Userid: CPM Schema: tipx Leadpct: 100% Pt. size: 8 Draft Ok to Print AH XSL/XML Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source (Init. & Date) _______ Page 1 of 58 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Publication 515 Cat. No. 15019L Contents What's New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Department of the Withholding Reminders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Treasury Internal Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Revenue of Tax on Service Withholding of Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Nonresident Persons Subject to Chapter 3 or Chapter 4 Withholding . . . . . . . . . 4 Aliens and Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Income Subject to Withholding . . . . . 23 Foreign Entities Withholding on Specific Income . . . . . 26 Foreign Governments and Certain Other Foreign Organizations . . . . 39 For use in 2023 U.S. or Foreign TINs . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Depositing Withheld Taxes . . . . . . . . 41 Returns Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Partnership Withholding on Effectively Connected Income . . . 43 Section 1446(f) Withholding . . . . . . . 46 U.S. Real Property Interest . . . . . . . . 49 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Tax Treaties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 How To Get Tax Help . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted. Future Developments For the latest information about developments related to Pub. 515, such as legislation enacted after it was published, go to What's New Withholding and Reporting under sections 1446(a) and (f) starting in 2023. T.D. 9926 (85 FR 76910), published on November 30, 2020 (as corrected at 86 FR 13191), contains fi- nal regulations (section 1446(f) regulations) re- lating to the withholding and reporting required under section 1446(f) on transfers of interests in certain partnership interests, which include Get forms and other information faster and easier at: withholding requirements that apply to brokers • (English) • (한국어) effecting transfers of interests in publicly traded • (Español) • (Pусский) partnerships (PTPs). While section 1446(f) with- • (中文) • (Tiếng Việt) holding generally applies to transfers occurring on or after January 1, 2018, certain provisions Jan 26, 2023 |
Page 2 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. of the section 1446(f) regulations apply to trans- If you have questions about Form as possible. Don’t resubmit requests you’ve al- fers on or after January 1, 2023, including: 8809, call the IRS toll free at ready sent us. You can get forms and publica- • The requirements for withholding on trans- 866-455-7438 or 304-263-8700 (not tions faster online. fers of interests in PTPs under section toll free). Persons with a hearing or speech dis- 1446(f)(1); ability with access to TTY/TDD equipment can Useful Items • Certain changes to the withholding require- call 304-579-4827 (not toll free). You may want to see: ments under Regulations section 1.1446-4 for distributions made by PTPs (PTP distri- Photographs of missing children. The IRS is butions), which include an allowance for a proud partner with the National Center for Publication Qualified Intermediaries (QIs) and U.S. Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC). Pho- 15 15 (Circular E), Employer's Tax Guide branches to act as withholding agents for tographs of missing children selected by the the distributions; and Center may appear in this publication on pages 15-A 15-A Employer's Supplemental Tax Guide • Partnership withholding under section that would otherwise be blank. You can help 15-B 15-B Employer's Tax Guide to Fringe 1446(f)(4) on distributions to transferees of bring these children home by looking at the non-PTP interests that failed to properly photographs and calling 1-800-THE-LOST Benefits withhold under section 1446(f)(1). (1-800-843-5678) if you recognize a child. 15-T 15-T Federal Income Tax Withholding For further information regarding the effec- Methods tive date of these provisions, see Notice Introduction 51 51 (Circular A), Agricultural Employer's 2021-51, 2021-36 I.R.B. 361, available at Tax Guide This publication is for withholding agents who pay income to foreign persons, including non- 505 505 Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax resident aliens, foreign corporations, foreign partnerships, foreign trusts, foreign estates, for- 519 519 U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens eign governments, and international organiza- 901 Reminders tions. Specifically, it describes the persons re- 901 U.S. Tax Treaties Central Withholding Agreement (CWA) sim- sponsible for withholding (withholding agents), 1179 1179 General Rules and Specifications plified application process. We’ve tempora- the types of income subject to withholding, and for Substitute Forms 1096, 1098, rily waived the income requirement for which the information return and tax return filing obli- 1099, 5498, and Certain Other form to use when applying for a CWA. Form gations of withholding agents. In addition to dis- Information Returns 13930-A is currently unavailable. While the cussing the rules that apply generally to pay- waiver is in effect, individuals with income be- ments of U.S. source income to foreign 1187 1187 Specifications for Electronic Filing of low $10,000 can apply for a CWA using Form persons, it also contains sections on the with- Form 1042-S, Foreign Person's U.S. 13930, Instructions on How to Apply for a Cen- holding that applies to the disposition of U.S. Source Income Subject to tral Withholding Agreement PDF. For more in- real property interests (USRPI) and the with- Withholding formation on how to apply for a CWA, see Form holding by partnerships on income effectively 5124 5124 FATCA XML User Guide 13930. connected with the active conduct of a U.S. For more information, go to trade or business. Form (and Instructions) Individuals/International-Taxpayers/Central- SS-4 SS-4 Application for Employer Withholding-Agreements. Comments and suggestions. We welcome your comments about this publication and sug- Identification Number Deposit interest paid to certain nonresident gestions for future editions. W-2 W-2 Wage and Tax Statement alien individuals. Deposit interest of $10 or You can send us comments through more paid to certain nonresident alien individu- Or, you can write to W-4 W-4 Employee's Withholding Allowance als must be reported on Form 1042-S. See De- the Internal Revenue Service, Tax Forms and Certificate posit interest paid to certain nonresident alien Publications, 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, W-4P W-4P Withholding Certificate for Pension individuals for more information. IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224. Electronic deposits. You must make all de- Although we can’t respond individually to or Annuity Payments posits of taxes paid with respect to Form each comment received, we do appreciate your W-7 W-7 Application for IRS Individual 1042-S (including taxes withheld under either feedback and will consider your comments and Taxpayer Identification Number chapter 3 or chapter 4) electronically. suggestions as we revise our tax forms, instruc- tions, and publications. Don’t send tax ques- W-8BEN W-8BEN Certificate of Foreign Status of Filing electronically. To file Form 1042-S tions, tax returns, or payments to the above ad- Beneficial Owner for United States electronically, use the Filing Information Re- dress. Tax Withholding and Reporting turns Electronically (FIRE) system at (Individuals) Getting answers to your tax questions. When you submit files on the FIRE system, If you have a tax question not answered by this W-8BEN-E W-8BEN-E Certificate of Status of it is your responsibility to verify the results of the publication or the How To Get Tax Help section Beneficial Owner for United States transmission within 5 business days. The IRS at the end of this publication, go to the IRS In- Tax Withholding and Reporting will not mail error reports for files that are bad. teractive Tax Assistant page at (Entities) See Pub. 1187 for information on the require- Help/ITA where you can find topics by using the W-8ECI W-8ECI Certificate of Foreign Person's ments for filing Form 1042-S electronically. search feature or viewing the categories listed. Claim That Income Is Effectively Getting tax forms, instructions, and pub- Connected With the Conduct of a Note. The electronic filing of Form 1042 is lications. Go to to download Trade or Business in the United expected to be available in 2023. Although not current and prior-year forms, instructions, and States required, taxpayers can choose to file Form publications. W-8EXP W-8EXP Certificate of Foreign 1042 electronically. For general information about electronic filing, see Pub. 4163, Modern- Ordering tax forms, instructions, and Government or Other Foreign ized e-file Information for Authorized IRS e-file publications. Go to to Organization for United States Tax Providers for Business Returns. order current forms, instructions, and publica- Withholding and Reporting Requests for extensions on Form 8809. Re- tions; call 800-829-3676 to order prior-year W-8IMY W-8IMY Certificate of Foreign quests on Form 8809 for an extension of time to forms and instructions. The IRS will process Intermediary, Foreign Flow-Through file Form 1042-S should be made electronically. your order for forms and publications as soon Entity, or Certain U.S. Branches for See Extension to file Form 1042-S with the IRS, United States Tax Withholding and later. Reporting Page 2 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 3 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. W-8 Inst. W-8 Inst. Instructions for the Requester of withholding on a payment of U.S. source in- any qualified intermediary (QI), withholding for- Forms W-8BEN, W-8BEN-E, come. Payments to foreign persons, including eign partnership, or withholding foreign trust in W-8ECI, W-8EXP, and W-8IMY nonresident alien individuals, foreign entities, accordance with the terms of its withholding and governments, may be subject to chapter 3 agreement, discussed later. W-9 W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification withholding. Number and Certification Liability for tax. As a withholding agent, you W-9 Inst. W-9 Inst. Instructions for the Requester of Withholding may also be required on a pay- are personally liable for any tax required to be Form W-9 ment to the extent required under chapter 4. withheld. This liability is independent of the tax “Chapter 4” refers to chapter 4 of Subtitle A liability of the foreign person to whom the pay- 941 941 Employer's QUARTERLY Federal (sections 1471 through 1474). See Chapter 4 ment is made. If you fail to withhold and the for- Tax Return Withholding Requirements, later. eign payee fails to satisfy its U.S. tax liability, 945 945 Annual Return of Withheld Federal Chapter 3 withholding, when refer- then both you and the foreign person are liable for tax, as well as interest and any applicable CAUTION in this publication, does not include Income Tax ! enced in (and not provided otherwise) penalties. 1042 1042 Annual Withholding Tax Return for withholding under section 1445 (see U.S. Real The applicable tax will be collected only U.S. Source Income of Foreign Property Interest, later) or under section 1446 once. If the foreign person satisfies its U.S. tax Persons (see Partnership Withholding on Effectively liability, you are not liable for the tax but remain 1042-S 1042-S Foreign Person's U.S. Source Connected Income and Section 1446(f) With- liable for any interest and penalties for failure to Income Subject to Withholding holding, later). withhold. 1042-T 1042-T Annual Summary and Transmittal A withholding agent (defined next) is the Determination of amount to withhold. You of Forms 1042-S person responsible for withholding on payments must withhold on the gross amount subject to 13930 13930 Instructions on how to apply for a made to a foreign person. However, a withhold- chapter 3 withholding. You cannot reduce the Central Withholding Agreement ing agent that can reliably associate the pay- gross amount by any deductions. ment with documentation (discussed later) from If the determination of the source of the in- 13930-A 13930-A Application for Central a U.S. person is not required to withhold. In ad- come or the amount subject to tax depends on Withholding Agreement Less than dition, a withholding agent may apply a reduced facts that are not known at the time of payment, $10,000 rate of withholding (including an exemption you must withhold an amount sufficient to en- 8233 8233 Exemption From Withholding on from withholding) if it can reliably associate the sure that at least 30% of the amount subse- Compensation for Independent (and payment with documentation from a beneficial quently determined to be subject to withholding Certain Dependent) Personal owner that is a foreign person entitled to a re- is withheld. In no case, however, should you Services of a Nonresident Alien duced rate of withholding. withhold more than 30% of the total amount paid. You may elect to hold 30% of the payment Individual If an amount subject to chapter 3 withhold- in escrow until the earlier of the date that the 8288 8288 U.S. Withholding Tax Return for ing is also a withholdable payment and chap- amount of income from U.S. sources or the tax- Certain Dispositions by Foreign ter 4 withholding is applied to the payment, no able amount can be determined or 1 year from Persons withholding is required under chapter 3. See the date the amount is placed in escrow, at Chapter 4 Withholding Requirements, later. 8288-A 8288-A Statement of Withholding on which time the withholding becomes due, or, to Certain Dispositions by Foreign the extent that withholding is not required, the Persons Withholding Agent escrowed amount must be paid to the payee. 8288-B 8288-B Application for Withholding When to withhold. Withholding is required at Certificate for Dispositions by Foreign Chapter 3 the time you make a payment of an amount Persons of U.S. Real Property Withholding Requirements subject to withholding. A payment is made to a Interests person if that person realizes income, whether You are a withholding agent if you are a U.S. or 8288-C 8288-C Statement of Withholding Under foreign person, in whatever capacity acting, that or not there is an actual transfer of cash or other Section 1446(f)(4) on Dispositions by has control, receipt, custody, disposal, or pay- property. A payment is considered made to a Foreign Persons of Partnership ment of an amount subject to chapter 3 with- person if it is paid for that person's benefit. For Interests holding. A withholding agent may be an individ- example, a payment made to a creditor of a 8966 8966 FATCA Report ual, corporation, partnership, trust, association, person in satisfaction of that person's debt to nominee (under section 1446), or any other en- the creditor is considered made to the person. See How To Get Tax Help at the end of this tity, including any foreign intermediary, foreign A payment is also considered made to a person publication for information about getting publi- partnership, or U.S. branch of certain foreign if it is made to that person's agent. cations and forms. banks and insurance companies. You may be a A U.S. partnership should withhold when withholding agent even if there is no require- any distributions that include amounts subject ment to withhold from a payment or even if an- to withholding are made. However, if a foreign Withholding of Tax other person has withheld the required amount partner's distributive share of income subject to from the payment. withholding is not actually distributed, the U.S. partnership must withhold on the foreign part- In most cases, a foreign person is subject to ner's distributive share of the income on the U.S. tax on its U.S. source income. Most types Although several persons may be withhold- of U.S. source income received by a foreign ing agents for a single payment, the full tax is earlier of the date that a Schedule K-1 (Form person are subject to U.S. tax of 30%. A re- required to be withheld only once. In most ca- 1065) is furnished or mailed to the partner or duced rate, including exemption, may apply if ses, the U.S. person who pays an amount sub- the due date for furnishing that schedule. If the there is a tax treaty between the foreign per- ject to chapter 3 withholding is the person re- distributable amount consists of effectively con- son's country of residence and the United sponsible for withholding. However, other nected income (ECI), see Partnership Withhold- States. The tax is generally withheld (chapter 3 persons may be required to withhold. For exam- ing on Effectively Connected Income, later. withholding) from the payment made to the for- ple, a payment made by a flow-through entity or eign person. nonqualified intermediary (NQI) that knows, or A U.S. trust is required to withhold on the has reason to know, that the full amount of amount includible in the gross income of a for- The term “chapter 3 withholding” is used in chapter 3 withholding was not done by the per- eign beneficiary to the extent the trust's distrib- this publication descriptively to refer to with- son from which it receives a payment is re- utable net income consists of an amount sub- holding required under sections 1441, 1442, quired to do the appropriate withholding since it ject to withholding. To the extent a U.S. trust is and 1443. In most cases, chapter 3 withholding also falls within the definition of a withholding required to distribute an amount subject to with- describes the withholding regime that requires agent. In addition, withholding must be done by holding but does not actually distribute the Publication 515 (2023) Page 3 |
Page 4 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. amount, it must withhold on the foreign benefi- when to withhold as those described in Chap- Entities on Form 1099 in the General Instruc- ciary's allocable share at the time the income is ter 3 Withholding Requirements, earlier, also tions for Certain Information Returns. required to be reported on Form 1042-S. apply for chapter 4. Foreign persons who provide a valid TIP Form W-8 (or applicable documentary Chapter 4 Forms 1042 and 1042-S evidence when permitted in lieu of a Withholding Requirements Reporting Obligations Form W-8) are exempt from backup withholding and Form 1099 reporting. You are a withholding agent for purposes of You are required to report payments subject to chapter 4 if you are a U.S. or foreign person, in chapter 3 withholding on Form 1042-S and to Form 8966 reporting. For chapter 4 purpo- whatever capacity you are acting, that has con- file a tax return on Form 1042. (See Returns ses, you may be required to report on Form trol, receipt, custody, disposal, or payment of a Required, later.) You are also required to report 8966, FATCA Report, if you make a withholda- withholdable payment. Similar rules for deter- withholdable payments to which chapter 4 with- ble payment to an entity you agree to treat as mining who is a withholding agent as those de- holding was (or should have been) applied on an owner-documented FFI or to a passive scribed in Chapter 3 Withholding Require- Form 1042-S and to file a tax return on Form NFFE. See Returns Required, later. ments, earlier, also apply for chapter 4. For 1042 to report the payments. An exception from purposes of chapter 4, a withholding agent in- reporting may apply for chapter 3 purposes to Wages paid to employees. If you are the em- cludes a participating foreign financial institution individuals who are not required to withhold ployer of a nonresident alien, you must gener- (FFI) (including a reporting Model 2 FFI) or reg- from a payment and who do not make the pay- ally withhold taxes at graduated rates. See Pay istered deemed-compliant FFI to the extent ment in the course of their trade or business. A for Personal Services Performed, later. such FFI makes a withholdable payment. similar exception from reporting for chapter 4 purposes may apply to an individual making a Effectively connected income by partner- Under chapter 4 a withholding agent that withholdable payment outside the course of the ships. A withholding agent that is a partnership makes a withholdable payment to a payee that individual’s trade or business (including as an (whether U.S. or foreign) is also responsible for is an FFI must withhold 30% on the payment agent with respect to making or receiving such withholding on its income effectively connected unless the withholding agent is able to treat the payment). with a U.S. trade or business that is allocable to FFI as a participating FFI deemed-compliant , foreign partners. In the case of a publicly traded FFI, or exempt beneficial owner. A withholding partnership, however, either the partnership or agent must also withhold 30% on a withholda- Withholding and a nominee may be responsible for this withhold- ble payment made to a payee that is a foreign Reporting Obligations ing, as applied to distributions by the partner- entity other than an FFI (that is, a nonfinancial (Other Than Forms 1042 ship (PTP distributions). See Partnership With- foreign entity, or NFFE) that fails to identify its holding on Effectively Connected Income, later, substantial U.S. owners (or certify that it does and 1042-S Reporting for for more information. not have any substantial U.S. owners) unless Chapter 3 or 4 purposes) the payment is excepted from withholding un- Transfers of interests in partnerships en- der the regulations to section 1472. A participat- Form 1099 reporting and backup withhold- gaged in the conduct of a U.S. trade or ing FFI is a withholding agent under chapter 4 ing. You may also be responsible as a payer business. A withholding agent is also respon- and is required to withhold on a withholdable for reporting payments to a U.S. person, gener- sible for withholding on the amount realized on payment to the extent required under the FFI ally on Form 1099. You must withhold 24% the transfer by a foreign partner of an interest in agreement, including on a payment made to an (backup withholding rate) from certain reporta- a partnership (domestic or foreign) engaged in account holder that the FFI is required to treat ble payments made to a U.S. person that is the conduct of a U.S. trade or business. See as a recalcitrant account holder. A reporting subject to Form 1099 reporting if any of the fol- Section 1446(f) Withholding, later, for more in- Model 1 FFI is required to withhold under chap- lowing apply. formation, including withholding requirements ter 4 to the extent required in the applicable In- • The U.S. person has not provided its tax- applicable to brokers effecting transfers of PTP tergovernmental Agreement (IGA). A registered payer identification number (TIN) in the interests. deemed-compliant FFI (other than a reporting manner required. Model 1 FFI) is required to withhold under • The IRS notifies you that the TIN furnished U.S. real property interest (USRPI). A with- chapter 4 to the extent required under the con- by the payee is incorrect. holding agent may also be responsible for with- ditions applicable to its registered • There has been a notified payee underre- holding if a foreign person transfers a USRPI to deemed-compliant FFI status. See Regulations porting. the agent, or if it is a corporation, partnership, section 1.1471-5(f)(1) for a description of the • There has been a payee certification fail- trust, or estate that distributes a USRPI to a types of registered deemed-compliant FFIs that ure. shareholder, partner, or beneficiary that is a for- may have withholding requirements. In most cases, a TIN must be provided by a eign person. See U.S. Real Property Interest, U.S. nonexempt recipient (a U.S. person sub- later. Generally, a withholdable payment is a pay- ject to Form 1099 reporting) on Form W-9. ment of U.S. source fixed or determinable an- A payer files a tax return on Form 945 to re- nual or periodical (FDAP) income. Specific ex- port backup withholding. Persons Subject ceptions to withholdable payments apply You may be required to file Form 1099 and, instead of the exemptions from withholding or if appropriate, backup withhold, even if you do to Chapter 3 or taxation provided under chapter 3. See Income not make the payments directly to that U.S. per- Chapter 4 Withholding Subject to Withholding, later, for more informa- son. For example, you are required to report in- tion on payments of U.S. source FDAP income come paid to a foreign intermediary or Chapter 3 withholding applies only to payments that are excepted from the definition of with- flow-through entity that collects for a U.S. per- made to a payee that is a foreign person. It holdable payment. son subject to Form 1099 reporting. However, does not apply to payments made to U.S. per- If a withholding agent makes a payment you may not be required to report on Form 1099 sons. subject to both chapter 4 withholding and chap- if you make a payment to a participating FFI or ter 3 withholding, the withholding agent must registered deemed-compliant FFI that provides Usually, you determine the payee's status apply the withholding provisions of chapter 4, a withholding statement allocating the payment as a U.S. or foreign person or, if you are making and need not withhold on the payment under to a chapter 4 withholding rate pool of U.S. pay- a withholdable payment to an entity (or are an chapter 3 to the extent that it has withheld under ees. See Identifying the Payee, later, for more FFI making a payment to an account holder), chapter 4. information. Also see Section S. Special Rules the payee's chapter 4 status, based on the doc- for Reporting Payments Made Through Foreign umentation that person provides. See Docu- Intermediaries and Foreign Flow-Through Similar rules for withholding agent liability for mentation, discussed later. However, if you tax, determination of amount to withhold, and have received no documentation or you cannot Page 4 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 5 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. reliably associate all or a part of a payment with you must treat the payment as made to a U.S. Chapter 4 payees. For purposes of chapter 4, documentation upon which you can rely, then person and not as a payment to a foreign per- however, a foreign entity that is a flow-through you must apply certain presumption rules, dis- son. You may be required to report the payment entity is a payee with respect to a payment cussed later. on Form 1099 and, if applicable, backup with- (other than income effectively connected with hold. the conduct of a U.S. trade or business) if the Chapter 4 withholding applies to withholda- flow-through entity is: ble payments made to an entity payee that is an Disregarded entities. In general, a business • An FFI that is not a participating FFI or FFI unless the withholding agent is able to treat entity that is not a corporation and that has a deemed-compliant FFI, or restricted dis- the FFI as a participating FFI, deemed-compli- single owner may be disregarded as an entity tributor (an entity that operates as a distrib- ant FFI, or exempt beneficial owner. Chapter 4 separate from its owner (a disregarded entity) utor that holds debt or equity interests in a withholding also applies to withholdable pay- for federal tax purposes. The payee of a pay- restricted fund as a nominee and meets ments made to a passive NFFE that fails to ment made to a disregarded entity is the owner the requirements described in Regulations identify its substantial U.S. owners (or certify of the entity. section 1.1471-5(f)(4)) receiving the pay- that it does not have any substantial U.S. own- If the owner of the entity is a foreign person, ment on behalf of its owners (in such a ers). You must establish the payee’s chapter 4 you must apply chapter 3 withholding unless case, the entity is a nonparticipating FFI status to determine if withholding applies by ap- you can treat the foreign owner as a beneficial subject to withholding under chapter 4); or plying the documentation requirements of chap- owner entitled to a reduced rate of withholding. • An excepted NFFE that is not acting as an ter 4, generally by obtaining a Form W-8 (or, un- If the owner is a U.S. person, you do not ap- agent or intermediary with respect to the der an applicable IGA, a similar agreed form) ply chapter 3 withholding. However, you may be payment. associated with the payment, or other docu- required to report the payment on Form 1099 If you make a withholdable payment to a mentation for payments made outside of the and, if applicable, backup withhold. You may flow-through entity that is not one of the types United States on offshore obligations. See Reg- assume that a foreign entity is not a disregar- described above, you must treat the partner, ulations section 1.1471-3(d) for details on these ded entity unless you can reliably associate the beneficiary, or owner (as applicable) of the documentation requirements. Withholding un- payment with documentation provided by the flow-through entity as the payee for chapter 4 der chapter 4 also applies to account holders of owner or you have actual knowledge or reason purposes (similar to the determination of the a participating FFI or registered deemed-com- to know that the foreign entity is a disregarded payee for chapter 3 purposes) (looking through pliant FFI that the FFI is required to treat as re- entity. partners, beneficiaries, and owners that are calcitrant account holders. themselves flow-through entities that are not This section applies to both chapters 3 and Special chapter 4 rules. If you make a with- one of the types described above). 4 except where otherwise indicated and except holdable payment to a disregarded entity In most cases, you treat a payee as a where the text clearly applies to one or the other owned by an FFI, for chapter 4 purposes you flow-through entity if it provides you with a Form (for example, reduced rates and exemptions must determine whether you must treat the pay- W-8IMY (see Documentation, later) on which it under income tax treaties). ment as made to a payee that is a nonpartici- claims such status. You may also be required to pating FFI (to which chapter 4 withholding ap- treat the entity as a flow-through entity under plies) or a payee that is an FFI with another the presumption rules, discussed later. Identifying the Payee chapter 4 status (such as a participating FFI). If you make a withholdable payment to a disre- For purposes of chapter 3, you must deter- In most cases, the payee is the person to whom garded entity that is treated as a disregarded mine whether the owners or beneficiaries of a you make the payment, regardless of whether entity that is a branch of an FFI that cannot flow-through entity are U.S. or foreign persons, that person is the beneficial owner of the in- comply with the requirements of an applicable how much of the payment relates to each owner come. However, there are situations in which IGA or the regulations under chapter 4, you or beneficiary, and, if the owner or beneficiary is the payee is a person other than the one to must treat the payment as made to a nonpartici- foreign, whether a reduced rate of chapter 3 whom you actually make a payment. pating FFI and withhold 30% of the payment. withholding applies. For purposes of chapter 4, See the Instructions for Form W-8BEN-E for you must determine the chapter 4 status of the U.S. agent of foreign person. For purposes more information on payments to disregarded owners or beneficiaries of a flow-through entity of chapter 3, if you make a payment to a U.S. entities. (subject to the exceptions described above), how much of the payment relates to each owner person and you have actual knowledge that the or beneficiary, and whether withholding under U.S. person is receiving the payment as an Flow-Through Entities chapter 4 applies. You make these determina- agent of a foreign person, you must treat the tions based on the documentation and other in- payment as made to the foreign person. How- Chapter 3 payees. The payees of payments formation (contained in a withholding state- ever, if the U.S. person is a financial institution, (other than income effectively connected with a ment) that is associated with the flow-through you may treat the institution as the payee provi- U.S. trade or business and dispositions of inter- entity's Form W-8IMY. If you do not have all of ded you have no reason to believe that the insti- ests in partnerships engaged in a trade or busi- the information that is required to reliably asso- tution will not comply with its own obligation to ness within the United States) made to a foreign ciate a payment with a specific payee, you must withhold under chapter 3. flow-through entity are the owners or beneficia- apply the presumption rules. See Documenta- For chapter 4 purposes, if you make a with- ries of the flow-through entity. This rule applies tion and Presumption Rules, later. holdable payment to a U.S. person and you for purposes of chapter 3 withholding and for Withholding foreign partnerships and with- have actual knowledge that the U.S. person is Form 1099 reporting and backup withholding. holding foreign trusts are not flow-through enti- receiving the payment as an intermediary or Income that is, or is deemed to be, effectively ties. agent of a foreign person, you must treat the connected with the conduct of a U.S. trade or foreign person as the payee. However, if you business of a flow-through entity is treated as Foreign partnerships. A foreign partnership make a withholdable payment to a U.S. finan- paid to the entity. is any partnership (including an entity classified cial institution or a U.S. insurance broker (to the The following are flow-through entities. as a partnership) that is not organized under the extent the withholdable payment is a payment • A foreign partnership (other than a with- laws of any state of the United States or the Dis- of an insurance premium) that is receiving the holding foreign partnership). trict of Columbia or any partnership that is trea- payment as an intermediary or agent, you may • A foreign simple or foreign grantor trust ted as foreign under the income tax regulations. treat the financial institution or insurance broker (other than a withholding foreign trust). If a foreign partnership is not a withholding for- as the payee if you do not have reason to know eign partnership, the payees of income are the that the financial institution or insurance broker If the chapter 3 payee is a disregarded entity will not comply with its obligations to withhold or flow-through entity for U.S. tax purposes, but partners of the partnership, provided the part- under chapter 4. See Definitions, later, for the the payee is claiming treaty benefits, see Fis- ners are not themselves flow-through entities or definition of financial institution. cally transparent entities claiming treaty bene- foreign intermediaries. However, the payee is fits, later. the partnership itself if the partnership is claim- If the payment is not subject to chapter 3 ing treaty benefits on the basis that it is not withholding and is not a withholdable payment, Publication 515 (2023) Page 5 |
Page 6 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. treated as fiscally transparent in the treaty juris- associate the payment with a valid Form entity should provide a Form W-8BEN-E in such diction and that it meets all the other require- W-8IMY from the partnership on which it repre- circumstances. If, for chapter 3 purposes, the ments for claiming treaty benefits. If a partner is sents that it is a withholding foreign partnership. payee is a foreign corporation or other a foreign flow-through entity or a foreign inter- You must treat the partnership as the payee of non-flow-through entity for U.S. tax purposes, it mediary, you apply the payee determination the dividends for purposes of both chapter 3 is nonetheless not entitled to claim treaty bene- rules to that partner to determine the payees. and chapter 4, and you must determine the fits if the entity is fiscally transparent in its coun- For purposes of chapter 4, a foreign partner- chapter 4 status of the partnership. try of residence (that is, a foreign reverse hy- ship is a payee of a withholdable payment if the brid). Instead, any interest holder resident in partnership is a withholding foreign partnership Foreign simple and grantor trust. A trust is that country will derive its allocable share of the that is not acting as an agent or intermediary foreign unless it meets both of the following items of income paid to the foreign reverse hy- with respect to the payment. If the partnership is tests. brid and may be eligible for benefits. If an inter- not a withholding foreign partnership, the pay- • A court within the United States is able to est holder is a resident of a third country, the in- ees are the partners (looking through any part- exercise primary supervision over the ad- terest holder may claim treaty benefits under its ners that are flow-through entities that are not ministration of the trust. treaty with the United States, if any, only if the treated as payees under the chapter 4 regula- • One or more U.S. persons have the au- foreign reverse hybrid is fiscally transparent un- tions). thority to control all substantial decisions of der the laws of the third country. If an interest the trust. holder is entitled to treaty benefits under its Example 1. A nonwithholding foreign part- In most cases, a foreign simple trust is a for- country of residence, the payee may provide a nership has three partners: a nonresident alien eign trust that is required to distribute all of its Form W-8IMY and attach Form W-8BEN or individual, a foreign corporation, and a U.S. citi- income annually. A foreign grantor trust is a for- W-8BEN-E from any interest holder that claims zen. You make a payment of U.S. source inter- eign trust that is treated as a grantor trust under treaty benefits on such income. est to the partnership. Assume that the payment sections 671 through 679. The determination of whether an entity is fis- is subject to chapter 3 withholding but is not a The payees of a payment made to a foreign cally transparent is made on an item of income withholdable payment. The partnership gives simple trust are the beneficiaries of the trust. basis (that is, the determination is made sepa- you a Form W-8IMY with which it associates The payees of a payment made to a foreign rately for interest, dividends, royalties, etc.). An Form W-8BEN from the nonresident alien, Form grantor trust are the owners of the trust. How- interest holder in an entity makes the determi- W-8BEN-E from the foreign corporation, and ever, the payee is the foreign simple or grantor nation by applying the laws of the jurisdiction Form W-9 from the U.S. citizen. The partnership trust itself if the trust is claiming treaty benefits where the interest holder is organized, incorpo- also gives you a complete withholding state- on the basis that it is not fiscally transparent and rated, or otherwise considered a resident. An ment that enables you to associate a part of the that it meets all the other requirements for entity is considered to be fiscally transparent interest payment to each partner. claiming treaty benefits. If the beneficiaries or with respect to the income to the extent the You must treat all three partners as the pay- owners are themselves flow-through entities or laws of that jurisdiction require the interest ees of their part of the interest payment as if the foreign intermediaries, you apply the payee de- holder to separately take into account on a cur- payment were made directly to them. Report termination rules to that beneficiary or owner to rent basis the interest holder's share of the in- the payments to the nonresident alien and the determine the payees. come, whether or not distributed to the interest foreign corporation on Forms 1042-S. Report holder, and the character and source of the in- the payment to the U.S. citizen on Form Example. A foreign simple trust has three come to the interest holder are determined as if 1099-INT. You do not need to determine the beneficiaries: two nonresident alien individuals the income was realized directly from the chapter 4 status of the partnership because the and a U.S. citizen. You make a payment of U.S. source that paid it to the entity. Subject to the payment is not a withholdable payment. source interest to the foreign trust. Assume that Standards of Knowledge for Purposes of Chap- the payment is subject to chapter 3 withholding ter 3 and Standards of Knowledge for Purposes Example 2. A nonwithholding foreign part- but is not a withholdable payment. The foreign of Chapter 4, discussed later, you generally nership has two partners: a foreign corporation trust gives you a Form W-8IMY with which it as- make the determination that an entity is fiscally and a nonwithholding foreign partnership. The sociates Forms W-8BEN from the nonresident transparent based on a Form W-8IMY provided second partnership has two partners, both non- aliens and a Form W-9 from the U.S. citizen. by the entity. resident alien individuals. You make a payment The trust also gives you a complete withholding For chapter 3 purposes, the payees of a of U.S. source interest to the first partnership. statement that enables you to associate the in- payment made to a fiscally transparent entity Assume that the payment is subject to chap- terest payment with the forms provided by each are the interest holders of the entity if the inter- ter 3 withholding but is not a withholdable pay- beneficiary. You must treat all three beneficia- est holders are claiming treaty benefits with re- ment. The partnership gives you a valid Form ries as the payees of their part of the interest spect to the payment. W-8IMY with which it associates a Form payment as if the payment were made directly For chapter 4 purposes, if you are making a W-8BEN-E from the foreign corporation and a to them. Report the payment to the nonresident withholdable payment to a fiscally transparent Form W-8IMY from the second partnership. In aliens on Forms 1042-S. Report the payment to entity, you must apply the rules of chapter 4 to addition, Forms W-8BEN from the partners are the U.S. citizen on Form 1099-INT. You do not determine the payee (applying the rules descri- associated with the Form W-8IMY from the sec- need to establish the chapter 4 status of the bed earlier) and whether chapter 4 withholding ond partnership. The Forms W-8IMY from the trust because the payment is not a withholdable applies to the payment based on the payee’s partnerships have complete withholding state- payment. chapter 4 status. Thus, chapter 4 withholding ments associated with them. Because you can may apply to a withholdable payment made to a reliably associate a part of the interest payment Fiscally transparent entities claiming treaty fiscally transparent entity based on the chap- with the Form W-8BEN-E provided by the for- benefits. For purposes of claiming treaty ben- ter 4 status of the entity even when the interest eign corporation and the Forms W-8BEN provi- efits, if an entity is fiscally transparent for U.S. holders in the entity would be eligible for re- ded by the nonresident alien individual partners tax purposes (for example, a disregarded entity duced withholding under an income tax treaty as a result of the withholding statements, you or flow-through entity for U.S. tax purposes) and with respect to the payment. Treaty benefits must treat them as the payees of the interest. the entity is or is treated as a resident of a treaty may be granted to the interest holder when the You do not need to determine the chapter 4 sta- country, it will derive the item of income and payment made is not subject to chapter 4 with- tus of the partnership because the payment is may be eligible for treaty benefits. In such case, holding based on the chapter 4 status of both not a withholdable payment. the entity is the payee for chapter 3 purposes. It the entity and the interest holder. does not need to be taxed on such item, but the Example 3. You make a payment of U.S. item must be accounted for as the entity's in- Example. Entity A is a business organiza- source dividends to a withholding foreign part- come, not the interest holders' income, under tion organized under the laws of country X that nership. Assume that the payment is subject to the law of the treaty country whose treaty it is in- has an income tax treaty in force with the United chapter 3 withholding and is not a withholdable voking. It must also meet any other require- States. A has two interest holders, B and C. B is payment. The partnership has two partners, ments for claiming benefits, including a limita- a corporation organized under the laws of coun- both foreign corporations. You can reliably tion on benefits article, if any, in the treaty. The try Y. C is a corporation organized under the Page 6 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 7 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. laws of country Z. Both countries Y and Z have purposes of chapter 4, you must generally de- responsibility for a payment. In this situation, an income tax treaty in force with the United termine the chapter 4 status of the account the QI is required to withhold the tax. You can States. holders of a foreign intermediary if the payment determine whether a QI has assumed responsi- A receives royalty income from U.S. sources is a withholdable payment. The determination bility from the Form W-8IMY provided by the QI. that is not effectively connected with the con- for chapter 3 purposes is not required when A payment to a QI to the extent it does not duct of a trade or business in the United States withholding applies under chapter 4 (that is, assume primary chapters 3 and 4 withholding and that is not a withholdable payment. The when the chapter 4 status of the foreign inter- responsibility is considered made to the person chapter 4 status of A does not need to be deter- mediary is a nonparticipating FFI or an entity or on whose behalf the QI acts. If a QI does not mined because the payment is not a withholda- branch treated as a nonparticipating FFI under assume Form 1099 reporting and backup with- ble payment. an applicable IGA). You make these determina- holding responsibility, you must report on Form For U.S. income tax purposes, A is treated tions based on the foreign intermediary's Form 1099 and, if applicable, backup withhold as if as a partnership. Country X treats A as a part- W-8IMY and associated information and docu- you were making the payment directly to the nership and requires the interest holders in A to mentation. If you do not have all of the informa- U.S. person. See Qualified Intermediary (QI), separately take into account on a current basis tion or documentation that is required to reliably later, for a discussion of withholding rate pools their respective shares of the income paid to A associate a payment with a payee, you must and when a QI may include a U.S. nonexempt even if the income is not distributed. The laws apply the presumption rules of chapter 3, and recipient in a U.S. payee pool. of country X provide that the character and must apply the presumption rules of chapter 4 Additionally, starting January 1, 2023, a QI source of the income to A's interest holders are to the foreign intermediary if the chapter 4 sta- may also assume primary withholding responsi- determined as if the income were realized di- tus of the entity (when required) cannot be de- bilities with respect to PTP distributions (includ- rectly from the source that paid it to A. Accord- termined. See Documentation and Presumption ing withholding under section 1446(a)) and ingly, A is fiscally transparent in its jurisdiction, Rules, later. transfers of PTP interests for section 1446(f) country X. purposes. For discussion of those provisions, B and C are not fiscally transparent under Special rule for chapter 4. For purposes of see Publicly Traded Partnership Distributions the laws of their respective countries of incorpo- chapter 4, a foreign person acting as an inter- (PTP Distributions) and Section 1446(f): PTP ration. Country Y requires B to separately take mediary is generally not the payee if the foreign Interests, later. into account on a current basis B's share of the person is: income paid to A, and the character and source • An NFFE, unless the NFFE is a QI that has Qualified derivatives dealers (QDDs). of the income to B is determined as if the in- assumed primary chapters 3 and 4 with- For the definition of QDD, see Qualified deriva- come were realized directly from the source holding responsibility; or tives dealer (QDD), later. For QDD liability, see that paid it to A. Accordingly, A is fiscally trans- • A participating FFI, deemed-compliant FFI, Amounts paid to QDDs, later. parent for that income under the laws of country or restricted distributor, unless such entity Y, and B is treated as deriving its share of the is a QI that has assumed primary chapters Branches of financial institutions. U.S. source royalty income for purposes of the 3 and 4 withholding responsibility. Branches of financial institutions are not permit- ted to operate as QIs if they are located outside U.S.–Y income tax treaty. Country Z, on the If you make a withholdable payment to one of countries having approved “know-your-cus- other hand, treats A as a corporation and does of the types of entities described above, the tomer” (KYC) rules. The countries with ap- not require C to take into account its share of payee is the person for whom the agent or inter- proved KYC rules are listed at A's income on a current basis whether or not mediary collects the payment. Businesses/International-Businesses/List-of- distributed. Therefore, A is not treated as fis- Approved-KYC-Rules. cally transparent under the laws of country Z. Nonqualified intermediary (NQI). An NQI is Accordingly, C is not treated as deriving its any intermediary that is a foreign person and QI agreement. FFIs, foreign clearing or- share of the U.S. source royalty income for pur- that is not a QI. The payees of a payment made ganizations, and foreign branches of U.S. finan- poses of the U.S.–Z income tax treaty. to an NQI for both chapter 3 and chapter 4 pur- cial institutions or clearing organizations can poses are the customers or account holders on enter into an agreement with the IRS to become Foreign Intermediaries whose behalf the NQI is acting. a QI. An eligible entity (as defined in Regula- tions section 1.1441-1(e)(6)(ii)) may also enter In most cases, if you make payments to a for- Example. You make a payment of interest into a QI agreement for purposes of becoming a eign intermediary, the payees are the persons to a foreign bank that is an NQI. Assume the QDD. To enter into a QI agreement, an FFI for whom the foreign intermediary collects the payment is subject to chapter 3 withholding but must have a chapter 4 status as: payment, such as account holders or custom- is not a withholdable payment. The bank gives • A participating FFI (including a reporting ers, not the intermediary itself. This rule applies you a Form W-8IMY, the Forms W-8BEN of two Model 2 FFI); for purposes of chapter 3 withholding and for foreign persons, and a Form W-9 from a U.S. • A registered deemed-compliant FFI (in- Form 1099 reporting and backup withholding person for whom the bank is collecting the pay- cluding a reporting Model 1 FFI and a non- and chapter 4 withholding, provided the inter- ments. The bank also associates with its Form reporting Model 2 FFI treated as registered mediary is not a nonparticipating FFI to which W-8IMY a withholding statement on which it al- deemed-compliant); or you make a withholdable payment to which locates the interest payment and provides all • An FFI treated as a deemed-compliant FFI chapter 4 withholding applies. You may, how- other information required to be on the with- under an applicable Model 1 IGA that is ever, treat a QI that has assumed primary with- holding statement. The account holders are the subject to similar due diligence and report- holding responsibility for a payment as the payees of the interest payment. You should re- ing requirements with respect to U.S. ac- payee, and you are not required to withhold. port the part of the interest paid to the two for- counts as those applicable to a registered eign persons on Forms 1042-S and the part deemed-compliant FFI (a “registered An intermediary is a custodian, broker, nom- paid to the U.S. person on Form 1099-INT. You deemed-compliant Model 1 IGA FFI”). inee, or any other person that acts as an agent do not need to establish the chapter 4 status of Certain foreign corporations that are NFFEs for another person. A foreign intermediary is ei- the NQI because the payment is not a withhold- acting on behalf of persons other than share- ther a QI or an NQI. In most cases, you deter- able payment. holders or foreign central banks of issue may mine whether an entity is a QI or an NQI based also apply to the IRS to become QIs. on the representations the intermediary makes Qualified intermediary (QI). A QI is generally See Revenue Procedure 2022-43, 2022-52 on Form W-8IMY. a foreign intermediary (or foreign branch of a I.R.B. 570, available at U.S. intermediary) that has entered into a QI 2022-43_IRB#RP-2022-52, for more informa- For purposes of chapter 3, you must deter- agreement (discussed later) with the IRS. Cer- tion on becoming a QI. mine whether the customers or account holders tain entities may also act as QIs even when they An entity may apply for QI status at of a foreign intermediary are U.S. or foreign per- are not intermediaries. You may treat a QI as a Businesses/Corporations/Qualified- sons and, if the account holder or customer is payee to the extent it assumes primary chapters Intermediary-System. foreign, whether a reduced rate of, or exemp- 3 and 4 withholding responsibility or primary tion from, chapter 3 withholding applies. For Form 1099 reporting and backup withholding Publication 515 (2023) Page 7 |
Page 8 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Note. A QI (other than an NFFE acting on the payment as a payment to a foreign person A WP or WT that is an FFI (other than a re- behalf of persons other than shareholders and of income that is effectively connected with the tirement fund) must also register with the IRS at certain central banks) must also register at conduct of a trade or business in the United to obtain its applicable chap- States. If you cannot reliably associate the pay- Foreign-Financial-Institution-Registration- ter 4 status and global intermediary identifica- ment with a Form W-8IMY from the U.S. branch System to obtain its applicable chapter 4 status tion number (GIIN). and you have not obtained an EIN for the and GIIN. branch, you should treat the payment as a pay- Documentation requirements. For docu- ment to a foreign person of income that is not Documentation. A WP or WT must pro- mentation requirements applicable to payments effectively connected with the conduct of a vide you with a Form W-8IMY that certifies that made to QIs, for chapter 3 and 4 purposes, see trade or business in the United States. the WP or WT is acting in that capacity and pro- Responsibilities and Documentation, discussed vides all other information and certifications re- later under Qualified Intermediary (QI). Withholding foreign partnership and with- quired by the form, including its WP-EIN or Reporting requirements. For the report- holding foreign trust. A withholding foreign WT-EIN. When you make a withholdable pay- ing requirements of QIs, see Form 1042-S re- partnership (WP) is any foreign partnership that ment to a WP or WT, the WP or WT generally porting and Collective refund procedures, dis- has entered into a WP agreement with the IRS may also provide a certificate of a chapter 4 sta- cussed later under Qualified Intermediary (QI). and is acting in that capacity with respect to its tus permitted of a WP or WT (and GIIN, if appli- partners. A withholding foreign trust (WT) is a cable). The WP or WT, when acting in such ca- U.S. branches of foreign banks and foreign foreign simple or grantor trust that has entered pacity, is not required to provide a withholding insurance companies. Special rules apply to into a WT agreement with the IRS and is acting statement and is not required to disclose any in- a U.S. branch of a foreign bank subject to Fed- in that capacity with respect to its owners and formation regarding its direct partners, benefi- eral Reserve Board supervision or a foreign in- beneficiaries. In order to enter into a WP or WT ciaries, or owners, or any indirect partner, bene- surance company subject to state regulatory agreement with the IRS, a WP or WT that is an ficiary, or owner for which it acts as a WP or WT supervision. If you make a payment of an FFI must have chapter 4 status as a: that is not a U.S. nonexempt recipient (except amount subject to chapter 3 withholding or a • Participating FFI (including a reporting for a U.S. nonexempt recipient included in a withholdable payment to a U.S. branch of a for- Model 2 FFI), chapter 4 withholding rate pool of U.S. payees). eign bank or insurance company that agrees to • Registered-deemed compliant FFI (includ- A chapter 4 withholding rate pool also means a be treated as a U.S. person, you may treat the ing a reporting Model 1 FFI and a nonrep- payment of a single type of income that is allo- U.S. branch as a payee that is a U.S. person, orting Model 2 FFI treated as registered cated to U.S. payees when the WP provides the provided you receive a Form W-8IMY from the deemed compliant), certification required on Form W-8IMY for allo- U.S. branch that you can reliably associate with • Registered deemed-compliant Model 1 cating payments to this pool. When a WP or WT the payment. If you treat the branch as a U.S. IGA FFI, or is not acting as a WP or WT with respect to an person, you are not required to withhold on an • Retirement fund. amount distributed to, or included in the distrib- utive share of, an indirect partner, beneficiary, amount subject to chapter 3 withholding or a A WP or WT that is an NFFE may also enter or owner, it must provide you with a nonwith- withholdable payment. Even though you agree into a WP or WT agreement with the IRS. An holding foreign partnership or nonwithholding to treat the branch as a U.S. person, you must FFI that is a foreign reverse hybrid entity may foreign trust withholding certificate on a Form report the payments made to the branch on apply to enter into a WP agreement, provided W-8IMY and documentation for its indirect part- Form 1042-S. that the FFI is a participating FFI, a registered ners, beneficiaries, and owners that are not in- A territory financial institution is a financial deemed-compliant FFI, or a registered cluded in a chapter 4 withholding rate pool. institution as defined for chapter 4 purposes deemed-compliant Model 1 IGA FFI. (except when it is an investment entity that is A WP or WT must act in that capacity for re- not also a depository institution, custodial insti- portable amounts that are distributed to, or in- Foreign Persons tution, or specified insurance company) incor- cluded in the distributive share of, its direct part- porated or organized under the laws of a pos- ners, beneficiaries, or owners. A WP or WT Rules relevant to chapters 3 and 4. A payee session of the United States. A territory financial may act in that capacity for reportable amounts is subject to withholding only if it is a foreign institution that is an intermediary or flow-through that are distributed to, or included in the distrib- person. A foreign person includes a nonresi- entity is treated as a U.S. branch that agrees to utive share of, its indirect partners, beneficia- dent alien individual, foreign corporation, for- be treated as a U.S. person. The special rules ries, or owners that are not U.S. nonexempt re- eign partnership, foreign trust, foreign estate, described in this section apply to a territory fi- cipients (except for a U.S. nonexempt recipient and any other person that is not a U.S. person. nancial institution. that is included in a chapter 4 withholding rate It also includes a foreign branch of a U.S. finan- If you are paying a U.S. branch an amount pool of U.S. payees). A WP or WT acting in that cial institution if the foreign branch is a QI. In that is not subject to chapter 3 withholding and capacity must assume primary chapters 3 and 4 most cases, the U.S. branch of a foreign corpo- is not a withholdable payment, treat the pay- withholding responsibility for payments subject ration or partnership is treated as a foreign per- ment as made to a foreign person, irrespective to withholding and must assume certain report- son. The determination of whether a foreign of any agreement to treat the branch as a U.S. ing requirements with respect to its U.S. part- person is treated as an entity (i.e., as opposed person for such amounts. Consequently, ners, beneficiaries, and owners. You may treat to being disregarded as separate from its amounts not subject to chapter 3 withholding a WP or WT as a payee if it has provided you owner), or as a foreign corporation, foreign part- and that are not withholdable payments that are with documentation (discussed later) that repre- nership, or foreign trust is made under U.S. tax paid to a U.S. branch are not subject to Form sents that it is acting as a WP or WT for such rules. 1099 reporting or backup withholding. amounts. If an amount is both a withholdable payment Alternatively, a U.S. branch may provide you See Revenue Procedure 2017-21, 2017-6 and an amount subject to chapter 3 withholding with a Form W-8IMY with which it associates I.R.B. 791, available at and the withholding agent withholds under the documentation of the persons on whose be- 2017-06_IRB#RP-2017-21, for more informa- chapter 4, it may credit this amount against any half it acts. In this situation, the U.S. branch is tion on becoming a WP or WT. tax due under chapter 3. not treated as a U.S. person, and the payees are the persons on whose behalf the branch WP agreement and WT agreement. The Nonresident alien. A nonresident alien is an acts provided you can reliably associate the WP agreement and WT agreement and the ap- individual who is not a U.S. citizen or a resident payment with valid documentation from those plication procedures for the agreements are in alien. A resident of a foreign country under the persons. See Nonqualified Intermediary (NQI) Revenue Procedure 2017-21, earlier. An entity residence article of an income tax treaty is a under Documentation, later. applies for WP or WT status at nonresident alien individual for purposes of If you cannot reliably associate the payment Businesses/Corporations/Qualified- withholding. with a Form W-8IMY from the U.S. branch but Intermediary-System. The WP or WT will be as- you have obtained an employer identification signed a WP-EIN or WT-EIN to be used only Married to U.S. citizen or resident alien. number (EIN) for the branch, you should treat when acting in that capacity. Nonresident alien individuals married to U.S. citizens or resident aliens may choose to be Page 8 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 9 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. treated as resident aliens for certain income tax States or under the laws of the United States, You must withhold tax on the unrelated busi- purposes. However, these individuals are still any of its states, or the District of Columbia. ness income (as described in Pub. 598) of for- subject to the chapter 3 withholding rules that eign tax-exempt organizations in the same way apply to nonresident aliens for all income ex- Guam or CNMI corporations. A corpora- that you would withhold tax on similar income of cept wages. Wages paid to these individuals tion created or organized in, or under the laws nonexempt organizations when the organiza- are subject to graduated withholding. See Wa- of, Guam or the CNMI is not considered a for- tion does not provide you a Form W-8ECI to ges Paid to Employees—Graduated Withhold- eign corporation for the purpose of withholding certify that the income is effectively connected ing, later. tax for the tax year if: with a U.S. trade or business of the organiza- • At all times during the tax year less than tion. Resident alien. A resident alien is an individ- 25% in value of the corporation's stock is ual who is not a citizen or national of the United owned, directly or indirectly, by foreign per- U.S. branches of foreign persons. In most States and who meets either the green card test sons; and cases, a payment to a U.S. branch of a foreign or the substantial presence test for the calendar • At least 20% of the corporation's gross in- person is a payment made to the foreign per- year. come is derived from sources within Guam son. However, you may treat payments to U.S. • Green card test. An alien is a resident or the CNMI for the 3-year period ending branches of foreign banks and foreign insur- alien if the individual was a lawful perma- with the close of the preceding tax year of ance companies (discussed earlier) that are nent resident of the United States at any the corporation (or the period the corpora- subject to U.S. regulatory supervision as pay- time during the calendar year. This is tion has been in existence, if less). ments made to a U.S. person, if you and the known as the green card test because Note. The provisions discussed below un- U.S. branch have agreed to do so, and if their these aliens hold immigrant visas (also der USVI and American Samoa corporations agreement is evidenced by a withholding certifi- known as green cards). will apply to Guam or CNMI corporations when cate, Form W-8IMY. For this purpose, a territory • Substantial presence test. An alien is an implementing agreement is in effect between financial institution acting as an intermediary or considered a resident alien if the individual the United States and that possession. that is a flow-through entity is treated as a U.S. meets the substantial presence test for the branch. calendar year. Under this test, the individ- USVI and American Samoa corpora- ual must be physically present in the Uni- tions. A corporation created or organized in, or Additional Rules ted States on at least: under the laws of, the USVI or American Samoa Specific to Chapter 4 is not considered a foreign corporation for the 1. 31 days during the current calendar year; purposes of withholding tax for the tax year if: A payee may be subject to chapter 4 withhold- and • At all times during the tax year less than ing only if it is a foreign entity. A foreign entity 2. 183 days during the current year and the 2 25% in value of the corporation's stock is for chapter 4 purposes means any entity that is preceding years, counting all the days of owned, directly or indirectly, by foreign per- not a U.S. person and includes a territory entity physical presence in the current year, but sons; as defined in Regulations section 1.1471-1(b) only / the number of days of presence in 1 3 • At least 65% of the corporation's gross in- (129). the first preceding year, and only / the 1 6 come is effectively connected with the con- number of days in the second preceding duct of a trade or business in the USVI, A foreign entity is subject to chapter 4 with- year. American Samoa, Guam, the CNMI, or the holding if it is a nonparticipating FFI or a pas- United States for the 3-year period ending sive NFFE that does not provide the appropri- In most cases, the days the alien is in the with the close of the tax year of the corpo- ate certification regarding its substantial U.S. United States as a teacher, student, or trainee ration (or the period the corporation or any owners. A nonparticipating FFI is an FFI other on an “F,” “J,” “M,” or “Q” visa are not counted. predecessor has been in existence, if than a participating FFI deemed-compliant FFI, , This exception is for a limited period of time. less); and or exempt beneficial owner. See Definitions, For more information on resident and non- • No substantial part of the income of the later, for the definitions of these terms. resident status, the tests for residence, and the corporation is used, directly or indirectly, to exceptions to them, see Pub. 519. satisfy obligations to a person who is not a A passive NFFE is: Note. If your employee is late in notifying bona fide resident of the USVI, American • An NFFE other than a publicly traded cor- you that his or her status changed from nonresi- Samoa, Guam, the CNMI, or the United poration, dent alien to resident alien, you may have to States. • Certain affiliated entities related to a pub- licly traded corporation, make an adjustment to Form 941 if that em- Foreign private foundations. A private foun- • Certain territory entities, ployee was exempt from withholding of social dation that was created or organized under the • Active NFFEs, or security and Medicare taxes as a nonresident laws of a foreign country is a foreign private • Excluded FFIs. alien. For more information on making adjust- foundation. Gross investment income from ments, see chapter 13 of Pub. 15 (Circular E) . sources within the United States paid to a quali- For chapter 4 purposes, a U.S. person does Resident of a U.S. possession. A bona fied foreign private foundation is subject to with- not include a foreign insurance company that fide resident of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Is- holding at a 4% rate (unless exempted by a has made an election under section 953(d) if it lands (USVI), Guam, the Commonwealth of the treaty) rather than the ordinary statutory 30% is a specified insurance company and is not li- Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), or American rate. censed to do business in any state. Notwith- Samoa who is not a U.S. citizen or a U.S. na- standing the foregoing, a withholding agent tional is treated as a nonresident alien for the Other foreign organizations, associations, should treat such entity as a U.S. person for withholding rules explained here. A bona fide and charitable institutions. An organization purposes of documenting the entity’s status for resident of a possession is someone who: may be exempt from income tax under section purposes of chapters 3 and 4. • Meets the presence test, 501(a) and chapter 4 withholding tax even if it • Does not have a tax home outside the pos- was formed under foreign law. In most cases, session, and you do not have to withhold tax on payments of • Does not have a closer connection to the income to these foreign tax-exempt organiza- Documentation United States or to a foreign country than tions unless the IRS has determined that they to the possession. are foreign private foundations. Documentation for Chapter 3 For more information, see Pub. 570. Payments to these organizations, however, must be reported on Form 1042-S if the pay- For purposes of chapter 3, in most cases, you Foreign corporations. A foreign corporation ment is subject to chapter 3 withholding, even must withhold 30% from the gross amount paid is one that does not fit the definition of a domes- though no tax is withheld. tic corporation. A domestic corporation is one that was created or organized in the United Publication 515 (2023) Page 9 |
Page 10 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. to a foreign payee unless you can reliably asso- status. For the requirements for documentary all of the payees, you must generally presume ciate the payment with valid documentation that evidence, see Regulations section 1.1471-3(c) the payment is made to an unidentified U.S. establishes either of the following. (5). If you make a withholdable payment to an person. If the payment is a withholdable pay- • The payee is a U.S. person. entity payee and cannot reliably associate the ment and any of the payees do not appear, by • The payee is a foreign person that is the payment with a valid withholding certificate or name or other information in the account file, to beneficial owner of the income and is enti- valid documentary evidence, you must apply be an individual, you must treat the entire tled to a reduced rate of withholding under the chapter 4 presumption rules described in amount as a payment made to an undocumen- the Internal Revenue Code, or an applica- Presumption Rules for Chapter 4, later. ted foreign person. However, if one of the joint ble income tax treaty. payees has provided you with a Form W-9, you You may rely on the same documentation must treat the payment as made to that payee. For rules related to when a withholding for purposes of both chapters 3 and 4 provided agent may rely on an otherwise valid withhold- the documentation is sufficient to meet the re- Form W-9. In most cases, you can treat the ing certificate received electronically from a quirements of each chapter. For example, you payee as a U.S. person if the payee gives you a third-party repository, see Regulations section may use a Form W-8BEN-E to obtain both the Form W-9. The Form W-9 can be used only by 1.1441-1(e)(4)(iv)(E). chapter 3 and chapter 4 statuses of an entity a U.S. person and must contain the payee's If withholding is applied under chapter 4 on providing the form. TIN. U.S. persons are not subject to chapter 3 a payment, no withholding will be required on withholding (or withholding under section such payment under chapter 3. Additional Documentation 1446(a) or (f)), but may be subject to: • Form 1099 reporting and backup withhold- Rules Applicable to ing under section 3406, Documentation for Chapter 4 Chapters 3 and 4 • Reporting as a U.S. account holder of a participating FFI or registered If you make a withholdable payment, you must In most cases, you must reliably associate the deemed-compliant FFI, and determine the chapter 4 status of payees, bene- payment with valid documentation to apply re- • Classification as a recalcitrant account ficial owners, intermediaries, and flow-through duced withholding and must get the documen- holder of a participating FFI or registered entities receiving the payment to the extent re- tation before you make the payment. The docu- deemed-compliant FFI for chapter 4 purpo- quired for chapter 4 purposes. You must also mentation is not valid if you know, or have ses (including chapter 4 withholding) when determine the chapter 4 status of persons that reason to know, that it is unreliable or incorrect. the FFI is unable to report the information own an interest in an entity receiving a withhold- See Standards of Knowledge for Purposes of required with respect to the account able payment that you treat as an owner-docu- Chapter 3 and Standards of Knowledge for Pur- holder. mented FFI, provided you are either a U.S. fi- poses of Chapter 4, later. nancial institution, participating FFI, or reporting Forms W-8. In most cases, a foreign payee of Model 1 FFI. To establish chapter 4 status, you If you cannot reliably associate a payment the income should give you a form in the Form must generally obtain a valid withholding certifi- with valid documentation, you must use the pre- W-8 series. cate or documentary evidence that you can reli- sumption rules discussed later to determine the If certain requirements are met, the foreign ably associate with the payment. If you make a rate of withholding. For example, if you do not person can give you documentary evidence, payment to a passive NFFE, you must obtain ei- have documentation or you cannot determine rather than a Form W-8 for chapter 3 or 4 pur- ther a certification that the NFFE does not have the part of a payment that is allocable to spe- poses. You can rely on documentary evidence any substantial U.S. owners, or the name, ad- cific documentation, you must use the pre- in lieu of a Form W-8 for an amount paid out- dress, and TIN of each substantial U.S. owner sumption rules of section 1441. side the United States with respect to an off- of the NFFE (or, under an applicable IGA, each shore obligation. Refer to Offshore obligations, controlling person that is a specified U.S. per- The specific types of documentation are dis- son). cussed in this section. However, see Withhold- later, to determine whether a payment qualifies ing on Specific Income, later, as well as the in- as such a payment. You can reliably associate a payment with a structions to the particular forms. As the Form W-8 for purposes of establishing a withholding agent, you may also want to see the Other documentation. Other documentation payee’s chapter 4 status in most cases if, prior Instructions for the Requester of Forms may be required to claim an exemption from, or to the payment, you: W-8BEN, W-8BEN-E, W-8ECI, W-8EXP, and a reduced rate of, chapter 3 withholding on pay • Obtain a valid form that contains the infor- W-8IMY. for personal services. The nonresident alien in- mation required for chapter 4 purposes, dividual may have to give you a Form W-4 or a • Can reliably determine how much of the Sections 1446(a) and (f) withholding. Under Form 8233. These forms are discussed in Pay payment relates to the form, and section 1446(a), a partnership must withhold for Personal Services Performed under With- • Have no actual knowledge or reason to tax on its effectively connected income (ECI) al- holding on Specific Income, later. know that any of the information, certifica- locable to a foreign partner or, for a partnership tions, or statements in, or associated with, that is a PTP, the PTP or a nominee for a PTP Beneficial Owners the form is unreliable or incorrect for chap- distribution must withhold on the amount of the ter 4 purposes. distribution subject to section 1446(a) withhold- If all the appropriate requirements have been See Standards of Knowledge for Purposes ing made to a foreign partner. In most cases, a established on a Form W-8BEN, W-8BEN-E, of Chapter 4, later, for the reason to know partnership (or nominee when applicable) de- W-8ECI, W-8EXP, or, if applicable, on docu- standards that apply for chapter 4 purposes. termines if a partner is a foreign partner and the mentary evidence, you can treat the payee as a partner's tax classification based on the with- foreign beneficial owner. For the requirements for documenting spe- holding certificate provided by the partner. This cific chapter 4 statuses of persons receiving is the same documentation that is filed for chap- Claiming treaty benefits for purposes of withholdable payments, see Regulations sec- ter 3 withholding, but may require additional in- chapter 3. You may apply a reduced rate of tion 1.1471-3(d). For rules related to when a formation, as discussed under each of the withholding under chapter 3 to a foreign person withholding agent may rely on an otherwise forms in this section. that provides a Form W-8 claiming a reduced valid withholding certificate received electroni- For information on section 1446(f) withhold- rate of withholding under an income tax treaty cally from a third-party repository, see Regula- ing, go to Section 1446(f) Withholding, later. only if the person provides a U.S. or foreign TIN tions section 1.1441-1(e)(4)(iv)(E). Also see and certifies that: Regulations section 1.1471-3(d) for the extent Documentation rule for joint payees. If you • It is a resident of a treaty country; to which a withholding agent may rely on docu- make a payment to joint payees (such as hold- • It is the beneficial owner of the income; mentary evidence (other than a Form W-8) to ers of a joint account), you need to get docu- • If it is an entity, it derives the income within establish the chapter 4 status of an entity mentation from each payee. If you make a pay- the meaning of section 894 (it is not fiscally payee, including the forms of documentary ment to joint payees and cannot reliably transparent); and evidence permitted for each specific chapter 4 associate the payment with documentation from Page 10 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 11 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. • It meets any limitation on benefits provision Marketable securities. A Form W-8 provi- 1. A certificate of residence that: contained in the treaty, if applicable, and ded to claim treaty benefits does not need a a. Is issued by a tax official of the treaty specifies the category of the limitation on U.S. or foreign TIN if the foreign beneficial country of which the foreign beneficial benefits provision. owner is claiming the benefits on income from owner claims to be a resident, If the payment you make is a withholdable marketable securities for chapter 3 purposes. payment to an entity, a requirement to withhold For this purpose, income from a marketable se- b. States that the person has filed its under chapter 4 may apply based on the chap- curity consists of the following items. most recent income tax return as a ter 4 status of the payee regardless of whether • Dividends and interest from stocks and resident of that country, and a claim of treaty benefits may apply to such debt obligations that are actively traded. c. Is issued within 3 years before it is payee or other person receiving the income. • Dividends from any redeemable security presented to you. issued by an investment company regis- An entity derives income for which it is tered under the Investment Company Act 2. Documentation for an individual that: claiming treaty benefits only if the entity is not of 1940 (mutual fund). treated as fiscally transparent for that income. Dividends, interest, or royalties from units a. Includes the individual's name, ad- See Fiscally transparent entities claiming treaty • dress, and photograph; of beneficial interest in a unit investment benefits, discussed earlier under Flow-Through trust that are (or were upon issuance) pub- b. Is an official document issued by an Entities. licly offered and are registered with the authorized governmental body; and Limitations on benefits (LOB) provisions in SEC under the Securities Act of 1933. income tax treaties generally prevent third • Income related to loans of any of the above c. Is issued no more than 3 years prior to country residents (unless the treaty contains a securities. being presented to you. derivative benefits rule) and others that do not 3. Documentation for an entity that: have a substantial nexus to the treaty country Offshore obligations. An offshore obliga- from obtaining treaty benefits. For example, a tion is an account maintained at an office or a. Includes the name of the entity, foreign corporation may not be entitled to a re- branch of a bank or other financial institution lo- b. Includes the address of its principal duced rate of withholding unless a minimum cated outside the United States or an obliga- office in the treaty country, and percentage of its owners are citizens or resi- tion, contract, or other instrument with respect dents of the United States or the treaty country. to which the payer of the payment is either en- c. Is an official document issued by an Foreign entities that are residents of a country gaged in business as a broker or dealer in se- authorized governmental body. whose income tax treaty with the United States curities or a financial institution that engages in contains an LOB article are eligible for treaty significant activities at an office or branch loca- In addition to the documentary evidence, a benefits only if they satisfy one of the objective ted outside the United States. foreign beneficial owner that is an entity must tests under the LOB article or obtain a favorable A payment is made outside the United provide a statement that it derives the income discretionary determination from the U.S. com- States if you complete the acts necessary to ef- for which it claims treaty benefits and that it petent authority. fect the payment outside the United States. meets one or more of the conditions set forth in The exemptions from, or reduced rates of, However, an amount paid by a bank or other fi- a limitation on benefits article, if any (or similar U.S. tax vary under each treaty. You must nancial institution on a deposit or account usu- provision), contained in the applicable treaty check the provisions of the tax treaty that apply. ally will be treated as paid at the branch or of- and must identify the specific limitation on ben- See Tax Treaties, later, for information on how fice where the amount is credited unless the efits provision. In the case of a withholdable to access tax treaties. other requirements of Regulations section payment made to an entity, you must also ob- If you know, or have reason to know, that an 1.6049-5(e)(2) are met with respect to the tain the applicable documentation to establish owner of income is not eligible for treaty bene- branch or office, unless the amount is collected that withholding does not apply under chap- fits claimed or if the United States does not by the financial institution as an agent of the ter 4. have an income tax treaty in force with that payee. Form W-8BEN. This form is used by a foreign country, you may not reduce the rate of with- If a payment is made outside the United individual to: holding. You are not, however, responsible for States with respect to an offshore obligation, a Establish foreign status; misstatements on a Form W-8, documentary payee may give you documentary evidence, • evidence, or statements accompanying docu- rather than a Form W-8, to establish that the • Claim that such individual is the beneficial mentary evidence for which you did not have payee is a foreign person. See Regulations owner of the income for which the form is actual knowledge, or reason to know, that the section 1.6049-5(c)(1) for the requirements for being furnished or a partner in a partner- statements were incorrect. Certain withholding documentary evidence for offshore obligations. ship subject to withholding under section agents, such as financial institutions, have limi- For accounts opened on or after July 1, 2014, 1446(a) or a transferee of an interest in a ted reason to know requirements for this pur- through December 31, 2014, you may use the partnership under section 1446(f); and pose. See Regulations section 1.1441-7(b) for rules regarding the use of documentary evi- • If applicable, claim a reduced rate of, or these requirements. dence under Regulations sections 1.6049-5(c) exemption from, withholding under an in- (1) and (c)(4) as in effect prior to the issuance of come tax treaty. Exceptions to TIN requirement. A for- the temporary regulations. A withholding agent in some cases may eign person does not have to provide a U.S. or You may rely on documentary evidence substitute its own form for a Form W-8BEN for foreign TIN to claim a reduced rate of withhold- given to you by an NQI or a flow-through entity individuals. ing under a treaty for chapter 3 purposes if the with its Form W-8IMY. This rule applies even Form W-8BEN may also be used to claim requirements for the following exceptions are though you make the payment to an NQI or that the foreign individual is exempt from Form met. flow-through entity in the United States. In most 1099 reporting and backup withholding for in- • Income from marketable securities (dis- cases, the NQI or flow-through entity that gives come that is not subject to chapter 3 withhold- cussed next). you documentary evidence will also have to ing and is not a withholdable payment. For ex- • Unexpected payments to an individual give you a withholding statement, discussed ample, a foreign person may provide a Form (discussed under U.S. or Foreign TINs, later. W-8BEN to a broker to establish that the gross later). proceeds from the sale of securities are not Documentary evidence. You may apply a subject to Form 1099 reporting or backup with- The allowance to provide a foreign TIN reduced rate of withholding to income from mar- holding. (rather than a U.S. TIN) does not apply to a pay- ketable securities (discussed earlier) paid out- ment to compensate an individual for personal side the United States for chapter 3 purposes Date of birth requirement for certain ac- services. with respect to an offshore obligation if the ben- count holders. If you are a U.S. office or See U.S. or Foreign TINs, later, for when a eficial owner gives you documentary evidence branch of a depository institution, custodial in- foreign person is required to provide a foreign in place of a Form W-8. To claim treaty benefits, stitution, investment entity, or specified insur- TIN for purposes other than making a treaty the documentary evidence must be one of the ance company (each as defined in Regulations claim. following. section 1.1471-5(e)) documenting an individual Publication 515 (2023) Page 11 |
Page 12 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. account holder (as defined in Regulations sec- If a partner submits this form to a partner- • Establish the entity’s chapter 4 status tion 1.1471-5(a)(3)) of an account that is a fi- ship, the income claimed to be effectively con- when required for chapter 4 purposes; nancial account (as defined in Regulations sec- nected with the conduct of a U.S. trade or busi- • When applicable, certify that the entity is a tion 1.1471-5(b)), you must obtain the individual ness is subject to withholding under section participating FFI, a registered account holder’s date of birth on the Form 1446. If the partner has made, or will make, an deemed-compliant FFI, or a QI that may W-8BEN in order for the form to not be invalid election under section 871(d) or 882(d), the provide a withholding statement allocating for a payment of U.S. source income reportable partner must submit Form W-8ECI, and attach a a payment to a chapter 4 withholding rate on Form 1042-S. If the individual’s date of birth copy of the election, or a statement of intent to pool of U.S. payees; is not provided on the Form W-8BEN, the form elect, to the form. • Represent, if applicable, that the QI is as- is still valid if you otherwise have the date of suming primary chapters 3 and 4 withhold- birth in your account files for the account holder If the partner's only ECI is the income ing responsibility and/or primary Form or you obtain the date of birth on a written state- ! allocated from the partnership and the 1099 reporting and backup withholding re- ment (including a written statement transmitted CAUTION partner is not making the election un- sponsibility; by email) from the account holder and asso- der section 871(d) or 882(d), the partner should Represent that a foreign partnership or a ciate the written statement with the Form provide Form W-8BEN or W-8BEN-E to the • foreign simple or grantor trust is a with- W-8BEN. See the related Foreign TIN require- partnership. holding foreign partnership or a withhold- ment discussed under Foreign TIN requirement ing foreign trust; for account holders., later, which also generally Form W-8EXP. This form is used by a foreign • Represent that a foreign flow-through en- applies with respect to accounts described in government, international organization, foreign tity is a nonwithholding foreign partnership, this paragraph. central bank of issue, foreign tax-exempt organ- or a nonwithholding foreign trust; ization, foreign private foundation, or govern- • Represent that the provider is a U.S. Form W-8BEN-E. This form is used by a for- ment of a U.S. possession to: branch of a foreign bank or insurance com- eign entity to: • Establish foreign status, pany and either is agreeing to be treated • Establish foreign status; • Establish the entity's chapter 4 status to as a U.S. person or is transmitting docu- • Establish an entity's chapter 4 status to the the extent required for chapter 4 purposes, mentation of the persons on whose behalf extent required for chapter 4 purposes; • Claim that such person is the beneficial it is acting for the payments; • Claim that such entity is the beneficial owner of the income for which the form is • Represent its status as a qualified securi- owner of the income for which the form is being furnished, and ties lender with respect to payments of being furnished or a partner in a partner- • Claim an exemption from withholding un- U.S. source substitute dividends; ship subject to withholding under section der both chapter 3 and chapter 4 for such • Represent its status as a QI acting as a 1446(a) or (f) (excluding a partnership or entity or that the entity is a foreign private QDD for certain payments; and grantor trust); and foundation subject to the 4% tax. See sec- • Represent that, for purposes of section • If applicable, claim a reduced rate of, or tion 1443 for the withholding required for a 1446, it is an upper-tier foreign partnership exemption from, chapter 3 withholding un- payment made to such an entity. or a foreign grantor trust and that the form der an income tax treaty. If the government or organization named on is being used to transmit the required doc- Form W-8BEN-E may also be used to claim the form is a partner in a partnership carrying on umentation. For information on qualifying that the foreign entity is exempt from Form 1099 a trade or business in the United States, the as an upper-tier foreign partnership, see reporting and backup withholding for income ECI allocable to the partner is subject to with- Regulations section 1.1446-5. that is not subject to chapter 3 withholding and holding under section 1446. For purposes of chapter 4, an intermediary is not a withholdable payment. For example, a See also Foreign Governments and Certain or flow-through entity that is a participating FFI foreign entity may provide a Form W-8BEN-E to Other Foreign Organizations, later. or registered deemed-compliant FFI receiving a a broker to establish that the gross proceeds withholdable payment may, instead of providing from the sale of securities are not subject to documentation for each payee, provide pooled Form 1099 reporting or backup withholding. Foreign Intermediaries allocation information, as described under FFI An entity payee may also provide a Form and Foreign withholding statement, later. W-8BEN-E to establish that certain income from Flow-Through Entities FFI withholding statement. An FFI with- notional principal contracts is not effectively connected with the conduct of a U.S. trade or Payments made to a foreign intermediary or for- holding statement must be provided by a partic- business. In addition, a foreign hybrid entity eign flow-through entity that is not a QI that as- ipating FFI or registered deemed-compliant FFI claiming treaty benefits on its own behalf should sumes primary chapters 3 and 4 withholding re- (including a U.S. branch of a participating FFI provide you with a Form W-8BEN-E with re- sponsibility, a WP, a WT, or a branch treated as that is not treated as a U.S. person) that is an spect to the income for which treaty benefits are a U.S. person (see U.S. branches of foreign NQI, nonwithholding foreign partnership, non- being claimed. In certain cases, a similar banks and foreign insurance companies, ear- withholding foreign trust, or a QI that makes an agreed form may be associated with the pay- lier) are treated as made to the payees on election to be withheld on for chapter 4 purpo- ment instead of a Form W-8BEN-E. whose behalf the intermediary or entity acts ex- ses (that is, a QI that does not assume chap- cept when the intermediary or flow-through en- ter 3 or 4 withholding responsibility), as descri- Form W-8ECI. This form is used by a foreign tity is subject to chapter 4 withholding. See bed under Qualified Intermediary (QI), later. person to: Flow-Through Entities and Foreign intermedia- An FFI withholding statement may include • Establish foreign status, ries, earlier. The Form W-8IMY provided by a either payee-specific information or pooled in- • Claim that such person is the beneficial foreign intermediary or flow-through entity must formation. If the withholding statement includes owner of the income for which the form is be accompanied by additional information for pooled information, the withholding statement being furnished, and you to be able to reliably associate the payment must indicate the portion of the payment alloca- • Claim that the income is effectively con- with a payee. The additional information re- ble to: nected with the conduct of a trade or busi- quired depends on the type of intermediary or • A chapter 4 withholding rate pool of U.S. ness in the United States. (See Effectively flow-through entity and the extent of the with- payees, Connected Income, later.) holding responsibilities it assumes. • Each class of recalcitrant account holders • Claim that the person is a dealer in securi- under Regulations section 1.1471-4(d)(6) ties for the exception to withholding under Form W-8IMY. This form is used by foreign in- or a single pool for a QI, or Regulations section 1.1446(f)-4(b)(6). See termediaries and foreign flow-through entities, • A class of nonparticipating FFIs. Section 1446(f): PTP Interests, later. as well as certain U.S. branches for chapter 3 or If the withholding statement includes ECI for which a valid Form W-8ECI has 4 purposes, or when applicable, for section payee-specific information, it must indicate both been provided is generally not subject to chap- 1446(a) or (f) purposes, to: the portion of the payment allocated to each ter 3 or chapter 4 withholding. • Represent that a foreign person is a QI or payee and each payee’s chapter 4 status. NQI; Page 12 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 13 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Any withholding statement provided by an A QI can be either an FFI or an NFFE. An 2. Designate those accounts for which it as- FFI other than an FFI acting as a WP, WT, or QI FFI that is a QI must be a participating FFI (in- sumes primary chapters 3 and 4 withhold- with respect to the account must also identify cluding a reporting Model 2 FFI), a registered ing responsibility and/or primary Form each intermediary or flow-through entity that re- deemed-compliant FFI (including a reporting 1099 reporting and backup withholding re- ceives the payment and such entity’s chapter 4 Model 1 FFI and a nonreporting Model 2 FFI sponsibility; status and GIIN, when applicable. treated as a registered deemed-compliant FFI), 3. If applicable, designate the accounts for For additional information on the require- or an FFI treated as a deemed-compliant FFI which it acts as a qualified securities ments for FFI withholding statements, see Reg- under an applicable Model 1 IGA that is subject lender with respect to any U.S. source ulations section 1.1471-3(c)(3)(iii)(B)(2). to similar due diligence and reporting require- substitute dividend payments; ments with respect to its U.S. accounts as those Chapter 4 withholding statement. A applicable to a registered deemed-compliant 4. If applicable, designate those accounts for chapter 4 withholding statement must be provi- FFI (including the requirement to register with which it acts as a QDD; ded by the following. the IRS) (defined in the QI agreement as a “reg- 5. Provide sufficient information for you to al- • A territory financial institution that does not istered deemed-compliant Model 1 IGA FFI”). locate the payment, as applicable, to agree to be treated as a U.S. person. Thus, you must identify the chapter 4 status of chapter 3 withholding rate pools and, for • A U.S. branch that is not a U.S. branch of a an FFI, certifying its status as a QI as one of the payments that are withholdable payments, participating FFI. chapter 4 statuses referenced in the preceding chapter 4 withholding rate pools of non- • An NFFE or certified deemed-compliant sentence on a Form W-8IMY when a chapter 4 participating FFIs and recalcitrant account FFI that is an NQI, nonwithholding foreign status is required for chapter 4 purposes. holders when the QI has not assumed pri- partnership, or nonwithholding foreign trust and is not the payee. Responsibilities and documentation for mary chapter 3 or 4 withholding responsi- A chapter 4 withholding statement must chapter 3 and 4. Payments made to a QI that bility; and contain the following. does not assume primary chapters 3 and 4 6. Provide sufficient information for you to al- • The name, address, TIN (if any), entity withholding responsibilities are treated as paid locate payments to each U.S. nonexempt type, and chapter 4 status of each payee. to its account holders. However, a QI is not re- recipient or to a pool of U.S. payees to the • The amount allocated to each payee. quired to provide you with documentation it ob- extent described earlier under this head- • A valid withholding certificate or other ap- tains from its foreign account holders or from ing. propriate documentation sufficient to es- U.S. exempt recipients (U.S. persons exempt tablish the chapter 4 status of each payee, from Form 1099 reporting). Instead, it provides The extent to which you must have withhold- and each intermediary or flow-through en- you with a withholding statement that contains ing rate pool information depends on the with- tity that receives the payment on behalf of either chapter 3 or chapter 4 withholding rate holding and reporting obligations assumed by the payee. pool information. A chapter 4 withholding rate the QI. • Any other information the withholding pool is a payment of a single type of income If a QI that is permitted to do so by the QI agent reasonably requests in order to fulfill that is a withholdable payment that is allocated agreement obtains documentary evidence un- its obligations under chapter 4. to payees that are nonparticipating FFIs or re- der the “KYC” rules that apply to the QI under calcitrant account holders (in a single pool). A local law, and the documentary evidence is of a A chapter 4 withholding statement is permit- chapter 4 withholding rate pool also means a type specified in an attachment to the QI agree- ted to provide pooled allocation information with payment of a single type of income that is allo- ment, the documentary evidence remains valid respect to payees that are treated as nonpartici- cated to U.S. payees when the QI provides the until there is a change in circumstances or the pating FFIs. certification required on Form W-8IMY for allo- QI knows the information is incorrect. A QI may A Form W-8 must include a U.S. TIN cating payments to this pool and a withholding rely on a Form W-8 until its validity expires un- ! for a partner to be valid for purposes of statement. A QI may include in its chapter 4 der Regulations section 1.1441-1(e)(4)(ii) and CAUTION a claim of exemption or reduced with- withholding rate pools its direct account holders may rely on documentary evidence not ob- holding under section 1446(a) or (f). See the in- as well as account holders of another QI or a tained pursuant to “KYC” rules until its validity structions to the applicable Form W-8. participating FFI or registered deemed-compli- expires under Regulations section 1.6049-5(c). ant FFI. With respect to a payment to a foreign Primary chapters 3 and 4 withholding re- person for which no chapter 4 withholding is re- sponsibilities not assumed. If a QI does not Qualified Intermediary (QI) quired, a chapter 3 withholding rate pool is a assume primary chapters 3 and 4 withholding payment of a single type of income that is sub- responsibility or primary Form 1099 reporting In most cases, a QI is any foreign intermediary ject to a single rate of withholding and that is re- and backup withholding responsibility for the that has entered into a QI agreement (dis- ported on Form 1042-S under a single chap- payment, you can reliably associate the pay- cussed earlier) with the IRS with respect to the ter 4 exemption code. Payments made to U.S. ment with valid documentation only to the ex- withholding and reporting required under chap- exempt recipients may also be included in a tent you can reliably determine the part of the ters 3 and 4 and for purposes of Form 1099 re- chapter 3 withholding rate pool to which with- payment that relates to each withholding rate porting and backup withholding under section holding does not apply. pool for foreign and U.S. payees. Unless the al- 3406. Additionally, starting January 1, 2023, a A QI is required to provide you with informa- ternative procedure applies and the QI is per- QI may also assume certain withholding re- tion regarding U.S. nonexempt recipients (U.S. mitted to include U.S. nonexempt recipients in a sponsibilities with respect to PTP distributions persons subject to Form 1099 information re- chapter 4 withholding rate pool of U.S. payees, (including withholding under section 1446(a)) porting) and to provide you withholding rate the QI must provide you with a separate with- and certain transfers of PTP interests for sec- pool information separately for each such U.S. holding rate pool for each U.S. nonexempt re- tion 1446(f) purposes when acting as an inter- person unless it has assumed primary Form cipient that must be reported on Form 1099. If mediary. For discussion of those provisions, 1099 reporting and backup withholding respon- you and the QI agree, the QI may apply the al- see Publicly Traded Partnership Distributions sibility and meets the requirements to include ternative procedures for U.S. nonexempt recipi- (PTP Distributions) and Section 1446(f): PTP these recipients in a U.S. payee pool. For the ents by establishing a single withholding rate Interests, later. A foreign entity that is a QI act- alternative procedure for providing withholding pool (not subject to backup withholding) for all ing as a QDD or that is acting with respect to rate pool information for U.S. nonexempt per- U.S. nonexempt recipient account holders for payments of substitute interest (as permitted by sons not included in a chapter 4 withholding whom the QI is required to report on Form 1099 the QI agreement) can act as a QI even though rate pool of U.S. payees, see the Instructions and has provided you with Forms W-9 prior to it is not receiving payments as an intermediary. Form W-8IMY. you making the reportable payment, or, if appli- A foreign entity that has received a QI employer The withholding statement must: cable, designated broker proceeds to which identification number (QI-EIN) may represent on Form W-8IMY that it is a QI. The QI can 1. Designate those accounts for which it acts backup withholding does not apply. The QI claim that it is a QI until the IRS revokes its as a QI; must provide a Form W-9 or, in the absence of QI-EIN. the form, the name, address, and TIN, if availa- ble, for each U.S. nonexempt recipient. Publication 515 (2023) Page 13 |
Page 14 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Primary chapters 3 and 4 withholding re- applicable IGA or under Regulations sec- Form 1042-S reporting. A QI is generally per- sponsibilities assumed. If you make a pay- tion 1.1471-5(a) and has provided the QI mitted to report payments made to its foreign ment to a QI that assumes primary chapters 3 with a certification that it has maintained account holders on a pooled basis rather than and 4 withholding responsibilities (but not pri- such chapter 4 status during each certifica- reporting payments to each account holder spe- mary Form 1099 reporting and backup with- tion period. cifically. Pooled basis reporting is not available holding responsibility), you can reliably asso- • It is a direct account holder of the QI. for payments to certain account holders, such ciate the payment with valid documentation only • None of its partners, beneficiaries, or own- as nonqualified intermediaries, flow-through en- to the extent you can reliably determine the part ers is a flow-through entity or is acting as tities (discussed earlier) and certain of their ac- of the payment that relates to the chapter 4 an intermediary for a payment made by the count holders and owners, private arrangement withholding rate pools and chapter 3 withhold- QI to the partnership or trust, and none of intermediaries, and, in certain circumstances, ing rate pools, as applicable, and the part of the its partners, beneficiaries, or owners is a qualified intermediaries, withholding foreign payment attributable to withholding rate pools U.S. person. partnerships, and withholding foreign trusts. for each U.S. nonexempt recipient, unless the • None of its foreign partners, beneficiaries, Notwithstanding these requirements, separate alternative procedure applies for Form 1099 re- or owners is subject to withholding or re- Forms 1042-S are not issued to account hold- porting and/or backup withholding purposes. porting under chapter 4. ers that the QI is permitted to include in a chap- The QI must provide a Form W-9 or, in the ab- • It agrees to make available upon request to ter 4 withholding rate pool. sence of the form, the name, address, and TIN, the QI (or QI’s reviewer) records that es- if available, for such person. tablish it has provided the QI with docu- Collective refund procedures. A QI may mentation for purposes of chapters 3 and 4 seek a refund of tax withheld under chapters 3 Primary chapters 3 and 4 withholding re- for all of its partners, beneficiaries, or own- and 4 on behalf of its account holders when the sponsibilities and Form 1099 reporting and ers. QI has not issued a Form 1042-S to the account backup withholding responsibilities as- holders that received the payment that was sumed. If you make a payment to a QI that as- For information on these rules, see section sumes primary chapters 3 and 4 withholding re- 4.05 of the QI agreement in Revenue Proce- subject to overwithholding. The account hold- sponsibilities and primary Form 1099 reporting dure 2022-43, available at ers, therefore, are not required to file claims for and backup withholding responsibility, you can 2022-52_IRB#RP-2022-43. refund with the IRS to obtain refunds, but rather may obtain them from the QI. A QI may obtain a reliably associate the payment with valid docu- refund of tax withheld under chapter 4, how- mentation provided that you receive a valid Agency option. A QI may apply the agency Form W-8IMY. It is not necessary to associate option to a partnership or trust under which the ever, to the extent permitted under the QI the payment with any chapter 3 or chapter 4 partnership or trust agrees to act as an agent of agreement. withholding rate pools. the QI and to apply the provisions of the QI If you make a payment to a QI that is also a agreement to its partners, beneficiaries, or own- Nonqualified Intermediary (NQI) QDD, the QI must provide a withholding state- ers. A QI and a partnership or trust may only ap- ment designating the accounts for which it acts ply the agency option if the partnership or trust If you are making a payment to an NQI or U.S. as a QDD even if it assumes primary withhold- meets the following conditions. branch that is using Form W-8IMY to transmit ing responsibility for all payments, unless it is • It is a nonwithholding foreign partnership or information about the branch's account holders acting as a QDD for all payments it receives. nonwithholding foreign trust that is either a or customers for chapter 3 or 4 purposes, you simple or grantor trust. can treat the payment (or a part of the payment) Example. You make a payment of U.S. • It is either a direct account holder of the QI as reliably associated with valid documentation source dividends to a QI. It has five customers: or an indirect account holder of the QI that from a specific payee only if, before making the two are foreign persons who have provided is a direct partner, beneficiary, or owner of payment: documentation entitling them to a 15% rate of a partnership or trust to which the QI also • You can allocate the payment to a valid withholding on dividends; two are foreign per- applies the agency option. Form W-8IMY; sons subject to a 30% rate of withholding on • It is an FFI that is a certified deemed-com- • You can reliably determine how much of dividends; and one is a U.S. individual who pro- pliant FFI (other than a registered the payment relates to valid documentation vides it with a Form W-9. Each customer is enti- deemed-compliant Model 1 IGA FFI), an provided by a payee (a person that is not tled to 20% of the dividend payment. The QI owner-documented FFI with respect to the itself a foreign intermediary, flow-through does not assume any primary withholding re- QI, an NFFE, an exempt beneficial owner, entity, or U.S. branch with a chapter 4 with- sponsibility. The QI gives you a Form W-8IMY or is covered as an account that is exclu- holding rate pool) (see Pooled withholding with which it associates the Form W-9 and a ded from the definition of financial account information, later); and withholding statement that allocates 40% of the under Annex II of an applicable IGA or un- • You have sufficient information to report dividend to a 15% withholding rate pool, 40% to der Regulations section 1.1471-5(a) and the payment on Form 1042-S or Form a 30% withholding rate pool, and 20% to the has provided the QI with a certification that 1099, if reporting is required. U.S. individual. You should report on Forms it has maintained such chapter 4 status 1042-S, 40% of the payment as made to a 15% during each certification period. Withholding statement. The NQI or U.S. rate dividend pool and 40% of the payment as • None of its partners, beneficiaries, or own- branch must give you certain information on a made to a 30% rate dividend pool. The part of ers is a withholding foreign trust, withhold- withholding statement that is associated with the payment allocable to the U.S. individual ing foreign partnership, participating FFI, the Form W-8IMY for chapter 3 or 4 purposes. (20%) is reportable on Form 1099-DIV. registered deemed-compliant FFI, regis- A withholding statement must be updated to tered deemed-compliant Model 1 IGA FFI, keep the information accurate prior to each pay- Joint account treatment for chapters 3 and or another QI acting as an intermediary for ment. See, however, Regulations section 4. A QI may apply joint account treatment to a a payment made by the QI to the partner- 1.1441-3(e)(4)(iv)(C) for when a withholding partnership or trust if the partnership or trust ship or trust. agent may instead accept an alternative with- meets the following conditions. • It agrees to permit the QI to treat its direct holding statement. • It is a nonwithholding foreign partnership or and indirect partners, beneficiaries, or nonwithholding foreign trust that is either a owners as direct and indirect account hold- For chapter 4 purposes. An NQI receiving simple or grantor trust. ers, respectively, of the QI under the QI a withholdable payment must provide a with- • It is a certified deemed-compliant FFI agreement. holding statement which satisfies the require- (other than a registered deemed-compliant • It agrees to comply with the compliance ments of an FFI withholding statement or, if the Model 1 IGA FFI), an owner-documented procedures of the QI agreement. NQI is not a participating FFI or registered deemed-compliant FFI, a chapter 4 withholding FFI with respect to the QI, an exempt ben- For information on these rules, see section statement. eficial owner, an NFFE, or is covered as an 4.06 of the QI agreement in Revenue Proce- An FFI withholding statement may allocate account that is excluded from the definition dure 2022-43, available at the payment to chapter 4 reporting rate pools of financial account under Annex II of an 2022-52_IRB#RP-2022-43. (as appropriate), including a chapter 4 Page 14 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 15 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. withholding rate pool for nonparticipating FFIs, 3. The status of the person for whom the The alternative procedure cannot, how- recalcitrant account holders (in each class of documentation has been provided, such ! ever, be used for payments to U.S. account holders, as described in the chapter 4 as whether the person is a U.S. exempt re- CAUTION nonexempt recipients other than those regulations), and, for an NQI that is a participat- cipient, U.S. nonexempt recipient, or a for- recipients included in a chapter 4 withholding ing FFI (including a reporting Model 2 FFI) or a eign person. For a foreign person, the rate pool of U.S. payees. See Chapter 4, later. registered deemed-compliant FFI (including a statement must indicate whether the per- Therefore, an NQI must provide you with alloca- reporting Model 1 FFI), U.S. payees. However, son is the beneficial owner or a foreign in- tion information for any U.S. nonexempt recipi- an NQI may allocate a payment of a reportable termediary, flow-through entity, or a U.S. ents not included in a chapter 4 withholding rate amount (regardless of whether the payment is a branch that is not included in a chapter 4 pool of U.S. payees before the NQI makes a withholdable payment) to a chapter 4 withhold- withholding rate pool or in a pool of pay- payment. ing rate pool of U.S. payees when the NQI sat- ees under the alternative procedures (see isfies the requirements for providing such a Alternative procedure, later). Pooled withholding information for pool, including the requirement to certify to its 4. The type of recipient the person is, based chapters 3 and 4. If an NQI uses the alterna- status as a participating FFI, including a report- on the recipient codes used on Form tive procedure, it must provide you with with- ing Model 2 FFI, or registered deemed-compli- 1042-S. holding rate pool information, as opposed to in- ant FFI, including a reporting Model 1 FFI. dividual allocation information, before the If the FFI withholding statement instead in- 5. Information allocating each payment, by payment of a reportable amount. The NQI must cludes payee-specific information for purposes income type, to each payee (including provide you with the payee specific allocation of chapter 4, it must indicate both the portion of U.S. exempt and nonexempt recipients) information (information allocating each pay- the payment allocated to each payee and each for whom documentation has been provi- ment to each payee) by January 31 following payee’s chapter 4 status. The withholding state- ded that is not included in a chapter 4 the calendar year of payment, except as other- ment must also identify each intermediary or withholding rate pool or in a pool of pay- wise permitted for chapter 4 purposes, when flow-through entity that is receiving a payment ees under the alternative procedures (see using this procedure. (excluding any intermediary or flow-through en- Alternative procedure, later). Chapter 4. In the case of a reportable tity that is an account holder or interest holder in 6. The rate of withholding that applies to amount that is also a withholdable payment, an another QI, WP, or WT), each such entity’s each foreign person to whom a payment is NQI may include amounts allocable to a chap- chapter 4 status and GIIN (if applicable) when allocated. ter 4 withholding rate pool (other than a chap- required for chapter 4 purposes, and the chap- ter 4 withholding rate pools associated with 7. A foreign payee's country of residence. ter 4 withholding rate pool of U.S. payees) and each such entity. payees subject to chapter 4 withholding for A chapter 4 withholding statement must 8. If a reduced rate of withholding is claimed whom the NQI will provide payee-specific infor- contain the name, address, TIN (if any), entity under chapter 3, the basis for a reduced mation in a 30% rate pool together with payees type, chapter 4 status of each payee, the rate of withholding (for example, portfolio subject to chapter 3 withholding at the 30% amount allocated to each payee, and a valid interest, treaty benefit, etc.). rate. For the amount of the payment allocable to withholding certificate or other documentation 9. In the case of treaty benefits claimed by a chapter 4 withholding rate pool of U.S. pay- sufficient to establish each payee’s chapter 4 entities, whether the applicable limitation ees, an NQI may include amounts allocable to status for payees that are not included in a on benefits statement and the statement the pool with other amounts exempt from with- chapter 4 withholding rate pool of nonparticipat- that the foreign person derives the income holding (and an NQI may allocate payments to ing FFIs. The withholding statement must also for which treaty benefits are claimed, have this pool regardless of whether the payment is a identify each intermediary or flow-through entity been made. withholdable payment) and may not otherwise that is receiving a payment (excluding any inter- apply these provisions for payments made to mediary or flow-through entity that is an account 10. The name, address, and TIN (if any) and, U.S. nonexempt recipients. The NQI must iden- holder or interest holder in another QI, WP, or for a withholdable payment, the chapter 4 tify prior to the payment each chapter 4 with- WT), each such entity’s chapter 4 status and status (if required) and GIIN (if applicable) holding rate pool to be allocated a portion of the GIIN (if applicable), and the chapter 4 withhold- of any other NQI, flow-through entity, or payment, in addition to each payee to be alloca- ing rate pools associated with each such entity. U.S. branch from which the payee will di- ted the payments that is not included in such a An allocation of a payment to an NQI, nonwith- rectly receive a payment. pool. The NQI must then also allocate, by Janu- holding foreign partnership, or nonwithholding 11. Any other information a withholding agent ary 31 following the calendar year of the pay- foreign trust of an amount subject to chapter 3 requests to fulfill its reporting and with- ment, the portion of the payment to each such withholding to a chapter 4 withholding rate pool holding obligations. pool in addition to allocating the payment to of U.S. payees must identify the payees consis- each payee that is not included in the pool. tent with the description in Regulations section Alternative procedure. Under this alternative Failure to provide allocation informa- 1.1471-3(c)(3)(iii)(B)(2)(iii). procedure, the NQI can give you the informa- tion. If an NQI fails to provide you with the tion that allocates each payment to each foreign payee specific allocation information for a with- For chapter 3 purposes. The withholding and U.S. exempt recipient or chapter 4 with- holding rate pool or chapter 4 withholding rate statement should allocate for chapter 3 purpo- holding rate pool by January 31 following the pool by January 31, you must not apply the al- ses only the portion of the payment that was not calendar year of payment, rather than before ternative procedure to any of the NQI's with- allocated to a chapter 4 withholding rate pool or the payment is made, as otherwise required. To holding rate pools from that date forward. You to a payee identified on a withholding statement take advantage of this procedure, the NQI must must treat the payees as undocumented and to whom withholding was applied under chap- (a) inform you, on its withholding statement, that apply the presumption rules, discussed later in ter 4. For chapter 3 purposes, a withholding it is using the alternative procedure; and (b) ob- Presumption Rules. An NQI is deemed to have statement must include the information descri- tain your consent. You must receive the with- failed to provide specific allocation information if bed below for a reportable amount. holding statement with all the required informa- it does not give you such information for more 1. The name, address, and TIN (if any, or if tion (other than item 5) before the NQI makes than 10% of any one withholding rate pool. required) of each person for whom docu- the payment. mentation is provided. However, if you receive such information by 2. The type of documentation (documentary February 14, you may make the appropriate ad- evidence, Form W-8, or Form W-9) for ev- justments to repay any excess withholding in- ery person for whom documentation has curred between February 1 and on or before been provided, and, for a withholdable February 14. payment, that the documentation estab- lishes the payee’s chapter 4 status to the If the NQI fails to allocate more than 10% of extent required for chapter 4 purposes. the payment to a withholding rate pool by Feb- ruary 14 following the calendar year of Publication 515 (2023) Page 15 |
Page 16 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. payment, you must file a Form 1042-S for each withholding for the year. The WP must correct payment received by the WP, unless the account holder in the pool on a pro-rata basis the estimated withholding to reflect the actual pass-through partner certifies to the WP that it (treating a chapter 4 withholding rate pool as an distributive share on the earlier of the dates is reporting on the account holder (or interest account holder for this purpose and excluding mentioned in the preceding paragraph. If that holder) pursuant to its U.S. account reporting U.S. exempt recipients). For example, if there date is after the earlier of the due date (includ- requirements. The preceding sentence applies are four account holders in a withholding rate ing extensions) for filing the WP's Form 1042-S with respect to a pass-through partner to which pool that receives a $100 payment and the NQI or the date the WP actually issues Form 1042-S the WP applies the agency option or which has fails to allocate more than $10 of the payment, for the calendar year, the WP may withhold and partners, beneficiaries, or owners that are indi- you must file four Forms 1042-S, one for each report any adjustments required by correcting rect partners of the WP. account holder in the pool, showing $25 of in- the information for the following calendar year. come to each. You must also check the Joint account treatment. Under special pro- “Pro-rata Basis Reporting” box at the top of Form 1042 filing. The WP must file Form cedures provided in the WP agreement, a WP each form. If, however, the NQI provides alloca- 1042 even if no amount was withheld. In addi- may apply joint account treatment to a partner- tion information for 90% or more of the payment tion to the information that is required for the ship or trust that is a direct partner of the WP. A to a withholding rate pool, the pro-rata reporting Form 1042, the WP must attach a statement WP that applies the joint account option must method is not required. Instead, you must file a showing the amounts of any over- or un- elect to perform pool reporting for amounts sub- Form 1042-S for each account holder for whom der-withholding adjustments and an explana- ject to chapter 3 withholding that either are not you have allocation information and report the tion of those adjustments. withholdable payments or are withholdable pay- unallocated part of the payment on a Form Form 1042-S reporting. The WP can ments for which no chapter 4 withholding is re- 1042-S issued to “unknown recipient.” elect to report payments made to its foreign di- quired and that the WP distributes to, or in- rect partners on a pooled basis for chapter 3 cludes in the distributive share of, a foreign Withholding Foreign Partnerships purposes rather than reporting payments to direct partner. These rules only apply to a part- (WPs) each direct partner in addition to reporting pay- nership or trust that meets the following condi- ments in a chapter 4 withholding rate pool to the tions. If you are making payments to a WP for chap- extent the WP is permitted to do so based on its • It is a nonwithholding foreign partnership or ter 3 or 4 purposes, you do not have to withhold chapter 4 status. A WP can treat as its direct nonwithholding foreign trust that is either a if the WP is acting in that capacity. The WP partners those indirect partners of the WP for simple or grantor trust. must assume primary chapters 3 and 4 with- which it applies joint account treatment or the • It is a certified deemed-compliant FFI holding responsibility for amounts that are dis- agency option (described later). A WP must (other than a registered deemed-compliant tributed to, or included in the distributive share otherwise issue a Form 1042-S to each partner Model 1 IGA FFI, as defined in the WP of, any direct partner and may assume chapters to the extent it is required to do so under the agreement), an owner-documented FFI, an 3 and 4 withholding responsibilities for certain WP agreement. You may issue a single Form exempt beneficial owner, or an NFFE of its indirect partners. The WP must withhold 1042-S for all payments you make to a WP (other than a WP or WT). the amount required to be withheld. A WP must other than payments for which the entity does • It is a direct partner of the WP. provide you with a Form W-8IMY that certifies not act as a WP. You may, however, have Form • None of its partners, beneficiaries, or own- that the WP is acting in that capacity and pro- 1099 requirements for certain indirect partners ers is a flow-through entity or intermediary. vides all other information and certifications re- of a WP that are U.S. nonexempt recipients. • None of the partnership’s or trust’s part- quired by the form. The Form W-8IMY must ners, beneficiaries, or owners is a U.S. contain the WP-EIN and GIIN (if applicable). Collective refund procedures. A WP may person or is subject to withholding or re- seek a refund of tax withheld under chapters 3 porting under chapter 4. A WP can be either an FFI or an NFFE. An and 4 on behalf of its partners when the WP has • It agrees to make available upon request to FFI (other than a retirement fund) that is a WP not issued a Form 1042-S to the partners that the WP (or the WP’s auditor) records that must be a participating FFI, a registered received the payment that was subject to over- establish it has provided the WP with doc- deemed-compliant FFI, or an FFI treated as a withholding. The partners, therefore, are not re- umentation for purposes of chapters 3 and deemed-compliant FFI under an applicable quired to file claims for refund with the IRS to 4 for all of its partners, beneficiaries, or Model 1 IGA that is subject to similar due dili- obtain refunds, but rather may obtain them from owners. gence and reporting requirements with respect the WP. A WP may obtain a refund of tax with- For more information on applying these to its U.S. accounts as those applicable to a held under chapter 4 to the extent permitted un- rules, see section 9.01 of the WP agreement in registered deemed-compliant FFI under Regu- der the WP agreement. section 6 of Revenue Procedure 2017-21, avail- lations section 1.1471-5(f)(1) (including the re- Reporting of U.S. partners. A WP must able at quirement to register with the IRS) (defined in report its U.S. partners on Schedule K-1 to the the WP agreement as a “registered extent required under the WP agreement. If the Agency option. A WP may apply the agency deemed-compliant Model 1 IGA FFI”). Thus, an WP is an FFI, it is also required to report each of option to a partnership or trust under which the FFI certifying its status as a WP must provide its U.S. accounts (or U.S. reportable accounts if partnership or trust agrees to act as an agent of you a Form W-8IMY that certifies to one of the a reporting Model 1 FFI) on Form 8966 consis- the WP and to apply the provisions of the WP chapter 4 statuses referenced in the preceding tent with its chapter 4 requirements or the re- agreement to its partners, beneficiaries, or own- sentence when a chapter 4 status is required. quirements of an IGA. If the WP is an NFFE, the ers. A WP that applies the agency option must WP must file Form 8966 to report any partner elect to perform pool reporting for amounts sub- Responsibilities of the WP. The WP must that is an NFFE (other than an excepted NFFE) ject to chapter 3 withholding that either are not withhold under chapter 3 or 4 on the date it with one or more substantial U.S. owners (or, withholdable payments or are withholdable pay- makes a distribution of a withholdable payment under an applicable IGA, controlling persons ments for which no chapter 4 withholding is re- or an amount subject to chapter 3 withholding to that are specified U.S. persons) if the NFFE is quired and that the WP distributes to, or in- a direct foreign partner based on the Form W-8 the beneficial owner of a withholdable payment cludes in the distributive share of, a foreign or W-9 it receives from its partners. If the part- received by the WP. The WP must also file a direct partner. A WP and a partnership or trust ner's distributive share has not been distributed, Form 8966 to report withholdable payments may only apply the agency option if the partner- the WP must withhold on the partner's distribu- made to a pass-through partner for which the ship or trust meets the following conditions. tive share on the earlier of the date that the part- WP acts under the WP agreement that provides • It is a nonwithholding foreign partnership or nership must mail or otherwise provide to the information on an account holder (or interest nonwithholding foreign trust that is either a partner a Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) or the due holder) that is an NFFE (other than an excepted simple or grantor trust. date for furnishing the statement (whether or NFFE) with one or more substantial U.S. own- • It is either a direct partner of the WP or an not the WP is required to furnish the statement). ers (or, under an applicable IGA, controlling indirect partner of the WP that is a direct The WP may determine the amount of with- persons that are specified U.S. persons) and partner, beneficiary, or owner of a partner- holding based on a reasonable estimate of the that is the beneficial owner of the withholdable ship or trust to which the WP also applies partner's distributive share of income subject to the agency option. 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Page 17 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. • It is an FFI that is a certified deemed-com- documentation provided by the account holders nishing the statement (whether or not the WT is pliant FFI (other than a registered or interest holders of the pass-through partner required to furnish the statement). deemed-compliant Model 1 IGA FFI, as that are not themselves QIs or flow-through en- The WT may determine the amount of with- defined in the WP agreement), an tities. holding based on a reasonable estimate of the owner-documented FFI, an NFFE, or an For more information on applying these beneficiary's or owner's distributive share of in- exempt beneficial owner. rules, see section 9.03 of the WP agreement in come subject to withholding for the year. The • None of its partners, beneficiaries, or own- section 6 of Revenue Procedure 2017-21, avail- WT must correct the estimated withholding to ers is a WT, WP, participating FFI, regis- able at reflect the actual distributive share on the earlier tered deemed-compliant FFI, registered of the dates mentioned in the preceding para- deemed-compliant Model 1 IGA FFI (as Not acting as a WP. A foreign partnership that graph. If that date is after the earlier of the due defined in the WP agreement), or QI acting is not acting as a WP is a nonwithholding for- date (including extensions) for filing the WT's as an intermediary for a payment made by eign partnership. This occurs if a WP is not act- Form 1042-S or the date the WT actually issues the WP to the partnership or trust. ing in that capacity for some or all of the Form 1042-S for the calendar year, the WT may • The WP may not act as a withholding for- amounts it receives from you. withhold and report any adjustments required eign partnership with respect to any direct You must treat payments made to a non- by correcting the information for the following or indirect partner of the partnership or withholding foreign partnership as made to the calendar year. trust that is a U.S. nonexempt recipient, partners of the partnership. The partnership unless the U.S. nonexempt recipient is a must provide you with a Form W-8IMY (with Form 1042 filing. The WT must file Form partner of an owner-documented FFI or Part VIII completed), a withholding statement 1042 even if no amount was withheld. In addi- passive NFFE to which the WP applies the identifying the amounts, the withholding certifi- tion to the information that is required for the agency option and is included in the WP’s cates or documentary evidence of the partners, Form 1042, the WT must attach a statement U.S. payee pool. and the information shown earlier under With- showing the amounts of any over- or un- • It agrees to comply with the compliance holding statement under Nonqualified Interme- der-withholding adjustments and an explana- procedures described in section 8.05 of diary (NQI). tion of those adjustments. the WP agreement by providing the WP Form 1042-S reporting. The WT can with the certification described in section elect to report payments made to its foreign di- 8.03 of the WP agreement and providing Withholding Foreign Trusts (WTs) rect beneficiaries or owners on a pooled basis the WP with documentation or other infor- If you are making payments to a WT for chap- for chapter 3 purposes rather than reporting mation for review. ter 3 or 4 purposes, you do not have to withhold payments made to each foreign direct benefi- • It agrees to comply with the documentation if the WT is acting in that capacity. The WT ciary or owner in addition to reporting payments requirements of a WP in the WP agree- must assume primary chapters 3 and 4 with- in a chapter 4 withholding rate pool to the extent ment. holding responsibility for amounts that are dis- the WT is permitted to do so based on its chap- For more information on applying these tributed to, or included in the distributive share ter 4 status. A WT can treat as its direct benefi- rules, see section 9.02 of the WP agreement in of, any direct beneficiary or owner and may as- ciaries or owners those indirect beneficiaries or section 6 of Revenue Procedure 2017-21, avail- sume primary chapters 3 and 4 withholding re- owners of the WT for which it applies joint ac- able at sponsibility for certain of its indirect beneficia- count treatment or the agency option (descri- ries or owners. The WT must withhold the bed later). A WT must otherwise issue a Form WP acting for indirect partners. A WP may amount required to be withheld. A WT must pro- 1042-S to each beneficiary or owner to the ex- act as a WP with respect to an indirect partner vide you with a Form W-8IMY that certifies that tent it is required to do so under the WT agree- of the WP that is not a U.S. nonexempt recipi- the WT is acting in that capacity and provides ment. You may issue a single Form 1042-S for ent. However, a WP may act as a WP for an in- all other information and certifications required all payments you make to a WT other than pay- direct partner that is a U.S. nonexempt recipient by the form. The Form W-8IMY must contain ments for which the entity does not act as a WT. if the indirect partner is included in a the WT-EIN and GIIN (if applicable). You may, however, have Form 1099 require- pass-through partner’s chapter 4 withholding ments for certain indirect beneficiaries or own- rate pool of recalcitrant account holders or U.S. A WT can be either an FFI or an NFFE. An ers of a WT that are U.S. nonexempt recipients. payees. A WP acting as a WP for an indirect FFI (other than a retirement fund) that is a WT partner is not required to forward to its withhold- must be a participating FFI, a registered Collective refund procedures. A WT ing agent the documentation and the withhold- deemed-compliant FFI, or an FFI treated as a may seek a refund of tax withheld under chap- ing statement of the pass-through partner and deemed-compliant FFI under an applicable ters 3 and 4 on behalf of its beneficiaries or indirect partner that the WP would have other- Model 1 IGA that is subject to similar due dili- owners when the WT has not issued a Form wise been required to provide under the re- gence and reporting requirements with respect 1042-S to the beneficiaries or owners that re- quirements of a nonwithholding foreign partner- to its U.S. accounts as those applicable to a ceived the payment that was subject to over- ship. See Not acting as a WP, later. However, a registered deemed-compliant FFI under Regu- withholding. The beneficiaries or owners, there- WP must provide the withholding agent with lations section 1.1471-5(f)(1) (including the re- fore, are not required to file claims for refund documentation and any other information from quirement to register with the IRS) (defined in with the IRS to obtain refunds, but rather may any pass-through partner whose direct or indi- the WT agreement as a “registered obtain them from the WT. A WT may obtain a rect partner, beneficiary, or owner is a U.S. non- deemed-compliant Model 1 IGA FFI”). Thus, refund of tax withheld under chapter 4 to the ex- exempt recipient unless the recipient is inclu- you must identify the chapter 4 status of an FFI tent permitted under the WT agreement. ded in the pass-through partner’s chapter 4 certifying its status as a WT as one of the chap- Reporting of U.S. beneficiaries or own- withholding rate pool of recalcitrant account ter 4 statuses referenced in the preceding sen- ers. If the WT is a grantor trust with U.S. own- holders or U.S. payees. tence on a Form W-8IMY when a chapter 4 sta- ers, the WT is required to file Form 3520-A, and If a WP is making a payment that is a with- tus is required for chapter 4 purposes. to provide statements to a U.S. owner, as well holdable payment, the pass-through partner’s as each U.S. beneficiary who is not an owner withholding statement must meet the require- Responsibilities of a WT. The WT must with- and receives a distribution. If the WT is an FFI, ments of Regulations section 1.1471-3(c)(3)(iii) hold on the date it makes a distribution of a it is required to report each of its U.S. accounts (B). The pass-through partner’s withholding withholdable payment or an amount subject to (or U.S. reportable accounts if a reporting statement must include the account holders or chapter 3 withholding to a direct foreign benefi- Model 1 FFI) on Form 8966 consistent with its interest holders of the pass-through partner in ciary or owner. If the beneficiary's or owner's FATCA requirements or the requirements of an chapter 4 withholding rate pools (to the extent distributive share has not been distributed, the IGA. If the WT is an NFFE, the WT must file permitted), and, for an amount subject to chap- WT must withhold on the beneficiary's or own- Form 8966 to report any beneficiary or owner ter 3 withholding that is not a withholdable pay- er's distributive share on the earlier of the date that is an NFFE (other than an excepted NFFE) ment or is a withholdable payment for which that the trust must mail or otherwise provide to with one or more substantial U.S. owners (or, chapter 4 withholding is not required, valid the beneficiary or owner the statement required under an applicable IGA, controlling persons under section 6048(b) or the due date for fur- Publication 515 (2023) Page 17 |
Page 18 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. that are specified U.S. persons) if the NFFE is For more information on applying these indirect beneficiary or owner is included in a the beneficial owner of a withholdable payment rules, see section 9.01 of the WT agreement pass-through beneficiary’s or owner’s chapter 4 received by the WT. found in section 7 of Revenue Procedure withholding rate pool of recalcitrant account The WT must also file a Form 8966 to report 2017-21, available at holders or U.S. payees. A WT acting as a WT withholdable payments made to a pass-through 2017-06_IRB#RP-2017-21. for an indirect beneficiary or owner is not re- beneficiary or owner for which the WT acts un- quired to forward to its withholding agent the der the WT agreement that provides information Agency option. A WT may apply the agency documentation and the withholding statement on an account holder (or interest holder) that is option to a partnership or trust under which the of the pass-through beneficiary or owner and in- an NFFE (other than an excepted NFFE) with partnership or trust agrees to act as an agent of direct beneficiary or owner that the WT would one or more substantial U.S. owners (or, under the WT and to apply the provisions of the WT have otherwise been required to provide under an applicable IGA, controlling persons that are agreement to its partners, beneficiaries, or own- the requirements of a nonwithholding foreign specified U.S. persons) and that is the benefi- ers. A WT that applies the agency option must trust. See Not acting as a WT, later. However, a cial owner of the withholdable payment re- elect to perform pool reporting for amounts sub- WT must provide the withholding agent with ceived by the WT, unless the pass-through ben- ject to chapter 3 withholding that either are not documentation and any other information from eficiary or owner certifies to the WT that it is withholdable payments or are withholdable pay- any pass-through beneficiary or owner whose reporting on the account holder (or interest ments for which no chapter 4 withholding is re- direct or indirect partner, beneficiary, or owner holder) pursuant to its U.S. account reporting quired and that the WT distributes to, or in- is a U.S. nonexempt recipient unless the recipi- requirements. The preceding sentence applies cludes in the distributive share of, a foreign ent is included in the pass-through beneficiary’s with respect to a pass-through beneficiary or direct beneficiary or owner. A WT and a part- or owner’s chapter 4 withholding rate pool of re- owner to which the WT applies the agency op- nership or trust may only apply the agency op- calcitrant account holders or U.S. payees. If a tion or which has partners, beneficiaries, or tion if the partnership or trust meets the follow- WT is making a payment that is a withholdable owners that are indirect beneficiaries or owners ing conditions. payment, the pass-through beneficiary’s or of the WT. In addition, if the WT is not a partici- • It is a nonwithholding foreign partnership or owner’s withholding statement must meet the pating FFI, a registered deemed-compliant FFI, nonwithholding foreign trust that is either a requirements of Regulations section or a registered deemed-compliant Model 1 IGA simple or grantor trust. 1.1471-3(c)(3)(iii)(B). The pass-through benefi- FFI and is not required to report with respect to • It is either a direct beneficiary or owner of ciary’s or owner’s withholding statement must a U.S. beneficiary of the WT on Form 3520-A, the WT or an indirect beneficiary or owner include the account holders or interest holders then the WT must report with respect to such of the WT that is a direct partner, benefi- of the pass-through beneficiary or owner in beneficiary on Form 8966, as required in the ciary, or owner of a partnership or trust to chapter 4 withholding rate pools (to the extent WT agreement. A beneficiary for this purpose which the WT also applies the agency op- permitted), and, for an amount subject to chap- means a beneficiary that receives a distribution tion. ter 3 withholding that is not a withholdable pay- from the WT during the year or that is required • It is an FFI that is a certified deemed-com- ment or is a withholdable payment for which to include an amount in gross income with re- pliant FFI (other than a registered chapter 4 withholding is not required, valid doc- spect to the WT under sections 652(a) or deemed-compliant Model 1 IGA FFI, as umentation provided by the account holders or 662(a). defined in the WT agreement), an interest holders of the pass-through beneficiary owner-documented FFI, an NFFE, or an or owner that are not themselves QIs or Joint account treatment. Under special pro- exempt beneficial owner. flow-through entities. cedures provided in the WT agreement, a WT • None of its partners, beneficiaries, or own- For more information on applying these may apply joint account treatment to a partner- ers is a WT, WP, participating FFI, regis- rules, see section 9.03 of the WT agreement in ship or trust that is a direct beneficiary or owner tered deemed-compliant FFI, registered section 7 of Revenue Procedure 2017-21, avail- of the WT. A WT that applies the joint account deemed-compliant Model 1 IGA FFI (as able at option must elect to perform pool reporting for defined in the WT agreement), or a QI act- amounts subject to chapter 3 withholding that ing as an intermediary for a payment made Not acting as a WT. A foreign trust that is not either are not withholdable payments or are by the WT to the partnership or trust. acting as a WT is a nonwithholding foreign trust. withholdable payments for which no chapter 4 • The WT may not act as a withholding for- This occurs if a WT is not acting in that capacity withholding is required and that the WT distrib- eign trust with respect to any direct or indi- for some or all of the amounts it receives from utes to, or includes in the distributive share of, a rect beneficiary or owner of the partnership you. foreign direct beneficiary or owner. These rules or trust that is a U.S. nonexempt recipient, In most cases, you must treat payments only apply to a partnership or trust that meets unless the U.S. nonexempt recipient is a made to a nonwithholding foreign trust as made the following conditions. beneficiary or owner of an owner-docu- to the beneficiaries of a simple trust or the own- • It is a nonwithholding foreign partnership or mented FFI or passive NFFE to which the ers of a grantor trust. The trust must provide nonwithholding foreign trust that is either a WT applies the agency option and is inclu- you with a Form W-8IMY (with Part VIII comple- simple or grantor trust. ded in the WT’s U.S. payee pool. ted), a withholding statement identifying the • It is a certified deemed-compliant FFI • It agrees to comply with the compliance amounts, the withholding certificates or docu- (other than a registered deemed-compliant procedures described in section 8.05 of mentary evidence of the beneficiaries or own- Model 1 IGA FFI, as defined in the WT the WT agreement by providing the WT ers, and the information shown earlier under agreement), an owner-documented FFI, an with the certification described in section Withholding statement under Nonqualified Inter- exempt beneficial owner, or an NFFE 8.03 of the WT agreement and providing mediary (NQI). (other than a WP or WT). the WT with documentation or other infor- • It is a direct beneficiary or owner of the mation for review. WT. • It agrees to comply with the documentation Standards of Knowledge • None of its partners, beneficiaries, or own- requirements of a WT in the WT agree- for Purposes of Chapter 3 ers is a flow-through entity or intermediary. ment. • None of the partnership’s or trust’s part- For more information on applying these You must withhold in accordance with the pre- ners, beneficiaries, or owners is a U.S. rules, see section 9.02 of the WT agreement in sumption rules (discussed later) if you know or person or is subject to withholding or re- section 7 of Revenue Procedure 2017-21, avail- have reason to know that a withholding certifi- porting under chapter 4. able at cate or documentary evidence provided by a • It agrees to make available upon request to payee is unreliable or incorrect to establish the the WT (or the WT’s auditor) records that WT acting for indirect beneficiaries or own- payee's status for chapter 3 purposes. If you establish it has provided the WT with docu- ers. A WT may act as a WT with respect to an rely on an agent to obtain documentation, you mentation for purposes of chapters 3 and 4 indirect beneficiary or owner of the WT that is are considered to know, or have reason to for all of its partners, beneficiaries, or own- not a U.S. nonexempt recipient. However, a WT know, the facts that are within the knowledge of ers. may act as a WT for an indirect beneficiary or your agent for this purpose. owner that is a U.S. nonexempt recipient if the Page 18 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 19 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Reason To Know • You have information not contained on the You may, however, rely on a Form W-8 as form that is inconsistent with the claims establishing the account holder's foreign status In general, you are considered to have reason made on the form. if any of the following apply. to know that a claim of foreign status or of a re- 1. You receive the Form W-8BEN from an in- duced rate of withholding is incorrect if state- The rules below apply to withholding agents dividual and: ments contained in the withholding certificate or that are financial institutions, insurance compa- other documentation, or other relevant facts of nies, or brokers or dealers in securities. a. You possess or obtain documentary which you have knowledge, would cause a rea- evidence (that does not contain a U.S. sonably prudent person in your position to Limits on reason to know for preexisting address) that supports the claim of question the claims made. obligations. With respect to a preexisting obli- foreign status, and the individual pro- gation (that is, an obligation, including an ac- vides you with a reasonable explana- For an obligation that is not a preexisting ob- count, held by an individual that is outstanding tion, in writing, supporting the claim of ligation (that is, an obligation, including an ac- on June 30, 2014, or an obligation, including an foreign status; count, held by an individual that is outstanding account, held by an entity that is opened, exe- b. If you make a payment outside the on June 30, 2014, or an obligation, including an cuted, or issued before January 1, 2015), if you United States with respect to an off- account, held by an entity that is opened, exe- have documented the foreign status of an ac- shore obligation and you possess or cuted, or issued before January 1, 2015), you count holder for purposes of chapter 3 or 61 obtain documentary evidence estab- have reason to know that an account holder’s prior to July 1, 2014, you may continue to rely lishing foreign status that does not chapter 3 claim is unreliable or incorrect if any on that documentation. In addition, if you make contain a U.S. address; information contained in your account opening a payment to a new entity account holder that files or other account information conflicts with you treat as a preexisting entity account under c. With respect to an offshore obligation, the account holder’s claim. For an obligation Notice 2014-33, 2014-20 I.R.B. 1006, available if you classify the individual as a resi- other than a preexisting obligation, you will not at, you dent of the country where the obliga- be considered to have reason to know that a may apply the standards of knowledge in Regu- tion is maintained and you are re- person’s chapter 3 claim is unreliable or incor- lations sections 1.1441-7(b)(5) and (b)(8), that quired to report payments to the rect based on documentation collected for were applicable prior to the issuance of the tem- individual annually to the tax authority anti-money laundering (AML) purposes until 30 porary regulations. See Notice 2014-59, of the country where the obligation is days after the obligation is executed, or 30 days 2014-44 I.R.B. 747, available at maintained and that country has a tax after the account is opened for such person, 2014-44_IRB#NOT-2014-59. treaty or information exchange agree- whichever is applicable. However, if you review documentation for an ment in effect with the United States; individual account holder claiming foreign sta- or tus that contains a U.S. place of birth or if you d. You have classified the account Financial institutions, insurance companies, are notified of a change in circumstances, the holder as a U.S person in your ac- or brokers or dealers in securities have reason obligation will be treated as having a change in count information and you possess or to know that documentation provided by a di- circumstances as of the date you review the obtain documentary evidence evi- rect account holder is unreliable or incorrect documentation or receive the notification, and dencing citizenship in a country other only in the circumstances discussed next. If the you will then have reason to know that the doc- than the United States. documentation is considered unreliable or in- umentation is unreliable or incorrect. However, correct, you must get new documentation to if you are reviewing documentation provided by 2. You receive the Form W-8BEN-E from an support the payee’s claimed status or may rely an entity before January 1, 2015, you will not be entity that is not a flow-through entity and: on the original documentation if you receive the required to treat the additional U.S. indicia a. You have in your possession or obtain additional statements and/or documentation added to Regulations section 1.1441-7(b) by documentation establishing foreign discussed later and are a withholding agent de- the temporary regulations as a change in cir- status that substantiates that the en- scribed above with respect to a direct account cumstances. See Notice 2014-59, for more in- tity is organized or created under for- holder (defined in Regulations section formation. eign law; or 1.1441-7(b)(3)(i)). Such documentation is de- scribed in Regulations section 1.1471-3(c)(5)(i). Establishment of foreign status by certain b. With respect to an offshore obligation, withholding agents. You have reason to if you classify the entity as a resident The circumstances, discussed next, also know that a Form W-8BEN or W-8BEN-E is un- of the country where the obligation is apply to other withholding agents. However, reliable or incorrect to establish a direct account maintained and you are required to these withholding agents are not limited to holder's status as a foreign person if: report payments to the entity annually these circumstances in determining if they have to the tax authority of the country reason to know that documentation is unreliable 1. The Form W-8 has a current permanent where the obligation is maintained or incorrect. These withholding agents cannot residence address in the United States, and that country has a tax treaty or in- base their determination on the receipt of addi- 2. The Form W-8 has a current mailing ad- formation exchange agreement in ef- tional statements or documents. They need to dress in the United States, fect with the United States. get new documentation. 3. The account holder (whether an individual 3. You have a current residence or current mailing address as part of your account in- or an entity) has provided standing instruc- Withholding Certificates formation that is an address in the United tions to make payments with respect to an States, offshore obligation to an address in, or an You have reason to know that a Form W-8 pro- account maintained in, the United States, vided by a direct account holder that is a foreign 4. The account holder notifies you of a new unless the account holder provides a rea- person is unreliable or incorrect if: residence or mailing address in the United sonable explanation, in writing, that sup- • The Form W-8 is incomplete with respect States, ports its foreign status or provides docu- to any item on the form that is relevant to 5. You have classified the account holder as mentary evidence supporting its foreign the claims made by the account holder; a U.S. person in your account information, status. • The Form W-8 contains any information or 4. If an individual account holder provides a that is inconsistent with the account hold- Form W-8BEN to establish the individual’s er's claim; 6. You have a current telephone number for • The Form W-8 lacks information necessary the account holder in the United States foreign status, and you have, either on ac- to establish entitlement to a reduced rate and no telephone number for the account companying documentation or as part of of withholding, if a reduced rate is claimed; holder outside the United States (only to your account information, an unambigu- or the extent described in Regulations sec- ous indication of a place of birth for the in- tion 1.1441-7(b)(5)). dividual in the United States, you may not Publication 515 (2023) Page 19 |
Page 20 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. rely on the Form W-8BEN unless you pos- account holder that is a resident of the count holder, if you have classified the ac- sess or obtain documentary evidence evi- treaty country, or count holder as a U.S. person in your ac- dencing citizenship in a country other than d. You obtain a written statement from count information, if you have a current the United States, and either (i) a copy of the beneficial owner that reasonably mailing or current permanent residence the individual’s Certificate of Loss of Na- establishes its entitlement to treaty address (whether or not on the documen- tionality of the United States, or (ii) a rea- benefits. tation) for the account holder in the United sonable written explanation for the individ- States, if the account holder notifies you of ual’s renunciation of U.S. citizenship (or, 3. You have instructions to pay amounts out- a new residence or mailing address in the under an applicable IGA, the reason the side the treaty country and the account United States, or if you have a current tele- individual does not have a Certificate of holder gives you a reasonable explana- phone number for the account holder in the Loss of Nationality of the United States tion, in writing, establishing residence in United States and no telephone number despite relinquishing its U.S. citizenship), the applicable treaty country or you pos- for the account holder outside the United or the reason the individual did not obtain sess or obtain documentary evidence de- States. U.S. citizenship at birth. scribed in Regulations section 1.1471-3(c) • If the account holder is an individual and (5)(i) establishing the account holder’s you have, either on the documentary evi- Claim of reduced rate of withholding under residence in the treaty country. dence or as part of your account informa- treaty by certain withholding agents. You tion, an unambiguous place of birth for the have reason to know that a Form W-8BEN or Hold mail instruction. An address that is pro- individual in the United States. W-8BEN-E provided by a direct account holder vided subject to an instruction to hold all mail to • With respect to an offshore obligation, the to claim a reduced rate of withholding under a that address is not a permanent residence ad- account holder has standing instructions treaty is unreliable or incorrect for purposes of dress such that you may not rely upon the Form directing you to pay amounts from the ac- establishing the account holder's residency in a W-8. However, the address can be used as a count to an address or account maintained treaty country if: permanent residence address if the person has in the United States. • The permanent residence address on the provided you with documentary evidence that is You may, however, rely on documentary evi- Form W-8 is not in the treaty country or the permitted under Regulations section dence as establishing an account holder's for- beneficial owner notifies you of a new per- 1.1441-1(c)(38)(ii). If, after a Form W-8 is provi- eign status if any of the following apply. manent residence address that is not in the ded, a person’s permanent residence address treaty country, is subsequently subject to a hold mail instruc- 1. The mailing or residence address or sole • The permanent residence address on the tion, this is a change in circumstances requiring telephone number is in the United States, Form W-8 is in the treaty country but the the person to provide the documentary evi- you receive the documentary evidence withholding certificate (or your account in- dence described in the preceding sentence in from an individual, and: formation) contains a mailing address that order to use the address as a permanent resi- a. You possess or obtain additional is not in the treaty country, dence address. documentary evidence (that does not • You have a current mailing address in your contain a U.S. address) supporting account information outside the treaty Documentary Evidence the claim of foreign status and a rea- country, or sonable explanation, in writing, sup- • The account holder has standing instruc- porting the account holder's foreign tions for you to pay amounts from its ac- You have reason to know that documentary evi- count to an address or an account not in dence provided by a direct account holder to status; the treaty country. support a claim of foreign status is unreliable or b. You obtain a Form W-8 that contains incorrect if: a permanent residence address and You may, however, rely on a Form W-8 as • The documentary evidence does not rea- mailing address outside the United establishing an account holder's claim of a re- sonably establish the identity of the person States (or, if a mailing address is in- duced rate of withholding under a treaty if any presenting the documentary evidence; side the United States, the account of the following apply. • The documentary evidence contains infor- holder provides a reasonable explan- 1. The permanent residence address is not mation that is inconsistent with the account ation, in writing, supporting the ac- in the treaty country and: holder's claim of a reduced rate of with- count holder’s foreign status); or holding; or a. The account holder provides a rea- • You have account information that is in- c. For a payment made with respect to sonable explanation for the perma- consistent with the account holder's claim an offshore obligation, if you classify nent residence address outside the of a reduced rate of withholding, or the the individual as a resident of the treaty country, or documentary evidence lacks information country where the obligation is main- b. You possess or obtain documentary necessary to establish a reduced rate of tained, you are required to report a evidence described in Regulations withholding. For example, the documen- payment made to the individual annu- section 1.1471-3(c)(5)(i) that estab- tary evidence does not contain, or is not ally on a tax information statement lishes residency in a treaty country. supplemented by, statements regarding filed with that country’s tax authority the derivation of the income or compliance as part of the resident reporting re- 2. The mailing address is not in the treaty with limitations on benefits provisions in quirements, and that country has a tax country and: the case of an entity claiming treaty bene- information exchange agreement or a. You possess or obtain documentary fits. income tax treaty in effect with the evidence described in Regulations United States. section 1.1471-3(c)(5)(i) (that does Establishment of foreign status. You have 2. The mailing or residence address or sole not contain an address outside the reason to know that documentary evidence is telephone number is in the United States, treaty country) supporting the benefi- unreliable or incorrect to establish a direct ac- you receive the documentary evidence cial owner's claim of residence in the count holder's status as a foreign person if any from an entity (other than a flow-through treaty country, of the following apply. entity), and: • For documentary evidence received prior b. You possess or obtain documentation to January 1, 2001, if you have actual a. You possess or obtain documentation that establishes that the beneficial knowledge that the account holder is a to substantiate that the entity is ac- owner is an entity organized in a U.S. person or if you have a mailing or resi- tually organized or created under the treaty country, dence address for the account holder in laws of a foreign country; c. You know that the address outside the United States. the treaty country is a branch of the • For documentary evidence received after b. You obtain a valid Form W-8 that con- December 31, 2000, if you do not have a tains a permanent residence address permanent residence address for the ac- and mailing address outside the Page 20 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 21 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. United States (or, if a mailing address a. You possess or obtain additional flow-through entity, or U.S. branch to correct is inside the United States, the ac- documentary evidence supporting the the withholding statement, or, alternatively, you count holder provides a reasonable account holder's claim of residence in may apply the presumption rules, discussed explanation, in writing, supporting the the treaty country (and the documen- later in Presumption Rules, to the payee. account holder’s foreign status); or tary evidence does not contain an ad- If you choose to rely on the withholding cer- c. For a payment made with respect to dress outside the treaty country, a tificate, you must, in addition to instructing the an offshore obligation, if you classify P.O. box, an in-care-of address, or NQI, flow-through entity, or U.S. branch to cor- the entity as a resident of the country the address of a financial institution), rect the withholding statement, instruct the NQI, where the obligation is maintained b. You possess or obtain documentary flow-through entity, or U.S. branch to confirm and you are required to report a pay- evidence that establishes that the ac- that it does not know or have reason to know ment made to the entity annually on a count holder is an entity organized in that the withholding certificate is unreliable or tax information statement filed with a treaty country, or inaccurate. that country’s tax authority as part of c. You obtain a valid Form W-8 that con- Documentary evidence. If you receive docu- the resident reporting requirements, tains a permanent residence address mentary evidence for a payee in association and that country has a tax information and a mailing address in the applica- with a Form W-8IMY, you must review the exchange agreement or income tax ble treaty country. documentary evidence provided by the NQI, treaty in effect with the United States. 3. You have instructions to pay amounts to 2. You have instructions to pay amounts out- flow-through entity, or U.S. branch to determine an address or an account in the United side the treaty country and the account that there is no obvious indication that the States and the account holder provides holder gives you a reasonable explana- payee is a U.S. person subject to Form 1099 re- you with a reasonable explanation, in writ- tion, in writing, establishing residence in porting or that the documentary evidence does ing, that supports the account holder's for- the applicable treaty country or a valid not establish the identity of the person who pro- eign status or a valid beneficial owner beneficial owner withholding certificate vided the documentation (for example, the withholding certificate claiming foreign sta- that contains a permanent residence ad- documentary evidence does not appear to be tus. dress and a mailing address in the appli- an identification document). cable treaty country. 4. You have an unambiguous place of birth in Standards of Knowledge the United States for an individual account Indirect Account for Purposes of Chapter 4 holder and you possess or obtain docu- Holders' Chapter 3 Status mentary evidence demonstrating the indi- vidual’s citizenship in a country other than If you make a withholdable payment, you must the United States and a copy of the indi- A withholding agent that receives documenta- withhold in accordance with the presumption vidual’s Certificate of Loss of Nationality of tion from a payee through an NQI, a rules (discussed later) if you know or have rea- the United States. Alternatively, you may flow-through entity, or a U.S. branch of a foreign son to know that a withholding certificate or treat such an individual as a foreign per- bank or insurance company subject to U.S. or documentary evidence provided by the payee is son if you obtain a valid beneficial owner state regulatory supervision or a territory finan- unreliable or incorrect to establish a payee’s withholding certificate that establishes the cial institution (other than a U.S. branch treated chapter 4 status. If you rely on an agent to ob- individual’s foreign status, documentary as a U.S. person) has reason to know that the tain documentation, you are considered to evidence evidencing citizenship in a coun- documentary evidence is unreliable or incorrect know, or have reason to know, the facts that are try other than the United States, and a rea- for purposes of a claim of foreign status or a within the knowledge of your agent for this pur- sonable explanation, in writing, of the indi- treaty claim if a reasonably prudent person in pose. vidual’s renunciation of U.S. citizenship the withholding agent's position would question (or, under an applicable IGA, the reason the claims made. This standard requires, but is Notification by the IRS the individual does not have a Certificate not limited to, compliance with the following of Loss of Nationality of the United States rules. If you receive notification from the IRS that a despite relinquishing U.S. citizenship) or claim of status as a U.S. person, a participating the reason the individual did not obtain Withholding statement. You must review the U.S. citizenship at birth. withholding statement provided with Form FFI, a deemed-compliant FFI, or other entity en- W-8IMY and may not rely on information in the titled to a reduced rate of withholding under Claim of reduced rate of withholding under statement to the extent the information does not chapter 4 is incorrect, you are considered to treaty. You have reason to know that docu- support the claims made for a payee. You may have knowledge that such a claim is incorrect mentary evidence provided by a direct account not treat a payee as a foreign person if a U.S. beginning 30 days after you receive the notice. holder to claim a reduced rate of withholding address is provided for the payee. You may not under a treaty is unreliable or incorrect for pur- treat a person as a resident of a country with GIIN Verification poses of establishing the account holder's resi- which the United States has an income tax dency in a treaty country if: treaty if the address for the person is outside If you have received a Form W-8BEN-E or Form • You have a mailing or residence address the treaty country. W-8IMY from an entity payee that is claiming for the account holder that is outside the You may, however, treat a payee as a for- certain chapter 4 statuses, you must obtain and applicable treaty country, eign person and may treat a foreign person as a verify the entity’s GIIN against the published • You have no permanent residence for the resident of a treaty country if the withholding IRS FFI list. The IRS FFI list can be found at account holder, or statement is accompanied by a valid withhold- • The account holder has standing instruc- ing certificate and documentary evidence or a Resources-Page. You must obtain and verify tions for you to pay amounts from its ac- reasonable explanation is provided, by the NQI, against the published IRS FFI list a GIIN for the count to an address or account not in the flow-through entity, or U.S. branch supporting following chapter 4 statuses. treaty country. the payee’s foreign status or residency in a • Participating FFIs (including reporting treaty country. Model 2 FFIs). You may, however, rely on documentary evi- • Registered deemed-compliant FFIs (in- dence as establishing an account holder's claim Withholding certificate. If you receive a Form cluding reporting Model 1 FFIs). of a reduced rate of withholding under a treaty if W-8 for a payee in association with a Form • Sponsored FFIs. any of the following apply. W-8IMY, you must review each Form W-8 and • Direct reporting NFFEs. 1. The mailing or residence address is out- verify that the information is consistent with the • Sponsored direct reporting NFFEs. side the treaty country and: information on the withholding statement. If • Certain nonreporting IGA FFIs (as descri- there is a discrepancy, you may rely on the bed below). Form W-8, if valid, and instruct the NQI, Publication 515 (2023) Page 21 |
Page 22 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. If you receive a Form W-8BEN-E or Form FFI) that is identified as the FFI (or branch of, or • You have other account information that is W-8IMY from a nonreporting IGA FFI that is a disregarded entity wholly owned by, such FFI) inconsistent with the person’s claim; trustee-documented trust with a foreign trustee, that is supposed to receive the payment and for • The withholding certificate lacks informa- you must obtain the GIIN of a foreign trustee, which the FFI's GIIN is not confirmed, as descri- tion necessary to establish entitlement to but you are not required to verify the GIIN. The bed in the preceding paragraphs. an exemption from withholding for chap- GIIN that the trustee must provide is the GIIN The preceding sentence does not apply to ter 4 purposes; or that it received when it registered as a partici- an FFI that is an investment entity. If an FFI • With respect to an alternative certification pating FFI or reporting Model 1 FFI, not the (other than an investment entity) directs you to under an applicable IGA included with a GIIN that it received when it registered as a make the payment to an account held by the withholding certificate, if you know or have trustee of a trustee-documented trust. FFI and maintained by another financial institu- reason to know the certification is incor- tion, the FFI must provide to you a statement, in rect. If you receive a Form W-8BEN-E or Form writing, that the FFI is not directing the payment W-8IMY from a nonreporting IGA FFI that to any branch of such FFI that is not a partici- If you obtain a withholding certificate associ- checks Model 2 IGA in Part XII of Form pating FFI or a registered deemed-compliant ated with a withholdable payment to a partici- W-8BEN-E or Part XIX of Form W-8IMY (as ap- FFI. pating FFI, a registered deemed-compliant FFI, plicable) and identifies a category of entity that a sponsoring entity, or a sponsored FFI, you do is a registered deemed-compliant FFI under An- Sponsored, closely held investment vehi- not need to apply the standards of knowledge nex II of an applicable Model 2 IGA, you must cles. If you make a withholdable payment to a described earlier with respect to an account obtain and verify the GIIN of the nonreporting certified deemed-compliant FFI that is a spon- holder’s claim of foreign status if you have con- IGA FFI. Additionally, if you receive a Form sored, closely held investment vehicle, you firmed the FFI’s GIIN on the current published W-8BEN-E or Form W-8IMY from a nonreport- must obtain a GIIN for the sponsoring entity and IRS FFI list within 90 days of receipt of the with- ing IGA FFI that provides a citation to a section verify it against the published IRS FFI list. holding certificate. of the regulations for its registered A withholding certificate used for chap- deemed-compliant status in Part XII of Form Reason To Know ! ter 4 purposes must also include the in- W-8BEN-E or Part XIX of Form W-8IMY (as ap- CAUTION formation required for chapter 3 purpo- plicable), you must obtain and verify the GIIN of In general, you have reason to know that a ses (that is, the entity’s tax classification) with the nonreporting IGA FFI. You will have reason claim of chapter 4 status is unreliable or incor- regard to a payment that is a reportable amount to know that such payee is not such a financial rect if your knowledge of relevant facts or state- under Regulations section 1.1441-1(e)(3)(vi). institution if the payee's name (including a ments contained in the withholding certificate or name reasonably similar to the name the with- other documentation is such that a reasonably holding agent has on file for the payee) and prudent person would question the claim being Documentary Evidence GIIN do not appear on the most recently pub- made. For an obligation other than a preexisting lished IRS FFI list within 90 days of the date that obligation (that is, an obligation other than an You have reason to know that documentary evi- the claim is made. obligation, including an account, held by an in- dence provided by a person is unreliable or in- dividual that is outstanding on June 30, 2014, or correct with respect to a claim of chapter 4 sta- If you receive a Form W-8BEN-E or Form an obligation, including an account, held by an tus if: W-8IMY from an entity payee and the form con- entity that is opened, executed, or issued be- • The documentary evidence does not rea- tains “Applied for” in the box for the GIIN, the fore January 1, 2015), you have reason to know sonably establish the identity of the person payee must provide you its GIIN within 90 days that a claim of chapter 4 status is unreliable or presenting the documentary evidence, of providing the form. A Form W-8BEN-E or incorrect if any information contained in the ac- • The documentary evidence contains infor- Form W-8IMY from such payee that does not count opening files or other customer account mation that is inconsistent with the per- include a GIIN, or includes a GIIN that does not files, including documentation collected for AML son’s claim as to its chapter 4 status, appear on the published IRS FFI list, will be in- due diligence purposes, conflicts with the chap- • You have other account information that is valid for chapter 4 purposes 90 days after the ter 4 status being claimed. You will not have inconsistent with the person’s chapter 4 date the form is provided. reason to know that a claim of chapter 4 status status, or is unreliable or incorrect based on documenta- • The documentary evidence lacks informa- The GIIN that you must confirm is the GIIN tion collected for AML due diligence purposes tion necessary to establish the person’s assigned to the FFI identifying its country of res- until the date that is 30 days after the obligation chapter 4 status. idence for tax purposes (or place of organiza- is created. tion if the FFI has no country of residence), ex- cept as otherwise provided. For standards of knowledge applicable to If you have classified an entity as engaged specific types of documentary evidence, see Branches and disregarded entities. If you in a particular type of business based on your Regulations section 1.1471-3. make a withholdable payment to a branch of, or records, such as through the use of a standar- an entity that is disregarded as an entity sepa- dized industry coding system, you have reason rate from, a participating FFI or registered to know that the chapter 4 status claimed by the Payee Documentation deemed-compliant FFI located outside of the entity is unreliable or incorrect only if the entity’s From Intermediaries FFI's country of residence or organization, the claim conflicts with the withholding agent’s clas- or Flow-Through Entities GIIN you must verify is the GIIN of the branch or sification of the entity’s business type. In general. If you receive documentation for a disregarded entity receiving the payment. You payee of a withholdable payment through one must identify a GIIN associated with a disregar- Withholding Certificates or more intermediaries or flow-through entities, ded entity to the extent provided in the Instruc- you must, in addition to determining each such tions for Form W-8BEN-E or the Instructions for In general, you have reason to know that a with- entity’s chapter 4 status when required for Form W-8IMY. holding certificate from a person is unreliable or chapter 4 purposes, review all documentation You will have reason to know that a with- incorrect with respect to a claim of chapter 4 obtained with respect to the payee. Under cer- holdable payment is made to a branch (includ- status if: tain circumstances, you may rely on a withhold- ing a disregarded entity) of a participating FFI or • The withholding certificate is incomplete ing certificate with an electronic signature provi- registered deemed-compliant FFI that is not it- with respect to any item on the certificate ded by an account holder that is an NQI, when self a participating FFI or registered that is relevant to the claim made by the you are permitted to do so under Regulations deemed-compliant FFI when you are directed person; section 1.1441-1(e)(4)(i)(B). When withholding to make the payment to an address in a jurisdic- • The withholding certificate contains any in- under chapter 4 is not applied based on the tion other than that of the participating FFI or formation that is inconsistent with the per- chapter 4 status of an intermediary or registered deemed-compliant FFI (or branch of, son’s claim; flow-through entity, you are not required to ob- or disregarded entity wholly owned by, such tain documentation for a payee through an Page 22 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 23 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. intermediary or flow-through entity that is a QI, status. For more information, see Regulations Chart A. Presumption Rules in the WP, or WT, or a payee that is included in a section 1.1471-3(e)(4)(vii) or, if you are a re- Absence of Documentation chapter 4 withholding rate pool of U.S. payees. porting Model 1 FFI or a reporting Model 2 FFI, the requirements of the applicable IGA. Withholding statement. You must review For the See Regulations the withholding statement provided and may presumption section: not rely on information in the statement to the Presumption Rules rules related to: extent the information does not support the 1.1441-1(b)(3); claims made regarding the chapter 4 status of If you cannot reliably associate a payment with the payee. You may not treat a person as a for- valid documentation, you must apply certain 1.6049-5(d); eign person if a U.S. address is provided, un- presumption rules or you may be liable for tax, 1.1471-3(f) less the withholding statement is accompanied interest, and penalties. If you comply with the Payee's status (chapter 4 payees) by a valid withholding certificate and documen- presumption rules, you are not liable for tax, in- Effectively tary evidence establishing foreign status. terest, and penalties even if the rate of withhold- connected income 1.1441-4(a)(2) ing that should have been applied based on the Withholding certificate. You must review payee's actual status is different from that pre- Partnership and its 1.1441-5(d); each withholding certificate, written statement sumed. partners 1.1446-1(c)(3) (as permitted for chapter 4 purposes with re- spect to certain payments to entities), or docu- The presumption rules apply to determine Estate or trust and mentary evidence, and must verify that the in- the status of the person you pay as a U.S. or its beneficiaries or formation is consistent with the information on foreign person and other relevant characteris- owner 1.1441-5(e)(6) the withholding statement. If there is a discrep- tics, such as whether the payee is a beneficial ancy, you may rely on the documentation provi- owner or intermediary, and whether the payee Foreign ded such documentation is valid and the inter- is an individual, corporation, partnership, or tax-exempt mediary or flow-through entity does not indicate trust. In the case of a withholdable payment you organizations that the documentation is unreliable or incor- make to an entity, you must apply the presump- (including private rect, or, alternatively, you may apply the pre- tion rules for chapter 4 purposes to treat the en- foundations) 1.1441-9(b)(3) sumption rules. If you choose to rely on the doc- tity as a nonparticipating FFI when you cannot umentation, you must instruct the intermediary reliably associate the payment with documenta- or flow-through entity to correct the withholding tion permitted for chapter 4 purposes. You are Presumption Rules for Chapter 4 statement and confirm that the intermediary or not permitted to apply a reduced rate of chap- flow-through entity does not know or have rea- ter 3 withholding based on a payee's presumed If you determine that you are making a withhold- son to know that the documentation is unrelia- status if documentation is required to establish able payment to an entity and cannot reliably ble or incorrect. See Regulations section a reduced rate of withholding. For example, if associate the payment with a valid Form W-8 or 1.1471-3(d) for when a written statement is per- the payee of interest is presumed to be a for- other documentation that you are permitted to mitted for chapter 4 purposes. eign person, you may not apply the portfolio in- rely upon and that is sufficient to determine the terest exception or a reduced rate of withhold- chapter 4 status of the entity, you are required Documentation from participating FFIs and ing under a tax treaty since both exceptions to treat the entity payee as a nonparticipating registered deemed-compliant FFIs. If you require documentation. FFI such that withholding applies. For purposes receive documentation for a payee of a with- of determining whether the payment is made to holdable payment through a participating FFI or If you rely on your actual knowledge about a registered deemed-compliant FFI that is an in- payee's status and withhold an amount less an individual or an entity, or to a U.S. person or termediary or flow-through entity receiving the than that required under the presumption rules a foreign person, if you cannot reliably asso- payment, you may rely on the chapter 4 status or do not report a payment that is subject to re- ciate a payment with a valid Form W-8 or other provided in the withholding statement, including porting under the presumption rules, you may documentation that you are permitted to rely a chapter 4 status determined under the re- be liable for tax, interest, and penalties. You upon and from which you are able to determine quirements of (and documentation or informa- should, however, rely on your actual knowledge the payee’s status as an individual or entity, or tion that is publicly available that determines the if doing so results in withholding an amount U.S. or foreign status, you must apply the pre- chapter 4 status of the payee permitted under) greater than would apply under the presumption sumption rules of Regulations section an applicable IGA, provided that you have the rules or in reporting an amount that would not 1.1441-1(b)(3)(ii) to determine the payee’s sta- information necessary to report on Form be subject to reporting under the presumption tus as an individual or entity and Regulations 1042-S, unless you have information that con- rules. section 1.1441-1(b)(3)(iii) to determine the payee’s U.S. or foreign status. flicts with the chapter 4 status provided. If un- In the case of a participating FFI or regis- derlying documentation is provided for the tered deemed-compliant FFI that cannot report If you are making a withholdable payment to payee and information in the documentation or with respect to an individual account holder, the joint payees and cannot reliably associate the in your records conflicts with the chapter 4 sta- FFI must classify the account holder under the payment with valid documentation from each tus claimed, you have reason to know that the requirements (as applicable) of the FFI agree- payee and each of the payees appears to be an chapter 4 status claimed is unreliable or incor- ment, Regulations section 1.1471-5(f), or an ap- individual, the payment is presumed made to an rect. However, you are not required to verify the plicable IGA. Whether withholding applies to unidentified U.S. person. If any of the joint pay- information contained in the documentation that payments made to such account holders classi- ees does not appear, by its name or other infor- is not facially incorrect, and you are generally fied as recalcitrant account holders (including mation in its account file, to be an individual, not required to obtain supporting documenta- payments to intermediaries or flow-through enti- then the entire payment is treated as made to a tion for the payee. You may determine the re- ties allocating payments to such account hold- nonparticipating FFI. However, if you receive cipient code of a payee for chapter 4 purposes ers on an applicable withholding statement) dif- from one of the joint payees a Form W-9, the (for filing Form 1042-S) that is not identified on fers under these requirements. payment shall be treated as made to that a withholding statement when you are able to payee. do so based on other information included on or The presumption rules, in the absence of with the withholding statement or in your re- documentation, for the subject matter are dis- cords with respect to the payee. cussed in the regulations section indicated on Chart A. Income Subject Preexisting obligation of entities. If you make a withholdable payment with respect to a to Withholding preexisting obligation to an entity, the scope of review is limited with respect to the time in This section explains how to determine if a pay- which you must determine the entity’s chapter 4 ment is subject to chapter 3 withholding or is a withholdable payment. Publication 515 (2023) Page 23 |
Page 24 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Amounts Subject to • Payments made under a grandfathered source income is the amount that results from obligation (for example, obligations out- multiplying the total amount of pay by the fol- Chapter 3 Withholding standing on July 1, 2014). lowing fraction. A payment is subject to chapter 3 withholding if it is from sources within the United States, and it Source of Income Number of days services are performed in the is fixed or determinable annual or periodical United States (FDAP) income. Generally, excluding gains but In most cases, income is from U.S. sources if it Total number of days of service for which including certain gains from the disposal of tim- is paid by domestic corporations, U.S. citizens compensation is paid ber, coal, and iron ore, or from the sale or ex- or resident aliens, or entities formed under the change of patents, copyrights, and similar intan- laws of the United States or a state. Income is gible property. also from U.S. sources if the property that pro- Multiyear compensation. Generally, the duces the income is located in the United source of multiyear compensation is deter- In addition, a payment is subject to chap- States or the services for which the income is mined on a time basis over the period to which ter 3 withholding if withholding is specifically re- paid were performed in the United States or the the compensation is attributable. Multiyear quired, even though it may not constitute U.S. income is a dividend equivalent. A payment is compensation is compensation that is included source income or FDAP income. For example, treated as being from sources within the United in the taxable income of a recipient in 1 tax year corporate distributions may be subject to chap- States if the source of the payment cannot be but that is attributable to a period that includes 2 ter 3 withholding even though a part of the dis- determined at the time of payment, such as or more tax years. The determination of the pe- tribution may be a return of capital or capital fees for personal services paid before the serv- riod to which the compensation is attributable, gain that is not FDAP income. ices have been performed. Other source rules for purposes of determining its source, is based are summarized in Chart B and explained in de- on the facts and circumstances of each case. Amounts not subject to chapter 3 withhold- tail in the separate discussions under Withhold- For example, an amount of compensation that ing. The following amounts are not subject to ing on Specific Income, later. specifically relates to a period of time that in- chapter 3 withholding. cludes several calendar years is attributable to • Portfolio interest paid on obligations that In most cases, interest on an obligation of a the entire multiyear period. Where determining meet certain requirements. See Interest, foreign corporation or foreign partnership is for- the source of multiyear compensation on a time later. eign-source income. If the entity is engaged in a basis is appropriate, the amount of compensa- • Bank deposit interest that is not effectively trade or business in the United States during its tion treated as from U.S. sources is figured by connected with the conduct of a U.S. trade tax year, interest paid by such entity is treated multiplying the total multiyear compensation by or business. See Interest, later. as from U.S. sources only if the interest is paid a fraction. The numerator of the fraction is the • Original issue discount on certain short- by a U.S. trade or business conducted by the number of days (or unit of time less than a day, term obligations. See Original issue dis- entity or is allocable to income that is treated as if appropriate) that labor or personal services count, later. effectively connected with the conduct of a U.S. were performed in the United States in connec- • Nonbusiness gambling income of a non- trade or business. This applies to a foreign part- tion with the project. The denominator of the resident alien playing blackjack, baccarat, nership only if it is predominantly engaged in fraction is the total number of days (or unit of craps, roulette, or big-6 wheel in the United the active conduct of a trade or business out- time less than a day, if appropriate) that labor or States. See Gambling winnings, later. side the United States. personal services were performed in connec- • Amounts paid as part of the purchase price tion with the project. of an obligation sold between interest pay- Guarantee income. Certain amounts paid, di- Employees. If the services are performed ment dates. See Interest, later. rectly or indirectly, for the provision of a guaran- partly in the United States and partly outside the • Original issue discount paid on the sale of tee of indebtedness issued after September 27, United States by an employee, the allocation of an obligation other than a redemption. See 2010, are from U.S. sources. The amounts pay, other than certain fringe benefits, is deter- Original issue discount, later. must be paid by one of the following. mined on a time basis. The following fringe ben- • Insurance premiums paid on a contract is- 1. A noncorporate U.S. resident or a U.S. efits are sourced on a geographical basis as sued by a foreign insurer subject to the ex- corporation for the provision of a guaran- shown in the following list. cise tax under section 4371. tee of the resident or corporation. • Housing—employee's main job location. • U.S. source transportation income subject 2. Any foreign person for the provision of a • Education—employee's main job location. to a 4% tax on gross income. guarantee if the payment of income is ef- • Local transportation—employee's main job fectively connected, or treated as effec- location. Amounts Subject to tively connected, with the conduct of a • Tax reimbursement—jurisdiction imposing Chapter 4 Withholding U.S. trade or business. tax. • Hazardous or hardship duty pay—location U.S. source FDAP income for purposes of Personal service income (for purposes of of pay zone. chapter 4 is similar to U.S. source FDAP in- chapter 3 withholding). If the income is for • Moving expense reimbursement—employ- come for purposes of chapter 3, subject to cer- personal services performed in the United ee's new main job location. tain modifications such as the exclusion of cer- States, it is from U.S. sources. The place where For information on what is included in these tain types of non-financial payments and the the services are performed determines the benefits, see Regulations section 1.861-4(b)(2) inclusion (as U.S. source interest) of deposit in- source of the income, regardless of where the (ii)(D). terest paid by a foreign branch of a U. S. corpo- contract was made, the place of payment, or An employee's main job location (principal ration or partnership. Also, see Fixed or Deter- the residence of the payer. place of work) is usually the place where the minable Annual or Periodical Income (FDAP), However, under certain circumstances, pay- employee spends most of his or her working later. ment for personal services performed in the time. If there is no one place where most of the United States is not considered income from work time is spent, the main job location is the A withholding agent must withhold on a pay- sources within the United States. For informa- place where the work is centered, such as ment of U.S. source FDAP income that is a tion on this exception, see Pay for Personal where the employee reports for work or is other- withholdable payment to which an exception Services Performed, later. wise required to base his or her work. does not apply under chapter 4. If the income is for personal services per- An employee can use an alternative basis formed partly in the United States and partly based on facts and circumstances, rather than Amounts not subject to withholding under outside the United States, you must make an the time or geographical basis. The employee, chapter 4. The following amounts are not sub- accurate allocation of income for services per- not the employer, must demonstrate that the al- ject to withholding under chapter 4. formed in the United States based on the facts ternative basis more properly determines the • Interest or original issue discount from a and circumstances. In most cases, you make source of the pay or fringe benefits. short-term obligation. this allocation on a time basis. That is, U.S. Page 24 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 25 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Territorial limits. Wages received for serv- The compensation element is sourced the • Original issue discount. ices rendered inside the territorial limits of the same as compensation from the performance of • Real estate mortgage investment conduit United States and wages of an alien seaman personal services. The part attributable to serv- (REMIC) excess inclusion income. earned on a voyage along the coast of the Uni- ices performed in the United States is U.S. • Pensions and annuities. ted States are regarded as from sources in the source income, and the part attributable to serv- • Alimony (no longer income if the divorce or United States. Wages or salaries for personal ices performed outside the United States is for- separation agreement is executed after services performed in a mine or on an oil or gas eign source income. December 31, 2018, or if executed before well located or being developed on the conti- Employer contributions to a defined benefit January 1, 2019, but modified after De- nental shelf of the United States are treated as plan covering more than one individual are not cember 31, 2018, the modification must from sources in the United States. made for the benefit of a specific participant, state that section 11051 of P.L. 115-97 Income from the performance of services di- but are made based on the total liabilities to all (TCJA) applies to the modification). rectly related to the use of a vessel or aircraft is participants. All funds held under the plan are • Real property income, such as rents, other treated as derived entirely from sources in the available to provide benefits to any participant. than gains from the sale of real property. United States if the use begins and ends in the If the payment is from such a plan, you can use • Royalties. United States. This income is subject to with- the method in Revenue Procedure 2004-37, • Taxable scholarships and fellowship holding if it is not effectively connected with a 2004-26 I.R.B. 1099, available at grants. U.S. trade or business. If the use either begins 2004-26_IRB#RP-2004-37, to allocate the pay- • Other taxable grants, prizes, and awards. or ends in the United States, see Transportation ment to sources within and without the United • A sales commission paid or credited income, later. States. monthly. Crew members. Income from the perform- The earnings part of a pension payment is • A commission paid for a single transaction. ance of services by a nonresident alien in con- U.S. source income if the trust is a U.S. trust. • The distributable net income of an estate or trust that is FDAP income and must be nection with the individual's temporary pres- distributed currently, or has been paid or ence in the United States as a regular member Chart B. Summary of Source Rules of the crew of a foreign vessel engaged in trans- for FDAP Income credited during the tax year. • FDAP income distributed by a partnership portation between the United States and a for- IF you have... THEN the source of that that, or such an amount that, although not eign country or a U.S. possession is not income income is determined by... actually distributed, is includible in the from U.S. sources. pay for personal services where the services are gross income of a foreign partner. Multilevel marketing. Certain companies performed. • Taxes, mortgage interest, or insurance sell products through a multilevel marketing ar- dividends the type of corporation (U.S. premiums paid to, or for the account of, a rangement, such that an upper-tier distributor, or foreign). nonresident alien landlord by a tenant un- who has sponsored a lower-tier distributor, is interest the residence of the payer. der the terms of a lease. • Publication rights. entitled to a payment from the company based rents where the property is • Prizes awarded to nonresident alien artists on certain activities of that lower-tier distributor. located. for pictures exhibited in the United States. Generally, depending on the facts, payments from such multilevel marketing companies to in- royalties—patents, • Purses paid to nonresident alien boxers for dependent (nonemployee) distributors (up- copyrights, etc. where the property is used. prize fights in the United States. per-tier distributors) that are based on the sales royalties—natural where the property is • Prizes awarded to nonresident alien pro- or purchases of persons whom they have spon- resources located. fessional golfers in golfing tournaments in sored (lower-tier distributors) constitute income pensions—distributions the United States. for the performance of personal services in re- attributable to where the services were cruiting, training, and supporting the lower-tier contributions performed. Payments for the following purposes are ex- amples of payments that are not withholdable distributors. The source of such income is gen- pensions—investment payments. erally based on where the services of the up- earnings on contributions the location of pension trust. Services (including wages and other forms • per-tier distributor are performed, and may, de- scholarships and in most cases, the of employee compensation (such as stock pending on the facts, be considered multiyear fellowship grants residence of the payer. options)). compensation, with the source of income deter- guarantee of the residence of the debtor • The use of property. mined over the period to which such compen- indebtedness or whether the payment is • Office and equipment leases. sation is attributable. effectively connected with a • Software licenses. U.S. trade or business. Scholarships, fellowships, and grants. • Transportation. Scholarships, fellowships, and grants are • Freight. • Gambling winnings. sourced according to the residence of the Fixed or Determinable • Awards, prizes, and scholarships. payer. Those made by entities created or domi- Annual or Periodical • Interest on outstanding accounts payable ciled in the United States are generally treated arising from the acquisition of goods or as income from sources within the United (FDAP) Income services. States. However, see Activities outside the Uni- ted States next. Those made by entities created FDAP income is all income except: or domiciled in a foreign country are treated as • Gains from the sale of property (not includ- Periodic or lump-sum payments. Income income from foreign sources. ing original issue discount and certain can be FDAP income whether it is paid in a ser- gains that are referred to in Amounts Sub- ies of repeated payments or in a single lump Activities outside the United States. A ject to Chapter 3 Withholding, earlier); and sum. For example, $5,000 in royalty income scholarship, fellowship, grant, targeted grant, or • Items of income excluded from gross in- would be FDAP income whether paid in 10 pay- an achievement award received by a nonresi- come without regard to U.S. or foreign sta- ments of $500 each or in one payment of dent alien for activities conducted outside the tus of the owner of the income, such as $5,000. United States is treated as foreign source in- tax-exempt municipal bond interest and come. qualified scholarship income. Insurance proceeds. Income derived by an insured nonresident alien from U.S. sources Pension payments. The source of pension The following items are examples of FDAP upon the surrender of, or at the maturity of, a life payments is determined by the part of the distri- income. insurance policy, is FDAP income and is sub- bution that constitutes the compensation ele- • Compensation for personal services paid ject to chapter 3 withholding and is a withholda- ment (employer contributions) and the part that to an individual or a sole proprietorship. ble payment. This includes income derived un- constitutes the earnings element (the invest- • Dividends and dividend equivalent pay- der a life insurance contract issued by a foreign ment income). ments. branch of a U.S. life insurance company. The • Interest. Publication 515 (2023) Page 25 |
Page 26 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. proceeds are income to the extent they exceed • Whether the activities of that trade or busi- chapter 4 and thus is not subject to withholding the cost of the policy. ness were a material factor in the for chapter 4 purposes. You do not need to However, certain payments received under realization of the income. withhold tax under chapter 4 if you receive a a life insurance contract on the life of a termi- Form W-8ECI on which a foreign payee makes nally or chronically ill individual before death Income from securities. There is a special the representations described in Withholding (accelerated death benefits) may not be subject rule determining whether income from securi- exemptions, earlier. to tax. This also applies to certain payments re- ties is effectively connected with the active con- ceived for the sale or assignment of any part of duct of a U.S. banking, financing, or similar Notional principal contract income. Certain the death benefit under contract to a viatical business. payments attributable to a notional principal settlement provider. For more information, see If the foreign person's U.S. office actively contract are not subject to withholding regard- Pub. 525. and materially participates in soliciting, negoti- less of whether a Form W-8ECI is provided. ating, or performing other activities required to However, payments of dividend equivalents Racing purses (for purposes of chapter 3 arrange the acquisition of securities, the U.S. that are not effectively connected with the con- withholding). Racing purses are FDAP in- source interest or dividend income from the se- duct of a trade or business in the United States, come and racetrack operators must withhold curities, gain or loss from their sale or ex- pursuant to a specified notional principal con- 30% on any purse paid to a nonresident alien change, income or gain economically equiva- tract (described later under Dividend equivalent racehorse owner in the absence of definite in- lent to such amounts, or amounts received for payments) are subject to withholding. formation contained in a statement filed to- providing a guarantee of indebtedness, is attrib- Income from a notional principal contract is gether with a Form W-8 that the owner has not utable to the U.S. office and is ECI. subject to reporting on Form 1042-S if it is ef- raced, or does not intend to enter, a horse in fectively connected with the conduct of a trade another race in the United States during the tax Withholding exemption. In most cases, you or business in the United States. You must treat year. If available information indicates that the do not need to withhold tax on income for pur- the income as effectively connected with a U.S. racehorse owner has raced a horse in another poses of chapter 3 or 4 if you receive a Form trade or business if you pay the income to, or to race in the United States during the tax year, W-8ECI on which a foreign payee represents the account of, a qualified business unit (a then the statement and Form W-8 filed for that that: branch) of a foreign person located in the Uni- year are ineffective. The owner may be exempt • The foreign payee is the beneficial owner ted States or a qualified business unit located from withholding of tax at 30% on the purses if of the income; outside the United States and you know, or the owner gives you Form W-8ECI, which pro- • The income is effectively connected with have reason to know, the income is effectively vides that the income is effectively connected the conduct of a trade or business in the connected with the conduct of a U.S. trade or with the conduct of a U.S. trade or business and United States; and business. You do not need to treat notional prin- that the income is includible in the owner's • For purposes of chapter 3 withholding, the cipal contract income as effectively connected if gross income. income is includible in the payee's gross you receive a Form W-8BEN-E that represents income. that the income is not effectively connected with Covenant not to compete. Payment received This withholding exemption applies to in- the conduct of a U.S. trade or business or if the for a promise not to compete is generally FDAP come for services performed by a foreign part- payee provides a representation in a master income. Its source is the place where the prom- nership or foreign corporation (unless item (4) agreement or in the confirmation on the particu- isor forfeited his or her right to act. Amounts below applies to the corporation). The exemp- lar notional principal contract transaction that paid to a nonresident alien for his or her prom- tion does not apply, however, to: the payee is a U.S. person or a non-U.S. branch ise not to compete in the United States are sub- of a foreign person. ject to chapter 3 withholding and are withholda- 1. Pay for personal services performed by an ble payments. individual for purposes of chapter 3 (see Income paid to U.S. branch of foreign bank Pay for Personal Services Performed, or insurance company. A payment to a U.S. later), branch of a foreign bank or a foreign insurance Withholding on 2. Effectively connected taxable income of a company that is subject to U.S. regulation by partnership that is allocable to its foreign the Federal Reserve or state insurance authori- Specific Income partners (see Partnership Withholding on ties is presumed to be effectively connected Different kinds of income are subject to different Effectively Connected Income, later), with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States if you have an EIN for the branch, withholding requirements. 3. Income from the disposition of a USRPI unless the branch provides a Form W-8BEN-E (see U.S. Real Property Interest, later), or or Form W-8IMY for the income. If a U.S. Effectively 4. Payments to a foreign corporation for per- branch of a foreign bank or insurance company Connected Income sonal services if all of the following apply. receives income that the payer did not withhold upon because of the presumption that the in- a. The foreign corporation otherwise come was effectively connected with the U.S. In most cases, when a foreign person engages qualifies as a personal holding com- branch's trade or business, the U.S. branch is in a trade or business in the United States, all pany for income tax purposes; required to withhold on the income if it is in fact income from sources in the United States con- not effectively connected with the conduct of its nected with the conduct of that trade or busi- b. The foreign corporation receives ness is considered effectively connected with a amounts under a contract for personal trade or business in the United States. With- U.S. business. FDAP income may or may not services of an individual whom the holding is required whether the payment was be effectively connected with a U.S. business. corporation has no right to designate; collected on behalf of other persons or on be- half of another branch of the same entity. For example, effectively connected income c. 25% or more in value of the outstand- (ECI) includes rents from real property if the ing stock of the foreign corporation at alien chooses to treat that income as effectively some time during the tax year is Income Not connected with a U.S. trade or business. owned, directly or indirectly, by or for Effectively Connected The factors to be considered in establishing an individual who has performed, is to whether FDAP income and similar amounts are perform, or may be designated as the This section discusses the specific types of in- effectively connected with a U.S. trade or busi- one to perform, the services called for come that are subject to chapter 3 withholding ness include: under the contract. and where withholding under chapter 4 is re- quired. The income codes contained in this sec- • Whether the income is from assets used tion correspond to the income codes used on in, or held for use in, the conduct of that Withholding exemption for purposes of trade or business; or chapter 4. Income effectively connected with the 2023 Form 1042-S (discussed later). the conduct of a trade or business in the United For purposes of chapter 3, you must with- States is not a withholdable payment under hold tax at the statutory rates shown in Chart C Page 26 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 27 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. unless a reduced rate or exemption under a tax when paid with respect to a grandfathered obli- Chart C. Withholding Tax Rates treaty applies. For U.S. source gross income gation). Original issue discount paid as part of for Purposes of Chapter 3 that is not effectively connected with a U.S. the purchase price of an obligation sold or ex- trade or business, the rate is usually 30%. In changed, other than in a redemption, is not sub- Note. You must withhold tax at the following most cases, you must withhold the tax at the ject to chapter 3 withholding unless the pur- rates on payments of income unless a reduced time you pay the income to the foreign person. chase is part of a plan the principal purpose of rate or exemption is authorized under a tax See When to withhold, earlier. which is to avoid tax and the withholding agent treaty. The President may apply higher tax rates has actual knowledge or reason to know of the on income paid to residents or corporations of Interest plan. However, such original issue discount is a foreign countries that impose burdensome or withholdable payment (except when paid with discriminatory taxes on U.S. persons. respect to a grandfathered obligation). With- IF you paid the following type THEN you must Interest from U.S. sources paid to foreign pay- holding is required by a person other than the of income... generally ees is subject to chapter 3 withholding and is a issuer of an obligation (or the issuer's agent). withhold at the withholdable payment (except when the interest following rate... is paid with respect to a grandfathered obliga- The original issue discount that is subject to tion or another exemption under chapter 4 ap- chapter 3 withholding and is a withholdable Taxable part of U.S. scholarship or plies). When making a payment on an inter- payment (except when paid with respect to a fellowship grant paid to holder of est-bearing obligation, you must withhold on the grandfathered obligation) is the taxable amount “F,” “J,” “M,” or “Q” visa (see gross amount of stated interest payable on the of original issue discount. The taxable amount Scholarships and Fellowship interest payment date, even if the payment or a for both chapters 3 and 4 withholding purposes Grants, later) 14% part of the payment may be a return of capital is the original issue discount that accrued while Gross investment income from rather than interest. the obligation was held by the foreign beneficial interest, dividends, rents, and owner up to the time the obligation was sold or royalties paid to a foreign private exchanged or a payment was made, reduced foundation 4% A substitute interest payment made to the by any original issue discount that was previ- Pensions—part paid for personal Graduated rates in transferor of a security in a securities lending ously taxed. If a payment was made, the tax services (see Pensions, Annuities, Circular A or transaction or a sale-repurchase transaction is due on the original issue discount may not ex- and Alimony, later) Circular E treated the same as the interest on the transfer- ceed the payment reduced by the tax imposed Wages paid to a nonresident alien Graduated rates in red security. Use Income Code 33 to report on the part of the payment that is qualified sta- employee (see Pay for Personal Circular A or these substitute payments. ted interest. Services Performed, later) Circular E If you cannot determine the taxable amount, Each foreign partner's share of 37% for Interest paid by U.S. obligors—general (In- you must withhold on the entire amount of origi- effectively connected income of noncorporate come Code 1). With specific exceptions, such nal issue discount accrued from the date of is- the partnership (see Partnership partners; Withholding on Effectively 21% for corporate as portfolio interest (for purposes of chapter 3), sue until the date of redemption (or sale or ex- Connected Income, later) partners you must withhold on interest paid or credited change, if subject to chapter 3 withholding or a on bonds, debentures, notes, open account in- withholdable payment) determined on the basis Distributions of ECI to foreign 37% for partners by publicly traded noncorporate debtedness, governmental obligations, certain of the most recently published Pub. 1212. partnerships (see Publicly Traded partners; deferred payment arrangements (as provided in section 483), or other evidences of indebted- For more information on original issue dis- Partnerships, later) 21% for corporate ness of U.S. obligors. U.S. obligors include the count, see Pub. 550. partners U.S. Government or its agencies or instrumen- Dispositions of USRPI (see U.S. talities, any U.S. citizen or resident, any U.S. Real Property Interest, later) 15%* corporation, and any U.S. partnership. Dispositions of partnership If, in a sale of a corporation's property, pay- interests under section 1446(f) 10% ment of the bonds or other obligations of the Dividends paid to Puerto Rican corporation is assumed by the buyer, that corporation 10% buyer, whether an individual, partnership, or All other income subject to corporation, must deduct and withhold the withholding 30% taxes that would be required to be withheld by the selling corporation as if there had been no *21% in the case of certain distributions by corporations, sale or transfer. Also, if interest coupons are in partnerships, trusts, or estates. default, the tax must be withheld on the gross amount of interest whether or not the payment is a return of capital or the payment of income. Reduced Rates of A resident alien paying interest on a margin Withholding on Interest account maintained with a foreign brokerage firm must withhold from the interest whether the Notwithstanding the exception from interest is paid directly or constructively. ! withholding under chapter 3 on interest Interest on bonds of a U.S. corporation paid CAUTION described under this heading, with- to a foreign corporation not engaged in a trade holding may still apply under chapter 4 when or business in the United States is subject to the payment is a withholdable payment and an withholding even if the interest is guaranteed by exception from withholding under chapter 4 a foreign corporation. does not apply. Domestic corporations must withhold on in- terest credited to foreign subsidiaries or foreign Certain interest is subject to a reduced rate parents. of, or exemption from, withholding. For withholding under chapter 4 on the inter- est payments described in this section, see the Portfolio interest exempt from chapter 3 definition of withholdable payments in Regula- withholding. Interest and original issue dis- tions section 1.1473-1(a). count that qualifies as portfolio interest is ex- empt from chapter 3 withholding. However, Original issue discount (Income Code 30). these amounts are not exempt from withholding Original issue discount paid on the redemption under chapter 4 when the interest is a withhold- of an obligation is subject to chapter 3 withhold- able payment, unless an exception from chap- ing and is a withholdable payment (except ter 4 withholding applies. To qualify as portfolio Publication 515 (2023) Page 27 |
Page 28 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. interest, the interest must be paid on obligations system maintained by the clearing organization when the instrument is materially modified after issued after July 18, 1984, and otherwise sub- or its agent. March 18, 2012. ject to chapter 3 withholding. These bonds are considered to be in regis- tered form if the holder may only obtain a physi- Interest that does not qualify as portfolio Note. The rules for determining whether in- cal certificate in bearer form when (1) the clear- interest. Payments to certain persons and terest is portfolio interest changed for obliga- ing organization that maintains the book-entry payments of contingent interest do not qualify tions issued after March 18, 2012. Before system goes out of business without a succes- as portfolio interest. You must withhold at the March 19, 2012, portfolio interest included inter- sor, (2) the issuer defaults, or (3) definitive se- statutory rate on such payments unless some est on certain registered and nonregistered curities are issued at the issuer’s request upon other exception, such as a treaty provision, ap- (bearer) bonds if the obligations meet the re- a change in tax law adverse to the issuer. See plies and withholding under chapter 4 does not quirements described below. Notice 2012-20 for more information on regis- apply. For obligations issued after March 18, 2012, tered form requirements. portfolio interest does not include interest paid Contingent interest. Portfolio interest gen- on debt that is not in registered form, except for Foreign-targeted registered obligations. erally does not include contingent interest. Con- interest paid on foreign-targeted registered obli- A registered bond issued after March 18, 2012, tingent interest is interest that is determined by gations issued before January 1, 2016, as de- and before January 1, 2016, will also be consid- reference to any of the following. scribed in Foreign-targeted registered obliga- ered to be in registered form if it is targeted to • Any receipts, sales, or other cash flow of tions, later. foreign markets, and portfolio interest treatment the debtor or a related person. may apply even when you do not receive docu- • Income or profits of the debtor or a related Obligations in registered form. Portfolio mentation regarding the beneficial owner of the person. interest includes interest paid on an obligation bond. • Any change in value of any property of the that is in registered form, and for which you If the registered obligation is not targeted to debtor or a related person. have received documentation that the beneficial foreign markets, you must receive documenta- • Any dividend, partnership distributions, or owner of the obligation is not a U.S. person. tion on which you may rely to treat the payee as similar payments made by the debtor or a Generally, an obligation is in registered form a foreign person that is the beneficial owner of related person. if (i) the obligation is registered as to both princi- the interest. A registered obligation is targeted • Any amount that is a dividend equivalent. pal and any stated interest with the issuer (or its to foreign markets if it is sold (or resold in con- The term “related person” is defined in sec- agent) and any transfer of the obligation may be nection with its original issuance) only to foreign tion 871(h)(4)(B) . effected only by surrender of the old obligation persons or to foreign branches of U.S. financial and reissuance to the new holder, (ii) the right institutions in accordance with procedures simi- The contingent interest rule does not apply to principal and stated interest with respect to lar to those provided in Regulations section to any interest paid or accrued on any indebted- the obligation may be transferred only through a 1.163-5(c)(2)(i). However, the procedure that ness with a fixed term that was issued: book entry system maintained by the issuer or requires the obligation to be offered for sale (or • On or before April 7, 1993; or its agent, or (iii) the obligation is registered as to resale) only outside the United States does not • After April 7, 1993, pursuant to a written both principal and stated interest with the issuer apply if the registered obligation is offered for binding contract in effect on that date and or its agent and can be transferred both by sur- sale through a public auction. Also, the proce- at all times thereafter before that indebted- render and reissuance and through a book en- dure that requires the obligation to be delivered ness was issued. try system. outside the United States does not apply if the An obligation that would otherwise be con- obligation is considered registered because it 10% owners. Interest paid to a foreign per- sidered to be in registered form is not consid- may be transferred only through a book-entry son that owns 10% or more of the total com- ered to be in registered form as of a particular system and the obligation is offered for sale bined voting power of all classes of stock of a time if it can be converted at any time in the fu- through a public auction. The documentation corporation, or 10% or more of the capital or ture into an obligation that is not in registered needed depends on whether the interest is paid profits interest in a partnership, that issued the form, except as otherwise provided in Notice to a financial institution, a member of a clearing obligation on which the interest is paid is not 2012-20, 2012-13 I.R.B. 574, available at organization, or to some other foreign person. portfolio interest. To determine 10% ownership,, as See Notice 2012-20 and Regulations section see Regulations section 1.871-14(g). described in the following section. 1.871-14(e) for more information on foreign-tar- geted registered obligations. Banks. Except in the case of interest paid Dematerialized book-entry systems and on an obligation of the United States, interest effectively immobilized obligations. An ob- Obligations not in registered form and paid to a bank on an extension of credit made ligation will be considered to be in registered obligations issued before March 19, 2012. pursuant to a loan agreement entered into in the form if it is issued through either a dematerial- For obligations issued before March 19, 2012, ordinary course of the bank's trade or business ized book entry system maintained by a clear- interest on an obligation that is not in registered does not qualify as portfolio interest. ing organization (or agent thereof) or a clearing form (bearer obligation) is portfolio interest if the system in which the obligation (including a obligation is foreign targeted. A bearer obliga- Controlled foreign corporations. Interest global obligation in bearer form) is effectively tion is foreign targeted if: paid to a controlled foreign corporation from a immobilized. See Notice 2012-20, amplified by • There are arrangements to ensure that the person related to the controlled foreign corpora- Notice 2013-43, 2013-31 I.R.B. 113, available obligation will be sold, or resold in connec- tion is not portfolio interest. at tion with the original issue, only to a person Under dematerialized book-entry systems, who is not a U.S. person; Reduced rate or exemption from chapter 3 bonds are required to be represented only by • Interest on the obligation is payable only withholding for interest on real property book entries, and no physical certificates are is- outside the United States and its posses- mortgages (Income Code 2). Certain treaties sued or transferred. The bonds are transferred sions; and permit a reduced rate or exemption for interest only by book entries. • The face of the obligation contains a state- paid or credited on real property mortgages. An obligation will be considered to be effec- ment that any U.S. person who holds the This is interest paid on any type of debt instru- tively immobilized if (1) it is represented by one obligation will be subject to limits under the ment that is secured by a mortgage or deed of or more global securities in physical form that U.S. income tax laws. trust on real property located in the United States, regardless of whether the mortgagor (or are issued to and held by a clearing organiza- Documentation is not required for interest on grantor) is a U.S. citizen or a U.S. business en- tion (or by a custodian or depository acting as bearer obligations to qualify as portfolio interest. tity. an agent of the clearing organization) for the In some cases, however, you may need docu- benefit of purchasers and under arrangements mentation for purposes of Form 1099 reporting REMIC excess inclusions. A domestic that prohibit transfer except to a successor and backup withholding. partnership must separately state a partner's al- clearing organization subject to the same terms, Interest on such obligations is not a with- locable share of REMIC taxable income or net and (2) beneficial interest in the underlying obli- holdable payment under chapter 4, except loss and the excess inclusion amount on gation is transferable only through a book-entry Schedule K-1 (Form 1065). If the partnership Page 28 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 29 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. allocates all or some part of its allocable share interest paid, the excess interest is also subject You may have to file Form 1042-S to report of REMIC taxable income to a foreign partner, to tax and reported on the foreign corporation's certain payments of interest on deposits. See the partner must include the partner's allocated income tax return, Form 1120-F. See the Deposit interest paid to certain nonresident amount in income as if that amount was re- Instructions for Form 1120-F for more informa- alien individuals under Returns Required, later. ceived on the earlier of the following dates. tion. You may also have to file Form 1042-S when 1. The date of distribution by the partnership. If there is no treaty provision that reduces the deposit interest is a withholdable payment the rate of withholding on branch interest, you to which withholding applies (or was applied) to 2. The date the foreign partner disposed of must withhold tax under chapter 3 at the statu- chapter 4. its indirect interest in the REMIC residual tory rate of 30% on the interest paid by a foreign interest. corporation's U.S. trade or business and you Obligations issued before August 10, 2010. 3. The last day of the partnership's tax year. must withhold under chapter 4 when otherwise Interest received from a resident alien individual applicable and without regard to a treaty provi- or a domestic corporation is not subject to For purposes of item (2), the disposition sion. chapter 3 withholding and is not a withholdable may occur as a result of: payment if the interest meets all of the following • A termination of the REMIC, In general, payees of interest from a U.S. requirements. • A disposition of the partnership's residual trade or business of a foreign corporation are • At least 80% of the payer’s gross income interest in the REMIC, entitled to reduced rates of, or exemption from, from all sources has been from active for- • A disposition of the foreign partner's inter- tax under a treaty in the same manner and sub- eign business for the 3 tax years of the est in the partnership, or ject to the same conditions as if they had re- payer before the year in which the interest • Any other reduction in the foreign partner's ceived the interest from a domestic corporation. is paid, or for the applicable part of those 3 allocable share of the partnership's part of However, a foreign corporation that receives in- years. the REMIC net income or deduction. terest paid by a U.S. trade or business of a for- • The recipient is not a related person. Use The partnership must withhold tax on the eign corporation must also be a qualified resi- rules similar to those in section 954(d)(3) part of the REMIC amount that is an excess in- dent of its country of residence to be entitled to to determine if the recipient is a related clusion. Excess inclusion income is treated as benefits under that country's tax treaty. If the person. income from sources in the United States and is payee foreign corporation is a resident of a • The interest is paid on an obligation issued not eligible for any reduction in withholding tax country that has entered into an income tax before August 10, 2010. (by treaty or otherwise). It is also a withholdable treaty since 1987 that contains a limitation on • The obligation has not been significantly payment for chapter 4 purposes. benefits article, the foreign corporation need modified since August 10, 2010. An excess inclusion allocated to the follow- only satisfy the limitation on benefits article in Interest from foreign business arrange- ing foreign persons must be included in that that treaty to qualify for a reduced rate of tax. ments. In certain cases, interest received from person's income at the same time as other in- a domestic payer, most of whose gross income come from the entity is included in income. Alternatively, a payee may be entitled to is active foreign business income, is not subject • Shareholder of a real estate investment treaty benefits under the payer's treaty if there to chapter 3 withholding and is not a withholda- trust (REIT). is a provision in that treaty that applies specifi- ble payment. • Shareholder of a regulated investment cally to interest paid by the payer foreign corpo- Active foreign business income is gross in- company (RIC). ration. This provision may exempt all or a part of come which is: • Participant in a common trust fund. this interest. Some treaties provide for an ex- • Derived from sources outside the United • Patron of a subchapter T cooperative or- emption regardless of the payee's residence or States, and ganization. citizenship, while others provide for an exemp- • Attributable to the active conduct of a trade The entity must withhold on the excess in- tion according to the payee's status as a resi- or business in a foreign country or posses- clusion. dent or citizen of the payer's country. sion of the United States by the domestic For information on the taxation and reporting payer. of excess inclusion income by REITs, RICs, and A foreign corporation that pays interest must other pass-through entities, see Notice be a qualified resident (under section 884) of its Corporations existing on January 1, 2011. 2006-97, 2006-46 I.R.B. 904, available at country of residence for the payer's treaty to ex- Certain interest received from a domestic cor- empt payments from tax by the foreign corpora- poration that is an existing 80/20 company is tion. However, if the foreign corporation is a res- not subject to withholding. An existing 80/20 Reduced rate or exemption from chapter 3 ident of a country that has entered into an company must meet all of the following require- withholding for interest paid to controlling income tax treaty since 1987 that contains a ments. foreign corporations (Income Code 3). A limitation on benefits article, the foreign corpo- • It was in existence on January 1, 2011. treaty may permit a reduced rate or exemption ration need only satisfy the limitation on benefits • For the 3 tax years beginning before Janu- for interest paid by a domestic corporation to a article in that treaty to qualify for the exemption. ary 1, 2011 (or for its years of existence if controlling foreign corporation. The interest may the corporation was in existence for less be on any type of debt, including open or unse- Interest on deposits (Income Code 29). For- than 3 tax years), at least 80% of its gross cured accounts payable, notes, certificates, eign persons are not subject to chapter 3 with- income from all sources was active foreign bonds, or other evidences of indebtedness. holding on interest that is not connected with a business income. U.S. trade or business if it is from: • It continues to meet the 80% test for every Reduced rate or exemption from chapter 3 • Deposits with persons carrying on the tax year beginning after December 31, withholding for interest paid by foreign cor- banking business; 2010. porations (Income Code 4). If a foreign cor- • Deposits or withdrawable accounts with • It has not added a substantial line of busi- poration is engaged in a U.S. trade or business, savings institutions chartered and super- ness after August 10, 2010. any interest paid by the foreign corporation's vised under federal or state law as savings trade or business in the United States (branch and loan or similar associations, such as Transitional rule for active foreign business interest) is subject to chapter 3 withholding as if credit unions, if the interest is or would be income. In most cases, the domestic corpora- paid by a domestic corporation (without consid- deductible by the institutions; or tion determines its active foreign business in- ering the “payer having income from abroad” • Amounts left with an insurance company come by combining its income and the income exception) and is a withholdable payment. As a under an agreement to pay interest on of any subsidiary in which it owns, directly or in- result, the interest paid to foreign payees is them. directly, 50% or more of the stock. However, if the testing period includes 1 or more tax years generally subject to chapter 3 withholding and Deposits include certificates of deposit, beginning before January 1, 2011, the corpora- withholding may apply under chapter 4 absent open account time deposits, Eurodollar certifi- tion can use only its gross income for any tax an applicable withholding exception. In addi- cates of deposit, and other deposit arrange- year beginning before January 1, 2011, and will tion, if “allocable interest” exceeds the branch ments. Publication 515 (2023) Page 29 |
Page 30 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. meet the 80% test if the weighted average per- 2. Represents a distribution in part or full 3. It continues to meet the 80% test for every centage of active foreign business income is payment in exchange for stock; tax year beginning after December 31, more than 80%. 3. Is not paid out of current or accumulated 2010. A foreign beneficial owner does not need to earnings and profits, based on a reasona- 4. It has not added a substantial line of busi- provide a Form W-8 or documentary evidence ble estimate of the anticipated amount of ness after August 10, 2010. for this exception. However, documentation earnings and profits for the tax year of the may be required for purposes of Form 1099 re- distribution made at a time reasonably Transitional rule for item (2). In most ca- porting and backup withholding. close to the date of the distribution; ses, the domestic corporation determines its active foreign business income by combining its Sales of bonds between interest dates. 4. Represents a capital gain dividend (use income and the income of any subsidiary in Amounts paid as part of the purchase price of Income Code 36) or an exempt interest which it owns, directly or indirectly, 50% or an obligation sold or exchanged between inter- dividend by a RIC; or more of the stock. However, if the testing period est payment dates is not subject to chapter 3 5. Is subject to withholding under section includes 1 or more tax years beginning before withholding. In addition, such a payment is not a 1445 (withholding of tax on dispositions of January 1, 2011, the corporation can use only withholdable payment. This does not apply if USRPI) and the distributing corporation is its gross income for any tax year beginning be- the sale or exchange is part of a plan the princi- a U.S. real property holding corporation or fore January 1, 2011, and will meet the 80% pal purpose of which is to avoid tax and you a qualified investment entity (QIE). test if the weighted average percentage of ac- have actual knowledge or reason to know of the tive foreign business income is more than 80%. plan. The exemption from chapter 3 withholding The election is made by actually reducing The active foreign business percentage is and from withholdable payments applies even if the amount of withholding at the time the distri- found by dividing the corporation’s active for- you do not have any documentation from the bution is paid. eign business income for the testing period by payee. However, documentation may be re- the corporation’s total gross income for that pe- quired for purposes of Form 1099 reporting and Dividends paid by a QIE (Income Code riod. The testing period is the 3 tax years before backup withholding. 24). A QIE is: the year in which the dividends are declared (or 1. Any REIT, or shorter period if the corporation was not in exis- Short-term obligations. Interest and original tence for 3 years). If the corporation has no issue discount paid on an obligation that is pay- 2. Any RIC that is a U.S. real property hold- gross income for that 3-year period, the testing able 183 days or less from the date of its origi- ing corporation. period is the tax year in which the dividend is nal issue (without regard to the period held by A distribution by a QIE to a nonresident alien paid. the taxpayer) that satisfy other requirements in- or a foreign corporation is treated as a dividend Consent dividends. If you receive a Form tended to ensure that the debt is not held by a and is not subject to withholding under section 972, Consent of Shareholder To Include Spe- U.S. nonexempt person are not subject to chap- 1445 as a gain from the sale or exchange of a cific Amount in Gross Income, from a nonresi- ter 3 withholding. In addition, such a payment is USRPI if: dent alien individual or other foreign share- not a withholdable payment. These exemptions • The distribution is on stock regularly traded holder who agrees to treat the amount as a apply even if you do not have any documenta- on a securities market in the United States, taxable dividend, you must pay and report on tion from the payee. However, documentation and Form 1042 and Form 1042-S any withholding may be required for purposes of Form 1099 re- • The individual or corporation did not own tax you would have withheld if the dividend ac- porting and backup withholding. more than 10% of such stock in the case of tually had been paid. a REIT or 5% of such stock in the case of a Income from U.S. Savings Bonds of resi- RIC at any time during the 1-year period Interest-related dividends and short-term dents of the Ryukyu Islands or the Trust ending on the date of distribution. capital gain dividends received from mutual Territory of the Pacific Islands. Interest from a Series E, Series EE, Series H, or Series HH Certain distributions by a REIT may be trea- funds. Certain interest-related dividends and U.S. Savings Bond is not subject to chapter 3 ted as a dividend and are not subject to with- short-term capital gain dividends paid by a mu- withholding if the nonresident alien individual holding under section 1445 as a gain from the tual fund or other RIC are exempt from chap- acquired the bond while a resident of the Ryu- sale or exchange of a USRPI. See Qualified in- ter 3 withholding. kyu Islands or the Trust Territory of the Pacific vestment entities (QIEs) under U.S. Real Prop- Islands. erty Interest, later. Dividends qualifying for direct dividend rate (Income Code 7). A treaty may reduce Dividends paid by a domestic corpora- the rate of withholding on dividends from that Dividends tion (an existing “80/20” company). The ac- which generally applies under the treaty if the tive foreign business percentage of any divi- shareholder owns a certain percentage of the The following types of dividends paid to foreign dend paid by a domestic corporation that is an voting stock of the corporation when withhold- payees are generally subject to chapter 3 with- existing 80/20 company is not subject to with- ing under chapter 4 does not apply. In most ca- holding and are generally withholdable pay- holding. A domestic corporation is an existing ses, this preferential rate applies only if the ments such that withholding chapter 4 applies 80/20 company if it satisfies all of the following. shareholder directly owns the required percent- absent an exception available under chapter 4. 1. It was in existence on January 1, 2011. age, although some treaties permit the percent- age to be met by direct or indirect ownership. Dividends paid by U.S. corporations—gen- 2. For the 3 tax years beginning before Janu- The preferential rate may apply to the payment eral (Income Code 6). This category includes ary 1, 2011 (or for all years of existence if of a deemed dividend under section 304(a)(1). all distributions of domestic corporations (other it was in existence for less than 3 tax Under some treaties, the preferential rate for than dividends qualifying for direct dividend years), at least 80% of its gross income dividends qualifying for the direct dividend rate rate—Income Code 7). from all sources was active foreign busi- applies only if no more than a certain percent- A corporation making a distribution with re- ness income. Active foreign business in- age of the paying corporation's gross income spect to its stock, or any intermediary making a come is gross income that is: for a certain period consists of dividends and in- payment of such a distribution, is required to a. Derived from sources outside the Uni- terest other than dividends and interest from withhold on the entire amount of the distribution ted States, and subsidiaries or from the active conduct of a at the rate applicable under chapter 3 when banking, financing, or insurance business. A withholding under chapter 4 does not apply. b. Attributable to the active conduct of a foreign person should claim the direct dividend However, a distributing corporation or interme- trade or business in a foreign country rate by filing the appropriate Form W-8. diary may elect to not withhold on the part of the or possession of the United States by distribution that: the corporation. Consent dividends. If you receive a Form 972 from a foreign shareholder qualifying for the 1. Represents a nontaxable distribution pay- direct dividend rate, you must pay and report on able in stock or stock rights; Form 1042 and Form 1042-S any withholding Page 30 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 31 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. tax you would have withheld if the dividend ac- dividends such that withholding under chapter 3 • In connection with entering into the con- tually had been paid. may apply. Use Income Code 34 or 40 to report tract, the underlying security is posted as dividend equivalent payments. Dividend equiv- collateral by any short party to the contract Dividends paid by foreign corporations (In- alent payments are withholdable payments ex- with any long party to the contract. come Code 8). Dividends paid by a foreign cept when an exception applies for chapter 4 For more information regarding dividend corporation generally are not subject to chap- purposes. equivalents, see Regulations section 1.871-15 ter 3 withholding and are not withholdable pay- A dividend equivalent is a payment (as de- and Notice 2022-37. ments. This exception does not require a Form fined in Regulations section 1.871-15(c)) that, W-8. However, a Form W-8 may be required for directly or indirectly, is contingent on, or deter- Amounts paid to qualified securities purposes of Form 1099 reporting and backup mined by reference to, the payment of a divi- lenders (QSLs). A withholding agent that withholding. dend from U.S. sources. Dividend equivalent makes substitute dividend payments to a QSL The payment to a foreign corporation by a payments include the following payments. may apply the transition rules described in No- foreign corporation of a deemed dividend under tice 2010-46, Part III, for payments made before section 304(a)(1) is subject to chapter 3 with- 1. A substitute dividend made under a secur- January 1, 2025. See Notice 2022-37. holding and may be a withholdable payment ex- ities lending or sale-repurchase transac- cept to the extent it can be clearly determined to tion involving a U.S. stock. Amounts paid to QDDs. Only an eligible be from foreign sources. 2. A payment that references the payment of entity that has entered into a QI agreement can a dividend from an underlying security be a QDD. An eligible entity is a home office or Corporation subject to branch profits made under a specified notional principal branch that is a QI and that is: tax. If a foreign corporation is subject to branch contract. 1. A dealer in equity derivatives that is sub- profits tax for any tax year, withholding is not re- ject to regulatory supervision as a dealer quired on any dividends paid by the corporation 3. A payment that references the payment of out of its earnings and profits for that tax year. a dividend from an underlying security by a governmental authority in the jurisdic- Dividends may be subject to withholding if they made to a specified equity-linked instru- tion in which it was organized or operates; are attributable to any earnings and profits ment. 2. A bank or bank holding company that is when the branch profits tax is prohibited by a subject to regulatory supervision as a tax treaty. Substitute dividend (Income Code 34). bank or bank holding company (as appli- A foreign person may claim a treaty benefit A substitute dividend is any payment made un- cable) by a governmental authority in the on dividends paid by a foreign corporation to der a securities lending or sale-repurchase jurisdiction in which it was organized or the extent the dividends are paid out of earn- transaction that (directly or indirectly) is contin- operates; ings and profits in a year in which the foreign gent upon, or determined by reference to, the corporation was not subject to the branch prof- payment of a dividend from sources in the Uni- 3. An entity that is wholly owned (directly or its tax. However, you may apply a reduced rate ted States. indirectly) by a bank or bank holding com- pany subject to regulatory supervision as of withholding under an income tax treaty only Specified notional principal contracts a bank or bank holding company (as appli- under rules similar to the rules that apply to (SNPCs) and specified equity-linked instru- cable) by a governmental authority in the treaty benefits claimed on branch interest paid ments (SELIs) (Income Code 40). jurisdiction in which the bank or bank hold- by a foreign corporation. You should check the ing company (as applicable) was organ- specific treaty provision. Transactions entered into on or after Janu- ized or operates and that entity, in its ca- ary 1, 2017. pacity as a dealer in equity derivatives: Dividends paid to Puerto Rican corpora- For transactions entered into on or after Jan- tion. For chapter 3 purposes, the tax rate on uary 1, 2017 (including as a result of a deemed a. Issues potential section 871(m) trans- dividends paid to a corporation created or or- exchange pursuant to section 1001), an SNPC actions to customers; and ganized in, or under the law of, the Common- or SELI is a notional principal contract (NPC), or b. Receives dividends with respect to wealth of Puerto Rico is 10%, rather than 30%, equity linked instrument, respectively, with a stock or dividend equivalent pay- if: delta of 0.8 or greater if it is a simple contract ments pursuant to potential section • At all times during the tax year less than under Regulations section 1.871-15(a)(14)(i), or 871(m) transactions that hedge po- 25% in value of the Puerto Rican corpora- it meets the substantial equivalence test if it is a tential section 871(m) transactions tion's stock is owned, directly or indirectly, complex contract under Regulations section that it issued; by foreign persons; 1.871-15(a)(14)(ii). See Regulations section • At least 65% of the Puerto Rican corpora- 1.871-15(g) for the delta test and Regulations 4. A foreign branch of a U.S. financial institu- tion's gross income is effectively connec- section 1.871-15(h) for the substantial equiva- tion if the foreign branch would be descri- ted with the conduct of a trade or business lence test. bed in (1), (2), or (3) had it been a sepa- in Puerto Rico or the United States for the Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, rate entity; or 3-year period ending with the close of the for transactions entered into prior to January 1, 5. Any person otherwise acceptable to the tax year of that corporation (or the period 2025, transition relief provides that, subject to IRS. the corporation or any predecessor has an anti-abuse rule, only delta-one transactions been in existence, if less); and will be treated as SNPCs and SELIs. See No- A QDD is liable for tax under section 881 on • No substantial part of the income of the tice 2022-37, 2022-37 I.R.B. 234, available at its section 871(m) amount for each dividend on Puerto Rican corporation is used, directly each underlying security. The section 871(m) or indirectly, to satisfy obligations to a per- NPCs entered into before January 1, amount is described in Regulations section son who is not a bona fide resident of Pu- 2017. 1.871-15(q)(3). erto Rico or the United States. For transactions entered into before January For more information on amounts paid to No special rules apply to Puerto Rican cor- 1, 2017, an SNPC is any NPC if: QDDs, see the chapter 3 regulations issued porations for chapter 4 purposes, but special • In connection with entering into the con- with the section 871(m) regulations. You can withholding rules do apply for withholdable pay- tract, any long party to the contract trans- view the regulations at ments made to territory financial institutions and fers the underlying security to any short 2017-09_IRB#TD-9815. nonfinancial entities. See the chapter 4 regula- party to the contract; tions for information on these special require- • In connection with the termination of the Gains ments. contract, any short party to the contract transfers the underlying security to any long party to the contract; You generally do not need to withhold under Dividend Equivalents • The underlying security is not readily trade- chapter 3 or 4 on any gain from the sale of real Dividend equivalent payments. Dividend able on an established securities market; or personal property because it is not FDAP in- equivalent payments are treated as U.S. source or come. However, see U.S. Real Property Inter- est, later. Publication 515 (2023) Page 31 |
Page 32 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Capital gains (Income Code 9). You must Motion picture or television copyright royal- If the distribution is from such a plan, you can withhold at 30%, or if applicable, a reduced ties (Income Code 11). This category refers use the method in Revenue Procedure 2004-37 treaty rate, on the gross amount of the following to royalties paid for the use of motion picture to allocate the distribution to sources in the Uni- items. and television copyrights. ted States. • Gains on the disposal of timber, coal, or The withholding rules that apply to pay- domestic iron ore with a retained economic Other royalties (for example, copyright, re- ments to foreign persons generally take prece- interest, unless an election is made to treat cording, publishing) (Income Code 12). dence over any other withholding rules that those gains as income effectively connec- This category refers to the royalties paid for the would apply to distributions from qualified plans ted with a U.S. trade or business. use of copyrights on books, periodicals, arti- and other qualified retirement arrangements. • Gains on contingent payments received cles, etc., except motion picture and television Foreign pension plans are exempt from ap- from the sale or exchange after October 4, copyrights. plying withholding under chapter 4 when they 1966, of patents, copyrights, secret pro- are exempt beneficial owners under Regula- cesses and formulas, goodwill, trade- Real Property Income and tions section 1.1471-6(f). A payment from a marks, trade brands, franchises, and other Natural Resources Royalties U.S. pension plan to a foreign individual benefi- like property. (Income Code 14) ciary in the plan is not subject to withholding un- • Gains on certain transfers of all substantial der chapter 4. rights to, or an undivided interest in, pat- ents if the transfers were made before Oc- You must withhold tax under chapter 3 on in- tober 5, 1966. come (such as rents and royalties) from real No withholding. Do not withhold tax on an an- • Certain gains from the sale or exchange of property located in the United States and held nuity payment to a nonresident alien if at the original issue discount obligations issued for the production of income, unless the foreign time of the first payment from the plan, 90% or after March 31, 1972. For more on with- payee elects to treat this income as effectively more of the employees eligible for benefits un- holding on original issue discount obliga- connected with a U.S. trade or business. If the der the plan are citizens or residents of the Uni- tions, see Interest, earlier. foreign payee chooses to treat this income as ted States and the payment is: effectively connected, the payee must give you 1. For the nonresident's personal services If you do not know the amount of the gain, Form W-8ECI (discussed earlier). This real performed outside the United States; or you must withhold an amount necessary to en- property income includes royalties from mines, sure that the tax withheld will not be less than wells, or other natural deposits, as well as ordi- 2. For personal services by a nonresident in- 30% of the recognized gain. The amount to be nary rents for the use of real property. For chap- dividual present in the United States for 90 withheld, however, must not be more than 30% ter 4 purposes, income from real property is ei- days or less during each tax year, whose of the amount payable because of the transac- ther a nonfinancial payment (and therefore not pay for those services did not exceed tion. a withholdable payment) or is excluded as a $3,000, and the personal services were Unless you have reason to believe other- withholdable payment because it is ECI. For performed for: wise, you may rely upon the written statement withholding that applies to the disposition of a. A nonresident alien individual, foreign of the person entitled to the income as to the USRPI, see U.S. Real Property Interest, later. partnership, or foreign corporation not amount of gain. The Form W-8 or documentary engaged in a trade or business in the evidence must show the beneficial owner's ba- Pensions, Annuities, and United States; or sis in the property giving rise to the gain. Alimony (Income Code 15) b. An office or place of business of a Tax treaties. Many tax treaties exempt certain U.S. resident or citizen which was types of gains from U.S. income tax. Be sure to The following rules apply to withholding on pen- maintained outside the United States. carefully check the provision of the treaty that sions, annuities, and alimony of foreign payees. If the payment otherwise qualifies under applies before allowing an exemption from with- these rules, but less than 90% of the employees holding. Pensions and annuities. In most cases, you must withhold tax on the gross amount of pen- eligible for benefits are citizens or residents of sions and annuities that you pay that are from the United States, you still need not withhold tax Royalties sources within the United States. This includes on the payment if: amounts paid under an annuity contract issued • The recipient is a resident of a country that In general, you must withhold tax under chap- by a foreign branch of a U.S. life insurance gives a substantially equal exclusion to ter 3 on the payment of royalties from sources company. U.S. citizens and residents, or in the United States. However, certain types of Most tax treaties provide an exemption from • The recipient is a resident of a beneficiary royalties are given reduced rates or exemptions tax on non-government pensions and annuities. developing country under the Trade Act of under some tax treaties. Accordingly, these dif- See the specific treaty rules for government 1974. ferent types of royalties are treated as separate pensions. The exemption may not apply to The foreign person entitled to the payments categories for withholding purposes. For chap- lump-sum payments. See, for example, Article must provide you with a Form W-8BEN that ter 4 purposes, royalties are nonfinancial pay- 17(2) of the United States–United Kingdom in- contains the TIN of the foreign person. ments and are therefore excluded as withholda- come tax treaty. In addition, it does not apply to ble payments. payments treated as deferred compensation, Alimony payments. In most cases, alimony Most treaties have more than one with- which is often treated as income from employ- payments made by U.S. resident aliens to non- ! holding rate on royalties, which varies ment. resident aliens are taxable and subject to chap- CAUTION by the classification of the payment in For purposes of chapter 3 withholding, in the ter 3 withholding whether the recipients are re- that treaty. Be sure to check your particular absence of a treaty exemption, you must with- siding abroad or are temporarily present in the treaty for the specific rate that applies to you. hold at the statutory rate of 30% on the entire United States. distribution that is from sources within the Uni- Many tax treaties, however, provide for an Industrial royalties (Income Code 10). This ted States. You may, however, apply withhold- exemption from withholding for alimony pay- category of income includes royalties for the ing at graduated rates to the part of a distribu- ments. See Tax Treaties, later, for information use of, or the right to use, patents, trademarks, tion that arises from the performance of about treaty benefits. secret processes and formulas, goodwill, services in the United States after December Alimony payments made to a nonresident franchises, “know-how,” and similar rights. It 31, 1986. alien by a U.S. ancillary administrator of a non- may also include payments for the use of, or Employer contributions to a defined benefit resident alien estate are from foreign sources right to use, industrial, commercial, and scien- plan covering more than one individual are not and are not subject to withholding. Alimony pay- tific equipment, when this is included in the made for the benefit of a specific participant, ments are not subject to chapter 4 withholding. treaty definition of royalties. but are made based on the total liabilities to all participants. All funds held under the plan are available to provide benefits to any participant. Page 32 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 33 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Note. Under section 11051 of P.L. 115-97 b. A foreign government; Grants given to students, trainees, or re- (TCJA), alimony is no longer considered in- c. A federal, state, or local government searchers which require the performance of come if the divorce or separation agreement is agency; or personal services as a necessary condition for executed after December 31, 2018, or if execu- disbursing the grant do not qualify as scholar- ted before January 1, 2019, but modified after d. An international organization, or a bi- ship or fellowship grants. Instead, they are com- December 31, 2018, the modification must national or multinational educational pensation for personal services considered to state that section 11051 of P.L. 115-97 applies or cultural organization created or be wages. It does not matter what term is used to the modification. continued by the Mutual Educational to describe the grant (for example, stipend, and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961 scholarship, fellowship, etc.). Scholarships and Fellowship (known as the Fulbright-Hays Act). Withholding agents who pay grants Grants Subject to Chapter 3 If the grant does not meet both (1) and (2) ! that are in fact wages must report such Withholding (Income Code 16) above, you must withhold at 30% on the CAUTION grants on Forms 941 and W-2 and amount of the grant that is from U.S. sources. withhold income tax on them at the graduated A scholarship or fellowship grant is an amount rates. Withholding agents may not allow tax given to an individual for study, training, or re- Alternate withholding procedure. You may treaty exemptions that apply to scholarships search, and which does not constitute compen- choose to treat the taxable part of a U.S. source and fellowships to be applied to grants that are sation for personal services. For information grant or scholarship as wages. The student or really wages. It is the responsibility of the with- about withholding on scholarship and fellowship grantee must have been admitted into the Uni- holding agent to determine whether a grant is grants that is treated as compensation for serv- ted States on an “F,” “J,” “M,” or “Q” visa. The “wages” or a “scholarship or fellowship,” and to ices, see Pay for services rendered, later. student or grantee will know that you are using report and withhold on the grant accordingly. An Whether a fellowship grant from U.S. sources is this alternate withholding procedure when you alien student, trainee, or researcher may not subject to chapter 3 withholding depends on the ask for a Form W-4. claim a scholarship or fellowship treaty exemp- nature of the payments and whether the recipi- The student or grantee must complete Form tion against income that has been reported to ent is a candidate for a degree. These amounts W-4 annually following the instructions given them on Form W-2 as wages. are not subject to chapter 4 withholding. See here and forward it to you, the payer of the Scholarships, fellowships, and grants under scholarship, or your designated withholding Per diem paid by the U.S. Government. Per Source of Income, earlier. agent. You may rely on the information on Form diem for subsistence paid by the U.S. Govern- W-4 unless you know or have reason to know it ment (directly or by contract) to a nonresident Candidate for a degree. Do not withhold on a is incorrect. You must file a Form 1042-S (dis- alien engaged in a training program in the Uni- qualified scholarship from U.S. sources granted cussed later) for each student or grantee who ted States funded by the U.S. Agency for Inter- and paid to a candidate for a degree. A quali- gives you, or your withholding agent, a Form national Development are not subject to 14% or fied scholarship means any amount paid to an W-4. 30% withholding. This is true even if the alien is individual as a scholarship or fellowship grant to Each student or grantee who files a Form subject to income tax on those amounts. the extent that, in accordance with the condi- W-4 must file an annual U.S. income tax return tions of the grant, the amount is to be used for to take the deductions claimed on that form. If Tax treaties. Many treaties contain exemp- the following expenses. the individual is in the United States during tions from U.S. taxation for scholarships and fel- • Tuition and fees required for enrollment or more than 1 tax year, they must attach a state- lowships. Although usually found in the student attendance at an educational organization. ment to the annual Form W-4 indicating that the articles of the tax treaties, many of these ex- • Fees, books, supplies, and equipment re- individual has filed a U.S. income tax return for emptions also apply to research grants re- quired for courses of instruction at the edu- the previous year. If they have not been in the ceived by researchers who are not students. cational organization. United States long enough to have to file a re- See Tax Treaties, later, for information about The payment of a qualified scholarship to a turn, the individual must attach a statement to treaty benefits. The treaty provision usually ex- nonresident alien is not reportable and is not the Form W-4 saying that a timely U.S. income empts the entire scholarship or fellowship subject to withholding. However, the part of a tax return will be filed. amount, regardless of whether the grant is a scholarship or fellowship paid to a nonresident The payer of the grant or scholarship must “qualified scholarship” under U.S. law. alien which does not constitute a qualified review the Form W-4 to make sure all the nec- An alien student, trainee, or researcher may scholarship is reportable on Form 1042-S and essary and required information is provided. If claim a treaty exemption for a scholarship or fel- is subject to withholding. For example, those the withholding agent knows or has reason to lowship by submitting Form W-8BEN to the parts of a scholarship devoted to travel, room, know that the amounts shown on the Form W-4 payer of the grant. However, a scholarship or and board are subject to withholding and are re- may be false, the withholding agent must reject fellowship recipient who receives both wages ported on Form 1042-S. The withholding rate is the Form W-4 and withhold at the appropriate and a scholarship or fellowship from the same 14% on taxable scholarship and fellowship statutory rate (14% or 30%). institution can claim treaty exemptions on both grants paid to nonresident aliens temporarily After receipt and acceptance of the Form kinds of income on Form 8233. present in the United States in “F,” “J,” “M,” or W-4, the payer must withhold at the graduated “Q” nonimmigrant status. Payments made to rates in Pub. 15-T as if the grant or scholarship The scholarship or fellowship recipient who nonresident alien individuals in any other immi- income were wages. The gross amount of the is claiming a treaty exemption must provide you gration status are subject to 30% withholding. income is reduced by the total amount of any with a foreign TIN on Form W-8BEN or, in the deductions on the Form W-4 and the withhold- case of a recipient who also received wages Nondegree candidate. If the person receiving ing tax is figured on the rest. from the same institution, a U.S. TIN on Form the scholarship or fellowship grant is not a can- 8233, or you cannot allow the treaty exemption. didate for a degree, and is present in the United Pay for services rendered. Pay for services A copy of a completed Form W-7, showing that States in “F,” “J,” “M,” or “Q” nonimmigrant sta- rendered as an employee by an alien who is a TIN has been applied for, can be given to you tus, you must withhold tax at 14% on the total also the recipient of a scholarship or fellowship with a Form 8233. See Form 8233, later, under amount of the grant that is from U.S. sources if grant is usually subject to graduated withhold- Pay for Personal Services Performed. the following requirements are met. ing under chapter 3 according to the rules dis- 1. The grant must be for study, training, or re- cussed later in Wages Paid to Employees— Nonresident alien who becomes a resi- search in the United States. Graduated Withholding. This includes taxable dent alien. In most cases, only a nonresident amounts an individual who is a candidate for a alien individual may use the terms of a tax treaty 2. The grant must be made by: degree receives for teaching, doing research, to reduce or eliminate U.S. tax on income from a. A tax-exempt organization operated and carrying out other part-time employment re- a scholarship or fellowship grant. A student (in- for charitable, religious, educational, quired as a condition for receiving the scholar- cluding a trainee or business apprentice) or re- etc. purposes; ship or fellowship grant (that is, compensatory searcher who has become a resident alien for scholarship or fellowship income). U.S. tax purposes may not use the terms of a Publication 515 (2023) Page 33 |
Page 34 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. tax treaty due to a provision known as a “saving Targeted grants and achievement awards. individuals cannot claim the COVID-19 medical clause.” However, an exception to the saving Targeted grants and achievement awards re- condition travel exception to exclude any days clause may permit an exemption from tax to ceived by nonresident aliens for activities con- of presence in the United States for the purpose continue for scholarship or fellowship grant in- ducted outside the United States are treated as of the “substantial presence test.” This was come even after the recipient has otherwise be- income from foreign sources. Targeted grants solely available for the 2020 tax year. How- come a U.S. resident alien for tax purposes. In and achievement awards are issued by exempt ever, days of presence in the United States in this situation, the individual must give you a organizations or by the United States (or one of 2020 that were excluded for tax year 2020 may Form W-9 and an attachment that includes all its instruments or agencies), a state (or a politi- impact the application of the “substantial pres- the following information. cal subdivision of a state), or the District of Co- ence test” for tax year 2021. For more informa- • The treaty country. lumbia for an activity (or past activity in the case tion, including guidance for withholding agents, • The treaty article addressing the income. of an achievement award) undertaken in the see the Instructions for Form 8233. • The article number (or location) in the tax public interest. treaty that contains the saving clause and Form W-4. This form is used by a person pro- its exceptions. viding dependent personal services to claim • The type and amount of income that quali- Pay for Personal withholding allowances, but not a tax treaty ex- fies for the exemption from tax. Services Performed emption. Nonresident alien individuals are sub- • Sufficient facts to justify the exemption ject to special instructions for completing the from tax under the terms of the treaty arti- This section explains the rules for withholding Form W-4. See the discussion under Wages cle. tax from pay for personal services. You must Paid to Employees—Graduated Withholding, generally withhold tax at the 30% rate on com- later. Example. Article 20 of the U.S.–China in- pensation you pay to a nonresident alien indi- come tax treaty allows an exemption from tax vidual for labor or personal services performed Pay for independent personal services (In- for scholarship income received by a Chinese in the United States, unless that pay is specifi- come Code 17). Independent personal serv- student temporarily present in the United cally exempted from withholding or subject to ices (a term commonly used in tax treaties) are States. Under the Internal Revenue Code, a graduated withholding. This rule applies regard- personal services performed by an independent student may become a resident alien for tax less of your place of residence, the place where nonresident alien contractor as contrasted with purposes if his or her stay in the United States the contract for service was made, or the place those performed by an employee. This category exceeds 5 calendar years. However, the treaty of payment. of pay includes payments for professional serv- allows the provisions of Article 20 to continue to Payments for personal services are not with- ices, such as fees of an attorney, physician, or apply even after the Chinese student becomes holdable payments under chapter 4 when they accountant made directly to the person per- a resident alien of the United States. are nonfinancial payments. See Regulations forming the services. It also includes honoraria section 1.1473-1(a)(4)(iii) for a description of paid by colleges and universities to visiting Other Grants, Prizes, and Awards these payments and their exclusion as with- teachers, lecturers, and researchers. Subject to Chapter 3 Withholding holdable payments. Pay for independent personal services is subject to chapter 3 withholding and reporting Other grants, prizes, and awards made by gran- Illegal aliens. Foreign workers who are illegal as follows. tors that reside in the United States are treated aliens are subject to U.S. taxes in spite of their as income from sources within the United illegal status. U.S. employers or payers who 30% rate. You must withhold at the statu- States. Those made for activities conducted hire illegal aliens may be subject to various tory rate of 30% on all payments unless the outside the United States by a foreign person or fines, penalties, and sanctions imposed by U.S. alien enters into a withholding agreement or re- by grantors that reside outside the United Immigration and Customs Enforcement. If such ceives a final payment exemption (discussed States are treated as income from foreign sour- employers or payers choose to hire illegal ali- later). ces. These provisions do not apply to salaries ens, the payments made to those aliens are Withholding agreements. Pay for per- or other pay for services. subject to the same tax withholding and report- sonal services of a nonresident alien who is en- ing obligations that apply to other classes of ali- gaged during the tax year in the conduct of a Grant. The purpose of a grant must be to ach- ens. Illegal aliens who are nonresident aliens U.S. trade or business may be wholly or parti- ieve a specific objective, produce a report or and who receive income from performing inde- ally exempted from withholding at the statutory other similar product, or improve or enhance a pendent personal services are subject to 30% rate if an agreement has been reached between literary, artistic, musical, scientific, teaching, or withholding unless exempt under some provi- the Commissioner or his delegate and the alien other similar capacity, skill, or talent of the sion of law or a tax treaty. Illegal aliens who are as to the amount of withholding required. This grantee. A grant must also be an amount which resident aliens and who receive income from agreement will be effective for payments cov- does not qualify as a scholarship or fellowship. performing dependent personal services are ered by the agreement that are made after the The grantor must not intend the amount to be subject to the same reporting and withholding agreement is executed by all parties. The alien given to the grantee for the purpose of aiding obligations that apply to U.S. citizens who re- must agree to timely file an income tax return for the grantee to perform study, training, or re- ceive the same kind of income. the current tax year. search. Final payment exemption. The final pay- Form 8233. This form is used by a nonresident Prizes and awards. Prizes and awards are alien individual to claim a tax treaty exemption ment of compensation for independent per- amounts received primarily in recognition of reli- from withholding on some or all compensation sonal services may be wholly or partially ex- gious, charitable, scientific, educational, artistic, paid for: empt from withholding at the statutory rate. This literary, or civic achievement, or are received as • Independent personal services (self-em- exemption applies to the last payment of com- the result of entering a contest. A prize or award ployment), pensation, other than wages, for personal serv- is taxable to the recipient unless all of the fol- • Dependent personal services, or ices rendered in the United States that the alien lowing conditions are met. • Personal services income and noncom- expects to receive from any withholding agent • The recipient was selected without any ac- pensatory scholarship or fellowship in- during the tax year. tion on his or her part to enter the contest come from the same withholding agent. To obtain the final payment exemption, the alien, or the alien's agent, must file the forms or proceeding. A withholding agent that receives Form and provide the information required by the • The recipient is not required to render sub- 8233 from a nonresident alien individual claim- Commissioner or his delegate. This information stantial future services as a condition to re- ing a tax treaty exemption must review the form, includes, but is not limited to, the following ceive the prize or award. sign to indicate its acceptance, and forward the items. • The prize or award is transferred by the form to the IRS within 5 days of its acceptance. • A statement by each withholding agent payer to a governmental unit or tax-exempt from whom amounts of gross income ef- charitable organization as designated by COVID-19 medical condition travel excep- fectively connected with the conduct of a the recipient. tion. For tax years after December 31, 2021, Page 34 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 35 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. U.S. trade or business have been received represents compensation for independent per- Form 1042-S. If the compensation is more than by the alien during the tax year. It must sonal services. $600, report it on Form W-2 (if the employee show the amount of income paid and the gave you a TIN) or on Form 1099-NEC, Nonem- amount of tax withheld. The withholding Tax treaties. Under some tax treaties, pay ployee Compensation (if the employee did not agent must sign the statement and include for independent personal services performed in give you a TIN). See the Instructions for Forms a declaration that it is made under penal- the United States is treated as business income 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC for more informa- ties of perjury. and taxed according to the treaty provisions for tion. • A statement by the withholding agent from business profits. For more information on withholding on for- whom the final payment of compensation Under other tax treaties, pay for independ- eign agricultural workers, go to and en- for personal services will be received ent personal services performed in the United ter “agricultural workers” in the search box. showing the amount of final payment and States is exempt from U.S. income tax only if the amount that would be withheld if a final the independent nonresident alien contractor Employer–employee relationship. For pay payment exemption is not granted. The performs the services during a period of tempo- for personal services to qualify as wages, there withholding agent must sign the statement rary presence in the United States (usually not must be an employer–employee relationship. and include a declaration that it is made more than 183 days) and is a resident of the under penalties of perjury. treaty country. Under the common law rules, every individ- • A statement by the alien that they do not Independent nonresident alien contractors ual who performs services subject to the will intend to receive any other amounts of use Form 8233 to claim an exemption from and control of an employer, both as to what gross income effectively connected with withholding under a tax treaty. For more infor- shall be done and how it shall be done, is an the conduct of a U.S. trade or business mation, see Form 8233, earlier. employee. It does not matter that the employer allows the employee considerable discretion during the current tax year. Form 8233 should be used to claim a and freedom of action, as long as the employer • The amount of tax that has been withheld TIP treaty benefit based on a business has the legal right to control both the method (or paid) under any other provision of the profits provision or an independent per- and the result of the services. Internal Revenue Code or regulations for sonal services provision. If an employer–employee relationship exists, any income effectively connected with the it does not matter what the parties call the rela- conduct of a U.S. trade or business during Often, you must withhold under the statutory the current tax year. rules on payments made to a treaty country res- tionship. It does not matter if the employee is • The amount of any outstanding tax liabili- ident contractor for services performed in the called a partner, coadventurer, agent, or inde- ties, including any interest and penalties, United States. This is because the factors on pendent contractor. It does not matter how the from the current tax year or prior tax peri- which the treaty exemption is based may not be pay is measured, how the individual is paid, or ods. determinable until after the close of the tax what the payments are called. Nor does it mat- • The provision of any income tax treaty un- year. The contractor must then file a U.S. in- ter whether the individual works full time or part der which a partial or complete exemption come tax return (Form 1040-NR) to recover any time. from withholding may be claimed, the overwithheld tax by providing the IRS with proof The existence of the employer–employee country of the alien's residence, and a that they are entitled to a treaty exemption. relationship under the usual common law rules will be determined, in doubtful cases, by an ex- statement of sufficient facts to justify an ex- amination of the facts of each case. emption under that treaty. Wages Paid to Employees— The alien must give a statement, signed and Graduated Withholding Employee. An employee generally in- verified by a declaration that it is made under cludes any individual who performs services if penalties of perjury, that all the information pro- Salaries, wages, bonuses, or any other pay for the relationship between the individual and the vided is true, and that to his or her knowledge personal services (referred to collectively as person for whom the services are performed is no relevant information has been omitted. wages) paid to nonresident alien employees are the legal relationship of employer and em- If satisfied with the information provided, the subject to graduated withholding in the same ployee. This includes an individual who re- Commissioner or his delegate will determine way as for U.S. citizens and residents if the wa- ceives a supplemental unemployment pay ben- the amount of the alien's tentative income tax ges are effectively connected with the conduct efit that is treated as wages. for the tax year on gross income effectively con- of a U.S. trade or business. No distinction is made between classes nected with the conduct of a U.S. trade or busi- Note. Any wages paid to a nonresident of employees. Superintendents, managers, ness. Ordinary and necessary business expen- alien for personal services performed as an em- and other supervisory personnel are employ- ses may be taken into account if proved to the ployee for an employer are generally not sub- ees. In most cases, an officer of a corporation is satisfaction of the Commissioner or his dele- ject to the 30% withholding if the wages are an employee, but a director acting in this ca- gate. subject to graduated withholding. pacity is not. An officer who does not perform The Commissioner or his delegate will pro- any services, or only minor services, and nei- vide the alien with a letter to you, the withhold- ther receives nor is entitled to receive any pay is ing agent, stating the amount of the final pay- Also, the 30% withholding does not apply to ment of compensation for personal services pay for personal services performed as an em- not considered an employee. that is exempt from withholding, and the ployee for an employer if it is effectively connec- Employer. An employer is any person or amount that would otherwise be withheld that ted with the conduct of a U.S. trade or business organization for whom an individual performs or may be paid to the alien due to the exemption. and is specifically exempted from the definition has performed any service, of whatever nature, The amount of pay exempt from withholding of wages. Chapter 4 withholding does not apply as an employee. The term “employer” includes cannot be more than $5,000. The alien must to these payments. See Pay that is not wages, not only individuals and organizations in a trade give two copies of the letter to you and must later. or business, but organizations exempt from in- also attach a copy of the letter to his or her in- come tax, such as religious and charitable or- come tax return for the tax year for which the Special rule for certain agricultural work- ganizations, educational institutions, clubs, so- exemption is effective. ers. The 30% withholding does not apply to cial organizations, and societies. It also pay for personal services performed by a for- includes the governments of the United States, Travel expenses. If you pay or reimburse eign agricultural worker in the United States on the States, Puerto Rico, and the District of Co- the travel expenses of a nonresident alien, the an H-2A visa. However, if the total wages are lumbia, as well as their agencies, instrumentali- payments are not reportable to the IRS and are $600 or more and the worker does not give you ties, and political subdivisions. not subject to chapter 3 withholding if the pay- a TIN, you may need to backup withhold. You Two special definitions of employer that may ments are made under an accountable plan, as may withhold at graduated rates if the em- have considerable application to nonresident described in Regulations section 1.62-2. This ployee asks you to by giving you a completed aliens are: treatment applies only to that part of a payment Form W-4. • An employer includes any person paying that represents the payment of travel and lodg- Pay for personal services that is not subject wages for a nonresident alien individual, ing expenses and not to that part that to withholding is not subject to reporting on foreign partnership, or foreign corporation Publication 515 (2023) Page 35 |
Page 36 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. not engaged in trade or business in the ployee of the United States, a U.S. posses- exemption from withholding under a tax treaty, United States (including Puerto Rico as if a sion, or a foreign government, or any of the wages are reported on Form 1042-S and part of the United States), and their political subdivisions. These also in- not in box 1 of Form W-2. Wages exempt under • An employer includes any person who has clude services performed by a member of a tax treaty may still be reported in the state and control of the payment of wages for serv- a religious order in carrying out duties re- local wages boxes of Form W-2 if such wages ices that are performed for another person quired by that order. are subject to state and local taxation. For more who does not have that control. • Tips paid to an employee if they are paid in information, see the instructions for these For example, if a trust pays wages, such as any medium other than cash or, if in cash, forms. certain types of pensions, supplemental unem- they amount to less than $20 in any calen- ployment pay, or retired pay, and the person for dar month in the course of employment. Trust fund recovery penalty. If you are a per- son responsible for withholding, accounting for, whom the services were performed has no legal Services performed outside the United or depositing or paying employment taxes, and control over the payment of the wages, the trust States. Compensation paid to a nonresident willfully fail to do so, you can be held liable for a is the employer. alien (other than a resident of Puerto Rico, dis- penalty equal to the full amount of the unpaid These special definitions have no effect cussed later) for services performed outside the trust fund tax, plus interest. A responsible per- upon the relationship between an alien em- United States is not considered wages and is son for this purpose can be an officer of a cor- ployee and the actual employer when determin- not subject to withholding. poration, a partner, a sole proprietor, or an em- ing whether the pay received is considered to be wages. Special instructions for Form W-4. A ployee of any form of business. A trustee or nonresident alien subject to wage withholding agent with authority over the funds of the busi- If an employer–employee relationship exists, must give the employer a completed Form W-4 ness can also be held responsible for the pen- the employer ordinarily must withhold the in- to enable the employer to figure how much in- alty. come tax from wage payments by using the come tax to withhold. “Willfully” in this case means voluntarily, consciously, and intentionally. You are acting percentage method or wage bracket tables as A nonresident alien cannot claim ex- willfully if you pay other expenses of the busi- shown in Pub. 15-T. ! emption from withholding on Form ness instead of the withholding taxes. CAUTION W-4. Use Form 8233 to claim a tax Pay that is not wages. Employment for which treaty exemption from withholding. See Form Social security and Medicare tax. In most the pay is not considered wages (for graduated 8233, earlier. cases, the employer must also withhold Federal income tax withholding) includes, but is not limi- ted to, the following items. In completing Form W-4, nonresident aliens Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) tax and file • Agricultural labor if the total cash wages should use the following instructions instead of Form 941. In certain cases, wages paid to stu- paid to an individual worker during the year the instructions on Form W-4. dents and railroad and agricultural workers are exempt from FICA tax. Wages paid to nonresi- is less than $150 and the total paid to all 1. Check “Single or Married filing separately” dent alien students, teachers, researchers, workers during the year is less than on Step 1(c) (regardless of actual marital trainees, and other nonresident aliens in “F-1,” $2,500. But even if the total amount paid to status). “J-1,”“ M-1,” or “Q” nonimmigrant status are not all workers is $2,500 or more, wages of less than $150 per year paid to a worker 2. Write “Nonresident Alien” or “NRA” in the subject to FICA. See Pub. 15-T for the rules on are not subject to income tax withholding if space below Step 4(c). withholding. In addition to withholding Medicare tax at certain conditions are met. For these con- For more information see Notice 1392. 1.45%, you must withhold a 0.9% Additional ditions, see Pub. 51 (Circular A). • Services of a household nature performed Nonresident alien employees are not Medicare Tax from wages you pay in excess of in or about the private home of an em- TIP required to request an additional with- $200,000 in a calendar year. See Pub.15 for ployer, or in or about the clubrooms or holding amount, but they can choose to more information. house of a local college club, fraternity, or have an additional amount withheld. sorority. A local college club, fraternity, or Federal unemployment tax (FUTA). The em- ployer must pay FUTA tax and file Form 940. sorority does not include an alumni club or Determining amount to withhold. Employers Only the employer pays this tax; it is not deduc- chapter and may not be operated primarily are required to add an amount to the wages of a ted from the employee's wages. In certain ca- as a business enterprise. Examples of nonresident alien employee solely for the pur- ses, wages paid to students and railroad and these services include those performed as pose of calculating income tax withholding. The agricultural workers are exempt from FUTA tax. a cook, janitor, housekeeper, governess, specific amounts depend on the payroll period. For more information, see the Instructions for gardener, or houseparent. These amounts can be found in Withholding Form 940. • Certain services performed outside the Adjustment for Nonresident Alien Employees in Wages paid to nonresident alien students, course of the employer's trade or business the Introduction of Pub. 15-T. This adjustment teachers, researchers, trainees, and other non- for which cash payment is less than $50 for does not apply to students and business ap- resident aliens in “F-1,” “J-1,” “M-1,” or “Q” non- the calendar quarter. prentices from India. immigrant status are not subject to FUTA tax. • Services performed as an employee of a foreign government, without regard to citi- Do not include the additional amount Pay for dependent personal services (In- performed. These include services per- CAUTION and Tax Statement. zenship, residence, or where services are ! on the employee's Form W-2, Wage come Code 18). Dependent personal services formed by ambassadors, other diplomatic are personal services performed in the United States by a nonresident alien individual as an and consular officers and employees, and Reporting requirements for wages and employee rather than as an independent con- nondiplomatic representatives. They do withheld taxes paid to nonresident aliens. tractor. not include services for a U.S. or Puerto The employer must report the amount of wages Rican corporation owned by a foreign gov- and deposits of withheld income and social se- Pay for dependent personal services is sub- ernment. curity and Medicare taxes by filing Form 941. ject to chapter 3 withholding and reporting as • Services performed within or outside the Household employers should see Pub. 926, for follows. United States by an employee or officer information on reporting and paying employ- Graduated rates. Ordinarily, you must (regardless of citizenship or residence) of ment taxes on wages paid to household em- withhold on pay (wages) for dependent per- an international organization designated ployees. sonal services using graduated rates. The non- under the International Organizations Im- resident alien must complete Form W-4, as dis- munities Act. Form W-2. The employer must also report • Services performed by a duly ordained, on Form W-2 the wages subject to chapter 3 cussed earlier under Special instructions for commissioned, or licensed minister of a withholding and the withheld taxes. You must Form W-4, and you must report wages and in- church, but only if performed in the exer- give copies of this form to the employee. If the come tax withheld on Form W-2. However, you cise of the ministry and not as an em- employee submits Form 8233 to claim Page 36 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 37 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. do not have to withhold if any of the following the United States and Canada or Mexico; the employee are treaty country residents and four exceptions applies. or the nonresident alien employee performs the • Perform duties connected with an interna- services while temporarily living in the United Exception 1. Compensation paid for labor tional project, relating to the construction, States (usually for not more than 183 days). or personal services performed in the United maintenance, or operation of a waterway, Other treaties provide for exemption from U.S. States is deemed not to be income from sour- viaduct, dam, or bridge crossed by, or tax on pay for dependent personal services if ces within the United States and is exempt from crossing, the boundary between the United the employer is any foreign resident and the U.S. income tax if: States and Canada or the boundary be- employee is a treaty country resident and the 1. The labor or services are performed by a tween the United States and Mexico. nonresident alien employee performs the serv- nonresident alien temporarily present in To qualify for the exemption from withhold- ices while temporarily in the United States. See the United States for a period or periods ing during a tax year, a Canadian or Mexican Tax Treaties, later, for information about treaty not exceeding a total of 90 days during the resident must give the employer a statement benefits. tax year; with the employee's name, address, and identi- 2. The total pay does not exceed $3,000; fication number, and certifying that the resident: Pay for teaching (Income Code 19). This and • Is not a U.S. citizen or resident; category is given a separate income code num- • Is a resident of Canada or Mexico, which- ber because some tax treaties exempt a 3. The pay is for labor or services performed ever applies; and teacher from tax for a limited number of years. as an employee of, or under a contract • Expects to perform the described duties Pay for teaching means payments to a nonresi- with: during the tax year in question. dent alien professor, teacher, or researcher by a U.S. university or other accredited educa- a. A nonresident alien individual, foreign The statement can be in any form, but it tional institution for teaching or research work at partnership, or foreign corporation must be dated and signed by the employee and the institution. that is not engaged in a trade or busi- must include a written declaration that it is ness in the United States; or made under penalties of perjury. Graduated rates. Graduated withholding of income tax usually applies to all wages, sal- b. A U.S. citizen or resident alien individ- Canadian and Mexican residents em- aries, and other pay for teaching and research ual, a domestic partnership, or a do- ployed entirely within the United States. paid by a U.S. educational institution during the mestic corporation, if the labor or Neither the transportation service exception nor period the nonresident alien is teaching or per- services are performed for an office or the international projects exception applies to forming research at the institution. place of business maintained in a for- the pay of a resident of Canada or Mexico who eign country or in a possession of the is employed entirely within the United States Social security and Medicare tax. A non- United States by this individual, part- and who commutes from a home in Canada or resident alien temporarily in the United States nership, or corporation. Mexico to work in the United States. If an indi- on an “F-1,” “J-1,” “M-1,” or “Q-1” visa is not If the total pay is more than $3,000, the en- vidual works at a fixed point or points in the Uni- subject to social security and Medicare taxes tire amount is income from sources in the Uni- ted States (such as a factory, store, office, or on pay for services performed to carry out the ted States and is subject to U.S. tax. designated area or areas), the wages for serv- purpose for which the alien was admitted to the ices performed as an employee for an employer United States. Social security and Medicare are subject to graduated withholding. taxes should not be withheld or paid on this Also, compensation paid for labor or serv- amount. ices performed in the United States by a non- Exception 4. Compensation paid for serv- resident alien in connection with the individual's ices performed in Puerto Rico by a nonresident Example. A nonresident alien is issued a temporary presence in the United States as a alien who is a resident of Puerto Rico for an em- visa to teach for a university. While in the United regular member of the crew of a foreign vessel ployer (other than the United States or one of its States, he takes a part-time job working for a engaged in transportation between the United agencies) is not subject to withholding. chemical company. The wages earned while States and a foreign country or a U.S. posses- Compensation paid for either of the follow- teaching at the university are exempt from so- sion is not income from sources within the Uni- ing types of services is not subject to withhold- cial security and Medicare taxes. The wages ted States. ing if the alien does not expect to be a resident earned at the chemical company are subject to of Puerto Rico during the entire tax year. social security and Medicare taxes. Exception 2. Compensation paid by a for- • Services performed outside the United If an alien is considered a resident alien, as eign employer to a nonresident alien for the pe- States but not in Puerto Rico by a nonresi- discussed earlier, that pay is subject to social riod the alien is temporarily present in the Uni- dent alien who is a resident of Puerto Rico security and Medicare taxes even though the ted States on an “F,” “J,” or “Q” visa is exempt for an employer other than the United alien is still in one of the nonimmigrant statuses from U.S. income tax. For this purpose, a for- States or one of its agencies. mentioned above. This rule also applies to eign employer means: • Services performed outside the United FUTA (unemployment) taxes paid by the em- • A nonresident alien individual, foreign part- States by a nonresident alien who is a resi- ployer. Teachers, researchers, and other em- nership, or foreign corporation; or dent of Puerto Rico, as an employee of the ployees temporarily present in the United • An office or place of business maintained United States or any of its agencies. States on other nonimmigrant visas or in refu- in a foreign country or in a U.S. possession gee or asylee immigration status are fully liable by a domestic corporation, a domestic To qualify for the exemption from withhold- partnership, or an individual U.S. citizen or ing for any tax year, the employee must give the for social security and Medicare taxes unless resident. employer a statement showing the employee's an exemption applies from one of the totaliza- name and address and certifying that the em- tion agreements in force between the United You can exempt the payment from withhold- ployee: States and several other nations. ing if you can reliably associate the payment • Is not a citizen or resident of the United The Social Security Administration with a Form W-8BEN containing the TIN of the States, and (SSA) publishes the complete texts payee. • Is a resident of Puerto Rico who does not and explanatory pamphlets of the total- expect to be a resident for that entire tax ization agreements, which are available by call- Exception 3. Compensation paid to certain year. ing 410-965-7306 or by going to residents of Canada or Mexico who enter or The statement must be signed and dated by international/totalization_agreements.html. leave the United States at frequent intervals is the employee and contain a written declaration not subject to withholding. These aliens must that it is made under penalties of perjury. Tax treaties. Under most tax treaties, pay either: for teaching or research is exempt from U.S. in- • Perform duties in transportation services Tax treaties. Pay for dependent personal come tax and from withholding for a specified (such as a railroad, bus, truck, ferry, services under some tax treaties is exempt from period of time when paid to a professor, steamboat, aircraft, or other type) between U.S. income tax only if both the employer and teacher, or researcher who was a resident of Publication 515 (2023) Page 37 |
Page 38 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. the treaty country immediately prior to entry into Tax treaties. Certain tax treaties provide a Tax treaties. Under many tax treaties, com- the United States and who is not a citizen of the limited exemption from U.S. income tax and pensation paid to public entertainers or athletes United States. The U.S. educational institution from withholding on compensation paid to non- for services performed in the United States is paying the compensation must report the resident alien students or trainees during train- exempt from U.S. income tax if the artist or ath- amount of compensation paid each year that is ing in the United States for a limited period. In lete derives receipts for the tax year concerned, exempt from tax under a tax treaty on Form addition, some treaties provide an exemption including expenses reimbursed to them or 1042-S. See Tax Treaties, later, for information from tax and withholding for compensation paid borne on their behalf, not in excess of $10,000, about treaty benefits. The employer should also by the U.S. Government or its contractor to a or in more recent treaties, $20,000. See Tax report the compensation in the state and local nonresident alien student or trainee who is tem- Treaties, later, for information about treaty ben- wages boxes of Form W-2 if the wages are sub- porarily present in the United States as a partic- efits. ject to state and local taxes, or in the social se- ipant in a program sponsored by the U.S. Gov- Employees and independent contractors curity and Medicare wages boxes of Form W-2 ernment. See Tax Treaties, later, for information may claim an exemption from withholding under if the wages are subject to social security and about treaty benefits. However, a withholding a tax treaty by filing Form 8233. Often, however, Medicare taxes. agent who is a U.S. resident, a U.S. Govern- you will have to withhold at the statutory rates Claimants must give you either Form ment agency, or its contractor must report the on the total payments to the entertainer or ath- W-8BEN or Form 8233, as applicable, to obtain amount of pay on Form 1042-S. lete. This is because the exemption may be these treaty benefits. Claimants must give you either Form based upon factors that cannot be determined W-8BEN or Form 8233, as applicable, to obtain until after the end of the year. Pay during studying and training (Income these treaty benefits. Code 20). This category refers to pay (as con- trasted with remittances, allowances, or other Other Income forms of scholarships or fellowship grants—see Artists and Athletes Scholarships and Fellowship Grants Subject to (Income Codes 42 and 43) For the discussion of Income Codes 24, 25, and Chapter 3 Withholding, earlier) for personal 26, see U.S. Real Property Interest, later. For services performed while a nonresident alien is Because many tax treaties contain a provision the discussion of Income Code 27, see Publicly temporarily in the United States as a student, for pay to artists and athletes, a separate cate- Traded Partnerships, later. trainee, or apprentice, or while acquiring techni- gory is assigned these payments for chapter 3 cal, professional, or business experience. withholding purposes. This category includes Gambling winnings (Income Code 28). In payments made for performances by public en- general, nonresident aliens are subject to chap- Graduated rates. Wages, salaries, or tertainers (such as theater, motion picture, ra- ter 3 withholding at 30% on the gross proceeds other compensation paid to a nonresident alien dio, or television artists, or musicians) or ath- from gambling won in the United States if that student, trainee, or apprentice for labor or per- letes. income is not effectively connected with a U.S. sonal services performed in the United States trade or business and is not exempted by are subject to graduated withholding. Use Income Code 42 to report payments to treaty. The tax withheld and winnings are re- Social security and Medicare tax. A nonresident alien athletes and entertainers portable on Forms 1042 and 1042-S. Chapter 4 nonresident alien temporarily in the United (NRAAEs) who have not signed a central with- withholding does not apply to these proceeds. States on an “F-1,” “J-1,” “M-1,” or “Q-1” visa is holding agreement (CWA), discussed later. Use No tax is imposed on nonbusiness gambling not subject to social security and Medicare Income Code 43 to report payments to artists income a nonresident alien wins playing black- taxes on pay for services performed to carry out and athletes who have signed a CWA. jack, baccarat, craps, roulette, or big-6 wheel in the purpose for which the alien was admitted to the United States. A Form W-8BEN is not re- the United States. Social security and Medicare Income Code 42. You must withhold tax at a quired to obtain the exemption from withhold- taxes should not be withheld or paid on this 30% rate on payments to artists and athletes for ing, but a Form W-8BEN may be required for amount. This exemption from social security services performed as independent contractors. purposes of Form 1099 reporting and backup and Medicare taxes also applies to employment See Pay for independent personal services, withholding. Gambling income that is not sub- performed under Curricular Practical Training earlier, for more information. You must withhold ject to chapter 3 withholding is not subject to re- and Optional Practical Training, on or off cam- tax at graduated rates on payments to artists porting on Form 1042-S. pus, by foreign students in “F-1,” “J-1,” “M-1,” or and athletes for services performed as employ- Nonresident aliens are taxed at graduated “Q” status as long as the employment is author- ees. See Pay for dependent personal services, rates on net gambling income won in the United ized by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration earlier, for more information. However, in any States that is effectively connected with a U.S. Services. situation where the nature of the relationship trade or business. between the payer of the income and the artist Example. A nonresident alien is admitted or athlete is not ascertainable, you should with- Tax treaties. Gambling income of resi- to the United States to study surveying. As part hold at a rate of 30%. dents (as defined by treaty) of the following for- eign countries is not taxable by the United of her course, she apprentices to a surveyor. States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Re- She also works part-time at a restaurant to sup- Income Code 43. NRAAEs who perform or plement her income. The wages she earns as participate in events in the United States can re- public, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, an apprentice are not subject to social security quest a CWA for a lower rate of withholding. A Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, and Medicare taxes. The wages and tips she CWA is an agreement entered into by the ath- Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Russia, earns at the restaurant are subject to social se- lete or entertainer, a designated withholding Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, curity and Medicare taxes. agent, and the IRS. Under no circumstances Sweden, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, and the Uni- If an alien is considered a resident alien, as will a CWA reduce taxes withheld to less than ted Kingdom. discussed earlier, that pay is subject to social the anticipated amount of income tax liability. Gambling income of residents of Malta is taxed at 10%. security and Medicare taxes even though the We’ve temporarily waived the income re- Claimants must give you a Form W-8BEN alien is still in one of the nonimmigrant statuses quirement for which form to use when applying (with a U.S. or foreign TIN) to claim treaty bene- mentioned above. This rule also applies to for a CWA. Form 13930-A is currently unavaila- fits on gambling income that is not effectively FUTA (unemployment) taxes paid by the em- ble. While the waiver is in effect, individuals with connected with a U.S. trade or business. See ployer. income below $10,000 can apply for a CWA us- U.S. or Foreign TINs, later, for when you can Any student who is enrolled and regularly at- ing Form 13930, Instructions on How to Apply accept a Form W-8BEN without a TIN. tending classes at a school may be exempt for a Central Withholding Agreement PDF. For from social security, Medicare, and FUTA taxes more information on how to apply for a CWA, Transportation income. U.S. source gross on pay for services performed for that school. see Form 13930. transportation income (USSGTI), as defined in See Pub.15. For more information on the CWA program, section 887, is not subject to 30% gross with- go to holding tax, and chapter 4 withholding does not Taxpayers/Central-Withholding-Agreements. apply to this income. Transportation income is Page 38 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 39 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. income from the use of a vessel or aircraft, eligible deferred compensation item paid to a whether owned, hired, or leased, or from the covered expatriate. The amount subject to tax performance of services directly related to the is the amount of the payment that would have Foreign Governments use of a vessel or aircraft. U.S. source gross been included in the nonresident alien's U.S. transportation income includes 50% of all trans- gross income if they had continued to be taxed and Certain Other portation income from transportation that either as a U.S. citizen or resident. Foreign Organizations begins or ends in the United States. USSGTI does not include transportation income of a for- Distributions from a nongrantor trust eign corporation taxable in a U.S. possession. (Income Code 39). In general, you must with- Investment income earned by a foreign govern- The recipient of USSGTI must pay tax on it an- hold tax at a 30% rate on any direct or indirect ment is not included in the gross income of the nually at the rate of 4% on Section I of Form distribution from a nongrantor trust. The amount foreign government and is not subject to chap- 1120-F, unless the income is effectively con- subject to tax is the part of the distribution that ter 3 withholding. The term foreign government nected with the conduct of a U.S. trade or busi- would have been included in the nonresident means an integral part of a foreign government ness and is reportable on Section II of Form alien's U.S. gross income if they had continued or an entity that is controlled by a foreign gov- 1120-F. Special rules apply to determine if a to be taxed as a U.S. citizen or resident. If the ernment. See Temporary Regulations section foreign corporation's USSGTI is effectively con- nonresident alien was not a beneficiary of the 1.892-2T. Investment income means income nected with a U.S. trade or business. nongrantor trust on the day before they gave up from investments in the United States in stocks, their U.S. citizenship or long-term residence, bonds, or other domestic securities, financial in- Canadian truck and rail income. Under you do not have to withhold tax. See section 7 struments held in the execution of governmen- Article VIII (Transportation) of the U.S.–Canada of Notice 2009-85, 2009-45 I.R.B. 598, availa- tal financial or monetary policy, and interest on treaty, any U.S. source income derived by a ble at money deposited by a foreign government in Canadian company engaged in the operation of banks in the United States. A foreign govern- trucks or a railway as a common carrier or con- Guarantee of indebtedness (Income Code ment must provide a Form W-8EXP or, in the tract carrier, and attributable to the transporta- 41). An amount paid to a foreign payee for the case of a payment made outside the United tion of property between Canada and the Uni- provision of a guarantee of indebtedness is- States to an offshore account, documentary evi- ted States, is exempt from tax in the United sued after September 27, 2010, may be subject dence to obtain this exemption. Investment in- States, provided the company is otherwise eligi- to chapter 3 withholding. The amounts must be come paid to a foreign government is subject to ble for treaty benefits. Payments for the use of paid by one of the following. reporting on Form 1042-S. trucks (including trailers) or railway rolling stock, 1. A noncorporate U.S. resident. The following types of income received by a or from the use, maintenance, or rental of con- tainers (including trailers and related equipment 2. A domestic corporation. foreign government are subject to chapter 3 withholding. for the transport of containers) used to transport 3. Any foreign person if the amount paid is property between Canada and the United connected with income that is effectively 1. Income (including investment income) re- States are also exempt from U.S. tax, provided connected, or treated as effectively con- ceived from the conduct of a commercial the company is otherwise eligible for treaty ben- nected, with a U.S. trade or business. activity or from sources other than those efits. Canadian companies must file Form stated above. 1120-F and Form 8833 to claim an exemption An indirect payment includes a payment by 2. Income received from a controlled com- from tax for profits from their operating income. a foreign bank to a foreign corporation for the mercial entity (including gain from the dis- Canadian corporations are subject to chapter 3 foreign corporation's guarantee of indebtedness position of any interest in a controlled withholding on rental payments for the use of owed to the foreign bank by the foreign corpo- commercial entity) and income received such equipment in the United States and may ration's domestic subsidiary, where the cost of by a controlled commercial entity. claim an exemption on Form W8-BEN-E. the guarantee fee is passed on to the domestic If the foreign government is a partner in subsidiary through additional interest charged a partnership carrying on a trade or busi- Foreign freight charges or rental of on the indebtedness. ness in the United States, the ECI alloca- equipment used outside the United States. Payments for transportation of property, The amounts described above for a guaran- ble to the foreign government is consid- whether by ship, air, or truck, solely between tee of indebtedness are withholdable pay- ered derived from a controlled commercial points outside the United States or rental of tan- ments, such that chapter 4 withholding may ap- activity and is subject to withholding under gible property in connection with transportation ply absent an exclusion from withholding under section 1446. solely for use between points outside the United chapter 4. 3. Gain derived from the disposition of a States is not U.S. source income and not sub- Other income (Income Code 23). Use this USRPI. Withholding on these gains is dis- ject to chapter 3 withholding. category to report U.S. source FDAP income cussed later under U.S. Real Property In- Payments to certain expatriates. Certain that is not reportable under any of the other in- terest. payments to nonresident aliens who are cov- come categories. Examples of income that may ered expatriates under section 877A(g)(1) are be reportable under this category are commis- For chapter 4 purposes, payments to a for- subject to withholding at 30%. In general, non- sions, insurance proceeds, patronage distribu- eign government (other than earnings inuring to resident aliens are covered expatriates if they tions, prizes, and racing purses. the benefit of a private person) are not pay- ments to which chapter 4 withholding applies were U.S. citizens or long-term residents who As discussed earlier under Amounts Subject unless the payment is made to a controlled en- renounced their citizenship or ceased to be to Chapter 3 Withholding, every kind of FDAP tity of the foreign government that is engaged in long-term residents for U.S. tax purposes after income from U.S. sources that is not effectively a commercial financial activity. See Regulations June 16, 2008, and satisfied other tests for connected with a U.S. trade or business is sub- section 1.1471-6(h) for a description of a com- average annual net income tax or net worth. For ject to chapter 3 withholding unless the income mercial financial activity. See Regulations sec- more information on the definition of covered is specifically exempt under the Internal Reve- tion 1.1471-3(d)(9) for the documentation re- expatriates, see the Instructions for Form 8854. nue Code or a tax treaty. You must generally quired to establish an entity’s chapter 4 status A covered expatriate should have provided withhold at the 30% rate on this income. As a as a foreign government. Similar rules apply for you with Form W-8CE notifying you of their cov- payment of U.S. source FDAP is generally a chapter 4 purposes to a payment to a foreign ered expatriate status and the fact that they withholdable payment, you should review Reg- central bank of issue. may be subject to special tax rules with respect ulations section 1.1473-1(a) (definition of with- to certain items. For more information, see the holdable payment) to determine if the payment A government of a U.S. possession is ex- Instructions for Form W-8CE. is excluded from the definition of a withholdable empt from U.S. tax on all U.S. source income. payment. This income is not subject to chapter 3 with- Eligible deferred compensation items holding, and chapter 4 withholding does not ap- (Income Code 38). In general, you must with- ply to income paid to a government of a U.S. hold tax at a 30% rate on any payment of an possession. See Regulations section Publication 515 (2023) Page 39 |
Page 40 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. 1.1471-3(d)(9) for the documentation required exceptions are met. Instead of requesting a to establish an entity’s chapter 4 status as a U.S. TIN from a foreign payee, you may request government of a U.S. possession. These gov- U.S. or Foreign TINs a foreign TIN issued by the payee’s country of ernments should use Form W-8EXP to claim residence except when the payee is a nonresi- this exemption for both chapters 3 and 4 purpo- As the withholding agent, in many cases you dent alien individual claiming an exemption ses (as required). must request that the payee provide you with its from withholding on Form 8233. U.S. TIN. You must in such a case include the • Income from marketable securities (dis- International organizations. International or- payee's TIN on forms, statements, and other cussed earlier under Beneficial Owners). ganizations are exempt from U.S. tax on all U.S. tax documents. The payee's TIN may be any of • Unexpected payment to an individual in source income. Income paid to an international the following. the case of a payment made by a U.S. fi- organization (within the meaning of section • An individual may have a social security nancial institution to an account main- 7701(a)(18)) is not subject to chapter 3 with- number (SSN). If the individual does not tained at a U.S. office (discussed next). holding. International organizations are not re- have and is eligible for an SSN, go to quired to provide a Form W-8 or documentary for more information. Unexpected payment. A Form W-8BEN evidence to receive the exemption if the name The SSA will tell the individual if they are or a Form 8233 provided by a nonresident alien of the payee is one that is designated as an in- eligible to get an SSN. to get treaty benefits does not need a U.S. TIN ternational organization by executive order. • An individual may have an IRS individual if you, the withholding agent, meet all the follow- Payments made to an international organi- taxpayer identification number (ITIN). If the ing requirements. zation, as defined for chapter 4 purposes, are individual does not have and is not eligible • You are an acceptance agent. not payments to which chapter 4 withholding for an SSN, they must apply for an ITIN by • You can request an ITIN for a payee on an applies. An international organization for purpo- using Form W-7. expedited basis. ses of chapter 4 means any entity described in • Any person other than an individual, and • You are required to make an unexpected section 7701(a)(18). The term also includes any any individual who is an employer or who payment to the nonresident alien. intergovernmental or supranational organization is engaged in a U.S. trade or business as a • You cannot get the ITIN because the IRS is that is comprised primarily of foreign govern- sole proprietor, must have an employer not issuing ITINs at the time you make the ments, that is recognized as an intergovern- identification number (EIN). Use Form payment or at any earlier time after you mental or supranational organization under cer- SS-4 to get an EIN. know you have to make the payment. • You cannot reasonably delay making the tain foreign laws, or that has in effect a Under certain circumstances, a finan- unexpected payment. headquarters agreement with a foreign govern- ! cial institution may be required to get a • You submit a completed Form W-7 for the ment, and whose income does not inure to the CAUTION GIIN for purposes of chapter 4. See payee, with a certification that you have re- benefit of private persons. See Regulations Global Intermediary Identification Numbers, viewed the required documentation and section 1.1471-3(d)(9) for the documentation later. See the Instructions for Form 8957 for in- have no actual knowledge or reason to required to establish an entity’s chapter 4 status formation on whether a GIIN is needed. know that the documentation is not com- as an international organization. plete or accurate, to the IRS during the first Foreign tax-exempt organizations. A for- A U.S. or foreign TIN (as applicable) must business day after you made the payment. eign organization that is a tax-exempt organiza- generally be on a withholding certificate if the An acceptance agent is a person who, un- tion under section 501(c) is not subject to a beneficial owner is claiming any of the follow- der a written agreement with the IRS, is author- withholding tax on amounts that are not income ing. ized to help alien individuals and other foreign includible under section 512 as unrelated busi- • Tax treaty benefits (see Exceptions to TIN persons get ITINs or EINs. For information on ness taxable income. In addition, withholdable requirement, later). the application procedures for becoming an ac- payments made to a tax-exempt organization • Income is effectively connected with a U.S. ceptance agent, go to under section 501(c) are not payments to which trade or business. ITIN-Acceptance-Agent-Program-Changes. chapter 4 withholding applies. • Exemption for certain annuities (see Pen- However, if a foreign organization is a for- sions, Annuities, and Alimony, earlier). Note. All acceptance agents will be re- eign private foundation, it is subject to a 4% • Exemption based on exempt organization quired to adhere to new quality standards es- withholding tax on all U.S. source investment in- or private foundation status. tablished and monitored by the IRS. come. For a foreign tax-exempt organization to A foreign TIN may also be required for cer- A payment is unexpected if you or the bene- claim an exemption from withholding under tain account holders (see Foreign TIN require- ficial owner could not have reasonably anticipa- chapter 3 or 4 because of its tax-exempt status ment for account holders, later). In addition, a ted the payment during a time when an ITIN under section 501(c), or to claim withholding at U.S. TIN must be on a withholding certificate could be obtained. This could be due to the na- a 4% rate, it must provide you with a Form from a person claiming to be any of the follow- ture of the payment or the circumstances in W-8EXP. However, if a foreign organization is ing. which the payment is made. A payment is not claiming an exemption from withholding under • QI. considered unexpected solely because the an income tax treaty, or the income is unrelated • QSL. amount of the payment is not fixed. business taxable income, the organization must • Withholding foreign partnership. Example. Mary, a citizen and resident of provide a Form W-8BEN-E or W-8ECI. Income • Withholding foreign trust. Ireland, visits the United States and wins paid to foreign tax-exempt organizations is sub- • An organization claiming an exemption or $5,000 playing a slot machine in a casino. Un- ject to reporting on Form 1042-S. If the organi- reduced rate of withholding based solely der the treaty with Ireland, the winnings are not zation is a partner in a partnership carrying on a on a claim of tax-exempt status under sec- subject to U.S. tax. Mary claims the treaty bene- trade or business in the United States, the ECI tion 501(c) or private foundation status (un- fits by providing a Form W-8BEN to the casino allocable to the organization is subject to with- less only the 4-percent tax under section upon winning at the slot machine. However, she holding under section 1446. 4948(a) applies to the private foundation). does not have an ITIN or foreign TIN. The ca- Foreign financial institutions. For payments • U.S. branch of a foreign person treated as sino is an acceptance agent that can request an a U.S. person (see Regulations section ITIN on an expedited basis. made to a reporting Model 1 FFI or reporting 1.1441-1(b)(2)(iv)), and a U.S. branch of Situation 1. Assume that Mary won the Model 2 FFI, see the applicable IGA for defini- an FFI acting as an intermediary that is not money on Sunday. Since the IRS does not is- tions of entities described under this heading. treated as a U.S person. sue ITINs on Sunday, the casino can pay You may generally rely on documentation provi- • U.S. person. $5,000 to Mary without withholding U.S. tax. ded by such an FFI to treat an entity as descri- bed under this heading (included under the Exceptions to U.S. TIN requirement. A for- The casino must, on the following Monday, fax class of a nonreporting IGA FFI). See the eign person does not have to provide a U.S. a completed Form W-7 for Mary, including the Instructions for Form W-8BEN-E. TIN to claim a reduced rate of withholding under required certification, to the IRS for an expedi- a tax treaty if the requirements for the following ted ITIN. Page 40 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 41 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Situation 2. Assume that Mary won the payment because the source or character of the money on Monday. To pay the winnings without payment is unknown, the withholding agent withholding U.S. tax, the casino must apply for Depositing Withheld may retain 30% of the payment to hold in es- and get an ITIN for Mary because an expedited crow for chapter 4 purposes in accordance with ITIN is available from the IRS at the time of the Taxes Regulations section 1.1471-2(a)(5). payment. This section discusses the rules for depositing Electronic deposit requirement. You must Foreign TIN requirement for account hold- income tax withheld on FDAP income, including deposit all withheld taxes under chapter 3 or 4 ers. If you are a U.S. office or branch of a de- tax withheld pursuant to chapter 4. The deposit by electronic funds transfer. In most cases, pository institution, custodial institution, invest- rules discussed here do not apply to the follow- electronic funds transfers are made using the ment entity, or specified insurance company ing items. Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (each as defined in Regulations section • Taxes on pay subject to graduated with- (EFTPS). If you do not want to use EFTPS, you 1.1471-5(e)) documenting an account holder holding, as discussed earlier. (See Form can arrange for your tax professional, financial (as defined in Regulations section 1.1471-5(a) 941 for the deposit rules.) institution, or other trusted third party to make (3)) of an account that is a financial account (as • Tax withheld on pensions and annuities deposits on your behalf. You may also arrange defined in Regulations section 1.1471-5(b)), subject to graduated withholding or the for your financial institution to initiate a you must obtain the account holder’s TIN for its 10% tax on nonperiodic distributions. (See same-day wire payment on your behalf. EFTPS jurisdiction of tax residence (foreign TIN) on a Form 945 for the deposit rules.) is a free service provided by the Department of Form W-8 that is a beneficial owner withholding • Tax withheld on a foreign partner's share Treasury. Services provided by your tax profes- certificate in order for the form to not be invalid of ECI of a partnership, other than a pub- sional, financial institution, or other third party for a payment of U.S. source income reportable licly traded partnership. See Partnership may have a fee. For more information about on Form 1042-S, unless: Withholding on Effectively Connected In- EFTPS or to enroll in EFTPS, visit • The account holder is a resident of a juris- come, later. or call 800-555-4477. Additional information diction that is not listed in section 3 of Rev- • Tax withheld on dispositions of USRPI by about EFTPS is also available in Pub. 966. enue Procedure 2021-32, 2021-42 I.R.B. foreign persons. See U.S. Real Property 465, available at Interest, later. Qualified business taxpayers that re- 2021-42_IRB#REV-PROC-2021-32, which • Taxes on household employees. See TIP quest an EIN will automatically be en- may be further updated in future published Schedule H (Form 1040) to report social rolled in EFTPS. They will receive infor- guidance; security and Medicare taxes, and any in- mation on how to activate their account. • The account holder is a resident in a juris- come tax withheld, on wages paid to a diction that has been identified by the IRS nonresident alien household employee. Note. All payments should be stated in on a list of jurisdictions that do not issue U.S. dollars and should be made in U.S. dol- foreign TINs. See When Deposits lars. corporations/list-of-jurisdictions-that-do- Are Required Penalty for failure to make deposits on not-issue-foreign-tins; • The account holder is a government, inter- time. If you fail to make a required deposit national organization, foreign central bank A deposit required for any period occurring in 1 within the time prescribed, a penalty is imposed of issue, or resident of a U.S. territory; or calendar year must be made separately from a on the underpayment (the excess of the re- • The account holder obtains a reasonable deposit for any period occurring in another cal- quired deposit over any actual timely deposit for explanation for why the account holder has endar year. A deposit of this tax must be made a period). You can avoid the penalty if you can not been issued a foreign TIN, including by separately from a deposit of any other type of show that the failure to deposit was for reasona- checking the applicable box on the appli- tax, but you need not identify whether the de- ble cause and not because of willful neglect. cable Form W-8 indicating that the account posit is of tax withheld under chapter 3 or 4. Also, the IRS may waive the penalty if certain requirements are met. holder is not legally required to obtain an The amount of tax you are required to with- FTIN from the account holder’s jurisdiction hold determines the frequency of your deposits. Depositing on time. For deposits made by of residence (including if the jurisdiction For more information, see Deposit Require- EFTPS to be on time, you must initiate the de- does not issue TINs). ments in the Instructions for Form 1042. posit by 8 p.m. Eastern time the day before the A reasonable explanation that an account date the deposit is due. If you use a third party holder does not have a foreign TIN must ad- Escrow in lieu of deposit. Under certain cir- to make deposits on your behalf, they may have dress why the account holder was not issued a cumstances, a withholding agent may be per- different cutoff times. foreign TIN to the extent provided in the instruc- mitted to set aside a withheld amount in escrow tions for the applicable Form W-8. If an account rather than depositing the tax. A participating Penalty rate. If the deposit is: holder provides an explanation other than the FFI that withholds tax on a withholdable pay- • 1 to 5 days late, the penalty is 2% of the one described in the instructions for the appli- ment not otherwise subject to chapter 3 with- underpayment; cable Form W-8, you must determine whether holding or backup withholding under section • 6 to 15 days late, the penalty is 5%; or the explanation is reasonable. 3406 made to a recalcitrant account holder of a • 16 or more days late, the penalty is 10%. dormant account may, in lieu of depositing the However, if the deposit is not made within tax withheld, set aside the amount withheld in 10 days after the IRS issues the first notice de- Global Intermediary escrow until the date that the account ceases to manding payment, the penalty is 15%. Identification Numbers be a dormant account. In such case, the tax (GIINs) withheld becomes due 90 days following the If you owe a penalty for failing to deposit tax date that the account ceases to be a dormant for more than one deposit period, and you If you make a withholdable payment to an entity account if the account holder does not provide make a deposit, your deposit is applied to the claiming certain chapter 4 statuses, you may be the required documentation, or becomes re- most recent period to which the deposit relates required to obtain and verify the entity’s GIIN fundable to the account holder if the account unless you designate the deposit period or peri- against the published IRS FFI list within 90 days holder provides documentation establishing ods to which your deposit is to be applied. You to rely on such a claim. See GIIN Verification that withholding does not apply. can make this designation only during a 90-day under Standards of Knowledge for Purposes of A withholding agent that withholds tax under period that begins on the date of the penalty no- Chapter 4, earlier, for which chapter 4 statuses chapter 3 on certain payments that include an tice. The notice contains instructions on how to require a GIIN. undetermined amount of income may retain make this designation. 30% of the payment to hold in escrow in ac- cordance with Regulations section 1.1441-3(d). Similarly, if a withholding agent is unable to de- termine whether the payment is a withholdable Publication 515 (2023) Page 41 |
Page 42 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Adjustment for holder of a participating FFI or registered If you file a substitute for Copy A with deemed-compliant FFI that has elected on the IRS that does not conform to the Overwithholding its withholding statement for withholding CAUTION! specifications in Pub. 1179, you may under section 3406 to apply instead of be subject to a penalty for failing to file a correct What to do if you overwithheld tax depends on withholding under chapter 4. return. See Penalties, later. when you discover the overwithholding. Forms 1042 and 1042-S must be filed Overwithholding discovered by March 15 of DUE by March 15 of the year following the Joint owners. If there are joint owners of the following calendar year. If you discover calendar year in which the income sub- the withholdable payment, see Payments di- that you overwithheld tax under chapter 3 or 4 ject to reporting was paid. If March 15 falls on a rectly to beneficial owners under Payments to by March 15 of the following calendar year, you Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the due Recipients in the Instructions for Form 1042-S. may use the undeposited amount of tax to date is the next business day. Electronic reporting. For information make any necessary adjustments between you about the Form 1042-S electronic reporting re- and the recipient of the income. However, if the Form 1042. Every U.S. and foreign withhold- quirements for withholding agents or their undeposited amount is not enough to make any ing agent that is required to file a Form 1042-S agents, and partnerships with a Form 1042-S adjustments, or if you discover the overwith- must also file an annual return on Form 1042. filing requirement, including the threshold return holding after the entire amount of tax has been You must file Form 1042 even if you were not limits, see Electronic Reporting in the Instruc- deposited, you can use either the reimburse- required to withhold any income tax under tions for Form 1042-S. ment procedure or the set-off procedure to ad- chapter 3 on the payment, or if the payment is a A completed Form 4419 should be filed at just the overwithholding. chapter 4 reportable amount. least 30 days before the due date of the return. Returns may not be filed electronically until the If March 15 is a Saturday, Sunday, or You must file Form 1042 with the: application has been approved by the IRS. TIP legal holiday, the next business day is For additional information and instructions the final date for these actions. Ogden Service Center on filing Forms 1042-S electronically, get Pub. For more information on the reimbursement P.O. Box 409101 1187. If you file electronically, you will use the procedure and set-off procedure, and what to Ogden, UT 84409 Filing Information Returns Electronically (FIRE) do if you discover the overwithholding after system at March 15 of the following calendar year, see Adjustment for Overwithholding in the Instruc- Form 1042-S. Every U.S. and foreign with- Form 1042-T. If Form 1042-S is filed on paper, tions for Form 1042. holding agent must file a Form 1042-S for it must be filed with Form 1042-T. You may amounts subject to chapter 3 withholding and need to file more than one Form 1042-T. See chapter 4 reportable amounts unless an excep- the instructions for Form 1042-T for more infor- Returns Required tion applies. The form can be filed electronically mation. or on paper. A separate Form 1042-S is re- Deposit interest paid to certain nonresident Every withholding agent, whether U.S. or for- quired for each recipient of income to whom alien individuals. Interest earned by residents eign, must file Forms 1042 and 1042-S to re- you made payments during the preceding cal- of certain foreign countries is subject to infor- port: endar year regardless of whether you withheld mation reporting. Deposit interest of $10 or • Amounts subject to chapter 3 withholding or were required to withhold tax. However, if more paid to any nonresident alien individual paid to foreign persons (including persons you make a withholdable payment to an NQI or who is a resident of a foreign country with which presumed to be foreign), even if no amount a flow-through entity that is allocable to a chap- the United States has agreed to exchange tax is deducted and withheld from the pay- ter 4 withholding rate pool, as indicated on a information pursuant to an income tax treaty or ment under chapter 3, and withholding statement upon which you may rely other convention or bilateral agreement, must • Payments to which chapter 4 withholding with respect to the payment allocable to such a be reported on Form 1042-S. is applied or which are allocated on an ap- pool, you should complete a separate Form plicable withholding statement provided by 1042-S for each chapter 4 withholding rate pool Revenue Procedure 2021-32 identifies a participating FFI or registered (that is, pool of recalcitrant account holders, those countries for which reporting of deposit deemed-compliant FFI to a chapter 4 with- pool of nonparticipating FFIs, pool of payees interest is required with respect to a resident of holding rate pool of U.S. payees (chapter 4 that are U.S. persons), treating the intermediary any such country. reportable amounts). or flow-through entity as the recipient (and the Do not use Forms 1042 and 1042-S to report applicable pool as the chapter 4 status of the Note. You may elect to report interest paid tax withheld on the following. recipient). You need not issue a Form 1042-S to to any nonresident alien. • Wages, salaries, or other compensation each recipient included in such pool. You must Statements to recipients. You must furnish a reported on Form W-2 (see Wages Paid to use a separate Form 1042-S for each type of in- statement to each recipient for whom you are Employees—Graduated Withholding, ear- come that you paid to the same recipient. See filing a Form 1042-S by the due date for filing lier, under Pay for Personal Services Per- Statements to recipients, later. Forms 1042 and 1042-S with the IRS. You may formed). You must furnish a Form 1042-S for each re- use a copy of the official Form 1042-S for this • Any part of a U.S. or foreign partnership's cipient even if you did not withhold tax because purpose. Any substitute forms must comply with (other than a publicly traded partnership) you repaid the tax withheld to the recipient or the rules set out in Pub. 1179. You must furnish effectively connected taxable income allo- because the income payment was exempt from a separate substitute Form 1042-S for each cable to a foreign partner (see Partnership tax under the Internal Revenue Code or under a type of income or payment. The withholding Withholding on Effectively Connected In- U.S. income tax treaty (except for a withholda- agent must ensure that any substitute Form come, later). ble payment that is not a chapter 4 reportable 1042-S copies B, C, and D, which are furnished • Dispositions of USRPI by foreign persons amount). to the recipient, conforms in format and size to (see U.S. Real Property Interest, later). You can use a substitute Form 1042-S if it the official Form 1042-S and contains the exact • Pensions, annuities, and certain other de- meets the requirements listed in Pub. 1179. Pa- same information as the copy filed with the IRS ferred income reported on Form 1099. per substitutes that totally conform to the format or submitted electronically. However, the size of • Income, social security, and Medicare and size of the official form may be used with- a substitute Form 1042-S, copies B, C, and D, taxes on wages paid to a household em- out prior approval from the IRS. See Pub. 1179 may be adjusted if the substitute form is presen- ployee reported on Schedule H (Form for more information. ted on a landscape-oriented page instead of 1040). If you are reporting amounts withheld by an- portrait. Only one Form 1042-S may be submit- • Amounts subject to backup withholding un- other withholding agent, Form 1042-S requests ted per page, regardless of orientation. der section 3406, including withholdable the name and EIN of the withholding agent that payments that are reportable payments withheld the tax to the extent required in the and that are paid to a recalcitrant account Instructions for Form 1042-S. Page 42 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 43 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Form 8966 but no later than the due date for filing Form Failure to furnish Form 1042-S to recipient. 1042-S. For more information on the penalty for failure A withholding agent that makes a withholdable You may request one additional extension of to furnish Form 1042-S to a recipient, see Pen- payment to a passive NFFE with one or more 30 days by submitting a second Form 8809 be- alties in the 2023 Instructions for Form 1042-S. substantial U.S. owners (or, in the case of a re- fore the end of the first extension period. Re- porting Model 2 FFI, controlling persons of such quests for an additional extension are not auto- Penalty for intentional disregard of require- an entity) or an owner-documented FFI with a matically granted. When requesting the ments to file or furnish returns. If you inten- specified U.S. person owning certain equity or additional extension, include copy of the Form tionally disregard the requirement to file Form debt interests in the FFI must report the pay- 8809 filed. The IRS will send you a letter of ex- 1042-S when due, to furnish Form 1042-S to ment and each such substantial U.S. owner (or planation approving or denying your request for the recipient when due, or to report correct in- controlling person, as applicable) or specified an additional extension. See the instructions for formation, the penalty is the greater of $580 or U.S. person owner of the passive NFFE or Form 8809 for more information. 10% of the total amount of the items that must be reported, with no maximum penalty. owner-documented FFI, respectively, on Form If you are requesting extensions of time 8966 (in addition to reporting the payment and ! to file for more than one withholding Failure to file electronically. If you are re- tax (if any) on Forms 1042 and 1042-S when CAUTION agent or payer, you must submit the quired to file Form 1042-S electronically but you the payment is an amount subject to chapter 3 extension request electronically. fail to do so, and you do not have an approved withholding). An exception to the requirement to waiver, penalties may apply unless you estab- report on Form 8966 applies when the payment Extension to furnish statements to recipi- lish reasonable cause for your failure. is made to an account reported by an FFI as a ents. You may request an extension of time to For more information on failure to file elec- U.S. account under the FFI’s applicable chap- furnish the statements to recipients by faxing a tronically, see Penalties in the 2023 Instructions ter 4 requirements or the requirements of an ap- letter to: for Form 1042-S. plicable IGA. Internal Revenue Service Technical Form 8966 must be filed by March 31 of the Services Operation Partnership Withholding year following the calendar year in which the Attn: Extension of Time Coordinator payment is made. An automatic 90-day exten- Fax: 866-477-0572 on Effectively sion of time to file Form 8966 may be reques- (International: 304-589-4151) Connected Income ted. To request an automatic 90-day extension of time to file Form 8966, file Form 8809-I. See the Instructions for Form 8809-I for where to file The letter must include the following: Under section 1446(a), a partnership (foreign or that form. You should request an extension as • Payer name, domestic) that has income effectively connec- soon as you are aware that an extension is nec- • Payer TIN, ted with a U.S. trade or business (or income essary, but no later than the due date for filing • Payer address, treated as effectively connected) must pay a Form 8966. Under certain hardship conditions, • Type of return (for example, Form 1042-S), withholding tax on the effectively connected the IRS may grant an additional 90-day exten- • A statement that your extension request is taxable income that is allocable to its foreign sion to file Form 8966. To request an additional for providing statements to recipients, partners. A publicly traded partnership or nomi- 90-day extension of time to file Form 8966, file a • Reason for delay, and nee for a publicly traded partnership distribution second Form 8809-I before the end of the initial • The signature of the payer or authorized must withhold tax on actual distributions of ECI. extended due date. agent. See Publicly Traded Partnership Distributions Your request must be received no later than the (PTP Distributions), later. Chapter 4 withholding Electronic filing requirement for Form 8966. date on which the statements are due to the re- does not apply to this income. For information about the Form 8966 electronic cipients. If your request for an extension is ap- This withholding tax does not apply to in- reporting requirements, including the threshold proved, you will generally be granted a maxi- come that is not effectively connected with the return limits, for financial institutions and all mum of 30 extra days (15 days for Forms W-2) partnership's U.S. trade or business. That in- other entities with a Form 8966 filing require- to furnish the recipient statements. come may be subject to Chapter 3 withholding ment, see Electronic filing requirement and How Requests for extensions of time to file infor- tax, as discussed earlier in this publication. to file electronically in the Instructions for Form mation returns must be made using Form 8809. 8966. Who Must Withhold Penalties Extensions of Time To File The partnership, or a withholding agent for the If you do not file a correct and complete Form partnership, must pay the withholding tax. A You can request extensions of time to file 1042 or Form 1042-S with the IRS on time or if partnership that must pay the withholding tax Forms 1042 and 1042-S with the IRS and addi- you do not provide a correct and complete but fails to do so may be liable for the payment tional extensions to furnish Forms 1042-S to re- Form 1042-S to the recipient on time, you may of the tax and any penalties and interest. cipients. be subject to a penalty. The partnership must determine whether a Extension to file Form 1042. You can get an Failure to file Form 1042. The penalty for not partner is a foreign partner. A foreign partner automatic 6-month extension of time to file filing Form 1042 when due (including exten- can be a nonresident alien individual, foreign Form 1042 by filing Form 7004. File Form 7004 sions) is usually 5% of the unpaid tax for each corporation, foreign partnership, foreign estate on or before the due date of Form 1042. Form month or part of a month the return is late, but or trust, foreign tax-exempt organization, or for- 7004 does not extend the time for payment of not more than 25% of the unpaid tax. eign government. tax. Failure to file correct Form 1042-S. A pen- U.S. partner. A partner that is a U.S. person Form 7004 extends only the due date alty may be imposed for failure to file Form should provide Form W-9 to the partnership. ! for filing the returns with the IRS. It 1042-S when due (including extensions) or for A partnership may rely on a partner's certifi- CAUTION does not extend the due date for fur- failure to furnish complete and correct informa- cation of nonforeign status and assume that a nishing statements to recipients. tion. partner is not a foreign partner unless the form: For more information on the penalty for fail- • Does not give the partner's name, U.S. Extension to file Form 1042-S with the IRS. ure to file a correct Form 1042-S to a recipient, TIN, and address; or You can get an automatic 30-day extension of see Penalties in the 2023 Instructions for Form • Is not signed under penalties of perjury time to file Form 1042-S by filing Form 8809. 1042-S . and dated. You should request an extension as soon as you are aware that an extension is necessary, Publication 515 (2023) Page 43 |
Page 44 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. The partnership must keep the certification Amount of Withholding Tax for each of its foreign partners. The amount of for as long as it may be relevant to the partner- each installment payment can be figured by us- ship's liability for tax under section 1446. The amount a partnership must withhold is ing Form 8804-W. The partnership may not rely on the certifi- based on its effectively connected taxable in- cation if it has actual knowledge or has reason come that is allocable to its foreign partners for Date payments are due. Payments of to know that any information on the form is in- the partnership's tax year. However, see Pub- DUE withholding tax must be made during correct or unreliable. licly Traded Partnerships, later. the partnership's tax year in which the effectively connected taxable income is de- If a partnership does not receive a Form rived. A partnership must pay the IRS a part of W-9 (or similar documentation), the partnership Reduction of withholding. The foreign part- must presume that the partner is a foreign per- ner's share of the partnership's gross ECI is re- the annual withholding tax for its foreign part- son. duced by the following. ners by the 15th day of the 4th, 6th, 9th, and • The partner's share of partnership deduc- 12th months of its tax year for U.S. income tax tions connected to that income for the purposes. Any additional amounts due are to be Foreign Partner year. paid with Form 8804, the annual partnership • The partner's tax treaty benefits related to withholding tax return, discussed later. A partner that is a foreign person should pro- that income (see Chart D. Documentation vide the appropriate Form W-8 (as shown in for Foreign Partners for documentation). A foreign partner's share of withholding tax Chart D) to the partnership. The partnership may reduce the foreign paid by a partnership is treated as distributed to Partners who have otherwise provided Form partner's share of partnership gross ECI by the the partner on the earliest of: W-8 to a partnership for purposes of section following. • The day on which the tax was paid by the 1441 or 1442, as discussed earlier, can use the partnership, same form for purposes of section 1446(a) if 1. State and local income taxes the partner- • The last day of the partnership's tax year they meet the requirements discussed earlier ship withholds and pays on behalf of the for which the tax was paid, or under Documentation. However, a foreign sim- partner on current year effectively connec- • The last day on which the partner owned ple trust that has provided documentation for its ted taxable income allocated to the part- an interest in the partnership during that beneficiaries for purposes of section 1441 must ner. year. provide a Form W-8 on its own behalf for purpo- 2. The foreign partner's partner-level deduc- ses of section 1446. tions and losses that the partner certifies The amount treated as distributed to the to the partnership as: The partnership may not rely on the certifi- partner resulting from an installment payment is cation if it has actual knowledge or has reason a. Carried forward from a prior year, generally treated as an advance or draw under Regulations section 1.731-1(a)(1)(ii) to the ex- to know that any information on the form is in- b. Properly allocated to gross ECI of the tent of the partner's share of income for the correct or unreliable. partner's trade or business in the Uni- partnership year. The partnership must keep the certification ted States, and for as long as it may be relevant to the partner- c. Reasonably expected to be available Notification to partners. In most cases, a ship's liability for section 1446 tax. and claimed on the partner's U.S. in- partnership must notify each foreign partner of come tax return. the tax withheld on its behalf within 10 days of Chart D. Documentation for the installment payment date. No particular Foreign Partners* To certify the deductions and losses, a part- form is required for this notification. For more in- ner must submit to the partnership Form formation on the substance of the notification THEN provide to 8804-C. and exceptions, see Regulations section the partnership If the partner's investment in the partnership 1.1446-3(d)(1)(i). IF you are a... Form... is the only activity producing ECI and the sec- tion 1446 tax is less than $1,000, no withholding Real property transfers. If a domestic part- nonresident alien W-8BEN. is required. The partner must provide Form nership disposes of a USRPI, gain or loss from foreign corporation W-8BEN-E. 8804-C to the partnership to receive the exemp- the sale allocable to a foreign partner is treated tion from withholding. as effectively connected to the conduct of a foreign partnership W-8IMY. A foreign partner may submit a Form U.S. trade or business and is included in ECTI. foreign government W-8EXP. 8804-C to a partnership at any time during the The partnership or withholding agent must with- foreign grantor partnership's year and prior to the partnership's hold following the rules discussed here for sec- trust** W-8IMY. filing of its Form 8804. An updated certificate is tion 1446(a) withholding. A domestic partner- required when the facts or representations ship's compliance with these rules satisfies the certain foreign trust made in the original certificate have changed or requirements for withholding on the disposition or foreign estate W-8BEN. a status report is required. of U.S. real property interests (discussed later). foreign tax-exempt For more information, see the Instructions If a foreign partnership disposes of a U.S. organization for Form 8804-C. property interest, the transferee must withhold under section 1445(a), although gain or loss (including a private from the sale is also treated as effectively con- foundation) W-8EXP. Tax rate. The withholding tax rate on a part- ner's share of ECI is 37% for noncorporate part- nected to the conduct of a U.S. trade or busi- nominee W-8 used by ners and 21% for corporate partners. However, ness and is included in ECTI. The foreign part- beneficial owner. the partnership may withhold at the highest rate nership may credit the amount withheld under * A partnership may substitute its own form for the applicable to a particular type of income alloca- section 1445(a) that is allocable to foreign part- official version of Form W-8 to ascertain the ted to a partner provided the partnership re- ners against its tax liability under section 1446. ceived the appropriate documentation. See identity of its partners. Regulations section 1.1446-3(a)(2)(ii). Transfers of interests in partnerships en- ** A domestic grantor trust must provide a gaged in the conduct of a U.S. trade or bus- statement as shown in Regulations section Installment payments. A partnership must sines. If a domestic partnership transfers a di- 1.1446-1(c)(2)(ii)(E), and documentation for its make installment payments of withholding tax rect or indirect interest in another partnership grantor. on its foreign partners' share of effectively con- engaged in the conduct of a U.S. trade or busi- nected taxable income whether or not distribu- ness, gain or loss from the sale allocable to a tions are made during the partnership's tax foreign partner that is treated under section year. The amount of a partnership's installment 864(c)(8) as effectively connected to the con- payment is the sum of the installment payments duct of a U.S. trade or business is included in ECTI. Page 44 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 45 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. If a foreign partnership transfers an interest the penalty for not filing Form 1042-S. For more the distribution. See Regulations section in another partnership for a gain and section information, see Penalties in the 2023 Instruc- 1.1446-4(b)(3) (describing nominees and their 864(c)(8) treats any portion of that gain as ef- tions for Form 1042-S. withholding requirements). For purposes of sec- fectively connected with the conduct of a trade If you fail to provide a complete and correct tion 1446(a) withholding, a nominee generally or business in the U.S., then the partnership will Form 8805 to each partner when due (including determines whether a partner is a foreign part- be withheld upon under section 1446(f)(1). The extensions), a penalty may be imposed. The ner under the same requirements applicable to foreign partnership may credit the amount with- amount of the penalty depends on when you a PTP. See Foreign partner, directly above. A held under section 1446(f)(1) that is allocable to provide the correct Form 8805. The penalty for nominee for a PTP distribution must, in addition foreign partners against its tax liability under each Form 8805 is generally the same as the to withholding on the distribution to the extent section 1446(a). penalty for not providing a correct and complete required under section 1446(a), withhold on Form 1042-S. For more information, see Penal- amounts attributable to the distribution that are Reporting and Paying the Tax ties in the 2023 Instructions for Form 1042-S. subject to withholding under chapters 3 and 4, in addition to withholding under section 1446(f) Exception. No penalty is imposed if you on an amount realized on the distribution. See Three forms are required for reporting and pay- meet certain requirements. The rules are the Ordering rules and Section 1446(f): PTP Inter- ing over tax withheld on ECI allocable to foreign same as for Form 1042-S. However, if a filer in- ests, later. A nominee determines each amount partners. This does not apply to publicly traded tentionally disregards the requirement to file subject to withholding on a PTP distribution partnerships, discussed later. Form 8805 when due, to furnish Form 8805 to based on a qualified notice issued by the PTP the recipient when due, or to report correct in- making the distribution or, in the absence of a Form 8804. The withholding tax liability of the formation, the penalty for each Form 8805 (or qualified notice (or when a qualified notice does partnership for its tax year is reported on Form statement to recipient) may be higher. not specify each amount attributable to the dis- 8804. Form 8804 is also a transmittal form for For more information, see Penalties in the tribution), based on the withholding default rule Forms 8805. 2023 Instructions for Form 1042-S. in section §1.1446-4(d). Any additional withholding tax owed for the A PTP or a nominee for a PTP distribution is partnership's tax year is paid (in U.S. currency) Identification numbers. A partnership that not generally required to withhold on the distri- with Form 8804. has not been assigned a U.S. EIN must obtain bution, however, when it pays the distribution to File Form 8804 by the 15th day of the one. If a number has not been assigned by the a nominee for the distribution. In such a case, DUE 3rd month after the close of the part- due date of the first withholding tax payment, the PTP or nominee is required to report the nership's tax year. If you need more the partnership should enter the date the num- nominee to which it pays the distribution as the time to file Form 8804, file Form 7004 to request ber was applied for on Form 8813 when making recipient for Form 1042-S reporting. If a PTP or an extension of time to file. Form 7004 does not its payment. As soon as the partnership re- nominee pays a PTP distribution to a NQI, how- extend the time to pay the tax. ceives its EIN, it must immediately provide that ever, the PTP or nominee must generally deter- number to the IRS. mine its withholding based on a withholding To ensure proper crediting of the withhold- statement and partner documentation provided Form 8805. This form is used to show the ing tax when reporting to the IRS, the partner- by the NQI with respect to the distribution. An amount of effectively connected taxable income ship must include each partner's U.S. TIN on NQI for this purpose includes a U.S. branch that and any withholding tax payments allocable to a Form 8805. If there are partners in the partner- is not acting a U.S. person for a PTP distribu- foreign partner for the partnership's tax year. At ship without identification numbers, the partner- tion. See the Instructions for Form W-8IMY for the end of the partnership's tax year, Form 8805 ship should inform them of the need to get a additional information on payments of PTP dis- must be sent to each foreign partner on whose number. See U.S. or Foreign TINs, earlier. tributions made to NQIs. If a PTP or nominee for behalf tax under section 1446 was withheld or whose Form 8804-C the partnership consid- a PTP distribution pays the distribution to a QI ered, whether or not any withholding tax is paid. Publicly Traded Partnership not acting as a nominee for the distribution, the PTP or nominee can determine its withholding It must be delivered to the foreign partner by the Distributions (PTP based on withholding rate pool information pro- due date of the partnership return (including ex- tensions). A copy of Form 8805 for each foreign Distributions) vided by the QI or partner information provided partner must also be attached to Form 8804 by a QI that acts as a disclosing QI. See Reve- when it is filed. Also attach the most recent A PTP that has effectively connected taxable in- nue Procedure 2022-43 for information on the Form 8804-C, discussed earlier, to the Form come must pay withholding tax under section withholding and other requirements of QIs act- 8805 filed for the partnership's tax year in which 1446(a) on any distributions of that income ing as nominees or as disclosing QIs for PTP the Form 8804-C was considered. made to its foreign partners. A PTP must use distributions (starting January 1, 2023). See the Forms 1042 and 1042-S (Income Code 27) to Instructions for Form 1042-S for the reporting of A copy of Form 8805 must be attached to report withholding from PTP distributions. The a PTP distribution paid to an account holder of a the foreign partner's U.S. income tax return to rate of withholding is 37% for noncorporate disclosing QI and when a nominee for a PTP take a credit on its Form 1040-NR or Form partners and 21% for corporate partners under distribution is required to report information 1120-F. section 1446(a). about the PTP making a distribution on a Form Form 8813. This form is used to make pay- A publicly traded partnership (PTP) is any 1042-S. ments of withheld tax to the U.S. Treasury. Pay- partnership an interest in which is regularly tra- ments must be made in U.S. currency by the ded on an established securities market or is Distributions subject to withholding. The payment dates (see Date payments are due, readily tradable on a secondary market. These partnership or nominee must withhold tax on earlier). See the Instructions for Form 8804-C rules do not apply to a PTP treated as a corpo- any actual distributions of money or property to for when you must attach a copy of that form to ration under section 7704. foreign partners. The amount of the distribution Form 8813. includes the amount of any tax under section Foreign partner. The partnership determines 1446(a) required to be withheld. In the case of a Penalties. A penalty may be imposed for fail- whether a partner is a foreign partner using the partnership that receives a partnership distribu- ure to file Form 8804 when due (including ex- rules discussed earlier under Foreign Partner. tion from another partnership (a tiered partner- tensions). It is generally the same as the pen- ship), the distribution also includes the tax with- alty for not filing Form 1042, discussed earlier Nominee. The withholding agent under section held from that distribution. under Failure to file Form 1042. 1446(a) can be the PTP or a nominee. Starting If the distribution is in property other than A penalty may be imposed for failure to file in 2023, a nominee for section 1446(a) purpo- money, the partnership cannot release the Form 8805 when due (including extensions) or ses is a person receiving a PTP distribution on property until it has enough funds to pay over for failure to provide complete and correct infor- behalf of a foreign person and that is a domes- the withholding tax. mation. The amount of the penalty depends on tic person, a U.S. branch of a foreign corpora- A PTP or nominee that complies with these when you file a correct Form 8805. The penalty tion that is treated as a U.S. person, or a QI that withholding requirements satisfies the require- for each Form 8805 is generally the same as assumes primary withholding responsibility for ments discussed later under U.S. Real Property Publication 515 (2023) Page 45 |
Page 46 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Interest. Distributions subject to withholding in- Notice 2018-29, 2018-16 I.R.B. 495, availa- The certifications in several of the excep- clude: ble at, tions are based on a determination date. The • Amounts subject to withholding under sec- provides interim guidance regarding withhold- determination date must be one of the follow- tion 1445(e)(1) on distributions pursuant to ing of U.S. tax related to transfers of interests in ing: (a) the date of the transfer; (b) any date no an election under Regulations section partnerships, other than PTPs, under section more than 60 days before the date of the trans- 1.1445-5(c)(3), and 1446(f). It also temporarily suspended withhold- fer; or (c) if the transferor is not a controlling • Amounts not subject to withholding under ing under section 1446(f)(4). partner, as defined in Regulations section section 1445 because the distributee is a 1.1446(f)-1(b)(2), the later of (i) the first day of partnership or is a foreign corporation that On May 7, 2019, the Department of Treas- the partnership’s taxable year in which the has made an election to be treated as a ury and the IRS issued proposed regulations transfer occurs, or (ii) the date before the trans- domestic corporation. under section 1446(f) (84 FR 21198) for trans- fer of the partnership’s most recent capital ac- fers of both non-PTP and PTP interests. During count revaluation event. See Regulations sec- Ordering rules. Partnership distributions the period that Notice 2018-29 applies, instead tion 1.1446(f)-1(c)(4). are considered to be paid out of the following of applying the rules described in the Notice, types of income in the order listed. taxpayers and other affected persons may 1. Certification of non-foreign status.The 1. Amounts attributable to income described choose to apply Regulations sections transferor provides a certification of in section 1441 or 1442 that are not effec- 1.1446(f)-1, 1.1446(f)-2, and 1.1446(f)-5 of the non-foreign status signed under penalties tively connected with the conduct of a proposed regulations in their entirety to all of perjury that states that the transferor is trade or business in the United States and transfers as if they were final regulations. not a foreign person, and provides the transferor’s name, TIN, and address. A are subject to withholding under Regula- certificate of non-foreign status includes a tions section 1.1441-2(a). On November 30, 2020, the Department of Treasury and the IRS issued final regulations Form W-9. See Regulations section 2. Amounts attributable to income described under section 1446(f) in T.D. 9926 (85 FR 1.1446(f)-2(b)(2). in section 1441 or 1442 that are not effec- 76910) for transfers of both non-PTP and PTP 2. Certification of no realized gain. The tively connected with the conduct of a interests. The final regulations require any transferor provides a certification that trade or business in the United States and transferee to withhold a tax equal to 10% of the there was no realized gain on the transfer are not subject to withholding under Regu- amount realized on any transfer of a partnership of the partnership interest (including no or- lations section 1.1441-2(a). interest (other than certain PTP interests) under dinary income arising from the application 3. Amounts attributable to income effectively section 1446(f)(1), unless an exception to with- of section 751 and Regulations section connected with the conduct of a trade or holding applies. These regulations generally 1.751-1) as of the determination date. See business in the United States and not sub- apply to transfers that occur on or after January Regulations section 1.1446(f)-2(b)(3). ject to withholding under Regulations sec- 29, 2021. However, in accordance with Notice tion 1.1446-1 through 1.1446-6. 2021-51, 2021-36 I.R.B. 361, the rules related 3. Certification of less than 10% effec- to withholding under section 1446(f)(4) and to tively connected gain. The partnership 4. Amounts subject to withholding under transfers of PTP interests apply to transfers oc- provides a certification stating that: Regulations section 1.1446-1 through curring on or after January 1, 2023. Additionally, a. On the deemed sale of the partner- 1.1446-6. the final regulations revised certain provisions ship assets in the manner described 5. Other amounts not listed above. in Regulations section 1.1446-4 for withholding in Regulations section 1.864(c) under section 1446(a) on PTP distributions. (8)-1(c) as of the determination date Depositing taxes a PTP withholds under Also in accordance with Notice 2021-51, these either: the partnership would have no section 1446. The general rules for making revisions apply to PTP distributions made on or effectively connected gain (or the net payments of taxes withheld under section after January 1, 2023. Notices 2018-8 and amount of its effectively connected 1446(a) do not apply to PTP distributions. In- 2018-29 apply to transfers that occur before the gain would be less than 10% of the to- stead, apply the rules discussed earlier, under effective date of the final regulations or, as pre- tal net gain) on all its assets; or the Depositing Withheld Taxes. viously described, taxpayers may apply the pro- transferor’s distributive share of net posed regulations to transfers of non-PTP inter- effectively connected gain resulting ests during this time. from the deemed sale would be less Section 1446(f) than 10% of the transferor’s distribu- Section 1446(f): Non-PTP tive share of the total net gain; or Withholding Interests b. The partnership was not engaged in a trade or business within the United Section 13501 of the TCJA added section Exceptions to withholding on transfers of States at any time during the taxable 1446(f) effective for transfers of partnership in- non-PTP interests. A transferee, including a year of the partnership until the date terests occurring on or after January 1, 2018. It partnership when the partner is a distributee, is of transfer. See Regulations section generally requires that a transferee of an inter- not required to withhold on the transfer of a 1.1446(f)-2(b)(4). est in a partnership withhold 10% of the amount non-PTP interest if it properly relies on one of realized on the disposition if any portion of the the following six certifications, the requirements 4. Certification of Less Than 10% effec- gain (if any) would be treated under section of which are more fully described in the refer- tively connected income. The transferor 864(c)(8) as effectively connected with the con- enced regulations. A transferee may not rely on provides a certification that: duct of a trade or business within the United a certification if it has actual knowledge that the a. The transferor was a partner in the States. A transfer can occur when a partnership certification is incorrect or unreliable. A partner- partnership for the transferor’s imme- distribution results in gain under section 731. ship that is a transferee because it makes a dis- diately prior tax year (for which it has Under section 1446(f)(4), if the transferee fails tribution may not rely on its books and records if already received a Schedule K-1) and to withhold any required amount, the partner- it knows, or has reason to know, that the infor- the 2 preceding tax years (the look ship must deduct and withhold from distribu- mation is incorrect or unreliable. A certification back period) and had a distributive tions to the transferee the amount that the must provide the name and address of the per- share of gross income from the part- transferee failed to withhold (plus interest). son providing it, be signed under penalties of nership in each of these years; Notice 2018-08, 2018-07 I.R.B. 352, availa- perjury, and generally include the taxpayer ble at, identification number of the transferor. See b. The transferor’s distributive share of temporarily suspended the application of sec- Regulations sections 1.1446(f)-1(c)(2)(i) and gross ECI from the partnership, and tion 1446(f) to the disposition of certain PTP in- 1.1446(f)-2(b)(1). Also, separate rules apply if any persons related to the transferor, terests. the transfer results from a partnership distribu- as reported on a Schedule K-1 (Form tion. Only the certification in exception six must 1065) or other statement required by be submitted to the IRS. the partnership, was less than $1 Page 46 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 47 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. million for each of the tax years during • In Exception 4, the less than 10% ECI ex- Certification of maximum tax liability. A the look back period; ception, a distributing partnership may transferor that meets certain requirements can c. The transferor’s distributive share of generally rely on its books and records but certify its maximum tax liability to the transferee. partnership gross ECI, as reported on must also obtain a representation from the The maximum tax liability is the amount of the a Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) or other distributee partner stating that the distribu- transferor’s effectively connected gain multi- statement required by the partnership, tee partner satisfies the reporting and tax plied by the applicable percentage under Regu- for each year during the look-back pe- payment requirements with respect to the lations section 1.1446-3(a)(2). The applicable riod, was less than 10% of its total dis- partnership’s ECI for the look-back period. percentage for foreign corporations is the high- est rate of tax under section 11(b) and for tributive share of partnership gross in- Determining the amount to withhold. In non-corporations is the highest rate of tax under come; and general, the transferee must withhold 10% of section 1. See Regulations section d. For each year during the look-back the amount realized. The amount realized in- 1.1446(f)-2(c)(4) for further information. The period, the transferor’s distributive cludes the cash paid, the fair market value of certificate does not need to and should not be share of partnership ECI or gain (or property transferred, plus the assumption of submitted to the IRS for approval. losses properly allocated and appor- and relief from liabilities, and liabilities to which tioned to that income) has been timely the partnership interest is subject. See Regula- Effect of withholding on transferor. A reported on a federal income tax re- tions section 1.1446(f)-2(c)(2)(i). If certain re- transferee’s withholding of tax under section turn of the transferor (or if the trans- quirements are met, the transferee may rely on 1446(f)(1) does not relieve a foreign person feror was a partnership, its direct or a certification of the amount of the transferor's from filing a U.S. tax return with respect to the indirect nonresident alien and foreign share of partnership liabilities reported on the transfer. Further, it does not relieve a nonresi- corporate partners) and any tax due most recent Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) issued dent alien individual or foreign corporation sub- with respect to such amounts have by the partnership or a certification from a part- ject to tax on gain by reason of section 864(c) been timely paid, provided the return nership that provides the amount of the trans- (8) from paying with the return any tax due that was required to be filed when the feror's share of partnership liabilities as of the has not been fully satisfied through withholding. transferor furnishes the certification. determination date. See Regulations section See Regulations section 1.1446(f)-2(c)(2)(ii) and (iii). Transfers of partnership interests subject 1.1446(f)-2(b)(5). to withholding under sections 1445(e)(5) Modified amount realized. If a foreign and 1446(f)(1). The transfer of a partnership 5. Certification of nonrecognition. The partnership is the transferor, separate rules may interest may be subject to withholding under transferor provides a certification that it is apply to determine a modified amount realized. section 1445(e)(5) or Regulations section not required to recognize any gain or loss The modified amount realized is determined by 1.1445-11T(d)(1) if 50% or more of the value of with respect to the transfer by reason of multiplying the amount realized by the aggre- the partnership’s gross assets consist of the operation of a nonrecognition provi- gate percentage computed as of the determina- USRPI, and 90% or more of the value of its sion of the Internal Revenue Code. The tion date. The aggregate percentage is the per- gross assets consist of USRPI plus any cash or certification must briefly describe the centage of the gain (if any) arising from the cash equivalents. The transfer of a partnership transfer and provide the relevant law and transfer that would be allocated to any pre- interest may also be subject to withholding un- facts relating to the certification. This ex- sumed foreign taxable persons. For this pur- der section 1446(f)(1) and Regulations section ception does not apply if only a portion of pose, a presumed foreign taxable person is any 1.1446(f)-2 if the partnership also holds other the gain is not recognized. See Regula- person that has not provided a certificate of property used in the conduct of a trade or busi- tions section 1.1446(f)-2(b)(6). non-foreign status, as previously described in ness within the United States. If both sections 6. Certification that an income tax treaty the Exception 1 to withholding, or a certification 1445(e)(5) and 1446(f)(1) could apply to the applies.The transferor provides a certifi- that pursuant to a tax treaty no portion of the same transfer, generally the transfer is subject cation using Form W-8BEN or W-8BEN-E, foreign taxable person’s gain is subject to tax. to the payment and reporting requirements of as applicable, or applicable substitute The certification the transferor foreign partner- section 1445 only, and not section 1446(f)(1) . form that meets the requirements under ship provides does not need to be submitted to However, if the transferor has applied for a with- Regulations section 1.1446-1(c)(5) that the IRS. See Regulations section 1.1446(f)-2(c) holding certificate under the last sentence of the transferor is not subject to tax on any (iv). Regulations section 1.1445-11T(d)(1), the transferee must withhold the greater of the gain from the transfer pursuant to an in- Lack of money or property or lack of amounts required under section 1445(e)(5) or come tax treaty. The transferor may not knowledge regarding liabilities. Under cer- 1446(f)(1). A transferee that has complied with provide this certification if any portion of tain circumstances, the amount the transferee the withholding requirements under either sec- the gain is subject to tax. The form should must withhold equals the entire amount real- tion 1445(e)(5) or 1446(f)(1), as described un- contain the information necessary to sup- ized, rather than 10% of the amount realized, der this paragraph, will be deemed to satisfy its port the claim for treaty benefits. Within 30 but the amount realized is determined without withholding requirement. days after the date of the transfer, the regard to any decrease in the transferor’s share transferee must mail certain information, of partnership liabilities. These circumstances Forms for paying and reporting section plus a copy of the certificate, to the IRS, at are if: 1446(f)(1) withholding. To meet the with- the address in the Instructions for Form holding, payment, and reporting requirements 8288. See Regulations section 1. The amount otherwise required to be with- 1.1446(f)-2(b)(7). held would exceed the amount realized under section 1446(f)(1) for transfers of inter- determined without regard to the decrease ests in partnerships other than PTPs, taxpayers See the discussion, later, regarding in the transferor’s share of partnership lia- must use Forms 8288 and 8288-A and follow ! certification of maximum tax lability if a bilities; or the instructions for those forms. CAUTION nonrecognition provision applies to The time for filing Forms 8288 and 8288-A only a portion of the gain realized on the trans- 2. The transferee is unable to determine the to report section 1446(f)(1) withholding is the fer or only a portion of the gain on the transfer is amount realized because it does not have same as for section 1445 withholding. The not subject to tax pursuant to an income tax actual knowledge of the transferor’s share same rules for filing Forms 8288 and 8288-A by treaty. of partnership liabilities (and has not re- transferees withholding tax under section 1445 ceived or cannot rely on a certification of apply to transferees withholding tax under sec- A non-PTP making a distribution to a partner the transferor’s share of partnership liabili- tion 1446(f)(1) . The same rules for claiming a may generally rely on any of the above excep- ties received from the transferor (including credit for withholding of tax under section 1445 tions, with certain additional considerations: the most recent Schedule K-1) or a certifi- apply to transferors receiving Form 8288-A • In Exception 2, the no realized gain excep- cation of the transferor’s share of liabilities claiming credit for withholding under section tion, a distributing partnership generally received from the partnership). See Regu- 1446(f)(1). The rules relating to Forms 8288 may rely on its books and records or on a lations section 1.1446(f)-2(c)(3). and 8288-A discussed in this paragraph are certification from the distributee partner. Publication 515 (2023) Page 47 |
Page 48 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. described, later, under U.S. Real Property Inter- distributions made to the transferee on the later tion 1.1446(f)-3(d). The time for filing Forms est, Reporting and Paying the Tax and in the of the date that is 30 days after the transfer or 8288 and 8288-C to report section 1446(f)(4) Instructions for Form 8288. the date that is 15 days after the partnership ac- withholding is the same as for section 1445 quires actual knowledge of the transfer. See withholding. Transferee reporting to partnership. No Regulations section 1.1446(f)-3(c)(1)(i). later than 10 days after the transfer, a trans- The partnership must withhold on the entire Buyer/transferee claiming refund of section feree (other than a partnership that is a trans- amount of each distribution made to the trans- 1446(f)(4) withholding. A transferee may feree because it made a distribution) must cer- feree until it may rely on a certification from the claim a refund for an excess amount if it has tify to the partnership the extent to which it has transferee that states that an exception to with- been overwithheld upon under section 1446(f) satisfied its withholding obligation. See Regula- holding applies or that provides the information (4). An excess amount is the amount of tax and tions section 1.1446(f)-2(d)(2) for the documen- necessary to determine the amount required to interest withheld that exceeds the transferee's tation required for making this certification. be withheld. See Regulations section withholding tax liability plus any interest owed 1.1446(f)-3(c)(1)(ii). The partnership may rely by the transferee with respect to such liability. Partnership’s requirement to withhold un- on this certification to determine its withholding See Regulations section 1.1446(f)-3(e). The der section 1446(f)(4) on distributions to obligation regardless of whether it is provided transferee may also be liable for any applicable transferee. Section 1446(f)(4) requires a part- within the time prescribed in Regulations sec- penalties or additions to tax. A transferee must nership to withhold on distributions to a trans- tion 1.1446(f)-2(d)(2). Once the partnership re- complete Part V of Form 8288 and attach feree on any amount that the transferee failed to ceives a certification from the transferee, the Form(s) 8288-C it received from the partnership properly withhold under section 1446(f)(1), plus partnership must withhold 10 percent of the when making a claim for refund of section any interest on this amount. See Regulations amount realized on the transfer, reduced by any 1446(f)(4) withholding. If a transferee that has section 1.1446(f)-3. These rules apply to trans- amount already withheld by the transferee, plus not yet completed and filed Part III of Form fers occurring on or after January 1, 2023. See any computed interest. See Regulations section 8288 with respect to a transfer and is now Notice 2021-51, 2021-36 I.R.B. 361, available 1.1446(f)-3(c)(2)(i). claiming a refund for amounts withheld under at A partnership that is required to withhold un- section 1446(f)(4), the transferee must com- der Regulations section 1.1446(f)-3(a)(1) may plete Part III when filing Part V of Form 8288. Requirement to withhold. If a transferee fails not take into account any adjustment proce- to withhold any amount required by Regulations dures that would otherwise affect the amount Section 1446(f): PTP section 1.1446(f)-2 in connection with the trans- required to be withheld under Regulations sec- fer of a partnership interest, the partnership tion 1.1446(f)-2(c)(2)(i). See Regulations sec- Interests must withhold from the distributions it makes to tion 1.1446(f)-3(c)(2)(i)(A). Thus, for example, a the transferee. Generally, a partnership may partnership may not reduce the amount that it is For purposes of section 1446(f), a broker is rely on the certification described in Regula- required to withhold under the procedures de- generally required to withhold on an amount re- tions section 1.1446(f)-2(d)(2) that it receives scribed in Regulations section 1.1446(f)-2(c)(4) alized from the transfer of a PTP interest that it from the transferee to determine whether a (adjusting the amount subject to withholding effects for the transferor of the interest. A broker transferee has withheld the amount required by based on a transferor’s maximum tax liability). is generally required to withhold at a 10% rate Regulations section 1.1446(f)-2, unless it For example, if a partnership is required to with- on an amount realized paid to the transferor. knows, or has reason to know, that the certifica- hold $30 under section 1441 on a $100 distribu- However, certain exceptions to withholding may tion is incorrect or unreliable. See Regulations tion, the maximum amount required to be with- apply under Regulations section 1.1446(f)-4(b), section 1.1446(f)-3(a)(1). held on that distribution under section 1446(f) which include exceptions for a transferor pro- If the partnership receives, within 10 days (4) is $70. viding a certification of non-foreign status, a certification from a transferor claiming an ex- from the transfer, a certification from the trans- A partnership that does not receive or can- emption from tax on any gain from the transfer feree stating that an exception to withholding not rely on a certification from the transferee under an income tax treaty, or a certification of applies or establishing that the transferee has must withhold the full amount of each distribu- the transferor’s status as a dealer in securities withheld the amount required to be withheld un- tion made to the transferee until the partnership stating that any gain from the transfer is effec- der Regulations section 1.1446(f)-2, then the receives a certification that it can rely on. How- tively connected with a trade or business in the partnership generally is not required to withhold ever, any amount required to be withheld on a U.S. without regard to section 864(c)(8). Addi- under Regulations section 1.1446(f)-3(a)(1). distribution under any other withholding provi- tionally, for an amount realized paid to a trans- See Regulations section 1.1446(f)-3(b)(1). sion in the Code is not required to be withheld feror that is a foreign partnership, a broker may However, a partnership is required to withhold under section 1446(f)(4). See Regulations sec- rely on a claim for a modified amount realized under section 1446(f)(4) if it receives notifica- tion 1.1446(f)-3(c)(3). Nevertheless, the part- made by the partnership on a valid Form tion from the IRS that the transferee has provi- nership may stop withholding if the transferee W-8IMY and determine its withholding taking ded incorrect information on the certification. disposes of all of its interest in the partnership, into account a certification of non-foreign status This may occur when the IRS determines that unless the partnership has actual knowledge or claim for treaty benefits provided for a part- the transferee has provided incorrect informa- that any successor to the transferee is related ner in the partnership that meets the require- tion on the certification regarding the amount re- to the transferee or the transferor from which ments of Regulations section 1.1446(f)-4(b)(2) alized or the amount withheld, or that the trans- the transferee acquired the interest. or (5). See Regulations section 1.1446(f)-4(c) feree failed to pay the amounts reported as (2)(ii) for further information on a modified withheld to the IRS. See Regulations section Computation of interest. The amount of in- amount realized. For an amount realized paid to 1.1446(f)-3(a)(2). terest required to be withheld is the amount of a transferor that is a grantor trust, a broker may A partnership that is a transferee because it interest that would be required to be paid under similarly determine its withholding taking into makes a distribution subject to section 1446(f) section 6601 and Regulations section account any withholding exception applicable to (1) is not required to withhold under section 301.6601-1 if the amount that should have been a grantor or owner in the trust. 1446(f)(4). However, the partnership remains li- withheld by the transferee was considered an able for its failure to withhold in its capacity as a underpayment of tax. Interest is payable be- A broker is also required to withhold under transferee. A publicly traded partnership is not tween the date that is 20 days after the date of section 1446(f) an amount realized from the required to withhold on distributions made to a the transfer and the date on which the transfer- transfer of a PTP interest that it pays to a broker transferee under section 1446(f)(4). See Regu- ee’s withholding tax liability due under section that is an NQI, a QI (other than a QI assuming lations sections 1.1446(f)-3(b)(2) and (3). 1446(f)(1) is satisfied. See Regulations section primary withholding responsibility for the 1.1446(f)-3(c)(2)(ii). amount realized), or U.S. branch or territory fi- Withholding Rules. A partnership that does nancial institution that is not treated as a U.S. not receive, or cannot rely on, a timely certifica- Forms and filing dates. A partnership re- person for the amount realized. In the case of tion from a transferee stating that an exception quired to withhold under section 1446(f)(4) an amount realized paid to an NQI (including a to withholding applies or that the proper amount must report and pay the tax withheld using U.S. branch or territory financial institution not has been withheld must begin withholding on Forms 8288 and 8288-C. See Regulations sec- treated as a U.S. person), a broker is required Page 48 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 49 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. to withhold at the 10% percent rate under sec- The owner of a disregarded entity, not the exceed $300,000, no withholding is required. tion 1446(f). See the Instructions for Form entity, is treated as the transferor of the property Otherwise, the transferee must generally with- W-8IMY for additional information on amount transferred by the disregarded entity. hold 10% of the amount realized by a foreign realized paid to NQIs. In the case of an amount person. The rate of withholding is 15% when realized paid to a QI not assuming primary with- Transferee. A transferee is any person, for- the amount realized is in excess of $1,000,000. holding responsibility for the amount, a broker eign or domestic, that acquires a USRPI by pur- may withhold based on either withholding rate chase, exchange, gift, or any other transfer. Foreign corporations. A foreign corpora- pool information provided by the QI or informa- tion that distributes a USRPI must withhold a tion on the transferors of the PTP interest when USRPI. A USRPI is an interest, other than as a tax equal to 21% of the gain it recognizes on the the QI acts as a disclosing QI. creditor, in real property (including an interest in distribution to its shareholders. a mine, well, or other natural deposit) located in Domestic corporations. A domestic cor- Regardless of whether an amount realized the United States or the USVI, as well as certain poration must withhold tax on the fair market is paid to a transferor of a PTP interest through personal property that is associated with the value of the property distributed to a foreign a broker, a broker is not required to withhold un- use of real property (such as farming machi- shareholder if: der section 1446(f) when it may rely on a quali- nery). It also means any interest, other than as • The shareholder's interest in the corpora- fied notice from the PTP that states the applica- a creditor, in any domestic corporation unless it tion is a USRPI, and bility of the “10-percent exception” to is established that the corporation was at no • The property distributed is either in re- withholding. See Regulations section time a U.S. real property holding corporation demption of stock or in liquidation of the 1.1446(f)-4(b)(3) for further information on this during the shorter of the period during which the corporation. exception, which applies to a PTP with less interest was held, or the 5-year period ending than 10-percent effectively connected gain (or on the date of disposition (applicable periods). The corporation must generally withhold that is otherwise not engaged in a trade or busi- An interest in a corporation is not a USRPI if: 15% of the amount realized by a foreign person. ness in the U.S.). 1. Such corporation did not hold any USRPI U.S. real property holding corporations. An amount realized from the sale of a PTP on the date of disposition, A distribution from a domestic corporation that is a U.S. real property holding corporation interest is the amount of gross proceeds paid or 2. All the USRPI held by such corporation at (USRPHC) is generally subject to chapter 3 credited from the sale. In the case of a PTP dis- any time during the shorter of the applica- withholding and withholding under the USRPI tribution, an amount realized on the distribution ble periods were disposed of in transac- provisions. This also applies to a corporation is limited to an amount described in Regulations tions in which the full amount of any gain that was a USRPHC at any time during the section 1.1446(f)-4(c)(2)(iii). was recognized, and shorter of the period during which the USRPI For when an amount realized is reportable 3. Such corporation and any predecessor of was held, or the 5-year period ending on the on Form 1042-S and other requirements for re- such corporation was not a RIC or a REIT date of disposition. A USRPHC can satisfy both porting amounts realized on Form 1042-S, see during the shorter of the applicable peri- withholding provisions if it withholds under one Regulation section 1.1461-1(c)(2)(i) and the In- ods during which the interest was held. of the following procedures. • Apply chapter 3 withholding on the full structions for Form 1042-S. Also see the in- Exception for publicly traded stock. If, at amount of the distribution, whether or not structions for Form 1042-S for the reporting of any time during the calendar year, any class of any part of the distribution represents a re- an amount realized paid to an NQI, or to a QI stock of a domestic corporation is regularly tra- turn of basis or capital gain. If a reduced (including when the QI acts as a disclosing QI ded on an established securities market, an in- tax rate applies under an income tax for the amount realized). See Revenue Proce- terest in such corporation will not be treated as treaty, see Regulations section dure 2022-43 for the withholding and reporting a USRPI if the beneficial owner did not own 1.1441-3T(c)(4)(i)(A) for the minimum with- requirements of QIs with respect to amounts re- more than 5% of the total fair market value of holding rate that may be applicable. alized paid to their account holders (including that class of interests, or 10% of the total fair • Apply chapter 3 withholding to the part of QIs acting as disclosing QIs), effective starting market value of that class of interests in the the distribution that the USRPHC esti- January 1, 2023. case of a REIT, at any time during the shorter of mates is a dividend. Then, withhold 15% the applicable periods. Certain constructive on the remainder of the distribution (or on a ownership rules apply for purposes of determin- smaller amount if a withholding certificate U.S. Real ing whether any person meets the above own- is obtained and the amount of the distribu- ership threshold of any class of stock. See sec- tion that is a return of capital is estab- Property Interest tion 897(c)(6)(C) for more information on the lished). constructive ownership rules. The disposition of a USRPI by a foreign person The same procedure must be used for all (the transferor) is subject to income tax with- Amount to withhold. The transferee must de- distributions made during the year. A different holding under section 1445. If you are the trans- duct and withhold a tax on the total amount real- procedure may be used each year. feree, you must find out if the transferor is a for- ized by the foreign person on the disposition. Partnerships. If a domestic or foreign part- eign person. If the transferor is a foreign person The rate of withholding is generally 15%. nership with any foreign partners disposes of a and you fail to withhold, you may be held liable The amount realized is the sum of: USRPI at a gain, the gain is treated as ECI and for the tax. • The cash paid, or to be paid (principal is generally subject to the rules explained ear- only); lier under Partnership Withholding on Effec- Foreign person. A foreign person is a nonresi- • The fair market value of other property tively Connected Income. A foreign partnership dent alien individual, or a foreign corporation transferred, or to be transferred; and that disposes of a USRPI may credit the taxes that has not made an election under section • The amount of any liability assumed by the withheld by the transferee against the tax liabil- 897(i) to be treated as a domestic corporation, transferee or to which the property is sub- ity determined under the partnership withhold- foreign partnership, foreign trust, or foreign es- ject immediately before and after the trans- ing on effectively connected income rules. tate. It does not include a resident alien individ- fer. If a foreign person disposes of an interest in ual or, in certain cases, a qualified foreign pen- sion fund. See Retirement and pension funds, If the property transferred was owned jointly a partnership in which 50% or more of the value later. by U.S. and foreign persons, the amount real- of the gross assets consist of USRPI and 90% ized is allocated between the transferors based or more of the value of the gross assets consist Transferor. A transferor is any foreign person on the capital contribution of each transferor. of USRPI plus any cash or cash equivalents, that disposes of a USRPI by sale, exchange, the transferee of the partnership interest must gift, or any other transfer. A transfer includes Residences. This rule applies when the prop- deduct and withhold 15% of the amount real- distributions to shareholders of a corporation erty disposed of is acquired by the transferee ized on the disposition. and beneficiaries of a trust or estate. for use by the transferee as a residence. If the amount realized on such disposition does not Publication 515 (2023) Page 49 |
Page 50 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Trusts and estates. You are a withholding Domestically controlled QIE. The sale of ods following the date of transfer. When agent if you are a trustee, fiduciary, or executor an interest in a domestically controlled QIE is counting the number of days the property of a trust or estate having one or more foreign not the sale of a USRPI. The entity is domesti- is used, do not count the days the property beneficiaries. You must establish a USRPI ac- cally controlled if at all times during the testing will be vacant. For this exception, the count. You enter in the account all gains and period less than 50% in value of its stock was transferee must be an individual. losses realized during the tax year of the trust or held, directly or indirectly, by foreign persons. 2. The property disposed of is an interest in a estate from dispositions of USRPI. You must The testing period is the shorter of (a) the domestic corporation and any class of withhold 21% on any distribution to a foreign 5-year period ending on the date of disposition, stock of the corporation is regularly traded beneficiary that is attributable to the balance in or (b) the period during which the entity was in on an established securities market. How- the real property interest account on the day of existence. ever, this exception does not apply to cer- the distribution. A distribution from a trust or es- For the purpose of determining whether a tain dispositions of substantial amounts of tate to a beneficiary (foreign or domestic) will be QIE is domestically controlled, the following non-publicly traded interests in publicly treated as attributable first to any balance in the rules apply. traded corporations. USRPI account and then to other amounts. 1. A person holding less than 5% of any 3. The disposition is of an interest in a do- A trust with more than 100 beneficiaries may class of stock of a QIE which is regularly mestic corporation and that corporation elect to withhold from each distribution 21% of traded on an established securities market furnishes you a certification stating, under the amount attributable to the foreign benefi- in the United States at all times during the penalties of perjury, that the interest is not ciary's proportionate share of the current bal- testing period will be treated as a U.S. per- a USRPI. In most cases, the corporation ance of the trust's real property interest ac- son unless the QIE has actual knowledge can make this certification only if either of traded trusts or REITs. For more information count. This election does not apply to publicly that such person is not a U.S. person. the following is true. about this election, see Regulations section 2. Any stock in a QIE that is held by another • During the previous 5 years (or, if 1.1445-5(c). QIE will be treated as held by a foreign shorter, the period the interest was person if: held by its present owner), the corpo- Publicly traded partnership and trust inter- ration was not a USRPHC. ests. If any class of interest in a partnership or a. Any class of stock of such other QIE As of the date of disposition, the inter- a trust is regularly traded on an established se- is regularly traded on an established • curities market, any interest in such a partner- securities market, or est in the corporation is not a USRPI by reason of section 897(c)(1)(B). ship or trust will be treated as an interest in a b. Such other QIE is a RIC that issues The certification must be dated not publicly traded corporation and will be subject certain redeemable securities. more than 30 days before the date of to the rules applicable to those interests. transfer. Notwithstanding the above, the stock Qualified investment entities (QIEs). Spe- of the QIE will be treated as held by a U.S. 4. The transferor gives you a certification cial rules apply to QIEs. A QIE is: person if such other QIE is domestically stating, under penalties of perjury, that the controlled. transferor is not a foreign person and con- 1. A REIT, or taining the transferor's name, U.S. TIN, 3. Stock in a QIE that is held by any other and home address (or office address, in 2. A RIC that is a U.S. real property holding QIE not described above will be treated as the case of an entity). A certificate of corporation. held by a U.S. person in proportion to the non-foreign status includes a Form W-9. Look-through rule for QIEs. In most ca- stock ownership of such other QIE which The transferor can give the certification ses, any distribution from a QIE to a nonresi- is (or is treated as) held by a U.S. person. to a qualified substitute. The qualified sub- dent alien, foreign corporation, or other QIE that If a foreign shareholder in a domestically stitute gives you a statement, under penal- is attributable to the QIE's gain from the sale or controlled QIE disposes of an interest in the QIE ties of perjury, that the certification is in the exchange of a USRPI is treated as gain recog- in an applicable wash sale transaction, special possession of the qualified substitute. For nized by the nonresident alien, foreign corpora- rules apply. See section 897 for more informa- this purpose, a qualified substitute is (a) tion, or other QIE from the sale or exchange of a tion. the person (including any attorney or title USRPI. company) responsible for closing the A distribution by a QIE to a nonresident alien Retirement and pension funds. A qualified transaction, other than the transferor's or foreign corporation that is treated as gain foreign pension fund or any entity wholly owned agent, and (b) the transferee's agent. from the sale or exchange of a USRPI by the by such qualified foreign pension fund will not 5. You receive a withholding certificate from shareholder is subject to withholding at 21%. be treated as a foreign person for dispositions the IRS that excuses withholding. See Certain exceptions apply to the look-through of USRPI or distributions received from a REIT Withholding Certificates, later. rule for distributions by QIEs. Any distribution by or certain RICs described in section 897(h)(4) a QIE with respect to stock regularly traded on (A)(ii). Qualified foreign pension funds are de- 6. The transferor gives you written notice that an established securities market in the United scribed in section 897(l)(2). no recognition of any gain or loss on the States is not treated as gain from the sale or ex- transfer is required because of a nonre- change of a USRPI if the shareholder did not Additional information. For additional infor- cognition provision in the Internal Revenue own more than 5% of that stock (or more than mation on the withholding rules that apply to Code or a provision in a U.S. tax treaty. 10% of that stock in the case of REITs) at any corporations, trusts, estates, and qualified in- You must file a copy of the notice by the time during the 1-year period ending on the vestment entities, see section 1445 and the re- 20th day after the date of transfer with: date of the distribution. A distribution by a REIT lated regulations. For additional information on Ogden Service Center generally is not treated as gain from the sale or the withholding rules that apply to partnerships, P.O. Box 409101 exchange of a USRPI if the shareholder is a see the previous discussion. Ogden, UT 84409 qualified shareholder (as described in section 897(k)(3)). These distributions may be included Exceptions. You do not have to withhold if any 7. The amount the transferor realizes on the in the shareholder's gross income as a dividend of the following apply. transfer of a USRPI is zero. from the QIE, not as long-term capital gain. 8. The property is acquired by the United 1. You (the transferee) acquire the property Disposition of REIT stock. Disposition of for use as a residence and the amount re- States, a U.S. state or possession, a politi- stock in a REIT that is held directly (or indirectly alized (sales price) is not more than cal subdivision, or the District of Columbia. through one or more partnerships) by a quali- $300,000. You or a member of your family 9. The grantor realizes an amount on the fied shareholder may not be subject to withhold- must have definite plans to reside at the grant or lapse of an option to acquire a ing. See section 897(k)(2) for more information. property for at least 50% of the number of USRPI. However, you must withhold on days the property is used by any person the sale, exchange, or exercise of that op- during each of the first two 12-month peri- tion. Page 50 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 51 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. 10. The disposition is of an interest in a pub- Reporting and A stamped copy of Form 8288-A will licly traded partnership or trust. However, ! not be provided to the transferor if the this exception does not apply to certain Paying the Tax CAUTION transferor's TIN is not included on that dispositions of substantial amounts of Transferees must use Forms 8288 and 8288-A form. The IRS will send a letter to the transferor non-publicly traded interests in publicly to report and pay over any tax withheld on the requesting the TIN and providing instructions traded partnerships or trusts. acquisition of USRPI. These forms must also be for how to get a TIN. When the transferor pro- Late filing of certifications or notices. If used by corporations, estates, and QIEs that vides the IRS with a TIN, the IRS will provide you become aware that you have failed to must withhold tax on distributions and other the transferor with a stamped copy B of Form timely file certain certifications or notices, you transactions involving USRPI. You must include 8288-A. still may be able to file them. See Revenue Pro- the U.S. TIN of both the transferor and the cedure 2008-27, 2008-21 I.R.B. 1014 available transferee on the forms. Form 1099-S. In most cases, the real estate broker or other person responsible for closing at For partnerships disposing of USRPI, the the transaction must report the sale of the prop- Complete the required certification or notice manner of reporting and paying over the tax erty to the IRS using Form 1099-S. For more in- and file it with the appropriate person or the withheld is the same as discussed earlier under formation about Form 1099-S, see the IRS. Also include the following. Partnership Withholding on Effectively Connec- Instructions for Form 1099-S and the General • A statement at the top of the document(s) ted Income. Instructions for Certain Information Returns. that it is “FILED PURSUANT TO Revenue Procedure 2008-27.” Publicly traded trusts must use Forms 1042 • An explanation describing why the failure and 1042-S to report and pay over tax withheld Withholding Certificates was due to reasonable cause. Within the on distributions from dispositions of USRPI. explanation, provide that you filed with, or The amount that must be withheld from the dis- obtained from, an appropriate person the QIEs must use Forms 1042 and 1042-S for position of a USRPI can be adjusted by a with- required certification or notice. a distribution to a nonresident alien or foreign holding certificate issued by the IRS. The trans- corporation that is treated as a dividend, as dis- feree, the transferee's agent, or the transferor The completed certification or notice at- cussed earlier under Qualified investment enti- may request a withholding certificate. The IRS tached to the explanation must be sent to: ties (QIEs). will generally act on these requests within 90 Ogden Service Center Form 8288. The tax withheld on the acquisi- days after receipt of a complete application in- P.O. Box 409101 tion of a USRPI from a foreign person is repor- cluding the TINs of all the parties to the transac- Ogden, UT 84409. ted and paid over using Form 8288. Form 8288 tion. A transferor that applies for a withholding also serves as the transmittal form for copies A certificate must notify the transferee, in writing, Certifications. The certifications in items and B of Form 8288-A. that the certificate has been applied for on the (3) and (4) are not effective if you (or the quali- day of or the day before the transfer. fied substitute) have actual knowledge, or re- In most cases, you must file Form 8288 ceive a notice from an agent (or substitute), that DUE by the 20th day after the date of the A withholding certificate may be issued due they are false. This also applies to the qualified transfer. to: substitute's statement under item (4). 1. A determination by the IRS that reduced If you (or the substitute) are required by reg- If an application for a withholding certificate withholding is appropriate because either: ulations to furnish a copy of the certification (or (discussed later) is submitted to the IRS before statement) to the IRS and you (or the substitute) or on the date of a transfer and the application a. The amount that must be withheld fail to do so in the time and manner prescribed, is still pending with the IRS on the date of trans- would be more than the transferor's the certification (or statement) is not effective. fer, the correct withholding tax must be with- maximum tax liability, or held, but does not have to be reported and paid b. Withholding of the reduced amount Liability of agent or qualified substitute. over immediately. The amount withheld (or would not jeopardize collection of the If you (or the substitute) receive a certification lesser amount, as determined by the IRS) must tax; discussed in item (3) or (4) or a statement in be reported and paid over within 20 days follow- item (4), and the agent, or substitute, has actual ing the day on which a copy of the withholding 2. The exemption from U.S. tax of all gain re- knowledge that the certification (or statement) is certificate or notice of denial is mailed by the alized by the transferor; or false, or in the case of (3), that the corporation IRS. 3. An agreement for the payment of tax pro- is a foreign corporation, the agent (or substitute) viding security for the tax liability, entered must notify you, or the agent (or substitute) will If the principal purpose of applying for a into by the transferee or transferor. be held liable for the tax. The agent's (or substi- withholding certificate is to delay paying over tute's) liability is limited to the compensation the the withheld tax, the transferee will be subject to Applications for withholding certificates are agent (or substitute) gets from the transaction. interest and penalties. The interest and penal- divided into six basic categories. This categoriz- An agent is any person who represents the ties will be assessed for the period beginning ing provides for specific information that is nee- transferor or transferee in any negotiation with on the 21st day after the date of transfer and ded to process the applications. The six catego- another person (or another person's agent) re- ending on the day the payment is made. ries are: lating to the transaction, or in settling the trans- 1. Applications based on a claim that the action. A person is not treated as an agent if the Form 8288-A. The withholding agent must person only performs one or more of the follow- prepare a Form 8288-A for each person from transferor is entitled to nonrecognition ing acts related to the transaction. whom tax has been withheld. Attach copies A treatment or is exempt from tax, • Receipt and disbursement of any part of and B of Form 8288-A to Form 8288. Keep 2. Applications based solely on a calculation the consideration. copy C for your records. of the transferor's maximum tax liability, • Recording of any document. The IRS will stamp copy B and send it to the • Typing, copying, and other clerical tasks. person subject to withholding. That person 3. Applications under special installment • Obtaining title insurance reports and re- must file a U.S. income tax return and attach sales rules, ports concerning the condition of the prop- the stamped Form 8288-A to receive credit for 4. Applications based on an agreement for erty. any tax withheld. the payment of tax with conforming secur- • Transmitting documents between the par- ity, ties. 5. Applications for blanket withholding certifi- cates, and 6. Applications on any other basis. Publication 515 (2023) Page 51 |
Page 52 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. The applicant must make available to e. Class or type and amount of the inter- • Letter of credit, and the IRS, within the time prescribed, all est in a U.S. real property holding cor- • Guarantee (corporate transferors). RECORDS information required to verify that rep- poration; and The IRS may, in unusual circumstances and resentations relied upon in accepting the agree- f. Whether in the 3 preceding tax years at its discretion, accept any additional form of ment are accurate, and that the obligations as- (1) U.S. income tax returns were filed security that it finds to be adequate. sumed by the applicant will be performed relating to the USRPI and, if so, when For more information on acceptable security pursuant to the agreement. Failure to provide and where those returns were filed instruments, including sample forms of these in- requested information promptly will usually re- and, if not, why returns were not filed, struments, see section 6 of Revenue Procedure sult in rejection of the application, unless the and (2) U.S. income taxes were paid 2000-35. IRS grants an extension of the target date. relating to the USRPI and, if so, the amount of tax paid. Category (5) applications. A blanket with- Categories (1), (2), and (3). Use Form holding certificate may be issued if the trans- 8288-B to apply for a withholding certificate. 4. Provide full information concerning the ba- feror holding the USRPI provides an irrevocable Follow the instructions for the form. sis for the issuance of the withholding cer- letter of credit or a guarantee and enters into a tificate. Although the information to be in- tax payment and security agreement with the Categories (4), (5), and (6). Do not use Form cluded in this section of the application will IRS. A blanket withholding certificate excuses 8288-B for applications under categories (4), vary from case to case, the rules shown withholding concerning multiple dispositions of (5), and (6). For these categories, follow the in- under the specific category provide gen- those property interests by the transferor or the structions given here and under the specific cat- eral guidelines for the inclusion of appro- transferor's legal representative during a period egory. priate information for that category. of no more than 12 months. All applications for withholding certificates The application must be signed by the indi- For more information, see section 9 of Reve- must use the following format. The information vidual, a responsible officer in the case of a cor- nue Procedure 2000-35. must be provided in paragraphs labeled to cor- poration, a general partner in the case of a part- respond with the numbers and letters set forth nership, or a trustee, executor, or equivalent Category (6) applications. These are non- below. If the information requested does not ap- fiduciary in the case of a trust or estate, or a standard applications and may be of the follow- ply, place “N/A” in the relevant space. duly authorized agent (with a copy of the power ing types. 1. Information on the application category: of attorney, such as Form 2848, attached). The Agreement for payment of tax with non- person signing the application must verify under a. State which category (4, 5, or 6) de- penalties of perjury that all representations are conforming security. An applicant seeking to scribes the application, true, correct, and complete to that person's enter into an agreement for the payment of tax b. If a category (4) application: knowledge and belief. If the application is but wanting to provide a nonconforming type of based in whole or in part on information provi- security must include the following in the appli- i. State whether the proposed ded by another party to the transaction, that in- cation. agreement secures (A) the trans- formation must be supported by a written verifi- 1. The information required for category (4) feror's maximum tax liability, or cation signed under penalties of perjury by that applications, discussed earlier. (B) the amount that would other- party and attached to the application. 2. A description of the nonconforming secur- wise have to be withheld; and Send applications to the: ity proposed by the applicant. ii. State whether the proposed 3. A memorandum of law and facts establish- agreement and security instru- Ogden Service Center ing that the proposed security is valid and ment conform to the standard for- mats. P.O. Box 409101 enforceable and that it adequately pro- Ogden, UT 84409 tects the government's interest. 2. Information on the transferee or transferor: Other nonstandard applications. An ap- a. State the name, address, and TIN of Category (4) applications. If the application plication for a withholding certificate not previ- the person applying for the withhold- is based on an agreement for the payment of ously described must explain in detail the pro- ing certificate (if this person does not tax, the application must include: posed basis for the issuance of the certificate have a TIN and is eligible for an ITIN, • Information establishing the transferor's and set forth the reasons justifying the issuance they can apply for the ITIN by attach- maximum tax liability, or the amount that of a certificate on that basis. ing the application to a completed otherwise has to be withheld; Form W-7 and forwarding the pack- • A signed copy of the agreement proposed Amendments to Applications age to the address given in the Form by the applicant; and W-7 instructions); • A copy of the security instrument proposed An applicant for a withholding certificate may b. State whether that person is the trans- by the applicant. amend an otherwise complete application by feree or transferor; and Either the transferee or the transferor may sending an amending statement to the address c. State the name, address, and TIN of enter into an agreement for the payment of tax. shown earlier in Withholding Certificates. There all other transferees and transferors of The agreement is a contract between the IRS is no particular form required, but the amending the USRPI for which the withholding and any other person and consists of two nec- statement must provide the following informa- certificate is sought. essary elements. Those elements are: tion. • A detailed description of the rights and ob- • The name, address, and TIN of the person 3. Information on the USRPI for which the ligations of each, and providing the amending statement specify- withholding certificate is sought. State the: • A security instrument or other form of se- ing whether that person is the transferee or a. Type of interest (such as interest in curity acceptable to the Commissioner or transferor. real property, in associated personal his delegate. • The date of the original application for a withholding certificate that is being amen- property, or in a domestic U.S. real For more information on the agreement for ded. property holding corporation); the payment of tax, including a sample agree- • A brief description of the real property in- b. Contract price; ment, see section 5 of Revenue Procedure terest for which the original application for 2000-35, 2000–35 I.R.B. 211, available at a withholding certificate was provided. c. Date of transfer; • The basis for the amendment including d. Location and general description (if There are four major types of security ac- any change in the facts supporting the an interest in real property); ceptable to the IRS. They are: original application for a withholding certifi- • Bond with surety or guarantor, cate and any change in the terms of the • Bond with collateral, withholding certificate. Page 52 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 53 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. The statement must be signed and accom- an applicable Model 1 IGA or Model 2 IGA. See quirements of Regulations section 1.1441-1(e) panied by a penalties of perjury statement. Regulations section 1.1471-5(e)(1). (6)(i) and the QI agreement. If an amending statement is provided, the Foreign financial institution (FFI). Except as Recalcitrant account holder. A “recalcitrant time in which the IRS must act upon the appli- otherwise provided for certain foreign branches account holder” is an account holder (other than cation is extended by 30 days. If the amending of a U.S. financial institution or territory financial an account holder that is an FFI or is presumed statement substantially changes the original ap- institutions, a “foreign financial institution” (FFI) to be an FFI) of a participating FFI or registered plication, the time for acting upon the applica- means a financial institution that is a foreign en- deemed-compliant FFI that has failed to provide tion is extended by 60 days. If an amending tity. The term “FFI” also includes a foreign the FFI maintaining its account with the informa- statement is received after the withholding cer- branch of a U.S. financial institution with a QI tion required under Regulations section tificate has been signed, but before it has been agreement in effect. 1.1471-5(g). mailed to the applicant, the IRS will have a 90-day extension of time in which to act. Model 1 IGA. A “Model 1 IGA” means an Registered deemed-compliant FFI. A “regis- agreement between the United States or the tered deemed-compliant FFI” is an FFI descri- Treasury Department and a foreign government bed in Regulations section 1.1471-5(f)(1) and or one or more foreign agencies to implement includes a reporting Model 1 FFI and a QI Definitions FATCA through reporting by financial institu- branch of a U.S. financial institution that is a re- tions to such foreign government or agency porting Model 1 FFI. Chapter 4 withholding rate pool. A “chap- thereof, followed by automatic exchange of the ter 4 withholding rate pool” means a pool of reported information with the IRS. For a list of Reporting Model 1 FFI. A “reporting Model 1 payees that are nonparticipating FFIs provided jurisdictions treated as having an IGA in effect, FFI” is an FI, including a foreign branch of a on a chapter 4 withholding statement (as de- go to U.S. financial institution, treated as a reporting scribed in Regulations section 1.1471-3(c)(3) Policy/Treaties/Pages/FATCA.aspx. financial institution under a Model 1 IGA. (iii)(B)(3)) to which a withholdable payment is allocated. The term also means a pool of pay- Model 2 IGA. A “Model 2 IGA” means an Reporting Model 2 FFI. A “reporting Model 2 ees provided on an FFI withholding statement agreement or arrangement between the United FFI” is an FFI described in a Model 2 IGA that (as described in Regulations section States or the Treasury Department and a for- has agreed to comply with the requirements of 1.1471-3(c)(iii)(B)(2)) to which a withholdable eign government or one or more foreign agen- an FFI agreement with respect to a branch. payment is allocated to (a) a pool of payees cies to implement FATCA through reporting by consisting of each class of recalcitrant account financial institutions directly to the IRS in ac- Territory financial institution. A “territory fi- holders described in Regulations section cordance with the requirements of the FFI nancial institution” is a financial institution that is 1.1471-4(d)(6) (or with respect to an FFI that is agreement, as modified by an applicable Model incorporated or organized under the laws of any a QI, a single pool of recalcitrant account hold- 2 IGA, supplemented by the exchange of infor- U.S. territory, excluding a territory entity that is a ers), including a separate pool of account hold- mation between such foreign government or financial institution only because it is an invest- ers to which the escrow procedures for dormant agency thereof and the IRS. For a list of juris- ment entity, as defined in Regulations section accounts apply; or (b) a pool of payees that are dictions treated as having an IGA in effect, go to 1.1471-5(e)(4). U.S. persons as described in Regulations sec- tion 1.1471-3(c)(3)(iii)(B)(2) (including such a Treaties/Pages/FATCA.aspx. Withholdable payment. A “withholdable pay- pool allocated to a reportable amount on a with- ment” is a payment described in Regulations holding statement provided solely for chapter 3 Non-financial foreign entity (NFFE). A section 1.1473-1(a). See Income Subject to purposes). “non-financial foreign entity” (NFFE) is a foreign Withholding, earlier, for a discussion of which entity that is not a financial institution. An NFFE payments qualify as withholdable payments. Deemed-compliant FFI. A “deemed-compli- includes a territory NFFE, as defined in Regula- ant FFI” means an FFI that is treated, pursuant tions section 1.1471-1(b)(132), and a foreign to section 1471(b)(2) and Regulations section entity treated as an NFFE pursuant to a Model 1 Tax Treaties 1.1471-5(f), as meeting the requirements of IGA or Model 2 IGA. section 1471(b). The term “deemed-compliant The United States has bilateral income tax trea- FFI” includes a nonreporting IGA FFI (as de- Nonparticipating FFI. A “nonparticipating FFI” ties, also known as “conventions,” with a num- fined in Regulations section 1.1471-1(b)(83)). is an FFI other than a participating FFI, a ber of foreign countries under which residents deemed-compliant FFI, or an exempt beneficial (sometimes limited to citizens) of those coun- Dividend equivalents. Generally, a “dividend owner. tries are taxed at a reduced rate or are exempt equivalent” is any payment that references the from U.S. income taxes on certain income re- payment of a dividend from an underlying se- Participating FFI. A “participating FFI” is an ceived from within the United States. curity pursuant to a securities lending or FFI that has agreed to comply with the require- sale-repurchase transaction, SNPC, or speci- ments of an FFI agreement with respect to all Income that is exempt under a treaty is not fied ELI. This applies without regard to whether branches of the FFI, other than a branch that is subject to withholding at source under the statu- there is an actual distribution of cash or prop- a reporting Model 1 FFI or a U.S. branch. The tory rules discussed in this publication. erty. term "participating FFI" also includes a reporting Model 2 FFI and a QI branch of a U.S. financial Obtaining treaty information. You can obtain Exempt beneficial owner. An “exempt benefi- institution, unless such branch is a reporting the full text of these treaties, and accompanying cial owner” is any person described in Regula- Model 1 FFI. technical explanations, at tions sections 1.1471-6(b) through (g) and in- International-Businesses/United-States- cludes any person treated as an exempt Passive NFFE. A “passive NFFE” is an NFFE Income-Tax-Treaties-A-to-Z. beneficial owner under an applicable Model 1 that is not an excepted NFFE. With respect to a Detailed information about treaty provisions IGA or Model 2 IGA. reporting Model 2 FFI filing a Form 8966 to re- can be found at port its accounts and payees, a passive NFFE International-Taxpayers/Tax-Treaties. Financial institution (FI). A “financial institu- is an NFFE that is not an active NFFE (as de- tion” (FI) is any institution that is a depository in- scribed in the applicable IGA). Tax treaty tables. The tax treaty tables previ- stitution, custodial institution, investment entity, ously contained in this publication have been insurance company (or holding company of an Qualified derivatives dealer (QDD). A “quali- updated and moved to insurance company) that issues cash value in- fied derivatives dealer” (QDD) is a QI that is an International-Taxpayers/Tax-Treaty-Tables. surance or annuity contracts, or a holding com- eligible entity (as defined in Regulations section pany or treasury center that is part of an expan- 1.1441-1(e)(6)(ii)) that agrees to meet the re- ded affiliated group of certain FFIs, and includes a financial institution, as defined under Publication 515 (2023) Page 53 |
Page 54 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. • The Online EIN Application ( ) agents, and individuals who process Form W-2, helps you get an employer identification Wage and Tax Statement, and Form W-2c, How To Get Tax Help number (EIN) at no cost. Corrected Wage and Tax Statement. • The Tax Withholding Estimator ( If you have questions about a tax issue; need W4app) makes it easier for you to estimate IRS social media. Go to help preparing your tax return; or want to down- the federal income tax you want your em- to see the various social media tools the IRS load free publications, forms, or instructions, go ployer to withhold from your paycheck. uses to share the latest information on tax to to find resources that can help you This is tax withholding. See how your with- changes, scam alerts, initiatives, products, and right away. holding affects your refund, take-home services. At the IRS, privacy and security are pay, or tax due. our highest priority. We use these tools to share Preparing and filing your tax return. After public information with you. Don’t post your so- receiving all your wage and earnings state- • The First-Time Homebuyer Credit Account ments (Forms W-2, W-2G, 1099-R, 1099-MISC, Look-up ( ) tool pro- cial security number (SSN) or other confidential 1099-NEC, etc.); unemployment compensation vides information on your repayments and information on social media sites. Always pro- statements (by mail or in a digital format) or account balance. tect your identity when using any social net- other government payment statements (Form • The Sales Tax Deduction Calculator working site. 1099-G); and interest, dividend, and retirement ( figures the amount you The following IRS YouTube channels pro- statements from banks and investment firms can claim if you itemize deductions on vide short, informative videos on various tax-re- (Forms 1099), you have several options to Schedule A (Form 1040). lated topics in English, Spanish, and ASL. • choose from to prepare and file your tax return. Getting answers to your tax ques- • You can prepare the tax return yourself, see if tions. On, you can get • you qualify for free tax preparation, or hire a tax up-to-date information on current professional to prepare your return. events and changes in tax law. Watching IRS videos. The IRS Video portal Free options for tax preparation. Go to • A variety of tools to help you ( contains video and audio pre- to see your options for preparing and get answers to some of the most common sentations for individuals, small businesses, filing your return online or in your local commun- tax questions. and tax professionals. ity, if you qualify, which include the following. • The Interactive Tax Assistant, Online tax information in other languages. • Free File. This program lets you prepare a tool that will ask you questions and, You can find information on and file your federal individual income tax based on your input, provide answers on a MyLanguage if English isn’t your native lan- return for free using brand-name tax-prep- number of tax law topics. guage. aration-and-filing software or Free File filla- • Find forms, instructions, ble forms. However, state tax preparation and publications. You will find details on Free Over-the-Phone Interpreter (OPI) Serv- may not be available through Free File. Go the most recent tax changes and interac- ice. The IRS is committed to serving our multi- to to see if you qualify for tive links to help you find answers to your lingual customers by offering OPI services. The free online federal tax preparation, e-filing, questions. OPI Service is a federally funded program and and direct deposit or payment options. • You may also be able to access tax law in- is available at Taxpayer Assistance Centers • VITA. The Volunteer Income Tax Assis- formation in your electronic filing software. (TACs), other IRS offices, and every VITA/TCE tance (VITA) program offers free tax help return site. The OPI Service is accessible in to people with low-to-moderate incomes, Need someone to prepare your tax return? more than 350 languages. persons with disabilities, and limited-Eng- There are various types of tax return preparers, lish-speaking taxpayers who need help including enrolled agents, certified public ac- Accessibility Helpline available for taxpay- preparing their own tax returns. Go to countants (CPAs), accountants, and many oth- ers with disabilities. Taxpayers who need in-, download the free IRS2Go ers who don’t have professional credentials. If formation about accessibility services can call app, or call 800-906-9887 for information you choose to have someone prepare your tax 833-690-0598. The Accessibility Helpline can on free tax return preparation. return, choose that preparer wisely. A paid tax answer questions related to current and future • TCE. The Tax Counseling for the Elderly preparer is: accessibility products and services available in (TCE) program offers free tax help for all • Primarily responsible for the overall sub- alternative media formats (for example, braille, taxpayers, particularly those who are 60 stantive accuracy of your return, large print, audio, etc.). The Accessibility Help- years of age and older. TCE volunteers • Required to sign the return, and line does not have access to your IRS account. specialize in answering questions about • Required to include their preparer tax iden- For help with tax law, refunds, or account-rela- pensions and retirement-related issues tification number (PTIN). ted issues, go to unique to seniors. Go to, download the free IRS2Go app, or call Although the tax preparer always signs the Note. Form 9000, Alternative Media Prefer- 888-227-7669 for information on free tax return, you're ultimately responsible for provid- ence, or Form 9000(SP) allows you to elect to return preparation. ing all the information required for the preparer receive certain types of written correspondence • MilTax. Members of the U.S. Armed to accurately prepare your return. Anyone paid in the following formats. Forces and qualified veterans may use Mil- to prepare tax returns for others should have a • Standard Print. Tax, a free tax service offered by the De- thorough understanding of tax matters. For • Large Print. partment of Defense through Military One- more information on how to choose a tax pre- • Braille. Source. For more information, go to parer, go to Tips for Choosing a Tax Preparer MilitaryOneSource ( on • Audio (MP3). MilTax). • Plain Text File (TXT). Also, the IRS offers Free Fillable Coronavirus. Go to for Forms, which can be completed online and links to information on the impact of the corona- • Braille Ready File (BRF). then filed electronically regardless of in- virus, as well as tax relief available for individu- come. als and families, small and large businesses, Disasters. Go to Disaster Assistance and and tax-exempt organizations. Emergency Relief for Individuals and Using online tools to help prepare your re- Businesses to review the available disaster tax turn. Go to for the following. Employers can register to use Business relief. • The Earned Income Tax Credit Assistant Services Online. The Social Security Adminis- ( determines if tration (SSA) offers online service at Getting tax forms and publications. Go to you’re eligible for the earned income credit employer for fast, free, and secure online W-2 to view, download, or print all (EIC). filing options to CPAs, accountants, enrolled the forms, instructions, and publications you Page 54 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 55 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. may need. Or, you can go to sonal or financial information. This in- What if I can’t pay now? Go to OrderForms to place an order. cludes requests for personal identification Payments for more information about your op- numbers (PINs), passwords, or similar in- tions. Getting tax publications and instructions in formation for credit cards, banks, or other • Apply for an online payment agreement eBook format. You can also download and financial accounts. ( to meet your tax obligation view popular tax publications and instructions • Go to, the IRS Iden- in monthly installments if you can’t pay (including the Instructions for Form 1040) on tity Theft Central webpage, for information your taxes in full today. Once you complete mobile devices as eBooks at on identity theft and data security protec- the online process, you will receive imme- tion for taxpayers, tax professionals, and diate notification of whether your agree- Note. IRS eBooks have been tested using businesses. If your SSN has been lost or ment has been approved. Apple's iBooks for iPad. Our eBooks haven’t stolen or you suspect you’re a victim of • Use the Offer in Compromise Pre-Qualifier been tested on other dedicated eBook readers, tax-related identity theft, you can learn to see if you can settle your tax debt for and eBook functionality may not operate as in- what steps you should take. less than the full amount you owe. For tended. • Get an Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN). IP more information on the Offer in Compro- PINs are six-digit numbers assigned to tax- mise program, go to Access your online account (individual tax- payers to help prevent the misuse of their payers only). Go to to se- SSNs on fraudulent federal income tax re- Filing an amended return. Go to curely access information about your federal tax turns. When you have an IP PIN, it pre- Form1040X for information and updates. account. vents someone else from filing a tax return • View the amount you owe and a break- with your SSN. To learn more, go to Checking the status of your amended re- down by tax year. turn. Go to to track the status • See payment plan details or apply for a of Form 1040-X amended returns. new payment plan. Ways to check on the status of your refund. • Make a payment or view 5 years of pay- • Go to Note. It can take up to 3 weeks from the ment history and any pending or sched- • Download the official IRS2Go app to your date you filed your amended return for it to uled payments. mobile device to check your refund status. show up in our system, and processing it can • Access your tax records, including key • Call the automated refund hotline at take up to 16 weeks. data from your most recent tax return, and 800-829-1954. transcripts. Understanding an IRS notice or letter • View digital copies of select notices from Note. The IRS can’t issue refunds before you’ve received. Go to to the IRS. mid-February for returns that claimed the EIC or find additional information about responding to • Approve or reject authorization requests the additional child tax credit (ACTC). This ap- an IRS notice or letter. from tax professionals. plies to the entire refund, not just the portion as- • View your address on file or manage your sociated with these credits. Note. You can use Schedule LEP (Form communication preferences. 1040), Request for Change in Language Prefer- Making a tax payment. Go to ence, to state a preference to receive notices, Tax Pro Account. This tool lets your tax pro- Payments for information on how to make a letters, or other written communications from fessional submit an authorization request to ac- payment using any of the following options. the IRS in an alternative language. You may not cess your individual taxpayer IRS online • IRS Direct Pay: Pay your individual tax bill immediately receive written communications in account. For more information, go to or estimated tax payment directly from the requested language. The IRS’s commitment TaxProAccount. your checking or savings account at no to LEP taxpayers is part of a multi-year timeline cost to you. that is scheduled to begin providing translations Using direct deposit. The fastest way to re- • Debit or Credit Card: Choose an approved in 2023. You will continue to receive communi- ceive a tax refund is to file electronically and payment processor to pay online or by cations, including notices and letters in English choose direct deposit, which securely and elec- phone. until they are translated to your preferred lan- tronically transfers your refund directly into your • Electronic Funds Withdrawal: Schedule a guage. financial account. Direct deposit also avoids the payment when filing your federal taxes us- possibility that your check could be lost, stolen, ing tax return preparation software or Contacting your local IRS office. Keep in destroyed, or returned undeliverable to the IRS. through a tax professional. mind, many questions can be answered on Eight in 10 taxpayers use direct deposit to re- • Electronic Federal Tax Payment System: without visiting an IRS TAC. Go to ceive their refunds. If you don’t have a bank ac- Best option for businesses. Enrollment is for the topics people ask count, go to for more in- required. about most. If you still need help, IRS TACs formation on where to find a bank or credit • Check or Money Order: Mail your payment provide tax help when a tax issue can’t be han- union that can open an account online. to the address listed on the notice or in- dled online or by phone. All TACs now provide structions. service by appointment, so you’ll know in ad- Getting a transcript of your return. The • Cash: You may be able to pay your taxes vance that you can get the service you need quickest way to get a copy of your tax transcript with cash at a participating retail store. without long wait times. Before you visit, go to is to go to Click on either • Same-Day Wire: You may be able to do to find the nearest TAC “Get Transcript Online” or “Get Transcript by same-day wire from your financial institu- and to check hours, available services, and ap- Mail” to order a free copy of your transcript. If tion. Contact your financial institution for pointment options. Or, on the IRS2Go app, un- you prefer, you can order your transcript by call- availability, cost, and time frames. der the Stay Connected tab, choose the Con- ing 800-908-9946. tact Us option and click on “Local Offices.” Note. The IRS uses the latest encryption Reporting and resolving your tax-related technology to ensure that the electronic pay- The Taxpayer Advocate identity theft issues. ments you make online, by phone, or from a • Tax-related identity theft happens when mobile device using the IRS2Go app are safe Service (TAS) Is Here To someone steals your personal information and secure. Paying electronically is quick, easy, Help You to commit tax fraud. Your taxes can be af- and faster than mailing in a check or money or- What Is TAS? fected if your SSN is used to file a fraudu- der. lent return or to claim a refund or credit. TAS is an independent organization within the • The IRS doesn’t initiate contact with tax- IRS that helps taxpayers and protects taxpayer payers by email, text messages (including rights. Their job is to ensure that every taxpayer shortened links), telephone calls, or social media channels to request or verify per- Publication 515 (2023) Page 55 |
Page 56 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. is treated fairly and that you know and under- • You face (or your business is facing) an TAS for Tax Professionals stand your rights under the Taxpayer Bill of immediate threat of adverse action; or Rights. • You’ve tried repeatedly to contact the IRS TAS can provide a variety of information for tax but no one has responded, or the IRS professionals, including tax law updates and How Can You Learn About Your hasn’t responded by the date promised. guidance, TAS programs, and ways to let TAS Taxpayer Rights? know about systemic problems you’ve seen in How Can You Reach TAS? your practice. The Taxpayer Bill of Rights describes 10 basic rights that all taxpayers have when dealing with TAS has offices in every state, the District of the IRS. Go to to Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Your local advo- Low Income Taxpayer help you understand what these rights mean to cate’s number is in your local directory and at Clinics (LITCs) you and how they apply. These are your rights. You Know them. Use them. can also call them at 877-777-4778. LITCs are independent from the IRS. LITCs represent individuals whose income is below a What Can TAS Do for You? How Else Does TAS Help certain level and need to resolve tax problems Taxpayers? with the IRS, such as audits, appeals, and tax TAS can help you resolve problems that you collection disputes. In addition, LITCs can pro- can’t resolve with the IRS. And their service is TAS works to resolve large-scale problems that vide information about taxpayer rights and re- free. If you qualify for their assistance, you will affect many taxpayers. If you know of one of sponsibilities in different languages for individu- be assigned to one advocate who will work with these broad issues, report it to them at als who speak English as a second language. you throughout the process and will do every- SAMS. Services are offered for free or a small fee for thing possible to resolve your issue. TAS can eligible taxpayers. To find an LITC near you, go help you if: to • Your problem is causing financial difficulty Income-Taxpayer-Clinics-LITC or see IRS Pub. for you, your family, or your business; 4134, Low Income Taxpayer Clinic List. Page 56 Publication 515 (2023) |
Page 57 of 58 Fileid: … tions/p515/2023/a/xml/cycle03/source 15:59 - 26-Jan-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. To help us develop a more useful index, please let us know if you have ideas for index entries. Index See “Comments and Suggestions” in the “Introduction” for the ways you can reach us. Determining the amount to 1042-S 4 16 17 42, , , 11 32 10% owners 28 withhold 47 1099 4 12 32 501(c) organizations 39 Disregarded entities 5 1099-S 51 14 32 80/20 company 30 Dividend equivalent 4419 42 15 32 payments 31 7004 43 16 33 A Dividend Equivalents 31 8233 34 17 34 Dividends: 8288 51 18 36 Acceptance agent 40 Direct dividend rate 30 8288-A 51 19 37 Accounts, offshore 11 Domestic corporation 30 8288-B 52 20 38 Alien: Foreign corporations 31 8804 45 24 51 Defined 8 In general 30 8805 45 25 51 Illegal 34 Documentary evidence 11 20, , 8813 45 26 51 Nonresident alien 8 21 8833 10 27 45 Resident alien 9 Documentation 9 23- 8966 4 28 38 Alimony 32 For chapter 3 9 940 36 29 29 American Samoa 9 For chapter 4 10 941 36 30 27 Amount to withhold 3 From foreign beneficial owners 972 30 42 38 Amount to withhold Determining and U.S. payees 9 10, the 47 From foreign intermediaries and SS-4 40 43 38 Annuities 32 foreign flow-through SS-5 40 51 39 Artists and athletes: entities 12 W-2 36 Independent personal services: Earnings of 38 Presumptions in the absence W-4 33 34 36, , Defined 34 Special events and of 23 W-7 40 Exempt from withholding 34 promotions 38 W-8 series 10 Indirect account holders 21 Assistance (See Tax help) E W-8BEN 10 11, Installment payment 25 44, Awards 34 Effectively connected income: W-8BEN-E 12 Insurance proceeds 25 Defined 26 W-8ECI 11 12, Interest: B Foreign partners 43 W-8EXP 12 Contingent 28 Backup withholding 4 Partnerships 4 W-8IMY 12 Controlled foreign Banks, interest received by 28 EFTPS 41 W-9 10 40, corporations 29 Beneficial owner 10 Electronic deposit rules 41 Forms for paying and reporting Deposits 29 section 1446(f) Foreign business Beneficiary of foreign trust 17 Employees 24 35, withholding. 47 arrangements 29 Bonds sold between interest Employer 35 FUTA 36 Foreign corporations 29 dates 30 Exceptions to withholding on Income 27 Branch profits tax 31 transfers of non-PTP Portfolio 27 28, interests. 46 G C Exempt beneficial owner 53 Gambling winnings 38 Real property mortgages 28 Global intermediary identification Intermediary: Canada 37 42, F number (GIIN) 21 41, Foreign 7 Capital gains 32 Graduated rates 38 Nonqualified 7 Central withholding FATCA report 4 Graduated withholding 35 Qualified 7 13, agreements 38 Federal unemployment tax 36 Grants 25 33 34, , International organizations 39 Chapter 3 withholding 3 9- Fellowship grants 33 Green card test 9 ITIN 40 Income subject to 23 Fellowships 25 Guam 9 Payees 5 Financial institution (FI) 53 K Persons subject to 4 Financial institutions 7 Chapter 4 withholding 4 9- FIRPTA withholding 4 49, I Knowledge, standards of 18 Payees 5 Fiscally transparent entity 6 Identification number, Persons subject to 4 Fixed or determinable annual or taxpayer 40 45, L Withholding rate pool 53 periodic income 25 Important reminders 2 Liability of withholding agent 3 Withholding statement 13 Flow-through entities 5 Income: Charitable organizations 9 Foreign: Fixed or determinable annual or M Commonwealth of the Northern 501(c) organizations 39 periodical 25 Mariana Islands (CNMI) 9 Bank 8 26, Interest 27 Magnetic media reporting 42 Consent dividends 30 Charitable organizations 9 Notional principal contract 26 Marketable securities 11 Contingent interest 28 Corporations 9 Other than effectively Mexico 37 Controlled foreign corporations: Governments 39 connected 26 Model 1 IGA 53 Interest paid to 28 29, Insurance company 8 26, Pensions 25 Model 2 IGA 53 Covenant not to compete 26 Intermediary, payee 7 Personal service 24 Mortgages 28 Crew members 25 Organizations and Source of 24 Multi-level marketing 25 associations 9 Transportation 38 D Partner 43 Income code: N Partnerships, payee 5 01 27 Deemed-compliant FFI 53 Private foundation 9 39, 02 28 Non-financial foreign entity (NFFE) 53 Dependent personal services 36 Status 19 03 29 Non-registered obligations 28 Defined 36 Trusts, payee 6 04 29 Nonparticipating FFI 53 Exempt from withholding 36 Foreign financial institution 06 30 Nonqualified intermediary: Depositing taxes: (FFI) 53 07 30 Alternative withholding How to 41 Foreign person 8 08 31 procedure 15 When to 41 Form: 09 32 Deposits 29 1042 4 16 17 42, , , 10 32 Publication 515 (2023) Page 57 |
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Chapter 4 withholding rate Form 1042 43 Scholarships 25 33, U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) 9 pool 15 Form 8804 45 Section 1446(f) Withholding 46 Unexpected payment 40 Defined 7 Form 8805 45 Section 1446(f) For chapter 3 purposes 15 Magnetic media 43 withholding.Forms for paying W For chapter 4 purposes 14 Trust fund recovery 36 and reporting 47 For chapter 61 purposes 15 Pensions 25 32, Sections 1446(a) and (f) Wages: Pooled withholding 15 Per diem 33 withholding 10 Paid to employees 35 Withholding statement 14 Personal service income 24 Securities 26 Pay that is not 36 Nonresident alien: Pooled withholding Securities, marketable 11 What's New 1 Defined 8 information 15 Services performed outside the Withholding and Reporting under Married to U.S. citizen or Portfolio interest 27 28, U.S. 36 sections 1446(a) and (f) resident 8 Presumption rules: Short-term obligation 30 starting in 2023. 1 Who becomes a resident Corporation 23 Social security 37 When to withhold 3 alien 33 Individual 23 Source of income 24 Withhold, amount to 3 Nonwage pay 36 Partnership 23 Standards of knowledge: Withhold, when to 3 Notional principal contract Trust 23 For chapter 3 18 Withholdable payment 4 5 53, , income 26 Private foundation, foreign 9 For chapter 4 21 Withholding: Prizes 34 Substantial presence test 9 Agreements 34 38, Certificate 19 21, O Publications (See Tax help) Chapter 3 3 Obligations: Puerto Rico 9 37, T Chapter 4 4 Not in registered form 28 Tax help 54 In general 3 Registered 28 Q Tax treaties (See Treaties) On specific income 26 Offshore accounts 11 QI agreement 7 Tax-exempt entities 39 Rate pool 15 53, Original issue discount 27 Qualified derivatives dealer Taxpayer identification number Real property 49 Overwithholding, adjustment (QDD) 53 (TIN) 40 45, Reporting and paying 45 for 42 Qualified intermediary: Exceptions 40 Withholding agent 3 Agency option 14 Teachers 37 Liability 3 P Collective refund procedures 14 Ten-percent owners 28 Returns required 42 Participating FFI 12 53, Defined 13 Territorial limits 25 Tax deposit requirements 41 Partner, foreign 43 45, Joint account treatment 14 Territory financial institution 53 Withholding exemptions and Partnerships: Payee 7 Totalization agreements 37 reductions: Effectively connected income of Reporting on Form 1042-S 14 Transfers of partnership Dependent personal services 36 interests subject to foreign partners 43 Responsibilities and withholding under sections Exemption 26 Foreign payee 5 documentation 13 1445(e)(5) and 1446(f) . 47 Final payment exemption 34 Publicly traded 45 Qualified investment entity (QIE): Transportation income 38 Foreign governments 39 Withholding foreign 8 16, Distributions paid by 50 Travel expenses 35 International organizations 39 Passive NFFE 53 Dividends paid by 30 Treaties: Real property interest 51 Pay for personal services: Claiming benefits for Researchers 37 Artists and athletes 38 R chapter 3 10 Scholarships and fellowship Dependent personal services 36 Racing purses 26 Dependent personal services 37 grants 33 Employees 35 Real property interest: Entertainers and athletes 38 Students 38 Exempt from withholding 34 Disposition of 49 Gains 32 Withholding agreements 34 38, Independent personal Withholding certificates 51 Independent personal Withholding foreign partnership services 34 services 35 (WP): Salaries and wages 35 Withholding obligation 4 Rate tables 53 Agency option 16 Scholarship or fellowship Reason to know 19 Students 33 38, Collective refund procedures 16 recipient 33 Recalcitrant account holder 53 Teaching 37 Joint account treatment 16 Studying 38 Registered deemed-compliant Trainees 38 Not acting as WP 17 Teaching 37 FFI 12 53, Withholding foreign trust (WT): Training 38 Registered obligations 28 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands 30 Agency option 18 Payee: Reminders: Trusts: Collective refund procedures 17 Charitable organizations 9 Central Withholding Agreement Foreign payee 6 Joint account treatment 18 (CWA) simplified application Fiscally transparent entity 6 process. 2 Withholding foreign 8 17, Not acting as WT 18 Foreign flow-through entities 12 Reporting and paying the tax 45 Reporting U.S. beneficiaries 17 Foreign intermediaries 12 Reporting Model 1 FFI 53 U Responsibilities of 17 Withholding on transfers of Foreign partnerships 5 Reporting Model 2 FFI 53 U.S. agent of foreign person 5 non-PTP interests. Exceptions Foreign trusts 6 Researchers 37 U.S. branch: to 46 Identifying 5 Resident alien, defined 9 Foreign bank 8 26, Withholding under sections Nonqualified intermediary 7 Returns required 42 Foreign insurance company 8, 1445(e)(5) and Organizations and Royalties 32 26 1446(f) .Transfers of associations 9 Ryukyu Islands 30 Foreign person 9 partnership interests subject Private foundations 9 to 47 Qualified intermediary 7 U.S. possession, resident of 9 U.S branches of foreign S U.S. real property interest (See Real property interest) persons 9 Salaries 35 U.S. savings bonds 30 Penalties: Saving clause 33 U.S. territorial limits 25 Deposit 41 Page 58 Publication 515 (2023) |