Userid: CPM Schema: tipx Leadpct: 100% Pt. size: 8 Draft Ok to Print AH XSL/XML Fileid: … tions/p517/2022/a/xml/cycle05/source (Init. & Date) _______ Page 1 of 18 13:44 - 29-Nov-2022 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Publication 517 Cat. No. 15021X Contents Future Developments . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Department of the Social Security What's New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Treasury Internal Reminders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Revenue and Other Service Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Information for Social Security Coverage . . . . . . . . . . 3 Ministerial Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Members of the Exemption From Self-Employment (SE) Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Clergy and Self-Employment Tax: Figuring Net Earnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Religious Income Tax: Income and Expenses . . . . 9 Workers Filing Your Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Retirement Savings Arrangements . . . 12 For use in preparing Earned Income Credit (EIC) . . . . . . . 12 Worksheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2022 Returns How To Get Tax Help . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Future Developments For the latest information about developments related to Pub. 517, such as legislation enacted after this publication was published, go to What's New Credits for self-employed persons. The re- fundable credits for certain self-employed per- sons impacted by the coronavirus have expired. Temporary 100% deduction of the full meal portion of a per diem rate or allowance. A 100% deduction is allowed for certain business meals paid or incurred after 2020 and before 2023. A special rule allows this 100% deduction for the full meal portion of a per diem rate or al- lowance. See Pub. 463 for more details. Standard mileage rate. The business stand- ard mileage rate for 2022 is 58.5 cents per mile before July 1, 2022 and 62.5 cents per mile on or after July 1, 2022. Earnings subject to social security tax. For 2022, the maximum wages and self-employ- ment income subject to social security tax has increased to $147,000. Modified adjusted gross income (AGI) limit for traditional IRA contributions. For 2022, Get forms and other information faster and easier at: you may be able to take an IRA deduction for • (English) • (한국어) your contributions if you were covered by a re- • (Español) • (Pусский) tirement plan at work and your modified AGI is: • (中文) • (Tiếng Việt) • Less than $129,000 if married filing jointly or qualifying surviving spouse; Nov 29, 2022 |
Page 2 of 18 Fileid: … tions/p517/2022/a/xml/cycle05/source 13:44 - 29-Nov-2022 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. • Less than $78,000 if single or head of determine if income exceeds the threshold. A 8959, Additional Medicare Tax, and its separate household; or self-employment loss isn't considered for pur- instructions. • Less than $10,000 if married filing sepa- poses of this tax. Railroad retirement (RRTA) This publication contains information for the rately. compensation is separately compared to the following classes of taxpayers. If you file a joint return and either you or your threshold. Additional Medicare Tax applies to • Ministers. spouse wasn't covered by a retirement plan at Medicare wages, RRTA compensation, and • Members of a religious order. work, you may be able to take an IRA deduction self-employment income that are more than: • Christian Science practitioners and read- if your modified AGI is less than $214,000. • $125,000 if married filing separately, ers. • $250,000 if married filing jointly, or • Religious workers (church employees). Modified AGI limit for Roth IRA contribu- • $200,000 for any other filing status. • Members of a recognized religious sect. tions increased. For 2022, you may be able to contribute to your Roth IRA if your modified AGI There is no employer match for Additional Med- is: icare Tax. For more information, see Form Note. Unless otherwise noted, in this publi- cation references to members of the clergy in- • Less than $214,000 if married filing jointly clude ministers, members of a religious order or qualifying surviving spouse; • Less than $144,000 if single, head of household, or married filing separately and Table 1. Are Your Ministerial Earnings* Covered Under FICA or SECA? you didn't live with your spouse at any time Find the class to which you belong in the left column and read during the year; or across the table to find if you are covered under FICA or SECA. • Less than $10,000 if married filing sepa- Don't rely on this table alone. Also read the discussion for the class rately and you lived with your spouse at in the following pages. any time during the year. Earned income credit (EIC). For 2022, the Class Covered under FICA? Covered under SECA? maximum amount of income you can earn and still claim the EIC has increased. See Earned Minister NO. Your ministerial earnings YES, if you don't have an Income Credit, later. are exempt. approved exemption from the IRS. NO, if you have an Reminders approved exemption. Self-employed tax payments deferred in Member of a religious order NO. Your ministerial earnings YES, if you don't have an 2020. Legislation allowed for self-employed in- who hasn't taken a vow of are exempt. approved exemption from dividuals to defer the payment of certain social poverty the IRS. security taxes for 2020 over the next 2 years. See How-self-employed-individuals-and- NO, if you have an household-employers-repay-deferred-social- approved exemption. security-tax. Member of a religious order YES, if: NO. Your ministerial Social security information. Social security who has taken a vow of • Your order elected FICA earnings are exempt. beneficiaries may quickly and easily obtain vari- poverty coverage for its ous information from the Social Security Admin- members; or istration’s (SSA) website with a my Social Se- You worked outside the curity account, including getting a replacement • Form SSA-1099 or SSA-1042S. For more infor- order and the work mation, go to wasn't required by, or done on behalf of, the Photographs of missing children. The IRS is order. a proud partner with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC). Pho- tographs of missing children selected by the NO, if neither of the above Center may appear in this publication on pages applies. that would otherwise be blank. You can help Christian Science practitioner NO. Your ministerial earnings YES, if you don't have an bring these children home by looking at the or reader are exempt. approved exemption from photographs and calling 1-800-THE-LOST the IRS. (1-800-843-5678) if you recognize a child. NO, if you have an Introduction approved exemption. Three federal taxes are paid on wages and Religious worker (church YES, if your employer didn't YES, if your employer self-employment income—income tax, social employee) elect to exclude you. elected to exclude you from security tax, and Medicare tax. Social security FICA. and Medicare taxes are collected under one of two systems. Under the Self-Employment Con- NO, if your employer elected NO, if you are covered tributions Act (SECA), the self-employed per- to exclude you. under FICA. son pays all the taxes. Under the Federal Insur- Member of a recognized YES, if you are an employee YES, if you are ance Contributions Act (FICA), the employee religious sect and don't have an approved self-employed and don't and the employer each pay half of the social se- exemption from the IRS. have an approved curity and Medicare taxes. No earnings are exemption from the IRS. subject to both systems. In addition, all wages and self-employment income that are subject to Medicare tax are NO, if you have an approved NO, if you have an subject to a 0.9% Additional Medicare Tax to exemption. approved exemption. the extent they exceed the applicable threshold for an individual's filing status. Medicare wages * Ministerial earnings are the self-employment earnings that result from ministerial services, defined and discussed and self-employment income are combined to later. Page 2 Publication 517 (2022) |
Page 3 of 18 Fileid: … tions/p517/2022/a/xml/cycle05/source 13:44 - 29-Nov-2022 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. (but not members of a recognized religious Useful Items Coverage of Members of the sect), and Christian Science practitioners and You may want to see: readers. Clergy This publication covers the following topics Publication The services you perform in the exercise of about the collection of social security and Medi- your ministry, of the duties required by your reli- care taxes from members of the clergy, reli- 54 54 Tax Guide for U.S. Citizens and gious order, or of your profession as a Christian gious workers, and members of a recognized Resident Aliens Abroad Science practitioner or reader are covered by religious sect. social security and Medicare under SECA. Your • Which earnings are taxed under FICA and 525 525 Taxable and Nontaxable Income earnings for these ministerial services (defined which under SECA. See Table 1. 529 529 Miscellaneous Deductions later) are subject to self-employment (SE) tax • How a member of the clergy can apply for unless one of the following applies. an exemption from self-employment tax. 535 535 Business Expenses • You are a member of a religious order who • How a member of a recognized religious has taken a vow of poverty. sect can apply for an exemption from both 590-A 590-A Contributions to Individual You ask the IRS for an exemption from SE self-employment tax and FICA taxes. Retirement Arrangements (IRAs) • tax for your services and the IRS approves • How a member of the clergy or a religious 590-B 590-B Distributions from Individual your request. See Exemption From worker figures net earnings from self-em- Self-Employment (SE) Tax, later. ployment. Retirement Arrangements (IRAs) • You are subject only to the social security This publication also covers certain income 596 596 Earned Income Credit (EIC) laws of a foreign country under the provi- tax rules of interest to ministers and members sions of a social security agreement be- of a religious order. Form (and Instructions) tween the United States and that country. For more information, see Bilateral Social In the back of Pub. 517 is a set of work- SS-8 SS-8 Determination of Worker Status for Security (Totalization) Agreements in Pub. sheets that you can use to figure the Purposes of Federal Employment 54. amount of your taxable ministerial in- Taxes and Income Tax Withholding come and allowable deductions. Your earnings that aren't from ministerial SS-16 SS-16 Certificate of Election of Coverage services may be subject to social security tax Note. In this publication, the term “church” Under the Federal Insurance under FICA or SECA according to the rules that is generally used in its generic sense and not in Contributions Act apply to taxpayers in general. See Ministerial Services, later. reference to any particular religion. Schedule C (Form 1040) Schedule C (Form 1040) Profit or Loss From Business (Sole Proprietorship) Comments and suggestions. We welcome Ministers your comments about this publication and sug- Schedule SE (Form 1040) Schedule SE (Form 1040) gestions for future editions. Self-Employment Tax If you are a minister of a church, your earnings for the services you perform in your capacity as You can send us comments through 1040-ES 1040-ES Estimated Tax for Individuals a minister are subject to SE tax, even if you per- Or, you can write to the Internal Revenue Service, Tax Forms and 1040-X 1040-X Amended U.S. Individual Income form these services as an employee of that Publications, 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, Tax Return church. However, you can request that the IRS IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224. grant you an exemption, as discussed under Although we can’t respond individually to 4029 4029 Application for Exemption From Exemption From Self-Employment (SE) Tax, each comment received, we do appreciate your Social Security and Medicare Taxes later. For the specific services covered, see feedback and will consider your comments and and Waiver of Benefits Ministerial Services, later. suggestions as we revise our tax forms, instruc- tions, and publications. Don’t send tax ques- 4361 4361 Application for Exemption From Ministers defined. Ministers are individuals tions, tax returns, or payments to the above ad- Self-Employment Tax for Use by who are duly ordained, commissioned, or li- dress. Ministers, Members of Religious censed by a religious body constituting a Orders and Christian Science church or church denomination. Ministers have Getting answers to your tax questions. Practitioners the authority to conduct religious worship, per- If you have a tax question not answered by this form sacerdotal functions, and administer ordi- publication or the How To Get Tax Help section 8274 8274 Certification by Churches and nances or sacraments according to the prescri- at the end of this publication, go to the IRS In- Qualified Church-Controlled bed tenets and practices of that church or teractive Tax Assistant page at Organizations Electing Exemption denomination. Help/ITA where you can find topics by using the From Employer Social Security and If a church or denomination ordains some search feature or viewing the categories listed. Medicare Taxes ministers and licenses or commissions others, Getting tax forms, instructions, and pub- 8959 8959 Additional Medicare Tax anyone licensed or commissioned must be able lications. Go to to download to perform substantially all the religious func- current and prior-year forms, instructions, and 8962 8962 Premium Tax Credit (PTC) tions of an ordained minister to be treated as a publications. minister for social security purposes. Ordering publications and forms. See How Ordering tax forms, instructions, and To Get Tax Help, at the end of this publication, Employment status for other tax purposes. publications. Go to to for information about getting these publications Even though all of your income from performing order current forms, instructions, and publica- and forms. ministerial services is subject to self-employ- tions; call 800-829-3676 to order prior-year ment tax for social security tax purposes, you forms and instructions. The IRS will process may be an employee for income tax or retire- your order for forms and publications as soon Social Security ment plan purposes in performing those same as possible. Don’t resubmit requests you’ve al- services. For income tax or retirement plan pur- ready sent us. You can get forms and publica- Coverage poses, your income earned as an employee will tions faster online. be considered wages. This section gives information about which sys- tem (SECA or FICA) is used to collect social se- Common-law employee. Under com- curity and Medicare taxes from members of the mon-law rules, you are considered either an clergy (ministers, members of a religious order, and Christian Science practitioners and read- ers) and religious workers (church employees). Publication 517 (2022) Page 3 |
Page 4 of 18 Fileid: … tions/p517/2022/a/xml/cycle05/source 13:44 - 29-Nov-2022 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. employee or a self-employed person. Gener- estimated tax payments and/or withholding) if withhold from your pay your portion of the FICA ally, you are an employee if you perform serv- you: taxes. Instead, your wages are subject to SECA ices for someone who has the legal right to con- • Are self-employed or an employee of an and you must pay SE tax on your wages if they trol both what you do and how you do it, even if organization outside your religious com- exceed $108.28 during the tax year. However, you have considerable discretion and freedom munity; and you can request an exemption from SE tax if of action. For more information about the com- • Perform work not required by, or done on you are a member of a recognized religious mon-law rules, see Pub. 15-A, Employer's Sup- behalf of, the order. sect, as discussed below. plemental Tax Guide. In these cases, your income from self-em- If a congregation employs you and pays you ployment or as an employee of that outside or- Churches and church organizations make a salary, you are generally a common-law em- ganization is taxable to you directly. You may, this election by filing two copies of Form 8274. ployee and income from the exercise of your however, be able to take a charitable deduction For more information about making this elec- ministry is wages for income tax purposes. for the amount you turn over to the order. See tion, see Form 8274. However, amounts received directly from mem- Pub. 526, Charitable Contributions. bers of the congregation, such as fees for per- Election by Certain Church forming marriages, baptisms, or other personal Rulings. Organizations and individuals may Employees Who Are Opposed to services, aren't wages; such amounts are request rulings from the IRS on whether they Social Security and Medicare self-employment income for both income tax are religious orders, or members of a religious purposes and social security tax purposes. order, respectively, for FICA tax, SE tax, and federal income tax withholding purposes. To re- You may be able to choose to be exempt from Example. A church hires and pays you a quest a ruling, follow the procedures in Reve- social security and Medicare taxes, including salary to perform ministerial services subject to nue Procedure 2022-1. To find the revenue pro- the SE tax, if you are a member of a recognized its control. Under the common-law rules, you cedure, go to and type “Revenue religious sect or division and work for a church are an employee of the church while performing Procedure 2022-1” in the search box. (or church-controlled nonprofit division) that those services. doesn't pay the employer's part of the social se- curity tax on wages. This exemption doesn't ap- Form SS-8. If you aren't certain whether Christian Science Practitioners ply to your service, if any, as a minister of a you are an employee or a self-employed per- and Readers church or as a member of a religious order. son, you can get a determination from the IRS by filing Form SS-8. Generally, your earnings from services you per- Make this choice by filing Form 4029. See form in your profession as a Christian Science Requesting Exemption—Form 4029, later, un- Members of Religious Orders practitioner or reader are subject to SE tax. der Members of Recognized Religious Sects. However, you can request an exemption as dis- If you are a member of a religious order who cussed under Exemption From Self-Employ- hasn't taken a vow of poverty, your earnings for ment (SE) Tax, later. U.S. Citizens and Resident ministerial services you perform as a member of and Nonresident Aliens the order are subject to SE tax. See Ministerial Practitioners. Christian Science practitioners Services, later. However, you can request that are members in good standing of the Mother To be covered under the SE tax provisions the IRS grant you an exemption as discussed Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in (SECA), individuals must generally be citizens under Exemption From Self-Employment (SE) Boston, Massachusetts, who practice healing or resident aliens of the United States. Nonresi- Tax, later. according to the teachings of Christian Science. dent aliens aren't covered under SECA unless a State law specifically exempts Christian Sci- Vow of poverty. If you are a member of a reli- ence practitioners from licensing requirements. social security agreement in effect between the United States and the foreign country deter- gious order and have taken a vow of poverty, Some Christian Science practitioners are mines that they are covered under the U.S. so- you are already exempt from paying SE tax on also Christian Science teachers or lecturers. In- cial security system. your earnings for ministerial services you per- come from teaching or lecturing is considered form as an agent of your church or its agencies. the same as income from their work as practi- To determine your alien status, see Pub. You don't need to request a separate exemp- tioners. 519, U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens. tion. For income tax purposes, the earnings are tax free to you. Your earnings are considered Readers. For tax purposes, Christian Science Residents of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Is- the income of the religious order. readers are considered the same as ordained, lands, Guam, the Commonwealth of the commissioned, or licensed ministers. Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), and Services covered under FICA at the American Samoa. If you are a resident of one election of the order. However, even if you of these U.S. territories but not a U.S. citizen, have taken a vow of poverty, the services you Coverage of Religious for SE tax purposes you are treated the same perform for your church or its agencies may be Workers (Church as a citizen or resident alien of the United covered under social security. Your services Employees) States. For information on figuring the tax, see are covered if your order, or an autonomous Self-Employment Tax: Figuring Net Earnings, subdivision of the order, elects social security If you are a religious worker (a church em- later. coverage for its current and future vow-of-pov- ployee) and aren't in one of the classes already erty members. discussed, your wages are generally subject to The order or subdivision elects coverage by social security and Medicare tax under FICA, Ministerial Services filing Form SS-16. The election may cover cer- not SECA. Some exceptions are discussed tain vow-of-poverty members for a retroactive next. Ministerial services, in general, are the services period of up to 20 calendar quarters before the quarter in which it files the certificate. If the elec- you perform in the exercise of your ministry, in tion is made, the order or subdivision pays both Election by Church To Exclude Its the exercise of your duties as required by your the employer's and employee's share of the tax. Employees From FICA Coverage religious order, or in the exercise of your profes- You don't pay any of the FICA tax. sion as a Christian Science practitioner or Churches and qualified church-controlled or- reader. Income you receive for performing min- Services performed outside the order. ganizations (church organizations) that are op- isterial services is subject to SE tax unless you Even if you are a member of a religious order posed for religious reasons to the payment of have an exemption, as explained later. Even if who has taken a vow of poverty and the order social security and Medicare taxes may elect to you have an exemption, only the income you re- requires you to turn over amounts you earn, exclude their employees from FICA coverage. If ceive for performing ministerial services is ex- your earnings are subject to federal income tax your employer makes this election, it doesn't empt. The exemption doesn't apply to any other and either SE tax or FICA tax (including pay the employer's portion of the FICA taxes or income. Page 4 Publication 517 (2022) |
Page 5 of 18 Fileid: … tions/p517/2022/a/xml/cycle05/source 13:44 - 29-Nov-2022 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. The following discussions provide more de- Table 2. The Self-Employment Tax Exemption Application and tailed information on ministerial services of min- Approval Process isters, members of a religious order, and Chris- tian Science practitioners and readers. Who Can Apply Members of the Clergy Members of Recognized Ministers Religious Sects Most services you perform as a minister, priest, How File Form 4361 File Form 4029 rabbi, etc., are ministerial services. These serv- ices include: When File by the due date (including File anytime • Performing sacerdotal functions; extensions) of your income tax • Conducting religious worship; and return for the second tax year in • Controlling, conducting, and maintaining which you had at least $400 of net religious organizations (including the reli- earnings from self-employment, any gious boards, societies, and other integral of which came from ministerial agencies of such organizations) that are services under the authority of a religious body that is a church or denomination. Approval If approved, you will receive an If approved, you will receive an approved copy of Form 4361 approved copy of Form 4029 You are considered to control, conduct, and maintain a religious organization if you direct, Effective For all tax years after 1967 in which For all tax years beginning with the manage, or promote the organization's activi- Date you have at least $400 of net first year you meet the eligibility ties. earnings from self-employment, any requirements, discussed later A religious organization is under the author- of which came from ministerial ity of a religious body that is a church or de- services nomination if it’s organized for, and dedicated to, carrying out the principles of a faith accord- Books or articles. Writing religious books or their earnings. The earnings belong to the or- ing to the requirements governing the creation articles is considered to be in the exercise of der. of institutions of the faith. your ministry and is considered a ministerial Pat is a licensed attorney. The superiors of service. the order instructed her to get a job with a law Services for nonreligious organizations. This rule also applies to members of reli- firm. Pat joined a law firm as an employee and, Your services for a nonreligious organization gious orders and to Christian Science practi- as she requested, the firm made the salary pay- are ministerial services if the services are as- tioners and readers. ments directly to the order. signed or designated by your church. Assigned Chris is a secretary. The superiors of the or- or designated services qualify even if they don't der instructed him to accept a job with the busi- involve performing sacerdotal functions or con- Members of Religious ness office of the church that supervises the or- ducting religious worship. Orders der. Chris took the job and gave all his earnings If your services aren't assigned or designa- to the order. ted by your church, they are ministerial services Services you perform as a member of a reli- Pat's services aren't duties required by the only if they involve performing sacerdotal func- gious order in the exercise of duties required by order. Her earnings are subject to social secur- tions or conducting religious worship. the order are ministerial services. The services ity and Medicare tax under FICA and to federal are considered ministerial because you perform income tax. Services that aren't part of your ministry. them as an agent of the order. Chris' services are duties required by the or- Income from services you perform as an em- der. He is acting as an agent of the order and ployee that aren't ministerial services is subject For example, if the order directs you to per- not as an employee of a third party. He doesn't to social security and Medicare tax withholding form services for another agency of the super- include the earnings in gross income, and they under FICA (not SECA) under the rules that ap- vising church or an associated institution, you aren't subject to income tax withholding or to ply to employees in general. The following are considered to perform the services as an social security and Medicare tax under FICA or aren't ministerial services. agent of the order. SECA. • Services you perform for nonreligious or- ganizations other than the services stated However, if the order directs you to work above. outside the order, this employment won't be Christian Science • Services you perform as a duly ordained, considered a duty required by the order unless: Practitioners and Readers commissioned, or licensed minister of a • Your services are the kind that are ordina- church as an employee of the United rily performed by members of the order; Services you perform as a Christian Science States, the District of Columbia, a foreign and practitioner or reader in the exercise of your government, or any of their political subdi- • Your services are part of the duties that profession are ministerial services. Amounts visions. These services aren't ministerial must be exercised for, or on behalf of, the you receive for performing these services are services even if you are performing sacer- religious order as its agent. generally subject to SE tax. You may request an dotal functions or conducting religious wor- exemption from SE tax, discussed next, which ship. (For example, if you perform services Effect of employee status. Ordinarily, if your applies only to those services. as a chaplain in the Armed Forces of the services aren't considered directed or required United States, those services aren't minis- of you by the order, you and the outside party terial services.) for whom you work are considered employee Exemption From • Services you perform in a govern- and employer. In this case, your earnings from ment-owned and operated hospital. the services are taxed under the rules that ap- Self-Employment (These services are considered performed ply to employees in general, not under the rules (SE) Tax by a government employee, not by a minis- for services performed as an agent of the order. ter as part of the ministry.) However, serv- This result is true even if you have taken a vow You can request an exemption from SE tax if ices that you perform at a church-related of poverty. you are a member of the clergy (minister, mem- hospital or health and welfare institution, or ber of a religious order, or Christian Science a private nonprofit hospital, are considered Example. Pat Brown and Chris Green are practitioner or reader) or a member of a recog- to be part of the ministry and are consid- members of a religious order and have taken nized religious sect. ered ministerial services. vows of poverty. They renounce all claims to Publication 517 (2022) Page 5 |
Page 6 of 18 Fileid: … tions/p517/2022/a/xml/cycle05/source 13:44 - 29-Nov-2022 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Generally, members of religious orders Requesting Exemption—Form including extensions, for his 2022 income tax TIP who have taken a vow of poverty are 4361 return. However, if Rev. Moss doesn't receive already exempt from paying SE tax, as IRS approval for an exemption by April 18, discussed earlier under Members of Religious To request exemption from SE tax, file Form 2023, his SE tax for 2022 is due by that date. Orders under Social Security Coverage. They 4361 in triplicate (original and two copies) with don't have to request the exemption. the IRS. Death of individual. The right to file an appli- cation for exemption ends with an individual's Who can't be exempt. You can't be exempt The IRS will return to you a copy of the death. A surviving spouse, executor, or admin- from SE tax if you made one of the following Form 4361 that you filed indicating istrator can't file an exemption application for a elections to be covered under social security. RECORDS whether it has approved your exemp- deceased clergy member. These elections are irrevocable. tion. If it’s approved, keep the approved copy of • You elected to be covered under social se- Form 4361 in your permanent records. Effective date of exemption. An approved curity by filing Form 2031, Revocation of exemption is effective for all tax years after Exemption From Self-Employment Tax for When to file. File Form 4361 by the date your 1967 in which you have $400 or more of net Use by Ministers, Members of Religious income tax return is due, including extensions, earnings from self-employment and any part of Orders, and Christian Science Practition- for the second tax year in which both of the fol- those earnings is for services as a member of ers, for your 1986, 1987, 2000, or 2001 tax lowing are true. the clergy. Once the exemption is approved, it is irrevocable. year. 1. You have net earnings from self-employ- • You elected before 1968 to be covered un- ment of at least $400. Example. Rev. Trudy Austin, ordained in der social security for your ministerial serv- 2019, had $400 or more in net self-employment ices. 2. Any part of those net earnings was from ministerial services you performed as a: earnings, in both 2019 and 2022, part of which was from her services as a minister. She files Requesting exemption. Table 2 briefly sum- a. Minister, an application for exemption on February 19, marizes the procedure for requesting exemp- tion from the SE tax. More detailed explana- b. Member of a religious order, or 2023. If an exemption is granted, it is effective for 2019 and the following years. tions follow. c. Christian Science practitioner or If you are a minister, member of a reli- reader. Refunds of SE tax. If, after receiving an ap- proved Form 4361, you find that you overpaid CAUTION titioner, an approved exemption only ! gious order, or Christian Science prac- The 2 years don't have to be consecutive tax SE tax, you can file a claim for refund on Form applies to earnings you receive for ministerial years. 1040-X. Generally, for a refund, you must file services, discussed earlier. It doesn't apply to The approval process can take some Form 1040-X within 3 years from the date you any other self-employment income. TIP time, so you should file Form 4361 as filed the return or within 2 years from the date soon as possible. you paid the tax, whichever is later. A return you filed, or tax you paid, before the due date is considered to have been filed or paid on the Members of the Clergy Example 1. Rev. Lawrence Jaeger, a due date. member of the clergy ordained in 2022, has net To claim the exemption from SE tax, you must self-employment earnings as a minister of $450 If you file a claim after the 3-year period but meet all of the following conditions. in 2022 and $500 in 2023. He must file his ap- within 2 years from the time you paid the tax, • You file Form 4361, described below under plication for exemption by the due date, includ- the credit or refund won't be more than the tax Requesting Exemption—Form 4361. ing extensions, for his 2023 income tax return. you paid within the 2 years immediately before • You are conscientiously opposed to public However, if Rev. Jaeger doesn't receive IRS you file the claim. insurance because of your individual reli- approval for an exemption by April 15, 2024, his gious considerations (not because of your SE tax for 2023 is due by that date. Members of Recognized general conscience), or you are opposed Religious Sects because of the principles of your religious Example 2. Rev. Louise Wolfe has only denomination. $300 in net self-employment earnings as a min- If you are a member of a recognized religious • You file for other than economic reasons. ister in 2022, but earned more than $400 in sect, or a division of a recognized religious sect, • You inform the ordaining, commissioning, 2021 and expects to earn more than $400 in you can apply for an exemption from payment or licensing body of your church or order 2023. She must file her application for exemp- of social security and Medicare taxes on both that you are opposed to public insurance if tion by the due date, including extensions, for your self-employment income and the wages you are a minister or a member of a reli- her 2023 income tax return. However, if she you earn from an employer who also has an ex- gious order (other than a vow-of-poverty doesn't receive IRS approval for an exemption emption. member). This requirement doesn't apply by April 15, 2024, her SE tax for 2023 is due by to Christian Science practitioners or read- that date. Exception. If you received social security ben- ers. efits or payments, or anyone else received • You establish that the organization that or- Example 3. In 2020, Rev. David Moss was these benefits or payments based on your wa- dained, commissioned, or licensed you, or ordained a minister and had $700 in net ges or self-employment income, you can't ap- your religious order, is a tax-exempt reli- self-employment earnings as a minister. In ply. However, if you pay your benefits back, you gious organization. 2021, he received $1,000 as a minister, but his may be considered for exemption. Contact your • You establish that the organization is a related expenses were over $1,000. Therefore, local SSA office to find out the amount you must church or a convention or association of he had no net self-employment earnings as a pay back. churches. minister in 2021. Also in 2021, he opened a • You didn't make an election discussed ear- bookstore and had $8,000 in net self-employ- Eligibility requirements. To claim this ex- lier under Who can't be exempt. ment earnings from the store. In 2022, he had emption from SE tax, all of the following require- • You sign and return the statement the IRS net self-employment earnings of $1,500 as a ments must be met. mails to you to certify that you are request- minister and $10,000 net self-employment ing an exemption based on the grounds lis- earnings from the store. 1. You must file Form 4029, discussed later ted on the statement. Rev. Moss had net earnings from self-em- under Requesting Exemption—Form ployment in 2020 and 2022 that were $400 or 4029. more each year, and part of the self-employ- 2. As a follower of the established teachings ment earnings in each of those years was for of the sect or division, you must be consci- his services as a minister. Thus, he must file his entiously opposed to accepting benefits of application for exemption by the due date, Page 6 Publication 517 (2022) |
Page 7 of 18 Fileid: … tions/p517/2022/a/xml/cycle05/source 13:44 - 29-Nov-2022 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. any private or public insurance that makes or your sect/division first fails to meet the eligi- payments for death, disability, old age, re- bility requirements. tirement, or medical care, or provides Self-Employment Tax: services for medical care. Refunds of SE tax paid. To get a refund of any SE tax you paid while the exemption was in Figuring Net Earnings 3. You must waive all rights to receive any effect, file Form 1040-X. For information on fil- social security payment or benefit and ing this form, see Refunds of SE tax under Re- There are two methods for figuring your net agree that no benefits or payments will be questing Exemption—Form 4361, earlier. earnings from self-employment as a member of made to anyone else based on your wa- the clergy or a religious worker. ges and self-employment income. • Regular method. Exemption From FICA Taxes 4. The Commissioner of Social Security must • Nonfarm optional method. determine that: Generally, under FICA, the employer and the You may find Worksheets 1 through 3 a. Your sect or division has the estab- employee each pay half of the social security TIP helpful in figuring your net earnings lished teachings as described in (2) and Medicare tax. Both the employee and the from self-employment. Blank work- above; employer, if they meet the eligibility require- sheets are in the back of this publication. ments, discussed earlier, can apply to be ex- b. It is the practice, and has been for a empt from their share of FICA taxes on wages substantial period of time, for mem- paid by the employer to the employee. Regular Method bers of the sect or division to provide for their dependent members in a A partnership in which each partner holds a Most people use the regular method. Under this manner that is reasonable in view of religious exemption from social security and method, figure your net earnings from self-em- the members' general level of living; Medicare tax is an employer for this purpose. ployment by totaling your gross income for and services you performed as a minister, a mem- If the employer's application is ap- ber of a religious order who hasn't taken a vow c. The sect or division has existed at all TIP proved, the exemption will apply only to of poverty, or a Christian Science practitioner or times since December 31, 1950. FICA taxes on wages paid to employ- reader. Then, subtract your allowable business ees who also received an approval of identical deductions and multiply the difference by Requesting Exemption—Form applications. 92.35% (0.9235). Use Schedule SE (Form 4029 1040) to figure your net earnings and SE tax. Information for employers. If you have an If you are an employee of a church that elec- To request the exemption, file Form 4029 in approved Form 4029 and you have an em- ted to exclude you from FICA coverage, figure triplicate (original and two copies) with the SSA ployee who has an approved Form 4029, don't net earnings by multiplying your church wages at the address shown on the form. The sect or report wages you paid to the employee as so- shown on Form W-2 by 92.35% (0.9235). Don't division must complete part of the form. cial security and Medicare wages. reduce your wages by any business deductions If you have an employee who doesn't have when making this computation. Use Sched- The IRS will return to you a copy of the an approved Form 4029, you must withhold the ule SE (Form 1040), to figure your net earnings RECORDS whether it has approved your exemp- Form 4029 that you filed indicating employee's share of social security and Medi- and SE tax. care taxes and pay the employer's share. tion. If it is approved, keep the approved copy If you have an approved exemption, or of Form 4029 in your permanent records. Form W-2. When preparing a Form W-2 ! you are automatically exempt, don't in- for an employee with an approved Form 4029, CAUTION clude the income or deductions from When to file. You can file Form 4029 at any enter “Form 4029” in box 14, “Other.” Don't ministerial services in figuring your net earnings time. make any entries in box 3, 4, 5, or 6. from self-employment. If you have an approved exemption from SE Forms 941, 943, and 944. If both you and tax and for some reason that approved exemp- your employee have received approved Forms Amounts included in gross income. To fig- tion ended, you must file a new Form 4029 if 4029, don't include these exempt wages on the ure your net earnings from self-employment (on you subsequently meet the eligibility require- following forms. Instead, follow the instructions Schedule SE (Form 1040)), include in gross in- ments, discussed earlier. See Effective date of given below. come: exemption next for information on when the • Form 941, Employer's QUARTERLY Fed- 1. Salaries and fees for your ministerial serv- newly approved exemption would become ef- eral Tax Return: check the box on line 4 ices (discussed earlier); fective. and enter “Form 4029” in the empty space If you have a previously approved exemp- below the checkbox. 2. Offerings you receive for marriages, bap- tion from SE tax, you are considered to have • Form 943, Employer's Annual Federal Tax tisms, funerals, masses, etc.; met the requirements for exemption from social Return for Agricultural Employees: enter 3. The value of meals and lodging provided security and Medicare taxes on wages and “Form 4029” on the dotted line next to the to you, your spouse, and your dependents don't need to file a new Form 4029. lines 2 and 4 entry spaces. for your employer's convenience; • Form 944, Employer's ANNUAL Federal Effective date of exemption. An approved Tax Return: check the box on line 3 and 4. The fair rental value of a parsonage provi- exemption from SE tax is generally effective for enter “Form 4029” in the empty space be- ded to you (including the cost of utilities all tax years beginning with the first year you low the checkbox. that are furnished) and the rental allow- meet the eligibility requirementsdiscussed ear- ance (including an amount for payment of lier. (For example, if you meet the eligibility re- Effective date. An approved exemption utilities) paid to you; and quirements in 2020, file Form 4029 in 2021, and from FICA becomes effective on the first day of the IRS approves your exemption in 2022, your the first calendar quarter after the quarter in 5. Any amount a church pays toward your in- exemption is effective for tax year 2020 and all which you file Form 4029. The exemption will come tax or SE tax, other than withholding later years.) end on the last day of the calendar quarter be- the amount from your salary. This amount The exemption will end if you fail to meet the fore the quarter in which the employer, em- is also subject to income tax. eligibility requirements or if the Commissioner ployee, sect, or division fails to meet the re- For the income tax treatment of items (2) of Social Security determines that the sect or di- quirements. and (4), see Income Tax: Income and Expen- vision fails to meet them. You must notify the ses, later. IRS within 60 days if you are no longer a mem- ber of the religious group, or if you no longer fol- Example. Pastor Roger Adams receives low the established teachings of this group. The an annual salary of $39,000 as a full-time exemption will end for the tax year in which you minister. The $39,000 includes $5,000 that is Publication 517 (2022) Page 7 |
Page 8 of 18 Fileid: … tions/p517/2022/a/xml/cycle05/source 13:44 - 29-Nov-2022 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. designated as a rental allowance to pay utilities. Wages earned as a common-law employee have an agreement that each will perform spe- His church owns a parsonage that has a fair (explained earlier) of a church are generally cific services for which they are paid jointly or rental value of $12,000 per year. The church subject to self-employment tax unless an ex- separately, they must divide the self-employ- gives Pastor Adams the use of the parsonage. emption is requested, as discussed earlier un- ment income according to the agreement. He isn't exempt from SE tax. He must include der Exemption From Self-Employment (SE) $51,000 ($39,000 plus $12,000) when figuring Tax. Subtract any allowable expenses from If the agreement is with one spouse only his net earnings for SE tax purposes. those wages, include the net amount on line 2 and the other spouse isn't paid for any specific The results would be the same if, instead of of Schedule SE (Form 1040), and attach an ex- duties, amounts received for their services are the use of the parsonage and receipt of the planation. Don't complete Schedule C (Form included only in the self-employment income of rental allowance for utilities, Pastor Adams had 1040). the spouse having the agreement. received an annual salary of $51,000 of which $17,000 ($5,000 plus $12,000) per year was Employee reimbursement arrangements. If designated as a rental allowance. you received an advance, allowance, or reim- Earnings Subject to SE Tax bursement for your employee expenses, how Overseas duty. Your net earnings from you report this amount and your employee ex- For 2022, the maximum net earnings from self-employment are determined without any penses depends on whether your employer re- self-employment subject to social security (old foreign earned income exclusion or the foreign imbursed you under an accountable plan or a age, survivors, and disability insurance) tax is housing exclusion or deduction if you are a U.S. nonaccountable plan. Ask your employer if you $147,000 minus any wages and tips you earned citizen or resident alien serving abroad and liv- aren't sure if it reimburses you using an ac- that were subject to social security tax. The tax ing in a foreign country. countable or a nonaccountable plan. rate for the social security part is 12.4%. In ad- For information on excluding foreign earned dition, all of your net earnings are subject to the income or the foreign housing amount, see Pub. Accountable plans. To be an accountable Medicare (hospital insurance) part of the SE 54. plan, your employer's reimbursement arrange- tax. This tax rate is 2.9%. The combined ment must include all three of the following self-employment tax rate is 15.3%. Example. Diane Jones was the minister of rules. a U.S. church in Mexico. She earned $35,000 in • Your expenses must have a business con- Additional Medicare Tax. A 0.9% Additional that position and was able to exclude it all for in- nection—that is, you must have paid or in- Medicare Tax applies to Medicare wages, come tax purposes under the foreign earned in- curred deductible expenses while perform- RRTA compensation, and self-employment in- come exclusion. The United States doesn't ing services as an employee of your come that are more than: have a social security agreement with Mexico, employer. • $125,000 if married filing separately, so Mrs. Jones is subject to U.S. SE tax and • You must adequately account to your em- • $250,000 if married filing jointly, or must include $35,000 when figuring net earn- ployer for these expenses within a reason- • $200,000 for any other filing status. ings from self-employment. able period of time. • You must return any excess reimburse- Medicare wages and self-employment income Specified U.S. territories. The exclusion from ment or allowance within a reasonable pe- are combined to determine if income exceeds gross income for amounts derived from Ameri- riod of time. the threshold. A self-employment loss isn't con- sidered for purposes of this tax. RRTA compen- can Samoa or Puerto Rico doesn't apply in fig- The reimbursement isn't reported on your sation is separately compared to the threshold. uring net earnings from self-employment. Also Form W-2. Generally, if your expenses equal For more information, see Form 8959, Addi- see Residents of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Is- your reimbursement, you have no deduction. If tional Medicare Tax, and its separate instruc- lands, Guam, the Commonwealth of the North- your expenses are more than your reimburse- tions. ern Mariana Islands (CNMI), and American Sa- ment, you can deduct your excess expenses for moa, earlier, under U.S. Citizens and Resident SE tax and income tax purposes. and Nonresident Aliens. Nonfarm Optional Method Nonaccountable plan. A nonaccountable Amounts not included in gross income. plan is a reimbursement arrangement that You may be able to use the nonfarm optional Don't include the following amounts in gross in- doesn't meet one or more of the three rules lis- method for figuring your net earnings from come when figuring your net earnings from ted under Accountable plans above. In addition, self-employment. In general, the nonfarm op- self-employment. even if your employer has an accountable plan, tional method is intended to permit continued • Offerings that others made to the church. the following payments will be treated as being coverage for social security and Medicare pur- • Contributions by your church to a tax-shel- paid under a nonaccountable plan. poses when your income for the tax year is low. tered annuity plan set up for you, including • Excess reimbursements you fail to return any salary reduction contributions (elective to your employer. You may use the nonfarm optional method if deferrals) that aren't included in your gross • Reimbursement of nondeductible expen- you meet all of the following tests. income. ses related to your employer's business. • Pension payments or retirement allowan- 1. You are self-employed on a regular basis. ces you receive for your past ministerial Your employer will combine any reimburse- You meet this test if your actual net earn- services. ment paid to you under a nonaccountable plan ings from self-employment were $400 or • The rental value of a parsonage or a par- with your wages, salary, or other compensation more in at least 2 of the 3 tax years before sonage allowance provided to you after and report the combined total in box 1 of your the one for which you use this method. you retire. Form W-2. Because reimbursements under a The net earnings can be from either farm nonaccountable plan are included in your gross or nonfarm earnings or both. Allowable deductions. When figuring your income, you can deduct your related expenses net earnings from self-employment, deduct all (for SE tax and income tax purposes) regard- 2. You have used this method less than 5 your expenses related to your ministerial serv- less of whether they are more than, less than, or prior years. (There is a 5-year lifetime ices performed as a self-employed person. equal to your reimbursement. limit.) The years don't have to be consecu- These are ministerial expenses you incurred For more information on accountable and tive. while working other than as a common-law em- nonaccountable plans, see Pub. 463, Travel, 3. Your net nonfarm profits were: ployee of the church. They include expenses in- Gift, and Car Expenses. curred in performing marriages and baptisms, a. Less than $6,367; and and in delivering speeches. Deduct these ex- Married Couple b. Less than 72.189% of your gross non- penses on Schedule C (Form 1040), and carry Missionary Team farm income. the net amount to line 2 of Schedule SE (Form 1040). If both spouses are duly ordained, commis- If you meet all three tests, use Table 3 to fig- sioned, or licensed ministers of a church and ure your net earnings from self-employment un- der the nonfarm optional method. Page 8 Publication 517 (2022) |
Page 9 of 18 Fileid: … tions/p517/2022/a/xml/cycle05/source 13:44 - 29-Nov-2022 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Table 3. Figuring Nonfarm Net value of a parsonage that is provided to them as ever, the exclusion can't be more than the rea- Earnings pay for their services. Services include: sonable pay for your services. If you pay for the • Ministerial services, discussed earlier; utilities, you can exclude any allowance desig- IF your gross • Administrative duties and teaching at theo- nated for utility costs, up to your actual cost. nonfarm THEN your net earnings logical seminaries; and income is ... are equal to ... • The ordinary duties of a minister performed Example. Rev. Joanna Baker is a full-time as an employee of the United States (other minister. The church allows her to use a par- $8,820 or less two-thirds of your gross than as a chaplain in the Armed Forces), a sonage that has an annual fair rental value of nonfarm income. state, territory, political subdivision, or the $24,000. The church pays her an annual salary more than $5,880. District of Columbia. of $67,000, of which $7,500 is designated for $8,820 utility costs. Her actual utility costs during the This exclusion applies only for income tax year were $7,000. purposes. It doesn't apply for SE tax purposes, For income tax purposes, Rev. Baker ex- Actual net earnings. Multiply your total earn- as discussed earlier under Amounts included in cludes $31,000 from gross income ($24,000 fair ings subject to SE tax by 92.35% (0.9235) to gross income under Self-Employment Tax: Fig- rental value of the parsonage plus $7,000 from get actual net earnings. Actual net earnings are uring Net Earnings. the allowance for utility costs). She will report equivalent to net earnings under the “Regular $60,000 ($59,500 salary plus $500 of unused Method.” Designation requirement. The church or or- utility allowance). Her income for SE tax purpo- ganization that employs you must officially des- ses, however, is $91,000 ($67,000 salary + More information. For more information on ignate the payment as a housing allowance be- $24,000 fair rental value of the parsonage). the nonfarm optional method, see Pub. 334, fore it makes the payment. It must designate a Tax Guide for Small Business, and the Instruc- definite amount. It can't determine the amount Home ownership. If you own your home and tions for Schedule SE (Form 1040). of the housing allowance at a later date. If the you receive as part of your salary a housing or church or organization doesn't officially desig- rental allowance, you may exclude from gross nate a definite amount as a housing allowance, income the smallest of: you must include your total salary in your in- • The amount actually used to provide a Income Tax: come. home; Income and Expenses If you are employed and paid by a local con- • The amount officially designated as a gregation, a resolution by a national church rental allowance; or Some income and expense items are treated agency of your denomination doesn't effectively • The fair rental value of the home, including the same for both income tax and SE tax purpo- designate a housing allowance for you. The lo- furnishings, utilities, garage, etc. ses and some are treated differently. cal congregation must officially designate the part of your salary that is a housing allowance. Excess rental allowance. You must in- Note. For purposes of this section, referen- However, a resolution of a national church clude in gross income the amount of any rental ces to members of the clergy are only to minis- agency can designate your housing allowance if allowance that is more than the smallest of: ters or members of a religious order. you are directly employed by the national • Your reasonable salary, agency. • The fair rental value of the home plus utilit- ies, or An official designation of an amount as a Income Items housing or rental allowance may be shown in • The amount actually used to provide a home. an employment contract, in the minutes of a The tax treatment of offerings and fees, outside church or qualified organization, in a budget, or Include this amount in the total on Form earnings, rental allowances, rental value of a in any official action taken in advance of pay- 1040 or 1040-SR, line 1a. On the dotted line parsonage, earnings of members of religious ment of the allowance. A designation is suffi- next to line 1a, enter “Excess allowance” and orders, and foreign earned income is discussed cient if it permits a payment to be identified as a the amount. here. payment of a rental or housing allowance as You may deduct the home mortgage distinguished from salary or other remuneration. TIP interest and real estate taxes paid on Offerings and Fees Informal discussions don't amount to an offi- your home even though you pay all or cial designation. However, the facts and cir- part of those expenses with funds you get If you are a member of the clergy, you must in- cumstances of a designation may demonstrate through a tax-free rental or parsonage allow- clude in your income offerings and fees you re- that the designation was official. ance. However, you can only deduct these ex- ceive for marriages, baptisms, funerals, A church or employing organization penses as itemized deductions on Schedule A masses, etc., in addition to your salary. If the of- TIP may report the rental allowance or fair (Form 1040). fering is made to the religious institution, it isn't rental value of the parsonage (and util- taxable to you. ities) in box 14 of Form W-2. Retired ministers. If you are a retired minister, you can exclude from your gross income the Outside Earnings Rental allowances. If you receive in your sal- rental value of a home (plus utilities) furnished ary an amount officially designated as a rental to you by your church as a part of your pay for If you are a member of a religious organization allowance (including an amount to pay utility past services, or the part of your pension that and you give your outside earnings to the or- costs), you can exclude the allowance from was designated as a rental allowance. How- ganization, you still must include the earnings in your gross income if: ever, a minister's surviving spouse can't ex- your income. However, you may be entitled to a • You use the amount to provide or rent a clude the rental value unless the rental value is charitable contribution deduction for the amount home, and for ministerial services he or she performs or paid to the organization. For more information, • The amount isn't more than reasonable performed. see Pub. 526. pay for your services. Teachers or administrators. If you are a min- The amount you exclude can't be more than ister employed as a teacher or administrator by Exclusion of Rental Allowance and the fair rental value of the home, including fur- a church school, college, or university, you are Fair Rental Value of a Parsonage nishings, plus the cost of utilities. performing ministerial services for purposes of the housing exclusion. However, if you perform Ordained, commissioned, or licensed ministers Fair rental value of parsonage. You can ex- services as a teacher or administrator on the of the gospel may be able to exclude from in- clude from gross income the fair rental value of faculty of a nonchurch college, you can't ex- come tax the rental allowance or fair rental a house or parsonage, including utilities, fur- clude from your income a housing allowance or nished to you as part of your earnings. How- Publication 517 (2022) Page 9 |
Page 10 of 18 Fileid: … tions/p517/2022/a/xml/cycle05/source 13:44 - 29-Nov-2022 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. the value of a home that the college provides to Expense Items return. The statement must contain all of the fol- you. lowing information. If you live in faculty lodging as an em- The tax treatment of expenses allocable to • A list of each item of taxable ministerial in- come by source (such as wages, salary, TIP ployee of an educational institution or tax-free income and health insurance costs is weddings, baptisms, etc.) plus the amount. academic health center, all or part of discussed here. A list of each item of tax-free ministerial in- the value of that lodging may be nontaxable un- • come by source (parsonage allowance) der a different rule. In Pub. 525, see Faculty Expenses Allocable to Tax-Free plus the amount. lodging in the discussion on meals and lodging Income • A list of each item of otherwise deductible under Fringe Benefits. ministerial expenses plus the amount. If you serve as a minister of music or minis- If you receive a rental or parsonage allowance • How you figured the nondeductible part of ter of education, or serve in an administrative or that is exempt from income tax (tax free), you your otherwise deductible expenses. other function of your religious organization, but must allocate a portion of the expenses of oper- • A statement that the other deductions aren't authorized to perform substantially all of ating your ministry to that tax-free income. You claimed on your tax return aren't allocable the religious duties of an ordained minister in can't deduct the portion of your expenses that to your tax-free income. your church (even if you are commissioned as a you allocate to your tax-free rental or parsonage At the end of this publication, you will find minister of the gospel), the housing exclusion allowance. blank worksheets for your own use. doesn't apply to you. Exception. This rule doesn't apply to your de- Theological students. If you are a theological ductions for home mortgage interest or real es- Health Insurance Costs of student serving a required internship as a tate taxes on your home. Self-Employed Ministers part-time or assistant pastor, you can't exclude a parsonage or rental allowance from your in- Figuring the allocation. Figure the portion of If you are self-employed, you may be able to come unless you are ordained, commissioned, your otherwise deductible expenses that you deduct the amount you paid in 2022 for medical or licensed as a minister. can't deduct (because you must allocate that and dental insurance and qualified long-term portion to tax-free income) by multiplying the care insurance for you, your spouse, your de- Traveling evangelists. You can exclude a expenses by the following fraction: pendents, and any child you may have who, as designated rental allowance from out-of-town of the end of the tax year, had not attained age churches if you meet all of the following require- Tax-free rental or 27. ments. parsonage allowance • You are an ordained minister. All income (taxable For purposes of this deduction, your child • You perform ministerial services at and tax free) earned must be an individual who is your son, daugh- churches located away from your com- from your ministry ter, stepson, stepdaughter, or eligible foster munity. child. An individual who has been legally adop- • You actually use the rental allowance to ted by you (or placed with you for adoption) will maintain your permanent home. When figuring the allocation, include the in- be treated as your child. come and expenses related to the ministerial Cantors. If you have a bona fide commission duties you perform both as an employee and as If you qualify, you can take this deduction as and your congregation employs you on a a self-employed person. an adjustment to income on Schedule 1 (Form full-time basis to perform substantially all the re- Reduce your otherwise deductible ex- 1040), line 17. See the Instructions for Form ligious functions of the Jewish faith, you can ex- TIP penses only in figuring your income 1040 to figure your deduction. clude a rental allowance from your gross in- tax, not your SE tax. come. The following special rules apply to the Example. Rev. Charles Ashford received self-employed health insurance deduction. Earnings—Members of Religious $40,000 in earnings for ministerial services con- • You can't take a medical expense deduc- Orders sisting of a $28,000 salary for ministerial serv- tion on Schedule A (Form 1040) for any ex- ices performed as an employee, $2,000 for penses you claim for purposes of the Your earnings may be exempt from both in- weddings and baptisms performed as a self-employed health insurance deduction. come tax and SE tax if you are a member of a self-employed person, and a $10,000 tax-free • You can't take the deduction for any month religious order who: parsonage allowance. He incurred $4,000 of you are eligible to participate in a subsi- • Has taken a vow of poverty, unreimbursed expenses connected with his dized plan of your (or your spouse's) em- • Receives earnings for services performed earnings for ministerial services: $3,500 of the ployer. as an agent of the order and in the exer- $4,000 is for employee expenses related to his • The deduction can't exceed your net earn- cise of duties required by the order, and ministerial salary. He is no longer able to deduct ings from the business under which the in- • Renounces the earnings and gives them to the $3,500 incurred for employee expenses re- surance plan is established. Your net earn- the order. lated to his ministerial salary. Miscellaneous ings under this rule don't include the itemized deductions aren’t allowed for tax years income you earned as a common-law em- See Members of Religious Orders, earlier, 2018 through 2025 pursuant to section 67(g) of ployee (discussed earlier) of a church. under Social Security Coverage. the Internal Revenue Code. Since the $500 is More information. For more information related to the weddings and baptisms he per- Foreign Earned Income formed as a self-employed person, this amount about the self-employed health insurance de- is otherwise deductible. duction, see chapter 6 in Pub. 535. Certain income may be exempt from income tax Rev. Ashford figures the nondeductible if you work in a foreign country or in a specified (tax-free) portion of expenses related to his Deduction for SE Tax U.S. territory. Pub. 54 discusses the foreign wedding and baptism income as follows: earned income exclusion. Pub. 570, Tax Guide You can deduct one-half of your SE tax in figur- for Individuals With Income From U.S. Posses- ($10,000 ÷ $40,000) x $500 = $125 ing AGI. This is an income tax deduction only, sions, covers the rules for taxpayers with in- which is claimed on Schedule 1 (Form 1040), come from U.S. territories. You can get these Required statement. If you receive a tax-free line 15. This deduction doesn’t include taxes free publications from the IRS at rental or parsonage allowance and have minis- imposed by section 1401(b)(2), pursuant to or from most U.S. embassies or consulates. terial expenses, attach a statement to your tax section 164(f)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code. Page 10 Publication 517 (2022) |
Page 11 of 18 Fileid: … tions/p517/2022/a/xml/cycle05/source 13:44 - 29-Nov-2022 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Don't claim this deduction in figuring Puerto Rico. For more information, see chap- If you filed Form 4361 and didn't receive ap- ! net earnings from self-employment ter 2 of Pub. 505. proval from the IRS, you must pay SE tax on CAUTION subject to SE tax. your ministerial earnings, as explained earlier. If you perform your services as a com- mon-law employee of the church and your sal- You should report ministerial earnings and ex- ary isn't subject to income tax withholding, you penses from nonemployee ministerial services Income Tax Withholding can enter into a voluntary withholding agree- on Schedule C (Form 1040). You should then and Estimated Tax ment with the church to cover any income and carry the net amount over to line 2 of Sched- SE tax that may be due. ule SE (Form 1040). However, if you were a The federal income tax is a pay-as-you-go tax. duly ordained minister who was an employee of You must pay the tax as you earn or receive in- a church and you must pay SE tax on the wa- ges you earned for those services, don't report come during the year. An employee usually has Filing Your Return those wages on Schedule C (Form 1040). In- income tax withheld from his or her wages or stead, report those wages less any allowable salary. However, your salary isn't subject to fed- You must file an income tax return for 2022 if expenses on line 2 of Schedule SE (Form 1040) eral income tax withholding if both of the follow- your gross income was at least the amount and attach an explanation. ing conditions apply. shown in the third column of Table 4. • You are a duly ordained, commissioned, or Exemption from SE tax. If you filed Form licensed minister, a member of a religious Additional requirements. Even if your in- 4361 and received IRS approval not to be taxed order (who hasn't taken a vow of poverty), come was less than the amount shown in Ta- on your ministerial earnings, and you don't have or a Christian Science practitioner or ble 4, you must file an income tax return on any other income subject to SE tax, don't file reader. Form 1040 or 1040-SR, and attach a completed Schedule SE (Form 1040). Instead, enter “Ex- • Your salary is for ministerial services (see Schedule SE (Form 1040), if: empt—Form 4361” on the dotted line next to Ministerial Services, earlier). • You aren't exempt from SE tax, and you Schedule 2 (Form 1040), line 4. However, if you If your salary isn't subject to withholding, or if have net earnings from self-employment had net earnings from another trade or busi- you don't pay enough tax through withholding, (discussed earlier under Self-Employment ness of $400 or more subject to SE tax, see line you may need to make estimated tax payments Tax: Figuring Net Earnings) of $400 or A at the top of Schedule SE (Form 1040). to avoid penalties for not paying enough tax as more in the tax year; If you filed Form 4029 and received IRS ap- you earn your income. • You are exempt from SE tax on earnings proval not to be taxed on those earnings, and from ministerial services and you have you don't have any other income subject to SE You must generally make estimated tax pay- $400 or more of other net earnings subject tax, don't file Schedule SE (Form 1040). In- ments if you expect to owe taxes, including SE to SE tax; or stead, enter “Exempt—Form 4029” on the dot- tax, of $1,000 or more, when you file your re- • You had wages of $108.28 or more from ted line next to Schedule 2 (Form 1040), line 4. turn. an electing church or church-controlled or- ganization (see Coverage of Religious More information. For more information on Determine your estimated tax by using the Workers (Church Employees), earlier, un- filing your return, including when and where to worksheets in Pub. 505, Tax Withholding and der Social Security Coverage). file it, see the Instructions for Form 1040. Estimated Tax. You can also use the IRS With- holding Estimator at Pay the Self-employment tax. For services in the ex- entire estimated tax for 2023 or the first install- ercise of the ministry, members of the clergy re- ment by April 18, 2023. See Form 1040-ES for ceive a Form W-2, but do not have social secur- the different payment methods. The April 18 ity or Medicare taxes withheld. You must pay date applies whether or not your tax home and social security and Medicare taxes by filing your abode are outside the United States and Schedule SE (Form 1040) with your return. Table 4. 2022 Filing Requirements for Most Taxpayers AND at the end of 2022 THEN file a return if your gross income** was IF your filing status is... you were*... at least... under age 65 $12,950 Single 65 or older 14,700 under 65 (both spouses) $25,900 Married filing jointly*** 65 or older (one spouse) 27,300 65 or older (both spouses) 28,700 Married filing separately any age $5 under 65 $19,400 Head of household 65 or older 20,800 under 65 $25,900 Qualifying surviving spouse 65 or older 27,300 * If you were born on January 1, 1958, you are considered to be age 65 at the end of 2022. (If your spouse died in 2022 or you are preparing a return for someone who died in 2022, see Pub. 501, Dependents, Standard Deduction, and Filing Information.) ** Gross income means all income you received in the form of money, goods, property, and services that isn't exempt from tax, including any income from sources outside the United States or from the sale of your main home (even if you can exclude part or all of it). Don’t include any social security benefits unless (a) you are married filing a separate return and you lived with your spouse at any time in 2022, or (b) one-half of your social security benefits plus your other gross income and any tax-exempt interest is more than $25,000 ($32,000 if married filing jointly). If (a) or (b) applies, see the instructions for Form 1040, lines 6a and 6b, to figure the taxable part of social security benefits you must include in gross income. Gross income includes gains, but not losses, reported on Form 8949 or Schedule D (Form 1040). Gross income from a business means, for example, the amount on Schedule C (Form 1040), line 7; or Schedule F (Form 1040), line 9. But, in figuring gross income, don't reduce your income by any losses, including any loss on Schedule C (Form 1040), line 7; or Schedule F (Form 1040), line 9. *** If you didn't live with your spouse at the end of 2022 (or on the date your spouse died) and your gross income was at least $5, you must file a return regardless of your age. Publication 517 (2022) Page 11 |
Page 12 of 18 Fileid: … tions/p517/2022/a/xml/cycle05/source 13:44 - 29-Nov-2022 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Tax-sheltered annuity plans. Church em- b. $51,000, if your filing status is head of ployees, members of religious orders, and duly household; or Retirement Savings ordained, commissioned, or licensed ministers c. $34,000, if your filing status is single, working as ministers or chaplains can generally Arrangements participate in tax-sheltered annuity (403(b)) married filing separately, or qualifying plans. For more information, see Pub. 571, surviving spouse. Retirement savings arrangements are plans Tax-Sheltered Annuity Plans. School. A school includes technical, trade, that offer you a tax-favored way to save for your retirement. You can generally deduct your con- Deducting contributions to tax-sheltered and mechanical schools. It doesn't include tributions to the plan. Your contributions and the annuity plans. If you are an employee, your on-the-job training courses, correspondence earnings on them generally aren't taxed until employer may exclude allowable contributions schools, or schools offering courses only they are distributed. to a 403(b) plan from your income. These con- through the Internet. tributions won't be included in your total wages Full-time student. You are a full-time stu- Retirement plans for the self-employed. To on your Form W-2, but you will pay tax on distri- dent if you are enrolled for the number of hours set up one of the following plans, you must be butions from your plan. However, if you choose or courses the school considers to be full time. self-employed. to have contributions made to a Roth contribu- • SEP (simplified employee pension) plan. tion program, they won't be excluded from your AGI. When figuring AGI, you must add • SIMPLE (savings incentive match plan for income, but will be distributed tax free if you back any exclusion or deduction claimed for the employees) plan. satisfy certain requirements. year for: • Qualified retirement plan (also called a You may also participate in a 403(b) plan if 1. Foreign earned income, Keogh or H.R. 10 plan), including a 401(k) you are a minister or chaplain and, in the exer- plan. cise of your ministry, you are either self-em- 2. Foreign housing costs, The common-law rules determine whether ployed or employed by an organization that isn't 3. Income of bona fide residents of American you are an employee or a self-employed person exempt from tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Samoa, and for purposes of setting up a retirement plan. Internal Revenue Code. If either situation ap- See Employment status for other tax purposes plies to you, you can deduct your contributions 4. Income of bona fide residents of Puerto under Coverage of Members of the Clergy, ear- to a 403(b) plan as explained next. Rico. lier. This result is true even if your compensa- • If you are self-employed, deduct your con- More information. For more information tion for ministerial services (defined earlier) is tributions on Schedule 1 (Form 1040), about the credit, see Pub. 590-A. subject to SE tax. line 16. For example, if a congregation pays you a • If you aren't self-employed and your em- salary for performing ministerial services and ployer doesn't exclude your contributions you are subject to the congregation's control, from your earned income, deduct your Earned Income Credit you are generally a common-law employee. contributions on Schedule 1 (Form 1040), (EIC) You aren't a self-employed person for purposes line 24g. of setting up a retirement plan. This result is true The EIC is a tax credit for certain people who even if your salary is subject to SE tax. Retirement savings contributions credit. work. If you qualify for it, the EIC reduces the You may be able to take a tax credit of up to tax you owe. The EIC may give you a refund On the other hand, amounts received di- $1,000 (up to $2,000 if filing jointly) for certain even if you don't owe any tax. rectly from members of the congregation, such contributions you make to any of the retirement as fees for performing marriages, baptisms, or plans or IRAs discussed earlier. The credit is You can't take the credit for 2022 if your other personal services that you report on based on the contributions you make and your earned income (or adjusted gross income) is: Schedule C (Form 1040), are earnings from credit rate. Your credit rate can be as low as • $16,480 or more ($22,610 or more if mar- self-employment for all tax purposes. 10% or as high as 50%, depending on your fil- ried filing jointly) and you don't have a For more information on establishing a SEP, ing status and AGI. Figure the credit on Form qualifying child, SIMPLE, or qualified retirement plan, see Pub. 8880, Credit for Qualified Retirement Savings • $43,492 or more ($49,622 or more if mar- 560, Retirement Plans for Small Business. Contributions. ried filing jointly) and you have one qualify- Individual retirement arrangements (IRAs). You can't take the credit if any of the follow- ing child, The traditional IRA and the Roth IRA are two in- ing apply. • $49,399 or more ($55,529 or more if mar- dividual retirement arrangements you can use 1. You were born after January 1, 2004. ried filing jointly) and you have two qualify- to save money for your retirement. Generally, ing children, or your maximum contribution for 2022 to either of 2. You were a student who during any part of • $53,057 or more ($59,187 if married filing these plans (or to a combination of the two) is 5 calendar months (not necessarily con- jointly) and you have three or more qualify- the smaller of your taxable compensation or secutive) of 2022: ing children. $6,000 ($7,000 if you are age 50 or older by the a. Was enrolled as a full-time student at end of 2022). a school that has a regular teaching Earned income. Earned income includes However, your maximum contribution to a staff, course of study, and regularly your: Roth IRA will be further reduced or eliminated if enrolled body of students in attend- 1. Wages, salaries, tips, and other taxable your AGI is above a certain amount. You can't ance; or employee compensation (even if these deduct Roth IRA contributions, but if you satisfy b. Took a full-time, on-farm training amounts are exempt from FICA or SECA certain requirements, all earnings in the Roth course given by a school that has a under an approved Form 4029 or 4361); IRA are tax free and neither your nondeductible regular teaching staff, course of study, and contributions nor any earnings on them are tax- and regularly enrolled body of stu- 2. Net earnings from self-employment that able when distributed. dents in attendance or a state, county, are not exempt from SECA (you don't If you contribute to a traditional IRA, your or local government agency. have an approved Form 4029 or 4361) contribution may be deductible. However, your deduction may be reduced or eliminated if you 3. Someone, such as your parent(s), claims that you report on Schedule SE (Form or your spouse is covered by an employer re- an exemption for you on his or her 2022 1040), line 3, with the following adjust- tirement plan (including, but not limited to, a tax return. ments. SEP, SIMPLE, or qualified retirement plan). 4. Your AGI for 2022 is more than: a. Subtract the amount you claimed (or For more information on IRAs, see Pub. should have claimed) on Schedule 1 590-A, Contributions to Individual Retirement a. $68,000, if your filing status is married (Form 1040), line 15, for the deducti- Arrangements. filing jointly; ble part of your SE tax. Page 12 Publication 517 (2022) |
Page 13 of 18 Fileid: … tions/p517/2022/a/xml/cycle05/source 13:44 - 29-Nov-2022 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. b. Add any amount from Schedule SE your credit, you can either fill out a worksheet or (Form 1040), line 4b and line 5a. have the IRS figure the credit for you. See Pub. 596 for the steps you must follow to have the More information. For detailed rules on this IRS figure your EIC. credit, see Pub. 596. To figure the amount of Publication 517 (2022) Page 13 |
Page 14 of 18 Fileid: … tions/p517/2022/a/xml/cycle05/source 13:44 - 29-Nov-2022 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Worksheets These worksheets are provided to help you figure your taxable ministerial income, your allowable deductions, and your net self-employment income. Worksheet 1. Figuring the Percentage of Tax-Free Income Note. For each line, enter the appropriate amount in all boxes that aren't shaded. (a) (b) (c) Source of Income Taxable Tax-free Total 1 W-2 salary as a minister (from box 1 of Form W-2) 1 Gross income from weddings, baptisms, writing, lecturing, etc. (from line 1 of 2 2 Schedule C) Note. Complete either lines 3a through 3e or lines 4a through 4i. • If your church provides you with a parsonage, complete lines 3a through 3e. • If, instead of providing a parsonage, your church provides you with a rental or parsonage allowance, complete lines 4a through 4i. 3a FRV* of parsonage provided by church 3a b Utility allowance, if any 3b c Actual expenses for utilities 3c d Enter the smaller of line 3b or 3c 3d e Excess utility allowance (subtract line 3d from line 3b) 3e 4a Parsonage or rental allowance 4a b Utility allowance, if separate 4b c Total allowance (add lines 4a and 4b) 4c d Actual expenses for parsonage 4d e Actual expenses for utilities 4e Total actual expenses for parsonage and utilities (add lines 4d f 4f and 4e) g FRV* of home, plus the cost of utilities 4g h Enter the smaller of line 4c, 4f, or 4g 4h i Excess allowance (subtract line 4h from line 4c) 4i Ministerial income (for columns (a), (b), and (c), add lines 1 5 5 through 4i) 6 Percentage of tax-free income: Total tax-free income (line 5(b)) $ = %** Total income (line 5(c)) $ * FRV (Fair Rental Value): As determined objectively and between unrelated parties, what it would cost to rent a comparable home (including furnishings) in a similar location. ** This percentage of your ministerial expenses won't be deductible. Use Worksheets 2 and 3 to figure your allowable deductions. Page 14 Publication 517 (2022) |
Page 15 of 18 Fileid: … tions/p517/2022/a/xml/cycle05/source 13:44 - 29-Nov-2022 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Worksheet 2. Figuring the Allowable Deduction for Schedule C Expenses 1 Percentage of expenses that are nondeductible (from Worksheet 1, line 6): % Business use of car for entire year: miles x 58.5 cents ($0.585) before July 1, 2022 and 62.5 cents 2 2 ($0.625) on or after July 1, 2022 3 Meals: $ × 100% (1.00) 3 4 Other expenses (list item and amount) a 4a b 4b c 4c d 4d e 4e f Total other expenses (add lines 4a through 4e) 4f 5 Total Schedule C expenses (add lines 2, 3, and 4f) 5 6 Nondeductible part of Schedule C expenses (multiply line 5 by the percent in line 1) 6 7 Deduction allowed.* Subtract line 6 from line 5. Enter the result here and on Schedule C, line 27a. 7 * None of the other deductions claimed in this return are allocable to tax-free income. Worksheet 3. Figuring Net Self-Employment Income for Schedule SE (Form 1040) 1 W-2 salary as a minister (from box 1 of Form W-2) 1 2 Net profit from Schedule C, line 31 2 3a Parsonage or rental allowance (from Worksheet 1, line 3a or 4a) 3a b Utility allowance (from Worksheet 1, line 3b or 4b) 3b c Total allowance (add lines 3a and 3b) 3c 4 Add lines 1, 2, and 3c 4 5 Schedule C expenses allocable to tax-free income (from Worksheet 2, line 6) 5 6 Total unreimbursed employee business expenses 6 7 Total business expenses not deducted in lines 1 and 2 above (add lines 5 and 6) 7 Net self-employment income. Subtract line 7 from line 4. Enter here and on Schedule SE (Form 8 8 1040), line 2. return for free using brand-name tax-prep- • MilTax. Members of the U.S. Armed aration-and-filing software or Free File filla- Forces and qualified veterans may use Mil- How To Get Tax Help ble forms. However, state tax preparation Tax, a free tax service offered by the De- may not be available through Free File. Go partment of Defense through Military One- If you have questions about a tax issue; need to to see if you qualify for Source. For more information, go to help preparing your tax return; or want to down- free online federal tax preparation, e-filing, MilitaryOneSource ( load free publications, forms, or instructions, go and direct deposit or payment options. MilTax). to to find resources that can help you • VITA. The Volunteer Income Tax Assis- Also, the IRS offers Free Fillable right away. tance (VITA) program offers free tax help Forms, which can be completed online and to people with low-to-moderate incomes, then filed electronically regardless of in- Preparing and filing your tax return. After persons with disabilities, and limited-Eng- come. receiving all your wage and earnings state- lish-speaking taxpayers who need help ments (Forms W-2, W-2G, 1099-R, 1099-MISC, preparing their own tax returns. Go to Using online tools to help prepare your re- 1099-NEC, etc.); unemployment compensation, download the free IRS2Go turn. Go to for the following. statements (by mail or in a digital format) or app, or call 800-906-9887 for information • The Earned Income Tax Credit Assistant other government payment statements (Form on free tax return preparation. ( determines if 1099-G); and interest, dividend, and retirement • TCE. The Tax Counseling for the Elderly you’re eligible for the earned income credit statements from banks and investment firms (TCE) program offers free tax help for all (EIC). (Forms 1099), you have several options to taxpayers, particularly those who are 60 • The Online EIN Application ( ) choose from to prepare and file your tax return. years of age and older. TCE volunteers helps you get an employer identification You can prepare the tax return yourself, see if specialize in answering questions about number (EIN) at no cost. you qualify for free tax preparation, or hire a tax pensions and retirement-related issues • The Tax Withholding Estimator ( professional to prepare your return. unique to seniors. Go to, W4app) makes it easier for you to estimate download the free IRS2Go app, or call the federal income tax you want your em- Free options for tax preparation. Go to 888-227-7669 for information on free tax ployer to withhold from your paycheck. to see your options for preparing and return preparation. filing your return online or in your local commun- ity, if you qualify, which include the following. • Free File. This program lets you prepare and file your federal individual income tax Publication 517 (2022) Page 15 |
Page 16 of 18 Fileid: … tions/p517/2022/a/xml/cycle05/source 13:44 - 29-Nov-2022 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. This is tax withholding. See how your with- services. At the IRS, privacy and security are Note. IRS eBooks have been tested using holding affects your refund, take-home our highest priority. We use these tools to share Apple's iBooks for iPad. Our eBooks haven’t pay, or tax due. public information with you. Don’t post your so- been tested on other dedicated eBook readers, • The First-Time Homebuyer Credit Account cial security number (SSN) or other confidential and eBook functionality may not operate as in- Look-up ( ) tool pro- information on social media sites. Always pro- tended. vides information on your repayments and tect your identity when using any social net- account balance. working site. Access your online account (individual tax- • The Sales Tax Deduction Calculator The following IRS YouTube channels pro- payers only). Go to to se- ( figures the amount you vide short, informative videos on various tax-re- curely access information about your federal tax can claim if you itemize deductions on lated topics in English, Spanish, and ASL. account. Schedule A (Form 1040). • • View the amount you owe and a break- • down by tax year. Getting answers to your tax ques- • • See payment plan details or apply for a tions. On, you can get new payment plan. up-to-date information on current Watching IRS videos. The IRS Video portal • Make a payment or view 5 years of pay- events and changes in tax law. ( contains video and audio pre- ment history and any pending or sched- • A variety of tools to help you sentations for individuals, small businesses, uled payments. get answers to some of the most common and tax professionals. • Access your tax records, including key data from your most recent tax return, and tax questions. transcripts. • The Interactive Tax Assistant, Online tax information in other languages. a tool that will ask you questions and, You can find information on • View digital copies of select notices from based on your input, provide answers on a MyLanguage if English isn’t your native lan- the IRS. number of tax law topics. guage. • Approve or reject authorization requests from tax professionals. • Find forms, instructions, Free Over-the-Phone Interpreter (OPI) Serv- • View your address on file or manage your and publications. You will find details on ice. The IRS is committed to serving our multi- communication preferences. the most recent tax changes and interac- lingual customers by offering OPI services. The tive links to help you find answers to your OPI Service is a federally funded program and Tax Pro Account. This tool lets your tax pro- questions. is available at Taxpayer Assistance Centers fessional submit an authorization request to ac- • You may also be able to access tax law in- (TACs), other IRS offices, and every VITA/TCE cess your individual taxpayer IRS online formation in your electronic filing software. return site. The OPI Service is accessible in account. For more information, go to more than 350 languages. TaxProAccount. Need someone to prepare your tax return? There are various types of tax return preparers, Accessibility Helpline available for taxpay- Using direct deposit. The fastest way to re- including enrolled agents, certified public ac- ers with disabilities. Taxpayers who need in- ceive a tax refund is to file electronically and countants (CPAs), accountants, and many oth- formation about accessibility services can call choose direct deposit, which securely and elec- ers who don’t have professional credentials. If 833-690-0598. The Accessibility Helpline can tronically transfers your refund directly into your you choose to have someone prepare your tax answer questions related to current and future financial account. Direct deposit also avoids the return, choose that preparer wisely. A paid tax accessibility products and services available in possibility that your check could be lost, stolen, preparer is: alternative media formats (for example, braille, destroyed, or returned undeliverable to the IRS. • Primarily responsible for the overall sub- large print, audio, etc.). The Accessibility Help- Eight in 10 taxpayers use direct deposit to re- stantive accuracy of your return, line does not have access to your IRS account. ceive their refunds. If you don’t have a bank ac- • Required to sign the return, and For help with tax law, refunds, or account-rela- count, go to for more in- • Required to include their preparer tax iden- ted issues, go to formation on where to find a bank or credit tification number (PTIN). union that can open an account online. Note. Form 9000, Alternative Media Pref- Although the tax preparer always signs the erence, or Form 9000(SP) allows you to elect to Getting a transcript of your return. The return, you're ultimately responsible for provid- receive certain types of written correspondence quickest way to get a copy of your tax transcript ing all the information required for the preparer in the following formats. is to go to Click on either to accurately prepare your return. Anyone paid • Standard Print. “Get Transcript Online” or “Get Transcript by to prepare tax returns for others should have a Mail” to order a free copy of your transcript. If thorough understanding of tax matters. For • Large Print. you prefer, you can order your transcript by call- more information on how to choose a tax pre- • Braille. ing 800-908-9946. parer, go to Tips for Choosing a Tax Preparer on • Audio (MP3). Reporting and resolving your tax-related • Plain Text File (TXT). identity theft issues. Coronavirus. Go to for • Braille Ready File (BRF). • Tax-related identity theft happens when links to information on the impact of the corona- someone steals your personal information virus, as well as tax relief available for individu- Disasters. Go to Disaster Assistance and to commit tax fraud. Your taxes can be af- als and families, small and large businesses, Emergency Relief for Individuals and fected if your SSN is used to file a fraudu- and tax-exempt organizations. Businesses to review the available disaster tax lent return or to claim a refund or credit. relief. Employers can register to use Business • The IRS doesn’t initiate contact with tax- payers by email, text messages (including Services Online. The Social Security Adminis- Getting tax forms and publications. Go to shortened links), telephone calls, or social tration (SSA) offers online service at to view, download, or print all media channels to request or verify per- employer for fast, free, and secure online W-2 the forms, instructions, and publications you sonal or financial information. This in- filing options to CPAs, accountants, enrolled may need. Or, you can go to cludes requests for personal identification agents, and individuals who process Form W-2, OrderForms to place an order. numbers (PINs), passwords, or similar in- Wage and Tax Statement, and Form W-2c, formation for credit cards, banks, or other Corrected Wage and Tax Statement. Getting tax publications and instructions in financial accounts. eBook format. You can also download and • Go to, the IRS Iden- IRS social media. Go to view popular tax publications and instructions tity Theft Central webpage, for information to see the various social media tools the IRS (including the Instructions for Form 1040) on on identity theft and data security protec- uses to share the latest information on tax mobile devices as eBooks at tion for taxpayers, tax professionals, and changes, scam alerts, initiatives, products, and Page 16 Publication 517 (2022) |
Page 17 of 18 Fileid: … tions/p517/2022/a/xml/cycle05/source 13:44 - 29-Nov-2022 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. businesses. If your SSN has been lost or diate notification of whether your agree- the IRS. Go to to stolen or you suspect you’re a victim of ment has been approved. help you understand what these rights mean to tax-related identity theft, you can learn • Use the Offer in Compromise Pre-Qualifier you and how they apply. These are your rights. what steps you should take. to see if you can settle your tax debt for Know them. Use them. • Get an Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN). IP less than the full amount you owe. For PINs are six-digit numbers assigned to tax- more information on the Offer in Compro- What Can TAS Do for You? payers to help prevent the misuse of their mise program, go to SSNs on fraudulent federal income tax re- TAS can help you resolve problems that you turns. When you have an IP PIN, it pre- Filing an amended return. Go to can’t resolve with the IRS. And their service is vents someone else from filing a tax return Form1040X for information and updates. free. If you qualify for their assistance, you will with your SSN. To learn more, go to be assigned to one advocate who will work with Checking the status of your amended re- you throughout the process and will do every- turn. Go to to track the status thing possible to resolve your issue. TAS can Ways to check on the status of your refund. of Form 1040-X amended returns. help you if: • Go to • Your problem is causing financial difficulty • Download the official IRS2Go app to your Note. It can take up to 3 weeks from the for you, your family, or your business; mobile device to check your refund status. date you filed your amended return for it to • You face (or your business is facing) an • Call the automated refund hotline at show up in our system, and processing it can immediate threat of adverse action; or 800-829-1954. take up to 16 weeks. • You’ve tried repeatedly to contact the IRS but no one has responded, or the IRS Note. The IRS can’t issue refunds before Understanding an IRS notice or letter hasn’t responded by the date promised. mid-February for returns that claimed the EIC or you’ve received. Go to to the additional child tax credit (ACTC). This ap- find additional information about responding to plies to the entire refund, not just the portion as- an IRS notice or letter. How Can You Reach TAS? sociated with these credits. Note. You can use Schedule LEP (Form TAS has offices in every state, the District of Making a tax payment. Go to 1040), Request for Change in Language Prefer- Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Your local advo- Payments for information on how to make a ence, to state a preference to receive notices, cate’s number is in your local directory and at payment using any of the following options. letters, or other written communications from You • IRS Direct Pay: Pay your individual tax bill the IRS in an alternative language. You may not can also call them at 877-777-4778. or estimated tax payment directly from immediately receive written communications in your checking or savings account at no the requested language. The IRS’s commitment How Else Does TAS Help cost to you. to LEP taxpayers is part of a multi-year timeline Taxpayers? • Debit or Credit Card: Choose an approved that is scheduled to begin providing translations payment processor to pay online or by in 2023. You will continue to receive communi- TAS works to resolve large-scale problems that phone. cations, including notices and letters in English affect many taxpayers. If you know of one of • Electronic Funds Withdrawal: Schedule a until they are translated to your preferred lan- these broad issues, report it to them at payment when filing your federal taxes us- guage. SAMS. ing tax return preparation software or through a tax professional. Contacting your local IRS office. Keep in • Electronic Federal Tax Payment System: mind, many questions can be answered on TAS for Tax Professionals Best option for businesses. Enrollment is without visiting an IRS TAC. Go to TAS can provide a variety of information for tax required. for the topics people ask professionals, including tax law updates and • Check or Money Order: Mail your payment about most. If you still need help, IRS TACs guidance, TAS programs, and ways to let TAS to the address listed on the notice or in- provide tax help when a tax issue can’t be han- know about systemic problems you’ve seen in structions. dled online or by phone. All TACs now provide your practice. • Cash: You may be able to pay your taxes service by appointment, so you’ll know in ad- with cash at a participating retail store. vance that you can get the service you need • Same-Day Wire: You may be able to do without long wait times. Before you visit, go to Low Income Taxpayer same-day wire from your financial institu- to find the nearest TAC Clinics (LITCs) tion. Contact your financial institution for and to check hours, available services, and ap- availability, cost, and time frames. pointment options. Or, on the IRS2Go app, un- LITCs are independent from the IRS. LITCs der the Stay Connected tab, choose the Con- represent individuals whose income is below a Note. The IRS uses the latest encryption tact Us option and click on “Local Offices.” certain level and need to resolve tax problems technology to ensure that the electronic pay- with the IRS, such as audits, appeals, and tax ments you make online, by phone, or from a The Taxpayer Advocate collection disputes. In addition, LITCs can pro- mobile device using the IRS2Go app are safe vide information about taxpayer rights and re- and secure. Paying electronically is quick, easy, Service (TAS) Is Here To sponsibilities in different languages for individu- and faster than mailing in a check or money or- Help You als who speak English as a second language. der. What Is TAS? Services are offered for free or a small fee for eligible taxpayers. To find an LITC near you, go What if I can’t pay now? Go to TAS is an independent organization within the to Payments for more information about your op- IRS that helps taxpayers and protects taxpayer Income-Taxpayer-Clinics-LITC or see IRS Pub. tions. rights. Their job is to ensure that every taxpayer 4134, Low Income Taxpayer Clinic List. • Apply for an online payment agreement is treated fairly and that you know and under- ( to meet your tax obligation stand your rights under the Taxpayer Bill of in monthly installments if you can’t pay Rights. your taxes in full today. Once you complete the online process, you will receive imme- How Can You Learn About Your Taxpayer Rights? The Taxpayer Bill of Rights describes 10 basic rights that all taxpayers have when dealing with Publication 517 (2022) Page 17 |
Page 18 of 18 Fileid: … tions/p517/2022/a/xml/cycle05/source 13:44 - 29-Nov-2022 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. To help us develop a more useful index, please let us know if you have ideas for index entries. Index See “Comments and Suggestions” in the “Introduction” for the ways you can reach us. FICA: Religious orders, members of 2, A Earnings covered 2 L 4 6 10- , Religious workers 2 4, Accountable plan 8 Effective date of exemption 7 Lay employees (See Religious Rental allowance 7 9 10, , Additional Medicare Tax 2 8, Election to exclude church workers) employees 4 Living abroad 8 10, Resident aliens 4 Administrators 9 Filing requirements for most Retired ministers 9 American Samoa 4 8, taxpayers 11 Retirement savings Assistance (See Tax help) Foreign earned income 10 M arrangements 12 Form: Members of recognized religious Retirement savings contributions C 1040 or 1040-SR 9 11- sects 2 6, credit 12 Cantors 10 1040-ES 11 Members of religious orders 2, Royalty income from books 5 Christian Science: 1040-X 6 7, 4 6 10- , Practitioners 2 4 6, - 4029 5 7 11, , Ministerial services, exemption S Readers 2 4 5, , 4361 5 6 11, , for Common-law employee 3 8959 2 8, Christian Science practitioners SECA 2 3, and readers 5 Sects, members of recognized Commonwealth of the Northern 941 7 Members of religious orders 5 religious 2 6, Mariana Islands (CNMI) 4 8, 943 7 Ministers 5 Self-Employment Contributions Credit: 944 7 Ministers 2 6 9 11- , - Act (See SECA) Earned income 12 SS-8 4 Health insurance costs of 10 Self-employment tax Retirement savings Retired 9 Deduction 10 contributions 12 G Missionary team, married Exemption 5 7 11- , Gross income: couple 8 Maximum earnings 8 D Amounts included in 7 Nonfarm optional method 8 Deduction for self-employment Amounts not included in 8 N Refunds of 6 7, Regular method 7 tax 10 Guam 4 8, Nonaccountable plan 8 Self-employment, net earnings Nonfarm optional method 8 from 7 9- E H Nonresident aliens 4 SIMPLE plan 12 Earned income credit 12 Health insurance costs, Simplified employee pension Effective date: deductibility 10 O (SEP) plan 12 Social security coverage 3 Exemption from FICA taxes 7 Home ownership, exclusion of Offerings and fees 7 9, Exemption from self-employment allowance 9 10, (SE) tax 6 7, House or parsonage, fair rental Overseas duty 8 10, T Employment status 3 value 9 Estimated tax 11 P Tax help 15 Tax-free income, deductibility of Exclusion, foreign earned I Parsonage allowance 7 9 10, , expenses 10 Exemption Income tax income 10 Publications (See Tax help) Tax-sheltered annuity plans 12 Form 4029 5 7, Estimated tax 11 Puerto Rico 4 8, Teachers 9 Form 4361 5 6, Income and expenses 9 11- Theological students 10 From FICA taxes 7 Withholding 11 Q Traveling evangelists 10 From self-employment (SE) Individual retirement Qualified retirement plan 12 tax 5 7- arrangements (IRAs) 12 U R F K U.S. citizens 4 Refunds, self-employment tax 6, U.S. Virgin Islands 4 8, Federal Insurance Contributions Keogh (H.R.10) plans 12 7 Act (See FICA) Reimbursements 8 V Vow of poverty 2 4 6 10, - , Page 18 Publication 517 (2022) |