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            Publication 4681
            Cat. No. 51508F                                                    Contents
                                                                               What's New   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
of the      Canceled Debts,                                                    Reminder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Internal                                                                       Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Revenue     Foreclosures, 
Service                                                                        Common Situations Covered in 
                                                                               This Publication          . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
                                                                               Chapter  1.  Canceled Debts        . . . . . . . . 3
                                                                               Form 1099-C      . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
            and                                                                Discounts and Loan 
                                                                                           Modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
                                                                               Sales or Other Dispositions 
            Abandonments                                                                   (Such as Foreclosures and 
                                                                                           Repossessions)   . . . . . . . . . . . 4
                                                                               Abandonments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
            (for Individuals)                                                  Stockholder Debt . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
                                                                               Exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
                                                                               Gifts, Bequests, Devises, and 
            For use in preparing                                                           Inheritances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
                                                                               Student Loans      . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
                                                                               Deductible Debt           . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
            2022 Returns                                                       Price Reduced After Purchase              . . . . . 6
                                                                               Exclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
                                                                               Bankruptcy     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
                                                                               Insolvency   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
                                                                               Insolvency Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . 7
                                                                               Qualified Farm Indebtedness . . . . . . 8
                                                                               Qualified Real Property 
                                                                                           Business Indebtedness    . . . . . . . 8
                                                                               Qualified Principal Residence 
                                                                                           Indebtedness . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
                                                                               Reduction of Tax Attributes        . . . . . . .   10
                                                                               Qualified Principal Residence 
                                                                                           Indebtedness . . . . . . . . . . . .   10
                                                                               Bankruptcy and Insolvency            . . . . . .   10
                                                                               Qualified Farm Indebtedness . . . . .              11
                                                                               Qualified Real Property 
                                                                                           Business Indebtedness    . . . . . .   12
                                                                               Chapter  2.  Foreclosures and 
                                                                               Repossessions             . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
                                                                               Worksheet for Foreclosures and 
                                                                                           Reposessions   . . . . . . . . . . .   13
                                                                               Chapter  3.  Abandonments          . . . . . . .   14
                                                                               How To Get Tax Help        . . . . . . . . . . .   14

                                                                               Future Developments
                                                                               For  the  latest  information  about  developments 
                                                                               related  to  Pub.  4681,  such  as  legislation 
                                                                               enacted  after  it  was  published,  go  to  IRS.gov/

                                                                               What’s New
              Get forms and other information faster and easier at:            Discharge  of  qualified  principal  residence 
              IRS.gov (English)         IRS.gov/Korean (한국어)               indebtedness  before  2026.        Qualified  princi-
              IRS.gov/Spanish (Español) IRS.gov/Russian (Pусский)          pal  residence  indebtedness  can  be  excluded 
              IRS.gov/Chinese (中文)      IRS.gov/Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)    from  income  for  discharges  before  January  1, 

Oct 27, 2022

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                                                       Comments  and  suggestions.            We  welcome 
                                                       your comments about this publication and sug-
Reminders                                              gestions for future editions.                                Common Situations 
Discharge of student loan debt. If your stu-           You  can  send  us  comments  through                        Covered in This 
dent  loan  debt  was  discharged,  in  whole  or  in  IRS.gov/FormComments.  Or,  you  can  write  to 
part,  after  December  31,  2020,  the  amount  of    the  Internal  Revenue  Service,  Tax  Forms  and            Publication
debt  that  was  discharged  may  be  nontaxable.      Publications,  1111  Constitution  Ave.  NW, 
See Student Loans, later.                              IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224.                               The  sections  of  this  publication  that  apply  to 
Photographs of missing children. The Inter-            Although  we  can’t  respond  individually  to               you  depend  on  the  type  of  debt  canceled,  the 
nal Revenue Service is a proud partner with the        each comment received, we do appreciate your                 tax attributes you have, and whether or not you 
National  Center  for  Missing  &  Exploited           feedback and will consider your comments and                 continue to own the property that was subject to 
Children®  (NCMEC).  Photographs  of  missing          suggestions as we revise our tax forms, instruc-             the  debt.  Some  examples  of  common  circum-
children selected by the Center may appear in          tions,  and  publications.       Don’t send  tax  ques-      stances  are  provided  in  the  following  para-
this publication on pages that would otherwise         tions, tax returns, or payments to the above ad-             graphs to help guide you through this publica-
be  blank.  You  can  help  bring  these  children     dress.                                                       tion.  These  examples  don't  cover  every 
                                                                                                                    situation  but  are  intended  to  provide  general 
home by looking at the photographs and calling         Getting  answers  to  your  tax  questions.                  guidance for the most common situations.
800-THE-LOST  (800-843-5678)  if  you  recog-          If you have a tax question not answered by this 
nize a child.                                          publication or the               How To Get Tax Help section Nonbusiness credit card debt cancellation. 
                                                       at the end of this publication, go to the IRS In-            If you had a nonbusiness credit card debt can-
Introduction                                           teractive  Tax  Assistant  page  at          IRS.gov/        celed, you may be able to exclude the canceled 
                                                       Help/ITA where you can find topics by using the              debt from income if the cancellation occurred in 
This  publication  explains  the  federal  tax  treat- search feature or viewing the categories listed.             a title 11 bankruptcy case or you were insolvent 
ment  of  canceled  debts,  foreclosures,  repos-
sessions, and abandonments.                            Getting tax forms, instructions, and pub-                    immediately  before  the  cancellation.  You 
Generally,  if  you  owe  a  debt  to  someone         lications.  Go  to  IRS.gov/Forms  to  download              should also read Bankruptcy or Insolvency un-
else and they cancel or forgive that debt for less     current  and  prior-year  forms,  instructions,  and         der Exclusions in chapter 1 to see if you can ex-
than its full amount, you are treated for income       publications.                                                clude the canceled debt from income under one 
                                                                                                                    of those provisions. If you can exclude part or 
tax purposes as having income and may have             Ordering  tax  forms,  instructions,  and                    all  of  the  canceled  debt  from  income,  you 
to pay tax on this income.                             publications.           Go  to   IRS.gov/OrderForms  to      should  also  read Bankruptcy  and  Insolvency 
Note.   This  publication  generally  refers  to       order  current  forms,  instructions,  and  publica-         under Reduction of Tax Attributes in chapter 1.
debt  that  is  canceled,  forgiven,  or  discharged   tions;  call  800-829-3676  to  order  prior-year 
for less than the full amount of the debt as “can-     forms  and  instructions.  The  IRS  will  process           Personal vehicle repossession.    If you had a 
celed debt.”                                           your  order  for  forms  and  publications  as  soon         personal vehicle repossessed and disposed of 
                                                       as possible. Don’t resubmit requests you’ve al-              by the lender during the year, you will need to 
Sometimes a debt, or part of a debt, that you          ready sent us. You can get forms and publica-                determine  your  gain  or  nondeductible  loss  on 
don't  have  to  pay  isn't  considered  canceled      tions faster online.                                         the disposition. This is explained in chapter 2. If 
debt. These exceptions are discussed later un-                                                                      the  lender  also  canceled  all  or  part  of  the  re-
der Exceptions.                                        Useful Items                                                 maining amount of the loan, you may be able to 
Sometimes a canceled debt may be exclu-                You may want to see:                                         exclude  the  canceled  debt  from  income  if  the 
ded  from  your  income.  But  if  you  do  exclude                                                                 cancellation  occurred  in  a  title  11  bankruptcy 
                                                                                                                    case or you were insolvent immediately before 
canceled  debt  from  income,  you  may  be  re-       Publication                                                  the cancellation. You should read Bankruptcy or 
quired to reduce your “tax attributes.” These ex-
clusions and the reduction of tax attributes as-         225   225 Farmer's Tax Guide                               Insolvency under Exclusions in chapter 1 to see 
sociated  with  them  are  discussed  later  under                                                                  if  you  can  exclude  the  canceled  debt  from  in-
Exclusions.                                              334   334 Tax Guide for Small Business (For                come under one of those provisions. If you can 
Foreclosure and repossession are remedies                      Individuals Who Use Schedule C)                      exclude part or all of the canceled debt from in-
                                                                                                                    come, you should also read Bankruptcy and In-
that your lender may exercise if you fail to make        523   523 Selling Your Home                                solvency  under Reduction  of  Tax  Attributes  in 
payments on your loan and you have previously 
                                                                                                                    chapter 1.
granted that lender a mortgage or other security         525   525 Taxable and Nontaxable Income
interest  in  some  of  your  property.  These  rem-                                                                Main home foreclosure or abandonment.          If 
edies allow the lender to seize or sell the prop-        536   536 Net Operating Losses (NOLs) for                  a lender foreclosed on your main home during 
erty  securing  the  loan.  When  your  property  is           Individuals, Estates, and Trusts                     the year, you will need to determine your gain or 
foreclosed upon or repossessed and sold, you                                                                        loss  on  the  foreclosure.  Foreclosures  are  ex-
are treated as having sold the property and you          542   542 Corporations                                     plained in chapter 2 and abandonments are ex-
may recognize taxable gain. Whether you also                                                                        plained in chapter 3.
recognize income from canceled debt depends              544   544 Sales and Other Dispositions of 
in part on whether you are personally liable for               Assets                                               Main  home  loan  modification  (workout 
the debt and in part on whether the outstanding                                                                     agreement). If a lender agreed to a mortgage 
loan balance is more than the fair market value          551   551 Basis of Assets
                                                                                                                    loan modification (a “workout”) in 2021 that in-
(FMV) of the property. Figuring your gain or loss        908   908 Bankruptcy Tax Guide                             cluded  a  reduction  in  the  principal  balance  of 
and income from canceled debt arising from a                                                                        the  loan  in  2022,  you  should  read Qualified 
foreclosure  or  repossession  is  discussed  later                                                                 Principal Residence Indebtedness under Exclu-
under Foreclosures and Repossessions.                  Form (and Instructions)
                                                                                                                    sions in chapter 1 to see if you can exclude part 
Generally, you abandon property when you                 982   982 Reduction of Tax Attributes Due to               or all of the canceled debt from income. If you 
voluntarily and permanently give up possession                 Discharge of Indebtedness (and                       can  exclude  part  or  all  of  the  canceled  debt 
and use of property you own with the intention                 Section 1082 Basis Adjustment)                       from  income,  you  should  also  read  Qualified 
of ending your ownership but without passing it                                                                     Principal  Residence  Indebtedness  under Re-
on  to  anyone  else.  Figuring  your  gain  or  loss    1099-C         1099-C Cancellation of Debt                 duction of Tax Attributes in chapter 1.
and income from canceled debt arising from an 
abandonment  is  discussed  later  under Aban-           1099-DIV              1099-DIV Dividends and Distributions
                                                         3800      3800 General Business Credit

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                                                        Form 4835, line 6, if the debt is related to a       Code B—Other judicial debt relief. Code 
                                                          farm rental activity for which you use Form          B is used to identify cancellation of debt as a re-
                                                          4835 to report farm rental income based              sult of a receivership, foreclosure, or similar fed-
1.                                                        on crops or livestock produced by a tenant;          eral or state court proceeding other than bank-
                                                          or                                                   ruptcy.
                                                        Schedule F (Form 1040), line 8, if the debt 
                                                          is farm debt and you are a farmer.                   Code C—Statute of limitations or expira-
Canceled Debts                                                                                                 tion of deficiency period. Code C is used to 
                                                                                                               identify  cancellation  of  debt  either  when  the 
This  chapter  discusses  the  tax  treatment  of       Form 1099-C                                            statute of limitations for collecting the debt ex-
canceled debts.                                                                                                pires  or  when  the  statutory  period  for  filing  a 
                                                        If  you  receive  a  Form  1099-C,  that  means  an    claim  or  beginning  a  deficiency  judgment  pro-
                                                        applicable  entity  has  reported  an  identifiable    ceeding expires. In the case of the expiration of 
General Rules                                           event to the IRS regarding a debt you owe. For         a statute of limitations, an identifiable event oc-
                                                        information on the reasons an applicable entity        curs only if and when your affirmative defense 
Generally, if a debt for which you are personally       files Form 1099-C, see Identifiable event codes,       of  the  statute  of  limitations  is  upheld  in  a  final 
liable is forgiven or discharged for less than the      later. Unless you meet one of the exceptions or        judgment  or  decision  in  a  judicial  proceeding, 
full  amount  owed,  the  debt  is  considered  can-    exclusions  discussed  later,  this  canceled  debt    and  the  period  for  appealing  the  judgment  or 
celed  in  whatever  amount  it  remained  unpaid.      is ordinary income and must be reported on the         decision has expired.
There are exceptions to this rule, discussed un-        appropriate form discussed above.                      Code D—Foreclosure election. Code D is 
der Exceptions,  later.  Generally,  you  must  in-             If you had a student loan that was dis-        used  to  identify  cancellation  of  debt  when  the 
clude the canceled debt in your income. How-            TIP     charged after December 31, 2020, and           creditor elects foreclosure remedies that statu-
ever, you may be able to exclude the canceled                   the  amount  of  the  discharged  loan  is     torily  end  or  bar  the  creditor's  right  to  pursue 
debt. See Exclusions, later.                            nontaxable,  you  won’t  receive  a  Form  1099-C      collection  of  the  debt.  This  event  applies  to  a 
                                                        from the lender or servicer of your student loan.      mortgage  lender  or  holder  who  is  barred  from 
Example.      Terry owed $1,000 to Kelly. Kelly                                                                pursuing debt collection after a power of sale in 
agreed to accept and Terry paid $400 in satis-                                                                 the mortgage or deed of trust is exercised.
faction  of  the  entire  debt.  Terry  has  canceled   An applicable entity includes the following. 
debt of $600.                                           1. A financial institution.                            Code  E—Debt  relief  from  probate  or 
                                                                                                               similar proceeding. Code E is used to identify 
Example.      Kerry  owed  $1,000  to  Courtney.        2. A credit union.                                     cancellation  of  debt  as  a  result  of  a  probate 
Courtney  and  Kerry  agreed  that  Kerry  would        3. Any of the following, its successor, or sub-        court or similar legal proceeding.
provide  Courtney  with  services  (instead  of           unit of one of the following.                        Code F—By agreement. Code F is used to 
money)  in  full  satisfaction  of  the  debt.  Kerry                                                          identify  cancellation  of  debt  as  a  result  of  an 
doesn’t have canceled debt. Instead, Kerry has            a. The Federal Deposit Insurance Cor-
income from services.                                           poration (FDIC).                               agreement between the creditor and the debtor 
                                                                                                               to  cancel  the  debt  at  less  than  full  considera-
A debt includes any indebtedness:                         b. The Resolution Trust Corporation                  tion.
  For which you are liable, or                                (RTC).
                                                                                                               Code  G—Decision  or  policy  to  discon-
  Subject to which you hold property.                   c. The National Credit Union Administra-             tinue  collection.  Code  G  is  used  to  identify 
Debt  for  which  you  are  personally  liable  is  re-         tion (NCUA).                                   cancellation of debt as a result of a decision or 
course debt. All other debt is nonrecourse debt.          d. Any other federal executive agency,               a  defined  policy  of  the  creditor  to  discontinue 
If  you  aren't  personally  liable  for  the  debt,            including government corporations,             collection activity and cancel the debt. For pur-
you  don't  have  ordinary  income  from  the  can-             any military department, the U.S.              poses of this identifiable event, a defined policy 
cellation of debt unless you retain the collateral              Postal Service, or the Postal Rate             includes both a written policy and the creditor's 
and either:                                                     Commission.                                    established business practice.
  The lender offers a discount for the early                                                                 Code  H—Other  actual  discharge  before 
    payment of the debt, or                             4. A corporate subsidiary of a financial insti-
  The lender agrees to a loan modification              tution or credit union (if the affiliation sub-      identifiable event. Code H is used to identify 
    that results in the reduction of the principal        jects the subsidiary to federal or state reg-        an actual cancellation of debt that occurs before 
    balance of the debt.                                  ulation).                                            any  of  the  identifiable  events  described  in  co-
                                                                                                               des A through G.
See Discounts and Loan Modifications, later.            5. A federal government agency, including a 
                                                          department, an agency, a court or court 
However,  upon  the  disposition of the prop-             administrative office, or a judicial or legis-       Form 1099-C Reference Guide for 
erty  securing  a  nonrecourse  debt,  the  amount        lative instrumentality.                              Box 6 Identifiable Event Codes
realized  includes  the  entire  unpaid  amount  of 
the debt, not just the FMV of the property. As a        6. Any organization of which lending money             A Bankruptcy
result, you may realize a gain or loss if the out-        is a significant trade or business.                  B Other judicial debt relief
standing  debt  immediately  before  the  disposi-      For more information on the applicable entities        C Statute of limitations or expiration of deficiency 
tion is more or less than your adjusted basis in        that must file a Form 1099-C, see the 2022 In-         period
the property. For more details on figuring your         structions for Forms 1099-A and 1099-C, avail-         D Foreclosure election
gain or loss, see chapter 2 of this publication or      able at IRS.gov/pub/irs-prior/i1099ac--2022.pdf.       E Debt relief from probate or similar proceeding
see Pub. 544.                                                                                                  F By agreement
There  are  several  exceptions  and  exclu-            Identifiable  event  codes. Box  6  of  Form           G Decision or policy to discontinue collection
sions that may result in part or all of a canceled      1099-C should indicate the reason the creditor         H Other actual discharge before identifiable event
debt being nontaxable. See Exceptions and   Ex-         filed  this  form.  The  codes  shown  in  box  6  are 
clusions,  later.  You  must  report  any  taxable      explained next. Also, see the chart after the ex-              Even  if  you  didn't  receive  a  Form 
canceled debt as ordinary income on:                    planation for a quick reference guide for the co-      !       1099-C, you must report canceled debt 
  Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 8c, if the             des used in box 6.                                     CAUTION as gross income on your tax return un-
    debt is a nonbusiness debt;                                                                                less one of the exceptions or exclusions descri-
  Schedule C (Form 1040), line 6, if the debt         Code  A—Bankruptcy.  Code  A  is  used  to             bed later applies.
    is related to a nonfarm sole proprietorship;        identify cancellation of debt as a result of a title 
  Schedule E (Form 1040), line 3, if the debt         11 bankruptcy case. See Bankruptcy, later.             Amount  of  canceled  debt.   The  amount  in 
    is related to nonfarm rental of real property;                                                             box 2 of Form 1099-C may represent some or 
                                                                                                                    Chapter 1    Canceled Debts    Page 3

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all  of  the  debt  that  has  been  canceled.  The     as  ordinary  or  capital)  is  determined  by  the     Gifts, Bequests, Devises, 
amount in box 2 will include principal and may          character of the property. If the lender forgives 
include interest and other nonprincipal amounts         all or part of the amount of the debt in excess of      and Inheritances
(such  as  fees  or  penalties).  Unless  you  meet     the FMV of the property, the cancellation of the        In most cases, you don't have income from can-
one of the exceptions or exclusions discussed           excess debt may result in ordinary income. The          celed debt if the debt is canceled as a gift, be-
later, the amount of the debt that has been can-        ordinary  income  from  the  cancellation  of  debt     quest, devise, or inheritance.
celed is ordinary income and must be reported           (the excess of the canceled debt over the FMV 
on the appropriate form, as discussed earlier.          of the property) must be included in your gross 
                                                        income reported on your tax return unless one           Student Loans
Interest included in canceled debt. If any in-          of the exceptions or exclusions described later 
terest  is  included  in  the  amount  of  canceled     applies.  For  more  details,  see Exceptions  and      Generally,  if  you  are  responsible  for  making 
debt in box 2, it will be shown in box 3. Whether       Exclusions, later.                                      loan payments, and the loan is canceled or re-
the  interest  portion  of  the  canceled  debt  must                                                           paid  by  someone  else,  you  must  include  the 
be  included  in  your  income  depends  on             Nonrecourse debt.    If you owned property that         amount that was canceled or paid on your be-
whether the interest would be deductible if you         was subject to a nonrecourse debt in excess of          half  in  your  gross  income  for  tax  purposes. 
paid it. See Deductible Debt under Exceptions,          the  FMV  of  the  property,  the  lender's  foreclo-   However, in certain circumstances, you may be 
later.                                                  sure  on  the  property  doesn't  result  in  ordinary  able to exclude amounts from gross income as 
                                                        income from the cancellation of debt. The entire        a result of the cancellation or repayment of cer-
Persons  who  each  receive  a  Form  1099-C            amount of the nonrecourse debt is treated as an         tain student loans. These exclusions are for:
showing the full amount of debt.   If you and           amount realized on the disposition of the prop-            Student loan cancellation due to meeting 
another person were jointly and severally liable        erty. The gain or loss on the disposition of the             certain work requirements;
for  a  canceled  debt,  each  of  you  may  get  a     property is measured by the difference between             Cancellation of certain loans after Decem-
Form 1099-C showing the entire amount of the            the total amount realized (the entire amount of              ber 31, 2020, and before January 1, 2026; 
canceled debt. However, you may not have to             the nonrecourse debt plus the amount of cash                 or
report  that  entire  amount  as  income.  The          and the FMV of any property received) and your             Student loan repayment assistance pro-
amount, if any, you must report depends on all          adjusted basis in the property. The character of             grams.
the facts and circumstances, including:                 the gain or loss is determined by the character 
   State law,                                         of the property.                                        Exclusion for student loan cancellation due 
   The amount of debt proceeds each person                                                                    to  meeting  certain  work  requirements.        If 
     received,                                          More information.    See chapter 2 of this publi-       your student loan is canceled in part or in whole 
   How much of any interest deduction from            cation  and  Pubs.  523,  544,  and  551  for  more     in  2022  due  to  meeting  certain  work  require-
     the debt was claimed by each person,               details.                                                ments,  you  may  not  have  to  include  the  can-
   How much of the basis of any co-owned                                                                      celed  debt  in  your  income.  To  qualify  for  this 
     property bought with the debt proceeds                                                                     work-related  exclusion,  your  loan  must  have 
     was allocated to each co-owner, and                Abandonments                                            been made by a qualified lender to assist you in 
   Whether the canceled debt qualifies for            Recourse debt.     If you abandon property that         attending  an  eligible  educational  organization 
     any of the exceptions or exclusions descri-        secures a debt for which you are personally lia-        described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii). In addition, 
     bed in this publication.                           ble  (recourse  debt)  and  the  debt  is  canceled,    the cancellation must be pursuant to a provision 
See Example 3 under Insolvency, later.                  you  will  realize  ordinary  income  equal  to  the    in the student loan that all or part of the debt will 
                                                        canceled debt. You must report this income on           be canceled if you work:
                                                        your tax return unless one of the exceptions or            For a certain period of time,
Discounts and Loan                                      exclusions  described  later  applies.  For  more          In certain professions, and
Modifications                                           details,  see Exceptions  and Exclusions,  later.          For any of a broad class of employers.
                                                        This income is separate from any amount real-
If a lender discounts (reduces) the principal bal-      ized from the abandonment of the property. For                  The  cancellation  of  your  loan  won’t 
ance of a loan because you pay it off early, or         more details, see chapter 3.                            !       qualify  for  tax-free  treatment  if  it  was 
agrees to a loan modification (a “workout”) that                                                                CAUTION made  by  an  educational  organization 
includes a reduction in the principal balance of        Nonrecourse  debt.   If  you  abandon  property         or  tax-exempt  section  501(c)(3)  organization 
a  loan,  the  amount  of  the  discount  or  the       that secures a debt for which you aren't person-        and was canceled because of the services you 
amount of principal reduction is canceled debt.         ally liable (nonrecourse debt), you may realize         performed  for  either  organization.  See Excep-
However,  if  the  debt  is  nonrecourse  and  you      gain  or  loss  but  won't  have  cancellation  of  in- tion, later.
didn't retain the collateral, you don't have can-       debtedness income.
cellation  of  debt  income.  The  amount  of  the                                                              Educational  organization  described  in 
canceled debt must be included in income un-                                                                    section  170(b)(1)(A)(ii). This  is  an  educa-
less one of the exceptions or exclusions descri-        Stockholder Debt                                        tional organization that maintains a regular fac-
bed later applies. For more details, see Excep-         If you are a stockholder in a corporation and the       ulty and curriculum and normally has a regularly 
tions and Exclusions, later.                            corporation cancels or forgives your debt to it,        enrolled body of students in attendance at the 
                                                        the canceled debt is a constructive distribution.       place where it carries on its educational activi-
Sales or Other Dispositions                             For more information, see Pub. 542.                     ties.
(Such as Foreclosures and                                                                                       Qualified  lenders.     These  include  the  fol-
                                                        Exceptions                                              1. The United States, or an instrumentality or 
Recourse  debt. If  you  owned  property  that                                                                       agency thereof.
was subject to a recourse debt in excess of the         There  are  several  exceptions  to  the  require-
FMV of the property, the lender's foreclosure or        ment that you include canceled debt in income.          2. A state, territory, or possession of the Uni-
repossession of the property is treated as a sale       These  exceptions  apply  before  the  exclusions            ted States; or the District of Columbia; or 
or  disposition  of  the  property  by  you  and  may   discussed later and don't require you to reduce              any political subdivision thereof.
result  in  your  realization  of  gain  or  loss.  The your tax attributes.                                    3. A public benefit corporation that is tax-ex-
gain or loss on the disposition of the property is                                                                   empt under section 501(c)(3); and that 
measured  by  the  difference  between  the  FMV                                                                     has assumed control of a state, county, or 
of the property at the time of the disposition and                                                                   municipal hospital; and whose employees 
your  adjusted  basis  (usually  your  cost)  in  the                                                                are considered public employees under 
property. The character of the gain or loss (such                                                                    state law.
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4. An educational organization described in              Private  education  loan. A  private  education        Religious.
  section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii), if the loan is               loan is a loan provided by a private educational       Educational.
  made:                                                  lender that:                                           Scientific.
       a. As part of an agreement with an entity         Is not made, insured, or guaranteed under            Literary.
       described in (1), (2), or (3) under                 Title IV of the Higher Education Act of              Testing for public safety.
       which the funds to make the loan                    1965; and                                            Fostering national or international amateur 
       were provided to the educational or-              Is issued expressly for postsecondary edu-             sports competition (but only if none of its 
       ganization; or                                      cational expenses to a borrower, regard-               activities involve providing athletic facilities 
                                                           less of whether the loan is provided                   or equipment).
       b. Under a program of the educational               through the educational organization that            The prevention of cruelty to children or ani-
       organization that is designed to en-                the student attends or directly to the bor-            mals.
       courage its students to serve in occu-              rower from the private educational lender. 
       pations with unmet needs or in areas                A private education loan does not include            Exception.   In most cases, the cancellation 
       with unmet needs where services pro-                an extension of credit under an open end             of  a  student  loan  made  by  an  educational  or-
       vided by the students (or former stu-               consumer credit plan, a reverse mortgage             ganization  because  of  services  you  performed 
       dents) are for or under the direction of            transaction, a residential mortgage trans-           for  that  organizationn  or  another  organization 
       a governmental unit or a tax-exempt                 action, or any other loan that is secured by         that provided the funds for the loan must be in-
       section 501(c)(3) organization.                     real property or a dwelling.                         cluded in gross income on your tax return.
                                                                                                                Refinanced  loan. If  you  refinanced  a  stu-
Special rule for student loan discharges for             Private educational lender. A private educa-           dent loan with another loan from an eligible ed-
2021  through  2025. The  American  Rescue               tional lender is one of the following.                 ucational  organization  or  a  tax-exempt  organi-
Plan Act of 2021 modified the treatment of stu-          A financial institution that solicits, makes,        zation,  that  loan  may  also  be  considered  as 
dent  loan  forgiveness  for  discharges  in  2021         or extends private education loans.                  made by a qualified lender. The refinanced loan 
through 2025. Generally, if you are responsible          A federal credit union that solicits, makes,         is considered made by a qualified lender if it’s 
for making loan payments, and the loan is can-             or extends private education loans.                  made under a program of the refinancing organ-
celed or repaid by someone else, you must in-            Any other person engaged in the business             ization that is designed to encourage students 
clude the amount that was canceled or paid on              of soliciting, making, or extending private          to serve in occupations with unmet needs or in 
your behalf in your gross income for tax purpo-            education loans.                                     areas with unmet needs where the services re-
ses.  However,  in  certain  circumstances,  you                 The  cancellation  of  your  loan  won’t       quired of the students are for or under the direc-
                                                                                                                tion of a governmental unit or a tax-exempt sec-
may be able to exclude this amount from gross            !       qualify for tax-free treatment if it is can-   tion 501(c)(3) organization.
income if the loan was one of the following.             CAUTION celed  because  of  services  you  per-
A loan for postsecondary educational ex-               formed  for  the  private  educational  lender  that 
  penses.                                                made the loan or other organization that provi-        Student  loan  repayment  assistance.     Stu-
A private education loan.                              ded the funds.                                         dent loan repayments made to you are tax free 
A loan from an educational organization                                                                       if you received them for any of the following.
  described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii).                                                                        The National Health Service Corps 
A loan from an organization exempt from                Loan from an educational organization de-                (NHSC) Loan Repayment Program.
  tax under section 501(a) to refinance a stu-           scribed  in  section  170(b)(1)(A)(ii). This  is       A state education loan repayment program 
  dent loan.                                             any loan made by the organization if the loan is         eligible for funds under the Public Health 
                                                         made:                                                    Service Act.
Loan for postsecondary educational expen-                As part of an agreement with an entity de-           Any other state loan repayment or loan for-
ses.   This  is  any  loan  provided  expressly  for       scribed earlier under which the funds to               giveness program that is intended to pro-
postsecondary     education,  regardless      of           make the loan were provided to the educa-              vide for the increased availability of health 
whether  provided  through  the  educational  or-          tional organization; or                                services in underserved or health profes-
ganization  or  directly  to  the  borrower,  if  such   Under a program of the educational organi-             sional shortage areas (as determined by 
loan was made, insured, or guaranteed by one               zation that is designed to encourage its               such state).
of the following.                                          students to serve in occupations with un-
The United States, or an instrumentality or              met needs or in areas with unmet needs                       You can’t deduct the interest you paid 
  agency thereof.                                          where the services provided by the stu-              !       on  a  student  loan  to  the  extent  pay-
A state, territory, or possession of the Uni-            dents (or former students) are for or under          CAUTION ments were made through your partici-
  ted States; or the District of Columbia; or              the direction of a governmental unit or a            pation in any of the above programs.
  any political subdivision thereof.                       tax-exempt section 501(c)(3) organization.
An eligible educational organization.
                                                         Educational organization described in sec-             Deductible Debt
Eligible  educational  organization. An  eligi-          tion  170(b)(1)(A)(ii). This  is  an  educational 
ble  educational  organization  is  generally  any       organization that maintains a regular faculty and      If you use the cash method of accounting, you 
accredited public, nonprofit, or proprietary (pri-       curriculum and normally has a regularly enrolled       don't  realize  income  from  the  cancellation  of 
vately owned profit-making) college, university,         body  of  students  in  attendance  at  the  place     debt  if  the  payment  of  the  debt  would  have 
vocational school, or other postsecondary edu-           where it carries on its educational activities.        been a deductible expense. This exception ap-
                                                                                                                plies  before  the  price  reduction  exception  dis-
cational  organization.  Also,  the  organization                The  cancellation  of  your  loan  won’t       cussed next.
must  be  eligible  to  participate  in  a  student  aid !       qualify  for  tax-free  treatment  if  it  was 
program  administered  by  the  U.S.  Department         CAUTION made by an educational organization, a         Example.     In  December  2021,  you  get  ac-
of Education.                                            tax-exempt section 501(c)(3) organization, or a        counting  services  for  your  farm  on  credit.  In 
An eligible educational organization also in-            private education lender (as defined in section        early 2022, you have trouble paying your farm 
cludes  certain  educational  organizations  loca-       140(a)(7) of the Truth in Lending Act) and was         debts and your accountant forgives part of the 
ted outside the United States that are eligible to       canceled  because  of  the  services  you  per-        amount  you  owe  for  the  accounting  services. 
participate  in  a  student  aid  program  adminis-      formed  for  either  such  organization  or  private   How  you  treat  the  canceled  debt  depends  on 
tered by the U.S. Department of Education.               education lender. See Exception, later.                your method of accounting.
       The  educational  organization  should                                                                   Cash method. You don't include the can-
TIP    be able to tell you if it is an eligible edu-     Section  501(c)(3)  organization.       This  is         celed debt in income because payment of 
       cational organization.                            any  corporation,  community  chest,  fund,  or          the debt would have been deductible as a 
                                                         foundation organized and operated exclusively            business expense in 2022.
                                                         for one or more of the following purposes.
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Accrual method. Unless another exception              insolvency exclusion by being an owner of, or a         of debt canceled, Sawyer can exclude the en-
  or exclusion applies, you must include the            partner  in  a  partnership  that  owns,  a  grantor    tire $5,000 canceled debt from income.
  canceled debt in ordinary income because              trust or disregarded entity that is insolvent. You      When  completing  the  tax  return,  Sawyer 
  the expense was deductible in 2021 when               must  be  insolvent  to  qualify  for  this  exclusion. checks the box on line 1b of Form 982 and en-
  you incurred the debt.                                You were insolvent immediately before the can-          ters $5,000 on line 2. Sawyer completes Part II 
                                                        cellation to the extent that the total of all of your   to reduce the tax attributes, as explained under 
                                                        liabilities was more than the FMV of all of your        Reduction  of  Tax  Attributes,  later.  Sawyer 
Price Reduced After                                     assets immediately before the cancellation. For         doesn't include any of the $5,000 canceled debt 
Purchase                                                purposes of determining insolvency, assets in-          on  Schedule  1  (Form  1040),  line  8c.  None  of 
                                                        clude the value of everything you own (includ-          the canceled debt is included in income.
If  debt  you  owe  the  seller  for  the  purchase  of ing assets that serve as collateral for debt and 
property is reduced by the seller at a time when        exempt assets, which are beyond the reach of            Example  2—amount  of  insolvency  less 
you  aren't  insolvent  and  the  reduction  doesn't    your creditors under the law, such as your inter-       than  canceled  debt. The  facts  are  the  same 
occur in a title 11 bankruptcy case, the reduc-         est in a pension plan and the value of your re-         as in Example 1, except that Sawyer’s total lia-
tion  doesn't  result  in  cancellation  of  debt  in-  tirement account). Liabilities include:                 bilities immediately before the cancellation were 
come. However, you must reduce your basis in              The entire amount of recourse debt;                 $10,000 and the FMV of the total assets imme-
the property by the amount of the reduction of            The amount of nonrecourse debt that isn't           diately  before  the  cancellation  was  $7,000.  In 
your debt to the seller. The rules that apply to            in excess of the FMV of the property that is        this  case,  Sawyer  is  insolvent  to  the  extent  of 
bankruptcy and insolvency are explained in Ex-              security for the debt; and                          $3,000  ($10,000  total  liabilities  minus  $7,000 
clusions next.                                            The amount of nonrecourse debt in excess            FMV of the total assets) immediately before the 
                                                            of the FMV of the property subject to the           cancellation.  Because  the  amount  of  the  can-
                                                            nonrecourse debt, to the extent nonre-              celed debt was more than the amount by which 
Exclusions                                                  course debt in excess of the FMV of the             Sawyer  was  insolvent  immediately  before  the 
                                                            property subject to the debt is forgiven.           cancellation,  Sawyer  can  exclude  only  $3,000 
                                                                                                                of the $5,000 canceled debt from income under 
After  you  have  applied  any  exceptions  to  the           You can use the Insolvency Worksheet              the insolvency exclusion.
general rule that a canceled debt is included in        TIP   to  help  calculate  the  extent  that  you       Sawyer checks the box on line 1b of Form 
your income, there are several reasons why you                were  insolvent  immediately  before  the         982 and includes $3,000 on line 2. Also, Saw-
might  still  be  able  to  exclude  a  canceled  debt  cancellation.                                           yer  completes  Part  II  to  reduce  the  tax  attrib-
from  your  income.  These  exclusions  are  ex-
plained  next.  If  a  canceled  debt  is  excluded                                                             utes, as explained under Reduction of Tax At-
from your income, it is nontaxable. In most ca-         Other  exclusions  must  be  applied  before            tributes,  later.  Additionally,  Sawyer  must 
ses,  however,  if  you  exclude  canceled  debt        the  insolvency  exclusion.    This  exclusion          include $2,000 of canceled debt on Schedule 1 
from income under one of these provisions, you          doesn't apply to a cancellation of debt that oc-        (Form 1040), line 8c (unless another exclusion 
must  also  reduce  your  tax  attributes  (certain     curs in a title 11 bankruptcy case. It also doesn't     applies).
credits,  losses,  and  basis  of  assets)  as  ex-     apply if the debt is qualified principal residence 
plained later under Reduction of Tax Attributes.        indebtedness  (defined  in  this  section  under        Example  3—joint  debt  and  separate  re-
                                                        Qualified  Principal  Residence  Indebtedness,          turns.  In 2022, Drew and Taylor were released 
                                                        later)  unless  you  elect  to  apply  the  insolvency  from their obligation to pay a debt of $10,000 for 
Bankruptcy                                              exclusion instead of the qualified principal resi-      which  they  were  jointly  and  severally  liable. 
                                                        dence indebtedness exclusion.                           None of the exceptions to the general rule that 
Debt canceled in a title 11 bankruptcy case isn't                                                               canceled  debt  is  included  in  income  apply. 
included  in  your  income.  A  title  11  bankruptcy   How to report the insolvency exclusion.       To        They incurred the debt (originally $12,000) to fi-
case  is  a  case  under  title  11  of  the  United    show that you are excluding canceled debt from          nance Drew's purchase of a $9,000 motorcycle 
States  Code  (including  all  chapters  in  title  11  income  under  the  insolvency  exclusion,  attach      and Taylor's purchase of a laptop computer and 
such as chapters 7, 11, and 13). You must be a          Form 982 to your federal income tax return and          software for personal use for $3,000. They each 
debtor under the jurisdiction of the court and the      check the box on line 1b. On line 2, include the        received  a  2022  Form  1099-C  from  the  bank 
cancellation of the debt must be granted by the         smaller  of  the  amount  of  the  debt  canceled  or   showing the entire canceled debt of $10,000 in 
court or occur as a result of a plan approved by        the amount by which you were insolvent imme-            box 2. Based on the use of the loan proceeds, 
the court.                                              diately before the cancellation. You can use the        they agreed that Drew was responsible for 75% 
                                                        Insolvency Worksheet to help calculate the ex-          of the debt and Taylor was responsible for the 
You  don’t  qualify  for  the  bankruptcy  exclu-       tent that you were insolvent immediately before         remaining 25%. Therefore, Drew's share of the 
sion by being an owner of, or a partner in a part-      the cancellation. You must also reduce your tax         debt  is  $7,500  (75%  of  $10,000)  and  Taylor's 
nership  that  owns,  a  grantor  trust  or  disregar-  attributes  in  Part  II  of  Form  982,  as  explained share is $2,500 (25% of $10,000). By complet-
ded  entity  that  is  a  debtor  in  a  title  11      under Reduction of Tax Attributes, later.               ing the Insolvency Worksheet, Drew determines 
bankruptcy case. You must be a debtor in a title                                                                that, immediately before the cancellation of the 
11 bankruptcy case to qualify for this exclusion.       Example 1—amount of insolvency more                     debt,  Drew  was  insolvent  to  the  extent  of 
                                                        than canceled debt. In 2022, Sawyer was re-             $5,000  ($15,000  total  liabilities  minus  $10,000 
How to report the bankruptcy exclusion.    To           leased  from  an  obligation  to  pay  a  personal      FMV  of  the  total  assets).  Drew  can  exclude 
show  that  your  debt  was  canceled  in  a  bank-     credit card debt in the amount of $5,000. Saw-          $5,000  of  the  $7,500  canceled  debt.  Taylor 
ruptcy  case  and  is  excluded  from  income,  at-     yer  received  a  2022  Form  1099-C  from  the         completes  a  separate  Insolvency  Worksheet 
tach Form 982 to your federal income tax return         credit card lender showing the entire amount of         and determines Taylor was insolvent to the ex-
and check the box on line 1a. Lines 1b through          discharged debt of $5,000 in box 2. None of the         tent  of  $4,000  ($9,000  total  liabilities  minus 
1e don't apply to a cancellation that occurs in a       exceptions  to  the  general  rule  that  canceled      $5,000 FMV of the total assets). Taylor can ex-
title 11 bankruptcy case. Enter the total amount        debt is included in income apply. Sawyer uses           clude the entire canceled debt of $2,500.
of  debt  canceled  in  your  title  11  bankruptcy     the Insolvency Worksheet to determine that the          When  completing  the  separate  tax  return, 
case on line 2. You must also reduce your tax           total liabilities immediately before the cancella-      Drew  checks  the  box  on  line  1b  of  Form  982 
attributes  in  Part  II  of  Form  982,  as  explained tion were $15,000 and the FMV of the total as-          and  enters  $5,000  on  line  2.  Drew  completes 
under Reduction of Tax Attributes, later.               sets  immediately  before  the  cancellation  was       Part II to reduce the tax attributes, as explained 
                                                        $7,000. This means that immediately before the          under Reduction  of  Tax  Attributes,  later.  Drew 
Insolvency                                              cancellation, Sawyer was insolvent to the extent        must  include  the  remaining  $2,500  (Drew’s 
                                                        of $8,000 ($15,000 total liabilities minus $7,000       $7,500  share  of  the  canceled  debt  minus  the 
                                                        FMV of the total assets). Because the amount            $5,000 extent to which Drew was insolvent) of 
Don't include a canceled debt in income to the          by which Sawyer was insolvent immediately be-           canceled  debt  on  Schedule  1  (Form  1040), 
extent that you were insolvent immediately be-          fore the cancellation was more than the amount          line 8c (unless another exclusion applies).
fore  the  cancellation.  You  don’t  qualify  for  the 
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Insolvency Worksheet                                                                                            Keep for Your Records
Date debt was canceled (mm/dd/yy)
Part I. Total liabilities immediately before the cancellation (don't include the same liability in more than one category)
                                                                                                                          Amount Owed
                                          Liabilities (debts)                                                             Immediately Before the
1.  Credit card debt                                                                                           $
2.  Mortgage(s) on real property (including first and second mortgages and home equity loans) (mortgage(s) can 
    be on main home, any additional home, or property held for investment or used in a trade or business)      $
3.  Car and other vehicle loans                                                                                $
4.  Medical bills owed                                                                                         $
5.  Student loans                                                                                              $
6.  Accrued or past-due mortgage interest                                                                      $
7.  Accrued or past-due real estate taxes                                                                      $
8.  Accrued or past-due utilities (water, gas, electric, etc.)                                                 $
9.  Accrued or past-due childcare costs                                                                        $
10. Federal or state income taxes remaining due (for prior tax years)                                          $
11. Judgments                                                                                                  $
12. Business debts (including those owed as a sole proprietor or partner)                                      $
13. Margin debt on stocks and other debt to purchase or secured by investment assets other than real property  $
14. Other liabilities (debts) not included above                                                               $
15. Total liabilities immediately before the cancellation. Add lines 1 through 14.                             $
Part II. Fair market value (FMV) of assets owned immediately before the cancellation (don't include the FMV of the same asset in more than one 
                                                 Assets                                                                   FMV Immediately Before 
                                                                                                                          the Cancellation
16. Cash and bank account balances                                                                             $
17. Real property, including the value of land (can be main home, any additional home, or property held for 
    investment or used in a trade or business)                                                                 $
18. Cars and other vehicles                                                                                    $
19. Computers                                                                                                  $
20. Household goods and furnishings (for example, appliances, electronics, furniture, etc.)                    $
21. Tools                                                                                                      $
22. Jewelry                                                                                                    $
23. Clothing                                                                                                   $
24. Books                                                                                                      $
25. Stocks and bonds                                                                                           $
26. Investments in coins, stamps, paintings, or other collectibles                                             $
27. Firearms, sports, photographic, and other hobby equipment                                                  $
28. Interest in retirement accounts (IRA accounts, 401(k) accounts, and other retirement accounts)             $
29. Interest in a pension plan                                                                                 $
30. Interest in education accounts                                                                             $
31. Cash value of life insurance                                                                               $
32. Security deposits with landlords, utilities, and others                                                    $
33. Interests in partnerships                                                                                  $
34. Value of investment in a business                                                                          $
35. Other investments (for example, annuity contracts, guaranteed investment contracts, mutual funds, 
    commodity accounts, interests in hedge funds, and options)                                                 $
36. Other assets not included above                                                                            $
37. FMV of total assets immediately before the cancellation. Add lines 16 through 36.                          $
Part III. Insolvency
38. Amount of insolvency. Subtract line 37 from line 15. If zero or less, you aren't insolvent.                $

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When completing the return, Taylor checks               For  more  information  about  the  basis  of          2021  tax  years,  at  least  50%  of  Jordan's  total 
the  box  on  line  1b  of  Form  982  and  enters      property, see Pub. 551.                                gross receipts were from the trade or business 
$2,500 on line 2. Taylor completes Part II to re-                                                              of  farming.  Jordan  received  a  2022  Form 
duce the tax attributes, as explained under  Re-        Adjusted  tax  attributes.  Adjusted  tax  at-         1099-C  from  the  qualified  lender  showing  dis-
duction of Tax Attributes, later. Taylor doesn'tt       tributes means the sum of the following items.         charged debt of $10,000 in box 2. The FMV of 
include any of the canceled debt on Schedule 1          1. Any net operating loss (NOL) for 2022 and           Jordan's total assets on March 2, 2022 (imme-
(Form 1040), line 8c. None of the canceled debt         any NOL carryover to 2022.                             diately before the cancellation of the credit card 
has to be included in income.                                                                                  debt),  was  $7,000  and  Jordan's  total  liabilities 
                                                        2. Any net capital loss for 2022 and any capi-         at that time were $11,000. Jordan's adjusted tax 
                                                        tal loss carryover to 2022.                            attributes (a 2022 NOL) are $7,000 and Jordan 
Qualified Farm Indebtedness                                                                                    has  $4,000  total  adjusted  basis  in  qualified 
                                                        3. Any passive activity loss carryover from 
You  can  exclude  canceled  farm  debt  from  in-      2022.                                                  property at the beginning of 2023.
                                                                                                                  Jordan  qualifies  to  exclude  $4,000  of  the 
come on your 2022 return if all of the following        4. Three times the sum of any:                         canceled  debt  under  the  insolvency  exclusion 
 The debt was incurred directly in connec-            a. General business credit carryover to                because  Jordan  is  insolvent  to  the  extent  of 
   tion with your operation of the trade or             or from 2022,                                          $4,000  immediately  before  the  cancellation 
                                                                                                               ($11,000  total  liabilities  minus  $7,000  FMV  of 
   business of farming.                                 b. Minimum tax credit available as of the              total assets). Jordan must reduce the tax attrib-
 50% or more of your total gross receipts for         beginning of 2023,                                     utes under the insolvency rules before applying 
   2019, 2020, and 2021 were from the trade 
   or business of farming.                              c. Foreign tax credit carryover to or from             the rules for qualified farm debt.
 The cancellation was made by a qualified             2022, and                                                 Jordan also qualifies to exclude the remain-
                                                                                                               ing $6,000 of canceled qualified farm debt. The 
   person. A qualified person is an individual,         d. Passive activity credit carryover from              limit on Jordan's exclusion from income of can-
   organization, partnership, association, cor-         2022.                                                  celed qualified farm debt is $7,000, the sum of:
   poration, or other person who is actively 
   and regularly engaged in the business of             Qualified  property.    This  is  any  property        1. Jordan’s adjusted tax attributes of $3,000 
   lending money. A qualified person also in-           you use or hold for use in your trade or business         (the $7,000 NOL minus the $4,000 reduc-
   cludes any federal, state, or local govern-          or for the production of income.                          tion of tax attributes required because of 
   ment or agency or instrumentality of one of                                                                    the $4,000 exclusion of canceled debt un-
   those governments. For example, the U.S.             How  to  report  the  qualified  farm  indebted-          der the insolvency exclusion), and
   Department of Agriculture is a qualified             ness  exclusion. To  show  that  all  or  part  of 
   person. A qualified person can't be related          your  canceled  debt  is  excluded  from  income       2. Jordan’s total adjusted basis of $4,000 in 
   to you, can't be the person from whom you            because it is qualified farm debt, check the box          qualified property held at the beginning of 
   acquired the property (or a person related           on  line  1c  of  Form  982  and  attach  it  to  your    2023.
   to this person), and can't be a person who           Form 1040 or 1040-SR. On line 2 of Form 982,              Jordan checks the boxes on lines 1b and 1c 
   receives a fee due to your investment in             include  the  amount  of  the  qualified  farm  debt   of Form 982 and enters $10,000 on line 2. Jor-
   the property (or a person related to this            canceled, but not more than the exclusion limit        dan  completes  Part  II  to  reduce  the  tax  attrib-
   person).                                             (explained earlier). You must also reduce your         utes, as explained under Reduction of Tax At-
                                                        tax  attributes  in  Part  II  of  Form  982,  as  ex- tributes, later. Jordan doesn’t include any of the 
For  the  definition  of  the  term  “related  person,” plained under Reduction of Tax Attributes, later.      canceled debt in income.
see Related persons  under At-Risk Amounts in 
Pub. 925, Passive Activity and At-Risk Rules.           Example  1—only  qualified  farm  indebt-                 Example 3—no qualified farm indebted-
                                                        edness  exclusion  applies. In  2022,  Blake           ness exclusion when insolvent to the extent 
Other  exclusions  must  be  applied  before            was  released  from  an  obligation  to  pay  a        of canceled debt. The facts are the same as 
the  qualified  farm  indebtedness  exclusion.          $10,000 debt that was incurred directly in con-        in Example  2,  except  that  immediately  before 
This exclusion doesn't apply to a cancellation of       nection  with  the  trade  or  business  of  farming.  the  cancellation,  Jordan  was  insolvent  to  the 
debt in a title 11 bankruptcy case or to the ex-        Blake  received  a  Form  1099-C  from  the  quali-    extent  of  the  full  $10,000  canceled  debt.  Be-
tent you were insolvent immediately before the          fied lender showing discharged debt of $10,000         cause  the  exclusion  for  qualified  farm  debt 
cancellation. If qualified farm debt is canceled in     in box 2. For 2019, 2020, and 2021 tax years, at       doesn't apply to the extent that Jordan’s insol-
a title 11 case, you must apply the bankruptcy          least  50%  of  Blake's  total  gross  receipts  were  vency  (immediately  before  the  cancellation) 
exclusion rather than the exclusion for canceled        from  the  trade  or  business  of  farming.  Blake's  was  equal  to  the  full  amount  of  the  canceled 
qualified farm debt. If you were insolvent imme-        adjusted  tax  attributes  are  $5,000  and  Blake     debt, Jordan checks only the box on line 1b of 
diately before the cancellation of qualified farm       has  $3,000  total  adjusted  basis  in  qualified     Form 982 and enters $10,000 on line 2. Jordan 
debt,  you  must  apply  the  insolvency  exclusion     property at the beginning of 2023. Blake had no        completes  Part  II  to  reduce  the  tax  attributes 
before  applying  the  exclusion  for  canceled         other debt canceled during 2022 and no other           based  on  the  insolvency  exclusion,  as  ex-
qualified farm debt.                                    exception or exclusion relating to canceled debt       plained under Reduction of Tax Attributes, later. 
                                                        income applies.                                        Jordan doesn't include any of the canceled debt 
Exclusion  limit. The  amount  of  canceled             Blake can exclude $8,000 ($5,000 of adjus-             in income.
qualified  farm  debt  you  can  exclude  from  in-     ted tax attributes plus $3,000 total adjusted ba-
come under this exclusion is limited. It can't be       sis  in  qualified  property  at  the  beginning  of 
more than the sum of:                                   2023)  of  the  $10,000  canceled  debt  from  in-     Qualified Real Property 
1. Your adjusted tax attributes, and                    come. Blake checks the box on line 1c of Form          Business Indebtedness
                                                        982  and  enters  $8,000  on  line  2.  Also,  Blake 
2. The total adjusted basis of qualified prop-          completes Part II to reduce the tax attributes, as     You can elect to exclude canceled qualified real 
   erty you held at the beginning of 2023.              explained  under Reduction  of  Tax  Attributes,       property  business  indebtedness  from  income. 
If you excluded canceled debt under the insol-          later. The remaining $2,000  of canceled quali-        Qualified  real  property  business  indebtedness 
vency  exclusion,  the  adjusted  basis  of  any        fied farm debt is included in Blake's income on        is  debt  (other  than  qualified  farm  debt)  that 
qualified  property  and  adjusted  tax  attributes     Schedule F (Form 1040), line 8.                        meets all of the following conditions.
are determined after any reduction of tax attrib-
utes required under the insolvency exclusion.           Example  2—both  insolvency  and  quali-               1. It was incurred or assumed in connection 
Any  canceled  qualified  farm  debt  that  is          fied  farm  indebtedness  exclusions  apply.              with real property used in a trade or busi-
more than this limit must be included in your in-       On  March  2,  2022,  Jordan  was  released  from         ness. Real property used in a trade or 
come.                                                   an obligation to pay a $10,000 business credit            business doesn’t include real property de-
                                                        card debt that was used directly in connection            veloped and held primarily for sale to cus-
                                                        with  a  farming  business.  For  2019,  2020,  and       tomers in the ordinary course of business.

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2. It is secured by that real property. As long      real property acquired in contemplation of               Charlie had no tax attributes other than the ba-
    as certain other requirements are met, in-       the cancellation).                                       sis  to  reduce  and  didn't  qualify  for  any  excep-
    debtedness that is secured by 100% of the                                                                 tion  or  exclusion  other  than  the  qualified  real 
    ownership interest in a disregarded entity       Note. When  figuring  the  first  limit  in  (1)         property business debt exclusion.
    holding real property will be treated as in-     above,  reduce  the  FMV  of  the  business  real         Charlie  elects  to  apply  the  qualified  real 
    debtedness that is secured by real prop-         property securing the debt (immediately before           property  business  debt  exclusion  to  the  can-
    erty. For more information, and for the re-      the  cancellation)  by  the  outstanding  principal      celed  debt.  The  amount  of  canceled  qualified 
    quirements that must be met, see                 amount of any other qualified real property busi-        real property business debt that Charlie can ex-
    Revenue Procedure 2014-20, available at          ness  debt  secured  by  that  property  (immedi-        clude from income is limited. The amount Char-
    IRS.gov/irb/2014-9_IRB#RP-2014-20.               ately before the cancellation). When figuring the        lie can exclude can’t be more than either:
                                                     second (overall) limit in (2) above, use the ad-
3. It was incurred or assumed:                       justed basis of the depreciable real property af-         1. $20,000 (the excess of the $185,000 out-
    a. Before 1993; or                               ter any reductions in basis required because of           standing principal amount of Charlie’s 
                                                     the exclusion of debt canceled under the bank-            qualified real property business debt im-
    b. After 1992, if the debt is either (i)         ruptcy, insolvency, or farm debt provisions de-           mediately before the cancellation over the 
      qualified acquisition indebtedness             scribed  in  this  publication  or  because  of  other    $165,000 FMV of the business real prop-
      (defined next), or (ii) debt incurred to       basis adjustments that may apply to that depre-           erty securing the debt), or
      refinance qualified real property busi-        ciable property.                                          2. $210,000 (the total adjusted basis of the 
      ness debt incurred or assumed before                                                                     depreciable real property Charlie held im-
      1993 (but only to the extent the               For  more  information  about  the  basis  of 
      amount of such debt doesn't exceed             property, see Pub. 551.                                   mediately before the cancellation).
      the amount of debt being refinanced).          How  to  elect  the  qualified  real  property           .
4. It is debt to which you elect to apply these      business debt exclusion.   You must make an               Thus,  Charlie  can  exclude  the  entire 
    rules.                                           election to exclude canceled qualified real prop-        $20,000  of  canceled  qualified  real  property 
                                                     erty  business  debt  from  gross  income.  The          business debt from income. Charlie checks the 
      Residential  rental  property  generally       election must be made on a timely filed federal          box on line 1d of Form 982 and enters $20,000 
TIP   qualifies  as  real  property  used  in  a     income  tax  return  (including  extensions)  for        on line 2. Charlie must also use line 4 of Form 
      trade or business unless you also use          2022  and  can  be  revoked  only  with  IRS  con-       982  to  reduce  the  basis  in  depreciable  real 
the dwelling as a home. For more information,        sent. The election is made by completing Form            property  by  the  $20,000  of  canceled  qualified 
see Dwelling Unit Used as a Home in Pub. 527.        982  in  accordance  with  its  instructions.  Attach    real  property  business  debt  excluded  from  in-
                                                     Form 982 to your federal income tax return for           come as explained under Reduction of Tax At-
Definition of qualified acquisition indebted-        2022 and check the box on line 1d. Include the           tributes, later.
ness. Qualified acquisition indebtedness is:         amount of canceled qualified real property busi-
  Debt incurred or assumed to acquire, con-        ness debt (but not more than the amount of the           Qualified Principal 
    struct, reconstruct, or substantially improve    exclusion  limit,  explained  earlier)  on  line  2  of  Residence Indebtedness
    real property that is used in a trade or busi-   Form 982. You must also reduce your tax attrib-
    ness and secures the debt; or                    utes in Part II of Form 982, as explained under 
  Debt resulting from the refinancing of quali-    Reduction of Tax Attributes, later.                      Qualified  principal  residence  indebtedness  is 
    fied acquisition indebtedness, to the extent     If  you  timely  filed  your  tax  return  without       any mortgage you took out to buy, build, or sub-
    the amount of the debt doesn't exceed the        making  this  election,  you  can  still  make  the      stantially improve your main home. It must also 
    amount of debt being refinanced.                 election  by  filing  an  amended  return  within  6     be secured by your main home. Qualified princi-
                                                     months of the due date of the return (excluding          pal  residence  indebtedness  also  includes  any 
Other  exclusions  must  be  applied  before         extensions).  Enter  “Filed  pursuant  to  section       debt secured by your main home that you used 
the qualified real property business indebt-         301.9100-2” on the amended return and file it at         to  refinance  a  mortgage  you  took  out  to  buy, 
edness exclusion. This exclusion doesn't ap-         the same place you filed the original return.            build, or substantially improve your main home, 
ply to a cancellation of debt in a title 11 bank-                                                             but only up to the amount of the old mortgage 
ruptcy case or to the extent you were insolvent      Example—full  qualified  real  property                  principal just before the refinancing.
immediately before the cancellation. If qualified    business  indebtedness  exclusion.  In  2016, 
real property business debt is canceled in a title   Charlie  bought  a  retail  store  for  use  in  a  busi-
11 bankruptcy case, you must apply the bank-         ness that Charlie operated as a sole proprietor-          Example  1—qualified  principal  resi-
ruptcy  exclusion  rather  than  the  exclusion  for ship.  Charlie  made  a  $20,000  down  payment          dence  indebtedness  amount  after  refi-
canceled qualified real property business debt.      and  financed  the  remaining  $200,000  of  the         nance.  In 2021, Cameron bought a main home 
If  you  were  insolvent  immediately  before  the   purchase price with a bank loan. The bank loan           for  $315,000.  Cameron  took  out  a  $300,000 
cancellation of qualified real property business     was  a  recourse  loan  and  was  secured  by  the       mortgage  loan  to  buy  the  home  and  made  a 
debt,  you  must  apply  the  insolvency  exclusion  property. Charlie used the property in the busi-         down  payment  of  $15,000.  The  loan  was  se-
before  applying  the  exclusion  for  canceled      ness  continuously  since  it  was  purchased.           cured  by  the  home.  Later  that  year,  Cameron 
qualified real property business debt.               Charlie had no other debt secured by that de-            took out a second mortgage loan in the amount 
                                                     preciable real property. In addition to the retail       of $50,000 that was used to add a garage to the 
Exclusion  limit. The  amount  of  canceled          store,  Charlie  owned  depreciable  equipment           home.
qualified  real  property  business  debt  you  can  and furniture with an adjusted basis of $50,000.          In  2022,  when  the  outstanding  principal  of 
exclude  from  income  under  this  exclusion  has   Charlie's business encountered financial dif-            the  first  and  second  mortgage  loans  was 
two limits. The amount you can exclude can't be      ficulties  in  2022.  On  September  21,  2022,  the     $325,000,  Cameron  refinanced  the  two  loans 
more than either:                                    bank financing the retail store loan entered into        into  one  loan  in  the  amount  of  $400,000.  The 
1. The excess (if any) of the outstanding prin-      a workout agreement with Charlie under which             FMV of the home at the time of the refinancing 
    cipal amount of the qualified real property      it  canceled  $20,000  of  the  debt.  Immediately       was  $430,000.  Cameron  used  the  additional 
    business debt (immediately before the            before the cancellation, the outstanding princi-         $75,000  debt  proceeds  ($400,000  new  mort-
    cancellation) over the FMV (immediately          pal  balance  on  the  retail  store  loan  was          gage  loan  minus  $325,000  outstanding  princi-
    before the cancellation) of the business         $185,000, the FMV of the store was $165,000,             pal balances of the first and second mortgage 
    real property securing the debt, or              and  the  adjusted  basis  was  $210,000                 loans  immediately  before  the  refinancing)  to 
                                                     ($220,000 cost minus $10,000 accumulated de-             pay off personal credit cards and to pay college 
2. The total adjusted basis of depreciable           preciation).                                             tuition for Cameron’s daughter.
    real property you held immediately before        The bank sent Charlie a 2022 Form 1099-C                  After  the  refinancing,  Cameron's  qualified 
    the cancellation of the qualified real prop-     showing  discharged  debt  of  $20,000  in  box  2.      principal  residence  indebtedness  is  $325,000 
    erty business debt (other than depreciable                                                                because  the  $400,000  debt  resulting  from  the 
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refinancing  is  qualified  principal  residence  in-   Example  3—ordering  rule  on  cancella-                qualified  principal  residence  indebtedness  ex-
debtedness only to the extent it isn't more than        tion  of  nonqualified  principal  residence            cluded  from  income.  Enter  the  amount  of  the 
the  old  mortgage  principal  just  before  the  refi- debt. Kit  incurred  recourse  debt  of  $800,000       basis reduction on line 10b of Form 982.
nancing (the $325,000 of outstanding principal          when  Kit  bought  a  main  home  for  $880,000. 
on  Cameron's  first  and  second  mortgages,           When the FMV of the property was $1 million,            For more details on determining the basis of 
which  both  qualified  as  principal  residence  in-   Kit refinanced the debt for $850,000. At the time       your main home, see Pub. 523.
debtedness).                                            of  the  refinancing,  the  principal  balance  of  the 
                                                        original mortgage loan was $740,000. Kit used           Bankruptcy and Insolvency
Example  2—refinancing  home  equity                    the  $110,000  obtained  from  the  refinancing 
loan used for other purposes.  In 2021, Quin            ($850,000  minus  $740,000)  to  pay  off  credit       No  tax  attributes  other  than  basis  of  per-
acquired a main home for $200,000, subject to           cards and to buy a new car.                             sonal-use property.   If the canceled debt you 
a mortgage of $175,000. Later that year, Quin           About 2 years after the refinancing, Kit lost a         are excluding isn't excluded as qualified princi-
took  out  a  home  equity  loan  for  $10,000,  se-    job and was unable to get another job paying a          pal  residence  indebtedness  and  you  have  no 
cured  by  the  main  home,  which  Quin  used  to      comparable salary. Kit's home had declined in           tax  attributes  other  than  the  adjusted  basis  of 
pay off personal credit cards.                          value  to  between  $600,000  and  $650,000.            personal-use property (see the list of seven tax 
In  2022,  when  the  outstanding  principal  on        Based  on  Kit's  circumstances,  the  lender           attributes, later), you must reduce the basis of 
the mortgage was $170,000, and the outstand-            agreed to allow a short sale of the property for        the  personal-use  property  you  held  at  the  be-
ing  principal  on  the  home  equity  loan  was        $620,000 and to cancel the remaining $115,000           ginning  of  2023  (in  proportion  to  adjusted  ba-
$9,000, Quin refinanced the two loans into one          of the outstanding $735,000 debt. Under the or-         sis). Personal-use property is any property that 
loan in the amount of $200,000. The FMV of the          dering rule, Kit can exclude only $5,000 of the         isn't used in your trade or business or held for 
home at the time of refinancing was $210,000.           canceled debt from income under the exclusion           investment (such as your home, home furnish-
Quin  used  the  additional  $21,000  ($200,000         for  canceled  qualified  principal  residence  in-     ings, and car). Include on line 10a of Form 982 
new  mortgage  loan  minus  $179,000  outstand-         debtedness ($115,000 canceled debt minus the            the smallest of:
ing  principal  balances  on  the  mortgage  and        $110,000 amount of the debt that wasn't quali-
home equity loan) to cover medical expenses.            fied principal residence indebtedness). Kit must        1. The basis of your personal-use property 
After  refinancing,  Quin's  qualified  principal       include  the  remaining  $110,000  of  canceled         held at the beginning of 2023,
residence  indebtedness  is  $170,000  because          debt  in  income  on  Schedule  1  (Form  1040),        2. The amount of canceled nonbusiness debt 
the debt resulting from the refinancing is quali-       line 8c (unless another exclusion applies).             (other than qualified principal residence in-
fied  principal  residence  indebtedness  only  to                                                              debtedness) that you are excluding from 
the extent it refinances debt that had been se-         How  to  report  the  qualified  principal  resi-       income on line 2 of Form 982, or
cured by the main home and was used to buy,             dence  indebtedness  exclusion. To  show 
build, or substantially improve the main home.          that all or part of your canceled debt is excluded      3. The excess of the total basis of the prop-
                                                        from  income  because  it  is  qualified  principal     erty and the amount of money you held im-
Main  home.  Your  main  home  is  the  one  in         residence  indebtedness,  attach  Form  982  to         mediately after the cancellation over your 
which you live most of the time. You can have           your  federal  income  tax  return  and  check  the     total liabilities immediately after the can-
only one main home at any one time.                     box on line 1e. On line 2 of Form 982, include          cellation.
                                                        the amount of canceled qualified principal resi-
Other  exclusions  must  be  applied  before            dence  indebtedness,  but  not  more  than  the         For  more  information  about  the  basis  of 
the  qualified  principal  residence  indebted-         amount of the exclusion limit (explained earlier).      property, see Pub. 551.
ness  exclusion.  This  exclusion  doesn't  apply       If you continue to own your home after a cancel-        Example.  In 2021, Morgan bought a car for 
to a cancellation of debt in a title 11 bankruptcy      lation of qualified principal residence indebted-       personal use. The cost of the car was $12,000. 
case.  If  qualified  principal  residence  indebted-   ness, you must reduce your basis in the home,           Morgan put down $2,000 and took out a loan of 
ness is canceled in a title 11 bankruptcy case,         as explained under Reduction of Tax Attributes          $10,000  to  buy  the  car.  The  loan  was  a  re-
you must apply the bankruptcy exclusion rather          next.                                                   course loan, meaning that Morgan was person-
than  the  exclusion  for  qualified  principal  resi-
dence  indebtedness.  If  you  were  insolvent  im-                                                             ally liable for the full amount of the debt.
                                                                                                                On December 7, 2022, when the balance of 
mediately before the cancellation, you can elect        Reduction of Tax                                        the  loan  was  $8,500,  the  lender  repossessed 
to apply the insolvency exclusion (as explained 
under Insolvency,  earlier)  instead  of  applying      Attributes                                              and sold the car because Morgan had stopped 
the  qualified  principal  residence  indebtedness                                                              making payments on the loan. The FMV of the 
exclusion. To do this, check the box on line 1b         If you exclude canceled debt from income, you           car  was  $7,000  at  the  time  the  lender  repos-
of Form 982 instead of the box on line 1e.              must  reduce  certain  tax  attributes  (but  not  be-  sessed  and  sold  it.  The  lender  applied  the 
                                                        low zero) by the amount excluded. Use Part II of        $7,000 it received on the sale of the car against 
Exclusion  limit. The  maximum  amount  you             Form 982 to reduce your tax attributes. The or-         Morgan's  loan  and  forgave  the  remaining  loan 
can treat as qualified principal residence indebt-      der in which the tax attributes are reduced de-         balance of $1,500 ($8,500 outstanding balance 
edness  is  $750,000  ($375,000  if  married  filing    pends on the reason the canceled debt was ex-           immediately before the repossession minus the 
separately).  You  can't  exclude  canceled  quali-     cluded  from  income.  If  the  total  amount  of       $7,000 FMV of the car).
fied  principal  residence  indebtedness  from  in-     canceled debt excluded from income (line 2 of           Morgan's only other assets at the time of the 
come  if  the  cancellation  was  for  services  per-   Form 982) was more than your total tax attrib-          cancellation are the furniture in Morgan’s apart-
formed for the lender or on account of any other        utes, the total reduction of tax attributes in Part     ment which has a basis of $5,000 and an FMV 
factor  not  directly  related  to  a  decline  in  the II of Form 982 will be less than the amount on          of $3,000; jewelry with a basis of $500 and an 
value  of  your  home  or  to  your  financial  condi-  line 2.                                                 FMV  of  $1,000;  and  a  $600  balance  in  a  sav-
tion.                                                                                                           ings account. Thus, the FMV of Morgan's total 
                                                                                                                assets immediately before the cancellation was 
Ordering rule. If only a part of a loan is quali-       Qualified Principal                                     $11,600 ($7,000 car plus $3,000 furniture plus 
fied  principal  residence  indebtedness,  the  ex-     Residence Indebtedness                                  $1,000 jewelry plus $600 savings). Morgan also 
clusion  applies  only  to  the  extent  the  amount                                                            had  an  outstanding  student  loan  balance  of 
canceled  is  more  than  the  amount  of  the  loan    If you exclude canceled qualified principal resi-       $6,000  immediately  before  the  cancellation, 
(immediately  before  the  cancellation)  that  isn’t   dence indebtedness from income and you con-             bringing  the  total  liabilities  at  that  time  to 
qualified principal residence indebtedness. The         tinue  to  own  the  home  after  the  cancellation,    $14,500  ($8,500  balance  on  car  loan  plus 
remaining  part  of  the  loan  may  qualify  for  an-  you must reduce the basis of the home (but not          $6,000  student  loan  balance).  Other  than  the 
other exclusion.                                        below  zero)  by  the  amount  of  the  canceled        car, which was repossessed, Morgan held all of 
                                                                                                                these assets at the beginning of 2023. The FMV 
                                                                                                                and basis of the assets remained the same at 
                                                                                                                the beginning of 2023.
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Morgan  received  a  2022  Form  1099-C                   Instructions for Form 3800. Reduce the                  2022. Reduce the carryover by 33 /  cents 1 3
showing  $1,500  in  box  2  (amount  of  debt  that      carryover by 33 /  cents for each dollar of 1 3         for each dollar of excluded canceled debt.
was canceled) and $7,000 in box 7 (FMV of the             excluded canceled debt.
                                                                                                             Election to reduce the basis of depreciable 
property).  Morgan  can  exclude  all  $1,500  of      3. Minimum tax credit. Reduce the mini-               property  before  reducing  other  tax  attrib-
canceled debt from income because at the time             mum tax credit available at the beginning          utes. You can elect to reduce the basis of de-
of the cancellation, Morgan was insolvent to the          of 2023. Reduce the credit by 33 /  cents 1 3
                                                                                                             preciable property you held at the beginning of 
extent of $2,900 ($14,500 of total liabilities im-        for each dollar of excluded canceled debt.         2023  before  reducing  other  tax  attributes.  You 
mediately  before  the  cancellation  minus 
$11,600 FMV of total assets at that time).             4. Net capital loss and capital loss carry-           can  reduce  the  basis  of  this  property  by  all  or 
Morgan checks box 1b on Form 982 and en-                  overs. First reduce any 2022 net capital           part of the canceled debt. Basis of property is 
ters  $1,500  on  line  2.  Morgan  enters  $100  on      loss and then any capital loss carryover to        reduced in the following order.
line 10a, the smallest of:                                2022 (after taking into account any                1. Depreciable real property used in your 
                                                          amount used to reduce 2022 taxable in-
1. The $5,500 basis of Morgan’s per-                      come) in the order of the tax years from                trade or business or held for investment 
    sonal-use property held at the beginning              which the carryovers arose, starting with               that secured the canceled debt.
    of 2023 ($5,000 furniture plus $500 jew-              the earliest year. Reduce the net capital          2. Depreciable personal property used in 
    elry),                                                loss or carryover by one dollar for each                your trade or business or held for invest-
2. The $1,500 nonbusiness debt Morgan is                  dollar of excluded canceled debt.                       ment that secured the canceled debt.
    excluding from income on line 2 of Form            5. Basis. Reduce the basis of the property            3. Other depreciable property used in your 
    982, or                                               you hold at the beginning of 2023 in the                trade or business or held for investment.
3. The $100 excess of the total basis of the              following order (and, within each category, 
    property and the amount of money Mor-                 in proportion to adjusted basis).                  4. Real property held primarily for sale to 
                                                                                                                  customers if you elect to treat it as if it 
    gan held immediately after the cancella-              a. Real property used in your trade or                  were depreciable property on Form 982.
    tion over the total liabilities at that time          business or held for investment (other 
    ($5,500 basis of property held immediately            than real property held for sale to cus-           Basis reduction is limited to the total adjus-
    after the cancellation plus $600 savings              tomers in the ordinary course of busi-             ted  basis  of  all  your  depreciable  property.  De-
    minus $6,000 student loan).                           ness) if it secured the canceled debt.             preciable property for this purpose means any 
                                                                                                             property subject to depreciation or amortization, 
Morgan must reduce (by one dollar for each                b. Personal property used in your trade            but  only  if  a  reduction  of  basis  will  reduce  the 
dollar  of  excluded  canceled  debt)  the  basis  in     or business or held for investment                 depreciation  or  amortization  otherwise  allowa-
each  item  of  property  held  at  the  beginning  of    (other than inventory and accounts                 ble for the period immediately following the ba-
2023 in proportion to the total adjusted basis in         and notes receivable) if it secured the            sis  reduction.  If  the  amount  of  canceled  debt 
all  the  property.  The  total  reduction,  however,     canceled debt.                                     excluded from income is more than the total ba-
can't be more than (3) above—the $100 excess                                                                 sis  in  depreciable  property,  you  must  use  the 
of the total adjusted basis and the money held            c. Any other property used in your trade 
after the cancellation over the total liabilities af-     or business or held for investment                 excess to reduce the other tax attributes in the 
ter the cancellation. See the basis attribute un-         (other than inventory, accounts re-                order described earlier under All other tax attrib-
der All other tax attributes next.                        ceivable, notes receivable, and real               utes. In figuring the limit on the basis reduction 
Thus, Morgan reduces the basis as follows.                property held for sale to customers in             in (5), Basis, use the remaining adjusted basis 
                                                          the ordinary course of business).                  of  your  properties  after  making  this  election. 
1. The furniture's basis is 91% of the total ad-                                                             See Form 982 for information on how to make 
    justed basis ($5,000 divided by $5,500),              d. Inventory, accounts receivable, notes           this election. The election can be revoked only 
    so Morgan reduces it by $91 (the $100 ex-             receivable, and real property held pri-            with IRS consent.
    cess in (3) multiplied by 0.91).                      marily for sale to customers in the or-
                                                          dinary course of business.                         Recapture of basis reductions. If you reduce 
2. The jewelry’s basis is 9% of the total ad-                                                                the  basis  of  property  under  these  provisions 
    justed basis ($500 divided by $5,500), so             e. Personal-use property (property not 
    Morgan reduces it by $9 (the $100 excess              used in your trade or business nor                 and later sell or otherwise dispose of the prop-
    in (3) multiplied by 0.09).                           held for investment).                              erty at a gain, the part of the gain due to this ba-
                                                                                                             sis reduction is taxable as ordinary income un-
                                                          Reduce  the  basis  by  one  dollar  for           der the depreciation recapture provisions. Treat 
All  other  tax  attributes. If  the  canceled  debt      each  dollar  of  excluded  canceled  debt.        any  property  that  isn't  section  1245  or  section 
is excluded by reason of the bankruptcy or in-            However, the reduction can't be more than          1250  property  as  section  1245  property.  For 
solvency exclusion, you must use the excluded             the  excess  of  the  total  basis  of  the  prop- section 1250 property, determine the deprecia-
debt to reduce the following tax attributes (but          erty and the amount of money you held im-          tion adjustments that would have resulted under 
not  below  zero)  in  the  order  listed  unless  you    mediately after the debt cancellation over         the straight line method as if there were no ba-
elect  to  reduce  the  basis  of  depreciable  prop-     your  total  liabilities  immediately  after  the  sis  reduction  for  debt  cancellation.  See  Pub. 
erty first, as explained later. Reduce your tax at-       cancellation.                                      544, or Pub. 225, for more details on sections 
tributes after you figure your income tax liability       For allocation rules that apply to basis           1245  and  1250  property  and  the  recapture  of 
for 2022.                                                 reductions  for  multiple  canceled  debts,        gain as ordinary income.
1.  Net operating loss (NOL). First reduce                see  Regulations  section  1.1017-1(b)(2). 
    any 2022 NOL and then reduce any NOL                  Also  see Election  to  reduce  the  basis  of 
    carryover to 2022 (after taking into ac-              depreciable  property  before  reducing            Qualified Farm Indebtedness
    count any amount used to reduce 2022                  other tax attributes, later.
                                                                                                             If you exclude  canceled debt from  income  un-
    taxable income) in the order of the tax            6. Passive activity loss and credit carry-            der  both  the  insolvency  exclusion  and  the  ex-
    years from which the carryovers arose,                overs. Reduce the passive activity loss            clusion  for  qualified  farm  indebtedness,  you 
    starting with the earliest year. Reduce the           and credit carryovers from 2022. Reduce            must  first  reduce  your  tax  attributes  by  the 
    NOL or carryover by one dollar for each               the loss carryover by one dollar for each          amount  excluded  under  the  insolvency  exclu-
    dollar of excluded canceled debt.                     dollar of excluded canceled debt. Reduce           sion. Then, reduce your remaining tax attributes 
2.  General business credit carryover. Re-                the credit carryover by 33 /  cents for each 1 3
                                                                                                             (but not below zero) by the amount of canceled 
    duce the credit carryover to or from 2022.            dollar of excluded canceled debt.                  debt that qualifies for the farm debt exclusion.
    Reduce the credit carryovers to 2022 in            7. Foreign tax credit. Reduce the credit 
    the order in which they are taken into ac-            carryover to or from 2022. Reduce the              In  most  cases,  when  reducing  your  tax  at-
    count for 2022. For more information on               credit carryovers to 2022 in the order in          tributes  for  canceled  qualified  farm  indebted-
    the credit ordering rules for 2022, see the           which they are taken into account for              ness excluded from income, reduce them in the 
Publication 4681 (2022)                                                                                                                         Page 11

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same order explained under Bankruptcy and In-           attributes. Under that election, Charlie must first     cancellation) of that qualified real property, 
solvency,  earlier.  However,  don't  follow  the       reduce  the  basis  in  the  depreciable  real  prop-   which secured the debt), or
rules in item (5), Basis. Instead, reduce only the      erty used in the trade or business that secured       2. $145,000 (the total adjusted basis of de-
basis of qualified property. Qualified property is      the canceled debt. After the basis reduction, the       preciable real property held immediately 
any  property  you  use  or  hold  for  use  in  your   adjusted  basis  in  that  property  is  $198,000       before the cancellation of debt).
trade  or  business  or  for  the  production  of  in-  ($210,000  adjusted  basis  before  entering  into 
come. Reduce the basis of qualified property in         the workout agreement minus $12,000 of can-           Since  both  limits  ($14,000  and  $145,000) 
the following order.                                    celed debt excluded from income under the in-         are  more  than  the  remaining  $4,000  of  can-
1. Depreciable qualified property. You can              solvency exclusion).                                  celed  debt,  Jordan  can  also  exclude  the  re-
elect on Form 982 to treat real property                Charlie may be able to exclude the remain-            maining $4,000 of canceled debt.
held primarily for sale to customers as if it           ing $8,000 of canceled debt from income under         Jordan checks the boxes on lines 1b and 1d 
were depreciable property.                              the  exclusion  for  qualified  real  property  busi- of Form 982 and enters $14,000 on line 2. Jor-
                                                        ness indebtedness, if Charlie elects to apply it.     dan completes Part II of Form 982 to reduce the 
2. Land that is qualified property and is used          The  amount  Charlie  can  exclude  is  limited.  It  basis of depreciable real property and the 2022 
or held for use in your farming business.               can’t be more than:                                   NOL by entering $4,000 on line 4 and $10,000 
3. Other qualified property.                            1. $20,000 (the excess of the $185,000 out-           on line 6. None of the canceled debt is included 
                                                        standing principal amount of Charlie’s                in income.
                                                        qualified real property business debt (im-             
Qualified Real Property                                 mediately before the cancellation) over the            
Business Indebtedness                                   $165,000 FMV (immediately before the                   
                                                        cancellation) of the qualified real property,          
If  you  make  an  election  to  exclude  canceled      which secured the debt), or
qualified  real  property  business  debt  from  in-
come, you must reduce the basis of your depre-          2. $198,000 (the total adjusted basis of de-
ciable real property (but not below zero) by the        preciable real property Charlie held imme-
amount of canceled qualified real property busi-        diately before the cancellation determined 
ness debt excluded from income. The basis re-           after reductions for accumulated deprecia-
duction is made at the beginning of 2023. How-          tion and canceled debt excluded under 
ever,  if  you  dispose  of  your  depreciable  real    the insolvency exclusion ($220,000 minus              2.
property  before  the  beginning  of  2023,  you        $10,000 minus $12,000)).
must reduce its basis (but not below zero) im-          Since both limits are more than the $8,000 
mediately  before  the  disposition.  Enter  the        of  remaining  canceled  debt  ($20,000  minus        Foreclosures 
amount of the basis reduction on line 4 of Form         $12,000), Charlie can exclude $8,000 under the 
982.                                                    qualified  real  property  business  indebtedness     and 
Example 1—qualified real property busi-                 Charlie checks the boxes on lines 1b and 1d 
ness indebtedness and insolvency with re-               of Form 982. Charlie completes Part II of Form        Repossessions
duction in basis.  In 2017, Charlie bought a re-        982 to reduce the basis in the depreciable real 
tail  store  for  use  in  a  business  operated  as  a property  by  $20,000,  the  amount  of  the  can-    If you don't make payments you owe on a loan 
sole  proprietorship.  Charlie  made  a  $20,000        celed  debt  excluded  from  income.  Charlie  en-    secured by property, the lender may foreclose 
down  payment  and  financed  the  remaining            ters $8,000 on line 4 and $12,000 on line 5.          on the loan or repossess the property. The fore-
$200,000  of  the  purchase  price  with  a  bank                                                             closure  or  repossession  is  treated  as  a  sale 
loan.  The  bank  loan  was  a  recourse  loan  and     Example 2—qualified real property busi-               from which you may realize gain or loss. This is 
was secured by the property. Charlie used the           ness indebtedness with insolvency and re-             true even if you voluntarily return the property to 
property  in  the  business  continuously  since  it    duction in NOL. Jordan owns depreciable real          the lender. If the outstanding loan balance was 
was purchased and had no other debt secured             property used in a retail business. Jordan’s ad-      more  than  the  FMV  of  the  property  and  the 
by that depreciable real property. In addition to       justed  basis  in  the  property  is  $145,000.  The  lender cancels all or part of the remaining loan 
the  retail  store,  Charlie  owned  depreciable        FMV of the property is $120,000. The property         balance, you may also realize ordinary income 
equipment and furniture with an adjusted basis          is subject to $134,000 of recourse debt which is      from the cancellation of debt. You must report 
of $50,000. Charlie’s tax attributes included the       secured  by  the  property.  Jordan  had  no  other   this income on your return unless certain excep-
basis  of  depreciable  property,  an  NOL,  and  a     debt secured by that depreciable real property.       tions  or  exclusions  apply.  See chapter  1  for 
capital loss carryover to 2022.                         Jordan also had a $15,000 NOL in 2022.                more details.
Charlie's business encountered financial dif-           During 2022, Jordan entered into a workout 
ficulties  in  2022.  On  September  21,  2022,  the    agreement  with  the  lender  under  which  the       Borrower's  gain  or  loss. You  figure  and  re-
bank financing the retail store loan entered into       lender canceled $14,000 of the debt on the real       port gain or loss from a foreclosure or reposses-
a workout agreement with Charlie under which            property used in the business. Immediately be-        sion  in  the  same  way  as  gain  or  loss  from  a 
it  canceled  $20,000  of  the  principal  amount  of   fore  the  cancellation,  Jordan  was  insolvent  to  sale.  The  gain  is  the  difference  between  the 
the debt. Immediately before the bank entered           the extent of $10,000. Jordan excludes $10,000        amount realized and your adjusted basis in the 
into the workout agreement, Charlie was insol-          of the canceled debt from income under the in-        transferred property (amount realized minus ad-
vent to the extent of $12,000. At that time, the        solvency  exclusion.  As  a  result  of  that  exclu- justed  basis).  The  loss  is  the  difference  be-
outstanding principal balance on the retail store       sion, Jordan reduced the NOL by $10,000.              tween  your  adjusted  basis  in  the  transferred 
loan  was  $185,000,  the  FMV  of  the  store  was     Jordan may be able to exclude the remain-             property and the amount realized (adjusted ba-
$165,000,  and  the  adjusted  basis  was               ing $4,000 of canceled debt from income under         sis minus amount realized). For more informa-
$210,000 ($220,000 cost minus $10,000 accu-             the  qualified  real  property  business  indebted-   tion  on  figuring  gain  or  loss  from  the  sale  of 
mulated depreciation). The bank sent Charlie a          ness exclusion, if Jordan elects to apply it. The     property, see Gain or Loss From Sales and Ex-
2022  Form  1099-C  showing  canceled  debt  of         amount  Jordan  can  exclude  is  limited.  It  can't changes in Pub. 544.
$20,000 in box 2.                                       be more than:
Charlie must apply the insolvency exclusion                                                                       You  can  use  Table  1-1  to  figure  your 
before  applying  the  exclusion  for  canceled         1. $14,000 (the excess of the $134,000 out-           TIP ordinary  income  from  the  cancellation 
qualified  real  property  business  indebtedness.      standing principal amount of Jordan’s                     of  debt  and  your  gain  or  loss  from  a 
Under  the  insolvency  exclusion  rules,  Charlie      qualified real property business debt (im-            foreclosure or repossession.
can exclude $12,000 of the canceled debt from           mediately before the cancellation) over the 
income.  Charlie  elects  to  reduce  the  basis  of    $120,000 FMV (immediately before the                  Amount  realized  and  ordinary  income 
depreciable property before reducing other tax                                                                on  a  recourse  debt. If  you  are  personally 

Page 12    Chapter 2     Foreclosures and Repossessions

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Table 1-1. Worksheet for Foreclosures and                                                                                cancellation  of  the  remaining  balance  on  the 
            Repossessions                                         Keep for Your Records                                  loan  in  November,  Avery  also  has  ordinary  in-
                                                                                                                         come from cancellation of debt in the amount of 
Part 1. Complete Part 1 only if you were personally liable for the debt (even if none of the debt was                    $1,000 (the remaining balance on the $10,000 
  canceled). Otherwise, go to Part 2.                                                                                    loan  after  the  $9,000  amount  satisfied  by  the 
                                                                                                                         FMV  of  the  repossessed  car).  Avery  must  re-
1. Enter the amount of outstanding debt immediately before the transfer of                                               port the $1,000 on the return unless one of the 
   property reduced by any amount for which you remain personally liable                                                 exceptions or exclusions described in chapter 1 
   immediately after the transfer of property   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                      applies.
2. Enter the fair market value of the transferred property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                 
3. Ordinary income from the cancellation of debt upon foreclosure or 
   repossession.* Subtract line 2 from line 1. If less than zero, enter zero. Next,                                      Amount realized on a nonrecourse debt. 
   go to Part 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            If  you  aren't  personally  liable  for  repaying  the 
                                                                                                                         debt  secured  by  the  transferred  property,  the 
Part 2. Gain or loss from foreclosure or repossession.                                                                   amount you realize includes the full amount of 
                                                                                                                         the  outstanding  debt  immediately  before  the 
4. Enter the smaller of line 1 or line 2. If you didn't complete Part 1 (because you                                     transfer.  This  is  true  even  if  the  FMV  of  the 
   weren't personally liable for the debt), enter the amount of outstanding debt                                         property  is  less  than  the  outstanding  debt  im-
   immediately before the transfer of property  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                        mediately before the transfer.
5. Enter any proceeds you received from the foreclosure sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                       
6. Add line 4 and line 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                 Example  1. Ryan  paid  $200,000  for  a 
7. Enter the adjusted basis of the transferred property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                            home.  Ryan  made  a  $15,000  down  payment 
                                                                                                                         and  borrowed  the  remaining  $185,000  from  a 
8. Gain or loss from foreclosure or repossession. Subtract line 7                                                        bank.  Ryan  isn't  personally  liable  for  the  loan, 
   from line 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             but the loan was secured by a mortgage on the 
*  The income may not be taxable. See chapter 1 for more details.                                                        house.
                                                                                                                         The  bank  foreclosed  on  the  mortgage  be-
liable  for  the  debt,  the  amount  realized  on  the minus  $8,000).  Ryan  is  able  to  exclude  the                cause  Ryan  stopped  making  payments.  When 
foreclosure  or  repossession  includes  the            $2,000 of canceled debt from income under the                    the  bank  foreclosed  on  the  mortgage,  the  bal-
smaller of:                                             qualified principal residence indebtedness rules                 ance due was $180,000, the FMV of the house 
1. The outstanding debt immediately before              discussed earlier.                                               was $170,000, and Ryan's adjusted basis was 
   the transfer reduced by any amount for               Ryan  must  also  determine  the  gain  or  loss                 $175,000  due  to  a  casualty  loss  that  was  de-
   which you remain personally liable imme-             from  the  foreclosure.  In  this  case,  the  amount            ducted.
   diately after the transfer, or                       realized is $170,000. This is the smaller of:                    The  amount  Ryan  realized  on  the  foreclo-
                                                                                                                         sure is $180,000, the outstanding debt immedi-
2. The FMV of the transferred property.                 1. $172,000 (the $180,000 of outstanding                         ately  before  the  foreclosure.  Ryan  figures  the 
                                                                  debt immediately before the transfer mi-               gain or loss by comparing the $180,000 amount 
The  amount  realized  also  includes  any  pro-                  nus $8,000 for which Ryan remains per-                 realized with the $175,000 adjusted basis. Ryan 
ceeds you received from the foreclosure sale. If                  sonally liable immediately after the trans-            has  a  $5,000  realized  gain.  See  Pub.  523,  to 
the FMV of the transferred property is less than                  fer), or                                               figure and report any taxable amount.
the  total  outstanding  debt  immediately  before      2. $170,000 (the FMV of the house).                              Example  2. Avery  bought  a  new  car  for 
the  transfer  reduced  by  any  amount  for  which 
you  remain  personally  liable  immediately  after     Ryan figures the gain or loss on the foreclo-                    $15,000. Avery made a $2,000 down payment 
the  transfer,  the  difference  is  ordinary  income   sure  by  comparing  the  $170,000  amount  real-                and  borrowed  the  remaining  $13,000  from  the 
from the cancellation of debt. You must report          ized  with  the  $175,000  adjusted  basis.  Ryan                dealer's credit company. Avery isn't personally 
this income on your return unless certain excep-        has a $5,000 nondeductible loss.                                 liable  for  the  loan  (nonrecourse),  but  pledged 
tions  or  exclusions  apply.  See    chapter  1  for                                                                    the new car as security for the loan.
more details.                                           Example  2.        Avery  bought  a  new  car  for               On August 3, 2022, the credit company re-
                                                        $15,000. Avery made a $2,000 down payment                        possessed the car because Avery had stopped 
  Example  1.  In  2021,  Ryan  paid  $200,000          and  borrowed  the  remaining  $13,000  from  the                making  loan  payments.  The  balance  due  after 
for  a  home.  Ryan  made  a  $15,000  down  pay-       dealer's credit company. Avery is personally lia-                taking  into  account  the  payments  Avery  made 
ment  and  borrowed  the  remaining  $185,000           ble  for  the  loan  (recourse  debt)  and  the  car  is         was $10,000. The FMV of the car when it was 
from  a  bank.  Ryan  is  personally  liable  for  the  pledged as security for the loan. On August 3,                   repossessed was $9,000.
mortgage loan and the house secures the loan.           2022, the credit company repossessed the car                     The amount Avery realized on the reposses-
In  2022,  the  bank  foreclosed  on  the  mortgage     because  Avery  had  stopped  making  loan  pay-                 sion is $10,000. That is the outstanding amount 
because  Ryan  stopped  making  payments.               ments.  The  balance  due  after  taking  into  ac-              of  debt  immediately  before  the  repossession, 
When  the  bank  foreclosed  the  mortgage,  the        count the payments Avery made was $10,000.                       even  though  the  FMV  of  the  car  is  less  than 
balance  due  was  $180,000,  the  FMV  of  the         The  FMV  of  the  car  when  it  was  repossessed               $10,000.  Avery  figures  the  gain  or  loss  on  the 
house was $170,000, and Ryan's adjusted ba-             was $9,000. On November 16, 2022, the credit                     repossession  by  comparing  the  $10,000 
sis  was  $175,000  due  to  a  casualty  loss  that    company forgave the remaining $1,000 balance                     amount realized with the $15,000 adjusted ba-
was  deducted.  At  the  time  of  the  foreclosure,    on the loan due to insufficient assets.                          sis. Avery has a $5,000 nondeductible loss.
the bank forgave $2,000 of the $10,000 debt in          In  this  case,  the  amount  Avery  realizes  is 
excess of the FMV ($180,000 minus $170,000).            $9,000. This is the smaller of:                                  Forms 1099-A and 1099-C.      A lender who ac-
                                                                                                                         quires an interest in your property in a foreclo-
Ryan remained personally liable for the $8,000          1. $9,000 (the $10,000 outstanding debt im-                      sure  or  repossession  should  send  you  Form 
balance.                                                          mediately before the repossession minus                1099-A,  Acquisition  or  Abandonment  of  Se-
  In this case, Ryan has ordinary income from                     the $1,000 for which Avery remains per-                cured  Property,  showing  information  you  need 
the  cancellation  of  debt  in  the  amount  of                  sonally liable immediately after the repos-            to  figure  your  gain  or  loss.  However,  if  the 
$2,000. The $2,000 income from the cancella-                      session), or                                           lender also cancels part of your debt and must 
tion  of  debt  is  figured  by  subtracting  the 
$170,000 FMV of the house from the $172,000             2. $9,000 (the FMV of the car).                                  file Form 1099-C, the lender can include the in-
difference  between  the  total  outstanding  debt                                                                       formation about the foreclosure or repossession 
immediately before the transfer of property and         Avery figures the gain or loss on the repos-                     on  that  form  instead  of  on  Form  1099-A.  The 
the amount for which Ryan remains personally            session by comparing the $9,000 amount real-                     lender  must  file  Form  1099-C  and  send  you  a 
liable  immediately  after  the  transfer  ($180,000    ized with the $15,000 adjusted basis. Avery has                  copy if the amount of debt canceled is $600 or 
                                                        a  $6,000  nondeductible  loss.  After  the                      more  and  the  lender  is  a  financial  institution, 
                                                                                                               Chapter 2 Foreclosures and Repossessions    Page 13

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credit  union,  federal  government  agency,  or         debt. In  2018,  Lou  purchased  business  prop-        security interest in the property. In 2022, Rowan 
other applicable  entity,  as  discussed  earlier  in    erty for $200,000. Lou borrowed the entire pur-         was  unable  to  continue  making  the  loan  pay-
chapter  1.  For  foreclosures  or  repossessions        chase  price,  for  which  Lou  was  personally  lia-   ments.  Because  the  loan  balance  was 
occurring in 2022, these forms should be sent            ble,  and  gave  the  lender  a  security  interest  in $185,000 and the FMV of the property was only 
to you by January 31, 2023.                              the property. In 2022, Lou was unable to con-           $150,000,  Rowan  decided  to  abandon  the 
                                                         tinue  making  the  loan  payments.  Because  the       property  on  August  3,  2022.  Because  Rowan 
                                                         loan balance was $185,000 and the FMV of the            wasn't personally liable for the debt, the aban-
                                                         property  was  only  $150,000,  Lou  abandoned          donment is treated as a sale or exchange of the 
                                                         the  property  on  August  1,  2022.  Because  Lou      property in tax year 2022. Rowan's amount real-
                                                         was personally liable for the debt and the lender       ized is $185,000 and the adjusted basis in the 
                                                         didn't complete a foreclosure of the property in        property is $180,000 (as a result of $20,000 of 
3.                                                       2022, Lou has neither gain nor loss in tax year         depreciation  deductions  on  the  property). 
                                                         2022  from  abandoning  the  property.  If  the         Rowan  has  a  $5,000  gain  in  tax  year  2022. 
                                                         lender sells the property at a foreclosure sale in      (Had Rowan’s adjusted basis been greater than 
                                                         2023, Lou will have to figure the gain or deducti-      the amount realized, Rowan would have had a 
Abandonments                                             ble loss for tax year 2023, as discussed earlier        deductible  loss.)  The  lender  sells  the  property 
                                                         in chapter 2.                                           at  a  foreclosure  sale  in  2023.  Rowan  has  nei-
You abandon property when you voluntarily and                                                                    ther gain nor loss from the foreclosure sale. Be-
permanently give up possession and use of the            Abandonment  of  property  securing  nonre-             cause  Rowan  wasn’t  personally  liable  for  the 
property with the intention of ending your own-          course debt.  If you abandon property that se-          debt,  Rowan  also  has  no  cancellation  of  debt 
ership but without passing it on to anyone else.         cures debt for which you aren't personally liable       income.
Whether an abandonment has occurred is de-               (nonrecourse debt), the abandonment is treated 
termined in light of all the facts and circumstan-       as a sale or exchange.                                  Canceled debt.   If the abandoned property se-
ces. You must both show an intention to aban-               The  amount  you  realize  on  the  abandon-         cures a debt for which you are personally liable 
don  the  property  and  affirmatively  act  to          ment of property that secured nonrecourse debt          and the debt is canceled, you will realize ordi-
abandon the property.                                    is  the  amount  of  the  nonrecourse  debt.  If  the   nary  income  equal  to  the  canceled  debt.  This 
                                                         amount you realize is more than your adjusted           income  is  separate  from  any  amount  realized 
A  voluntary  conveyance  of  the  property  in  lieu    basis, then you have a gain. If your adjusted ba-       from  abandonment  of  the  property.  You  must 
of foreclosure isn’t an abandonment and is trea-         sis  is  more  than  the  amount  you  realize,  then   report this income on your return unless one of 
ted  as  the  exchange  of  property  to  satisfy  a     you have a loss. For more information on how            the exceptions or exclusions described in chap-
debt. For more information, see  Sales and Ex-           to figure gain and loss, see Gain or Loss From          ter 1 applies.
changes in Pub. 544.                                     Sales and Exchanges in Pub. 544.
The  tax  consequences  of  abandonment  of                 Loss  from  abandonment  of  business  or  in-       Forms 1099-A and 1099-C.    In most cases, if 
property  that  secures  a  debt  depend  on             vestment property is deductible as a loss. The          you abandon:
whether you were personally liable for the debt          character of the loss depends on the character             Real property (such as a home),
(recourse  debt)  or  weren’t personally  liable for     of the property. The amount of deductible capi-            Intangible property, or
the debt (nonrecourse debt).                             tal  loss  may  be  limited.  For  more  information,      Tangible personal property held (wholly or 
                                                         see Treatment  of  Capital  Losses  in  Pub.  544.           partly) for use in a trade or business or for 
      See Pub. 544 if you abandoned prop-                You can't deduct any loss from abandonment of                investment
TIP   erty that didn't secure debt. This publi-          your  home  or  other  property  held  for  personal    that  secures  a  loan  and  the  lender  knows  the 
      cation  only  discusses  the  tax  conse-          use.                                                    property  has  been  abandoned,  the  lender 
quences of abandoning property that secured a                                                                    should  send  you  Form  1099-A  showing  infor-
debt.                                                       Example    1—abandonment       of per-               mation you need to figure your gain or loss from 
                                                         sonal-use  property  securing  nonrecourse              the abandonment. Also, if your debt is canceled 
Abandonment  of  property  securing  re-                 debt. In  2018,  Lee  purchased  a  home  for           and  the  lender  must  file  Form  1099-C,  the 
course  debt. In  most  cases,  if  you  abandon         $200,000.  Lee  borrowed  the  entire  purchase         lender  can  include  the  information  about  the 
property  that  secures  debt  for  which  you  are      price,  for  which  Lee  wasn’t  personally  liable,    abandonment on that form instead of on Form 
personally  liable  (recourse  debt),  you  don't        and gave the bank a mortgage on the home. In            1099-A. The lender must file Form 1099-C and 
have  gain  or  loss  until  the  later  foreclosure  is 2022, Lee lost a job and was unable to continue         send you a copy if the amount of debt canceled 
completed.  For  details  on  figuring  gain  or  loss   making the mortgage loan payments. Because              is $600 or more and the lender is a financial in-
on the foreclosure, see chapter 2.                       the  mortgage  loan  balance  was  $185,000  and        stitution,  credit  union,  federal  government 
                                                         the FMV of the home was only $150,000, Lee              agency, or other applicable entity, as discussed 
Example       1—abandonment            of per-           decided to abandon the home by permanently              earlier in chapter 1.
sonal-use property securing recourse debt.               moving  out  on  August  1,  2022.  Because  Lee           For  abandonments  of  property  and  debt 
In  2018,  Kai  purchased  a  home  for  $200,000.       wasn't personally liable for the debt, the aban-        cancellations  occurring  in  2022,  these  forms 
Kai  borrowed  the  entire  purchase  price,  for        donment is treated as a sale or exchange of the         should be sent to you by January 31, 2023.
which  Kai  was  personally  liable,  and  gave  the     home in tax year 2022. Lee’s amount realized is 
bank a mortgage on the home. In 2022, Kai lost           $185,000 and the adjusted basis in the home is 
a  job  and  was  unable  to  continue  making  the      $200,000.  Lee  has  a  $15,000  nondeductible 
mortgage loan payments. Because Kai’s mort-              loss in tax year 2022. (Had Lee’s adjusted basis        How To Get Tax Help
gage loan balance was $185,000 and the FMV               been less than the amount realized, Lee would 
of the home was only $150,000, Kai decided to            have had a gain that would have to be included          If  you  have  questions  about  a  tax  issue;  need 
abandon the home by permanently moving out               in gross income.) The bank sells the house at a         help preparing your tax return; or want to down-
on August 1, 2022. Because Kai was personally            foreclosure  sale  in  2023.  Lee  has  neither  gain   load free publications, forms, or instructions, go 
liable for the debt and the bank didn't complete         nor loss from the foreclosure sale. Because Lee         to IRS.gov to find resources that can help you 
a  foreclosure  of  the  property  in  2022,  Kai  has   wasn’t personally liable for the debt, he also has      right away.
neither  gain  nor  loss  in  tax  year  2022  from      no cancellation of debt income.
                                                                                                                 Preparing  and  filing  your  tax  return.   After 
abandoning  the  home.  If  the  bank  sells  the                                                                receiving  all  your  wage  and  earnings  state-
house  at  a  foreclosure  sale  in  2023,  Kai  will       Example  2—abandonment  of  business 
have to figure the gain or nondeductible loss for        or  investment  property  securing  nonre-              ments (Forms W-2, W-2G, 1099-R, 1099-MISC, 
tax year 2023, as discussed earlier in chapter 2.        course debt.  In 2018, Rowan purchased busi-            1099-NEC, etc.); unemployment compensation 
                                                         ness  property  for  $200,000.  Rowan  borrowed         statements  (by  mail  or  in  a  digital  format)  or 
Example  2—abandonment  of  business                     the  entire  purchase  price,  for  which  Rowan        other  government  payment  statements  (Form 
or  investment  property  securing  recourse             wasn’t personally liable, and gave the lender a         1099-G); and interest, dividend, and retirement 

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statements  from  banks  and  investment  firms        can claim if you itemize deductions on                The  following  IRS  YouTube  channels  pro-
(Forms  1099),  you  have  several  options  to        Schedule A (Form 1040).                             vide  short,  informative  videos  on  various 
choose from to prepare and file your tax return.                                                           tax-related topics in English, Spanish, and ASL.
You can prepare the tax return yourself, see if        Getting  answers  to  your  tax  ques-                   Youtube.com/irsvideos.
you qualify for free tax preparation, or hire a tax    tions.      On  IRS.gov,  you  can  get              
professional to prepare your return.                   up-to-date  information  on  current                   Youtube.com/irsvideosmultilingua.
                                                     events and changes in tax law.                           Youtube.com/irsvideosASL.
Free  options  for  tax  preparation.   Go  to       IRS.gov/Help: A variety of tools to help you        Watching  IRS  videos.   The  IRS  Video  portal 
IRS.gov  to  see  your  options  for  preparing  and   get answers to some of the most common              (IRSVideos.gov) contains video and audio pre-
filing your return online or in your local commun-     tax questions.                                      sentations  for  individuals,  small  businesses, 
ity, if you qualify, which include the following.    IRS.gov/ITA: The Interactive Tax Assistant,         and tax professionals.
Free File. This program lets you prepare             a tool that will ask you questions and, 
  and file your federal individual income tax          based on your input, provide answers on a           Online  tax  information  in  other  languages. 
  return for free using brand-name tax-prep-           number of tax law topics.                           You  can  find  information  on      IRS.gov/
  aration-and-filing software or Free File filla-    IRS.gov/Forms: Find forms, instructions,            MyLanguage  if  English  isn’t  your  native  lan-
  ble forms. However, state tax preparation            and publications. You will find details on          guage.
  may not be available through Free File. Go           the most recent tax changes and interac-
  to IRS.gov/FreeFile to see if you qualify for        tive links to help you find answers to your         Free Over-the-Phone Interpreter (OPI) Serv-
  free online federal tax preparation, e-filing,       questions.                                          ice. The IRS is committed to serving our multi-
  and direct deposit or payment options.             You may also be able to access tax law in-          lingual customers by offering OPI services. The 
VITA. The Volunteer Income Tax Assis-                formation in your electronic filing software.       OPI Service is a federally funded program and 
  tance (VITA) program offers free tax help                                                                is  available  at  Taxpayer  Assistance  Centers 
  to people with low-to-moderate incomes,                                                                  (TACs), other IRS offices, and every VITA/TCE 
  persons with disabilities, and limited-Eng-        Need someone to prepare your tax return?              return  site.  The  OPI  Service  is  accessible  in 
  lish-speaking taxpayers who need help              There are various types of tax return preparers,      more than 350 languages.
  preparing their own tax returns. Go to             including  enrolled  agents,  certified  public  ac-
  IRS.gov/VITA, download the free IRS2Go             countants (CPAs), accountants, and many oth-          Accessibility  Helpline  available  for  taxpay-
  app, or call 800-906-9887 for information          ers  who  don’t  have  professional  credentials.  If ers with disabilities. Taxpayers who need in-
  on free tax return preparation.                    you choose to have someone prepare your tax           formation  about  accessibility  services  can  call 
TCE. The Tax Counseling for the Elderly            return, choose that preparer wisely. A paid tax       833-690-0598.  The  Accessibility  Helpline  can 
  (TCE) program offers free tax help for all         preparer is:                                          answer questions related to current and future 
  taxpayers, particularly those who are 60           Primarily responsible for the overall sub-          accessibility products and services available in 
  years of age and older. TCE volunteers               stantive accuracy of your return,                   alternative media formats (for example, braille, 
  specialize in answering questions about            Required to sign the return, and                    large print, audio, etc.). The Accessibility Help-
  pensions and retirement-related issues             Required to include their preparer tax iden-        line does not have access to your IRS account. 
  unique to seniors. Go to IRS.gov/TCE,                tification number (PTIN).                           For help with tax law, refunds, or account-rela-
                                                                                                           ted issues, go to IRS.gov/LetUsHelp.
  download the free IRS2Go app, or call              Although the tax preparer always signs the 
  888-227-7669 for information on free tax           return, you're ultimately responsible for provid-       Note. Form 9000, Alternative Media Prefer-
  return preparation.                                ing all the information required for the preparer     ence, or Form 9000(SP) allows you to elect to 
MilTax. Members of the U.S. Armed                  to accurately prepare your return. Anyone paid        receive certain types of written correspondence 
  Forces and qualified veterans may use Mil-         to prepare tax returns for others should have a       in the following formats.
  Tax, a free tax service offered by the De-         thorough  understanding  of  tax  matters.  For          Standard Print.
  partment of Defense through Military One-          more information on how to choose a tax pre-
  Source. For more information, go to                parer, go to Tips for Choosing a Tax Preparer            Large Print.
  MilitaryOneSource MilitaryOneSource.mil/ (         on IRS.gov.                                              Braille.
       Also,  the  IRS  offers  Free  Fillable       Coronavirus.  Go  to IRS.gov/Coronavirus  for            Audio (MP3).
  Forms, which can be completed online and           links to information on the impact of the corona-        Plain Text File (TXT).
  then  filed  electronically  regardless  of  in-   virus, as well as tax relief available for individu-     Braille Ready File (BRF).
  come.                                              als  and  families,  small  and  large  businesses, 
                                                     and tax-exempt organizations.
Using online tools to help prepare your re-                                                                Disasters.   Go  to Disaster  Assistance  and 
                                                                                                           Emergency    Relief      for  Individuals and 
turn. Go to IRS.gov/Tools for the following.         Employers  can  register  to  use  Business           Businesses to review the available disaster tax 
The Earned Income Tax Credit Assistant             Services Online. The Social Security Adminis-         relief.
  (IRS.gov/EITCAssistant) determines if              tration (SSA) offers online service at SSA.gov/
  you’re eligible for the earned income credit       employer for fast, free, and secure online W-2        Getting  tax  forms  and  publications.   Go  to 
  (EIC).                                             filing  options  to  CPAs,  accountants,  enrolled    IRS.gov/Forms  to  view,  download,  or  print  all 
The Online EIN Application IRS.gov/EIN (        )  agents, and individuals who process Form W-2,         the  forms,  instructions,  and  publications  you 
  helps you get an employer identification           Wage  and  Tax  Statement,  and  Form  W-2c,          may  need.  Or,  you  can  go  to    IRS.gov/
  number (EIN) at no cost.                           Corrected Wage and Tax Statement.                     OrderForms to place an order.
The Tax Withholding Estimator IRS.gov/ (
  W4app) makes it easier for you to estimate         IRS social media. Go to IRS.gov/SocialMedia           Getting tax publications and instructions in 
  the federal income tax you want your em-           to  see  the  various  social  media  tools  the  IRS eBook  format.    You  can  also  download  and 
  ployer to withhold from your paycheck.             uses  to  share  the  latest  information  on  tax    view  popular  tax  publications  and  instructions 
  This is tax withholding. See how your with-        changes, scam alerts, initiatives, products, and      (including  the  Instructions  for  Form  1040)  on 
  holding affects your refund, take-home             services.  At  the  IRS,  privacy  and  security  are mobile devices as eBooks at IRS.gov/eBooks.
  pay, or tax due.                                   our highest priority. We use these tools to share 
The First-Time Homebuyer Credit Account            public information with you. Don’t post your so-        Note. IRS  eBooks  have  been  tested  using 
  Look-up IRS.gov/HomeBuyer ( ) tool pro-            cial security number (SSN) or other confidential      Apple's  iBooks  for  iPad.  Our  eBooks  haven’t 
  vides information on your repayments and           information  on  social  media  sites.  Always  pro-  been tested on other dedicated eBook readers, 
  account balance.                                   tect  your  identity  when  using  any  social  net-  and eBook functionality may not operate as in-
The Sales Tax Deduction Calculator                 working site.                                         tended.
  (IRS.gov/SalesTax) figures the amount you 

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Access your online account (individual tax-                     payers to help prevent the misuse of their      Checking  the  status  of  your  amended  re-
payers  only). Go  to  IRS.gov/Account  to  se-                 SSNs on fraudulent federal income tax re-       turn. Go to IRS.gov/WMAR to track the status 
curely access information about your federal tax                turns. When you have an IP PIN, it pre-         of Form 1040-X amended returns.
account.                                                        vents someone else from filing a tax return 
View the amount you owe and a break-                          with your SSN. To learn more, go to             Note.  It  can  take  up  to  3  weeks  from  the 
  down by tax year.                                             IRS.gov/IPPIN.                                  date  you  filed  your  amended  return  for  it  to 
See payment plan details or apply for a                                                                       show  up  in  our  system,  and  processing  it  can 
  new payment plan.                                        Ways to check on the status of your refund.          take up to 16 weeks.
Make a payment or view 5 years of pay-                      Go to IRS.gov/Refunds.
  ment history and any pending or sched-                      Download the official IRS2Go app to your        Understanding  an  IRS  notice  or  letter 
  uled payments.                                                mobile device to check your refund status.      you’ve  received. Go  to IRS.gov/Notices  to 
Access your tax records, including key                      Call the automated refund hotline at            find additional information about responding to 
  data from your most recent tax return, and                    800-829-1954.                                   an IRS notice or letter.
View digital copies of select notices from               Note.    The  IRS  can’t  issue  refunds  before     Note.  You  can  use  Schedule  LEP  (Form 
  the IRS.                                                 mid-February for returns that claimed the EIC or     1040), Request for Change in Language Prefer-
Approve or reject authorization requests                 the additional child tax credit (ACTC). This ap-     ence, to state a preference to receive notices, 
  from tax professionals.                                  plies to the entire refund, not just the portion as- letters,  or  other  written  communications  from 
View your address on file or manage your                 sociated with these credits.                         the IRS in an alternative language. You may not 
  communication preferences.                                                                                    immediately receive written communications in 
                                                           Making  a  tax  payment.     Go  to  IRS.gov/        the requested language. The IRS’s commitment 
Tax Pro Account.  This tool lets your tax pro-             Payments  for  information  on  how  to  make  a     to LEP taxpayers is part of a multi-year timeline 
fessional submit an authorization request to ac-           payment using any of the following options.          that is scheduled to begin providing translations 
cess  your  individual  taxpayer  IRS  online                 IRS Direct Pay: Pay your individual tax bill    in 2023. You will continue to receive communi-
account.  For  more  information,  go  to IRS.gov/              or estimated tax payment directly from          cations, including notices and letters in English, 
TaxProAccount.                                                  your checking or savings account at no          until  they  are  translated  to  your  preferred  lan-
                                                                cost to you.                                    guage.
Using  direct  deposit. The  fastest  way  to  re-            Debit or Credit Card: Choose an approved 
ceive  a  tax  refund  is  to  file  electronically  and        payment processor to pay online or by           Contacting  your  local  IRS  office. Keep  in 
choose direct deposit, which securely and elec-                 phone.                                          mind,  many  questions  can  be  answered  on 
tronically transfers your refund directly into your           Electronic Funds Withdrawal: Schedule a         IRS.gov  without  visiting  an  IRS  TAC.  Go  to 
financial account. Direct deposit also avoids the               payment when filing your federal taxes us-      IRS.gov/LetUsHelp  for  the  topics  people  ask 
possibility that your check could be lost, stolen,              ing tax return preparation software or          about  most.  If  you  still  need  help,  IRS  TACs 
destroyed, or returned undeliverable to the IRS.                through a tax professional.                     provide tax help when a tax issue can’t be han-
Eight  in  10  taxpayers  use  direct  deposit  to  re-       Electronic Federal Tax Payment System:          dled online or by phone. All TACs now provide 
ceive their refunds. If you don’t have a bank ac-               Best option for businesses. Enrollment is       service  by  appointment,  so  you’ll  know  in  ad-
count, go to IRS.gov/DirectDeposit for more in-                 required.                                       vance  that  you  can  get  the  service  you  need 
formation  on  where  to  find  a  bank  or  credit           Check or Money Order: Mail your payment         without long wait times. Before you visit, go to 
union that can open an account online.                          to the address listed on the notice or in-      IRS.gov/TACLocator  to  find  the  nearest  TAC 
                                                                structions.                                     and to check hours, available services, and ap-
Getting  a  transcript  of  your  return.   The               Cash: You may be able to pay your taxes         pointment options. Or, on the IRS2Go app, un-
quickest way to get a copy of your tax transcript               with cash at a participating retail store.      der  the  Stay  Connected  tab,  choose  the  Con-
is to go to IRS.gov/Transcripts. Click on either              Same-Day Wire: You may be able to do            tact Us option and click on “Local Offices.”
“Get  Transcript  Online”  or  “Get  Transcript  by             same-day wire from your financial institu-
Mail”  to  order  a  free  copy  of  your  transcript.  If      tion. Contact your financial institution for 
you prefer, you can order your transcript by call-              availability, cost, and time frames.            The Taxpayer Advocate 
ing 800-908-9946.                                                                                               Service (TAS) Is Here To 
                                                           Note.    The  IRS  uses  the  latest  encryption     Help You
Reporting  and  resolving  your  tax-related               technology  to  ensure  that  the  electronic  pay-
identity theft issues.                                     ments  you  make  online,  by  phone,  or  from  a   What Is TAS?
Tax-related identity theft happens when                  mobile  device  using  the  IRS2Go  app  are  safe 
  someone steals your personal information                 and secure. Paying electronically is quick, easy,    TAS is an independent organization within the 
  to commit tax fraud. Your taxes can be af-               and faster than mailing in a check or money or-      IRS that helps taxpayers and protects taxpayer 
  fected if your SSN is used to file a fraudu-             der.                                                 rights. Their job is to ensure that every taxpayer 
  lent return or to claim a refund or credit.                                                                   is  treated  fairly  and  that  you  know  and  under-
The IRS doesn’t initiate contact with tax-               What  if  I  can’t  pay  now? Go  to IRS.gov/        stand  your  rights  under  the Taxpayer  Bill  of 
  payers by email, text messages (including                Payments for more information about your op-         Rights.
  shortened links), telephone calls, or social             tions.
  media channels to request or verify per-                    Apply for an online payment agreement           How Can You Learn About Your 
  sonal or financial information. This in-                      (IRS.gov/OPA) to meet your tax obligation       Taxpayer Rights?
  cludes requests for personal identification                   in monthly installments if you can’t pay 
  numbers (PINs), passwords, or similar in-                     your taxes in full today. Once you complete     The Taxpayer Bill of Rights describes 10 basic 
  formation for credit cards, banks, or other                   the online process, you will receive imme-      rights that all taxpayers have when dealing with 
  financial accounts.                                           diate notification of whether your agree-       the  IRS.  Go  to TaxpayerAdvocate.IRS.gov  to 
Go to IRS.gov/IdentityTheft, the IRS Iden-                    ment has been approved.                         help you understand what these rights mean to 
  tity Theft Central webpage, for information                 Use the Offer in Compromise Pre-Qualifier       you and how they apply. These are your rights. 
  on identity theft and data security protec-                   to see if you can settle your tax debt for      Know them. Use them.
  tion for taxpayers, tax professionals, and                    less than the full amount you owe. For 
  businesses. If your SSN has been lost or                      more information on the Offer in Compro-
  stolen or you suspect you’re a victim of                      mise program, go to IRS.gov/OIC.                What Can TAS Do for You?
  tax-related identity theft, you can learn                Filing  an  amended  return.  Go  to IRS.gov/        TAS  can  help  you  resolve  problems  that  you 
  what steps you should take.                              Form1040X for information and updates.               can’t resolve with the IRS. And their service is 
Get an Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN). IP                                                                   free. If you qualify for their assistance, you will 
  PINs are six-digit numbers assigned to tax-                                                                   be assigned to one advocate who will work with 
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you  throughout  the  process  and  will  do  every-    How Else Does TAS Help                               Low Income Taxpayer 
thing  possible  to  resolve  your  issue.  TAS  can    Taxpayers?                                           Clinics (LITCs)
help you if:
Your problem is causing financial difficulty          TAS works to resolve large-scale problems that       LITCs  are  independent  from  the  IRS.  LITCs 
  for you, your family, or your business;               affect  many  taxpayers.  If  you  know  of  one  of represent individuals whose income is below a 
You face (or your business is facing) an              these broad issues, report it to them at IRS.gov/    certain level and need to resolve tax problems 
  immediate threat of adverse action; or                SAMS.                                                with the IRS, such as audits, appeals, and tax 
You’ve tried repeatedly to contact the IRS                                                                 collection disputes. In addition, LITCs can pro-
  but no one has responded, or the IRS                  TAS for Tax Professionals                            vide  information  about  taxpayer  rights  and  re-
  hasn’t responded by the date promised.                                                                     sponsibilities in different languages for individu-
                                                        TAS can provide a variety of information for tax     als who  speak English as a second language. 
How Can You Reach TAS?                                  professionals,  including  tax  law  updates  and    Services are offered for free or a small fee for 
                                                        guidance, TAS programs, and ways to let TAS          eligible taxpayers. To find an LITC near you, go 
TAS  has  offices in  every  state,  the  District  of  know about systemic problems you’ve seen in          to TaxpayerAdvocate.IRS.gov/about-us/Low-
Columbia,  and  Puerto  Rico.  Your  local  advo-       your practice.                                       Income-Taxpayer-Clinics-LITC or see IRS Pub. 
cate’s  number  is  in  your  local  directory  and  at                                                      4134, Low Income Taxpayer Clinic List.
TaxpayerAdvocate.IRS.gov/Contact-Us.      You 
can also call them at 877-777-4778.

Publication 4681 (2022)                                                                                                                      Page 17

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                    To help us develop a more useful index, please let us know if you have ideas for index entries.
Index               See “Comments and Suggestions” in the “Introduction” for the ways you can reach us.
                                    Income from 3                                                       Qualified principal residence 
1099-C  4                         Co-owners  4                       I                                   indebtedness   9
                                                                                                         Examples  9
                                                                     Income from canceled debt     3    Qualified real property business 
A                                 D                                  Insolvency 6                        indebtedness   8
Abandonments  14                  Debts:                               Reduction of tax attributes 10    Reduction of tax attributes 12
  Canceled debt 14                  Stockholder's   4
Assistance (See Tax help)         Definitions:                       L                                  R
                                    Adjusted tax attributes 8        Limits:                            Real property business 
B                                   Qualified acquisition              Excluded farm debt 8              indebtedness   8
Bankruptcy  6                           indebtedness 9
  Reduction of tax attributes 10    Qualified farm indebtedness   8    Qualified real property business Recapture:
                                                                          indebtedness 9                 Basis reductions 11
Business:                           Qualified principal residence    Loans:                             Repossessions  12
                                        indebtedness 9
  Real property indebtedness  8     Qualified real property business   Student 4
                                        indebtedness 8                                                  S
C                                                                    M
                                                                                                        Stockholder debts 4
Canceled debt 4                   E                                  Missing children, photographs      Student loans 4
  Exceptions:                     Educational loans  4                 of  2
  Deductible debt  5                                                 Mortgage Debt Relief Act           T
                                                                       (See Qualified Principal 
  Gifts   4                       F                                    Residence Indebtedness)          Tax attributes, reduction of:
  Price reduced after 
        purchase 6                Farm indebtedness  8                                                   Bankruptcy   10
  Student loans   4                 Reduction of tax attributes 11   P                                   Insolvency 10
  Exclusions:                     Foreclosures 12                    Principal residence                 Qualified farm indebtedness  11
  Bankruptcy    6                 Form:                                indebtedness 9                    Qualified Principal Residence 
  Insolvency    6                   1099-A   13 14,                  Publications (See Tax help)         Indebtedness     10
  Qualified farm                    1099-C   13 14,                                                      Qualified real property business 
                                                                                                         indebtedness     12
        indebtedness 8                                               Q                                  Tax help 14
  Qualified principal residence   G                                  Qualified farm indebtedness   8
        indebtedness 9
  Qualified real property         Gifts 4                              Reduction of tax attributes 11
        business indebtedness    8

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