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 International Compliance Management Model (ICMM) 

 Notification XML Schema User Guide 
 Publication 5216 (Rev. 8-2020)  Catalog Number 67683B  Department of the Treasury  Internal Revenue Service  www.irs.gov 

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 Publication 5216 
 Table of Contents 
   WHAT’S NEW .............................................................................................................................................................. 5 
 1.       Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 2 
   1.1.   Purpose of This Document .................................................................................................................................... 2 
   1.2.   FATCA Notification Overview ................................................................................................................................ 2 
   1.3.   Notification Schema Files Covered in this Document ........................................................................................... 3 
   1.4.   Schema Element Descriptions ............................................................................................................................... 4 
   1.5.   How to Use this Guide ........................................................................................................................................... 4 
   1.6.   Restrictions on Text in FATCA String Characters ................................................................................................... 5 
   1.7.   Compatibility with FATCA Notification Schema V2.2 ............................................................................................ 5 
   1.8.   Comments ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 
 2.       FATCAFileErrorNotification ............................................................................................................................... 6 
   2.1.   FATCANotificationHeaderGrp ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 
   2.1.1. FATCANotificationCreateTs ................................................................................................................................... 8 
   2.1.2. FATCANotificationRefId ........................................................................................................................................ 8 
   2.1.3. FATCANotificationCd ............................................................................................................................................. 8 
   2.1.4. FATCAEntitySenderId .......................................................................................................................................... 10 
   2.1.5. FATCAEntityReceiverId ........................................................................................................................................ 10 
   2.1.6. CopiedToFATCAEntityId ...................................................................................................................................... 11 
   2.1.7. ContactInformationTxt ........................................................................................................................................ 11 
   2.2.   OriginalFileMetadataGrp .................................................................................................................................... 12 
   2.2.1. IDESTransmissionId ............................................................................................................................................. 13 
   2.2.2. IDESSendingTs ..................................................................................................................................................... 13 
   2.2.3. SenderFileId ........................................................................................................................................................ 14 
   2.2.4. UncompressedFileSizeKBQty .............................................................................................................................. 14 
   2.3.   NotificationContentTxt ....................................................................................................................................... 14 
   2.4.   ActionRequestedGrp ........................................................................................................................................... 15 
   2.4.1. ActionRequestedTxt ............................................................................................................................................ 15 
   2.4.2. ActionRequestedDueDateTxt .............................................................................................................................. 16 
   2.5.   HCTATreatyStampTxT ......................................................................................................................................... 16 
 3.       FATCAValidFileNotification ............................................................................................................................. 17 
   3.1.   FATCANotificationHeaderGrp ............................................................................................................................. 18 
   3.2.   OriginalFileMetadataGrp .................................................................................................................................... 20 
   3.3.   OriginalFileMessageSpecGrp .............................................................................................................................. 21 
   3.3.1. MessageRefId ...................................................................................................................................................... 22 
   3.3.2. CorrMessageRefId ............................................................................................................................................... 22 
   3.3.3. SendingCompanyGIIN ......................................................................................................................................... 22 

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 Publication 5216 
 3.3.4.   TransmittingCountryCd ....................................................................................................................................... 23 
 3.3.5.   ReceivingCountryCd ............................................................................................................................................ 23 
 3.3.6.   MessageTypeCd .................................................................................................................................................. 23 
 3.3.7.   ReportingPeriodDt .............................................................................................................................................. 23 
 3.4.     NotificationContentTxt ....................................................................................................................................... 24 
 3.5.     OriginalFileProcessingDataGrp ........................................................................................................................... 24 
 3.5.1.   FileTypeCd ........................................................................................................................................................... 24 
 3.5.2.   FinancialInstitutionCnt ........................................................................................................................................ 24 
 3.5.3.   RecordCnt ............................................................................................................................................................ 26 
 3.5.4.   DupAccountReportRecordCnt and Non DupAccountReportRecordCnt ............................................................. 26 
 3.5.5.   PooledReportRecordCnt ..................................................................................................................................... 26 
 3.6.     HCTATreatyStampTxt .......................................................................................................................................... 26 
 3.7.     FATCARecordErrorGrp ........................................................................................................................................ 26 
 3.7.1.   FATCARecordInfoHeaderTxt ...................................................................................................................................................... 28 
 3.7.2.   FATCARecordErrorFIGrp ............................................................................................................................................................. 28 SponsorGIIN ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 SponsorNm ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 29 ReportingFIGIIN .............................................................................................................................................................................. 29 ReportingFINm ................................................................................................................................................................................. 30 FATCARecordErrorDetailGrp ..................................................................................................................................................... 30                  30     ...............................................................................................................................................................................      30 .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 31   ...........................................................................................................................................................................          31  ....................................................................................................................................................................................      33      ......................................................................................................................................................................          33 ...................................................................................................................................................................................       33     FieldPartNum .......................................................................................................................................................................... 34     FieldLineNum .......................................................................................................................................................................... 34     FieldNm ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 35     FieldErrorCd ............................................................................................................................................................................ 35     FieldErrorTxt........................................................................................................................................................................... 36      ......................................................................................................................................................................          36 
 3.7.3.   PotentialEffectTxt ........................................................................................................................................................................... 36 
 Appendix A:  Glossary ........................................................................................................................................................... 37 
 Appendix B:  Example:  Incorrect AES Key Size Notification (NKS) ....................................................................................... 38 
 Appendix C:  Example   Valid–File Notification (NVF) without Record Level Errors ............................................................. 39 

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 Publication 5216 
 Appendix D:  Example   Valid–File Notification (NVF) with Record Level Error .................................................................... 40 

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 Publication 5216 

 This section summarizes updates since the last publication of the XML Schema Guide (March 2018): 
 Section           Description 

 Numerous Sections Updated to reference version 2.5 schema. 

                   Updated Datatype and Size/Pattern to reflect change to 5-
 Section character maximum string instead of enumeration code.  
                   Updated Description to remove specified list of error codes. 

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                                                                                        Publication 5216 
 1. Introduction 

 1.1. Purpose of This Document 

 The purpose of this document is to provide a general description of the FATCA Notification Schema V2.5 that 
 will be the basis for all electronic notifications from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to FATCA filers – 
 Foreign Financial Institutions (FFIs), direct reporting non-financial foreign entities (direct reporting NFFEs), 
 sponsoring entities, trustees of trustee-documented trusts, non-GIIN filers1, and Host Country Tax Authorities 
 (HCTAs) -- using the International Data Exchange Service (IDES). Throughout this user guide, the term “FFI” 
 is used to refer to FFIs, sponsoring entities, trustees of trustee-documented trusts, and non-GIIN filers. FATCA 
 XML files based on the FATCA Notification Schema V2.5 will only be generated by the IRS; FFIs, direct 
 reporting NFFEs, and HCTAs can use this guide to interpret notifications received from the IRS, and to 
 program their systems to receive and manage these files. [Note: HCTAs receiving reciprocal data from the IRS 
 are free to use the FATCA Notification Schema to format their notifications. However, this guide only 
 addresses the use of the notification schema from the IRS’s perspective.] 

 1.2. FATCA Notification Overview 

 A FATCA Notification is a message from the IRS to a sender of a FATCA Report file concerning the outcome 
 of processing the file as received by the IRS. A FATCA Notification is contained in a “transmission” file archive 
 through IDES to an international partner, either an FFI, direct reporting NFFE, or HCTA, in response to the 
 transmission and processing of a FATCA Report from that partner. 
 Transmissions containing notifications are prepared using the same process and components used to prepare 
 the FATCA Report transmission. When the IRS sends a notification, IDES will send an email to the FFI, direct 
 reporting NFFE, or HCTA that a file is ready for download. The email correspondence will reference the 
 “TransmissionID” of the original transmission from the FFI, direct reporting NFFE, or HCTA and the recipient 
 must access IDES to download the notification package. The FATCA IDES User Guide, Publication 5190, 
 provides detailed instructions on how to download notifications. 
 There are two types of notifications that the IRS will send in response to FATCA Report transmissions: 
   •  File Error Notification – If there is an error encountered in attempting to access file contents, the 
      notification email provides a summary of the transmission, the error code, and the instructions to correct 
      the error and resubmit the file. 
   •  Valid File Notification – This notification confirms that your file was received and processed successfully 
      and will document any record-level errors identified within the file. 
 File-level error conditions prevent the IRS from accessing and prpocessing the XML data within the FATCA 
 Report submission, and will trigger FATCA File Error Notifications. File level errors include the following: 
   •  Failed download, due to a file transfer interruption or other fault condition preventing file access on 
   •  Decryption failure involving the encrypted payload file; 
   •  Decryption failure involving the sender’s encrypted AES key; 
   •  Failed decompression of decrypted payload files; 
   •  Invalid digital signature; 
   •  Invalid sender digital certificate; 
   •  Detection of one or more virus or non-virus security threats at any stage of processing of received 
 1 A non-GIIN filer is an entity that is required to file Form 8966 but is not required to get a GIIN. A non-GIIN filer, 
 such as a withholding agent, territory financial institution, third party preparer, or commercial software vendor, 
 will be issued a FATCA Identification Number (FIN) to enroll in IDES and submit FATCA reports. 


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                                                                                Publication 5216 
      transmission from IDES in which a file’s state is changed (initial download, unzipping the transmission 
      archive, decryption of AES key and payload files, payload decompression); 
 •  Detection of restricted characters or character combinations 
      (https://www.irs.gov/businesses/corporations/fatca-xml-schema-best-practices-for-form-8966) ; 
 •  FATCA Report payload file that cannot be validated against the FATCA XML Schema; 
 •  MessageRefId value consisting solely of one or more blank characters; 
 •  DocRefId value consisting solely of one or more blank characters; 
 •  Duplicate MessageRefId value (MessageRefId value received on a prior valid file). 
 Error Notifications will provide the FATCA Filer a 3-character code for the type of error; pre-defined text 
 describing the error, recovery actions, and due dates; and a hyperlink the sender can use to find additional 
 information and resources to resolve the error. 
 A Valid File Notification informs the filer of the following: 
 •  The specified FATCA Report file has been received; 
 •  No file errors were found; 
 •  Individual account, pooled, and nil reports contained with the specified file have been processed; 
 •  The number of total account, pooled, and nil reports received, and the number of FFIs including reports 
      (as Reporting FIs) in the file; 
 •  Error codes and descriptions of record-level errors detected in the file, including data elements and error 
      descriptions for field-level errors. 
 Additional information around interpretation of FATCA notification contents can be found on the FATCA Report 
 Notifications website at http://www.irs.gov/Businesses/Corporations/IRS-FATCA-Report-Notifications. 

 1.3. Notification Schema Files Covered in this Document 

 The FATCA Error and Valid File Notification types each have their own schema structure and data elements, 
 which are described in this guide. All schema files used for FATCA data exchange are available at 
 The FATCA Notification Schema consists of three schema (.xsd) files: 
 •  BASE-FATCA-NOTIFICATION-2.5 – Base schema for common data elements and data types related to 
      FATCA notifications. Referenced by all main notifications schemas. 
 •  FATCA-FILE-ERROR-NOTIFICATION-2.5 (3 KB) – Main schema describing file level error notifications. 
 •  FATCA -VALID-FILE-NOTIFICATION-2.5 (8 KB) – Main schema for the valid file notifications. 
 The structure and data elements for FATCA Filer Error and Valid File Notification schemas are discussed in 
 this document. 


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                                                                                    Publication 5216 

 1.4.  Schema Element Descriptions 

 Each schema element is presented in terms of the characteristics in Table 1 below. 
                                    Table 1: Element Description 
       Characteristic                                   Description 
       Element                     The name of the schema element. Elements not described in 
                                    the guide are not supported. 
       Size                        The minimum and/or maximum size in characters of the 
                                    element value. 
       Cardinality                 The number of times an element occurs in an XML file. 
                                   If cardinality is not defined, then one and only one instance 
                                    should be included (minOccurs=1 and maxOccurs=1). 
                                   Where a data element is not used, then the associated 
                                    attribute(s) are not used. 
       Data type                   The data type for a data element value, such as numeric, string, 
                                    Boolean, date, time, etc. 
                                   XML supports custom data types and inheritance. 
       Requirement                 The requirement field for each data element and its attribute 
                                    indicates whether the element must be included in the XML 
                                    Required: The data element is required for schema 
                                    validation and must be included in the Notification. 
                                    Optional: The data element is not always needed in the 
                                    Notification. Refer to the user guide to determine when it 
                                    should be included. 

       Description                 This contains the business definition for the element. 
 1.5.  How to Use this Guide 

 The notification schema files define how valid FATCA Notification XML files will be structured. This guide 
 contains additional information on how the IRS will use the notification schema to generate FATCA 
 notifications. This guide explains how the IRS will augment valid XML notification files to convey error and 
 valid file processing outcomes. 
 Each data element described in the FATCA XML Schema supports metadata, notifications and the FATCA 
 Report (Form 8966). The schema definition files provide the framework for discussion of data elements 
 presented within the guide. The FATCA XML schema definition files or .xsd files may be downloaded from the 
 IDES site on IRS.gov. 
 The diagrams included in this document illustrate the message structure and hierarchy relationship of 
 notification schema elements. These diagrams were developed using XMLSpy®, but the schema and sample 
 files can be viewed with other XML tools, such as XML Notepad. The table in Figure 1 describes the XMLSpy® 
 legend to interpret the diagrams in the text. If you are using a different XML tool, the icons and images may 
 Other organizations, such as HCTAs, receiving data from the IRS through IDES using the FATCA XML 
 Schema are free to use the FATCA Notification Schema to format their notifications to the IRS. However, the 
 perspective within this guide is restricted to IRS usage of this notification schema when responding to FATCA 
 XML files received through IDES. 


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                                                                                      Publication 5216 
                                  Figure 1: Schema Legend 
           Schema Icon            Description 
                                  Box with full-line is a required report element. 
                                  Box with dotted line is an optional report element. 
                                  The child elements must appear in the sequence mentioned. 
                                  Only one of the possible child elements may be present. 
 Element descriptions are annotated with graphics generated using XML Spy ® which is provided by Altova 
 (www.altova.com). A tutorial for XMLSpy can be found here. 

 1.6. Restrictions on Text in FATCA String Characters 

 The UTF-8 encoding standard must be used in all FATCA XML reports. In addition, there are important 
 restrictions on the use of certain characters and character combinations in FATCA Report files to which filers 
 should adhere to in order to avoid a File-Level Error. 

 1.7. Compatibility with FATCA Notification Schema V2.2 

 The changes from FATCA Notification Schema V2.2 to 2.5 include: 
  •  New enumeration code "NIL_REPORT" for FATCAReportTypeCdType; 
  •  New enumeration codes (8013-8018) for nil report record level errors in RecordLevelErrorCdType; and 
  •  Updated enumerations in ISO3166Alpha2CountryCodeType according to CountryCode_Type in 
      isofatcatypes_v1.1.xsd in FATCA XML 2.0. 
 In addition, the “version” attribute on the “FATCAFileErrorNotification” schema element is now set to “2.5”. 


 We appreciate your comments on the quality and usefulness of this publication. If you find any errors or have 
 suggestions, please indicate the chapter, section and page. Send your comments to the following email 
 address: lbi.fatca.ides@irs.gov. 


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                                                                      Publication 5216 
 2. FATCAFileErrorNotification 

 This section discusses the data elements of FATCA-FILE-ERROR-NOTIFICATION-2.5.xsd schema file, which 
 will be used to transmit error notifications when the conditions outlined in Section 1.2 above are detected by 
 the IRS on FATCA Report files received through IDES. The structure of a FATCA error notification is shown in 
 Figure 2 below. 
                 Figure 2: FATCAFileErrorNotification Type Layout 
 An example FATCA File Error Notification in XML format for the “NDC” (failed decryption) case is shown in 
 Appendix B. 

 “FATCAFileErrorNotification” Attribute: The “FATCAFileErrorNotification” element is currently the only 
 element in the FATCA-FILE-ERROR-NOTIFICATION-2.5.xsd schema with an attribute. The Attribute name 
 is “version”, the type is “string”, and the value is fixed at “2.5”. 


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                                                                       Publication 5216 
 Each of the sub-elements for the FATCAFileErrorNotification data elements are discussed in more detail in 
 the following sections, per the table below. 
          Ref Element                         Datatype     Cardinality Requirement 
          2.1 FATCANotificationHeaderGrp      Complex Type 1           Required 
          2.2 OriginalFileMetadataGrp         Complex Type 1           Required 
          2.3 NotificationContentTxt          String       1           Required 
          2.4 ActionRequestedGrp              Complex Type 1           Required 
          2.5 HCTATreatyStampTxt              String       0..1        Optional 

 2.1.     FATCANotificationHeaderGrp 

 The FATCANotificationHeaderGrp is a required complex data element which contains information about the 
 sender, receiver, and identity of the notification, time and date of notification creation, and the type of error 
 triggering the notification. The FATCANotificationHeaderGrp type and sub-elements are depicted in Figure 
 3 below. 

              Figure 3: FATCANotificationHeaderGrp Type Layout 
 The sub-elements of FATCANotificationHeaderGrp are described below. 


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                                                                           Publication 5216 
 2.1.1. FATCANotificationCreateTs 

 The “FATCANotificationCreateTs” data element provides the date and time at which the FATCA error 
 notification was created by the IRS. 
 Size/Pattern   String type 
                ISO-8601 format 
                Typically 22 characters (fractional seconds are not used) 
 Datatype     TimestampWithMillisecondsType 
 Requirement  Required 
 Description:   FATCA Notification Create Timestamp. 
               Element identifies the timestamp for the notification payload that is 
                created by the IRS. The element will be automatically populated by 
                the IRS. 
               The ISO-8601 compatible format is YYYY-MM-DD’T’hh:mm:ss, with 
                time zone indicator. Fractions of seconds are not used. 
                Example: 2016-03-15T09:45:30Z+04. 

 2.1.2. FATCANotificationRefId 

 The “FATCANotificationRefId” sub-element contains the unique reference number created by the IRS for 
 the error notification. The notification identity in this sub-element must be used by the sending FFI, NFFE, 
 and/or HCTA in communications with the IRS about this notification. 
 Size/Pattern String type 
              Maximum length 200 characters 
 Datatype     String 
 Requirement  Required 
 Description:   Free text field to capture the IRS’s unique identification number for 
                each generated notification. The identifier allows both the IRS and 
                receiving entity to identify the specific message. 

 2.1.3. FATCANotificationCd 

 The “FATCANotificationCd” sub-element will be a 3 character string on the form “Nxx”, where “xx” will 
 depend on the type of error triggering the notification. The notification codes and related error conditions 
 are outlined in Table 2 below. 


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                                                                       Publication 5216 
                Table 2: FATCA Error Notification Codes and Triggers   
 Code Notifications             Error Conditions Triggering Notifications 
 NDW  Failed Download          • Failed download, due to a file transfer interruption or other 
      Notification              fault condition preventing file access on IDES 

 NDC  Failed Decryption        • Decryption failure involving the encrypted payload file 
                               • Decryption failure involving the sender’s encrypted AES 
                                key file other than incorrect size 

 NDP  Failed Decompression     • Failed decompression of decrypted payload files 
 NSC  Failed Signature Check   • Invalid digital signature 
                               • Invalid sender digital certificate 
 NKS  Incorrect AES Key Size   • Decryption failure due to the sender’s encrypted AES key 
      Notification              having an incorrect size 
                               • Intended to alert filer of possible use of EBC versus CBC 
                                ciphering for AES encryption 

 NTD  Failed Threat Detection  • Detection of restricted characters, including apostrophe ('), 
      Notification              double dash (--), and hash key (#) 
                               • Detection of one or more non-virus security threats at any 
                                stage of processing of received transmission from IDES in 
                                which a file’s state is changed (initial download, unzipping 
                                the transmission archive, decryption of AES key and 
                                payload files, payload decompression) 

 NVS  Failed Virus Scan        • Detection of one or more viruses at any stage of 
      Notification              processing of received transmission from IDES in which a 
                                file’s state is changed (initial download, unzipping the 
                                transmission archive, decryption of AES key and payload 
                                files, payload decompression) 
 NSV  Failed Schema Check      • FATCA Report payload file cannot be validated against 
      Notification              the FATCA XML Schema 
 NMR  Invalid MessageRefId     • MessageRefId value consisting solely of one or more 
      Notification              blank characters 

 NDM  Duplicate                • Duplicate MessageRefId value (MessageRefId value 
      MessageRefId              received on a prior valid file). 
 NTP  Test data has been       • Records with DocTypeIndic values for test data were 
      submitted into            present in the file submitted to the IRS live filing 
      production                environment 

 NPT  Production data has      • Records with DocTypeIndic values for production data 
      been submitted into test  were present in the file submitted to an IRS test 
 NCF  Certificate Failure      • Invalid certificate 


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                                                                         Publication 5216 
 NDF    Failed Decoding     • File could not be decoded because file type and decoding 
                                type were inconsistent 

 NIF    Invalid File Format • File format type and actual file contents were inconsistent 

 The aspects of the “FATCANotificationCd” sub-element are given below: 
 Size/Pattern 3 characters 
 Datatype     FATCANotificationCdType 
 Requirement  Required 
 Description:   Three character code indicates the type of error encountered in file 
                processing (see Table 2). 

 2.1.4. FATCAEntitySenderId 

 The “FATCAEntitySenderId” sub-element identifies the IRS as the sender of the notification by providing the 
 IRS HCTA GIIN, which will be 000000.00000.TA.840. FFIs, direct reporting NFFEs, and HCTAs should not 
 be receiving notifications from any other sender (though HCTAs are free to use the notification schema to 
 send notifications to the IRS for reciprocal reporting issues). 
 Size/Pattern String containing 19 characters in GIIN format 
 Datatype     FATCAEntityIdType 
 Requirement  Required 
 Description:    Element contains the IRS HCTA Global Intermediary Identifying 
                Number (GIIN). 
                Value will be 000000.00000.TA.840. 

 2.1.5. FATCAEntityReceiverId 

 The “FATCAEntityReceiverId” is the GIIN of the HCTA, FFI, or direct reporting NFFE receiving the 
 notification. If a non-GIIN filer is receiving the notification, the “FATCAEntityReceiverID” will be the FIN of 
 the non-GIIN filer. This field will be in the FATCA GIIN or FIN format. 
 Size/Pattern String containing 19 characters in GIIN format 
 Datatype     FATCAEntityIdType 
 Requirement  Required 
 Description:   Element contains the receiver FATCA entity identification in the GIIN- 
                or FIN format with punctuation (period or decimal) and will match a 
                valid GIIN or FIN in the Registration database. 
                If the direct recipient is an HCTA, HCTA GIIN is used (example: 


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                                                                                Publication 5216 
 2.1.6. CopiedToFATCAEntityId 

 The “CopiedToFATCAEntityId” contains the HCTA GIIN for an HCTA receiving a copy of a notification. In 
 2016 certain HCTAs may receive copies of notifications from the IRS to FFIs in their jurisdiction under terms 
 of Competent Authority Agreements between the US and the jurisdiction country. 
 Size/Pattern String containing 19 characters in GIIN format 
 Datatype     FATCAEntityIdType 
 Requirement  Optional 
 Description:    Element contains the unique entity identifier for the HCTA or FFI that 
               receives a copy of the notification. The identifier is in the GIIN-format 
               with punctuation (period or decimal) and must match a valid GIIN in 
               the Registration database. 
                 If the direct recipient is the HCTA, use the IRS issued HCTA GIIN. 
               Example: 000000.00000.TA.101. 
                 If the direct recipient is a FFI, use the IRS issued FFI GIIN 
               Example: 12A34B.00000.LE.102.                

 2.1.7. ContactInformationTxt 

 The “ContactInformationTxt” sub-element provides the contact information for the recipient to use in 
 reaching to the IRS about a received error notification. 
 Size/Pattern Maximum length of 200 characters             
 Datatype     StringMax200Type 
 Requirement  Optional 
 Description:   Contains a URL to an irs.gov site with additional resources to assist in 
               resolving errors creating notifications 
                Always included in FATCA error notifications from the IRS. 


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                                                   Publication 5216 
 2.2. OriginalFileMetadataGrp 

 The OriginalFileMetadataGrp is a required complex data element which contains information about the 
 original transmission from IDES that contained the FATCA Report file. This data includes the IDES ID for 
 the original transmission as sent by the FFI, direct reporting NFFE, or HCTA and as received by the IRS, 
 the date and time the transmission was sent to the IRS, the sender of the original transmission, and the size 
 of the decrypted, uncompressed FATCA Report payload file. The OriginalFileMetadataGrp type and sub- 
 elements are depicted in Figure 4 below. 
      Figure 4: OriginalFileMetadatGrp Type Layout 

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                                                                                     Publication 5216 
 The sub-elements of OriginalFileMetadataGrp are described in the subsections below. 
 2.2.1. IDESTransmissionId 

 The “IDESTransmissionId” sub-element provides the IDES ID assigned to the original transmission by IDES 
 when it was initially received from the sender FFI, direct reporting NFFE, or HCTA. 
 Size/Pattern 32 character-length string in IDES ID format 
 Datatype     String32Type 
 Requirement  Required 
 Description:  Free text field to reference the original FFI, direct reporting NFFE, or 
                HCTA sender unique transmission identification number automatically 
                generated by IDES. 
               Including this identifier will help the sender correlate the notification to 
                the original transmission and payload (FATCA Report file). 

 2.2.2. IDESSendingTs 

 The “IDESSendingTs” sub-element provides the date and time the original transmission was initially 
 delivered to the IRS by IDES. 
 Size/Pattern   String type 
                ISO-8601 format 
                Typically 22 characters (fractional seconds are not used) 
 Datatype     TimestampWithMillisecondsType 
 Requirement  Required 
 Description:     FATCA Notification Create Timestamp 
                  Element identifies the timestamp for the notification payload that is created by the 
                IRS. The element will be automatically populated by the IRS. 
               The ISO-8601 compatible format is YYYY-MM-DD’T’hh:mm:ss, with time zone 
                indicator. Fractions of seconds are not used. 
                  Example: 2016-03-15T09:45:30Z+04 


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                                                                      Publication 5216 
 2.2.3. SenderFileId 

 The “SenderFileId” sub-element provides the file identifier (MessageRefId) assigned to the notification 
 transmission by the IRS. This data can be used by the notification recipient in communications with the IRS 
 concerning the notification. 
 Size/Pattern Maximum length of 200 characters 
 Datatype     StringMax200Type 
 Requirement  Required 
 Description:   Free text field containing the IRS-assigned unique file identifier 
                number or filename for the notification payload file. 
                The value can be a unique file name or an identification number. 

 2.2.4. UncompressedFileSizeKBQty 

 The “UncompressedFileSizeKBQty” provides the size of the payload file, after decryption and 
 decompression, in which the IRS identified the error condition triggering the error notification. This data will 
 be provided to the FFI, direct reporting NFFE, or HCTA, if available. Note that the IRS will not be able to 
 provide this information for error conditions which prevent the IRS from decompressing the payload file (for 
 example, decryption, digital signature, or file download failures). 
 Size/Pattern N/A 
 Datatype     Integer 
 Requirement  Optional 
 Description    Provides the uncompressed payload file size in kilobytes (KB). 
               Not applicable if errors preventing the IRS from decompressing the 
                payload file take place. 

 2.3.   NotificationContentTxt 

 The “NotificationContentTxt” is a required sub-element of the main FATCAFileErrorNotification element 
 which provides information about the nature of the error encountered while the IRS was processing the 
 FATCA Report file received from the FFI, direct reporting NFFE, or HCTA. The relationship between 
 NotificationContextTxt and FATCAFileErrorNotification elements is depicted in Figure 2. This is a required 
 sub element for this error notification schema, and there are no lower level sub-elements. 
 Size/Pattern Maximum length of 4000 characters 
 Datatype     StringMax4000Type 
 Requirement  Required 
 Description:   Element is a free text field to explain the file error notification. 


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                                                                                       Publication 5216 
 2.4.   ActionRequestedGrp 

 The “ActionRequestedGrp” is a required sub-element of the main FATCAFileErrorNotification element which 
 provides information about how the FFI, direct reporting NFFE, or HCTA should respond to the error 
 notification, and when a response is expected. There are two required sub elements for this data element. 
 The ActionRequestedGrp and its sub-elements are depicted in Figure 5. 
        Figure 5: ActionRequestedGrp Type Layout 
 The sub-elements of ActionRequestedGrp are described below. 

 2.4.1. ActionRequestedTxt 

 The “ActionRequestedTxt” sub-element provides information to the FFI, direct reporting NFFE, and/or HCTA 
 on how to resolve the error condition that was detected by the IRS on the transmission. This text message 
 will be targeted to the specific error condition reflected in the error notification. 


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 Size/Pattern Maximum length of 4000 characters 
 Datatype     StringMax 4000Type 
 Requirement  Required 
 Description: •  Text field to explain the process or actions required to clear the error 
              •  Specific details will depend on the type of error notification. 
              •  The text message will also reiterate the contact information in the 
                “ContactInformationTxt” data element (see Section 2.1.7). 

 2.4.2. ActionRequestedDueDateTxt 

 The “ActionRequestedDueDateTxt” sub-element provides the due date for the FFI, direct reporting NFFE, 
 and/or HCTA to resolve the error condition that was detected by the IRS on the transmission. 
 Size/Pattern Maximum length of 200 characters 
 Datatype     StringMax200Type 
 Requirement  Required 
 Description:   Due date for the action requested to clear the error notification. Note 
                that the due date may not be a specific date. Instead, it could have a 
                text value such as “Your organization’s due date for filing Form 8966.” 
                Typically the due date will be that relevant filing date for FATCA 
                Reports (Forms 8966) per IRS regulations and instructions. 

 2.5.   HCTATreatyStampTxT 

 The “HCTATreatyStampTxT” sub-element is optional and will only be applied to notifications transmitted in 
 response to FATCA Report files received from an HCTA under a tax treaty, tax information exchange 
 agreement (TIEA) or other bilateral agreement for the exchange of information. The treaty stamp is clearly 
 applicable and required for information received or sent from a HCTA. The treaty stamp is a required 
 statement, and is necessary to ensure that the data exchanged with a foreign government, including data 
 regarding an original FATCA Report file received from an HCTA, is properly protected and that the use or 
 disclosure of such data is in accordance with the applicable tax treaty, TIEA, or other bilateral agreement 
 relating to the exchange of tax information with the United States. 
 Size/Pattern Maximum length of 4000 characters 
 Datatype     String 
 Requirement  Optional 
 Description  •  The “HCTATreatyStampTxT” element contains a required statement 
                necessary to ensure that data furnished to the IRS under the provisions 
                of an income tax treaty, TIEA, or other bilateral agreement relating to 
                the exchange of information (for example, IGA) with a foreign 
                government is kept confidential, and that the use and disclosure of 
                such data must be governed by the provisions of that treaty, TIEA, or 
                other agreement. 
              • Example: “This information is furnished under the provisions of an 
                income tax treaty, tax information exchange agreement (TIEA), or other 
                agreement for the exchange of information with a foreign government, 
                and its use and disclosure must be governed by the provisions of that 
                treaty, TIEA, or other agreement.” 


- 21 -
                                                                                           Publication 5216 
 3. FATCAValidFileNotification 

 This section discusses the data elements of FATCA-VALID-FILE-NOTIFICATION -2.5.xsd schema file, which 
 will be used to transmit notifications when FATCA Report files received by the IRS have passed all file 
 processing checks. The structure of a FATCA valid file notification is shown in Figure 6. 
 Figure 6: FATCAValidFileNotification Type Layout 

- 22 -
                                                                                  Publication 5216 
 “FATCAValidFileNotification” Attribute: The “FATCAValidFileNotification” element is currently the only 
 element in the FATCA-VALID-FILE-NOTIFICATION-2.5.xsd schema with an attribute. The Attribute name 
 is “version”, the type is “string”, and the value is fixed at “2.5”. 

 Each of the sub-elements for the FATCAValidFileNotification data elements are discussed in more detail in 
 the following sections, per the table below. 
      Ref Element                             Datatype                Cardinality Requirement 
      3.1 FATCANotificationHeaderGrp          Complex Type            1           Required 
      3.2 OriginalFileMetadataGrp             Complex Type            1           Required 
      3.3 OriginalFileMessageSpecGrp          Complex Type            0..1        Optional 
      3.4 ActionRequestedGrp                  Complex Type            1           Required 
      3.5 NotificationContentTxt              String                  1           Required 
      3.6 OriginalFileProcessingData          Complex Type            0..1        Optional 
      3.7 FATCARecordErrorDetailGrp           Complex Type            0..1        Optional 
      3.7 HCTATreatyStampTxt                  String                  0..1        Optional 

 Many of the sub-elements of the FATCAValidFileNotification element have considerable overlap with their 
 counterparts in the FATCAFileErrorNotification element documented in Section 2. The following 
 FATCAValidFileNotification subsections will build out the differences with the FATCAFileErrorNotification 
 and make reference to the corresponding subsections of Section 2 where needed. 

 An example Valid File Notification in XML format for the “NVF” case is shown in Appendix C. 
 3.1. FATCANotificationHeaderGrp 

 The valid file schema “FATCANotificationHeaderGrp” data element is similar in purpose and structure to its 
 counterpart in the error notification schema. All seven sub-elements for the FATCANotificationHeaderGrp 
 are documented in Sections 2.1.1 through 2.1.7. The only difference with the sub-elements here versus the 
 discussion for the FATCAFileErrorNotification occurrences is that the “FATCANotificationCd” sub-element 
 takes on only one value “NVF” for valid file notifications: 

 The FATCANotificationHeaderGrp is depicted in Figure 7. 


- 23 -
                                                  Publication 5216 
 Figure 7: FATCANotificationHeaderGrp Type Layout 

- 24 -
                                                       Publication 5216 
 3.2. OriginalFileMetadataGrp 

 The valid file schema “OriginalFileMetadataGrp” data element is similar in purpose and structure to its 
 counterpart in the error notification schema. All four sub-elements for the OriginalFileMetadataGrp are 
 documented in Sections 2.2.1 through 2.2.4. The OriginalFileMetadataGrp is depicted in Figure 8. 

      Figure 8: FATCANotificationHeaderGrp Type Layout 

- 25 -
                                                           Publication 5216 
 3.3. OriginalFileMessageSpecGrp 

 The “OriginalFileMessageSpecGrp” sub-element provides the FFI, direct reporting NFFE, or HCTA sender 
 of the original FATCA Report file with information from the message header data element (“MessageSpec”, 
 see IRS Publication 5124) from the FATCA Report file generating the valid notification. The 
 OriginalFileMessageSpecGrp is depicted in Figure 9 below. 

      Figure 9: OriginalFileMessageSpecGrp Type Layout 

- 26 -
                                                                                 Publication 5216 
 The seven sub-elements in the OriginalFileMessageSpecGrp are described in the following subsections. 

 3.3.1. MessageRefId 

 The “MessageRefId” sub-element provides the MessageRefId for the processed file that the FFI, direct 
 reporting NFFE, or HCTA sender assigned to the original FATCA Report file. This will allow the recipient to 
 correlate the valid file notification to the original FATCA Report file. 
 Size/Pattern Maximum length of 200 characters   
 Datatype     String 
 Requirement  Required 
 Description:   Free text field to capture the identifying number of the FATCA Report 
                file created by the originating FFI/NFFE/HCTA to track a transmission 
                This identifier will help both the IRS and file originator to identify the 
                specific transmission. 
                Refer to the originally defined MessageRefId in stffatcatypes_v2.0 
                XSD of FACTA XML 2.0. 

 3.3.2. CorrMessageRefId 

 The “CorrMessageRefId” sub-element provides the CorrMessageRefId for the processed file that the FFI, 
 direct reporting NFFE, or HCTA sender assigned to the original FATCA Report file, where applicable. This 
 will allow the recipient to correlate the valid file notification to the original FATCA Report file. 
 Size/Pattern Maximum length of 200 characters   
 Datatype     String 
 Requirement  Optional 
 Description:   Element contains the MessageRefId for a transmission (report) that is 
                being corrected when the original file itself is a revised file. 
                This identifier will help both the IRS and file originator to identify the 
                specific transmission. 
                Refer to the originally defined CorrMessageRefId in 
                stffatcatypes_v2.0 XSD of FACTA XML 2.0. 

 3.3.3. SendingCompanyGIIN 

 The “SendingCompanyGIIN” sub-element provides the GIIN of the FFI or direct reporting NFFE, or FIN of 
 the non-GIIN filer, submitting the reports in the processed FATCA Report file. 
 Size/Pattern 19-digit GIIN format 
 Datatype     String 
 Requirement  Optional 
 Description:  Element contains the sender entity GIIN or FIN for the original 
               Refer to the originally defined SendingCompanyIN          in 
                stffatcatypes_v2.0XSD of FACTA XML 2.0. 


- 27 -
                                                                                        Publication 5216 
 3.3.4. TransmittingCountryCd 

 The “TransmittingCountryCd” sub-element provides the country code of the FFI or direct reporting NFFE 
 submitting the reports in reports from the processed FATCA Report file. 
 Size/Pattern 2-digit alphabetic country code specified in the ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 
              standard. Examples: GB (Great Britain) or DE (Germany) 
 Datatype     String 
 Requirement  Required 
 Description:  Element contains the jurisdiction of the sender entity for the original 
               Originally defined as TransmittingCountry in stffatcatypes_v2.0 XSD 
                of FACTA XML 2.0. 

 3.3.5. ReceivingCountryCd 

 The “ReceivingCountryCd” sub-element provides the country code of the recipient of the processed FATCA 
 Report file. This should be “US” in all valid file notifications from the IRS in 2016. 
 Size/Pattern 2-digit alphabetic country code specified in the ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 
              Example: US (United States) 
 Datatype     String 
 Requirement  Required 
 Description:   Element identifies the jurisdiction of the   receiving entity (“US” for IRS 
                in 2017). 
               Originally defined as ReceivingCountry in stffatcatypes_v2.0XSD of 
                FACTA XML 2.0. 

 3.3.6. MessageTypeCd 

 The “MessageTypeCd” sub-element provides contents of the “MessageType” field from the processed 
 FATCA Report file. Its value will always be “FATCA” in 2016. 
 Size/Pattern 5 character (currently, the only allowable entry is “FATCA”) 
 Datatype     String 
 Requirement  Required 
 Description:   Element specifies the type of report transmitted from “MessageType” 
                in the original FATCA Report file. 
                Will always be “FATCA” for 2017. 
                Originally defined as MessageType in stffatcatypes_v2.0 XSD of 
                FATCA XML 2.0 Message type defines the type of reporting. 

 3.3.7. ReportingPeriodDt 

 The “ReportingPeriodDt” sub-element provides period covered by the FATCA account, pooled, or nil reports 
 enclosed in the processed FATCA Report file. This element is shown “date” format as “YYYY-MM-DD”, and 
 is taken from the “ReportingPeriod” data element in the processed FATCA Report file. This data element 
 should read “2016-12-31” for 2017. 


- 28 -
                                                                                     Publication 5216 
 Size/Pattern YYYY-MM-DD format 
 Datatype     xsd:date 
 Requirement  Required 
 Description:   Element identifies the reporting year of the transmitted message 
                Originally defined as ReportingPeriod in stffatcatypes_v2.0 XSD of 
               FATCA XML 2.0. 

 3.4.   NotificationContentTxt 

 The “NotificationContentTxt” sub-element is documented in Section 2.3 above. 
 3.5.   OriginalFileProcessingDataGrp 

 The “OriginalFileProcessingDataGrp” sub-element provides the FATCA Filer with information derived by the 
 IRS from data elements from the FATCA Report file generating the valid notification. The 
 OriginalFileProcessingDataGrp is depicted in Figure 10. The six sub-elements in the 
 OriginalFileProcessingDataGrp are described in the following subsections. 

 3.5.1. FileTypeCd 

 The “FileTypeCd” sub-element is generated by the IRS to indicate the type of file to the originator of the 
 FATCA Report file. The type of files include: new file; a revision of a previous file (corrected or amended 
 file); a duplicate of a previous file; or an unknown file type. This is an enumerated data element, with only 
 four valid values shown in the table below. 
 Size/Pattern Enumeration codes 
 Datatype     String 
 Requirement  Required 
 Description:   Element identities the type of FATCA report filed. 
                The valid type codes to be sent by the IRS are: 
                     NEW: New File 
                     REV: Revised File 
                     DUP: Duplicate File 
                     UNK: Unknown File Type 

 3.5.2. FinancialInstitutionCnt 

 The “FinancialInstitutionCnt” sub-element is generated by the IRS as the total number of FFIs reporting 
 account or pooled reports in the FATCA Report file generating the valid file notification. 
 Size/Pattern N/A 
 Datatype     Integer 
 Requirement  Optional 
 Description:   Indicates the number of financial institutions reporting in the file, as 
               calculated by the IRS. 
                May not always be provided (for example, will not be provided for 
               “DUP” files). 


- 29 -
                                                      Publication 5216 
 Figure 10: OriginalFileProcessingDataGrp Type Layout 

- 30 -
                                                                    Publication 5216 
 3.5.3. RecordCnt 

 The “RecordCnt” sub-element is generated by the IRS as the total number of account and pooled reports in 
 the FATCA Report file generating the valid file notification. 
  Size/Pattern  N/A 
  Datatype      Integer 
  Requirement   Optional 
  Description:    Indicates the total number of account and pooled report records in the 
                 file, as calculated by the IRS. 
                  May not always be provided (for example for example, will not be 
                 provided for “DUP” files). 

 3.5.4. DupAccountReportRecordCnt and Non DupAccountReportRecordCnt 

 The “DupAccountReportRecordCnt” and “NonDupAccountReportRecordCnt” sub-elements are generated 
 by the IRS as the total number of duplicated and non-duplicated account report records, respectively, in the 
 FATCA Report file generating the valid file notification. 
  Size/Pattern  N/A 
  Datatype      Integer 
  Requirement   Optional 
  Description:    Combined total indicates the total number of account report records in 
                 the file, as calculated by the IRS. 
                  May not always be provided (for example, will not be provided for 
                 “DUP” files). 

 3.5.5. PooledReportRecordCnt 

 The “PooledReportRecordCnt” sub-element is generated by the IRS as the total number of pooled reports in 
 the FATCA Report file generating the valid file notification. 
  Size/Pattern  N/A 
  Datatype      Integer 
  Requirement   Optional 
                  Indicates the total number of pooled report records in the file, as 
                 calculated by the IRS. 
                  May not always be provided (for example, will not be provided for 
                 “DUP” files). 

 3.6.   HCTATreatyStampTxt 

 The “HCTATreatyStampTxt” sub-element is documented in Section 2.5. 
 3.7.   FATCARecordErrorGrp 

 The “FATCARecordErrorGrp” data elements provide full information on any record-level errors present in 
 the file. These are optional elements and only included if there are record errors to be reported to the 


- 31 -
                                               Publication 5216 
 FATCA Filer, with one FATCARecordErrorGrp provided per file, as needed. There are 3 sub-elements The 
 FATCARecordErrorGrp is depicted in Figure 11. 

 Figure 11: FATCARecordErrorGrp Type Layout 

- 32 -
                                                                                Publication 5216 
 3.7.1. FATCARecordInfoHeaderTxt 

 The “FATCARecordHeaderTxt” data element advises the filer that errors were detected and provides error 
 details organized by FI. 
 Size/Pattern 4000 characters 
 Datatype     StringMax4000Type 
 Requirement  Required 
 Description:   Provides a message advising the filer of record errors, and that record 
                          error descriptions will be organized by FI. 
                Example: “Record level error details from the file submitted are 
                          provided and are organized by financial institution.” 
 3.7.2. FATCARecordErrorFIGrp 

 The “FATCARecordErrorFIGrp” data element, illustrated in Figure 12, provides a description of record errors 
 and the names and GIINs of the Sponsor and Reporting FIs linked to the identified errors; these FIs are 
 reporting the accounts and may be responsible for error resolution. There are five sub-elements described 

                          Figure 12: FATCARecordErrorFIGrp Type Layout 

- 33 -
                                                                                     Publication 5216 SponsorGIIN 

 The “SponsorGIIN” sub-element provides the Sponsor GIIN, if available, for the record in error. This is an 
 optional data element, and will not be provided if there is a field-level error involving the Sponsor GIIN. 
 Size/Pattern   19 character GIIN format 
 Datatype       FATCAEntityIdType 
 Requirement    Optional 
 Description:     Provides the Sponsor GIIN in valid GIIN format. 
                  Will be taken from the FATCA/ReportingGroup/Sponsor/TIN data 
                 element from the record in question. 
                  Will not be provided if there is a field-level error involving the Sponsor 
                 GIIN (such as invalid format).  SponsorNm 

 The “SponsorNm” sub-element provides the name of the Sponsor, if available, for the record in error. This 
 is an optional data element, and will not be provided if there is a field-level error involving the Sponsor 
 Size/Pattern   200 characters 
 Datatype       StringMax200Type 
 Requirement    Optional 
 Description:     Provides the Sponsor name. 
                  Will be taken from the FATCA/ReportingGroup/Sponsor/Name data 
                 element from the record in question. 
                  Will not be provided if there is a field-level error involving the Sponsor 
                 name.  ReportingFIGIIN 

 The “ReportingFIGIIN” sub-element provides the Reporting FI GIIN or EIN for the record in error. This is an 
 optional data element, and will not be provided if there is a field-level error involving the Reporting FI GIIN or 
 Size/Pattern   19 character GIIN format (for GIIN) or 9-numeric characters (for EIN) 
 Datatype       FATCAEntityIdType 
 Requirement    Optional 
 Description:     Provides the Reporting FI GIIN or EIN in valid format 
                  Will be taken from the FATCA/ReportingFI/TIN data element from the 
                 record in question. 
                  Will not be provided if there is a field-level error involving the 
                 Reporting FI GIIN or EIN (for example, invalid format). 


- 34 -
                                                                                   Publication 5216     ReportingFINm 

 The “ReportingFINm” sub-element provides the name of the Reporting FI, if available, for the record in error. 
 This is an optional data element, and will not be provided if there is a field-level error involving the Reporting 
 FI name. 
 Size/Pattern 200 characters 
 Datatype     StringMax200Type 
 Requirement  Optional 
 Description:   Provides the Reporting FI name. 
                Will be taken from the FATCA/ReportingFI/Name data element from 
                     the record in question. 
                Will not be provided if there is a field-level error involving the 
                     Reporting FI name.     FATCARecordErrorDetailGrp 

 The “FATCARecordErrorDetailGrp” sub-element provides basic descriptive and identifying information on 
 the record in which errors were detected, the type of record level error detected, details on any field level 
 errors within the record that require correction, and corrective action needed to address the errors identified. 
 There are 8 sub-elements The FATCARecordErrorDetailGrp is depicted in Figure 13. The eight sub- 
 elements in the FATCARecordErrorDetailGrp are described in the following subsections. 


 The “FATCAReportTypeCode” sub-element is generated by the IRS to indicate the type of record, account 
 report, pooled, or nil report, in the FATCA Report file in which the IRS has detected a record error. This is 
 an enumerated data element, with only three valid values shown in the table. 
 Size/Pattern Character Enumeration codes 
 Datatype     String 
 Requirement  Required 
 Description:   Element identities the type of FATCA report filed. 
                The valid type codes to be sent by the IRS are: 
                     ACCOUNT_REPORT: Account Report 
                     POOL_REPORT: Pooled Report 
                     NIL_REPORT: Nil Report 


 The “DocTypeIndicCd” sub-element is generated by the IRS to provide the DocTypeIndic value from the 
 erroneous record (whether the record is NEW, CORRECTED, AMENDED, or VOID filing or test data). This 
 data element has type “FatcaDocTypeIndicType” and is an enumerated data element with eight values. 
 Size/Pattern Enumeration codes 
 Datatype     String 
 Requirement  Required 


- 35 -
                                                                               Publication 5216 
 Description:    Element identities the type of FATCA report filed. 
                 The valid type codes to be sent by the IRS are: 
                            FATCA1: New Record 
                            FATCA2: Corrected Record 
                            FATCA3: Void Record 
                            FATCA4: Amended Record 
                            FATCA11: New Test Record 
                            FATCA12: Corrected Test Record 
                            FATCA13: Void Test Record 
                            FATCA14: Amended Test Record     DocRefId 

 The “DocRefId” sub-element is generated by the IRS to provide the DocRefId value from the erroneous 
 record being presorted on. 
 Size/Pattern  200 character string maximum 
 Datatype      StringMax200Type 
 Requirement   Required 
 Description:    Element identities the erroneous FATCA record within a file. 
                 Naming conventions for DocRefId values are recommended.     CorrMessageRefId 

 The “CorrMessageRefId” sub-element is an optional element containing the MessageRefId of the original, 
 corrected, or amended file, in which the erroneous record was identified, that is being replaced. This is an 
 optional element and will be included if and only if the record was submitted as part of a corrected or 
 amended file. 
 Size/Pattern  200 character string maximum 
 Datatype      StringMax200Type 
 Requirement   Optional 
 Description:    Element identities the original, corrected, or amended file containing 
                the erroneous FATCA record that is being replaced.    


- 36 -
                                                  Publication 5216 
 Figure 13: FATCARecordErrorDetailGrp Type Layout 

- 37 -
                                                                              Publication 5216                 CorrDocRefId 

 The “CorrDocRefId” sub-element is an optional element identifying the DocRefId of the original record 
 intended to be replaced by the erroneous record within the corrected or amended file. This is an optional 
 element and will be included if and only if the record was submitted as part of a corrected or amended file. 
 Size/Pattern 200 character string maximum 
 Datatype     StringMax200Type 
 Requirement  Optional 
 Description:   Element identities the erroneous FATCA record within a file. 
                Content must exactly match the character string of the DocRefId 
                impacted by this record.                 RecordLevelErrorCd 

 The “RecordLevelErrorCd” sub-element provides information on the type of record level error identified.  
 Size/Pattern 5 character string maximum   
 Datatype     StringMax5Type 
 Requirement  Required 
 Description:  Element provides the code for the record level error identified  
                The current Record Level Error Codes to be sent by the IRS are 
                identified in IRS Publication 5189, ICMM Notifications User Guide.                 FieldErrorGrp 

 The “FieldErrorGrp” sub-element is an optional complex element which provides specific information on the 
 type and location of Field-Level Errors detected within a record. This data element is included only for 
 record-level errors involving Field-Level Errors with data. The Record-Level Errors which will be triggered 
 by Field-Level Errors are those for original account, pooled and nil reports with errors: 
              8001  Pooled Reporting Error 
              8007  Account Reporting Error 
              8013  Nil Reporting Error 
 FieldErrorGrp elements will only be included in the “FATCARecordErrorDetailGrp” element for these three 
 record-level errors. The sub-elements within each FieldErrorGrp are listed in the table below and described 
 in the following sections. 
          Ref               Element              Datatype   Cardinality Requirement    FieldPartNum              Integer           0..1             Optional    FieldLineNum              Integer           0..1               Optional    FieldNm                   StringMax200Type  1                 Required    FieldErrorCd              StringMax200Type  0..1               Optional    FieldErrorTxt             StringMax4000Type 1                 Required 


- 38 -
                                                                       Publication 5216 

 The “FieldPartNum” sub-element is an optional element which provides the part number of the Form 8966 in 
 which the Field-Level Error was detected. This element only has meaning in the context of Field-Level 
 Errors identified on paper Forms 8966, and will not be included in any of the Valid File Notifications to be 
 sent by ICMM during 2016 (which are in response to electronically filed FATCA Reports in XML form). 
  Size/Pattern N/A 
  Datatype     Integer 
  Requirement  Optional 
  Description:   Will provide the Form 8966 Part number (1 through 5) 
                 Intended for electronic error notifications in response to paper filings 
                (not provided in 2016). 
                 Has no direct application to Field-Level Errors in the XML version of 
                Form 8966 (FATCA reports in XML). 


 The “FieldLineNum” sub-element is an optional element which provides the line number, within the part of 
 the Form 8966 provided in “FieldPartNum”, in which the Field-Level Error was detected. This element only 
 has meaning in the context of Field-Level Errors identified on paper Forms 8966, and will not be included in 
 any of the Valid File Notifications to be sent by ICMM during 2016 (which are in response to electronically 
 filed FATCA Reports in XML form). 
  Size/Pattern N/A 
  Datatype     Integer 
  Requirement  Optional 
  Description:   Will provide the Form 8966 line number (1 through 10 maximum for 
                Part 1). 
                 Intended for electronic error notifications in response to paper filings 
                (not provided in 2016). 
                 Has no direct application to Field-Level Errors in the XML version of 
                Form 8966 (FATCA reports in XML). 

 The “FieldNm” sub-element is a required element which provides the name of the FATCA XML data 
 element or paper Form 8966 entry which is in error. For Field-Level Errors in records from FATCA XML 
 files, the FieldNm value will be the complete path to the data element requiring correction, in the following 
  “/element1/sub-element1.1/ sub-element1.1.1/…/finalsubelement” 
 This element must be included for Field-Level Errors identified on XML FATCA Reports. 

- 39 -
                                                                         Publication 5216 
  Size/Pattern 200 characters maximum 
  Datatype     StringMax200Type 
  Requirement  Required 
  Description:   Provides the name or label of the Form 8966 or FATCA XML file in 
                which the error was detected. 
                 For field-level errors found in electronic records the path for the data 
                element will be provided (provided in 2016 Valid File Notifications). 


 The “FieldErrorCd” subelement is an optional data element containing a four-digit code for the type of field 
 error detected in the record. This code is currently not being included on Valid File Notifications. 
  Size/Pattern 4 numeric characters 
  Datatype     StringMax200Type 
  Requirement  Optional (not used in Valid File Notifications for FATCA Report XML files) 
  Description:   Provides a 4-digit error code for the specific field-level error detected. 
                 This will NOT be provided in XML valid file notifications transmitted in 

 The “FieldErrorTxt” subelement is a required data element containing a text description of the field error 
 detected in the record. (Note: specific error messages included in the “FieldErrorTxt” sub-element are 
 provided in Publication 5189.) 
  Size/Pattern 4000 characters 
  Datatype     StringMax4000Type 
  Requirement  Required 
  Description:   Provides a descriptive message and possibly resolution actions 
                concerning the Field-Level Error reported in this group. 
                 This will be provided in XML Valid File Notifications transmitted in 
                2016.    ActionRequestedGrp 

 The “ActionRequestedGrp” sub-element is a required data element containing a high level text description 
 of the resolution action requested from the filer. This data element is also provided in File Error Notification 
 and is documented in Section 2.4. 


- 40 -
                                                                            Publication 5216 
 3.7.3. PotentialEffectTxt 

 The “PotentialEffectTxt” data element informs the FATCA Filer of the potential implications of not correcting 
 the errors documented in the notification. 

  Size/Pattern 4000 characters 
  Datatype     StringMax4000Type 
  Requirement  Required 
  Description:   Provides a message advising the filer of the potential consequences 
                of not resolving the errors documented in the notification. 


- 41 -
                                                                              Publication 5216 
 Appendix A:     Glossary 
      Terms                                Description 
 Record          A record is a subset of a file that is specific to an account, pooled, or nil 
                 report. A single account report or pool report is equivalent to one paper 
                 Form 8966. A record may contain only one account report or pooled 
 Report          A group of records assembled into a single XML instance. A FATCA 
                 report may contain zero, one, or many records from one of more FATCA 
 File            Records sent to the receiving tax jurisdiction. A file may contain one 
                 FATCA report that may consist of zero, one, or many reports. 
 Transmission    A set or group of files moved through IDES. All transmissions will share a 
                 similar structure consisting of multiple files with specific purposes. These 
                 files will be zipped into an uncompressed archive using common tools 
                 available with common user operating systems (Windows, MacOS, and 
                 Linux/Unix). The specific files within the transmission archive structure 
                 and their filename conventions sent to IDES are described below: 
                 1.  Encrypted FATCA Report (from FFI/NFFE/HCTA) or Notification 
                         (from IRS): filename has the form [SenderGIIN]_Payload, where 
                         SenderGIIN is the IRS-issued GIIN of the sender in full GIIN 
                 2.  Encrypted AES Key: AES key used to encrypt payload in 
                         [SenderGIIN]_Payload: filename has the form 
                         [ReceiverGIIN]_Key, where ReceiverGIIN is the GIIN of the 
                         recipient whose public key was used to encrypt the HCTA key. 
                 3.  Sender Metadata: contains the unencrypted metadata used by 
                         IDES to identify the sender and route to the recipient; the filename 
                         has the form [SenderGIIN]_Metadata.xml, where SenderGIIN is 
                         the GIIN of the sender in full GIIN format. 

 Payload         The electronic files that are packaged / encrypted / compressed in the 
                 format required by IDES and are transmitted to the receiving party by 
 Sender Metadata Sender metadata is the information provided to identify the Sender and to 
                 ensure that the recipient can correctly process FATCA Reports or 
 Notification    A Notification is a message sent from the United States Internal Revenue 
                 Service (IRS) to an FFI, direct reporting non-financial foreign entity 
                 (NFFE), or Host Country Tax Authority (HCTA) in response to the 
                 transmission of a FATCA Report from that partner. 


- 42 -
                                                                                                Publication 5216 
 Appendix B:     Example: Incorrect AES Key Size Notification (NKS) 
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
 <n1:FATCAFileErrorNotification xmlns="urn:fatca:fatcanotificationbase" xmlns:n1="urn:fatca:fatcafileerrornotification" 
 xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"version="2.5 ">
   <NotificationContentTxt>The IRS could not decrypt the referenced file following download from IDES because the AES-256 key file was either blank, 
 missing or could not be decrypted, or because the decryption process failed to complete. Please do not submit a request to correct, amend or void any of the 
 records in this file until you receive a notification that this file has been received as valid. For more information on this notification, including the classification of a 
 failed file decryption under an intergovernmental agreement (IGA), please see: http://www.irs.gov/Businesses/Corporations/FATCA-Error- 
                <ActionRequestedTxt>Please ensure the key/initialization vector file is encrypted using the valid IRS certificate on IDES, and the encrypted file is 
 included in the IDES transmission packet. Please repost the file to IDES.</ActionRequestedTxt> 
                <ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Your FATCA reporting due date for the prior tax year.</ActionRequestedDueDateTxt> 
   <HCTATreatyStampTxt>This information is furnished under the provisions of an income tax treaty, tax information exchange agreement (TIEA), or other 
 agreement for the exchange of information with a foreign government, and its use and disclosure must be governed by the provisions of that treaty, TIEA, or other 


- 43 -
                                                                                            Publication 5216 
 Appendix C:       Example – Valid File Notification (NVF) without Record Level Errors 

    The following is an example of the xml text for a “Valid File” Notification with record-level errors. The “FATCARecordErrorGrp” data element and 
    related sub-elements identifying record-level and field-level errors are indicated in the boxed area below. These elements will not be included in 
    the valid file notification for a file that contains no record-level errors. That is, the “FATCARecordErrorGrp” data element is only included in a 
    Valid File Notification if there are record-level errors present in the file. 
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="true"?> 
 -<ns2:FATCAValidFileNotification version="2.5" xmlns:ns4="urn:fatca:fatcafileerrornotification"xmlns:ns3="urn:fatca:fatcapaperrecorderrornotification" 
 xmlns:ns2="urn:fatca:fatcavalidfilenotification"xmlns= urn:fatca:fatcanotificationbase" "> 
  - <FATCANotificationHeaderGrp >
     <FATCANotificationCreateTs>2016-01-31T11:28:21Z</FATCANotificationCreateTs >
     <FATCANotificationRefId>372</FATCANotificationRefId >
     <FATCANotificationCd>NVF</FATCANotificationCd >
     <FATCAEntitySenderId>000000.00000.TA.840</FATCAEntitySenderId >
     <FATCAEntityReceiverId>ABEBBA.99999.SL.756</FATCAEntityReceiverId >
     <ContactInformationTxt>http://www.irs.gov/Businesses/Corporations/FATCA-Error-Notifications</ContactInformationTxt >
   </FATCANotificationHeaderGrp >
  - <OriginalFileMetadataGrp >
     <IDESTransmissionId>7a627fec4aec4a2d8397ec836eea783c<  /IDESTransmissionId >
     <IDESSendingTs>2017-01-31T11:21:17.017Z</IDESSendingTs >
     <SenderFileId>20170131T004725848Z_ABEBBA.99999.SL.756.zip</SenderFileId >
   </OriginalFileMetadataGrp >
  - <OriginalFileMessageSpecGrp >
     <MessageRefId>5PLDCARJune10AP2DB</MessageRefId >
     <SendingCompanyGIIN>ABEBBA.99999.SL.756</SendingCompanyGIIN >
     <TransmittingCountryCd>CH</TransmittingCountryCd >
     <ReceivingCountryCd>US</ReceivingCountryCd >
     <MessageTypeCd>FATCA</MessageTypeCd >
     <ReportingPeriodDt>2016-12-31Z</ReportingPeriodDt >
   </OriginalFileMessageSpecGrp >
   <NotificationContentTxt>The IRS has determined that the referenced file is in a valid format. Individual records submitted within the file have been 
 processed and any errors detected during processing are provided in the Error Details included. For more information about record level errors, 
 including their classification under an intergovernmental agreement (IGA), see: http://www.irs.gov/Businesses/Corporations/FATCA-Error- 
 Notifications</NotificationContentTxt >
  - <OriginalFileProcessingDataGrp >
     <FileTypeCd>NEW<      /FileTypeCd >
     <FinancialInstitutionCnt>1<  /FinancialInstitutionCnt >


- 44 -
                                                                           Publication 5216 
         <RecordCnt>1</RecordCnt  >
         <DupAccountReportRecordCnt>0</DupAccountReportRecordCnt >
         <NonDupAccountReportRecordCnt>0</NonDupAccountReportRecordCnt >
         <PooledReportRecordCnt>1< /PooledReportRecordCnt >
  </OriginalFileProcessingDataGrp >
  <HCTATreatyStampTxt>This information is furnished under the provisions of an income tax treaty, tax information exchange agreement (TIEA), or 
 other agreement for the exchange of information with a foreign government, and its use and disclosure must be governed by the provisions of that 
 treaty, TIEA, or other agreement.</HCTATreatyStampTxt >
 </ns2:FATCAValidFileNotification >
 Appendix D:            Example – Valid File Notification (NVF) with Record Level Error 

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
 -<ns2:FATCAValidFileNotification xmlns="urn:fatca:fatcanotificationbase" xmlns:ns2="urn:fatca:fatcavalidfilenotification" 
 xmlns:ns3="urn:fatca:fatcapaperrecorderrornotification" xmlns:ns4="urn:fatca:fatcafileerrornotification" version="2.5"> 
  - <FATCANotificationHeaderGrp     > 
         <ContactInformationTxt>http://www.irs.gov/Businesses/Corporations/FATCA- Error-Notifications</ContactInformationTxt> 
  - <OriginalFileMetadataGrp> 
         <SenderFileId> 20170122T004725848Z_ABEBBA.99999.SL.756.zip </SenderFileId> 
  - <OriginalFileMessageSpecGrp    > 


- 45 -
                                                                            Publication 5216 
    <NotificationContentTxt>The IRS has determined that the referenced file is in a valid format. Individual records submitted within the 
    file have been processed and any errors detected during processing are provided in the Error Details included. For more information 
    about record level errors, including their classification under an intergovernmental agreement (IGA), see: 
    http://www.irs.gov/Businesses/Corporations/FATCA-Error-Notifications </NotificationContentTxt> 
 - <OriginalFileProcessingDataGrp > 
    <FinancialInstitutionCnt>1<   /FinancialInstitutionCnt> 
    <RecordCnt>5</RecordCnt       > 
    <DupAccountReportRecordCnt>0<       /DupAccountReportRecordCnt> 
    <NonDupAccountReportRecordCnt>0<         /NonDupAccountReportRecordCnt> 
    <PooledReportRecordCnt>5<        /PooledReportRecordCnt> 
 <HCTATreatyStampTxt>This information is furnished under the provisions of an income tax treaty, tax information exchange agreement 
 (TIEA), or other agreement for the exchange of information with a foreign government, and its use and disclosure must be governed by the 
 provisions of that treaty, TIEA, or other agreement.</HCTATreatyStampTxt> 
 - <ns2:FATCARecordErrorGrp   > 
    <RecordErrorInfoHeaderTxt>Record level error details from the file submitted are provided and are organized by financial 
    institution.</RecordErrorInfoHeaderTxt   > 
    - <ns2:FATCARecordErrorFIGrp      > 
               <ReportingFINm>Union Asset Management Incorporated</ReportingFINm> 
               - <ns2:FATCARecordErrorDetailGrp> 
                 - <FieldErrorGrp > 
                     <FieldErrorTxt>Name of Account Holder or Recipient Not Provided</FieldErrorTxt> 
                    - <ActionRequestedGrp  > 


- 46 -
                                                  Publication 5216 
                       <ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the corrected record has a CorrDocRefID 
         that matches the DocRefId and a CorrMessageRefID that matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record 
         submitted for which the IRS is requesting a correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record 
         has an error in the Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the 
                       <ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this 
   <PotentialEffectTxt>Failure to correct errors by the date required may result in a determination by the IRS that the Financial 
   Institution has defaulted under its FFI Agreement and/or is in Significant Non-Compliance with the terms of the 


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