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            Department of the Treasury                   Contents
            Internal Revenue Service
                                                         What's New     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
                                                         Reminders    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Publication 80
Cat. No. 46153G                                          Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
                                                         Introduction   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
                                                         1. Employer Identification Number (EIN)                    . . . . . . . . 7
(Circular SS),
                                                         2. Who Are Employees? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            7
Federal Tax Guide for                                    3. Employee's Social Security Number (SSN)                         . . . . 8
Employers in the U.S.                                    4. Wages and Other Compensation                    . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Virgin Islands, Guam,                                    5. Tips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
American Samoa, and the                                  6. Social Security and Medicare Taxes for 
                                                         Farmworkers            . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   11
Commonwealth of the 
                                                         7. How To Figure Social Security and Medicare 
Northern Mariana Islands                                 Taxes        . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
                                                         8. Depositing Taxes        . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   13
For use in 2023                                          9. Employer's Returns          . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   19
                                                         10. Wage and Tax Statements                . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   21
                                                         11. Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax—U.S. 
                                                         Virgin Islands Employers Only . . . . . . . . . . . .                      21
                                                         12. Special Rules for Various Types of 
                                                         Employment and Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                        23
                                                         13. Federal Agency Certifying Requirements of 
                                                         Federal Income Taxes Withheld From U.S. 
                                                         Government Employees and Federal 
                                                         Pension Recipients               . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   28
                                                         How To Get Tax Help          . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   30
                                                         Index  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

                                                         Future Developments
                                                         For the latest information about developments related to 
                                                         Pub.  80,  such  as  legislation  enacted  after  it  was 
                                                         published, go to IRS.gov/Pub80.

                                                         What's New
                                                         Social security and Medicare tax for 2023.                     The rate of 
                                                         social  security  tax  on  taxable  wages,  including  qualified 
                                                         sick leave wages and qualified family leave wages paid in 
                                                         2023 for leave taken after March 31, 2021, and before Oc-
Get forms and other information faster and easier at:    tober  1,  2021,  is  6.2%  each  for  the  employer  and  em-
IRS.gov (English)    IRS.gov/Korean (한국어)            ployee or 12.4% for both. Qualified sick leave wages and 
IRS.gov/Spanish (Español)  • IRS.gov/Russian (Pусский) qualified family leave wages paid in 2023 for leave taken 
IRS.gov/Chinese (中文) IRS.gov/Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) after March 31, 2020, and before April 1, 2021, aren't sub-
                                                         ject to the employer share of social security tax; therefore, 

Dec 19, 2022

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the tax rate on these wages is 6.2%. The social security          Puertorriqueños, will no longer be available after 2023. In-
wage base limit is $160,200.                                      stead, information specific to employers in the U.S. territo-
The Medicare tax rate is 1.45% each for the employee              ries and agricultural employers will be included in Pub. 15 
and  employer,  unchanged  from  2022.  There  is  no  wage       beginning with the Pub. 15 for use in 2024 (published De-
base limit for Medicare tax.                                      cember  2023).  Beginning  in  2024,  there  will  be  a  new 
Social security and Medicare taxes apply to the wages             Pub.  15  (sp)  that  is  a  Spanish-language  version  of  Pub. 
of household workers you pay $2,600 or more in cash wa-           15.
ges in 2023. Social security and Medicare taxes apply to 
election workers who are paid $2,200 or more in cash or 
an equivalent form of compensation in 2023.                       Reminders
Qualified  small  business  payroll  tax  credit  for  in-
creasing  research  activities. For  tax  years  beginning        The  COVID-19  related  credit  for  qualified  sick  and 
before  January  1,  2023,  a  qualified  small  business  may    family  leave  wages  is  limited  to  leave  taken  after 
elect to claim up to $250,000 of its credit for increasing re-    March 31, 2020, and before October 1, 2021.            Gener-
search activities as a payroll tax credit. The Inflation Re-      ally, the credit for qualified sick and family leave wages as 
duction  Act  of  2022  (the  IRA)  increases  the  election      enacted  under  the  Families  First  Coronavirus  Response 
amount to $500,000 for tax years beginning after Decem-           Act  (FFCRA)  and  amended  and  extended  by  the 
ber 31, 2022. The payroll tax credit election must be made        COVID-related Tax Relief Act of 2020 for leave taken after 
on or before the due date of the originally filed income tax      March 31, 2020, and before April 1, 2021, and the credit 
return  (including  extensions).  The  portion  of  the  credit   for qualified sick and family leave wages under sections 
used against payroll taxes is allowed in the first calendar       3131, 3132, and 3133 of the Internal Revenue Code, as 
quarter  beginning  after  the  date  that  the  qualified  small enacted under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (the 
business filed its income tax return. The election and de-        ARP),  for  leave  taken  after  March  31,  2021,  and  before 
termination of the credit amount that will be used against        October 1, 2021, have expired. However, employers that 
the  employer’s  payroll  taxes  are  made  on  Form  6765,       pay  qualified  sick  and  family  leave  wages  in  2023  for 
Credit  for  Increasing  Research  Activities.  The  amount       leave taken after March 31, 2020, and before October 1, 
from Form 6765, line 44, must then be reported on Form            2021,  are  eligible  to  claim  a  credit  for  qualified  sick  and 
8974, Qualified Small Business Payroll Tax Credit for In-         family leave wages in 2023. See the March 2023 revision 
creasing Research Activities.                                     of the Instructions for Form 941-SS, the 2023 Instructions 
                                                                  for  Form  944,  or  the  2023  Instructions  for  Form  943  for 
Starting in the first quarter of 2023, the payroll tax credit 
                                                                  more information.
is first used to reduce the employer share of social secur-
                                                                  Payroll  tax  credit  for  certain  tax-exempt  organiza-
ity  tax  up  to  $250,000  per  quarter  and  any  remaining 
                                                                  tions affected by qualified disasters. Section 303(d) of 
credit reduces the employer share of Medicare tax for the 
                                                                  the  Taxpayer  Certainty  and  Disaster  Tax  Relief  Act  of 
quarter. Any remaining credit, after reducing the employer 
                                                                  2020 allows for a payroll tax credit for certain tax-exempt 
share  of  social  security  tax  and  the  employer  share  of 
                                                                  organizations  affected  by  certain  qualified  disasters not 
Medicare tax, is then carried forward to the next quarter. 
                                                                  related  to  COVID-19.  This  credit  is  claimed  on  Form 
Form 8974 is used to determine the amount of the credit 
                                                                  5884-D  (not  on  Form  941-SS,  Form  944,  or  Form  943). 
that can be used in the current quarter. The amount from 
                                                                  Form 5884-D is filed after the Form 941-SS for the quar-
Form 8974, line 12 or, if applicable, line 17, is reported on 
                                                                  ter,  Form  944  for  the  year,  or  Form  943  for  the  year  for 
Form  941,  Form  941-SS,  Form  943,  or  Form  944.  For 
                                                                  which the credit is being claimed has been filed. For more 
more information about the payroll tax credit, see IRS.gov/
                                                                  information about this credit, go to IRS.gov/Form5884D.
ResearchPayrollTC.  Also  see  the  line  16  instructions  in 
the  Instructions  for  Form  941-SS  (line  17  instructions  in Disaster  tax  relief. Disaster  tax  relief  is  available  for 
the Instructions for Form 943; line 13 instructions in the In-    those impacted by disasters. For more information about 
structions for Form 944) for information on reducing your         disaster relief, go to IRS.gov/DisasterTaxRelief.
record of tax liability for this credit.                          Moving  expense  reimbursement.      P.L.  115-97,  Tax 
                                                                  Cuts  and  Jobs  Act,  suspends  the  exclusion  for  qualified 
Forms  941-SS  and  941-PR  discontinued  after  2023.            moving  expense  reimbursements  from  your  employee's 
Form 941-SS, Employer’s QUARTERLY Federal Tax Re-                 income  for  tax  years  beginning  after  2017  and  before 
turn—American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the                2026. However, the exclusion is still available in the case 
Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and        of a member of the U.S. Armed Forces on active duty who 
Form  941-PR,  Planilla  para  la  Declaración  Federal  TRI-     moves because of a permanent change of station due to a 
MESTRAL  del  Patrono,  will  no  longer  be  available  after    military  order.  The  exclusion  applies  only  to  reimburse-
the fourth quarter of 2023. Instead, employers in the U.S.        ment of moving expenses that the member could deduct if 
territories  will  file  Form  941,  Employer’s  QUARTERLY        he  or  she  had  paid  or  incurred  them  without  reimburse-
Federal Tax Return, or, if you prefer your form and instruc-      ment.  See Moving  Expenses  in  Pub.  3,  Armed  Forces' 
tions in Spanish, you can file new Form 941 (sp), Declara-        Tax Guide, for the definition of what constitutes a perma-
ción del Impuesto Federal TRIMESTRAL del Empleador.               nent change of station and to learn which moving expen-
Pubs. 80, 51, and 179 discontinued after 2023.     Pub.           ses are deductible.
80; Pub. 51, Agricultural Employer's Tax Guide; and Pub.          Work opportunity tax credit for qualified tax-exempt 
179, Guía Contributiva        Federal    para Patronos            organizations  hiring  qualified  veterans.            Qualified 

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tax-exempt  organizations  that  hire  eligible  unemployed        the  CPEO.  However,  with  respect  to  certain  employees 
veterans  may  be  able  to  claim  the  work  opportunity  tax    covered by a CPEO contract, you may also be treated as 
credit against their payroll tax liability using Form 5884-C.      an  employer  of  the  employees  and,  consequently,  may 
For more information, go to IRS.gov/WOTC.                          also  be  liable  for  federal  employment  taxes  imposed  on 
Definition of marriage. A marriage of two individuals is           wages and other compensation paid by the CPEO to such 
recognized for federal tax purposes if the marriage is rec-        employees. For more information on the different types of 
ognized by the state, possession, or territory of the United       third-party payer arrangements, see section 16 of Pub. 15.
States in which the marriage is entered into, regardless of        Aggregate  filers. Approved  section  3504  agents  and 
legal residence. Two individuals who enter into a relation-        CPEOs must complete Schedule R (Form 941), Allocation 
ship that is denominated as a marriage under the laws of           Schedule  for  Aggregate  Form  941  Filers,  when  filing  an 
a foreign jurisdiction are recognized as married for federal       aggregate Form 941 or, if applicable, a Schedule R (Form 
tax purposes if the relationship would be recognized as a          943), Allocation Schedule for Aggregate Form 943 Filers, 
marriage under the laws of at least one state, possession,         when filing an aggregate Form 943. Aggregate forms are 
or territory of the United States, regardless of legal resi-       filed by agents approved by the IRS under section 3504 of 
dence. Individuals who have entered into a registered do-          the Internal Revenue Code. To request approval to act as 
mestic partnership, civil union, or other similar relationship     an agent for an employer, the agent files Form 2678 with 
that isn't denominated as a marriage under the law of the          the IRS unless you're a state or local government agency 
state, possession, or territory of the United States where         acting as an agent under the special procedures provided 
such relationship was entered into aren't lawfully married         in Revenue Procedure 2013-39, 2013-52 I.R.B. 830, avail-
for federal tax purposes, regardless of legal residence.           able at IRS.gov/irb/2013-52_IRB#RP-2013-39. Aggregate 
Certification  program  for  professional  employer  or-           forms are also filed by CPEOs approved by the IRS under 
ganizations (PEOs). The Stephen Beck, Jr., Achieving a             section 7705. To become a CPEO, the organization must 
Better Life Experience Act of 2014 required the IRS to es-         apply  through  the  IRS  Online  Registration  System  at 
tablish a voluntary certification program for PEOs. PEOs           IRS.gov/CPEO. CPEOs file Form 8973, Certified Profes-
handle various payroll administration and tax reporting re-        sional Employer Organization/Customer Reporting Agree-
sponsibilities  for  their  business  clients  and  are  typically ment,  to  notify  the  IRS  that  they've  started  or  ended  a 
paid a fee based on payroll costs. To become and remain            service  contract  with  a  client  or  customer.  CPEOs  must 
certified  under  the  certification  program,  certified  profes- generally file Form 941-SS, Schedule R (Form 941), Form 
sional  employer  organizations  (CPEOs)  must  meet  vari-        943, and Schedule R (Form 943) electronically. For more 
ous  requirements  described  in  sections  3511  and  7705        information about a CPEO's requirement to file electroni-
and related published guidance. Certification as a CPEO            cally,  see  Revenue  Procedure  2017-14,  2017-3  I.R.B. 
may affect the employment tax liabilities of both the CPEO         426, available at IRS.gov/irb/2017-03_IRB#RP-2017-14.
and  its  customers.  A  CPEO  is  generally  treated  for  em-    Other third-party payers that file aggregate forms, such 
ployment tax purposes as the employer of any individual            as non-certified PEOs, must complete and file Schedule R 
who performs services for a customer of the CPEO and is            (Form 941) or, if applicable, Schedule R (Form 943) if they 
covered by a contract described in section 7705(e)(2) be-          have clients that are claiming any employment tax credit 
tween the CPEO and the customer (CPEO contract), but               (for  example,  the  qualified  small  business  payroll  tax 
only for wages and other compensation paid to the indi-            credit for increasing research activities).
vidual by the CPEO. To become a CPEO, the organization 
                                                                   Residents of the Philippines working in the Common-
must  apply  through  the  IRS  Online  Registration  System. 
                                                                   wealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI).        Em-
For more information or to apply to become a CPEO, go to 
                                                                   ployers must withhold and pay social security and Medi-
IRS.gov/CPEO.  Also  see  Revenue  Procedure  2017-14, 
                                                                   care  taxes  on  wages  and  other  compensation  paid  to 
2017-3 I.R.B. 426,          available at    IRS.gov/irb/
                                                                   residents of the Philippines who don’t hold an H-2 status 
                                                                   for  services  performed  as  employees  in  the  CNMI  after 
Outsourcing payroll duties. Generally, as an employer,             December 31, 2014, unless those workers are eligible for 
you're responsible to ensure that tax returns are filed and        exemption from social security and Medicare taxes under 
deposits  and  payments  are  made,  even  if  you  contract       an  exception  listed  in section  12.  For  more  information, 
with  a  third  party  to  perform  these  acts.  You  remain  re- see Announcement 2012-43, 2012-51 I.R.B. 723, availa-
sponsible if the third party fails to perform any required ac-     ble at IRS.gov/irb/2012-51_IRB#ANN-2012-43 .
tion. Before you choose to outsource any of your payroll 
and related tax duties (that is, withholding, reporting, and       CNMI  government  employees  are  subject  to  social 
paying over social security, Medicare, FUTA, and income            security  and  Medicare  taxes. Beginning  in  the  fourth 
taxes) to a third-party payer, such as a payroll service pro-      calendar  quarter  of  2012,  CNMI  government  employees 
vider  or reporting     agent, go        to IRS.gov/               are subject to social security and Medicare taxes.
OutsourcingPayrollDuties  for  helpful  information  on  this      Federal employers in the CNMI.       The U.S. Treasury De-
topic. If a CPEO pays wages and other compensation to              partment and the CNMI Division of Revenue and Taxation 
an individual performing services for you, and the services        entered into an agreement under 5 U.S.C. section 5517 in 
are covered by a contract described in section 7705(e)(2)          December  2006.  Under  this  agreement,  all  federal  em-
between  you  and  the  CPEO  (CPEO  contract),  then  the         ployers  (including  the  Department  of  Defense)  are  re-
CPEO  is  generally  treated  as  the  employer,  but  only  for   quired to withhold CNMI income taxes (rather than federal 
wages and other compensation paid to the individual by             income taxes) and deposit the CNMI taxes with the CNMI 

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Treasury  for  employees  who  are  subject  to  CNMI  taxes       you rely on a tax professional or prepare your own taxes. 
and whose regular place of federal employment is in the            You can use IRS     e-file to file certain returns. If there is a 
CNMI. For more information, including details on complet-          balance due on the return, you can e-file and e-pay in a 
ing  Form  W-2,  go  to IRS.gov/5517Agreements.  Federal           single step by authorizing an electronic funds withdrawal 
employers  are  also  required  to  file  quarterly  and  annual   (EFW)  from  your  bank  account  while  e-filing.  Don't  use 
reports with the CNMI Division of Revenue and Taxation.            EFW to pay taxes that are required to be deposited. Go to 
For questions, contact the CNMI Division of Revenue and            IRS.gov/EmploymentEfile  for  more  information  on  filing 
Taxation.                                                          electronically. For more information on paying your taxes 
You must receive written notice from the IRS to file               using EFW, go to IRS.gov/EFW. A fee may be charged to 
Form  944. If  you’ve  been  filing  Forms  941-SS  and  be-       file electronically.
lieve your employment taxes for the calendar year will be            For EFTPS, go to EFTPS.gov or call EFTPS Customer 
$1,000 or less, and you would like to file Form 944 instead          Service at 800-555-4477. To contact EFTPS using 
of Forms 941-SS, you must contact the IRS during the first           TRS for people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have 
calendar  quarter  of  the  tax  year  to  request  to  file  Form   a speech disability, dial 711 and then provide the TRS 
944. You must receive written notice from the IRS to file            assistant the 800-555-4477 number above or 
Form  944  instead  of  Forms  941-SS  before  you  may  file        800-733-4829.
this form. For more information on requesting to file Form 
944, including the methods and deadlines for making a re-          For electronic filing of Forms W-2AS, W-2CM, 
quest, see the Instructions for Form 944.                            W-2GU, W-2VI, Wage and Tax Statements; W-3SS, 
Employers can request to file Forms 941-SS instead                   Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements; and W-2c, 
of Form 944. If you received notice from the IRS to file             Corrected Wage and Tax Statement, go to SSA.gov/
Form 944 but would like to file Forms 941-SS instead, you            employer. You may be required to file Forms W-2AS, 
must contact the IRS during the first calendar quarter of            W-2CM, W-2GU, W-2VI, or W-3SS electronically. For 
the tax year to request to file Forms 941-SS. You must re-           details, see the General Instructions for Forms W-2 
ceive written notice from the IRS to file Forms 941-SS in-           and W-3.
stead  of  Form  944  before  you  may  file  these  forms.  For           If you’re filing your tax return or paying your fed-
more information on requesting to file Forms 941-SS, in-            !      eral taxes electronically, a valid employer identifi-
cluding the methods and deadlines for making a request,            CAUTION cation number (EIN) is required at the time the re-
see the Instructions for Form 944.                                 turn  is  filed  or  the  payment  is  made.  If  a  valid  EIN  isn't 
Change  of  business  address  or  responsible  party.             provided, the return or payment won't be processed. This 
Notify  the  IRS  immediately  if  you  change  your  business     may  result  in  penalties.  See section  1  for  information 
address  or  responsible  party.  Complete  and  mail  Form        about applying for an EIN.
8822-B to notify the IRS of a business address or respon-
sible party change. For a definition of “responsible party,” 
                                                                   Electronic  option  for  filing  Forms  W-2AS,  W-2CM, 
see the Instructions for Form SS-4.
                                                                   W-2GU,  or  W-2VI.  Employers  in  American  Samoa,  the 
Federal  tax  deposits  must  be  made  by  electronic 
                                                                   CNMI, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands can use the So-
funds  transfer  (EFT). You  must  use  EFT  to  make  all 
                                                                   cial Security Administration's (SSA's) W-2 Online service 
federal tax deposits. Generally, an EFT is made using the 
                                                                   to create, save, print, and submit up to 50 Forms W-2AS, 
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS). If you 
                                                                   W-2CM, W-2GU, or W-2VI at a time over the Internet. If 
don't  want  to  use  EFTPS,  you  can  arrange  for  your  tax 
                                                                   you use the SSA's Form W-2 Online service, Form W-3SS 
professional, financial institution, payroll service, or other 
                                                                   will  be  generated  automatically  based  on  your  Forms 
trusted third party to make electronic deposits on your be-
                                                                   W-2AS, W-2CM, W-2GU, or W-2VI. For more information, 
half. Also, you may arrange for your financial institution to 
                                                                   go to the SSA's website at SSA.gov/bso.
initiate a same-day wire payment on your behalf. EFTPS 
is a free service provided by the Department of the Treas-         Credit  or  debit  card  payments. You  can  pay  the  bal-
ury. Services provided by your tax professional, financial         ance due shown on your employment tax return by credit 
institution, payroll service, or other third party may have a      or debit card. Your payment will be processed by a pay-
fee.                                                               ment  processor  who  will  charge  a  processing  fee.  Don't 
For  more  information  on  making  federal  tax  deposits,        use a credit or debit card to make federal tax deposits. For 
see How To Deposit in section 8.                                   more  information  on  paying  your  taxes  with  a  credit  or 
                                                                   debit card, go to IRS.gov/PayByCard.
For  more  information  about  EFTPS  or  to  enroll  in 
EFTPS, go to EFTPS.gov or call 800-555-4477. To con-               Online payment agreement.        You may be eligible to ap-
tact  EFTPS  using  Telecommunications  Relay  Services            ply for an installment agreement online if you can’t pay the 
(TRS) for people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a          full amount of tax you owe when you file your employment 
speech disability, dial 711 and then provide the TRS as-           tax  return.  For  more  information,  see  the  instructions  for 
sistant the 800-555-4477 number above or 800-733-4829.             your employment tax return or go to IRS.gov/OPA.
Additional  information  about  EFTPS  is  also  available  in     Dishonored payments.      Any form of payment that is dis-
Pub. 966.                                                          honored and returned from a financial institution is subject 
Electronic filing and payment.   Using electronic options          to  a  penalty.  The  penalty  is  $25  or  2%  of  the  payment, 
can make filing a return and paying your federal tax eas-          whichever  is  more.  However,  the  penalty  on  dishonored 
ier. Use EFTPS to make deposits or pay in full, whether            payments  of  $24.99  or  less  is  an  amount  equal  to  the 

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payment.  For  example,  a  dishonored  payment  of  $18  is       employment tax purposes. Eligible single-member entities 
charged a penalty of $18.                                          must report and pay employment taxes on wages paid to 
Hiring  new  employees.   Record  the  number  and  name           their employees using the entities' own names and EINs. 
from  each  new  employee's  social  security  card.  An  em-      See Regulations           sections 1.1361-4(a)(7)     and 
ployee who doesn't have a social security card should ap-          301.7701-2(c)(2)(iv).
ply for one on Form SS-5, Application for a Social Security        Pub.  5146  explains  employment  tax  examinations 
Card. See section 3.                                               and  appeal  rights. Pub.  5146  provides  employers  with 
Reporting discrepancies between Forms 941-SS (or                   information  on  how  the  IRS  selects  employment  tax  re-
Form  944)  and  Forms  W-2.  File  Schedule  D  (Form             turns to be examined, what happens during an exam, and 
941),  Report  of  Discrepancies  Caused  by  Acquisitions,        what options an employer has in responding to the results 
Statutory  Mergers,  or  Consolidations,  to  explain  certain     of  an  exam,  including  how  to  appeal  the  results.  Pub. 
wage,  tax,  and  payment  discrepancies  between  Forms           5146 also includes information on worker classification is-
941-SS (or Form 944) and Forms W-2 that were caused                sues and tip exams.
by acquisitions, statutory mergers, or consolidations. For         Photographs of missing children.    The IRS is a proud 
more  information,  see  the  Instructions  for  Schedule  D       partner  with  the National  Center  for  Missing  &  Exploited 
(Form 941).                                                        Children® (NCMEC). Photographs of missing children se-
Apply  for  an  employer  identification  number  (EIN)            lected by the Center may appear in this publication on pa-
online. Go to IRS.gov/EIN to apply for an EIN online.              ges  that  would  otherwise  be  blank.  You  can  help  bring 
                                                                   these  children  home  by  looking  at  the  photographs  and 
Private  delivery  services. You  can  use  certain  private 
                                                                   calling  1-800-THE-LOST  (1-800-843-5678)  if  you  recog-
delivery  services  (PDSs)  designated  by  the  IRS  to  meet 
                                                                   nize a child.
the “timely mailing as timely filing” rule for tax returns. Go 
to IRS.gov/PDS for the current list of PDSs.
   The  PDS  can  tell  you  how  to  get  written  proof  of  the 
mailing date.                                                      Calendar
   For  the  IRS  mailing  address  to  use  if  you're  using  a 
                                                                   The  following  are  important  dates  and  responsibilities. 
PDS, go to IRS.gov/PDSstreetAddresses. Select the mail-
                                                                   The  dates  listed  here  haven’t  been  adjusted  for 
ing  address  listed  on  the  webpage  that  is  in  the  same 
                                                                   Saturdays,  Sundays,  and  legal  holidays  (see  the TIP 
state as the address to which you would mail returns filed 
                                                                   next). Pub. 509, Tax Calendars (for use in 2023), adjusts 
without a payment, as shown in the instructions for your 
                                                                   the dates for Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. See 
employment tax return.
                                                                   section 8 for information about depositing taxes reported 
        PDSs can't deliver items to P.O. boxes. You must           on  Forms  941-SS,  943,  and  944.  See section  11  for 
   !    use the U.S. Postal Service to mail any item to an         information  about  depositing  FUTA  tax.  Due  dates  for 
CAUTION IRS P.O. box address.                                      forms required for health coverage reporting aren’t listed 
                                                                   here. For these dates, see Pub. 509.
Recordkeeping. Keep  all  records  of  employment  taxes 
for 4 years. These should be available for IRS review.                 If any date shown next for filing a return, furnish-
   There is no required format for such records, but they          TIP ing a form, or depositing taxes falls on a Saturday, 
should  include  your  EIN;  the  amounts  and  dates  of  all         Sunday, or legal holiday, the due date is the next 
wage payments (including fringe benefits) and tips repor-          business  day.  The  term  "legal  holiday"  means  any  legal 
ted;  the  names,  addresses,  and  occupations  of  employ-       holiday in the District of Columbia. A statewide legal holi-
ees  receiving  such  payments  and  their  social  security       day delays a filing due date only if the IRS office where 
numbers (SSNs); copies of returns filed; dates of employ-          you’re required to file is located in that state. However, a 
ment; and the dates and amounts of deposits made. Keep             statewide legal holiday doesn't delay the due date of fed-
documentation to substantiate any employment tax cred-             eral  tax  deposits.  See Deposits  Due  on  Business  Days 
its claimed. Records related to qualified sick leave wages         Only in section 8. For any filing due date, you’ll meet the 
and  qualified  family  leave  wages  for  leave  taken  after     “file”  or  “furnish”  requirement  if  the  envelope  containing 
March 31, 2021, and before October 1, 2021, and records            the  return  or  form  is  properly  addressed,  contains  suffi-
related  to  qualified  wages  for  the  employee  retention       cient postage, and is postmarked by the U.S. Postal Serv-
credit paid after June 30, 2021, should be kept for at least       ice on or before the due date, or sent by an IRS-designa-
6  years.  For  more  information  on  substantiation  require-    ted PDS on or before the due date. See   Private delivery 
ments,  go  to IRS.gov/PLC  and IRS.gov/ERC,  respec-              services under Reminders, earlier, for more information.
tively.  Also  keep  documentation  to  substantiate  the          Fiscal year taxpayers.    The due dates listed next apply 
amount of any employer or employee share of social se-             whether you use a calendar or a fiscal year.
curity tax that you deferred and paid for 2020. Farm em-
ployers must keep a record of the name, permanent ad-
dress,  and  EIN  of  each  crew  leader.  See Farm  Crew          By January 31
Leaders in section 2.                                              File  Form  941-SS  or  Form  944.  File  Form  941-SS 
Disregarded entities and qualified subchapter S sub-               for the fourth quarter of the previous calendar year and 
sidiaries  (QSubs).   Eligible  single-owner  disregarded          deposit  any  undeposited  taxes.  You  may  pay  these 
entities  and  QSubs  are  treated  as  separate  entities  for    taxes with Form 941-SS if your total tax liability for the 

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quarter (Form 941-SS, line 12) is less than $2,500. File         941-SS  if  your  total  tax  liability  for  the  quarter  (Form 
Form 944 for the previous calendar year instead of Form          941-SS, line 12) is less than $2,500. If you timely depos-
941-SS if the IRS has notified you in writing to file Form       ited all taxes when due, you may file by May 10, August 
944.  Pay  any  undeposited  taxes  with  your  Form  944.       10,  November  10,  or  February  10,  respectively.  Don’t 
You may pay these taxes with Form 944 if your total tax          file Form 941-SS for these quarters if you’ve been noti-
liability  for  the  year  (Form  944,  line  9)  is  less  than fied to file Form 944 and you didn’t request and receive 
$2,500. For additional rules on when you can pay your            written  notice  from  the  IRS  to  file  quarterly  Forms 
taxes with your return, see Payment With Return in sec-          941-SS.
tion 8. If you timely deposited all taxes when due, you 
may file by February 10.
File  Form  943.    File  Form  943,  Employer’s  Annual         Introduction
Federal Tax Return for Agricultural Employees, with the 
IRS. If you deposited all Form 943 taxes when due, you           This publication is for employers whose principal place of 
may file Form 943 by February 10.                                business  is  in  the  U.S.  Virgin  Islands,  Guam,  American 
                                                                 Samoa,  or  the  CNMI,  or  who  have  employees  who  are 
File  Form  940.  U.S.  Virgin  Islands  employers  only         subject to income tax withholding for any of these jurisdic-
must file Form 940, Employer's Annual Federal Unem-              tions. Employers and employees in these areas are gen-
ployment (FUTA) Tax Return, with the IRS. Pay or de-             erally subject to social security and Medicare taxes under 
posit (if more than $500) any balance of the tax due. If         the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA). See     sec-
you  deposited  the  full  amount  of  taxes  when  due,  you    tion 6 and section 7 for more information. This publication 
may file Form 940 by February 10. See section 11 for             summarizes employer responsibilities to collect, pay, and 
more information on FUTA tax.                                    report these taxes.
Furnish  Forms  1099  and  W-2.   Furnish  each  em-             Whenever the term “United States” is used in this publi-
ployee  a  completed  2022  Form  W-2AS,  W-2CM,                 cation,  it  includes  the  U.S.  Virgin  Islands,  Guam,  Ameri-
W-2GU, or W-2VI. See section 10 for more information.            can Samoa, and the CNMI.
Furnish a 2022 Form 1099-NEC to payees for nonem-
ployee  compensation.  Most  Forms  1099  must  be  fur-         This  publication  also  provides  employers  in  the  U.S. 
nished to payees by January 31, but some can be fur-             Virgin  Islands  with  a  summary  of  their  responsibilities  in 
nished  by  February  15.  For  more  information,  see  the     connection with the tax under the Federal Unemployment 
Guide to Information Returns chart in part M of the Gen-         Tax Act, known as FUTA tax. See section 11 for more in-
eral Instructions for Certain Information Returns.               formation.
File Form W-2.    File with the SSA Copy A of all 2022           Except as shown in the table in section 12, social se-
paper  and  electronic  Forms  W-2AS,  W-2CM,  W-2GU,            curity, Medicare, and FUTA taxes apply to every employer 
or  W-2VI  and  Form  W-3SS,  Transmittal  of  Wage  and         who  pays  taxable  wages  to  employees  or  who  has  em-
Tax  Statements.  For  more  information  on  reporting          ployees who report tips.
Form  W-2  information  to  the  SSA  electronically,  go  to 
the SSA’s Employer W-2 Filing Instructions & Informa-            This publication doesn't include information relating to 
tion  webpage  at SSA.gov/employer.  If  filing  electroni-      the self-employment tax (for social security and Medicare 
cally via the SSA's Form W-2 Online service, the SSA             of self-employed persons). See Pub. 570, Tax Guide for 
will generate Form W-3SS data from the electronic sub-           Individuals  With  Income  From  U.S.  Possessions,  if  you 
mission of Forms W-2AS, W-2CM, W-2GU, and W-2VI.                 need this information.
File Form 1099-NEC reporting nonemployee compen-                 This publication also doesn't include information relat-
sation. File with the IRS Copy A of all 2022 paper               ing to income tax withholding. In the U.S. Virgin Islands, 
and electronic Forms 1099-NEC. Paper forms must be               Guam, American Samoa, and the CNMI, contact your lo-
filed with Form 1096, Annual Summary and Transmittal             cal tax department for information about income tax with-
of U.S. Information Returns. For information on filing in-       holding.  See  Pub.  15  for  information  on  U.S.  federal  in-
formation  returns  electronically  with  the  IRS,  see  Pub.   come tax withholding and Pub. 15-T for the U.S. federal 
1220.                                                            income tax withholding tables.

                                                                 Comments  and  suggestions.   We  welcome  your  com-
By April 30, July 31, October 31, and                            ments  about  this  publication  and  suggestions  for  future 
January 31                                                       editions.
                                                                 You  can  send  us  comments  through                   IRS.gov/
Deposit FUTA taxes.     Deposit FUTA tax for the quar-           FormComments.  Or,  you  can  write  to  the  Internal  Reve-
ter (including any amount carried over from other quar-          nue Service, Tax Forms and Publications, 1111 Constitu-
ters) if over $500. If $500 or less, carry it over to the next   tion Ave. NW, IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224.
quarter. See section 11 for more information.                    Although  we  can’t  respond  individually  to  each  com-
File Form 941-SS.   File Form 941-SS and deposit any             ment received, we do appreciate your feedback and will 
undeposited taxes. You may pay these taxes with Form             consider  your  comments  and  suggestions  as  we  revise 
                                                                 our tax forms, instructions, and publications. Don’t send 

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tax questions, tax returns, or payments to the above ad-
                                                                2. Who Are Employees?
Getting answers to your tax questions.    If you have 
a  tax  question  not  answered  by  this  publication,  check  Generally,  employees  are  defined  either  under  common 
IRS.gov and  How To Get Tax Help at the end of this publi-      law  or  under  special  statutes  for  certain  situations.  See 
cation.                                                         Pub. 15-A for details on statutory employees and nonem-
Getting  tax  forms,  instructions,  and  publications. 
Go to IRS.gov/Forms to download current and prior-year          Employee  status  under  common  law.      Generally,  a 
forms, instructions, and publications.                          worker who performs services for you is your employee if 
Ordering tax forms, instructions, and publications.             you have the right to control what will be done and how it 
Go to IRS.gov/OrderForms to order current forms, instruc-       will be done. This is so even when you give the employee 
tions,  and  publications;  call  800-829-3676  to  order       freedom of action. What matters is that you have the right 
prior-year  forms  and  instructions.  The  IRS  will  process  to control the details of how the services are performed. 
your order for forms and publications as soon as possible.      See Pub. 15-A for more information on how to determine 
Don’t resubmit requests you’ve already sent us. You can         whether an individual providing services is an independ-
get forms and publications faster online.                       ent contractor or an employee.
                                                                   Generally,  people  in  business  for  themselves  aren't 
                                                                employees. For example, doctors, lawyers, veterinarians, 
                                                                and  others  in  an  independent  trade  in  which  they  offer 
1. Employer Identification                                      their services to the public are usually not employees. If 
                                                                the business is incorporated, corporate officers who work 
Number (EIN)
                                                                in the business are employees of the corporation.
An EIN is a nine-digit number that the IRS issues. Its for-        If an employer-employee relationship exists, it doesn't 
mat is 00-0000000. It is used to identify the tax accounts      matter what it is called. The employee may be called an 
of employers and certain other organizations and entities       agent  or  independent  contractor.  It  also  doesn't  matter 
that have no employees. Use your EIN on all of the items        how payments are measured or paid, what they’re called, 
that you send to the IRS and the SSA for your business.         or if the employee works full or part time.

If you don't have an EIN, you may apply for one online          Statutory employees.  There are also some special defi-
by going to IRS.gov/EIN. You may also apply for an EIN          nitions  of  employees  for  social  security,  Medicare,  and 
by faxing or mailing Form SS-4 to the IRS. If the principal     FUTA taxes.
business was created or organized outside of the United            While  the  following  persons  may  not  be  common  law 
States or U.S. territories, you may also apply for an EIN by    employees,  they’re  considered  employees  for  social  se-
calling 267-941-1099 (toll call). Don't use an SSN in place     curity  and  Medicare  purposes  if  the  conditions  under 
of an EIN.                                                      Tests, later, are met.

If you don't have an EIN by the time a return is due, file      a. An agent or commission driver who delivers meat, veg-
a paper return and enter “Applied For” and the date that        etable,  fruit  or  bakery  products;  beverages  (other  than 
you applied for it in the space shown for the number. If you    milk); or picks up and delivers laundry or dry cleaning for 
took over another employer's business, don't use that em-       someone else.
ployer's EIN.
                                                                b. A full-time life insurance salesperson who sells primar-
You should have only one EIN. If you have more than             ily for one company.
one, write to the IRS office where you file your returns us-
ing the “without a payment” address in the instructions for     c. A homeworker who works at home or off premises by 
your  employment  tax  return.  Or  call  the  IRS  Business  & the guidelines of the person for whom the work is done, 
Specialty  Tax  Line  at  800-829-4933.  Persons  who  are      with materials or goods furnished by and returned to that 
deaf,  hard  of  hearing,  or  have  a  speech  disability      person or to someone that person designates.
(TDD/TTY users) may call 800-829-4059. The IRS will tell 
you  which  EIN  to  use.  For  more  information,  see  Pub.   d. A traveling or city salesperson (other than an agent or 
1635.                                                           commission driver) who works full time (except for sideline 
                                                                sales activities) for one firm or person getting orders from 
        Always be sure the EIN on the form you file ex-         customers. The orders must be for merchandise for resale 
!       actly  matches  the  EIN  the  IRS  assigned  to  your  or supplies for use in the customer's business. The cus-
CAUTION business.  Don't  use  your  SSN  or  individual  tax-  tomers must be retailers, wholesalers, contractors, or op-
payer identification number (ITIN) on forms that ask for an     erators of hotels, restaurants, or other businesses dealing 
EIN. If you used an EIN (including a prior owner's EIN) on      with food or lodging.
Form 941-SS, Form 944, or Form 943 that is different from 
the EIN reported on Form W-3SS, see    Box h—Other EIN             Tests. Withhold  social  security  and  Medicare  taxes 
used this year in the General Instructions for Forms W-2        from statutory employees' wages if all three of the follow-
and W-3.                                                        ing tests apply.

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1. The service contract states or implies that almost all        wealth  of  the  Northern  Mariana  Islands,  or  Puerto  Rico, 
   of the services are to be performed personally by             you can make a joint election to be taxed as a qualified 
   them.                                                         joint venture instead of a partnership. See the Instructions 
                                                                 for Schedule C (Form 1040) or the Instructions for Form 
2. They have little or no investment in the equipment and 
                                                                 1040-SS.  Spouses  electing  qualified  joint  venture  status 
   property used to perform the services (other than an 
                                                                 are  treated  as  sole  proprietors  for  federal  tax  purposes. 
   investment in transportation facilities).
                                                                 Either of the sole proprietor spouses may report and pay 
3. The services are performed on a continuing basis for          the employment taxes due on wages paid to the employ-
   the same payer.                                               ees,  using  the  EIN  of  that  spouse’s  sole  proprietorship. 
                                                                 For  more  information  on  qualified  joint  ventures,  go  to 
Persons  in a or  ,  earlier,  are  also  employees  for  FUTA d
tax purposes if tests 1 through 3 are met (U.S. Virgin Is-
lands only).
Pub.  15-A  gives  examples  of  the  employer-employee          Farm Crew Leaders
                                                                 You’re an employer of farmworkers if you’re a crew leader. 
Statutory  nonemployees. Certain  direct  sellers,  quali-       A crew leader is a person who furnishes and pays (either 
fied real estate agents, and certain companion sitters are,      on his or her own behalf or on behalf of the farm operator) 
by law, considered nonemployees. They’re generally trea-         workers to do farmwork for the farm operator. If there is no 
ted as self-employed for employment tax purposes. See            written  agreement  between  you  and  the  farm  operator 
Pub. 15-A for details.                                           stating that you’re his or her employee, and if you pay the 
                                                                 workers (either for yourself or for the farm operator), then 
H-2A  agricultural  workers. On  Form  W-2,  don't  check        you’re a crew leader.
box 13 (Statutory employee) as H-2A workers aren't statu-
tory employees.
Treating  employees  as  nonemployees.      If  you  incor-      3. Employee's Social Security 
rectly treated an employee as a nonemployee and didn't 
                                                                 Number (SSN)
withhold social security and Medicare taxes, you’ll be lia-
ble for the taxes. See Treating employees as nonemploy-
                                                                 An employee's SSN consists of nine digits separated as 
ees in section 2 of Pub. 15 for details on Internal Revenue 
                                                                 follows:  000-00-0000.  You  must  get  each  employee's 
Code section 3509, which may apply.
                                                                 name and SSN and enter them on Form W-2AS, W-2CM, 
IRS help. If you want the IRS to determine if a worker is        W-2GU, or W-2VI. If you don't report the employee's cor-
an employee, file Form SS-8.                                     rect name and SSN, you may owe a penalty unless you 
                                                                 have reasonable cause. See Pub. 1586 for information on 
Voluntary Classification Settlement Program (VCSP).              the requirement to solicit the employee's SSN.
Employers  who  are  currently  treating  their  workers  (or  a 
class or group of workers) as independent contractors or         Employee's  social  security  card. You  should  ask  the 
other  nonemployees  and  want  to  voluntarily  reclassify      employee to show you his or her social security card. The 
their workers as employees for future tax periods may be         employee  may  show  the  card  if  it  is  available.  Don't  ac-
eligible to participate in the VCSP if certain requirements      cept a social security card that says “Not valid for employ-
are met. File Form 8952 to apply for the VCSP. For more          ment.” An SSN issued with this legend doesn't permit em-
information, go to IRS.gov/VCSP.                                 ployment. You may, but you’re not required to, photocopy 
                                                                 the  social  security  card  if  the  employee  provides  it.  For 
                                                                 more information, go to SSA.gov/ssnumber/cards.htm.
Business Owned and Operated by 
Spouses                                                          Applying  for  a  social  security  card. Any  employee 
                                                                 who  is  legally  eligible  to  work  in  the  United  States  and 
If you and your spouse jointly own and operate a business        doesn't have a social security card can get one by com-
and share in the profits and losses, you may be partners         pleting Form SS-5, Application for a Social Security Card, 
in a partnership, whether or not you have a formal partner-      and submitting the necessary documentation. You can get 
ship agreement. See Pub. 541 for more details. The part-         Form  SS-5  from  the  SSA  website  at SSA.gov/forms/
nership  is  considered  the  employer  of  any  employees,      ss-5.pdf,  or  see Where  to  get  and  file  SSN  application 
and is liable for any employment taxes due on wages paid         forms, later. The employee must complete and sign Form 
to its employees.                                                SS-5; it can't be filed by the employer. You may be asked 
                                                                 to  supply  a  letter  to  accompany  Form  SS-5  if  the  em-
Exception—Qualified  joint  venture. If  you  and  your          ployee has exceeded his or her yearly or lifetime limit for 
spouse  materially  participate  as  the  only  members  of  a   the number of replacement cards allowed.
jointly owned and operated business, and you file a joint 
Form  1040,  U.S.  Individual  Income  Tax  Return;  or  joint   Applying for an SSN.    If you file Form W-2AS, W-2CM, 
Form 1040-SS, U.S. Self-Employment Tax Return—U.S.               W-2GU, or W-2VI on paper and your employee applied for 
Virgin  Islands,  Guam,  American  Samoa,  the  Common-          an  SSN  but  doesn't  have  one  when  you  must  file  Form 

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W-2AS,  W-2CM,  W-2GU,  or  W-2VI,  enter  “Applied  For”              name matches an SSN for up to 10 names and SSNs (per 
on  the  form.  If  you’re  filing  electronically,  enter  all  zeros screen)  at  a  time,  or  submit  an  electronic  file  of  up  to 
(000-00-0000 if creating forms online or 000000000 if up-              250,000 names and SSNs and usually receive the results 
loading a file) in the social security number field. When the          the next business day. Go to SSA.gov/employer/ssnv.htm 
employee  receives  the  SSN,  file  Copy  A  of  Form  W-2c           for more information. A person may have a valid SSN but 
with the SSA to show the employee's SSN. Furnish Cop-                  not be authorized to work in the United States. Employers 
ies B, C, and 2 of Form W-2c to the employee. Up to 25                 may  use  E-Verify  at E-Verify.gov  to  confirm  the  employ-
Forms W-2c for each Form W-3c, Transmittal of Correc-                  ment eligibility of newly hired employees.
ted Wage and Tax Statements, may be filed per session 
                                                                        Registering  for  SSNVS.    You  must  register  online  to 
over the Internet, with no limit on the number of sessions. 
                                                                       use  SSNVS.  To  register,  go  to  the  SSA's  website  at 
For more information, go to the SSA's Employer W-2 Fil-
                                                                       SSA.gov/bso  and  click  on  the Register  link  under Busi-
ing  Instructions  &  Information  webpage  at SSA.gov/
                                                                       ness Services Online. Follow the registration instructions 
employer.  Advise  your  employee  to  correct  the  SSN  on 
                                                                       to  obtain  a  user  identification  (ID)  and  password.  You’ll 
his  or  her  original  Form  W-2AS,  W-2CM,  W-2GU,  or 
                                                                       need  to  provide  the  following  information  about  yourself 
                                                                       and your company.
Correctly record the employee's name and SSN.       Re-                 Name.
cord the name and SSN of each employee as they appear 
on his or her social security card. If the name isn't correct           SSN.
as shown on the card (for example, because of marriage                  Date of birth.
or divorce), the employee should request an updated card 
                                                                        Type of employer.
from the SSA. Continue to use the old name until the em-
ployee  shows  you  the  updated  social  security  card  with          EIN.
the corrected name.                                                     Company name, address, and telephone number.
If the SSA issues the employee an updated card after a 
name change, or a new card with a different SSN after a                 Email address.
change in alien work status, file a Form W-2c to correct                When you have completed the online registration proc-
the  name/SSN  reported  on  the  most  recently  filed  Form          ess, the SSA will mail a one-time activation code to you. 
W-2,  W-2AS,  W-2CM,  W-2GU,  or  W-2VI.  It  isn't  neces-            You must enter the activation code online to use SSNVS. 
sary to correct other years if the previous name and SSN               Your  employees  must  receive  authorization  from  you  to 
were used for years before the most recent Form W-2.                   use SSNVS. If your employees register, the one-time acti-
                                                                       vation code will be mailed to you.
Where  to  get  and  file  SSN  application  forms. U.S. 
SSA offices located in the territories:

U.S. Virgin Islands                                                    4. Wages and Other 
1st Floor, Suite 14
8000 Nisky Shopping CT                                                 Compensation
St. Thomas, VI 00802
                                                                       Generally,  all  wages  are  subject  to  social  security  and 
Guam                                                                   Medicare  tax  (and  FUTA  tax  for  U.S.  Virgin  Islands  em-
Suite 155                                                              ployers).  However,  wages  subject  to  social  security  tax 
770 East Sunset Blvd                                                   and FUTA tax are limited by a wage base amount that you 
Barrigada, GU 96913                                                    pay to each employee for the year. The wage base for so-
                                                                       cial  security  tax  is  $160,200  for  2023.  After  you  pay 
American Samoa                                                         $160,200  to  an  employee  in  2023,  including  tips,  don't 
Centennial Building 3rd Floor, Suite 302                               withhold social security tax on any amount that you later 
1 Utulei Rd                                                            pay  to  the  employee  for  the  year.  The  wage  base  for 
Pago Pago, AS 96799                                                    FUTA  tax  is  $7,000  for  2023.  All  wages  are  subject  to 
                                                                       Medicare  tax.  The  wages  may  be  in  cash  or  in  other 
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands                           forms, such as an automobile for personal use. Wages in-
MH II Building, Suite 201                                              clude  salaries,  vacation  allowances,  bonuses,  commis-
Marina Heights Business Park                                           sions, and fringe benefits. It doesn't matter how payments 
Saipan, MP 96950                                                       are measured or paid.
                                                                        See the table in section 12 for exceptions to social se-
Additional information is available on the SSA website                 curity, Medicare, and FUTA taxes on wages. See    section 
on  the  Social  Security  Office  Locator  page  at                   5 and section 6 for a discussion of how the rules apply to 
secure.ssa.gov/ICON.                                                   tips and farmworkers.
Verification of SSNs. Employers and authorized report-                  Social security and Medicare taxes apply to most pay-
ing agents can use the Social Security Number Verifica-                ments  of  sick  pay,  including  payments  by  third  parties 
tion Service (SSNVS) to instantly verify that an employee              such as insurance companies. Special rules apply to the 

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reporting  of  third-party  sick  pay.  For  details,  see  Pub.   least annually. You don't have to make a formal choice of 
15-A.                                                              payment dates or notify the IRS. You don't have to use the 
                                                                   same basis for all employees. You may change methods 
Determine  the  value  of  noncash  pay  (such  as  goods,         as often as you like, as long as all benefits provided in a 
lodging, and meals) by its fair market value. However, see         calendar year are treated as paid no later than December 
Fringe Benefits, later. Except for farmworkers and house-          31 of the calendar year. However, see Special accounting 
hold employees, this kind of pay may be subject to social          rule for fringe benefits provided during November and De-
security, Medicare, and FUTA taxes.                                cember, later.
Back pay, including retroactive wage increases (but not            You  can  treat  the  value  of  a  single  taxable  noncash 
amounts  paid  as  liquidated  damages),  is  taxed  as  ordi-     fringe benefit as paid on one or more dates in the same 
nary wages in the year paid. For information on reporting          calendar year, even if the employee gets the entire benefit 
back pay to the SSA, see Pub. 957.                                 at one time. However, once you elect the payment dates, 
                                                                   you must report the taxes on your return in the same tax 
Travel and business expenses. Payments to your em-                 period  in  which  you  treated  them  as  paid.  This  election 
ployee  for  travel  and  other  necessary  expenses  of  your     doesn't apply to a fringe benefit where real property or in-
business  are  generally  included  in  taxable  wages  if  (a)    vestment personal property is transferred.
your  employee  isn't  required  to  or  doesn't  substantiate 
timely those expenses to you with receipts or other docu-          Withholding  social  security  and  Medicare  taxes  on 
mentation,  or  (b)  you  advance  an  amount  to  your  em-       fringe  benefits. You  add  the  value  of  fringe  benefits  to 
ployee for business expenses and your employee isn't re-           regular wages for a payroll period and figure social secur-
quired  to  or  doesn't  return  timely  any  amount  that  he  or ity and Medicare taxes on the total.
she doesn't substantiate.                                          If you withhold less than the required amount of social 
                                                                   security and Medicare taxes from the employee in a cal-
      For purposes of this publication, all references to          endar  year  but  report  and  pay  the  proper  amount,  you 
TIP   “sick pay” mean ordinary sick pay, not “qualified            may recover the taxes from the employee.
      sick leave wages” under the FFCRA, as amended 
by  the  COVID-related  Tax  Relief  Act  of  2020,  and  the      Depositing taxes on fringe benefits.  Once you choose 
ARP.                                                               payment  dates  for  taxable  noncash  fringe  benefits,  you 
                                                                   must  deposit  taxes  in  the  same  deposit  period  that  you 
Sick  pay. In  general,  sick  pay  is  any  amount  that  you     treat the fringe benefits as paid. You may make a reason-
pay, under a plan that you take part in, to an employee be-        able  estimate  of  the  value  of  the  fringe  benefits.  In  gen-
cause  of  sickness  or  injury.  These  amounts  are  some-       eral, the value of taxable noncash fringe benefits provided 
times  paid  by  a  third  party,  such  as  an  insurance  com-   in a calendar year must be determined by January 31 of 
pany. In either case, these payments are subject to social         the following year.
security and Medicare taxes (and FUTA tax for U.S. Virgin          You  may  claim  a  refund  of  overpayments  or  elect  to 
Islands  employers).  These  taxes  don't  apply  to  sick  pay    have  any  overpayment  applied  to  the  next  employment 
paid more than 6 calendar months after the last calendar           tax return. If deposits are underpaid, see Deposit Penal-
month  in  which  the  employee  worked  for  the  employer.       ties in section 8.
Pub. 15-A explains the employment tax rules that apply to 
                                                                   Valuation of vehicles provided to employees.          See 
sick pay, disability benefits, and similar payments to em-
                                                                   Pub. 15-B to determine the value of a vehicle provided to 
                                                                   an employee. For reporting information to employees, see 
                                                                   the  box  14  instructions  in  the  General  Instructions  for 
Fringe Benefits                                                    Forms W-2 and W-3.

Generally, fringe benefits are includible in the wages of an       Special accounting rule for fringe benefits provided 
employee  and  are  subject  to  employment  taxes.  Exam-         during November and December.       You may choose to 
ples  of  fringe  benefits  include  the  use  of  an  automobile, treat the value of taxable noncash fringe benefits provided 
aircraft  flights  that  you  provide,  free  or  discounted  com- during November and December as paid in the next year. 
mercial airline flights, vacations, discounts on property or       However, this applies only to those benefits that you ac-
services,  memberships  in  country  clubs  or  other  social      tually  provided  during  November  and  December,  not  to 
clubs, and tickets to entertainment or sporting events. In         those you merely treated as paid during those months.
general, the amount included in the employee's income is           If you use this rule, you must notify each affected em-
the excess of the fair market value of the benefit over the        ployee between the time of the employee's last paycheck 
sum of any amount paid for it by the employee and any              of the calendar year and at or near the time that you give 
amount excluded by law. For more information, see Pub.             the employee Form W-2AS, W-2CM, W-2GU, or W-2VI. If 
15-B.                                                              you use the special accounting rule, your employee must 
                                                                   also use it for the same period that you use it. You can't 
When taxable fringe benefits are treated as paid. You              use this rule for a fringe benefit of real property or tangible 
can choose to treat certain taxable noncash fringe bene-           or intangible real property of a kind normally held for in-
fits (including personal use of an automobile provided by          vestment that is transferred to your employee.
you) as paid by the pay period, quarter, or on any other 
basis that you choose, but they must be treated as paid at 

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                                                                 the  employee  social  security  and  Medicare  tax  on  tips, 
                                                                 you no longer have to collect it and aren't liable for it.
5. Tips
                                                                 Reporting tips. Report tips and any collected and uncol-
Cash  tips  that  your  employee  receives  from  customers      lected social security in boxes 1, 5, 7, and 12 on Forms 
are generally subject to social security and Medicare tax        W-2AS, W-2CM, W-2GU, or W-2VI and on Form 941-SS, 
withholding. Your employee must report cash tips to you          lines 5b, 5c, and, if applicable, 5d (Form 944, lines 4b, 4c, 
by the 10th of the month after the month that the tips are       and, if applicable, 4d). Don't include any uncollected Addi-
received. Cash tips include tips paid by cash, check, debit      tional Medicare Tax in box 12 of Form W-2. Report a neg-
card, and credit card. The report should include tips you        ative  adjustment  on  Form  941-SS,  line  9  (Form  944, 
paid over to the employee for charge customers, tips the         line  6),  for  the  uncollected  social  security  and  Medicare 
employee  received  directly  from  customers,  and  tips  re-   taxes. The table in section 12 shows how tips are treated 
ceived  from  other  employees  under  any  tip-sharing  ar-     for FUTA tax purposes.
rangement. Both directly and indirectly tipped employees         Revenue  Ruling  2012-18  provides  guidance  for  em-
must report tips to you. The report shouldn't include tips       ployers regarding social security and Medicare taxes im-
that the employee paid out to other employees. No report         posed on tips, including information on the reporting of the 
is required for months when tips are less than $20. Your         employer share of social security and Medicare taxes un-
employees report tips on Form 4070 or on a similar state-        der section 3121(q), the difference between tips and serv-
ment. They may also use Form 4070A to keep a record of           ice  charges,  and  the  section  45B  credit.  See  Revenue 
their tips. Both forms are included in Pub. 1244 available       Ruling  2012-18,  2012-26  I.R.B.  1032,  available  at 
at IRS.gov.                                                      IRS.gov/irb/2012-26_IRB#RR-2012-18.
The  statement  must  be  signed  and  dated  by  the  em-
ployee and must include:
                                                                 6. Social Security and 
The employee's name, address, and SSN;
Your name and address;                                         Medicare Taxes for 

The month and year (or the beginning and ending                Farmworkers
  dates, if the statement is for a period of less than 1 
  calendar month) that the report covers; and                    The  tests  described  next  apply  only  to  services  that  are 
The total tips received during the month or period.            defined as agricultural labor (farmwork). In general, you’re 
                                                                 an employer of farmworkers if your employees:
    You’re  permitted  to  establish  a  system  for  elec-
TIP tronic  tip  reporting  by  employees.  See  Regula-         Raise or harvest agricultural or horticultural products 
    tions section 31.6053-1(d).                                    on your farm (including the raising and feeding of live-
Collecting  taxes  on  tips. You  must  collect  the  em-        Work in connection with the operation, management, 
ployee social security and Medicare taxes on the employ-           conservation, improvement, or maintenance of your 
ee's tips. You can also collect these taxes from the em-           farm and its tools and equipment, if the major part of 
ployee's wages or from other funds that he or she makes            such service is performed on a farm;
available. Stop collecting the employee social security tax      Provide services relating to salvaging timber, or clear-
when  his  or  her  total  wages  and  tips  for  2023  reach      ing land of brush and other debris, left by a hurricane 
$160,200.  Collect  the  employee  Medicare  tax  for  the         (also known as hurricane labor), if the major part of 
whole year on all wages and tips.                                  such service is performed on a farm;
You’re responsible for the employer social security tax 
on wages and tips until the wages (including tips) reach         Handle, process, or package any agricultural or horti-
the wage base limit. You’re responsible for the employer           cultural commodity in its unmanufactured state if you 
Medicare  tax  for  the  whole  year  on  all  wages  and  tips.   produced over half of the commodity (for a group of 
Tips are considered to be paid at the time the employee            up to 20 unincorporated operators, all of the commod-
reports them to you. Deposit taxes on tips based on your           ity); or
deposit  schedule  as  described  in section  8.  File  Form     Do work for you related to cotton ginning, turpentine, 
941-SS (or Form 944) to report withholding and employer            gum resin products, or the operation and maintenance 
taxes on tips.                                                     of irrigation facilities.
The  withholding  rules  for  withholding  an  employee's        For this purpose, the term “farm” includes stock, dairy, 
share of Medicare tax on tips also apply to withholding the      poultry, fruit, fur-bearing animal, and truck farms, as well 
Additional  Medicare  Tax  once  wages  and  tips  exceed        as  plantations,  ranches,  nurseries,  ranges,  greenhouses 
$200,000 in the calendar year.                                   or other similar structures used primarily for the raising of 
                                                                 agricultural or horticultural commodities, and orchards.
Ordering  rule. If,  by  the  10th  of  the  month  after  the 
                                                                 Farmwork doesn't include reselling activities that don't 
month  you  received  an  employee's  report  on  tips,  you 
                                                                 involve  any  substantial  activity  of  raising  agricultural  or 
don't  have  enough  employee  funds  available  to  deduct 
                                                                 horticultural  commodities,  such  as  a  retail  store  or  a 

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greenhouse  used  primarily  for  display  or  storage.  It  also on Form 941-SS, Form 944, or Form 943 (farm employ-
doesn’t include processing services which change a com-           ment). See section 5 for information on tips.
modity from its raw or natural state, or services performed 
                                                                          Qualified  sick  leave  wages  and  qualified  family 
after a commodity has been changed from its raw or natu-
                                                                          leave wages for leave taken after March 31, 2020, 
ral state.                                                        CAUTION!
                                                                          and before April 1, 2021, aren't subject to the em-
A “share farmer” working for you isn't your employee.             ployer share of social security tax; therefore, the tax rate 
However, the share farmer may be subject to self-employ-          on these wages is 6.2%. Qualified sick leave wages and 
ment tax. In general, share farming is an arrangement in          qualified  family  leave  wages  for  leave  taken  after  March 
which  certain  commodity  products  are  shared  between         31, 2021, and before October 1, 2021, are subject to both 
the farmer and the owner (or tenant) of the land. For de-         the employer share (6.2%) and employee share (6.2%) of 
tails, see Regulations section 31.3121(b)(16)-1.                  social security tax (12.4% total).

The $150 Test or the $2,500 Test                                  Additional  Medicare  Tax  withholding.      In  addition  to 
                                                                  withholding Medicare tax at 1.45%, you must withhold a 
All cash wages that you pay to any employee for farmwork          0.9% Additional Medicare Tax from wages you pay to an 
are subject to social security and Medicare taxes if either       employee  in  excess  of  $200,000  in  a  calendar  year. 
of the following two tests is met.                                You’re required to begin withholding Additional Medicare 
                                                                  Tax in the pay period in which you pay wages in excess of 
You pay cash wages to the employee of $150 or more              $200,000 to an employee and continue to withhold it each 
  in a year (count all cash wages paid on a time, piece-          pay  period  until  the  end  of  the  calendar  year.  Additional 
  work, or other basis) for farmwork. The $150 test ap-           Medicare Tax is only imposed on the employee. There is 
  plies separately to each farmworker that you employ.            no employer share of Additional Medicare Tax. All wages 
  If you employ a family of workers, each member is               that are subject to Medicare tax are subject to Additional 
  treated separately. Don't count wages paid by other             Medicare  Tax  withholding  if  paid  in  excess  of  the 
  employers.                                                      $200,000 withholding threshold.
The total that you pay for farmwork (cash and non-              For  more  information  on  what  wages  are  subject  to 
  cash) to all of your employees is $2,500 or more dur-           Medicare  tax,  see  the  chart Special  Rules  for  Various 
  ing the year.                                                   Types  of  Employment  and  Payments  in  section  12.  For 
                                                                  more  information  on  Additional  Medicare  Tax,  go  to 
Exceptions. Annual  cash  wages  of  less  than  $150  you        IRS.gov/ADMTfaqs.
pay to a seasonal farmworker aren’t subject to social se-
curity and Medicare taxes, even if you pay $2,500 or more         Deducting the tax.    Deduct the employee tax from each 
to all your farmworkers. However, these wages count to-           wage payment. If you’re not sure that the wages that you 
ward the $2,500 test for determining whether other farm-          pay to a farmworker during the year will be taxable, you 
workers’  wages  are  subject  to  social  security  and  Medi-   may either deduct the tax when you make the payments 
care taxes.                                                       or wait until the $2,500 test or the $150 test explained in 
A seasonal farmworker is a worker who:                            section 6 has been met.

Is employed in agriculture as a hand-harvest laborer,           Employee's portion of taxes paid by employer.          If you 
Is paid piece rates in an operation that is usually paid        pay your employee's social security and Medicare taxes 
  on a piece-rate basis in the region of employment,              without  deducting  them  from  the  employee's  pay,  you 
                                                                  must include the amount of the payments in the employ-
Commutes daily from his or her permanent home to                ee's wages for social security and Medicare taxes. This in-
  the farm, and                                                   crease in the employee's wage payment for your payment 
Had been employed in agriculture less than 13 weeks             of  the  employee's  social  security  and  Medicare  taxes  is 
  in the preceding calendar year.                                 also  subject  to  employee  social  security  and  Medicare 
                                                                  taxes. This again increases the amount of the additional 
                                                                  taxes that you must pay. For more information, see Reve-
                                                                  nue Ruling 86-14, 1986-1 C.B. 304.
7. How To Figure Social 
                                                                  Household  and  agricultural  employers.               This  dis-
Security and Medicare Taxes                                       cussion  doesn't  apply  to  household  and  agricultural  em-
                                                                  ployers. If you pay a household or agricultural employee's 
The tax rate for social security is 6.2% (amount withheld)        social security and Medicare taxes, these payments must 
each  for  the  employer  and  employee  (12.4%  total).  The     be included in the employee's wages. However, this wage 
social security wage base limit is $160,200. The tax rate         increase due to the tax payments isn't subject to social se-
for Medicare is 1.45% (amount withheld) each for the em-          curity or Medicare taxes as discussed in this section. See 
ployee and employer (2.9% total). There is no wage base           Pub. 15-A for details.
limit  for  Medicare  tax;  all  covered  wages  are  subject  to 
Medicare tax. Multiply each wage payment by these per-            Sick pay payments.    Social security and Medicare taxes 
centages  to  figure  the  tax  to  withhold  from  employees.    apply to most payments of sick pay, including payments 
Employers report both the employee and employer shares 

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made by third parties such as insurance companies. For            the first, second, and third quarters, according to the de-
details on third-party payers of sick pay, see Pub. 15-A.         posit rules, in order to avoid an FTD penalty for deposits 
                                                                  due during those quarters.
Motion picture project employers.  All wages paid by a 
motion picture project employer to a motion picture project               Only monthly schedule depositors are allowed to 
worker during a calendar year are subject to a single so-         !       make an Accuracy of Deposits Rule payment with 
cial security tax wage base ($160,200 for 2023) and a sin-        CAUTION the return. Semiweekly schedule depositors must 
gle FUTA tax wage base ($7,000 for 2023) regardless of            timely deposit the amount. See Accuracy of Deposits Rule 
the worker's status as a common law employee of multiple          and How To Deposit, later in this section.
clients  of  the  motion  picture  project  employer.  For  more 
information,  including  the  definitions  of  a  motion  picture 
                                                                  When To Deposit
project employer and a motion picture project worker, see 
Internal Revenue Code section 3512.
                                                                  Under the rules discussed below, the only difference be-
                                                                  tween farm and nonfarm workers' employment tax deposit 
                                                                  rules is the lookback period. Therefore, farm and nonfarm 
8. Depositing Taxes                                               workers are discussed together except where noted.

    If an employer is eligible to claim a credit for quali-       Depending on your total taxes reported during a look-
TIP fied sick and family leave wages during 2023, the             back  period  (discussed  below),  you’re  either  a  monthly 
    employer  can  reduce  their  deposits  by  the               schedule depositor or a semiweekly schedule depositor.
amount  of  their  anticipated  credit.  Employers  won't  be 
subject  to  a  failure-to-deposit  (FTD)  penalty  for  properly The  terms  “monthly  schedule  depositor”  and  “semi-
reducing their deposits if certain conditions are met. For        weekly  schedule  depositor”  don't  refer  to  how  often  you 
more  information  on  reducing  deposits,  see  Notice           pay your employees or how often you’re required to make 
2020-22,  2020-17  I.R.B.  664,  available  at IRS.gov/irb/       deposits.  The  terms  identify  which  set  of  rules  that  you 
2020-17_IRB#NOT-2020-22;  and       Notice     2021-24,           must follow when a tax liability arises. Your tax liability is 
2021-18 I.R.B.  1122,     available at         IRS.gov/irb/       based on the dates payments were made or wages were 
2021-18_IRB#NOT-2021-24; and the instructions for your            paid. For taxable noncash fringe benefits, see When taxa-
employment  tax  return.  For  more  information  about  the      ble fringe benefits are treated as paid in section 4.
credit  for  qualified  sick  and  family  leave  wages,  go  to 
IRS.gov/PLC.                                                      You’ll  need  to  determine  your  deposit  schedule  for  a 
                                                                  calendar year based on the total employment taxes repor-
                                                                  ted on Forms 941-SS, line 12; Form 944, line 9; or Form 
Generally, you must deposit social security and Medi-
                                                                  943, line 13, for your lookback period (defined below). If 
care taxes if your tax liability (Form 941-SS, line 12; Form 
                                                                  you filed both Forms 941-SS and 941 during the lookback 
944, line 9; or Form 943, line 13) is $2,500 or more for the 
                                                                  period, combine the tax liabilities for these returns for pur-
tax return period. You must make the deposit by EFT. For 
                                                                  poses  of  determining  your  deposit  schedule.  Determine 
more information about EFTs, see  How To Deposit, later 
                                                                  your  deposit  schedule  for  Form  943  separately  from 
in this section.
                                                                  Forms 941-SS and 941.

Payment With Return                                               Lookback period for employers of nonfarm workers. 
                                                                  The lookback period for Form 941-SS (or Form 941) con-
$2,500 rule. Instead of making deposits during the cur-           sists of four quarters beginning July 1 of the second pre-
rent quarter, you can pay your total Form 941-SS tax lia-         ceding year and ending June 30 of the prior year. These 
bility when you timely file Form 941-SS if:                       four quarters are your lookback period even if you didn't 
Your total Form 941-SS tax liability (Form 941-SS,              report  any  taxes  for  any  of  the  quarters.  For  2023,  the 
  line 12) for either the current quarter or the preceding        lookback period is July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022.
  quarter is less than $2,500, and
                                                                  Table 1. Lookback Period for Calendar Year 
You don't incur a $100,000 next-day deposit obliga-
  tion during the current quarter.
If you’re not sure your total liability for the current quar-                       Lookback Period
ter will be less than $2,500 (and your liability for the pre-     July 1, 2021,  Oct. 1, 2021, Jan. 1, 2022, Apr. 1, 2022,
ceding  quarter  wasn't  less  than  $2,500),  make  deposits         through    through         through         through
using  the  semiweekly  or  monthly  rules  so  you  won't  be    Sept. 30, 2021 Dec. 31, 2021 Mar. 31, 2022 June 30, 2022
subject to an FTD penalty.
Employers who have been notified to file Form 944 can             The lookback period for Form 944 is the second calen-
pay their tax liability due for the fourth quarter with Form      dar year preceding the current calendar year. For exam-
944 if their fourth quarter tax liability is less than $2,500.    ple, the lookback period for calendar year 2023 is calen-
Employers  must  have  deposited  any  tax  liability  due  for   dar year 2021. In addition, for employers who filed Form 
                                                                  944  for  2021  or  for  2022  and  will  file  Forms  941-SS  (or 
                                                                  Forms 941) for 2023, the lookback period for 2023 is the 

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second  calendar  year  preceding  the  current  calendar           New employers. Your tax liability for any quarter in the 
year, that is, 2021.                                                lookback  period  before  the  date  you  started  or  acquired 
                                                                    your business is considered to be zero. Therefore, you’re 
Lookback period for employers of farmworkers.  The                  a monthly schedule depositor for the first calendar year of 
lookback period for Form 943 is the second calendar year            your business (but see $100,000 Next-Day Deposit Rule, 
preceding the current calendar year. The lookback period            later in this section).
for calendar year 2023 is calendar year 2021.
        Your  total  tax  liability  for  the  lookback  period  is Semiweekly Deposit Schedule
TIP     determined based on the amount of taxes you re-
        ported  on  Forms  941-SS,  line  12;  Form  944,           If your total tax reported for the lookback period is more 
line 9; or Form 943, line 13. Your total liability isn’t reduced    than $50,000, you’re a semiweekly schedule depositor for 
by  the  refundable  portion  of  the  credit  for  qualified  sick the current year. If you’re a semiweekly schedule deposi-
and family leave wages, the refundable portion of the em-           tor,  you  must  deposit  on  Wednesday  and/or  Friday,  de-
ployee  retention  credit,  or  the  refundable  portion  of  the   pending  on  what  day  of  the  week  that  you  make  wage 
COBRA premium assistance credit. For more information               payments, as follows.
about these credits, see the instructions for your employ-          Deposit taxes on wage payments made on Wednes-
ment tax return that were applicable during the lookback              day, Thursday, and/or Friday by the following Wed-
period.                                                               nesday.
                                                                    Deposit taxes on wage payments made on Saturday, 
Adjustments to lookback period taxes. To determine                    Sunday, Monday, and/or Tuesday by the following Fri-
your taxes for the lookback period, use only the tax that             day.
you reported on the original returns (Forms 941-SS, Form 
943, or Form 944). Don't include any adjustments shown              Semiweekly schedule depositors are generally not re-
on Form 941-X, 943-X, or 944-X.                                     quired to deposit twice a week if their payments were in 
Example. An  employer  originally  reported  total  taxes           the  same  semiweekly  period  unless  the           $100,000 
of $45,000 for the lookback period. The employer discov-            Next-Day Deposit Rule, discussed later in this section, ap-
ered during January 2023 that the tax reported during the           plies. For example, if you made a payment on both Wed-
lookback period was understated by $10,000 and correc-              nesday and Friday and incurred taxes of $10,000 for each 
ted  this  error  by  filing  Form  941-X.  The  employer  is  a    pay date, deposit the $20,000 on the following Wednes-
monthly  schedule  depositor  for  2023  because  the  look-        day.  If  you  made  no  additional  payments  on  Saturday 
back period tax liabilities are based on the amounts origi-         through Tuesday, no deposit is due on Friday.
nally  reported,  and  they  were  $50,000  or  less.  The                  Semiweekly  schedule  depositors  must  complete 
$10,000 adjustment is also not treated as part of the 2023          !       Schedule B (Form 941), Report of Tax Liability for 
taxes.                                                              CAUTION Semiweekly  Schedule  Depositors,  and  submit  it 
                                                                    with  Form  941-SS.  If  you  file  Form  944  and  are  a  semi-
Deposit Period                                                      weekly schedule depositor, complete Form 945-A, Annual 
                                                                    Record of Federal Tax Liability, and submit it with your re-
The term “deposit period” refers to the period during which         turn (instead of Schedule B). If you file Form 943 and are 
tax  liabilities  are  accumulated  for  each  required  deposit    a semiweekly schedule depositor, complete Form 943-A, 
due  date.  For  monthly  schedule  depositors,  the  deposit       Agricultural  Employer's  Record  of  Federal  Tax  Liability, 
period is a calendar month. The deposit periods for semi-           and submit it with your return (instead of Schedule B).
weekly schedule depositors are Wednesday through Fri-
day and Saturday through Tuesday.                                   Semiweekly  deposit  period  spanning  two  quarters 
        If  you're  an  agent  with  an  approved  Form  2678,      (Form  941-SS  filers). If  you  have  more  than  one  pay 
TIP     the deposit rules apply to you based on the total           date during a semiweekly period and the pay dates fall in 
        employment  taxes  accumulated  by  you  for  your          different calendar quarters, you’ll need to make separate 
own employees and on behalf of all employers for whom               deposits for the separate liabilities.
you're authorized to act. For more information on an agent          Example. If  you  have  a  pay  date  on  Saturday,  Sep-
with  an  approved  Form  2678,  see  Revenue  Procedure            tember 30, 2023 (third quarter), and another pay date on 
2013-39,  2013-52  I.R.B.  830,  available  at IRS.gov/irb/         Monday,  October  2,  2023  (fourth  quarter),  two  separate 
2013-52_IRB#RP-2013-39.                                             deposits would be required even though the pay dates fall 
                                                                    within the same semiweekly period. Both deposits would 
                                                                    be due Friday, October 6, 2023.
Monthly Deposit Schedule
                                                                    Semiweekly deposit period spanning two return peri-
If your total tax reported for the lookback period is $50,000       ods (Form 943 or Form 944 filers).    The period covered 
or less, you’re a monthly schedule depositor for the cur-           by a return is the return period. The return period for an-
rent  year.  You  must  deposit  taxes  on  wage  payments          nual Forms 943 and 944 is a calendar year. If you have 
made during a calendar month by the 15th day of the fol-            more than one pay date during a semiweekly period and 
lowing month.                                                       the pay dates fall in different return periods, you'll need to 

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make separate deposits for the separate liabilities. For ex-                other than a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday. For ex-
ample, if a return period ends on Thursday, taxes accu-                     ample, if a deposit is required to be made on Friday, but 
mulated on Wednesday and Thursday are subject to one                        Friday is a legal holiday, the deposit is considered timely if 
deposit obligation, and taxes accumulated on Friday are                     it is made by the following Monday (if Monday is a busi-
subject to a separate obligation. Separate deposits are re-                 ness day).
quired because two different return periods are affected.
                                                                            Semiweekly  schedule  depositors  have  at  least  3 
Examples of Monthly and Semiweekly                                          business days following the close of the semiweekly pe-
                                                                            riod to make a deposit. If any of the 3 weekdays after the 
                                                                            end of a semiweekly period is a legal holiday, you’ll have 
Employers  of  nonfarm  workers.                    Rose  Co.  reported     an  additional  day  for  each  day  that  is  a  legal  holiday  to 
Form 941-SS taxes as follows:                                               make the required deposit. For example, if a semiweekly 
                                                                            schedule  depositor  accumulated  taxes  for  payments 
                      2022 Lookback Period                                  made on Friday and the following Monday is a legal holi-
3rd Quarter 2020. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,000 day,  the  deposit  normally  due  on  Wednesday  may  be 
                                                                            made on Thursday (this allows 3 business days to make 
4th Quarter 2020. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000  the deposit).
1st Quarter 2021. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000
                                                                            Legal holiday. The term “legal holiday” means any legal 
2nd Quarter 2021. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000
                                                                            holiday in the District of Columbia. For purposes of the de-
                                                                    $48,000 posit rules, the term “legal holiday” doesn't include other 
                                                                            statewide legal holidays. Legal holidays for 2023 are listed 
                      2023 Lookback Period                                  next.
3rd Quarter 2021. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,000 January 2—New Year's Day (observed)
4th Quarter 2021. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000  January 16—Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
1st Quarter 2022. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000  February 20—Washington's Birthday
2nd Quarter 2022. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000  April 17—District of Columbia Emancipation Day (ob-
                                                                    $51,000   served)
                                                                            May 29—Memorial Day
Rose  Co.  is  a  monthly  schedule  depositor  for  2022  be-
cause its taxes for the four quarters in its lookback period                June 19—Juneteenth National Independence Day
($48,000 for the 3rd quarter of 2020 through the 2nd quar-                  July 4—Independence Day
ter  of  2021)  weren't  more  than  $50,000.  However,  for 
2023, Rose Co. is a semiweekly schedule depositor be-                       September 4—Labor Day
cause the total taxes for the four quarters in its lookback                 October 9—Columbus Day
period  ($51,000  for  the  3rd  quarter  of  2021  through  the 
2nd quarter of 2022) exceeded $50,000.                                      November 10—Veterans Day (observed)
                                                                            November 23—Thanksgiving Day
Employers of farmworkers.               Red Co. reported taxes on 
its 2021 Form 943, line 13, of $48,000. On its 2022 Form                    December 25—Christmas Day
943, line 13, it reported taxes of $60,000.
Red Co. is a monthly schedule depositor for 2023 be-                        Application of Monthly and Semiweekly 
cause its taxes for its lookback period ($48,000 for calen-                 Schedules
dar year 2021) weren't more than $50,000. However, for 
2024,  Red  Co.  is  a  semiweekly  schedule  depositor  be-                The following examples illustrate the procedure for deter-
cause the total taxes for its lookback period ($60,000 for                  mining  the  deposit  date  under  the  two  different  deposit 
calendar year 2022) exceeded $50,000.                                       schedules.

New  agricultural  employers.               New  agricultural  employ-      Monthly  schedule  example. Spruce  Co.  is  a  monthly 
ers  filing  Form  943  are  monthly  schedule  depositors  for             schedule depositor with seasonal employees. It paid wa-
the  first  and  second  calendar  years  of  their  businesses             ges each Friday during May but didn't pay any wages dur-
because their taxes for the lookback period (2 years) are                   ing  June.  Under  the  monthly  deposit  schedule,  Spruce 
considered to be zero. However, see                 $100,000 Next-Day       Co. must deposit the combined tax liabilities for the May 
Deposit Rule, later.                                                        paydays by June 15. Spruce Co. doesn't have a deposit 
                                                                            requirement for June (due by July 15) because no wages 
                                                                            were  paid  and,  therefore,  it  didn't  have  a  tax  liability  for 
Deposits Due on Business Days Only
If a deposit due date falls on a day that isn't a business 
                                                                            Semiweekly schedule example. Green, Inc., is a semi-
day, the deposit is considered timely if it is made by the 
                                                                            weekly  schedule  depositor  and  pays  wages  once  each 
close of the next business day. A business day is any day 
                                                                            month  on  the  last  Friday  of  the  month.  Although  Green, 

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Inc.,  has  a  semiweekly  deposit  schedule,  it  will  deposit        The  $100,000  tax  liability  threshold  requiring  a 
just  once  a  month  because  it  pays  wages  only  once  a      TIP  next-day  deposit  is  determined  before  you  con-
month.  The  deposit,  however,  will  be  made  under  the             sider any reduction of your liability for nonrefunda-
semiweekly deposit schedule as follows: Green, Inc.’s tax          ble  credits.  For  more  information,  see  frequently  asked 
liability for the April 28, 2023 (Friday), payday must be de-      question 17 at IRS.gov/ETD.
posited  by  May  3,  2023  (Wednesday).  Under  the  semi-
weekly  deposit  schedule,  liabilities  for  wages  paid  on 
Wednesday through Friday must be deposited by the fol-             Accuracy of Deposits Rule

lowing Wednesday.                                                  You’re required to deposit 100% of your tax liability on or 
                                                                   before the deposit due date. However, penalties won't be 
$100,000 Next-Day Deposit Rule                                     applied for depositing less than 100% if both of the follow-
                                                                   ing conditions are met.
If you accumulate taxes of $100,000 or more on any day 
during a deposit period, you must deposit by the close of          1. Any deposit shortfall doesn't exceed the greater of 
the next business day, whether you’re a monthly or a sem-             $100 or 2% of the amount of taxes otherwise required 
iweekly schedule depositor.                                           to be deposited.
For purposes of the $100,000 rule, don't continue accu-            2. The deposit shortfall is paid or deposited by the short-
mulating taxes after the end of a deposit period. For ex-             fall makeup date as described next.
ample, if a semiweekly schedule depositor has accumula-            Makeup date for deposit shortfall:
ted  taxes  of  $95,000  on  Tuesday  and  $10,000  on 
Wednesday,  the  $100,000  next-day  deposit  rule  doesn't        1. Monthly schedule depositor. Deposit or pay the 
apply because the $10,000 is accumulated in the next de-              shortfall by the due date of your Form 941-SS, 944, or 
posit period. Thus, $95,000 must be deposited by Friday               943 for the period in which the shortfall occurred. You 
and $10,000 must be deposited by the following Wednes-                may pay the shortfall with your return even if the 
day.                                                                  amount is $2,500 or more.
                                                                   2. Semiweekly schedule depositor. Deposit by the 
However, once you accumulate at least $100,000 in a 
                                                                      earlier of:
deposit period, stop accumulating at the end of that day 
and begin to accumulate anew on the next day. For exam-               a. The first Wednesday or Friday (whichever comes 
ple, Fir Co. is a semiweekly schedule depositor. On Mon-                first) that comes on or after the 15th of the month 
day, Fir Co. accumulates taxes of $110,000 and must de-                 following the month in which the shortfall occur-
posit on Tuesday, the next business day. On Tuesday, Fir                red, or
Co.  accumulates  additional  taxes  of  $30,000.  Because 
                                                                      b. The return due date for the period in which the 
the $30,000 isn't added to the previous $110,000 and is 
                                                                        shortfall occurred.
less  than  $100,000,  Fir  Co.  doesn't  have  to  deposit  the 
$30,000  until  Friday  (following  the  semiweekly  deposit       For example, if a semiweekly schedule depositor has a 
schedule).                                                         deposit  shortfall  during  May  2023,  the  shortfall  makeup 
        If  you’re  a  monthly  schedule  depositor  and  you      date  is  June  16,  2023  (Friday).  However,  if  the  shortfall 
                                                                   occurred on the required October 4, 2023 (Wednesday), 
!       accumulate  a  $100,000  tax  liability  on  any  day 
CAUTION during  a  month,  you  become  a  semiweekly              deposit due date for the September 29, 2023 (Friday), pay 
schedule depositor on the next day and remain so for the           date, the return due date for the September 29 pay date 
remainder of the calendar year and for the following calen-        (October 31, 2023) would come before the November 15, 
dar year.                                                          2023  (Wednesday),  shortfall  makeup  date.  In  this  case, 
                                                                   the shortfall must be deposited by October 31, 2023.
Example.   Elm,  Inc.,  started  its  business  on  May  1, 
2023. On Wednesday, May 3, it paid wages for the first             Employers of Both Farm and Nonfarm 
time and accumulated a tax liability of $40,000. On Friday,        Workers
May 5, Elm, Inc., paid wages and accumulated a liability 
of $60,000, making its accumulated Form 941-SS tax lia-            If you employ both farm and nonfarm workers, you must 
bility total $100,000. Elm, Inc., must deposit $100,000 by         treat  employment  taxes  for  the  farmworkers  (Form  943 
Monday, May 8, the next business day. Because this was             taxes) separately from employment taxes for the nonfarm 
the first year of its business, the tax liability for its lookback workers (Form 941-SS or 944 taxes). Form 943 taxes and 
period is considered to be zero, and it would be a monthly         Form 941-SS (or Form 944) taxes aren't combined for pur-
schedule  depositor  based  on  the  lookback  rules.  How-        poses of applying any of the deposit rules.
ever, because Elm, Inc., accumulated $100,000 on May 5, 
it became a semiweekly schedule depositor on May 6. It             If a deposit is due, deposit the Form 941-SS (or Form 
will be a semiweekly schedule depositor for the remainder          944) taxes and Form 943 taxes separately, as discussed 
of 2023 and for 2024.                                              next.

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How To Deposit                                                     you can choose on Form 941-SS, 941, 944, or 943 for that 
                                                                   tax  period  to  have  the  overpayment  refunded  or  applied 
You  must  deposit  employment  taxes  by  EFT.  See Pay-          as a credit to your next return. Don't ask EFTPS to request 
ment  With  Return,  earlier  in  this  section,  for  exceptions  a refund from the IRS for you.
explaining when taxes may be paid with the tax return in-
stead of being deposited.                                          Deposit Penalties

Electronic deposit requirement. You must use EFT to                Penalties may apply if you don't make required deposits 
make all federal tax deposits. Generally, an EFT is made           on time or if you make deposits of less than the required 
using EFTPS. If you don't want to use EFTPS, you can ar-           amount. The penalties don't apply if any failure to make a 
range for your tax professional, financial institution, payroll    proper  and  timely  deposit  was  due  to  reasonable  cause 
service, or other trusted third party to make electronic de-       and not to willful neglect. If you receive a penalty notice, 
posits on your behalf.                                             you  can  provide  an  explanation  of  why  you  believe  rea-
EFTPS is a free service provided by the Department of              sonable cause exists.
the  Treasury.  To  get  more  information  or  to  enroll  in 
EFTPS, go to EFTPS.gov or call 800-555-4477. To con-               If you timely filed your employment tax return, the IRS 
tact EFTPS using TRS for people who are deaf, hard of              may  also  waive  deposit  penalties  if  you  inadvertently 
hearing,  or  have  a  speech  disability,  dial  711  and  then   failed to deposit and it was the first quarter that you were 
provide  the  TRS  assistant  the  800-555-4477  number            required to deposit any employment tax, or if you inadver-
above  or  800-733-4829.  Additional  information  about           tently failed to deposit the first time after your deposit fre-
EFTPS is also available in Pub. 966.                               quency changed. You must also meet the net worth and 
                                                                   size limitations applicable to awards of administrative and 
When  you  receive  your  EIN.  If  you’re  a  new  em-            litigation  costs  under  section  7430;  for  individuals,  this 
ployer  that  indicated  a  federal  tax  obligation  when  re-    means that your net worth can't exceed $2 million, and for 
questing  an  EIN,  you’ll  be  pre-enrolled  in  EFTPS.  You’ll   businesses,  your  net  worth  can't  exceed  $7  million  and 
receive information about Express Enrollment in your EIN           you also can't have more than 500 employees.
Package and an additional mailing containing your EFTPS 
personal  identification  number  (PIN)  and  instructions  for    The  IRS  may  also  waive  the  deposit  penalty  the  first 
activating your PIN. Follow the steps in your “How to Acti-        time you’re required to make a deposit if you inadvertently 
vate  Your  Enrollment”  brochure  to  activate  your  enroll-     send the payment to the IRS rather than deposit it by EFT.
ment  and  begin  making  your  payroll  tax  deposits.  If  you   For amounts not properly or timely deposited, the pen-
outsource any of your payroll and related tax duties to a          alty rates are as follows.
third-party payer, such as a payroll service provider or re-
porting agent, be sure to tell them about your EFTPS en-           2%  Deposits made 1 to 5 days late.
                                                                   5%  Deposits made 6 to 15 days late.
Deposit  record.  For  your  records,  an  EFT  Trace              10% Deposits made 16 or more days late, but before 10 days from 
Number  will  be  provided  with  each  successful  payment.           the date of the first notice the IRS sent asking for the tax due.
The number can be used as a receipt or to trace the pay-
ment.                                                              10% Amounts that should’ve been deposited, but were instead 
                                                                       paid directly to the IRS or paid with your tax return (but see 
Depositing on time.    For deposits made by EFTPS to                   Payment With Return, earlier in this section, for exceptions).
be on time, you must submit the deposit by 8 p.m. Eastern          15% Amounts still unpaid more than 10 days after the date of the 
time the day before the date the deposit is due. If you use            first notice the IRS sent asking for the tax due or the day on 
a  third  party  to  make  deposits  on  your  behalf,  they  may      which you received notice and demand for immediate 
have different cutoff times.                                           payment, whichever is earlier.

Same-day wire payment option.        If you fail to submit         Late  deposit  penalty  amounts  are  determined  using 
a  deposit  transaction  on  EFTPS  by  8  p.m.  Eastern  time     calendar days, starting from the due date of the liability.
the  day  before  the  date  a  deposit  is  due,  you  can  still 
make your deposit on time by using the Federal Tax Col-            Special  rule  for  former  Form  944  filers. If  you  filed 
lection  Service  (FTCS)  to  make  a  same-day  wire  pay-        Form 944 for the prior year and must file Forms 941-SS 
ment. To use the same-day wire payment method, you’ll              for the current year because your employment tax liability 
need to make arrangements with your financial institution          for  the  prior  year  exceeded  the  Form  944  eligibility  re-
ahead of time. Please check with your financial institution        quirement ($1,000 or less), the FTD penalty won't apply to 
regarding availability, deadlines, and costs. Your financial       a late deposit of employment taxes for January of the cur-
institution may charge you a fee for payments made this            rent year if the taxes are deposited in full by March 15 of 
way.  To  learn  more  about  the  information  you’ll  need  to   the current year.
give  your  financial  institution  to  make  a  same-day  wire 
payment, go to IRS.gov/SameDayWire.                                Order  in  which  deposits  are  applied. Deposits  are 
                                                                   generally applied to the most recent tax liability within the 
How  to  claim  credit  for  overpayments. If  you  depos-         return period (quarter or year). However, if you receive an 
ited more than the right amount of taxes for a tax period,         FTD penalty notice, you may designate how your payment 
                                                                   is  to  be  applied  in  order  to  minimize  the  amount  of  the 

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penalty, if you do so within 90 days of the date of the no-         Completed Schedule B (Form 941) incorrectly, for ex-
tice. Follow the instructions on the penalty notice that you          ample, by entering tax deposits instead of tax liabili-
receive.  For  more  information  on  designating  deposits,          ties in the numbered spaces.
see Revenue Procedure 2001-58. You can find Revenue                 The IRS figures the penalty by allocating your total tax 
Procedure 2001-58 on page 579 of Internal Revenue Bul-              liability shown on Form 941-SS, line 12, equally through-
letin 2001-50 at IRS.gov/pub/irs-irbs/irb01-50.pdf.                 out the tax period. Then we apply your deposits and pay-
                                                                    ments to the averaged liabilities in the date order we re-
   Example.    Cedar, Inc., is required to make a deposit of 
                                                                    ceived your deposits. We figure the penalty on any tax not 
$1,000 on May 15 and $1,500 on June 15. It doesn't make 
                                                                    deposited, deposited late, or not deposited in the correct 
the deposit on May 15. On June 15, Cedar, Inc., deposits 
                                                                    amounts. Your deposits and payments may not be coun-
$2,000. Under the deposits rule, which applies deposits to 
                                                                    ted  as  timely  because  the  IRS  doesn't  know  the  actual 
the most recent tax liability, $1,500 of the deposit is ap-
                                                                    dates of your tax liabilities.
plied to the June 15 deposit and the remaining $500 is ap-
                                                                    You can avoid the penalty by reviewing your return be-
plied to the May deposit. Accordingly, $500 of the May 15 
                                                                    fore  filing  it.  Follow  these  steps  before  filing  your  Form 
liability  remains  undeposited.  The  penalty  on  this  under-
deposit will apply as explained earlier.
                                                                    If you’re a monthly schedule depositor, report your tax 
Trust  fund  recovery  penalty. If  federal  income,  social          liabilities (not your deposits) in the monthly entry 
security, or Medicare taxes that must be withheld (that is,           spaces on Form 941-SS, line 16.
trust fund taxes) aren't withheld or aren't deposited or paid 
to the United States Treasury, the trust fund recovery pen-         If you’re a semiweekly schedule depositor, report your 
alty  may  apply.  The  penalty  is  100%  of  the  unpaid  trust     tax liabilities (not your deposits) on Schedule B (Form 
fund tax. If these unpaid taxes can't be immediately col-             941) on the lines that represent the dates you paid 
lected  from  the  employer  or  business,  the  trust  fund  re-     your employees.
covery  penalty  may  be  imposed  on  all  persons  who  are       Verify that your total liability shown on Form 941-SS, 
determined by the IRS to be responsible for collecting, ac-           line 16, or the bottom of Schedule B (Form 941) 
counting for, or paying over these taxes, and who acted               equals your tax liability shown on Form 941-SS,
willfully  in  not  doing  so.  The  trust  fund  recovery  penalty   line 12.
won't apply to any amount of trust fund taxes an employer 
holds back in anticipation of any credits they are entitled         Don't show negative amounts on Form 941-SS, 
                                                                      line 16, or Schedule B (Form 941).
   A responsible person can be an officer or employee               For prior period errors, don't adjust your tax liabilities 
of a corporation, a partner or employee of a partnership,             reported on your current Form 941-SS, line 16, or on 
an  accountant,  a  volunteer  director/trustee,  or  an  em-         Schedule B (Form 941). Instead, file an adjusted re-
ployee of a sole proprietorship, or any other person or en-           turn (Form 941-X (if you’re adjusting a previously filed 
tity  that  is  responsible  for  collecting,  accounting  for,  or   Form 941-SS) or Form 944-X (if you’re adjusting a 
paying  over  trust  fund  taxes.  A  responsible  person  may        previously filed Form 944)) if you’re also adjusting 
also include one who signs checks for the business or oth-            your tax liability. If you’re only adjusting your deposits 
erwise  has  authority  to  cause  the  spending  of  business        in response to an FTD penalty notice, see the Instruc-
funds.                                                                tions for Schedule B (Form 941) (if you previously filed 
   Willfully means voluntarily, consciously, and intention-           Form 941-SS) or the Instructions for Form 944-X (if 
ally.  A  responsible  person  acts  willfully  if  the  person       you previously filed Form 944).
knows the required actions of collecting, accounting for, or                If  you  filed  Form  944  for  2022  and  line  9  was 
paying over trust fund taxes aren't taking place, or reck-          !       $2,500  or  more,  you  were  required  to  complete 
lessly disregards obvious and known risks to the govern-            CAUTION Form 944, lines 13a–13m, or attach Form 945-A. 
ment's right to receive trust fund taxes.                           If you failed to complete lines 13a–13m, or failed to attach 
“Averaged”  FTD  penalty. The  IRS  may  assess  an                 Form 945-A, whichever was required, the IRS may assess 
“averaged” FTD penalty of 2% to 10% if you’re a monthly             an “averaged” FTD penalty.
schedule  depositor  and  didn't  properly  complete  Form 
                                                                            In addition to civil penalties, you may be subject 
941-SS,  line  16,  when  your  tax  liability  shown  on  Form 
                                                                            to  criminal  prosecution  (brought  to  trial)  for  will-
941-SS, line 12, was $2,500 or more. The IRS may also               CAUTION!
assess this penalty of 2% to 10% if you’re a semiweekly 
schedule depositor and your tax liability shown on Form             Evading tax;
941-SS, line 12, was $2,500 or more and you did any of              Failing to collect or truthfully account for and pay over 
the following.                                                        tax;
 Completed Form 941-SS, line 16, instead of Sched-                Failing to file a return, supply information, or pay any 
   ule B (Form 941).                                                  tax due;
 Failed to attach a properly completed Schedule B                 Furnishing false or fraudulent Forms W-2 to employ-
   (Form 941).                                                        ees or failing to furnish Forms W-2;

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Committing fraud and providing false statements;                            File a Form 943 each year for all taxable wages paid for 
                                                                              farmwork. You may report the wages of household work-
Preparing and filing a fraudulent return; or
                                                                              ers  in  a  private  home  on  a  farm  operated  for  profit  on 
Committing identity theft.                                                  Form  943.  Don't  report  wages  for  farmworkers  on  Form 
                                                                              941-SS or Form 944.
                                                                              File your 2022 Form 943 by January 31, 2023. Pay any 
                                                                              taxes due that you’re not required to deposit. If you depos-
9. Employer's Returns                                                         ited all taxes when due, you may file Form 943 by Febru-
                                                                              ary 10, 2023.
General instructions.           File Forms 941-SS (or Form 944) 
for nonfarm workers and Form 943 for farmworkers. (U.S.                       Penalties. For  each  whole  or  part  month  that  a  return 
Virgin Islands employers may be required to file Form 940                     isn't  filed  when  required,  there  is  a  failure-to-file  (FTF) 
for  the  combined  wages  of  nonfarm  workers  and  farm-                   penalty of 5% of the unpaid tax due with that return. The 
workers.)                                                                     maximum penalty is generally 25% of the tax due. Also, 
                                                                              for each whole or part month that the tax is paid late, there 
Employers  with  employees  subject  to  U.S.  income                         is a failure-to-pay (FTP) penalty of 0.5% per month of the 
tax  withholding.       If  you  have  both  employees  who  are              amount of tax. For individual filers only, the FTP penalty is 
subject  to  U.S.  income  tax  withholding  and  employees                   reduced from 0.5% per month to 0.25% per month if an in-
who  aren't  subject  to  U.S.  income  tax  withholding,  you                stallment agreement is in effect. You must have filed your 
must file only Form 941 (or Form 944) and include all your                    return on or before the due date of the return to qualify for 
employees’ wages on that form.                                                the  reduced  penalty.  The  maximum  amount  of  the  FTP 
                                                                              penalty is also 25% of the tax due. If both penalties apply 
Nonfarm employers.             File Form 941-SS for the calendar              in any month, the FTF penalty is reduced by the amount of 
quarter in which you first pay wages for nonfarm workers                      the  FTP  penalty.  The  penalties  won't  be  charged  if  you 
and for each quarter thereafter unless you’re a seasonal                      have reasonable cause for failing to file or pay. If you re-
employer or file a final return. Due dates for each quarter                   ceive a penalty notice, you can provide an explanation of 
of the calendar year are as follows.                                          why you believe reasonable cause exists.

  Quarter                                                             Due
                                                                              Reporting Adjustments to Form 
Jan., Feb., Mar.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 30 941-SS, 944, or 943
Apr., May, June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  July 31
July, Aug., Sept.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Oct. 31 Current Period Adjustments
Oct., Nov., Dec.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 31
                                                                              Make  current  period  adjustments  for  fractions  of  cents, 
However,  if  you  deposited  all  taxes  when  due  for  the                 sick pay, tips, and group-term life insurance on your Form
quarter, you may file Form 941-SS by May 10, August 10,                       941-SS, 944, or 943. See the instructions for your employ-
November  10,  and  February  10,  respectively.  If  the  due                ment tax return for information on how to report these ad-
date for filing your return falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or                   justments.
legal holiday, you may file on the next business day.
If you closed your business or stopped paying wages                           Prior Period Adjustments
and don't have to file returns in the future, check the box 
on line 17 of your final Form 941-SS and show the date fi-                    Forms for prior period adjustments. Use Form 941-X 
nal wages were paid.                                                          or Form 944-X to make a correction after you discover an 
                                                                              error on a previously filed Form 941 or Form 944. There 
Form  944. If  the  IRS  notified  you  to  file  Form  944,  file            are also Forms 943-X, 945-X, and CT-1 X to report cor-
your 2022 Form 944 by January 31, 2023, or by February                        rections  on  the  corresponding  returns.  Form  941-X  and 
10, 2023 (if you deposited all taxes when due).                               Form  944-X  also  replace  Form  843  for  employers  to  re-
                                                                              quest a refund or abatement of overreported employment 
Household  employers  reporting  social  security  and 
                                                                              taxes.  Continue  to  use  Form  843  when  requesting  a  re-
Medicare taxes.        If you’re a sole proprietor and file Forms 
                                                                              fund or abatement of assessed interest or penalties.
941-SS (or Form 944) for business employees, you may 
include  taxes  for  household  employees  on  your  Forms                        See  Revenue  Ruling  2009-39,  2009-52  I.R.B. 
941-SS  (or  Form  944).  Otherwise,  report  social  security                TIP 951, for examples of how the interest-free adjust-
and Medicare taxes for household employees on Sched-                              ment and claim for refund rules apply in 10 differ-
ule H (Form 1040). See Pub. 926 for more information.                         ent  situations.  You  can  find  Revenue  Ruling  2009-39  at 
Employers  of  farmworkers.                  Every  employer  of  farm-
workers must file a Form 943 for each calendar year be-                       Background.  Treasury Decision 9405 changed the proc-
ginning  with  the  first  year  the  employer  pays  $2,500  or              ess  for  making  interest-free  adjustments  to  employment 
more  for  farmwork  or  employs  a  farmworker  who  meets                   taxes reported on Forms 941-SS, 943, 944-SS, and 944, 
the $150 test described in section 6.                                         and  for  filing  a  claim  for  refund  of  employment  taxes. 

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Treasury Decision 9405, 2008-32 I.R.B. 293, is available          Exceptions  to  interest-free  corrections  of  employ-
at IRS.gov/irb/2008-32_IRB#TD-9405.  You’ll  use  the  ad-        ment  taxes. A  correction  won't  be  eligible  for  inter-
justment process if you underreported employment taxes            est-free treatment if:
and are making a payment, or if you overreported employ-
                                                                  The failure to report relates to an issue raised in an 
ment  taxes  and  will  be  applying  the  credit  to  the  Form 
                                                                    IRS examination of a prior return, or
941-SS,  943,  or  944  period  during  which  you  file  Forms 
941-X, 943-X, or 944-X, respectively. You’ll use the claim        The employer knowingly underreported its employ-
process if you overreported employment taxes and are re-            ment tax liability.
questing  a  refund  or  abatement  of  the  overreported         A correction won't be eligible for interest-free treatment 
amount. We use the terms “correct” and “corrections” to           after the earlier of the following.
include interest-free adjustments under sections 6205 and 
6413,  and  claims  for  refund  and  abatement  under  sec-      Receipt of an IRS notice and demand for payment af-
tions 6402, 6414, and 6404 of the Internal Revenue Code.            ter assessment.
                                                                  Receipt of an IRS notice of determination under Inter-
Correcting  employment  taxes. When  you  discover  an              nal Revenue Code section 7436.
error on a previously filed Form 941-SS, 943, or 944, you 
must:                                                             Collecting  underwithheld  taxes  from  employees.       If 
 Correct that error using Form 941-X, Form 943-X, or            you withhold no social security tax or Medicare tax, or less 
   Form 944-X;                                                    than the correct amount of either tax from an employee's 
                                                                  wages, you can make it up by withholding from later pay 
 File a separate Form 941-X, Form 943-X, or Form                to that employee. But you’re the one who owes the under-
   944-X for each Form 941-SS, 943, or 944 you’re cor-            payment.  Reimbursement  is  a  matter  for  settlement  be-
   recting; and                                                   tween  you  and  the  employee.  Underwithheld  Additional 
 File Form 941-X, Form 943-X, or Form 944-X sepa-               Medicare Tax must be recovered from the employee on or 
   rately. Don't file with Form 941-SS, 943, or 944.              before the last day of the calendar year. See section 5 for 
                                                                  special rules for tax on tips.
   If  you’re  correcting  underreported  tax,  you  must  file 
Form 941-X or Form 944-X by the due date of the return            Refunding  amounts  incorrectly  withheld  from  em-
for the return period in which you discovered the error and       ployees. If you withheld more than the correct amount of 
pay the amount you owe by the time you file. Doing so will        social security tax or Medicare tax from wages paid, and 
generally ensure that your correction is interest free and        discover the error before filing Form 941-SS, 944, or 943, 
not subject to FTP or FTD penalties.                              repay  or  reimburse  the  employee  the  amount  overwith-
   Report  current  period  adjustments  for  fractions  of       held before filing the return.
cents, third-party sick pay, tips, and group-term life insur-
ance  on  Form  941-SS,  lines  7–9;  Form  943,  line  10;  or   Note.  An employer reimburses an employee by applying 
Form 944, line 6. Report the correction of underreported          the overwithheld amount against taxes to be withheld on 
and  overreported  amounts  for  the  same  tax  period  on  a    future wages.
single  Form  941-X,  Form  943-X,  or  Form  944-X  unless       Be sure to keep in your records the employee's written 
you’re  requesting  a  refund.  If  you’re  requesting  a  refund receipt showing the date and amount of the repayment or 
and  are  correcting  both  underreported  and  overreported      record  of  reimbursement.  You  must  report  and  pay  any 
amounts,  file  one  Form  941-X,  Form  943-X,  or  Form         taxes overwithheld when you file the return for the return 
944-X  correcting  the  underreported  amounts  only  and  a      period in which the overcollection was made if you haven't 
second Form 941-X, Form 943-X, or Form 944-X correct-             repaid or reimbursed the employee.
ing the overreported amounts.                                     For  an  overcollection  reported  on  a  previously  filed 
   See  the  chart  on  the  last  page  of  Form  941-X,  Form   Form 941-SS, 944, or 943, an employer is required to re-
943-X, or Form 944-X for help in choosing whether to use          pay or reimburse its employees prior to filing an adjusted 
the adjustment process or the claim process. See the In-          employment  tax  return.  Any  excess  Additional  Medicare 
structions  for  Form  941-X,  the  Instructions  for  Form       Tax withholding must be repaid or reimbursed to the em-
943-X,  or  the  Instructions  for  Form  944-X  for  details  on ployee before the end of the calendar year in which it was 
how to make the adjustment or claim for refund or abate-          withheld.
ment.                                                             Employers filing claims for refund of overpaid social se-
                                                                  curity and Medicare taxes may either repay or reimburse 
      You  can't  adjust  amounts  reported  as  Additional 
                                                                  the employees their share of social security tax and Medi-
TIP   Medicare  Tax  withheld  in  a  prior  calendar  year 
                                                                  care tax first or get employee consents to file the claim for 
      unless  it  is  to  correct  an  administrative  error  or 
                                                                  the excess tax on their behalf. Employers must retain the 
section 3509 applies. An administrative error occurs if the 
                                                                  written  receipt  of  the  employee  showing  the  date  and 
amount you entered on Form 941-SS, Form 944, or Form 
                                                                  amount of the repayment, the record of reimbursement, or 
943 isn't the amount that you actually withheld. Examples 
                                                                  the written consent of the employee. You can't use a claim 
include  mathematical  or  transposition  errors.  If  a 
                                                                  for refund to correct Additional Medicare Tax withholding 
prior-year  error  was  a  nonadministrative  error,  you  may 
correct  only  the wages  and  tips  subject  to  Additional 
Medicare Tax withholding.

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                                                                  at the address shown on Form W-3SS. For more infor-
                                                                  mation on Copy 1, contact your local tax department. 
10. Wage and Tax Statements                                       Employers in the CNMI should contact their local tax 
                                                                  department for instructions on how to file Copy 1.
By  January  31,  2023,  furnish  Copies  B  and  C  of  2022 
Form  W-2AS,  W-2CM,  W-2GU,  or  W-2VI  to  each  em-            If you need copies of Forms W-2AS, W-2CM, W-2GU, 
ployee. If an employee stops working for you during the           and W-2VI, and Form W-3SS, see How To Get Tax Help, 
year, furnish the statement at any time after employment          later.
ends but no later than January 31 of the next year. How-
                                                                  Correcting Forms W-2AS, W-2CM, W-2GU, and W-2VI, 
ever,  if  the  employee  asks  you  for  Form  W-2,  furnish  it 
                                                                  and Form W-3SS.  If you need to correct a Form W-2AS, 
within 30 days of the request or the last wage payment, 
                                                                  W-2CM, W-2GU, or W-2VI after you’ve sent Copy A to the 
whichever is later.
                                                                  SSA, use Form W-2c. Furnish employees Copies B and C 
If you go out of business during the year, give your em-          of Form W-2c. Send Copy A with Form W-3c, Transmittal 
ployees  their  Forms  W-2  by  the  due  date  of  your  final   of Corrected Wage and Tax Statements, to the SSA at the 
Form 941-SS. File Copy A with the SSA by the last day of          address shown on Form W-3c. For more information, see 
the month after that due date.                                    the General Instructions for Forms W-2 and W-3.
If an employee loses or destroys his or her copies, fur-          If  a  form  is  corrected  before  you  send  Copy  A  to  the 
nish  that  employee  copies  of  Form  W-2AS,  W-2CM,            SSA, furnish the employee the corrected copies. Mark the 
W-2GU,  or  W-2VI  marked  “REISSUED  STATEMENT.”                 original Copy A “Void” in the proper box and send the new 
Don't send Copy A of the reissued form to the SSA.                Copy A as explained above. Only send the new Copy A to 
                                                                  the SSA; don't send the Copy A marked “Void.” You may 
File Copy A of all Forms W-2AS, W-2CM, W-2GU, and                 be required to file Forms W-2c electronically. For more in-
W-2VI  with  Form  W-3SS,  Transmittal  of  Wage  and  Tax        formation, see the General Instructions for Forms W-2 and 
Statements, with the SSA by January 31, 2023.                     W-3.
     Employers in the CNMI should contact their local                     When  reconciling  Forms  W-2  and  W-3  to  Form 
TIP  tax  department  for  instructions  on  completing           !       941-SS,  944,  or  943  for  2022,  you  should  con-
     Form W-2CM. You can get Form W-2CM and its                   CAUTION sider  that  paid  qualified  sick  leave  wages  and 
instructions by going to Finance.gov/mp/forms.php, or by          qualified  family  leave  wages  for  leave  taken  after  March 
calling 670-664-1000.                                             31, 2020, and before April 1, 2021, aren't subject to the 
                                                                  employer share of social security tax.
Filing  Forms  W-2  electronically. File  your  Forms  W-2 
electronically by January 31, 2023. For electronic filing of 
Forms  W-2,  go  to SSA.gov/employer.  You  may  be  re-
quired to file Forms W-2 electronically. For details, see the     11. Federal Unemployment 
General Instructions for Forms W-2 and W-3.
If you experience problems filing electronically, contact         (FUTA) Tax—U.S. Virgin 
the SSA at 800-772-6270. To speak with the SSA's Em-
ployer  Services  Liaison  Officer  for  your  region,  call      Islands Employers Only
212-264-3865 for the U.S. Virgin Islands or 510-970-8247 
for Guam, American Samoa, and the CNMI. You may also              The  Federal  Unemployment  Tax  Act  (FUTA),  with  state 
go to the SSA's Regional Employer Services Liaison Offi-          unemployment systems, provides for payments of unem-
cers    website             at      SSA.gov/employer/             ployment  compensation  to  workers  who  have  lost  their 
wage_reporting_specialists.htm.                                   jobs. Most employers pay both a federal and a state un-
                                                                  employment tax. Only the employer pays FUTA tax; it isn't 
Waiver. You may request a waiver from filing electron-            withheld from your employees' wages. For more informa-
ically on Form 8508. You must submit Form 8508 to the             tion, see the Instructions for Form 940.
IRS at least 45 days before the due date of Form W-2AS, 
W-2CM,  W-2GU,  or  W-2VI.  See  the  Form  8508  instruc-        You  must  file  Form  940  if  you’re  subject  to  FUTA  tax 
tions for more information.                                       under the following rules.

Filing  Forms  W-2  on  paper. By  January  31,  2023,  (or       In  general. You’re  subject  to  FUTA  tax  in  2023  on  the 
when filing a final return if you make final payments before      wages  you  pay  employees  who  aren't  farmworkers  or 
the end of the year), send your completed forms to the fol-       household workers if:
lowing locations.                                                 1. You paid wages of $1,500 or more in any calendar 
Employers in American Samoa, the CNMI, Guam, and                quarter of 2022 or 2023, or
  the U.S. Virgin Islands must send Copy A of Forms 
                                                                  2. You had one or more employees for at least some 
  W-2AS, W-2CM, W-2GU, and W-2VI, and a Form 
                                                                  part of a day in any 20 or more different weeks in 
  W-3SS to the SSA at the address shown on Form 
                                                                  2022 or 20 or more different weeks in 2023.
Send Copy 1 of Forms W-2AS, W-2CM, W-2GU, and                   Household workers.   You’re subject to FUTA tax only if 
  W-2VI, and Form W-3SS to your local tax department              you  paid  total  cash  wages  of  $1,000  or  more  (for  all 

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household  workers)  in  any  calendar  quarter  in  2022  or      subject  to  FUTA  tax.  If  you’re  entitled  to  the  maximum 
2023.                                                              5.4%  credit,  the  FUTA  tax  rate  after  the  credit  is  0.6%. 
                                                                   You’re entitled to the maximum credit if you paid your U.S. 
Farmworkers. You’re subject to FUTA tax on the wages               Virgin Islands unemployment taxes in full, on time, and on 
that you pay to farmworkers in 2023 if:                            all  the  same  wages  as  are  subject  to  FUTA  tax,  and  as 
You paid total cash wages of $20,000 or more for the             long  as  the  U.S.  Virgin  Islands  isn't  determined  to  be  a 
  farmwork in any calendar quarter to farmworkers dur-             credit reduction state. See the Instructions for Form 940 to 
  ing 2022 or 2023, or                                             determine the credit.
                                                                   The U.S. Virgin Islands may exclude some types of wa-
You employed 10 or more farmworkers during at least              ges  from  its  unemployment  insurance  tax,  even  though 
  some part of a day (whether or not at the same time)             they’re subject to FUTA tax. In such a case, you may be 
  during any 20 or more different weeks in 2022 or 20 or           required  to  deposit  more  than  0.6%  FUTA  tax  on  those 
  more different weeks in 2023.                                    wages. Contact the U.S. Virgin Islands Department of La-
To determine whether you meet either test above, you               bor for information on wages subject to the U.S. Virgin Is-
must count wages paid to aliens admitted on a temporary            lands  unemployment  insurance  tax.  See  the  Instructions 
basis  to  the  United  States  to  perform  farmwork,  also       for Form 940 for further guidance.
known  as  H-2A  visa  workers.  However,  wages  paid  to         In years when the U.S. Virgin Islands is determined to 
H-2A visa workers aren't subject to FUTA tax.                      be  a  credit  reduction  state,  you  must  include  liabilities 
In most cases, farmworkers supplied by a crew leader               owed for credit reduction with your fourth quarter deposit. 
are considered employees of the farm operator for FUTA             You may deposit the anticipated extra liability throughout 
tax purposes. However, this isn't the case if either of the        the year, but it isn't due until the due date for the deposit 
following applies and the crew leader isn't an employee of         for  the  fourth  quarter,  and  the  associated  liability  should 
the farm operator.                                                 be recorded as being incurred in the fourth quarter. See 
                                                                   the Instructions for Form 940 for more information.
1. The crew leader is registered under the Migrant and 
  Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act.                     Form  940. By  January  31,  2023,  file  your  2022  Form 
2. Substantially all of the workers supplied by the crew           940. If you made all FUTA tax deposits on time, you may 
  leader operate or maintain tractors, harvesting or               file Form 940 by February 10, 2023.
  cropdusting machines, or other machines provided by 
                                                                   Deposits. For  deposit  purposes,  figure  FUTA  tax  quar-
  the crew leader.
                                                                   terly. Determine your FUTA tax liability by multiplying the 
If (1) or (2) applies, the farmworkers are generally em-           amount of taxable wages paid during the quarter by 0.6% 
ployees of the crew leader.                                        (0.06).  Stop  depositing  FUTA  tax  on  an  employee’s  wa-
                                                                   ges when he or she reaches $7,000 in taxable wages for 
Computing FUTA tax rate.    For 2023, the FUTA tax rate            the calendar year. If your FUTA tax liability for any calen-
is  6.0%.  The  tax  applies  to  the  first  $7,000  you  pay  to dar quarter is $500 or less, you don't have to deposit the 
each employee as wages during the year. The $7,000 is              tax. Instead, you may carry it forward and add it to the lia-
the federal FUTA wage base. Your wage base in the U.S.             bility figured in the next quarter to see if you must make a 
Virgin Islands may be different.                                   deposit. If your FUTA tax liability for any calendar quarter 
Generally, you can take a credit against your FUTA tax             is over $500 (including any FUTA tax carried forward from 
for amounts you paid into U.S. Virgin Islands unemploy-            an earlier quarter), you must deposit the tax by EFT. See 
ment funds. The credit may be as much as 5.4% of wages             section 8 for more information on deposits.

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12. Special Rules for Various Types of Employment and 

The following table summarizes the treatment of special classes of employment and special types of payments. Employers who need more detailed 
information should consult their IRS representative or see the Employment Tax Regulations.
                                                                            Treatment Under Employment Taxes
Special Classes of Employment and Special          Social Security and Medicare (including        FUTA (U.S. Virgin Islands Only)
           Types of Payments                       Additional Medicare Tax when wages are 
                                                          paid in excess of $200,000)
Agricultural labor:
1. Service on farm in connection with cultivating  Taxable if $150 test or $2,500 test in section 6  Taxable if either test in section 11 is met.
soil; raising or harvesting any agricultural or    is met.
horticultural commodity; the care of livestock, 
poultry, bees, fur-bearing animals, or wildlife.
2. Service in employ of owner or operator of farm if  Taxable if $150 test or $2,500 test in section 6  Taxable if either test in section 11 is met.
major part of the services are performed on        is met.
farm, in management or maintenance, etc., of 
farm, tools, or equipment, or in salvaging timber, 
or clearing brush and other debris left by 
3. In connection with the production and           Taxable if $150 test or $2,500 test in section 6  Taxable if either test in section 11 is met.
harvesting of turpentine and other oleoresinous    is met.
4. Cotton ginning.                                 Taxable if $150 test or $2,500 test in section 6  Taxable if either test in section 11 is met.
                                                   is met.
5. In connection with hatching of poultry.         Taxable (not farmwork if performed off farm).* Taxable if either test in section 11 is met.
6. In operation or maintenance of ditches, canals, Taxable if $150 test or $2,500 test in section 6  Taxable if either test in section 11 is met.
reservoirs, or waterways used only for supplying   is met.
or storing water for farming purposes and not 
owned or operated for profit.
7. In processing, packaging, delivering, etc., any 
agricultural or horticultural commodity in its 
unmanufactured state:
a. In employ of farm operator.                     If operator produced over half of commodity    If employer produced over half of commodity 
                                                   processed, taxable if $150 test or $2,500      processed, taxable if either test in section 11 
                                                   test in section 6 is met; otherwise taxable    is met; otherwise taxable (not farmwork).
                                                   (not farmwork).*
b. In employ of unincorporated group of farm       If group produced all commodity processed,     If employer produced over half of commodity 
 operators (never more than 20).                   taxable if $150 test or $2,500 test in section processed, taxable if either test in section 11 
                                                   6 is met; otherwise taxable (not farmwork).*   is met; otherwise taxable (not farmwork).
c. In employ of other groups of farm operators     Taxable (not farmwork).*                       If employer produced over half of commodity 
 (including cooperative organizations and                                                         processed, taxable if either test in section 11 
 commercial handlers).                                                                            is met; otherwise taxable (not farmwork).
8. Handling or processing commodities after        Taxable (not farmwork).*                       Taxable (not farmwork).
delivery to terminal market for commercial 
canning or freezing.
1. Resident
a. Service performed in U.S.**                     Same as U.S. citizen; exempt if any part of    Same as U.S. citizen.
                                                   service as crew member of foreign vessel or 
                                                   aircraft is performed outside U.S.
b. Service performed outside U.S.**                Taxable if (a) working for an American         Exempt unless on or in connection with an 
                                                   employer; or (b) an American employer by       American vessel or aircraft and either 
                                                   agreement with the IRS covers U.S. citizens    performed under contract made in U.S. or 
                                                   and residents employed by its foreign          alien is employed on such vessel or aircraft 
                                                   affiliates, or subsidiary of an American       when it touches U.S. port.
2. Nonresidents working in U.S.***
a. Workers lawfully admitted under section         Exempt.                                        Exempt.
 101(a)(15)(H)(ii)(a) of the Immigration
 and Nationality Act on a temporary
 basis to perform agricultural labor
 (“H-2A” workers).
* Wages for services not considered farmwork are reported on Forms 941-SS or Form 944. Other exemptions may apply. See section 4 and section 9.
** Benefits provided under cafeteria plans may qualify for exclusion from wages for social security, Medicare, and FUTA taxes.
*** U.S. includes U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the CNMI. 

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                                                                          Treatment Under Employment Taxes
Special Classes of Employment and Special            Social Security and Medicare (including       FUTA (U.S. Virgin Islands Only)
               Types of Payments                     Additional Medicare Tax when wages are 
                                                     paid in excess of $200,000)
Aliens (continued):
b. Student, scholar, trainee, teacher, etc.,         Exempt if service is performed for purposes specified in section 101(a)(15)(F), (J), (M), or (Q) 
 as nonimmigrant alien under section                 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. However, these taxes may apply if the employee 
 101(a)(15)(F), (J), (M), or (Q).                    becomes a resident alien. 
c. Philippine resident admitted to                   Exempt if service is performed for purposes specified in section 101(a)(15)(H)(ii) of the 
Guam or CNMI under section                           Immigration and Nationality Act. However, these taxes may apply if the employee becomes a 
101(a)(15)(H)(ii) of the                             resident alien.
Immigration and Nationality Act.
d. Philippine resident not admitted                  Taxable.                                      Exempt.
to CNMI under section 
101(a)(15)(H)(ii) of the 
Immigration and Nationality Act 
for services performed in the CNMI on or after 
January 1, 2015.
e. Korean resident admitted to Guam under            Exempt if service is performed for purposes   Exempt.
section 101(a)(15)(H)(ii) of the                     specified in section 101(a)(15)(H)(ii) of the 
Immigration and Nationality Act.                     Immigration and Nationality Act. However, 
                                                     these taxes may apply if the employee 
                                                     becomes a resident alien. 
  f. Korean resident admitted to                     Taxable.                                      Exempt.
CNMI under section 
101(a)(15)(H)(ii) of the 
Immigration and Nationality Act.
g. All other nonresidents working in                 Same as U.S. citizen; exempt if any part of   Same as U.S. citizen.
U.S.***                                              service as crew member of foreign vessel 
                                                     or aircraft is performed outside U.S. and 
                                                     employer isn't an American employer.
3. Nonresident working on American                   Taxable if under contract made in U.S. or worker is employed on vessel or aircraft when it 
vessel or aircraft outside U.S.***                   touches U.S. port.
Deceased worker's wages:
1. Paid to beneficiary or estate in calendar year of Taxable.                                      Taxable.
worker's death.
2. Paid to beneficiary or estate after the year of   Exempt.                                       Exempt.
worker's death.
Dependent care assistance programs (limited          Exempt to the extent that it is reasonable to believe that amounts will be excludable from gross 
to $5,000; $2,500 if married filing separately).     income under section 129.
Disabled worker's wages paid after the year in       Exempt if worker didn't perform any service   Taxable.
which worker became entitled to disability           for employer during period for which 
insurance benefits under the Social Security         payment is made.
Domestic service in college clubs, fraternities,     Exempt if paid to regular student; also exempt  Taxable if employer paid total cash wages of 
and sororities.                                      if employee is paid less than $100 in a year  $1,000 or more (for all household 
                                                     by an income-tax-exempt employer.             employees) in any calendar quarter in the 
                                                                                                   current or preceding year.
Family employees:
1. Child employed by parent (or by partnership in    Exempt until age 18.                          Exempt until age 21.
which each partner is a parent of the child).
2. Child employed by parent for domestic work or     Exempt until age 21.                          Exempt until age 21.
not in the course of a trade or business.
3. Parent employed by child.                         Taxable if in course of the child's business. Exempt.
                                                     For household work in private home of 
                                                     child, see Pub. 926.
4. Spouse employed by spouse.                        Taxable if in course of spouse's business.    Exempt.
Federal employees:
1. Members of uniformed services; Young Adult        Taxable.                                      Exempt.
Conservation Corps, Job Corps, or National 
Volunteer Antipoverty Program; Peace Corps 
volunteers and volunteer leaders.
2. All others.                                       Taxable if employee is covered by FERS or     Exempt unless worker is a seaman performing 
                                                     has a break in service of more than 1 year    services on or in connection with American 
                                                     (unless the break in service was for          vessel owned by or chartered to the United 
                                                     temporary military or reserve duty). Others   States and operated by general agent of 
                                                     generally subject to Medicare tax.            Secretary of Commerce.
*** U.S. includes U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the CNMI.

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                                                                                 Treatment Under Employment Taxes
Special Classes of Employment and Special        Social Security and Medicare (including                 FUTA (U.S. Virgin Islands Only)
             Types of Payments                   Additional Medicare Tax when wages are 
                                                 paid in excess of $200,000)
Fishing and related activities, employment in 
connection with catching, harvesting, 
farming, etc.:
1. Salmon or halibut.                           Taxable unless (3) applies.                              Taxable unless (3) applies.
2. Other fish and other aquatic forms of animal and  Taxable unless (3) applies.                         Exempt unless on vessel of more than 10 net 
vegetable life.                                                                                          tons and (3) doesn't apply.
3. An arrangement with the owner or operator of Exempt if any cash remuneration is:
the boat by which the individual receives a      
share of the boat's catch (or proceeds from the  (a) $100 or less,
sale of the catch), the share depending on the   (b) Contingent on minimum catch, and
boat's catch, and operating crew of the boat is  (c) Paid solely for additional duties (such as mate, engineer, or cook for which cash
normally fewer than 10 individuals.*              remuneration is traditional).
Foreign governments and international           Exempt.                                                  Exempt.
Foreign service by U.S. citizens:
1. As U.S. Government employee.                 Same as within U.S.                                      Exempt. See also Federal employees, earlier.
2. For foreign affiliates or subsidiaries of American  Exempt unless (a) an American employer by         Exempt unless (a) on American vessel or 
employers and other private employers.           agreement with the IRS covers U.S. citizens             aircraft and work is performed under contract 
                                                 employed by its foreign affiliates or                   made in U.S. or worker is employed on 
                                                 subsidiaries, or (b) U.S. citizen works for             vessel when it touches U.S. port, or (b) U.S. 
                                                 American employer.                                      citizen works for American employer (except 
                                                                                                         in a contiguous country with which the U.S. 
                                                                                                         has an agreement for unemployment 
                                                                                                         compensation) or in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Fringe benefits.                                Taxable on excess of fair market value of the benefit over the sum of an amount paid for it by 
                                                 the employee and any amount excludable by law. However, optional special valuation rules 
                                                 may apply.** See Pub.15-B for details.
Group-term life insurance costs. See Pub.15-B  Exempt, except for the cost of premiums that              Exempt.
for details.                                     provide more than $50,000 coverage.
Homeworkers (industrial, cottage-industry):
1. Common law employees.                        Taxable.                                                 Taxable.
2. Statutory employees. See section 2.          Taxable if paid $100 or more in cash in a year. Exempt.
Hospital employees:
1. Interns.                                     Taxable.                                                 Exempt. 
2. Patients.                                    Taxable. Exempt for state or local government  Exempt.
Household workers (domestic service in private  Taxable if paid $2,600 or more in cash in                Taxable if employee paid total cash wages of 
homes). Also see Domestic service in college     2023. Exempt if performed by an individual              $1,000 or more (for all household 
clubs, fraternities, and sororities, earlier.    who is under age 18 during any part of the              employees) in any calendar quarter in the 
                                                 calendar year and the work isn't the                    current or preceding year.
                                                 principal occupation of the employee.
Insurance agents or solicitors:
1. Full-time life insurance salesperson.        Taxable.                                                 Taxable if employee under common law and 
                                                                                                         not paid solely by commissions (applies to 
2. Other salesperson of life, casualty, etc.,   Taxable only if employee under common law.               both (1) and (2)).
Interest foregone on below-market loans         See Pub.15-A.
related to compensation and deemed 
original issue discount. See section 7872 and 
its regulations for details.
Ministers of churches performing duties as      Exempt.                                                  Exempt.
* Income derived by Native Americans exercising fishing rights is generally exempt from employment taxes.
** Benefits provided under cafeteria plans may qualify for exclusion from wages for social security, Medicare, and FUTA taxes.

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                                                                            Treatment Under Employment Taxes
Special Classes of Employment and Special          Social Security and Medicare (including      FUTA (U.S. Virgin Islands Only)
             Types of Payments                     Additional Medicare Tax when wages are 
                                                         paid in excess of $200,000)
Newspaper carrier under age 18 delivering          Exempt.                                      Exempt.
directly to readers.
Newspaper and magazine vendors buying at           Exempt.                                      Exempt.
fixed prices and retaining excess from 
sales to customers.
Noncash payments:
1. For household work, agricultural labor, and     Exempt.                                      Exempt.
service not in the course of the employer's trade 
or business.
2. To certain retail commission salespersons       Taxable.                                     Taxable.
ordinarily paid solely on a cash commission 
Nonprofit organizations:
1. Religious, educational, charitable, etc.,       Taxable if paid $100 or more in a year. (See Exempt.
organizations described in section 501(c)(3)       Form 8274, Certification by Churches and 
exempt from income tax under section 501(a).       Qualified Church-Controlled Organizations 
                                                   Electing Exemption From Employer Social 
                                                   Security and Medicare Taxes, for election 
                                                   out of social security and Medicare 
                                                   coverage for certain churches and 
                                                   church-controlled organizations.)
2. Corporations organized under Act of Congress    Taxable if employee is paid $100 or more in a  Taxable if employee is paid $50 or more in a 
described in section 501(c).                       year unless services excepted by section     quarter unless services excepted by section 
                                                   3121(b)(5) or (6).                           3306(c)(6).
3. Other organizations exempt under section        Taxable if employee is paid $100 or more in a  Taxable if employee is paid $50 or more in a 
501(a) (other than a pension, profit-sharing, or   year.                                        quarter.
stock bonus plan described in section 401(a)) or 
under section 521.
Partners: Bona fide members of a partnership.      Exempt.                                      Exempt.
Religious orders: Members who are 
instructed by the order to perform services:
1. For the order, agency of the supervising church,  Exempt unless member has taken a vow of    Exempt.
or associated institution.                         poverty and the religious order or its 
                                                   autonomous subdivision irrevocably elects 
                                                   coverage for entire active membership.
2. For any organization other than those described  Taxable.                                    Taxable.
in (1) above.
Retirement and pension plans:                      See Pub.15-A for details and information on employer contributions to nonqualified deferred 
                                                   compensation arrangements.
1. Employer contributions to a qualified plan.     Exempt.                                      Exempt.
2. Elective employee contributions and deferrals   Taxable.                                     Taxable.
to a plan containing a qualified cash or deferred 
compensation arrangement (for example, 
3. Employee salary reduction contributions to a    Taxable.                                     Taxable.
SIMPLE retirement account.
4. Employer contributions to individual retirement Exempt except for amounts contributed under a salary reduction SEP agreement.
accounts under a simplified employee pension 
(SEP) plan.
5. Employer contributions to section 403(b)        Taxable if paid through a salary reduction agreement (written or otherwise).
annuity contracts.
6. Distributions from qualified retirement and     Exempt.                                      Exempt.
pension plans and section 403(b) annuities.
1. Common law employees.                           Taxable.                                     Taxable.
2. Statutory employees (referred to in section 2). Taxable.                                     Taxable except for full-time life insurance sales 
3. Statutory nonemployees (qualified real estate   Exempt. Treated as self-employed individuals if substantially all payments directly related to 
agents and direct sellers).                        sales or other output and services performed as nonemployees specified in written contract. 
                                                   Direct sellers must be in the business of selling consumer products other than in a permanent 
                                                   retail place of business.

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                                                                          Treatment Under Employment Taxes
Special Classes of Employment and Special          Social Security and Medicare (including       FUTA (U.S. Virgin Islands Only)
            Types of Payments                      Additional Medicare Tax when wages are 
                                                   paid in excess of $200,000)
Scholarships and fellowship grants (includible  Taxability depends on the nature of the employment and the status of the organization. See 
in income under section 117(c)).                   Students below.
Severance or dismissal pay.                        Taxable.                                      Taxable.
Service not in the course of the employer's        Taxable if employee is paid $100 or more in   Taxable only if employee is paid $50 or more in 
trade or business, other than on a farm            cash in a year.                               cash in a quarter and works on 24 or more 
operated for profit or for household employment                                                  different days in that quarter or in the 
in private homes.                                                                                preceding quarter.
Sickness or injury payments under:
1. Workers’ compensation law.                      Exempt.                                       Exempt.
2. Certain employer plans.                         Exempt after end of 6 calendar months after calendar month employee last worked for 
3. No employer plan.                               employer (applies to both (2) and (3)). See Pub.15-A for details.
1. Student enrolled and regularly attending 
classes (generally, at least half-time or 
equivalent) while pursuing course of study, 
performing services for:
a. Private school, college, or university.         Exempt.                                       Exempt.
b. Auxiliary nonprofit organization operated for   Exempt unless services are covered by a       Exempt.
 and controlled by school, college, or             section 218 (Social Security Act) agreement.
c. Public school, college, or university.          Exempt unless services are covered by a       Exempt.
                                                   section 218 (Social Security Act) agreement.
2. Full-time student performing service for        Taxable.                                      Exempt unless program was established for or 
academic credit, combining academic                                                              on behalf of an employer or group of 
instruction with work experience as an integral                                                  employers.
part of the program.
3. Student nurse performing part-time services for  Exempt.                                      Exempt.
nominal earnings at hospital as incidental part of 
4. Student employed by organized camps.            Taxable.                                      Exempt.
Supplemental unemployment compensation             Exempt under certain conditions. See Pub 15-A.
Territory government employees (other than          (See section 3121(b)(7)) or go to SSA.gov.
1. U.S. Virgin Islands.                            Taxable if covered by section 218 agreement   Exempt.
                                                   with SSA.
2. American Samoa and political subdivisions.      Taxable, unless employee covered by a         Exempt.
                                                   retirement system.
3. Guam.                                           Exempt, except for certain temporary and      Exempt.
                                                   intermittent employees.
4. The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana        Taxable (beginning in the fourth calendar     Exempt.
Islands and political subdivisions.                quarter of 2012).
1. If $20 or more in a month.                      Taxable.                                      Taxable for all tips reported in writing to 
2. If less than $20 in a month.                    Exempt.                                       Exempt.
Workers’ compensation.                             Exempt.                                       Exempt.

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                                                               to cover over these federal income taxes as required by 
                                                               law,  federal  agencies  must  certify  the  amount  of  federal 
13. Federal Agency Certifying                                  income  taxes  withheld  or  collected  from  its  employees 
                                                               and  pensioners  by  following  the  procedures  discussed 
Requirements of Federal 
                                                               under Certification  Procedures,  later  in  this  section.  As 
Income Taxes Withheld From                                     discussed in the Caution next, federal agencies aren't re-
                                                               quired to certify the amount of local CNMI taxes that are 
U.S. Government Employees                                      withheld or collected.
                                                                       The U.S. Treasury Department and the CNMI Di-
and Federal Pension                                            !       vision  of  Revenue  and  Taxation  entered  into  an 
Recipients                                                     CAUTION agreement  under  5  U.S.C.  section  5517  in  De-
                                                               cember 2006. Under this agreement, all federal employers 
                                                               (including  the  Department  of  Defense)  are  required  to 
                                                               withhold CNMI income taxes (rather than federal income 
Special Certifying                                             taxes) and deposit the CNMI taxes with the CNMI Treas-
                                                               ury for employees whose regular place of federal employ-
Requirements for Federal                                       ment is in the CNMI. Federal employers are also required 
                                                               to file quarterly and annual reports with the CNMI Division 
Agencies                                                       of Revenue and Taxation. The 5517 agreement isn't appli-
                                                               cable to payments made to pensioners and compensation 
This section sets forth the legal authorities requiring fed-
                                                               paid to members of the U.S. Armed Forces who are sta-
eral agencies to certify to the IRS the amount of federal in-
                                                               tioned in the CNMI but have a state of legal residence out-
come taxes withheld from amounts paid to U.S. Govern-
                                                               side the CNMI. For more information, including details on 
ment employees working in, as well as federal civilian and 
                                                               completing Form W-2, go to IRS.gov/5517Agreements.
military  pensioners  residing  in,  American  Samoa,  the 
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), 
and  Guam.  As  noted  below,  these  special  certifying  re- Guam
quirements don't apply to federal agencies who have em-
ployees working in Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands.     Code section 7654 and 48 U.S.C. section 1421(h) provide 
                                                               that the U.S. Government is required to cover over to the 
American Samoa                                                 Treasury  of  Guam  the  federal  income  taxes  withheld  on 
                                                               amounts paid to military and civilian employees and pen-
Code sections 931(a), 931(d), and 7654 provide that the        sioners  who  are  residents  of  Guam.  The  effect  of  these 
U.S. Government is required to transfer (“cover over”) to      provisions is that the federal government transfers on at 
the Treasury of American Samoa the federal income taxes        least an annual basis the federal income taxes withheld or 
withheld on amounts paid to military and civilian employ-      collected from its employees and pensioners who are res-
ees  and  pensioners  who  are  residents  of  American  Sa-   idents of Guam to the Guam Treasury. In order for the fed-
moa. The effect of these provisions is that the federal gov-   eral government to cover over these federal income taxes 
ernment transfers on at least an annual basis the federal      as  required  by  law,  federal  agencies  must  certify  the 
income  taxes  withheld  or  collected  from  its  employees   amount of federal income taxes withheld or collected from 
and pensioners who are residents of American Samoa to          its employees by following the procedures discussed un-
the  American  Samoa  Treasury.  In  order  for  the  federal  der Certification Procedures, later in this section.
government to cover over these income taxes as required 
by law, federal agencies must certify the amount of federal    Puerto Rico
income  taxes  withheld  or  collected  from  its  employees 
and  pensioners  by  following  the  procedures  discussed     These special certifying requirements don't apply to fed-
under Certification Procedures, later in this section.         eral  agencies  who  have  employees  working  in  Puerto 
Commonwealth of the Northern                                           The  U.S.  Treasury  Department  and  Puerto  Rico 
Mariana Islands                                                !       entered into an agreement under 5 U.S.C. section 
                                                               CAUTION 5517  in  November  1988.  Under  this  agreement, 
Code  section  7654  and  48  U.S.C.  section  1681  [Public   all  federal  employers  (including  the  Department  of  De-
Law 94-241, section 703(b)] provide that the U.S. Govern-      fense) are required to withhold Puerto Rico income taxes 
ment is required to cover over to the Treasury of the CNMI     (rather than federal income taxes) and deposit the Puerto 
the federal income taxes withheld on amounts paid to mili-     Rico  taxes  with  the  Puerto  Rico  Treasury  for  employees 
tary and civilian employees and pensioners who are resi-       whose  regular  place  of  federal  employment  is  in  Puerto 
dents of the CNMI. The effect of these provisions is that      Rico. Federal employers are also required to file quarterly 
the federal government transfers on at least an annual ba-     and annual reports with the Puerto Rico tax department. 
sis the federal income taxes withheld or collected from its    The 5517 agreement isn't applicable to payments made to 
employees and pensioners who are residents of the CNMI         pensioners  and  compensation  paid  to  members  of  the 
to the CNMI Treasury. In order for the federal government      U.S. Armed Forces who are stationed in Puerto Rico but 

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have a state of legal residence outside Puerto Rico. For        Except  as  provided  below,  these  certifications  should 
more  information,  including  details  on  completing  Form    be in the form of a letter and should include:
W-2, go to IRS.gov/5517Agreements.
                                                                1. A citation to IRS Pub. 80 as the authority for the certifi-
U.S. Virgin Islands                                             2. The name of the federal certifying agency or depart-
These special certifying requirements don't apply to fed-
eral  agencies  who  have  employees  working  in  the  U.S.    3. The certifying agency’s EIN,
Virgin Islands.
                                                                4. The calendar quarter and fiscal year covered by the 
                                                                5. The total number of individuals covered by the certifi-
“Federal Income Taxes” From 
                                                                cation, and
American Samoa, the CNMI, or                                    6. The aggregate dollar amount of federal income taxes 
                                                                withheld on all individuals covered by the certification.
                                                                A federal government department or agency that sub-
This  section  describes  what  “federal  income  taxes”  are   mits  a  certification  on  behalf  of  another  department  or 
subject to these certification procedures.                      agency must include the name and EIN of each subordi-
                                                                nate  or  designated  federal  department  or  agency  inclu-
   For purposes of these cover over certification require-
                                                                ded, along with the required data for each subordinate or 
ments, the term “federal income taxes” includes federal in-
                                                                designated  department  or  agency.  In  this  instance,  the 
come taxes that have been withheld from compensation 
                                                                certifying agency must send the certification at least on an 
and  other  amounts  paid  to  and  deposited  into  the  U.S. 
                                                                annual basis, no later than February 14.
Treasury on any of the following.
                                                                In addition, federal government agencies certifying for 
a. Federal  government  civilian  employees  who  are  resi-    compensation  paid  to  military  personnel  not  stationed  in 
dents of American Samoa, the CNMI, or Guam.                     American  Samoa,  the  CNMI,  or  Guam  but  who  have  a 
                                                                state  of  legal  residence  in  one  of  these  territories  must 
b. Recipients (including survivors) of federal pensions (ci-
                                                                provide each servicemember’s name, social security num-
vilian or military) who are residents of American Samoa, 
                                                                ber, amount of annual salary paid, and total amount of an-
the CNMI, or Guam.
                                                                nual federal income tax withheld.
c. Military  personnel  stationed  in  American  Samoa,  the    The amounts shown in the certification must agree with 
CNMI, or Guam.                                                  the amounts of federal income tax withheld and reported 
                                                                on the quarterly federal tax return(s) of the agency (Form 
d. Military  personnel  not  stationed  in  American  Samoa, 
the  CNMI,  or  Guam  but  who  have  a  state  of  legal  resi-
dence in any of these territories.                              Federal agencies must submit these certifications on a 
                                                                quarterly  basis  no  later  than  45  days  after  the  close  of 
e. Employees of a service or social organization associ-        each calendar quarter as follows:
ated with a military or civilian agency in American Samoa, 
the CNMI, or Guam.                                              Quarter                                                           Due
                                                                First quarter (ending March 31) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 15
                                                                Second quarter (ending June 30)   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aug. 14
Certification Procedures
                                                                Third quarter (ending September 30) . . . . . . . . . . . . .     Nov. 14
This  section  contains  the  procedures  federal  agencies     Fourth quarter (ending December 31) . . . . . . . . . . . . .     Feb. 14
must follow to certify to the IRS the amount of “federal in-
come taxes” paid to and deposited into the U.S. Treasury.       Federal  agencies  should  mail  this  certification  to  the 
All departments and agencies of the federal government          following address:
(as  well  as  service  and  social  organizations  associated 
with a military or civilian federal entity) that withhold fed-  Internal Revenue Service
eral  income  taxes  on  amounts  paid  to  employees  and      Revenue Systems and Analysis
pensioners  of  the  United  States  (or  any  agency  thereof) Attn: OS:CFO:FM:RA:S (77K St)
as provided herein must certify to the IRS each calendar        1111 Constitution Ave NW
quarter the total amount of federal income taxes withheld       CFO/FM - Mail Stop 6167
that have been deposited into the U.S. Treasury. Federal        Washington, DC 20224
agencies must submit a separate certification for federal       Fax: 202-803-9691
income  taxes  creditable  to  American  Samoa,  the  CNMI, 
and Guam, as applicable.

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                                                                  formation with you. Don’t post your social security number 
                                                                  (SSN)  or  other  confidential  information  on  social  media 
How To Get Tax Help                                               sites. Always protect your identity when using any social 
                                                                  networking site.
If you have questions about a tax issue; need help prepar-           The following IRS YouTube channels provide short, in-
ing your tax return; or want to download free publications,       formative videos on various tax-related topics in English, 
forms, or instructions, go to IRS.gov to find resources that      Spanish, and ASL.
can help you right away.
Preparing and filing your tax return.  Go to IRS.gov/
EmploymentEfile  for  more  information  on  filing  your  em-
ployment tax returns electronically.                               Youtube.com/irsvideosASL.

      Getting  answers  to  your  tax  questions.       On        Watching      IRS     videos. The IRS       Video      portal 
      IRS.gov,  you  can  get  up-to-date  information  on        (IRSVideos.gov)  contains  video  and  audio  presentations 
      current events and changes in tax law.                      for individuals, small businesses, and tax professionals.
IRS.gov/Help: A variety of tools to help you get an-
  swers to some of the most common tax questions.                 Online  tax  information  in  other  languages.        You  can 
                                                                  find  information  on IRS.gov/MyLanguage  if  English  isn’t 
IRS.gov/Forms: Find forms, instructions, and publica-           your native language.
  tions. You will find details on the most recent tax 
  changes and interactive links to help you find answers          Free  Over-the-Phone  Interpreter  (OPI)  Service.     The 
  to your questions.                                              IRS is committed to serving our multilingual customers by 
You may also be able to access tax law information in           offering OPI services. The OPI Service is a federally fun-
  your electronic filing software.                                ded  program  and  is  available  at  Taxpayer  Assistance 
                                                                  Centers  (TACs),  other  IRS  offices,  and  every  VITA/TCE 
                                                                  return  site.  The  OPI  Service  is  accessible  in  more  than 
Need someone to prepare your tax return?     There are            350 languages.
various  types  of  tax  return  preparers,  including  enrolled 
agents,  certified  public  accountants  (CPAs),  attorneys,      Accessibility  Helpline  available  for  taxpayers  with 
and many others who don’t have professional credentials.          disabilities. Taxpayers  who  need  information  about  ac-
If you choose to have someone prepare your tax return,            cessibility  services  can  call  833-690-0598.  The  Accessi-
choose that preparer wisely. A paid tax preparer is:              bility Helpline can answer questions related to current and 
                                                                  future accessibility products and services available in al-
Primarily responsible for the overall substantive accu-         ternative media formats (for example, braille, large print, 
  racy of your return,                                            audio,  etc.).  The  Accessibility  Helpline  doesn’t  have  ac-
Required to sign the return, and                                cess to your IRS account. For help with tax law, refunds, 
Required to include their preparer tax identification           or account-related issues, go to IRS.gov/LetUsHelp.

  number (PTIN).                                                  Disasters. Go  to   Disaster  Assistance  and  Emergency 
Although  the  tax  preparer  always  signs  the  return,         Relief for Individuals and Businesses to review the availa-
you're ultimately responsible for providing all the informa-      ble disaster tax relief.
tion  required  for  the  preparer  to  accurately  prepare  your 
return.  Anyone  paid  to  prepare  tax  returns  for  others     Getting  tax  forms  and  publications.     Go  to     IRS.gov/
should have a thorough understanding of tax matters. For          Forms to view, download, or print most of the forms, in-
more information on how to choose a tax preparer, go to           structions, and publications you may need. Or, you can go 
Tips for Choosing a Tax Preparer on IRS.gov.                      to IRS.gov/OrderForms to place an order.

Coronavirus. Go  to IRS.gov/Coronavirus  for  links  to  in-      Getting  tax  publications  and  instructions  in  eBook 
formation on the impact of the coronavirus, as well as tax        format. You  can  also  download  and  view  popular  tax 
relief available for individuals and families, small and large    publications  and  instructions  (including  Pub.  80)  on  mo-
businesses, and tax-exempt organizations.                         bile devices as eBooks at IRS.gov/eBooks.

Employers can register to use Business Services On-                  Note. IRS  eBooks  have  been  tested  using  Apple's 
line. The SSA offers online service at SSA.gov/employer           iBooks for iPad. Our eBooks haven’t been tested on other 
for  fast,  free,  and  secure  online  W-2  filing  options  to  dedicated  eBook  readers,  and  eBook  functionality  may 
CPAs, accountants, enrolled agents, and individuals who           not operate as intended.
process Form W-2 and Form W-2c.
                                                                  Getting  a  transcript  of  your  return.   You  can  get  a 
IRS social media. Go to IRS.gov/SocialMedia to see the            copy of your tax transcript or a copy of your return by call-
various social media tools the IRS uses to share the latest       ing  800-829-4933  or  by  mailing  Form  4506-T  (transcript 
information on tax changes, scam alerts, initiatives, prod-       request) or Form 4506 (copy of return) to the IRS.
ucts,  and  services.  At  the  IRS,  privacy  and  security  are 
our highest priority. We use these tools to share public in-

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Reporting  and  resolving  your  tax-related  identity      Understanding  an  IRS  notice  or  letter  you’ve  re-
theft issues.                                               ceived.  Go to IRS.gov/Notices to find additional informa-
                                                            tion about responding to an IRS notice or letter.
Tax-related identity theft happens when someone 
  steals your personal information to commit tax fraud.     Contacting your local IRS office. Keep in mind, many 
  Your taxes can be affected if your EIN is used to file a  questions can be answered on IRS.gov without visiting an 
  fraudulent return or to claim a refund or credit.         IRS TAC. Go to IRS.gov/LetUsHelp for the topics people 
The IRS doesn’t initiate contact with taxpayers by        ask about most. If you still need help, IRS TACs provide 
  email, text messages (including shortened links), tele-   tax help when a tax issue can’t be handled online or by 
  phone calls, or social media channels to request or       phone. All TACs now provide service by appointment, so 
  verify personal or financial information. This includes   you’ll know in advance that you can get the service you 
  requests for personal identification numbers (PINs),      need  without  long  wait  times.  Before  you  visit,  go  to 
  passwords, or similar information for credit cards,       IRS.gov/TACLocator to find the nearest TAC and to check 
  banks, or other financial accounts.                       hours,  available  services,  and  appointment  options.  Or, 
                                                            on  the  IRS2Go  app,  under  the  Stay  Connected  tab, 
Go to IRS.gov/IdentityTheft, the IRS Identity Theft 
                                                            choose the Contact Us option and click on “Local Offices.”
  Central webpage, for information on identity theft and 
  data security protection for taxpayers, tax professio-
  nals, and businesses. If your EIN has been lost or sto-   The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) 
  len or you suspect you’re a victim of tax-related iden-   Is Here To Help You
  tity theft, you can learn what steps you should take.
                                                            What Is TAS?
Making a tax payment. Go to    IRS.gov/Payments for in-
formation on how to make a payment using any of the fol-    TAS is an independent organization within the IRS that 
lowing options.                                             helps taxpayers and protects taxpayer rights. Their job is 
                                                            to ensure that every taxpayer is treated fairly and that you 
Debit or Credit Card: Choose an approved payment 
                                                            know and understand your rights under the Taxpayer Bill 
  processor to pay online or by phone.
                                                            of Rights.
Electronic Funds Withdrawal: Schedule a payment 
  when filing your federal taxes using tax return prepara-  How Can You Learn About Your Taxpayer 
  tion software or through a tax professional.              Rights?
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System: Best option 
  for businesses. Enrollment is required.                   The Taxpayer Bill of Rights describes 10 basic rights that 
Check or Money Order: Mail your payment to the ad-        all  taxpayers  have  when  dealing  with  the  IRS.  Go  to 
  dress listed on the notice or instructions.               TaxpayerAdvocate.IRS.gov to help you understand what 
                                                            these rights mean to you and how they apply. These are 
Cash: You may be able to pay your taxes with cash at      your rights. Know them. Use them.
  a participating retail store.
Same-Day Wire: You may be able to do same-day             What Can TAS Do for You?
  wire from your financial institution. Contact your finan-
  cial institution for availability, cost, and time frames. TAS can help you resolve problems that you can’t resolve 
                                                            with  the  IRS.  And  their  service  is  free.  If  you  qualify  for 
Note. The IRS uses the latest encryption technology to      their  assistance,  you  will  be  assigned  to  one  advocate 
ensure that the electronic payments you make online, by     who will work with you throughout the process and will do 
phone, or from a mobile device using the IRS2Go app are     everything  possible  to  resolve  your  issue.  TAS  can  help 
safe and secure. Paying electronically is quick, easy, and  you if:
faster than mailing in a check or money order.
                                                            Your problem is causing financial difficulty for you, 
What  if  I  can’t  pay  now? Go  to IRS.gov/Payments  for    your family, or your business;
more information about your options.                        You face (or your business is facing) an immediate 
Apply for an online payment agreement IRS.gov/ (            threat of adverse action; or
  OPA) to meet your tax obligation in monthly install-      You’ve tried repeatedly to contact the IRS but no one 
  ments if you can’t pay your taxes in full today. Once       has responded, or the IRS hasn’t responded by the 
  you complete the online process, you will receive im-       date promised.
  mediate notification of whether your agreement has 
  been approved.                                            How Can You Reach TAS?
Use the Offer in Compromise Pre-Qualifier to see if 
  you can settle your tax debt for less than the full       TAS  has  offices in  every  state,  the  District  of  Columbia, 
  amount you owe. For more information on the Offer in      and Puerto Rico. Your local advocate’s number is in your 
  Compromise program, go to IRS.gov/OIC.                    local  directory  and  at TaxpayerAdvocate.IRS.gov/
                                                            Contact-Us. You can also call them at 877-777-4778.

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How Else Does TAS Help Taxpayers?                            TAS for Tax Professionals

TAS  works  to  resolve  large-scale  problems  that  affect TAS can provide a variety of information for tax professio-
many taxpayers. If you know of one of these broad issues,    nals,  including  tax  law  updates  and  guidance,  TAS  pro-
report it to them at IRS.gov/SAMS.                           grams,  and  ways  to  let  TAS  know  about  systemic  prob-
                                                             lems you’ve seen in your practice.

                     To help us develop a more useful index, please let us know if you have ideas for index entries.
Index                See “Comments and Suggestions” in the “Introduction” for the ways you can reach us.
                                     943-X 14
A                                    944-X 14                               L
Adjustments   19                     Schedule H (Form 1040)        19       Lookback period:
Agricultural labor   23              SS-4 7                                  Farmworkers       14
Aliens, nonresidents    24           SS-5 5
Assistance (See Tax help)            SS-8 8                                 M
                                     W-2c 21                                Ministers 25
C                                  Fringe benefits  10 25,                  Monthly deposit schedule                     14
Calendar 5                           When fringe benefits are treated as 
Common-law employee        7         paid  10                               N
Corrected wage and tax             Fringe Benefits:                         Newspaper delivery     26
  statement   21                     Depositing taxes on fringe             Noncash payments       26
Crew leaders  8                      benefits    10                         Nonprofit organizations      26
Current period adjustments    19     Social security and Medicare taxes 
                                     withholding on fringe benefits      10 P
D                                    Special accounting rule for fringe 
                                     benefits provided during               Partners 26
Deposit:                             November and December            10    Penalties 17
  How to deposit     17              Valuation of vehicles provided to      Pension plans      26
  Penalties 17                       employees     10                       Prior period adjustments     19
  Period 14                        FUTA tax 21                              Publications (See Tax help)
  $100,000 next-day deposit   16   G                                        R
  Accuracy of deposits     16      Government employees,                    Recordkeeping      5
  Schedules:                         nonfederal  27                         Religious orders     26
  Monthly    14                    Group-term life insurance          25    Retirement and pension plans                   26
  Semiweekly     14
Deposit Taxes:                     H                                        S
  $2,500 rule 13                   Hiring new employees         5           Salespersons       26
  Payment with Return   13         Homeworkers     25                       Scholarships and fellowships                   27
  Requirements  13                 Hospital employees:                      Semiweekly deposit schedule                    14
  When to deposit    13              1.Interns. 25                          Severance pay      27
                                     2.Patients. 25                         Sick pay 27
E                                  Household employers          19          Social Security and Medicare 
Electronic deposits     17         Household workers           19 25,        Taxes for Farmworkers:
Electronic filing and payment 4    How to deposit   17                       Exceptions to the $150 and $2,500 
Employee   7                       How To Figure Social Security and           tests  12
Employer identification number       Medicare Taxes          12              Farmworkers       11
  (EIN) 7                            Additional Medicare Tax      12         The $150 Test or the $2,500 
                                     Deducting the tax       12                Test  12
F                                    Household and agricultural             Social security card, applying for 
Family employees     24              employers     12                        a 8
Farm crew leaders    8               Sick pay 12                            Social security number:
Farmworkers   19                     Taxes paid by employer       12         Registering for SSNVS      9
Federal agency certifying                                                    Verification of SSNs
  requirements   28                I                                        Social security number (SSN)                   8
Federal employees    24            Insurance agents          25              Applying for an SSN   8
Fishing 25                         IRS help (employee v.                     Employee's name and SSN, 
Form 13                              subcontractor)          8                 correctly record the     9
  8274  26                                                                   Social security card,:
  941-SS  19                                                                   employee's      8
  941-X  14

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  Social security number, where to Collecting taxes on tips 11     What's New 1
  get and file application forms 9 Ordering rule 11                New Pub. 5146 explains 
Statutory employee 7               Reporting tips 11               employment tax examinations 
Statutory nonemployee 8            Trust fund recovery penalty 18  and appeal rights. 5
Students 27                                                        Work opportunity tax credit for 
Supplemental unemployment          W                               qualified tax-exempt 
                                                                   organizations hiring qualified 
  compensation benefits 27         Wage and Tax Statement   21     veterans extended.  2
                                   Wages and Other Compensation   9
T                                                                  When To Deposit:
                                   Sick pay 10                     Lookback period nonfarm 
Tax help 30                        Travel and business expenses 10 workers    13
Tips 11 27, 

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