONS AND RECORDS  

Table 6-4: Error Data File Contents 

Schema Constraints                XML Element                   Description 

                                                                The unique identifier indicating which 
                                                                Form 1094 has errors 

                                                                The unique identifier indicating which 
                                                                Form 1095 has errors 

Choice Elements – the applicable                                For informational purposes only—error 
identifier will be included       SchemaErrorInfo 
                                                                information about schema 

                                                                             Error message code 
                                                                             Error message description 
                                  ErrorMessageDetail                         Pointer to the element (and 
                                                                               instance if applicable) 

When the transmitter receives the Receipt ID for a transmission, that Receipt ID must be protected from loss 
or deletion and maintained with the transmission. The transmitter will have all of the information required 
to uniquely identify records in a transmission (the Receipt ID, the Submission IDs on Forms 1094, and the 
Record IDs on Forms 1095), in the event an error is detected by the transmitter or the responsible filing entity 
(Issuer, Employer). If errors are identified by the transmitter or filing entity, and the record has been submitted 
and accepted by IRS, the transmitter must use the same unique identifiers to determine the record that needs 
to be corrected. 

6.5  |   Corrections and Replacements 

6.5.1  | The Correction Process 
Corrections can only be made to previous transmissions that have been “Accepted”, “Accepted with 
Errors” or “Partially Accepted”. Transmitters should file corrections with IRS as soon as possible and furnish 
a copy of the corrected return to the Recipient. 
Transmissions containing correction records must only contain corrections and should not include any 
“Original” records. Corrections may be filed for the following form types: 
■  Form 1095-B 

 Form 1094-C, Authoritative Transmittals only 

■  Form 1095-C 

Note: Although both the Form 1094-B and Form 1094-C are transmittal forms, the Form 1094-B is purely 
a transmittal document and, therefore, does not require corrections. The Form 1094-C, Authoritative 
Transmittal, contains additional information that may need correcting. The Form 1094-C must be submitted 
in a separate submission when a correction to the Form 1094-C, Authoritative Transmittal, itself is required. 
Otherwise, the Form 1094-C that is not the authoritative transmittal must be submitted with one or more 
“corrected” Forms 1095-C. 

                            Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 7373

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                                                                IDENTIFYING TRANSMISSIONS AND RECORDS  

The correction process can be utilized when: 
■ 	 IRS notifies the Transmitter or Issuer of one or more errors on the transmittal (Form 1094-C Authoritative 
    Transmittal) or information returns (Forms 1095-B or Forms 1095- C) filed. 

■ 	 The Transmitter or Issuer identifies one or more errors on the transmittal (Form 1094-C Authoritative 
    Transmittal) or information returns (Forms 1095-B or Forms 1095-C) filed. 

■   The Employee or Covered Individual reports an error 
The unique identifiers assigned by AIR allow corrections to the specific record(s), both transmittal records
(Forms 1094) and information return records (Forms 1095) defined above in Section 3
See the example and figure below illustrating multiple corrections to a single record
For example, the Form 1094 data located in submission 10 of a transmission would have a USID as follows

USID= 1094B-PY-00700283|10 
The Form 1095 data located in record 2 of submission 10 of a transmission would have a URID as follows: 

URID= 1094B-PY-00700283|10|2 

Figure 6-7: Reference Records to be Corrected 

                            Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 7474

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                                                                   IDENTIFYING TRANSMISSIONS AND RECORDS  

6.5.2  | Transmitting Corrections 
Guidelines for transmitting corrections: 
■   Do not submit original and corrected documents in the same file 

■ 	 If the transmission is identified as containing corrections in the Manifest (TransmissionTypeCd is 
    ‘C’), then the “CorrectedInd” in the Form Data File has to be set to “1” and must include either the 
    “CorrectedUniqueSubmissionId” (if the correction is for Form 1094-C) or the “CorrectedUniqueRecordId” 
    (if the correction is for Form 1095) which references the record that is being corrected 

■ 	 If a Correction is found to be in error and needs to be corrected, submit a Correction to the most recently 
    accepted Correction –File only one Correction per Unique Submission ID when correcting a Form 
    1094-C Authoritative Transmittal or Unique Record ID when correcting a Form 1095 

■ 	 1094-C Correction can be submitted in the same Transmission as the 1095-C Correction but must be in 
    a separate Submission 

■ 	 Correction records will carry both a “Record ID” to uniquely identify the correcting record, as well as the 
    Unique ID of the 1094-C or 1095 Record to be corrected 
         „ For Form 1094-Cs use “SubmissionId” and “CorrectedUniqueSubmissionId” 
         „ For Form 1095-Bs and Cs use “RecordId” and “CorrectedUniqueRecordId” 
	 Always include the complete record for Correction; do not supply only the Corrected data
    elements within the correcting record. A corrected record should also include the choice between
    CorrectedRecRecipientPrsnName and CorrectedRecRecipientName from the record that is being

■ 	 When the transmission is Accepted with Errors and the only errors identified are Manifest errors with 
    a severity of “Report Error”, these errors cannot be corrected and the messages are for informational 
    purposes only 

6.5.3  | Transmitting Form 1094-C Corrections (Authoritative Transmittals Only) 
If an original transmission requires corrections to the Form 1094-C Authoritative Transmittal, include the 
following (see schema and business rules): 
■   Populate the Form 1094-C “CorrectedInd” with “1” 

■   A “UniqueTransmissionId” for the transmission 

■   A “TransmissionTypeCd” in the Manifest should be “C” for corrections 

■   A “SubmissionId” (SID) for the correction Transmittal record 

■   The “CorrectedUniqueSubmissionId” (CUSID) identifying the record that is being corrected 

■   A “CorrectedSubmissionPayerName” this is the Payer Business Name from the submission (1094-C) 
    being corrected 

■   The “CorrectedSubmissionPayerTIN” this is Payer Taxpayer Identification Number (EIN) from the 
    submission (1094-C) being corrected 

■   Populate the “AuthoritativeTransmittalInd” with “0”. 

                               Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 7575

- 84 -
                                                                   IDENTIFYING TRANSMISSIONS AND RECORDS  

Examples of key data fields from the original record to be corrected are the Name of ALE Member (Employer) 
and the Employer Identification Number (EIN). 

Note: These fields are necessary to allow IRS to associate the correction record to the original record even 
when the Unique ID’s don’t match. Do not attach any Forms 1095-C. 

Note: Please remember to mark the Corrected Form 1094-C as an “Authoritative Transmittal” and 
complete the entire record Parts I, II, III and if applicable Part IV (not just the Name and EIN)When 
correcting Form 1094-C Authoritative Transmittal entity data that also appears on associated Forms 
1095-C (Name and EIN), it is not necessary to submit changes to every associated Form 1095-C in order 
to correct that information on the Forms 1095-C. IRS internal systems will associate appropriate entity 
information to existing Form 1095-C records. 

6.5.4  | Transmitting Forms 1095-B or 1095-C Corrections 
If an original transmission requires corrections to the Forms 1095-B and 1095-C, include the following (see 
schema and business rules): 
■  Populate the Form 1095-B or 1095-C “CorrectedInd” with “1”. Note: The “CorrectedInd” in the Form 
   1094-C should be “0”. The Form 1094-B is purely a transmittal document and, therefore, does not have 
   a “CorrectedInd”. 

■  A “UniqueTransmissionId” for the transmission 

■  “TransmissionTypeCd” in the Manifest should be “C” for corrections 

■  A “SubmissionId” for the Transmittal (Form 1094) record 

■  A RecordId” of the correction record 

■  The “CorrectedUniqueRecordId” (CURID) identifying the record that is being corrected 

■  Include the other required fields in the“CorrectedRecordRecipientGrp” 
Elements in the CorrectedRecordRecipientGrp include Recipient Name. TIN from the original record to be 
corrected is optional. 
■  For a Form 1095-B provide the Business or Individual name 

■  For a Form 1095-C provide the Employee name 

Note: These fields are necessary to allow IRS to associate the correction record to the original record even 
when the Unique ID’s don’t match. 

6.5.5  | Transmitting Forms 1094-C and Forms 1095-C Corrections 
If an original transmission requires corrections to both the Forms 1094-C Authoritative Transmittal and 
1095-C, please file two separate transmissions. 
■  The first transmission will be to correct the Form 1094-C Authoritative Transmittal only, by following the 
   Form 1094-C Authoritative Transmittal Correction Process outlined above. 

■  The second transmission will be to correct the Form 1095-C by following the Form 1095-C Correction 
   Process outlined above. Only complete the accompanying Form 1094-C through the element 

                               Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 7676

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                                                                   IDENTIFYING TRANSMISSIONS AND RECORDS  

    “AuthoritativeTransmittalInd” (Line 19). Populate the “AuthoritativeTransmittalInd” with “0”. Please note: 
    Parts II, III and IV of the Form 1094-C should not be completed. 
If, after submitting a correction, IRS identifies a subsequent error, or if the Transmitter identifies a subsequent 
error, you must utilize the Unique IDs associated with the correction. See Figure 6-7 above. 

Note: The original record may only be corrected once. 

6.6  |   Rejected Transmissions 
Transmissions can be “Rejected” by both the Portal and AIR. However, the replacement process only applies 
to Transmissions or Submissions rejected by AIR. 

6.6.1  | Transmissions Rejected by IRS Portal 
When a transmission is rejected by IRS Portal, the Transmitter will receive a fault (error) code that is prefixed 
with ‘TPE’. The corresponding error description message will contain information 
about the errors that was detected. The table of fault codes produced by IRS Portal is included in Section 
12.1 of this document. 
When a transmission is rejected by IRS Portal, the Transmitter must fix the problem that caused the rejection 
and resend the transmission. In the case where the message size is too large, the Transmitter must reduce the 
number of records in the Form Data File before resending the transmission. 

Note: Use the same “TransmissionTypeCd” that was used when the transmission was rejected by the 
Portal to resubmit the file. 

6.6.2  | Transmissions/Submissions Rejected by AIR 
When AIR rejects the transmission due to malformed schema, missing required element or a pattern 
mismatch, the Error Code returned to the Transmitter will be prefixed with ‘AIRSH’. 
Business rule validation provides Submission level rejections, along with Transmission level rejections. None 
of the records included in a transmission/submission that are rejected are maintained in IRS data stores. Thus, 
when a transmission or submission is rejected by AIR, a replacement transmission or submission must be 
The following are reasons for a rejection at the Transmission Level or Submission Level (Forms 1094/1095-B 
and 1094/1095-C): 
A complete Transmission can be rejected due to: 
■   A fatal error identified while processing the transmission metadata 

■   Schema validation failed on the malformed schema and schema definition 

■ 	 Business rule failures at the transmission level (ex: Manifest error, Incorrect Submission ID in Form Data 

■   All Submissions within the transmission are rejected 

Note: The above situation requires the Transmitters to replace the entire Transmission. The following are 
reasons for rejection at the Submission Level: 

                               Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 7777

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                                                                      IDENTIFYING TRANSMISSIONS AND RECORDS  

A Transmission can be Partially Accepted when one or more submissions, but not all, are rejected. 
A Submission can be rejected due to: 
 ■   Schema validation failed on the Form Data XML File 

 ■ 	 Business Rule Failures (ex: Form 1094 Incorrect or Missing Tax Year), which will lead to that Submission 
     rejection (Form 1094 and its corresponding 1095 Forms). 

 Note: The above situation requires the Transmitters to replace only the rejected Submission(s). 

6.7  | Replacement Process - Transmitting Replacements 
A replacement transmission must contain all the records submitted to IRS for processing in the rejected 
Transmission or Submission that is being replaced. Transmitters should submit an acceptable replacement 
transmission no later than 60 days after the date the rejected status of the original transmission was 
available. The 60-day adjustment applies whether or not, the original transmission was received before or 
after the ACA Information Returns due date. When an acceptable replacement transmission is received within 
60 days from the date the status was available, the file will be treated as filed on the original transmission 
received date. If an acceptable replacement transmission is received after the 60 days, the file will be treated 
as filed on the date the replacement transmission is received. In this way, any applicable late-filing penalty is 
calculated based on the date the transmission was received. 

 Note: Transmitters should wait until a transmission is processed and the Acknowledgement File status 
 is either ‘Rejected’ or ‘Partially Accepted’ by IRS before submitting a replacement transmission or 

Transmitters can replace rejected Transmissions, as well as rejected Submissions. Replacements can only be 
transmitted for previously rejected Transmissions or Submissions. AIR requires replacements to use specific 
identifiers to reference the original rejected transmission/submission. When replacing a transmission, the 
Manifest XML Schema includes an element “OriginalReceiptId” which references the Receipt ID of the original 
transmission that is being replaced. 
When replacing a submission, the Form Data File element “OriginalUniqueSubmissionId” is used to reference 
the Submission ID of the original submission that is being replaced. When submissions are replaced, the 
Manifest data element “OriginalReceiptId” is not used. Only transmissions that contained original records 
(TransmissionTypeCd is ‘O’) that were rejected require a replacement transmission. When a transmission, 
containing original records, is rejected (TransmissionTypeCd is ‘O’), the Transmitter must fix the problem that 
caused the rejection and resend the transmission as a replacement (TransmissionTypeCd is ‘R’). 
However, if a transmission containing correction records is rejected (TransmissionTypeCd is ‘C’), the 
Transmitter must fix the problem that caused the rejection and resend the transmission (TransmissionTypeCd  
remains ‘C’). 
An individual original submission within a transmission can be rejected by IRS in a Partially Accepted 
transmission. The original submission should be fixed and retransmitted in a replacement transmission 
(TransmissionTypeCd is “R”). 

                              Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 7878

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                                                                   IDENTIFYING TRANSMISSIONS AND RECORDS  

6.7.1  |  Replacement Transmission 
Replacement transmissions must include the following requirements (see schema and business rules for 
additional details): 
■   A “UniqueTransmissionId” for the replacement transmission 

■   “TransmissionTypeCd” in the Manifest should be “R” for replacement 

■   Include the “OriginalReceiptId” data element in the Manifest identifying the original transmission that is 
    being replaced 

■ 	 ACA Business Correlation ID (UniqueTransmissionId) in the Manifest should be unique for each
    transmission (UUID which is part of UTID will be checked for uniqueness against that TCC)

■   DocumentSystemFileNm in the Manifest should match the name of the Form Data File 

■   ChecksumAugmentationNum in the Manifest should be unique for each transmission 

■   Replacement transmission should not include any additional replacing/new submissions 
Do not: 
  Include the “OriginalUniqueSubmissionId” in the Form Data File | Replacing an Original Transmission that Rejected 
If the original Transmission was “Rejected”, then replace the entire Transmission by using the Receipt ID from 
the Rejected Transmission to populate the Manifest Data element ‘OriginalReceiptId’ of the Replacement 
Transmission. Replacement transmissions must include the following requirements (see schema and business 
rules for additional details): 
■   A “UniqueTransmissionId” for the replacement transmission (ACA Business Correlation ID 
    (UniqueTransmissionId) in the Manifest should be unique for each transmission (UUID which is part of 
    UTID will be checked for uniqueness against that TCC) 

■   “TransmissionTypeCd” in the Manifest should be “R” for replacements 

■   Include the “OriginalReceiptId” data element identifying the original transmission that is being replaced 

■   DocumentSystemFileNm in the Manifest should match the name of the Form Data File 

■   ChecksumAugmentationNum in the Manifest should be unique for each transmission 
Do not: 
■   Include any additional or new submissions 

■   Include the “OriginalUniqueSubmissionId” in the Form Data File 

■   Try to replace individual submissions within a rejected transmission 

■   Try to replace a transmission that was not rejected 

■   Try to replace a transmission that has been successfully replaced 

                               Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 7979

- 88 -
                                                                 IDENTIFYING TRANSMISSIONS AND RECORDS | Replacing a “Replacement” Transmission that Rejected 
If an original Transmission is rejected and the Replacement Transmission is also rejected, then replace the first 
(Earliest) rejected Transmission in the chain by populating the Manifest Data element ‘OriginalReceiptId’ with 
the Receipt ID that references the EARLIEST rejected Transmission in the chain. Please see Figure 6-8 for an 
illustration of the earliest rejected Transmission in the chain. 
Replacement Transmissions must include the following requirements (see schema and business rules for 
additional details): 
■  A “UniqueTransmissionId” for the replacement transmission (ACA Business Correlation ID 
   (UniqueTransmissionId) in the Manifest should be unique for each transmission (UUID which is part of 
   UTID will be checked for uniqueness against that TCC) 

■  “TransmissionTypeCd” in the Manifest should be “R” for replacements 

■  Include the “OriginalReceiptId” data element identifying the Receipt ID that references the first rejected 
   transmission, which contained a TransmissionTypeCd of “O”, in the chain 

■  DocumentSystemFileNm in the Manifest should match the name of the Form Data File 

■  ChecksumAugmentationNum in the Manifest should be unique for each transmission 

■  Replacement transmission should not include any additional or new submissions 
Do not: 
■  Include the “OriginalUniqueSubmissionId” in the Form Data File 

■  Try to replace a rejected replacement transmission 

■  Try to replace individual submissions within a rejected transmission 

■  Try to replace a transmission that was not rejected 

■  Try to replace a transmission that has been successfully replaced 

                             Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 8080

- 89 -
                                                                                                                                                           IDENTIFYINGIDENTIFYINGTRANSMISSIONSTRANSMISSIONS AND RECORDS      AND RECORDS 
  FigureFigure6-86-8below                                      belowdepicts depictsthe thereplacement replacementprocessprocess wherewhere bothboth thethe initialinitial transmissiontransmission and andthe firstthe first 
  replacement attempt were rejected by AIR. 
  replacement attempt were rejected by AIR.                                                                        
  Original Transmission   First Attempt                                                           
  ReceiptId:                                                   1094B-PY-00700012 
                                                Su bmissionId        :    1  
                                                   RecordId: 1                                                       
                                                   RecordId: 2                                                                               
                                                   RecordId: n    
                                                SubmissionId: 2              
                                                   RecordId: 1                                                   Rejected 
                                                   RecordId: 2    
                                                   RecordId: n    
                                                SubmissionId: n              
                                                   RecordId: 1    
                                                   RecordId: 2    
                                                   RecordId: n    
  ReplacementTransmission                                                                 Second Attempt          
  ReceiptId:                                                   1094B-PY-00700025 
                                                Su bmissionId        : 1     
                                                   RecordId: 1                                                       
                                                   RecordId: 2                                                                              
                                                   RecordId: n    
                                                SubmissionId: 2              
                                                   RecordId1 :                                                   Rejected 
                                                   RecordId: 2    
                                                   RecordId: n    
                                                SubmissionId: n              
                                                   RecordId: 1    
                                                   RecordId: 2    
                                                   RecordId: n    
  ReplacementTransmission                                                                 Third Attempt          
  ReceiptId:                                                   1094B-PY-00700119 
                                                Su bmissionId        : 1     
                                                   RecordId: 1                                                       
                                                   RecordId: 2                                                                              
                                                   RecordId: n                              
                                                SubmissionId: 2              
                                                   RecordId1 :                                         Accepted 
                                                   RecordId: 2    
                                                   RecordId: n    
                                                SubmissionId: n              
                                                   RecordId: 1    
                                                   RecordId: 2    
                                                   RecordId: n    
  Figure 6-8: Replacing a Rejected Transmission 
  Figure 6-8: Replacing a Rejected Transmission                                                                     

                                                                                             Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters                                    8181

- 90 -
                                                                 IDENTIFYING TRANSMISSIONS AND RECORDS  

6.7.2  |  Replacement Submission 
Replacement submissions must include the following requirements (see schema and business rules for 
additional details): 
 A “UniqueTransmissionId” for the replacement transmission 

 “TransmissionTypeCd” in the Manifest should be “R” for replacement 

 Include the “OriginalUniqueSubmissionId” in the Form Data File identifying the submission that is 
   being replaced 

 Duplicate replacement Submission (s) included within the same transmission will  be rejected. 

 Replacement transmission should not include any new submissions 
Do not 
 Include the “OriginalReceiptId” data element in the Manifest | Replacing a Submission Within a Partially Accepted Transmission 
If the Original Transmission was Partially Accepted, then replace the individual Submission(s) that were 
rejected by populating the data element “OriginalUniqueSubmissionId” in each replacement Submission 
(Form 1094) with the “UniqueSubmissionId” from the Submission Header of the rejected Submission(s). When 
filing replacement Submission(s) for submissions that were rejected within a Partially Accepted Transmission, 
adhere to the following requirements (see schema and business rules for additional details): 
 A “UniqueTransmissionId” for the replacement transmission 

 “TransmissionTypeCd” in the Manifest should be “R” for replacement 

 Include the “OriginalUniqueSubmissionId” in the Form Data File identifying the submission that is 
   being replaced from the original Partially Accepted transmission 

 Duplicate replacement Submission ID(s) included within the same transmission will be rejected. 

 Replacement transmission should not include any new submissions 
Do not 
 Include the “OriginalReceiptId” data element in the Manifest 

 Submit a submission-level replacement for a transmission that was rejected 

                             Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 8282

- 91 -
                                                   IDENTIFYING TRANSMISSIONS AND RECORDS | 	Replacing Submission from a Partially Accepted Original Transmission when the Replacements 
           Transmission or Submission was Rejected 
If the original Transmission is Partially Accepted, and the Transmission with the replacement submissions is 
Rejected or Partially Accepted, then transmit another replacement transmission using the Submission IDs 
from the original rejected submissions. In either case always replace the first rejected submission in the chain 
of rejected submissions when one or more replacements are rejected. Please refer to Figures 6-9 and 6-9A. 

Note: First rejected Submission(s) in the chain of rejections does not relate to the order of submissions 
within an individual Transmission. Figure 6-9 depicts the Submission-Replacement process where a 
replacement Submission was rejected. 

Figure 6-9: Visual depicting the first-rejected submission in a chain of rejections that should be replaced 

           Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters      8383

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                                                                IDENTIFYING TRANSMISSIONS AND RECORDS  

Figure 6-9A illustrates a similar situation when the entire replacement transmission was rejected 

Figure 6-9A: Visual showing the first-rejected submission should be replaced when the replacement transmission 
is rejected 
If filing a replacement Submission from a Partially Accepted Transmission where the replacement was 
rejected, adhere to the following requirements (see schema and business rules for additional details): 
 “UniqueTransmissionId” for the replacement transmission 

 “TransmissionTypeCd” in the Manifest should be “R” for replacement 

 Include the “OriginalUniqueSubmissionId” in each replacement submission Form Data file with the 
   Unique Submission ID from the header within the earliest rejected Submission in a sequence within a 
   Partially Accepted Transmission that is being replaced (refer to Figures 6-9 and 6-9A) 

 Duplicate replacement Submission ID(s) included within the same transmission will be rejected. 

 Replacement transmission should not include any new submissions 
Do not: 
 Include the “OriginalReceiptId” data element in the Manifest 

 Replace a submission within a Submission Replacement Transmission that was rejected 

                           Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 8484

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- 94 -
Section 7     Data Mapping for ISS-UI Services/ 

ISS-A2A Web Services 
This section provides mapping of the request and the response information exchanged between the 
transmitter and IRS. The mapping feeds into the request and response XML schemas for the messages. Both 
the request and the response schemas are incorporated into the ACA XML library. 
The data mapping that follows is structured according to the asynchronous business process as follows: 
	 The transmitter sends a transmission with a Form Data File to IRS and receives a Receipt ID from IRS 
    in a single synchronous session. In the ISS-A2A Channel, the synchronous session is comprised of 
    the transmitter sending a SOAP Request message with a transmission to IRS and receiving a SOAP 
    Response message with the Receipt ID. In the ISS-UI Channel, the synchronous session is comprised of 
    the transmitter logging on to IRS, uploading the Transmission Data File containing information pertaining 
    to the transmitter and the transmission, uploading the Form Data File, submitting the transmission and 
    receiving the Receipt ID at their Web Browser. 

	 The transmitter sends a message with the Receipt ID associated with the transmission and receives the 
    status and, if applicable, error detail. In the ISS-A2A Channel, the synchronous session is comprised 
    of the transmitter sending a SOAP Request message with the Receipt ID pertaining to the transmission 
    for which they are requesting status and receiving a SOAP Response message with the status (one of 
    Accepted, Accepted with Errors, Partially Accepted, Rejected, Processing, Not Found) and, if errors were 
    found during processing, the Error Data File containing the details of the errors. In the ISS-UI Channel, 
    the synchronous session is comprised of the transmitter logging on to IRS, entering the Receipt ID and 
    their TCC via a Web Browser and receiving the status via a web page and the capability to browse or 
    download the Error Data File if errors were found during processing. 
This section identifies the boundary data exchanged between the transmitter and IRS for the following 

Transmitting the Form Data File and receiving the response 
Requesting the Acknowledgement and receiving the response 

This section also identifies the business data sent to IRS by a transmitter. The business data is sent to IRS in 
the Form Data File containing Forms 1094/1095-B and Forms 1094/1095-C XML elements. 

              Guide for ACA Information Returns Submission Composition and Reference Guide                       86 

- 95 -
                                                        DATA MAPPING FOR ISS-UI SERVICES/ISS-A2A WEB SERVICES  

7.1  | Data Mapping – Message Data Boundary 
Tables 7-1 through 7-3 provide the data element definitions relevant to the transmission SOAP Request and 
SOAP Response messages. 
Tables 7-4 through 7-6 provide the data element definitions relevant to the Acknowledgement request SOAP 
Request and SOAP Response messages. 

Table 7-1: Form 1094-1095 B and C Transmission SOAP Request Header – ACA Business Header 

ACABusinessHeader                    Definition                                                                XML Element Name 

Unique Transmission Id               Unique Transmission Id                                                    UniqueTransmissionId 

Time stamp                           Time stamp                                                                Timestamp 

Table 7-2: Form 1094-1095 B and C Transmission SOAP Request Manifest Header 

ACATransmitterManifestReqDtl             Definition                                                            XML Element Name 

Payment Yr                               Tax year of the filing                                                PaymentYr 

Prior Year Data Ind                      Prior Filing year Indicator                                           PriorYearDataInd 

Employer Identification Number (EIN)     Transmitter’s 9-digit EIN                                             EIN 

                                         Transmission Type Indicates                                           TransmissionTypeCd 
                                         whether Transmission has 
Transmission Type Cd 
                                         Original (O), Replacement (R), 
                                         Corrected (C) 

                                                                                                               TestFileCd –‘T’ to be used only 
Test File Ind                            Test File Indicator                                                   in AATS ‘P’ to be used only in 

                                         Original Receipt Identifier                                           OriginalReceiptId - (optional) 
Original Receipt ID                      of the Transmission being 

                                         Transmitter Foreign Entity                                            TransmitterForeignEntityInd 
Transmitter Foreign Entity Ind 
                                         Indicator                                                             (optional) 

                                         Global type for name of the                                           BusinessNameLine1Txt 
Transmitter Name Grp 
                                         transmitter.                                                          BusinessNameLine2Txt 

                               Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters                8787

- 96 -
                                                 DATA MAPPING FOR ISS-UI SERVICES/ISS-A2A WEB SERVICES  

ACATransmitterManifestReqDtl      Definition                                                            XML Element Name 

                                  Global type for the Company 
                                  (Transmitter) Information.  
Company Information Grp           *USAddressGrpType and  
                                  ForeignAddressGrpType are 
                                  choice elements. 

                                                                                                        USStateCd USZIPCd  
                                                                                                        CountryCd – OR  
                                                                                                        PersonMiddleNm -(optional)  

                                  Global type or the vendor 
Vendor Information Grp                                                                                  VendorCd ContactNameGrp 
                                                                                                        (Person) ContactPhoneNum 

                                  The Total Number of Payees                                            TotalPayeeRecordCnt 
Total Payee Record Cnt 

                                  The Total Number of Payer                                             TotalPayerRecordCnt 
Total Payer Record Cnt 
                                  Records count 

                                  An identification number                                              SoftwareId 
Software Id                       assigned by IRS to a 

Form Type Cd                      Form Type 10941095B/C                                                 FormTypeCd 

                                  An identifier for a file format                                       BinaryFormatCd 
                                  of content type of a binary 
Binary Format Cd                  object. Extensible Markup 
                                  Language (XML) is the only 
                                  accepted type at this time 

                        Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters            8888

- 97 -
                                                  DATA MAPPING FOR ISS-UI SERVICES/ISS-A2A WEB SERVICES  

ACATransmitterManifestReqDtl       Definition                                                            XML Element Name 

                                   A SHA-256 Checksum value                                              ChecksumAugmentationNum 
                                   (64 characters) provided by 
Checksum Augmentation Num          Requestors and IRS verify 
                                   the size of file received is the 
                                   same as the size transmitted 

                                   A size of a binary object                                             AttachmentByteSizeNum 
Attachment Byte Size Num 
                                   (attachment) in bytes 

                                   The filename of a document                                            DocumentSystemFileNm 
Document System File Nm 
                                   in a file system 

Table 7-3: Form 1094-1095 B and C Transmission SOAP Response 

ACABusinessHeader              Definition                                                                XML Element Name 

UniqueTransmissionId           Unique Transmission ID                                                    UniqueTransmissionId 

                               Base type for a date and time                                             Timestamp 
                               stamp – Time zone portion is 
                               required, and fractional seconds 
                               are prohibited 


                               The current known status of                                               TransmissionStatusCd 
                               the transmission (Processing, 
Transmission Status Code 
                               Accepted, Accepted with Errors, 
                               Partially Accepted or Rejected) 

Receipt Id                     A unique receipt identifier                                               ReceiptId 

                               Global type for the Error Message                                         ErrorMessageDetail 
                               Detail                                                                    ErrorMessageCd 
                               *Error code/error message will                                            ErrorMessageTxt 
Error Message Detail 
                               always be in XML structure. Error 
                               Message Detail will be repeated 
                               for each error 

                         Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters        8989

- 98 -
                                                  DATA MAPPING FOR ISS-UI SERVICES/ISS-A2A WEB SERVICES  

Table 7-4: Form 1094-1095 B and C Acknowledgement SOAP Request to check the Status of the 

ACABusinessHeader              Definition                                                                XML Element Name 

UniqueTransmissionID           Unique Transmission ID                                                    UniqueTransmissionId 

                               Base type for a date and time                                             Timestamp 
                               stamp – Time zone portion is 
                               required, and fractional seconds 
                               are prohibited 


Receipt Id                     A unique receipt identifier                                               ReceiptId 

Table 7-5: Form 1094-1095 B and C Transmission SOAP Response Header 

ACABusinessHeader              Definition                                                                XML Element Name 

                               Global type for the Unique                                                UniqueTransmissionId 
                               Transmitter Identifier 

                               Base type for a date and time                                             Timestamp 
                               stamp – Time zone portion is 
                               required, and fractional seconds 
                               are prohibited 


                               Current state of transmission                                             TransmissionStatusCd 
                               processing (Processing, 
Transmission Status Code 
                               Accepted, Accepted with Errors, 
                               Partially Accepted or Rejected) 

Receipt Id                     A unique receipt identifier                                               ReceiptId 

                         Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters     9090

- 99 -
                                                     DATA MAPPING FOR ISS-UI SERVICES/ISS-A2A WEB SERVICES  

Table 7-6: Form 1094-1095 B and C Transmission SOAP Response Header – ACA Business Header 

TransmitterErrorDetailGrp         Definition                                                                XML Element Name 

Unique Submission Id              Unique Submission Identifier                                              UniqueSubmissionId 

                                  Global type for the Error Message                                         ErrorMessageDetail 
Error Message Detail 
                                  Detail                                                                    ErrorMessageCd 

TransmitterErrorDetailGrp         Definition                                                                XML Element Name 

                                  *Error code/error message will                                            ErrorMessageTxt XpathContent 
                                  always be in XML structure. Error 
                                  Message Detail will be repeated 
                                  for each error 

7.2  | Data Mapping – Form Data Boundary 
Tables 7-7 and 7-8 provide the data element definitions relevant to Issuer Reporting. Issuers include 
health insurance issuers, sponsors of a self-insured health plan and government agencies that administers 
government-sponsored health insurance programs. The Form Line Numbers are taken from the Form 1094-B 
and Form 1095-Bs. 
Tables 7-9 and 7-10 provide the data element definitions relevant to Employer Reporting.  Employers include 
Applicable Large Employers (ALE). The Form Line Numbers are taken from the Form 1094-C and Form 1095-C 

Table 7-7: Form 1094-B 

Form Line         1094-B Data 
                                      Definition                                                            XML Element Name
Num               Element 

None              Tax Year            Tax Year being filed for                                              TaxYr 

None                                  Unique submission number                                              SubmissionId 

None                                  Original Unique Submission ID                                         OriginalUniqueSubmissionId 

None                                  Test Scenario ID                                                      TestScenarioId 

                  TIN Request                                                                               TINRequestTypeCd 
None                                  TIN Request type code 
                  Type code 

                            Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters             9191

- 100 -
                                              DATA MAPPING FOR ISS-UI SERVICES/ISS-A2A WEB SERVICES  

Form Line 1094-B Data 
                               Definition                                                            XML Element Name
Num       Element 

1         Filer’s name         Filer’s complete Name                                                 BusinessNameLine1Txt 

          Employer                                                                                   EmployerEIN 
2         Identification       The filer’s 9-digit EIN. 
          Number (EIN) 

                               The name of the person to 
          Name of person                                                                             PersonFirstNm 
3                              contact who is responsible for 
          to contact                                                                                 PersonMiddleNm 
                               answering any questions. 
                                                                                                     PersonLastNm SuffixNm 

          Contact                                                                                    ContactPhoneNum 
                               Phone number of contact 
4         telephone 

          Street Address       The filer’s complete address 
5         (including room      where all correspondence will 
          or suite no.)        be sent. 

6         City or town                                                                               CityNm  
          State or             IRS XML schema provides                                               USZIPCd  
          Province             a choice between using US                                             USZIPExtensionCd  
                               Address or Foreign Address.                                           Or  
                               Differences are noted in                                              ForeignAddressGrp 
                               individual fields on the right. If                                    AddressLine1Txt 
                               TransmitterForeignEntityInd is                                        AddressLine2Txt  
          Country and 
                               true then, ForeignAddressGrp                                          CityNm  
8         ZIP or Foreign 
                               will be used. Choice between                                          CountryCd - OR  
          Postal Code 
                               CountryCd and CountryNm                                               CountryNm 

          Total number of                                                                            Form1095BAttachedCnt 
                               The total number of Forms 
          Forms 1095-B 
9                              1095-B that are transmitted 
          submitted with 
                               with this Form 1094-B. 
          this transmittal 

None      Signature            Jurat Signature PIN*                                                  JuratSignaturePIN 

                     Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters      9292

- 101 -
                                                DATA MAPPING FOR ISS-UI SERVICES/ISS-A2A WEB SERVICES  

Form Line 1094-B Data 
                                     Definition                                                        XML Element Name
Num       Element 

None      Title                      Person Title*                                                     PersonTitleTxt 

None      Date                       Signature Date                                                    SignatureDt 

* Please note that Signature and Title are not required for Form 1094C 

Table 7-8: Form 1095-B 

Form Line 
          1095-B Data Element        Definition                                                        XML Element Name

None                                 Unique Record ID                                                  RecordId 

None                                 Test Scenario ID                                                  TestScenarioId 


None      TIN Request Type Code      TIN Request Type Code 

          Person Name Control Type   Person Name Control Type 

          Business Name Control Type Business Name Control Type 

None      TIN Request Type Code      TIN Request Type Code                                             SponsoringEmployerInfoGrp 


None      TIN Request Type Code      TIN Request Type Code 

None      TIN Request Type Code      TIN Request Type Code 

None      TIN Request Type Code      TIN Request Type Code 

                       Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters          9393

- 102 -
                                                  DATA MAPPING FOR ISS-UI SERVICES/ISS-A2A WEB SERVICES  

Form Line 
          1095-B Data Element         Definition                                                         XML Element Name

                                      Identifies the Information Return                                  CorrectedInd 
None      Corrected                   as containing corrections to the 
                                      previously transmitted 1095B. 

          CorrectedRecord             Information to identify the record 
None                                                                                                     Choice between: 
          RecipientGrp                being corrected 

                                      Identifies the tax year that the forms                             TaxYr 
None      Tax Year 
                                      are being filed for 

Part I Responsible Individual 

                                                                                                         Responsible Individual Grp 
                                                                                                         Choice between 
          Name of Responsible         The name of the responsible                                        PersonMiddleNm 
          Individual                  individual                                                         PersonLastNm SuffixNm 

                                      Number used to identify the taxpayer.                              Choice between SSN BirthDt 
          Employer Covered Individual Either an SSN, EIN, ATIN, IRSN or 
          SSN/DOB                     ITIN And The responsible individual’s 
                                      date of birth – only if Line 2 is blank 

          Street Address (Including                                                                      MailingAddressGrp 
          Apartment no.)                                                                                 USAddressGrp 
                                      The complete mailing address of the 
                                      responsible individual. 
                                                                                                         AddressLine2Txt CityNm 
5         City or Town                IRS XML schema provides a choice                                   USStateCd USZIPCd 
                                      between using US Address or                                        USZIPExtensionCd 
6         State or province           Foreign Address. Differences are 
                                      noted in individual fields on the right. 
                                      If TransmitterForeign EntityInd is true 
                                      then ForeignAddressGr p will be 
          Country and ZIP or Foreign                                                                     AddressLine2Txt CityNm 
7                                     used Choice between CountryCd 
                                                                                                         CountryCd - OR CountryNm 
          Postal Code                 and CountryNm. 

                         Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters           9494

- 103 -
                                                    DATA MAPPING FOR ISS-UI SERVICES/ISS-A2A WEB SERVICES  

Form Line 
          1095-B Data Element              Definition                                                      XML Element Name

                                           The letter identifying the origin of the 
                                           A. SHOP  
                                           B. Employer- sponsored program  
                                           C. Gov’t-sponsored program  
          Enter letter identifying Health 
                                           D. Individual market insurance E. 
8         Coverage Origin Code (see                                                                        HealthCoverageOriginCd 
          instructions for codes) 
                                           F. Miscellaneous Min. Essential 
                                            G. Individual Coverage Health 
                                           Reimbursement Arrangement 

Part II- Information about Certain Employer-Sponsored Coverage 

10        Employer Name                    Name of theprovider of the coverage. 

          Employer Identification          The 9-digits EIN of the provider of                             EIN 
          number (EIN)                     the coverage. 

          Street Address (Including        The telephone number, including                                 MailingAddressGrp 
          room or suite no.)               area code, of the provider of the                               USAddressGrp 
                                           coverage.                                                       AddressLine1Txt 
13        City or Town                     The complete mailing address of the                             AddressLine2Txt CityNm 
                                           provider of the coverage.                                       USStateCd USZIPCd 
14        State or province                IRS XML schema provides a choice                                USZIPExtensionCd 
                                           between using US Address or                                     Or  
                                           Foreign Address. Differences are                                ForeignAddressGrp 
                                           noted in individual fields on the right.                        AddressLine1Txt 
          Country and ZIP or Foreign       If TransmitterForeignEntityInd is true                          AddressLine2Txt CityNm 
15                                         then ForeignAddressGrp will be                                  CountryCd - OR CountryNm  
          Postal Code 
                                           used. Choice between CountryCd                                  ForeignProvinceNm 
                                           and CountryNm                                                   ForeignPostalCd 

Part III Issuer or Other Coverage Provider 

                                                                                                           IssuerInfoGrp  BusinessName 
                                           Name of the provider of the 
16        Name                                                                                             BusinessNameLine1Txt 

          Employer Identification          The 9-digits EIN of the provider of                             EIN 
          number (EIN)                     the coverage. 

                                           The telephone number, including                                 ContactPhoneNum 
18        Contact telephone number         area code, of the provider of the 

                        Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters               9595

- 104 -
                                                  DATA MAPPING FOR ISS-UI SERVICES/ISS-A2A WEB SERVICES  

Form Line 
            1095-B Data Element           Definition                                                     XML Element Name

                                          The complete mailing address of the 
                                          provider of the coverage. 
                                                                                                         AddressLine2Txt CityNm 
                                          IRS XML schema provides a choice 
                                                                                                         USStateCd USZIPCd 
                                          between using US Address or 
            Street Address (Including     Foreign Address. Differences are 
19                                                                                                       Or  
            room or suite no.)            noted in individual fields on the right. 
                                          If TransmitterForeign EntityInd is 
                                          true then ForeignAddressGrp will be 
                                                                                                         AddressLine2Txt CityNm 
                                          used. Choice between CountryCd 
                                                                                                         CountryCd - OR CountryNm 
                                          and CountryNm 

20          City or Town 

21          State or province 

            Country and ZIP or Foreign 
            Postal Code 

Part IV Covered Individual (Enter the Information for each covered individual(s)) 

23a-28a     Name of covered individual(s) Name of each covered individual.                               PersonFirstNm 
                                                                                                         PersonLastNm SuffixNm 

                                          The nine-digit social security number                          Choice between SSN BirthDt 
                                          (SSN) of each covered individual. 
23b-c-28b-c Covered Individual            ANDThe date of birth of each 
                                          covered individual—only if SSN is not 

                         Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters           9696

- 105 -
                                       DATA MAPPING FOR ISS-UI SERVICES/ISS-A2A WEB SERVICES  

Form Line 
          1095-B Data Element   Definition                                                    XML Element Name

                                                                                              Choice between  
23d -28d  Covered All 12 Months                                                               CoveredIndividualAnnualInd  

23e -28e  Jan 

23e -28e  Feb                                                                                 FebruaryInd 

23e - 28e Mar                                                                                 MarchInd 

23e -28e  Apr                   Check box indicating which months                             AprilInd 
                                the covered individual was covered 
23e - 28e May                   for at least one day if the covered                           MayInd 
                                individual was not covered for at 
23e - 28e Jun                   least one day for all 12 months of the                        JuneInd 
                                calendar year. 
23e - 28e Jul                                                                                 JulyInd 

23e - 28e Aug                                                                                 AugustInd 

23e - 28e Sep                                                                                 SeptemberInd 

23e - 28e Oct                                                                                 OctoberInd 

23e - 28e Nov                                                                                 NovemberInd 

23e - 28e Dec                                                                                 DecemberInd 

              Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters                9797

- 106 -
                                                DATA MAPPING FOR ISS-UI SERVICES/ISS-A2A WEB SERVICES  

Table 7-9: Form 1094-C 

FormLine 1094-C Data 
                                 Definition                                                            XML Element Name
Num      Element 

None                             Unique Submission Id                                                  SubmissionId 

None                             Original Unique SubmissionId                                          OriginalUniqueSubmissionId 

None                             Test Scenario Id                                                      TestScenarioId 

None                             TIN Request Type Code 

None                             TIN Request Type Code 

None                             TIN Request Type Code 

                                 Indicates if the record is an                                         CorrectedInd 
                                 original (0) or a correction 
None     Corrected               (1) to a record that IRS has 
                                 already received, processed 
                                 and accepted. 

                                 Information to identify the                                           CorrectedUniqueSubmissionId 
         Corrected Submission 
None                             submission (Form 1094- C)                                             CorrectedSubmissionPayeeName 
         Info Grp 
                                 being corrected                                                       CorrectedSubmissionPayeeTIN 

                                 Identifies the tax year that the                                      TaxYr 
None     Tax Year 
                                 forms are being filed for 

Part I Applicable Large Employer Member (ALE Member)                                                   EmployerInformationGrp 

         Name of ALE Member 
1                                The employer’s name.                                                  BusinessNameLine1Txt 

         Employer identification                                                                       EmployerEIN 
2                                The employers 9-digit EIN 
         number (EIN) 

         Street address (includ­ The employer’s complete                                               USAddressGrp  
         ingroom or suite no.)   mailing address.                                                      AddressLine1Txt  

                                 IRS XML schema provides                                               CityNm USStateCd  
4        City or town            a choice between using US                                             USZIPCd 
                                 Address or Foreign 

                       Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters             9898

- 107 -
                                                 DATA MAPPING FOR ISS-UI SERVICES/ISS-A2A WEB SERVICES  

FormLine 1094-C Data 
                                   Definition                                                           XML Element Name
Num      Element 

5        State or province                                                                              USZIPExtensionCd  
                                   Address. Differences                                                 ForeignAddressGrp  
                                   are noted in individual                                              AddressLine1Txt  
         Country and ZIP or        TransmitterForeignEntityInd is                                       CityNm  
6                                  true, then ForeignAddressGrp                                         CountryCd - OR  
         foreign postal code 
                                   will be used.                                                        CountryNm  

                                                                                                        ContactNameGrp PersonFirstNm 
                                   Name of the person to 
         Name of person to                                                                              PersonMiddleNm  
7                                  contact who is responsible for 
         contact                                                                                        PersonLastNm S  
                                   answering any questions. 

                                   Contact telephone number,                                            ContactPhoneNum 
                                   including area code, of the 
         Contact telephone 
8                                  person to contact who is 
                                   responsible for answeringany 

                                   The name of the Designated                                           GovtEntityEmployerInfoGrp 
         Name of Designated 
                                   Government Entity (DGE) if a                                         BusinessName  
9        Government Entity (only 
                                   DGE is filing on behalf of the                                       BusinessNameLine1Txt 
         if applicable) 
                                   employer                                                             BusinessNameLine2Txt 

         Employer identification                                                                        EmployerEIN 
10                                 The DGE’s 9-digit EIN 
         number (EIN) 

         Street address (including                                                                      MailingAddressGrp  
         room or suite no.)                                                                             USAddressGrp  
12       City or town              The DGE’s complete mailing                                           AddressLine2Txt  
13       State or province         IRS XML schema provides                                              USStateCd  
                                   a choice between using US 
                                   Address or Foreign Address. 
                                   Differences are noted in 
                                   individual fields on the right. If 
                                   TransmitterForeignEntityInd is 
         Country and ZIP or        true, then ForeignAddressGrp                                         AddressLine2Txt 
14                                                                                                       CityNm  
         foreign postal code       will be used. 
                                                                                                        CountryCd - OR  

                                   Name of the person to                                                ContactNameGrp PersonFirstNm 
         Name of person to 
15                                 contact who is responsible for                                       PersonMiddleNm PersonLastNm 
                                   answering any questions.                                             SuffixNm 

                        Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters             9999

- 108 -
                                            DATA MAPPING FOR ISS-UI SERVICES/ISS-A2A WEB SERVICES  

FormLine 1094-C Data 
                                       Definition                                                  XML Element Name
Num      Element 

                                       Contact telephone number,                                   ContactPhoneNum 
                                       including area code, of the 
         Contact telephone 
16                                     person to contact who is 
                                       responsible for answering any 

                                       The line is reserved for future 
17       Reserved 

         Total number of Forms         The total number of Forms                                   Form1095CAttachedCnt 
18       1095-C submitted with         1095-C submitted with this 
         this transmittal              Form 1094-C transmittal. 

                                       If checkbox is checked,                                     AuthoritativeTransmittalInd 
                                       identifies the Form 1094-C 
         Is this the authoritative 
                                       transmittal as the Authoritative 
19       transmittal for this ALE 
                                       Transmittal to report 
                                       aggregate employer level data 
                                       for the employer. 

                                       The total number of Forms                                   TotalForm1095CALEMemberCnt 
         Total number of Forms 
                                       1095-C that will be filed 
20       1095-C filed by and/or 
                                       by and/or on behalf of the 
         on behalf of ALE Member 

                                       If during any month of the                                  AggregatedGroupMemberCd 
                                       calendar year the employer 
         Is ALE Member                 was a member of an 
21       a member of and               Aggregated ALE Group, 
         Aggregated ALE Group?         check “Yes” checkbox. 
                                       Otherwise, check the “No” 

                                       Check each applicable box                                   QualifyingOfferMethodInd 
                                       if the employer meets the                                   NinetyEightPctOfferMethodInd 
                                       eligibility requirements and 
                                       is using one of the Offer 
22       Certifications of Eligibility 
                                       Methods and/or one of the 
                                       forms of Transition Relief 
                                       Indicated: A. Qualifying Offer 
                                       Method D. 98% Offer Method 

None     Signature                     Not required                                                JuratSignaturePIN 

None     Title                         Not required                                                PersonTitleTxt 

                                       The date that the submission                                SignatureDt 
None     Date 
                                       is completed. 

                   Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters             100100

- 109 -
                                             DATA MAPPING FOR ISS-UI SERVICES/ISS-A2A WEB SERVICES  

FormLine 1094-C Data 
                                  Definition                                                        XML Element Name
Num      Element 

Part III ALE Member Information – Monthly                                                           ALEMember InformationGrp 

                                  Indicates if employer offered                                     YearlyALEMemberDetail  
                                  MEC under an eligible                                             MinEssentialCvrOffrCd  
                                  employer- sponsored                                               JanALEMonthlyInfoGrp  
         Minimum Essential        plan to at least 95% of its                                       DecALEMonthlyInfoGrp  
         Coverage Offer Indicator full-time employees and their                                     MinEssentialCvrOffrCd 
                                  dependents for either the 
                                  entire calendar year or certain 
                                  calendar months. 

         Full-Time Employee       The number of full- time 
23b-35b                                                                                             DecALEMonthlyInfoGrp 
         Count for ALE Member     employees for each month 

                                  The total number of 
         Total Employee Count for employees (full-time and 
23c-35c                                                                                             JanALEMonthlyInfoGrp 
         ALE Member               non-full-time) for each 
                                  calendar month. 

                                  Indicates employer was a                                          AggregatedGroupInd 
                                  member of an Aggregated 
         Aggregated Group 
23d-35d                           ALE either for the entire 
                                  calendar year or certain 
                                  calendar months. 

Pat IV Other ALE Members of Aggregated ALE Group                                                    OtherALEMembersGrp 

                                  The names and EIN of the                                          BusinessName  
         Other ALE Members of     other Aggregated ALE Group                                        BusinessNameLine1Txt 
36-65    Aggregated ALE Group     members (up to 99), if the                                        BusinessNameLine2Txt 
         Name                     employer is a member of an 
                                  Aggregated ALE 

                                  Group for any month of the                                        EIN 
36-65    EIN 
                                  calendar year. 

                    Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters         101101

- 110 -
                                                   DATA MAPPING FOR ISS-UI SERVICES/ISS-A2A WEB SERVICES  

Table 7-10: Form 1095-C 

                1095-C Data
Form Line Num                       Definition                                                            XML Element Name

None                                Unique Record ID per submission                                       RecordId 

None                                Test Scenario Id                                                      TestScenarioId 

None                                TIN Request Type Code 

None                                TIN Request Type Code 

                                    Identifies the Information Return                                     CorrectedInd 
                                    as containing corrections to the 
None            Corrected 
                                    previously transmitted and accepted 

                CorrectedRecord     Information to identify the record                                    CorrectedRecordRecipientGrp 
                Recipient Grp       being corrected                                                       choice 

                                    Identifies the tax year for which the                                 TaxYr 
None            Tax Year 
                                    form is filed” 

Part I Employee                                                                                           EmployeeInfoGrp 

1               Name of employee    The name of the employee 
                                                                                                          PersonLastNm SuffixNm 

                Social security                                                                           SSN 
2                                   The 9-digit SSN of the employee 
                mnumber (SSN) 

                          Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters            102102

- 111 -
                                              DATA MAPPING FOR ISS-UI SERVICES/ISS-A2A WEB SERVICES  

              1095-C Data
Form Line Num                       Definition                                                       XML Element Name

              Street address                                                                         MailingAddressGrp  
3             (including apartment                                                                   USAddressGrp  
              no.)                                                                                   AddressLine1Txt  
4             City or town          The employee’s complete address                                  CityNm  
                                    IRS XML schema provides a choice                                 USStateCd  
5             State or province     between using US Address or                                      USZIPCd  
                                    Foreign Address. Differences are                                 USZIPExtensionCd  
                                    noted in individual fields on the right.                         Or ForeignAddressGrp  
                                    If TransmitterForeignEntit yInd is true                          AddressLine1Txt  
                                    then ForeignAddressGrp will be used.                             AddressLine2 
              Country and ZIP or 
6                                                                                                    Txt CityNm CountryCd -  
              foreign postal code                                                                    OR CountryNm  

Applicable Large Employer Member (ALE Member) 

                                    Contact telephone number, including                              ContactPhoneNum 
              Contact telephone     area code, of the person to contact 
              number                who is responsible for answering any 

Part II Employee Offer and Coverage 

                                    ‘PlanStartMonth’ with PlanStartMonth                             StartMonthNumberCd 
              Plan Start Month      efile type of string, length 2.  

                                    This is the Employee’s age on Jan1.                              AgeNum 
              Employee’s Age        <xsd:minInclusive value=”1”/> 
                                    <xsd:maxInclusive value=”120”> 

                                    The applicable code from Code                                    EmployeeOfferAndCoverageGrp  
                                    Series 1, either for “All 12 Months”                             Choice between  
                                    if the same code applies for all 12                              AnnualOfferOfCoverageCd 
                                    calendar months, or the applicable                               MonthlyOfferCoverageGrp  
14            Offer of Coverage     code for each month (see form                                    JanOfferCd - DecOfferCd 
                                    instructions for Code Series 1 values). 
                                    1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 1G 1H 1J 1K 1L 
                                    1M 1N 10 1P 1Q 1R 1S 1T 1U 1V 
                                    1W 1X 1Y 1Z 

                                    The amount of the Employee 
                                                                                                     Choice between 
              Employee Required     Required Contribution (only if 1B, 1C, 
15                                                                                                   AnnlEmployeeRequiredContriAmt 
              Contribution          1D, 1E, 1J, 1K, 1L, 1M, 1N, 1O, 1P, 
                                    1Q, 1T or 1U is entered on line 14) 
                                                                                                     Grp JanuaryAmt - DecemberAmt 

                     Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters               103103

- 112 -
                                                      DATA MAPPING FOR ISS-UI SERVICES/ISS-A2A WEB SERVICES  

              1095-C Data
Form Line Num                          Definition                                                            XML Element Name

                                       The applicable code from Series 2,                                    EmployeeOfferAndCoverageGrp 
                                       either for “All 12 Months” if the same                                Choice between 
                                       code applies for all 12 calendar                                      AnnualSafeHarborCd 
              Applicable Section 
16                                     months, or the applicable code for                                    MonthlySafeHarborGrp 
              4980H Safe Harbor 
                                       each month (see form instructions for                                 JanSafeHarborCd 
                                       Code Series 2 values). 2A 2B 2C 2D                                    - DecSafeHarborCd 
                                       2E 2F 2G 2H 

                                       The applicable ZIP Code used for                                      Choice between 
                                       determining affordability if employee                                 AnnualICHRAZipCd or 
17            Zip Code 
                                       was offered an individual coverage                                    MonthlyICHRAZipCdGrp 

Part III Covered Individuals 

                                       If the employer is completing Part                                    CoveredIndividualInd 
              Checkbox indicating 
                                       III, enter “0” or “1” in the check box 
              if Employer provided 
None                                   in Part III. If the employer is not 
              self- insured 
                                       completing Part III, do not enter “1” in 
                                       the check box in Part III. 

                                                                                                             CoveredIndiv idualGrp 
              Name of covered                                                                                CoveredIndiv idualName 
18a-30a                                The name of each covered individual. 
              individuals                                                                                    PersonFirstN m PersonMiddle 
                                                                                                             Nm PersonLastNm SuffixNm 

                                       The 9-digit SSN for each covered                                      Choice between SSN BirthDt 
18b/c- 30b/c  Covered Individuals      individual. And The date of birth for 
                                       the covered individual if SSN is blank. 

                                       Checkbox if the individual was                                        CoveredIndividualGrp 
              Annual or Monthly        covered for at least one day per                                      CoveredIndividua lAnnualInd 
              Coverage                 month for all 12 months of the 
                                       calendar year. 

                                       Checkboxes indicating which months                                    CoveredIndividualGrp 
                                       the individual was covered for at                                     CoveredIndividual MonthlyInd 
18e-30e       Months of Coverage       least one day if the individual was                                   JanuaryInd - DecemberInd 
                                       not covered for all 12 months of the 
                                       calendar year. 

                             Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters             104104

- 113 -




- 114 -
                                                                  EXAMPLE ISS-A2A WEB SERVICE MESSAGES 

Section 8             Example ISS-A2A Web Service 


8.1  |   Transmitter Services SOAP Message Elements 
•  ACATransmitterManifestReqDtl 
•  Form109495BTransmittalUpstream 
•  ACSTransmitterBusinessHeaderRequest 
•  ACATransmitterResponseAckGrp 

8.1.1 	| IRS-ACASubmitService SOAP Request Message – Manifest Header (ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequ 
The ACABusinessHeader, WSSESecurity, ACASecurity and ACATransmitterManifestReqDtl elements are 
required for a SOAP request message sent by a transmitter to be sent to transmission to IRS. The root 
element for the Manifest Header XML Schema is found in IRS- Form1094-1095BCTransmitterReqMessage. 
xsd file located in the MSG folder. 
See Section 7.1 for details on the ACABusinessHeader XML. See Section 5.3.1 for details on the 
WSSESecurity and ACASecurity XML. 

<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?> 
              <air:PriorYearDataInd> </air:PriorYearDataInd>0
              <air:TransmissionTypeCd> </air:TransmissionTypeCd>O

                              Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 106106

- 115 -
                                                                     EXAMPLE ISS-A2A WEB SERVICE MESSAGES 

                <PersonMiddleNm>PersonMiddleNm</ PersonMiddleNm>
                <PersonLastNm>PersonLastNm</ PersonLastNm>
 < PersonMiddleNm>PersonMiddleNm</ PersonMiddleNm>
 < PersonLastNm>PersonLastNm</ PersonLastNm>
        < SuffixNm>SuffixNm</ SuffixNm>
                <air:TotalPayeeRecordCnt> </air:TotalPayeeRecordCnt>0
                <air:TotalPayerRecordCnt> </air:TotalPayerRecordCnt>1
        <AttachmentByteSizeNum> </AttachmentByteSizeNum>0

                              Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 107107

- 116 -
                                                                   EXAMPLE ISS-A2A WEB SERVICE MESSAGES 

 xmlns:urn4=urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:acasecurityheader” /> 
                    xmlns:oas=http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401wss- wssecurity-                   
                secext-1.0.xsd” /> 

8.1.2 	| IRS-ACASubmitService SOAP Request Message – Form Data File (ACAGetTransmitterBulkReque 
The following sample XML includes the Form Data File elements required for a SOAP request message sent 
by a transmitter to send a Form 1094/1095-B transmission to IRS. The root element for the Form 1094/1095-B 
Form Data File XML Schema is found in IRS- Form10941095BTransmitterUpstreamMessage.xsd file located in 
the MSG folder. 

<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?> <n1:Form109495BTransmittalUpstream 
 xsi:schemaLocation=”urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:form1094- 1095Btransmitterupstreammessage                           
 <Form1094BUpstreamDetail recordType=”String” lineNum=”0”> 
         <SubmissionId> </SubmissionId>1
         <OriginalUniqueSubmissionId>1094B-21- 00000001|1</OriginalUniqueSubmissionId> 
                <BusinessNameLine1Txt>Business Name Line</BusinessNameLine1Txt> 
                <BusinessNameLine2Txt>Business Name Line 2</BusinessNameLine2Txt> 

                               Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 108108

- 117 -
                                                                EXAMPLE ISS-A2A WEB SERVICE MESSAGES 

       <AddressLine1Txt>Address Line</AddressLine1Txt> 
       <AddressLine2Txt>Address Line 2</AddressLine2Txt> 
     <Form1095BAttachedCnt> </Form1095BAttachedCnt>1
     <Form1095BUpstreamDetail recordType=”String”  lineNum=”0”> 
      <RecordId> </RecordId>1
      <CorrectedInd> </CorrectedInd>1
       <CorrectedUniqueRecordId>1094B-20- 00000001|1|1</CorrectedUniqueRecordId> 
      <AddressLine1Txt>Address Line</AddressLine1Txt>

                            Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 109109

- 118 -
                                                                  EXAMPLE ISS-A2A WEB SERVICE MESSAGES 

          <AddressLine2Txt>Address Line 2</AddressLine2Txt> 
                    <PolicyOriginCd> </PolicyOriginCd>A
         <BusinessNameLine1Txt>Business Name Line</BusinessNameLine1Txt> 
         <BusinessNameLine2Txt>Business Name Line 2</BusinessNameLine2Txt> 
          <AddressLine1Txt>Address Line</AddressLine1Txt> 
          <AddressLine2Txt>Address Line2</AddressLine2Txt> 
Line</BusinessNameLine1Txt>  </BusinessNameLine2Txt>2
<BusinessNameLine1Txt>Business Name 
<BusinessNameLine2Txt>Business Name Line 
Line</AddressLine1Txt>  </AddressLine2Txt>2
         <AddressLine2Txt>Address Line

                              Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 110110

- 119 -
                                                           EXAMPLE ISS-A2A WEB SERVICE MESSAGES 

   <CoveredIndividualAnnualInd> </CoveredIndividualAnnualInd>1
    <JanuaryInd> </JanuaryInd>1
    <FebruaryInd> </FebruaryInd>1
    <MarchInd> </MarchInd>1
    <AprilInd> </AprilInd>1
    <MayInd> </MayInd>1
    <JuneInd> </JuneInd>1
    <JulyInd> </JulyInd>1
    <AugustInd> </AugustInd>1
    <SeptemberInd> </SeptemberInd>1
    <OctoberInd> </OctoberInd>1
    <NovemberInd> </NovemberInd>1
    <DecemberInd> </DecemberInd>1
    </ CoveredIndividualMonthlyIndGrp> 

                       Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 111111

- 120 -
                                                                 EXAMPLE ISS-A2A WEB SERVICE MESSAGES 

8.1.3  | IRS-ACASubmitService SOAP Response Message (ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequestService.wsdl) 
The following sample XML includes the Manifest Header elements required in the SOAP Response message 
sent by IRS to the transmitter. The SOAP Response message is returned to the transmitter as part of the 
synchronous session for sending transmissions to IRS. The root element for the SOAP Response message 
XML Schema (applies to both Forms 1094/1095-B and Forms 1094/1095-C) is found in IRS-Form1094­
1095BCTransmitterRespMessage.xsd file located in the MSG folder. 
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=”http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/”> 
 xmlns:ns7=”http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext- 1.0.xsd” 
xmlns:ns3=http://docs.oasis- open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss- wssecurityutility-1.0.xsd”
 <irs:ReceiptId>1094B- 21-00000000</irs:ReceiptId>

                          Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 112112

- 121 -
                                                                   EXAMPLE ISS-A2A WEB SERVICE MESSAGES 

8.1.4  | IRS-ACAAckngService SOAP Request Message (ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequestStatus.wsdl) 
The following sample XML provided by IRS as a response to a status service request made by the transmitter. 
The SOAP Response message is returned to the transmitter as part of the synchronous session. The root 
element for the SOAP Response message XML Schema (applies to both Forms 1094/1095-B and Forms 
1094/1095-C) is found in IRS- Form10941095BCResponseAckMessage.xsd file located in the MSG folder. 
<?xml version="1.0"  encoding="UTF-8"?>
xsi:schemaLocation="urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:form1094-1095bcresponseackmessage IRS-Form1094-
1095BCResponseAckMessage.xsd ">
          <p2:ReceiptId> ReceiptId</p2:ReceiptId>
          <p1:TransmitterControlCd> XXXXX/p1:TransmitterControlCd>

8.1.5  | IRS-ACAAckngService SOAP Response Message – Manifest Header (ACAGetTransmitterBulkReq 
xsi:schemaLocation="urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:form1094-1095BCtransmitterrespmessage IRS-Form1094-
1095BCTransmitterRespMessage.xsd "> 
          <p1:UniqueTransmitterId> UniqueTransmitterId</p1:UniqueTransmitterId> 
          <p1:TransmitterControlCd> XXXXX</p1:TransmitterControlCd> 
          <p2:ReceiptId> ReceiptId</p2:ReceiptId> 
              <p2:ErrorMessageCd> ErrorMessageCd</p2:ErrorMessageCd> 
              <p2:DocumentSystemFileNm>DocumentSystemFileNm </p2:DocumentSystemFileNm> 

                               Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 113113

- 122 -
                                                                    EXAMPLE ISS-A2A WEB SERVICE MESSAGES 

8.1.6 	| IRS- ACAAckngService SOAP Response Message – Error Data File (ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequ 
The following sample XML includes the Error Data File elements that are sent by IRS to a transmitter to 
provide error status detail. The root element for the Forms 1094/1095-B Error Data File XML Schema is found 
in IRS-Form1094-1095BCTransmitterMessage.xsd file located in the MSG folder. 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-" standalone="yes"?> 
xmlns:ns2="urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:common" xmlns:ns3="urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:form1094-
<SubmissionLevelStatusCd>Accepted with Errors 
          <ns2:ErrorMessageTxt>If Form 1095C 'BirthDt' in 'CoveredIndividualGrp' has a value, then it must not 
occur in the future (greater than current processing date)</ns2:ErrorMessageTxt> 
<ns2:XpathContent>/Form109495CTransmittalUpstream/Form1094CUpstreamDetail/Form1095CUp streamDetail/
<ns2:ErrorMessageTxt>The value in Manifest 'TotalPayeeCount' must equal the number of 1095s within the 
submission </ns2:ErrorMessageTxt>
<ns2:ErrorMessageTxt>If Form 1095C 'BirthDt' in 'CoveredIndividualGrp' has a value, then it must not be earlier 
than Tax Year minus 120 years</ns2:ErrorMessageTxt>
<ns2:XpathContent>/Form109495CTransmittalUpstream/Form1094CUpstreamDetail/Form1095CUp streamDetail/

                                Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 114114

- 123 -




- 124 -
Section 9  General Philosophy on Data 

Elements in XML Schemas 
In general, most data elements in the schemas for each form, schedule, and supporting document have 
been declared optional. Most of the required elements are in the schema for the SOAP message header. The 
schema for the SOAP message header contains identifying information about the entity filing the return, the 
officer responsible for the data in the return, the preparer, and the preparing firm. Hence there are very few 
data elements that are not required. 
This philosophy of keeping most data elements optional in the schemas is consistent with the way paper 
returns are filed, i.e., the taxpayer and return preparer have the responsibility to provide information as 
specified by IRS forms, instructions, and regulations. 

                                     Guide for ACA Information Returns Submission Composition and Reference Guide 116 

- 125 -




- 126 -
Section 10  Validating a Transmission against 

XML Schema 

10.1  | Structure of Transmission 
Following is a high-level content model of a transmission XML: 

SOAP Envelope 
SOAP Header 
 ACA Business Header 
 ACA Security Header 
 WSSESecurity Header Manifest Header
 Form Data File (MTOM Attachment)

See Section 12.1 for a description of the Processing Assertions, associated error codes and actions relevant 
to errors detected in IRS Portal that result in a rejection of the message. In these cases, AIR does not receive 
the transmission for processing and thus IRS does not have a record of the transmission. The Transmitter 
must fix the problem that resulted in the error condition and retransmit the transmission exactly as intended 
(i.e., Original records, Correction records, or Replacement transmission). 

10.2  | Validation of Transmission 
Validation of Transmission requires that the transmission, which is an XML document, complies with latest 
published XML schema, schema versioning rules, encoding scheme, etc. This section covers important 
aspects of transmission validation rules. 
When entering character data into an XML document, it is important to ensure that the specified encoding 
supports the characters provided. By design, AIR uses Unicode Transformation Format-8 (UTF-8). AIR does 
not support any other encoding scheme (for example, UTF-16 and UTF-32). 
Schema versions are baselined as major or minor releases. A major release is not backward compatible. That 
is to say, that XML documents developed against an older release of the XML Schema will not validate against 
the updated release of the XML Schema. A release of the XML Schema is considered major if it introduces 
mandatory (required) structural changes (e.g., an “optional” XML element is changed to “required” or new 
“required” elements are introduced). 
Whereas a minor release of the XML Schema is backward compatible in that no mandatory structural changes 
are introduced (e.g., a “required” XML element is changed to “optional” or new “optional” XML elements are 
Transmissions will be validated against the applicable major version, including all minor releases pertaining to 
the major version, of an XML Schema against which the XML document was generated. 

                                          Guide for ACA Information Returns Submission Composition and Reference Guide 118 

- 127 -
                                                                 VALIDATING A TRANSMISSION AGAINST XML SCHEMA   

Below are some XML resources regarding XML Schemas and software tools and parsers. (These resources 
are provided for information only—IRS is not endorsing any product.) 
 ■  W3C XML Home Page: http://www.w3.org/XML/ 

 ■  W3C XML Schema Home Page: http://www.w3.org/XML/Schema 

 ■  XML Spy: http://www.xmlspy.com/ 

 ■  Apache Xerces parser toolkit:http://xml.apache.org/ 

 Note: You may choose any third-party parser toolkit or use your own. 

10.3  | Validating the Transmission Envelope Including Contents 
The transmission file is a MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) multi-part document that conforms 
to the “SOAP 1.1 with attachments” standard. It consists of two parts: the SOAP envelope and the SOAP 
attachment. The SOAP envelope maintains transmission level information, and the SOAP attachment contains 
the returns. MIME boundaries separate the two parts in the multi-part document. 
The SOAP envelope consists of a SOAP header and a SOAP body. The SOAP header, also referred to as the 
transmission header in AIR, contains information about the transmitter and the transmission. The SOAP body, 
also referred to as the transmission manifest, contains a list of all returns included in the SOAP attachment. 
The following example illustrates MIME boundaries between the SOAP header, SOAP body, and SOAP 

POST https://hostname/airp/aca/a2a/1095BC_Transmission_AATS2016 HTTP/1.1  
Content-Encoding: gzip 
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate 
Content-Type: multipart/related; type="application/xop+xml"; start- 
="<rootpart>"; start-info="text/xml"; boundary="-----
SOAPAction: "BulkRequestTransmitter" MIME- 
Version: 1.0 
Host: hostname Connection: Keep- 

Content-Type: application/xop+xml; charset=UTF-8; t 
ype="text/xml" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit 
Content-ID: <rootpart> 
        <urn4:ACABulkRequestTransmitter version="1.0"> 
             <urn1:BulkExchangeFile><inc:Include href="cid:1095BCTransBaseAttachment.xml" 

                                Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 119119

- 128 -
                                                                 VALIDATING A TRANSMISSION AGAINST XML SCHEMA   


 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer- Encoding: 7bit
 Content-ID: <1095BCTransBaseAttachment.xml>
 Content-Disposition: attachment; name="1095BCTransBaseAttachment.xml"
 <n1:Form109495BTransmittalUpstream>. </n1:Form109495BTransmittalUpstream>

Validation of the SOAP envelope (a.k.a., transmission envelope) including its contents consist of the following 

       1.  Validate the SOAP envelope XML instance against the SOAP schema, SOAP.xsd . The standard SOAP schema 
 has been used without modification: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/.
 2.   Validate SOAP header against schema. SOAP header consists of two elements:
   -      ACABusinessHeader - ACABatchManifestDetail
 ACABusinessHeader and ACABatchManifestDetail are defined in IRS CAC.xsd file.
 3.   Validate SOAP body against schema. SOAP body consists of one element:
   -      BulkRequestTransmitter

 • 	The structure of the transmission file is checked for conformance to MIME standard, and the structure of the 
          return data is checked to ensure that it conforms to the XML Schemas published by IRS.
 • 	The return data is validated against IRS databases and checked for conformance to business rules published by 

10.4  |        How Errors are Reported 
When either structural violations are discovered, or the data fails one or more business rules, errors 
are generated and reported to the transmitter in an Error Data File when the transmitter requests the 
Acknowledgement for the transmission. 
The headers in the transmission file are validated to ensure that their values (and their parameter values, if 
any) are set correctly. The content of the transmission envelope is validated to ensure that it is structurally 
correct (XML Schema validation per SOAP1.1) and each reference in the transmission manifest is found in the 
transmission file. If the transmission file structure fails XML Schema validation or violates certain fatal manifest 
rules published by IRS, the entire transmission is rejected. The returns included within the transmission file are 
NOT checked for errors in this case. 
If the transmission file structure conforms to IRS manifest and manifest business rules, then each return in the 
transmission file is validated to make sure that the data is structurally correct and conforms to the published 
business rules. Structural correctness means that the data conforms to the published XML Schemas. For 
example, all required elements are present, and they conform to their established cardinality. Conforming to 

                                Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 120120

- 129 -
                                                       VALIDATING A TRANSMISSION AGAINST XML SCHEMA   

business rules means that the relationships among the data elements hold as stated in the published business 
rules. When structural violations are discovered, or the data fails one or more business rules, errors are 
generated, persisted within AIR and reported to the transmitter in an Error Data File. AIR, performs two types 
of validations against a transmission: 

• 	Structural Validation – Conformance of XML data against the published schemas 
• 	Business Rule Validation – Conformance of data to the established relationships among data  
As stated above, when a structural violation is discovered in the transmission file, the transmission is 
rejected. For example, if the ID of the transmitter (e. g., TCC) is not included in the transmission header, the 
transmission is rejected, and the content of the attached Form Data File is not examined. 
On the other hand, when a structural violation (conformance of XML data against published schema i.e. not 
well-formed or missing required elements) is discovered in a return, the entire transmission or submission will 
be rejected with AIRSH100 error code. When the data violates a business rule that checks data against an IRS 
database (e.g., the UTID or TCC provided is not listed in IRS database) or when the data violates a business 
rule that checks for data consistency, then the return is “Accepted with Errors” or “Rejected” and errors are 
reported back to the transmitter in Error Data File. Errors reported to the transmitter needs to be corrected and 
resubmitted to IRS. 
   	 When the transmission is Accepted with Errors and the only errors identified are Manifest errors with 
       a severity of “Report Error”, these errors cannot be corrected, and the messages are for informational 
       purposes only. 

                      Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 121121

- 130 -




- 131 -
Section 11  Reporting Business Rule Validation 

AIR will process health coverage data received via Issuer Information Returns (Forms 1094-B, Transmittal 
of Health Coverage Information Returns and 1095-B, Health Coverage) and Employer Information Returns 
(Forms 1094-C, Transmittal of Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage Information Returns 
and 1095-C, Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage). AIR will ensure that all data is 
processed according to approved requirements and validated according to IRS business rules. The business 
rules are applied in order to validate the received data and perform error analysis. 

11.1  |   Overview 
The structure and content of the transmission file and each included Information Return is validated to ensure 
it conforms to the published structure and rules established by IRS. Structural validation includes validating 
a transmission against a schema which was covered in the previous section. Data validation of information 
returns includes validating a transmission against IRS business rules. 
Sets of business rules specify the validation rules for Forms 1094/1095-B and Forms 1094/1095-C Information 
Returns. The business rules are tailored to accommodate unique data elements/schema items, various 
potential error conditions and other particulars of the ACA Information Returns. 

11.2  |   Data Validation and Error Reporting 
IRS business rules specify the potential error conditions for each Information Return element and indicate 
if the error is reported (via error statement and/or code) to the transmitter. It must be noted that “faults” 
(described in the next section) differ from validation errors – a fault is an issue during transmission whereas a 
validation error is the result of business rules processing. 
When data elements fail business rules, errors are generated and reported to the transmitter via a status 
request. Structural/Schema errors result in the transmission being rejected. Information Return Business Rule 
validation will result in the errors being reported to the transmitter (when requested). Rejections could occur at 
the submission/transmittal level (Form 1094 with associated Forms 1095) depending on the error condition. 
Transmitters should not include optional XML elements if they do not have data for the elements. 

11.2.1  | Processing Status 
When a transmitter requests the Acknowledgement for their transmission, IRS returns one of the following 

Accepted with Errors 
Partially Accepted 
Not Found

In addition, any errors that were found when the transmission was processed are provided in the Error Data 
File. Table 12-1 discusses the error codes and their respective descriptions. 

                            Guide for ACA Information Returns Submission Composition and Reference Guide           123

- 132 -
                                               REPORTING BUSINESS RULE VALIDATION ERRORS 

11.2.2  | Error and Business Rule Library 
The AIR Error Code Library contains the error codes and descriptions that may be returned to the transmitter 
and is aligned with the XML Schema and the ACA AIR Business Rules for each major and minor release 
TY2015, TY2016,TY2017, TY2018, TY2019 ,TY2020, TY2021, and TY2022 

Example: The AIR TY2015 Business Rules can be found on the following irs.gov web site: AIR TY2015 
Business Rules (See Business Rules Version PDF and CSV Formats). 

          Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters   124124

- 133 -




- 134 -
Section 12  SOAP Fault Response Messages  
Instead of a response SOAP message, IRS may send a SOAP fault message to the transmitter if request 
SOAP message has a fatal error. This section describes conditions that will result in SOAP fault. 
1.	    When the transmission through the UI or A2A transmission channel is rejected in IRS portal, there are 
       indications that there is an error in the message pertaining to things like the SOAP envelope (Headers 
       or Body), certain rules pertaining to the SOAP message have not been followed (such as the Form 
       Data File exceeds the 100 MB file size constraint), the WS-Security elements are incorrect, potential 
       XML threats have been detected either in the message or the MTOM attachment, and other possible 
2.	    A triggered SOAP fault, with a description, will be displayed on the page as applicable. The blue 
       Download button, normally used to retrieve the error data file for the UI channel user, will not be 
       available in this situation. 

12.1  | ISS-Portal Error Codes and Messages 
The error codes and messages included in Table 12-1 provide information that would be returned from IRS to 
the Transmitter in the event a transmission is rejected before it can be transmitted to AIR. These error codes 
are specifically prefixed with “TPE” to identify that the transmission was rejected before it got to AIR. 
In the event a Transmitter receives one of the fault codes included in the following table, they must address 
the cause of the rejection and resubmit the transmission. 

Table 12-1: Portal Error Codes (Fault Codes) for Tax Years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 

Fault Code	                         Reason           Channel ISS Fault Message

                                                             We are experiencing a technical issue. 
                                                     A2A     Please try your request again later. We 
                                                             apologize for the inconvenience. 
                                    Message Delivery 
TPE1001          Request 
                                    Failure                  We are experiencing a technical issue 
                                                             [Error Code 6052]. Please try your 
                                                             request again later. We apologize for 
                                                             the inconvenience. 

                                            Guide for ACA Information Returns Submission Composition and Reference Guide 126 

- 135 -

Fault Code                    Reason            Channel            ISS Fault Message

                                                                   Our system detected invalid or 
                                                                   outdated XML namespaces in your 
                                                                   message. Please review the XML 
                                                                   standards outlined in Section 3 of 
                                                                   Publication 5258, AIR Submission 
                                                                   Composition and Reference Guide, 
                                                                   located at https://www.irs.gov/e­
                              Invalid/Incorrect A2A 
TPE1101    Request                                                 correct any issues, and try again. 
                              Namespace         UI 
                                                                   [TPE1101] Our system detected 
                                                                   invalid or outdated XML namespaces 
                                                                   in the Manifest file. Please review the 
                                                                   XML standards outlined in Section 3 
                                                                   of Publication 5258, AIR Submission 
                                                                   Composition and Reference Guide, 
                                                                   correct any issues on the Manifest file, 
                                                                   and try again. 

                                                                   The requested service is not available 
                                                                   at this time. Please resubmit during 
                              Service Window    A2A 
TPE1102    Request                                                 normal operation hours. 
                              Closed            UI 
                                                                   *Error not applicable to ISS-UI 

                                                                   The request is not compliant with web 
                                                                   service policy requirements. Please 
                                                                   review the transmission instructions 
                                                                   outlined in Section 5. Correct any 
                              Request is not    A2A                issues and try again. 
TPE1104    Request 
                              compliant         UI 
                                                                   We are experiencing a technical issue 
                                                                   [Error Code 6064]. Please try your 
                                                                   request again later. We apologize for 
                                                                   the inconvenience. 

                   Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 127127

- 136 -

Fault Code                    Reason           Channel             ISS Fault Message

                                                                   The message was not formatted 
                                                                   properly and/or cannot be interpreted. 
                                                                   Please review the XML standards 
                                                                   outlined in Section 3 (fore.g. Incorrect 
                                                                   namespace in the Manifest elements). 
                                                                   Correct any issues and try again. 
                              XML is not well 
TPE1105    Request                                                 [TPE1105] Our system has detected 
                                                                   a potential threat in the Manifest file 
                                                                   you are attempting to transmit, and it 
                                                                   cannot be transmitted. This may be 
                                                                   due to malformed XML. Please review 
                                                                   the XML standards outlined in Section 
                                                                   3. Correct any issues on the Manifest 
                                                                   file and try again. 

                                                                   The message did not match our 
                                                                   current WSDL and/or schema. Please 
                                                                   see the FaultDetails information 
                                                                   below for the particular element(s) our 
                                                                   system has detected a potential issue 
                                                                   with. Please review the WSDLs and 
                                                                   published schemas located at https:// 
                                                                   returns-schemas, correct any 
                                                                   issues, and try again. Note: Invalid 
                                                                   schema pattern or leading and trailing 
                              SOAP message 
                                                                   spaces are not allowed, will result into 
TPE1106    Request            does not conform 
                                                                   TPE1106 error. 
                              to WSDL 
                                                                   [TPE1106] The manifest file does 
                                                                   not match our current schema. In 
                                                                   particular, our system has detected 
                                                                   a potential issue with the following 
                                                                   element(s): <Element1>, <Element2>, 
                                               UI                  <Element3>, and others. Please 
                                                                   review the published schemas located 
                                                                   here https://www.irs.gov/e-file­
                                                                   correct any issues and try again. 

                   Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 128128

- 137 -

Fault Code                    Reason             Channel           ISS Fault Message

                                                                   Request message exceeds the 
                                                                   maximum size limit. Please review the 
                                                 A2A               XML file standards outlined in Section 
                                                                   3. Correct any issues with the request 
                              Message exceeds                      and try again. 
TPE1107    Request            maximum size 
                              limit of 100MB                       [TPE1107] The Form file exceeds the 
                                                                   100MB size limit. Please review the 
                                                 UI                XML file standards outlined in Section 
                                                                   3. Correct any issues with the request 
                                                                   and try again. 

                                                                   Our system has detected a potential 
                                                                   threat in the transmission and it cannot 
                                                 A2A               be transmitted. Please review the 
                                                                   XML standards outlined in Section 3. 
                                                                   Correct any issues and try again. 
                              Potential security 
TPE1108    Request 
                              threat                               [TPE1108] Our system has detected a 
                                                                   potential threat in the Manifest file and 
                                                                   it cannot be transmitted. Please review 
                                                                   the XML standards outlined in Section 
                                                                   3. Correct any issues on the Manifest 
                                                                   file and try again. 

                                                                   [TPE1109] Our system has detected a 
                                                                   potential threat in the Manifest file and 
                                                                   it cannot be transmitted. Please review 
                                                                   the XML standards outlined in Section 
                                                                   3. Correct any issues on the Manifest 
                              Potential security                   file and try again. 
TPE1109    Request 
                                                                   Our system has detected a potential 
                                                                   threat in the transmission and it cannot 
                                                 A2A               be transmitted. Please review the 
                                                                   XML standards outlined in Section 3. 
                                                                   Correct any issues and try again. 

                   Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 129129

- 138 -

Fault Code                    Reason             Channel           ISS Fault Message

                                                                   Our system has detected a potential 
                                                                   threat in the transmission and it cannot 
                                                 A2A               be transmitted. Please review the 
                                                                   XML standards outlined in Section 3. 
                                                                   Correct any issues and try again. 
                              Potential security 
TPE1110    Request 
                              threat                               [TPE1110] Our system has detected a 
                                                                   potential threat in the Manifest file and 
                                                                   it cannot be transmitted. Please review 
                                                                   the XML standards outlined in Section 
                                                                   3. Correct any issues on the Manifest 
                                                                   file and try again. 

                                                                    The request message must be sent 
                                                                   using HTTP compression (RFC 1952 - 
                              HTTP               A2A               GZIP). Please review the transmission 
TPE1112    Request            Compression                          instructions outlined in Section 5. 
                              Failure                              Correct any issues and try again. 

                                                 UI                *Error not applicable to ISS-UI 

                                                                   The request message must be 
                                                                   MTOM encoded. Please review the 
                                                 A2A               transmission instructions outlined in 
                              Message not 
TPE1114    Request                                                 Section 5. Correct any issues and try 
                              MTOM encoded 

                                                 UI                *Error not applicable to ISS-UI 

                                                                   We are experiencing a technical issue. 
                              Unable to decode   A2A               Please try your request again later. We 
TPE1115    Request            MTOM encoded                         apologize for the inconvenience. 
                              request message 
                                                 UI                *Error not applicable to ISS-UI 

                                                 A2A               *Error not applicable to ISS-A2A 

                                                                   [TPE1118] Our system has detected 
                              Manifest file 
                                                                   UTF-8 BOM encoding in the Manifest 
TPE1118    Request            UF8BOM 
                                                                   file and cannot be interpreted. Please 
                              Encoded            UI 
                                                                   review the XML standards outlined in 
                                                                   Section 10. Correct any issues and try 

                   Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 130130

- 139 -

Fault Code                    Reason             Channel           ISS Fault Message

                                                                   Our system identified an issue with the 
                                                                   WS-Security Header in your message. 
                                                                   Please review the WS-Security 
                                                                   instructions outlined in Section 5 of 
                              Invalid WS                           Publication 5258, AIR Submission 
                              Security Signature                   Composition and Reference Guide, 
TPE1122    Request 
                              (Keystore,                           located at https://www.irs.gov/e-
                              Password)                            file-providers/air/affordable-care­
                                                                   correct any issues, and try again 

                                                 UI                *Error not applicable to ISS-UI 

                                                                   Our system identified an issue 
                                                                   with one or more signed parts in 
                                                                   your message. Please review the 
                                                                   WS- Security instructions outlined 
                                                                   in Section 5 of Publication 5258, 
                              Invalid Digital    A2A               AIR Submission Composition and 
TPE1123    Request            Signature (Signed                    Reference Guide, located at https:// 
                              Parts)                               www.irs.gov/e-file-providers/air/ 
                                                                   returns-schemas, correct any 
                                                                   issues, and try again. 

                                                 UI                *Error not applicable to ISS-UI 

                                                                   We are experiencing a technical 
                                                                   issue. Please try your request 
                                                                   again later. We apologize for the 
                              Internal                             inconvenience. 
TPE1126    Request            Authentication 
                              Failure                              We are experiencing a technical 
                                                                   issue [Error Code 6064]. Please 
                                                                   try your request again later. We 
                                                                   apologize for the inconvenience. 

                   Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 131131

- 140 -

Fault Code                    Reason         Channel               ISS Fault Message

                                                                   Message not formatted properly and 
                                             A2A                   is missing HTTP credentials. Please 
                                                                   check message and try again. 
TPE1127    Request            credentials in 
                                                                   We are experiencing a technical 
                              HTTP request 
                                                                   issue [Error Code 6064]. Please 
                                                                   try your request again later. We 
                                                                   apologize for the inconvenience. 

                                                                   We were unable to authenticate 
                                                                   your credentials. Please review the 
                                             A2A                   information about digital certificates 
                                                                   included in Section 5. Ensure that the 
                              Authentication                       credentials are valid and try again. 
TPE1128    Request 
                                                                   We are experiencing a technical 
                                                                   issue [Error Code 6064]. Please 
                                                                   try your request again later. We 
                                                                   apologize for the inconvenience. 

                                                                   We were unable to authorize your 
                                                                   credentials. Please review the 
                                             A2A                   information about digital certificates 
                                                                   included in Section 5. Ensure that the 
                              Authorization                        credentials are valid and try again. 
TPE1129    Request 
                                                                   We are experiencing a technical 
                                                                   issue [Error Code 6064]. Please 
                                                                   try your request again later. We 
                                                                   apologize for the inconvenience. 

                   Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 132132

- 141 -

Fault Code                    Reason            Channel            ISS Fault Message

                                                                   Our system has detected an error 
                                                                   with the Test File Code. Please check 
                                                                   the message and try again. Please 
                                                                   note that the Test File Code value of 
                                                                   'T' is used for AATS transmissions 
                                                                   and the Test File Code value of 'P' is 
                                                                   used for transmissions intended for 
                                                                   IRS compliance processing. 
                              Request contains 
TPE1130    Request            Invalid Test File 
                                                                   [TPE1130] Our system has detected 
                              Code value 
                                                                   an error with the Test File Code of 
                                                                   your Manifest file. Please check the 
                                                                   file and try again. Please note that 
                                                UI                 the Test File Code value of 'T' is 
                                                                   used for AATS transmissions and the 
                                                                   Test File Code value of 'P' is used 
                                                                   for transmissions intended for IRS 
                                                                   compliance processing. 

                                                                   Our system has detected an error 
                                                                   with the Unique Transmission ID. 
                                                                   Please review the UTID format 
                                                                   outlined in Section 5 of Publication 
                                                                   5258, AIR Submission Composition 
                                                                   and Reference Guide, located 
                                                                   at https://www.irs.gov/e-file­
                              Request                              providers/air/affordable-care-act­
                              message UTID is                      information-returns-schemas, 
TPE1131    Request 
                              either missing or                    correct any issues, and try again. 
                                                                   [TPE1131] Our system has 
                                                                   detected an error with the Unique 
                                                                   Transmission ID of your Manifest 
                                                UI                 file. Please review the UTID format 
                                                                   outlined in Section 5. Correct any 
                                                                   issues on the Manifest file and try 

                   Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 133133

- 142 -

Fault Code                    Reason            Channel            ISS Fault Message

                                                                   Our system detected 
                                                                   an error while validating 
                                                                   value in your transmission against 
                                                                   the calculated value of the form 
                                                                   data file attachment. Please review 
                                                                   Publication 5258, Section 3.4.3, 
                                                                   Computing Checksum, linked to 
                                                                   the AIR Program page on IRS. 
                                                                   gov, https://www.irs.gov/e-file­
TPE1132    Request 
                                                                   correct the checksum value and 

                                                                   [TPE1132] Our system detected 
                                                                   an error while validating the 
                                                                   value in your manifest file against 
                                                UI                 the calculated value of the form 
                                                                   data file. Please review Publication 
                                                                   5258, Section 3.4.3, Computing 
                                                                   Checksum. Correct the checksum 
                                                                   value and retransmit. 

                                                                   Our system has detected an 
                                                                   error with the UserId field of the 
                                                                   ACASecurityHeader. Please verify 
                                                                   that your A2A Client Application 
                                                                   System ID (ASID) is included in the 
                                                                   UserId field. For more information, 
                                                                   please review the UserId guidelines 
                              Unable to extract A2A 
                                                                   outlined in Section 5. of Publication 
TPE1133    Request            UserId from 
                                                                   5258, AIR Submission Composition 
                                                                   and Reference Guide, located 
                                                                   at https://www.irs.gov/e-file­
                                                                   correct any issues, and try again. 

                                                UI                 *Error not applicable to ISS-UI 

                   Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 134134

- 143 -

Fault Code                    Reason           Channel             ISS Fault Message

                                               A2A                 *Error not applicable to  A2A 
                              Unauthorize d 
TPE1134    Request 
                                               UI                  403 Static Error Page 

                                               A2A                 *Error not applicable to A2A 

                              Unauthorized                         [TPE1135] Our system has detected 
TPE1135    Request 
                              request                              an issue with your  request. Please 
                                                                   return to the homepage and try 

                                               A2A                 *Error not applicable to A2A 

                                                                   [TPE1136] Our system has detected 
TPE1136    Request 
                                                                   an issue with your request. Please 
                                                                   return to the homepage and try 

                                               A2A                 *Error not applicable to A2A 

                              Unauthorized                         [TPE1137] Our system has detected 
TPE1137    Request 
                              request                              an issue with your request. Please 
                                                                   return to the homepage and try 

                                               A2A                 *Error not applicable to A2A 

                              Unauthorized                         [TPE1138] Our system has detected 
TPE1138    Request 
                              request                              an issue with your request. Please 
                                                                   return to the homepage and try 

                                                                   [TPE1139] Our system has detected 
                                                                   an issue with the transmission's 
                              Unable to        A2A 
                                                                   certificate. Please check the request 
TPE1139    Request            process provided 
                                                                   and try again. 
                                               UI                  *Error not applicable to ISS-UI 

                                               A2A                 *Error not applicable to A2A 

                                                                   [TPE1141] Oursystem has detected 
TPE1141    Request            Invalid request 
                                                                   an issue with your request. Please 
                                                                   return to the homepage and try 

                   Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 135135

- 144 -

Fault Code                    Reason             Channel           ISS Fault Message

                                                                   The attachment was not formatted 
                                                                   properly and/or cannot be 
                                                 A2A               interpreted. Please review the XML 
                                                                   standards outlined in Section 3. 
                                                                   Correct any issues and try again. 
                              Attachment is 
TPE1201    Request                                                 [TPE1201] Our system has detected 
                                                                   a potential threat in the Form file and 
                                                                   it cannot be transmitted. This may 
                                                 UI                be due to malformed XML. Please 
                                                                   review the XML standards outlined in 
                                                                   Section 3. Correct any issues on the 
                                                                   Form file and try again. 

                                                                   Our system has detected a potential 
                                                                   threat in the request message 
                                                 A2A               attachment. Please review the XML 
                                                                   standards outlined in Section 3. 
                                                                   Correct any issues and try again. 
TPE1203    Request            security threat in 
                                                                   [TPE1203] Our system has detected 
                                                                   a potential threat in the Form file 
                                                                   and it cannot be transmitted. Please 
                                                                   review the XML standards outlined in 
                                                                   Section 3. Correct any issues on the 
                                                                   Form file and try again. 

                                                                   Our system has detected a potential 
                                                                   threat in the request message 
                                                 A2A               attachment. Please review the XML 
                                                                   standards outlined in Section 3. 
                                                                   Correct any issues and try again. 
TPE1204    Request            security threat in 
                                                                   [TPE1204] Our system has detected 
                                                                   a potential threat in the Form file 
                                                                   and it cannot be transmitted. Please 
                                                                   review the XML standards outlined in 
                                                                   Section 3. Correct any issues on the 
                                                                   Form file and try again. 

                   Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 136136

- 145 -

Fault Code                    Reason             Channel           ISS Fault Message

                                                                   Our system has detected a potential 
                                                                   threat in the request message 
                                                 A2A               attachment. Please review the XML 
                                                                   standards outlined in Section 3. 
                                                                   Correct any issues and try again. 
TPE1205    Request            security threat in 
                                                                   [TPE1205] Our system has detected 
                                                                   a potential threat in the Form file 
                                                                   and it cannot be transmitted. Please 
                                                                   review the XML standards outlined in 
                                                                   Section 3. Correct any issues on the 
                                                                   Form file and try again. 

                                                                   The request message contains more 
                                                                   than one attachment. Please review 
                                                 A2A               the transmission instructions outlined 
TPE1206    Request                                                 in Section 5 and resubmit with only 
                                                                   one attachment. 

                                                 UI                *Error not applicable to ISS-UI 

                                                                   The request message is missing 
                                                                   an attachment. Please review the 
                                                 A2A               transmission instructions outlined in 
                                                                   Section 5. Add an attachment to the 
                              Missing                              request and resubmit. 
TPE1207    Request 
                                                                   We are experiencing a technical 
                                                                   issue [Error Code 6064]. Please 
                                                                   try your request again later. We 
                                                                   apologize for the inconvenience. 

                   Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 137137

- 146 -

Fault Code                    Reason          Channel               ISS Fault Message

                                                                    Our system has detected UTF-8 
                                                                    BOM encoding in the Form file 
                                                                    and cannot be interpreted. Please 
                                                                    review the XML standards outlined in 
                                                                    Section 10. Correct any issues and 
                                                                    try again. 
TPE1208    Request 
                              Encoded in 
                                                                    [TPE1208] Our system has detected 
                                                                    UTF-8 BOM encoding in the Form 
                                                                    file and cannot be interpreted. Please 
                                                                    review the XML standards outlined 
                                                                    in Section 10. Correct any issues on 
                                                                    the Form file and try again. 

                                                                    Unable to deliver response message 
                              Consumer is                           to service consumer. 
TPE2001    Response 
                                              UI                    *Error not applicable to ISS-UI 

                                                                    Parse Receipt ID from Response 
                                                                    message using XPath. 
                              Unable to parse 
                              Receipt ID from                       We are experiencing a technical 
TPE2111    Response 
                              Receipt message                       issue with the receipt [Error Code 
                              using xPath     UI                    6064]. Please try your request 
                                                                    again later. We apologize for the 

                                                                    Parse Timestamp from Response 
                                                                    Message using XPath. 
                              Unable to parse 
                              timestamp from                        We are experiencing a technical 
TPE2112    Response 
                              Receipt message                       issue with the receipt [Error Code 
                              using xPath     UI                    6064]. Please try your request 
                                                                    again later. We apologize for the 

                    Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 138138

- 147 -

Fault Code                    Reason            Channel             ISS Fault Message

                                                                    Parse UTID from Response Message 
                                                                    using XPath. 
                              Unable to parse 
                              UTID from                             We are experiencing a technical 
TPE2113    Response 
                              Receipt message                       issue with the receipt [Error Code 
                              using xPath       UI                  6064]. Please try your request 
                                                                    again later. We apologize for the 

                                                                    Parse Error Code from Response 
                                                                    Message using XPath. 
                              Unable to parse 
                              Error Code from                       We are experiencing a technical 
TPE2114    Response 
                              Receipt message                       issue with the receipt [Error Code 
                              using xPath       UI                  6064]. Please try your request 
                                                                    again later. We apologize for the 

                                                                    Parse Error Message from Response 
                                                                    Message using XPath. 
                              Unable to parse 
                              Error Message 
                                                                    We are experiencing a technical 
TPE2115    Response           from Receipt 
                                                                    issue with the receipt [Error Code 
                              message using 
                                                UI                  6064]. Please try your request 
                                                                    again later. We apologize for the 

                                                                    We are experiencing a technical 
                                                                    issue. Please try your request 
                                                                    again later. We apologize for the 
                              There is an                           inconvenience. 
                              excess number 
TPE2201    Response 
                              of attachments in                     We are experiencing a technical 
                              the response                          issue with the receipt [Error Code 
                                                UI                  6064]. Please try your request 
                                                                    again later. We apologize for the 

                    Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 139139

- 148 -

 Fault Code                   Reason          Channel                ISS Fault Message

                                                                     We are experiencing a technical 
                                                                     issue. Please try your request 
                                                                     again later. We apologize for the 
                              The attachment 
                              in the response 
 TPE2202    Response          exceeded 
                                                                     We are experiencing a technical 
                              maximum size 
                                                                     issue with the receipt [Error Code 
                                              UI                     6064]. Please try your request 
                                                                     again later. We apologize for the 

                     Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 140140

- 149 -





- 150 -
Section 13  Appendix A - Acronyms and 


Accepted Acronym/Abbreviation Term Name 

A2A                           Application to Application 

ACA                           Affordable Care Act 

ACK                           Acknowledgment 

AIR                           ACA Information Returns 

CR                            Change Request 

EIN                           Employer Identification Number 

ELC                           Enterprise Life Cycle 

IEP                           Integrated Enterprise Portal 

MTOM                          Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism 

SOAP                          Simple Object Access Protocol 

SOA                           Services Oriented Architecture 

TIN                           Taxpayer Identification number 

UI                            User Interface 

UTID                          Unique Transmission Identifier 

IRS                           Internal Revenue Service 

XML                           Extensible Markup Language 

SQL                           Structured Query Language 

MIME                          Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions 

                              Guide for ACA Information Returns Submission Composition and Reference Guide 142 

- 151 -


Appendix B 



- 152 -
Section 14  Appendix B - AIR Transmission 

Checklist (A2A) for TY2022 
This checklist covers both AATS and Production Filing for Software Developers, Transmitters and Issuers 
1.   Preparation (Including Registration and Application) 
	 Did your company’s responsible officials and contacts register with e-Services and complete the
    registration confirmation process

  Did your company apply for and obtain a valid Transmitter Control Code (TCC)? Software ID(s)? 

	 Has a responsible official signed the application with the PIN created during e-Services registration and 
    for any subsequent application modifications? 

  Has your company followed the Automated Enrollment process? 
    „   Have you reviewed the Publication 5308, Automated Enrollment for ACA Providers the External 
        Guide? Have you uploaded and registered the certificate in Automated Enrollment for A2A? 
          When registering the certificate, have you taken note of your A2A Client System ID (ASID) for 
           future troubleshooting? 
          Have you authorized the IRS-ACASubmitService? 
          Have you authorized the IRS-ACAAckngService? 
	 Have you reviewed Publication 5258, 5165 and 5164? (These documents can be found on the AIR page 
    under Resources) 
2.   Pre-Filing – AATS and Production 
	 Have you downloaded the latest versions of Schema and Business Rules? (Schemas and Business 
    Rules can be found at Affordable Care Act Information Returns Schemas and Business Rules) 

  Have you ensured that required Business Header data elements are present per the Schema? 

  Have you ensured that required Manifest data elements are present per Schema? 
    „   AIR will accept Tax Years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 for Processing Year 
        2023 Forms 1094/1095-B and Forms 1094/1095-C. 
    „   Transmitter should use Manifest schema from tax year (TY2022) schema package to generate 
        TY2015, TY2016, TY2017, TY2018, TY2019, TY2020, TY2021, and TY 2022 Manifest file 
        Example: <PaymentYr>2015</PaymentYr> Manifest will be checked and validated against                    
        TY2022 manifest schema and business rules 

  Have you ensured that required 1094/1095 B/Cs Form file data elements are present per Schema? 
    „   Transmitters should use latest TY2022 schema version to generate Forms 1094/1095-B or Forms 
        1094/1095-C Form Data (payload) for TY2022 returns 

                                      Guide for ACA Information Returns Submission Composition and Reference Guide 144 

- 153 -
                                                            APPENDIX B - AIR TRANSMISSION CHECkLIST (A2A) FOR TY2022 

For prior year returns TY2015, TY2016, TY2017, TY2018, TY2019, TY2020, and TY2021 use the latest year 
schema for that tax year. 

 Example: Transmitters should use latest TY2019 schema version to generate Forms 1094/1095-B or 
 Forms 1094/1095-C Form Data (payload) for TY2019 returns 

          „ Transmitters should use TY2015 schemas to generate Forms 1094/1095-B or Forms 1094/1095-C 
            Form Data (payload) for TY2015 returns 
          „ Transmitters should use TY2022  schema package and deploy at their end 
          „ Transmitters should use TY2022 WSDL’s: 
  Are your manifest and data files well-formed extensible Markup Language (XML)? 

  Is the composition of your XML file in line with Publication 5258? 

  Is your Transmission Form File uncompressed and sized under 100 MB? 

  Do you have a certificate from an approved source? (See Publication 5258 Section 

 	 Have you ensured that namespaces have been defined and referenced correctly (See Publication 5258 
    Section for samples)? 

 	 Have you ensured the test file indicator is correct (See Publication 5258 Section 3.4.1 Transmission XML 

 	 Have you ensured the UTID is set correctly per the schema and CRG specification (See Publication 5358 
    Section 3.4.2)? 

  Checks to avoid Data Element-driven Portal (TPE) Errors 
          „ Have you followed the special characters guidance in Publication 5165 that prohibits use of Hash 
            (#) and Double-Dash (--) characters and specifies the use of HTML escaped character equivalents, 
            (e.g., “&” for Ampersand)? 
          „ Have you removed any commas or periods in the ‘BusinessNameLn1’or ‘BusinessNameLn2’ or in 
            ‘AddressLine1’ or ‘AddressLine2’? 
          „ Have you scanned your document for commented out element names, e.g., <!--
            urn2:ACABusinessHeader>? Note that any occurrence of double dash will trigger a potential threat 
            error and rejection 
  To avoid error “TPE1105 Message not formatted properly and/or cannot be interpreted,” 
          „ Have you verified HTTP Post method is used when calling web service? 
          „ Have you tested your sample SOAP message via a web service testing tool (e.g. SoapUI)?1 

          „ Have you verified you are using the most current tax year schema in your manifest file 
 	 To avoid “TPE1112 Request must be sent using HTTP compression," Is your Transmission Hypertext 
    Transfer Protocol (HTTP) - compressed via gzip for A2A? (See Publication 5258, Section 5.1) 
          „ Is your file attachment SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM) encoded? 

1IRS recommends that external users validate their XML files against the schemas provided by the IRS prior to submitting them to 
the IRS. Taking this step will help avoid discovering errors after the XML file is submitted. Performing this validation on the user end 
makes it easier and faster to identify and locate schema types of errors. Any tool which allows the external user to validate their 
XML files against the schemas, such as “Altova XML Spy” or “SoapUI” should be suitable. 

                                    Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters     145145

- 154 -
                                              APPENDIX B - AIR TRANSMISSION CHECkLIST (A2A) FOR TY2022 

     „ Have you downloaded the latest versions of Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)? 
	 To avoid “TPE1122 Invalid WS security header,” Have you ensured all Security Header elements are 
    present per Schema and CRG? (See Publication 5258 section: - SOAP Header Examples 
    showing Security Header and related elements) 
     „ Have you digitally signed your Transmission for all Message Types? 
         Haveyoufollowedtheformatfortimestamp? E.g., Addedcolons (:) tothe timestampandremovedthe 
          milliseconds Ex: 2015-08-28T20:08:45Z 
     „ Have you digitally signed the following Header elements for Message
       Type- ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequestService
	 Have you digitally signed the following Header elements for Message Type 
     „ Have you set CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm to http://www.w3.org/2001/10
     „ Have you set SignatureMethod Algorithm to http://www.w3.org/2001/04
     „ Have you set each DigestMethod Algorithm to http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256? 
     „ Have you set each Transform Algorithm http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#? 
     „ Have you included your Base64-encoded certificate in a KeyInfo element? 
     „ Have you regenerated Timestamp for every request to avoid expiration? 
 To avoid “TPE 1106 Soap message does not conform to WSDL” 
     „ Do you have the latest version of Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) files describing the 
       web services? (Send email request to airmailbox@irs.gov. Include your ACA TCC and Company 
     „ Do you have the ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequestService.wsdl to transmit TY2015, TY2016, 
       TY2017, TY2018, TY2019, TY2020, TY2021 and TY2022 transmissions? 
     „ Do you have the ACAGetTransmitterBulkRequestStatus.wsdl to check the status of TY2015, 
       TY2016, TY2017, TY2018, TY2019, TY2020, TY2021 and TY2022  transmissions? 
         TY2022 WSDL capable to generate SOAP envelope for TY2015, TY2016, TY2017, TY2018, 
          TY2019, TY2020, TY2021 and TY2022 transmissions 
         SOAP envelope generated by TY2022 WSDL’s contained: ACA Header, WS- Security, ACA 
          Business header and Manifest information which are same for TY2015, TY2016, TY2017, TY2018, 
          TY2019, TY2020, TY2021 and TY2022 transmission (namespaces are different in payload) 

                    Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 146146

- 155 -
                                                APPENDIX B - AIR TRANSMISSION CHECkLIST (A2A) FOR TY2022 

        „ Have you verified that each value conforms to the appropriate schema version? 
 	 If your Transmission has been rejected, have you updated your UTID? – Note that UTIDs are checked for 
  Have you run your header and manifest and form file through an XML Schema validator (e.g.SoapUI)?2 

  Do you have the AIR endpoints for Transmission and status request? Is your Transmission Form 

 	 File encoded as UTF-8 without the Byte Order Mark (BOM)? (See Publication 5258 section 5.4.1Message 
     Attachment File Format) 

 	 Have you included your ASID in the UserId element within the ACASecurityHeader? (See Publication 
     5258 section 
 3.   Transmitting to IRS – AATS 
 	 Did you use the correct TCC, Software Developer for AATS testing and Transmitter and/or Issuer for 
     Communication Testing? 

   Did you establish a connection with ISS-A2A? 

   Have you saved the ‘ReceiptId’ along with your copy of the Transmission as sent? 

   Have you obtained a status? 

 	 If the status for all your required test submissions is “Accepted,” did you contact the help desk for
     confirmation and update of the TCC and/or Form Status? (Telephone Number 1-866-937-4130

 	 If the status is “Accepted with Errors,” Have you checked against the Scenarios and Publication 5164 
     and resubmitted? 

 	 If the status is “Rejected,” Have you checked against the scenarios / Publication 5164 as well as
     guidance above and resubmitted
 4.   Transmitting to IRS – Production Environment 
   Have you passed the AATS A2A Communications Test? 

   Is the software you are using approved through the AATS testing process? 

 	  Did you establish a connection with Information Submission Service (ISS)-A2A? 

   Have you submitted all Transmissions? 

   Do you have Forms 1094/1095-B and Forms 1094/1095-C in separate transmissions? 

   Have you saved the ‘ReceiptId’ along with your copy of the Transmission as sent? 

   Have you obtained a status? 
        „ If the status is “Accepted,” No action required. 
        „ If the status is “Accepted with Errors,” Have you reviewed the Error Data File to identify and correct 
        „ If the status is “Rejected,” Have you reviewed the Error Data File to identify and fix errors? 
            Did you resubmit the Transmission using the Replacement Process? 

2See previous footnote. 

                              Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 147147

- 156 -
                                  APPENDIX B - AIR TRANSMISSION CHECkLIST (A2A) FOR TY2022 

    Have you provided the ‘OriginalReceiptId’ of the first-rejected Transmission? 
    Was your Replacement Accepted? – If not, have you fixed and resubmitted? 
„ If the status is “Partially Accepted, have you reviewed the Error Data File to identify and fix errors? 
    Did you resubmit the Rejected Submission(s) using the Replacement Process? 
    Have you provided the ‘OriginalUniqueSubmissionId’ of the first- rejected Submission? 
    Was your Replacement Accepted? – If not, have you fixed and resubmitted? 
All external partner communication will need to support encryption using TLS v1.2 or greater in accordance 
with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Publication 140-3. Compliant cryptography will be used 
for strong and secure communication between Transmitters and IRS. 

                       Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 148148

- 157 -



Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 149 


- 158 -
                                                           APPENDIX C - IR TRANSMISSION CHECkLIST (UI) FOR TY2022 

Section 15  Appendix C - IR Transmission 

Checklist (UI) for TY2022 
This checklist covers both AATS and Production Filing for Software Developers, Transmitters and Issuers 

1.   Preparation (Including Registration and Application) 
   	 Did your company’s responsible officials and contacts register with e-Services and complete the
       registration confirmation process

     Did your company apply for and receive a valid Transmitter Control Code (TCC)? Software ID(s)? 

   	 Has a responsible official signed the application with the PIN created during e-Services registration and 
       for any subsequent application modifications? 

   	 Have you reviewed Publication 5258, 5165 and 5164? (These documents can be found on the AIR page 
       under Resources. 

2.   Pre-Filing– AATS and Production 
   	 Have you downloaded the latest versions of Schema and Business Rules? (Schemas and Business 
       Rules can be found at Affordable Care Act Information  Returns Schemas and Business Rules) 

     Have you ensured that required Business Header data elements are present per the Schema? 

     Have you  ensured that required Manifest data elements are present per Schema? Forms 

     1094/1095-B and Forms 1094/1095-C: Manifest element: 
       „   AIR will accept Tax Years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021a and 2022 for Processing Year 
           2023 Forms 1094/1095-B and Forms 1094/1095-C. 
       „   Transmitter should use Manifest schema from current tax year (TY2022) schema package to 
           generate TY2015, TY2016, TY2017, TY2018, TY2019, TY2020, TY2021 and TY2022 Manifest file 
   Example: <PaymentYr>2015</PaymentYr> -Manifest will be checked and validated against TY2022 
   manifest schema and business rules 

3.   Transmitters sending returns through UI Channel (AATS and Production): 
     AIR will accept Tax Years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 for Processing Year 2023 
       „   Transmitters should use latest TY2022 schema version to generate Forms 1094/1095-B or Forms 
           1094/1095-C Form Data (payload) for TY2022 returns 
For prior year returns TY2015, TY2016, TY2017, TY2018, TY2019, TY2020, TY2021 use the latest year 
schema for that tax year. 

   Example: Transmitters should use latest TY2022 schema version to generate Forms 1094/1095-B or 
   Forms 1094/1095-C Form Data (payload) for TY2019 return 

                                 Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 150150

- 159 -
                                                            APPENDIX C - IR TRANSMISSION CHECkLIST (UI) FOR TY2022 

4.   Calculate AttachmentByteSizeNum for TY15, TY16, TY17, TY18, TY19, TY20, TY21 and TY2022 : 
     Have you followed the following steps: 
   1.	 Right click on Form data file, 
   2.	 click on “Properties” 
   3.	 Copy the size in bytes (not “Size of disk”) and 
   4.	 Paste on Manifest element ­  
     Have you ensured that required 1094/1095 B/Cs Form file data elements are present per Schema? 

     Are your manifest and data files well-formed eXtensible Markup Language (XML)? 

     Is the composition of your XML file in line with Publication 5258? 
     Have you run your manifest and form files through an XML Schema validator?1 

     Is your Transmission Form File uncompressed and sized under 100 MB? 

   	 Have you ensured that namespaces have been defined and referenced correctly (See Publication 5258 
       Section 4.2.1 sample)? 

     Have you ensured the test file indicator is correct (See Publication 5258 3.4.1)? 

   	 Have you ensured the UTID is set correctly per the schema and Publication 5258 specification (See 
       Publication 5258 Section 3.4.2)? 

     Checks to avoid Data Element-driven Portal (TPE) Errors 
          „ Have you followed the special characters guidance in Publication 5165 that prohibits use of Hash 
            (#) and Double-Dash (--) characters and specifies the use of HTML escaped character equivalents, 
            (e.g., “&” for Ampersand)? 
              Are there commas or periods in the ‘BusinessNameLn1’ or ‘BusinessNameLn2’ or in 
               ‘AddressLine1’ or ‘AddressLine2’? If so, have you removed them? 
              Have you scanned your document for commented out element names, e.g., <!--
               urn2:ACABusinessHeader>? Note that any occurrence of double dash will trigger a potential 
               threat error and rejection 
   	 If your Transmission has been rejected, have you updated your UTID? – Note that UTIDs are checked for 

     Are your Transmission Form file and Manifest file encoded as UTF-8 without the Byte Order Mark (BOM)? 

     Transmitting to IRS–AATS 
          „ Did you use the correct TCC, Software Developer for AATS testing and Transmitter and/or Issuer for 
            Communication Testing? 
          „ Can you clearly link the manifest of each Transmission to the data file? – for example, each 

1 IRS recommends that external users validate their XML files against the schemas provided by the IRS prior to submitting them 
to the IRS. Taking this step will help avoid discovering errors after the XML file is submitted. Performing this validation on the user 
end makes it easier and faster to identify and locate schema types of errors. Any tool which allows the external user to validate their 
XML files against the schemas, such as “Altova XML Spy” or “SoapUI” should be suitable. 

                                  Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters      151151

- 160 -
                                                      APPENDIX C - IR TRANSMISSION CHECkLIST (UI) FOR TY2022 

        Transmission could be placed in a directory 
      „ Are you in the upload screen of AATS? 
      „ Have you named the form file per Publication 5258 guidance? 
     Have you saved the ‘ReceiptId’ along with your copy of the Transmission as sent? 

     Have you obtained a status? 
      „ If the status for all your required test submissions is “Accepted,” did you contact the help desk for 
        confirmation and update of the TCC and/or Form Status? (Telephone Number 1-866-937-4130) 
      „ If the status is “Accepted with Errors,” Have you checked against the Scenarios and Publication 
        5164 and resubmitted? 
      „ If the status is “Rejected,” Have you checked against the scenarios / Publication 5164 as well as 
        guidance above and resubmitted? 

5.  Transmitting to IRS–Production Environment 
     Have you passed the AATS UI Communications Test? 

     Is the software you are using approved through the AATS testing process? 

   	 Can you clearly link the manifest of each Transmission to the data file? – for example, each Transmission 
      could be placed in a directory 

     Are you in the upload screen of Production –UI 

     Have you named the form file per Publication 5258 guidance? 

     Have you saved the ‘ReceiptId’ along with your copy of the Transmission as sent? 

     Have you obtained a status? 
      „ If the status is “Accepted,” No action required. 
      „ If the status is “Accepted with Errors,” Have you reviewed the Error Data File to identify and correct 
      „ If the status is “Rejected,” Have you reviewed the Error Data File to identify and fix errors? 
         Did you resubmit the Transmission using the Replacement Process? 
         Have you provided the ‘OriginalReceiptId’ of the first rejected Transmission? 
         Was your Replacement Accepted? – If not, have you fixed and resubmitted? 
      „ If the status is “Partially Accepted, have you reviewedthe Error Data File to identify and fix errors? 
         Did you resubmit the Rejected Submission(s) using the Replacement Process? 
         Have you provided the ‘OriginalUniqueSubmissionId’ of the first rejected Submission? 
         Was your Replacement Accepted? – If not, have you fixed and resubmitted? 

1  IRS recommends that external users validate their XML files against the schemas provided by the IRS prior to 
submitting them to the IRS. Taking this step will help avoid discovering errors after the XML file is submitted. 
Performing this validation on the user end makes it easier and faster to identify and locate schema types of 
errors. Any tool which allows the external user to validate their XML files against the schemas, such as “Altova 
XML Spy” or “SoapUI” should be suitable. 

                Guide for Electronically Filing ACA Information Returns for Software Developers and Transmitters 152152

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