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            Publication 509
            Cat. No. 15013X                                                    Contents
                                                                               Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
of the      Tax Calendars                                                      Background Information for Using 
Treasury                                                                       the Tax Calendars         . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Revenue                                                                        General Tax Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Service                                                                        First Quarter    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
            For use in 2023                                                    Second Quarter        . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
                                                                               Third Quarter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
                                                                               Fourth Quarter        . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
                                                                               Employer's Tax Calendar . . . . . . . . . . 5
                                                                               First Quarter    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
                                                                               Second Quarter        . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
                                                                               Third Quarter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
                                                                               Fourth Quarter        . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
                                                                               Excise Tax Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
                                                                               First Quarter    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
                                                                               Second Quarter        . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
                                                                               Third Quarter . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       10
                                                                               Fourth Quarter        . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
                                                                               How To Get Tax Help     . . . . . . . . . . .   11

                                                                               Future Developments
                                                                               For  the  latest  information  about  developments 
                                                                               related to Pub. 509, such as legislation enacted 
                                                                               after it was published, go to IRS.gov/Pub509.

                                                                               Payment of deferred employer share of so-
                                                                               cial  security  tax  from  2020.  If  the  employer 
                                                                               deferred  paying  the  employer  share  of  social 
                                                                               security tax or the railroad retirement tax equiv-
                                                                               alent  in  2020,  50%  of  the  deferred  amount  of 
                                                                               the  employer  share  of  social  security  tax  was 
                                                                               due by January 3, 2022, and the remainder is 
                                                                               due by January 3, 2023. Any payments or de-
                                                                               posits made before January 3, 2022, were first 
                                                                               applied  against  the  payment  that  was  due  by 
                                                                               January 3, 2022, and then applied against the 
                                                                               payment  that  is  due  by  January  3,  2023.  See 
                                                                               the instructions for your employment tax return 
                                                                               for more information, including how to pay the 
                                                                               deferred amount.
                                                                               Form  1099-NEC.       Form  1099-NEC,  Nonem-
                                                                               ployee Compensation, is used to report nonem-
                                                                               ployee compensation.
                                                                               Form 1040-SR.   Form 1040-SR, U.S. Tax Re-
                                                                               turn  for  Seniors,  is  a  tax  return  for  senior  citi-
                                                                               zens.  Form  1040-SR  is  available  to  you  if  you 
                                                                               were  born  before  January  2,  1958.  The  form 
                                                                               generally mirrors Form 1040.
                                                                               Online  IRS  Tax  Calendar.   The  IRS  Tax  Cal-
                                                                               endar  for  Businesses  and  Self-Employed  is 
                                                                               available  online  at IRS.gov/TaxCalendar.  This 
                                                                               calendar is also available in Spanish.
                                                                               Photographs of missing children.          The IRS is 
              Get forms and other information faster and easier at:            a  proud  partner  with  the National  Center  for 
              IRS.gov (English)         IRS.gov/Korean (한국어)               Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC). Pho-
              IRS.gov/Spanish (Español) IRS.gov/Russian (Pусский)          tographs  of  missing  children  selected  by  the 
              IRS.gov/Chinese (中文)      IRS.gov/Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)    Center may appear in this publication on pages 
                                                                               that  would  otherwise  be  blank.  You  can  help 

Dec 12, 2022

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bring  these  children  home  by  looking  at  the     use  the Employer's  Tax  Calendar,  later.  If  you   Ordering  tax  forms,  instructions,  and 
photographs  and  calling  1-800-THE-LOST              must pay excise taxes, use the Excise Tax Cal-         publications. Go  to IRS.gov/OrderForms  to 
(1-800-843-5678) if you recognize a child.             endar,  later.  Depending  on  your  situation,  you   order  current  forms,  instructions,  and  publica-
                                                       may need to use more than one calendar.                tions;  call  800-829-3676  to  order  prior-year 
                                                                                                              forms  and  instructions.  The  IRS  will  process 
Introduction                                           What other publications and tax forms will I           your  order  for  forms  and  publications  as  soon 
A tax calendar is a 12-month calendar divided          need?  Table 1 lists other publications you may        as possible. Don’t resubmit requests you’ve al-
into  quarters.  The  calendar  gives  specific  due   need.  Each  calendar  lists  the  forms  you  may     ready sent us. You can get forms and publica-
dates for:                                             need.                                                  tions faster online.
Filing tax forms,                                    See How To Get Tax Help at the end of this 
Paying taxes, and                                    publication  for  information  about  getting  publi-
Taking other actions required by federal             cations and forms.
  tax law.                                                                                                    Background Information 
                                                       What  isn't  included  in  these  calendars? 
What  does  this  publication  contain?     This       The  calendars  don't  cover  the  employment  or      for Using the Tax 
publication contains the following.                    excise  tax  deposit  rules.  You  can  find  the  de- Calendars
                                                       posit  rules  for  employment  taxes  in  Pub.  15. 
1. A section on how to use the tax calendars.          The  deposit  rules  for  excise  taxes  are  in  Pub. The following brief explanations may be helpful 
2. Three tax calendars:                                510 and in the Instructions for Form 720. In ad-       to you in using the tax calendars.
                                                       dition, the calendars don't cover filing forms and 
  a. General Tax Calendar,                             other requirements for:                                IRS  e-services  make  taxes  easier.     Busi-
  b. Employer's Tax Calendar, and                      Estate taxes,                                        nesses can enjoy the benefits of filing and pay-
                                                       Gift taxes,                                          ing  their  federal  taxes  electronically.  Whether 
  c. Excise Tax Calendar.                              Trusts,                                              you  rely  on  a  tax  professional  or  handle  your 
3. A table showing the semiweekly deposit              Exempt organizations,                                own  taxes,  the  IRS  offers  you  convenient  pro-
  due dates for payroll taxes for 2023.                Certain types of corporations,                       grams to make taxes easier.
                                                       Foreign partnerships, or                             You can e-file your Form 1040 or Form 
Most of the due dates discussed in this pub-           Nonresident aliens.                                    1040-SR; certain business tax returns 
lication are also included in the online IRS Tax                                                                such as Forms 1120, 1120-S, and 1065; 
Calendar  for  Businesses  and  Self-Employed,         Comments  and  suggestions.     We  welcome              certain employment tax returns such as 
available  at IRS.gov/TaxCalendar.  The  online        your comments about this publication and sug-            Forms 940 and 941; certain excise tax re-
IRS Tax Calendar is also available in Spanish.         gestions for future editions.                            turns such as Forms 720, 2290, and 8849; 
                                                       You  can  send  us  comments  through                    and Form 1099 and other information re-
Who should use this publication?     Primarily,        IRS.gov/FormComments.  Or,  you  can  write  to          turns. Go to IRS.gov/Efile for more infor-
employers  need  to  use  this  publication.  How-     the  Internal  Revenue  Service,  Tax  Forms  and        mation.
ever, the General Tax Calendar, later, has im-         Publications,  1111  Constitution  Ave.  NW,           You can pay taxes online or by phone us-
portant due dates for all businesses and individ-      IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224.                           ing the Electronic Federal Tax Payment 
uals.  Anyone  who  must  pay  excise  taxes  may      Although  we  can’t  respond  individually  to           System (EFTPS). For detailed information 
need the Excise Tax Calendar, later.                   each comment received, we do appreciate your             about using this free service, see Elec-
                                                       feedback and will consider your comments and             tronic deposit requirement, later.
What are the advantages of using a tax cal-            suggestions as we revise our tax forms, instruc-
endar? The following are advantages of using           tions,  and  publications. Don’t  send  tax  ques-     Use  these  electronic  options  to  make  filing 
a tax calendar.                                        tions, tax returns, or payments to the above ad-       and paying taxes easier. For more information 
You don't have to figure the due dates               dress.                                                 on  electronic  payments,  go  to    IRS.gov/
  yourself.                                                                                                   Payments.
You can file or pay timely and avoid penal-          Getting  answers  to  your  tax  questions. 
  ties.                                                If you have a tax question not answered by this        Tax  deposits. Some  taxes  can  be  paid  with 
You don't have to adjust the due dates for           publication or the How To Get Tax Help section         the return on which they are reported. However, 
  Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays.              at the end of this publication, go to the IRS In-      in many cases, you have to deposit the tax be-
You don't have to adjust the due dates for           teractive  Tax  Assistant  page  at IRS.gov/           fore  the  due  date  for  filing  the  return.  Tax  de-
  special banking rules if you use the Em-             Help/ITA where you can find topics by using the        posits  are  figured  for  periods  of  time  that  are 
  ployer's Tax Calendar or Excise Tax Cal-             search feature or viewing the categories listed.       shorter than the time period covered by the re-
  endar, later.                                                                                               turn.  See  Pub.  15  for  the  employment  tax  de-
                                                       Getting tax forms, instructions, and pub­              posit rules. For the excise tax deposit rules, see 
Which calendar(s) should I use?      To decide         lications. Go  to  IRS.gov/Forms  to  download         Pub. 510 or the Instructions for Form 720.
which calendar(s) to use, first look at the Gen-       current  and  prior-year  forms,  instructions,  and 
eral Tax Calendar, later, and highlight the dates      publications.                                          Electronic     deposit     requirement.   You 
that  apply  to  you.  If  you’re  an  employer,  also                                                        must  use  electronic  funds  transfer  (EFT)  to 
                                                                                                              make  all  federal  tax  deposits.  Generally,  an 
Table 1. Useful Publications                                                                                  EFT is made using EFTPS. If you don't want to 
                                                                                                              use EFTPS, you can arrange for your tax pro-
         IF you’re...                                  THEN you may need...                                   fessional, financial institution, payroll service, or 
                                                                                                              other trusted third party to make electronic de-
an employer                 • Pub. 15, Employer's Tax Guide.                                                  posits on your behalf. EFTPS is a free service 
                            • Pub. 15-A, Employer's Supplemental Tax Guide.                                   provided  by  the  Department  of  the  Treasury. 
                            • Pub. 15-B, Employer's Tax Guide to Fringe Benefits.                             Services  provided  by  your  tax  professional,  fi-
                            • Pub. 15-T, Federal Income Tax Withholding Methods.                              nancial institution, payroll service, or other third 
                            • Pub. 926, Household Employer's Tax Guide.                                       party may have a fee.
a farmer                    • Pub. 51, Agricultural Employer's Tax Guide.                                     To  get  more  information  or  to  enroll  in 
                                                                                                              EFTPS, go to EFTPS.gov or call 800-555-4477. 
                            • Pub. 225, Farmer's Tax Guide.                                                   To  contact  EFTPS  using  Telecommunications 
an individual               • Pub. 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax.                                    Relay Services (TRS) for people who are deaf, 
required to pay excise                                                                                        hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, dial 
                                                                                                              711  and  then  provide  the  TRS  assistant  the 
taxes                       • Pub. 510, Excise Taxes.                                                         800-555-4477 number above or 800-733-4829. 

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Additional  information  about  EFTPS  is  also           the return without a payment, as shown in the        All  businesses.    Give  annual  information 
available in Pub. 966.                                    instructions for your tax return.                    statements to recipients of certain payments 
        If  you  fail  to  timely,  properly,  and  fully The  PDS  can  tell  you  how  to  get  written      you made during 2022. You can use the ap-
                                                          proof of the mailing date.                           propriate version of Form 1099 or other infor-
!       make your federal tax deposit, you may                                                                 mation return. Form 1099 can be issued elec-
CAUTION be  subject  to  a  failure-to-deposit  pen-              PDSs can't deliver items to P.O. boxes.      tronically  with  the  consent  of  the  recipient. 
alty. For an EFTPS deposit to be on time, you             !       You must use the U.S. Postal Service         Payments  that  may  be  covered  include  the 
must submit the deposit by 8 p.m. Eastern time            CAUTION to mail any item to an IRS P.O. box ad-
the day before the date the deposit is due.               dress.                                               Cash payments for fish (or other aquatic 
                                                                                                                 life) purchased from anyone engaged in 
Saturday,  Sunday,  or  legal  holiday.     Gener-                                                               the trade or business of catching fish.
ally, if a due date for performing any act for tax        General Tax Calendar                                 Compensation for workers who aren't 
purposes falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal                                                                   considered employees (including fishing 
holiday, the act is considered to be performed            This  tax  calendar  has  the  due  dates  for  2023   boat proceeds to crew members).
timely  if  it  is  performed  no  later  than  the  next that  most  taxpayers  will  need.  Employers  and   Dividends and other corporate distribu-
day that isn't a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holi-         persons who pay excise taxes should also use           tions.
day.  The  term  “legal  holiday”  means  any  legal      the Employer's  Tax  Calendar  and  the Excise       Interest.
holiday  in  the  District  of  Columbia.  The  calen-    Tax Calendar, later.                                 Rent.
dars  provided  in  this  publication  make  the  ad-                                                          Royalties.
justments  for  Saturdays,  Sundays,  and  legal          Fiscal-year taxpayers. If you file your income       Payments of Indian gaming profits to 
holidays.  But  you  must  make  any  adjustments         tax return for a fiscal year rather than the calen-    tribal members.
for statewide legal holidays, as discussed later.         dar year, you must change some of the dates in       Profit-sharing distributions.
        An exception to this rule for certain ex-         this calendar. These changes are described un-       Retirement plan distributions.
                                                          der Fiscal-Year Taxpayers at the end of this cal-    Original issue discount.
!       cise taxes is noted later under the Ex-           endar.                                               Prizes and awards.
CAUTION cise Tax Calendar.
                                                                                                               Medical and health care payments.
                                                                                                               Debt cancellation (treated as payment to 
Legal holidays.   Legal holidays occurring in             First Quarter                                          debtor).
2023 are listed below.
                                                                                                               Cash payments over $10,000. See the 
January 2—New Year's Day (observed)                     The first quarter of a calendar year is made up        Form 8300 instructions.
January 16—Birthday of Martin Luther                    of January, February, and March.
  King, Jr.                                                                                                    See  the  General  Instructions  for  Certain 
February 20—Washington's Birthday                                                                            Information  Returns  for  information  on  what 
April 17—District of Columbia Emancipa-                 January 10                                           payments  are  covered,  how  much  the  pay-
  tion Day (observed)                                                                                          ment must be before a statement is required, 
May 29—Memorial Day                                     Employees who work for tips.      If you re-         which  form  to  use,  when  to  file,  and  exten-
June 19—Juneteenth National Independ-                   ceived $20 or more in tips during December,          sions  of  time  to  provide  statements  to  the 
  ence Day                                                report  them  to  your  employer.  You  can  use     IRS.  Form  1099-B,  Proceeds  From  Broker 
July 4—Independence Day                                 Form 4070.                                           and  Barter  Exchange  Transactions;  Form 
September 4—Labor Day                                                                                        1099-S,  Proceeds  From  Real  Estate  Trans-
October 9—Columbus Day                                  January 17                                           actions;  and  certain  reporting  on  Form 
November 10—Veterans Day (observed)                                                                          1099-MISC,  Miscellaneous  Information,  are 
November 23—Thanksgiving Day                            Individuals. Make a payment of your esti-            due to recipients by February 15.
December 25—Christmas Day                               mated tax for 2022 if you didn't pay your in-
                                                          come tax for the year through withholding (or        Payers  of  nonemployee  compensation.
Statewide  legal  holidays.    In  general,  a            didn't pay in enough tax that way). Use Form           File  Form  1099-NEC  for  nonemployee 
statewide legal holiday delays a due date for fil-        1040-ES. This is the final installment date for      compensation paid in 2022.
ing a return only if the IRS office where you're          2022 estimated tax payments. However, you 
required to file is located in that state. For indi-      don't  have  to  make  this  payment  if  you  file  February 10
viduals, a statewide legal holiday also delays a          your  2022  return  (Form  1040  or  Form 
due date for filing a return for residents of that        1040-SR) and pay all tax due by January 31,          Employees who work for tips.     If you re-
state. A statewide legal holiday doesn't delay a          2023.                                                ceived $20 or more in tips during January, re-
due date for making a federal tax deposit.                                                                     port  them  to  your  employer.  You  can  use 
                                                          Farmers  and  fishermen.          Pay  your  esti-   Form 4070.
Penalties. Whenever  possible,  you  should               mated tax for 2022 using Form 1040-ES. You 
take action before the listed due date. If you’re         have  until  April  18  to  file  your  2022  income 
late, you may have to pay a penalty as well as            tax  return  (Form  1040  or  Form  1040-SR).  If    February 15
interest on any overdue taxes.                            you don't pay your estimated tax by January 
Be sure to follow all the tax laws that apply             17, you must file your 2022 return and pay all       Individuals.     If  you  claimed  exemption 
to  you.  In  addition  to  civil  penalties,  criminal   tax due by March 1, 2023, to avoid an esti-          from income tax withholding last year on the 
penalties  may  be  imposed  for  intentionally  not      mated tax penalty.                                   Form W-4 you gave your employer, you must 
paying  taxes,  for  intentionally  filing  a  false  re-                                                      file a new Form W-4 by this date to continue 
turn, or for not filing a required return.                                                                     your exemption for another year.
                                                          January 31
                                                                                                               All  businesses.    Give  annual  information 
Use  of  private  delivery  services.       You  can      Individuals  who  must  make  estimated  tax         statements to recipients of certain payments 
use  certain  private  delivery  services  (PDSs)         payments.    If you didn't pay your last in-         you made during 2022. You can use the ap-
designated by the IRS to meet the timely mail-            stallment of estimated tax by January 17, you        propriate version of Form 1099 or other infor-
ing  as  timely  filing/paying  rule  for  tax  returns   may choose (but aren't required) to file your        mation return. Form 1099 can be issued elec-
and payments.                                             income  tax  return  (Form  1040  or  Form           tronically  with  the  consent  of  the  recipient. 
Go  to  IRS.gov/PDS  for  the  current  list  of          1040-SR) for 2022 by January 31. Filing your         This  due  date  applies  only  to  the  following 
designated PDSs. For the IRS mailing address              return and paying all tax due by January 31          types of payments.
to  use  if  you’re  using  a  PDS,  go  to IRS.gov/      prevents any penalty for late payment of the         All payments reported on Form 1099-B.
PDSstreetAddresses.  Select  the  mailing  ad-            last installment. If you can't file and pay your     All payments reported on Form 1099-S.
dress listed on the webpage that is in the same           tax  by  January  31,  file  and  pay  your  tax  by 
state  as  the  address  to  which  you  would  mail      April 18.
Publication 509 (2023)                                                                                                                              Page 3

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 Substitute payments reported in box 8 or             etc.—International,  or  substitute  Sched-               cash wages of $1,000 or more in any calen-
   gross proceeds paid to an attorney                   ule K-3 (Form 1120-S).                                    dar quarter of 2021 or 2022 to household em-
   reported in box 10 of Form 1099-MISC.                To request an automatic 6-month extension                 ployees.  Also,  report  any  income  tax  you 
                                                        of time to file the return, file Form 7004 and de-        withheld  for your household employees.  For 
February 28                                             posit what you estimate you owe in tax. Then,             more information, see Pub. 926.
                                                        file the return; pay any tax, interest, and penal-
All  businesses.   File  information  returns           ties  due;  and  provide  each  shareholder  with  a      Corporations.     File  a  2022  calendar  year 
(for example, certain Forms 1099) for certain           copy of their Schedule K-1 (Form 1120-S) and,             income tax return (Form 1120) and pay any 
payments you made during 2022. These pay-               if  applicable,  Schedule  K-3  (Form  1120-S)  by        tax  due.  If  you  want  an  automatic  6-month 
ments  are  described  under All  businesses            September 15.                                             extension of time to file the return, file Form 
                                                                                                                  7004 and deposit what you estimate you owe 
under  January  31,  earlier.  However,  Form                                                                     in taxes.
1099-NEC  reporting  nonemployee  compen-               S  corporation  election.   File  Form  2553 
sation must be filed by January 31. There are           to elect to be treated as an S corporation be-            Deposit the first installment of estimated in-
different  forms  for  different  types  of  pay-       ginning  with  calendar  year  2023.  If  Form            come tax for 2023.
ments. Use a separate Form 1096 to summa-               2553 is filed late, S corporation treatment will 
rize  and  transmit  the  forms  for  each  type  of    begin with calendar year 2024.                            May 10
payment.  See  the General  Instructions  for 
                                                                                                                  Employees who work for tips.   If you re-
Certain  Information  Returns  for  information         March 31                                                  ceived $20 or more in tips during April, report 
on  what  payments  are  covered,  how  much 
the  payment  must  be  before  a  return  is  re-      Electronic filing of Forms 1097, 1098, 1099,              them  to  your  employer.  You  can  use  Form 
quired, which form to use, and extensions of            3921,  3922,  and  W-2G.        File  Forms               4070.
time to file.                                           1097, 1098, 1099 (except a Form 1099-NEC 
If you file Forms 1097, 1098, 1099 (except a            reporting    nonemployee    compensation),                June 12
Form  1099-NEC  reporting  nonemployee  com-            3921, 3922, and W-2G with the IRS. This due 
pensation), 3921, 3922, or W-2G electronically,         date  applies  only  if  you  file  electronically.       Employees who work for tips.   If you re-
your due date for filing them with the IRS will be      Otherwise,  see  All  businesses  under  Febru-           ceived $20 or more in tips during May, report 
extended to March 31. The due date for giving           ary 28, earlier.                                          them  to  your  employer.  You  can  use  Form 
the  recipient  these  forms  generally  remains        The  due  date  for  giving  the  recipient  these        4070.
January 31.                                             forms generally remains January 31.
                                                        For  information  about  filing  Forms  1097,             June 15
March 1                                                 1098,  1099,  3921,  3922,  and  W-2G  electroni-
                                                        cally, see Pub. 1220.                                     Individuals.  If you’re a U.S. citizen or resi-
Farmers  and  fishermen.     File  your  2022                                                                     dent  alien  living  and  working  (or  on  military 
income  tax  return  (Form  1040  or  Form                                                                        duty)  outside  the  United  States  and  Puerto 
1040-SR) and pay all tax due. However, you              Second Quarter                                            Rico,  file  Form  1040  or  Form  1040-SR  and 
have until April 18 to file if you paid your 2022                                                                 pay any tax, interest, and penalties due. Oth-
estimated tax by January 17, 2023.                      The second quarter of a calendar year is made             erwise, see Individuals under April 18, earlier. 
                                                        up of April, May, and June.                               If you want additional time to file your return, 
                                                                                                                  file Form 4868 to obtain 4 additional months 
March 10                                                                                                          to file and pay what you estimate you owe in 
                                                        April 10
Employees who work for tips.       If you re-                                                                     tax to avoid penalties and interest. Then, file 
ceived  $20  or  more  in  tips  during  February,      Employees who work for tips.       If you re-             Form 1040 or Form 1040-SR by October 16.
report  them  to  your  employer.  You  can  use        ceived $20 or more in tips during March, re-              However, if you’re a participant in a combat 
Form 4070.                                              port  them  to  your  employer.  You  can  use            zone, you may be able to further extend the fil-
                                                        Form 4070.                                                ing  deadline.  See  Pub.  3,  Armed  Forces'  Tax 
March 15
                                                        April 18                                                  Individuals.  Make  a  payment  of  your 
Partnerships.    File  a  2022  calendar  year                                                                    2023 estimated tax if you’re not paying your 
return  (Form  1065).  Provide  each  partner           Individuals.     File  a  2022  Form  1040  or 
with  a  copy  of  their  Schedule  K-1  (Form          Form  1040-SR  and  pay  any  tax  due.  If  you          income  tax  for  the  year  through  withholding 
1065),  Partner's  Share  of  Income,  Deduc-           want an automatic 6-month extension of time               (or  won't  pay  in  enough  tax  that  way).  Use 
tions,  Credits,  etc.,  or  substitute  Sched-         to file the return, file Form 4868 and pay what           Form 1040-ES. This is the second installment 
ule  K-1  (Form  1065),  and,  if  applicable,          you estimate you owe in tax to avoid penal-               date for estimated tax in 2023. For more in-
Schedule  K-3  (Form  1065),  Partner’s  Share          ties  and  interest.  For  more  information,  see        formation, see Pub. 505.
of  Income,  Deductions,  Credits,  etc.—Inter-         Form  4868.  Then,  file  Form  1040  or  Form 
national,  or  substitute  Schedule  K-3  (Form         1040-SR by October 16.                                    Corporations.     Deposit the second install-
                                                                                                                  ment of estimated income tax for 2023.
1065).                                                  If  you’re  not  paying  your  2023  income  tax 
To request an automatic 6-month extension               through withholding (or won't pay in enough tax 
of time to file the return, file Form 7004. Then,       during  the  year  that  way),  pay  the  first  install- Third Quarter
file  the  return  and  provide  each  partner  with  a ment  of  your  2023  estimated  tax.  Use  Form 
copy  of  their  final  or  amended  (if  required)     1040-ES. For more information, see Pub. 505.              The third quarter of a calendar year is made up 
                                                                                                                  of July, August, and September.
Schedule  K-1  (Form  1065)  and,  if  applicable,      Household  employers.       If  you  paid  cash 
Schedule K-3 (Form 1065) by September 15.               wages of $2,400 or more in 2022 to a house-
S corporations.    File a 2022 calendar year            hold  employee,  you  must  file  Schedule  H             July 10
income tax return (Form 1120-S) and pay any             (Form 1040), Household Employment Taxes.                  Employees who work for tips.   If you re-
tax  due.  Provide  each  shareholder  with  a          If you’re required to file a federal income tax           ceived $20 or more in tips during June, report 
copy  of  their  Schedule  K-1  (Form  1120-S),         return  (Form  1040  or  Form  1040-SR),  file            them  to  your  employer.  You  can  use  Form 
Shareholder's Share of Income, Deductions,              Schedule H (Form 1040) with the return and                4070.
Credits,  etc.,  or  substitute  Schedule  K-1          report any household employment taxes. Re-
(Form  1120-S),  and,  if  applicable,  Sched-          port  any  federal  unemployment  (FUTA)  tax 
ule K-3 (Form 1120-S), Shareholder’s Share              on Schedule H (Form 1040) if you paid total 
of     Income,     Deductions,     Credits, 

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August 10                                             tax,  interest,  and  penalties  due.  This  due       end  of  its  tax  year.  A  corporation  with  a  short 
                                                      date applies only if you timely requested an           tax year ending anytime in June will be treated 
Employees who work for tips.     If you re-           automatic 6-month extension. Otherwise, see            as if the short year ended on June 30, and must 
ceived $20 or more in tips during July, report        Corporations under April 18, earlier.                  file by the 15th day of the 3rd month after the 
them  to  your  employer.  You  can  use  Form                                                               end of its tax year.
4070.                                                                                                        Form 7004 is used to request an automatic 
                                                      November 13                                            6-month  extension  of  time  to  file  Form  1120. 
September 11                                          Employees who work for tips.          If you re-       However,  corporations  with  a  fiscal  tax  year 
                                                      ceived $20 or more in tips during October, re-         ending June 30, or a short tax year treated as if 
Employees who work for tips.     If you re-           port  them  to  your  employer.  You  can  use         the  short  year  ended  June  30,  will  use  Form 
ceived $20 or more in tips during August, re-         Form 4070.                                             7004  to  request  an  automatic  7-month  exten-
port  them  to  your  employer.  You  can  use                                                               sion of time to file Form 1120.
Form 4070.
                                                      December 11                                            Form  1120-S  (or  Form  7004).    This  form  is 
September 15                                          Employees who work for tips.          If you re-       due on the 15th day of the 3rd month after the 
                                                      ceived $20 or more in tips during November,            end of the corporation's tax year. Provide each 
Individuals.    Make  a  payment  of  your            report  them  to  your  employer.  You  can  use       shareholder  with  a  copy  of  their  Schedule  K-1 
2023 estimated tax if you’re not paying your          Form 4070.                                             (Form  1120-S)  or  substitute  Schedule  K-1 
income  tax  for  the  year  through  withholding                                                            (Form 1120-S) and, if applicable, Schedule K-3 
(or  won't  pay  in  enough  tax  that  way).  Use                                                           (Form  1120-S)  or  substitute  Schedule  K-3 
Form  1040-ES.  This  is  the  third  installment     December 15                                            (Form 1120-S) by the 15th day of the 3rd month 
                                                                                                             after the end of the corporation's tax year. Form 
date for estimated tax in 2023. For more in-          Corporations. Deposit  the  fourth  install-           7004 is used to request an automatic 6-month 
formation, see Pub. 505.                              ment of estimated income tax for 2023.                 extension of time to file Form 1120-S.
Partnerships.   File  a  2022  calendar  year 
return  (Form  1065).  This  due  date  applies       Fiscal-Year Taxpayers                                  Estimated  tax  payments. Payments  are  due 
only  if  you  timely  requested  an  automatic                                                              on  the  15th  day  of  the  4th,  6th,  9th,  and  12th 
                                                                                                             months of the corporation's tax year.
6-month  extension.  Otherwise,  see Partner-         If you use a fiscal year (rather than the calendar 
ships under March 15, earlier. Provide each           year) as your tax year, you should change some         Form 2553. This form is used to choose S cor-
partner with a copy of their final or amended         of the dates in this calendar. Use the following       poration  treatment.  It  is  due  no  more  than  2 
Schedule  K-1  (Form  1065)  or  substitute           general guidelines to make these changes.              months and 15 days after the beginning of the 
Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) and, if applicable, 
Schedule  K-3  (Form  1065)  or  substitute                 The 3 months that make up each quar-             tax year the election is to take effect or at any 
Schedule K-3 (Form 1065).                             TIP   ter  of  a  fiscal  year  may  be  different     time during the preceding tax year.
                                                            from  those  of  each  calendar  quarter, 
S corporations. File a 2022 calendar year             depending on when the fiscal year begins. Also, 
income tax return (Form 1120-S) and pay any           see Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, earlier.       Employer's Tax 
tax,  interest,  and  penalties  due.  This  due 
date applies only if you timely requested an                                                                 Calendar
automatic  6-month  extension  of  time  to  file     Individuals
the return. Otherwise, see S corporations un-                                                                This  tax  calendar  covers  various  due  dates  of 
der  March  15,  earlier.  Provide  each  share-      Form  1040  or  Form  1040-SR. This  form  is          interest  to  employers.  Principally,  it  covers  the 
holder with a copy of their final or amended          due on the 15th day of the 4th month after the         following federal taxes.
Schedule  K-1  (Form  1120-S)  or  substitute         end of your tax year. Form 4868 is used to re-         Income tax you withhold from your employ-
Schedule K-1 (Form 1120-S) and, if applica-           quest an extension of time to file Form 1040 or          ees' wages or from nonpayroll amounts 
ble,  Schedule  K-3  (Form  1120-S)  or  substi-      Form 1040-SR.                                            you pay out.
tute Schedule K-3 (Form 1120-S).                                                                             Social security and Medicare taxes (FICA 
                                                      Estimated  tax  payments  (Form  1040-ES).               taxes) you withhold from your employees' 
Corporations.   Deposit  the  third  install-         Payments  are  due  on  the  15th  day  of  the  4th,    wages and the social security and Medi-
ment of estimated income tax for 2023.                6th, and 9th months of your tax year and on the          care taxes you must pay as an employer.
                                                      15th  day  of  the  1st  month  after  your  tax  year Federal unemployment (FUTA) tax you 
Fourth Quarter                                                                                                 must pay as an employer.
                                                                                                             The calendar lists due dates for filing returns 
The  fourth  quarter  of  a  calendar  year  is  made Partnerships                                           and  for  making  deposits  of  these  three  taxes 
up of October, November, and December.                                                                       throughout  the  year.  Use  this  calendar  with 
                                                      Form 1065. This form is due on the 15th day of 
                                                      the 3rd month after the end of the partnership's       Pub. 15, which gives the deposit rules.
October 10                                            tax  year.  Provide  each  partner  with  a  copy  of  Forms  you  may  need.  The  following  is  a  list 
Employees who work for tips.     If you re-           their  Schedule  K-1  (Form  1065)  or  substitute     and description of the primary employment tax 
ceived $20 or more in tips during September,          Schedule  K-1  (Form  1065)  and,  if  applicable,     forms you may need.
report  them  to  your  employer.  You  can  use      Schedule K-3 (Form 1065) or substitute Sched-
Form 4070.                                            ule K-3 (Form 1065) by the 15th day of the 3rd         1. Form 940, Employer's Annual Federal Un-
                                                      month  after  the  end  of  the  partnership's  tax      employment (FUTA) Tax Return. This 
                                                      year.  Form  7004  is  used  to  request  an  auto-      form is due the last day of the first calen-
October 16                                            matic  6-month  extension  of  time  to  file  Form      dar month after the calendar year ends. 
                                                      1065.                                                    Use it to report the FUTA tax on wages 
Individuals.    If  you  have  an  automatic                                                                   you paid.
6-month extension to file your income tax re-
turn  for  2022,  file  Form  1040  or  Form          Corporations and S Corporations                        2. Form 941, Employer's QUARTERLY Fed-
1040-SR and pay any tax, interest, and pen-                                                                    eral Tax Return. This form is due the last 
alties due.                                           Form 1120 (or Form 7004). This form is due               day of the first calendar month after the 
                                                      on the 15th day of the 4th month after the end of        calendar quarter ends. Use it to report so-
Corporations.   File  a  2022  calendar  year         the corporation’s tax year. However, a corpora-          cial security and Medicare taxes and with-
income tax return (Form 1120) and pay any             tion with a fiscal tax year ending June 30 must          held income taxes on wages if your 
                                                      file by the 15th day of the 3rd month after the 
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  employees aren't farm workers or house-              social  security  tax  or  the  railroad  retirement        fourth  quarter,  deposit  any  undeposited  tax 
  hold employees.                                      tax  equivalent  in  2020,  50%  of  the  deferred          or pay it in full with a timely filed return. If you 
3. Form 943, Employer's Annual Federal Tax             amount  of  the  employer  share  of  social  se-           deposited  the  tax  for  the  year  timely,  prop-
  Return for Agricultural Employees. This              curity tax was due by January 3, 2022. The                  erly, and in full, you have until February 10 to 
  form is due the last day of the first calen-         remaining 50% of the deferred amount of the                 file the return.
  dar month after the calendar year ends.              employer  share  of  social  security  tax  is  due 
  Use it to report social security and Medi-           by January 3, 2023. Any payments or depos-                  Farm employers.       File Form 943 to report 
  care taxes and withheld income taxes on              its  made  before  January  3,  2022,  were  first          social security and Medicare taxes and with-
  wages if your employees are farm work-               applied against the payment due by January                  held income tax for 2022. Deposit or pay any 
  ers.                                                 3,  2022,  and  then  applied  against  the  pay-           undeposited  tax  under  the  accuracy  of  de-
                                                       ment  due  on  January  3,  2023.  See  the  in-            posits  rule.  If  your  tax  liability  is  less  than 
4. Form 944, Employer's ANNUAL Federal                 structions for your employment tax return for               $2,500, you can pay it in full with a timely filed 
  Tax Return. This form is due the last day            more  information,  including  how  to  pay  the            return.  If  you  deposited  the  tax  for  the  year 
  of the first calendar month after the calen-         deferred amount.                                            timely,  properly,  and  in  full,  you  have  until 
  dar year ends. Certain small employers                                                                           February 10 to file the return.
  use it instead of Form 941 to report social                                                                      Federal unemployment (FUTA) tax.       File 
  security and Medicare taxes and withheld             January 17
                                                                                                                   Form 940 for 2022. If your undeposited tax is 
  income tax.                                          Social security, Medicare, and withheld in-                 $500 or less, you can either pay it with your 
5. Form 945, Annual Return of Withheld Fed-            come  tax.       If  the  monthly  deposit  rule            return  or  deposit  it.  If  it  is  more  than  $500, 
  eral Income Tax. This form is due the last           applies, deposit the tax for payments made in               you must deposit it. However,  if  you  depos-
  day of the first calendar month after the            December 2022.                                              ited the tax for the year timely, properly, and 
                                                                                                                   in full, you have until February 10 to file the 
  calendar year ends. Use it to report in-             Nonpayroll  withholding.        If  the  monthly            return.
  come tax withheld on all nonpayroll items.           deposit rule applies, deposit the tax for pay-
  A list of nonpayroll items is available in the       ments made in December 2022.
  Instructions for Form 945.
                                                                                                                   February 10
Fiscal-year  taxpayers. The  dates  in  this  cal-     January 31                                                  Nonpayroll taxes.     File Form 945 to report 
endar apply whether you use a fiscal year or the                                                                   income tax withheld for 2022 on all nonpay-
calendar year as your tax year. The only excep-        All employers.    Give your employees their                 roll  items.  This  due  date  applies  only  if  you 
tion  is  the  date  for  filing  Forms  5500,  Annual copies of Form W-2 for 2022. If an employee                 deposited  the  tax  for  the  year  timely,  prop-
Return/Report  of  Employee  Benefit  Plan,  and       agreed  to  receive  Form  W-2  electronically,             erly, and in full.
5500-EZ,  Annual  Return  of  A  One-Participant       have  it  posted  on  a  website  and  notify  the 
(Owners/Partners  and  Their  Spouses)  Retire-        employee of the posting.                                    Social security, Medicare, and withheld in-
ment Plan or A Foreign Plan. These employee            File Form W-3, Transmittal of Wage and Tax                  come  tax.        File  Form  941  for  the  fourth 
benefit plan forms are due by the last day of the      Statements, along with Copy A of all the Forms              quarter of 2022. This due date applies only if 
seventh month after the plan year ends. See All        W-2 you issued for 2022.                                    you deposited the tax for the quarter timely, 
employers under July 31, later. For more infor-                                                                    properly, and in full.
mation  on  filing  these  forms,  go  to IRS.gov/     Payers  of  nonemployee  compensation.
Form5500.                                              File  Form  1099-NEC  for  nonemployee                      Certain small employers.       File Form 944 
                                                       compensation paid in 2022.                                  to report social security and Medicare taxes 
Extended  due  dates.   If  you  timely  deposit  in                                                               and  withheld  income  tax  for  2022.  This  due 
full  the  tax  you’re  required  to  report  on  Form Payers of gambling winnings.    If you ei-                  date applies only if you deposited the tax for 
940, 941, 943, 944, or 945, you may file the re-       ther  paid  reportable  gambling  winnings  or              the year timely, properly, and in full.
turn by the 10th day of the 2nd month that fol-        withheld income tax from gambling winnings, 
lows the end of the return period.                     give the winners their copies of Form W-2G.                 Farm employers.       File Form 943 to report 
                                                                                                                   social security and Medicare taxes and with-
        If you’re subject to the semiweekly de-        Nonpayroll taxes. File Form 945 to report                   held income tax for 2022. This due date ap-
                                                       income tax withheld for 2022 on all nonpay-                 plies only if you deposited the tax for the year 
CAUTION this  publication  for  your  deposit  due 
!       posit rule, use Table 2 near the end of        roll  items,  including  backup  withholding  and           timely, properly, and in full.
dates. However, if you accumulate $100,000 or          withholding  on  pensions,  annuities,  IRAs, 
more of taxes on any day during a deposit pe-          gambling  winnings,  and  payments  of  Indian              Federal unemployment (FUTA) tax.       File 
riod, you must deposit the tax by the next busi-       gaming profits to tribal members. Deposit or                Form  940  for  2022.  This  due  date  applies 
ness day instead of the date shown in Table 2.         pay any undeposited tax under the accuracy                  only  if  you  deposited  the  tax  for  the  year 
                                                       of deposits rule. If your tax liability is less than        timely, properly, and in full.
                                                       $2,500, you can pay it in full with a timely filed 
First Quarter                                          return.  If  you  deposited  the  tax  for  the  year 
                                                       timely,  properly,  and  in  full,  you  have  until        February 15
The first quarter of a calendar year is made up        February 10 to file the return.                             Social security, Medicare, and withheld in-
of January, February, and March.                                                                                   come  tax.        If  the  monthly  deposit  rule 
                                                       Social security, Medicare, and withheld in-
                                                       come  tax.       File  Form  941  for  the  fourth          applies, deposit the tax for payments made in 
During January                                         quarter of 2022. Deposit or pay any undepos-                January.
                                                       ited tax under the accuracy of deposits rule. If            Nonpayroll  withholding.       If  the  monthly 
All  employers. Give  your  employees  their           your tax liability is less than $2,500, you can             deposit rule applies, deposit the tax for pay-
copies of Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement,            pay  it  in  full  with  a  timely  filed  return.  If  you ments made in January.
for 2022 by January 31, 2023. If the employee          deposited the tax for the quarter timely, prop-
agreed to receive Form W-2 electronically, have        erly, and in full, you have until February 10 to 
it posted on a website and notify the employee         file the return.                                            February 16
of the posting.
                                                       Certain small employers.        File Form 944               All employers.    Begin withholding income 
                                                       to report social security and Medicare taxes                tax  from  the  pay  of  any  employee  who 
January 3                                              and withheld income tax for 2022. Deposit or                claimed exemption from withholding in 2022, 
Payment of deferred employer share of so-              pay any undeposited tax under the accuracy                  but  didn't  give  you  Form  W-4  (or  Form 
cial security tax from 2020.          If the em-       of deposits rule. If your tax liability is $2,500           W-4(SP), its Spanish version) to continue the 
ployer deferred paying the employer share of           or more for 2022 but less than $2,500 for the               exemption this year.

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February 28                                         The  due  date  for  giving  the  recipient  these          you deposited the tax for the quarter timely, 
                                                    forms remains January 31.                                   properly, and in full.
Payers of gambling winnings.    File Form           For  information  about  filing  Forms  W-2G 
1096  along  with  Copy  A  of  all  the  Forms     electronically, see Pub. 1220.                              May 15
W-2G you issued for 2022.
If  you  file  Forms  W-2G  electronically,  your   Electronic  filing  of  Forms  8027.    File                Social security, Medicare, and withheld in-
due date for filing them with the IRS will be ex-   Forms 8027 for 2022. This due date applies                  come  tax.      If  the  monthly  deposit  rule 
tended to March 31. The due date for giving the     only if you electronically file. Otherwise, see             applies, deposit the tax for payments made in 
recipient these forms remains January 31.           Large food and beverage establishment em-                   April.
                                                    ployers under February 28, earlier.
Health  coverage  reporting  to  IRS.      If                                                                   Nonpayroll  withholding.       If  the  monthly 
you’re an Applicable Large Employer, file pa-       Electronic  filing  of  Forms  1094-C  and                  deposit rule applies, deposit the tax for pay-
per  Forms  1094-C,  Transmittal  of  Em-           1095-C  and  Forms  1094-B  and  1095-B.                    ments made in April.
ployer-Provided  Health  Insurance  Offer  and           If you’re an Applicable Large Employer, 
Coverage  Information  Returns,  and  1095-C        file electronic Forms 1094-C and 1095-C with 
with the IRS. For all other providers of mini-      the  IRS.  For  all  other  providers  of  minimum          June 15
mum  essential  coverage,  file  paper  Forms       essential  coverage,  file  electronic  Forms 
1094-B,  Transmittal  of  Health  Coverage  In-     1094-B and 1095-B with the IRS. Otherwise,                  Social security, Medicare, and withheld in-
formation Returns, and 1095-B with the IRS.         see Health  coverage  reporting  to  IRS  under             come  tax.      If  the  monthly  deposit  rule 
If you’re filing any of these forms with the IRS    February 28, earlier.                                       applies, deposit the tax for payments made in 
electronically,  your  due  date  for  filing  them 
will  be  extended  to  March  31.  See  the  In-   Second Quarter                                              Nonpayroll  withholding.       If  the  monthly 
structions for Forms 1094-B and 1095-B, and                                                                     deposit rule applies, deposit the tax for pay-
the  Instructions  for  Forms  1094-C  and          The  second  quarter  is  made  up  of  April,  May,        ments made in May.
1095-C for more information about the infor-        and June.
mation reporting requirements.
                                                                                                                Third Quarter
Large  food  and  beverage  establishment           April 18                                                    The third quarter of a calendar year is made up 
employers.    File Form 8027, Employer's 
Annual Information Return of Tip Income and         Social security, Medicare, and withheld in-                 of July, August, and September.
Allocated Tips. Use Form 8027-T, Transmit-          come  tax.  If  the  monthly  deposit  rule 
tal  of  Employer's  Annual  Information  Return    applies, deposit the tax for payments made in               July 17
of Tip Income and Allocated Tips, to summa-         March.
rize  and  transmit  paper  Forms  8027  if  you                                                                Social security, Medicare, and withheld in-
have more than one establishment.                   Nonpayroll  withholding.       If  the  monthly             come  tax.      If  the  monthly  deposit  rule 
If  you  file  Forms  8027  electronically,  your   deposit rule applies, deposit the tax for pay-              applies, deposit the tax for payments made in 
due date for filing them with the IRS will be ex-   ments made in March.                                        June.
tended to March 31.                                 Household  employers.          If  you  paid  cash          Nonpayroll  withholding.       If  the  monthly 
                                                    wages of $2,400 or more in 2022 to a house-                 deposit rule applies, deposit the tax for pay-
March 2                                             hold  employee,  you  must  file  Schedule  H               ments made in June.
                                                    (Form  1040).  If  you’re  required  to  file  a  fed-
Health  coverage  reporting  to  employees.         eral  income  tax  return  (Form  1040  or  Form 
If you’re an Applicable Large Employer,             1040-SR), file Schedule H (Form 1040) with                  July 31
provide  Form  1095-C,  Employer-Provided           the return and report any household employ-
Health  Insurance  Offer  and  Coverage,  to        ment  taxes.  Report  any  federal  unemploy-               Social security, Medicare, and withheld in-
full-time employees. For all other providers of     ment (FUTA) tax on Schedule H (Form 1040)                   come tax.       File Form 941 for the second 
minimum  essential  coverage,  provide  Form        if  you  paid  total  cash  wages  of  $1,000  or           quarter of 2023. Deposit or pay any undepos-
1095-B, Health Coverage, to responsible in-         more in any calendar quarter of 2021 or 2022                ited tax under the accuracy of deposits rule. If 
dividuals.  See  the  Instructions  for  Forms      to household employees. Also, report any in-                your tax liability is less than $2,500, you can 
1094-B and 1095-B, and the Instructions for         come  tax  you  withheld  for  your  household              pay  it  in  full  with  a  timely  filed  return.  If  you 
Forms 1094-C and 1095-C for more informa-           employees.  For  more  information,  see  Pub.              deposited the tax for the quarter timely, prop-
tion  about  the  information  reporting  require-  926.                                                        erly, and in full, you have until August 10 to 
ments.                                                                                                          file the return.
                                                    May 1                                                       Certain  small  employers.     Deposit  any 
March 15                                                                                                        undeposited tax if your tax liability is $2,500 
                                                    Social security, Medicare, and withheld in-                 or more for 2023 but less than $2,500 for the 
Social security, Medicare, and withheld in-         come  tax.  File  Form  941  for  the  first                second quarter.
come  tax.    If  the  monthly  deposit  rule       quarter of 2023. Deposit or pay any undepos-
applies, deposit the tax for payments made in       ited tax under the accuracy of deposits rule. If            Federal unemployment (FUTA) tax.        De-
February.                                           your tax liability is less than $2,500, you can             posit the tax owed through June if more than 
                                                    pay  it  in  full  with  a  timely  filed  return.  If  you $500.
Nonpayroll  withholding.        If  the  monthly    deposited the tax for the quarter timely, prop-
deposit rule applies, deposit the tax for pay-      erly, and in full, you have until May 10 to file            All  employers.       If  you  maintain  an  em-
ments made in February.                             the return.                                                 ployee  benefit  plan,  such  as  a  pension, 
                                                                                                                profit-sharing, or stock bonus plan, file Form 
                                                    Federal unemployment (FUTA) tax.        De-                 5500  or  5500-EZ  for  calendar  year  2022.  If 
March 31                                            posit  the  tax  owed  through  March  if  more             you  use  a  fiscal  year  as  your  plan  year,  file 
Electronic  filing  of  Forms  W-2G.      File      than $500.                                                  the form by the last day of the seventh month 
copies of all the Forms W-2G you issued for                                                                     after  the  plan  year  ends.  For  more  informa-
                                                                                                                tion  on  filing  these  forms,  go  to IRS.gov/
2022. This due date applies only if you elec-       May 10                                                      Form5500.
tronically file. Otherwise, see Payers of gam-
bling winnings under February 28, earlier.          Social security, Medicare, and withheld in-
                                                    come  tax.  File  Form  941  for  the  first 
                                                    quarter of 2023. This due date applies only if 
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August 10                                                   changes that could require a new Form W-4               d. Retail tax,
                                                            include changing the filing status on a tax re-
Social security, Medicare, and withheld in-                 turn,  changing  the  number  of  jobs  worked          e. Ship passenger tax, and
come tax.      File Form 941 for the second                 during  the  year,  and  other  income,  deduc-            f. Manufacturers taxes.
quarter of 2023. This due date applies only if              tions,  or  credits.  The  2024  revision  of  Form 3. Form 730, Monthly Tax Return for Wa-
you deposited the tax for the quarter timely,               W-4 will be available at IRS.gov/FormW4 by              gers. Use this form to pay an excise tax on 
properly, and in full.                                      mid-December.                                           wagers you accept. File this form for each 
                                                                                                                    month by the last day of the following 
August 15                                                   November 13                                             month. Also, see Form 11-C above.
Social security, Medicare, and withheld in-                 Social security, Medicare, and withheld in-         4. Form 2290, Heavy Highway Vehicle Use 
come  tax.     If  the  monthly  deposit  rule              come  tax.    File  Form  941  for  the  third          Tax Return. Use this form to pay the fed-
applies, deposit the tax for payments made in               quarter of 2023. This due date applies only if          eral use tax on heavy highway vehicles 
July.                                                       you deposited the tax for the quarter timely,           registered in your name. File this form by 
                                                            properly, and in full.                                  the last day of the month following the 
Nonpayroll  withholding.   If  the  monthly                                                                         month of the vehicle's first taxable use in 
deposit rule applies, deposit the tax for pay-                                                                      the tax period. The tax period begins on 
ments made in July.                                         November 15                                             July 1 and ends the following June 30. 
                                                            Social security, Medicare, and withheld in-             You must pay the full year's tax on all vehi-
September 15                                                come  tax.    If  the  monthly  deposit  rule           cles you have in use during the month of 
                                                            applies, deposit the tax for payments made in           July. You must also pay a partial-year tax 
Social security, Medicare, and withheld in-                 October.                                                on taxable vehicles that you put into use in 
come  tax.     If  the  monthly  deposit  rule                                                                      a month after July. For more information, 
applies, deposit the tax for payments made in               Nonpayroll  withholding.    If  the  monthly            see the Instructions for Form 2290.
August.                                                     deposit rule applies, deposit the tax for pay-
                                                            ments made in October.                              Fiscal-year  taxpayers. The  dates  in  this  cal-
Nonpayroll  withholding.   If  the  monthly                                                                     endar apply whether you use a fiscal year or the 
deposit rule applies, deposit the tax for pay-                                                                  calendar year as your tax year.
ments made in August.                                       December 15
                                                                                                                Adjustments for Saturday, Sunday, or legal 
                                                            Social security, Medicare, and withheld in-         holidays. Generally,  if  a  due  date  falls  on  a 
Fourth Quarter                                              come  tax.    If  the  monthly  deposit  rule       Saturday,  Sunday,  or  legal  holiday,  the  due 
                                                            applies, deposit the tax for payments made in       date  is  delayed  until  the  next  day  that  isn't  a 
The  fourth  quarter  of  a  calendar  year  is  made       November.                                           Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday. For excise 
up of October, November, and December.                      Nonpayroll  withholding.    If  the  monthly        taxes, there are two exceptions to this rule.
                                                            deposit rule applies, deposit the tax for pay-        For deposits of regular method taxes, if 
October 16                                                  ments made in November.                                 the due date is a Saturday, Sunday, or le-
                                                                                                                    gal holiday, the due date is the immedi-
Social security, Medicare, and withheld in-                                                                         ately preceding day that isn't a Saturday, 
                                                                                                                    Sunday, or legal holiday.
come  tax.     If  the  monthly  deposit  rule              Excise Tax Calendar                                   Under the special September deposit 
applies, deposit the tax for payments made in 
                                                                                                                    rules, if the due date falls on a Saturday, 
September.                                                  This tax calendar gives the due dates for filing        the deposit is due on the preceding Friday. 
Nonpayroll  withholding.   If  the  monthly                 returns  and  making  deposits  of  excise  taxes.      If the due date falls on a Sunday, the de-
deposit rule applies, deposit the tax for pay-              Use this calendar with Pub. 510. Also, see the          posit is due on the following Monday. For 
ments made in September.                                    instructions for Forms 11-C, 720, 730, and 2290         more information, see the Instructions for 
                                                            for more information. References to Form 2290           Form 720.
                                                            also apply to Form 2290(SP).
October 31                                                                                                      The Excise Tax Calendar has been adjusted for 
                                                            Forms  you  may  need. The  following  is  a  list  all of these provisions.
Social security, Medicare, and withheld in-                 and description of the excise tax forms you may 
come  tax.     File  Form  941  for  the  third             need.                                               Regular  method  taxes. These  are  taxes, 
quarter of 2023. Deposit or pay any undepos-                                                                    other  than  alternative  method  taxes  used  for 
ited tax under the accuracy of deposits rule. If            1. Form 11-C, Occupational Tax and Regis-           communication and air transportation taxes, re-
your tax liability is less than $2,500, you can             tration Return for Wagering. Use this form          ported on Form 720 for which deposits are re-
pay  it  in  full  with  a  timely  filed  return.  If  you to register any wagering activity and to pay        quired.
deposited the tax for the quarter timely, prop-             an occupational tax on wagering. File 
erly, and in full, you have until November 13               Form 11-C if you’re in the business of ac-
to file the return.                                         cepting wagers, including conducting a              First Quarter
                                                            wagering pool or lottery, or are an agent of 
Certain  small  employers. Deposit  any                     someone who accepts wagers. You must                The first quarter of a calendar year is made up 
undeposited tax if your tax liability is $2,500             file the form before you begin accepting            of January, February, and March.
or more for 2023 but less than $2,500 for the               wagers. After that, file the form by July 1 of 
third quarter.                                              each year. Also, see Form 730 below.                January 3
Federal unemployment (FUTA) tax.       De-                  2. Form 720, Quarterly Federal Excise Tax 
posit  the  tax  owed  through  September  if               Return. File this form by the last day of the       Wagering tax.       File Form 730 and pay the 
more than $500.                                             month following the calendar quarter. Use           tax  on  wagers  accepted  during  November 
                                                            this form to report a wide variety of excise        2022.
                                                            taxes, including:
During November                                                                                                 Heavy  highway  vehicle  use  tax.           File 
                                                            a. Environmental taxes,                             Form 2290 and pay the tax for vehicles first 
Income tax withholding.    Encourage em-                                                                        used in November 2022.
ployees  to  fill  out  a  new  Form  W-4  or  Form         b. Communications and air transporta-
W-4(SP)  for  2024  if  they  experienced  any                    tion taxes,
personal  or  financial  changes.  Examples  of             c. Fuel taxes,

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January 11                                           March 1                                          May 1
Communications  and  air  transportation             Regular  method  taxes.        Deposit  the  tax Form  720  taxes.     File  Form  720  for  the 
taxes under the alternative method.                  for the first 15 days of February.               first quarter of 2023.
Deposit the tax included in amounts billed or 
tickets  sold  during  the  first  15  days  of  De-                                                  Wagering tax.     File Form 730 and pay the 
cember 2022.                                         March 10                                         tax on wagers accepted during March.
                                                     Communications  and  air  transportation         Heavy  highway  vehicle  use  tax.  File 
January 13                                           taxes under the alternative method.              Form 2290 and pay the tax for vehicles first 
                                                     Deposit the tax included in amounts billed or    used in March.
Regular  method  taxes. Deposit  the  tax            tickets sold during the first 15 days of Febru-
for the last 16 days of December 2022.               ary.
                                                                                                      May 10
January 25                                           March 14                                         Communications  and  air  transportation 
                                                                                                      taxes under the alternative method.
Communications  and  air  transportation             Regular  method  taxes.        Deposit  the  tax Deposit the tax included in amounts billed or 
taxes under the alternative method.                  for the last 13 days of February.                tickets sold during the first 15 days of April.
Deposit the tax included in amounts billed or 
tickets sold during the last 16 days of Decem-
ber 2022.                                            March 27                                         May 12
                                                     Communications  and  air  transportation         Regular  method  taxes.       Deposit  the  tax 
January 27                                           taxes under the alternative method.              for the last 15 days of April.
                                                     Deposit the tax included in amounts billed or 
Regular  method  taxes. Deposit  the  tax            tickets sold during the last 13 days of Febru-
for the first 15 days of January.                    ary.                                             May 25
                                                                                                      Communications  and  air  transportation 
January 31                                           March 29                                         taxes under the alternative method.
                                                                                                      Deposit the tax included in amounts billed or 
Form  720  taxes. File  Form  720  for  the          Regular  method  taxes.        Deposit  the  tax tickets sold during the last 15 days of April.
fourth quarter of 2022.                              for the first 15 days of March.
Wagering tax.     File Form 730 and pay the                                                           May 26
tax  on  wagers  accepted  during  December          March 31
2022.                                                                                                 Regular  method  taxes.       Deposit  the  tax 
                                                     Wagering tax.     File Form 730 and pay the      for the first 15 days of May.
Heavy  highway  vehicle  use  tax.     File          tax on wagers accepted during February.
Form 2290 and pay the tax for vehicles first 
used in December 2022.                               Heavy  highway  vehicle  use  tax.     File      May 31
                                                     Form 2290 and pay the tax for vehicles first 
                                                     used in February.                                Wagering tax.     File Form 730 and pay the 
February 10                                                                                           tax on wagers accepted during April.
Communications  and  air  transportation             Second Quarter                                   Heavy  highway  vehicle  use  tax.  File 
taxes under the alternative method.                                                                   Form 2290 and pay the tax for vehicles first 
Deposit the tax included in amounts billed or        The second quarter of a calendar year is made    used in April.
tickets sold during the first 15 days of Janu-       up of April, May, and June.
ary.                                                                                                  June 12
                                                     April 12
                                                                                                      Communications  and  air  transportation 
February 14                                          Communications  and  air  transportation         taxes under the alternative method.
Regular  method  taxes. Deposit  the  tax            taxes under the alternative method.              Deposit the tax included in amounts billed or 
for the last 16 days of January.                     Deposit the tax included in amounts billed or    tickets sold during the first 15 days of May.
                                                     tickets sold during the first 15 days of March.
February 27                                                                                           June 14
                                                     April 14
Communications  and  air  transportation                                                              Regular  method  taxes.       Deposit  the  tax 
taxes under the alternative method.                  Regular  method  taxes.        Deposit  the  tax for the last 16 days of May.
Deposit the tax included in amounts billed or        for the last 16 days of March.
tickets sold during the last 16 days of Janu-                                                         June 27
ary.                                                 April 26
                                                                                                      Communications  and  air  transportation 
                                                     Communications  and  air  transportation         taxes under the alternative method.
February 28                                          taxes under the alternative method.              Deposit the tax included in amounts billed or 
Wagering tax.     File Form 730 and pay the          Deposit the tax included in amounts billed or    tickets sold during the last 16 days of May.
tax on wagers accepted during January.               tickets sold during the last 16 days of March.
Heavy  highway  vehicle  use  tax.     File                                                           June 29
Form 2290 and pay the tax for vehicles first         April 28
                                                                                                      Regular  method  taxes.       Deposit  the  tax 
used in January.                                     Regular  method  taxes.        Deposit  the  tax for the first 15 days of June.
                                                     for the first 15 days of April.

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June 30                                            August 25                                             October 12
Wagering tax.     File Form 730 and pay the        Communications  and  air  transportation              Communications  and  air  transportation 
tax on wagers accepted during May.                 taxes under the alternative method.                   taxes under the alternative method (spe-
                                                   Deposit the tax included in amounts billed or         cial September deposit rule).      Deposit 
Heavy  highway  vehicle  use  tax.  File           tickets sold during the last 16 days of July.         the  tax  included  in  amounts  billed  or  tickets 
Form 2290 and pay the tax for vehicles first                                                             sold during the period beginning September 
used in May.                                                                                             12 and ending September 15.
                                                   August 29
Floor stocks tax for ozone-depleting chemi-
cals  (IRS  No.  20).   Deposit  the  tax  for     Regular  method  taxes. Deposit  the  tax             October 13
January 1, 2023.                                   for the first 15 days of August.
                                                                                                         Regular  method  taxes  (special  September 
                                                                                                         deposit  rule).   Deposit  the  tax  for  the 
Third Quarter                                      August 31                                             last 4 days of September.
The third quarter of a calendar year is made up    Heavy  highway  vehicle  use  tax.    File 
of July, August, and September.                    Form 2290 and pay the full year's tax on all          October 25
                                                   vehicles you have in use during the month of 
                                                   July.                                                 Communications  and  air  transportation 
July 3                                                                                                   taxes under the alternative method.
                                                   Wagering tax.   File Form 730 and pay the             Deposit the tax included in amounts billed or 
Occupational  excise  taxes.    File  Form         tax on wagers accepted during July.                   tickets  sold  during  the  last  15  days  of  Sep-
11-C  to  register  and  pay  the  annual  tax  if                                                       tember.
you’re in the business of accepting wagers.
                                                   September 12
July 12                                            Communications  and  air  transportation              October 27
                                                   taxes under the alternative method.                   Regular  method  taxes.  Deposit  the  tax 
Communications  and  air  transportation           Deposit the tax included in amounts billed or         for the first 15 days of October.
taxes under the alternative method.                tickets sold during the first 15 days of August.
Deposit the tax included in amounts billed or 
tickets sold during the first 15 days of June.                                                           October 31
                                                   September 14
                                                                                                         Form  720  taxes.     File  Form  720  for  the 
July 14                                            Regular  method  taxes. Deposit  the  tax             third quarter of 2023.
                                                   for the last 16 days of August.
Regular  method  taxes.        Deposit  the  tax                                                         Wagering tax.     File Form 730 and pay the 
for the last 15 days of June.                                                                            tax on wagers accepted during September.
                                                   September 27
                                                                                                         Heavy  highway  vehicle  use  tax.    File 
July 26                                            Communications  and  air  transportation              Form 2290 and pay the tax for vehicles first 
                                                   taxes under the alternative method.                   used in September.
Communications  and  air  transportation           Deposit the tax included in amounts billed or 
taxes under the alternative method.                tickets sold during the last 16 days of August.
Deposit the tax included in amounts billed or                                                            November 13
tickets sold during the last 15 days of June.
                                                   September 29                                          Communications  and  air  transportation 
                                                                                                         taxes under the alternative method.
July 28                                            Regular  method  taxes. Deposit  the  tax             Deposit the tax included in amounts billed or 
                                                   for the first 15 days of September.
Regular  method  taxes.        Deposit  the  tax                                                         tickets sold during the first 15 days of Octo-
for the first 15 days of July.                     Regular  method  taxes  (special  September           ber.
                                                   deposit  rule). Deposit  the  tax  for  the 
                                                   period  beginning  September  16  and  ending         November 14
July 31                                            September 26.
                                                                                                         Regular  method  taxes.  Deposit  the  tax 
Form  720  taxes.     File  Form  720  for  the    Communications  and  air  transportation              for the last 16 days of October.
second quarter of 2023.                            taxes under the alternative method (spe-
Wagering tax.     File Form 730 and pay the        cial September deposit rule).       Deposit 
tax on wagers accepted during June.                the  tax  included  in  amounts  billed  or  tickets  November 28
                                                   sold during the period beginning September 
Heavy  highway  vehicle  use  tax.  File           1 and ending September 11.                            Communications  and  air  transportation 
                                                                                                         taxes under the alternative method.
Form 2290 and pay the tax for vehicles first                                                             Deposit the tax included in amounts billed or 
used in June.                                      Fourth Quarter                                        tickets sold during the last 16 days of Octo-
August 10                                          The  fourth  quarter  of  a  calendar  year  is  made 
                                                   up of October, November, and December.
Communications  and  air  transportation                                                                 November 29
taxes under the alternative method.                                                                      Regular  method  taxes.  Deposit  the  tax 
Deposit the tax included in amounts billed or      October 2                                             for the first 15 days of November.
tickets sold during the first 15 days of July.
                                                   Wagering tax.   File Form 730 and pay the 
                                                   tax on wagers accepted during August.                 November 30
August 14
                                                   Heavy  highway  vehicle  use  tax.    File            Wagering tax.     File Form 730 and pay the 
Regular  method  taxes.        Deposit  the  tax   Form 2290 and pay the tax for vehicles first          tax on wagers accepted during October.
for the last 16 days of July.                      used in August.

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Heavy  highway  vehicle  use  tax.              File      December 14                                            tickets sold during the last 15 days of Novem-
Form 2290 and pay the tax for vehicles first                                                                     ber.
used in October.                                          Regular  method  taxes. Deposit  the  tax 
                                                             for the last 15 days of November.
                                                                                                                 December 29
December 12
                                                          December 28                                            Regular  method  taxes. Deposit  the  tax 
Communications  and  air  transportation                                                                         for the first 15 days of December.
taxes under the alternative method.                       Communications  and  air  transportation 
Deposit the tax included in amounts billed or                taxes under the alternative method.
tickets  sold  during  the  first  15  days  of  No-         Deposit the tax included in amounts billed or 

Table 2. Due Dates for Electronic Funds Transfer of Taxes for 2023 Under the Semiweekly Rule
            First Quarter:                               Second Quarter:                       Third Quarter:                     Fourth Quarter:
   Payroll Date            Due Date             Payroll Date Due Date             Payroll Date  Due Date                Payroll Date               Due Date
Jan 1–3          Jan 6                          Apr 1–4      Apr 7                Jul 1–4       Jul 7                   Oct 1–3                    Oct 6
Jan 4–6          Jan 11                         Apr 5–7      Apr 12               Jul 5–7       Jul 12                  Oct 4–6                    Oct 12
Jan 7–10         Jan 13                         Apr 8–11     Apr 14               Jul 8–11      Jul 14                  Oct 7–10                   Oct 13
Jan 11–13        Jan 19                         Apr 12–14    Apr 20               Jul 12–14     Jul 19                  Oct 11–13                  Oct 18
Jan 14–17        Jan 20                         Apr 15–18    Apr 21               Jul 15–18     Jul 21                  Oct 14–17                  Oct 20
Jan 18–20        Jan 25                         Apr 19–21    Apr 26               Jul 19–21     Jul 26                  Oct 18–20                  Oct 25
Jan 21–24        Jan 27                         Apr 22–25    Apr 28               Jul 22–25     Jul 28                  Oct 21–24                  Oct 27
Jan 25–27        Feb 1                          Apr 26–28    May 3                Jul 26–28     Aug 2                   Oct 25–27                  Nov 1
Jan 28–31        Feb 3                          Apr 29–May 2 May 5                Jul 29–Aug 1  Aug 4                   Oct 28–31                  Nov 3
Feb 1–3          Feb 8                          May 3–5      May 10               Aug 2–4       Aug 9                   Nov 1–3                    Nov 8
Feb 4–7          Feb 10                         May 6–9      May 12               Aug 5–8       Aug 11                  Nov 4–7                    Nov 13
Feb 8–10         Feb 15                         May 10–12    May 17               Aug 9–11      Aug 16                  Nov 8–10                   Nov 15
Feb 11–14        Feb 17                         May 13–16    May 19               Aug 12–15     Aug 18                  Nov 11–14                  Nov 17
Feb 15–17        Feb 23                         May 17–19    May 24               Aug 16–18     Aug 23                  Nov 15–17                  Nov 22
Feb 18–21        Feb 24                         May 20–23    May 26               Aug 19–22     Aug 25                  Nov 18–21                  Nov 27
Feb 22–24        Mar 1                          May 24–26    Jun 1                Aug 23–25     Aug 30                  Nov 22–24                  Nov 29
Feb 25–28        Mar 3                          May 27–30    Jun 2                Aug 26–29     Sep 1                   Nov 25–28                  Dec 1
Mar 1–3          Mar 8                          May 31–Jun 2 Jun 7                Aug 30–Sep 1  Sep 7                   Nov 29–Dec 1               Dec 6
Mar 4–7          Mar 10                         Jun 3–6      Jun 9                Sep 2–5       Sep 8                   Dec 2–5                    Dec 8
Mar 8–10         Mar 15                         Jun 7–9      Jun 14               Sep 6–8       Sep 13                  Dec 6–8                    Dec 13
Mar 11–14        Mar 17                         Jun 10–13    Jun 16               Sep 9–12      Sep 15                  Dec 9–12                   Dec 15
Mar 15–17        Mar 22                         Jun 14–16    Jun 22               Sep 13–15     Sep 20                  Dec 13–15                  Dec 20
Mar 18–21        Mar 24                         Jun 17–20    Jun 23               Sep 16–19     Sep 22                  Dec 16–19                  Dec 22
Mar 22–24        Mar 29                         Jun 21–23    Jun 28               Sep 20–22     Sep 27                  Dec 20–22                  Dec 28
Mar 25–28        Mar 31                         Jun 24–27    Jun 30               Sep 23–26     Sep 29                  Dec 23–26                  Dec 29
Mar 29–31        Apr 5                          Jun 28–30    Jul 6                Sep 27–29     Oct 4                   Dec 27–29                  Jan 4
                                                                                  Sep 30        Oct 6                   Dec 30–31                  Jan 5
Note. This calendar reflects all legal holidays.
                                                          ments (Forms W-2, W-2G, 1099-R, 1099-MISC,             Free  options  for  tax  preparation.   Go  to 
                                                          1099-NEC, etc.); unemployment compensation             IRS.gov  to  see  your  options  for  preparing  and 
How To Get Tax Help                                       statements  (by  mail  or  in  a  digital  format)  or filing your return online or in your local commun-
                                                          other  government  payment  statements  (Form          ity, if you qualify, which include the following.
If  you  have  questions  about  a  tax  issue;  need     1099-G); and interest, dividend, and retirement        Free File. This program lets you prepare 
help preparing your tax return; or want to down-          statements  from  banks  and  investment  firms          and file your federal individual income tax 
load free publications, forms, or instructions, go        (Forms  1099),  you  have  several  options  to          return for free using brand-name tax-prep-
to IRS.gov to find resources that can help you            choose from to prepare and file your tax return.         aration-and-filing software or Free File filla-
right away.                                               You can prepare the tax return yourself, see if          ble forms. However, state tax preparation 
                                                          you qualify for free tax preparation, or hire a tax      may not be available through Free File. Go 
Preparing  and  filing  your  tax  return.      After     professional to prepare your return.                     to IRS.gov/FreeFile to see if you qualify for 
receiving  all  your  wage  and  earnings  state-
Publication 509 (2023)                                                                                                                       Page 11

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  free online federal tax preparation, e-filing,      You may also be able to access tax law in-       is  available  at  Taxpayer  Assistance  Centers 
  and direct deposit or payment options.                formation in your electronic filing software.    (TACs), other IRS offices, and every VITA/TCE 
VITA. The Volunteer Income Tax Assis-                                                                  return  site.  The  OPI  Service  is  accessible  in 
  tance (VITA) program offers free tax help                                                              more than 350 languages.
  to people with low-to-moderate incomes,          Need someone to prepare your tax return? 
  persons with disabilities, and limited-Eng-      There are various types of tax return preparers,      Accessibility  Helpline  available  for  taxpay-
  lish-speaking taxpayers who need help            including  enrolled  agents,  certified  public  ac-  ers with disabilities. Taxpayers who need in-
  preparing their own tax returns. Go to           countants (CPAs), accountants, and many oth-          formation  about  accessibility  services  can  call 
  IRS.gov/VITA, download the free IRS2Go           ers  who  don’t  have  professional  credentials.  If 833-690-0598.  The  Accessibility  Helpline  can 
  app, or call 800-906-9887 for information        you choose to have someone prepare your tax           answer questions related to current and future 
  on free tax return preparation.                  return, choose that preparer wisely. A paid tax       accessibility products and services available in 
TCE. The Tax Counseling for the Elderly          preparer is:                                          alternative media formats (for example, braille, 
  (TCE) program offers free tax help for all          Primarily responsible for the overall sub-       large print, audio, etc.). The Accessibility Help-
  taxpayers, particularly those who are 60              stantive accuracy of your return,                line doesn’t have access to your IRS account. 
  years of age and older. TCE volunteers              Required to sign the return, and                 For help with tax law, refunds, or account-rela-
  specialize in answering questions about             Required to include their preparer tax iden-     ted issues, go to IRS.gov/LetUsHelp.
  pensions and retirement-related issues                tification number (PTIN).
  unique to seniors. Go to IRS.gov/TCE,                                                                  Note.   Form 9000, Alternative Media Prefer-
  download the free IRS2Go app, or call             Although the tax preparer always signs the           ence, or Form 9000(SP) allows you to elect to 
  888-227-7669 for information on free tax         return, you're ultimately responsible for provid-     receive certain types of written correspondence 
  return preparation.                              ing all the information required for the preparer     in the following formats.
MilTax. Members of the U.S. Armed                to accurately prepare your return. Anyone paid        Standard Print.
  Forces and qualified veterans may use Mil-       to prepare tax returns for others should have a 
  Tax, a free tax service offered by the De-       thorough  understanding  of  tax  matters.  For       Large Print.
  partment of Defense through Military One-        more information on how to choose a tax pre-          Braille.
  Source. For more information, go to              parer, go to Tips for Choosing a Tax Preparer 
  MilitaryOneSource MilitaryOneSource.mil/ (       on IRS.gov.                                           Audio (MP3).
  MilTax).                                                                                               Plain Text File (TXT).
      Also,  the  IRS  offers  Free  Fillable      Coronavirus.  Go  to   IRS.gov/Coronavirus  for       Braille Ready File (BRF).
  Forms, which can be completed online and         links to information on the impact of the corona-
  then  filed  electronically  regardless  of  in- virus, as well as tax relief available for individu-  Disasters. Go  to Disaster  Assistance  and 
  come.                                            als  and  families,  small  and  large  businesses,   Emergency    Relief      for Individuals and 
                                                   and tax-exempt organizations.                         Businesses to review the available disaster tax 
Using online tools to help prepare your re-                                                              relief.
turn. Go to IRS.gov/Tools for the following.       Employers  can  register  to  use  Business 
The Earned Income Tax Credit Assistant           Services Online. The Social Security Adminis-         Getting  tax  forms  and  publications.  Go  to 
  (IRS.gov/EITCAssistant) determines if            tration (SSA) offers online service at SSA.gov/       IRS.gov/Forms to view, download, or print most 
  you’re eligible for the earned income credit     employer for fast, free, and secure online W-2        of the forms, instructions, and publications you 
  (EIC).                                           filing  options  to  CPAs,  accountants,  enrolled    may  need.  Or,  you  can  go  to   IRS.gov/
The Online EIN Application IRS.gov/EIN (   )     agents, and individuals who process Form W-2          OrderForms to place an order.
  helps you get an employer identification         and  Form  W-2c,  Corrected  Wage  and  Tax 
  number (EIN) at no cost.                         Statement.                                            Getting tax publications and instructions in 
The Tax Withholding Estimator IRS.gov/ (                                                               eBook  format.    You  can  also  download  and 
  W4app) makes it easier for you to estimate       IRS social media. Go to IRS.gov/SocialMedia           view  popular  tax  publications  and  instructions 
  the federal income tax you want your em-         to  see  the  various  social  media  tools  the  IRS (including  Publication  509)  on  mobile  devices 
  ployer to withhold from your paycheck.           uses  to  share  the  latest  information  on  tax    as eBooks at IRS.gov/eBooks.
  This is tax withholding. See how your with-      changes, scam alerts, initiatives, products, and 
  holding affects your refund, take-home           services.  At  the  IRS,  privacy  and  security  are Note.   IRS  eBooks  have  been  tested  using 
  pay, or tax due.                                 our highest priority. We use these tools to share     Apple's  iBooks  for  iPad.  Our  eBooks  haven’t 
                                                   public information with you. Don’t post your so-      been tested on other dedicated eBook readers, 
The First-Time Homebuyer Credit Account          cial security number (SSN) or other confidential      and eBook functionality may not operate as in-
  Look-up IRS.gov/HomeBuyer (  ) tool pro-         information  on  social  media  sites.  Always  pro-  tended.
  vides information on your repayments and         tect  your  identity  when  using  any  social  net-
  account balance.                                 working site.                                         Access your online account (individual tax-
The Sales Tax Deduction Calculator                The  following  IRS  YouTube  channels  pro-         payers  only). Go  to  IRS.gov/Account  to  se-
  (IRS.gov/SalesTax) figures the amount you        vide short, informative videos on various tax-re-     curely access information about your federal tax 
  can claim if you itemize deductions on           lated topics in English, Spanish, and ASL.            account.
  Schedule A (Form 1040).                             Youtube.com/irsvideos.                           View the amount you owe and a break-
      Getting  answers  to  your  tax  ques-          Youtube.com/irsvideosmultilingua.                  down by tax year.
      tions.  On  IRS.gov,  you  can  get             Youtube.com/irsvideosASL.                        See payment plan details or apply for a 
      up-to-date  information  on  current                                                                 new payment plan.
events and changes in tax law.                     Watching  IRS  videos. The  IRS  Video  portal        Make a payment or view 5 years of pay-
                                                   (IRSVideos.gov) contains video and audio pre-           ment history and any pending or sched-
IRS.gov/Help: A variety of tools to help you     sentations  for  individuals,  small  businesses,       uled payments.
  get answers to some of the most common           and tax professionals.                                Access your tax records, including key 
  tax questions.                                                                                           data from your most recent tax return, and 
IRS.gov/ITA: The Interactive Tax Assistant,      Online  tax  information  in  other  languages.         transcripts.
  a tool that will ask you questions and,          You  can  find  information  on        IRS.gov/       View digital copies of select notices from 
  based on your input, provide answers on a        MyLanguage  if  English  isn’t  your  native  lan-      the IRS.
  number of tax law topics.                        guage.                                                Approve or reject authorization requests 
IRS.gov/Forms: Find forms, instructions,                                                                 from tax professionals.
  and publications. You will find details on       Free Over-the-Phone Interpreter (OPI) Serv-           View your address on file or manage your 
  the most recent tax changes and interac-         ice. The IRS is committed to serving our multi-         communication preferences.
  tive links to help you find answers to your      lingual customers by offering OPI services. The 
  questions.                                       OPI Service is a federally funded program and 
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Tax Pro Account.  This tool lets your tax pro-             Making  a  tax  payment.  Go  to     IRS.gov/        the requested language. The IRS’s commitment 
fessional submit an authorization request to ac-           Payments  for  information  on  how  to  make  a     to LEP taxpayers is part of a multi-year timeline 
cess  your  individual  taxpayer  IRS  online              payment using any of the following options.          that is scheduled to begin providing translations 
account.  For  more  information,  go  to IRS.gov/            IRS Direct Pay: Pay your individual tax bill    in 2023. You will continue to receive communi-
TaxProAccount.                                                  or estimated tax payment directly from          cations, including notices and letters in English 
                                                                your checking or savings account at no          until  they  are  translated  to  your  preferred  lan-
Using  direct  deposit. The  fastest  way  to  re-              cost to you.                                    guage.
ceive  a  tax  refund  is  to  file  electronically  and      Debit or Credit Card: Choose an approved 
choose direct deposit, which securely and elec-                 payment processor to pay online or by           Contacting  your  local  IRS  office. Keep  in 
tronically transfers your refund directly into your             phone.                                          mind,  many  questions  can  be  answered  on 
financial account. Direct deposit also avoids the             Electronic Funds Withdrawal: Schedule a         IRS.gov  without  visiting  an  IRS  TAC.  Go  to 
possibility that your check could be lost, stolen,              payment when filing your federal taxes us-      IRS.gov/LetUsHelp  for  the  topics  people  ask 
destroyed, or returned undeliverable to the IRS.                ing tax return preparation software or          about  most.  If  you  still  need  help,  IRS  TACs 
Eight  in  10  taxpayers  use  direct  deposit  to  re-         through a tax professional.                     provide tax help when a tax issue can’t be han-
ceive their refunds. If you don’t have a bank ac-             Electronic Federal Tax Payment System:          dled online or by phone. All TACs now provide 
count, go to IRS.gov/DirectDeposit for more in-                 Best option for businesses. Enrollment is       service  by  appointment,  so  you’ll  know  in  ad-
formation  on  where  to  find  a  bank  or  credit             required.                                       vance  that  you  can  get  the  service  you  need 
union that can open an account online.                        Check or Money Order: Mail your payment         without long wait times. Before you visit, go to 
                                                                to the address listed on the notice or in-      IRS.gov/TACLocator  to  find  the  nearest  TAC 
Getting  a  transcript  of  your  return.   The                 structions.                                     and to check hours, available services, and ap-
quickest way to get a copy of your tax transcript             Cash: You may be able to pay your taxes         pointment options. Or, on the IRS2Go app, un-
is to go to IRS.gov/Transcripts. Click on either                with cash at a participating retail store.      der  the  Stay  Connected  tab,  choose  the  Con-
“Get  Transcript  Online”  or  “Get  Transcript  by           Same-Day Wire: You may be able to do            tact Us option and click on “Local Offices.”
Mail”  to  order  a  free  copy  of  your  transcript.  If      same-day wire from your financial institu-
you prefer, you can order your transcript by call-              tion. Contact your financial institution for 
ing 800-908-9946.                                               availability, cost, and time frames.            The Taxpayer Advocate 
                                                                                                                Service (TAS) Is Here To 
Reporting  and  resolving  your  tax-related               Note.    The  IRS  uses  the  latest  encryption     Help You
identity theft issues.                                     technology  to  ensure  that  the  electronic  pay-
Tax-related identity theft happens when                  ments  you  make  online,  by  phone,  or  from  a   What Is TAS?
  someone steals your personal information                 mobile  device  using  the  IRS2Go  app  are  safe 
  to commit tax fraud. Your taxes can be af-               and secure. Paying electronically is quick, easy,    TAS is an independent organization within the 
  fected if your SSN is used to file a fraudu-             and faster than mailing in a check or money or-      IRS that helps taxpayers and protects taxpayer 
  lent return or to claim a refund or credit.              der.                                                 rights. Their job is to ensure that every taxpayer 
                                                                                                                is  treated  fairly  and  that  you  know  and  under-
The IRS doesn’t initiate contact with tax-                                                                    stand  your  rights  under  the Taxpayer  Bill  of 
  payers by email, text messages (including                What  if  I  can’t  pay  now? Go  to IRS.gov/
  shortened links), telephone calls, or social             Payments for more information about your op-         Rights.
  media channels to request or verify per-                 tions.
  sonal or financial information. This in-                    Apply for an online payment agreement           How Can You Learn About Your 
  cludes requests for personal identification                   (IRS.gov/OPA) to meet your tax obligation       Taxpayer Rights?
  numbers (PINs), passwords, or similar in-                     in monthly installments if you can’t pay 
  formation for credit cards, banks, or other                   your taxes in full today. Once you complete     The Taxpayer Bill of Rights describes 10 basic 
  financial accounts.                                           the online process, you will receive imme-      rights that all taxpayers have when dealing with 
Go to IRS.gov/IdentityTheft, the IRS Iden-                    diate notification of whether your agree-       the  IRS.  Go  to TaxpayerAdvocate.IRS.gov  to 
  tity Theft Central webpage, for information                   ment has been approved.                         help you understand what these rights mean to 
  on identity theft and data security protec-                 Use the Offer in Compromise Pre-Qualifier       you and how they apply. These are your rights. 
  tion for taxpayers, tax professionals, and                    to see if you can settle your tax debt for      Know them. Use them.
  businesses. If your SSN has been lost or                      less than the full amount you owe. For 
  stolen or you suspect you’re a victim of                      more information on the Offer in Compro-
  tax-related identity theft, you can learn                     mise program, go to IRS.gov/OIC.                What Can TAS Do for You?
  what steps you should take.
Get an Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN). IP              Filing  an  amended  return.  Go  to IRS.gov/        TAS  can  help  you  resolve  problems  that  you 
  PINs are six-digit numbers assigned to tax-              Form1040X for information and updates.               can’t resolve with the IRS. And their service is 
  payers to help prevent the misuse of their                                                                    free. If you qualify for their assistance, you will 
  SSNs on fraudulent federal income tax re-                Checking  the  status  of  your  amended  re-        be assigned to one advocate who will work with 
  turns. When you have an IP PIN, it pre-                  turn. Go to IRS.gov/WMAR to track the status         you  throughout  the  process  and  will  do  every-
  vents someone else from filing a tax return              of Form 1040-X amended returns.                      thing  possible  to  resolve  your  issue.  TAS  can 
                                                                                                                help you if:
  with your SSN. To learn more, go to                      Note.    It  can  take  up  to  3  weeks  from  the  Your problem is causing financial difficulty 
  IRS.gov/IPPIN.                                           date  you  filed  your  amended  return  for  it  to   for you, your family, or your business;
Ways to check on the status of your refund.                show  up  in  our  system,  and  processing  it  can You face (or your business is facing) an 
Go to IRS.gov/Refunds.                                   take up to 16 weeks.                                   immediate threat of adverse action; or
                                                                                                                You’ve tried repeatedly to contact the IRS 
Download the official IRS2Go app to your                 Understanding  an  IRS  notice  or  letter             but no one has responded, or the IRS 
  mobile device to check your refund status.               you’ve  received.  Go  to IRS.gov/Notices  to          hasn’t responded by the date promised.
Call the automated refund hotline at                     find additional information about responding to 
  800-829-1954.                                            an IRS notice or letter.
                                                                                                                How Can You Reach TAS?
Note.  The  IRS  can’t  issue  refunds  before             Note.    You  can  use  Schedule  LEP  (Form 
mid-February for returns that claimed the EIC or           1040), Request for Change in Language Prefer-        TAS  has  offices in  every  state,  the  District  of 
the additional child tax credit (ACTC). This ap-           ence, to state a preference to receive notices,      Columbia,  and  Puerto  Rico.  Your  local  advo-
plies to the entire refund, not just the portion as-       letters,  or  other  written  communications  from   cate’s  number  is  in  your  local  directory  and  at 
sociated with these credits.                               the IRS in an alternative language. You may not      TaxpayerAdvocate.IRS.gov/Contact-Us.        You 
                                                           immediately receive written communications in        can also call them at 877-777-4778.

Publication 509 (2023)                                                                                                                              Page 13

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How Else Does TAS Help                               guidance, TAS programs, and ways to let TAS     collection disputes. In addition, LITCs can pro-
Taxpayers?                                           know about systemic problems you’ve seen in     vide  information  about  taxpayer  rights  and  re-
                                                     your practice.                                  sponsibilities in different languages for individu-
TAS works to resolve large-scale problems that                                                       als who  speak English as a second  language. 
affect  many  taxpayers.  If  you  know  of  one  of                                                 Services are offered for free or a small fee for 
these broad issues, report it to them at IRS.gov/    Low Income Taxpayer                             eligible taxpayers. To find an LITC near you, go 
SAMS.                                                Clinics (LITCs)                                 to TaxpayerAdvocate.IRS.gov/about-us/Low-
                                                                                                     Income-Taxpayer-Clinics-LITC or see IRS Pub. 
TAS for Tax Professionals                            LITCs  are  independent  from  the  IRS.  LITCs 4134, Low Income Taxpayer Clinic List.
                                                     represent individuals whose income is below a 
TAS can provide a variety of information for tax     certain level and need to resolve tax problems 
professionals,  including  tax  law  updates  and    with the IRS, such as audits, appeals, and tax 

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