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            Department of the Treasury                        Contents
            Internal Revenue Service
                                                              Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1
                                                              What's New   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Publication 519
Cat. No. 15023T                                               Reminders    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
                                                              Chapter  1.  Nonresident Alien or 
                                                              Resident Alien?           . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
U.S. Tax Guide 
                                                              Chapter  2.  Source of Income             . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    15
                                                              Chapter  3.  Exclusions From Gross Income                       . . . .    21
for Aliens
                                                              Chapter  4.  How Income of Aliens Is Taxed                    . . . . .    25
For use in preparing                                          Chapter  5.  Figuring Your Tax          . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    36
2023 Returns                                                  Chapter  6.  Dual-Status Tax Year             . . . . . . . . . . . . .    46
                                                              Chapter  7.  Filing Information           . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    50
                                                              Chapter  8.  Paying Tax Through Withholding or 
                                                              Estimated Tax           . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    55
                                                              Chapter  9.  Tax Treaty Benefits            . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    67
                                                              Chapter  10.  Employees of Foreign 
                                                              Governments and International 
                                                              Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            71
                                                              Chapter  11.  Departing Aliens and the Sailing 
                                                              or Departure Permit             . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    73
                                                              Chapter  12.  How To Get Tax Help               . . . . . . . . . . . .    76
                                                              Taxpayer Assistance Inside the United States . . .                         76
                                                              Appendix A—Tax Treaty Exemption Procedure 
                                                              for Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           84
                                                              Appendix B—Tax Treaty Exemption Procedure 
                                                              for Teachers and Researchers . . . . . . . . . . . .                       89
                                                              Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  96

                                                              Future Developments
                                                              For  the  latest  information  about  developments  related  to 
                                                              Pub.  519,  such  as  legislation  enacted  after  it  was 
                                                              published, go to IRS.gov/Pub519.

                                                              For  tax  purposes,  an  alien  is  an  individual  who  is  not  a 
                                                              U.S.  citizen.  Aliens  are  classified  as  nonresident  aliens 
                                                              and  resident  aliens.  This  publication  will  help  you  deter-
                                                              mine your status and give you information you will need to 
                                                              file  your  U.S.  tax  return.  Resident  aliens  are  generally 
                                                              taxed  on  their  worldwide  income,  the  same  as  U.S.  citi-
                                                              zens.  Nonresident  aliens  are  taxed  only  on  their  income 
Get forms and other information faster and easier at:         from sources within the United States and on certain in-
IRS.gov (English)         IRS.gov/Korean (한국어)            come connected with the conduct of a trade or business in 
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Feb 12, 2024

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Table A. Where To Find What You Need To 
Know About U.S. Taxes
              Commonly Asked Questions                                          Where To Find the Answer
Am I a nonresident alien or resident alien?                      See chapter 1.
Can I be a nonresident alien and a resident alien in the same    See Dual-Status Aliens in chapter 1.
year?                                                            See chapter 6.
I am a resident alien and my spouse is a nonresident alien. Are  See Nonresident Spouse Treated as a Resident
there special rules for us?                                        in chapter 1.
                                                                 See Community Income in chapter 2.
Is all my income subject to U.S. tax?                            See chapter 2.
                                                                 See chapter 3.
Is my scholarship subject to U.S. tax?                           See Scholarships, Grants, Prizes, and Awards in chapter 2.
                                                                 See Scholarships and Fellowship Grants in chapter 3.
                                                                 See chapter 9.
Would any U.S. estate or gift taxes apply to me, my estate, or an  See U.S. federal estate and gift tax in Reminders.
estate for which I am an executor, trustee, or representative?
What is the tax rate on my income subject to U.S. tax?           See chapter 4.
I moved to the United States this year. Can I deduct my moving   See Deductions in chapter 5.
expenses on my U.S. return?
Can I claim my spouse and/or children as dependents?             See Dependents in chapter 5.
I pay income taxes to my home country. Can I get credit for these  See Tax Credits and Payments in chapter 5.
taxes on my U.S. tax return?
What forms must I file and when and where do I file them?        See chapter 7.
How should I pay my U.S. income taxes?                           See chapter 8.
Am I eligible for any benefits under a tax treaty?               See Income Entitled to Tax Treaty Benefits in chapter 8.
                                                                 See chapter 9.
Are employees of foreign governments and international           See chapter 10.
organizations exempt from U.S. tax?
Is there anything special I have to do before leaving the United See Expatriation Tax in chapter 4.
States?                                                          See chapter 11.
  The information in this publication is not as comprehen-       our  tax  forms,  instructions,  and  publications. Don’t  send 
sive for resident aliens as it is for nonresident aliens. Resi-  tax questions, tax returns, or payments to the above ad-
dent aliens are generally treated the same as U.S. citizens      dress.
and can find more information in other IRS publications at 
                                                                       Getting answers to your tax questions.        If you have 
                                                                 a tax question not answered by this publication or the    How 
  Table A provides a list of questions and the chapter or 
                                                                 To Get Tax Help section at the end of this publication, go 
chapters in this publication where you will find the related 
                                                                 to  the  IRS  Interactive  Tax  Assistant  page  at     IRS.gov/
                                                                 Help/ITA  where  you  can  find  topics  by  using  the  search 
  Answers to frequently asked questions are presented in 
                                                                 feature or viewing the categories listed.
the back of the publication.
                                                                       Getting  tax  forms,  instructions,  and  publications. 
Comments  and  suggestions. We  welcome  your  com-              Go to IRS.gov/Forms to download current and prior-year 
ments  about  this  publication  and  suggestions  for  future   forms, instructions, and publications.
  You  can  send  us  comments  through            IRS.gov/            Ordering tax forms, instructions, and publications. 
FormComments. Or, you can write to the Internal Revenue          Go to IRS.gov/OrderForms to order current forms, instruc-
Service,  Tax  Forms  and  Publications,  1111  Constitution     tions,  and  publications;  call  800-829-3676  to  order 
Ave. NW, IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224.                          prior-year  forms  and  instructions.  The  IRS  will  process 
  Although  we  can’t  respond  individually  to  each  com-     your order for forms and publications as soon as possible. 
ment  received,  we  do  appreciate  your  feedback  and  will   Don’t resubmit requests you’ve already sent us. You can 
consider  your  comments  and  suggestions  as  we  revise       get forms and publications faster online.

2                                                                                                          Publication 519 (2023)

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                                                                   disasters (see IRS.gov/DisasterTaxRelief). Aliens who are 
                                                                   required to file a U.S. income tax return may be affected. 
What's New
                                                                   For more information, see the Instructions for Form 1040, 
Termination  of  1979  Tax  Convention  with  Hungary.             or the Instructions for Form 1040-NR.
On  July  15,  2022,  the  U.S.  Treasury  Department  (Treas-     Premium  tax  credit.  You  may  be  eligible  to  claim  the 
ury)  announced  that  Hungary  was  notified  on  July  8,        premium tax credit if you, your spouse, or a dependent en-
2022, that the United States would terminate its tax treaty        rolled  in  health  insurance  through  the  Health  Insurance 
with  Hungary.  In  accordance  with  the  treaty’s  provisions    Marketplace  (Marketplace).  See  Form  8962  and  its  in-
on  termination,  termination  is  effective  on  January  8,      structions for more information.
2023. With respect to taxes withheld at source, the treaty         Advance  payments  of  the  premium  tax  credit.     Ad-
ceases  to  have  effect  on  January  1,  2024.  In  respect  of  vance payments of the premium tax credit may have been 
other taxes, the treaty ceases to have effect with respect         made to the health insurer to help pay for the insurance 
to taxable periods beginning on or after January 1, 2024.          coverage of you, your spouse, or your dependent. If ad-
Qualified disability trusts. The exemption amount for a            vance payments of the premium tax credit were made, you 
qualified disability is $4,700 for 2023.                           must file a 2023 tax return and Form 8962. If you enrolled 
                                                                   someone who is not claimed as a dependent on your tax 
                                                                   return,  or  for  more  information,  see  the  Instructions  for 
                                                                   Form 8962.
                                                                   Form 1095-A.   If you, your spouse, or a dependent enrol-
Filing  status  name  changed  to  qualifying  surviving           led  in  health  insurance  through  the  Marketplace,  you 
spouse. The  filing  status  qualifying  widow(er)  is  now        should  have  received  a  Form  1095-A.  If  you  receive  a 
called qualifying surviving spouse. The rules for the filing       Form 1095-A, save it. It will help you figure your premium 
status have not changed. The same rules that applied for           tax credit. If you did not receive a Form 1095-A, contact 
qualifying widow(er) apply to qualifying surviving spouse.         the Marketplace.
See Qualifying  surviving  spouse  in  the  Instructions  for      U.S.  federal  estate  and  gift  tax.  An  individual  (or  de-
Form 1040 for details on the qualifying surviving spouse           ceased person) who is (or was) a nonresident noncitizen 
filing status.                                                     of the United States for estate and gift tax purposes may 
New lines 1a through 1z on Form 1040-NR.  In 2022,                 still have U.S. estate and gift tax filing and payment obliga-
line 1 was expanded with new lines 1a through 1z. Some             tions. The determination of whether an individual is a non-
amounts  that  in  prior  years  were  reported  on  Form          resident noncitizen for U.S. estate and gift tax purposes is 
1040-NR are reported on Schedule 1 (Form 1040).                    different than the determination of whether an individual is 
                                                                   a nonresident alien for U.S. federal income tax purposes. 
Scholarships and fellowship grants not reported on 
                                                                   Estate and gift tax considerations are outside of the scope 
  Form W-2 are reported on Schedule 1 (Form 1040), 
                                                                   of this publication, but information is available on IRS.gov 
  line 8r.
                                                                   to determine whether any U.S. estate or gift tax considera-
Pension or annuity from a nonqualified deferred com-             tions  may  apply  to  your  situation.  Further  information  on 
  pensation plan or a nongovernmental section 457 plan             U.S. federal estate tax considerations for nonresident non-
  are reported on Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 8t.                 citizens  is  available  at Estate  Tax  for  Nonresidents  not 
                                                                   Citizens  of  the  United  States  and  Frequently  Asked 
Wages earned while incarcerated are reported on 
                                                                   Questions on Estate Taxes for Nonresidents not Citizens 
  Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 8u.
                                                                   of  the  United  States.  Further  information  on  U.S.  federal 
Credit  for  child  and  dependent  care  expenses. The            gift tax considerations for nonresidents noncitizens of the 
changes to the credit for child and dependent care expen-          United States is available at Gift Tax for Nonresidents not 
ses  implemented  by  the  American  Rescue  Plan  Act  of         Citizens  of  the  United  States  and  Frequently  Asked 
2021  (ARP)  were  not  extended.  The  credit  for  the  child    Questions on Gift Taxes for Nonresidents not Citizens of 
and dependent care expenses is nonrefundable. The dol-             the United States.
lar limit on qualifying expenses is $3,000 for one qualifying 
                                                                   Digital assets. If, in 2023, you engaged in a transaction 
person  and  $6,000  for  two  or  more  qualifying  persons. 
                                                                   involving digital assets, you may need to answer "Yes" to 
The maximum credit amount allowed is 35% of your em-
                                                                   the question on page 1 of Form 1040-NR. See           Digital As-
ployment-related expenses. For more information, see the 
                                                                   sets  in  the  Instructions  for  Form  1040  for  information  on 
Instructions for Form 2441 and Pub. 503.
                                                                   transactions involving digital assets. Do not leave this field 
Recovery rebate credit is not available.  Aliens could             blank.  The  question  must  be  answered  by  all  taxpayers, 
claim the recovery rebate credit for 2020 and 2021 if they         not just taxpayers who engaged in a transaction involving 
were a resident alien for the entire year, were married and        digital assets.
chose to file a joint return with a U.S. citizen or resident       Third-party  designee.      You  can  check  the  “Yes”  box  in 
spouse, or were a dual-status alien and chose to be trea-          the “Third-Party Designee” area of your return to authorize 
ted as a U.S. resident for the entire year. The credit is not      the IRS to discuss your return with a friend, a family mem-
available after 2021.                                              ber, or any other person you choose. This allows the IRS 
Disaster  tax  relief.   Disaster  tax  relief  is  available  for to call the person you identified as your designee to an-
those  impacted  by  certain  Presidentially  declared             swer any questions that may arise during the processing 

Publication 519 (2023)                                                                                                   3

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of your return. It also allows your designee to perform cer-                  See chapter 12 for information about getting these forms.
tain actions such as asking the IRS for copies of notices or 
transcripts  related  to  your  return.  Also,  the  authorization 
can  be  revoked.  See  your  income  tax  return  instructions 
                                                                              Nonresident Aliens
for details.
Change  of  address.             If  you  change  your  mailing  ad-          If you are an alien (not a U.S. citizen), you are considered 
dress, be sure to notify the IRS using Form 8822.                             a nonresident alien unless you meet one of the two tests 
Photographs of missing children.  The IRS is a proud                          described under Resident Aliens below.
partner  with  the               National  Center  for  Missing  &  Exploited 
Children® (NCMEC). Photographs of missing children se-
lected by the Center may appear in this publication on pa-
ges  that  would  otherwise  be  blank.  You  can  help  bring                Resident Aliens
these  children  home  by  looking  at  the  photographs  and 
                                                                              You are a resident alien of the United States for tax purpo-
calling  1-800-THE-LOST  (1-800-843-5678)  if  you  recog-
                                                                              ses if you meet either the green card test or the substan-
nize a child.
                                                                              tial presence test for calendar year 2023 (January 1–De-
                                                                              cember 31). Even if you do not meet either of these tests, 
                                                                              you may be able to choose to be treated as a U.S. resi-
                                                                              dent  for  part  of  the  year.  See First-Year  Choice  under 
                                                                              Dual-Status Aliens, later.
                                                                              Green Card Test

                                                                              You are a resident for tax purposes if you are a lawful per-
Nonresident Alien or                                                          manent  resident  of  the  United  States  at  any  time  during 
                                                                              calendar  year  2023.  (However,  see Dual-Status  Aliens, 
Resident Alien?                                                               later.) This is known as the green card test. You are a law-
                                                                              ful permanent resident of the United States at any time if 
                                                                              you have been given the privilege, according to U.S. immi-
Introduction                                                                  gration laws, of residing permanently in the United States 
                                                                              as an immigrant. You generally have this status if the U.S. 
You should first determine whether, for income tax purpo-                     Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) (or its pred-
ses, you are a nonresident alien or a resident alien.                         ecessor organization) has issued you a Form I-551, U.S. 
  If you are both a nonresident and resident in the same                      Permanent  Resident  Card,  also  known  as  a  green  card. 
year, you have a dual status. See Dual-Status Aliens, later.                  You continue to have resident status under this test unless 
Also see Nonresident Spouse Treated as a Resident and                         the status is taken away from you or is administratively or 
some other special situations explained later in the chap-                    judicially determined to have been abandoned.
                                                                              Note. Even if an individual meets the green card test, if 
Topics                                                                        the individual claims foreign residency under a tiebreaker 
This chapter discusses:                                                       rule they would be treated as a nonresident for purposes 
                                                                              of their tax liability. See section 7701(b)(6)(B).
  How to determine if you are a nonresident, resident, or 
                                                                              Resident status taken away. Resident status is consid-
    dual-status alien; and
                                                                              ered to have been taken away from you if the U.S. Govern-
  How to treat a nonresident spouse as a resident alien.                    ment issues you a final administrative or judicial order of 
                                                                              exclusion or deportation. A final judicial order is an order 
Useful Items                                                                  that you may no longer appeal to a higher court of compe-
You may want to see:                                                          tent jurisdiction.

Form (and Instructions)                                                       Resident status abandoned.  An administrative or judi-
                                                                              cial determination of abandonment of resident status may 
      1040  1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return                            be initiated by you, the USCIS, or a U.S. consular officer.
      1040-SR    1040-SR U.S. Tax Return for Seniors                          If you initiate the determination, your resident status is 
      1040-NR            1040-NR U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return     considered  to  be  abandoned  when  you  file  either  of  the 
                                                                              following  documents  with  your  U.S.  Permanent  Resident 
      8833  8833 Treaty-Based Return Position Disclosure                      Card (green card or Form I-551) attached with the USCIS 
         Under Section 6114 or 7701(b)                                        or a U.S. consular officer.
      8840  8840 Closer Connection Exception Statement for 
                                                                              Form I-407, Record of Abandonment of Lawful Perma-
                                                                                nent Resident Status.
      8843  8843 Statement for Exempt Individuals and 
         Individuals With a Medical Condition

4                                 Chapter 1          Nonresident Alien or Resident Alien?                          Publication 519 (2023)

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A letter stating your intent to abandon your resident            Example.   You  were  physically  present  in  the  United 
  status.                                                         States on 120 days in each of the years 2023, 2022, and 
When filing by mail, you must send by certified mail, re-         2021. To determine if you meet the substantial presence 
turn  receipt  requested  (or  the  foreign  equivalent),  and    test for 2023, count the full 120 days of presence in 2023, 
keep a copy and proof that it was mailed and received.            40 days in 2022 ( /  of 120), and 20 days in 2021 ( /  of 1 3 1 6
                                                                  120). Because the total for the 3-year period is 180 days, 
        Until you have proof your letter was received, you        you  are  not  considered  a  resident  under  the  substantial 
!       remain  a  resident  alien  for  tax  purposes  even  if  presence test for 2023.
CAUTION the USCIS would not recognize the validity of your 
green  card  because  it  is  more  than  10  years  old  or  be-  The term “United States” includes the following areas.
cause you have been absent from the United States for a           All 50 states and the District of Columbia.
period of time.
                                                                  The territorial waters of the United States.
If the USCIS or U.S. consular officer initiates this deter-         The seabed and subsoil of those submarine areas that 
mination,  your  resident  status  will  be  considered  to  be     are adjacent to U.S. territorial waters and over which 
abandoned  when  the  final  administrative  order  of  aban-       the United States has exclusive rights under interna-
donment is issued. If you are granted an appeal to a fed-           tional law to explore and exploit natural resources.
eral court of competent jurisdiction, a final judicial order is 
required.                                                         The term does not include U.S. territories or U.S. airspace.
Under  U.S.  immigration  law,  a  lawful  permanent  resi-
dent who is required to file a tax return as a resident and       Days of Presence in the United States
fails to do so may be regarded as having abandoned sta-
tus and may lose permanent resident status.                       You are treated as present in the United States on any day 
                                                                  you are physically present in the country at any time dur-
        A  long-term  resident  (LTR)  who  ceases  to  be  a     ing the day. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Do 
!       lawful permanent resident may be subject to spe-          not count the following as days of presence in the United 
CAUTION cial  reporting  requirements  and  tax  provisions. 
                                                                  States for the substantial presence test.
See Expatriation Tax in chapter 4.
                                                                  Days you commute to work in the United States from a 
Termination  of  residency  after  June  3,  2004,  and             residence in Canada or Mexico if you regularly com-
before June 17, 2008.  If you terminated your residency             mute from Canada or Mexico.
after June 3, 2004, and before June 17, 2008, you will still      Days you are in the United States for less than 24 
be considered a U.S. resident for tax purposes until you            hours when you are in transit between two places out-
notify  the  Secretary  of  Homeland  Security  and  file  Form     side the United States.
8854, Initial and Annual Expatriation Statement.
                                                                  Days you are in the United States as a crew member 
Note.   Requirements for taxpayers who expatriated be-              of a foreign vessel.
fore June 17, 2008, are no longer discussed in the Instruc-       Days you are unable to leave the United States be-
tions for Form 8854 or Pub. 519. For information on expa-           cause of a medical condition that arose while you are 
triation before June 17, 2008, see the 2018 Instructions for        in the United States.
Form 8854, and chapter 4 of the 2018 Pub. 519.
                                                                  Days you are in the United States under a NATO visa 
Termination of residency after June 16, 2008.             For       as a member of a force or civilian component to 
information  on  your  residency  termination  date,  see For-      NATO. However, this exception does not apply to an 
mer LTR under  Expatriation After June 16, 2008    in chap-         immediate family member who is present in the United 
ter 4.                                                              States under a NATO visa. A dependent family mem-
                                                                    ber must count every day of presence for purposes of 
Substantial Presence Test                                           the substantial presence test.
                                                                  Days you are an exempt individual.
You are a resident for tax purposes if you meet the sub-
stantial presence test for calendar year 2023. To meet this       The specific rules that apply to each of these categories 
test, you must be physically present in the United States         are discussed next.
on at least:
                                                                  Regular  commuters  from  Canada  or  Mexico.          Do  not 
1. 31 days during 2023; and                                       count the days on which you commute to work in the Uni-
                                                                  ted States from your residence in Canada or Mexico if you 
2. 183 days during the 3-year period that includes 2023, 
                                                                  regularly commute from Canada or Mexico. You are con-
  2022, and 2021, counting:
                                                                  sidered  to  commute  regularly  if  you  commute  to  work  in 
    a. All the days you were present in 2023,                     the United States on more than 75% (0.75) of the work-
                                                                  days during your working period.
    b. /  of the days you were present in 2022, and1 3
                                                                   For  this  purpose,  “commute”  means  to  travel  to  work 
    c. /  of the days you were present in 2021.1 6                and  return  to  your  residence  within  a  24-hour  period. 
                                                                  “Workdays” are the days on which you work in the United 
                                                                  States or Canada or Mexico. “Working period” means the 

Publication 519 (2023)            Chapter 1        Nonresident Alien or Resident Alien?                                     5

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period beginning with the first day in the current year on          leave  the  United  States  before  the  end  of  that  extended 
which  you  are  physically  present  in  the  United  States  to   period.
work  and  ending  on  the  last  day  in  the  current  year  on    In the case of an individual who is judged mentally in-
which  you  are  physically  present  in  the  United  States  to   competent, proof of intent to leave the United States can 
work. If your work requires you to be present in the United         be determined by analyzing the individual's pattern of be-
States only on a seasonal or cyclical basis, your working           havior before they were judged mentally incompetent.
period  begins  on  the  first  day  of  the  season  or  cycle  on  If you qualify to exclude days of presence because of a 
which  you  are  present  in  the  United  States  to  work  and    medical  condition,  you  must  file  a  fully  completed  Form 
ends on the last day of the season or cycle on which you            8843 with the IRS. See Form 8843, later.
are  present  in  the  United  States  to  work.  You  can  have     You cannot exclude any days of presence in the United 
more than one working period in a calendar year, and your           States under the following circumstances.
working period can begin in one calendar year and end in 
                                                                    You were initially prevented from leaving, were then 
the following calendar year.
                                                                      able to leave, but remained in the United States be-
  Example. Maria  Perez  lives  in  Mexico  and  works  for           yond a reasonable period for making arrangements to 
Compañía ABC in its office in Mexico but was temporarily              leave.
assigned to the firm's office in the United States from Feb-        You returned to the United States for treatment of a 
ruary 1 through June 1. On June 2, Maria resumed em-                  medical condition that arose during a prior stay.
ployment  in  Mexico.  For  69  workdays,  Maria  commuted 
each morning from home in Mexico to work in Compañía                The condition existed before your arrival in the United 
                                                                      States and you were aware of the condition. It does 
ABC's U.S. office and returned home in Mexico on each of 
                                                                      not matter whether you needed treatment for the con-
those evenings. For 7 workdays, Maria worked in Maria’s 
                                                                      dition when you entered the United States.
firm's Mexico office. For purposes of the substantial pres-
ence  test,  Maria  does  not  count  the  days  commuting  to      Exempt individual.  Do not count days for which you are 
work in the United States because those days equal more             an  exempt  individual.  The  term  “exempt  individual”  does 
than 75% (0.75) of the workdays during the working period           not refer to someone exempt from U.S. tax, but instead re-
(69 workdays in the United States divided by 76 workdays            fers to anyone in the following categories.
in the working period equals 90.8%).
                                                                    An individual temporarily present in the United States 
Days  in  transit.   Do  not  count  the  days  you  are  in  the     as a foreign government-related individual under an 
United States for less than 24 hours and you are in transit           “A” or “G” visa other than individuals holding “A-3” or 
between  two  places  outside  the  United  States.  You  are         “G-5” class visas.
considered to be in transit if you engage in activities that          A teacher or trainee temporarily present in the United 
are  substantially  related  to  completing  travel  to  your  for-   States under a “J” or “Q” visa who substantially com-
eign  destination.  For  example,  if  you  travel  between  air-     plies with the requirements of the visa.
ports  in  the  United  States  to  change  planes  en  route  to 
your  foreign  destination,  you  are  considered  to  be  in       A student temporarily present in the United States un-
transit. However, you are not considered to be in transit if          der an “F,” “J,” “M,” or “Q” visa who substantially com-
you attend a business meeting while in the United States.             plies with the requirements of the visa.
This is true even if the meeting is held at the airport.            A professional athlete temporarily present in the Uni-
                                                                      ted States to compete in a charitable sports event.
Crew members. Do not count the days you are tempora-
rily present in the United States as a regular crew member           The specific rules for each of these four categories (in-
of a foreign vessel (boat or ship) engaged in transporta-           cluding any rules on the length of time you will be an ex-
tion between the United States and a foreign country or a           empt individual) are discussed next.
U.S.  territory.  However,  this  exception  does  not  apply  if    Foreign  government-related  individuals.           A  foreign 
you otherwise engage in any trade or business in the Uni-           government-related individual is an individual (or a mem-
ted States on those days.                                           ber of the individual's immediate family) who is temporarily 
                                                                    present in the United States:
Medical condition.   Do not count the days you intended 
to leave, but could not leave, the United States because of         As a full-time employee of an international organiza-
a medical condition or problem that arose while you were              tion,
in  the  United  States.  Whether  you  intended  to  leave  the 
                                                                    By reason of diplomatic status, or
United States on a particular day is determined based on 
all the facts and circumstances. For example, you may be            By reason of a visa (other than a visa that grants lawful 
able to establish that you intended to leave if your purpose          permanent residence) that the Secretary of the Treas-
for visiting the United States could be accomplished dur-             ury determines represents full-time diplomatic or con-
ing a period that is not long enough to qualify you for the           sular status.
substantial presence test. However, if you need an exten-
ded period of time to accomplish the purpose of your visit           Note. You  are  considered  temporarily  present  in  the 
and that period would qualify you for the substantial pres-         United States regardless of the actual amount of time you 
ence test, you would not be able to establish an intent to          are present in the United States.

6                           Chapter 1 Nonresident Alien or Resident Alien?                           Publication 519 (2023)

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An international organization is any public international          However, you will be an exempt individual if all of the fol-
organization  that  the  President  of  the  United  States  has   lowing conditions are met.
designated  by  Executive  Order  as  being  entitled  to  the 
                                                                   You were exempt as a teacher, trainee, or student for 
privileges, exemptions, and immunities provided for in the 
                                                                     any part of 3 (or fewer) of the 6 preceding calendar 
International Organizations Act. An individual is a full-time 
employee if their work schedule meets the organization's 
standard full-time work schedule.                                  A foreign employer paid all of your compensation dur-
An individual is considered to have full-time diplomatic             ing 2023.
or consular status if they:                                        You were present in the United States as a teacher or 
 Have been accredited by a foreign government that is              trainee in any of the 6 prior years.
   recognized by the United States;                                A foreign employer paid all of your compensation dur-
 Intend to engage primarily in official activities for that        ing each of the preceding 6 years you were present in 
   foreign government while in the United States; and                the United States as a teacher or trainee.
 Have been recognized by the President, Secretary of             A foreign employer includes an office or place of business 
   State, or a consular officer as being entitled to that          of an American entity in a foreign country or a U.S. terri-
   status.                                                         tory.
                                                                   If you qualify to exclude days of presence as a teacher 
Members of the immediate family include the individu-
                                                                   or trainee, you must file a fully completed Form 8843 with 
al's spouse and unmarried children (whether by blood or 
                                                                   the IRS. See Form 8843, later.
adoption) but only if the spouse's or unmarried children's 
visa statuses are derived from, and dependent on, the ex-          Example.     Carla  was  temporarily  in  the  United  States 
empt  individual's  visa  classification.  Unmarried  children     during the year as a teacher on a “J” visa. Carla’s compen-
are included only if they:                                         sation for the year was paid by a foreign employer. Carla 
 Are under 21 years of age,                                      was treated as an exempt teacher for the previous 2 years, 
                                                                   but  compensation  was  not  paid  by  a  foreign  employer. 
 Reside regularly in the exempt individual's household,          Carla will not be considered an exempt individual for the 
   and                                                             current year because of being exempt as a teacher for at 
 Are not members of another household.                           least 2 of the past 6 years.
                                                                   If Carla’s compensation for the past 2 years had been 
Note.  Generally, if you are present in the United States          paid by a foreign employer, Carla would be an exempt in-
under an “A” or “G” class visa, you are considered a for-          dividual for the current year.
eign  government-related  individual  (with  full-time  diplo-
matic or consular status). None of your days count for pur-        Students.    A student is any individual who is tempora-
poses of the substantial presence test.                            rily in the United States on an “F,” “J,” “M,” or “Q” visa and 
                                                                   who  substantially  complies  with  the  requirements  of  that 
Household staff exception.        If you are present in the        visa.  You  are  considered  to  have  substantially  complied 
United States under an “A-3” or “G-5” class visa as a per-         with the visa requirements if you have not engaged in ac-
sonal employee, attendant, or domestic worker for either a         tivities  that  are  prohibited  by  U.S.  immigration  laws  and 
foreign  government  or  international  organization  official,    could result in the loss of your visa status.
you are not considered a foreign government-related indi-          Also included are immediate family members of exempt 
vidual and must count all your days of presence in the Uni-        students. See the definition of “immediate family,” earlier, 
ted States for purposes of the substantial presence test.          under Foreign government-related individuals.
Teachers and trainees.      A teacher or trainee is an in-         You  will  not  be  an  exempt  individual  as  a  student  in 
dividual,  other  than  a  student,  who  is  temporarily  in  the 2023  if  you  have  been  exempt  as  a  teacher,  trainee,  or 
United  States  under  a  “J”  or  “Q”  visa  and  substantially   student for any part of more than 5 calendar years unless 
complies with the requirements of that visa. You are con-          you meet both of the following requirements.
sidered  to  have  substantially  complied  with  the  visa  re-   You establish that you do not intend to reside perma-
quirements if you have not engaged in activities that are            nently in the United States.
prohibited by U.S. immigration laws and could result in the 
                                                                   You have substantially complied with the requirements 
loss of your visa status.
                                                                     of your visa.
Also included are immediate family members of exempt 
teachers  and  trainees.  See  the  definition  of  “immediate     The facts and circumstances to be considered in deter-
family,” earlier, under Foreign government-related individu-       mining if you have demonstrated an intent to reside per-
als.                                                               manently in the United States include, but are not limited 
You  will  not  be  an  exempt  individual  as  a  teacher  or     to, the following.
trainee in 2023 if you were exempt as a teacher, trainee, or       Whether you have maintained a closer connection to a 
student for any part of 2 of the 6 preceding calendar years.         foreign country (discussed later).
                                                                   Whether you have taken affirmative steps to change 
                                                                     your status from nonimmigrant to lawful permanent 

Publication 519 (2023)            Chapter 1 Nonresident Alien or Resident Alien?                                           7

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  resident, as discussed later under Closer Connection            Closer Connection to a Foreign Country
  to a Foreign Country.
                                                                  Even if you meet the substantial presence test, you can be 
  If you qualify to exclude days of presence as a student, 
                                                                  treated as a nonresident alien if you:
you  must  file  a  fully  completed  Form  8843  with  the  IRS. 
See Form 8843, later.                                             Are present in the United States for less than 183 days 
                                                                    during the year,
  Professional  athletes. A  professional  athlete  who  is 
temporarily in the United States to compete in a charitable       Maintain a tax home in a foreign country during the 
sports  event  is  an  exempt  individual.  A  charitable  sports   year, and
event is one that meets the following conditions.                 Have a closer connection during the year to one for-
The main purpose is to benefit a qualified charitable             eign country in which you have a tax home than to the 
  organization.                                                     United States (unless you have a closer connection to 
                                                                    two foreign countries, discussed next).
The entire net proceeds go to charity.
Volunteers perform substantially all the work.                  Closer connection to two foreign countries.            You can 
                                                                  demonstrate that you have a closer connection to two for-
  In  figuring  the  days  of  presence  in  the  United  States, 
                                                                  eign countries (but not more than two) if you meet all of 
you can exclude only the days on which you actually com-
                                                                  the following conditions.
peted in a sports event. You cannot exclude the days on 
which  you  were  in  the  United  States  to  practice  for  the You maintained a tax home beginning on the first day 
event, to perform promotional or other activities related to        of the year in one foreign country.
the event, or to travel between events.                           You changed your tax home during the year to a sec-
  If you qualify to exclude days of presence as a profes-           ond foreign country.
sional athlete, you must file a fully completed Form 8843 
with the IRS. See Form 8843 next.                                 You continued to maintain your tax home in the sec-
                                                                    ond foreign country for the rest of the year.
Form 8843.   If you exclude days of presence in the United 
                                                                  You had a closer connection to each foreign country 
States because you fall into any of the following catego-
                                                                    than to the United States for the period during which 
ries, you must file a fully completed Form 8843.
                                                                    you maintained a tax home in that foreign country.
You were unable to leave the United States as plan-
                                                                  You are subject to tax as a resident under the tax laws 
  ned because of a medical condition or problem.
                                                                    of either foreign country for the entire year or subject 
You were temporarily in the United States as a teacher            to tax as a resident in both foreign countries for the pe-
  or trainee on a “J” or “Q” visa.                                  riod during which you maintained a tax home in each 
                                                                    foreign country.
You were temporarily in the United States as a student 
  on an “F,” “J,” “M,” or “Q” visa.                               Tax  home. Your  tax  home  is  the  general  area  of  your 
You were a professional athlete competing in a chari-           main place of business, employment, or post of duty, re-
  table sports event.                                             gardless of where you maintain your family home. Your tax 
                                                                  home  is  the  place  where  you  permanently  or  indefinitely 
  Attach Form 8843 to your 2023 income tax return. If you         work as an employee or a self-employed individual. If you 
do not have to file a return, send Form 8843 to the follow-       do not have a regular or main place of business because 
ing address.                                                      of the nature of your work, then your tax home is the place 
                                                                  where  you  regularly  live.  If  you  do  not  fit  either  of  these 
  Department of the Treasury                                      categories,  you  are  considered  an  itinerant  and  your  tax 
  Internal Revenue Service Center                                 home is wherever you work.
  Austin, TX 73301-0215                                           For determining whether you have a closer connection 
                                                                  to a foreign country, your tax home must also be in exis-
  You must file Form 8843 by the due date for filing Form         tence for the entire current year and must be located in the 
1040-NR. The due date for filing is discussed in chapter 7.       same foreign country to which you are claiming to have a 
If you are required to file Form 8843 and you do not timely       closer connection.
file  Form  8843,  you  cannot  exclude  the  days  you  were 
present in the United States as a professional athlete or         Foreign  country. In  determining  whether  you  have  a 
because of a medical condition that arose while you were          closer  connection  to  a  foreign  country,  the  term  “foreign 
in the United States. This does not apply if you can show         country” means:
by clear and convincing evidence that you took reasona-
ble actions to become aware of the filing requirements and        Any territory under the sovereignty of the United Na-
                                                                    tions or a government other than that of the United 
significant steps to comply with those requirements.
                                                                  The territorial waters of the foreign country (deter-
                                                                    mined under U.S. law),

8                                   Chapter 1    Nonresident Alien or Resident Alien?       Publication 519 (2023)

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The seabed and subsoil of those submarine areas that             Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative.
  are adjacent to the territorial waters of the foreign 
                                                                   Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Workers.
  country and over which the foreign country has exclu-
  sive rights under international law to explore and ex-           Form ETA-9089, Application for Permanent Employ-
  ploit natural resources, and                                       ment Certification.
Territories of the United States.                                Form ETA-9089, Appendix A.
Establishing  a  closer  connection.    You  will  be  consid-     Form DS-230, Application for Immigrant Visa and 
                                                                     Alien Registration.
ered to have a closer connection to a foreign country than 
the  United  States  if  you  or  the  IRS  establishes  that  you Form 8840. You must attach a fully completed Form 8840 
have maintained more significant contacts with the foreign         to your income tax return to claim you have a closer con-
country  than  with  the  United  States.  In  determining         nection to a foreign country or countries.
whether  you  have  maintained  more  significant  contacts        If you do not have to file a return, send the form to:
with  the  foreign  country  than  with  the  United  States,  the 
facts and circumstances to be considered include, but are            Department of the Treasury
not limited to, the following.                                       Internal Revenue Service Center
1. The country of residence you designate on forms and               Austin, TX 73301-0215
                                                                   You must file Form 8840 by the due date for filing Form 
2. The types of official forms and documents you file,             1040-NR.  The  due  date  for  filing  is  discussed  later  in 
  such as Form W-9, Form W-8BEN, or Form W-8ECI.                   chapter 7.
3. The location of:                                                If you do not timely file Form 8840, you cannot claim a 
                                                                   closer  connection  to  a  foreign  country  or  countries.  This 
  Your permanent home;                                           does  not  apply  if  you  can  show  by  clear  and  convincing 
  Your family;                                                   evidence  that  you  took  reasonable  actions  to  become 
                                                                   aware  of  the  filing  requirements  and  significant  steps  to 
  Your personal belongings, such as cars, furniture,             comply with those requirements.
    clothing, and jewelry;
  Your current social, political, cultural, professional,        Effect of Tax Treaties
    or religious affiliations;
  Your business activities (other than those that                Dual residents. The rules given here to determine if you 
    constitute your tax home);                                     are a U.S. resident do not override tax treaty definitions of 
                                                                   residency. If you are a dual-resident taxpayer, you can still 
  The jurisdiction in which you hold a driver's li-              claim the benefits under an income tax treaty. A dual-resi-
    cense;                                                         dent taxpayer is one who is a resident of both the United 
  The jurisdiction in which you vote; and                        States and another country under each country's tax laws. 
                                                                   The  income  tax  treaty  between  the  two  countries  must 
  Charitable organizations to which you contribute.
                                                                   contain a provision that provides for resolution of conflict-
It  does  not  matter  whether  your  permanent  home  is  a       ing claims of residence (tiebreaker rule). If you are treated 
house, an apartment, or a furnished room. It also does not         as a resident of a foreign country under a tax treaty, you 
matter whether you rent or own it. It is important, however,       are treated as a nonresident alien in figuring your U.S. in-
that your home be available at all times, continuously, and        come tax. For purposes other than figuring your tax, you 
not solely for short stays.                                        will be treated as a U.S. resident. For example, the rules 
                                                                   discussed here do not affect your residency time periods, 
When you cannot have a closer connection.         You can-         as discussed under Dual-Status Aliens, later.
not claim you have a closer connection to a foreign coun-
try if either of the following applies.                            Note.    In certain instances when an individual is treated 
You personally applied, or took other steps during the           as  a  nonresident  alien  pursuant  to  a  tiebreaker  rule  in  a 
  year, to change your status to that of a permanent res-          relevant tax treaty, it can trigger section 877A expatriation 
  ident.                                                           tax. See Expatriation Tax, later.

You had an application pending for adjustment of sta-            Information  to  be  reported.   If  you  are  a  dual-resident 
  tus during the current year.                                     taxpayer and you claim treaty benefits, you must file a re-
Steps to change your status to that of a permanent resi-           turn using Form 1040-NR with Form 8833 attached, and 
dent include, but are not limited to, the filing of the follow-    compute your tax as a nonresident alien. A dual-resident 
ing forms.                                                         taxpayer may also be eligible for U.S. competent authority 
                                                                   assistance.  See  Revenue  Procedure  2015-40,  2015-35 
Form I-508, Request for Waiver of Certain Rights,                I.R.B.    236,       available   at           IRS.gov/irb/
  Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities.                          2015-35_IRB#RP-2015-40, or its successor.
Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Resi-              See Reporting Treaty Benefits Claimed in chapter 9 for 
  dence or Adjust Status.                                          more information on reporting treaty benefits.

Publication 519 (2023)                  Chapter 1 Nonresident Alien or Resident Alien?                                   9

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Certain  students  and  trainees  from  Barbados,  Hun-              Although you can exclude up to 10 days of presence 
gary,  and  Jamaica.   Nonresident  alien  students  from              in determining your residency starting date, you must 
Barbados, Hungary, and Jamaica, as well as trainees from               include those days when determining whether you 
Jamaica, may qualify for an election to be treated as a res-           meet the substantial presence test.
ident  alien  for  U.S.  tax  purposes  under  the  U.S.  income 
tax  treaties  with  those  countries.  See Pub.  901  for  addi-    Example.  Ivan  Ivanovich  is  a  citizen  of  Russia.  Ivan 
tional information. If you qualify for this election, you can        came to the United States for the first time on January 6, 
make it by filing a Form 1040 and attaching a signed elec-           2023, to attend a business meeting and returned to Rus-
tion statement to your return. The rules about resident ali-         sia  on  January  10,  2023.  Ivan’s  tax  home  remained  in 
ens  described  in  this  publication  apply  to  you.  Once         Russia.  On  March  1,  2023,  Ivan  moved  to  the  United 
made, the election applies as long as you remain eligible,           States  and  resided  here  for  the  rest  of  the  year.  Ivan  is 
and you must obtain permission from the U.S. competent               able to establish a closer connection to Russia for the pe-
authority in order to terminate the election.                        riod  January  6–10,  2023.  Thus,  Ivan’s  residency  starting 
                                                                     date is March 1, 2023.
Note. As  of  January  8,  2023,  the  tax  treaty  between 
                                                                     Statement  required  to  exclude  up  to  10  days  of 
the United States and Hungary was terminated in accord-
                                                                     presence. You must file a statement with the IRS if you 
ance with the treaty's provision on termination. As a result, 
                                                                     are  excluding  up  to  10  days  of  presence  in  the  United 
for tax years beginning January 1, 2024, this election will 
                                                                     States  for  purposes  of  your  residency  starting  date.  You 
no longer be available for students and trainees from Hun-
                                                                     must sign and date this statement and include a declara-
gary. See Termination of 1979 Tax Convention with Hun-
                                                                     tion that it is made under penalties of perjury. The state-
gary under What's New, earlier.
                                                                     ment  must  contain  the  following  information  (as  applica-
                                                                     Your name, address, U.S. taxpayer identification num-
Dual-Status Aliens
                                                                       ber (TIN) (if any), and U.S. visa number (if any).
You can be both a nonresident alien and a resident alien             Your passport number and the name of the country 
during the same tax year. This usually occurs in the year              that issued your passport.
you arrive in, or depart from, the United States. Aliens who 
                                                                     The tax year for which the statement applies.
have dual status should see  chapter 6 for information on 
filing a return for a dual-status tax year.                          The first day that you were present in the United 
                                                                       States during the year.
First Year of Residency                                              The dates of the days you are excluding in figuring 
                                                                       your first day of residency.
If  you  are  a  U.S.  resident  for  the  calendar  year,  but  you Sufficient facts to establish that you have maintained 
were not a U.S. resident at any time during the preceding              your tax home in, and a closer connection to, a foreign 
calendar year, you are a U.S. resident only for the part of            country during the period you are excluding.
the  calendar  year  that  begins  on  the  residency  starting 
date. You are a nonresident alien for the part of the year           Attach  the  required  statement  to  your  income  tax  re-
before that date.                                                    turn. If you are not required to file a return, send the state-
                                                                     ment to the following address.
Residency starting date under substantial presence 
test. If you meet the substantial presence test for a calen-           Department of the Treasury
dar year, your residency starting date is generally the first          Internal Revenue Service Center
day you are present in the United States during that calen-            Austin, TX 73301-0215
dar year. However, you do not have to count up to 10 days 
of actual presence in the United States if on those days             You  must  submit  the  statement  on  or  before  the  due 
you establish that:                                                  date for filing Form 1040-NR. The due date for filing is dis-
                                                                     cussed in chapter 7.
 You had a closer connection to a foreign country than             If  you  do  not  file  the  required  statement  as  explained 
   to the United States, and                                         above, you cannot claim that you have a closer connection 
 Your tax home was in that foreign country.                        to a foreign country or countries. Therefore, your first day 
                                                                     of residency will be the first day you are present in the Uni-
See Closer Connection to a Foreign Country, earlier.
                                                                     ted States. This does not apply if you can show by clear 
In determining whether you can exclude up to 10 days, 
                                                                     and convincing evidence that you took reasonable actions 
the following rules apply.
                                                                     to become aware of the requirements for filing the state-
 You can exclude days from more than one period of                 ment and significant steps to comply with those require-
   presence as long as the total days in all periods are             ments.
   not more than 10.
                                                                     Residency starting date under green card test.      If you 
 You cannot exclude any days in a period of consecu-
                                                                     meet  the  green  card  test  at  any  time  during  a  calendar 
   tive days of presence if all the days in that period can-
                                                                     year, but do not meet the substantial presence test for that 
   not be excluded.

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year, your residency starting date is the first day in the cal-     Note.  You  do  not  have  to  be  married  to  make  this 
endar year on which you are present in the United States            choice.
as a lawful permanent resident.
If you meet both the substantial presence test and the              Example  1.   Juan  DaSilva  is  a  citizen  of  the  Philip-
green card test, your residency starting date is the earlier        pines. Juan came to the United States for the first time on 
of the first day during the year you are present in the Uni-        November 1, 2023, and was here on 31 consecutive days 
ted States under the substantial presence test or as a law-         (from November 1 through December 1, 2023). Juan re-
ful permanent resident.                                             turned to the Philippines on December 1 and came back 
                                                                    to the United States on December 17, 2023. Juan stayed 
Residency  during  the  preceding  year.   If  you  were  a         in the United States for the rest of the year. During 2024, 
U.S.  resident  during  any  part  of  the  preceding  calendar     Juan is a resident of the United States under the substan-
year and you are a U.S. resident for any part of the current        tial presence test. Juan can make the first-year choice for 
year, you will be considered a U.S. resident at the begin-          2023 because Juan was in the United States in 2023 for a 
ning  of  the  current  year.  This  applies  whether  you  are  a  period of 31 days in a row (November 1 through Decem-
resident under the substantial presence test or green card          ber  1)  and  for  at  least  75%  (0.75)  of  the  days  following 
test.                                                               (and including) the first day of Juan’s 31-day period (46 to-
                                                                    tal  days  of  presence  in  the  United  States  divided  by  61 
Example. Robert  Bach  is  a  citizen  of  Switzerland.             days in the period from November 1 through December 31 
Robert  came  to  the  United  States  as  a  U.S.  resident  for   equals  75.4%  (0.754)).  If  Juan  makes  the  first-year 
the first time on May 1, 2022, and remained until Novem-            choice, Juan’s residency starting date will be November 1, 
ber 5, 2022, when Robert returned to Switzerland. Robert            2023.
came back to the United States on March 5, 2023, as a 
lawful permanent resident and still resides here. In calen-         Example 2.    The facts are the same as in Example 1, 
dar year 2023, Robert's U.S. residency is deemed to be-             except that Juan was also absent from the United States 
gin  on  January  1,  2023,  because  Robert  qualified  as  a      on December 24, 25, 29, 30, and 31. Juan can make the 
resident in calendar year 2022.                                     first-year  choice  for  2023  because  up  to  5  days  of  ab-
                                                                    sence  are  considered  days  of  presence  for  purposes  of 
First-Year Choice                                                   the 75% (0.75) requirement.
                                                                    Statement  required  to  make  the  first-year  choice 
If you do not meet either the green card test or the sub-           for 2023.  You must attach a statement to Form 1040 or 
stantial  presence  test  for  2022  or  2023  and  you  did  not   1040-SR to make the first-year choice for 2023. The state-
choose  to  be  treated  as  a  resident  for  part  of  2022,  but ment  must  contain  your  name  and  address  and  specify 
you meet the substantial presence test for 2024, you can            the following.
choose to be treated as a U.S. resident for part of 2023. To 
make this choice, you must:                                         That you are making the first-year choice for 2023.
1. Be present in the United States for at least 31 days in          That you were not a resident in 2022.
    a row in 2023, and                                              That you are a resident under the substantial pres-
                                                                      ence test in 2024.
2. Be present in the United States for at least 75% of the 
    number of days beginning with the first day of the              The number of days of presence in the United States 
    31-day period and ending with the last day of 2023.               during 2024.
    For purposes of this 75% requirement, you can treat 
                                                                    The date or dates of your 31-day period of presence 
    up to 5 days of absence from the United States as 
                                                                      and the period of continuous presence in the United 
    days of presence in the United States.
                                                                      States during 2023.
When  counting  the  days  of  presence  in  (1)  and  (2)          The date or dates of absence from the United States 
above,  do  not  count  the  days  you  were  in  the  United         during 2023 that you are treating as days of presence.
States under any of the exceptions discussed earlier un-            You  cannot  file  Form  1040  or  1040-SR  or  the  statement 
der Days of Presence in the United States.                          until  you  meet  the  substantial  presence  test  for  2024.  If 
                                                                    you have not met the test for 2024 as of April 15, 2024, 
If you make the first-year choice, your residency start-            you can request an extension of time for filing your 2023 
ing date for 2023 is the first day of the earliest 31-day pe-       Form 1040 or 1040-SR until a reasonable period after you 
riod (described in (1) above) that you use to qualify for the       have met that test. To request an extension to file until Oc-
choice. You are treated as a U.S. resident for the rest of          tober  15,  2024,  use  Form  4868.  You  can  file  the  paper 
the year. If you are present for more than one 31-day pe-           form or use one of the electronic filing options explained in 
riod and you satisfy condition (2) above for each of those          the Form 4868 instructions. You should pay with this ex-
periods, your residency starting date is the first day of the       tension the amount of tax you expect to owe for 2023 fig-
first  31-day  period.  If  you  are  present  for  more  than  one ured as if you were a nonresident alien the entire year. You 
31-day period but you satisfy condition (2) above only for          can use Form 1040-NR to figure the tax. Enter the tax on 
a later 31-day period, your residency starting date is the          Form  4868.  If  you  do  not  pay  the  tax  due,  you  will  be 
first day of the later 31-day period.                               charged  interest  on  any  tax  not  paid  by  the  regular  due 

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date of your return, and you may be charged a penalty on        The name, address, and TIN (social security number 
the late payment.                                                 (SSN) or individual taxpayer identification number 
Once you make the first-year choice, you may not re-              (ITIN)) of each spouse. (If one spouse died, include 
voke it without the approval of the IRS.                          the name and address of the person who makes the 
If you do not follow the procedures discussed here for            choice for the deceased spouse.)
making the first-year choice, you will be treated as a non-     You generally make this choice when you file your joint 
resident alien for all of 2023. However, this does not apply    return.  However,  you  can  also  make  the  choice  by  filing 
if you can show by clear and convincing evidence that you       Form  1040-X,  Amended  U.S.  Individual  Income  Tax  Re-
took reasonable actions to become aware of the filing pro-      turn. Attach Form 1040 or 1040-SR and enter “Amended” 
cedures  and  significant  steps  to  comply  with  the  proce- across  the  top  of  the  corrected  return.  If  you  make  the 
dures.                                                          choice  with  an  amended  return,  you  and  your  spouse 
                                                                must also amend any returns that you may have filed after 
Choosing Resident Alien Status                                  the year for which you made the choice.
                                                                You must generally file the amended joint return within 
If you are a dual-status alien, you can choose to be treated    3 years from the date you filed your original U.S. income 
as a U.S. resident for the entire year if all of the following  tax return or 2 years from the date you paid your income 
apply.                                                          tax for that year, whichever is later.
 You were a nonresident alien at the beginning of the 
   year.                                                        Last Year of Residency
 You are a resident alien or U.S. citizen at the end of 
                                                                If you were a U.S. resident in 2023 but are not a U.S. resi-
   the year.
                                                                dent during any part of 2024, you cease to be a U.S. resi-
 You are married to a U.S. citizen or resident alien at       dent  on  your  residency  termination  date.  Your  residency 
   the end of the year.                                         termination date is December 31, 2023, unless you qualify 
 Your spouse joins you in making the choice.                  for an earlier date, as discussed later.

This  includes  situations  in  which  both  you  and  your     Earlier residency termination date.     You may qualify for 
spouse were nonresident aliens at the beginning of the tax      a residency termination date that is earlier than December 
year and both of you are resident aliens at the end of the      31. This date is:
tax year.
                                                                1. The last day in 2023 that you are physically present in 
Note.    If you are single at the end of the year, you can-       the United States, if you met the substantial presence 
not make this choice.                                             test;
If you make this choice, the following rules apply.             2. The first day in 2023 that you are no longer a lawful 
                                                                  permanent resident of the United States, if you met 
 You and your spouse are treated as U.S. residents for 
                                                                  the green card test; or
   the entire year for income tax purposes.
                                                                3. The later of (1) or (2), if you met both tests.
 You and your spouse are taxed on worldwide income.
 You and your spouse must file a joint return for the         Note.   Claiming  residency  status  under  an  applicable 
   year of the choice.                                          treaty  tiebreaker  provision  in  another  country  may  also 
                                                                lead  to  a  residency  termination  date  that  is  earlier  than 
 Neither you nor your spouse can make this choice for 
                                                                December 31.
   any later tax year, even if you are separated, divorced, 
                                                                You can use this date only if, for the remainder of 2023, 
   or remarried.
                                                                your  tax  home  was  in  a  foreign  country  and  you  had  a 
 The special instructions and restrictions for dual-sta-      closer connection to that foreign country. See Closer Con-
   tus taxpayers in chapter 6 do not apply to you.              nection to a Foreign Country, earlier.
Note.    A similar choice is available if, at the end of the            An LTR who ceases to be a lawful permanent resi-
tax year, one spouse is a nonresident alien and the other       !       dent may be subject to special reporting require-
spouse  is  a  U.S.  citizen  or  resident.  See Nonresident    CAUTION ments and tax provisions. See   Expatriation Tax in 
Spouse  Treated  as  a  Resident,  later.  If  you  previously  chapter 4.
made that choice and it is still in effect, you do not need to 
make the choice explained here.                                 Termination  of  residency.     For  information  on  your 
                                                                residency termination date, see Former LTR under         Expa-
Making  the  choice.    You  should  attach  a  statement       triation After June 16, 2008 in chapter 4.
signed by both spouses to your joint return for the year of 
the choice. The statement must contain the following infor-     De  minimis  presence. If  you  are  a  U.S.  resident  be-
mation.                                                         cause of the substantial presence test and you qualify to 
                                                                use  the  earlier  residency  termination  date,  you  can  ex-
 A declaration that you both qualify to make the choice       clude  up  to  10  days  of  actual  presence  in  the  United 
   and that you choose to be treated as U.S. residents for      States in determining your residency termination date. In 
   the entire tax year.

12                              Chapter 1        Nonresident Alien or Resident Alien?           Publication 519 (2023)

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determining whether you can exclude up to 10 days, the               Sufficient facts (including copies of relevant docu-
following rules apply.                                                 ments) to establish that your status as a lawful perma-
                                                                       nent resident has been abandoned or rescinded.
You can exclude days from more than one period of 
  presence as long as the total days in all periods are              If you can exclude days, as discussed earlier under De 
  not more than 10.                                                    minimis presence, include the dates of the days you 
                                                                       are excluding and sufficient facts to establish that you 
You cannot exclude any days in a period of consecu-
                                                                       have maintained your tax home in, and that you have a 
  tive days of presence if all the days in that period can-
                                                                       closer connection to, a foreign country during the pe-
  not be excluded.
                                                                       riod you are excluding.
Although you can exclude up to 10 days of presence 
                                                                     Attach  the  required  statement  to  your  income  tax  re-
  in determining your residency termination date, you 
                                                                     turn. If you are not required to file a return, send the state-
  must include those days when determining whether 
                                                                     ment to the following address.
  you meet the substantial presence test.
                                                                       Department of the Treasury
Example. Lola Bovary is a citizen of Malta. Lola came 
                                                                       Internal Revenue Service Center
to  the  United  States  for  the  first  time  on  March  1,  2023, 
                                                                       Austin, TX 73301-0215
and resided here until August 25, 2023. On December 12, 
2023, Lola came to the United States for vacation and re-
                                                                     You  must  submit  the  statement  on  or  before  the  due 
turned to Malta on December 16, 2023. Lola is able to es-
                                                                     date for filing Form 1040-NR. The due date for filing is dis-
tablish  a  closer  connection  to  Malta  for  the  rest  of  2023 
                                                                     cussed in chapter 7.
beginning August 25, 2023, when she leaves the United 
                                                                     If  you  do  not  file  the  required  statement  as  explained 
States. Lola is a resident under the substantial presence 
                                                                     above, you cannot claim that you have a closer connection 
test because Lola was present in the United States for 183 
                                                                     to  a  foreign  country  or  countries.  This  does  not  apply  if 
days (178 days for the period March 1 to August 25 plus 5 
                                                                     you can show by clear and convincing evidence that you 
days in December). However, Lola is able to exclude her 
                                                                     took reasonable actions to become aware of the require-
visit to the United States in December in determining her 
                                                                     ments for filing the statement and significant steps to com-
residency termination date and therefore Lola's residency 
                                                                     ply with those requirements.
termination date is August 25, 2023.

Residency during the next year.     If you are a U.S. resi-
dent during any part of 2024 and you are a resident during           Nonresident Spouse Treated 
any part of 2023, you will be treated as a resident through 
the end of 2023. This applies whether you have a closer              as a Resident
connection  to  a  foreign  country  than  the  United  States 
during  2023,  and  whether  you  are  a  resident  under  the       If,  at  the  end  of  your  tax  year,  you  are  married  and  one 
substantial presence test or green card test.                        spouse is a U.S. citizen or a resident alien and the other 
                                                                     spouse is a nonresident alien, you can choose to treat the 
Statement  required  to  establish  your  residency  ter-            nonresident spouse as a U.S. resident. This includes sit-
mination date. You must file a statement with the IRS to             uations in which one spouse is a nonresident alien at the 
establish your residency termination date. You must sign             beginning of the tax year, but a resident alien at the end of 
and date this statement and include a declaration that it is         the  year,  and  the  other  spouse  is  a  nonresident  alien  at 
made under penalties of perjury. The statement must con-             the end of the year.
tain the following information (as applicable).
                                                                     If you make this choice, you and your spouse are trea-
Your name, address, U.S. TIN (if any), and U.S. visa               ted  for  income  tax  purposes  as  residents  for  your  entire 
  number (if any).                                                   tax year. Neither you nor your spouse can claim under any 
Your passport number and the name of the country                   tax treaty not to be a U.S. resident. You are both taxed on 
  that issued your passport.                                         worldwide income. You must file a joint income tax return 
                                                                     for the year you make the choice, but you and your spouse 
The tax year for which the statement applies.                      can file joint or separate returns in later years.
The last day that you were present in the United                           If  you  file  a  joint  return  under  this  provision,  the 
  States during the year.                                            !       special instructions and restrictions for dual-status 
Sufficient facts to establish that you have maintained             CAUTION taxpayers in chapter 6 do not apply to you.
  your tax home in, and that you have a closer connec-
  tion to, a foreign country following your last day of              Example.  Bob and Sharon Williams are married and 
  presence in the United States during the year or fol-              both are nonresident aliens at the beginning of the year. In 
  lowing the abandonment or rescission of your status                June, Bob became a resident alien and remained a resi-
  as a lawful permanent resident during the year.                    dent for the rest of the year. Bob and Sharon both choose 
The date that your status as a lawful permanent resi-              to be treated as resident aliens by attaching a statement 
  dent was abandoned or rescinded.                                   to their joint return. Bob and Sharon must file a joint return 

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for the year they make the choice, but they can file either         If the choice is ended in one of the following ways, nei-
joint or separate returns for later years.                          ther spouse can make this choice in any later tax year.
                                                                    1. Revocation. Either spouse can revoke the choice for 
How To Make the Choice                                                 any tax year, provided they make the revocation by 
                                                                       the due date for filing the tax return for that tax year. 
Attach a statement, signed by both spouses, to your joint              The spouse who revokes the choice must attach a 
return for the first tax year for which the choice applies. It         signed statement declaring that the choice is being 
should contain the following information.                              revoked. The statement must include the name, ad-
 A declaration that one spouse was a nonresident alien               dress, and TIN of each spouse. (If one spouse dies, 
   and the other spouse a U.S. citizen or resident alien               include the name and address of the person who is 
   on the last day of your tax year, and that you choose to            revoking the choice for the deceased spouse.) The 
   be treated as U.S. residents for the entire tax year.               statement must also include a list of any states, for-
                                                                       eign countries, and territories that have community 
 The name, address, and TIN of each spouse. (If one                  property laws in which either spouse is domiciled or 
   spouse died, include the name and address of the                    where real property is located from which either 
   person making the choice for the deceased spouse.)                  spouse receives income. File the statement as fol-
Amended return. You generally make this choice when 
you file your joint return. However, you can also make the             a. If the spouse revoking the choice must file a re-
choice by filing a joint amended return on Form 1040-X.                turn, attach the statement to the return for the first 
Attach  Form  1040  or  1040-SR  and  enter  “Amended”                 year the revocation applies.
across  the  top  of  the  corrected  return.  If  you  make  the 
                                                                       b. If the spouse revoking the choice does not have to 
choice  with  an  amended  return,  you  and  your  spouse 
                                                                       file a return, but does file a return (for example, to 
must also amend any returns that you may have filed after 
                                                                       obtain a refund), attach the statement to the re-
the year for which you made the choice.
You must generally file the amended joint return within 
3 years from the date you filed your original U.S. income              c. If the spouse revoking the choice does not have to 
tax return or 2 years from the date you paid your income               file a return and does not file a claim for refund, 
tax for that year, whichever is later.                                 send the statement to the Internal Revenue Serv-
                                                                       ice Center where you filed the last joint return.
Suspending the Choice                                               2. Death. The death of either spouse ends the choice, 
                                                                       beginning with the first tax year following the year the 
The choice to be treated as a resident alien is suspended              spouse died. However, if the surviving spouse is a 
for any tax year (after the tax year you made the choice) if           U.S. citizen or resident and is entitled to the joint tax 
neither  spouse  is  a  U.S.  citizen  or  resident  alien  at  any    rates as a surviving spouse, the choice will not end 
time  during  the  tax  year.  This  means  each  spouse  must         until the close of the last year for which these joint 
file a separate return as a nonresident alien for that year if         rates may be used. If both spouses die in the same 
either meets the filing requirements for nonresident aliens            tax year, the choice ends on the first day after the 
discussed in chapter 7.                                                close of the tax year in which the spouses died.
Example.     Dick Brown was a resident alien on Decem-              3. Legal separation. A legal separation under a decree 
ber  31,  2020,  and  married  to  Judy,  a  nonresident  alien.       of divorce or separate maintenance ends the choice 
They chose to treat Judy as a resident alien and filed joint           as of the beginning of the tax year in which the legal 
2020 and 2021 income tax returns. On January 10, 2022,                 separation occurs.
Dick  became  a  nonresident  alien.  Judy  had  remained  a 
nonresident  alien  throughout  the  period.  Dick  and  Judy       4. Inadequate records. The IRS can end the choice for 
could have filed joint or separate returns for 2022 because            any tax year that either spouse has failed to keep ade-
Dick  was  a  resident  alien  for  part  of  that  year.  However,    quate books, records, and other information neces-
because neither Dick nor Judy is a resident alien at any               sary to determine the correct income tax liability, or to 
time during 2023, their choice is suspended for that year.             provide adequate access to those records.
If either meets the filing requirements for nonresident ali-
ens discussed in chapter 7, they must file separate returns 
as nonresident aliens for 2023. If Dick becomes a resident          Aliens From American Samoa 
alien again in 2024, their choice is no longer suspended.
                                                                    or Puerto Rico
Ending the Choice
                                                                    If you are a nonresident alien in the United States and a 
Once made, the choice to be treated as a resident applies           bona fide resident of American Samoa or Puerto Rico dur-
to  all  later  years  unless  suspended  (as  explained  earlier   ing the entire tax year, you are taxed, with certain excep-
under Suspending the Choice) or ended in one of the fol-            tions, according to the rules for resident aliens of the Uni-
lowing ways.                                                        ted  States.  For  more  information,  see Bona  Fide 

14                                     Chapter 1 Nonresident Alien or Resident Alien?      Publication 519 (2023)

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Residents  of  American  Samoa  or  Puerto  Rico  in  chap- This chapter also discusses special rules for married indi-
ter 5.                                                      viduals  who  are  domiciled  in  a  country  with  community 
If you are a nonresident alien from American Samoa or       property laws.
Puerto Rico who does not qualify as a bona fide resident 
of American Samoa or Puerto Rico for the entire tax year, 
you are taxed as a nonresident alien.                       Resident Aliens
Resident aliens who formerly were bona fide residents 
of American Samoa or Puerto Rico are taxed according to     A resident alien's income is generally subject to tax in the 
the rules for resident aliens.                              same manner as a U.S. citizen. If you are a resident alien, 
                                                            you  must  report  all  interest,  dividends,  wages,  or  other 
                                                            compensation for services, income from rental property or 
                                                            royalties, and other types of income on your U.S. tax re-
                                                            turn. You must report these amounts from sources within 
                                                            and outside the United States.

                                                            Nonresident Aliens
Source of Income
                                                            Nonresident  aliens  are  taxed  only  on  their  income  from 
                                                            sources  within  the  United  States  and  on  certain  income 
                                                            connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the 
                                                            United States (see chapter 4).
After you have determined your alien status, you must de-
                                                            The general rules for determining U.S. source income 
termine the source of your income. This chapter will help 
                                                            that  apply  to  most  nonresident  aliens  are  shown  in                            Ta-
you determine the source of different types of income you 
                                                            ble 2-1. The following discussions cover the general rules 
may receive during the tax year.
                                                            as well as the exceptions to these rules.
Topics                                                                Not  all  items  of  U.S.  source  income  are  taxable. 
This chapter discusses:                                     TIP       See chapter 3.

Income source rules, and
Community income.
Table 2-1. Summary of Source Rules for Income of Nonresident Aliens
                      Item of income                                       Factor determining source
Salaries, wages, other compensation                    Where services performed
Business income:
Personal services                                      Where services performed
Sale of inventory—purchased                            Where sold
Sale of inventory—produced                             Where produced
Interest                                               Residence of payer
Dividends                                              Whether a U.S. or foreign corporation*
Rents                                                  Location of property
Natural resources                                      Location of property
Patents, copyrights, etc.                              Where property is used
Sale of real property                                  Location of property
Sale of personal property                              Seller's tax home (but see Personal Property, later, for exceptions)
Pension distributions attributable to contributions    Where services were performed that earned the pension
Investment earnings on pension contributions           Location of pension trust
Sale of natural resources                              Allocation based on fair market value of product at export terminal. 
                                                       For more information, see section 1.863-1(b) of the regulations.
* Exceptions include: Part of a dividend paid by a foreign corporation is U.S. source if at least 25% of the corporation's gross income is effectively 
connected with a U.S. trade or business for the 3 tax years before the year in which the dividends are declared. Special rules apply for dividend 
equivalent payments.

Publication 519 (2023)                       Chapter 2 Source of Income                                                                                15

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Interest Income                                                  Dividends

Generally, U.S. source interest income includes the follow-      In  most  cases,  dividend  income  received  from  domestic 
ing items.                                                       corporations is U.S. source income. Dividend income from 
 Interest on bonds, notes, or other interest-bearing obli-     foreign corporations is usually foreign source income. An 
   gations of U.S. residents or domestic corporations.           exception to the second rule is discussed later.

 Interest paid by a domestic or foreign partnership or         A substitute dividend payment made to the transferor of 
   foreign corporation engaged in a U.S. trade or busi-          a security in a securities lending transaction or a sale-re-
   ness at any time during the tax year.                         purchase transaction is sourced in the same manner as a 
 Original issue discount (OID).                                distribution on the transferred security.
 Interest from a state, the District of Columbia, or the       Exception.      Part of the dividends received from a for-
   U.S. Government.                                              eign corporation is U.S. source income if 25% or more of 
                                                                 its total gross income for the 3-year period ending with the 
The place or manner of payment is immaterial in deter-           close of its tax year preceding the declaration of dividends 
mining the source of the income.                                 was effectively connected with a trade or business in the 
A substitute interest payment made to the transferor of          United States. If the corporation was formed less than 3 
a security in a securities lending transaction or a sale-re-     years  before  the  declaration,  use  its  total  gross  income 
purchase  transaction  is  sourced  in  the  same  manner  as    from  the  time  it  was  formed.  Determine  the  part  that  is 
the interest on the transferred security.                        U.S. source income by multiplying the dividend by the fol-
                                                                 lowing fraction.
Exceptions. U.S.  source  interest  income  does  not  in-
clude the following items.                                         Foreign corporation's gross income connected with 
                                                                   a U.S. trade or business for the 3-year period
1. Interest paid by a resident alien or a domestic corpo-
   ration on obligations issued before August 10, 2010, if         Foreign corporation's gross income from all sources 
   for the 3-year period ending with the close of the pay-                        for that period
   er's tax year preceding the interest payment, at least 
   80% (0.80) of the payer's total gross income:                 Dividend  equivalent  payments.     U.S.  source  dividends 
                                                                 also  include  dividend  equivalent  payments.  Dividend 
   a. Is from sources outside the United States, and             equivalent payments include:
   b. Is attributable to the active conduct of a trade or        Substitute dividends paid pursuant to a securities 
   business by the individual or corporation in a for-             lending transaction, sale-repurchase transaction, or 
   eign country or a U.S. territory.                               substantially similar transaction;
   However,  the  interest  will  be  considered  U.S.           A payment that references a U.S. source dividend 
   source  interest  income  if  either  of  the  following  ap-   made pursuant to a specified notional principal con-
   plies.                                                          tract (NPC); or
   a. The recipient of the interest is related to the resi-      A payment that references a U.S. source dividend 
   dent alien or domestic corporation. See section                 made pursuant to a specified equity-linked instrument 
   954(d)(3) for the definition of “related person.”               (ELI).
   b. The terms of the obligation are significantly modi-        A  payment  of  a  dividend  equivalent  amount  includes 
   fied after August 9, 2010. Any extension of the               any gross amount that references a U.S. source dividend 
   term of the obligation is considered a significant            and that is used to compute any net amount transferred to 
   modification.                                                 or from the taxpayer under a contract, if the taxpayer is the 
                                                                 long party under the contract. As a result, a taxpayer may 
2. Interest paid by a foreign branch of a domestic corpo-        be treated as having received a dividend equivalent pay-
   ration or a domestic partnership on deposits or with-         ment  even  if  the  taxpayer  makes  a  net  payment  or  no 
   drawable accounts with mutual savings banks, coop-            amount is paid because the net amount is zero.
   erative banks, credit unions, domestic building and           In  2023,  an  NPC  or  ELI  will  generally  be  a  specified 
   loan associations, and other savings institutions char-       NPC or specified ELI, respectively, if the contract is a delta 
   tered and supervised as savings and loan or similar           one transaction. Generally, delta is the ratio of change in 
   associations under federal or state law if the interest       the fair market value of an NPC or ELI to a small change in 
   paid or credited can be deducted by the association.          the fair market value of the number of shares of the stock 
3. Interest on deposits with a foreign branch of a domes-        referenced by the contract. Generally, the amount of a div-
   tic corporation or domestic partnership, but only if the      idend  equivalent  for  a  specified  NPC  or  specified  ELI  is 
   branch is in the commercial banking business.                 the per share dividend amount multiplied by the number of 
                                                                 shares  of  stock  referenced  by  the  contract  multiplied  by 
                                                                 the delta of the contract. Special rules apply to complex 
                                                                 contracts.  See  Regulations  section  1.871-15  and  Notice 
                                                                 2020-03, for additional information.

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Guarantee of Indebtedness                                          Basis).  Do  this  by  multiplying  your  total  compensation 
                                                                   (other than the fringe benefits sourced on a geographical 
Amounts received directly or indirectly, for the provision of      basis) by the following fraction.
a guarantee of indebtedness issued after September 27, 
2010, are U.S. source income if they are paid by:                            Number of days you performed services in the 
                                                                             United States during the year
1. A noncorporate resident or U.S. corporation, or
                                                                             Total number of days you performed services 
2. Any foreign person if the amounts are effectively con-                     during the year
      nected with the conduct of a U.S. trade or business.
                                                                   You can use a unit of time less than a day in the above 
For more information, see section 861(a)(9).
                                                                   fraction, if appropriate. The time period for which the com-
                                                                   pensation  is  made  does  not  have  to  be  a  year.  Instead, 
Personal Services                                                  you  can  use  another  distinct,  separate,  and  continuous 
                                                                   time period if you can establish to the satisfaction of the 
All  wages  and  any  other  compensation  for  services  per-     IRS that this other period is more appropriate.
formed  in  the  United  States  are  considered  to  be  from 
sources in the United States. The only exceptions to this          Example 1. Christina Brooks, a resident of the Nether-
rule  are  discussed  in Employees  of  foreign  persons,  or-     lands, worked 240 days for a U.S. company during the tax 
ganizations, or offices, later, and in Crew members, ear-          year.  Christina  received  $80,000  in  compensation.  None 
lier.                                                              of it was for fringe benefits. Christina performed services 
If you are an employee and receive compensation for                in the United States for 60 days and performed services in 
labor or personal services performed both inside and out-          the Netherlands for 180 days. Using the time basis for de-
side the United States, special rules apply in determining         termining the source of compensation, $20,000 ($80,000 
the  source  of  the  compensation.  Compensation  (other          ×  /60 240) is Christina’s U.S. source income.

than  certain  fringe  benefits)  is  sourced  on  a  time  basis. Example 2. Rob Waters, a resident of South Africa, is 
Certain  fringe  benefits  (such  as  housing  and  education)     employed  by  a  corporation.  Rob’s  annual  salary  is 
are sourced on a geographical basis.                               $100,000. None of it is for fringe benefits. During the first 
Or, you may be permitted to use an alternative basis to            quarter of the year, Rob worked entirely within the United 
determine  the  source  of  compensation.  See Alternative         States. On April 1, Rob was transferred to Singapore for 
Basis, later.                                                      the remainder of the year. Rob is able to establish that the 
                                                                   first quarter of the year and the last 3 quarters of the year 
Multilevel  marketing.   Certain  companies  sell  products        are two separate, distinct, and continuous periods of time. 
through a multilevel marketing arrangement, such that an           Accordingly, $25,000 of Rob's annual salary is attributable 
upper-tier distributor, who has sponsored a lower-tier dis-        to the first quarter of the year (0.25 × $100,000). All of it is 
tributor, is entitled to a payment from the company based          U.S.  source  income  because  Rob  worked  entirely  within 
on certain activities of that lower-tier distributor. Generally,   the  United  States  during  that  quarter.  The  remaining 
depending  on  the  facts,  payments  from  such  multilevel       $75,000 is attributable to the last 3 quarters of the year. 
marketing companies to independent (nonemployee) dis-              During those quarters, Rob worked 150 days in Singapore 
tributors  (upper-tier  distributors)  that  are  based  on  the   and 30 days in the United States. Rob’s periodic perform-
sales or purchases of persons whom they have sponsored             ance of services in the United States did not result in dis-
(lower-tier distributors) constitute income for the perform-       tinct,  separate,  and  continuous  periods  of  time.  Of  this 
ance of personal services in recruiting, training, and sup-        $75,000,  $12,500  ($75,000  ×   30/180)  is  U.S.  source  in-
porting the lower-tier distributors. The source of such in-        come.
come  is  generally  based  on  where  the  services  of  the 
upper-tier  distributor  are  performed  and  may,  depending      Multiyear compensation. The source of multiyear com-
on the facts, be considered multiyear compensation, with           pensation is generally determined on a time basis over the 
the source of income determined over the period to which           period to which the compensation is attributable. Multiyear 
such compensation is attributable.                                 compensation is compensation that is included in your in-
                                                                   come in 1 tax year but that is attributable to a period that 
Self-employed  individuals. If  you  are  self-employed,           includes 2 or more tax years.
you  determine  the  source  of  compensation  for  labor  or      You determine the period to which the compensation is 
personal services from self-employment on the basis that           attributable based on the facts and circumstances of your 
most  correctly  reflects  the  proper  source  of  that  income   case. For example, an amount of compensation that spe-
under the facts and circumstances of your particular case.         cifically  relates  to  a  period  of  time  that  includes  several 
In many cases, the facts and circumstances will call for an        calendar  years  is  attributable  to  the  entire  multiyear  pe-
apportionment on a time basis, as explained next.                  riod.
                                                                   The  amount  of  compensation  treated  as  from  U.S. 
Time Basis                                                         sources is figured by multiplying the total multiyear com-
                                                                   pensation  by  a  fraction.  The  numerator  of  the  fraction  is 
Use a time basis to figure your U.S. source compensation           the  number  of  days  (or  unit  of  time  less  than  a  day,  if 
(other than the fringe benefits discussed in Geographical 

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appropriate) that you performed labor or personal services        Fair rental value of housing provided in kind by your 
in  the  United  States  in  connection  with  the  project.  The   employer.
denominator of the fraction is the total number of days (or       A housing fringe benefit does not include:
unit of time less than a day, if appropriate) that you per-
formed labor or personal services in connection with the          Deductible interest and taxes (including deductible in-
project.                                                            terest and taxes of a tenant-stockholder in a coopera-
                                                                    tive housing corporation);
Geographical Basis                                                The cost of buying property, including principal pay-
                                                                    ments on a mortgage;
Compensation you receive as an employee in the form of 
                                                                  The cost of domestic labor (maids, gardeners, etc.);
the following fringe benefits is sourced on a geographical 
basis.                                                            Pay television subscriptions;
 Housing.                                                       Improvements and other expenses that increase the 
                                                                    value or appreciably prolong the life of property;
                                                                  Purchased furniture or accessories;
 Local transportation.
                                                                  Depreciation or amortization of property or improve-
 Tax reimbursement.
 Hazardous or hardship duty pay, as defined in Regula-
                                                                  The value of meals or lodging that you exclude from 
   tions section 1.861-4(b)(2)(ii)(D)(5).
                                                                    gross income; or
 Moving expense reimbursement.
                                                                  The value of meals or lodging that you deduct as mov-
The amount of fringe benefits must be reasonable and you            ing expenses.
must substantiate them by adequate records or by suffi-
                                                                  The deduction for moving expenses is available only if 
cient evidence.
                                                                  you  are  a  member  of  the  U.S.  Armed  Forces  on  active 
Principal place of work.     The above fringe benefits, ex-       duty and move due to a permanent change of duty station.
cept  for  tax  reimbursement  and  hazardous  or  hardship 
                                                                  Education.  The source of an education fringe benefit for 
duty  pay,  are  sourced  based  on  your  principal  place  of 
                                                                  the education expenses of your dependents is determined 
work.  Your  principal  place  of  work  is  usually  the  place 
                                                                  based on the location of your principal place of work. An 
where you spend most of your working time. This could be 
                                                                  education fringe benefit includes payments only for the fol-
your office, plant, store, shop, or other location. If there is 
                                                                  lowing expenses for education at an elementary or secon-
no one place where you spend most of your working time, 
                                                                  dary school.
your main job location is the place where your work is cen-
tered, such as where you report for work or are otherwise         Tuition, fees, academic tutoring, special needs serv-
required to “base” your work.                                       ices for a special needs student, books, supplies, and 
If you have more than one job at any time, your main                other equipment.
job location depends on the facts in each case. The more          Room and board and uniforms that are required or 
important factors to be considered are:                             provided by the school in connection with enrollment 
 The total time you spend at each place,                          or attendance.

 The amount of work you do at each place, and                   Local transportation. The source of a local transporta-
 How much money you earn at each place.                         tion fringe benefit is determined based on the location of 
                                                                  your  principal  place  of  work.  Your  local  transportation 
Housing. The source of a housing fringe benefit is deter-         fringe benefit is the amount that you receive as compen-
mined  based  on  the  location  of  your  principal  place  of   sation for local transportation for you or your spouse or de-
work. A housing fringe benefit includes payments to you or        pendents  at  the  location  of  your  principal  place  of  work. 
on your behalf (and your family's if your family resides with     The amount treated as a local transportation fringe benefit 
you) only for the following.                                      is limited to actual expenses incurred for local transporta-
                                                                  tion and the fair rental value of any employer-provided ve-
                                                                  hicle used predominantly by you, your spouse, or your de-
 Utilities (except telephone charges).                          pendents for local transportation. Actual expenses do not 
 Real and personal property insurance.                          include  the  cost  (including  interest)  of  any  vehicle  pur-
                                                                  chased by you or on your behalf.
 Occupancy taxes not deductible under section 164 or 
   216(a).                                                        Tax reimbursement. The source of a tax reimbursement 
 Nonrefundable fees for securing a leasehold.                   fringe benefit is determined based on the location of the 
                                                                  jurisdiction  that  imposed  the  tax  for  which  you  are  reim-
 Rental of furniture and accessories.                           bursed.
 Household repairs.
 Residential parking.

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Moving expense reimbursement. The source of a mov-                 “vessel or aircraft” includes any container used in connec-
ing expense reimbursement is generally based on the lo-            tion with a vessel or aircraft.
cation of your new principal place of work. However, the 
                                                                   All income from transportation that begins and ends in 
source is determined based on the location of your former 
                                                                   the United States is treated as derived from sources in the 
principal  place  of  work  if  you  provide  sufficient  evidence 
                                                                   United States. If the transportation begins or ends in the 
that such determination of source is more appropriate un-
                                                                   United States, 50% of the transportation income is treated 
der  the  facts  and  circumstances  of  your  case.  Sufficient 
                                                                   as derived from sources in the United States.
evidence  generally  requires  an  agreement  between  you 
and your employer, or a written statement of company pol-          For transportation income from personal services, 50% 
icy, which is reduced to writing before the move and which         of the income is U.S. source income if the transportation is 
is entered into or established to induce you or other em-          between the United States and a U.S. territory. For non-
ployees to move to another country. The written statement          resident aliens, this only applies to income derived from, 
or agreement must state that your employer will reimburse          or in connection with, an aircraft.
you for moving expenses that you incur to return to your 
former principal place of work regardless of whether you           For  information  on  how  U.S.  source  transportation  in-
continue to work for your employer after returning to that         come is taxed, see chapter 4.
location. It may contain certain conditions upon which the 
right  to  reimbursement  is  determined  as  long  as  those      Scholarships, Grants, Prizes, and 
conditions set forth standards that are definitely ascertain-      Awards
able and can only be fulfilled prior to, or through comple-
tion of, your return move to your former principal place of        Generally,  the  source  of  scholarships,  fellowship  grants, 
work.                                                              grants, prizes, and awards is the residence of the payer re-
                                                                   gardless  of  who  actually  disburses  the  funds.  However, 
Alternative Basis                                                  see Activities to be performed outside the United States, 
If you are an employee, you can determine the source of 
your compensation under an alternative basis if you estab-         For example, payments for research or study in the Uni-
lish to the satisfaction of the IRS that, under the facts and      ted  States  made  by  the  United  States,  a  noncorporate 
circumstances  of  your  case,  the  alternative  basis  more      U.S.  resident,  or  a  domestic  corporation  are  from  U.S. 
properly  determines  the  source  of  your  compensation          sources.  Similar  payments  from  a  foreign  government  or 
than the time or geographical basis. If you use an alterna-        foreign  corporation  are  foreign  source  payments  even 
tive basis, you must keep (and have available for inspec-          though the funds may be disbursed through a U.S. agent.
tion) records to document why the alternative basis more           Payments made by an entity designated as a public in-
properly  determines  the  source  of  your  compensation.         ternational organization under the International Organiza-
Also,  if  your  total  compensation  from  all  sources  is       tions Immunities Act are from foreign sources.
$250,000 or more, check “Yes” to both questions on line K 
of  Schedule  OI  (Form  1040-NR),  and  attach  a  written        Activities to be performed outside the United States. 
statement to your tax return that sets forth all of the follow-    Scholarships, fellowship grants, targeted grants, and ach-
ing.                                                               ievement awards received by nonresident aliens for activi-
                                                                   ties  performed,  or  to  be  performed,  outside  the  United 
1. Your name and SSN (entered across the top of the 
                                                                   States are not U.S. source income.
                                                                           These rules do not apply to amounts paid as sal-
2. The specific compensation income, or the specific 
                                                                           ary or other compensation for services. See   Per-
fringe benefit, for which you are using the alternative            CAUTION!
                                                                           sonal  Services,  earlier,  for  the  source  rules  that 
3. For each item in (2), the alternative basis of allocation 
of source used.
                                                                   Pensions and Annuities
4. For each item in (2), a computation showing how the 
alternative allocation was computed.                               If you receive a pension from a domestic trust for services 
5. A comparison of the dollar amount of the U.S. com-              performed both in and outside the United States, part of 
pensation and foreign compensation sourced under                   the pension payment is from U.S. sources. That part is the 
both the alternative basis and the time or geographi-              amount  attributable  to  earnings  of  the  pension  plan  and 
cal basis, discussed earlier.                                      the employer contributions made for services performed in 
                                                                   the United States. This applies whether the distribution is 
                                                                   made under a qualified or nonqualified stock bonus, pen-
Transportation Income                                              sion,  profit-sharing,  or  annuity  plan  (whether  or  not  fun-
Transportation income is income from the use of a vessel 
or aircraft or for the performance of services directly rela-      If you performed services as an employee of the United 
ted to the use of any vessel or aircraft. This is true whether     States, you may receive a distribution from the U.S. Gov-
the vessel or aircraft is owned, hired, or leased. The term        ernment  under  a  plan,  such  as  the  Civil  Service 

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Retirement System, that is treated as a qualified pension            gardless of where you maintain your family home. Your tax 
plan.  Your  U.S.  source  income  is  the  otherwise  taxable       home  is  the  place  where  you  permanently  or  indefinitely 
amount of the distribution that is attributable to your total        work as an employee or a self-employed individual. If you 
U.S. Government basic pay other than tax-exempt pay for              do not have a regular or main place of business because 
services performed outside the United States.                        of the nature of your work, then your tax home is the place 
                                                                     where  you  regularly  live.  If  you  do  not  fit  either  of  these 
Disaster tax relief.  If you are required to file a U.S. 
                                                                     categories,  you  are  considered  an  itinerant  and  your  tax 
federal  income  tax  return,  you  may  be  entitled  to  some 
                                                                     home is wherever you work.
special  disaster-related  rules  regarding  the  use  of  retire-
ment funds. For more information, see Pub. 590-B. Also,              Inventory property. Inventory property is personal prop-
go to IRS.gov/DisasterTaxRelief.                                     erty that is stock in trade or that is held primarily for sale to 
Tax  relief  for  qualified  disaster  distributions  and            customers  in  the  ordinary  course  of  your  trade  or  busi-
repayments.  Special rules provide for tax-favored with-             ness.  Income  from  the  sale  of  inventory  that  you  pur-
drawals  and  repayments  to  certain  retirement  plans  (in-       chased is sourced where the property is sold. Generally, 
cluding IRAs) for taxpayers who suffered economic losses             this is where title to the property passes to the buyer. For 
because of certain major disasters. For information about            example, income from the sale of inventory in the United 
reporting qualified disaster distributions and repayments,           States is U.S. source income, whether you purchased it in 
see Form 8915-F, Qualified Disaster Retirement Plan Dis-             the United States or in a foreign country.
tributions and Repayments, and its instructions.                     Income from the sale of inventory property that you pro-
                                                                     duced  in  the  United  States  and  sold  outside  the  United 
                                                                     States  (or  vice  versa)  is  sourced  where  the  property  is 
Rents or Royalties                                                   produced.
Your U.S. source income includes rent and royalty income             These  rules  apply  even  if  your  tax  home  is  not  in  the 
received during the tax year from property located in the            United States.

United States or from any interest in that property.                 Depreciable  property.    To  determine  the  source  of  any 
U.S. source income also includes rents or royalties for              gain  from  the  sale  of  depreciable  personal  property,  you 
the  use  of,  or  for  the  privilege  of  using,  in  the  United  must first figure the part of the gain that is not more than 
States,  intangible  property  such  as  patents,  copyrights,       the total depreciation adjustments on the property. You al-
secret  processes  and  formulas,  goodwill,  trademarks,            locate this part of the gain to sources in the United States 
franchises, and similar property.                                    based on the ratio of U.S. depreciation adjustments to to-
                                                                     tal  depreciation  adjustments.  The  rest  of  this  part  of  the 
                                                                     gain is considered to be from sources outside the United 
Real Property
Real property is land and buildings and generally anything           For  this  purpose,  “U.S.  depreciation  adjustments”  are 
built on, growing on, or attached to land.                           the depreciation adjustments to the basis of the property 
                                                                     that  are  allowable  in  figuring  taxable  income  from  U.S. 
Gross  income  from  sources  in  the  United  States  in-           sources. However, if the property is used predominantly in 
cludes  gains,  profits,  and  income  from  the  sale  or  other    the  United  States  during  a  tax  year,  all  depreciation  de-
disposition of real property located in the United States.           ductions allowable for that year are treated as U.S. depre-
                                                                     ciation  adjustments.  But  there  are  some  exceptions  for 
Natural  resources. The  income  from  the  sale  of  prod-
                                                                     certain  transportation,  communications,  and  other  prop-
ucts  of  any  farm,  mine,  oil  or  gas  well,  other  natural  de-
                                                                     erty used internationally.
posit, or timber located in the United States and sold in a 
                                                                     Gain from the sale of depreciable property that is more 
foreign country, or located in a foreign country and sold in 
                                                                     than the total depreciation adjustments on the property is 
the  United  States,  is  partly  from  sources  in  the  United 
                                                                     sourced as if the property were inventory property, as dis-
States. For information on determining that part, see Reg-
                                                                     cussed above.
ulations section 1.863-1(b).
                                                                     A loss is sourced in the same way as the depreciation 
                                                                     deductions  were  sourced.  However,  if  the  property  was 
Personal Property                                                    used  predominantly  in  the  United  States,  the  entire  loss 
                                                                     reduces U.S. source income. 
Personal property is property, such as machinery, equip-             The basis of property usually means the cost (money 
ment, or furniture, that is not real property.                       plus the fair market value of other property or services) of 
Gain  or  loss  from  the  sale  or  exchange  of  personal          property you acquire. Depreciation is an amount deducted 
property  generally  has  its  source  in  the  United  States  if   to recover the cost or other basis of a trade or business 
you have a tax home in the United States. If you do not              asset. The amount you can deduct depends on the prop-
have a tax home in the United States, the gain or loss is            erty's cost, when you began using the property, how long it 
generally considered to be from sources outside the Uni-             will  take  to  recover  your  cost,  and  which  depreciation 
ted States.                                                          method you use. A depreciation deduction is any deduc-
                                                                     tion for depreciation or amortization or any other allowable 
Tax  home.  Your  tax  home  is  the  general  area  of  your        deduction that treats a capital expenditure as a deductible 
main place of business, employment, or post of duty, re-             expense.

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Intangible  property.    Intangible  property  includes  pat-        Earned income. Earned income of a spouse, other than 
ents,  copyrights,  secret  processes  or  formulas,  goodwill,      trade  or  business  income  and  a  partner's  distributive 
trademarks, trade names, or other like property. The gain            share of partnership income, is treated as the income of 
from  the  sale  of  amortizable  or  depreciable  intangible        the  spouse  whose  services  produced  the  income.  That 
property, up to the previously allowable amortization or de-         spouse must report all of it on their separate return.
preciation deductions, is sourced in the same way as the 
original deductions were sourced. This is the same as the            Trade or business income.      Trade or business income, 
source rule for gain from the sale of depreciable property.          other than a partner's distributive share of partnership in-
See Depreciable property, earlier, for details on how to ap-         come, is treated as the income of the spouse carrying on 
ply this rule.                                                       the trade or business. That spouse must report all of it on 
Gain in excess of the amortization or depreciation de-               their separate return.
ductions  is  sourced  in  the  country  where  the  property  is 
                                                                     Partnership  income  (or  loss). A  partner's  distributive 
used if the income from the sale is contingent on the pro-
                                                                     share of partnership income (or loss) is treated as the in-
ductivity, use, or disposition of that property. If the income 
                                                                     come (or loss) of the partner. The partner must report all 
is not contingent on the productivity, use, or disposition of 
                                                                     of it on their separate return.
the property, the income is sourced according to your tax 
home (discussed earlier). If payments for goodwill do not            Separate  property  income.    Income  derived  from  the 
depend on its productivity, use, or disposition, their source        separate property of one spouse (and which is not earned 
is the country in which the goodwill was generated.                  income, trade or business income, or partnership distribu-
                                                                     tive share income) is treated as the income of that spouse. 
Sales  through  offices  or  fixed  places  of  business. 
Despite any of the earlier rules, if you do not have a tax           That spouse must report all of it on their separate return. 
                                                                     Use the appropriate community property law to determine 
home in the United States, but you maintain an office or 
                                                                     what is separate property.
other fixed place of business in the United States, treat the 
income  from  any  sale  of  personal  property  (including  in-     Other community income.        All other community income 
ventory property) that is attributable to that office or place       is treated as provided by the applicable community prop-
of  business  as  U.S.  source  income.  However,  this  rule        erty laws.
does not apply to sales of inventory property for use, dis-
position, or consumption outside the United States if your 
office or other fixed place of business outside the United 
States materially participated in the sale.
If you have a tax home in the United States but maintain 
an office or other fixed place of business outside the Uni-
ted States, income from sales of personal property, other 
than inventory, depreciable property, or intangibles, that is 
attributable to that foreign office or place of business may 
be treated as U.S. source income. The income is treated              Exclusions From Gross 
as U.S. source income if an income tax of less than 10% 
of  the  income  from  the  sale  is  paid  to  a  foreign  country. Income
This rule also applies to losses if the foreign country would 
have  imposed  an  income  tax  of  less  than  10%  had  the 
sale resulted in a gain.                                             Introduction
                                                                     Resident  and  nonresident  aliens  are  allowed  exclusions 
                                                                     from gross income if they meet certain conditions. An ex-
Community Income                                                     clusion from gross income is generally income you receive 
                                                                     that is not included in your U.S. income and is not subject 
If you are married and you or your spouse is subject to the          to U.S. tax. This chapter covers some of the more com-
community property laws of a foreign country, U.S. state,            mon  exclusions  allowed  to  resident  and  nonresident  ali-
or  U.S.  territory,  you  must  generally  follow  those  laws  to  ens.
determine the income of yourself and your spouse for U.S. 
tax purposes. But you must disregard certain community 
property laws if:
                                                                     This chapter discusses:
Both you and your spouse are nonresident aliens, or
One of you is a nonresident alien and the other is a               Nontaxable interest,
  U.S. citizen or resident and you do not both choose to             Nontaxable dividends,
  be treated as U.S. residents as explained in Nonresi-
  dent Spouse Treated as a Resident, earlier.                        Certain compensation paid by a foreign employer,
In  these  cases,  you  and  your  spouse  must  report  com-        Gain from sale of home, and
munity income as explained later.                                    Scholarships and fellowship grants.

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Useful Items                                                          institutions chartered and supervised as savings and 
You may want to see:                                                  loan or similar associations under federal or state law 
                                                                      (if the interest paid or credited can be deducted by the 
Publication                                                           association); and
     54  54 Tax Guide for U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens         Amounts held by an insurance company under an 
         Abroad                                                       agreement to pay interest on them.

     523 523 Selling Your Home                                      State  and  local  government  obligations. Interest  on 
See chapter 12 for information about getting these publi-           obligations of a state or political subdivision, the District of 
cations.                                                            Columbia, or a U.S. territory is generally not included in in-
                                                                    come. However, interest on certain private activity bonds, 
                                                                    arbitrage bonds, and certain bonds not in registered form 
                                                                    is included in income.
Resident Aliens
                                                                    Portfolio interest. Interest and OID that qualifies as port-
Resident aliens may be able to exclude the following items          folio  interest  is  not  subject  to  chapter  3  (of  the  Internal 
from their gross income.                                            Revenue Code) withholding under sections 1441 through 
                                                                    1443. However, such interest may be subject to withhold-
Foreign Earned Income and Housing                                   ing if it is a withholdable payment, and there is no excep-
                                                                    tion to chapter 4 (of the Internal Revenue Code) withhold-
Amount                                                              ing  under  sections  1471  through  1474.  For  more 
If you are physically present in a foreign country or coun-         information, see the discussion of portfolio interest under 
tries for at least 330 full days during any period of 12 con-       Withholding on Specific Income in Pub. 515.
secutive months, you may qualify for the foreign earned in-         To qualify as portfolio interest, the interest must be paid 
come  exclusion.  The  exclusion  is  $120,000  in  2023.  In       on obligations issued after July 18, 1984, and otherwise 
addition, you may be able to exclude or deduct certain for-         subject to withholding. For obligations issued after March 
eign housing amounts. You may also qualify if you are a             18, 2012, portfolio interest does not include interest paid 
bona fide resident of a foreign country and you are a citi-         on  debt  that  is  not  in  registered  form.  Before  March  19, 
zen or national of a country with which the United States           2012, portfolio interest included interest on certain regis-
has an income tax treaty. For more information, see Pub.            tered and nonregistered (bearer) bonds if the obligations 
54.                                                                 meet the requirements described below.
                                                                    Obligations  in  registered  form. Portfolio  interest  in-
Foreign country. A foreign country is any territory under           cludes interest paid on an obligation that is in registered 
the sovereignty of a government other than that of the Uni-         form, and for which you have received documentation that 
ted States.                                                         the beneficial owner of the obligation is not a U.S. person.
  The term “foreign country” includes the country's terri-          Generally, an obligation is in registered form if:
torial waters and airspace, but not international waters and 
the airspace above them. It also includes the seabed and            The obligation is registered as to both principal and 
subsoil of those submarine areas adjacent to the country's            any stated interest with the issuer (or its agent) and 
territorial  waters  over  which  it  has  exclusive  rights  under   any transfer of the obligation may be effected only by 
international law to explore and exploit the natural resour-          surrender of the old obligation and reissuance to the 
ces.                                                                  new holder;
  The term “foreign country” does not include U.S. territo-         The right to principal and stated interest with respect 
ries. It does not include the Antarctic region.                       to the obligation may be transferred only through a 
                                                                      book entry system maintained by the issuer or its 
                                                                      agent; or
Nonresident Aliens                                                  The obligation is registered as to both principal and 
                                                                      stated interest with the issuer or its agent and can be 
Nonresident  aliens  can  exclude  the  following  items  from        transferred both by surrender and reissuance and 
their gross income.                                                   through a book entry system.
                                                                    An obligation that would otherwise be considered to be 
Interest Income                                                     in  registered  form  is  not  considered  to  be  in  registered 
                                                                    form as of a particular time if it can be converted at any 
Interest income that is not connected with a U.S. trade or          time in the future into an obligation that is not in registered 
business is excluded from income if it is from:                     form.  For  more  information  on  whether  obligations  are 
  Deposits (including certificates of deposit) with per-          considered to be in registered form, see the discussion of 
    sons in the banking business;                                   portfolio interest under Withholding on Specific Income in 
                                                                    Pub. 515.
  Deposits or withdrawable accounts with mutual sav-
    ings banks, cooperative banks, credit unions, domes-            Obligations not in registered form.   For obligations 
    tic building and loan associations, and other savings           issued  before  March  19,  2012,  interest  on  an  obligation 

22                                Chapter 3     Exclusions From Gross Income                      Publication 519 (2023)

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that is not in registered form (bearer obligation) is portfolio    Dividend Income
interest if the obligation is foreign targeted. A bearer obli-
gation is foreign targeted if:                                     The  following  dividend  income  is  exempt  from  the  30% 
There are arrangements to ensure that the obligation             tax.
  will be sold, or resold in connection with the original is-
  sue, only to a person who is not a U.S. person;                  Certain  dividends  paid  by  foreign  corporations. 
                                                                   There is no 30% tax on U.S. source dividends you receive 
Interest on the obligation is payable only outside the           from  a  foreign  corporation.  See Exception  under   Divi-
  United States and its territories; and                           dends  in  chapter  2  for  how  to  figure  the  amount  of  U.S. 
The face of the obligation contains a statement that             source dividends. This exemption does not apply to divi-
  any U.S. person who holds the obligation will be sub-            dend equivalent payments.
  ject to limits under the U.S. income tax laws.
                                                                   Certain  interest-related  dividends. There  is  no  30% 
Documentation is not required for interest on bearer ob-           tax  on  interest-related  dividends  from  sources  within  the 
ligations  to  qualify  as  portfolio  interest.  In  some  cases, United States that you receive from a mutual fund or other 
however,  you  may  need  documentation  for  purposes  of         regulated investment company (RIC). The mutual fund will 
Form 1099 reporting and backup withholding.                        designate  in  writing  which  dividends  are  interest-related 
Interest  that  does  not  qualify  as  portfolio  interest. 
Payments to certain persons and payments of contingent             Certain short-term capital gain dividends.   There may 
interest do not qualify as portfolio interest. You must with-      not be any 30% tax on certain short-term capital gain divi-
hold at the statutory rate on such payments unless some            dends from sources within the United States that you re-
other exception, such as a treaty provision, applies.              ceive  from  a  mutual  fund  or  other  RIC.  The  mutual  fund 
Contingent  interest.   Portfolio  interest  does  not  in-        will  designate  in  writing  which  dividends  are  short-term 
clude  contingent  interest.  Contingent  interest  is  either  of capital gain dividends. This tax relief will not apply to you if 
the following.                                                     you are present in the United States for 183 days or more 
                                                                   during your tax year.
1. Interest that is determined by reference to:
     Any receipts, sales, or other cash flow of the              Services Performed for Foreign 
       debtor or related person;
     Income or profits of the debtor or related person;
     Any change in value of any property of the debtor           If you were paid by a foreign employer, your U.S. source 
       or a related person; or                                     income may be exempt from U.S. tax, but only if you meet 
                                                                   one of the situations discussed next.
     Any dividend, partnership distributions, or similar 
       payments made by the debtor or a related person.            Employees of foreign persons, organizations, or offi-
     For exceptions, see section 871(h)(4)(C).                     ces.  Income for personal services performed in the Uni-
2. Any other type of contingent interest that is identified        ted States as a nonresident alien is not considered to be 
  by the Secretary of the Treasury in regulations.                 from U.S. sources and is tax exempt if you meet all three 
                                                                   of the following conditions.
Related persons.   Related persons include the follow-
ing.                                                               1. You perform personal services as an employee of or 
                                                                       under a contract with a nonresident alien individual, 
Members of a family, including only brothers, sisters,               foreign partnership, or foreign corporation not en-
  half brothers, half sisters, spouse, ancestors (parents,             gaged in a trade or business in the United States; or 
  grandparents, etc.), and lineal descendants (children,               you work for an office or place of business maintained 
  grandchildren, etc.).                                                in a foreign country or territory of the United States by 
Any person who is a party to any arrangement under-                  a U.S. corporation, U.S. partnership, or U.S. citizen or 
  taken for the purpose of avoiding the contingent inter-              resident.
  est rules.                                                       2. You perform these services while you are a nonresi-
Certain corporations, partnerships, and other entities.              dent alien temporarily present in the United States for 
  For details, see Nondeductible Loss in chapter 2 of                  a period or periods of not more than a total of 90 days 
  Pub. 544.                                                            during the tax year.
Exception  for  existing  debt.  Contingent  interest              3. Your pay for these services is not more than $3,000.
does not include interest paid or accrued on any debt with 
                                                                   If you do not meet all three conditions, your income from 
a fixed term that was issued:
                                                                   personal services performed in the United States is U.S. 
On or before April 7, 1993; or                                   source income and is taxed according to the rules in chap-
After April 7, 1993, pursuant to a written binding con-          ter 4.
  tract in effect on that date and at all times thereafter         If your pay for these services is more than $3,000, the 
  before that debt was issued.                                     entire  amount  is  income  from  a  trade  or  business  within 

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the United States. To find if your pay is more than $3,000,            U.S. partnership, or an individual who is a U.S. citizen 
do not include any amounts you get from your employer                  or resident.
for advances or reimbursements of business travel expen-             The term “foreign employer” does not include a foreign 
ses, if you were required to and did account to your em-             government. Pay from a foreign government that is exempt 
ployer for those expenses. If the advances or reimburse-             from U.S. income tax is discussed in chapter 10.
ments are more than your expenses, include the excess in 
your pay for these services.                                         Income  from  certain  annuities. Do  not  include  in  in-
A “day” means a calendar day during any part of which                come any annuity received under a qualified annuity plan 
you are physically present in the United States.                     or from a qualified trust exempt from U.S. income tax if you 
                                                                     meet both of the following conditions.
Example  1.    During  2023,  Henry  Smythe,  a  nonresi-
dent  alien  from  a  nontreaty  country,  worked  for  an  over-    1. You receive the annuity only because:
seas office of a U.S. partnership. Henry, who uses the cal-            a. You performed personal services outside the Uni-
endar year as Henry’s tax year, was temporarily present in             ted States while you were a nonresident alien; or
the United States for 60 days during 2023 performing per-
sonal services for the overseas office of the partnership.             b. You performed personal services inside the United 
That  office  paid  Henry  a  total  gross  salary  of  $2,800  for    States while you were a nonresident alien and you 
those services. During 2023, Henry was not engaged in a                met the three conditions, described earlier, under 
trade or business in the United States. The salary is not              Employees of foreign persons, organizations, or 
considered U.S. source income and is exempt from U.S.                  offices.
                                                                     2. At the time the first amount is paid as an annuity un-
Example 2.     The facts are the same as in    Example 1,              der the plan (or by the trust), 90% or more of the em-
except that Henry's total gross salary for the services per-           ployees for whom contributions or benefits are provi-
formed  in  the  United  States  during  2023  was  $4,500.            ded under the annuity plan (or under the plan of which 
Henry received $2,875 in 2023, and $1,625 in 2024. Dur-                the trust is a part) are U.S. citizens or residents.
ing 2023, Henry was engaged in a trade or business in the            If the annuity qualifies under condition (1) but not condi-
United States because the compensation for Henry’s per-              tion (2) above, you do not have to include the amount in 
sonal services in the United States was more than $3,000.            income if:
Henry's salary is U.S. source income and is taxed under 
the rules in chapter 4.                                              You are a resident of a country that gives a substan-
                                                                       tially equal exclusion to U.S. citizens and residents, or
Crew  members. Compensation  for  services  performed                You are a resident of a beneficiary developing country 
by a nonresident alien in connection with the individual's             under Title V of the Trade Act of 1974.
temporary presence in the United States as a regular crew 
member of a foreign vessel (for example, a boat or ship)             If you are not sure whether the annuity is from a quali-
engaged in transportation between the United States and              fied  annuity  plan  or  qualified  trust,  ask  the  person  who 
a  foreign  country  or  U.S.  territory  is  not  U.S.  source  in- made the payment.

come and is exempt from U.S. tax. This exemption does                Income affected by treaties.  Income of any kind that is 
not apply to compensation for services performed on for-             exempt from U.S. tax under a treaty to which the United 
eign aircraft.                                                       States is a party is excluded from your gross income. In-
Students and exchange visitors. Nonresident alien stu-               come on which the tax is only limited by treaty, however, is 
dents and exchange visitors present in the United States             included in gross income. See chapter 9.
under “F,” “J,” “M,” or “Q” visas can exclude from gross in-
come pay received from a foreign employer.                           Gambling Winnings From Dog or 
This group includes bona fide students, scholars, train-             Horse Racing
ees, teachers, professors, research assistants, specialists, 
or leaders in a field of specialized knowledge or skill, or          You can exclude from your gross income winnings from le-
persons of similar description. It also includes the alien's         gal wagers initiated outside the United States in a pari-mu-
spouse and minor children if they come with the alien or             tuel  pool  with  respect  to  a  live  horse  or  dog  race  in  the 
come later to join the alien.                                        United States.
A  nonresident  alien  temporarily  present  in  the  United 
States under a “J” visa includes an alien individual enter-
ing  the  United  States  as  an  exchange  visitor  under  the 
                                                                     Gain From the Sale of Your 
Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961.
Foreign employer.       A foreign employer is:                       Main Home

  A nonresident alien individual, foreign partnership, or          If you sold your main home, you may be able to exclude 
    foreign corporation; or                                          up to $250,000 of the gain on the sale of your home. If you 
  An office or place of business maintained in a foreign 
    country or in a U.S. territory by a U.S. corporation, a 

24                              Chapter 3        Exclusions From Gross Income                      Publication 519 (2023)

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are married and file a joint return, you may be able to ex-        require that it be used for other purposes, such as room 
clude up to $500,000. For information on the requirements          and board, or specify that it cannot be used for tuition or 
for this exclusion, see Pub. 523.                                  course-related expenses.
        This exclusion does not apply if you are subject to        Expenses  that  do  not  qualify.   Qualified  education 
!       the expatriation tax rules discussed in chapter 4.         expenses do not include the cost of:
                                                                   Room and board,
Scholarships and Fellowship                                        Research,
                                                                   Clerical help, or
                                                                   Equipment and other expenses that are not required 
If you are a candidate for a degree, you may be able to ex-          for enrollment in or attendance at an eligible educa-
clude from your income part or all of the amounts you re-            tional institution.
ceive as a qualified scholarship. The rules discussed here         This is true even if the fee must be paid to the institution as 
apply to both resident and nonresident aliens.                     a  condition  of  enrollment  or  attendance.  Scholarship  or 
        If a nonresident alien receives a grant that is not        fellowship amounts used to pay these costs are taxable.
TIP     from  U.S.  sources,  it  is  not  subject  to  U.S.  tax. 
        See  Scholarships, Grants, Prizes, and Awards in           Amounts used to pay expenses that do not qualify.      A 
chapter  2  to  determine  whether  your  grant  is  from  U.S.    scholarship  amount  used  to  pay  any  expense  that  does 
sources.                                                           not  qualify  is  taxable,  even  if  the  expense  is  a  fee  that 
                                                                   must be paid to the institution as a condition of enrollment 
A scholarship or fellowship is excludable from income              or attendance.
only if:
                                                                   Payment for services. You cannot exclude from income 
1. You are a candidate for a degree at an eligible educa-          the portion of any scholarship, fellowship, or tuition reduc-
    tional institution, and                                        tion  that  represents  payment  for  past,  present,  or  future 
2. You use the scholarship or fellowship to pay qualified          teaching, research, or other services. This is true even if 
    education expenses.                                            all  candidates  for  a  degree  are  required  to  perform  the 
                                                                   services as a condition for receiving the degree.
Candidate for a degree.     You are a candidate for a de-
gree if you:                                                       Example.    On January 7, Maria Gomez is notified of a 
                                                                   scholarship of $2,500 for the spring semester. As a condi-
1. Attend a primary or secondary school or are pursuing            tion for receiving the scholarship, Maria must serve as a 
    a degree at a college or university; or                        part-time  teaching  assistant.  Of  the  $2,500  scholarship, 
2. Attend an accredited educational institution that is au-        $1,000 represents payment for Maria’s services. Assum-
    thorized to provide:                                           ing  that  Maria  meets  all  other  conditions,  Maria  can  ex-
                                                                   clude  no  more  than  $1,500  from  income  as  a  qualified 
    a. A program that is acceptable for full credit toward         scholarship.
        a bachelor's or higher degree, or
    b. A program of training to prepare students for gain-
        ful employment in a recognized occupation.

Eligible  educational  institution.   An  eligible  educa-
tional institution is one that maintains a regular faculty and     4.
curriculum and normally has a regularly enrolled body of 
students in attendance at the place where it carries on its 
educational activities.                                            How Income of Aliens Is 
Qualified  education  expenses.     These  are  expenses 
  Tuition and fees required to enroll at or attend an eligi-
    ble educational institution; and
  Course-related expenses, such as fees, books, sup-
    plies, and equipment that are required for the courses         Resident  and  nonresident  aliens  are  taxed  in  different 
    at the eligible educational institution. These items           ways. Resident aliens are generally taxed in the same way 
    must be required of all students in your course of in-         as  U.S.  citizens.  Nonresident  aliens  are  taxed  based  on 
    struction.                                                     the source of their income and whether or not their income 
                                                                   is effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business. The 
However, in order for these to be qualified education ex-          following  discussions  will  help  you  determine  if  income 
penses, the terms of the scholarship or fellowship cannot 

Publication 519 (2023)                Chapter 4   How Income of Aliens Is Taxed                                           25

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you  receive  during  the  tax  year  is  effectively  connected                   If  you  were  formerly  a  U.S.  citizen  or  resident 
with a U.S. trade or business and how it is taxed.                         !       alien, these rules may not apply. See Expatriation 
                                                                           CAUTION Tax, later, in this chapter.
This chapter discusses:
                                                                           Trade or Business in the United 
 Income that is effectively connected with a U.S. trade                  States
   or business,
                                                                           Generally,  you  must  be  engaged  in  a  trade  or  business 
 Income that is not effectively connected with a U.S. 
                                                                           during the tax year to be able to treat income received in 
   trade or business,
                                                                           that year as effectively connected with that trade or busi-
 Interrupted period of residence, and                                    ness. Whether you are engaged in a trade or business in 
 Expatriation tax.                                                       the United States depends on the nature of your activities. 
                                                                           The  discussions  that  follow  will  help  you  determine 
                                                                           whether  you  are  engaged  in  a  trade  or  business  in  the 
Useful Items                                                               United States.
You may want to see:
Publication                                                                Personal Services

     544 544 Sales and Other Dispositions of Assets                        If  you  perform  personal  services  in  the  United  States  at 
                                                                           any time during the tax year, you are usually considered 
     1212    1212 Guide to Original Issue (OID) Instruments                engaged in a trade or business in the United States.
Form (and Instructions)                                                            Certain compensation paid to a nonresident alien 
                                                                           TIP     by a foreign employer is not included in gross in-
     6251    6251 Alternative Minimum Tax—Individuals                              come.  For  more  information,  see Services  Per-
                                                                           formed for Foreign Employer in chapter 3.
     Schedule D (Form 1040) Schedule D (Form 1040) Capital Gains and Losses

See chapter 12 for information about getting these publi-                  Other Trade or Business Activities
cations and forms.
                                                                           Other examples of being engaged in a trade or business 
                                                                           in the United States follow.
Resident Aliens
                                                                           Students and trainees. If you are temporarily present in 
Resident  aliens  are  generally  taxed  in  the  same  way  as            the United States as a nonimmigrant under an “F,” “J,” “M,” 
U.S.  citizens.  This  means  that  their  worldwide  income  is           or “Q” visa, and not otherwise engaged in a trade or busi-
subject to U.S. tax and must be reported on their U.S. tax                 ness, you are considered to be engaged in a trade or busi-
return. Income of resident aliens is subject to the gradu-                 ness in the United States if you have taxable income from 
ated tax rates that apply to U.S. citizens. Resident aliens                participation  in  a  scholarship  or  fellowship  described  in 
use the Tax Table or Tax Computation Worksheets located                    section 1441(b). The taxable part of any scholarship or fel-
in the Instructions for Form 1040, which apply to U.S. citi-               lowship grant that is U.S. source income is treated as ef-
zens.                                                                      fectively connected with a trade or business in the United 

                                                                           Note.   A  nonresident  alien  temporarily  present  in  the 
Nonresident Aliens                                                         United States under a “J” visa includes a nonresident alien 
                                                                           individual admitted to the United States as an exchange 
A  nonresident  alien's  income  that  is  subject  to  U.S.  in-          visitor  under  the  Mutual  Educational  and  Cultural  Ex-
come tax must be divided into two categories.                              change Act of 1961.

1. Income that is effectively connected with a trade or                    Business  operations. If  you  own  and  operate  a  busi-
   business in the United States, and                                      ness  in  the  United  States  selling  services,  products,  or 
2. Income that is not effectively connected with a trade                   merchandise, you are, with certain exceptions, engaged in 
   or business in the United States (discussed under                       a trade or business in the United States.
   The 30% Tax, later).
                                                                           Partnerships. If you are a member of a partnership that 
The difference between these two categories is that ef-                    at  any  time  during  the  tax  year  is  engaged  in  a  trade  or 
fectively connected income, after allowable deductions, is                 business  in  the  United  States,  you  are  considered  to  be 
taxed at graduated rates. These are the same rates that                    engaged in a trade or business in the United States.
apply to U.S. citizens and residents. Income that is not ef-
fectively connected is taxed at a flat 30% (or lower treaty)               Beneficiary of an estate or trust.  If you are the benefi-
rate.                                                                      ciary  of  an  estate  or  trust  that  is  engaged  in  a  trade  or 

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business  in  the  United  States,  you  are  treated  as  being    2. Gains (some of which are considered capital gains) 
engaged in the same trade or business.                                from the sale or exchange of the following types of 
Trading  in  stocks,  securities,  and  commodities.     If 
your only U.S. business activity is trading in stocks, securi-        Timber, coal, or domestic iron ore with a retained 
ties,  or  commodities  (including  hedging  transactions)              economic interest.
through a U.S. resident broker or other agent, you are not            Patents, copyrights, and similar property on which 
engaged in a trade or business in the United States.                    you receive contingent payments after October 4, 
For transactions in stocks or securities, this applies to               1966.
any  nonresident  alien,  including  a  dealer  or  broker  in 
stocks and securities.                                                Patents transferred before October 5, 1966.
For  transactions  in  commodities,  this  applies  to  com-          OID obligations.
modities that are usually traded on an organized commod-
                                                                    3. Capital gains (and losses).
ity exchange and to transactions that are usually carried 
out at such an exchange.                                            Use the two tests described next to determine whether 
This discussion does not apply if you have a U.S. office            an item of U.S. source income falling in one of the three 
or other fixed place of business at any time during the tax         categories above and received during the tax year is ef-
year through which, or by the direction of which, you carry         fectively connected with your U.S. trade or business. If the 
out your transactions in stocks, securities, or commodities.        tests indicate that the item of income is effectively connec-
Trading  for  a  nonresident  alien's  own  account.                ted, you must include it with your other effectively connec-
You are not engaged in a trade or business in the United            ted income. If the item of income is not effectively connec-
States if trading for your own account in stocks, securities,       ted, include it with all other income discussed under The 
or  commodities  is  your  only  U.S.  business  activity.  This    30% Tax, later, in this chapter.
applies  even  if  the  trading  takes  place  while  you  are 
                                                                    Asset-use test. This test usually applies to income that 
present in the United States or is done by your employee 
                                                                    is not directly produced by trade or business activities. Un-
or your broker or other agent.
                                                                    der this test, if an item of income is from assets (property) 
This does not apply to trading for your own account if 
                                                                    used in, or held for use in, the trade or business in the Uni-
you  are  a  dealer  in  stocks,  securities,  or  commodities. 
                                                                    ted States, it is considered effectively connected.
This does not necessarily mean, however, that as a dealer 
                                                                    An asset is used in, or held for use in, the trade or busi-
you are considered to be engaged in a trade or business 
                                                                    ness in the United States if the asset is:
in  the  United  States.  Determine  that  based  on  the  facts 
and circumstances in each case or under the rules given             Held for the principal purpose of promoting the con-
above in Trading in stocks, securities, and commodities.              duct of a trade or business in the United States;
                                                                    Acquired and held in the ordinary course of the trade 
Effectively Connected Income                                          or business conducted in the United States (for exam-
                                                                      ple, an account receivable or note receivable arising 
If you are engaged in a U.S. trade or business, all income,           from that trade or business); or
gain,  or  loss  for  the  tax  year  that  you  get  from  sources 
within the United States (other than certain investment in-         Otherwise held to meet the present needs of the trade 
                                                                      or business in the United States and not its anticipated 
come) is treated as effectively connected income. This ap-
                                                                      future needs.
plies whether or not there is any connection between the 
income and the trade or business being carried on in the            Generally, stock of a corporation is not treated as an asset 
United States during the tax year.                                  used in, or held for use in, a trade or business in the Uni-
                                                                    ted States.
Two  tests,  described  under  Investment  Income,  later, 
determine  whether  certain  items  of  investment  income          Business-activities test. This test usually applies when 
(such as interest, dividends, and royalties) are treated as         income, gain, or loss comes directly from the active con-
effectively connected with that business.                           duct of the trade or business. The business-activities test 
                                                                    is most important when:
In limited circumstances, some kinds of foreign source 
income  may  be  treated  as  effectively  connected  with  a       Dividends or interest are received by a dealer in 
trade or business in the United States. For a discussion of           stocks or securities,
these rules, see Foreign Income, later.                             Royalties are received in the trade or business of li-
                                                                      censing patents or similar property, or
Investment Income
                                                                    Service fees are earned by a servicing business.
Investment income from U.S. sources that may or may not             Under this test, if the conduct of the U.S. trade or business 
be  treated  as  effectively  connected  with  a  U.S.  trade  or   was a material factor in producing the income, the income 
business generally falls into the following three categories.       is considered effectively connected.
1. Fixed or determinable income (interest, dividends, 
rents, royalties, premiums, annuities, etc.).

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Personal Service Income                                            Business Profits and Losses and Sales 
You are usually engaged in a U.S. trade or business when 
you perform personal services in the United States. Per-           All profits or losses from U.S. sources that are from the op-
sonal  service  income  you  receive  in  a  tax  year  in  which  eration of a business in the United States are effectively 
you are engaged in a U.S. trade or business is effectively         connected with a trade or business in the United States. 
connected with a U.S. trade or business. Income received           For example, profit from the sale in the United States of in-
in a year other than the year you performed the services is        ventory  property  purchased  either  in  this  country  or  in  a 
also effectively connected if it would have been effectively       foreign country is effectively connected trade or business 
connected if received in the year you performed the serv-          income. A share of U.S. source profits or losses of a part-
ices.  Personal  service  income  includes  wages,  salaries,      nership that is engaged in a trade or business in the Uni-
commissions,  fees,  per  diem  allowances,  and  employee         ted  States  is  also  effectively  connected  with  a  trade  or 
allowances and bonuses. The income may be paid to you              business in the United States.
in the form of cash, services, or property.
If you are engaged in a U.S. trade or business only be-            Real Property Gain or Loss
cause you perform personal services in the United States 
during  the  tax  year,  income  and  gains  from  assets,  and    Gains and losses from the sale or exchange of U.S. real 
gains and losses from the sale or exchange of capital as-          property interests (whether or not they are capital assets) 
sets,  are  generally  not  effectively  connected  with  your     are taxed as if you are engaged in a trade or business in 
trade or business. However, if there is a direct economic          the United States. You must treat the gain or loss as effec-
relationship  between  your  holding  of  the  asset  and  your    tively connected with that trade or business.
trade or business of performing personal services, the in-
                                                                   U.S.  real  property  interest. This  is  any  interest  in  real 
come, gain, or loss is effectively connected. 
                                                                   property located in the United States or the U.S. Virgin Is-
Pensions. If you performed personal services in the Uni-           lands or any interest (other than as a creditor) in a domes-
ted States after 1986, and in a later tax year, you receive        tic corporation that is a U.S. real property holding corpora-
pension  or  retirement  distributions  attributable  to  these    tion. Real property includes the following.
services when you are a nonresident alien, such distribu-          1. Land and unsevered natural products of the land, 
tions are effectively connected income to the extent attrib-         such as growing crops and timber, and mines, wells, 
utable to contributions. This is true whether or not you are         and other natural deposits.
engaged  in  a  U.S.  trade  or  business  in  the  year  you  re-
ceive the pension or retirement distributions.                     2. Improvements on land, including buildings, other per-
                                                                     manent structures, and their structural components.
Transportation Income                                              3. Personal property associated with the use of real 
                                                                     property, such as equipment used in farming, mining, 
Transportation income (defined in chapter 2) is effectively          forestry, or construction or property used in lodging fa-
connected if you meet both of the following conditions.              cilities or rented office space, unless the personal 
1. You had a fixed place of business in the United States            property is:
   involved in earning the income.                                   a. Disposed of more than 1 year before or after the 
2. At least 90% of your U.S. source transportation in-               disposition of the real property, or
   come is attributable to regularly scheduled transporta-           b. Separately sold to persons unrelated either to the 
   tion.                                                             seller or to the buyer of the real property.
“Fixed  place  of  business”  generally  means  a  place,  site,   U.S.  real  property  holding  corporation.  A  corpora-
structure,  or  other  similar  facility  through  which  you  en- tion  is  a  U.S.  real  property  holding  corporation  if  the  fair 
gage in a trade or business. “Regularly scheduled trans-           market value of the corporation's U.S. real property inter-
portation” means that a ship or aircraft follows a published       ests are at least 50% of the total fair market value of:
schedule with repeated sailings or flights at regular inter-
vals  between  the  same  points  for  voyages  or  flights  that  The corporation's U.S. real property interests; plus
begin or end in the United States. This definition applies to      The corporation's interests in real property located 
both scheduled and chartered air transportation.                     outside the United States; plus
If you do not meet the two conditions above, the income            The corporation's other assets that are used in, or 
is not effectively connected and is taxed at a 4% rate. See          held for use in, a trade or business.
Transportation Tax, later in this chapter.                         Stock in any domestic corporation is treated as stock in 
                                                                   a U.S. real property holding corporation unless you estab-
                                                                   lish that the corporation is not a U.S. real property holding 
                                                                   Publicly traded exception.      A U.S. real property inter-
                                                                   est does not include a class of stock of a corporation that 

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is  regularly  traded  on  an  established  securities  market,         a. Any class of stock of such other QIE is regularly 
unless you hold more than 5% of the fair market value of                    traded on an established securities market, or
that class of stock (or more than 10% of that stock in the 
                                                                        b. Such other QIE is a RIC that issues certain re-
case of real estate investment trusts (REITs). An interest in 
                                                                            deemable securities.
a foreign corporation owning U.S. real property is gener-
ally not a U.S. real property interest unless the corporation               Notwithstanding the above, the stock of the QIE will 
chooses to be treated as a domestic corporation.                        be treated as held by a U.S. person if such other QIE 
                                                                        is domestically controlled.
Qualified investment entities (QIEs). Special rules ap-
ply to QIEs. A QIE is any REIT or any RIC that is treated             3. Stock in a QIE held by any other QIE not described 
as a U.S. real property holding corporation (after applying             above will be treated as held by a U.S. person in pro-
certain  rules  in  section  897(h)(4)(A)(ii)).  See U.S.  Real         portion to the stock of such other QIE that is (or is 
Property Interest in Pub. 515 for more information.                     treated as) held by a U.S. person.
Look-through rule for QIEs.       In most cases, any dis-             Wash sale.     If you dispose of an interest in a domesti-
tribution from a QIE to a nonresident alien, foreign corpo-           cally  controlled  QIE  in  an  applicable  wash  sale  transac-
ration,  or  other  QIE  that  is  attributable  to  the  QIE’s  gain tion, special rules apply. An applicable wash sale transac-
from the sale or exchange of a U.S. real property interest            tion is one in which you:
is treated as gain recognized by the nonresident alien, for-          1. Dispose of an interest in the domestically controlled 
eign corporation, or other QIE from the sale or exchange                QIE during the 30-day period before the ex-dividend 
of a U.S. real property interest.                                       date of a distribution that you would (but for the dispo-
Certain  exceptions  apply  to  the  look-through  rule  for            sition) have treated as gain from the sale or exchange 
distributions by QIEs. A distribution by a QIE with respect             of a U.S. real property interest; and
to stock regularly traded on an established securities mar-
ket in the United States is not treated as gain from the sale         2. Acquire, or enter into a contract or option to acquire, a 
or exchange of a U.S. real property interest if the share-              substantially identical interest in that entity during the 
holder  owns  5%  or  less  of  that  stock  (or  10%  or  less  of     61-day period that began on the first day of the 30-day 
that  stock  in  the  case  of  a  REIT)  at  any  time  during  the    period.
1-year period ending on the date of the distribution.                 If  this  occurs,  you  are  treated  as  having  a  gain  from  the 
A distribution made by a REIT is generally not treated                sale  or  exchange  of  a  U.S.  real  property  interest  in  an 
as gain from the sale or exchange of a U.S. real property             amount  equal  to  the  distribution  that  would  have  been 
interest  if  the  shareholder  is  a  qualified  shareholder  (as    treated as such gain. This also applies to any substitute 
described in section 897(k)(3)).                                      dividend payment.
A distribution that you do not treat as gain from the sale            A transaction is not treated as an applicable wash sale 
or exchange of a U.S. real property interest may be inclu-            transaction if:
ded in your gross income as a regular dividend.
                                                                      You actually receive the distribution from the domesti-
Disposition of REIT stock.        Dispositions of stock in a            cally controlled QIE related to the interest disposed of, 
REIT that is held directly (or indirectly through one or more           or acquired, in the transaction; or
partnerships) by a qualified shareholder will not be treated 
as  a  U.S.  real  property  interest.  See  sections  897(k)(2)      You dispose of any class of stock in a QIE that is regu-
through (4) for more information.                                       larly traded on an established securities market in the 
                                                                        United States but only if you did not own more than 
Domestically controlled QIE.      The sale of an interest               5% of that class of stock at any time during the 1-year 
in a domestically controlled QIE is not the sale of a U.S.              period ending on the date of the distribution.
real property interest. The entity is domestically controlled 
if  at  all  times  during  the  testing  period  less  than  50%  in Alternative minimum tax.  There may be a minimum tax 
value of its stock was held, directly or indirectly, by foreign       on your net gain from the disposition of U.S. real property 
persons. The testing period is the shorter of the:                    interests.  Figure  the  amount  of  this  tax,  if  any,  on  Form 
5-year period ending on the date of disposition, or
Period during which the entity was in existence.                    Withholding of tax. If you dispose of a U.S. real property 
                                                                      interest, the buyer may have to withhold tax. See the dis-
For  the  purpose  of  determining  whether  a  QIE  is  do-
                                                                      cussion  of Tax  withheld  on  real  property  sales  in  chap-
mestically controlled, the following rules apply.
                                                                      ter 8.
1. A person holding less than 5% of any class of stock of 
  the QIE, which is regularly traded on an established                Gain or Loss of Foreign Persons From the 
  securities market in the United States at all times dur-            Sale or Exchange of Certain Partnership 
  ing the testing period, would be treated as a U.S. per-
  son unless the QIE has actual knowledge that such 
  person is not a U.S. person.
                                                                      If you are a direct or indirect foreign partner in a U.S. or 
2. Any stock in a QIE that is held by another QIE will be             foreign  partnership  that  is  engaged  (or  is  treated  as  en-
  treated as held by a foreign person if:                             gaged) in a trade or business within the United States and 

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you directly or indirectly dispose of that interest, then the     3. Income, gain, or loss from the sale outside the United 
gain or loss from the disposition of that partnership inter-      States, through the U.S. office or other fixed place of 
est  may  affect  your  federal  tax  liability.  Under  section  business, of:
864(c)(8),  your  gain  or  loss  from  the  sale,  exchange,  or 
                                                                  a. Stock in trade,
other disposition of that partnership interest is treated as 
effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or busi-        b. Property that would be included in inventory if on 
ness within the United States (“effectively connected gain”       hand at the end of the tax year, or
or  “effectively  connected  loss”).  However,  the  amount  of 
                                                                  c. Property held primarily for sale to customers in the 
effectively connected gain or effectively connected loss is 
                                                                  ordinary course of business.
limited to the portion of what your distributive share of ef-
fectively connected gain or loss would have been had the          Item  (3)  will  not  apply  if  you  sold  the  property  for 
partnership sold all of its assets at fair market value as of     use,  consumption,  or  disposition  outside  the  United 
the date of the disposition.                                      States and an office or other fixed place of business in 
                                                                  a foreign country was a material factor in the sale.
Section 864(c)(8) applies to sales, exchanges, or other 
dispositions occurring on or after November 27, 2017. On          Any  foreign  source  income  that  is  equivalent  to  any 
November 6, 2020, final regulations under section 864(c)          item  of  income  described  above  is  treated  as  effectively 
(8) were issued applicable to transfers occurring on or af-       connected with a U.S. trade or business. For example, for-
ter December 26, 2018. See Regulations section 1.864(c)           eign source interest and dividend equivalents are treated 
(8)-1(j).                                                         as U.S. effectively connected income if the income is de-
                                                                  rived by a foreign person in the active conduct of a bank-
Foreign Income                                                    ing, financing, or similar business within the United States.

You must treat three kinds of foreign source income as ef-        Tax on Effectively Connected Income
fectively connected with a trade or business in the United 
States if:                                                        Income you receive during the tax year that is effectively 
 You have an office or other fixed place of business in         connected with your trade or business in the United States 
   the United States to which the income can be attrib-           is, after allowable deductions, taxed at the rates that apply 
   uted,                                                          to U.S. citizens and residents.

 That office or place of business is a material factor in       Generally,  you  can  receive  effectively  connected  in-
   producing the income, and                                      come  only  if  you  are  a  nonresident  alien  engaged  in  a 
 The income is produced in the ordinary course of the           trade or business in the United States during the tax year. 
   trade or business carried on through that office or            However,  if  you  receive  payments  from  the  sale  or  ex-
   other fixed place of business.                                 change  of  property,  the  performance  of  services,  or  any 
                                                                  other  transaction  during  a  tax  year  in  which  you  are  not 
An office or other fixed place of business is a material          engaged in a U.S. trade or business, but such payments 
factor if it significantly contributes to, and is an essential    would have been treated as effectively connected income 
economic element in, the earning of the income.                   in the year the transaction took place or you performed the 
                                                                  services, then they are treated as effectively connected in-
The three kinds of foreign source income are listed be-           come in the tax year you received them.
                                                                  Example. Ted  Richards  entered  the  United  States  in 
1. Rents and royalties for the use of, or for the privilege       August 2022 to perform personal services in the U.S. of-
    of using, intangible personal property located outside        fice of an overseas employer. Ted worked in the U.S. office 
    the United States or from any interest in such prop-          until  December  25,  2022,  but  did  not  leave  this  country 
    erty. Included are rents or royalties for the use, or for     until January 11, 2023. On January 8, 2023, Ted received 
    the privilege of using, outside the United States, pat-       the  final  paycheck  for  services  performed  in  the  United 
    ents, copyrights, secret processes and formulas,              States during 2022. All of Ted's income during Ted’s stay 
    goodwill, trademarks, trade brands, franchises, and           here is U.S. source income.
    similar properties if the rents or royalties are from the     During 2022, Ted was engaged in the trade or business 
    active conduct of a trade or business in the United           of  performing  personal  services  in  the  United  States. 
    States.                                                       Therefore,  all  amounts  paid  to  him  in  2022  for  services 
2. Dividends, interest, or amounts received for the provi-        performed in the United States during 2022 are effectively 
    sion of a guarantee of indebtedness issued after Sep-         connected with that trade or business during 2022.
    tember 27, 2010, from the active conduct of a bank-           The  salary  payment  Ted  received  in  January  2023  is 
    ing, financing, or similar business in the United States.     U.S. source income to Ted in 2023. It is effectively connec-
    A substitute dividend or interest payment received un-        ted  income  because  Ted  performed  the  services  that 
    der a securities lending transaction or a sale-repurch-       earned  the  income  in  the  United  States  in  2022  and, 
    ase transaction is treated the same as the amounts            therefore, Ted would have been treated as engaged in a 
    received on the transferred security.                         trade or business in the United States during 2022.

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Real  property  income. You  may  be  able  to  choose  to       issue. However, you must recompute your proper share of 
treat all income from real property as effectively connec-       OID shown on Form 1042-S if any of the following apply.
ted. See Income From Real Property, later, in this chapter.        You bought the debt instrument at a premium or paid 
                                                                   an acquisition premium.
The 30% Tax
                                                                 The debt instrument is a stripped bond or a stripped 
                                                                   coupon (including zero coupon instruments backed by 
Tax at a 30% (or lower treaty) rate applies to certain items 
                                                                   U.S. Treasury securities).
of income or gains from U.S. sources but only if the items 
are not effectively connected with your U.S. trade or busi-      The debt instrument is a contingent payment or infla-
ness.                                                              tion-indexed debt instrument.
                                                                 For the definition of premium and acquisition premium and 
Fixed or Determinable Income                                     instructions on how to recompute OID, see Pub. 1212.

The 30% (or lower treaty) rate applies to the gross amount       Gambling Winnings
of  U.S.  source  fixed,  determinable,  annual,  or  periodical 
(FDAP) gains, profits, or income.                                In general, nonresident aliens are subject to the 30% tax 
                                                                 on the gross proceeds from gambling won in the United 
Income is fixed when it is paid in amounts known ahead           States  if  that  income  is  not  effectively  connected  with  a 
of time. Income is determinable whenever there is a basis        U.S.  trade  or  business  and  is  not  exempted  by  treaty. 
for figuring the amount to be paid. Income can be periodic       However, no tax is imposed on nonbusiness gambling in-
if it is paid from time to time. It does not have to be paid     come  a  nonresident  alien  wins  playing  blackjack,  bac-
annually or at regular intervals. Income can be determina-       carat, craps, roulette, or big-6 wheel in the United States.
ble or periodic even if the length of time during which the 
payments are made is increased or decreased.                      Nonresident aliens are taxed at graduated rates on net 
                                                                 gambling  income  won  in  the  United  States  that  is  effec-
Items specifically included as fixed or determinable in-         tively connected with a U.S. trade or business.
come  are  interest  (other  than  OID),  dividends, dividend 
equivalent payments (defined in chapter 2), rents, premi-        Social Security Benefits
ums, annuities, salaries, wages, and other compensation. 
A substitute dividend or interest payment received under a       A nonresident alien must include 85% of any U.S. social 
securities lending transaction or a sale-repurchase trans-       security benefit (and the social security equivalent part of 
action is treated the same as the amounts received on the        a tier 1 railroad retirement benefit) in U.S. source FDAP in-
transferred security. Other items of income, such as royal-      come. Social security benefits include monthly retirement, 
ties, may also be subject to the 30% tax.                        survivor, and disability benefits. This income is exempt un-
                                                                 der  some  tax  treaties.  See  Table  1  in  the  Tax  Treaty  Ta-
      Some  fixed  or  determinable  income  may  be  ex-        bles, available at IRS.gov/TreatyTables for a list of tax trea-
TIP   empt from U.S. tax. See     chapter 3 if you are not       ties that exempt U.S. social security benefits from U.S. tax. 
      sure whether the income is taxable.                        For more information, see Pub. 915.

Original issue discount (OID).    If you sold, exchanged,        Sales or Exchanges of Capital Assets
or received a payment on a bond or other debt instrument 
that was issued at a discount, all or part of the OID (other     These rules apply only to those capital gains and losses 
than portfolio interest) may be subject to the 30% tax. The      from sources in the United States that are not effectively 
amount  of  OID  is  the  difference  between  the  stated  re-  connected with a trade or business in the United States. 
demption price at maturity and the issue price of the debt       They apply even if you are engaged in a trade or business 
instrument. The 30% tax applies in the following circum-         in the United States. These rules do not apply to the sale 
stances.                                                         or exchange of a U.S. real property interest or to the sale 
                                                                 of any property that is effectively connected with a trade or 
1. You received a payment on a debt instrument. In this          business in the United States. See Real Property Gain or 
case, the amount of OID subject to tax is the OID that           Loss, earlier, under Effectively Connected Income.
accrued while you held the debt instrument minus the 
OID previously taken into account. But the tax on the             A capital asset is everything you own except:
OID cannot be more than the payment minus the tax 
on the interest payment on the debt instrument.                  Inventory;
2. You sold or exchanged the debt instrument. The                Business accounts or notes receivable;
amount of OID subject to tax is the OID that accrued             Depreciable property used in a trade or business;
while you held the debt instrument minus the amount              Real property used in a trade or business;
already taxed in (1) above.
                                                                 Supplies regularly used in a trade or business;
Report  on  your  return  the  amount  of  OID  shown  on 
Form 1042-S if you bought the debt instrument at original        Certain copyrights, literary or musical or artistic com-
                                                                   positions, letters or memoranda, or similar property;

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 Certain U.S. Government publications;                               Exclusion for gain from the sale or exchange of quali-
                                                                         fied small business stock (section 1202 exclusion).
 Certain commodities derivative financial instruments 
   held by a commodities derivatives dealer; or                        Losses from the sale or exchange of property held for 
                                                                         personal use. However, losses resulting from casual-
 Hedging transactions.
                                                                         ties or thefts attributable to a federally declared disas-
A  capital  gain  is  a  gain  on  the  sale  or  exchange  of  a        ter may be deductible on Schedule A (Form 
capital  asset.  A  capital  loss  is  a  loss  on  the  sale  or  ex-   1040-NR). See Itemized Deductions in chapter 5.
change of a capital asset.                                             If you are not engaged in a trade or business in the Uni-
                                                                       ted States and have not established a tax year for a prior 
If the sale is in foreign currency, for the purpose of de-             period, your tax year will be the calendar year for purpo-
termining gain, the cost and selling price of the property             ses of the 183-day rule. Also, you must file your tax return 
should  be  expressed  in  U.S.  currency  at  the  rate  of  ex-      on a calendar year basis.
change prevailing as of the date of the purchase and date              If you were in the United States for less than 183 days 
of the sale, respectively.                                             during the tax year, capital gains (other than gains listed 
                                                                       earlier) are tax exempt unless they are effectively connec-
You can use Pub. 544 to determine what is a sale or ex-                ted  with  a  trade  or  business  in  the  United  States  during 
change of a capital asset, or what is treated as such. Spe-            your tax year.
cific tax treatment that applies to U.S. citizens or residents 
generally does not apply to you.                                       Reporting. Report your gains and losses from the sales 
                                                                       or exchanges of capital assets that are not effectively con-
The  following  gains  are  subject  to  the  30%  (or  lower          nected  with  a  trade  or  business  in  the  United  States  on 
treaty) rate without regard to the 183-day rule, discussed             Schedule NEC (Form 1040-NR). Report gains and losses 
later.                                                                 from sales or exchanges of capital assets (including real 
                                                                       property)  that  are  effectively  connected  with  a  trade  or 
1. Gains on the disposal of timber, coal, or domestic iron 
                                                                       business in the United States on a separate Schedule D 
   ore with a retained economic interest.
                                                                       (Form 1040) or Form 4797, or both. Attach them to Form 
2. Gains on contingent payments received from the sale                 1040-NR.
   or exchange of patents, copyrights, and similar prop-
   erty after October 4, 1966.                                         Income From Real Property
3. Gains on certain transfers of all substantial rights to, 
   or an undivided interest in, patents if the transfers               If you have income from real property located in the United 
   were made before October 5, 1966.                                   States that you own or have an interest in and hold for the 
                                                                       production of income, you can choose to treat all income 
4. Gains on the sale or exchange of OID obligations.                   from that property as income effectively connected with a 
                                                                       trade or business in the United States. The choice applies 
Gains in (1) are not subject to the 30% (or lower treaty)              to  all  income  from  real  property  located  in  the  United 
rate if you choose to treat the gains as effectively connec-           States and held for the production of income and to all in-
ted with a U.S. trade or business. See Income From Real                come from any interest in such property. This includes in-
Property, later.                                                       come from rents, royalties from mines, oil or gas wells, or 
                                                                       other  natural  resources.  It  also  includes  gains  from  the 
183-day  rule.   If  you  were  in  the  United  States  for  183 
                                                                       sale or exchange of timber, coal, or domestic iron ore with 
days or more during the tax year, your net gain from sales 
                                                                       a retained economic interest.
or exchanges of capital assets is taxed at a 30% (or lower 
treaty) rate. For purposes of the 30% (or lower treaty) rate,          You can make this choice only for real property income 
net gain is the excess of your capital gains from U.S. sour-           that is not otherwise effectively connected with your U.S. 
ces over your capital losses from U.S. sources. This rule              trade or business.
applies even if any of the transactions occurred while you 
were not in the United States.                                         If you make the choice, you can claim deductions attrib-
To  determine  your  net  gain,  consider  the  amount  of             utable  to  the  real  property  income  and  only  your  net  in-
your gains and losses that would be recognized and taken               come from real property is taxed.
into account only if, and to the extent that, they would be 
                                                                       This choice does not treat a nonresident alien, who is 
recognized  and  taken  into  account  if  you  were  in  a  U.S. 
                                                                       not otherwise engaged in a U.S. trade or business, as be-
trade or business during the year and the gains and los-
                                                                       ing  engaged  in  a  trade  or  business  in  the  United  States 
ses were effectively connected with that trade or business 
                                                                       during the year.
during the tax year.
In arriving at your net gain, do not take the following into           Example.      You are a nonresident alien and are not en-
consideration.                                                         gaged in a U.S. trade or business. You own a single-family 
 The four types of gains listed earlier.                             house in the United States that you rent out. Your rental in-
                                                                       come for the year is $10,000. This is your only U.S. source 
 The deduction for a capital loss carryover.
                                                                       income.  As  discussed  earlier  under The  30%  Tax,  the 
 Capital losses in excess of capital gains.                          rental income is subject to a tax at a 30% (or lower treaty) 

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rate. You received a Form 1042-S showing that your ten-              you should figure the tax and show it on line 23c of Form 
ants properly withheld this tax from the rental income. You          1040-NR. Attach a statement to your return that includes 
do not have to file a U.S. tax return (Form 1040-NR) be-             the following information (if applicable).
cause your U.S. tax liability is satisfied by the withholding 
                                                                     Your name, TIN, and tax year.
of tax.
If you make the choice discussed earlier, you can offset             A description of the types of services performed 
the $10,000 income by certain rental expenses. (See     Pub.           (whether on or off board).
527.) Any resulting net income is taxed at graduated rates.          Names of vessels or registration numbers of aircraft 
If  you  make  this  choice,  report  the  rental  income  and         on which you performed the services.
expenses on Schedule E (Form 1040). Enter the net rental 
income or loss from Schedule E (Form 1040) on Schedule               Amount of U.S. source transportation income derived 
1  (Form  1040),  Part  I,  line  5.  Attach  Schedule  1  (Form       from each type of service for each vessel or aircraft for 
1040) and Schedule E (Form 1040) to Form 1040-NR. For                  the calendar year.
the first year you make the choice, also attach the state-           Total amount of U.S. source transportation income de-
ment, discussed next.                                                  rived from all types of services for the calendar year.

Making the choice. Make the initial choice by attaching              This 4% tax applies to your U.S. source gross transpor-
a statement to your return, or amended return, for the year          tation  income.  This  only  includes  transportation  income 
of the choice. Include the following in your statement.              that  is  treated  as  derived  from  sources  in  the  United 
 That you are making the choice.                                   States  if  the  transportation  begins  or  ends  in  the  United 
                                                                     States. For transportation income from personal services, 
 Whether the choice is under section 871(d) (explained             the transportation must be between the United States and 
   earlier) or a tax treaty.                                         a  U.S.  territory.  For  personal  services  of  a  nonresident 
 A complete list of all your real property, or any interest        alien, this only applies to income derived from, or in con-
   in real property, located in the United States. Give the          nection with, an aircraft.
   legal identification of U.S. timber, coal, or iron ore in 
   which you have an interest.
 The extent of your ownership in the property.                     Interrupted Period of 

 The location of the property.                                     Residence
 A description of any major improvements to the prop-
   erty.                                                             You are subject to tax under a special rule if you interrupt 
                                                                     your  period  of  U.S.  residence  with  a  period  of  nonresi-
 The dates you owned the property.
                                                                     dence. The special rule applies if you meet all of the fol-
 Your income from the property.                                    lowing conditions.
 Details of any previous choices and revocations of the            1. You were a U.S. resident for a period that includes at 
   real property income choice.                                        least 3 consecutive calendar years.
This choice stays in effect for all later tax years unless           2. You were a U.S. resident for at least 183 days in each 
you revoke it.                                                         of those years.
Revoking the choice.   You can revoke the choice with-               3. You ceased to be treated as a U.S. resident.
out  IRS  approval  by  filing  Form  1040-X  for  the  year  you 
made  the  choice  and  for  later  tax  years.  You  must  file     4. You then again became a U.S. resident before the end 
Form 1040-X within 3 years from the date your return was               of the third calendar year after the end of the period 
filed or 2 years from the time the tax was paid, whichever             described in (1) above.
is  later.  If  this  time  period  has  expired  for  the  year  of Under this special rule, you are subject to tax on your 
choice, you cannot revoke the choice for that year. How-             U.S. source gross income and gains on a net basis at the 
ever, you may revoke the choice for later tax years only if          graduated  rates  applicable  to  individuals  (with  allowable 
you have IRS approval. For information on how to get IRS             deductions) for the period you were a nonresident alien, 
approval, see Regulations section 1.871-10(d)(2).                    unless you would be subject to a higher tax under section 
                                                                     871 (rules that normally apply to taxation of a nonresident 
Note.    You can file your Form 1040-X electronically be-            alien’s income, discussed earlier) after taking into account 
ginning with the 2019 tax year. For more information, see            any  applicable  treaty  benefit.  For  information  on  how  to 
IR-2020-107.                                                         figure the special tax, see Expatriation Tax, later.

Transportation Tax                                                   Example. John Willow, a citizen of New Zealand, en-
                                                                     tered the United States on April 1, 2018, as a lawful per-
A 4% tax rate applies to transportation income that is not           manent resident. On August 1, 2020, John ceased to be a 
effectively  connected  because  it  does  not  meet  the  two       lawful permanent resident and returned to New Zealand. 
conditions  listed  earlier  under Transportation  Income.  If       During  John’s  period  of  residence,  John  was  present  in 
you receive transportation income subject to the 4% tax,             the  United  States  for  at  least  183  days  in  each  of  3 

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consecutive years (2018, 2019, and 2020). John returned            1. The date you renounced U.S. citizenship before a dip-
to the United States on October 5, 2023, as a lawful per-          lomatic or consular officer of the United States (provi-
manent resident. John became a resident before the close           ded that the voluntary renouncement was later con-
of the third calendar year (2023) beginning after the end of       firmed by the issuance of a certificate of loss of 
John’s first period of residence (August 1, 2020). There-          nationality).
fore, John is subject to tax under the special rule for the 
                                                                   2. The date you furnished to the State Department a 
period of nonresidence (August 2, 2020, through October 
                                                                   signed statement of voluntary relinquishment of U.S. 
4, 2023) if it is more than the tax that would normally apply 
                                                                   nationality confirming the performance of an expatriat-
to John as a nonresident alien.
                                                                   ing act (provided that the voluntary relinquishment 
Reporting requirements.       If you are subject to this tax       was later confirmed by the issuance of a certificate of 
for  any  year  in  the  period  you  were  a  nonresident  alien, loss of nationality).
you  must  file  Form  1040-NR  for  that  year.  The  return  is  3. The date the State Department issued a certificate of 
due by the due date (including extensions) for filing your         loss of nationality.
U.S. income tax return for the year that you again become 
a U.S. resident. If you already filed returns for that period,     4. The date that a U.S. court canceled your certificate of 
you must file amended returns. You must attach a state-            naturalization.
ment to your return that identifies the source of all of your      Former  LTR. You  are  considered  to  have  terminated 
U.S.  and  foreign  gross  income  and  the  items  of  income     your  long-term  residency  on  the  earliest  of  the  following 
subject to this special rule.                                      dates.
                                                                   1. The date you voluntarily relinquished your lawful per-
                                                                   manent resident status by filing Department of Home-
Expatriation Tax                                                   land Security Form I-407 with a U.S. consular or immi-
                                                                   gration officer.
The expatriation tax provisions apply to U.S. citizens who 
have  renounced  their  citizenship  and  LTRs  who  have          2. The date you became subject to a final administrative 
ended their residency. The following section describes the         order that you abandoned your lawful permanent resi-
expatriation rules under section 877A, which applies to in-        dent status (or, if such order has been appealed, the 
dividuals who expatriated on or after June 17, 2008. See           date of a final judicial order issued in connection with 
Expatriation After June 16, 2008, later. If you expatriated        such administrative order).
before June 17, 2008, refer to Expatriation After June 3,          3. The date you became subject to a final administrative 
2004, and Before June 17, 2008 in chapter 4 of the 2018            order for your removal from the United States under 
Pub. 519, and the 2018 Instructions for Form 8854.                 the Immigration and Nationality Act.
        If  you  renounced  your  citizenship  or  terminated      4. If you were a dual resident of the United States and a 
!       your long-term residency after June 3, 2004, and           country with which the United States has an income 
CAUTION before June 17, 2008, you will still be considered 
                                                                   tax treaty, the date you began to be treated as a resi-
a U.S. citizen or a U.S. resident for tax purposes until you       dent of that country under the provisions of the treaty 
notify  the  Department  of  State  or  Department  of  Home-      and notified the IRS of that treatment on Forms 8833 
land Security (as applicable) of your expatriation and file        and 8854. See Effect of Tax Treaties in chapter 1 for 
Form 8854 with the IRS.                                            more information about dual residents.

Long-term  resident  (LTR)  defined. You  are  an  LTR  if         Covered  expatriate.   If  you  expatriated  after  June  16, 
you were a lawful permanent resident of the United States          2008, you are treated as a covered expatriate, and the ex-
in at least 8 of the last 15 tax years ending with the year        patriation  rules  under  section  877A  apply  to  you  if  you 
your residency ends. In determining if you meet the 8-year         meet any of the following conditions.
requirement, do not count any year that you are treated as         1. Your average annual net income tax for the 5 years 
a resident of a foreign country under a tax treaty and do          ending before the date of expatriation or termination 
not waive treaty benefits.                                         of residency is more than the following.
                                                                   a. $139,000 if you expatriated or terminated resi-
Expatriation After June 16, 2008
                                                                         dency in 2008.
Expatriation date.  Your expatriation date is the date you         b. $145,000 if you expatriated or terminated resi-
relinquish U.S. citizenship (in the case of a former citizen)            dency in 2009 or 2010.
or terminate your long-term residency (in the case of a for-
mer U.S. resident).                                                c. $147,000 if you expatriated or terminated resi-
                                                                         dency in 2011.
Former U.S. citizen.    You are considered to have relin-
quished your U.S. citizenship on the earliest of the follow-       d. $151,000 if you expatriated or terminated resi-
ing dates.                                                               dency in 2012.
                                                                   e. $155,000 if you expatriated or terminated resi-
                                                                         dency in 2013.

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  f. $157,000 if you expatriated or terminated resi-             Certain minors.   You may qualify for the exception de-
     dency in 2014.                                              scribed  earlier  if  you  meet  both  of  the  following  require-
  g. $160,000 if you expatriated or terminated resi-
     dency in 2015.                                                You expatriated before you were age 18 / .1 2
  h. $161,000 if you expatriated or terminated resi-               You have been a resident of the United States for not 
     dency in 2016.                                                  more than 10 tax years before the expatriation occurs. 
                                                                     For the purpose of determining U.S. residency, use the 
  i. $162,000 if you expatriated or terminated resi-                 substantial presence test described in chapter 1.
     dency in 2017.
  j. $165,000 if you expatriated or terminated resi-             How To Figure the Expatriation Tax if You 
     dency in 2018.                                              Are a Covered Expatriate

  k. $168,000 if you expatriated or terminated resi-             In the year you expatriate, you are subject to income tax 
     dency in 2019.                                              on the net unrealized gain (or loss) in your property as if 
  l. $171,000 if you expatriated or terminated resi-             the property had been sold for its fair market value on the 
     dency in .                                                  day  before  your  expatriation  date  (“mark-to-market  tax”). 
                                                                 This applies to most types of property interests you held 
  m. $172,000 if you expatriated or terminated resi-             on the date of relinquishment of citizenship or termination 
     dency in 2021.                                              of residency. But see Exceptions, later.
  n. $178,000 if you expatriated or terminated resi-
                                                                 Gains  arising  from  deemed  sales  must  be  taken  into 
     dency in 2022.
                                                                 account for the tax year of the deemed sale without regard 
  o. $190,000 if you expatriated or terminated resi-             to other U.S. Internal Revenue laws. Losses from deemed 
     dency in 2023.                                              sales must be taken into account to the extent otherwise 
                                                                 provided under U.S. Internal Revenue laws. However, sec-
2. Your net worth is $2 million or more on the date of 
                                                                 tion 1091 (relating to the disallowance of losses on wash 
  your expatriation or termination of residency.
                                                                 sales of stock and securities) does not apply. The net gain 
3. You fail to certify on Form 8854 that you have com-           that you must otherwise include in your income is reduced 
  plied with all U.S. federal tax obligations for the 5          (but not below zero) by the following.
  years preceding the date of your expatriation or termi-
                                                                 1. $600,000 if you expatriated or terminated residency 
  nation of residency.
                                                                     before January 1, 2009.
Relief  procedures  for  certain  former  citizens.  If  you     2. $626,000 if you expatriated or terminated residency in 
were a U.S. citizen who expatriated after March 18, 2010,            2009.
you may be eligible for certain relief procedures that pro-
vide  an  alternative  means  for  satisfying  the  tax  compli- 3. $627,000 if you expatriated or terminated residency in 
ance certification process. For more information, see Re-            2010.
lief  Procedures  for  Certain  Former  Citizens,  available  at 4. $636,000 if you expatriated or terminated residency in 
IRS.gov/Individuals/International-Taxpayers/Relief-                  2011.
                                                                 5. $651,000 if you expatriated or terminated residency in 
Exception  for  dual-citizens  and  certain  minors.    Cer-         2012.
tain dual-citizens and certain minors (defined next) are not 
                                                                 6. $668,000 if you expatriated or terminated residency in 
subject to the expatriation tax even if they meet (1) or (2) 
above. However, they must still provide the certification re-
quired in (3) above.                                             7. $680,000 if you expatriated or terminated residency in 
Certain dual-citizens.   You may qualify for the excep-
tion described above if both of the following apply.             8. $690,000 if you expatriated or terminated residency in 
You became at birth a U.S. citizen and a citizen of an-            2015.
  other country and, as of the expatriation date, you            9. $693,000 if you expatriated or terminated residency in 
  continue to be a citizen of, and are taxed as a resident           2016.
  of, that other country.
                                                                 10. $699,000 if you expatriated or terminated residency in 
You have been a resident of the United States for not              2017.
  more than 10 years during the 15-year tax period end-
  ing with the tax year during which the expatriation oc-        11. $711,000 if you expatriated or terminated residency in 
  curs. For the purpose of determining U.S. residency,               2018.
  use the substantial presence test described in chap-           12. $725,000 if you expatriated or terminated residency in 
  ter 1.                                                             2019.

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13. $737,000 if you expatriated or terminated residency         5. You make the election on Form 8854.
    in .
                                                                6. You must provide adequate security (such as a bond).
14. $744,000 if you expatriated or terminated residency in 
                                                                7. You must make an irrevocable waiver of any right un-
                                                                  der any treaty of the United States that would pre-
15. $767,000 if you expatriated or terminated residency in        clude assessment or collection of the mark-to-market 
    2022.                                                         tax.
16. $821,000 if you expatriated or terminated residency in      For  more  information  about  the  deferral  of  payment, 
    2023.                                                       see the Instructions for Form 8854.

Exceptions.   The  mark-to-market  tax  does  not  apply  to 
the following.
1. Eligible deferred compensation items.

2. Ineligible deferred compensation items.                      5.
3. Interests in nongrantor trusts.

4. Specified tax deferred accounts.                             Figuring Your Tax
Instead, items (1) and (3) may be subject to withholding at 
source. In the case of item (2), you are treated as receiv-
ing the present value of your accrued benefit as of the day     Introduction
before your expatriation date. In the case of item (4), you 
are treated as receiving a distribution of your entire inter-   After you have determined your alien status, the source of 
est  in  the  account  on  the  day  before  your  expatriation your income, and if and how that income is taxed in the 
date.  See  Notice  2009-85  and  the  Instructions  for  Form  United States, your next step is to figure your tax. The in-
8854 for more information.                                      formation in this chapter is not as comprehensive for resi-
                                                                dent aliens as it is for nonresident aliens. Resident aliens 
Expatriation Tax Return                                         should  get  publications,  forms,  and  instructions  for  U.S. 
                                                                citizens because the information for filing returns for resi-
You must file an initial Form 8854 in the year you relinquish   dent aliens is generally the same as for U.S. citizens.
your  U.S.  citizenship  or  terminate  your  long-term  resi-  If you are both a nonresident alien and a resident alien 
dency, even if you are not a covered expatriate. In addi-       in  the  same  tax  year,  see chapter  6  for  a  discussion  of 
tion, you must file a Form 8854 annually after you expatri-     dual-status aliens.
ate if you are a covered expatriate and you:
1. Deferred the payment of mark-to-market tax (see De-          This chapter discusses:
    ferral of payment of mark-to-market tax, later),
2. Have an item of eligible deferred compensation, or           Identification numbers,
3. Have an interest in a nongrantor trust.                      Filing status,
Deferral  of  payment  of  mark-to-market  tax.   You  can 
make  an  irrevocable  election  to  defer  payment  of  the    Dependents,
mark-to-market tax imposed on the deemed sale of prop-          Itemized deductions,
erty. If you make this election, the following rules apply.
                                                                Tax credits and payments, and
1. You can make the election on a property-by-property 
    basis.                                                      Special rules for bona fide residents of American 
                                                                  Samoa and Puerto Rico.
2. The deferred tax attributable to a particular property is 
    due on the return for the tax year in which you dispose     Useful Items
    of the property.                                            You may want to see:
3. Interest is charged for the period the tax is deferred.
4. The due date for the payment of the deferred tax can-
    not be extended beyond the earlier of the following             463 463 Travel, Gift, and Car Expenses
                                                                    501 501 Dependents, Standard Deduction, and Filing 
    a. The due date of the return required for the year of              Information
                                                                    521 521 Moving Expenses
    b. The time that the security provided for the property 
        fails to be adequate. See item (6) below.                   526 526 Charitable Contributions

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    597 597 Information on the United States–Canada                       Social security number (SSN).    Generally, you can get 
        Income Tax Treaty                                                 an SSN if you have been lawfully admitted to the United 
                                                                          States  for  permanent  residence  or  under  other  immigra-
Form (and Instructions)                                                   tion categories that authorize U.S. employment.
    W-7 W-7 Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer                       To apply for a new SSN, you must submit Form SS-5, 
        Identification Number                                             Application  for  a  Social  Security  Card,  and  the  required 
                                                                          documents in person at your local Social Security Admin-
    1040    1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
                                                                          istration  (SSA)  office.  To  get  Form  SS-5,  you  can  down-
    1040-SR      1040-SR U.S. Tax Return For Seniors                      load it at SSA.gov/forms, call the SSA at 800-772-1213, or 
    1040-NR              1040-NR U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return go  to  your  local  SSA  office.  For  more  information,  go  to 
                                                                          Social Security Number and Card.
    2106    2106 Employee Business Expenses
                                                                          International  students. If  you  have  an  F-1,  M-1,  or 
    3903    3903 Moving Expenses
                                                                          J-1 visa, see SSA Pub. 05-10181, available at         SSA.gov/
    4563    4563 Exclusion of Income for Bona Fide Residents              Pubs/10181.html,  for  more  information  about  the  docu-
        of American Samoa                                                 ments you must provide to prove your immigrant status.
    8959    8959 Additional Medicare Tax
                                                                          Individual  taxpayer  identification  number  (ITIN). If 
    8990    8990 Limitation on Business Interest Expense Under            you already have an ITIN, enter it wherever an SSN is re-
        Section 163(j)                                                    quired on your tax return. If you do not have an ITIN and 
See chapter 12 for information about getting these publi-                 are not eligible to get an SSN, you must apply for an ITIN. 
cations and forms.                                                        For details on how to do so, see Form W-7 and its instruc-
                                                                          If you qualify for an ITIN and your application is com-
                                                                          plete, you will receive a letter from the IRS assigning your 
Tax Year                                                                  tax  identification  number,  usually  within  7  weeks.  If  you 
                                                                          have  not  received  your  ITIN  or  other  correspondence  7 
You must figure your income and file a tax return on the                  weeks  after  applying,  call  the  IRS  toll-free  number  at 
basis of an annual accounting period called a tax year. If                800-829-1040 to request the status of your application if 
you have not previously established a fiscal tax year, your               you are in the United States. If you are outside the United 
tax year is the calendar year. A calendar year is 12 con-                 States, call 267-941-1000 (not a toll-free number).
secutive months ending on December 31. If you have pre-                   An ITIN is for tax use only. It does not entitle you to so-
viously  established  a  regular  fiscal  year  (12  consecutive          cial security benefits or change your employment or immi-
months ending on the last day of a month other than De-                   gration status under U.S. law.
cember or a 52-53 week year) and are considered to be a                   In addition to those aliens who are required to furnish a 
U.S. resident for any calendar year, you will be treated as               TIN and are not eligible for an SSN, a Form W-7 must be 
a  U.S.  resident  for  any  part  of  your  fiscal  year  that  falls    filed for alien spouses or dependents who qualify for an al-
within that calendar year.                                                lowable tax benefit and are not eligible for an SSN.
                                                                          Additional information on obtaining an ITIN is available 
                                                                          in the Instructions for Form W-7 and at IRS.gov/ITIN.
Identification Number                                                     Expired  ITIN. Some  ITINs  must  be  renewed.  If  you 
                                                                          haven't used your ITIN on a federal tax return at least once 
A taxpayer identification number (TIN) must be furnished                  for tax year 2020, 2021, or 2022, it will expire on Decem-
on returns, statements, and other tax-related documents.                  ber 31, 2023, and must be renewed if you need to file a 
For an individual, this is a social security number (SSN). If             federal tax return for tax year 2023. You do not need to re-
you do not have and are not eligible to get an SSN, you                   new your ITIN if you do not need to file a federal tax return. 
must apply for an individual taxpayer identification number               To renew your ITIN, see Form W-7 and its instructions at 
(ITIN). An employer identification number (EIN) is required               IRS.gov/FormW7.  For  more  information,  go  to      IRS.gov/
if you are engaged in a trade or business as a sole pro-                  ITIN.
prietor and have employees or a qualified retirement plan.
                                                                                 ITINs  assigned  before  2013  have  expired  and 
You must furnish a TIN if you are:                                        TIP    must be renewed if you need to file a tax return for 
An alien who has income effectively connected with                             tax  year  2023.  If  you  previously  submitted  a  re-
  the conduct of a U.S. trade or business at any time                     newal application and it was approved, you do not need to 
  during the year;                                                        renew again unless you haven't used your ITIN on a fed-
                                                                          eral  tax  return  at  least  once  for  tax  year  2020,  2021,  or 
An alien who has a U.S. office or place of business at 
  any time during the year;

A nonresident spouse treated as a resident, as dis-                     Employer  identification  number  (EIN). An  individual 
  cussed in chapter 1; or                                                 may use an SSN (or ITIN) for individual taxes and an EIN 
Any other alien who files a tax return, an amended re-                  for  business  taxes.  To  apply  for  an  EIN,  file Form  SS-4 
  turn, or a refund claim (but not information returns).                  with the IRS.

Publication 519 (2023)                               Chapter 5 Figuring Your Tax                                                37

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                                                                    Exceptions.        Married nonresident aliens normally can-
                                                                    not  use  the  Tax  Table  column  or  the  Tax  Computation 
Filing Status                                                       Worksheet  for  single  individuals.  However,  you  may  be 
                                                                    able  to  file  as  single  if  you  lived  apart  from  your  spouse 
The amount of your tax depends on your filing status. Your          during the last 6 months of the year and you are a married 
filing  status  is  important  in  determining  whether  you  can   resident of Canada, Mexico, or South Korea, or are a mar-
take  certain  deductions  and  credits.  The  rules  for  deter-   ried U.S. national. See the Instructions for Form 1040-NR 
mining  your  filing  status  are  different  for  resident  aliens to see if you qualify. “U.S. national” is defined later in this 
and nonresident aliens.                                             section.
                                                                    A nonresident alien generally cannot file as married fil-
Resident Aliens                                                     ing jointly. However, a nonresident alien who is married to 
                                                                    a  U.S.  citizen  or  resident  can  choose  to  be  treated  as  a 
Resident aliens can use the same filing statuses available          resident and file a joint return on Form 1040 or 1040-SR. 
to U.S. citizens. See your form instructions or Pub. 501 for        For information on these choices, see chapter 1. If you do 
more information on filing status.                                  not make the choice to file jointly, file Form 1040-NR and 
                                                                    use the Tax Table column or the Tax Computation Work-
Married filing jointly. Generally, you can file as married          sheet for married individuals filing separately.
filing  jointly  only  if  both  you  and  your  spouse  were  U.S. 
citizens or resident aliens for the entire tax year, or if you      U.S. national.     An individual who, although not a U.S. 
choose to be a nonresident spouse treated as a resident,            citizen, owes their allegiance to the United States is con-
as discussed in chapter 1.                                          sidered a U.S. national. Also, U.S. nationals include Amer-
                                                                    ican  Samoans  and  Northern  Mariana  Islanders  who 
Qualifying  surviving  spouse.     If  your  spouse  died  in       choose to become U.S. nationals instead of U.S. citizens.
2021 or 2022 and you did not remarry before the end of 
2023,  you  may  qualify  to  file  as  a  qualifying  surviving    Qualifying  surviving  spouse.    If  your  spouse  died  in 
spouse and use the joint return tax rates. This applies only        2021 or 2022 and you did not remarry before the end of 
if you could have filed a joint return with your spouse for         2023, you may be eligible to file as a qualifying surviving 
the year your spouse died.                                          spouse and use the joint return tax rates.
For more information on the qualifying surviving spouse             For more information on the qualifying surviving spouse 
filing status, see Qualifying Surviving Spouse under Filing         filing status, see Qualifying Surviving Spouse under Filing 
Status in the 2023 Instructions for Form 1040.                      Status in the 2023 Instructions for Form 1040-NR.

Head of household.    You can qualify as head of house-             Head of household.    You cannot file as head of house-
hold if you are unmarried or considered unmarried on the            hold if you are a nonresident alien at any time during the 
last day of the year and you pay more than half the cost of         tax  year.  However,  if  you  are  married,  your  spouse  can 
keeping up a home for you and a qualifying person. You              qualify as a head of household if:
must be a resident alien for the entire tax year.                   Your spouse is a resident alien or U.S. citizen for the 
You  are  considered  unmarried  for  this  purpose  if  your         entire tax year;
spouse  was  a  nonresident  alien  at  any  time  during  the 
year and your spouse doesn’t choose to be treated as a              You do not choose to be treated as a resident alien; 
resident,  as  discussed  in  chapter  1  under Nonresident           and
Spouse Treated as a Resident.                                       Your spouse meets the other requirements for this fil-
                                                                      ing status, as discussed earlier under Resident Aliens.
Note. Even if you are considered unmarried for head of 
household  purposes  because  you  are  married  to  a  non-        Note.   Even if your spouse is considered unmarried for 
resident alien, you may still be considered married for pur-        head of household purposes because you are a nonresi-
poses of the earned income credit (EIC). In that case, you          dent alien, your spouse may still be considered married for 
will need to meet the special rule for separated spouses to         purposes of the EIC. In that case, your spouse will not be 
claim the credit. See Pub. 596 for more information.                entitled to the credit unless they meet the special rule for 
                                                                    separated spouses to claim the credit. See      Pub. 596 for 
Nonresident Aliens                                                  more information.

                                                                    Estates  and  trusts. A  nonresident  alien  estate  or  trust 
If  you  are  a  nonresident  alien  filing  Form  1040-NR,  you 
                                                                    using Form 1040-NR must use the Tax Rate Schedule W 
may  be  able  to  use  one  of  the  filing  statuses  discussed 
                                                                    in  the  Instructions  for  Form  1040-NR  when  determining 
                                                                    the tax on income effectively connected with a U.S. trade 
Married  nonresident  alien.  Married  nonresident  aliens          or business.
who  are  not  married  to  U.S.  citizens  or  residents  must 
                                                                    Special rules for aliens from certain U.S. territories. 
generally use the Tax Table column or the Tax Computa-
                                                                    A nonresident alien who is a bona fide resident of Ameri-
tion  Worksheet  for  married  filing  separate  returns  when 
                                                                    can Samoa or Puerto Rico for the entire tax year and who 
determining the tax on income effectively connected with 
                                                                    is  temporarily  working  in  the  United  States  should  see 
a U.S. trade or business. 

38                                 Chapter 5            Figuring Your Tax                             Publication 519 (2023)

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Bona Fide Residents of American Samoa or Puerto Rico                 publicly traded partnership (PTP) income. For more infor-
at  the  end  of  this  chapter  for  information  about  special    mation,  see Line  13a  in  the  Instructions  for  Form 
rules.                                                               1040-NR.
                                                                     For more information on the qualified business income 
                                                                     deduction,  see  Form  8995,  Form  8995-A  and  its  sched-
                                                                     ules, and the related instructions for the forms and sched-
Reporting Your Income

You  must  report  each  item  of  income  that  is  taxable  ac-    Losses. You  can  deduct  losses  resulting  from  transac-
cording to the rules in chapters  ,  , and  . For resident 2 3 4     tions that you entered into for profit and that you were not 
aliens, this includes income from sources both within and            reimbursed for by insurance, etc., to the extent that they 
outside the United States. For nonresident aliens, this in-          relate to income that is effectively connected with a trade 
cludes  both  income  that  is  effectively  connected  with  a      or business in the United States.
trade or business in the United States (subject to gradu-
ated tax rates) and income from U.S. sources that is not             Note.   Beginning in 2021, and before 2026, you may 
effectively  connected  (subject  to  a  flat  30%  tax  rate  or    not deduct excess business losses. For 2023, an excess 
lower tax treaty rate).                                              business loss is the amount of losses from trades or busi-
                                                                     nesses of a noncorporate taxpayer that is more than the 
                                                                     threshold amount of $289,000 ($578,000 for married tax-
Deductions                                                           payers filing a joint return).

Resident and nonresident aliens can claim similar deduc-             Educator expenses. If you were an eligible educator in 
                                                                     2023, you can deduct as an adjustment to income up to 
tions  on  their  U.S.  tax  returns.  However,  nonresident  ali-
                                                                     $300 in unreimbursed qualified expenses you paid or in-
ens can generally claim only deductions related to income 
                                                                     curred  during  2023  for  certain  professional  development 
that is effectively connected with their U.S. trade or busi-
                                                                     courses,  and  for  books,  supplies  (other  than  nonathletic 
                                                                     supplies for courses of instruction in health or physical ed-
                                                                     ucation), computer equipment (including related software 
Resident Aliens                                                      and  services),  and  other  supplementary  equipment  and 
                                                                     materials you use in the classroom. For more information, 
You  can  claim  the  same  deductions  allowed  to  U.S.  citi-     see your tax form instructions.
zens  if  you  are  a  resident  alien  for  the  entire  tax  year. 
While the discussion under Nonresident Aliens, later, con-                Qualified  expenses  include  amounts  paid  or  in-
tains some of the same general rules and guidelines that             TIP  curred in 2023 for personal protective equipment, 
apply to you, it is specifically directed toward nonresident              disinfectant, and other supplies used for the pre-
aliens. You should get the Instructions for Form 1040 for            vention of the spread of coronavirus.
more information on how to claim your allowable deduc-
tions.                                                               Individual retirement arrangement (IRA). If you made 
                                                                     contributions  to  a  traditional  IRA  for  2023,  you  may  be 
                                                                     able to take an IRA deduction. But you must have taxable 
Nonresident Aliens
                                                                     compensation  effectively  connected  with  a  U.S.  trade  or 
                                                                     business to do so. A Form 5498 should be sent to you by 
You  can  claim  deductions  to  figure  your  effectively  con-
                                                                     May  31,  2024,  that  shows  all  contributions  to  your  tradi-
nected taxable income (ECTI). You generally cannot claim 
                                                                     tional  IRA  for  2023.  If  you  were  covered  by  a  retirement 
deductions  related  to  income  that  is  not  connected  with 
                                                                     plan  (qualified  pension,  profit-sharing  (including  401(k)), 
your  U.S.  business  activities.  Except  for  certain  itemized 
                                                                     annuity,  SEP,  SIMPLE,  etc.)  at  work  or  through  self-em-
deductions,  discussed  later,  you  can  claim  deductions 
                                                                     ployment, your IRA deduction may be reduced or elimina-
only to the extent they are connected with your effectively 
                                                                     ted.  But  you  can  still  make  contributions  to  a  traditional 
connected income.
                                                                     IRA even if you cannot deduct them. If you made nonde-
Ordinary and necessary business expenses.    You can                 ductible  contributions  to  a  traditional  IRA  for  2023,  you 
deduct all ordinary and necessary expenses in the opera-             must report them on Form 8606.
tion of your U.S. trade or business to the extent they relate        For more information, see Pub. 590-A.
to  income  effectively  connected  with  that  trade  or  busi-
                                                                     Moving expenses. The deduction for moving expenses 
ness. For information about other business expenses, see 
                                                                     is only available if you are a member of the U.S. Armed 
Guide  to  Business  Expense  Resources  at  IRS.gov/
                                                                     Forces  on  active  duty  and,  due  to  a  military  order,  you 
                                                                     move  because  of  a  permanent  change  of  station.  For 
Qualified business income deduction. If you have in-                 more  information,  see Pub.  3.  If  you  qualify,  use  Form 
come effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business,            3903 to figure the amount to deduct.
you  may  be  able  to  deduct  up  to  20%  of  your  qualified 
                                                                     Services  or  reimbursements  provided  by  govern-
business  income  from  your  qualified  trade  or  business, 
                                                                     ment  to  members  of  the  U.S.  Armed  Forces.    Do  not 
plus  20%  of  your  qualified  REIT  dividends  and  qualified 
                                                                     include  in  income  the  value  of  moving  and  storage 

Publication 519 (2023)                 Chapter 5 Figuring Your Tax                                                       39

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services provided by the government because of a move            3. An individual claimed as a dependent must be a citi-
pursuant  to  a  military  order  incident  to  a  permanent     zen, national, or resident of the United States, or a 
change  of  station.  Similarly,  do  not  include  in  income   resident of Canada or Mexico.
amounts  received  as  a  dislocation  allowance,  temporary 
                                                                         If you do not show the dependent's SSN, ITIN, or 
lodging  expense,  temporary  lodging  allowance,  or 
                                                                         adoption taxpayer identification number (ATIN) in 
move-in  housing  allowance.  For  more  information,  see       CAUTION!
                                                                         the  Dependents  section  of  your  tax  return,  or  if 
Pub. 3.
                                                                 you show an incorrect number, certain tax benefits may be 
Self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified retirement              disallowed. See Identification Number, earlier.
plans. If you are self-employed, you may be able to de-
duct  contributions  to  a  SEP,  SIMPLE,  or  qualified  retire-
                                                                 Resident Aliens
ment  plan  that  provides  retirement  benefits  for  yourself 
and your common-law employees, if any. To make deduc-            If you are a resident alien, a qualifying dependent includes 
tible contributions for yourself, you must have net earnings     your qualifying child or qualifying relative. Five tests must 
from self-employment that are effectively connected with         be  met  for  a  child  to  be  your  qualifying  child.  Four  tests 
your U.S. trade or business.                                     must be met for a person to be your qualifying relative. For 
See Pub. 560 for further information.                            more information, see the Instructions for Form 1040.
Penalty on early withdrawal of savings. You must in-                     If you do not show the dependent's SSN, ITIN, or 
clude in income all effectively connected interest income        !       ATIN in the Dependents section of your tax return, 
you receive or that is credited to your account during the       CAUTION or  if  you  show  an  incorrect  number,  certain  tax 
year. Do not reduce it by any penalty you must pay on an         benefits  may  be  disallowed.  See Identification  Number, 
early withdrawal from a time savings account. However, if        earlier.
the interest income is effectively connected with your U.S. 
trade  or  business  during  the  year,  you  can  deduct  on 
line 18 of Schedule 1 (Form 1040) the amount of the early        Nonresident Aliens
withdrawal penalty that the banking institution charged. At-
tach Schedule 1 (Form 1040) to your Form 1040-NR.                See Pub. 501 for more information.

Student loan interest deduction.   If you paid interest in       Residents of Mexico or Canada, or U.S. nationals.       If 
2023 on a qualified student loan, you may be able to de-         you are a resident of Mexico or Canada, or a national of 
duct up to $2,500 of the interest you paid. Generally, you       the United States, you can claim each of your dependents 
can claim the deduction if all the requirements are met.         who meets certain tests. Residents of Mexico or Canada, 
The deduction is taken on line 21 of Schedule 1 (Form            or nationals of the United States, must use the same rules 
1040).  Attach  Schedule  1  (Form  1040)  to  your  Form        as  U.S.  citizens  to  determine  who  is  a  dependent.  See 
1040-NR.                                                         Pub. 501 for these rules.
To  figure  the  deduction,  see  the  Instructions  for  Form 
                                                                 Residents of South Korea. A nonresident alien who is a 
1040-NR. For more information, see Pub. 970.
                                                                 resident  of  South  Korea  (other  than  an  employee  of  the 
                                                                 South  Korean  government)  may  be  able  to  claim  their 
                                                                 child  as  a  qualifying  dependent.  In  addition  to  using  the 
Dependents                                                       same rules as U.S. citizens to determine who is a depend-
                                                                 ent,  under  the  income  tax  treaty  with  South  Korea,  the 
Resident  aliens  can  claim  their  dependents  in  the  same   child must have lived with the nonresident alien in the Uni-
way  as  U.S.  citizens.  However,  only  nonresident  aliens    ted States at some time during the tax year.
who are U.S. nationals; residents of Canada, Mexico, and 
South Korea; or residents of India who were students or          Students  and  business  apprentices  from  India.      Stu-
business  apprentices  can  have  a  qualifying  dependent.      dents  and  business  apprentices  who  are  eligible  for  the 
See Nonresident Aliens, later.                                   benefits of Article 21(2) of the United States-India Income 
                                                                 Tax  Treaty  can  claim  their  dependents  if  they  meet  the 
In  general,  a  dependent  is  a qualifying  child  or  a       same rules that apply to U.S. citizens.
qualifying  relative.  However,  the  following  exceptions 

1. An individual who is a dependent of a taxpayer is trea-       Itemized Deductions
   ted as having no dependents.
2. An individual who is married at the end of the year           Nonresident aliens can claim some of the same itemized 
   can't be claimed as a dependent if the individual files       deductions that resident aliens can claim. However, non-
   a joint return, unless the joint return is filed only to      resident aliens can claim itemized deductions only if they 
   claim a refund of withheld income taxes or estimated          have income effectively connected with their U.S. trade or 
   tax paid.                                                     business.
                                                                 There  may  be  limitations  that  impact  the  amount  of 
                                                                 itemized  deductions  you  can  claim  on  Schedule  A.  See 

40                                      Chapter 5           Figuring Your Tax              Publication 519 (2023)

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the  Instructions  for  Schedule  A  (Form  1040)  or Instruc-   you received a refund or rebate in 2023 of taxes you paid 
tions  for  Schedule  A  (Form  1040-NR)—Itemized  Deduc-        in  an  earlier  year,  do  not  reduce  your  deduction  by  that 
tions in the Instructions for Form 1040-NR.                      amount. Instead, you must include the refund or rebate in 
                                                                 income if you deducted the taxes in the earlier year and 
Resident Aliens                                                  the deduction reduced your tax. See    Recoveries in    Pub. 
                                                                 525 for details on how to figure the amount to include in in-
You can claim the same itemized deductions as U.S. citi-         come.
zens using Schedule A (Form 1040). See the Instructions 
for Schedule A (Form 1040) for more information.                 Charitable contributions.    You can deduct your charita-
                                                                 ble contributions or gifts to qualified organizations subject 
If you do not itemize your deductions, you can claim the         to certain limits. Qualified organizations include organiza-
standard deduction for your particular filing status. For fur-   tions that are religious, charitable, educational, scientific, 
ther information, see the Instructions for Form 1040.            or literary in nature, or that work to prevent cruelty to chil-
                                                                 dren  or  animals.  Certain  organizations  that  promote  na-
Nonresident Aliens                                               tional or international amateur sports competition are also 
                                                                 qualified organizations.
You can deduct certain itemized deductions if you receive         For more information on deducting charitable contribu-
income effectively connected with your U.S. trade or busi-       tions,  see Gifts  to  U.S.  Charities  under Instructions  for 
ness. You can generally only include deductions and los-         Schedule A (Form 1040-NR)—Itemized Deductions in the 
ses that are properly allocated and apportioned to income        Instructions for Form 1040-NR.
effectively  connected  with  a  U.S.  trade  or  business.  You  Foreign  organizations.     Contributions  made  directly 
cannot include deductions and/or losses that relate to ex-       to a foreign organization are not deductible. However, you 
empt income or to income that is not effectively connected       can deduct contributions to a U.S. organization that trans-
with  a  U.S.  trade  or  business.  However,  you  can  deduct  fers  funds  to  a  charitable  foreign  organization  if  the  U.S. 
certain charitable contributions and casualty and theft los-     organization controls the use of the funds or if the foreign 
ses even if they do not relate to your effectively connected     organization is only an administrative arm of the U.S. or-
income. Use Schedule A (Form 1040-NR) to claim item-             ganization.
ized  deductions.  See  the  Instructions  for  Form  1040-NR     Under a limited number of income tax treaties, you may 
for more information.                                            be eligible to deduct contributions to a charitable foreign 
                                                                 organization. See Pub. 526 for details.
Standard  deduction.   Nonresident  aliens  cannot  claim 
the standard deduction. However, there is a special rule,        Casualty and theft losses.   You may be able to deduct 
described next, for certain nonresident aliens from India.       casualty and theft losses on your tax return.
Students  and  business  apprentices  from  India.    A                  You  can  only  deduct  a  nonbusiness  casualty  or 
special rule applies to students and business apprentices         !      theft loss if it is attributable to a federally declared 
who are eligible for the benefits of Article 21(2) of the Uni-   CAUTION disaster.
ted  States-India  Income  Tax  Treaty.  You  can  claim  the 
standard  deduction,  provided  you  do  not  claim  itemized     If your casualty or theft loss is attributable to a federally 
deductions.                                                      declared disaster, you can deduct your loss even though 
Use  Worksheet  5-1  to  figure  your  standard  deduction       your property is not connected with a U.S. trade or busi-
for 2023. If you are married and your spouse files a return      ness.  The  property  can  be  personal-use  property  or  in-
and  itemizes  deductions,  you  cannot  take  the  standard     come-producing property not connected with a U.S. trade 
deduction.                                                       or business. The property must be located in the United 
                                                                 States at the time of the casualty or theft. You can deduct 
Disaster  tax  relief. If  you  are  a  student  or  business    theft losses only in the year in which you discover the loss. 
apprentice eligible for the benefits of Article 21(2) of the     Use Form 4684 and its instructions to figure your deducti-
United States-India Income Tax Treaty who was affected           ble  casualty  and  theft  losses.  For  more  information,  see 
by certain major federally declared disasters in 2023 (see       Pub. 547.
IRS.gov/DisasterTaxRelief and FEMA.gov/Disasters), you 
may be able to elect to increase your standard deduction         Other itemized deductions.    You may be allowed to de-
by any qualified disaster-related personal casualty losses       duct some other itemized deductions not discussed ear-
on your 2023 tax return. Use Worksheet 5-1 to calculate          lier. These include the following.
your  standard  deduction  for  2023.  See  the  2023  Form         Net qualified disaster losses.
4684 and its instructions for more information on the tax 
benefits  for  qualified  disaster-related  personal  casualty    Casualty and theft losses of income-producing prop-
losses.                                                             erty.
                                                                  Deduction for repayment of amounts under a claim of 
State  and  local  income  taxes. You  can  deduct  state 
                                                                    right if over $3,000. See Pub. 525 for details.
and local income taxes you paid on income that is effec-
tively  connected  with  a  trade  or  business  in  the  United  Certain unrecovered investment in a pension.
States. Your deduction is limited to a combined total de-
duction of $10,000 ($5,000 if married filing separately). If 

Publication 519 (2023)                      Chapter 5      Figuring Your Tax                                             41

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Worksheet 5-1. 2023 Standard Deduction Worksheet for 
                  Students and Business Apprentices From 
                  India                                                                                                     Keep for Your Records
Caution. If you are married filing a separate return and your spouse itemizes deductions, do not complete this worksheet. You cannot take the 
standard deduction even if you were born before January 2, 1958, or are blind. 
   1. Enter the amount shown below for your filing status.
        Single or married filing separately—$13,850
        Qualifying surviving spouse—$27,700 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                1.                              
   2. Can you be claimed as a dependent on someone else's U.S. income tax 
          No. Enter the amount from line 1 on line 4. Skip line 3 and go to line 5.
          Yes. Go to line 3.
   3. Is your earned income* more than $750?
          Yes. Add $400 to your earned income. Enter the total. 
          No. Enter $1,250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.                              
   4. Enter the smaller of line 1 or line 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4.  
   5. If born before January 2, 1959, OR blind, enter $1,500 ($1,850 if single). If born before January 2, 
      1959, AND blind, enter $3,000 ($3,700 if single). Otherwise, enter -0-  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                            5.  
   6. Enter any net disaster loss from the 2023 Form 4684, line 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                       6.  
   7. Add lines 4, 5, and 6. Enter the total here and on Form 1040-NR, line 12. Enter “Standard Deduction 
      Allowed Under U.S.-India Income Tax Treaty” in the space to the left of the line. This is your 
      standard deduction for 2023     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7.  
* Earned income includes wages, salaries, tips, professional fees, and other compensation received for personal services you performed. It also 
includes any amount received as a scholarship that you must include in your income. Generally, your earned income is the total of the amount(s) 
you reported on Form 1040-NR, line 1z, plus Schedule 1 (Form 1040), lines 3, 6, and 8r, minus Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 15.

  Impairment-related work expenses of a disabled per-                        The following items are some of the credits you may be 
    son.                                                          able to claim.
For more information, see the instructions for line 7 un-
                                                                  Foreign tax credit.                                       You can claim a credit, subject to cer-
der Instructions  for  Schedule  A  (Form  1040-NR)—Item-
                                                                  tain limits, for income tax you paid or accrued to a foreign 
ized  Deductions  in  the  Instructions  for  Form  1040-NR. 
                                                                  country  on  foreign  source  income.  You  cannot  claim  a 
Also see Pub. 529.
                                                                  credit  for  taxes  paid  or  accrued  on  excluded  foreign 
Net  qualified  disaster  losses.     See  the  Instructions      earned income. To claim a credit for income taxes paid or 
for Form 4684 for more information on net qualified disas-        accrued to a foreign country, you will generally file Form 
ter losses. To determine if you were affected by a major          1116 with your Form 1040 or 1040-SR.
federally declared          disaster, go to IRS.gov/                           For more information, see Pub. 514.
                                                                  Child and dependent care credit.                                                       You may be able to 
Losses  from  income-producing  property.            These        take  this  credit  if  you  pay  someone  to  care  for  your  de-
losses are not subject to the limitations that apply to per-      pendent qualifying child who is under age 13, or your disa-
sonal-use property. Use Section B of Form 4684 to figure          bled dependent or disabled spouse, so that you can work 
your deduction for these losses.                                  or look for work.
                                                                               For more information, see Form 2441 and Pub. 503.

                                                                  Credit for the elderly or the disabled.                                                   You may qualify 
Tax Credits and Payments
                                                                  for this credit if you are age 65 or older or if you retired on 
                                                                  permanent  and  total  disability.  For  more  information  on 
This discussion covers tax credits and payments for resi-
                                                                  this credit, see Pub. 524 and Schedule R (Form 1040).
dent  aliens,  followed  by  a  discussion  of  the  credits  and 
payments for nonresident aliens.                                  Education  credits.                                       You  may  qualify  for  these  credits  if 
                                                                  you  paid  qualified  education  expenses  for  yourself,  your 
Resident Aliens                                                   spouse, or your dependent. There are two education cred-
                                                                  its: the American opportunity credit and the lifetime learn-
Resident aliens generally claim tax credits and report tax        ing credit. You cannot claim these credits if you are mar-
payments,  including  withholding,  using  the  same  rules       ried filing separately. Use Form 8863 to figure the credit. 
that apply to U.S. citizens.                                      For more information, see Pub. 970.

42                                          Chapter 5           Figuring Your Tax                                                                       Publication 519 (2023)

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 Nonresident aliens, see     Education credits under       Non-     Earned  income  credit  (EIC).    The  EIC,  or  earned  in-
resident Aliens, later.                                             come tax credit (EITC), is a benefit for working people with 
                                                                    low to moderate income. To qualify for the EIC, you must 
Retirement  savings  contributions  credit.     You  may            have  earned  income  from  working  for  someone  or  from 
qualify for this credit (also known as the saver’s credit) if       running  or  owning  a  business  or  farm  and  meet  basic 
you made eligible contributions to an employer-sponsored            rules. Also, you must either meet additional rules for work-
retirement plan or to an IRA in 2023. Use Form 8880 and             ers without a qualifying child or have a child who meets all 
its  instructions  to  figure  the  credit.  For  more  information the qualifying child rules. The EIC reduces the amount of 
about the requirements to claim the credit, see Pub. 590-           tax you owe and may give you a refund. For more informa-
A.                                                                  tion, go to IRS.gov/EIC.
                                                                    If you (and your spouse, if filing a joint return) did not 
Child  tax  credit  and  the  additional  child  tax  credit. 
                                                                    have an SSN issued on or before the due date of the 2023 
“Qualifying child,” for purposes of the child tax credit and 
                                                                    return (including extensions), you cannot claim the EIC on 
the additional child tax credit, is a child who:
                                                                    either your original or an amended 2023 return. Also, if a 
 Was under age 17 at the end of 2023;                             child  did  not  have  an  SSN  issued  on  or  before  the  due 
                                                                    date  of  your  return  (including  extensions),  you  cannot 
 Is your son, daughter, stepchild, eligible foster child, 
                                                                    count that child as a qualifying child in figuring the EIC on 
   brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, half brother, half 
                                                                    either your original or an amended 2023 return.
   sister, or a descendant of any of them (for example, 
   your grandchild, niece, or nephew);                                      If  a  social  security  card  has  a  legend  that  says 
                                                                            “Not Valid for Employment” and the number was 
 Is a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or resident alien;             CAUTION!
                                                                            issued so that you (or your spouse or your qualify-
 Did not provide over half of their own support for 2023;         ing  child)  could  receive  a  federally  funded  benefit,  you 
 Lived with you more than half of 2023 (temporary ab-             cannot  claim  the  EIC.  An  example  of  a  federally  funded 
   sences, such as for school, vacation, or medical care,           benefit is Medicaid. If a card has this legend and the indi-
   count as time lived in the home);                                vidual's immigration status has changed so that the indi-
                                                                    vidual is now a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, 
 Is claimed as a dependent on your return; and                    ask  the  SSA  to  issue  a  new  social  security  card  without 
 Does not file a joint return for the year (or files it only to   the legend.
   claim a refund of withheld income tax or estimated tax           To find out if you are eligible for the EIC, go to   IRS.gov/
   paid).                                                           EITCAssistant.
 An adopted child is always treated as your own child. 
                                                                    Other  information.     There  are  other  eligibility  rules 
An adopted child includes a child lawfully placed with you 
                                                                    that  are  not  discussed  here.  For  more  information,  see 
for legal adoption.
                                                                    Pub. 596.
 If you did not have an SSN (or ITIN) issued on or before 
the  due  date  of  your  2023  return  (including  extensions), 
you cannot claim the child tax credit on either your original       Nonresident Aliens
or an amended 2023 return.
 If your child did not have an SSN valid for employment             You can claim some of the same credits that resident ali-
issued before the due date of the 2023 return (including            ens can claim. You can also report certain taxes you paid, 
extensions), you cannot claim the child tax credit for this         are  considered  to  have  paid,  or  that  were  withheld  from 
child, but may be able to claim the credit for other depend-        your income.
ents  for  this  child.  See Credit  for  other  dependents,  dis-
cussed below.                                                       Credits
 Use Schedule 8812 (Form 1040) and its instructions to 
figure the credits.                                                 Credits are allowed only if you receive effectively connec-
                                                                    ted income. You may be able to claim some of the follow-
Credit  for  other  dependents. The  credit  for  other  de-        ing credits.
pendents is for people who have dependents who cannot 
be claimed for the child tax credit. The qualifying depend-         Foreign tax credit. If you receive foreign source income 
ent must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or U.S. resident         that is effectively connected with a trade or business in the 
alien and must have an SSN, ITIN, or ATIN issued on or              United States, you can claim a credit for any income taxes 
before the due date of your 2023 return (including exten-           paid or accrued to any foreign country or U.S. territory on 
sions).  See  Schedule  8812  (Form  1040)  and  its  instruc-      that income.
tions for more information.                                         If  you  do  not  have  foreign  source  income  effectively 
                                                                    connected with a U.S. trade or business, you cannot claim 
Adoption credit.    You may qualify to take a tax credit of         credits against your U.S. tax for taxes paid or accrued to a 
up to $15,950 for qualifying expenses paid to adopt an eli-         foreign country or U.S. territory.
gible child. This amount may be allowed for the adoption            You cannot take any credit for taxes imposed by a for-
of  a  child  with  special  needs  regardless  of  whether  you    eign country or U.S. territory on your U.S. source income if 
have qualifying expenses. To claim the adoption credit, file        those taxes were imposed only because you are a citizen 
Form 8839 with your Form 1040 or 1040-SR.                           or resident of the foreign country or territory.

Publication 519 (2023)                          Chapter 5   Figuring Your Tax                                            43

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If you claim a foreign tax credit, you will generally have       Is your son, daughter, stepchild, eligible foster child, 
to  attach  to  your  return  a  Form  1116.  See Pub.  514  for   brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, half brother, half 
more information.                                                  sister, or a descendant of any of them (for example, 
                                                                   your grandchild, niece, or nephew);
Child  and  dependent  care  credit.   You  may  qualify  for 
this credit if you pay someone to care for your dependent        Is a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or resident alien;
qualifying child who is under age 13, or your disabled de-       Did not provide over half of their own support for 2023;
pendent or disabled spouse, so that you can work or look 
for work. For definitions of these terms, see Pub. 503.          Lived with you more than half of 2023 (temporary ab-
                                                                   sences, such as for school, vacation, or medical care, 
Married nonresident aliens can claim the credit only if 
                                                                   count as time lived in the home);
they choose to file a joint return with a U.S. citizen or resi-
dent spouse, as discussed in How To Make the Choice in           Is claimed as a dependent on your return; and
chapter 1, or if they qualify as certain married individuals       Does not file a joint return for the year (or files it only to 
living apart (see Joint Return Test in Pub. 503).                  claim a refund of withheld income tax or estimated tax 
The amount of your child and dependent care expense                paid).
that qualifies for the credit in any tax year cannot be more 
than your earned income from the United States for that           An adopted child is always treated as your own child. 
tax year. Earned income generally means wages, salaries,         An adopted child includes a child lawfully placed with you 
and professional fees for personal services performed.           for legal adoption.
For more information, see Pub. 503.                               If you did not have an SSN (or ITIN) issued on or before 
                                                                 the  due  date  of  your  2023  return  (including  extensions), 
Education credits.     If you are a nonresident alien for any    you may not claim the child tax credit on either your origi-
part of the year, you generally cannot claim the education       nal or an amended tax return.
credits. However, you may be able to claim an education           If your child did not have an SSN valid for employment 
credit under the following circumstances.                        issued before the due date of the 2023 return (including 
                                                                 extensions), you cannot claim the child tax credit for this 
1. You are married and choose to file a joint return with a 
                                                                 child, but may be able to claim the credit for other depend-
   U.S. citizen or resident spouse, as discussed under 
                                                                 ents  for  this  child.  See Credit  for  other  dependents,  dis-
   Nonresident Spouse Treated as a Resident in chap-
                                                                 cussed below.
   ter 1.
                                                                  Use Schedule 8812 (Form 1040) and its instructions to 
2. You are a dual-status alien, and choose to be treated         figure the credits.
   as a U.S. resident for the entire year. See Choosing 
   Resident Alien Status in chapter 1.                           Credit  for  other  dependents.  Dependents  who  cannot 
                                                                 be claimed for the child tax credit may still qualify you for 
Additional information on the American opportunity tax           the  credit  for  other  dependents.  This  is  a  nonrefundable 
credit is available at IRS.gov/AOTC.                             tax credit of $500 per qualifying person. The qualifying de-
                                                                 pendent must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or U.S. resi-
Retirement  savings  contributions  credit.       You  may       dent  alien.  See  the  Instructions  for  Form  1040-NR.  To 
qualify for this credit (also known as the saver’s credit) if    claim  the  credit  for  other  dependents,  your  dependent 
you made eligible contributions to an employer-sponsored         must have an SSN, ITIN, or ATIN issued on or before the 
retirement plan or to an IRA in 2023. You cannot claim this      due date of your 2023 return (including extensions).
credit if:
                                                                         Only  nonresident  aliens  who  are  U.S.  nationals; 
 You were born after January 1, 2006;                           !      residents of Canada, Mexico, or South Korea; or 
 You were a full-time student;                                 CAUTION students  and  business  apprentices  from  India 
                                                                 who qualify for benefits under Article 21(2) of the income 
 You were claimed as a dependent on someone else's 
                                                                 tax treaty with India can claim the credit for other depend-
   2023 tax return; or
 Your adjusted gross income is more than $36,500.
Use Form 8880 to figure the credit. For more information,        Adoption credit.   You may qualify to take a tax credit of 
see Pub. 590-A.                                                  up to $15,950 for qualifying expenses paid to adopt an eli-
                                                                 gible child. This amount may be allowed for the adoption 
Child  tax  credit  and  the  additional  child  tax  credit.    of  a  child  with  special  needs  regardless  of  whether  you 
Only nonresident aliens who are U.S. nationals; residents        have qualifying expenses. To claim the adoption credit, file 
of Canada, Mexico, or South Korea; or students and busi-         Form 8839 with your Form 1040-NR.
ness apprentices from India who qualify for benefits under        Married nonresident aliens can claim the credit only if 
Article 21(2) of the income tax treaty with India can claim      they choose to file a joint return with a citizen or resident 
the child tax credit.                                            spouse, as discussed in      Nonresident Spouse Treated as a 
“Qualifying  child,”  for  purposes  of  the  child  tax  credit Resident in chapter 1, or if they qualify as certain married 
and the additional child tax credit, is a child who:             individuals  living  apart  (see Married  Persons  Not  Filing 
 Was under age 17 at the end of 2023;                          Jointly in the Instructions for Form 8839).

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Credit  for  prior-year  alternative  minimum  tax. If  you           Tax paid on undistributed long-term capital gains. If 
paid  alternative  minimum  tax  in  a  prior  year,  use  Form       you are a shareholder in a mutual fund (or other RIC) or 
8801 and its instructions to see if you qualify for this credit.      REIT, you can claim a credit for your share of any taxes 
                                                                      paid by the company on its undistributed long-term capital 
Earned  income  credit  (EIC).  If  you  are  a  nonresident          gains.  You  will  receive  information  on  Form  2439,  which 
alien  for  any  part  of  the  tax  year,  you  generally  cannot    you must attach to your return.
claim the EIC. However, if you are married and choose to 
file a joint return with a U.S. citizen or resident spouse, as        Tax withheld at the source.    You can claim as a payment 
discussed in Nonresident Spouse Treated as a Resident                 any  tax  withheld  at  the  source  on  investment  and  other 
in chapter 1, you may be eligible for the credit.                     FDAP income paid to you. Fixed or determinable income 
If you and your spouse did not have an SSN issued on                  includes interest, dividend, rental, and royalty income that 
or before the due date of the 2023 return (including exten-           you  do  not  claim  to  be  effectively  connected  income. 
sions), you cannot claim the EIC on either your original or           Wage or salary payments can be fixed or determinable in-
an amended 2023 return. Also, if a child did not have an              come to you, but are usually subject to withholding, as dis-
SSN issued on or before the due date of your return (in-              cussed above. Taxes on fixed or determinable income are 
cluding extensions), you cannot count that child as a qual-           withheld at a 30% rate or at a lower treaty rate.
ifying child in figuring the EIC on either your original or an 
amended 2023 return.                                                  Tax withheld on partnership income. If you are a for-
                                                                      eign partner in a partnership, the partnership will withhold 
        If  a  social  security  card  has  a  legend  that  says     tax on your share of ECTI from the partnership. The part-
!       “Not Valid for Employment” and the number was                 nership will give you a statement on Form 8805 showing 
CAUTION issued so that you (or your spouse or your qualify-
                                                                      the tax withheld. A partnership that is publicly traded may 
ing  child)  could  receive  a  federally  funded  benefit,  you      withhold on your actual distributions of effectively connec-
cannot  claim  the  EIC.  An  example  of  a  federally  funded       ted  income.  In  this  case,  the  partnership  will  give  you  a 
benefit is Medicaid. If a card has this legend and the indi-          statement  on  Form  1042-S.  Claim  the  tax  withheld  as  a 
vidual's immigration status has changed so that the indi-             payment on line 25e or 25g of Form 1040-NR, as appro-
vidual is now a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident,            priate.
ask  the  SSA  to  issue  a  new  social  security  card  without 
the legend.                                                           Tax  withheld  on  gain  from  the  sale  or  exchange  of 
See Pub. 596 for more information on the credit.                      certain partnership interests.   If you are a direct or indi-
                                                                      rect foreign partner in a U.S. or foreign partnership that is 
                                                                      engaged (or is treated as engaged) in a trade or business 
Tax Withheld
                                                                      within the United States and you directly or indirectly dis-
You can claim the tax withheld during the year as a pay-              pose of that interest for a gain, then for transfers occurring 
ment  against  your  U.S.  tax.  You  claim  it  on  lines  25a       after 2017, the transferee will generally withhold and pay 
through 25g of Form 1040-NR. The tax withheld reduces                 into  the  IRS  on  your  behalf  a  tax  equal  to  10%  of  the 
any tax you owe with Form 1040-NR.                                    amount realized on the sale. The rules for withholding and 
                                                                      paying  over  this  amount  are  similar  to  sales  of  U.S.  real 
Withholding from wages.  Any federal income tax with-                 property interests. You will receive a Form 8288-A reflect-
held from your wages during the tax year while you were a             ing  the  amount  withheld  that  you  may  then  claim  on 
nonresident  alien  is  allowed  as  a  payment  against  your        line 25f of your Form 1040-NR as a credit against the tax 
U.S. income tax liability for the same year. You can claim            you owe on the gain. You may be able to provide certain 
the income tax withheld whether or not you were engaged               information to the transferee to reduce or eliminate with-
in a trade or business in the United States during the year,          holding. For example, if a nonrecognition provision of the 
and whether or not the wages (or any other income) were               Internal Revenue Code applies to all of the gain realized 
connected with a trade or business in the United States.              on a transfer, the transferee does not need to withhold if 
                                                                      you provide a notice describing the application of a nonre-
Excess social security tax withheld. If you have two or               cognition  provision.  If  you  are  a  transferee  that  failed  to 
more employers, you may be able to claim a credit against             withhold,  under  section  1446(f)(4),  the  partnership  may 
your  U.S.  income  tax  liability  for  social  security  tax  with- withhold on distributions to you.
held in excess of the maximum required. See       Social Se-          T.D.  9926  (85  FR  76910),  available  at      IRS.gov/irb/
curity and Medicare Taxes in chapter 8 for more informa-              2020-51_IRS#TD-9926, published on November 30, 2020 
tion.                                                                 (as corrected at 86 FR 13191), contains final regulations 
                                                                      (section  1446(f)  regulations)  relating  to  the  withholding 
Additional Medicare Tax. Your employer is responsible                 and reporting required under section 1446(f) on transfers 
for withholding the 0.9% (0.009) Additional Medicare Tax              of interests in certain partnership interests, which include 
on  Medicare  wages  or  Railroad  Retirement  Tax  Act               withholding  requirements  that  apply  to  brokers  effecting 
(RRTA)  compensation  it  pays  to  you  in  excess  of               transfers of interests in PTPs. While section 1446(f) with-
$200,000 in 2023. If you do not owe Additional Medicare               holding generally applies to transfers occurring on or after 
Tax,  you  can  claim  a  credit  for  any  withheld  Additional      January 1, 2018, certain provisions of the section 1446(f) 
Medicare Tax against the total tax liability shown on your            regulations apply to transfers on or after January 1, 2023. 
tax return by filing Form 8959.                                       For more information, see Pub. 515.

Publication 519 (2023)               Chapter 5           Figuring Your Tax                                               45

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For additional guidance on certain issues related to the                        your return and pay your tax by June 15, 2024. You must 
1446(f) regulations, see Notice 2023-8.                                         also make your first payment of estimated tax for 2024 by 
                                                                                June 15, 2024. You cannot file a joint income tax return or 
Tax withheld on dispositions of U.S. real property in-                          make joint payments of estimated tax. However, if you are 
terests.  You  can  claim  as  a  payment  any  tax  withheld                   married  to  a  U.S.  citizen  or  resident,  see Nonresident 
with respect to a disposition of a U.S. real property interest                  Spouse Treated as a Resident in chapter 1.
(or  income  treated  as  derived  from  the  disposition  of  a                 If you earn wages subject to withholding, your U.S. in-
U.S.  real  property  interest).  See              Real  Property  Gain  or     come tax return is due by April 15, 2024. You must also 
Loss in chapter 4. The buyer will give you a statement of                       make your first payment of estimated tax for 2024 by April 
the amount withheld on Form 8288-A. Claim the tax with-                         15,  2024.  For  information  on  withholding  and  estimated 
held as a payment on line 25f of Form 1040-NR.                                  tax, see chapter 8.

Claiming tax withheld on your return.                         When you fill out Residents of American Samoa.  If you are a bona fide 
your tax return, take extra care to enter the correct amount                    resident of American Samoa for the entire year, you can 
of any tax withheld shown on your information documents.                        exclude  from  gross  income  all  income  from  sources  in 
The following table lists some of the more common infor-                        American  Samoa  (other  than  amounts  for  services  per-
mation documents and shows where to find the amount of                          formed as an employee of the U.S. Government or any of 
tax withheld.                                                                   its agencies). An employee of the American Samoan Gov-
                                                                                ernment is not considered an employee of the U.S. Gov-
                                                                                ernment or any of its agencies for purposes of the exclu-
                                                                Location        sion. For more information about this exclusion, see Form 
                                                                 of tax         4563 and Pub. 570.
Form number                                                     withheld
RRB-1042S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       Box 13 
SSA-1042S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     Box 9 
W-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box 2 
W-2c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Box 2 
1042-S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Box 10
8805 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Line 10         6.
8288-A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Box 4

                                                                                Dual-Status Tax Year
Bona Fide Residents of 

American Samoa or Puerto                                                        Introduction
Rico                                                                            You have a dual-status tax year when you have been both 
                                                                                a resident alien and a nonresident alien in the same year. 
If you are a nonresident alien who is a bona fide resident                      Dual status does not refer to your citizenship; it refers only 
of American Samoa or Puerto Rico for the entire tax year,                       to your resident status in the United States. In determining 
you are generally taxed the same as resident aliens. You                        your U.S. income tax liability for a dual-status tax year, dif-
should file Form 1040 or 1040-SR and report all income                          ferent rules apply for the part of the year you are a resident 
from sources both in and outside the United States. How-                        of  the  United  States  and  the  part  of  the  year  you  are  a 
ever, you can exclude the income discussed in the follow-                       nonresident.
ing paragraphs.                                                                  The most common dual-status tax years are the years 
                                                                                of arrival and departure. See Dual-Status Aliens in chap-
For tax purposes other than reporting income, however,                          ter 1.
you  will  be  treated  as  a  nonresident  alien.  For  example,                If  you  are  married  and  choose  to  be  a    nonresident 
you  are  not  allowed  the  standard  deduction,  you  cannot                  spouse treated as a resident, as explained in chapter 1, 
file a joint return, and you cannot claim a dependent un-                       the rules of this chapter do not apply to you for that year.
less  that  person  is  a  citizen  or  national  of  the  United 
States. There are also limits on what deductions and cred-                      Topics
its are allowed. See Nonresident Aliens under Deductions,                       This chapter discusses:
Itemized  Deductions,  and              Tax  Credits  and  Payments  in 
this chapter.
                                                                                Income subject to tax,
Residents of Puerto Rico.                   If you are a bona fide resi-        Restrictions for dual-status taxpayers,
dent  of  Puerto  Rico  for  the  entire  year,  you  can  exclude 
from gross income all income from sources in Puerto Rico                        How to figure the tax,
(other  than  amounts  for  services  performed  as  an  em-                    Forms to file,
ployee of the United States or any of its agencies).                              When and where to file, and
If you report income on a calendar year basis and you 
do  not  have  wages  subject  to  withholding  for  2023,  file                How to fill out a dual-status return.

46                                                              Chapter 6 Dual-Status Tax Year                Publication 519 (2023)

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Useful Items                                                                                  earned it while you were a resident alien or if you became 
You may want to see:                                                                          a resident alien or a U.S. citizen after receiving it and be-
                                                                                              fore the end of the year.
Publication                                                                                       Income  from  U.S.  sources  is  taxable  whether  you  re-
  503 503 Child and Dependent Care Expenses                                                   ceive it while a nonresident alien or a resident alien unless 
                                                                                              specifically exempt under the Internal Revenue Code or a 
  514 514 Foreign Tax Credit for Individuals
                                                                                              tax treaty provision. Generally, tax treaty provisions apply 
  575 575 Pension and Annuity Income                                                          only to the part of the year you were a nonresident. In cer-
                                                                                              tain cases, however, treaty provisions may apply while you 
Form (and Instructions)                                                                       were a resident alien. See chapter 9 for more information.
  1040    1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return                                                  When determining what income is taxed in the United 
  1040-SR                     1040-SR U.S. Tax Return for Seniors                             States, you must consider exemptions under U.S. tax law 
                                                                                              as well as the reduced tax rates and exemptions provided 
  1040-C       1040-C U.S. Departing Alien Income Tax Return
                                                                                              by tax treaties between the United States and certain for-
  1040-ES             1040-ES Estimated Tax for Individuals                                   eign countries. For a further discussion of tax treaties, see 
  1040-ES (NR)                                1040-ES (NR) U.S. Estimated Tax for Nonresident chapter 9.
      Alien Individuals
  1040-NR                             1040-NR U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return
                                                                                              Restrictions for Dual-Status 
  1116    1116 Foreign Tax Credit
See chapter 12 for information about getting these publi-                                     Taxpayers
cations and forms.
                                                                                              The following restrictions apply if you are filing a tax return 
                                                                                              for a dual-status tax year.

Tax Year                                                                                      Standard  deduction.     You  cannot  use  the  standard  de-
                                                                                              duction allowed on Form 1040 or 1040-SR. However, you 
You must file your tax return on the basis of an annual ac-                                   can itemize any allowable deductions.
counting  period  called  a  tax  year.  If  you  have  not  previ-
ously established a fiscal tax year, your tax year is the cal-                                Head of household.     You cannot use the head of house-
endar  year.  A  calendar  year  is  12  consecutive  months                                  hold Tax Table column or Tax Computation Worksheet.
ending  on  December  31.  If  you  have  previously  estab-
                                                                                              Joint return. You cannot file a joint return. However, see 
lished a regular fiscal year (12 consecutive months ending 
                                                                                              Choosing Resident Alien Status under Dual-Status Aliens 
on  the  last  day  of  a  month  other  than  December,  or  a 
                                                                                              in chapter 1.
52-53 week year) and are considered to be a U.S. resident 
for any calendar year, you will be treated as a U.S. resi-                                    Tax  rates.  If  you  are  married  and  a  nonresident  of  the 
dent for any part of your fiscal year that falls within that cal-                             United States for all or part of the tax year and you do not 
endar year.                                                                                   choose to file jointly, as discussed in chapter 1, you must 
                                                                                              use the Tax Table column or Tax Computation Worksheet 
                                                                                              for married filing separately to figure your tax on income 
Income Subject to Tax                                                                         effectively  connected  with  a  U.S.  trade  or  business.  You 
                                                                                              cannot  use  the  Tax  Table  column  or  Tax  Computation 
For the part of the year you are a resident alien, you are                                    Worksheet for married filing jointly or single. However, you 
taxed  on  income  from  all  sources.  Income  from  sources                                 may be able to file as single if you lived apart from your 
outside the United States is taxable if you receive it while                                  spouse during the last 6 months of the year and you are a:
you are a resident alien. The income is taxable even if you                                     Married resident of Canada, Mexico, or South Korea; 
earned it while you were a nonresident alien or if you be-                                        or
came a nonresident alien after receiving it and before the 
end of the year.                                                                                Married U.S. national.
                                                                                              See the Instructions for Form 1040-NR to see if you qual-
For the part of the year you are a nonresident alien, you 
are taxed on income from U.S. sources and on certain for-
                                                                                                  A U.S. national is an individual who, although not a U.S. 
eign source income treated as effectively connected with 
                                                                                              citizen,  owes  their  allegiance  to  the  United  States.  U.S. 
a  U.S.  trade  or  business.  The  rules  for  treating  foreign 
                                                                                              nationals  include  American  Samoans  and  Northern  Ma-
source income as effectively connected are discussed in 
                                                                                              riana  Islanders  who  chose  to  become  U.S.  nationals  in-
chapter 4 under Foreign Income.
                                                                                              stead of U.S. citizens.
Income from sources outside the United States that is 
not effectively connected with a trade or business in the 
United States is not taxable if you receive it while you are 
a nonresident alien. The income is not taxable even if you 

Publication 519 (2023)                                            Chapter 6                   Dual-Status Tax Year                               47

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                                                                   If  you  received  railroad  retirement  benefits  while  you 
                                                                   were  a  nonresident  alien,  the  U.S.  Railroad  Retirement 
Dependents                                                         Board (RRB) will send you Form RRB-1042S, Statement 
                                                                   for Nonresident Alien Recipients of Payments by the Rail-
As a dual-status taxpayer, you may be able to claim a de-          road Retirement Board, and/or Form RRB-1099-R, Annui-
pendent on your tax return. In general, a dependent is a           ties or Pensions by the Railroad Retirement Board. If your 
qualifying child or a qualifying relative. You may be entitled     country  of  legal  residence  changed  or  your  rate  of  tax 
to  claim  additional  deductions  and  credits  if  you  have  a  changed during the tax year, you may receive more than 
qualifying dependent. See the Instructions for Form 1040           one form.
or the Instructions for Form 1040-NR for more information.

If you were a U.S. national or a resident of Canada or             Tax Credits and Payments
Mexico, you can claim a dependent on the same terms as 
U.S. citizens. If you are a resident of South Korea or India,      This  discussion  covers  tax  credits  and  payments  for 
see chapter 5.                                                     dual-status aliens.


How To Figure Your Tax                                             As a dual-status alien, you can generally claim tax credits 
                                                                   using the same rules that apply to resident aliens. There 
When you figure your U.S. tax for a dual-status year, you          are certain restrictions that may apply. These restrictions 
are subject to different rules for the part of the year you are    are discussed here, along with a brief explanation of cred-
a resident and the part of the year you are a nonresident.         its often claimed by individuals.
                                                                             You  cannot  claim  the  education  credits,  EIC,  or 
Income                                                             !         credit  for  the  elderly  or  the  disabled  unless  you 
                                                                   CAUTION   are  married  and  you  choose  to  be  treated  as  a 
All income for your period of residence and all income that        resident  for  all  of  2023  by  filing  a  joint  return  with  your 
is  effectively  connected  with  a  trade  or  business  in  the  spouse who is a U.S. citizen or resident, as discussed in 
United States for your period of nonresidence, after allow-        chapter 1.
able deductions, are added and taxed at the rates that ap-
ply to U.S. citizens and residents. Income that is not con-
                                                                   Foreign tax credit. If you have paid, or are liable for the 
nected  with  a  trade  or  business  in  the  United  States  for 
                                                                   payment  of,  income  tax  to  a  foreign  country  on  income 
your period of nonresidence is subject to the flat 30% rate 
                                                                   from foreign sources, you may be able to claim a credit for 
or  lower  treaty  rate.  You  cannot  take  any  deductions 
                                                                   the foreign taxes.
against this income.
                                                                   If  you  claim  the  foreign  tax  credit,  you  must  generally 
Social security and railroad retirement benefits. Dur-             file Form 1116 with your income tax return. For more infor-
ing the part of the year you are a nonresident alien, 85% of       mation, see the Instructions for Form 1116 and Pub. 514.
any U.S. social security benefits (and the equivalent part 
                                                                   Child  and  dependent  care  credit. You  may  qualify  for 
of tier 1 railroad retirement benefits) you receive is subject 
                                                                   this credit if you pay someone to care for your dependent 
to the flat 30% tax, unless exempt, or subject to a lower 
                                                                   qualifying child who is under age 13, or your disabled de-
treaty rate. (See The 30% Tax in chapter 4.)
                                                                   pendent or disabled spouse, so that you can work or look 
During the part of the year you are a resident alien, part 
                                                                   for work.
of the social security and the equivalent part of tier 1 rail-
                                                                   Married  dual-status  aliens  can  claim  the  credit  only  if 
road retirement benefits will be taxed at graduated rates if 
                                                                   they  choose  to  file  a  joint  return,  as  discussed  in chap-
your  modified  adjusted  gross  income  plus  half  of  these 
                                                                   ter 1, or if they qualify as certain married individuals living 
benefits are more than a certain base amount.
Use  the  Social  Security  Benefits  Worksheet  in  the  In-      The amount of your child and dependent care expense 
structions for Form 1040 to help you figure the taxable part       that qualifies for the credit in any tax year cannot be more 
of your social security and equivalent tier 1 railroad retire-     than your earned income for that tax year.
ment benefits for the part of the year you were a resident         For more information, see Pub. 503 and Form 2441.
                                                                   Retirement  savings  contributions  credit.           You  may 
If  you  received  U.S.  social  security  benefits  while  you    qualify for this credit (also known as the saver’s credit) if 
were  a  nonresident  alien,  the  SSA  will  send  you  Form      you made eligible contributions to an employer-sponsored 
SSA-1042S showing your combined benefits for the entire            retirement plan or to an IRA in 2023. You cannot claim this 
year and the amount of tax withheld. You will not receive          credit if:
separate statements for the benefits received during your          You were born after January 1, 2006,
periods of U.S. residence and nonresidence. Therefore, it 
is  important  for  you  to  keep  careful  records  of  these     You were a full-time student,
amounts. You will need this information to properly com-           You were claimed as a dependent on someone else's 
plete your return and figure your tax liability.                     2023 tax return, or

48                                          Chapter 6 Dual-Status Tax Year                          Publication 519 (2023)

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Your adjusted gross income is more than $36,500.                 Payments
Use Form 8880 to figure the credit. For more information, 
                                                                   You can report as payments against your U.S. income tax 
see Pub. 590-A.
                                                                   liability  certain  taxes  you  paid,  are  considered  to  have 
Child  tax  credit  and  the  additional  child  tax  credit.      paid,  or  that  were  withheld  from  your  income.  These  in-
“Qualifying child,” for purposes of the child tax credit and       clude:
the additional child tax credit, is a child who:                   Tax withheld from wages earned in the United States,
Was under age 17 at the end of 2023;                             Taxes withheld at the source from various items of in-
Is your son, daughter, stepchild, eligible foster child,           come from U.S. sources other than wages,
  brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, half brother, half     Estimated tax paid with Form 1040-ES or Form 
  sister, or a descendant of any of them (for example,               1040-ES (NR), and
  your grandchild, niece, or nephew);
                                                                   Tax paid with Form 1040-C at the time of departure 
Is a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or resident alien;               from the United States.
Did not provide over half of their own support for 2023;
Lived with you more than half of 2023 (temporary ab-
  sences, such as for school, vacation, or medical care,           Forms To File
  count as time lived in the home);
                                                                   The U.S. income tax return you must file as a dual-status 
Is claimed as a dependent on your return; and                    alien  depends  on  whether  you  are  a  resident  alien  or  a 
Does not file a joint return for the year (or files it only to   nonresident alien at the end of the tax year.
  claim a refund of withheld income tax or estimated tax 
  paid).                                                           Resident  at  end  of  year. You  must  file  Form  1040  or 
                                                                   1040-SR if you are a dual-status taxpayer who becomes a 
An adopted child is always treated as your own child.              resident during the year and who is a U.S. resident on the 
An adopted child includes a child lawfully placed with you         last day of the tax year. Enter “Dual-Status Return” across 
for legal adoption.                                                the top of the return. Attach a statement to your return to 
If you did not have an SSN (or ITIN) issued on or before           show the income for the part of the year you are a nonresi-
the  due  date  of  your  2023  return  (including  extensions),   dent. You can use Form 1040-NR as the statement, but be 
you may not claim the child tax credit on either your origi-       sure to enter “Dual-Status Statement” across the top.
nal or an amended 2023 return.
If your child did not have an SSN valid for employment             Nonresident  at  end  of  year.     You  must  file  Form 
issued before the due date of the 2023 return (including           1040-NR  if  you  are  a  dual-status  taxpayer  who  gives  up 
extensions), you cannot claim the child tax credit for this        residence in the United States during the year and who is 
child, but may be able to claim the credit for other depend-       not a U.S. resident on the last day of the tax year. Enter 
ents  for  this  child.  See Credit  for  other  dependents,  dis- “Dual-Status Return” across the top of the return. Attach a 
cussed below.                                                      statement to your return to show the income for the part of 
Use Schedule 8812 (Form 1040) and its instructions to              the  year  you  are  a  resident.  You  can  use  Form  1040  or 
figure the credits.                                                1040-SR as the statement, but be sure to enter “Dual-Sta-
                                                                   tus Statement” across the top.
Credit  for  other  dependents. The  credit  for  other  de-       If you expatriated or terminated your residency in 2023, 
pendents is for people who have dependents who cannot              you  may  be  required  to  file  an  expatriation  statement 
be claimed for the child tax credit. The qualifying depend-        (Form  8854)  with  your  tax  return.  For  more  information, 
ent must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or U.S. resident        see Expatriation Tax in chapter 4.
alien and must have an SSN, ITIN, or ATIN issued on or 
before the due date of your 2023 return (including exten-          Statement. Any  statement  must  have  your  name,  ad-
sions).                                                            dress, and TIN on it. You do not need to sign a separate 
                                                                   statement or schedule accompanying your return because 
Adoption credit.    You may qualify to take a tax credit of        your signature on the return also applies to the supporting 
up to $15,950 for qualifying expenses paid to adopt an eli-        statements and schedules.
gible child. This amount may be allowed for the adoption 
of  a  child  with  special  needs  regardless  of  whether  you 
have qualifying expenses. To claim the adoption credit, file 
Form 8839 with the U.S. income tax return that you file.           When and Where To File
Married  dual-status  aliens  can  claim  the  credit  only  if 
they choose the Nonresident Spouse Treated as a Resi-              If you are a resident alien on the last day of your tax year 
dent status, as discussed in chapter 1, or if they qualify as      and  report  your  income  on  a  calendar  year  basis,  you 
certain  married  individuals  living  apart  (see Married  Per-   must  file  no  later  than  April  15  of  the  year  following  the 
sons Not Filing Jointly in the Instructions for Form 8839).        close of your tax year (but see the TIP, later). If you report 
                                                                   your income on other than a calendar year basis, file your 
                                                                   return no later than the 15th day of the 4th month following 

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the close of your tax year. In either case, file your return        Useful Items
with the address for dual-status aliens shown on the back           You may want to see:
of the Instructions for Form 1040.
If you are a nonresident alien on the last day of your tax          Forms (and Instructions)
year and you report your income on a calendar year basis,             1040  1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
you must file no later than April 15 of the year following the        1040-SR    1040-SR U.S. Tax Return for Seniors
close of your tax year if you receive wages subject to with-          1040-NR            1040-NR U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return
holding. If you report your income on other than a calen-
dar year basis, file your return no later than the 15th day of      See chapter 12 for information about getting these forms.
the 4th month following the close of your tax year. If you 
did not receive wages subject to withholding and you re-
port your income on a calendar year basis, you must file            What, When, and Where To File
no  later  than  June  15  of  the  year  following  the  close  of 
your  tax  year.  If  you  report  your  income  on  other  than  a What return you must file, as well as when and where you 
calendar year basis, file your return no later than the 15th        file that return, depend on your status at the end of the tax 
day of the 6th month following the close of your tax year. In       year as a resident or a nonresident alien.
any case, mail your return to:
   Department of the Treasury                                       Resident Aliens
   Internal Revenue Service
                                                                    Resident aliens should file Form 1040 or 1040-SR at the 
   Austin, TX 73301-0215
                                                                    address shown in the Instructions for Form 1040. The due 
                                                                    date for filing your return and paying any tax due is April 
If enclosing a payment, mail your return to:                        15 of the year following the year for which you are filing a 
   Internal Revenue Service                                         return (but see the TIP, earlier).
   P.O. Box 1303                                                    Under  U.S.  immigration  law,  a  lawful  permanent  resi-
   Charlotte, NC 28201-1303                                         dent who is required to file a tax return as a resident and 
                                                                    fails to do so may be regarded as having abandoned sta-
     If the regular due date for filing falls on a Saturday,        tus and may lose permanent resident status.
TIP  Sunday, or legal holiday, the due date is the next 
     day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holi-             Extensions  of  time  to  file. You  can  get  an  automatic 
day.                                                                6-month extension (October 15 for calendar year taxpay-
                                                                    ers)  if,  no  later  than  the  date  your  return  is  due,  you  file 
                                                                    Form 4868. For more information, see Form 4868.
                                                                            An  automatic  6-month  extension  to  file  does  not 
                                                                    !       extend the time to pay your tax. If you do not pay 
                                                                    CAUTION your  tax  by  the  original  due  date  of  your  return, 
                                                                    you will owe interest on the unpaid tax and may owe pen-
                                                                    You  are  allowed  an  automatic  extension  to  file  until 
Filing Information                                                  June 15 if your main place of business and the home you 
                                                                    live in are outside the United States and Puerto Rico on 
                                                                    April 15. If you need more time by the end of the 2-month 
                                                                    period, you can get an additional 4 months until October 
                                                                    15 if, no later than June 15, you file Form 4868.
This chapter provides the basic filing information that you         In addition to the 6-month extension, taxpayers who are 
may need.                                                           out of the country (as defined in the Instructions for Form 
                                                                    4868) can request a discretionary 2-month additional ex-
Topics                                                              tension of time to file their returns (December 15 for calen-
This chapter discusses:                                             dar year taxpayers). To request this extension, you must 
                                                                    send the IRS a letter explaining the reasons why you need 
 Forms aliens must file,                                          the additional 2 months. Send the letter by the extended 
                                                                    due date (October 15 for calendar year taxpayers) to the 
 When and where to file,                                          following address.
 Penalties, and
                                                                    Department of the Treasury
 Amended returns and claims for refund.                           Internal Revenue Service Center
                                                                    Austin, TX 73301-0215

                                                                    You will not receive any notification from the IRS unless 
                                                                    your request is denied for being untimely.

50                                        Chapter 7 Filing Information                                Publication 519 (2023)

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The  discretionary  2-month  additional  extension  is  not      1. You were a nonresident alien student, teacher, or 
available to taxpayers who have an approved extension of         trainee who was temporarily present in the United 
time to file on Form 2350 (for U.S. citizens and resident ali-   States under an “F,” “J,” “M,” or “Q” visa, and you have 
ens  abroad  who  expect  to  qualify  for  special  tax  treat- no income that is subject to tax, such as wages, tips, 
ment).                                                           scholarship and fellowship grants, dividends, etc.
        If the due date for filing falls on a Saturday, Sun-     2. You were a student or business apprentice who was 
TIP     day, or legal holiday, the due date is the next day      eligible for the benefits of Article 21(2) of the United 
        that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.        States-India Income Tax Treaty, you are single or a 
                                                                 qualifying surviving spouse, and your gross income 
             You may be able to file your return elec-           for 2023 was less than or equal to $13,850 if single 
             tronically. Go to     IRS.gov/Efile for more        ($27,700 if a qualifying surviving spouse).
                                                                 3. You were a partner in a U.S. partnership that was not 
                                                                 engaged in a trade or business in the United States 
Nonresident Aliens                                               during 2023 and your Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) in-
                                                                 cludes only income from U.S. sources that is not ef-
Nonresident aliens who are required to file an income tax        fectively connected with a U.S. trade or business.
return should use Form 1040-NR.
                                                                         Even if you have left the United States and filed a 
If you are any of the following, you must file a return.         !       Form  1040-C  on  departure,  you  must  still  file  an 
1. A nonresident alien individual engaged or considered          CAUTION annual U.S. income tax return. If you are married 
  to be engaged in a trade or business in the United             and  both  you  and  your  spouse  are  required  to  file,  you 
  States during 2023. (But see Exceptions, later.)               must each file a separate return.
    You must file even if:
                                                                 Foreign-owned  domestic  disregarded  entities.         If  a 
  a. Your income did not come from a trade or busi-              foreign person wholly owns a domestic disregarded entity 
        ness conducted in the United States,                     (DE), the domestic DE is treated as a domestic corpora-
  b. You have no income from U.S. sources, or                    tion  separate  from  its  owner  (the  foreign  person)  for  the 
                                                                 limited purposes of the requirements under section 6038A 
  c. Your income is exempt from income tax.                      that  apply  to  25%  foreign-owned  domestic  corporations. 
2. A nonresident alien individual not engaged in a trade         The  foreign-owned  domestic  DE  must  file  a  pro  forma 
  or business in the United States with U.S. income on           Form 1120 with Form 5472 attached by the due date (in-
  which the tax liability was not satisfied by the with-         cluding extensions) of the return. The only information re-
  holding of tax at the source.                                  quired to be completed on Form 1120 is the name and ad-
                                                                 dress of the foreign-owned domestic DE and items B and 
3. A representative or agent responsible for filing the re-      E  on  the  first  part.  A  foreign-owned  domestic  DE  may 
  turn of an individual described in (1) or (2).                 have had a reporting requirement before 2017 if it had a 
4. A fiduciary for a nonresident alien estate or trust.          U.S. trade or business or other activity that otherwise re-
                                                                 quired  reporting.  See  the  Instructions  for  Form  5472  for 
You must also file if you want to:                               additional information and coordination with Form 5472 fil-
Claim a refund of overwithheld or overpaid tax, or             ing by the domestic DE. Also note that because the do-
                                                                 mestic DE is generally a transparent entity, the foreign per-
Claim the benefit of any deductions or credits. For ex-        son will include (or continue to include) on Form 1040-NR 
  ample, if you have no U.S. business activities but have        any of the domestic DE's tax items that are subject to re-
  income from real property that you choose to treat as          porting. A DE (foreign or domestic) may also have a sepa-
  effectively connected income (discussed in chap-               rate  reporting  requirement  related  to  employment  or  ex-
  ter 4), you must timely file a true and accurate return to     cise taxes. See Regulations sections 301.7701-2(c)(2)(iv) 
  take any allowable deductions against that income.             and (v).
  For information on what is timely, see When to file for 
  deductions and credits under When To File, later.
                                                                 When To File
Exceptions.  You do not need to file Form 1040-NR if you 
                                                                 If you are an employee and you receive wages subject to 
meet any of the following conditions.
                                                                 U.S. income tax withholding, you will generally file by the 
        The exception that previously allowed nonresident        15th day of the 4th month after your tax year ends. For the 
!       aliens whose only U.S. trade or business was the         2023 calendar year, file your return by April 15, 2024.
CAUTION performance  of  personal  services  and  whose 
wage  income  did  not  exceed  the  personal  exemption         If you are not an employee who receives wages subject 
amount to not file a Form 1040-NR is no longer available.        to U.S. income tax withholding, you must file by the 15th 
You must meet (1), (2), or (3) below to be exempt from fil-      day  of  the  6th  month  after  your  tax  year  ends.  For  the 
ing a 2023 Form 1040-NR.                                         2023 calendar year, file your return by June 17, 2024.

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Extensions of time to file.   If you cannot file your return         Waiver of filing deadline.       The IRS may waive the fil-
by  the  due  date,  file  Form  4868  or  use  one  of  the  elec-  ing deadline if you establish that, based on the facts and 
tronic filing options explained in the Instructions for Form         circumstances, you acted reasonably and in good faith in 
4868. For the 2023 calendar year, this will extend the due           failing to file a U.S. income tax return (including a protec-
date to October 15, 2024. If your regular due date is June           tive return) and you cooperate with the IRS in determining 
17, 2024, this will extend the due date to December 15,              your U.S. income tax liability for the tax year for which you 
2024. You must file the extension by the regular due date            did not file a return.
of your return.
        An  automatic  6-month  extension  to  file  does  not       Where To File
!       extend the time to pay your tax. If you do not pay           If  you  are  not  enclosing  a  payment,  file  Form 
CAUTION your  tax  by  the  original  due  date  of  your  return,   1040-NR at the following address.
you will owe interest on the unpaid tax and may owe pen-
alties. See Form 4868.                                               Department of the Treasury
                                                                     Internal Revenue Service Center
When  to  file  for  deductions  and  credits. To  get  the          Austin, TX 73301-0215
benefit  of  any  allowable  deductions  or  credits,  you  must 
timely file a true and accurate return. For this purpose, a 
return is timely if it is filed within 16 months of the due date     If enclosing a payment, mail your return to:
just discussed. However, if you did not file a 2022 tax re-
                                                                     Internal Revenue Service
turn  and  2023  is  not  the  first  year  for  which  you  are  re-
                                                                     P.O. Box 1303
quired to file one, your 2023 return is timely for this pur-
                                                                     Charlotte, NC 28201-1303
pose if it is filed by the earlier of:
 The date that is 16 months after the due date for filing          Aliens from the U.S. Virgin Islands. Report all income 
   your 2023 return, or                                              from U.S. sources, as well as income from other sources, 
 The date the IRS notifies you that your 2023 return               on your return. For information on filing U.S. Virgin Islands 
   has not been filed and that you cannot claim certain              returns, contact the U.S. Virgin Islands Bureau of Internal 
   deductions and credits.                                           Revenue.
The  allowance  of  the  following  credits  is  not  affected  by   If you are a bona fide resident of the U.S. Virgin Is-
this time requirement.                                               lands during your entire tax year and work tempo-
                                                                     rarily in the United States, you must pay your in-
 Credit for withheld taxes.                                        come taxes to the U.S. Virgin Islands and file your income 
 Credit for excise tax on certain uses of gasoline and             tax returns at the following address.
   special fuels.
                                                                     Virgin Islands Bureau of Internal Revenue
 Credit for tax paid by a mutual fund (or other RIC) or a          6115 Estate Smith Bay
   REIT on undistributed long-term capital gains.                    Suite 225
Protective  return.    If  your  activities  in  the  United         St. Thomas, VI 00802
States were limited and you do not believe that you had 
any gross income effectively connected with a U.S. trade 
or business during the year, you can file a protective return        Chapter 8 discusses withholding from U.S. wages of resi-
(Form 1040-NR) by the deadline explained above. By fil-              dents of the U.S. Virgin Islands.
ing a protective return, you protect your right to receive the 
                                                                     Aliens  from  Guam  or  the  Commonwealth  of  the 
benefit of deductions and credits in the event it is later de-
                                                                     Northern  Mariana  Islands  (CNMI).  If  you  are  a  bona 
termined that some or all of your income is effectively con-
                                                                     fide resident of Guam or the CNMI during your entire tax 
nected. You are not required to report any effectively con-
                                                                     year, you must file your return with, and pay any tax due 
nected income or any deductions on the protective return, 
                                                                     to,  Guam  or  the  CNMI.  Report  all  income,  including  in-
but you must give the reason the return is being filed.
                                                                     come from U.S. sources, on your return. It is not neces-
If you believe some of your activities resulted in effec-
                                                                     sary to file a separate U.S. income tax return.
tively connected income, file your return reporting that in-
come and related deductions by the regular due date. To              Bona  fide  residents  of  Guam  should  file  their 
protect your right to claim deductions or credits resulting          Guam returns at the following address.
from other activities, attach a statement to that return ex-
plaining that you wish to protect your right to claim deduc-         Department of Revenue and Taxation
tions and credits if it is later determined that the other ac-       Government of Guam
tivities produced effectively connected income.                      P.O. Box 23607
You can follow the same procedure if you believe you                 Barrigada, GU 96921
have no U.S. tax liability because of a U.S. tax treaty. Be 
sure  to  also  complete  item  L  on  Schedule  OI  (Form 

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       Bona fide residents of the CNMI should file their               than $10,000 at one time from any place outside the 
       CNMI income tax returns at the following address.               United States.
                                                                   A  transfer  of  funds  through  normal  banking  procedures, 
Department of Finance                                              which does not involve the physical transportation of cur-
Division of Revenue and Taxation                                   rency or monetary instruments, is not required to be repor-
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands                       ted.
P.O. Box 5234 CHRB
                                                                   Penalties. Civil  and  criminal  penalties  are  provided  for 
Saipan, MP 96950
                                                                   failing  to  file  a  report,  filing  a  report  containing  material 
                                                                   omissions or misstatements, or filing a false or fraudulent 
If  you  are  not  a  bona  fide  resident  of  Guam  or  the      report. Also, the entire amount of the currency or mone-
CNMI, see Pub. 570 for information on where to file your           tary instrument may be subject to seizure and forfeiture.
                                                                   More information.     The form is available at FINCEN.gov/
                                                                   resources/filing-information.  For  more  information  about 
Amended Returns and Claims for 
                                                                   BSA E-Filing,     see       the   E-Filing     Section   at 
Refund                                                             BSAefiling.fincen.treas.gov/main.html.

If you find changes in your income, deductions, or credits         Form 8938
after you mail your return, file Form 1040-X. Also use Form 
1040-X if you should have filed Form 1040 or 1040-SR in-           You may have to file Form 8938 to report the ownership of 
stead of Form 1040-NR, or vice versa.                              a specified foreign financial asset(s) if you are one of the 
                                                                   following individuals.
If you amend Form 1040-NR or file the correct return, 
enter “Amended” across the top, and attach the corrected             A resident alien of the United States for any part of the 
return  (Form  1040,  1040-SR,  or  1040-NR)  to  Form                 tax year.
1040-X. Ordinarily, an amended return claiming a refund              A nonresident alien who makes an election to be trea-
must be filed within 3 years from the date your return was             ted as a resident for purposes of filing a joint income 
filed  or  within  2  years  from  the  time  the  tax  was  paid,     tax return. See chapter 1 for information about this 
whichever is later. A return filed before the final due date is        election.
considered to have been filed on the due date.
                                                                     A nonresident alien who is a bona fide resident of 
Note.   You  can  now  file  Form  1040-X  electronically              American Samoa or Puerto Rico. See Pub. 570 for a 
with tax filing software to amend 2019 or later Forms 1040             definition of bona fide resident.
and  1040-SR,  and  2021  or  later  Forms  1040-NR.  For 
more information, go to IRS.gov/Form1040X.                         You must file Form 8938 if the total value of those as-
                                                                   sets  exceeds  an  applicable  threshold  (the  “reporting 
                                                                   threshold”). The reporting threshold varies depending on 
Other Forms You May Have To File                                   whether you live in the United States, are married, or file a 
                                                                   joint income tax return with your spouse. Specified foreign 
You  may  be  required  to  file  information  returns  to  report financial assets include any financial account maintained 
certain  foreign  income  or  assets,  or  monetary  transac-      by a foreign financial institution and, to the extent held for 
tions.                                                             investment, any stock, securities, or any other interest in a 
                                                                   foreign entity and any financial instrument or contract with 
FinCEN Form 105, Report of International                           an issuer or counterparty that is not a U.S. person.
Transportation of Currency or Monetary 
                                                                   You may have to pay penalties if you are required to file 
Instruments (CMIR)
                                                                   Form 8938 and fail to do so, or if you have an understate-
                                                                   ment  of  tax  due  to  any  transaction  involving  an  undis-
FinCEN  Form  105  is  required  by  31  U.S.C.  5316  and 
                                                                   closed foreign financial asset.
Treasury Department regulations (31 CFR, chapter X).
                                                                   More information about filing Form 8938 can be found 
The following persons must file FinCEN Form 105. 
                                                                   in the Instructions for Form 8938.
1. Each person who physically transports, mails, or 
ships, or causes to be physically transported, mailed, 
or shipped, currency or other monetary instruments 
totaling more than $10,000 at one time from the Uni-
ted States to any place outside the United States or               The law provides penalties for failure to file returns or pay 
into the United States from any place outside the Uni-             taxes as required.
ted States.
2. Each person who receives in the United States cur-
rency or other monetary instruments totaling more 

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Civil Penalties                                                       Accuracy-related penalty. You may have to pay an ac-
                                                                      curacy-related penalty if you underpay your tax because:
If you do not file your return and pay your tax by the due            You show negligence or disregard of rules or regula-
date, you may have to pay a penalty. You may also have to               tions,
pay a penalty if you substantially understate your tax, file a 
frivolous tax submission, or fail to supply your TIN. If you          You substantially understate your income tax,
provide  fraudulent  information  on  your  return,  you  may         You claim tax benefits for a transaction that lacks eco-
have to pay a civil fraud penalty.                                      nomic substance, or
Filing late. If you do not file your return by the due date           You fail to disclose a foreign financial asset.
(including  extensions),  you  may  have  to  pay  a  fail-           The  penalty  is  equal  to  20%  of  the  underpayment.  The 
ure-to-file  penalty.  The  penalty  is  based  on  the  tax  not     penalty is 40% of any portion of the underpayment that is 
paid by the due date (without regard to extensions). The              attributable  to  an  undisclosed  noneconomic  substance 
penalty is usually 5% for each month or part of a month               transaction or an undisclosed foreign financial asset trans-
that a return is late, but not more than 25%.                         action.  The  penalty  will  not  be  figured  on  any  part  of  an 
Fraud.    If your failure to file is due to fraud, the penalty        underpayment on which the fraud penalty, discussed later, 
is 15% for each month or part of a month that your return             is charged.
is late, up to a maximum of 75%.                                      Negligence  or  disregard.    The  term  “negligence”  in-
Return over 60 days late.  If you file your return more               cludes a failure to make a reasonable attempt to comply 
than 60 days after the due date or extended due date, the             with  the  tax  law  or  to  exercise  ordinary  and  reasonable 
minimum penalty is the smaller of $485 or 100% of the un-             care in preparing a return. Negligence also includes failure 
paid tax.                                                             to keep adequate books and records. You will not have to 
                                                                      pay a negligence penalty if you have a reasonable basis 
Exception.   You will not have to pay the penalty if you              for a position you took, or if you can show a reasonable 
show that you failed to file on time because of reasonable            cause and acted in good faith.
cause and not because of willful neglect.                             The term “disregard” includes any careless, reckless, or 
                                                                      intentional disregard.
Paying tax late. You will have to pay a failure-to-pay pen-
alty  of  /   of  1%  (0.005)  of  your  unpaid  taxes  for  each 1 2 Adequate  disclosure.    You  can  avoid  the  penalty  for 
month, or part of a month, after the due date that the tax is         disregard of rules or regulations if you adequately disclose 
not paid. This penalty does not apply during the automatic            on your return a position that has at least a reasonable ba-
6-month extension of time to file period if you paid at least         sis. See Disclosure statement, later.
90% of your actual tax liability on or before the due date of         This exception will not apply to an item that is attributa-
your return and pay the balance when you file the return.             ble to a tax shelter. In addition, it will not apply if you fail to 
The monthly rate of the failure-to-pay penalty is half the            keep adequate books and records or to substantiate items 
usual rate,  / % (0.0025 instead of  / % (0.005)), if an in-1 4 1 2   properly.
stallment agreement is in effect for that month. You must 
                                                                      Substantial understatement of income tax.          You un-
have  filed  your  return  by  the  due  date  (including  exten-
                                                                      derstate  your  tax  if  the  tax  shown  on  your  return  is  less 
sions) to qualify for this reduced penalty.
                                                                      than the correct tax. The understatement is substantial if it 
If  a  notice  of  intent  to  levy  is  issued,  the  rate  will  in-
                                                                      is more than the larger of 10% of the correct tax or $5,000. 
crease  to  1%  at  the  start  of  the  first  month  beginning  at 
                                                                      However, the amount of the understatement is reduced to 
least 10 days after the day that the notice is issued. If a 
                                                                      the extent the understatement is due to:
notice and demand for immediate payment is issued, the 
rate will increase to 1% at the start of the first month be-          1. Substantial authority,
ginning  after  the  day  that  the  notice  and  demand  is  is-
                                                                      2. Adequate disclosure and a reasonable basis, or
This penalty cannot be more than 25% of your unpaid                   3. Reasonable cause and good faith.
tax. You will not have to pay the penalty if you can show 
                                                                      If an item on your return is attributable to a tax shelter, 
that  you  had  a  good  reason  for  not  paying  your  tax  on 
                                                                      there is no reduction for an adequate disclosure. However, 
                                                                      there is a reduction for a position with substantial authority, 
Combined  penalties. If  both  the  failure-to-file  penalty          but only if you reasonably believed that your tax treatment 
and the failure-to-pay penalty (discussed earlier) apply in           was more likely than not the proper treatment.
any  month,  the  5%  (or  15%)  failure-to-file  penalty  is  re-    Substantial  authority.  Whether  there  is  or  was  sub-
duced  by  the  failure-to-pay  penalty.  However,  if  you  file     stantial authority for the tax treatment of an item depends 
your return more than 60 days after the due date or exten-            on  the  facts  and  circumstances.  Consideration  will  be 
ded due date, the minimum penalty is the smaller of $485              given to court opinions, Treasury regulations, revenue rul-
or 100% of the unpaid tax.                                            ings,  revenue  procedures,  and  notices  and  announce-
                                                                      ments  issued  by  the  IRS  and  published  in  the  Internal 
                                                                      Revenue Bulletin that involve the same or similar circum-
                                                                      stances as yours.

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Disclosure  statement. To  adequately  disclose  the                tax laws. This includes altering or striking out the preprin-
relevant  facts  about  your  tax  treatment  of  an  item,  use    ted language above the space provided for your signature.
Form 8275, Disclosure Statement. You must also have a                   This penalty is added to any other penalty provided by 
reasonable basis for treating the item the way you did.             law.
In cases of substantial understatement, only items that 
meet  the  requirements  of  Revenue  Procedure  2023-40,           Fraud. If there is any underpayment of tax on your return 
available   at         IRS.gov/irb/2023-51_IRB#REV-                 due to fraud, a penalty of 75% of the underpayment due to 
PROC-2023-40  (or  its  successor)  are  considered  ade-           fraud will be added to your tax.
quately disclosed on your return.
                                                                    Failure to supply TIN.     If you do not include your SSN or 
Revenue  Procedure  2023-40  does  not  take  into  ac-
                                                                    ITIN or the SSN or ITIN of another person where required 
count the effect of tax law changes effective for tax years 
                                                                    on  a  return,  statement,  or  other  document,  you  may  be 
beginning after December 31, 2023. If a line referenced in 
                                                                    subject to a penalty of $50 for each failure. You may also 
this revenue procedure is affected by such a change and 
                                                                    be subject to a penalty of $50 if you do not give your SSN 
requires additional reporting, a taxpayer may have to file 
                                                                    or ITIN to another person when it is required on a return, 
Form 8275; or Form 8275-R, Regulation Disclosure State-
                                                                    statement, or other document.
ment, until regulations or other guidance has been issued 
                                                                        For example, if you have a bank account that earns in-
to comply with the requirement.
                                                                    terest, you must give your SSN or ITIN to the bank. The 
A complete and accurate disclosure of a tax position on 
                                                                    number  must  be  shown  on  the  Form  1099-INT  or  other 
the appropriate year’s Schedule UTP (Form 1120), Uncer-
                                                                    statement the bank sends you. If you do not give the bank 
tain Tax Position Statement, will be treated as if the corpo-
                                                                    your SSN or ITIN, you will be subject to the $50 penalty. 
ration filed a Form 8275 or Form 8275-R regarding the tax 
                                                                    (You may also be subject to backup withholding of income 
position. The filing of a Form 8275 or Form 8275-R, how-
ever, will not be treated as if the corporation filed a Sched-
                                                                        You will not have to pay the penalty if you are able to 
ule UTP (Form 1120).
                                                                    show that the failure was due to reasonable cause and not 
Use  Form  8275-R  to  disclose  items  or  positions  con-
                                                                    willful neglect.
trary to regulations.

Transaction lacking economic substance.           For more          Criminal Penalties
information on economic substance, see section 7701(o).
Foreign financial asset.  For more information on un-               You  may  be  subject  to  criminal  prosecution  (brought  to 
disclosed foreign financial assets, see section 6662(j) or          trial) for actions such as:
the Instructions for Form 8938.                                         1. Tax evasion;
Reasonable cause.    You will not have to pay a penalty                 2. Willful failure to file a return, supply information, or pay 
if you show a good reason (reasonable cause) for the way                any tax due;
you treated an item. You must also show that you acted in 
good faith. This does not apply to a transaction that lacks             3. Fraud and false statements; or
economic substance.                                                     4. Preparing and filing a fraudulent return.
Filing erroneous claim for refund or credit.      You may 
have to pay a penalty if you file an erroneous claim for re-
fund  or  credit.  The  penalty  is  equal  to  20%  of  the  disal-
lowed amount of the claim, unless you can show that you 
had reasonable cause for filing your claim. However, any 
disallowed  amount  due  to  a  transaction  that  lacks  eco-      8.
nomic substance will not be treated as due to reasonable 
cause. The penalty will not be figured on any part of the 
disallowed  amount  of  the  claim  that  is  subject  to  accu-    Paying Tax Through 
racy-related or fraud penalties.
                                                                    Withholding or Estimated 
Frivolous tax submission. You may have to pay a pen-
alty of $5,000 if you file a frivolous tax return or other frivo-   Tax
lous submissions. A frivolous tax return is one that does 
not include enough information to figure the correct tax or 
that contains information clearly showing that the tax you 
reported is substantially incorrect. For more information on        Introduction
frivolous returns, frivolous submissions, and a list of posi-       This chapter discusses how to pay your U.S. income tax 
tions  that  are  identified  as  frivolous,  see IRS.gov/irb/      as you earn or receive income during the year. In general, 
2010-17_IRB#NOT-2010-33 (or its successor).                         the federal income tax is a pay-as-you-go tax. There are 
You will have to pay the penalty if you filed this kind of          two ways to pay as you go.
return or submission based on a frivolous position or a de-
sire to delay or interfere with the administration of federal 

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1. Withholding. If you are an employee, your employer                                                    13930  13930 Application for Central Withholding 
   probably withholds income tax from your pay. Tax may                                                         Agreement
   also be withheld from certain other income—including 
                                                                                                   See  chapter 12 for information about getting these publi-
   pensions, bonuses, commissions, and gambling win-
                                                                                                   cations and forms.
   nings. In each case, the amount withheld is paid to 
   the U.S. Treasury in your name.
2. Estimated tax. If you do not pay your tax through 
                                                                                                   Notification of Alien Status
   withholding, or do not pay enough tax that way, you 
   might have to pay estimated tax. People who are in                                              You must let your employer know whether you are a resi-
   business for themselves will generally have to pay                                              dent or a nonresident alien so your employer can withhold 
   their tax this way. You may have to pay estimated tax if                                        the correct amount of tax from your wages.
   you receive income such as dividends, interest, rent, 
   and royalties. Estimated tax is used to pay not only in-                                            If you are a resident alien under the rules discussed in 
   come tax, but self-employment tax and alternative                                               chapter 1, you must file Form W-9 or a similar statement 
   minimum tax as well.                                                                            with  your  employer.  If  you  are  a nonresident  alien  under 
                                                                                                   those rules, you must furnish to your employer Form 8233 
Topics                                                                                             or Form W-8BEN, establishing that you are a foreign per-
This chapter discusses:                                                                            son, or Form W-4, establishing that your compensation is 
                                                                                                   subject to graduated withholding at the same rates as res-
 How to notify your employer of your alien status,                                               ident aliens or U.S. citizens.
 Income subject to withholding of income tax,                                                        If you are a resident alien and you receive income other 
                                                                                                   than wages (such as dividends and royalties) from sour-
 Exemptions from withholding,                                                                    ces  within  the  United  States,  file  Form  W-9  or  similar 
 Social security and Medicare taxes, and                                                         statement with the withholding agent (generally, the payer 
                                                                                                   of the income) so the agent will not withhold tax on the in-
 Estimated tax rules.                                                                            come at the 30% (or lower treaty) rate. If you receive this 
                                                                                                   type of income as a nonresident alien, file Form W-8BEN 
Useful Items                                                                                       with the withholding agent so that the agent will withhold 
You may want to see:                                                                               tax  at  the  30%  (or  lower  treaty)  rate.  However,  if  the  in-
                                                                                                   come  is  effectively  connected  with  a  U.S.  trade  or  busi-
Publication                                                                                        ness, file Form W-8ECI instead.
     515 515 Withholding of Tax on Nonresident Aliens and 
         Foreign Entities
     901 901 U.S. Tax Treaties                                                                     Withholding From 

Form (and Instructions)                                                                            Compensation

     W-4 W-4 Employee's Withholding Certificate                                                    The following discussion generally applies only to nonresi-
     Notice 1392                       Notice 1392 Supplemental Form W-4 Instructions              dent  aliens.  Tax  is  withheld  from  resident  aliens  in  the 
         for Nonresident Aliens                                                                    same manner as U.S. citizens.
     W-8BEN                     W-8BEN Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial                     Wages and other compensation paid to a nonresident 
         Owner for United States Tax Withholding and                                               alien for services performed as an employee are usually 
         Reporting (Individuals)                                                                   subject to graduated withholding at the same rates as res-
                                                                                                   ident aliens and U.S. citizens. Therefore, your compensa-
     W-8ECI              W-8ECI Certificate of Foreign Person's Claim That 
                                                                                                   tion, unless it is specifically excluded from the term “wa-
         Income Is Effectively Connected With the 
                                                                                                   ges” by law, or is exempt from tax by treaty, is subject to 
         Conduct of a Trade or Business in the United 
                                                                                                   graduated withholding.
     W-9 W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and 
                                                                                                   Withholding on Wages
     1040-ES (NR)                                  1040-ES (NR) U.S. Estimated Tax for Nonresident If you are an employee and you receive wages subject to 
         Alien Individuals                                                                         graduated  withholding,  you  will  be  required  to  fill  out  a 
                                                                                                   Form W-4. Also fill out Form W-4 for a scholarship or fel-
     8233    8233 Exemption From Withholding on                                                    lowship grant to the extent it represents payment for past, 
         Compensation for Independent (and Certain                                                 present,  or  future  services  and  for  which  you  are  not 
         Dependent) Personal Services of a Nonresident                                             claiming a tax treaty withholding exemption on Form 8233 
         Alien Individual                                                                          (discussed later under Income Entitled to Tax Treaty Ben-
     8288-B       8288-B Application for Withholding Certificate for                               efits). These are services you are required to perform as 
         Dispositions by Foreign Persons of U.S. Real                                              an  employee  and  as  a  condition  of  receiving  the 
         Property Interests                                                                        scholarship or fellowship (or tuition reduction).

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   Nonresident aliens must follow the special instructions           the United States and Canada or the boundary be-
in Notice 1392 when completing Form W-4 for compensa-                tween the United States and Mexico.
tion  paid  as  employees  performing  dependent  personal 
                                                                           This employment is subject to withholding of so-
services in the United States. Compensation for depend-
                                                                           cial security and Medicare taxes unless the serv-
ent  personal  services  includes  amounts  paid  as  wages,       CAUTION!
                                                                           ices are performed for a railroad.
salaries,  fees,  bonuses,  commissions,  compensatory 
scholarships, fellowship income, and similar designations          To qualify for the exemption from withholding during a 
for amounts paid to an employee.                                   tax  year,  a  Canadian  or  Mexican  resident  must  give  the 
                                                                   employer  a  statement  in  duplicate  with  name,  address, 
   To see if you need to have your withholding increased           and TIN, certifying that the resident:
or decreased, use the IRS Tax Withholding Estimator.
                                                                   Is not a U.S. citizen or resident;
   See Withholding  on  Scholarships  and  Fellowship              Is a resident of Canada or Mexico, whichever applies; 
Grants, later, for how to fill out Form W-4 if you receive a         and
U.S.  source  scholarship  or  fellowship  grant  that  is  not  a 
payment for services.                                              Expects to perform duties previously described during 
                                                                     the tax year in question.
Students and business apprentices from India.      If you          The statement can be in any form, but it must be dated 
are eligible for the benefits of Article 21(2) of the United       and  signed  by  the  employee  and  must  include  a  written 
States-India  Income  Tax  Treaty,  you  may  claim  an  addi-     declaration that it is made under penalties of perjury.
tional withholding allowance for the standard deduction.
                                                                   Residents  of  American  Samoa  and  Puerto  Rico.     If 
Household employees.     If you work as a household em-            you are a nonresident alien employee who is a resident of 
ployee, your employer does not have to withhold income             American Samoa or Puerto Rico, wages for services per-
tax.  However,  you  may  agree  to  voluntarily  withhold  in-    formed in American Samoa or Puerto Rico are generally 
come  tax  by  filing  a  Form  W-4  with  your  employer.  The    not subject to withholding unless you are an employee of 
agreement goes into effect when your employer accepts              the United States or any of its agencies in American Sa-
the agreement by beginning the withholding. You or your            moa or Puerto Rico.
employer  may  end  the  agreement  by  letting  the  other 
know in writing.                                                   Residents  of  the  U.S.  Virgin  Islands. Nonresident  ali-
                                                                   ens who are bona fide residents of the U.S Virgin Islands 
Agricultural  workers.   If  you  are  an  agricultural  worker    are  not  subject  to  withholding  of  U.S.  tax  on  income 
on an H-2A visa, your employer does not have to withhold           earned  while  temporarily  employed  in  the  United  States. 
income tax. However, your employer will withhold income            This is because those persons pay their income tax to the 
tax only if you and your employer agree to withhold. In that       U.S.  Virgin  Islands.  To  avoid  having  tax  withheld  on  in-
case,  you  must  provide  your  employer  with  a  properly       come earned in the United States, bona fide residents of 
completed  Form  W-4.  You  can  find  more  information           the U.S. Virgin Islands should write a letter, in duplicate, to 
about  not    having     tax withheld  at IRS.gov/                 their employers, stating that they are bona fide residents 
ForeignAgriculturalWorkers.                                        of the U.S. Virgin Islands and expect to pay tax on all in-
                                                                   come to the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Wages Exempt From Withholding
                                                                   Withholding on Pensions
Wages that are exempt from U.S. income tax under an in-
come  tax  treaty  are  generally  exempt  from  withholding.      If  you  receive  a  pension  distribution  from  the  United 
For information on how to claim this exemption from with-          States,  the  payment  is  generally  subject  to  the  30%  (or 
holding, see Income Entitled to Tax Treaty Benefits, later.        lower treaty) rate of withholding. You may, however, have 
                                                                   tax withheld at graduated rates on the portion of the pen-
   Wages  paid  to  aliens  who  are  residents  of  American      sion  that  arises  from  the  performance  of  services  in  the 
Samoa, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin             United States after 1986. You must fill out Form W-8BEN 
Islands  may  be  exempt  from  withholding.  The  following       or Form 8233 and give it to the withholding agent or payer 
paragraphs explain these exemptions.                               before the income is paid or credited to you.
Residents of Canada or Mexico engaged in transpor-
tation-related  employment.  Certain  residents  of  Can-          Withholding on Tip Income
ada or Mexico who enter or leave the United States at fre-
quent  intervals  are  not  subject  to  withholding  on  their    Tips you receive during the year for services performed in 
wages. These persons either:                                       the United States are subject to U.S. income tax. Include 
                                                                   them  in  taxable  income.  In  addition,  tips  received  while 
 Perform duties in transportation service between the            working for one employer, amounting to $20 or more in a 
   United States and Canada or Mexico; or                          month, are subject to graduated withholding.
 Perform duties connected to the construction, mainte-
   nance, or operation of a waterway, viaduct, dam, or 
   bridge crossed by, or crossing, the boundary between 

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Independent Contractors                                             or your agent must give the following statements and infor-
                                                                    mation to the Commissioner or Commissioner’s delegate.
If there is no employee-employer relationship between you           A statement by each withholding agent from whom 
and the person for whom you perform services, your com-               you have received gross income effectively connected 
pensation  is  subject  to  the  30%  (or  lower  treaty)  rate  of   with a trade or business in the United States during 
withholding.  However,  if  you  are  engaged  in  a  trade  or       the tax year, showing the amount of income paid and 
business  in  the  United  States  during  the  tax  year,  your      the tax withheld. Each statement must be signed by 
compensation  for  personal  services  as  an  independent            the withholding agent and verified by a declaration 
contractor  (independent  personal  services)  may  be  en-           that it is made under penalties of perjury.
tirely  or  partly  exempt  from  withholding  if  you  reach  an 
agreement with the IRS on the amount of withholding re-             A statement by the withholding agent from whom you 
quired. An agreement that you reach with the IRS regard-              expect to receive the final payment of compensation, 
ing  withholding  from  your  compensation  for  independent          showing the amount of the payment and the amount of 
personal services is effective for payments covered by the            tax that would be withheld if a final payment exemption 
agreement  after  it  is  agreed  to  by  all  parties.  You  must    were not granted. This statement must also be signed 
agree to timely file an income tax return for the current tax         by the withholding agent and verified by a declaration 
year.                                                                 that it is made under penalties of perjury.
                                                                    A statement by you that you do not intend to receive 
Central  withholding  agreements  (CWA). If  you  are  a 
                                                                      any other income effectively connected with a trade or 
nonresident alien entertainer or athlete performing or par-
                                                                      business in the United States during the current tax 
ticipating in athletic events in the United States, you may 
be able to enter into a CWA with the IRS for reduced with-
holding, provided certain requirements are met. Under no            The amount of tax that has been withheld or paid un-
circumstances will such a withholding agreement reduce                der any other provision of the Internal Revenue Code 
taxes withheld to less than the anticipated amount of in-             or regulations for any income effectively connected 
come tax liability.                                                   with your trade or business in the United States during 
Use Form 13930 to apply for a CWA, for a nonresident                  the current tax year.
alien entertainer or athlete that has calendar year-to-date         The amount of your outstanding tax liabilities, if any, 
U.S. gross income of at least $10,000. Form 13930 must                including interest and penalties, from the current tax 
be mailed to the address listed below.                                year or prior tax periods.
   Central Withholding Agreement Program                            Any provision of an income tax treaty under which a 
   Internal Revenue Service                                           partial or complete exemption from withholding may 
   24000 Avila Road, MS 6040                                          be claimed, the country of your residence, and a state-
   Laguna Niguel, CA 92677                                            ment of sufficient facts to justify an exemption under 
                                                                      the treaty.
        We have temporarily waived the income require-              A statement signed by you, and verified by a declara-
!       ment  for  which  form  to  use  when  applying  for  a       tion that it is made under penalties of perjury, that all 
CAUTION CWA.  Form  13930-A  is  currently  unavailable. 
                                                                      the information given is true and that to your knowl-
While the waiver is in effect, individuals with income below          edge no relevant information has been omitted.
$10,000 can apply for a CWA using Form 13930, Instruc-
tions  on  how  to  apply  for  a  Central  Withholding  Agree-     If satisfied with the information, the IRS will determine 
ment.  For  more  information  on  how  to  apply  for  a  CWA,     the amount of your tentative income tax for the tax year on 
see  Form  13930.  For  more  information,  go  to IRS.gov/         gross  income  effectively  connected  with  your  trade  or 
Individuals/International-Taxpayers/Central-Withholding-            business  in  the  United  States.  Ordinary  and  necessary 
Agreements.                                                         business expenses can be taken into account if proven to 
                                                                    the  satisfaction  of  the  Commissioner  or  Commissioner’s 
A  request  for  a  CWA  must  be  received  by  the  IRS  at       delegate.
least 45 days before the agreement is to take effect to en-         The  Commissioner  or  Commissioner’s  delegate  will 
sure it is in place before the tour begins or the first event       send you a letter, directed to the withholding agent, show-
occurs, and it must contain all supporting documentation            ing the amount of the final payment of compensation that 
specified  in  the  instructions,  or  no  consideration  will  be  is  exempt  from  withholding  and  the  amount  that  can  be 
given to entering into a CWA. Exceptions will be consid-            paid to you because of the exemption. You must give two 
ered on a case-by-case basis.                                       copies of the letter to the withholding agent and must also 
                                                                    attach a copy of the letter to your income tax return for the 
Final  payment  exemption.  Your  final  payment  of  com-
                                                                    tax year for which the exemption is effective. For more in-
pensation  during  the  tax  year  for  independent  personal 
                                                                    formation, see Pub. 515.
services may be entirely or partly exempt from withhold-
ing. This exemption (does not apply to wages) is available 
only once during your tax year and applies to a maximum             Refund of Taxes Withheld in Error
of $5,000 of compensation. To obtain this exemption, you 
                                                                    Multilevel marketing.  If you are a distributor for a multile-
                                                                    vel  marketing  company  who  had  taxes  withheld  in  error, 

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file  a  U.S.  income  tax  return  (Form  1040-NR  or  Form      A signed declaration that includes the following state-
1120-F) or, if a tax return has already been filed, a claim         ments: “The SSA should not have withheld income tax 
for refund (Form 1040-X or amended Form 1120-F) to re-              from my social security benefits because I am a U.S. 
cover the amount withheld in error. You must also attach to         lawful permanent resident and my green card has 
the U.S. income tax return or claim for refund supporting           been neither revoked nor administratively or judicially 
information that includes, but is not limited to, the following     determined to have been abandoned. I am filing a U.S. 
items.                                                              income tax return for the tax year as a resident alien 
                                                                    reporting all of my worldwide income. I have not 
A copy of your Form W-2, Form 1042-S, or Form 1099 
                                                                    claimed benefits for the tax year under an income tax 
  to prove the amount of taxes withheld.
                                                                    treaty as the resident of a country other than the Uni-
A statement explaining why income reported on your                ted States.”
  Form W-2, Form 1042-S, or Form 1099 is not subject 
  to U.S. taxation.
A statement listing all the dates you entered and left          Withholding From Other 
  the United States during the tax year. If the compensa-
  tion is multiyear compensation, the statement must list         Income
  all the dates you entered and left the United States 
  during each of the tax years to which the compensa-             Other  income  subject  to  30%  withholding  generally  in-
  tion is attributable.                                           cludes  fixed  or  determinable  income  such  as  interest 
                                                                  (other than portfolio interest), dividends, pensions and an-
A copy of any documents or records that show the 
                                                                  nuities, and gains from certain sales and exchanges, dis-
  number of days you actually were present in the Uni-
                                                                  cussed in chapter 4. It also includes 85% of social security 
  ted States during the years listed.
                                                                  benefits paid to nonresident aliens.
A statement providing (a) the number of days (or unit 
  of time less than a day, if appropriate) that personal          Other income not subject to withholding of 30% (or 
  services were performed in the United States in con-            lower treaty) rate. The following income is not subject to 
  nection with recruiting, training, and supporting your          withholding  at  the  30%  (or  lower  treaty)  rate  if  you  file 
  lower-tier distributors; and (b) the total number of days       Form W-8ECI with the payer of the income.
  (or unit of time less than a day, if appropriate) that per-     Income (other than compensation) that is effectively 
  sonal services were performed globally in connection              connected with your U.S. trade or business.
  with recruiting, training, and supporting your lower-tier 
  distributors.                                                   Income from real property that you choose to treat as 
                                                                    effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business. 
Any further relevant document or record supporting                See Income From Real Property in chapter 4 for de-
  your claim that the taxes were withheld in error.                 tails about this choice.
Refund of taxes withheld in error on social security              Special  rules  for  withholding  on  partnership  income, 
benefits paid to resident aliens. Social security bene-           scholarships, and fellowships are explained next.
fits  paid  to  a  lawful  permanent  resident  (green  card 
holder)  are  not  subject  to  30%  withholding.  For  U.S.  in- Tax Withheld on Partnership Income
come  tax  purposes,  green  card  holders  continue  to  be 
resident aliens until their lawful permanent resident status      If you are a foreign partner in a U.S. or foreign partnership, 
under immigration laws is either taken away or is adminis-        the  partnership  will  withhold  tax  on  your  share  of  ECTI 
tratively or judicially determined to have been abandoned.        from the partnership. Your partnership may be able to re-
See Green Card Test in chapter 1. If you are a green card         duce  withholding  on  your  share  of  ECTI  by  considering 
holder and tax was withheld in error on your social secur-        certain partner-level deductions. Generally, you must sub-
ity benefits because you have a foreign address, the with-        mit Form 8804-C for this purpose. For more information, 
holding tax is refundable by the IRS. To obtain a refund,         see the Instructions for Form 8804-C.
you must file a Form 1040 or 1040-SR. To determine if you 
                                                                  The  withholding  rate  on  your  share  of  effectively  con-
are entitled to a refund, send your return to:
                                                                  nected income is generally the highest rate of tax speci-
  Department of the Treasury                                      fied under section 1 (37%). However, the partnership may 
  Internal Revenue Service Center                                 withhold at the highest rate that applies to a particular type 
  Austin, TX 73301                                                of income allocable to you if you gave the partnership the 
                                                                  appropriate  documentation.  Long-term  capital  gain  is  an 
You must also attach the following to your Form 1040 or           example of a particular type of income to which the high-
1040-SR.                                                          est tax rate applies. Claim the tax withheld as a credit on 
                                                                  your 2023 Form 1040-NR.
A copy of Form SSA-1042S, Social Security Benefit 
A copy of the green card.

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The partnership will give you a statement on Form 8805               If you are a nonresident alien student or grantee with an 
showing the tax withheld. A partnership that is publicly tra-        “F,” “J,” “M,” or “Q” visa and you receive a U.S. source grant 
ded will withhold tax on your actual distributions of effec-         or  scholarship  that  is  not  fully  exempt,  the  withholding 
tively connected income. In this case, the partnership will          agent (usually the payer of the scholarship) withholds tax 
give you a statement on Form 1042-S.                                 at 14% (or lower treaty rate) of the taxable part of the grant 
                                                                     or scholarship that is not a payment for services. However, 
Tax  withheld  on  gain  from  the  sale  or  exchange  of           if you are not a candidate for a degree and the grant does 
certain partnership interests. If you are a direct or indi-          not meet certain requirements, tax will be withheld at the 
rect foreign partner in a U.S. or foreign partnership that is        30% (or lower treaty) rate.
engaged (or is treated as engaged) in a trade or business 
within the United States and you directly or indirectly dis-         Any  part  of  a  scholarship  or  fellowship  grant  that  is  a 
pose of that interest for a gain, then for transfers occurring       payment for services is subject to graduated withholding, 
after 2017 the transferee will generally withhold and pay to         as discussed earlier under Withholding on Wages.
the IRS on your behalf a tax equal to 10% of the amount 
realized on the sale. The rules for withholding and paying           Alternate Withholding Procedure
over this amount are similar to the rules for sales of U.S. 
real property interests. You will receive a Form 8288-A re-          Your  withholding  agent  may  choose  to  use  an  alternate 
flecting the amount withheld that you may then claim on              procedure by asking you to fill out Form W-4. See below 
line 25f of your Form 1040-NR as a credit against the tax            for items that may reduce your withholding.
you owe on the gain. You may be able to provide certain 
information to the transferee to reduce or eliminate with-           Expenses. Include  expenses  that  will  be  deductible  on 
holding. For example, if a nonrecognition provision of the           your  return.  These  include  the  IRA  deduction  discussed 
Internal Revenue Code applies to all of the gain realized            under Deductions in chapter 5.
on a transfer, the transferee does not need to withhold if 
                                                                     Nontaxable grant or scholarship. You can exclude the 
you provide a notice describing the application of a nonre-
                                                                     part of your grant or scholarship that is not taxable under 
cognition  provision.  If  you  are  a  transferee  that  failed  to 
                                                                     U.S. law or under a tax treaty.
withhold,  under  section  1446(f)(4)  the  partnership  is  re-
quired to withhold on distributions to you an amount equal           Standard deduction. If you are a student who qualifies 
to the tax you failed to withhold (plus interest, if applica-        under Article 21(2) of the United States-India Income Tax 
ble).                                                                Treaty, you can take the standard deduction. The standard 
On November 30, 2020, the Department of the Treas-                   deduction amount for 2023 is $13,850.
ury  and  the  IRS  issued  final  regulations  under  section 
1446(f)  in T.D.  9926  (85  FR  76910)  for  transfers  of  both    Form W-4. Complete the appropriate lines of Form W-4. 
non-PTP and PTP interests. The final regulations require             Sign  and  date  the  form  and  give  it  to  your  withholding 
any  transferee  to  withhold  a  tax  equal  to  10%  of  the       agent.
amount realized on any transfer of a partnership interest            If you file a Form W-4 to reduce or eliminate the with-
(other  than  certain  PTP  interests)  under  section  1446(f)      holding on your scholarship or grant, you must file an an-
(1), unless an exception to withholding applies. These reg-          nual U.S. income tax return to be allowed any deductions 
ulations generally apply to transfers that occur on or after         you claimed on that form. If you are in the United States 
January  29,  2021.  However,  in  accordance  with  Notice          during more than 1 tax year, you must attach a statement 
2021-51, 2021-36 I.R.B. 361, the rules related to withhold-          to  your  yearly  Form  W-4  indicating  that  you  have  filed  a 
ing under section 1446(f)(4) and to transfers of PTP inter-          U.S. income tax return for the previous year. If you have 
ests  apply  to  transfers  occurring  on  or  after  January  1,    not been in the United States long enough to be required 
2023.  Additionally,  the  final  regulations  revised  certain      to file a return, you must attach a statement to your Form 
provisions in Regulations section 1.1446-4 for withholding           W-4 saying you will file a U.S. income tax return when re-
under  section  1446(a)  on  PTP  distributions.  Also  in  ac-      quired.
cordance  with  Notice  2021-51,  these  revisions  apply  to 
PTP distributions made on or after January 1, 2023. Noti-            After  the  withholding  agent  has  accepted  your  Form 
ces 2018-8 and 2018-29 apply to transfers that occur be-             W-4, tax will be withheld on your scholarship or grant at 
fore the effective date of the final regulations or, as previ-       the  graduated  rates  that  apply  to  wages.  The  gross 
ously  described,  taxpayers  may  apply  the  proposed              amount  of  the  income  is  reduced  by  the  applicable 
regulations  to  transfers  of  non-PTP  interests  during  this     amount(s) on Form W-4, and the withholding tax is figured 
time.                                                                on the remainder.
For additional guidance on certain issues related to the 
1446(f) regulations, see Notice 2023-8.                              You  will  receive  a  Form  1042-S  from  the  withholding 
                                                                     agent (usually the payer of your grant) showing the gross 
                                                                     amount  of  your  taxable  scholarship  or  fellowship  grant 
Withholding on Scholarships and 
                                                                     less any withholding allowance amount, the tax rate, and 
Fellowship Grants                                                    the amount of tax withheld. Use this form to prepare your 
                                                                     annual U.S. income tax return.
There  is  no  withholding  on  a  qualified  scholarship  re-
ceived by a candidate for a degree. See chapter 3.                   For more information, go to IRS.gov/FormW4.

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                                                                      which the U.S. gross income is earned, Form 13930 can 
                                                                      be used to request a reduction in withholding. Withholding 
Income Entitled to Tax Treaty                                         may be required even if the income may be exempt from 
                                                                      taxation by provisions of a tax treaty. One reason for this is 
                                                                      that the partial or complete exemption is usually based on 
                                                                      factors that cannot be determined until after the close of 
If a tax treaty between the United States and your country 
                                                                      the tax year.
of  residence  provides  an  exemption  from,  or  a  reduced 
rate of, tax for certain items of income, you should notify                   We have temporarily waived the income require-
the payer of the income (the withholding agent) of your for-           !      ment  for  which  form  to  use  when  applying  for  a 
eign  status  to  claim  a  tax  treaty  withholding  exemption.      CAUTION CWA.  Form  13930-A  is  currently  unavailable. 
Generally,  you  do  this  by  filing  either  Form  W-8BEN  or       While the waiver is in effect, individuals with income below 
Form 8233 with the withholding agent.                                 $10,000 can apply for a CWA using Form 13930, Instruc-
File Form W-8BEN for income that is not personal serv-                tions  on  how  to  apply  for  a  Central  Withholding  Agree-
ices income. File Form 8233 for personal services income,             ment.  For  more  information  on  how  to  apply  for  a  CWA, 
as discussed next.                                                    see  Form  13930.  For  more  information,  go  to IRS.gov/
    If you qualify for an exemption under a tax treaty                Agreements.
TIP but did not submit a Form 8233 to your withhold-
    ing agent to claim an exemption from withholding,                         You will be required to pay U.S. tax at the time of 
you  can  still  get  the  benefit  of  the  exemption  by  filing  a  !      your departure from the United States on any in-
Form  1040-NR.  Follow  the  instructions  for  line  1a  of  the     CAUTION come  for  which  you  incorrectly  claimed  a  treaty 
Form 1040-NR.                                                         exemption. For more details on treaty provisions that apply 
                                                                      to compensation, see Pub. 901.
Employees  and  independent  contractors.   If  you  per-
form  personal  services  as  an  employee  or  as  an  inde-         Tax withheld on real property sales.       If you are a non-
pendent contractor and you can claim an exemption from                resident alien and you disposed of a U.S. real property in-
withholding on that personal service income because of a              terest, the transferee (buyer) of the property must gener-
tax treaty, give Form 8233 to each withholding agent from             ally withhold a tax equal to 15% of the amount realized on 
whom amounts will be received.                                        the disposition.
Even  if  you  submit  Form  8233,  the  withholding  agent            However, if the property is acquired by the buyer for use 
may  have  to  withhold  tax  from  your  income.  This  is  be-      as a residence and the amount realized does not exceed 
cause the factors on which the treaty exemption is based              $1 million, the rate of withholding is 10%.
may  not  be  determinable  until  after  the  close  of  the  tax 
year. In this case, you must file Form 1040-NR to recover              The amount realized is the sum of:
any overwithheld tax and to provide the IRS with proof that           The cash paid, or to be paid (principal only);
you are entitled to the treaty exemption.
                                                                      The fair market value of other property transferred, or 
Students,  teachers,  and  researchers.     Students,                   to be transferred; and
teachers,  and  researchers  must  attach  the  appropriate             The amount of any liability assumed by the transferee 
statement shown in Appendix A (for students) or Appendix                or to which the property is subject immediately before 
B (for teachers and researchers) at the end of this publica-            and after the transfer.
tion to the Form 8233 and give it to the withholding agent. 
For  treaties  not  listed  in  the  appendices,  attach  a  state-    If  the  property  transferred  was  owned  jointly  by  U.S. 
ment in a format similar to those for other treaties.                 and foreign persons, the amount realized is allocated be-
If you received a scholarship or fellowship grant, as well            tween the transferors based on the capital contribution of 
as personal services income, from the same withholding                each transferor.
agent,  use  Form  8233  to  claim  an  exemption  from  with-
                                                                       A  distribution  by  a  QIE  to  a  nonresident  alien  share-
holding based on a tax treaty for both types of income.
                                                                      holder that is treated as gain from the sale or exchange of 
Note. Form 8233 can be used when you are claiming                     a U.S. real property interest by the shareholder is subject 
an exemption for scholarship or fellowship income (that is            to withholding at 21%. Withholding is also required on cer-
not  compensation)  only  if  you  are  also  claiming  a  treaty     tain  distributions  and  other  transactions  by  domestic  or 
withholding exemption for personal services income. Oth-              foreign  corporations,  partnerships,  trusts,  and  estates. 
erwise, you must use Form W-8BEN.                                     These  rules  are  covered  in Pub.  515  and  in  the  Instruc-
                                                                      tions for Form 8288.
Special events and promotions.  Withholding at the full 
                                                                       For information on the tax treatment of dispositions of 
30% rate is required for payments made to a nonresident 
                                                                      U.S.  real  property  interests,  see Real  Property  Gain  or 
alien or foreign corporation for gate receipts (or television 
                                                                      Loss in chapter 4.
or other receipts) from music festivals, boxing promotions, 
and  other  entertainment  or  sporting  events,  unless  the          If you are a partner in a domestic partnership, and the 
withholding agent has been specifically advised otherwise             partnership disposes of a U.S. real property interest at a 
by letter from the IRS. Depending on the calendar year in             gain,  the  partnership  will  withhold  tax  on  the  amount  of 

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gain allocable to its foreign partners. Your share of the in-   7. The amount you realize on the transfer of a U.S. real 
come  and  tax  withheld  will  be  reported  to  you  on  Form property interest is zero.
8805 or Form 1042-S (in the case of a PTP).
                                                                8. The property is acquired by the United States, a U.S. 
Withholding is not required in the following situations.        state or territory, a political subdivision, or the District 
                                                                of Columbia.
1. The property is acquired by the buyer for use as a res-
   idence and the amount realized is not more than              9. The distribution is from a domestically controlled QIE 
   $300,000.                                                    and is treated as a distribution of a U.S. real property 
2. The property disposed of is an interest in a domestic        interest only because an interest in the entity was dis-
   corporation if any class of stock of the corporation is      posed of in an applicable wash sale transaction. For 
   regularly traded on an established securities market.        the definition of a QIE, see Qualified investment enti-
   However, this exception does not apply to certain dis-       ties under Real Property Gain or Loss, earlier. See 
   positions of substantial amounts of nonpublicly traded       Wash sale under Real Property Gain or Loss in chap-
   interests in publicly traded corporations.                   ter 4.
3. The property disposed of is an interest in a U.S. cor-       The certifications in (3) and (4) must be disregarded by 
   poration that is not regularly traded on an established      the  buyer  if  the  buyer  or  qualified  substitute  has  actual 
   market and you (the seller) give the buyer a copy of a       knowledge,  or  receives  notice  from  a  seller's  or  buyer's 
   statement issued by the corporation certifying that the      agent (or substitute), that they are false. This also applies 
   interest is not a U.S. real property interest.               to the qualified substitute's statement under (4).

4. You (the seller) give the buyer a certification stating,     Withholding  certificates. The  tax  required  to  be  with-
   under penalties of perjury, that you are not a foreign       held on a disposition can be reduced or eliminated under 
   person, and containing your name, U.S. TIN, and              a withholding certificate issued by the IRS. In most cases, 
   home address.                                                either you or the buyer can request a withholding certifi-
   You can give the certification to a qualified substi-        cate.
   tute. The qualified substitute gives the buyer a state-      A  withholding  certificate  can  be  issued  due  to  any  of 
   ment, under penalties of perjury, that the certification     the following.
   is in the possession of the qualified substitute. For this   1. The IRS determines that reduced withholding is ap-
   purpose, a “qualified substitute” is:                        propriate because either:
   a. The person (including any attorney or title com-          a. The amount required to be withheld would exceed 
   pany) responsible for closing the transaction,                    your maximum tax liability, or
   other than your agent; or
                                                                b. Withholding of the reduced amount would not 
   b. The buyer's agent.                                             jeopardize collection of the tax.
5. The buyer receives a withholding certificate from the        2. All of your realized gain is exempt from U.S. tax and 
   IRS.                                                         you have no unsatisfied withholding liability.
6. You give the buyer written notice that you are not re-
                                                                3. You or the buyer enters into an agreement with the 
   quired to recognize any gain or loss on the transfer 
                                                                IRS for the payment of tax and provides security for 
   because of a nonrecognition provision in the Internal 
                                                                the tax liability.
   Revenue Code or a provision in a U.S. tax treaty. The 
   buyer must file a copy of the notice with the Ogden          See  Pub.  515  and IRS.gov/Individuals/International-
   Service Center, P.O. Box 409101, Ogden, UT 84409.            Taxpayers/Withholding-Certificates for information on pro-
   You must verify the notice as true and sign it under         cedures to request a withholding certificate.
   penalties of perjury.
   See  Regulations  section  1.1445-2(d)(2)  for  more         Credit for tax withheld. The buyer must report and pay 
   information  on  the  transferor's  notice  of  nonrecogni-  over the withheld tax within 20 days after the transfer us-
   tion.                                                        ing Form 8288. This form is filed with the IRS with copies 
   You may not give the buyer a written notice for any          A and B of Form 8288-A. Copy B of this statement will be 
   of the following transfers.                                  stamped  received  by  the  IRS  and  returned  to  you  (the 
                                                                seller) if the statement is complete and includes your TIN. 
   a. The sale of your main home on which you exclude           You must file Copy B with your tax return to take credit for 
   gain.                                                        the tax withheld.
   b. A like-kind exchange that does not qualify for non-       A stamped copy of Form 8288-A will not be provided to 
   recognition treatment in its entirety.                       you if your TIN is not included on that form. The IRS will 
                                                                send you a letter requesting the TIN and provide instruc-
   c. A deferred like-kind exchange that has not been           tions for how to get a TIN. When you provide the IRS with 
   completed at the time the buyer must file Form               a TIN, the IRS will provide you with a stamped Copy B of 
   8288.                                                        Form 8288-A.
   Instead, you must get a withholding certificate (descri-
   bed next).

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Refunds  of  certain  withholding  tax  delayed.     Refund        RRTA compensation it pays to you in excess of $200,000 
requests  for  tax  withheld  and  reported  on  Form  1042-S,     in the calendar year. If you intend to file a joint return and 
Form  8288-A,  or  Form  8805  may  require  additional  time      you  anticipate  that  you  and  your  spouse's  individual  wa-
for processing. Allow up to 6 months for these refunds to          ges are not going to be more than $200,000 but your com-
be issued.                                                         bined wages and self-employment income are going to be 
                                                                   more than $250,000, you may want to request additional 
                                                                   withholding on Form W-4 and/or make estimated tax pay-
Social Security and Medicare 
                                                                   If you file Form 1040-NR, you must pay Additional Med-
Taxes                                                              icare Tax if the total of your wages and your self-employ-
                                                                   ment  income  was  more  than  $125,000  if  married  (you 
If you work as an employee in the United States, you must          checked  the  Married  filing  separately  box  at  the  top  of 
pay  social  security  and  Medicare  taxes  in  most  cases.      page 1 of Form 1040-NR), or $200,000 if single or qualify-
Your payments of these taxes contribute to your coverage           ing surviving spouse (you checked the Single or Qualify-
under the U.S. social security system. Social security cov-        ing  surviving  spouse  box  at  the  top  of  page  1  of  Form 
erage provides retirement benefits, survivors and disability       1040-NR).
benefits, and medical insurance (Medicare) benefits to in-         See  Form  8959  and  its  instructions  to  determine 
dividuals who meet certain eligibility requirements.               whether you are required to pay Additional Medicare Tax. 
                                                                   For  more  information  on  Additional  Medicare  Tax,  go  to 
In most cases, the first $160,200 of taxable wages re-             IRS.gov/ADMTfaqs.
ceived in 2023 for services performed in the United States         Self-employed individuals may also be required to pay 
is subject to social security tax. All taxable wages are sub-      Additional Medicare Tax. See Self-Employment Tax, later.
ject to Medicare tax. Your employer deducts these taxes 
from  each  wage  payment.  Your  employer  must  deduct 
                                                                   Students and Exchange Visitors
these taxes even if you do not expect to qualify for social 
security  or  Medicare  benefits.  You  can  claim  a  credit  for Generally,  services  performed  by  you  as  a  nonresident 
excess social security tax on your income tax return if you        alien temporarily in the United States as a nonimmigrant 
have more than one employer and the amount deducted                under subparagraph (F), (J), (M), or (Q) of section 101(a)
from  your  combined  wages  for  2023  is  more  than             (15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act are not covered 
$9,932.40.                                                         under the social security program if the services are per-
If  any  one  employer  deducted  more  than  $9,932.40,           formed to carry out the purpose for which you were admit-
you cannot claim a credit for that amount. Ask your em-            ted to the United States. This means that there will be no 
ployer to refund the excess. If your employer does not re-         withholding of social security or Medicare taxes from the 
fund the excess, you can file a claim for refund using Form        pay you receive for these services. These types of serv-
843.                                                               ices  are  very  limited  and  generally  include  only  on-cam-
                                                                   pus  work,  practical  training,  and  economic  hardship  em-
In general, U.S. social security and Medicare taxes ap-            ployment.
ply  to  payments  of  wages  for  services  performed  as  an 
                                                                   Social  security  and  Medicare  taxes  will  be  withheld 
employee in the United States, regardless of the citizen-
                                                                   from your pay for these services if you are considered a 
ship or residence of either the employee or the employer. 
                                                                   resident  alien,  as  discussed  in  chapter  1,  even  though 
In limited situations, these taxes apply to wages for serv-
                                                                   your  nonimmigrant  classification  (“F,”  “J,”  “M,”  or  “Q”)  re-
ices performed outside the United States. Your employer 
                                                                   mains the same.
should be able to tell you if social security and Medicare 
taxes  apply  to  your  wages.  You  cannot  make  voluntary       Services performed by a spouse or minor child of non-
payments if no taxes are due.                                      immigrant  aliens  with  the  classification  of  “F-2,”  “J-2,” 
                                                                   “M-2,” and “Q-3” are covered under social security.
Additional  Medicare  Tax. In  addition  to  the  Medicare 
tax,  a  0.9%  (0.009)  Additional  Medicare  Tax  applies  to 
                                                                   Nonresident Alien Students
Medicare  wages,  RRTA  compensation,  and  self-employ-
ment income that are more than:                                    If you are a nonresident alien temporarily admitted to the 
$250,000 if married filing jointly,                              United States as a student, you are generally not permit-
                                                                   ted to work for a wage or salary or to engage in business 
$125,000 if married filing separately, or                        while you are in the United States. In some cases, a stu-
$200,000 for any other filing status.                            dent admitted to the United States in “F-1,” “M-1,” or “J-1” 
                                                                   status is granted permission to work. Social security and 
There  are  no  special  rules  for  nonresident  aliens  for 
                                                                   Medicare taxes are not withheld from pay for the work un-
purposes of Additional Medicare Tax. Wages, RRTA com-
                                                                   less the student is considered a resident alien.
pensation,  and  self-employment  income  that  are  subject 
to Medicare tax will also be subject to Additional Medicare 
Tax if in excess of the applicable threshold.
Your employer is responsible for withholding the 0.9% 
(0.009)  Additional  Medicare  Tax  on  Medicare  wages  or 

Publication 519 (2023)        Chapter 8      Paying Tax Through Withholding or Estimated                                 63

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    Any student who is enrolled and regularly attend-             Form I-94 (or other documentation showing your dates 
TIP ing classes at a school may be exempt from social               of arrival or departure).
    security  and  Medicare  taxes  on  pay  for  services 
                                                                  If you have a J-1 visa, attach a copy of your Form 
performed for that school.
The  USCIS  permits  on-campus  work  for  students  in           If you have an F-1 or M-1 visa, attach a complete copy 
“F-1”  status  if  it  does  not  displace  a  U.S.  resident.      of your Form I-20.
“On-campus work” means work performed on the school's             If you are engaged in optional practical training, attach 
premises.  On-campus  work  includes  work  performed  at           Form I-766.
an off-campus location that is educationally affiliated with 
the school. On-campus work under the terms of a scholar-          If you are engaged in employment due to severe eco-
                                                                    nomic necessity, documentation showing permission 
ship, fellowship, or assistantship is considered part of the 
                                                                    to work in the United States.
academic  program  of  a  student  taking  a  full  course  of 
study and is permitted by the USCIS. Social security and          A statement from your employer indicating the amount 
Medicare taxes are not withheld from pay for this work un-          of the reimbursement your employer provided and the 
less the student is considered a resident alien.                    amount of the credit or refund your employer claimed 
                                                                    or you authorized your employer to claim. If you can-
If  services  performed  by  a  nonresident  alien  student         not obtain this statement from your employer, you 
are not considered as performed to carry out the purpose            must provide this information on your own statement 
for which the student was admitted to the United States,            and explain why you are not attaching a statement 
social  security  and  Medicare  taxes  will  be  withheld  from    from your employer or on Form 8316 claiming your 
pay for the services unless the pay is exempt under the In-         employer will not issue the refund.
ternal Revenue Code.
                                                                  If you were exempt from social security and Medicare 
                                                                    tax for only part of the year, pay statements showing 
Exchange Visitors                                                   the tax paid during the period you were exempt.
Exchange visitors are temporarily admitted to the United 
                                                                  Send Form 843 (with attachments) to:
States under section 101(a)(15)(J) of the Immigration and 
Nationality Act. Social security and Medicare taxes are not         Department of the Treasury
withheld  on  pay  for  services  of  an  exchange  visitor  who    Internal Revenue Service Center
has been given permission to work and who possesses or              Ogden, UT 84201-0038
obtains  a  letter  of  authorization  from  the  sponsor  unless 
the exchange visitor is considered a resident alien.                      Do not use Form 843 to request a refund of Addi-
                                                                          tional  Medicare  Tax.  If  Additional  Medicare  Tax 
If  services  performed  by  an  exchange  visitor  are  not      CAUTION!
                                                                          was withheld from your pay in error, you can claim 
considered  as  performed  to  carry  out  the  purpose  for 
                                                                  a credit for any withheld Additional Medicare Tax against 
which the visitor was admitted to the United States, social 
                                                                  the total tax liability shown on your tax return by filing Form 
security and Medicare taxes are withheld from pay for the 
                                                                  8959 with Form 1040, 1040-SR, or 1040-NR. If Additional 
services unless the pay is exempt under the Internal Reve-
                                                                  Medicare  Tax  was  withheld  in  error  in  a  prior  year  for 
nue Code.
                                                                  which you already filed Form 1040, 1040-SR, or 1040-NR, 
Nonresident  aliens  temporarily  admitted  to  the  United       you must file Form 1040-X for the prior year in which the 
States  as  participants  in  international  cultural  exchange   wages or compensation was originally received to recover 
programs under section 101(a)(15)(Q) of the Immigration           the Additional Medicare Tax withheld in error. See the In-
and  Nationality  Act  may  be  exempt  from  social  security    structions for Form 1040-X.
and Medicare taxes. The employer must be the petitioner 
through whom the alien obtained the “Q” visa. Social se-
                                                                  Agricultural Workers
curity  and  Medicare  taxes  are  not  withheld  from  pay  for 
this work unless the alien is considered a resident alien.
                                                                  Agricultural  workers  temporarily  admitted  into  the  United 
                                                                  States on H-2A visas are exempt from social security and 
Refund of Taxes Withheld in Error                                 Medicare  taxes  on  compensation  paid  to  them  for  serv-
                                                                  ices performed in connection with the H-2A visa. You can 
If social security or Medicare taxes were withheld in error 
                                                                  find  more  information  about  not  having  tax  withheld  at 
from pay that is not subject to these taxes, contact the em-
ployer who withheld the taxes for a refund. If you are un-
able to get a full refund of the amount from your employer, 
file a claim for refund with the IRS on Form 843. Attach the      Self-Employment Tax
following items to Form 843.
                                                                  Self-employment  tax  is  the  social  security  and  Medicare 
 A copy of your Form W-2 to prove the amount of social 
                                                                  taxes for individuals who are self-employed. Nonresident 
   security and Medicare taxes withheld.
                                                                  aliens are not subject to self-employment tax unless an in-
 A copy of your visa.                                           ternational social security agreement in effect determines 

64                          Chapter 8   Paying Tax Through Withholding or Estimated              Publication 519 (2023)

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that they are covered under the U.S. social security sys-            If you file Form 1040-NR, you must pay Additional Med-
tem.  Residents  of  the  U.S.  Virgin  Islands,  Puerto  Rico,   icare Tax if the total of your wages and your self-employ-
Guam,  the  CNMI,  or  American  Samoa  are  considered           ment  income  was  more  than  $125,000  if  married  (you 
U.S.  residents  for  this  purpose  and  are  subject  to  the   checked  the  Married  filing  separately  box  at  the  top  of 
self-employment tax. You can find more information about          page 1 of Form 1040-NR), or $200,000 if single or qualify-
international social security agreements, later.                  ing surviving spouse (you checked the Single or Qualify-
                                                                  ing  surviving  spouse  box  at  the  top  of  page  1  of  Form 
Resident  aliens  must  pay  self-employment  tax  under          1040-NR).
the same rules that apply to U.S. citizens. However, a resi-         See Form 8959 and its separate instructions to deter-
dent  alien  employed  by  an  international  organization,  a    mine whether you are required to pay Additional Medicare 
foreign government, or a wholly owned instrumentality of a        Tax. For more information on Additional Medicare Tax, go 
foreign government is not subject to the self-employment          to IRS.gov/ADMTfaqs.
tax on income earned in the United States.
                                                                  Deduction  for  employer-equivalent  portion  of 
Self-employment  income  you  receive  while  you  are  a         self-employment  tax. If  you  must  pay  self-employment 
resident alien is subject to self-employment tax even if it       tax, you can deduct a portion of the self-employment tax 
was  paid  for  services  you  performed  as  a  nonresident      paid in figuring your adjusted gross income. This deduc-
alien.                                                            tion is figured on Schedule SE (Form 1040).

Example.    Bill  Jones  is  an  author.  Bill  had  several         Note. No portion of the Additional Medicare Tax is de-
books published in a foreign country while Bill was a citi-       ductible for self-employment tax.
zen and resident of that country. During 2023, Bill entered 
the  United  States  as  a  resident  alien.  After  becoming  a  More  information. See   Pub.  334  for  more  information 
U.S. resident, Bill continued to receive royalties from Bill’s    about self-employment tax.
foreign publisher. Bill reports Bill’s income and expenses 
on  the  cash  basis  (income  is  reported  on  the  tax  return International Social Security 
when  received  and  expenses  are  deducted  when  paid). 
Bill's 2023 self-employment income includes the royalties         Agreements
received after becoming a U.S. resident even though the 
books were published while still being a nonresident alien.       The United States has entered into social security agree-
This royalty income is subject to self-employment tax.            ments, commonly referred to as “Totalization agreements,” 
                                                                  with foreign countries to coordinate social security cover-
Reporting  self-employment  tax.   Use  Schedule  SE              age  and  taxation  of  workers  employed  for  part  or  all  of 
(Form  1040)  to  report  and  figure  your  self-employment      their working careers in one of the countries. Under these 
tax. Then, enter the tax on Schedule 2 (Form 1040), line 4.       agreements, dual coverage and dual contributions (taxes) 
Attach Schedule SE (Form 1040) to Form 1040, 1040-SR,             for the same work are eliminated. The agreements gener-
or 1040-NR.                                                       ally  make  sure  that  social  security  taxes  (including 
                                                                  self-employment tax) are paid only to one country.
Deferral of employment tax deposits and payments. 
Section 2302 of the CARES Act permits self-employed in-              For a list of current international social security agree-
dividuals  to  defer  payment  of  a  portion  of  their  2020    ments, go to SSA.gov/international/status.html. As agree-
self-employment  tax  until  2021  and  2022.  All  amounts       ments with additional countries enter into force, they will 
were due to be paid by December 31, 2022.                         be posted on this website. For more information on inter-
                                                                  national  social  security  agreements,  go  to        SSA.gov/
Note.  This  deferral  is  no  longer  in  effect  for  tax  year international/totalization_agreements.html.
                                                                  Employees.   Generally, under these agreements, you are 
Additional  Medicare  Tax.       Self-employed  individuals       subject to social security taxes only in the country where 
must  pay  a  0.9%  (0.009)  Additional  Medicare  Tax  on        you  are  working.  However,  if  you  are  temporarily  sent  to 
self-employment income that exceeds one of the following          work for the same employer in the United States and your 
threshold amounts (based on your filing status).                  pay would normally be subject to social security taxes in 
Married filing jointly—$250,000.                                both countries, most agreements provide that you remain 
                                                                  covered only by the social security system of the country 
Married filing separately—$125,000.                             from which you were sent.
Single, Head of household, or Qualifying surviving                 To establish that your pay is subject only to foreign so-
  spouse—$200,000.                                                cial security taxes and is exempt from U.S. social security 
                                                                  taxes  (including  the  Medicare  tax)  under  an  agreement, 
If  you  have  both  wages  and  self-employment  income, 
                                                                  you or your employer should request a certificate of cover-
the threshold amount for applying the Additional Medicare 
                                                                  age  from  the  appropriate  agency  of  the  foreign  country. 
Tax  on  the  self-employment  income  is  reduced  (but  not 
                                                                  This will usually be the same agency to which you or your 
below zero) by the amount of wages subject to Additional 
                                                                  employer pays your foreign social security taxes. The for-
Medicare Tax. A self-employment loss should not be con-
                                                                  eign  agency  will  be  able  to  tell  you  what  information  is 
sidered for purposes of this tax.
                                                                  needed  for  them  to  issue  the  certificate.  Your  employer 

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should  keep  a  copy  of  the  certificate  because  it  may  be 1. 90% (0.90) of the tax to be shown on your 2024 in-
needed to show why you are exempt from U.S. social se-            come tax return, or
curity taxes. Only wages paid on or after the effective date 
                                                                  2. 100% (1.00) of the tax shown on your 2023 income 
of the agreement can be exempt from U.S. social security 
                                                                  tax return (if your 2023 return covered all 12 months of 
                                                                  the year).
Note.    Some  of  the  countries  with  which  the  United       If  your  adjusted  gross  income  for  2023  was  more  than 
States has agreements will not issue certificates of cover-       $150,000 ($75,000 if your filing status for 2024 is Married 
age. In this case, either you or your employer should re-         filing separately), substitute 110% (1.10) for 100% (1.00) 
quest a statement that your wages are not covered by the          in (2) above if you are not a farmer or fisherman. Item (2) 
U.S. social security system. For more information and how         does not apply if you did not file a 2023 return.
to  apply  for  a  Certificate  of  Coverage,  go  to SSA.gov/
international/CoC_link.html.                                      A nonresident alien should use Form 1040-ES (NR) to 
                                                                  figure and pay estimated tax. If you pay by check, make it 
Self-employed  individuals.  Under  most  agreements,             payable to "United States Treasury."
self-employed individuals are covered by the social secur-
ity system of the country where they reside. However, un-         How to estimate your tax for 2024.                If you filed a 2023 
der  some  agreements,  you  may  be  exempt  from  U.S.          return on Form 1040-NR and expect your income and total 
self-employment tax if you temporarily transfer your busi-        deductions  for  2024  to  be  nearly  the  same,  you  should 
ness activity to or from the United States.                       use your 2023 return as a guide to complete the Estima-
If you believe that your self-employment income is sub-           ted Tax Worksheet in the Form 1040-ES (NR) instructions. 
ject only to U.S. self-employment tax and is exempt from          If you did not file a return for 2023, or if your income, de-
foreign social security taxes, request a Certificate of Cov-      ductions, or credits will be different for 2024, you must es-
erage from the SSA. See the link in the Note above. This          timate  these  amounts.  Figure  your  estimated  tax  liability 
certificate will establish your exemption from foreign social     using the Tax Rate Schedule in the 2024 Form 1040-ES 
security taxes.                                                   (NR) instructions for your filing status.
To establish that your self-employment income is sub-
                                                                  Note. If you expect to be a resident of Puerto Rico dur-
ject  only  to  foreign  social  security  taxes  and  is  exempt 
                                                                  ing  the  entire  year,  use  Form  1040-ES  or  Formulario 
from  U.S.  self-employment  tax,  request  a  Certificate  of 
                                                                  1040-ES (PR).
Coverage  from  the  appropriate  agency  of  the  foreign 
country.                                                          When to pay estimated tax.                   Make your first estimated 
                                                                  tax payment by the due date for filing the previous year's 
Note.    Some  of  the  countries  with  which  the  United 
                                                                  Form  1040-NR.  If  you  have  wages  subject  to  the  same 
States has agreements will not issue certificates of cover-
                                                                  withholding rules that apply to U.S. citizens, you must file 
age. In this case, you should request a statement that your 
                                                                  Form 1040-NR and make your first estimated tax payment 
self-employment income is not covered by the U.S. social 
                                                                  by  April  15,  2024.  If  you  do  not  have  wages  subject  to 
security  system.  For  more  information  and  how  to  apply 
                                                                  withholding, file your income tax return and make your first 
for a Certificate of Coverage, go to SSA.gov/international/
                                                                  estimated tax payment by June 17, 2024.
                                                                  If your first estimated tax payment is due April 15, 2024, 
Attach a photocopy of either statement to Form 1040 or 
                                                                  you can pay your estimated tax in full at that time or in four 
1040-SR each year you are exempt. Also enter “Exempt, 
                                                                  equal installments by the dates shown next.
see  attached  statement”  on  the  line  for  self-employment 
                                                                  1st installment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  April 15, 2024
      For questions on the coverage rules of the agree-           2nd installment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  June 17, 2024
TIP   ments, call 410-965-7306.                                   3rd installment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Sept. 16, 2024
                                                                  4th installment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 15, 2025

                                                                  If  your  first  payment  is  not  due  until  June  17,  2024,  you 
                                                                  can pay your estimated tax in full at that time or pay:
Estimated Tax Form 1040-ES 
                                                                  1. /  of your estimated tax by June 17, 2024;1 2
(NR)                                                              1 4
                                                                  2. /  of the tax by September 16, 2024; and
You may have income from which no U.S. income tax is              3. /  by January 15, 2025.1 4
withheld. Or, the amount of tax withheld may be less than 
the income tax you estimate you will owe at the end of the            You do not have to make the payment due Janu-
year. If so, you may have to pay estimated tax.                   TIP ary 15, 2025, if you file your 2024 Form 1040-NR 
                                                                      by January 31, 2025, and pay the entire balance 
Generally, you must make estimated tax payments for               due with your return.
2024 if you expect to owe at least $1,000 in tax and you 
expect your withholding and certain refundable credits to         Fiscal year.        If your return is not on a calendar year ba-
be less than the smaller of:                                      sis, your due dates are the 15th day of the 4th, 6th, and 

66                           Chapter 8      Paying Tax Through Withholding or Estimated                           Publication 519 (2023)

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9th months of your fiscal year, and the 1st month of the fol-      The full text of individual tax treaties is also available at 
lowing fiscal year. If any date falls on a Saturday, Sunday,       IRS.gov/Businesses/International-Businesses/United-
or legal holiday, use the next day that is not a Saturday,         States-Income-Tax-Treaties-A-to-Z.  For  more  information 
Sunday, or legal holiday.                                          about tax treaties, go to   IRS.gov/Individuals/International-
Changes in income or deductions.      Even if you are not          You  can  generally  arrange  to  have  withholding  tax  re-
required  to  make  an  estimated  tax  payment  in  April  or     duced or eliminated on wages and other income that are 
June,  your  circumstances  may  change  so  that  you  will       eligible for tax treaty benefits. See Income Entitled to Tax 
have to make estimated tax payments later. This can hap-           Treaty Benefits in chapter 8.
pen if you receive additional income or if any of your de-
ductions  are  reduced  or  eliminated.  If  so,  see  the  Form   Topics
1040-ES (NR) instructions and Pub. 505 for information on          This chapter discusses:
figuring your estimated tax.
Amended  estimated  tax.     If,  after  you  have  made  esti-    Typical tax treaty benefits,
mated tax payments, you find your estimated tax is sub-            How to obtain copies of tax treaties, and
stantially increased or decreased because of a change in 
your  income  or  exemptions,  you  should  adjust  your  re-      How to claim tax treaty benefits on your tax return.
maining estimated tax payments. To do this, see the Form 
1040-ES (NR) instructions and Pub. 505.                            Useful Items
                                                                   You may want to see:
Penalty for failure to pay estimated income tax. You 
will  be  subject  to  a  penalty  for  underpayment  of  install- Publication
ments of estimated tax except in certain situations. These             901    901 U.S. Tax Treaties
situations are explained on Form 2210.
                                                                   Form (and Instructions)
                                                                       1040-NR         1040-NR U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return
                                                                       8833       8833 Treaty-Based Return Position Disclosure 
                                                                              Under Section 6114 or 7701(b)
                                                                   See chapter 12 for information about getting these publi-
                                                                   cations and forms.
Tax Treaty Benefits

                                                                   Treaty Income
                                                                   A nonresident alien's treaty income is the gross income on 
A  nonresident  alien  (and  certain  resident  aliens)  from  a   which the tax is limited by a tax treaty. Treaty income in-
country with which the United States has an income tax             cludes, for example, dividends from sources in the United 
treaty  may  qualify  for  certain  benefits.  Most  treaties  re- States that are subject to tax at a tax treaty rate not to ex-
quire that the nonresident alien be a resident of the treaty       ceed  15%.  Nontreaty  income  is  the  gross  income  of  a 
country to qualify in the year the benefit is claimed. How-        nonresident alien on which the tax is not limited by an ap-
ever, in the case of certain students, trainees, teachers, or      plicable tax treaty.
researchers,  some  treaties  only  require  the  nonresident 
alien  to  be  a  resident  of  the  treaty  country  immediately  To  determine  tax  on  items  of  income  subject  to  lower 
prior to coming to the United States.                              tax treaty rates, figure the tax on each separate item of in-
                                                                   come at the reduced rate that applies to that item under 
Tax  treaty  tables. You  can  access  the  tax  treaty  tables    the treaty.
by  going  to IRS.gov/TreatyTables.  You  can  access  the 
texts  of  recently  signed  U.S.  income  tax  treaties,  proto-  To determine tax on nontreaty income, figure the tax at 
cols,  and  tax  information  exchange  agreements  (TIEAs)        either the flat 30% rate or the graduated rate, depending 
and  the  accompanying  Treasury  Department  tax  treaty          upon whether or not the income is effectively connected 
technical explanations as they become publicly available,          with your trade or business in the United States.
as  well  as  the  U.S.  Model  Income  Tax  Convention,  at       Your tax liability is the sum of the tax on treaty income 
Home.Treasury.gov/Policy-Issues/Tax-Policy/International-          plus  the  tax  on  nontreaty  income,  but  it  cannot  be  more 
Tax.                                                               than  the  tax  liability  figured  as  if  the  tax  treaty  had  not 
        Note that treaty and TIEA documents are posted             come into effect.

!       on this site after signature and before ratification       Example.            Arthur  Banks  is  a  nonresident  alien  who  is 
CAUTION and entry into force.
                                                                   single and a resident of a foreign country that has a tax 
                                                                   treaty  with  the  United  States.  Arthur  received  gross 

Publication 519 (2023)                  Chapter 9 Tax Treaty Benefits                                                          67

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income of $25,900 during the tax year from sources within                      Tax  treaty  benefits  also  cover  income  such  as  divi-
the United States, consisting of the following items.                          dends, interest, rentals, royalties, pensions, and annuities. 
                                                                               These  types  of  income  may  be  exempt  from  U.S.  tax  or 
Dividends on which the tax is limited to a 15% rate by the                     may be subject to a reduced rate of tax. For more informa-
tax treaty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,400  tion, see Pub. 901 or the applicable tax treaty.

Compensation for personal services on which the tax is 
not limited by the tax treaty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    24,500  Personal Services

Total gross income     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $25,900 Under  most  income  tax  treaties,  nonresident  aliens  from 
                                                                               treaty countries and dual residents who tie break in favor 
Arthur  was  engaged  in  business  in  the  United  States                    of the treaty country (see chapter 1) who are temporarily 
during the tax year. Arthur’s dividends are not effectively                    present in the United States to perform services may be 
connected with that business. Arthur has no deductions.                        eligible to exempt some or all of their personal services in-
Arthur’s tax liability, figured as though the tax treaty had                   come from U.S. tax if they meet the requirements of the 
not come into effect, is $3,140 determined as follows.                         applicable treaty article.

                                                                               Income  from  employment.     Most  income  tax  treaties 
Total compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     $24,500 have  an  “income  from  employment”  article,  sometimes 
                                                                               called the dependent personal services article, which al-
Less: Deductions   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         0 lows  residents  of  the  treaty  country  to  exempt  income 
                                                                               earned as employees in the United States from U.S. tax if 
Taxable income     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $24,500 they satisfy the following.
Tax determined by graduated rate (Tax Table column for                         They are present in the United States for a period not 
single taxpayers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    $2,720    exceeding 183 days in a 12-month period.
Plus: Tax on gross dividends ($1,400 × (0.30)) . . . . . . .           420     The income is paid by a foreign employer.
                                                                               The income is not borne by a U.S. permanent estab-
Tax determined as though treaty had not come into                                lishment of the foreign employer.
effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,140
                                                                               Some income tax treaties contain different requirements, 
Arthur's  tax  liability,  figured  by  taking  into  account  the             such  as  a  different  period  of  maximum  presence.  For 
reduced rate on dividend income as provided by the tax                         more information, see Pub. 901.
treaty, is $2,930 determined as follows.
                                                                               Independent  personal  services.    Some  income  tax 
                                                                               treaties  contain  an  “independent  personal  services”  arti-
Tax determined by graduated rate (same as figured                              cle, which allows residents of the treaty country to exempt 
above) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,720
                                                                               income  earned  as  an  independent  contractor  or  as  a 
Plus: Tax on gross dividends ($1,400 × (0.15)) . . . . . . .           210     self-employed individual from U.S. tax if they are present 
                                                                               in the United States for a period not exceeding a certain 
Tax on compensation and dividends . . . . . . . . . . .                $2,930  number of days and if they do not have a fixed base regu-
                                                                               larly available to them in the United States.
Arthur’s tax liability, therefore, is limited to $2,930, the 
                                                                               Note.     Some  treaties  do  not  have  an  independent 
tax  liability  figured  using  the  tax  treaty  rate  on  the  divi-
                                                                               service article. Under these treaties, income for independ-
                                                                               ent  personal  services  may  be  covered  by  the  business 
                                                                               profits article. Under the business profits article, individu-
                                                                               als can generally exempt their business profits from U.S. 
Some Typical Tax Treaty                                                        tax  unless  they  have  a  permanent  establishment  in  the 
                                                                               United States to which the business profits are attributa-
Benefits                                                                       ble.  For  more  information,  including  definitions  of  the 
                                                                               terms  "fixed  base"  and  "permanent  establishment,"  see 
The  following  paragraphs  briefly  explain  the  exemptions                  Pub. 901.
that are available under tax treaties for personal services 
income, remittances, scholarships, fellowships, and capi-
tal  gain  income.  The  conditions  for  claiming  the  exemp-                Teachers, Professors, and 
tions  vary  under  each  tax  treaty.  For  more  information                 Researchers
about  the  conditions  under  a  particular  tax  treaty,  down-
load the complete text of most U.S. tax treaties at IRS.gov/                   Under many income tax treaties, nonresident alien teach-
Businesses/International-Businesses/United-States-                             ers or professors who temporarily visit the United States 
Income-Tax-Treaties-A-to-Z.  Technical  explanations  for                      for the primary purpose of teaching at a university or other 
many of those treaties are also available at that site. Also                   accredited  educational  institution  are  not  subject  to  U.S. 
see Pub. 901.                                                                  income tax on compensation received for teaching for the 
                                                                               first  2  or  3  years  after  their  arrival  in  the  United  States. 

68                                                                 Chapter 9   Tax Treaty Benefits            Publication 519 (2023)

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Many treaties also provide an exemption for engaging in             General Rule for Resident Aliens
                                                                    Resident aliens generally do not qualify for tax treaty ben-
Generally, the teacher or professor must be in the Uni-             efits because most tax treaties contain a "saving clause" 
ted States primarily to teach, lecture, instruct, or engage in      that preserves or "saves" the right of the United States to 
research. A substantial part of that person's time must be          tax  its  citizens  and  residents  as  if  the  tax  treaty  had  not 
devoted to those duties. The normal duties of a teacher or          come into effect. However, many tax treaties have excep-
professor include not only formal classroom work involving          tions  to  the  saving  clause,  which  may  allow  a  resident 
regularly scheduled lectures, demonstrations, or other stu-         alien to continue to claim treaty benefits.
dent-participation  activities,  but  also  the  less  formal 
method of presenting ideas in seminars or other informal            Some exceptions to the saving clause apply to all resi-
groups and in joint efforts in the laboratory.                      dent aliens (for example, under the United States-People's 
                                                                    Republic of China treaty); others apply only to resident ali-
If you entered the United States as a nonresident alien,            ens who are not lawful permanent residents of the United 
but are now a resident alien, the treaty exemption may still        States (green card holders).
apply.  See Students,  Apprentices,  Trainees,  Teachers, 
Professors, and Researchers Who Became Resident Ali-                In certain cases, you don’t need to report the income on 
ens, later, under Resident Aliens.                                  your Form 1040 or 1040-SR because the income will be 
                                                                    exempt  from  U.S.  tax  under  a  treaty.  However,  if  the  in-
Employees of Foreign Governments                                    come  has  been  reported  as  taxable  income  on  a  Form 
                                                                    W-2,  Form  1042-S,  Form  1099,  or  other  information  re-
All  treaties  have  provisions  for  the  exemption  of  income    turn, you should report it on the appropriate line of Form 
earned  by  certain  employees  of  foreign  governments.           1040 or 1040-SR (for example, line 1a in the case of wa-
However,  a  difference  exists  among  treaties  as  to  who       ges or salaries reported in box 1 of Form W-2). Enter the 
qualifies for this benefit. Under many treaties, aliens who         amount for which treaty benefits are claimed, in parenthe-
are U.S. residents do not qualify. Under most treaties, ali-        sis, on Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 8z. Enter “Exempt in-
ens who are not nationals or subjects of the foreign coun-          come,” the name of the treaty country, and the treaty arti-
try  do  not  qualify.  Employees  of  foreign  governments         cle  that  provides  the  exemption.  Combine  the  amounts 
should  read  the  pertinent  treaty  carefully  to  determine      reported  on  lines  8a  through  8z  on  Schedule  1  (Form 
whether they qualify for benefits. Chapter 10 of this publi-        1040) and enter on line 9. Then, combine the totals from 
cation also has information for employees of foreign gov-           Schedule 1 (Form 1040), lines 1 through 7 and 9 and en-
ernments.                                                           ter the total on line 10. Then, enter the total from Schedule 
                                                                    1 (Form 1040), line 10, on Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 8.

Students, Apprentices, and Trainees                                 For income that is subject to a reduced rate of tax, in-
                                                                    stead  of  an  exemption,  under  the  treaty,  attach  a  state-
Under  some  income  tax  treaties,  students,  apprentices,        ment to Form 1040 or 1040-SR showing a computation of 
and trainees are exempt from tax on remittances received            the tax at the reduced rate, the name of the treaty country, 
from abroad for study and maintenance. Also, under some             and the treaty article that provides for the reduced tax rate. 
treaties,  scholarship  and  fellowship  grants,  and  a  limited   Enter this tax on Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 16. Check 
amount of compensation received by students, apprenti-              box 3 and enter "Tax from attached statement."
ces, and trainees, may be exempt from tax.
                                                                    Example. Jacques  Dubois,  who  is  a  resident  of  the 
If you entered the United States as a nonresident alien,            United States under Article 4 of the United States-France 
but are now a resident alien, the treaty exemption may still        income tax treaty, receives French social security benefits. 
apply.  See Students,  Apprentices,  Trainees,  Teachers,           Under  Article  18(1)  of  the  treaty,  French  social  security 
Professors, and Researchers Who Became Resident Ali-                benefits  are  not  taxable  by  the  United  States.  Benefits 
ens, later, under Resident Aliens.                                  conferred  by  Article  18(1)  are  excepted  from  the  saving 
                                                                    clause under Article 29(3) of the treaty. Jacques is not re-
Capital Gains                                                       quired  to  report  the  French  social  security  benefits  on 
                                                                    Form 1040 or 1040-SR.
Most treaties provide for the exemption of gains from the 
sale  or  exchange  of  personal  property.  Generally,  gains      Special Rule for Canadian and German 
from the sale or exchange of real property located in the           Social Security Benefits
United States are taxable.
                                                                    Under income tax treaties with Canada and Germany, if a 
Resident Aliens                                                     U.S.  resident  receives  social  security  benefits  from  Can-
                                                                    ada  or  Germany,  those  benefits  are  treated  for  U.S.  in-
Resident  aliens  may  qualify  for  tax  treaty  benefits  in  the come tax purposes as if they were received under the so-
situations discussed below.                                         cial security legislation of the United States. If you receive 
                                                                    social security benefits from Canada or Germany, include 
                                                                    them on line 1 of your Social Security Benefits Worksheet 

Publication 519 (2023)                         Chapter 9 Tax Treaty Benefits                                             69

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in  the  Instructions  for  Form  1040,  for  purposes  of  deter-   on January 1, 2019. The student remained a nonresident 
mining the taxable amount to be reported on Form 1040 or             alien  through  2023  and  was  able  to  exclude  scholarship 
1040-SR, line 6b. You are not required to file a Form 8833           from  U.S.  tax  in  those  years  under  Article  20  of  the 
for those benefits.                                                  U.S.-People's  Republic  of  China  income  tax  treaty.  On 
                                                                     January 1, 2024, the student became a resident alien un-
Students, Apprentices, Trainees, Teachers,                           der the substantial presence test because their stay in the 
Professors, and Researchers Who Became                               United States exceeded 5 years. Even though the student 
                                                                     is now a resident alien, the provisions of Article 20 still ap-
Resident Aliens
                                                                     ply because of the exception to the saving clause in para-
Generally,  you  must  be  a  nonresident  alien  student,  ap-      graph 2 of the Protocol to the U.S.–People's Republic of 
prentice, trainee, teacher, professor, or researcher in order        China treaty dated April 30, 1984. The student should re-
to  claim  a  tax  treaty  exemption  for  remittances  from         port their scholarship income shown on their Form 1042-S 
abroad for study and maintenance in the United States, for           or Form 1098-T on Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 8r. Then 
scholarship, fellowship, and research grants, and for wa-            they should report the amount for which treaty benefits are 
ges  or  other  personal  service  compensation.  Once  you          claimed,  in  parentheses,  on  Schedule  1  (Form  1040), 
become  a  resident  alien,  you  can  generally  no  longer         line 8z. They should enter "Exempt income," the name of 
claim a tax treaty exemption for this income.                        the treaty country, and the treaty article that provides the 
However, if you entered the United States as a nonresi-
dent  alien,  but  you  are  now  a  resident  alien  for  U.S.  tax 
purposes, the treaty exemption will continue to apply if the         Reporting Treaty Benefits 
tax treaty's saving clause (explained earlier) provides an 
exception for it and you otherwise meet the requirements             Claimed
for the treaty exemption (including any time limit for claim-
ing treaty exemptions, explained below). This is true even           If you claim treaty benefits that override or modify any pro-
if you are a nonresident alien electing to file a joint return,      vision  of  the  Internal  Revenue  Code,  and  by  claiming 
as explained in chapter 1.                                           these benefits your tax is, or might be, reduced, you must 
                                                                     attach a fully completed Form 8833 to your tax return. See 
If you qualify under an exception to the treaty's saving             Exceptions below for the situations where you are not re-
clause, you can avoid income tax withholding by giving the           quired to file Form 8833.
payer a Form W-9 with the statement required by the Form 
W-9 instructions.                                                    Form 8833 filing requirement.  You must file a U.S. tax 
                                                                     return and Form 8833 if you claim the following treaty ben-
Time limit for claiming treaty exemptions.    Many trea-             efits.
ties limit the number of years you can claim a treaty ex-
                                                                     You claim a reduction or modification in the taxation of 
emption. For students, apprentices, and trainees, the limit 
                                                                       gain or loss from the disposition of a U.S. real property 
is  usually  4–5  years;  for  teachers,  professors,  and  re-
                                                                       interest based on a treaty.
searchers, the limit is usually 2–3 years. Once you reach 
this  limit,  you  can  no  longer  claim  the  treaty  exemption.   You claim a credit for a specific foreign tax for which 
See the treaty or Pub. 901 for the time limits that apply.             foreign tax credit would not be allowed by the Internal 
                                                                       Revenue Code.
How  to  report  income  on  your  tax  return. In  certain 
cases, you don’t need to report the income on your Form              You receive payments or income items totaling more 
                                                                       than $100,000 and you determine your country of resi-
1040 or 1040-SR because the income will be exempt from 
                                                                       dence under a treaty and not under the rules for resi-
U.S. tax under a treaty. However, if the income has been 
                                                                       dency discussed in chapter 1.
reported as taxable income on a Form W-2, Form 1042-S, 
Form 1099, or other information return, you should report            These are the more common situations for which Form 
it on the appropriate line of Form 1040 or 1040-SR (for ex-          8833 is required. For additional provisions, see the Form 
ample, line 1a, amounts reported in box 1 of Form W-2).              8833 instructions.
Enter the amount for which treaty benefits are claimed, in 
parentheses,  on  Schedule  1  (Form  1040),  line  8z.  Enter       Exceptions. You do not have to file Form 8833 for any of 
“Exempt income,” the name of the treaty country, and the             the following situations.
treaty  article  that  provides  the  exemption.  Combine  the       1. You claim a reduced rate of withholding tax under a 
amounts reported on lines 8a through 8z on Schedule 1                  treaty on interest, dividends, rent, royalties, or other 
(Form 1040) and enter on line 9. Then, combine the totals              FDAP income ordinarily subject to the 30% rate.
from Schedule 1 (Form 1040), lines 1 through 7 and 9 and 
enter the total on line 10. Then, enter the total from Sched-        2. You claim that a treaty reduces or modifies the taxa-
ule  1  (Form  1040),  line  10,  on  Form  1040  or  1040-SR,         tion of income from dependent personal services, 
line 8.                                                                pensions, annuities, social security and other public 
                                                                       pensions, or income of artists, athletes, students, 
Example.     A citizen of the People's Republic of China               trainees, or teachers. This includes taxable scholar-
entered the United States as a nonresident alien student               ship and fellowship grants.

70                                            Chapter 9    Tax Treaty Benefits                     Publication 519 (2023)

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3. You claim a reduction or modification of taxation of in-
come under an International Social Security Agree-
ment or a Diplomatic or Consular Agreement.                10.
4. You are a partner in a partnership or a beneficiary of 
an estate or trust and the partnership, estate, or trust 
reports the required information on its return.            Employees of Foreign 
5. The payments or items of income that are otherwise 
                                                           Governments and 
required to be disclosed total no more than $10,000.
6. You are claiming treaty benefits for amounts that are:  International 
a. Reported to you on Form 1042-S; and
b. Received by you:
i. As a related party from a reporting corporation 
within the meaning of section 6038A (relating              Introduction
to information returns on Form 5472 filed by 
U.S. corporations that are 25% owned by a for-             Employees of foreign governments (including foreign polit-
eign person), or                                           ical subdivisions) may be able to exempt their foreign gov-
                                                           ernment wages from U.S. income tax if they satisfy the re-
ii. As a beneficial owner that is a direct account         quirements of any one of the following.
holder of a U.S. financial institution or qualified 
intermediary, or a direct partner, beneficiary, or         1. The applicable article in the multilateral Vienna Con-
owner of a withholding foreign partnership or                vention on Diplomatic Relations, the multilateral 
trust, from that U.S. financial institution, quali-          Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, or a bilat-
fied intermediary, or withholding foreign part-              eral consular convention, if one exists, between the 
nership or trust.                                            United States and the foreign country;
The exception described in (6) above does not              2. The applicable article in a bilateral tax treaty, if one ex-
apply to any amounts for which a treaty-based re-            ists, between the United States and the foreign coun-
turn disclosure is specifically required by the Form         try; or
8833 instructions.                                         3. The requirements for obtaining an exemption from 
                                                             U.S. income tax for foreign government wages provi-
Penalty for failure to provide required information on       ded under U.S. tax law.
Form 8833.  If you are required to report the treaty bene-
fits but do not, you may be subject to a penalty of $1,000 Employees  of  international  organizations  may  be  able 
for each failure.                                          to exempt their wages under a provision, if one exists, in 
                                                           the  international  agreement  creating  the  international  or-
Additional information.  For additional information, see   ganization, or by satisfying the requirements for obtaining 
Regulations section 301.6114-1(c).                         an exemption for such wages under U.S. tax law.
                                                           An “international organization” is an organization desig-
                                                           nated by the President of the United States through Exec-
                                                           utive  Order  to  qualify  for  the  privileges,  exemptions,  and 
                                                           immunities provided in the International Organizations Im-
                                                           munities Act.
                                                           The exemption discussed in this chapter applies only to 
                                                           pay  received  for  official  services  performed  for  a  foreign 
                                                           government  or  international  organization.  Other  U.S. 
                                                           source  income  received  by  persons  who  qualify  for  this 
                                                           exemption  may  be  fully  taxable  or  given  favorable  treat-
                                                           ment under an applicable tax treaty provision. The proper 
                                                           treatment of this kind of income (interest, dividends, etc.) 
                                                           is discussed earlier in this publication.

                                                           This chapter discusses:

                                                           Exemptions for employees of Foreign Governments
                                                           Exemptions for employees of International 

Publication 519 (2023)   Chapter 10   Employees of Foreign Governments and                                               71
                                      International Organizations

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Useful Items                                                                  Your  wages  are  not  eligible  for  exemption  under 
You may want to see:                                                  !       U.S. tax law if you are employed by a “controlled 
                                                                      CAUTION commercial  entity”  or  your  services  are  primarily 
Publication                                                           in connection with a commercial activity of the foreign gov-
                                                                      ernment (within or outside the United States). A controlled 
     15-A    15-A Employer's Supplemental Tax Guide                   commercial entity is an entity that is 50% (0.50) or more 
     901 901 U.S. Tax Treaties                                        owned by a foreign government that is engaged in com-
                                                                      mercial activity within or outside the United States.
     1779         1779 Independent Contractor or Employee
See chapter 12 for information about getting these publi-             Requirements.   If you are not a U.S. citizen (or if you are 
cations.                                                              a U.S. citizen but also a citizen of the Republic of the Phil-
                                                                      ippines) and you work for a foreign government in the Uni-
                                                                      ted  States,  your  foreign  government  wages  are  exempt 
Employees of Foreign                                                  from U.S. income tax if:
                                                                      1. You perform services of a similar character to those 
Governments                                                           performed by U.S. Government employees in foreign 
                                                                      countries, and
Exemption  under  Vienna  Conventions  or  a  bilateral 
consular convention.    You should first look at the tax ex-          2. The country of your foreign government employer 
emption provisions under the Vienna Conventions or a bi-              grants an equivalent tax exemption to U.S. Govern-
lateral consular convention, if one exists, to see if your wa-        ment employees performing similar services in its 
ges  qualify  for  exemption  from  U.S.  income  tax  under          country.
those provisions. Generally, you are not entitled to the in-
                                                                      However, see Aliens who keep immigrant (lawful perma-
come tax exemption available under either of the Vienna 
                                                                      nent resident) status, later, for a special rule that may af-
Conventions or a bilateral consular convention if you are a 
                                                                      fect your qualifying for this exemption.
U.S.  citizen  or  resident  alien.  For  further  information  re-
                                                                      To claim the tax exemption, you must be able to dem-
garding  the  Vienna  Conventions  and  bilateral  consular 
                                                                      onstrate that you satisfy both U.S. tax law requirements.
conventions, email the Department of State Office of For-
eign Missions at OFMAssistants@state.gov.                             Certification.  A Department of State certification, if one 
                                                                      has been issued, is the simplest method to establish that 
Exemption under tax treaty.    If you do not qualify for the 
                                                                      you meet the similar services and equivalent tax exemp-
tax exemption provided under the Vienna Conventions or 
                                                                      tion requirements but is not required to qualify for the U.S. 
a bilateral consular convention but are from a country that 
                                                                      tax law exemption. For information about whether a certifi-
has a tax treaty with the United States, you should look at 
                                                                      cation has been issued and whether such certification is 
the  tax  treaty  to  see  if  there  is  a  provision  that  exempts 
                                                                      currently  valid  and  applicable  to  you,  email  the  Depart-
your wages from U.S. income tax. If you are a U.S. citizen 
                                                                      ment  of  State  Office  of  Foreign  Missions  at 
or resident alien working in the United States for a foreign 
government, your wages are usually not exempt. For more 
                                                                      Where no valid certification exists, you must establish 
information, see       Wages and Pensions Paid by a Foreign 
                                                                      with other written evidence that you perform services of a 
Government in Pub. 901.
                                                                      similar character to those performed by U.S. Government 
Exemption  under  U.S.  tax  law.   Employees  of  foreign            employees  in  foreign  countries  and  that  the  country  of 
governments who do not qualify under the tax exemption                your  foreign  government  employer  grants  an  equivalent 
provisions of either of the Vienna Conventions, a bilateral           exemption  to  U.S.  Government  employees  performing 
consular convention, or a tax treaty may be able to exempt            similar services in its country.
their  foreign  government  wages  from  U.S.  income  tax  if 
they satisfy the following requirements for obtaining an ex-
emption for such wages under U.S. tax law.                            Employees of International 
        The exemption under U.S. tax law applies only to 
!       current foreign government employees and not to 
CAUTION former  employees.  Pensions  received  by  former 
                                                                      Exemption  under  international  organization  agree-
employees  of  foreign  governments  living  in  the  United 
                                                                      ment.   Many  agreements  that  establish  international  or-
States do not qualify for the exemption discussed here.
                                                                      ganizations contain a provision that may exempt your wa-
        This  exemption  does  not  apply  to  independent            ges  from  U.S.  income  tax.  If  you  are  employed  by  an 
                                                                      international organization in the United States, first look to 
!       contractors.  Common  law  rules  apply  to  deter-           see if the international agreement establishing the interna-
CAUTION mine  whether  you  are  an  employee  or  an  inde-
pendent contractor. See Pub. 1779 and Pub. 15-A.                      tional organization you work for has such a provision and 
                                                                      whether  you  qualify  under  it.  Generally,  these  provisions 
                                                                      will  not  exempt  wages  of  U.S.  citizen  and  resident  alien 

72                             Chapter 10  Employees of Foreign Governments and                       Publication 519 (2023)
                                           International Organizations

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Exemption  under  U.S.  tax  law.   If  the  international 
agreement  creating  the  international  organization  you 
work for does not contain a tax exemption provision and          11.
you are not a U.S. citizen (or if you are a U.S. citizen but 
also a citizen of the Republic of the Philippines), you may 
be able to exempt your wages under U.S. law. However,            Departing Aliens and the 
see Aliens  who  keep  immigrant  (lawful  permanent  resi-
dent) status, later, for a special rule that may affect your 
                                                                 Sailing or Departure 
qualifying for this exemption.
        The exemption under U.S. tax law applies only to         Permit
!       current international organization employees and 
CAUTION not  to  former  employees.  Pensions  received  by 
former  employees  of  international  organizations  living  in 
the  United  States  do  not  qualify  for  the  exemption  dis- Introduction
cussed here.                                                     Before leaving the United States, all aliens (except those 
                                                                 listed under  Aliens Not Required To Obtain Sailing or De-
        This  exemption  does  not  apply  to  independent       parture  Permits)  must  obtain  a  certificate  of  compliance. 
!       contractors.  Common  law  rules  apply  to  deter-      This document, also popularly known as the sailing permit 
CAUTION mine  whether  you  are  an  employee  or  an  inde-
                                                                 or  departure  permit,  is  part  of  the  income  tax  form  you 
pendent contractor. See Pub. 1779 and Pub. 15-A.                 must file before leaving. You will receive a sailing or depar-
To  claim  the  exemption,  you  must  be  able  to  demon-      ture permit after filing a Form 1040-C or Form 2063. These 
strate that you meet the requirements of either the interna-     forms are discussed in this chapter.
tional  organization  agreement  provision  or  U.S.  tax  law.  To find out if you need a sailing or departure permit, first 
You should know the article number of the international or-      read Aliens Not Required To Obtain Sailing or Departure 
ganization agreement tax exemption provision, if one ex-         Permits, later. If you do not fall into one of the categories in 
ists,  and  the  number  of  the  Executive  Order  designating  that  discussion,  you  must  obtain  a  sailing  or  departure 
the organization as an international organization.               permit. Read         Aliens Required To Obtain Sailing or Depar-
                                                                 ture Permits, later.
Aliens  who  keep  immigrant  (lawful  permanent  resi-
dent) status.  If you sign the waiver provided by section        Topics
247(b)  of  the  Immigration  and  Nationality  Act  (USCIS      This chapter discusses:
Form I-508) to keep your lawful permanent resident status 
(green card), you no longer qualify for the tax exemption        Who needs a sailing permit,
under U.S. tax law from the date of filing the waiver.
                                                                 How to get a sailing permit, and
        If you are an employee of a foreign government or 
                                                                 Forms you file to get a sailing permit.
!       international organization who holds a green card, 
CAUTION to  claim  the  exemption  under  U.S.  tax  law  you 
must  also  be  able  to  demonstrate  with  written  evidence   Useful Items
from the USCIS that you have not signed and filed USCIS          You may want to see:
Form I-508.
                                                                 Form (and Instructions)
Note.   The filing of Form I-508 has no effect on a tax              1040-C    1040-C U.S. Departing Alien Income Tax Return
exemption  that  is  not  dependent  upon  the  provisions  of 
U.S. tax law. You do not lose the tax exemption if you file          2063 2063 U.S. Departing Alien Income Tax Statement
the waiver and meet either of the following conditions.
                                                                 See chapter 12 for information about getting these forms.
You work for a foreign government and are exempt 
  from U.S. tax under an income tax treaty, consular 
  convention, Vienna Conventions, or any other interna-
  tional agreement between the United States and your            Aliens Not Required To Obtain 
  foreign government employer.
                                                                 Sailing or Departure Permits
You work for an international organization and the in-
  ternational organization agreement creating the inter-         If you are included in one of the following categories, you 
  national organization provides that alien employees            do  not  have  to  get  a  sailing  or  departure  permit  before 
  are exempt from U.S. income tax. Two international or-         leaving the United States.
  ganizations that have such a provision are the Interna-
  tional Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Bank          If you are in one of these categories and do not have to 
  for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank).               get a sailing or departure permit, you must be able to sup-
                                                                 port your claim for exemption with proper identification or 
                                                                 give the authority for the exemption.

Publication 519 (2023)        Chapter 11 Departing Aliens and the Sailing or Departure                                      73

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Category  1.   Representatives  of  foreign  governments          Category 5.    Certain other aliens temporarily in the Uni-
with diplomatic passports, whether accredited to the Uni-         ted  States  who  have  received  no  taxable  income  during 
ted  States  or  other  countries,  members  of  their  house-    the tax year up to and including the date of departure or 
holds,  and  servants  accompanying  them.  Servants  who         during the preceding tax year. If the IRS has reason to be-
are leaving, but not with a person with a diplomatic pass-        lieve that an alien has received income subject to tax and 
port, must get a sailing or departure permit. However, they       that the collection of income tax is jeopardized by depar-
can get a sailing or departure permit on Form 2063 with-          ture, it may then require the alien to obtain a sailing or de-
out examination of their income tax liability by presenting a     parture permit. Aliens in this category are:
letter from the chief of their diplomatic mission certifying 
                                                                  1. Alien military trainees who enter the United States for 
                                                                      training under the sponsorship of the Department of 
 Their name appears on the “White List” (a list of em-              Defense and who leave the United States on official 
   ployees of diplomatic missions); and                               military travel orders;
 They do not owe to the United States any income tax,           2. Alien visitors for business on a “B-1” visa, or on both a 
   and will not owe any tax up to and including the inten-            “B-1” visa and a “B-2” visa, who do not remain in the 
   ded date of departure.                                             United States or a U.S. territory for more than 90 days 
The statement must be presented to an IRS office.                     during the tax year;
                                                                  3. Alien visitors for pleasure on a “B-2” visa;
Category  2. Employees  of  international  organizations 
and foreign governments (other than diplomatic represen-          4. Aliens in transit through the United States or any of its 
tatives  exempt  under category  1)  and  members  of  their          territories on a “C-1” visa, or under a contract, such as 
households:                                                           a bond agreement, between a transportation line and 
 Whose compensation for official services is exempt                 the Attorney General; and
   under U.S. tax law (described in chapter 10), and              5. Aliens who enter the United States on a border-cross-
 Who receive no other income from U.S. sources.                     ing identification card or for whom passports, visas, 
                                                                      and border-crossing identification cards are not re-
        If you are an alien in category ( ) or ( ) above who 1 2      quired, if they are:
CAUTION gration and Nationality Act, you must get a sailing 
!       filed the waiver under section 247(b) of the Immi-            a. Visitors for pleasure,
or departure permit. This is true even if your income is ex-          b. Visitors for business who do not remain in the Uni-
empt from U.S. tax because of an income tax treaty, con-                 ted States or a U.S. territory for more than 90 days 
sular agreement, or international agreement.                             during the tax year, or
Category 3.  Alien students, industrial trainees, and ex-             c. In transit through the United States or any of its 
change visitors, including their spouses and children, who               territories.
enter on an “F-1,” “F-2,” “H-3,” “H-4,” “J-1,” “J-2,” or “Q” visa 
                                                                  Category  6.   Alien  residents  of  Canada  or  Mexico  who 
only and who receive no income from U.S. sources while 
                                                                  frequently commute between that country and the United 
in the United States under those visas other than:
                                                                  States for employment, and whose wages are subject to 
 Allowances to cover expenses incident to study or              the withholding of U.S. tax.
   training in the United States, such as expenses for 
   travel, maintenance, and tuition;
 The value of any services or food and lodging connec-          Aliens Required To Obtain 
   ted with this study or training;
                                                                  Sailing or Departure Permits
 Income from employment authorized by the U.S. US-
   CIS; or                                                        If you do not fall into one of the categories listed earlier un-
 Interest income on deposits that is not effectively con-       der Aliens  Not  Required  To  Obtain  Sailing  or  Departure 
   nected with a U.S. trade or business. (See Interest In-        Permits, you must obtain a sailing or departure permit. To 
   come in chapter 3.)                                            obtain  a  permit,  file  Form  1040-C  or  Form  2063  (which-
                                                                  ever  applies)  with  your  local  IRS  office  before  you  leave 
Category 4.  Alien students, including their spouses and          the United States. See Forms To File, later. You must also 
children,  who  enter  on  an  “M-1”  or  “M-2”  visa  only  and  pay  all  the  tax  shown  as  due  on  Form  1040-C  and  any 
who receive no income from U.S. sources while in the Uni-         taxes due for past years. See Paying Taxes and Obtaining 
ted States under those visas, other than:                         Refunds, later.
 Income from employment authorized by the USCIS, or
 Interest income on deposits that is not effectively con-       Getting a Sailing or Departure Permit

   nected with a U.S. trade or business. (See Interest In-        The  following  discussion  covers  how  to  get  your  sailing 
   come in chapter 3.)                                            permit.

74                        Chapter 11      Departing Aliens and the Sailing or Departure         Publication 519 (2023)

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When and Where To Get a Sailing or                                     b. Copies of the application for, and approval of, the 
Departure Permit                                                       grant.
                                                                       c. A statement of the amount paid, and your duties 
To get a certificate of compliance, you must go to an IRS              and obligations under the grant.
office at least 2 weeks before you leave the United States 
and file either Form 2063 or Form 1040-C and any other                 d. A list of any previous grants.
required tax returns that have not been filed. The certifi-
                                                                   9. Documents indicating you qualify for any special tax 
cate  may  not  be  issued  more  than  30  days  before  you 
                                                                       treaty benefits claimed.
leave. If both you and your spouse are aliens and both of 
you are leaving the United States, both of you must go to          10. Document verifying your date of departure from the 
the IRS office.                                                        United States, such as an airline ticket.
To find an IRS office, go to IRS.gov/Help/Contact-Your-            11. Document verifying your U.S. TIN, such as a social 
Local-IRS-Office,  click  on  Find  a  Taxpayer  Assistance            security card or an IRS-issued Notice CP 565 show-
Center  Office,  and  find  “Local  Services”  at  the  nearest        ing your ITIN.

Taxpayer Assistance Center (TAC) to see if the Departing           Note.   If  you  are  married  and  reside  in  a  community 
Alien  Clearances  service  is  available  at  that  office.  Note property state, also bring the above-listed documents for 
that all TACs operate by appointment. Services are limited         your spouse. This applies whether or not your spouse re-
and not all services are available at every TAC office.            quires a permit.
        Call  844-545-5640  to  schedule  an  appointment. 
!       Remember  that  you  must  visit  an  IRS  office at       Forms To File
CAUTION least 2 weeks (but no more than 30 days) before 
you leave the United States, so make sure you call for an          If you must get a sailing or departure permit, you must file 
appointment well before those time frames. Be prepared             Form 2063 or Form 1040-C. Employees in the IRS office 
to furnish your anticipated date of departure and bring all        can assist in filing these forms. Both forms have a “certifi-
necessary documentation with you.                                  cate of compliance” section. When the certificate of com-
                                                                   pliance is signed by an agent of the Field Assistance Area 
Documents To Submit                                                Director,  it  certifies  that  your  U.S.  tax  obligations  have 
                                                                   been  satisfied  according  to  available  information.  Your 
Getting your sailing or departure permit will go faster if you     Form 1040-C copy of the signed certificate, or the one de-
bring to the IRS office documents and papers related to            tached from Form 2063, is your sailing or departure per-
your income and your stay in the United States. Bring the          mit.
following records with you if they apply.
                                                                   Form 2063
1. Your passport and alien registration card or visa.
2. Copies of your U.S. income tax returns filed for the            This  is  a  short  form  that  asks  for  certain  information  but 
past 2 years. If you were in the United States for less            does not include a tax computation. The following depart-
than 2 years, bring the income tax returns you filed for           ing aliens can get their sailing or departure permits by fil-
that period.                                                       ing Form 2063.
3. Receipts for income taxes paid on these returns.                  Aliens, whether resident or nonresident, who have had 
                                                                       no taxable income for the tax year up to and including 
4. Receipts, bank records, canceled checks, and other                  the date of departure and for the preceding year, if the 
documents that prove your deductions, business ex-                     period for filing the income tax return for that year has 
penses, and dependents claimed on your returns.                        not expired.
5. A statement from each employer showing wages paid                 Resident aliens who have received taxable income 
and tax withheld from January 1 of the current year to                 during the tax year or preceding year and whose de-
the date of departure if you were an employee. If you                  parture will not hinder the collection of any tax. How-
were self-employed, you must bring a statement of in-                  ever, if the IRS has information indicating that the ali-
come and expenses up to the date you plan to leave.                    ens are leaving to avoid paying their income tax, they 
6. Proof of estimated tax payments for the past year and               must file a Form 1040-C.
this year.
                                                                   Aliens in either of these categories who have not filed 
7. Documents showing any gain or loss from the sale of             an income tax return or paid income tax for any tax year 
personal property and/or real property, including capi-            must  file  the  return  and  pay  the  income  tax  before  they 
tal assets and merchandise.                                        can be issued a sailing or departure permit on Form 2063.
8. Documents relating to scholarship or fellowship 
                                                                   The  sailing  or  departure  permit  detached  from  Form 
grants, including:
                                                                   2063  can  be  used  for  all  departures  during  the  current 
a. Verification of the grantor, source, and purpose of             year. However, the IRS may cancel the sailing or depar-
        the grant.                                                 ture  permit  for  any  later  departure  if  it  believes  the 

Publication 519 (2023)       Chapter 11  Departing Aliens and the Sailing or Departure                                    75

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collection of income tax is jeopardized by that later depar-        Bond To Ensure Payment
                                                                    Usually,  you  must  pay  the  tax  shown  as  due  on  Form 
Form 1040-C                                                         1040-C when you file it. However, if you pay all taxes due 
                                                                    that you owe for prior years, you can furnish a bond guar-
If you must get a sailing or departure permit and you do            anteeing  payment  instead  of  paying  the  income  taxes 
not qualify to file Form 2063, you must file Form 1040-C.           shown as due on the Form 1040-C or the tax return for the 
                                                                    preceding year if the period for filing that return has not ex-
Ordinarily, all income received, or reasonably expected             pired.
to be received, during the tax year up to and including the 
date of departure must be reported on Form 1040-C, and              The  bond  must  equal  the  tax  due  plus  interest  to  the 
the tax on it must be paid. When you pay any tax shown              date of payment as figured by the IRS. Information about 
as due on the Form 1040-C, and you file all returns and             the form of bond and security on it can be obtained from 
pay all tax due for previous years, you will receive a sailing      your IRS office.
or departure permit. However, the IRS may permit you to 
furnish  a  bond  guaranteeing  payment  instead  of  paying        Filing Annual U.S. Income Tax 
the taxes for certain years. See Bond To Ensure Payment, 
later.  The  sailing  or  departure  permit  issued  under  the 
conditions in this paragraph is only for the specific depar-        Form 1040-C is not an annual U.S. income tax return. If an 
ture for which it is issued.                                        income tax return is required by law, that return must be 
                                                                    filed even though a Form 1040-C has already been filed. 
Returning to the United States.  If you furnish the IRS 
                                                                    Chapter 5 and   chapter 7 discuss filing an annual U.S. in-
with  information  showing,  to  the  satisfaction  of  the  IRS, 
                                                                    come tax return. The tax paid with Form 1040-C should be 
that you intend to return to the United States and that your 
                                                                    taken as a credit against the tax liability for the entire tax 
departure  does  not  jeopardize  the  collection  of  income 
                                                                    year on your annual U.S. income tax return.
tax,  you  can  get  a  sailing  or  departure  permit  by  filing 
Form  1040-C  without  having  to  pay  the  tax  shown  on  it. 
You must, however, file all income tax returns that have not 
yet been filed as required, and pay all income tax that is 
due on these returns.
Your  Form  1040-C  must  include  all  income  received, 
and reasonably expected to be received, during the entire           12.
year of departure. The sailing or departure permit issued 
with this Form 1040-C can be used for all departures dur-
ing the current year. However, the IRS may cancel the sail-         How To Get Tax Help
ing or departure permit for any later departure if the pay-
ment of income tax appears to be in jeopardy.                       Assistance for overseas taxpayers is available in the U.S 
                                                                    and certain foreign locations.
Joint return on Form 1040-C.     Departing husbands and 
wives who are nonresident aliens cannot file joint returns. 
However, if both spouses are resident aliens, they can file         Taxpayer Assistance Inside the 
a joint return on Form 1040-C if:
 Both spouses can reasonably be expected to qualify               United States
   to file a joint return at the normal close of their tax 
   year, and                                                        If you have questions about a tax issue; need help prepar-
                                                                    ing your tax return; or want to download free publications, 
 The tax years of the spouses end at the same time.               forms, or instructions, go to IRS.gov to find resources that 
                                                                    can help you right away.
Paying Taxes and Obtaining Refunds
                                                                    Preparing and filing your tax return.  After receiving all 
You must pay all tax shown as due on the Form 1040-C at             your wage and earnings statements (Forms W-2, W-2G, 
the time of filing it, except when a bond is furnished, or the      1099-R,  1099-MISC,  1099-NEC,  etc.);  unemployment 
IRS  is  satisfied  that  your  departure  does  not  jeopardize    compensation statements (by mail or in a digital format) or 
the collection of income tax. You must also pay any taxes           other  government  payment  statements  (Form  1099-G); 
due for past years. If the tax computation on Form 1040-C           and  interest,  dividend,  and  retirement  statements  from 
results  in  an  overpayment,  there  is  no  tax  to  pay  at  the banks and investment firms (Forms 1099), you have sev-
time you file that return. However, the IRS cannot provide          eral options to choose from to prepare and file your tax re-
a refund at the time of departure. If you are due a refund,         turn.  You  can  prepare  the  tax  return  yourself,  see  if  you 
you must file Form 1040-NR at the end of the tax year.              qualify for free tax preparation, or hire a tax professional to 
                                                                    prepare your return.

76                               Chapter 12                How To Get Tax Help                    Publication 519 (2023)

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Free options for tax preparation.  Your options for pre-
                                                                    IRS.gov/Help: A variety of tools to help you get an-
paring  and  filing  your  return  online  or  in  your  local  com-
                                                                      swers to some of the most common tax questions.
munity, if you qualify, include the following.
                                                                    IRS.gov/ITA: The Interactive Tax Assistant, a tool that 
Free File. This program lets you prepare and file your 
                                                                      will ask you questions and, based on your input, pro-
  federal individual income tax return for free using soft-
                                                                      vide answers on a number of tax topics.
  ware or Free File Fillable Forms. However, state tax 
  preparation may not be available through Free File. Go            IRS.gov/Forms: Find forms, instructions, and publica-
  to IRS.gov/FreeFile to see if you qualify for free online           tions. You will find details on the most recent tax 
  federal tax preparation, e-filing, and direct deposit or            changes and interactive links to help you find answers 
  payment options.                                                    to your questions.
VITA. The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)                  You may also be able to access tax information in your 
  program offers free tax help to people with                         e-filing software.
  low-to-moderate incomes, persons with disabilities, 
  and limited-English-speaking taxpayers who need 
                                                                    Need someone to prepare your tax return?             There are 
  help preparing their own tax returns. Go to IRS.gov/
                                                                    various  types  of  tax  return  preparers,  including  enrolled 
  VITA, download the free IRS2Go app, or call 
                                                                    agents, certified public accountants (CPAs), accountants, 
  800-906-9887 for information on free tax return prepa-
                                                                    and many others who don’t have professional credentials. 
                                                                    If  you  choose  to  have  someone  prepare  your  tax  return, 
TCE. The Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) pro-                choose that preparer wisely. A paid tax preparer is:
  gram offers free tax help for all taxpayers, particularly           Primarily responsible for the overall substantive accu-
  those who are 60 years of age and older. TCE volun-
                                                                      racy of your return,
  teers specialize in answering questions about pen-
  sions and retirement-related issues unique to seniors.            Required to sign the return, and
  Go to IRS.gov/TCE or download the free IRS2Go app                 Required to include their preparer tax identification 
  for information on free tax return preparation.                     number (PTIN).
MilTax. Members of the U.S. Armed Forces and quali-                       Although the tax preparer always signs the return, 
  fied veterans may use MilTax, a free tax service of-               !      you're  ultimately  responsible  for  providing  all  the 
  fered by the Department of Defense through Military               CAUTION information required for the preparer to accurately 
  OneSource. For more information, go to                            prepare your return and for the accuracy of every item re-
  MilitaryOneSource MilitaryOneSource.mil/MilTax (  ).              ported on the return. Anyone paid to prepare tax returns 
     Also, the IRS offers Free Fillable Forms, which can            for  others  should  have  a  thorough  understanding  of  tax 
  be completed online and then e-filed regardless of in-            matters. For more information on how to choose a tax pre-
  come.                                                             parer, go to Tips for Choosing a Tax Preparer on IRS.gov.
Using online tools to help prepare your return.   Go to 
IRS.gov/Tools for the following.                                    Employers can register to use Business Services On-
The Earned Income Tax Credit Assistant IRS.gov/ (                 line. The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers on-
  EITCAssistant) determines if you’re eligible for the              line service at SSA.gov/employer for fast, free, and secure 
  earned income credit (EIC).                                       W-2 filing options to CPAs, accountants, enrolled agents, 
                                                                    and  individuals  who  process  Form  W-2,  Wage  and  Tax 
The Online EIN Application IRS.gov/EIN (    ) helps you           Statement,  and  Form  W-2c,  Corrected  Wage  and  Tax 
  get an employer identification number (EIN) at no                 Statement.
The Tax Withholding Estimator IRS.gov/W4App (   )                 IRS social media.  Go to IRS.gov/SocialMedia to see the 
  makes it easier for you to estimate the federal income            various social media tools the IRS uses to share the latest 
  tax you want your employer to withhold from your pay-             information on tax changes, scam alerts, initiatives, prod-
  check. This is tax withholding. See how your withhold-            ucts, and services. At the IRS, privacy and security are our 
  ing affects your refund, take-home pay, or tax due.               highest priority. We use these tools to share public infor-
                                                                    mation  with  you. Don’t  post  your  social  security  number 
The First-Time Homebuyer Credit Account Look-up                   (SSN)  or  other  confidential  information  on  social  media 
  (IRS.gov/HomeBuyer) tool provides information on                  sites. Always protect your identity when using any social 
  your repayments and account balance.                              networking site.
The Sales Tax Deduction Calculator IRS.gov/ (                      The following IRS YouTube channels provide short, in-
  SalesTax) figures the amount you can claim if you                 formative videos on various tax-related topics in English, 
  itemize deductions on Schedule A (Form 1040).                     Spanish, and ASL.
     Getting  answers  to  your  tax  questions.  On                Youtube.com/irsvideos.
     IRS.gov,  you  can  get  up-to-date  information  on           Youtube.com/irsvideosmultilingua.
     current events and changes in tax law.

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Watching      IRS     videos.  The IRS   Video      portal         Make a payment or view 5 years of payment history 
(IRSVideos.gov)  contains  video  and  audio  presentations          and any pending or scheduled payments.
for individuals, small businesses, and tax professionals.            Access your tax records, including key data from your 
Online  tax  information  in  other  languages. You  can             most recent tax return, and transcripts.
find  information  on IRS.gov/MyLanguage  if  English  isn’t       View digital copies of select notices from the IRS.
your native language.
                                                                   Approve or reject authorization requests from tax pro-
Free  Over-the-Phone  Interpreter  (OPI)  Service.  The              fessionals.
IRS is committed to serving taxpayers with limited-English         View your address on file or manage your communica-
proficiency (LEP) by offering OPI services. The OPI Serv-            tion preferences.
ice is a federally funded program and is available at Tax-
payer  Assistance  Centers  (TACs),  most  IRS  offices,  and      Get a transcript of your return. With an online account, 
every VITA/TCE tax return site. The OPI Service is acces-          you can access a variety of information to help you during 
sible in more than 350 languages.                                  the  filing  season.  You  can  get  a  transcript,  review  your 
                                                                   most recently filed tax return, and get your adjusted gross 
Accessibility  Helpline  available  for  taxpayers  with           income. Create or access your online account at       IRS.gov/
disabilities. Taxpayers  who  need  information  about  ac-        Account.
cessibility  services  can  call  833-690-0598.  The  Accessi-
bility Helpline can answer questions related to current and        Tax  Pro  Account. This  tool  lets  your  tax  professional 
future accessibility products and services available in al-        submit an authorization request to access your individual 
ternative  media  formats  (for  example,  braille,  large  print, taxpayer IRS online account. For more information, go to 
audio, etc.). The Accessibility Helpline does not have ac-         IRS.gov/TaxProAccount.
cess to your IRS account. For help with tax law, refunds, or 
account-related issues, go to IRS.gov/LetUsHelp.                   Using direct deposit. The safest and easiest way to re-
                                                                   ceive a tax refund is to e-file and choose direct deposit, 
 Note.   Form  9000,  Alternative  Media  Preference,  or          which securely and electronically transfers your refund di-
Form 9000(SP) allows you to elect to receive certain types         rectly  into  your  financial  account.  Direct  deposit  also 
of written correspondence in the following formats.                avoids the possibility that your check could be lost, stolen, 
                                                                   destroyed,  or  returned  undeliverable  to  the  IRS.  Eight  in 
 Standard Print.
                                                                   10 taxpayers use direct deposit to receive their refunds. If 
 Large Print.                                                    you  don’t  have  a  bank  account,  go  to           IRS.gov/
 Braille.                                                        DirectDeposit for more information on where to find a bank 
                                                                   or credit union that can open an account online.
 Audio (MP3).
 Plain Text File (TXT).                                          Reporting  and  resolving  your  tax-related  identity 
                                                                   theft issues. 
 Braille Ready File (BRF).
                                                                   Tax-related identity theft happens when someone 
Disasters.  Go  to IRS.gov/DisasterRelief  to  review  the           steals your personal information to commit tax fraud. 
available disaster tax relief.                                       Your taxes can be affected if your SSN is used to file a 
                                                                     fraudulent return or to claim a refund or credit.
Getting  tax  forms  and  publications. Go  to  IRS.gov/
Forms  to  view,  download,  or  print  all  the  forms,  instruc- The IRS doesn’t initiate contact with taxpayers by 
                                                                     email, text messages (including shortened links), tele-
tions, and publications you may need. Or, you can go to 
                                                                     phone calls, or social media channels to request or 
IRS.gov/OrderForms to place an order.
                                                                     verify personal or financial information. This includes 
Getting  tax  publications  and  instructions  in  eBook             requests for personal identification numbers (PINs), 
format. Download and view most tax publications and in-              passwords, or similar information for credit cards, 
structions  (including  the  Instructions  for  Form  1040)  on      banks, or other financial accounts.
mobile devices as eBooks at IRS.gov/eBooks.                        Go to IRS.gov/IdentityTheft, the IRS Identity Theft 
 IRS eBooks have been tested using Apple's iBooks for                Central webpage, for information on identity theft and 
iPad. Our eBooks haven’t been tested on other dedicated              data security protection for taxpayers, tax professio-
eBook readers, and eBook functionality may not operate               nals, and businesses. If your SSN has been lost or 
as intended.                                                         stolen or you suspect you’re a victim of tax-related 
                                                                     identity theft, you can learn what steps you should 
Access  your  online  account  (individual  taxpayers                take.
only). Go  to IRS.gov/Account  to  securely  access  infor-
mation about your federal tax account.                             Get an Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN). IP PINs are 
                                                                     six-digit numbers assigned to taxpayers to help pre-
 View the amount you owe and a breakdown by tax                    vent the misuse of their SSNs on fraudulent federal in-
   year.                                                             come tax returns. When you have an IP PIN, it pre-
 See payment plan details or apply for a new payment               vents someone else from filing a tax return with your 
   plan.                                                             SSN. To learn more, go to IRS.gov/IPPIN.

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Ways to check on the status of your refund.                 Checking  the  status  of  your  amended  return.            Go  to 
                                                            IRS.gov/WMAR to track the status of Form 1040-X amen-
Go to IRS.gov/Refunds.
                                                            ded returns.
Download the official IRS2Go app to your mobile de-
                                                                     It can take up to 3 weeks from the date you filed 
  vice to check your refund status.
                                                                     your amended return for it to show up in our sys-
Call the automated refund hotline at 800-829-1954.        CAUTION! tem, and processing it can take up to 16 weeks.

        The IRS can’t issue refunds before mid-February 
                                                            Understanding  an  IRS  notice  or  letter  you’ve  re-
!       for returns that claimed the EIC or the additional 
CAUTION child tax credit (ACTC). This applies to the entire ceived.  Go to IRS.gov/Notices to find additional informa-
refund, not just the portion associated with these credits. tion about responding to an IRS notice or letter.

                                                            Responding  to  an  IRS  notice  or  letter. You  can  now 
Making  a  tax  payment. Payments  of  U.S.  tax  must  be 
                                                            upload  responses  to  all  notices  and  letters  using  the 
remitted to the IRS in U.S. dollars. Digital assets are not 
                                                            Document Upload Tool. For notices that require additional 
accepted. Go to IRS.gov/Payments for information on how 
                                                            action,  taxpayers  will  be  redirected  appropriately  on 
to make a payment using any of the following options.
                                                            IRS.gov  to  take  further  action.  To  learn  more  about  the 
IRS Direct Pay: Pay your individual tax bill or estimated tool, go to IRS.gov/Upload.
  tax payment directly from your checking or savings ac-
  count at no cost to you.                                  Note.     You  can  use  Schedule  LEP  (Form  1040),  Re-
                                                            quest for Change in Language Preference, to state a pref-
Debit Card, Credit Card, or Digital Wallet: Choose an     erence to receive notices, letters, or other written commu-
  approved payment processor to pay online or by            nications from the IRS in an alternative language. You may 
  phone.                                                    not immediately receive written communications in the re-
Electronic Funds Withdrawal: Schedule a payment           quested language. The IRS’s commitment to LEP taxpay-
  when filing your federal taxes using tax return prepara-  ers  is  part  of  a  multi-year  timeline  that  began  providing 
  tion software or through a tax professional.              translations in 2023. You will continue to receive communi-
                                                            cations, including notices and letters, in English until they 
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System: Best option 
                                                            are translated to your preferred language.
  for businesses. Enrollment is required.
Check or Money Order: Mail your payment to the ad-        Contacting your local TAC. Keep in mind, many ques-
  dress listed on the notice or instructions.               tions can be answered on IRS.gov without visiting a TAC. 
                                                            Go to IRS.gov/LetUsHelp for the topics people ask about 
Cash: You may be able to pay your taxes with cash at 
                                                            most. If you still need help, TACs provide tax help when a 
  a participating retail store.
                                                            tax  issue  can’t  be  handled  online  or  by  phone.  All  TACs 
Same-Day Wire: You may be able to do same-day             now provide service by appointment, so you’ll know in ad-
  wire from your financial institution. Contact your finan- vance that you can get the service you need without long 
  cial institution for availability, cost, and time frames. wait times. Before you visit, go to IRS.gov/TACLocator to 
                                                            find the nearest TAC and to check hours, available serv-
Note.   The IRS uses the latest encryption technology to    ices,  and  appointment  options.  Or,  on  the  IRS2Go  app, 
ensure that the electronic payments you make online, by     under the Stay Connected tab, choose the Contact Us op-
phone, or from a mobile device using the IRS2Go app are     tion and click on “Local Offices.”
safe and secure. Paying electronically is quick, easy, and 
faster than mailing in a check or money order.
                                                            The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) 
What  if  I  can’t  pay  now? Go  to IRS.gov/Payments  for  Is Here To Help You
more information about your options.
                                                            What Is TAS?
Apply for an online payment agreement IRS.gov/ (
  OPA) to meet your tax obligation in monthly install-      TAS  is  an independent  organization  within  the  IRS  that 
  ments if you can’t pay your taxes in full today. Once     helps taxpayers and protects taxpayer rights. TAS strives 
  you complete the online process, you will receive im-     to ensure that every taxpayer is treated fairly and that you 
  mediate notification of whether your agreement has        know and understand your rights under the    Taxpayer Bill 
  been approved.                                            of Rights.
Use the Offer in Compromise Pre-Qualifier to see if 
  you can settle your tax debt for less than the full       How Can You Learn About Your Taxpayer 
  amount you owe. For more information on the Offer in      Rights?
  Compromise program, go to IRS.gov/OIC.
                                                            The Taxpayer Bill of Rights describes 10 basic rights that 
Filing  an  amended  return.   Go  to IRS.gov/Form1040X     all  taxpayers  have  when  dealing  with  the  IRS.  Go  to 
for information and updates.                                TaxpayerAdvocate.IRS.gov  to  help  you  understand  what 
                                                            these rights mean to you and how they apply. These are 
                                                            your rights. Know them. Use them.

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What Can TAS Do for You?                                               LITCs can provide information about taxpayer rights and 
                                                                       responsibilities  in  different  languages  for  individuals  who 
TAS can help you resolve problems that you can’t resolve               speak English as a second language. Services are offered 
with  the  IRS.  And  their  service  is  free.  If  you  qualify  for for free or a small fee. For more information or to find an 
their  assistance,  you  will  be  assigned  to  one  advocate         LITC near      you,    go   to     the   LITC     page at 
who will work with you throughout the process and will do              TaxpayerAdvocate.IRS.gov/LITC  or  see  IRS  Pub.  4134, 
everything  possible  to  resolve  your  issue.  TAS  can  help        Low  Income  Taxpayer  Clinic  List,  at IRS.gov/pub/irs-pdf/
you if:                                                                p4134.pdf.
 Your problem is causing financial difficulty for you, 
   your family, or your business;
 You face (or your business is facing) an immediate                  Taxpayer Assistance Outside 
   threat of adverse action; or
                                                                       the United States
 You’ve tried repeatedly to contact the IRS but no one 
   has responded, or the IRS hasn’t responded by the                        If you are outside the United States, you can call 
   date promised.                                                           267-941-1000 (English-speaking only). This num-
                                                                            ber is not toll free.

How Can You Reach TAS?                                                      If you wish to write instead of calling, address your 
TAS  has  offices in  every  state,  the  District  of  Columbia,           letter to:

and Puerto Rico. To find your advocate’s number:                       Internal Revenue Service
 Go to TaxpayerAdvocate.IRS.gov/Contact-Us;                          International Accounts
 Download Pub. 1546, The Taxpayer Advocate Service                   Philadelphia, PA 19255-0725
   Is Your Voice at the IRS, available at IRS.gov/pub/irs-             U.S.A.
 Call the IRS toll free at 800-TAX-FORM                              Additional contacts for taxpayers who live outside the Uni-
   (800-829-3676) to order a copy of Pub. 1546;                        ted States are available at IRS.gov/uac/Contact-My-Local-
 Check your local directory; or                                      Office-Internationally.

 Call TAS toll free at 877-777-4778.                                 Taxpayer  Advocate  Service  (TAS).      If  you  live  outside 
                                                                       the United States, you can call TAS at + 
How Else Does TAS Help Taxpayers?                                      Your call will be automatically routed to Hawaii or Puerto 
                                                                       Rico  depending  on  your  location.  If  you  select  Spanish, 
TAS  works  to  resolve  large-scale  problems  that  affect           your call will be routed to the Puerto Rico office for assis-
many taxpayers. If you know of one of these broad issues,              tance. You can contact the Taxpayer Advocate at:
report it to TAS at IRS.gov/SAMS. Be sure to not include 
any personal taxpayer information.                                     Internal Revenue Service
                                                                       Taxpayer Advocate Service
Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITCs)                                    City View Plaza, 48 Carr 165,
                                                                       Guaynabo, P.R. 00968-8000
LITCs are independent from the IRS and TAS. LITCs rep-
resent individuals whose income is below a certain level               You can call TAS toll free at 877-777-4778. For more in-
and who need to resolve tax problems with the IRS. LITCs               formation  on  TAS  and  contacts  if  you  are  outside  of  the 
can represent taxpayers in audits, appeals, and tax collec-            United States, go to TaxpayerAdvocate.IRS.gov/Get-Help/
tion  disputes  before  the  IRS  and  in  court.  In  addition,       International/.

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Frequently Asked Questions

This  section  answers  tax-related  Generally, you cannot claim tax treaty  15th  day  of  the  6th  month  after  your 
questions commonly asked by aliens.           benefits as a resident alien. However,  tax year ends. For the 2023 calendar 
                                              there are exceptions. See Effect of Tax         year, file your return by June 17, 2024. 
What is the difference between a              Treaties  in  chapter  1.  See  also Resi-      For  more  information  on when  to  file 
resident alien and a nonresident              dent  Aliens  under Some  Typical  Tax          and where to file, see chapter 7.
alien for tax purposes?                       Treaty Benefits in chapter 9.
                                                                                              My spouse is a nonresident alien. 
For  tax  purposes,  an  alien  is  an  indi- I am a nonresident alien with no                Do they need a social security 
vidual who is not a U.S. citizen. Aliens      dependents. I am working                        number?
are  classified  as  resident  aliens  and    temporarily for a U.S. company. 
nonresident  aliens.  Resident  aliens        What return do I file?                          A social security number (SSN) must 
are  taxed  on  their  worldwide  income,                                                     be  furnished  on  returns,  statements, 
the  same  as  U.S.  citizens.  Nonresi-      You must file Form 1040-NR if you are  and  other  tax-related  documents.  If 
dent aliens are taxed only on their U.S.  engaged in a trade or business in the  your spouse does not have and is not 
source  income  and  certain  foreign  United States, or have any other U.S.  eligible to get an SSN, they must ap-
source income that is effectively con-        source  income  on  which  tax  was  not  ply  for  an  individual  taxpayer  identifi-
nected with a U.S. trade or business.         fully paid by the amount withheld.              cation number (ITIN).
                                                                                              If you are a U.S. citizen or resident 
What is the difference between the            I came to the United States on                  and you choose to treat your nonresi-
taxation of income that is                    June 30 of last year. I have an H-1B            dent  spouse  as  a  resident  and  file  a 
effectively connected with a trade            visa. What is my tax status,                    joint  tax  return,  your  nonresident 
or business in the United States              resident alien or nonresident                   spouse  needs  an  SSN  or  an  ITIN. 
and income that is not effectively            alien? What tax return do I file?               Alien spouses who are claimed as de-
connected with a trade or business                                                            pendents  are  also  required  to  furnish 
in the United States?                         You were a dual-status alien last year.         an SSN or ITIN.
                                              As  a  general  rule,  because  you  were 
The difference between these two cat-         in  the  United  States  for  183  days  or     See Identification Number in chap-
egories  is  that  effectively  connected  more,  you  have  met  the  substantial            ter 5 for more information.
income, after allowable deductions, is  presence test and you are taxed as a 
taxed  at  graduated  rates.  These  are  resident.  However,  for  the  part  of  the        I am a nonresident alien. Can I file 
the same rates that apply to U.S. citi-       year that you were not present in the           a joint return with my spouse?
zens and residents. Income that is not  United States, you are a nonresident. 
effectively connected is taxed at a flat  File  Form  1040  or  1040-SR.  Enter               Generally,  you  cannot  file  as  married 
30% (or lower treaty) rate.                   “Dual-Status  Return”  across  the  top.        filing jointly if either spouse was a non-
                                              Attach a statement showing your U.S.            resident  alien  at  any  time  during  the 
I am a student with an F-1 visa. I            source income for the part of the year          tax year.
was told that I was an exempt                 you were a nonresident. You may use             However,  nonresident  aliens  mar-
individual. Does this mean I am               Form 1040-NR as the statement. En-              ried  to  U.S.  citizens  or  residents  can 
exempt from paying U.S. tax?                  ter “Dual-Status Statement” across the          choose to be treated as U.S. residents 
                                              top.  See First  Year  of  Residency  in        and  file  joint  returns.  For  more  infor-
The term “exempt individual” does not  chapter  1  for  rules  on  determining                mation  on  this  choice,  see Nonresi-
refer  to  someone  exempt  from  U.S.  your residency starting date.                         dent Spouse Treated as a Resident in 
tax.  You  were  referred  to  as  an  “ex-                                                   chapter 1.
empt individual” because as a student         When is my Form 1040-NR due?
temporarily in the United States on an                                                        I have an H-1B visa and my spouse 
F  visa,  you  do  not  have  to  count  the  If  you  are  an  employee  and  you  re-       has an F-1 visa. We both lived in 
days  you  were  present  in  the  United  ceive  wages  subject  to  U.S.  income            the United States all of last year 
States  as  a  student  during  the  first  5  tax withholding, you must generally file       and had income. What kind of form 
years in determining if you are a resi-       by the 15th day of the 4th month after          should we file? Do we file separate 
dent alien under the substantial pres-        your  tax  year  ends.  If  you  file  for  the returns or a joint return?
ence test. See chapter 1.                     2023 calendar year, your return is due 
                                              April 15, 2024.                                 Assuming both of you had these visas 
I am a resident alien. Can I claim                                                            for all of last year and you are a resi-
                                              If you are not an employee who re-
any treaty benefits?                                                                          dent  alien,  your  spouse  is  a  nonresi-
                                              ceives  wages  subject  to  U.S.  income 
                                              tax  withholding,  you  must  file  by  the     dent alien if they have not been in the 
                                                                                              United  States  as  a  student  for  more 

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than  5  years.  You  and  your  spouse      I am a nonresident alien. I receive        Nonresident aliens can claim some of 
can file a joint tax return on Form 1040     U.S. social security benefits. Are         the  same  itemized  deductions  that 
or 1040-SR if your spouse makes the          my benefits taxable?                       resident  aliens  can  claim.  However, 
choice to be treated as a resident for                                                  nonresident aliens can claim itemized 
the  entire  year.  See Nonresident          If you are a nonresident alien, 85% of  deductions  only  if  they  have  income 
Spouse  Treated  as  a  Resident  in  any U.S. social security benefits (and  effectively  connected  with  their  U.S. 
chapter  1.  If  your  spouse  does  not  the equivalent portion of tier 1 railroad  trade  or  business.  See  Itemized  De-
make this choice, you must file a sep-       retirement  benefits)  you  receive  is    ductions in chapter 5.
arate  return  on  Form  1040  or  subject to the flat 30% tax, unless ex-
1040-SR. Your spouse must file Form  empt, or subject to a lower treaty rate.           I am single with a dependent child. 
1040-NR.                                     See The 30% Tax in chapter 4.              I was a dual-status alien in 2023. 
                                                                                        Can I claim the earned income 
Is a “dual-resident taxpayer” the            Do I have to pay taxes on my               credit on my 2023 tax return?
same as a “dual-status taxpayer”?            scholarship?
                                                                                        If  you  are  a  nonresident  alien  for  any 
No.  A  dual-resident  taxpayer  is  one  If you are a nonresident alien and the  part of the year, you cannot claim the 
who  is  a  resident  of  both  the  United  scholarship is not from U.S. sources, it  earned  income  credit.  See  chapter  6 
States  and  another  country  under  is not subject to U.S. tax. See Scholar-          for more information on dual-status ali-
each country's tax laws. See Effect of  ships,  Grants,  Prizes,  and  Awards  in       ens.
Tax  Treaties  in  chapter  1.  You  are  a  chapter  2  to  determine  whether  your 
dual-status alien when you are both a  scholarship is from U.S. sources.                I am a nonresident alien student. 
resident alien and a nonresident alien                                                  Can I claim an education credit on 
                                             If  your  scholarship  is  from  U.S. 
in  the  same  year.  For  information  on                                              my Form 1040-NR?
                                             sources  or  you  are  a  resident  alien, 
determining the U.S. income tax liabil-
                                             your scholarship is subject to U.S. tax 
ity for a dual-status tax year, see chap-                                               If  you  are  a  nonresident  alien  for  any 
                                             according to the following rules.
ter 6.                                                                                  part of the year, you generally cannot 
                                             If you are a candidate for a de-         claim the education credits. However, 
I am a nonresident alien and                   gree, you may be able to exclude         if you are married and choose to file a 
invested money in the U.S. stock               from your income the part of the         joint return with a U.S. citizen or resi-
market through a U.S. brokerage                scholarship you use to pay for tui-      dent  spouse,  you  may  be  eligible  for 
company. Are the dividends and                 tion, fees, books, supplies, and         these   credits. See    Nonresident 
the capital gains taxable? If yes,             equipment required by the educa-         Spouse  Treated  as  a  Resident  in 
how are they taxed?                            tional institution. However, the part  chapter 1.
                                               of the scholarship you use to pay 
The  following  rules  apply  if  the  divi-   for other expenses, such as room         I am a nonresident alien, 
dends and capital gains are not effec-         and board, is taxable. See Schol-        temporarily working in the U.S. 
tively  connected  with  a  U.S.  trade  or    arships and Fellowship Grants in         under a J visa. Am I subject to 
business.                                      chapter 3 for more information.          social security and Medicare 
 Capital gains are generally not           If you are not a candidate for a de-     taxes?
   taxable if you were in the United           gree, your scholarship is taxable.
   States for less than 183 days dur-                                                   Generally,  services  you  perform  as  a 
   ing the year. See Sales or Ex-            I am a nonresident alien. Can I            nonresident  alien  temporarily  in  the 
   changes of Capital Assets in              claim the standard deduction?              United  States  as  a  nonimmigrant  un-
   chapter 4 for more information and                                                   der subparagraph (F), (J), (M), or (Q) 
   exceptions.                               Nonresident  aliens  cannot  claim  the    of  section  101(a)(15)  of  the  Immigra-
                                             standard  deduction.  However,  see        tion  and  Nationality  Act  are  not  cov-
 Dividends are generally taxed at a                                                   ered under the social security program 
                                             Students  and  business  apprentices 
   30% (or lower treaty) rate. The                                                      if you perform the services to carry out 
                                             from India, under Itemized Deductions 
   brokerage company or payer of                                                        the purpose for which you were admit-
                                             in chapter 5, for an exception.
   the dividends should withhold this                                                   ted  to  the  United  States.  See Social 
   tax at source. If tax is not withheld                                                Security and Medicare Taxes in chap-
   at the correct rate, you must file        I am a dual-status taxpayer. Can I 
   Form 1040-NR to receive a refund          claim the standard deduction?              ter 8.

   or pay any additional tax due.                                                       I am a nonresident alien student. 
                                             You cannot claim the standard deduc-
If  the  capital  gains  and  dividends  tion  allowed  on  Form  1040  or              Social security taxes were withheld 
are  effectively  connected  with  a  U.S.  1040-SR.  However,  you  can  itemize       from my pay in error. How do I get 
trade  or  business,  they  are  taxed  ac-  any allowable deductions.                  a refund of these taxes?
cording  to  the  same  rules  and  at  the 
same rates that apply to U.S. citizens       I am filing Form 1040-NR. Can I            If  social  security  or  Medicare  taxes 
and residents.                               claim itemized deductions?                 were withheld in error from pay that is 
                                                                                        not subject to these taxes, contact the 

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employer who withheld the taxes for a  Before  leaving  the  United  States,  ali-       I filed a Form 1040-C when I left the 
refund.  If  you  are  unable  to  get  a  full  ens must generally obtain a certificate United States. Do I still have to file 
refund  of  the  amount  from  your  em- of  compliance.  This  document,  also          an annual U.S. tax return?
ployer, file a claim for refund with the  popularly known as the “sailing permit” 
IRS  on  Form  843.  Do  not  use  Form  or “departure permit,” is part of the in-       Form 1040-C is not an annual U.S. in-
843  to  request  a  refund  of  Additional  come  tax  form  you  must  file  before  come  tax  return.  If  an  income  tax  re-
Medicare  Tax.  See Refund  of  Taxes    leaving.  You  will  receive  a  sailing  or  turn  is  required  by  law,  you  must  file 
Withheld in Error in chapter 8.          departure  permit  after  filing  a Form        that  return  even  though  you  already 
                                         1040-C  or Form  2063.  These  forms  filed  a  Form  1040-C.     Chapter  5  and 
I am an alien who will be leaving        are discussed in chapter 11.                    chapter 7 discuss filing an annual U.S. 
the United States. What forms do I                                                       income tax return.
have to file before I leave?

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Appendix A—Tax Treaty Exemption Procedure for Students

This appendix contains the statements  2. I am temporarily present in the Uni-           Cyprus
nonresident  alien  students  and  train-          ted States for the primary purpose 
ees must file with Form 8233 to claim a            of studying at          [insert the   1. I was a resident of Cyprus on the 
tax  treaty  exemption  from  withholding          name of the university or other rec-  date of my arrival in the United 
of tax on compensation for dependent               ognized educational institution at    States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I 
personal services. For treaty countries            which you study] or securing train-   have not been lawfully accorded 
not  listed,  attach  a  statement  in  a  for-    ing to practice a profession or pro-  the privilege of residing perma-
mat  similar  to  those  for  other  treaties.     fessional specialty.                  nently in the United States as an 
See chapter 8 for more information on                                                    immigrant.
                                                3. I will receive compensation for per-
                                                   sonal services performed in the       2. I am temporarily present in the Uni-
                                                   United States. This compensation      ted States for the primary purpose 
Belgium                                            qualifies for exemption from with-    of studying at           [insert the 
                                                   holding of federal income tax un-     name of the university or other rec-
1. I was a resident of Belgium on the              der the tax treaty between the Uni-   ognized educational institution at 
   date of my arrival in the United                ted States and Bulgaria in an         which you study].
   States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I              amount not in excess of $9,000 for 
   have not been lawfully accorded                 any tax year.                         3. I will receive compensation for per-
   the privilege of residing perma-                                                      sonal services performed in the 
   nently in the United States as an            4. I arrived in the United States on     United States. This compensation 
   immigrant.                                             [insert the date of your       qualifies for exemption from with-
                                                   last arrival in the United States be- holding of federal income tax un-
2. I am present in the United States               fore beginning study or training].    der the tax treaty between the Uni-
   for the purpose of my education or              The treaty exemption for training is  ted States and Cyprus in an 
   training.                                       available only for compensation       amount not in excess of $2,000 
3. I will receive compensation for per-            paid during a period of 2 years.      ($10,000 if you are a participant in 
   sonal services performed in the                                                       a government sponsored program 
   United States. This compensation             China, People's Republic                 of study not exceeding 1 year) for 
                                                                                         any tax year. I have not previously 
   qualifies for exemption from with-           of                                       claimed an income tax exemption 
   holding of federal income tax un-
   der the tax treaty between the Uni-          1. I was a resident of the People's      under that treaty for income re-
   ted States and Belgium in an                    Republic of China on the date of      ceived as a student before the 
   amount not in excess of $9,000 for              my arrival in the United States. I    date of my arrival in the United 
   any tax year.                                   am not a U.S. citizen.                States.
4. I arrived in the United States on            2. I am present in the United States     4. I arrived in the United States on 
              [insert the date of your             solely for the purpose of my edu-             [insert the date of your 
   last arrival in the United States be-           cation or training.                   last arrival in the United States be-
   fore beginning study or training].                                                    fore beginning study at the U.S. 
   For a trainee who is temporarily             3. I will receive compensation for per-  educational institution]. The 
   present in the United States for the            sonal services performed in the       $2,000 treaty exemption is availa-
   purpose of securing training re-                United States. This compensation      ble only for compensation paid 
   quired to practice a profession or              qualifies for exemption from with-    during a period of 5 tax years be-
   professional specialty, the treaty              holding of federal income tax un-     ginning with the tax year that in-
   exemption is available only for                 der the tax treaty between the Uni-   cludes my arrival date, and for 
   compensation paid during a period               ted States and the People's           such additional period of time as is 
   of 2 years.                                     Republic of China in an amount        necessary to complete, as a 
                                                   not in excess of $5,000 for any tax   full-time student, educational re-
                                                   year.                                 quirements as a candidate for a 
                                                4. I arrived in the United States on     postgraduate or professional de-
1. I was a resident of Bulgaria on the                    [insert the date of your       gree from a recognized educa-
   date of my arrival in the United                last arrival in the United States be- tional institution.
   States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I              fore beginning study or training]. I 
   have not been lawfully accorded                 am claiming this exemption only for 
   the privilege of residing perma-                such period of time as is reasona-
   nently in the United States as an               bly necessary to complete the ed-
   immigrant.                                      ucation or training.

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Czech Republic, Estonia,                2. I am temporarily present in the Uni- qualifies for exemption from with-
                                        ted States for the primary purpose      holding of federal income tax un-
Latvia, Lithuania, and                  of studying at           [insert the    der the tax treaty between the Uni-
Slovak Republic                         name of the university or other rec-    ted States and France in an 
                                        ognized educational institution at      amount not in excess of $5,000 for 
1. I was a resident of      [insert     which you study].                       any taxable year. I have not previ-
the name of the country under                                                   ously claimed an income tax ex-
whose treaty you claim exemption]       3. I will receive compensation for per-
                                                                                emption under this treaty for in-
on the date of my arrival in the Uni-   sonal services performed in the 
                                                                                come received as a teacher, 
ted States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I  United States. This compensation 
                                                                                researcher, or student before the 
have not been lawfully accorded         qualifies for exemption from with-
                                                                                date of my arrival in the United 
the privilege of residing perma-        holding of federal income tax un-
nently in the United States as an       der the tax treaty between the Uni-
immigrant.                              ted States and Egypt in an amount       4. I will be present in the United 
                                        not in excess of $3,000 ($10,000 if     States only for such period of time 
2. I am temporarily present in the Uni- you are a participant in a govern-      as may be reasonably or custom-
ted States for the primary purpose      ment sponsored program of study         arily required to effectuate the pur-
of studying or training at              not exceeding 1 year) for any tax       pose of this visit.
[insert the name of the university or   year. I have not previously claimed 
                                                                                5. I arrived in the United States on 
other recognized educational insti-     an income tax exemption under 
                                                                                        [insert the date of your 
tution at which you study]; or, I am    that treaty for income received as a 
                                                                                last arrival in the United States be-
temporarily present in the United       teacher, researcher, or student be-
                                                                                fore beginning study at the U.S. 
States as a recipient of a grant, al-   fore the date of my arrival in the 
                                                                                educational institution]. The treaty 
lowance, or award from                  United States.
[insert the name of the nonprofit                                               exemption is available only for 
organization or government institu-     4. I arrived in the United States on    compensation paid during a period 
tion providing the grant, allowance,           [insert the date of your         of 5 tax years.
or award].                              last arrival in the United States be-
                                        fore beginning study at the U.S.        Germany
3. I will receive compensation for      educational institution]. The 
services performed in the United        $3,000 treaty exemption is availa-      1. I was a resident of Germany on the 
States. This compensation quali-        ble only for compensation paid          date of my arrival in the United 
fies for exemption from withholding     during a period of 5 tax years be-      States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I 
of federal income tax under the tax     ginning with the tax year that in-      have not been lawfully accorded 
treaty between the United States        cludes my arrival date, and for         the privilege of residing perma-
and          [insert the name of        such period of time as is neces-        nently in the United States as an 
the country] in the amount not in       sary to complete, as a full-time stu-   immigrant.
excess of $5,000 ($10,000 if you        dent, educational requirements as 
are a participant in a government       a candidate for a postgraduate or       2. I am temporarily present in the Uni-
sponsored program of study not          professional degree from a recog-       ted States as a student or busi-
exceeding 1 year) for any tax year.     nized educational institution.          ness apprentice for the purpose of 
4. I arrived in the United States on                                            full-time study or training at 
                                                                                        [insert the name of the 
       [insert the date of your         France
last arrival in the United States be-                                           accredited university, college, 
fore beginning study at the U.S.        1. I was a resident of France on the    school or other educational institu-
educational institution]. The           date of my arrival in the United        tion]; or, I am temporarily present 
$5,000 treaty exemption is availa-      States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I      in the United States as a recipient 
ble only for compensation paid          have not been lawfully accorded         of a grant, allowance, or award 
during a period of 5 tax years be-      the privilege of residing perma-        from            [insert the name of 
ginning with the tax year that in-      nently in the United States as an       the nonprofit organization or gov-
cludes my arrival date.                 immigrant.                              ernment institution providing the 
                                                                                grant, allowance, or award].
                                        2. I am temporarily present in the Uni-
Egypt                                   ted States for the primary purpose      3. I will receive compensation for de-
                                        of studying at           [insert the    pendent personal services per-
1. I was a resident of Egypt on the     name of the accredited university,      formed in the United States. This 
date of my arrival in the United        college, school or other educa-         compensation qualifies for exemp-
States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I      tional institution].                    tion from withholding of federal in-
have not been lawfully accorded                                                 come tax under the tax treaty be-
the privilege of residing perma-        3. I will receive compensation for per- tween the United States and 
nently in the United States as an       sonal services performed in the         Germany in an amount not in ex-
immigrant.                              United States. This compensation        cess of $9,000 for any tax year, 
                                                                                provided that such services are 

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   performed for the purpose of sup-     Indonesia                               2. I am temporarily present in the Uni-
   plementing funds otherwise availa-                                            ted States for the primary purpose 
   ble for my maintenance, education,  1. I was a resident of Indonesia on       of studying at           [insert the 
   or training.                          the date of my arrival in the United    name of the university or other rec-
                                         States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I      ognized educational institution at 
4. I arrived in the United States on 
                                         have not been lawfully accorded         which you study].
          [insert the date of your 
                                         the privilege of residing perma-
   last arrival in the United States be-                                         3. I will receive compensation for per-
                                         nently in the United States as an 
   fore beginning study at the U.S.                                              sonal services performed in the 
   educational institution]. The treaty                                          United States. This compensation 
   exemption is available only for       2. I am temporarily present in the Uni- qualifies for exemption from with-
   compensation paid during a period     ted States solely for the purpose of    holding of federal income tax un-
   of 4 tax years beginning with the     study at      [insert the name          der the tax treaty between the Uni-
   tax year that includes my arrival     of the university or other accredi-     ted States and            [insert the 
   date.                                 ted educational institution at which    name of the country under whose 
                                         you study]; or, I am temporarily        treaty you claim exemption] in an 
Iceland                                  present in the United States as a       amount not in excess of $3,000 for 
                                         recipient of a grant, allowance or      any tax year. I have not previously 
1. I was a resident of Iceland on the    award from           [insert the        claimed an income tax exemption 
   date of my arrival in the United      name of the nonprofit organization      under that treaty for income re-
   States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I    or government institution providing     ceived as a teacher, researcher, or 
   have not been lawfully accorded       the grant, allowance, or award] for     student before the date of my ar-
   the privilege of residing perma-      the primary purpose of study, re-       rival in the United States.
   nently in the United States as an     search, or training.
                                                                                 4. I arrived in the United States on 
   immigrant.                                                                          [insert the date of your 
                                         3. I will receive compensation for 
2. I am temporarily present in the Uni-  services performed in the United        last arrival in the United States be-
   ted States for the primary purpose    States. This compensation quali-        fore beginning study at the U.S. 
   of studying at           [insert the  fies for exemption from withholding     educational institution]. The treaty 
   name of the university or other rec-  of federal income tax under the tax     exemption is available only for 
   ognized educational institution at    treaty between the United States        compensation paid during a period 
   which you study]; or, I am tempora-   and Indonesia in an amount not in       of 5 tax years beginning with the 
   rily present in the United States to  excess of $2,000 for my tax year,       tax year that includes my arrival 
   obtain professional training or to    provided such services are per-         date.
   study or do research as a recipient   formed in connection with my stud-
   of a grant, allowance, or award       ies or are necessary for my main-       Korea, Norway, Poland, 
   from            [insert the name of   tenance.
                                                                                 and Romania
   the nonprofit organization or gov-
                                         4. I arrived in the United States on 
   ernment institution providing the                                             1. I was a resident of                   [insert 
                                                   [insert the date of your 
   grant, allowance, or award].                                                  the name of the country under 
                                         last arrival in the United States be-
3. I will receive compensation for       fore beginning study at the U.S.        whose treaty you claim exemption] 
   services performed in the United      educational institution]. The treaty    on the date of my arrival in the Uni-
   States. This compensation quali-      exemption is available only for         ted States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I 
   fies for exemption from withholding   compensation paid during a period       have not been lawfully accorded 
   of federal income tax under the tax   of 5 tax years beginning with the       the privilege of residing perma-
   treaty between the United States      tax year that includes my arrival       nently in the United States as an 
   and Iceland in the amount not in      date.                                   immigrant.
   excess of $9,000 for any tax year.                                            2. I am temporarily present in the Uni-
4. I arrived in the United States on     Israel, Philippines, and                ted States for the primary purpose 
          [insert the date of your       Thailand                                of studying at           [insert the 
   last arrival in the United States be-                                         name of the university or other rec-
   fore beginning study at the U.S.      1. I was a resident of the              ognized educational institution at 
   educational institution]. The treaty  [insert the name of the country un-     which you study].
   exemption is available only for       der whose treaty you claim exemp-
                                                                                 3. I will receive compensation for per-
   compensation paid during a period     tion] on the date of my arrival in the 
                                                                                 sonal services performed in the 
   of 5 tax years beginning with the     United States. I am not a U.S. citi-
                                                                                 United States. This compensation 
   tax year that includes my arrival     zen. I have not been lawfully accor-
                                                                                 qualifies for exemption from with-
   date.                                 ded the privilege of residing per-
                                                                                 holding of federal income tax un-
                                         manently in the United States as 
                                                                                 der the tax treaty between the Uni-
                                         an immigrant.
                                                                                 ted States and            [insert the 
                                                                                 name of the country under whose 

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treaty you claim exemption] in an       Netherlands                             Portugal and Spain
amount not in excess of $2,000 for 
any tax year. I have not previously     1. I was a resident of the Netherlands  1. I was a resident of                    [insert 
claimed an income tax exemption         on the date of my arrival in the Uni-   the name of the country under 
under this treaty for income re-        ted States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I  whose treaty you claim exemption] 
ceived as a teacher, researcher, or     have not been lawfully accorded         on the date of my arrival in the Uni-
student before the date of my ar-       the privilege of residing perma-        ted States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I 
rival in the United States.             nently in the United States as an       have not been lawfully accorded 
4. I arrived in the United States on    immigrant.                              the privilege of residing perma-
                                                                                nently in the United States as an 
         [insert the date of your       2. I am temporarily present in the Uni- immigrant.
last arrival in the United States be-   ted States for the primary purpose 
fore beginning study at the U.S.        of full time study at    [in-           2. I am temporarily present in the Uni-
educational institution]. The treaty    sert the name of the recognized         ted States for the primary purpose 
exemption is available only for         university, college, or school in the   of studying or training at 
compensation paid during a period       United States at which you study].      [insert the name of the university or 
of 5 tax years beginning with the                                               other recognized educational insti-
tax year that includes my arrival       3. I will receive compensation for per- tution at which you study]; or, I am 
date.                                   sonal services performed in the         temporarily present in the United 
                                        United States. This compensation        States as a recipient of a grant, al-
                                        qualifies for exemption from with-
Morocco                                                                         lowance, or award from 
                                        holding of federal income tax un-       [insert the name of the nonprofit 
1. I was a resident of Morocco on the   der the tax treaty between the Uni-     organization or government institu-
date of my arrival in the United        ted States and the Netherlands in       tion providing the grant, allowance, 
States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I      an amount not in excess of $2,000       or award].
have not been lawfully accorded         for any tax year.
                                                                                3. I will receive compensation for 
the privilege of residing perma-        4. I arrived in the United States on    services performed in the United 
nently in the United States as an                [insert the date of your       States. This compensation quali-
immigrant.                              last arrival in the United States be-   fies for exemption from withholding 
2. I am temporarily present in the Uni- fore beginning study at the U.S.        of federal income tax under the tax 
ted States for the primary purpose      educational institution]. I am claim-   treaty between the United States 
of studying at           [insert the    ing this exemption only for such        and          [Insert the name of 
name of the university or other rec-    period of time as is reasonably         the country] in the amount not in 
ognized educational institution at      necessary to complete my educa-         excess of $5,000 for any tax year.
which you study].                       tion.
                                                                                4. I arrived in the United States on 
3. I will receive compensation for per-                                               [insert the date of your 
sonal services performed in the         Pakistan
                                                                                last arrival in the United States be-
United States. This compensation                                                fore beginning study at the U.S. 
qualifies for exemption from with-      1. I am a resident of Pakistan. I am 
                                                                                educational institution]. The treaty 
holding of federal income tax un-       not a U.S. citizen. I have not been 
                                                                                exemption is available only for 
der the tax treaty between the Uni-     lawfully accorded the privilege of 
                                                                                compensation paid during a period 
ted States and Morocco in an            residing permanently in the United 
                                                                                of 5 tax years beginning with the 
amount not in excess of $2,000 for      States as an immigrant and would 
                                                                                tax year that includes my arrival 
any tax year. I have not previously     not otherwise be considered a res-
claimed an income tax exemption         ident alien for the relevant tax year.

under that treaty for income re-        2. I am temporarily present in the Uni- Slovenia and Venezuela
ceived as a student before the          ted States solely as a student at 
date of my arrival in the United                 [insert the name of the        1. I was a resident of                    [insert 
States.                                 recognized university, college, or      the name of the country under 
4. I arrived in the United States on    school in the United States at          whose treaty you claim exemption] 
         [insert the date of your       which you study].                       on the date of my arrival in the Uni-
last arrival in the United States be-   3. I will receive compensation for per- ted States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I 
fore beginning study at the U.S.        sonal services performed in the         have not been lawfully accorded 
educational institution]. The treaty    United States. This compensation        the privilege of residing perma-
exemption is available only for         qualifies for exemption from with-      nently in the United States as an 
compensation paid during a period       holding of federal income tax un-       immigrant.
of 5 tax years, beginning with the      der the tax treaty between the Uni-     2. I am temporarily present in the Uni-
tax year that includes my arrival       ted States and Pakistan in an           ted States for the primary purpose 
date.                                   amount not in excess of $5,000 for      of studying or training at 
                                        any tax year.                           [insert the name of the university or 

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   other accredited educational insti-   2. I am temporarily present in the Uni- Tunisia
   tution at which you study or train].  ted States for the primary purpose 
                                         of studying at           [insert the    1. I was a resident of Tunisia on the 
3. I will receive compensation for 
                                         name of the university or other ac-     date of my arrival in the United 
   services performed in the United 
                                         credited educational institution at     States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I 
   States. This compensation quali-
                                         which you study].                       have not been lawfully accorded 
   fies for exemption from withholding 
                                                                                 the privilege of residing perma-
   of federal income tax under the tax   3. I will receive compensation for per-
                                                                                 nently in the United States as an 
   treaty between the United States      sonal services performed in the 
   and     [insert the name of           United States. This compensation 
   the country under whose treaty        qualifies for exemption from with-      2. I am temporarily present in the Uni-
   you claim exemption] in an amount     holding of federal income tax un-       ted States for the purpose of 
   not in excess of $5,000 for any tax   der the tax treaty between the Uni-     full-time study, training, or research 
   year.                                 ted States and Trinidad and             at         [insert the name of the 
                                         Tobago in an amount not in excess       university or other accredited edu-
4. I arrived in the United States on 
                                         of $2,000 (or, if you are securing      cational institution at which you 
          [insert the date of your 
                                         training required to qualify you to     study, train, or perform research].
   last arrival in the United States be-
                                         practice a profession or a profes-
   fore beginning study at the U.S.                                              3. I will receive compensation for 
                                         sional specialty, not in excess of 
   educational institution]. The treaty                                          services performed in the United 
                                         $5,000) for any tax year. I have not 
   exemption is available only for                                               States. This compensation quali-
                                         previously claimed an income tax 
   compensation paid during a period                                             fies for exemption from withholding 
                                         exemption under this treaty for in-
   of 5 tax years beginning with the                                             of federal income tax under the tax 
                                         come received as a teacher, re-
   tax year that includes my arrival                                             treaty between the United States 
                                         searcher, or student before the 
   date, and for such period of time                                             and Tunisia in an amount not in ex-
                                         date of my arrival in the United 
   as is necessary to complete, as a                                             cess of $4,000 for any tax year.
   full-time student, educational re-
   quirements as a candidate for a       4. I will be present in the United      4. I arrived in the United States on 
   postgraduate or professional de-      States only for such period of time             [insert the date of your 
   gree from a recognized educa-         as may be reasonably or custom-         last arrival in the United States be-
   tional institution.                   arily required to effectuate the pur-   fore beginning study at the U.S. 
                                         pose of this visit.                     educational institution]. The treaty 
                                                                                 exemption is available only for 
Trinidad and Tobago                      5. I arrived in the United States on    compensation paid during a period 
                                                 [insert the date of your        of 5 tax years beginning with the 
1. I was a resident of Trinidad and To-  last arrival in the United States be-   tax year that includes my arrival 
   bago on the date of my arrival in     fore beginning study at the U.S.        date.
   the United States. I am not a U.S.    educational institution]. The treaty 
   citizen. I have not been lawfully ac- exemption is available only for 
   corded the privilege of residing      compensation paid during a period 
   permanently in the United States      of 5 tax years.
   as an immigrant.

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Appendix B—Tax Treaty Exemption Procedure for Teachers and 


This appendix contains the statements           have not been lawfully accorded         teaching, lecturing, or research ac-
nonresident  alien  teachers  and  re-          the privilege of residing perma-        tivities.
searchers must file with Form 8233 to           nently in the United States as an 
                                                                                        3. The teaching, lecturing, or re-
claim a tax treaty exemption from with-         immigrant.
                                                                                        search compensation received 
holding of tax on compensation for de-
                                              2. I am visiting the United States for    during the entire tax year (or during 
pendent  personal  services.  For  treaty 
                                                the purpose of teaching or con-         the period from          to          ) 
countries not listed, attach a statement 
                                                ducting research at        [in-         qualifies for exemption from with-
in  a  format  similar  to  those  for  other 
                                                sert the name of the university, col-   holding of federal tax under the tax 
treaties.  See chapter  8  for  more  infor-
                                                lege, or other recognized               treaty between the United States 
mation on withholding.
                                                educational or research institution].   and the People's Republic of 
                                                I will receive compensation for my      China. I have not previously 
Belgium                                         teaching or research activities.        claimed an income tax exemption 
                                                                                        under that treaty for income re-
1. I am a resident of Belgium. I am           3. The teaching or research compen-
                                                                                        ceived as a teacher, lecturer, re-
not a U.S. citizen. I have not been             sation received during the entire 
                                                                                        searcher, or student before the 
lawfully accorded the privilege of              tax year (or during the period from 
                                                                                        date of my arrival in the United 
residing permanently in the United              to                  ) for these ac-
States as an immigrant.                         tivities qualifies for exemption from 
                                                withholding of federal tax under the  4. Any research I perform will be un-
2. I am visiting the United States for          tax treaty between the United           dertaken in the public interest and 
the purpose of teaching or engag-               States and Bulgaria.                    not primarily for the private benefit 
ing in research at         [insert                                                      of a specific person or persons.
the name of the educational or re-            4. Any research I perform will be un-
search institution at which you                 dertaken in the public interest and     5. I arrived in the United States on 
teach or perform research] for a                not primarily for the private benefit             [insert the date of your 
period not exceeding 2 years. I will            of a specific person or persons.        last arrival in the United States be-
receive compensation for my                                                             fore beginning your teaching, lec-
                                              5. I arrived in the United States on 
teaching or research activities.                                                        turing, or research activities]. The 
                                                 [insert the date of your 
                                                                                        treaty exemption is available only 
3. The teaching or research compen-             last arrival into the United States 
                                                                                        for compensation received during 
sation received during the entire               before beginning the services for 
                                                                                        a maximum aggregate period of 2 
tax year (or during the period from             which the exemption is claimed]. 
        to               ) for these ac-        The treaty exemption is available 
tivities qualifies for exemption from           only for compensation paid during 
withholding of federal tax under the            a period of 2 years beginning on        Commonwealth of 
tax treaty between the United                   that date.                              Independent States
States and Belgium.
4. Any research I perform will be un-         China, People's Republic                  The treaty with the former Union of So-
                                                                                        viet  Socialist  Republics  remains  in  ef-
dertaken in the public interest and           of
not primarily for the private benefit                                                   fect  for  the  following  countries:  Arme-
of a specific person or persons.              1. I was a resident of the People's       nia,  Azerbaijan,  Belarus,  Georgia, 
                                                Republic of China on the date of        Kyrgyzstan,  Moldova,  Tajikistan,  Turk-
5. I arrived in the United States on            my arrival in the United States. I      menistan, and Uzbekistan.
         [insert the date of your               am not a U.S. citizen.                  1. I am a resident of             [insert 
last arrival in the United States be-
fore beginning the teaching or re-            2. I am visiting the United States for    the name of country]. I am not a 
search for which exemption is                   the primary purpose of teaching,        U.S. citizen.
claimed]. The treaty exemption is               giving lectures, or conducting re-      2. I have accepted an invitation by a 
available only for compensation re-             search at      [insert the              governmental agency or institution 
ceived during a period of 2 years               name of the educational institution     in the United States, or by an edu-
beginning on that date.                         or scientific research institution at   cational or scientific research insti-
                                                which you teach, lecture, or con-       tution in the United States, to come 
                                                duct research], which is an ac-
Bulgaria                                                                                to the United States for the primary 
                                                credited educational institution or     purpose of teaching, engaging in 
1. I was a resident of Bulgaria on the          scientific research institution. I will research, or participating in scien-
date of my arrival in the United                receive compensation for my             tific, technical, or professional con-
States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I                                                      ferences at            [insert the 

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   name of governmental agency or         2. I am visiting the United States for  in the United States for a period 
   institution, educational or scientific the primary purpose of teaching or      not expected to exceed 2 years for 
   institution, or organization spon-     conducting research at                  the purpose of teaching or engag-
   soring professional conference],       [insert the name of the educational     ing in research at                      [insert 
   which is a governmental agency or      or scientific institution], which is an the name of the educational institu-
   institution, an educational or scien-  accredited educational or research      tion], which is a recognized educa-
   tific institution, or an organization  institution. I will receive compensa-   tional institution. I will receive com-
   sponsoring a professional confer-      tion for my teaching or research        pensation for my teaching or 
   ence. I will receive compensation      activities.                             research activities.
   for my teaching, research, or con-
                                          3. The teaching or research compen-     3. The teaching or research compen-
   ference activities.
                                          sation received during the entire       sation received during the entire 
3. The teaching, research, or confer-     tax year (or during the period from     tax year (or for the portion of the 
   ence compensation received the         to          ) qualifies for ex-         year from       to                     ) quali-
   entire tax year (or for the period     emption from withholding of fed-        fies for exemption from withholding 
   from   to          ) qualifies for     eral tax under the tax treaty be-       of federal tax under the tax treaty 
   exemption from withholding of fed-     tween the United States and the         between the United States and 
   eral tax under the tax treaty be-               [insert the name of the                      [insert the name of the 
   tween the United States and the        country under whose treaty you          country under whose treaty you 
   former Union of Soviet Socialist       claim exemption]. I have not previ-     claim exemption]. I have not previ-
   Republics. I have not previously       ously claimed an income tax ex-         ously claimed an income tax ex-
   claimed an income tax exemption        emption under that treaty for in-       emption under this treaty for in-
   under that treaty for income re-       come received as a teacher,             come received as a teacher, 
   ceived as a teacher, researcher,       researcher, or student before the       researcher, or student before the 
   conference participant, or student     date of my arrival in the United        date of my arrival in the United 
   before the date of my arrival in the   States.                                 States.
   United States.
                                          4. Any research I perform will be un-   4. Any research I perform will be un-
4. Any research I perform will not be     dertaken in the public interest and     dertaken in the public interest and 
   undertaken primarily for the benefit   not primarily for the private benefit   not primarily for the private benefit 
   of a private person or commercial      of a specific person or persons.        of a specific person or persons.
   enterprise of the United States or a 
                                          5. I arrived in the United States on    5. I arrived in the United States on 
   foreign trade organization of 
                                                   [insert the date of your                     [insert the date of your 
          [insert the name of coun-
                                          last arrival in the United States be-   last arrival in the United States be-
   try], unless the research is conduc-
                                          fore beginning the teaching, re-        fore beginning the teaching or re-
   ted on the basis of intergovern-
                                          search, or conference services for      search services for which exemp-
   mental agreements on 
                                          which exemption is claimed]. The        tion is claimed]. The treaty 
                                          treaty exemption is available only      exemption is available only for 
5. I arrived in the United States on      for compensation received during        compensation received during a 
          [insert the date of your        a period of 2 years beginning on        period of 2 years beginning on that 
   last arrival in the United States be-  that date.                              date.
   fore beginning the teaching or re-
                                                                                  Note. See     Termination of 1979 Tax 
   search services for which exemp-       Egypt, Hungary, Korea,                  Convention with Hungary under What’s 
   tion is claimed]. The treaty 
   exemption is available only for        Philippines, Poland, and                New, earlier.
   compensation received during a         Romania
   period of 2 years beginning on that                                            France
   date.                                  1. I was a resident of       [insert 
                                          the name of the country under           1. I was a resident of France on the 
                                          whose treaty you claim exemption]       date of my arrival in the United 
Czech Republic and 
                                          on the date of my arrival in the Uni-   States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I 
Slovak Republic                           ted States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I  have not been lawfully accorded 
                                          have not been lawfully accorded         the privilege of residing perma-
1. I was a resident of the 
                                          the privilege of residing perma-        nently in the United States as an 
   [insert the name of the country un-
                                          nently in the United States as an       immigrant.
   der whose treaty you claim exemp-
   tion] on the date of my arrival in the                                         2. I have accepted an invitation by the 
   United States. I am not a U.S. citi-   2. I have accepted an invitation by the U.S. Government, or by a univer-
   zen. I have not been lawfully accor-   U.S. Government (or by a political      sity or other recognized educa-
   ded the privilege of residing per-     subdivision or local authority          tional or research institution in the 
   manently in the United States as       thereof), or by a university or other   United States for the primary pur-
   an immigrant.                          recognized educational institution      pose of teaching or engaging in 

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research at           [insert the       Germany. I have not previously          4. I arrived in the United States on 
name of the educational or re-          claimed an income tax exemption                  [insert the date of your 
search institution]. I will receive     under that treaty for income re-        last arrival in the United States be-
compensation for my teaching or         ceived as a student, apprentice, or     fore beginning the teaching serv-
research activities.                    trainee during the immediately pre-     ices for which exemption is 
                                        ceding period. (If, however, follow-    claimed]. The treaty exemption is 
3. The teaching or research compen-
                                        ing the period in which the alien       available only for compensation re-
sation received during the entire 
                                        claimed benefits as a student, ap-      ceived during a period of 3 years 
tax year (or for the portion of the 
                                        prentice, or trainee, that person re-   beginning on that date.
year from       to          ) quali-
                                        turned to Germany and resumed 
fies for exemption from withholding 
                                        residence and physical presence 
of federal tax under the tax treaty                                             India
                                        before returning to the United 
between the United States and 
                                        States as a teacher or researcher, 
France. I have not previously                                                   1. I was a resident of India on the 
                                        that person may claim the benefits 
claimed an income tax exemption                                                 date of my arrival in the United 
                                        of this treaty.)
under this treaty for income re-                                                States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I 
ceived as a teacher, researcher, or     4. Any research I perform will be un-   have not been lawfully accorded 
student before the date of my ar-       dertaken in the public interest and     the privilege of residing perma-
rival in the United States.             not primarily for the private benefit   nently in the United States as an 
                                        of a specific person or persons.        immigrant.
4. Any research I perform will be un-
dertaken in the public interest and     5. I arrived in the United States on    2. I am visiting the United States for 
not primarily for the private benefit           [insert the date of your        the purpose of teaching or con-
of a specific person or persons.        last arrival into the United States     ducting research at                       [in-
5. I arrived in the United States on    before beginning the services for       sert the name of the university, col-
       [insert the date of your         which the exemption is claimed].        lege, or other recognized 
last arrival in the United States be-   The treaty exemption is available       educational institution]. I will re-
fore beginning the teaching or re-      only for compensation paid during       ceive compensation for my teach-
search services for which exemp-        a period of 2 years beginning on        ing or research activities.
tion is claimed]. The treaty            that date.                              3. The teaching or research compen-
exemption is available only for                                                 sation received during the entire 
compensation received during a          Greece                                  tax year (or during the period from 
period of 2 years beginning on that                                                     to          ) for these ac-
date.                                   1. I am a resident of Greece. I am not  tivities qualifies for exemption from 
                                        a U.S. citizen. I have not been law-    withholding of federal tax under the 
Germany                                 fully accorded the privilege of re-     tax treaty between the United 
                                        siding permanently in the United        States and India.
1. I am a resident of Germany. I am     States as an immigrant (and would       4. Any research I perform will be un-
not a U.S. citizen. I have not been     not otherwise be considered a res-      dertaken in the public interest and 
lawfully accorded the privilege of      ident alien for the relevant tax        not primarily for the private benefit 
residing permanently in the United      year).                                  of a specific person or persons.
States as an immigrant.                 2. I am a professor or teacher visiting 5. I arrived in the United States on 
2. I am a professor or teacher visiting the United States for the purpose                [insert the date of your 
the United States for the purpose       of teaching at        [insert the       last arrival into the United States 
of advanced study, teaching, or re-     name of the other educational in-       before beginning the services for 
search at           [insert the         stitution at which you teach], which    which the exemption is claimed]. 
name of the accredited university,      is an educational institution. I will   The treaty exemption is available 
college, school, or other educa-        receive compensation for my             only for compensation paid during 
tional institution, or a public re-     teaching activities.                    a period of 2 years beginning on 
search institution or other institu-    3. The teaching compensation re-        that date.
tion engaged in research for the        ceived during the entire tax year 
public benefit]. I will receive com-    (or during the period from           to Indonesia
pensation for my teaching, re-                 ) qualifies for exemption 
search, or study activities.            from withholding of federal tax un-     1. I was a resident of Indonesia on 
3. The compensation received during     der the tax treaty between the Uni-     the date of my arrival in the United 
the entire tax year (or during the      ted States and Greece. I have not       States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I 
period from            to            )  previously claimed an income tax        have not been lawfully accorded 
for these activities qualifies for ex-  exemption under that treaty for in-     the privilege of residing perma-
emption from withholding of fed-        come received as a teacher or stu-      nently in the United States as an 
eral tax under the tax treaty           dent before the date of my arrival      immigrant.
between the United States and           in the United States.

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2. I have accepted an invitation by       compensation for my teaching or          under that treaty for income re-
         [insert the name of the          research activities.                     ceived as a teacher, researcher, or 
   university, college, school, or other                                           student before the date of my ar-
                                          3. The teaching or research compen-
   similar educational institution] to                                             rival in the United States.
                                          sation received during the entire 
   come to the United States solely 
                                          tax year (or for the portion of the      4. Any research I perform will be un-
   for the purpose of teaching or en-
                                          year from       to       ) quali-        dertaken in the general interest 
   gaging in research at that educa-
                                          fies for exemption from withholding      and not primarily for the private 
   tional institution. I will receive com-
                                          of federal tax under the tax treaty      benefit of a specific person or per-
   pensation for my teaching or 
                                          between the United States and Is-        sons.
   research activities.
                                          rael. I have not previously claimed 
                                                                                   5. I arrived in the United States on 
3. The teaching or research compen-       an income tax exemption under 
                                                                                           [insert the date of your 
   sation received during the entire      this treaty for income received as a 
                                                                                   last arrival in the United States be-
   tax year (or during the period from    teacher, researcher, or student be-
                                                                                   fore beginning the teaching or re-
        to             ) qualifies for    fore the date of my arrival in the 
                                                                                   search services for which exemp-
   exemption from withholding of fed-     United States.
                                                                                   tion is claimed]. The treaty 
   eral tax under the tax treaty be-
                                          4. Any research I perform will be un-    exemption is available only for 
   tween the United States and Indo-
                                          dertaken in the public interest and      compensation received during a 
   nesia. I have not previously 
                                          not primarily for the private benefit    period of 2 years beginning on that 
   claimed an income tax exemption 
                                          of a specific person or persons.         date.
   under that treaty for income re-
   ceived as a teacher or researcher      5. I arrived in the United States on 
   before the date specified in the              [insert the date of your          Jamaica
   next paragraph.                        last arrival in the United States be-
                                                                                   1. I was a resident of Jamaica on the 
                                          fore beginning the teaching or re-
4. I arrived in the United States on                                               date of my arrival in the United 
                                          search services for which exemp-
         [insert the date of your                                                  States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I 
                                          tion is claimed]. The treaty 
   arrival into the United States be-                                              have not been lawfully accorded 
                                          exemption is available only for 
   fore beginning the teaching or re-                                              the privilege of residing perma-
                                          compensation received during a 
   search services for which the ex-                                               nently in the United States as an 
                                          period of 2 years beginning on that 
   emption is claimed]. The treaty                                                 immigrant.
   exemption is available only for 
                                                                                   2. I am visiting the United States for 
   compensation paid during a period 
   of 2 years beginning on that date.     Italy                                    the purpose of teaching or con-
                                                                                   ducting research for a period not 
5. Any research I perform will be un-     1. I was a resident of Italy on the date expected to exceed 2 years at 
   dertaken in the public interest and    of my arrival in the United States. I            [insert the name of the 
   not primarily for the private benefit  am not a U.S. citizen. I have not        educational institution at which you 
   of a specific person or persons.       been accorded the privilege of re-       teach or conduct research], which 
                                          siding permanently in the United         is a recognized educational institu-
Israel                                    States as an immigrant.                  tion. I will receive compensation for 
                                                                                   my teaching or research activities.
                                          2. I am a professor or teacher visiting 
1. I was a resident of Israel on the      the United States for the purpose        3. The teaching or research compen-
   date of my arrival in the United       of teaching or performing research       sation received during the entire 
   States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I     at         [insert the name of the       tax year (or during the period from 
   have not been lawfully accorded        educational institution or medical            to         ) qualifies for ex-
   the privilege of residing perma-       facility at which you teach or per-      emption from withholding of fed-
   nently in the United States as an      form research], which is a recog-        eral tax under the tax treaty be-
   immigrant.                             nized educational institution or a       tween the United States and 
2. I have accepted an invitation by the   medical facility primarily funded        Jamaica. I have not previously 
   U.S. Government (or by a political     from governmental sources. I will        claimed an income tax exemption 
   subdivision or local authority         receive compensation for my              under that treaty for income re-
   thereof), or by a university or other  teaching or research activities.         ceived as a teacher, researcher, or 
                                                                                   student before the date of my ar-
   recognized educational institution     3. The compensation received during      rival in the United States.
   in the United States, to come to the   the entire tax year (or during the 
   United States for a period not ex-     period from     to           )           4. I arrived in the United States on 
   pected to exceed 2 years for the       qualifies for exemption from with-               [insert the date of your 
   purpose of teaching or engaging in     holding of federal tax under the tax     last arrival in the United States be-
   research at          [insert the       treaty between the United States         fore beginning the teaching or re-
   name of the educational institu-       and Italy. I have not previously         search services for which exemp-
   tion], which is a recognized educa-    claimed an income tax exemption          tion is claimed]. The treaty 
   tional institution. I will receive                                              exemption is available only for 

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compensation paid during a period      institution at which you teach or       States and Norway. I have not pre-
of 2 years beginning on that date.     perform research] for a period not      viously claimed an income tax ex-
                                       exceeding 2 years. I will receive       emption under this treaty for in-
Luxembourg                             compensation for my teaching or         come received as a teacher, 
                                       research activities.                    researcher, or student before the 
                                                                               date of my arrival in the United 
1. I am a resident of Luxembourg. I    3. The compensation received during 
am not a U.S. citizen. I have not      the entire tax year (or during the 
been lawfully accorded the privi-      period from      to          ) for      4. Any research I perform will not be 
lege of residing permanently in the    these activities qualifies for exemp-   undertaken primarily for the private 
United States as an immigrant.         tion from withholding of federal tax    benefit of a specific person or per-
2. I have accepted an invitation by    under the tax treaty between the        sons.
         [insert the name of the       United States and the Nether-
                                                                               5. I arrived in the United States on 
educational institution at which you   lands. I have not previously 
                                                                                        [insert the date of your 
teach or perform research], which      claimed an income tax exemption 
                                                                               last arrival in the United States be-
is a recognized educational institu-   under that treaty for income re-
                                                                               fore beginning the teaching or re-
tion, to come to the United States     ceived as a teacher, researcher, or 
                                                                               search services for which exemp-
for the purpose of teaching or en-     student before the date of my ar-
                                                                               tion is claimed]. The treaty 
gaging in research at that institu-    rival in the United States.
                                                                               exemption is available only for 
tion. I will receive compensation for  4. Any research I perform will be un-   compensation received during a 
my teaching or research activities.    dertaken in the public interest and     period of 2 years beginning on that 
3. The teaching or research compen-    not primarily for the benefit of a      date.
sation received during the entire      specific person or persons.
tax year (or during the period from    5. I arrived in the United States on    Pakistan
to            ) qualifies for ex-              [insert the date of your 
emption from withholding of fed-       last arrival into the United States     1. I am a resident of Pakistan. I am 
eral tax under the tax treaty be-      before beginning the teaching or        not a U.S. citizen. I have not been 
tween the United States and            research services for which ex-         lawfully accorded the privilege of 
Luxembourg. I have not previously      emption is claimed]. The treaty ex-     residing permanently in the United 
claimed an income tax exemption        emption is available for compensa-      States as an immigrant and would 
under that treaty for income re-       tion received during a period of 2      not otherwise be considered a res-
ceived as a teacher, researcher, or    years beginning on that date only if    ident alien for the relevant tax year.
student before the date of my ar-      my visit does not exceed 2 years.       2. I am a professor or teacher visiting 
rival in the United States.                                                    the United States for the purpose 
4. Any research I perform will not be  Norway                                  of teaching at        [insert the 
carried on for the benefit of any                                              name of the educational institution 
person using or disseminating the      1. I was a resident of Norway on the    at which you teach], which is a rec-
results for purposes of profit.        date of my arrival in the United        ognized educational institution. I 
                                       States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I      will receive compensation for my 
5. I arrived in the United States on   have not been lawfully accorded         teaching activities.
         [insert the date of your      the privilege of residing perma-
                                                                               3. The teaching compensation re-
last arrival into the United States    nently in the United States as an 
                                                                               ceived during the entire tax year 
before beginning the teaching          immigrant.
services for which exemption is                                                (or during the period from                to 
claimed]. The treaty exemption is      2. I have accepted an invitation by the      ) qualifies for exemption 
available only for compensation re-    U.S. Government, or by a univer-        from withholding of federal tax un-
ceived during a period of 2 years      sity or other recognized educa-         der the tax treaty between the Uni-
beginning on that date.                tional institution in the United        ted States and Pakistan. I have not 
                                       States for a period not expected to     previously claimed an income tax 
                                       exceed 2 years for the purpose of       exemption under this treaty for in-
Netherlands                            teaching or engaging in research        come received as a teacher or stu-
                                       at         [insert the name of the      dent before the date of my arrival 
1. I am a resident of the Netherlands. educational institution], which is a    in the United States.
I am not a U.S. citizen. I have not    recognized educational institution. 
                                                                               4. I arrived in the United States on 
been lawfully accorded the privi-      I will receive compensation for my 
                                                                                        [insert the date of your 
lege of residing permanently in the    teaching or research activities.
United States as an immigrant.                                                 last arrival into the United States 
                                       3. The teaching or research compen-     before beginning the teaching 
2. I am visiting the United States for sation qualifies for exemption from     services for which exemption is 
the purpose of teaching or engag-      withholding of federal tax under the    claimed]. The treaty exemption is 
ing in research at           [insert   tax treaty between the United           available only for compensation 
the name of the educational 

Publication 519 (2023)                                                                                                   93

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   paid during a period of 2 years be-     2. I am temporarily present in the Uni- period not exceeding 2 years. I will 
   ginning on that date.                   ted States for the purpose of           receive compensation for my 
                                           teaching or carrying on research at     teaching or research activities.
Portugal                                            [insert the name of the 
                                                                                   3. The compensation received during 
                                           educational or research institution], 
                                                                                   the entire tax year (or during the 
1. I was a resident of Portugal on the     which is a recognized educational 
                                                                                   period from       to                  ) for 
   date of my arrival in the United        or research institution. I will receive 
                                                                                   these activities qualifies for exemp-
   States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I      compensation for my teaching or 
                                                                                   tion from withholding of federal tax 
   have not been lawfully accorded         research activities.
                                                                                   under the tax treaty between the 
   the privilege of residing perma-        3. The teaching or research compen-     United States and Thailand. I have 
   nently in the United States as an       sation received during the entire       not previously claimed an income 
   immigrant.                              tax year (or during the period from     tax exemption under that treaty for 
2. I have accepted an invitation by             to         ) qualifies for ex-     income received as a teacher, re-
    [insert the name of the                emption from withholding of fed-        searcher, or student before the 
   university, college, school, or other   eral tax under the tax treaty be-       date of my arrival in the United 
   similar educational institution] to     tween the United States and             States.
   come to the United States solely                 [insert the name of the 
                                                                                   4. Any research I perform will be un-
   for the purpose of teaching or en-      country under whose treaty you 
                                                                                   dertaken in the public interest and 
   gaging in research at that educa-       claim exemption]. I have not previ-
                                                                                   not primarily for the benefit of a 
   tional institution. I will receive com- ously claimed an income tax ex-
                                                                                   specific person or persons.
   pensation for my teaching or            emption under this treaty for in-
   research activities.                    come received as a teacher,             5. I arrived in the United States on 
                                           researcher, or student before the               [insert the date of your 
3. The teaching or research compen-        date of my arrival in the United        last arrival into the United States 
   sation received during the entire       States.                                 before beginning the teaching or 
   tax year (or during the period from                                             research services for which ex-
   to                   ) qualifies for    4. Any research I perform will be un-   emption is claimed]. The treaty ex-
   exemption from withholding of fed-      dertaken in the general interest        emption is available only for com-
   eral tax under the tax treaty be-       and not primarily for the private       pensation received during a period 
   tween the United States and Portu-      benefit of a specific person or per-    of 2 years beginning on that date.
   gal. I have not previously claimed      sons.

   an income tax exemption under           5. I arrived in the United States on    Trinidad and Tobago
   that treaty for income received as a             [insert the date of your 
   teacher or researcher before the        last arrival in the United States be-   1. I was a resident of Trinidad and To-
   date specified in paragraph 5.          fore beginning the teaching or re-      bago on the date of my arrival in 
4. Any research I perform will be un-      search services for which exemp-        the United States. I am not a U.S. 
   dertaken in the public interest and     tion is claimed]. The treaty            citizen. I have not been lawfully ac-
   not primarily for the private benefit   exemption is available only for         corded the privilege of residing 
   of a specific person or persons.        compensation received during a          permanently in the United States 
                                           period of 2 years beginning on that     as an immigrant.
5. I arrived in the United States on       date. In no event have I claimed an 
                                                                                   2. I have accepted an invitation by the 
    [insert the date of your               exemption under this treaty for in-
                                                                                   U.S. Government, or by a univer-
   arrival into the United States be-      come received as a teacher or re-
                                                                                   sity or other educational institution 
   fore beginning the teaching or re-      searcher for more than 5 years.
   search services for which the ex-                                               in the United States, to come to the 
   emption is claimed]. The treaty                                                 United States for the purpose of 
   exemption is available only for         Thailand                                teaching or engaging in research 
   compensation paid during a period                                               at       [insert the name of the 
   of 2 years beginning on that date.      1. I was a resident of Thailand on the  educational institution], which is an 
                                           date of my arrival in the United        educational institution approved by 
                                           States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I      an appropriate governmental edu-
Slovenia and Venezuela                     have not been lawfully accorded         cation authority. No agreement ex-
                                           the privilege of residing perma-        ists between the government of the 
1. I was a resident of    [insert          nently in the United States as an       United States and the government 
   the name of the country under           immigrant.                              of Trinidad and Tobago for the pro-
   whose treaty you claim exemption] 
   on the date of my arrival in the Uni-   2. I am visiting the United States for  vision of my services. I will receive 
   ted States. I am not a U.S. citizen. I  the purpose of teaching or engag-       compensation for my teaching or 
   have not been lawfully accorded         ing in research at            [insert   research services.
   the privilege of residing perma-        the name of the educational or re-      3. The teaching or research compen-
   nently in the United States as an       search institution at which you         sation received during the entire 
   immigrant.                              teach or perform research] for a        tax year (or for the period from 

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      to        ) qualifies for ex-   United Kingdom                          United Kingdom. I have not previ-
emption from withholding of fed-                                              ously claimed an income tax ex-
eral tax under the tax treaty be-     1. I was a resident of the United King- emption under that treaty for in-
tween the United States and           dom on the date of my arrival in the    come received as a teacher, 
Trinidad and Tobago. I have not       United States. I am not a U.S. citi-    researcher, or student before the 
previously claimed an income tax      zen. I have not been accorded the       date of my arrival in the United 
exemption under that treaty for in-   privilege of residing permanently in    States.
come received as a teacher, re-       the United States as an immigrant.
                                                                              4. Any research I perform will be un-
searcher, or student before the 
date of my arrival in the United      2. I am a professor or teacher visiting dertaken in the public interest and 
States.                               the United States for a period of       not primarily for the benefit of any 
                                      not more than 2 years for the pur-      private person or persons.
4. Any research I perform will be un- pose of teaching or engaging in re-
                                                                              5. I arrived in the United States on 
dertaken in the public interest and   search at            [insert the 
                                                                                      [insert the date of your 
not primarily for the private benefit name of the educational institu-
                                                                              last arrival in the United States be-
of a specific person or persons.      tion], which is a recognized educa-
                                                                              fore beginning the teaching or re-
                                      tional institution. I will receive com-
5. I arrived in the United States on                                          search services for which exemp-
                                      pensation for my teaching or 
         [insert the date of your                                             tion is claimed]. The treaty 
                                      research activities.
last arrival in the United States be-                                         exemption is available only for 
fore beginning the teaching or re-    3. The teaching or research compen-     compensation received during a 
search services for which exemp-      sation received during the entire       period of 2 years beginning on that 
tion is claimed]. The treaty          tax year (or during the period from     date. The entire treaty exemption 
exemption is available only for            to   ) qualifies for ex-           is lost retroactively if my stay in the 
compensation received during a        emption from withholding of fed-        United States exceeds 2 years.
period of 2 years beginning on that   eral tax under the tax treaty be-
date.                                 tween the United States and the 

Publication 519 (2023)                                                                                                   95

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                   To help us develop a more useful index, please let us know if you have ideas for index entries.
Index              See “Comments and Suggestions” in the “Introduction” for the ways you can reach us.
                                       Commuters from Canada or             Tax rates 47
30% Tax 31                             Mexico   5                           When and where to file    49
                                       Compensation for labor or 
A                                      personal services:                  E
Accuracy-related penalties   54        Geographical basis   18             Earned income credit:
Additional Medicare Tax    63 65,      Contingent interest 23               Nonresident alien  45
Adoption credit:                       Credit for the elderly or the       Earned income credit (EIC):
 Dual-status alien 49                  disabled:
                                                                            Resident alien 43
 Nonresident alien   44                Resident alien 42
                                                                           Education credits:
 Resident alien   43                   Credits against tax:
                                                                            Nonresident alien  44
Agricultural workers  57 64,           Child and dependent care 
                                                                            Resident alien 42
Alien:                                   credit 44 48, 
                                                                           Effectively connected income                    27
 Nonresident  4 15 26, ,               Child tax credit 43 44 49, , 
                                                                            Alternative minimum tax     29
 Resident  4 15 26, ,                  Dual-status alien  48
                                                                            Asset-use test 27
Alien status, employer notification    Earned income credit  45
                                                                            Business profits and losses and 
 of  56                                Education credits  42 44, 
                                                                            sales transactions        28
Amended returns    53                  Excess social security tax 
                                                                            Business-activities test  27
American Samoa, residents of      14,    withheld   45
 38 46,                                Foreign tax credit 43 48,            Direct economic relationship                   28
                                                                            Disposition of REIT stock.                   29
Annuities:                             Hope credit  42 44, 
                                                                            Domestically controlled QIE.                   29
 Income  24                            Lifetime learning credit 42 44, 
                                                                            Foreign income 30
 Source rule 19                        Retirement savings 
Assistance (See Tax help)                contributions  43 44 48, ,         Gain or Loss of Foreign Persons 
                                                                            from the Sale or Exchange of 
Athletes, professional   8             Tax paid on undistributed long-term 
                                                                            Certain Partnership Interests                    29
Awards  19                               capital gains  45
                                                                            Investment income   27
                                       Tax withheld at source   45
                                                                            Look-through rule for QIEs.                  29
B                                      Tax withheld on partnership 
                                         income   45                        Pensions  28
Basis of property 20                                                        Publicly traded exception                    28
                                       Withholding from wages    45
Beneficiary of estate or trust 26                                           Qualified investment entity                  29
                                       Crew members:
Business expenses, ordinary and                                             Real property gain or loss                   28
 necessary   39                        Alien status 6
Business operations   26               Compensation     24                  Real property income choice                    32
Business, U.S.  26                     Currency, transporting 53            Tax on 30
                                                                            Transportation income     28
C                                      D                                    U.S. real property holding 
                                                                            corporation    28
Canada:                                De minimis presence   12
                                                                            U.S. real property interest                  28
 Commuters   5                         Deductions 39 40, 
                                                                            Wash sale 29
 Dependents   48                       Dependents:
                                                                            Withholding of tax 29
 Qualifying surviving spouse filing    Dual-status taxpayer  48
                                                                           Employees, household       57
   status  38                          Nonresident alien   40
                                                                           Employees, withholding exemption 
 Social security benefits 69           Resident alien 40                    under tax treaty  61
 Transportation-related                Depreciable property  20            Employer identification number                    37
   employment     57                   Diplomats (See Foreign government   Estate, beneficiary 26
Capital assets, sales or               employees)
                                                                           Estimated tax 55 66, 
 exchanges   31                        Disclosure statement  55
                                                                           Excess social security tax                    45
Casualty and theft losses  41          Dividends, U.S. source income   16
                                                                           Exchange visitors 64
Central withholding agreements      58 Dual-status aliens 10
                                                                            Income from foreign employer                   24
Charitable contributions   41          Dual-status tax year 10 46, 
                                                                            Social security and Medicare 
Child and dependent care credit:       Child care credit 48                 taxes  63
 Dual-status alien 48                  Computation of tax   48             Exclusions from gross income                    21
 Nonresident alien   44                Foreign tax credit 48                Annuities 24
 Resident alien   42                   Forms to file 49                     Compensation from a foreign 
Child tax credit:                      Head of household.   47              employer    24
 Dual-Staus alien  49                  Income subject to tax 47             Gambling winnings, dog or horse 
 Nonresident alien   44                Joint return 47                      racing    24
 Resident alien   43                   Residency ending date    10          Students and exchange visitors                   24
Claims for refund 53                   Residency starting date   10         Treaty income  24 67, 
Commodities, trading in    27          Restrictions  47                    Exempt individual 6
Community income      21               Standard deduction   47

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Exemption from withholding:            Nonresident alien  43                 From real property 32
  Employees   61                       Resident alien  42                    Income affected by treaties                 24
  Independent contractors  61         Form 8833 9                            Interest 22
  Students, teachers, and             Form 8840 9                            Investment  27
  researchers    61                   Forms 8                                Personal services  28
Expatriation tax:                      1040-C  76                            Reporting 39
  Certain dual-citizens 35             1040-ES(NR)    66                     Sale of home  24
  Certain minors 35                    1040-NR  51                           Tip 57
  Covered expatriate  34               1040-X  53                           Income code:
  Deferral of payment of               1042-S  61                            28 31
  mark-to-market tax     36            1116 42 43 48, ,                     Income from U.S. sources                     15
  Exception for dual-citizens and      2063 75                               Dividends  16
  certain minors    35                 2210 67                               Interest 16
  Exceptions.  36                      3903 39                               Pensions and annuities 19
  Expatriation After June 16, 2008 34  4563 46                               Personal property  20
  Expatriation date. 34                4790 (See FinCEN 105)                 Personal services  17
  Expatriation Tax Return  36          8233 61                               Real property 20
  Former LTR   34                      8275 55                               Rents or royalties 20
  Former U.S. citizen. 34              8288 62                              Independent contractors:
  How To Figure the Expatriation Tax   8288-A  62                            Withholding exemption under tax 
  If You Are a Covered Expatriate (If                                        treaty    61
  You Expatriate After June 16,        8288-B  62
  2008)  35                            8801 45                               Withholding rules  58
  Long-term resident (LTR)             8805 59 61,                          India, students and business 
  defined   34                         8833 69                               apprentices from:
                                       8843 8                                Standard deduction 41
F                                      FinCEN 105   53                       Withholding allowances    57
Fellowship grant:                      W-4  56 60,                          Individual retirement arrangement 
  Excludable  25                       W-7  37                               (IRA)   39
  Source rule  19                      W-8BEN   61                          Individual taxpayer identification 
                                                                             number (ITIN)    37
  Withholding tax 60                   W-8ECI  57
                                                                            Intangible property 21
Filing requirements   51               W-9  56
Filing returns 36                     Forms to file:
                                                                             Portfolio 22 23, 
  Amended returns    53                Dual-status alien 49
                                                                            Interest income:
  Claims for refund 53                 Nonresident aliens 51
                                                                             Contingent  23
  Commonwealth of the Northern         Resident alien  50
                                                                             Excludable  22
  Mariana Islands     52               Sailing permits 75
                                                                             Source rule  16
  Dual-status taxpayer  49            Frequently Asked Questions      81
                                                                            International organization 
  Estimated tax  66                                                          employees    72
  Form 1040-C   76                    G
                                                                             Alien status 7
  Form 1040-NR    36 51,              Gambling winnings, dog or horse        Exempt from U.S. tax 71
  Form 1040-NR-EZ     36               racing 24
                                                                            International social security 
  Form 2063   75                      German social security benefits    69  agreements    65
  Guam 52                             Green card test  4                    Interrupted period of residence                33
  Nonresident alien  36                                                     Inventory 20
  U.S. Virgin Islands 52              H
                                                                            Investment income   27
  Who must file  51                   Head of household:                    Itemized deductions 40
Filing status 38                       Nonresident alien  38
First-year choice 11                   Resident alien  38                   K
Fixed or determinable income  31      Home, sale of 24                      Korea, South:
Foreign country   8                   Household employees    57              Dependents   48
Foreign earned income                                                        Married filing separately 38
  exclusion   22                      I
                                                                             Qualifying surviving spouse filing 
Foreign employer    23 24,            Identification number, taxpayer:       status    38
Foreign government employees:          Defined 37
  Alien status 6                       Penalty for failure to supply  55    L
  Exempt from U.S. tax  71            Income:                               Last year of residency 12
  Tax treaty exemption  69             Community    21                      Long-term U.S. resident:
Foreign income subject to U.S.         Effectively connected 27              Defined   34
  tax 30                               Exclusions   21                       Expatriation tax 34
Foreign tax credit:                    Fixed or determinable 31             Losses:
  Dual-status alien 48                 Foreign 30                            Capital Assets 31

Publication 519 (2023)                                                                                                     97

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Casualty and theft    41                Married filing jointly 38           Property:
Of nonresident aliens   39              Qualified business income            Depreciable  20
Real property 28                        deduction.      39                   Intangible  21
                                        Qualifying surviving spouse  38      Inventory  20
M                                       Standard deduction     41            Personal  20
Married filing jointly:                 State and local income taxes 41      Real 20 28, 
Nonresident alien   38                  Students 63                         Protective return 52
Resident alien  38                      Tax paid on undistributed long-term Publications (See Tax help)
Medical condition:                      capital gains   45                  Puerto Rico, residents of 14 38 46,            ,    , 
Travel exception  6                     Tax withheld at source  45           57
Medicare tax 63                         Withholding from partnership 
                                        income    45
Mexico:                                                                     Q
                                        Withholding tax  55
Commuters    5                                                              Qualified business income 
                                      Nonresident alien dependents:
Dependents   48                                                              deduction.   39
                                        Canada, Mexico. South Korea, 
Qualifying surviving spouse filing 
                                        Residents of India     40
   status 38                                                                R
                                      Nonresident spouse treated as a 
Transportation-related                                                      Railroad retirement benefits                 31 48, 
                                        resident 13
   employment   57                                                          Real estate (See Real property)
Monetary instruments,                 O                                     Real property:
transporting  53                                                             Definition 20
Moving expenses   39                  Obligations:
                                                                             Income from   32
Services or reimbursements              Not in registered form 22            Natural resources  20
   provided by government to            Registered 22
                                                                             Sale or exchange of    28
   members of the U.S. Armed          Original issue discount     31
                                                                             Source rule  20
   Forces  39
Multi-level marketing   17 58,        P                                     Real property income    31
                                                                            Refunds, claims for 53
Municipal bonds 22                    Partnership Income, tax withheld      Registered obligations    22
                                        on 59
                                                                            Rents 20
N                                     Partnerships  26
                                                                            Researchers, wage withholding 
National of the United States  47     Payment against U.S. tax    49         exemption under tax treaty                  61, 
Natural resources (See Real             Tax withheld at the source  45       89
property)                               Withholding from wages    45        Residence, interrupted    33
Non-registered obligations     22     Penalties 53                          Residency:
Nonresident alien   4                   Accuracy-related    54               First year 10
Annuity income  24                      Failure to file 54                   Last year  12
Business expenses       39              Failure to pay  54                   Starting date 10
Casualty and theft losses   41          Failure to supply taxpayer           Termination date   12
Charitable contributions   41           identification number     55         Tests 4
Child care credit 44                    Fraud 55                            Resident alien 4
Child tax credit and the additional     Frivolous tax submission  55         Child tax credit 49
   child tax credit 44                  Negligence  54                       Child tax credit and the additional 
Credit for excess social security tax   Substantial understatement of          child tax credit 43
   withheld  45                         income tax      54                   Credit for other dependents                 43
Credit for income tax withheld 45     Penalty for failure to pay estimated   Defined  4
Credit for other dependents    44       income tax  67
                                                                             Education credits  42
Credit for prior-year minimum         Penalty on early withdrawal of 
   tax  45                              savings 40                           Head of household      38
Defined  4                            Pensions:                              Married filing jointly 38
Earned income credit     45             Disaster tax relief 19               Qualifying surviving spouse                 38
Education credits   44                  Source rule 19                      Resident aliens:
Effectively connected income, tax       Withholding on  57                   Dependents   40
   on 30                              Personal property     20              Retirement savings contributions 
Filing Form 1040-NR     36            Personal services income:
                                                                             Dual-status alien  48
Filing Form 1040-NR-EZ     36           Connected with U.S. business   28
                                                                             Nonresident alien  44
Foreign tax credit  43                  Paid by foreign employer  23
                                                                             Resident alien 43
Gambling winnings, dog or horse         Source rule 17
                                                                            Royalties 20
   racing 24                            Tax treaty exemption   68
Head of household     38                Withholding on wages    56          S
How income is taxed     26            Portfolio interest 22 23, 
                                                                            Sailing permits, departing aliens:
Individual retirement arrangement     Prizes 19
                                                                             Aliens not requiring   73
   (IRA) 39                           Professional athletes    8
Interest income 16                                                           Bond furnished, insuring tax 
Losses  39                                                                     payment    76

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Form 1040-C    76                  Substantial presence test  5         Transportation income:
Form 2063    75                                                          Connected with U.S. business                      28
Forms to file 75                   T                                     Source rule  19
When and Where To Get a Sailing    Tax credits and payments:            Transportation of currency or 
or Departure Permit.      75         Nonresident aliens  43              monetary instruments      53
Salary (See Personal services        Resident aliens  42                Transportation tax  33
income)                            Tax help 76                          Transportation-related 
Sale of home, income from    24    Tax home    8 20,                     employment, residents of 
                                                                         Canada or Mexico    57
Sales or exchanges, capital        Tax paid on undistributed 
assets  31                           long-term capital gains 45         Treaties, income affected by                     24
Scholarship:                       Tax treaties:                        Treaty benefits for resident 
                                                                         aliens 69
Excludable   25                      Benefits  67 68, 
                                                                        Treaty benefits, reporting benefits 
Source rule  19                      Capital gains   69
                                                                         claimed 70
Withholding tax  60                  Employees of foreign 
                                                                        Trust, beneficiary 26
Securities, trading in 27            governments       69
Self-employed retirement plans  40   Exclusions from income  24         U
Self-employment tax    64            Income affected by  24
Social security benefits:            Reporting benefits claimed      70 U.S Virgin Islands, residents of:
Dual-status alien  48                Teachers and professors 68          Withholding on wages  57
Nonresident alien   31               Trainees, students, and            U.S. Armed Forces:
Social security number    37         apprentices     69                  Moving expenses    39
Social security tax:               Tax Treaties:                        U.S. national 47
Credit for excess tax withheld 63    Effect of 9                        U.S. Virgin Islands, residents of:
Excess withheld    45                Income entitled to benefits     61  Where to file 52
Foreign students and exchange      Tax withheld on gain from the sale 
visitors    63                       or exchange of certain             W
International agreements  65         partnership interests   45         Wages (See Personal services 
Self-employment tax    64          Tax year 37 47,                       income)
Totalization agreements   65       Tax, transportation  33              Wages exempt from withholding                        57
Withheld in error  64              Taxpayer identification number:      Wages, withholding on  56
Source of compensation for labor     Defined   37                       Waiver of filing deadline 52
or personal services:                Penalty for failure to supply   55 When to file 51 52, 
Alternative basis  19              Teachers:                            Where to file 51
Multi-year compensation   17         Alien status 7                     Who must file  51
Time basis   17                      Tax treaty exemption 68            Withholding  55 59, 
Source of income   15                Wage withholding exemption under   Withholding tax:
Standard deduction   41              tax treaty   61 89,                 Central withholding agreements                      58
State and local income taxes  41   Tie-breaker rule   9                  Notification of alien status                    56
Stocks, trading in 27              Tip income  57                        Pensions 57
Student loan interest deduction 40 Totalization agreements   65          Puerto Rico, residents of 57
Students:                          Trade or business, U.S.  26           Real property sales 61
Alien status 7                       Beneficiary of estate or trust  26  Scholarships and grants   60
Engaged in U.S. business  26         Business operations  26             Social security taxes 63
Fellowship grant   19 60,            Income from U.S. sources  27        Tax treaty benefits 61
Income from foreign employer   24    Partnerships  26                    Tip income   57
Scholarship   19 60,                 Personal services  26               U.S. Virgin Islands, residents of                 57
Social security and Medicare         Students and trainees 26            Wages  56
taxes     63                         Trading in stocks, securities, and  Wages exempt from    57
Tax treaty exemption   69            commodities      27                 Where to report on the return                     45
Wage withholding exemption under   Trading in stocks, securities, and    Withholding from compensation                       56
tax treaty   61 84,                  commodities     27
Students and business apprentices  Trainees 7 26, 
from India   41 57, 

Publication 519 (2023)                                                                                                       99

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