Userid: CPM Schema: tipx Leadpct: 100% Pt. size: 10 Draft Ok to Print AH XSL/XML Fileid: … ons/P555/201901/A/XML/Cycle02/source (Init. & Date) _______ Page 1 of 13 14:00 - 25-Jan-2019 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Department of the Treasury Contents Internal Revenue Service What's New Reminders Publication 555 (Rev. January 2019) Introduction Cat. No. 15103C Domicile Community or Separate Property and Income Community Identifying Income, Deductions, and Credits Community Property Laws Disregarded Property End of the Community Preparing a Federal Income Tax Return How To Get Tax Help 10 Index 13 Future Developments For the latest information about developments related to Publication 555, such as legislation enacted after it was published, go to What's New Repeal of deduction for alimony payments. You may not deduct alimony or separate maintenance payments you make, and you are not required to include as income alimony or separate maintenance payments you receive, under a divorce or separation agreement executed (1) af- ter December 31, 2018, or (2) on or before December 31, 2018, but modified after December 31, 2018, if the modifi- cation expressly states that these changes apply to the modification. Personal exemption suspended. Beginning in 2018, you can’t claim a personal exemption for yourself, your spouse, or your dependents. Reminders Same-sex marriages. For federal tax purposes, mar- riages of couples of the same sex are treated the same as marriages of couples of the opposite sex. The term “spouse” includes an individual married to a person of the same sex. However, individuals who have entered into a registered domestic partnership, civil union, or other simi- lar relationship, that isn't considered a marriage under Get forms and other information faster and easier at: state law, aren't considered married for federal tax purpo- • (English) • (한국어) • (Español) • (Pусский) ses. • (中文) • (TiếngViệt) Photographs of missing children. The IRS is a proud partner with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC). Photographs of missing children se- lected by the Center may appear in this publication on pages that would otherwise be blank. You can help bring Jan 25, 2019 |
Page 2 of 13 Fileid: … ons/P555/201901/A/XML/Cycle02/source 14:00 - 25-Jan-2019 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. these children home by looking at the photographs and You can send us comments through calling 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) if you recog- FormComments. Or you can write to: nize a child. Internal Revenue Service Tax Forms and Publications 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526 Introduction Washington, DC 20224 Community property laws generally. Community prop- Although we can’t respond individually to each com- erty laws affect how you figure your income on your fed- ment received, we do appreciate your feedback and will eral income tax return if you are married, live in a com- consider your comments as we revise our tax forms, in- munity property state or country, and file separate returns. structions, and publications. If you are married, your tax usually will be less if you file Ordering forms and publications. Visit married filing jointly than if you file married filing sepa- FormsPubs to download forms and publications. Other- rately. However, sometimes it can be to your advantage to wise, you can go to to order current file separate returns. If you and your spouse file separate and prior-year forms and instructions. Your order should returns, you have to determine your community income arrive within 10 business days. and your separate income. Community property laws also affect your basis in Tax questions. If you have a tax question not an- property you inherit from a married person who lived in a swered by this publication, check and How To community property state. See Death of spouse, later. Get Tax Help at the end of this publication. Note. This publication doesn't address the federal tax Useful Items treatment of income or property subject to the “community You may want to see: property” election under Alaska state laws. Married individuals. This publication is for married Publications taxpayers who are domiciled in one of the following com- 504 504 Divorced or Separated Individuals munity property states: • Arizona, 505 505 Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax • California, 971 971 Innocent Spouse Relief • Idaho, Forms (and Instructions) • Louisiana, 8857 8857 Request for Innocent Spouse Relief • Nevada, 8958 • New Mexico, 8958 Allocation of Tax Amounts Between Certain Individuals in Community Property States • Texas, See How To Get Tax Help near the end of this publication • Washington, or for information about getting these publications and forms. • Wisconsin. Registered domestic partners. This publication is also for registered domestic partners who are domiciled in Domicile Nevada, Washington, or California. Registered domestic partners in Nevada, Washington, or California generally The law of the state where you are domiciled will deter- must follow state community property laws and report half mine if you have community property, community income, the combined community income of the individual and his or both. If you and your spouse (or your registered domes- or her registered domestic partner. tic partner) have different domiciles, check the laws of Registered domestic partners aren't married for federal each to see if you have community property, community tax purposes. They can use the single filing status, or if income, or both. they qualify, the head of household filing status. You have only one domicile even if you have more than You can find answers to frequently asked ques- one home. Your domicile is a permanent legal home that TIP tions by going to and clicking on you intend to use for an indefinite or unlimited period, and Answers to Frequently Asked Questions for Reg- to which, when absent, you intend to return. The question istered Domestic Partners and Individuals in Civil Unions of your domicile is mainly a matter of your intention as in- under Other Items You May Find Useful. dicated by your actions. You must be able to show that you intend a given place or state to be your permanent Comments and suggestions. We welcome your com- home. If you move into or out of a community property ments about this publication and your suggestions for fu- state during the year, you may or may not have commun- ture editions. ity income. Page 2 Publication 555 (January 2019) |
Page 3 of 13 Fileid: … ons/P555/201901/A/XML/Cycle02/source 14:00 - 25-Jan-2019 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Factors considered in determining domicile include: (or registered domestic partnership) while domiciled in a community property state. • Where you pay state income tax, • Where you vote, • Real estate that is treated as community property un- der the laws of the state where the property is located. • Location of property you own, Separate property. Generally, separate property is: • Your citizenship, • Property that you or your spouse (or your registered • Length of residence, and domestic partner) owned separately before your mar- • Business and social ties to the community. riage (or registered domestic partnership). Amount of time spent. The amount of time spent in one • Money earned while domiciled in a noncommunity place doesn't always explain the difference between property state. home and domicile. A temporary home or residence may • Property that you or your spouse (or your registered continue for months or years while a domicile may be es- domestic partner) received separately as a gift or in- tablished the first moment you occupy the property. Your heritance during your marriage (or registered domes- intent is the determining factor in proving where you have tic partnership). your domicile. • Property that you or your spouse (or your registered Note. When this publication refers to where you live, it domestic partner) bought with separate funds, or ac- means your domicile. quired in exchange for separate property, during your marriage (or registered domestic partnership). • Property that you and your spouse (or your registered Community or Separate domestic partner) converted from community property to separate property through an agreement valid un- Property and Income der state law. If you file a federal tax return separately from your spouse, • The part of property bought with separate funds, if part you must report half of all community income and all of was bought with community funds and part with sepa- your separate income. Likewise, a registered domestic rate funds. partner must report half of all community income and all of Separate income. Generally, income from separate his or her separate income on his or her federal tax return. property is the separate income of the spouse (or the reg- You each must attach your Form 8958 to your Form 1040 istered domestic partner) who owns the property. showing how you figured the amount you are reporting on your return. In Idaho, Louisiana, Texas, and Wisconsin, in- come from most separate property is community Generally, the laws of the state in which you are domi- CAUTION! income. ciled govern whether you have community property and community income or separate property and separate in- come for federal tax purposes. The following is a sum- mary of the general rules. These rules are also shown in Table 1. Community property. Generally, community property is property: • That you, your spouse (or your registered domestic partner), or both acquire during your marriage (or reg- istered domestic partnership) while you and your spouse (or your registered domestic partner) are do- miciled in a community property state. • That you and your spouse (or your registered domes- tic partner) agreed to convert from separate to com- munity property. • That can't be identified as separate property. Community income. Generally, community income is in- come from: • Community property. • Salaries, wages, and other pay received for the serv- ices performed by you, your spouse (or your regis- tered domestic partner), or both during your marriage Publication 555 (January 2019) Page 3 |
Page 4 of 13 Fileid: … ons/P555/201901/A/XML/Cycle02/source 14:00 - 25-Jan-2019 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Income Identifying Income, The following is a discussion of the general effect of com- munity property laws on the federal income tax treatment Deductions, and Credits of certain items of income. If you file separate returns, you and your spouse (or your Wages, earnings, and profits. A spouse's (or your reg- registered domestic partner) each must attach your Form istered domestic partner's) wages, earnings, and net prof- 8958 to your Form 1040 to identify your community and its from a sole proprietorship are community income and separate income, deductions, credits, and other return must be evenly split. amounts according to the laws of your state. Dividends, interest, and rents. Dividends, interest, and Under special rules, income that can otherwise be rents from community property are community income ! characterized as community income may not be and must be evenly split. Dividends, interest, and rents CAUTION treated as community income for federal income from separate property are characterized in accordance tax purposes in certain situations. See Community Prop- with the discussion under Income from separate property, erty Laws Disregarded, later. later. If you and your spouse (or your registered domestic Check your state law if you are separated but partner) buy a bond that is considered community prop- ! don't meet the conditions discussed in Spouses erty under your state laws, half the bond interest belongs CAUTION living apart all year, later. In some states, the in- to you and half belongs to your spouse. You each must come you earn after you are separated and before a di- show the bond interest and the split of that interest on vorce decree is issued continues to be community in- your Form 8958, and report half the interest on your Form come. In other states, it is separate income. 1040. Attach your Form 8958 to your Form 1040. Table 1. General Rules — Property and Income: Community or Separate? Community property is property: Separate property is: • That you, your spouse (or your registered domestic • Property that you or your spouse (or your registered partner), or both acquire during your marriage (or domestic partner) owned separately before your registered domestic partnership) while you and your marriage (or registered domestic partnership). spouse (or your registered domestic partner) are • Money earned while domiciled in a noncommunity domiciled in a community property state. (Includes the property state. part of property bought with community property funds if • Property either of you received as a gift or inherited part was bought with community funds and part with separately during your marriage (or registered domestic separate funds.) partnership). • That you and your spouse (or your registered domestic • Property bought with separate funds, or exchanged for partner) agreed to convert from separate to community separate property, during your marriage (or registered property. domestic partnership). • That can't be identified as separate property. • Property that you and your spouse (or your registered domestic partner) agreed to convert from community to separate property through an agreement valid under state law. • The part of property bought with separate funds, if part was bought with community funds and part with separate funds. Community income 1,2,3 is income from: Separate income 1,2 is income from: • Community property. • Separate property which belongs to the spouse (or • Salaries, wages, or pay for services of you, your spouse registered domestic partner) who owns the property. (or your registered domestic partner), or both during your marriage (or registered domestic partnership) while domiciled in a community property state. • Real estate that is treated as community property under the laws of the state where the property is located. 1In Idaho, Louisiana, Texas, and Wisconsin, income from most separate property is community income. 2Check your state law if you are separated but don't meet the conditions discussed in Spouses living apart all year, later. In some states, the income you earn after you are separated and before a divorce decree is issued continues to be community income. In other states, it is separate income. 3Under special rules, income that can otherwise be characterized as community income may not be treated as community income for federal income tax purposes in certain situations. See Community Property Laws Disregarded, later. Page 4 Publication 555 (January 2019) |
Page 5 of 13 Fileid: … ons/P555/201901/A/XML/Cycle02/source 14:00 - 25-Jan-2019 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Alimony received. You aren't required to include as in- the Civil Service Retirement Act (CSRS) or Federal Em- come alimony or separate maintenance payments you re- ployee Retirement System (FERS). ceive, under a divorce or separation agreement executed Whether a civil service annuity is separate or commun- (1) after December 31, 2018, or (2) on or before Decem- ity income depends on your marital status (or your status ber 31, 2018, but modified after that date if the modifica- as a registered domestic partner) and domicile of the em- tion expressly states that these changes apply to the mod- ployee when the services were performed for which the ification. If an agreement was executed on or before annuity is paid. Even if you now live in a noncommunity December 31, 2018, and modified after that date but it did property state and you receive a civil service annuity, it not expressly state that the changes apply to the modifica- may be community income if it is based on services you tion, then the following rules apply. performed while married (or during the registered domes- Alimony or separate maintenance payments made prior tic partnership) and domiciled in a community property to divorce are taxable to the payee spouse only to the ex- state. tent they exceed 50% (his or her share) of the reportable If a civil service annuity is a mixture of community in- community income. This is so because the payee spouse come and separate income, it must be divided between is already required to report half of the community income. the two kinds of income. The division is based on the em- See also Payments not alimony, later. ployee's domicile and marital status (or registered domes- tic partnership) in community and noncommunity property Gains and losses. Gains and losses are classified as states during his or her periods of service. separate or community depending on how the property is held. For example, a loss on separate property, such as Example. Henry Wright retired this year after 30 years stock held separately, is a separate loss. On the other of civil service. He and his wife were domiciled in a com- hand, a loss on community property, such as a casualty munity property state during the past 15 years. loss to your home held as community property, is a com- Since half the service was performed while the Wrights munity loss. See Publication 544, Sales and Other Dispo- were married and domiciled in a community property sitions of Assets, for information on gains and losses. See state, half the civil service retirement pay is considered to Publication 547, Casualties, Disasters, and Thefts, for in- be community income. If Mr. Wright receives $1,000 a formation on losses due to a casualty or theft. month in retirement pay, $500 is considered community income—half ($250) is his income and half ($250) is his Withdrawals from individual retirement arrange- wife's. ments (IRAs) and Coverdell Education Savings Ac- counts (ESAs). There are several kinds of individual re- Military retirement pay. State community property tirement arrangements (IRAs). They are traditional IRAs laws apply to military retirement pay. Generally, the pay is (including SEP-IRAs), SIMPLE IRAs, and Roth IRAs. IRAs either separate or community income based on the marital and ESAs by law are deemed to be separate property. status and domicile of the couple while the member of the Therefore, taxable IRA and ESA distributions are separate Armed Forces was in active military service. For example, property, even if the funds in the account would otherwise military retirement pay for services performed during mar- be community property. These distributions are wholly riage and domicile in a community property state is com- taxable to the spouse (or registered domestic partner) munity income. whose name is on the account. That spouse (or registered Active military pay earned while married and domiciled domestic partner) is also liable for any penalties and addi- in a community property state is also community income. tional taxes on the distributions. This income is considered to be received half by the member of the Armed Forces and half by the spouse. Pensions. Generally, distributions from pensions will be characterized as community or separate income depend- Partnership income. If an interest is held in a partner- ing on the respective periods of participation in the pen- ship, and income from the partnership is attributable to the sion while married (or during the registered domestic part- efforts of either spouse (or registered domestic partner), nership) and domiciled in a community property state or in the partnership income is community property. If it is a a noncommunity property state during the total period of separate property partnership and the income from the participation in the pension. See the example under Civil partnership isn't attributable to the efforts of either spouse, service retirement, later. These rules may vary between the partnership income will be characterized in accord- states. Check your state law. ance with the discussion under Income from separate property, later. Lump-sum distributions. If you were born before January 2, 1936, and receive a lump-sum distribution from Tax-exempt income. For spouses, community income a qualified retirement plan, you may be able to choose an exempt from federal tax generally keeps its exempt status optional method of figuring the tax on the distribution. For for both spouses. For example, under certain circumstan- the 10-year tax option, you must disregard community ces, income earned outside the United States is tax ex- property laws. For more information, see Publication 575, empt. If you earned income and met the conditions that Pension and Annuity Income, and Form 4972, Tax on made it exempt, the income is also exempt for your Lump-Sum Distributions. spouse even though he or she may not have met the con- ditions. Registered domestic partners should consult the Civil service retirement. For income tax purposes, community property laws apply to annuities payable under Publication 555 (January 2019) Page 5 |
Page 6 of 13 Fileid: … ons/P555/201901/A/XML/Cycle02/source 14:00 - 25-Jan-2019 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. particular exclusion provision to see if the exempt status IRA deduction. Deductions for IRA contributions can't be applies to both. split between spouses (or registered domestic partners). The deduction for each spouse (or each registered do- Income from separate property. In some states, in- mestic partner) is figured separately and without regard to come from separate property is separate income. These community property laws. states include Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, and Washington. Other states characterize income from Personal expenses. Expenses that are paid out of sepa- separate property as community income. These states in- rate funds, such as medical expenses, are deductible by clude Idaho, Louisiana, Texas, and Wisconsin. the spouse who pays them. If these expenses are paid from community funds, divide the deduction equally be- Deductions tween you and your spouse. If you file separate returns, your deductions generally de- Credits, Taxes, and Payments pend on whether the expenses involve community or sep- arate income. The following is a discussion of the general effect of com- munity property laws on the treatment of certain credits, Business and investment expenses. If you file sepa- taxes, and payments on your separate return. rate returns, expenses incurred to earn or produce com- munity business or investment income are generally divi- Child tax credit. You may be entitled to a child tax credit ded equally between you and your spouse (or your for each of your qualifying children. You must provide the registered domestic partner). Each of you is entitled to de- name and the social security number of each qualifying duct one-half of the expenses on your separate returns. child on your return. See your tax return instructions for Expenses incurred by a spouse (or registered domestic the maximum amount of the credit you can claim for each partner) to produce separate business or investment in- qualifying child. come is deductible by the spouse (or the registered do- Limit on credit. The credit is limited if your modified mestic partner) who earns the corresponding separate adjusted gross income (modified AGI) is above a certain business or investment income. amount. The amount at which the limitation (phaseout) be- Other limits may also apply to business and investment gins depends on your filing status. Generally, your credit expenses. For more information, see Publication 535, is limited to your tax liability unless you have three or more Business Expenses, and Publication 550, Investment In- qualifying children. See your tax return instructions for come and Expenses. more information. Payments not alimony. Prior to the enactment of the Credit for other dependents. You may be entitled to a Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) payments that may other- credit for other dependents for each qualifying child who is wise qualify as alimony aren't deductible by the payer if not a qualifying child for the child tax credit and for each they are the recipient spouse's part of community income. qualifying relative. For more information, see the Instruc- See Example 1, below. tions for Form 1040. Example 1—pre-TCJA (old rule). You live in a com- Self-employment tax. For the effect of community prop- munity property state. You are separated but the special erty laws on the income tax treatment of income from a rules explained later under Spouses living apart all year sole proprietorship and partnerships, see Wages, earn- don't apply. Under a court order, you pay your spouse ings, and profits and Partnership income, earlier. The fol- $12,000 of your $20,000 total yearly community income. lowing rules only apply to persons married for federal tax Your spouse receives no other community income. Under purposes. Registered domestic partners report commun- your state law, earnings of a spouse living separately and ity income for self-employment tax purposes the same apart from the other spouse continue as community prop- way they do for income tax purposes. erty. On your separate returns, each of you must report Sole proprietorship. With regard to net income from $10,000 of the total community income. In addition, your a trade or business (other than a partnership) that is com- spouse must report $2,000 as alimony received. You can munity income, self-employment tax is imposed on the deduct $2,000 as alimony paid. spouse carrying on the trade or business. Example 2—post-TCJA (current rule). Assume the Partnerships. All of the distributive share of a married same facts as in Example 1, but you pay your spouse pur- partner's income or loss from a partnership trade or busi- suant to a divorce or separation agreement executed on ness is attributable to the partner for computing any January 2, 2019. As in Example 1, each of you must re- self-employment tax, even if a portion of the partner's dis- port $10,000 of the total community income. However, tributive share of income or loss is community income or you may not deduct $2,000 as alimony paid and your loss that is otherwise attributable to the partner's spouse spouse isn't required to report $2,000 as alimony re- for income tax purposes. If both spouses are partners, any ceived. self-employment tax is allocated based on their distribu- tive shares. Page 6 Publication 555 (January 2019) |
Page 7 of 13 Fileid: … ons/P555/201901/A/XML/Cycle02/source 14:00 - 25-Jan-2019 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Federal income tax withheld. Report the credit for fed- Overpayments. The amount of an overpayment on a eral income tax withheld on community wages in the same joint return is allocated under the community property manner as your wages. If you and your spouse file sepa- laws of the state in which you are domiciled. rate returns on which each of you reports half the com- • If, under the laws of your state, community property is munity wages, each of you is entitled to credit for half the subject to premarital or other separate debts of either income tax withheld on those wages. Likewise, each reg- spouse, the full joint overpayment may be used to off- istered domestic partner is entitled to credit for half the in- set the obligation. come tax withheld on those wages. • If, under the laws of your state, community property Estimated tax payments. In determining whether you isn't subject to premarital or other separate debts of must pay estimated tax, apply the estimated tax rules to either spouse, only the portion of the joint overpay- your estimated income. These rules are explained in Pub- ment allocated to the spouse liable for the obligation lication 505. can be used to offset that liability. The portion alloca- If you think you may owe estimated tax and want to pay ted to the other spouse can be refunded. the tax separately (registered domestic partners must pay the tax separately), determine whether you must pay it by taking into account: Community Property Laws 1. Half the community income and deductions, and Disregarded 2. All of your separate income and deductions. Whether you and your spouse pay estimated tax jointly The following discussions are situations where special or separately won't affect your choice of filing joint or sep- rules apply to community property and community income arate income tax returns. for spouses. These rules don't apply to registered domes- If you and your spouse paid estimated tax jointly but file tic partners. separate income tax returns, either of you can claim all of Certain community income not treated as community the estimated tax paid, or you may divide it between you income by one spouse. Community property laws may in any way that you agree upon. not apply to an item of community income that you re- If you can't agree on how to divide it, the estimated tax ceived but didn't treat as community income. You are re- you can claim equals the total estimated tax paid times sponsible for reporting all of that income item if: the tax shown on your separate return, divided by the total of the tax shown on your return and your spouse's return. 1. You treat the item as if only you are entitled to the in- If you paid your estimated taxes separately, you get come, and credit for only the estimated taxes you paid. 2. You don't notify your spouse of the nature and amount Earned income credit. You may be entitled to an of the income by the due date for filing the return (in- earned income credit (EIC). You can't claim this credit if cluding extensions). your filing status is married filing separately. Relief from liability for tax attributable to an item of If you are married, but qualify to file as head of house- community income. You aren't responsible for the tax hold under rules for married taxpayers living apart (see relating to an omitted item of community income if all the Publication 501, Dependents, Standard Deduction, and following conditions are met. Filing Information), and live in a state that has community property laws, your earned income for the EIC doesn't in- 1. You didn't file a joint return for the tax year. clude any amount earned by your spouse that is treated as belonging to you under community property laws. That 2. You didn't include the item of community income in amount isn't earned income for the EIC, even though you gross income. must include it in your gross income on your income tax 3. The item of community income you didn't include in return. Your earned income includes the entire amount your gross income is one of the following: you earned, even if part of it is treated as belonging to your spouse under your state's community property laws. a. Wages, salaries, and other compensation your The same rule applies to registered domestic partners. spouse (or former spouse) received for services he or she performed as an employee. This rule doesn't apply when determining your ad- b. Income your spouse (or former spouse) derived ! justed gross income (AGI) for the EIC. Your AGI from a trade or business he or she operated as a CAUTION includes that part of both your and your spouse's (or your registered domestic partner's) wages that you are sole proprietor. required to include in gross income shown on your tax re- c. Your spouse's (or former spouse's) distributive turn. share of partnership income. For more information about the EIC, see Publication d. Income from your spouse's (or former spouse's) 596, Earned Income Credit (EIC). separate property (other than income described in (a), (b), or (c)). Use the appropriate community Publication 555 (January 2019) Page 7 |
Page 8 of 13 Fileid: … ons/P555/201901/A/XML/Cycle02/source 14:00 - 25-Jan-2019 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. property law to determine what is separate prop- If all these conditions are met, you and your spouse must erty. report your community income as discussed next. See also Certain community income not treated as community e. Any other income that belongs to your spouse (or income by one spouse, earlier. former spouse) under community property law. Earned income. Treat earned income that isn't trade 4. You establish that you didn't know of, and had no rea- or business or partnership income as the income of the son to know of, that community income. spouse who performed the services to earn the income. 5. Under all facts and circumstances, it wouldn't be fair Earned income is wages, salaries, professional fees, and to include the item of community income in your gross other pay for personal services. income. Earned income doesn't include amounts paid by a cor- poration that are a distribution of earnings and profits Requesting relief. For information on how and when rather than a reasonable allowance for personal services to request relief from liabilities arising from community rendered. property laws, see Community Property Laws in Publica- tion 971, Innocent Spouse Relief. Trade or business income. Treat income and related deductions from a trade or business that isn't a partner- Equitable relief. If you don't qualify for the relief dis- ship as those of the spouse carrying on the trade or busi- cussed earlier under Relief from liability for tax attributable ness. to an item of community income and are now liable for an underpaid or understated tax you believe should be paid Partnership income or loss. Treat income or loss only by your spouse (or former spouse), you may request from a trade or business carried on by a partnership as equitable relief. To request equitable relief, you must file the income or loss of the spouse who is the partner. Form 8857, Request for Innocent Spouse Relief. Also see Separate property income. Treat income from the Publication 971. separate property of one spouse as the income of that Spousal agreements. In some states a married couple spouse. may enter into an agreement that affects the status of Social security benefits. Treat social security and property or income as community or separate property. equivalent railroad retirement benefits as the income of Check your state law to determine how it affects you. the spouse who receives the benefits. Nonresident alien spouse. If you are a U.S. citizen or Other income. Treat all other community income, resident alien and you choose to treat your nonresident such as dividends, interest, rents, royalties, or gains, as alien spouse as a U.S. resident for tax purposes and you provided under your state's community property law. are domiciled in a community property state or country, use the community property rules. You must file a joint re- Example. George and Sharon were married through- turn for the year you make the choice. You can file sepa- out the year but didn't live together at any time during the rate returns in later years. For details on making this year. Both domiciles were in a community property state. choice, see Publication 519, U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens. They didn't file a joint return or transfer any of their earned If you are a U.S. citizen or resident alien and don't income between themselves. During the year their in- choose to treat your nonresident alien spouse as a U.S. comes were as follows: resident for tax purposes, treat your community income as explained next under Spouses living apart all year. How- George Sharon ever, you don't have to meet the four conditions discussed Wages $20,000 $22,000 there. 5,000 Consulting business Spouses living apart all year. If you are married at any Partnership 10,000 time during the calendar year, special rules apply for re- Dividends from separate property 1,000 2,000 porting certain community income. You must meet all the Interest from community property 500 500 following conditions for these special rules to apply. Total $26,500 $34,500 1. You and your spouse lived apart all year. Under the community property law of their state, all the 2. You and your spouse didn't file a joint return for a tax income is considered community income. (Some states year beginning or ending in the calendar year. treat income from separate property as separate in- 3. You and/or your spouse had earned income for the come—check your state law.) Sharon didn't take part in calendar year that is community income. George's consulting business. Ordinarily, on their separate returns they would each 4. You and your spouse haven't transferred, directly or report $30,500, half the total community income of indirectly, any of the earned income in condition (3) $61,000 ($26,500 + $34,500). But because they meet the above between yourselves before the end of the year. four conditions listed earlier under Spouses living apart all Don't take into account transfers satisfying child sup- year, they must disregard community property law in re- port obligations or transfers of very small amounts or porting all their income (except the interest income) from value. community property. They each report on their returns Page 8 Publication 555 (January 2019) |
Page 9 of 13 Fileid: … ons/P555/201901/A/XML/Cycle02/source 14:00 - 25-Jan-2019 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. only their own earnings and other income, and their share marriage ever existed, usually doesn't nullify community of the interest income from community property. George property rights arising during the “marriage.” However, reports $26,500 and Sharon reports $34,500. you should check your state law for exceptions. A decree of legal separation or of separate mainte- Other separated spouses. If you and your spouse are nance may or may not end the marital community. The separated but don't meet the four conditions discussed court issuing the decree may terminate the marital com- earlier under Spouses living apart all year, you must treat munity and divide the property between the spouses. your income according to the laws of your state. In some A separation agreement may divide the community states, income earned after separation but before a de- property between you and your spouse. It may provide cree of divorce continues to be community income. In that this property, along with future earnings and property other states, it is separate income. acquired, will be separate property. This agreement may end the community. In some states, the marital community ends when the End of the Community spouses permanently separate, even if there is no formal agreement. Check your state law. The marital community may end in several ways. When If you are a registered domestic partner, you should the marital community ends, the community assets check your state law to determine when the community (money and property) are divided between the spouses. ends. Similarly, a registered domestic partnership may end in several ways and the community assets must be divided between the registered domestic partners. Preparing a Federal Income Death of spouse. If you own community property and Tax Return your spouse dies, the total fair market value (FMV) of the community property, including the part that belongs to The following discussion doesn't apply to spouses who you, generally becomes the basis of the entire property. meet the conditions under Spouses living apart all year, For this rule to apply, at least half the value of the com- discussed earlier. Those spouses must report their com- munity property interest must be includible in your spou- munity income as explained in that discussion. se's gross estate, whether or not the estate must file a re- turn (this rule doesn't apply to registered domestic partners). Joint Return Versus Separate Returns Example. Bob and Ann owned community property Ordinarily, filing a joint return will give you a greater tax that had a basis of $80,000. When Bob died, his and advantage than filing a separate return. But in some ca- Ann's community property had an FMV of $100,000. ses, your combined income tax on separate returns may One-half of the FMV of their community interest was in- be less than it would be on a joint return. cludible in Bob's estate. The basis of Ann's half of the This discussion concerning joint versus separate property is $50,000 after Bob died (half of the $100,000 ! returns doesn't apply to registered domestic part- FMV). The basis of the other half to Bob's heirs is also CAUTION ners. $50,000. For more information about the basis of assets, see The following rules apply if your filing status is married Publication 551, Basis of Assets. filing separately. Divorce or separation. If spouses divorce or separate, 1. You should itemize deductions if your spouse item- the (equal or unequal) division of community property in izes deductions, because you can't claim the stand- connection with the divorce or property settlement doesn't ard deduction. result in a gain or loss. For registered domestic partners, 2. You can't take the credit for child and dependent care an unequal division of community property in a property expenses in most instances. settlement may result in a gain or loss. For information on the tax consequences of the division of property under a 3. You can't take the earned income credit. property settlement or divorce decree, see Publication 4. You can't exclude any interest income from qualified 504. U.S. savings bonds that you used for higher educa- Each spouse (or each registered domestic partner) is tion expenses. taxed on half the community income for the part of the year before the community ends. However, see Spouses 5. You can't take the credit for the elderly or the disabled living apart all year, earlier. Any income received after the unless you lived apart from your spouse all year. community ends is separate income. This separate in- 6. You will likely have to include in income a greater per- come is taxable only to the spouse (or the registered do- centage of any social security benefits or equivalent mestic partner) to whom it belongs. railroad retirement benefits you received. An absolute decree of divorce or annulment ends the marital community in all community property states. A 7. You can't deduct interest paid on a qualified student decree of annulment, even though it holds that no valid loan. Publication 555 (January 2019) Page 9 |
Page 10 of 13 Fileid: … ons/P555/201901/A/XML/Cycle02/source 14:00 - 25-Jan-2019 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. 8. You can't take the education credits. Preparing and filing your tax return. Find free options to prepare and file your return on or in your local 9. You may have a smaller child tax credit and credit for community if you qualify. other dependents than you would on a joint return. The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program 10. You can't take the exclusion or credit for adoption ex- offers free tax help to people who generally make $55,000 penses in most instances. or less, persons with disabilities, and limited-Eng- lish-speaking taxpayers who need help preparing their Figure your tax both on a joint return and on sepa- own tax returns. The Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) TIP rate returns under the community property laws of program offers free tax help for all taxpayers, particularly your state. You can then compare the tax figured those who are 60 years of age and older. TCE volunteers under both methods and use the one that results in less specialize in answering questions about pensions and re- tax. tirement-related issues unique to seniors. You can go to to see your options for preparing Separate Return Preparation and filing your return which include the following. • Free File. Go to to see if you qualify If you file separate returns, you and your spouse must to use brand-name software to prepare and e-file your each report half of your combined community income and federal tax return for free. deductions in addition to your separate income and de- ductions. Each of you must complete and attach Form • VITA. Go to, download the free IRS2Go 8958 to your Form 1040 showing how you figured the app, or call 800-906-9887 to find the nearest VITA lo- amount you are reporting on your return. On the appropri- cation for free tax return preparation. ate lines of your separate Form 1040, list only your share • TCE. Go to, download the free IRS2Go of the income and deductions on the appropriate lines of app, or call 888-227-7669 to find the nearest TCE lo- your separate tax returns (wages, interest, dividends, cation for free tax return preparation. etc.). The same reporting rule applies to registered do- mestic partners. For a discussion of the effect of commun- Getting answers to your tax questions. On ity property laws on certain items of income, deductions,, get answers to your tax questions any- credits, and other return amounts, see Identifying Income, time, anywhere. Deductions, and Credits, earlier. • Go to for a variety of tools that will help you get answers to some of the most common tax Attach your Form 8958 to your separate return showing questions. how you figured the income, deductions, and federal in- come tax withheld that each of you reported. Form 8958 is • Go to for the Interactive Tax Assistant, a used for married spouses in community property states tool that will ask you questions on a number of tax law who choose to file married filing separately. Form 8958 is topics and provide answers. You can print the entire also used for registered domestic partners who are domi- interview and the final response for your records. ciled in Nevada, Washington, or California. A registered • Go to to get Pub. 17, Your Federal In- domestic partner in Nevada, Washington, or California come Tax for Individuals, which features details on must follow state community property laws and report half tax-saving opportunities, 2018 tax changes, and thou- the combined community income of the individual and his sands of interactive links to help you find answers to or her registered domestic partner. your questions. View it online in HTML, as a PDF, or Extension of time to file. An extension of time for filing download it to your mobile device as an eBook. your separate return doesn't extend the time for filing your • You may also be able to access tax law information in spouse's (or your registered domestic partner's) separate your electronic filing software. return. If you and your spouse file a joint return, you can't file separate returns after the due date for filing either sep- arate return has passed. Getting tax forms and publications. Go to Forms to view, download, or print all of the forms and pub- lications you may need. You can also download and view popular tax publications and instructions (including the How To Get Tax Help 1040 instructions) on mobile devices as an eBook at no charge. Or you can go to to place an If you have questions about a tax issue, need help prepar- order and have forms mailed to you within 10 business ing your tax return, or want to download free publications, days. forms, or instructions, go to and find resources that can help you right away. Access your online account (individual taxpayers only). Go to to securely access infor- Tax reform. Major tax reform legislation impacting indi- mation about your federal tax account. viduals, businesses, and tax-exempt entities was enacted in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on December 22, 2017. Go • View the amount you owe, pay online, or set up an on- to for information and updates on line payment agreement. how this legislation affects your taxes. 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Page 11 of 13 Fileid: … ons/P555/201901/A/XML/Cycle02/source 14:00 - 25-Jan-2019 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. • Access your tax records online. • If your SSN has been lost or stolen or you suspect you’re a victim of tax-related identity theft, visit • Review the past 24 months of your payment history. to learn what steps you should • Go to to review the required take. identity authentication process. Checking on the status of your refund. Using direct deposit. The fastest way to receive a tax refund is to combine direct deposit and IRS e-file. Direct • Go to deposit securely and electronically transfers your refund • The IRS can’t issue refunds before mid-February 2019 directly into your financial account. Eight in 10 taxpayers for returns that claimed the EIC or the ACTC. This ap- use direct deposit to receive their refund. The IRS issues plies to the entire refund, not just the portion associ- more than 90% of refunds in less than 21 days. ated with these credits. Refund timing for returns claiming certain credits. • Download the official IRS2Go app to your mobile de- The IRS can’t issue refunds before mid-February 2019 for vice to check your refund status. returns that claimed the earned income credit (EIC) or the • Call the automated refund hotline at 800-829-1954. additional child tax credit (ACTC). This applies to the en- tire refund, not just the portion associated with these cred- Making a tax payment. The IRS uses the latest encryp- its. tion technology to ensure your electronic payments are safe and secure. You can make electronic payments on- Getting a transcript or copy of a return. The quickest line, by phone, and from a mobile device using the way to get a copy of your tax transcript is to go to IRS2Go app. Paying electronically is quick, easy, and Transcripts. Click on either "Get Transcript Online" or "Get faster than mailing in a check or money order. Go to Transcript by Mail" to order a copy of your transcript. If to make a payment using any of the you prefer, you can: following options. • Order your transcript by calling 800-908-9946, or • IRS Direct Pay: Pay your individual tax bill or estima- • Mail Form 4506-T or Form 4506T-EZ (both available ted tax payment directly from your checking or sav- on ings account at no cost to you. • Debit or credit card: Choose an approved payment Using online tools to help prepare your return. Go to processor to pay online, by phone, and by mobile de- for the following. vice. • The Earned Income Tax Credit Assistant ( • Electronic Funds Withdrawal: Offered only when fil- EITCAssistant) determines if you’re eligible for the ing your federal taxes using tax return preparation EIC. software or through a tax professional. • The Online EIN Application ( ) helps you • Electronic Federal Tax Payment System: Best op- get an employer identification number. tion for businesses. Enrollment is required. • The IRS Withholding Calculator ( ) es- • Check or money order: Mail your payment to the ad- timates the amount you should have withheld from dress listed on the notice or instructions. your paycheck for federal income tax purposes and can help you perform a “paycheck checkup.” • Cash: You may be able to pay your taxes with cash at a participating retail store. • The First Time Homebuyer Credit Account Look-up ( tool provides information on What if I can’t pay now? Go to for your repayments and account balance. more information about your options. • The Sales Tax Deduction Calculator ( • Apply for an online payment agreement ( SalesTax) figures the amount you can claim if you OPA) to meet your tax obligation in monthly install- itemize deductions on Schedule A (Form 1040), ments if you can’t pay your taxes in full today. Once choose not to claim state and local income taxes, and you complete the online process, you will receive im- you didn’t save your receipts showing the sales tax mediate notification of whether your agreement has you paid. been approved. Resolving tax-related identity theft issues. • Use the Offer in Compromise Pre-Qualifier ( OIC) to see if you can settle your tax debt for less than • The IRS doesn’t initiate contact with taxpayers by the full amount you owe. email or telephone to request personal or financial in- formation. This includes any type of electronic com- Checking the status of an amended return. Go to munication, such as text messages and social media to track the status of Form 1040X amen- channels. ded returns. Please note that it can take up to 3 weeks • Go to for information. from the date you mailed your amended return for it to show up in our system and processing it can take up to 16 weeks. Publication 555 (January 2019) Page 11 |
Page 12 of 13 Fileid: … ons/P555/201901/A/XML/Cycle02/source 14:00 - 25-Jan-2019 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Understanding an IRS notice or letter. Go to to help you understand what Notices to find additional information about responding to these rights mean to you and how they apply. These are an IRS notice or letter. your rights. Know them. Use them. Contacting your local IRS office. Keep in mind, many What Can TAS Do For You? questions can be answered on without visiting an IRS Tax Assistance Center (TAC). Go to TAS can help you resolve problems that you can’t resolve LetUsHelp for the topics people ask about most. If you still with the IRS. And their service is free. If you qualify for need help, IRS TACs provide tax help when a tax issue their assistance, you will be assigned to one advocate can’t be handled online or by phone. All TACs now pro- who will work with you throughout the process and will do vide service by appointment so you’ll know in advance everything possible to resolve your issue. TAS can help that you can get the service you need without long wait you if: times. Before you visit, go to to find the nearest TAC, check hours, available services, and ap- • Your problem is causing financial difficulty for you, pointment options. Or, on the IRS2Go app, under the Stay your family, or your business; Connected tab, choose the Contact Us option and click on • You face (or your business is facing) an immediate “Local Offices.” threat of adverse action; or Watching IRS videos. The IRS Video portal • You’ve tried repeatedly to contact the IRS but no one ( contains video and audio presentations has responded, or the IRS hasn’t responded by the for individuals, small businesses, and tax professionals. date promised. Getting tax information in other languages. For tax- How Can You Reach TAS? payers whose native language isn’t English, we have the following resources available. Taxpayers can find informa- TAS has offices in every state, the District of Columbia, tion on in the following languages. and Puerto Rico. Your local advocate’s number is in your local directory and at • Spanish ( ). Contact-Us. You can also call them at 877-777-4778. • Chinese ( ). • Vietnamese ( ). How Else Does TAS Help Taxpayers? • Korean ( ). TAS works to resolve large-scale problems that affect • Russian ( ). many taxpayers. If you know of one of these broad issues, please report it to them at The IRS TACs provide over-the-phone interpreter serv- ice in over 170 languages, and the service is available TAS also has a website, Tax Reform Changes, which free to taxpayers. shows you how the new tax law may change your future tax filings and helps you plan for these changes. The in- The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) formation is categorized by tax topic in the order of the IRS Form 1040. Go to for more informa- Is Here To Help You tion. What is TAS? Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITCs) TAS is an independent organization within the IRS that helps taxpayers and protects taxpayer rights. Their job is LITCs are independent from the IRS. LITCs represent in- to ensure that every taxpayer is treated fairly and that you dividuals whose income is below a certain level and need know and understand your rights under the Taxpayer Bill to resolve tax problems with the IRS, such as audits, ap- of Rights. peals, and tax collection disputes. In addition, clinics can provide information about taxpayer rights and responsibili- How Can You Learn About Your Taxpayer ties in different languages for individuals who speak Eng- Rights? lish as a second language. Services are offered for free or a small fee. To find a clinic near you, visit The Taxpayer Bill of Rights describes 10 basic rights that or see IRS Pub. all taxpayers have when dealing with the IRS. Go to 4134, Low Income Taxpayer Clinic List. Page 12 Publication 555 (January 2019) |
Page 13 of 13 Fileid: … ons/P555/201901/A/XML/Cycle02/source 14:00 - 25-Jan-2019 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. To help us develop a more useful index, please let us know if you have ideas for index entries. Index See “Comments and Suggestions” in the “Introduction” for the ways you can reach us. Form 8958 3 4 10, , Partnerships, self-employment A tax 6 Alimony received 5 Payments: Annulment 9 G Estimated tax payments 7 Assistance (See Tax help) Gains and losses 5 Federal income tax withheld 7 Payments not alimony: post-TCJA 6 B I pre-TCJA 6 Basis of property, death of Identity theft 11 Pensions 5 spouse 9 Income: Personal expenses 6 Business expenses 6 Civil service annuities 4 Publications (See Tax help) Dividends 4 Gains and losses 4 C Income from separate property 4 R Child tax credit 6 Interest 4 Registered domestic partners 2 Civil service annuities 5 IRA distributions 4 Relief from liability for tax Community income, special rules 7 Lump-sum distributions 4 attributable to an item of Community income defined 3 Military retirement pay 4 community income 7 Community property defined 3 Partnership income 4 Rents 4 Community property laws: Pensions 4 Generally 2 Rents 4 When disregarded 7 Separate income 6 S Credit for other dependents 6 Tax-exempt income 4 Self-employment tax: Credits: Wages, earnings, and profits 4 Partnership 6 Child tax credit 6 Innocent spouse relief 7 8, Sole proprietorship 6 Earned income credit 7 Interest 4 Separated spouses 8 CSRS annuities 5 Investment expenses 6 Separate income defined 3 IRA deduction 6 Separate property defined 3 IRA distributions 5 Separate property income 6 D Separate returns: Death of spouse, basis of Extensions 10 property 9 J Separate returns vs. joint return 9 Deductions: Joint return vs. separate returns 9 Separation agreement 9 Business expenses 6 Sole proprietorship, Investment expenses 6 self-employment tax 6 IRA deduction 6 L Spousal agreements 8 Payments not alimony 6 Lump-sum distributions 5 Spouses living apart 8 Personal expenses 6 Dividends 4 M T Divorce 9 Military retirement pay 5 Tax-exempt income 5 Domestic partners 2 Missing children: Tax help 10 Domicile 2 Photographs of, included in IRS publications 1 E W Wages, earnings, and profits 4 Earned income credit 7 N Withholding tax 7 End of the marital community 9 Nonresident alien spouse 8 Equitable relief 8 ESA withdrawals 5 Estimated tax payments 7 O Exempt income 5 Overpayments 7 Extensions 10 P F Partnership income 5 FERS annuities 5 Publication 555 (January 2019) Page 13 |