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Note: The form, instructions, or publication you are looking for 
                    begins after this coversheet. 

           Please review the updated information below. 

 Change of Mailing Address for Reporting All Back Pay Under Statute 
           Cases to the Social Security Administration 

On page 2 of the 2013 Publication 957, the current mailing address for reporting all back 
pay under statute cases to the Social Security Administration is updated to the following 

Social Security Administration 

ATTN:  DEBS Back Pay Staff 


6100 Wabash Avenue 

Baltimore, MD 21215-3757 

This change will be included in the next revision of Publication 957. 

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            Department of the Treasury Contents
            Internal Revenue Service
                                       Introduction               . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
                                       1. What is Back Pay?                   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1
Publication 957                            Reporting Back Pay                   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
(Rev. January 2013)
Cat. No. 20985Y                            Back Pay Under a Statute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                       3
                                           Nonstatutory Back Pay                    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
                                           Format for Report to the SSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                       3
                                           Questions              . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
                                       2. Special Wage Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                         4
                                           Reporting Special Wage Payments                            . . . . . . . . . . .   5
Back Pay and                               Reporting Nonstatutory (Nonqualified) Stock 
                                           Options as Special Wage Payments                               . . . . . . . . .   7
                                           Nonqualified Deferred Compensation and 
Special Wage                               Section 457 Plans                    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
                                           Reporting Payments From Nonqualified 
Payments to                                and Nongovernmental Section 457 
                                           Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                      8
                                           Reporting Payments and Deferrals in the 
the Social                                 Same Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                          9

                                       Future Developments
                                       For the latest information about developments related to 
Administration                         Publication  957,  such  as  legislation  enacted  after  it  was 
                                       published, go to www.irs.gov/pub957.

                                       The  Social  Security  Administration  (SSA)  has  special 
                                       rules  for  back  pay  awarded  by  a  court  or  government 
                                       agency to enforce a worker protection statute (law). The 
                                       SSA also has rules for reporting special wage payments 
                                       made to employees after they retire. These rules enable 
                                       the SSA to correctly compute an employee's benefits un-
                                       der the social security earnings test. These rules are for 
                                       social security coverage and benefit purposes only. This 
                                       publication,  written  primarily  for  employers,  discusses 
                                       back pay under a statute and special wage payments. It 
                                       also explains how to report these payments to the SSA. 
                                       For more                   information,          visit     SSA's       website         at 
                                       www.socialsecurity.gov/employer. To get a copy of Form 
                                       SSA-131,  Employer  Report  of  Special  Wage  Payments, 
                                       visit  SSA's  website  at                    www.socialsecurity.gov/online/

                                       1. What is Back Pay?

                                       Back  pay  is  pay  received  in  a  tax  year(s)  for  actual  or 
                                       deemed employment in an earlier tax year(s). For social 
                                       security  coverage  and  benefit  purposes,  all  back  pay, 
Get forms and other Information        whether or not under a statute, is wages if it is payment for 
faster and easier by:                  covered employment. Damages for personal injury, inter-
                                       est,  penalties,  and  legal  fees  included  with  back  pay 
Internet IRS.gov
                                       awards are not wages. Report all back pay. However, the 

Jan 29, 2013

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tax year(s) for which back pay is credited as wages for so-              If  employers  do  notify  the  SSA  of  this  payment, 
cial security purposes is different if it is awarded under a             they should prepare a special report (with the in-
statute. See Back Pay Under a Statute, later, for more in-               formation noted below) and send it to:
                                                                  Social Security Administration
                                                                  Attn: CPS Back Pay Staff
Reporting Back Pay                                                7-B-15 SWT
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the SSA consider           1500 Woodlawn Drive
back pay awards to be wages. However, for income tax              Baltimore, MD 21241-0001
purposes, the IRS treats all back pay as wages in the year 
paid.                                                             Be sure to send this special report to the above address 
                                                                  because the SSA handles it separately from other reports.
Employers should use Form W-2, Wage and Tax State-
ment, or electronic wage reports to report back pay as wa-               If you paid the back pay award in the same tax 
ges in the year they actually pay the employee. The SSA           TIP    year to which it applies, report the wages on that 
no longer accepts reports on tapes, cartridges, and disk-                year's Form W-2. No further action is necessary.
                                                                  Example. In  2012,  Judy  Wilson  received  a  salary  of 
Example.     In  2012,  Terry  Morris  earned  wages  of          $30,000 and a back pay under statute award of $2,000 for 
$50,000. In the same year, she received $100,000 in set-          the  period  January  through  June  2012.  Her  employer 
tlement of a back pay case against her employer that cov-         properly reported wages of $32,000 for social security and 
ered the periods January 2007 through December 2011.              Medicare on her 2012 Form W-2. No further action is nec-
Her employer properly reflected social security wages of          essary.
$110,100 and Medicare wages of $150,000 on her 2012 
Form W-2.                                                         Information  the  SSA  needs  to  properly  credit  back 
However, if an employer did not include back pay wa-              pay  under  a  statute  (special  report). After  you  com-
ges on a previously filed Form W-2, magnetic media, or            plete the special report, you or the employee should send 
electronically filed wage report, the employer should pre-        it to the SSA when or after you submit the Form W-2 (on 
pare  a  wage  correction  report,  Form  W-2c,  Corrected        paper  or  electronically)  to  the  SSA  for  the  year  you  pay 
Wage and Tax Statement, or electronically filed report, to        the statutory back pay to the employee. There is no stat-
add the back pay award to the wages previously reported.          ute of limitations on the filing of the special report to ena-
                                                                  ble  the  SSA  to  allocate  the  wages.  The  special  report 
Example.     If, in the above example, Terry Morris' em-          must include the following information.
ployer had prepared her 2012 Form W-2 reporting social            1. The employer's name, address, and employer identifi-
security  and  Medicare  wages  of  only  $50,000  each,  the     cation number (EIN).
employer would have to correct that report. A Form W-2c 
correcting the 2012 Form W-2 would show previously re-            2. A signed statement citing the federal or state statute 
ported  social  security  and  Medicare  wages  of  $50,000       under which the payment was made. If the statute is 
and the correct amount of $110,100 for social security wa-        not identified, the SSA will assume the payment was 
ges and $150,000 for Medicare wages.                              not under a statute and will not allocate to earlier pe-
SSA treatment of back pay under a statute. Under the 
law, the SSA credits back pay awarded under a statute to          3. The name and telephone number of a person to con-
an individual's earnings record in the period(s) the wages        tact. The SSA may have additional questions con-
should have been paid. This is important because wages            cerning the back pay case or the individual employ-
not credited to the proper year may result in lower social        ee's information.
security  benefits  or  failure  to  meet  the  requirements  for 4. A list of employees receiving the payment and the fol-
benefits.                                                         lowing information for each employee:
However, back pay under statute payments will remain 
posted to the employee's social security earnings record          a. The tax year you paid and reported the back pay.
in the year reported on Form W-2 (or Form W-2c) unless            b. The employee's social security number (SSN).
the employer or employee notifies the SSA (in a separate, 
special report) of the back pay under a statute payment.          c. The employee's name (as shown on his or her so-
Then, the SSA can allocate the statutory back pay to the                 cial security card).
appropriate periods.                                              d. The amount of the back pay award excluding any 
If  a  back  pay  award  is  not  made  under  a  statute,  the          amounts specifically designated otherwise, for ex-
SSA credits back pay as wages in the year paid.                          ample, damages for personal injury, interest, pen-
                                                                         alties, and legal fees.
                                                                  e. The period(s) the back pay award covers (begin-
                                                                         ning and ending dates—month and year).

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f. The other wages paid subject to social security                         Back pay awards, under some of the statutes lis-
and/or Medicare taxes and reported in the same                             ted above, may be compensation for personal in-
year as the back pay award (if none, show zero)*.                 CAUTION! jury  and  not  pay  for  employment.  Such  awards 
Do not include the back pay award shown in that                   are not wages for social security coverage purposes.
wage report. If you originally submitted the report 
under an establishment number, show that num-                     If  a  court-approved  or  sanctioned  settlement  agree-
ber and the amount of money that is to remain un-                 ment states that the agreement is not an admission of dis-
der that establishment number.                                    crimination,  liability,  or  act  of  wrongdoing,  the  statement 
                                                                  does not change the nature of a back pay award. The pay-
g. The amount to allocate to each reporting period*.              ments  made  in  such  a  settlement  may  still  be  back  pay 
This includes any amount you want allocated (if                   and wages under the rules discussed here.
applicable) to the tax year of the award payment. If 
you do not give the SSA specific amounts to allo-
cate, the SSA does the allocation by dividing the                 Nonstatutory Back Pay
back pay award by the number of months or years 
covered by the award.                                             A  payment  for  back  wages  negotiated  between  an  em-
                                                                  ployer and employee without an award, determination, or 
*Note. For  periods  before  January  1,  1978  (before           agreement approved or sanctioned by a court or govern-
January 1, 1981, for state and local government employ-           ment  agency,  the  payment  is  not  made  under  a  statute. 
ers covered by a Section 218 agreement), show the wage            Delayed wage payments and retroactive pay increases re-
amounts for each calendar quarter ending March 31, June           sulting from union negotiation or payments under local or-
30,  September  30,  and  December  31.  For  all  tax  years,    dinances  or  regulations  are  back  pay  and  are  wages. 
show  and  identify  the  social  security  and/or  Medicare      However, they are not payments made under a statute.
Qualified  Government  Employment  (MQGE)  wages 
(where applicable) separately. MQGE is applicable to fed-         If you are uncertain whether the back pay award was 
eral  employees  beginning  in  1983,  and  for  certain  state   under  a  qualified  statute,  you  may  need  to  contact  your 
and local government employees beginning in 1986. For             personnel  department  or  legal  counsel  or  the  attorney 
tax years 1991 and later, list the social security and Medi-      who filed the suit.
care wages separately. If you originally reported the indi-
vidual's  wages  under  an  establishment  or  payroll  record    Format for Report to the SSA
unit number, show the amount of wages to remain in the 
award year for that number and furnish that number to the         Use the format shown in Table 1, later, to send the SSA 
SSA along with the EIN.                                           the information needed to properly credit back pay under 
                                                                  a statute.
Back Pay Under a Statute                                          In a cover letter, include:
Back pay awarded under a statute is a payment by an em-           1. Name and address of the employer,
ployer  following  an  award,  determination,  or  agreement 
approved or sanctioned by a court or government agency            2. Statute under which you paid the back pay,
responsible  for  enforcing  a  federal  or  state  statute  that 3. Name and telephone number of the employer contact, 
protects an employee's right to employment or wages.              and
Examples of pertinent statutes include:                           4. Signature of the reporting official.
Age Discrimination in Employment Act,                                      Under certain circumstances, back pay may be a 
                                                                  TIP      special wage payment and excluded from wages 
Americans with Disabilities Act,
                                                                           counted under the social security earnings test. If 
Equal Pay Act,                                                    you pay back pay to an employee age 61 or older, report it 
                                                                  to the SSA in accordance with this section. Read       Special 
Fair Labor Standards Act,                                         Wage  Payments,  later,  for  additional  reporting  instruc-
National Labor Relations Act,

State minimum wage laws, and                                      Questions

State statutes that protect rights to employment and              If you have questions concerning back pay under a stat-
wages.                                                            ute, call the SSA at 1-800-772-6270.
Payments  based  on  laws  that  have  a  similar  effect  to     Exception. If you are a state or local government em-
those  listed  above  also  may  qualify  as  payments  made      ployer who was covered by an agreement under Section 
under a statute.                                                  218 of the Social Security Act before January 1, 1987, and 
                                                                  you paid a back pay award before January 1, 1987, which 
                                                                  you  did  not  report  to  the  SSA,  contact  your  state  Social 
                                                                  Security Administrator's office.

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Table 1. Format for Report (Under Covering Letter) to Request SSA to Allocate Back Pay 
Under Statute Wages
 Employer's EIN: xx-xxxxxxx
 Tax Year in Which Award Payment Was Paid: 2012

  (1)                      (2)1                                      (3)2,3                             (4)3
  SSN and       Award Amount and              Other Soc. Sec./Med. Wages Paid                           Allocation
 Employee Name  Period(s)                                         In Award Year
                                               Soc. Sec.                    Med./MQGE    Year           Soc. Sec. Med./MQGE
 xxx-xx-xxxx                    $100,000                          $40,000      $40,000   2009           $20,000          $20,000
 HELEN T. SMITH 1/2009 - 12/2012                                                         2010           25,000                            25,000
                                                                                         2011           27,000                            27,000
                                                                                         2012           28,000                            28,000
 xxx-xx-xxxx                    30,000                               -0-             -0- 1989                                              6,000
 SAM W. EVANS                 7/89-12/91                                                 1990                                             12,000
                                                                                         1991                                             12,000
 xxx-xx-xxxx                    15,000                               -0-             -0- 9/80              3,500
 ROLAND S.                    7/80-12/81                                                 12/80             3,500
 ADAMS                                                                                   1981              8,000
 1Exclude amounts specifically designated as damages, penalties, etc.
 2Exclude the amount of back pay, if any, included in that amount.
 3For periods before January 1, 1978 (and for state and local government (Section 218) employers before January 1, 1981), show the wage amounts by calendar 
 quarters. The social security and/or Medicare Qualified Government Employment (MQGE) wages (where applicable) must be shown separately FOR ALL YEARS. 
 (Wages subject ONLY to MQGE would be shown in the Medicare/MQGE column; no wages would be shown in the Soc. Sec. column.) For tax years 1991 and later, 
 the social security and Medicare wages must be listed separately.
 Explanation of examples.
 Helen T. Smith–The back pay award, excluding interest, was $100,000 for the periods 1/2009-12/2012. In 2012, this employee was also paid 
 $40,000 in other wages. (Her Form W-2 for 2012 reported $110,100 for social security and $140,000 for Medicare. The SSA allocation will result in 
 adjusted posted wages of $68,000 for social security and $68,000 for Medicare for 2012.)
 Sam W. Evans–The back pay award was $30,000 for the periods 7/89-12/91. This employee was hired in 1989 and was subject to MQGE only. He 
 was no longer employed by this governmental employer in 2012. (His Form W-2 for 2012 reported $30,000 for social security and $30,000 for 
 Medicare. After the SSA allocation, he will not have any net posted wages for 2012.)
 Roland S. Adams–The back pay award was $15,000 for the periods 7/80-12/81. He was no longer employed by this state and local government 
 (Section 218) employer in 2012. (His Form W-2 for 2012 reported $15,000 for social security and $15,000 for Medicare; after the SSA allocation, he 
 will not have any net posted wages for 2012.)

       If the state Social Security Administrator's office                     reported to the SSA. Special wage payments may include 
       needs  more  information,  they  can  contact  the                      (but are not limited to):
       SSA at the following address:
                                                                               Accumulated sick and vacation pay,
                                                                               Back pay,
  Social Security Administration
  Office of Income Security Programs                                           Bonuses,
  Office of Earnings and Program Integrity Policy
  6401 Security Boulevard 2506 OPS                                             Deferred compensation,
  Baltimore, MD 21235
                                                                               Payments because of retirement,

                                                                               Sales commissions,

2. Special Wage Payments                                                       Severance pay, and

                                                                               Stock options.
A special wage payment (SWP) is an amount paid by an 
employer to an employee (or former employee) for serv-
ices performed in a prior year. Employers should report to                     Note.     Payments made after retirement that are part of 
the SSA special wage payments made to employees and                            the normal payroll cycle should not be routinely reported 
former employees who are recipients of social security re-                     as special wage payments.
tirement benefits. Special wage payments made to a re-
                                                                               Earnings Test. Benefits paid to a social security benefi-
tired employee receiving social security or to an employee 
                                                                               ciary under full retirement age may be reduced if the ben-
who continues to work while receiving social security ben-
                                                                               eficiary continues to work. The SSA uses the information 
efits may reduce the benefits the individual receives if not 
                                                                               in  boxes  1,  3,  and  5  of  Form  W-2  to  determine  the 

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beneficiary's  current  year  earnings.  Special  wage  pay-       Online (BSO) via the socialsecurity.gov website. BSO en-
ments,  which  are  for  services  performed  in  a  prior  year,  ables organizations and authorized individuals to conduct 
will  increase  the  current  year  earnings  on  Form  W-2,       business  with  and  submit  confidential  information  to  the 
which  also  may  result  in  a  reduction  in  the  beneficiary's Social  Security  Administration.  You  must  register  to  use 
benefits. If a benefit is reduced because of a special wage        this website. The web address is www.socialsecurity.gov/
payment, the beneficiary must get documentation from the           bso/bsowelcome.htm.
employer  before  the  SSA  can  restore  the  deducted  por-      Use the specifications and record layout shown in
tion.  Therefore,  employer  reports  of  special  wage  pay-      Table 2, later. Only one file at a time may be submitted. If 
ments help prevent incorrect benefit reductions.                   your file is large (>10MB), or you have a slow internet con-
                                                                   nection, the transmission will be faster if the file is zipped. 
Reporting Special Wage Payments                                    A zipped file contains a file that has been compressed to 
                                                                   reduce its file size. WinZip and PKZIP are examples of ac-
Employers must report special wage payments for income             ceptable compression packages.
tax  purposes  and  social  security  and  Medicare  taxes  in     Electronic  submissions  not  meeting  the  specifications 
the year received. Report income, social security, and/or          in Table 2 will be rejected.
Medicare taxes for special wage payments on Form W-2.
                                                                   Paper listing.  A paper listing can be used to report spe-
         See Nonqualified  Deferred  Compensation  and             cial wage payments to several employees. Use the format 
         Section  457  Plans,  later,  for  reporting  nonquali-   shown in Table 3, later. Submit paper listings to the local 
CAUTION! fied  deferred  compensation  plan  deferrals  and 
                                                                   SSA  office  nearest  your  place  of  business.  Visit 
payments on Form W-2.                                              www.socialsecurity.gov/locator  to  find  a  Social  Security 
                                                                   office near you.
In addition, report to the SSA special wage payments 
made during the reporting year to retired employees and            Form  SSA-131.  Use  Form  SSA-131  to  report  special 
employees  who  continue  to  work  while  receiving  social       wage payments made to an employee. Also use this form 
security benefits. Submit reports after the close of the tax       to report nonqualified deferred compensation and section 
year. To avoid delays in processing, submit reports in time        457 plan deferrals and payments that could not be repor-
to reach the SSA by April 1. Use one of the following re-          ted in box 11 of Form W-2.
porting methods.

Electronic  reporting. Special  wage  payment  files  can 
be sent electronically by logging onto Business Services 

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                                                                                                     Form Approved
Social Security Administration                                                                       OMB No. 0960-0565

                               PART I - TO BE COMPLETED BY SSA/EMPLOYER:
Tax Year Employee Name                                     Employee’s SSN                     SSA Claim Number
                                                                                              (To be completed by SSA)

Employer                                    Address

                               PART 2 - TO BE COMPLETED BY EMPLOYER:

Employees are sometime paid wages in a year subsequent to the year that the wages were earned. The most
common types of payments are accumulated (for prior years) vacation pay or sick pay paid after retirement;
deferred compensation; severance pay (when paid on account of retirement) and bonuses--paid pursuant to a
prior agreement or contract.
Wages which are earned in a year prior to the year they are paid usually do not affect benefits payable under the
Social Security annual earnings test. However, for the Social Security Administration to pay benefits accurately,
these prior year amounts must be reported to us. The above named individual has filed for Social Security
benefits. To ensure that correct Social Security benefits are paid, please complete the information below and
return this form to the Social Security Administration. (Please see reverse side for instructions for the completion
of this form.)
1. Employer Identification Number 2. Retirement date            3. Date employee last performed services
(EIN)                          (MM/DD/YYYY)                               (MM/DD/YYYY)

If the dates in items 2 and 3 are not the same, please explain the difference.

4. For wages paid to the employee in the “tax year” (see Part I above), enter the amount that
was for services performed prior to the tax year; or was not attributable to services rendered
during the tax year; or was paid on account of retirement:                                    $
Check the type(s) of wages paid in the tax year but for services performed in a prior year or were paid on account of
         Vacation Pay                       Sick Pay                                         Severance Pay
         Bonus                              Deferred Compensation
         Other (Explain)

5. Will payments listed in item “4” be made for years after the tax year?                     Yes                    No
If answered Yes, please show  the  amounts  and  years in which these amounts will be paid, if known.
              Amount              Year                                    Amount                          Year

6. Nonqualified deferred compensation and section 457 plans only. If payments and deferrals
occurred during the tax year, enter the amount of wages earned by the employee during
the tax year.                                                                                  $


Title                                       Date                              Phone Number
Form SSA-131 (8-2001) Destroy Prior Editions EF (06-2002) (Over)

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Instructions for Form SSA–131

1.  Provide the EIN that was used or will be used to report the employee's wages on the Form W-2.
2.  Enter the date the employee retired. Enter “Not Retired” if the employee has not retired.
3.  Enter the date that the employee last performed services; was not expected to return to work; and was not subject to 
    recall to render additional services. This date should be the same as or earlier than the date in item “2”. Enter “Not 
    Retired” if the employee has not retired.
4.  Enter the wages that were paid to the employee in the tax year that were for services that were performed in years prior 
    to the tax year or that were paid on account of retirement.
    Examples (not all inclusive) of payments to be included:
    Payments in lieu of vacation that were earned in a year prior to the tax year.
    Accumulated sick payments which were paid in a lump sum based on “retirement” as the sole condition of payment.
    Accumulated sick payments paid at or after the date in item 3, which were earned in a year prior to the tax year.
    Payments “on account of retirement”–dismissal, severance or termination pay paid because of retirement.
    Bonuses which are paid pursuant to a prior contract, agreement or promise causing the employee to expect such 
    payments regularly; or announced to induce the employee to work more steadily, rapidly or efficiently or to remain 
    with the employer.
    Stock Options.

    Do not include in item “4” payments:
    For annual, sick, holiday, or vacation pay if used (absence from work) prior to the date of retirement (earlier of items 
    “2” or “3”).
    That were reported or will be reported under “Nonqualified Plans” on the Form W-2.
    That were deducted from the employee's wages and paid to a deferred compensation plan (e.g., 401k).
    Employees health and dental plan benefits (non-covered/non-taxable for Social Security Wages).
    Bonuses earned and paid in the tax year.

5.  Check whether payments listed in item 4 will be made for years after the tax year. If yes, please show the amounts and 
    years in which these will be paid, if known.
6.  Nonqualified deferred compensation and section 457 plans only. If you were unable to report nonqualified 
    deferred compensation or section 457 plan payments and deferrals (contributions) on Form W-2 because both 
    payments and deferrals occurred during the year, show the amount of wages earned by the employee during the tax 
    year. Generally, the wages earned will be the compensation reported in block 1 of Form W-2 less payments from a 
    nonqualified deferred compensation (or 457) plan, but including any amounts deferred under the plan during the tax 
    year (See IRS Publication 957).
Paperwork/Privacy Act Notice: This report is authorized by regulation 20 CFR 404.702. The information that you provide 
will be used in making a determination regarding the amount of Social Security benefits payable to the above named 
individual. While your response is voluntary, if you do not respond we may not be able to make a correct determination 
regarding the amount of Social Security benefits payable to the above named individual for the year in question.
We may also use the information you give us when we match records by computer. Matching programs compare our records 
with those of other Federal, State, or local government agencies. Many agencies may use matching programs to find or 
prove that a person qualifies for benefits paid by the Federal Government. The law allows us to do this even if you do not 
agree to it. Explanations about these and other reasons why information you provide us may be used or given out are 
available in Social Security Offices. If you want to learn more about this, contact any Social Security Office.
The Paperwork Reduction Act: This information collection meets the clearance requirements of 44 U.S.C. §3507, as 
amended by Section 2 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. You are not required to answer these questions unless we 
display a valid Office of Management and Budget control number. We estimate that it will take you about 20 minutes to read 
the instructions, gather the necessary facts, and answer the questions.
Form SSA-131 (8-2001) EF (06-2002)
Submit Form SSA-131 to the SSA office nearest your                       Do not report payments from nonqualified defer-
place of business. Or, the employee can submit it to the         !       red compensation or section 457 plans that were 
SSA office handling the claim. You or the employee must          CAUTION reported  in  box  11  of  Form  W-2.  Use  Form 
submit this form before the SSA can exclude the special          SSA-131 if deferrals to and payments from nonqualified or 
wage  payments  for  purposes  of  the  earnings  test.  If  re- section 457 plans occurred during the tax year.
porting on more than one employee, complete a separate 
Form SSA-131 for each employee or use the paper listing 
format (except for reporting nonqualified and section 457        Reporting Nonstatutory 
plan deferrals and payments) in Table 3.                         (Nonqualified) Stock Options as 
                                                                 Special Wage Payments

                                                                 A  nonstatutory  (nonqualified)  option  to  purchase  stock 
                                                                 which is exercised in a year after the year in which the op-
                                                                 tion was earned is a special wage payment. It should not 

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count  for  the  social  security  earnings  test.  Nonstatutory               Report in box 11 of Form W-2 the amount of deferrals, 
(nonqualified)  options  exercised  as  special  wage  pay-                    including any accumulated interest, that became taxable 
ments by retired employees or employees who continue                           for social security and Medicare taxes during the year (but 
to work while receiving social security benefits should be                     were  for  prior  year  services)  because  the  deferred 
reported  by  employers  using  the  above  reporting  meth-                   amounts were no longer subject to a substantial risk of for-
ods.                                                                           feiture. If the employee continues working, future deferrals 
                                                                               are  social  security  and  Medicare  wages  when  they  are 
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation                                             earned.
and Section 457 Plans                                                                   Do not include in box 11 deferrals that are inclu-
                                                                                        ded in boxes 3 and/or 5 and that are for current 
A nonqualified deferred compensation plan is a plan or ar-                     CAUTION! year services.
rangement established and maintained by an employer for 
one or more of its employees that provides for the deferral                    Risk of forfeiture lapses at retirement.                         When an em-
of compensation, but does not meet the requirements for                        ployee's right to a payment is contingent upon working un-
a tax-qualified deferred compensation plan. For social se-                     til  retirement,  report  all  past  contributions  to  the  plan  (or 
curity  and  Medicare  purposes,  deferred  compensation                       the value of the plan), including accumulated earned inter-
plans for employees of state and local governments (sec-                       est, as social security and/or Medicare wages in the year 
tion  457  plans)  are  treated  the  same  as  nonqualified                   of retirement. Add the amount to other wages paid in that 
plans.  Nonqualified  and  section  457  plans  are  reported                  year, and enter in box 3 (up to the wage base maximum) 
differently than other special wage payments. See Report-                      and/or box 5 of Form W-2.
ing  Amounts  Deferred  to  Nonqualified  and  Section  457                    Report in box 11 of Form W-2 the amount of deferrals, 
Plans below for specific instructions.                                         including any accumulated interest, that became taxable 
                                                                               for social security and Medicare taxes during the year (but 
Reporting Amounts Deferred to                                                  were  for  prior  year  services)  because  the  deferred 
Nonqualified and Section 457 Plans                                             amounts were no longer subject to a substantial risk of for-
Generally, when the related services are performed, non-
                                                                                        Do not include in box 11 deferrals that are inclu-
qualified deferred compensation is subject to social secur-
                                                                                        ded in boxes 3 and/or 5 and that are for current 
ity and Medicare tax when deferred. However, if nonquali-                      CAUTION!
                                                                                        year services.
fied  and  section  457  plans  contain  provisions  that  delay 
the employee's right to receive payments from the plan, a 
                                                                               Example—risk  of  forfeiture.                        At  the  end  of  the 
period of substantial risk of forfeiture exists. The plans' de-
                                                                               risk-of-forfeiture period for Company Y's nonqualified de-
ferrals, or contributions, are not subject to social security 
                                                                               ferred compensation plan, Employee B's accumulated de-
and Medicare taxes until the period of substantial risk of 
                                                                               ferrals, plus interest earned by the plan, are $120,000, not 
forfeiture ends.
                                                                               including B's $20,000 deferral for this year. B's wages, in-
No risk of forfeiture.           If there is no risk of forfeiture, re-        cluding this year's deferred amount, are $80,000.
port  wage  amounts  deferred  to  a  nonqualified  deferred                   Form W-2 Completion                                                     Amount
compensation  or  section  457  plan  in  box  3  (up  to  the                 Box 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $60,000
wage base maximum) and/or box 5 of Form W-2.                                   Box 3*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110,100
                                                                               Box 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  200,000
Example.         Company  X's  nonqualified  deferred  com-
                                                                               Box 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   120,000
pensation plan allows the deferral of up to $20,000 of em-
                                                                               *Wage base maximum for tax year 2012
ployee salaries each year. The plan has no risk of forfei-
ture. In 2012, Employee A defers $20,000 to the plan from 
a total salary of $200,000.                                                    Reporting Payments From Nonqualified and 
                                                                               Nongovernmental Section 457 Plans
Form W-2 Completion                                                Amount
Box 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200,000    When an employee or former employee retires and begins 
Box 3*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  110,100     receiving  payments  (distributions)  from  a  nonqualified  or 
Box 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200,000     nongovernmental section 457 plan, report the payments in 
*Wage base maximum for tax year 2012                                           boxes 1 and 11 of Form W-2. Report payments (distribu-
                                                                               tions)  from  a   governmental  section  457  plan  on  Form 
Risk of forfeiture lapses before retirement.                       If the sub- 1099-R,  Distributions  from  Pensions,  Annuities,  Retire-
stantial  risk  of  forfeiture  lapses  before  the  employee  re-             ment or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, 
tires, report all past contributions to the plan (or the value                 etc.
of  the  plan),  including  accumulated  earned  interest,  in 
box  3  (up  to  the  wage  base  maximum)  and/or  box  5  of                 Example.         Employee D retired from the XYZ company 
Form W-2. The accumulated deferrals are reported along                         and began receiving social security benefits. XYZ paid D 
with any other social security and Medicare wages earned                       a $12,000 bonus upon retirement for sales made in a prior 
during the year.                                                               year,  and  D  received  $25,000  in  payments  from  XYZ's 

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nonqualified  deferred  compensation  plan.  In  addition,  D                     Notice  2008-115,  2008-52  I.R.B.  1367,  available  at 
agreed to continue performing services for XYZ, but on a                          www.irs.gov/irb/2008-52_IRB/ar10.html.
part-time basis for wages of $15,000 per year. D made no 
                                                                                  Special  reporting  rules  apply  when  an  NQDC  plan  is 
deferrals to the nonqualified plan this year.
                                                                                  not compliant with section 409A (when there has been a 
                                                                                  “plan failure”). Income included under section 409A from 
Form W-2 Completion                                                       Amount  an NQDC plan is reported in box 1 and box 12 of Form 
Box 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    $52,000 W-2 using code Z. See Notice 2008-115.
Box 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    27,000
Box 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    27,000  The following examples use small dollar amounts for il-
Box 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     25,000  lustrative  purposes.  However,  the  amount  reported  in 
Report the $12,000 bonus to the SSA using electronic reporting, a                 box 3 of Form W-2 is always limited by the social security 
paper listing, or Form SSA-131. For more information, see Reporting               earnings  wage  base  (for  example,  $110,100  for  2012). 
Special Wage Payments, earlier.                                                   The  term  “vested”  in  the  following  examples  means  that 
                                                                                  the amount deferred is not subject to a substantial risk of 
Reporting Payments and Deferrals in the                                           forfeiture.  Conversely,  the  term  “not  vested”  means  that 
                                                                                  the amount deferred is subject to a substantial risk of for-
Same Year
                                                                                  feiture.  The  examples  assume  that  the  NQDC  plan  is  in 
Do  not  complete  box  11  when  payments  (distributions)                       compliance with section 409A, and that amounts deferred 
are  made  from  a  nonqualified  plan  and  deferrals  are  re-                  under the plan are not includible in gross income as they 
ported in boxes 3 and/or 5 of Form W-2 (including current                         are deferred. For purposes of the examples, it is assumed 
year deferrals). Report to the SSA on Form SSA-131 the                            that the regular pay of the employee is remuneration for 
total  amount  the  employee  earned  during  the  tax  year.                     employment and wages for employment tax purposes ex-
Normally,  the  amount  earned  is  the  amount  reported  in                     cept to the extent the deferral of a portion of the regular 
box 1 of Form W-2 less payments from a nonqualified or                            pay results in a reduction in wages.
section 457 plan, but including any amounts deferred un-
                                                                                  Example 1: Deferral that is immediately vested (no 
der the plan during the tax year. See Form SSA-131 and 
                                                                                  substantial  risk  of  forfeiture)  with  no  distributions 
its instructions, earlier.
                                                                                  and  no  vesting  of  prior-year  deferrals.                      For  the  year, 
  Example.        Employee K retired this year from Company                       the employee’s regular pay was $200, and the employee 
XYZ and began receiving social security benefits. During                          deferred $20 of the pay into her employer’s NQDC plan. 
the  year  he  earned  wages  of  $50,000  and  deferred                          The  deferral  of  $20  was  vested  upon  deferral  and  there 
$35,000 of the wages into the company's nonqualified de-                          was an employer match of $10 under the plan, which was 
ferred  compensation  plan.  K  also  received  $75,000  in                       also vested.
payments from the company's nonqualified plan.                                    Regular pay = $200; Deferral, vested = $20; Employer 
                                                                                  match, vested = $10.
Form W-2 Completion                                                       Amount
Special Wage Payment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           $75,000 Form W-2 Completion                                                      Amount
Wages   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   50,000  Box 1 ($200 Regular pay minus $20 vested deferral)             . . . .  $180
Minus: deferral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      35,000  Box 3 ($200 Regular pay plus $10 Employer match, 
Total reported in Box 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        $90,000 vested). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  210
Wages including deferral reported in                                              Box 5 ($200 Regular pay plus $10 Employer match, 
Boxes 3 and 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        $50,000 vested). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  210
                                                                                  Box 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0-
Leave Box 11 blank. File Form SSA-131. . . . . . . . . . .                -0-
                          Form SSA-131 Completion
Amount from Box 1 of Form W-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              $90,000 Example  2:  Deferral  with  delayed  vesting  (sub-
Minus: payments from a nonqualified plan. . . . . . . . . .               75,000  stantial risk of forfeiture) of employee and employer 
Plus: amounts deferred into the plan during the year. . . .               35,000  portions  (no  distributions  and  no  vesting  of 
                                                                                  prior-year deferrals).           For the year, the employee’s regu-
Total wages earned for purposes of Form SSA-131 (item 
6). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50,000 lar pay was $200, and the employee deferred $20 of the 
                                                                                  pay into the employer’s nonqualified deferred compensa-
                                                                                  tion plan. The deferral of $20 was not vested upon defer-
                                                                                  ral,  and  there  was  an  employer  match  of  $10  under  the 
Additional Reporting Examples                                                     plan, which was also not vested.
                                                                                  Regular  pay  =  $200;  Deferral,  not  vested  =  $20;  Em-
for Nonqualified Deferred                                                         ployer match, not vested = $10.

Compensation (NQDC) Plans

It is not necessary to show amounts deferred during the 
year under an NQDC plan subject to section 409A. If you 
report section 409A deferrals, show the amount in box 12 
of  Form  W-2  using  code  Y.  For  more  information,  see 

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Form W-2 Completion                                                       Amount failure, the box 1 amount in this calculation should be as if 
Box 1 ($200 Regular pay minus $20 Deferral, not                                  there were no plan failure.
vested). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $180
Box 3 ($200 Regular pay minus $20 Deferral, not                                  Example 5: Deferral that is immediately vested and 
vested). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  180    there  are  distributions  (no  vesting  of  prior-year  de-
Box 5 ($200 Regular pay minus $20 Deferral, not                                  ferrals). For  the  year,  the  employee’s  regular  pay  was 
vested). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  180    $200, and the employee deferred $20 of the pay into the 
Box 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   -0-    employer’s  NQDC  plan.  There  was  also  an  employer 
                                                                                 match of $10. The deferral and employer match were ves-
Example  3:  Deferral  that  is  immediately  vested                             ted upon deferral. There was no vesting of prior-year de-
with prior-year deferrals and investment earnings on                             ferrals  under  the  plan.  During  the  year,  there  were  total 
the prior-year deferrals that are now vesting (no dis-                           distributions of $50 from the plan to the employee.
tributions).      For  the  year,  the  employee’s  regular  pay                 Regular pay = $200; Deferral, vested = $20; Employer 
was $200, and the employee deferred $20 of the pay into                          match, vested = $10; Distribution = $50.
the employer’s nonqualified deferred compensation plan. 
The deferral of $20 was vested upon deferral. During the                         Form W-2 Completion                                                    Amount
year, $100 of prior-year deferrals and $15 of investment                         Box 1 ($50 Special Wage Payment (Distribution) plus $200 
earnings on the $100 of prior-year deferrals became ves-                         Regular pay minus $20 Deferral, vested). . . . . . . . . . . .         $230
ted.                                                                             Boxes 3 and 5 ($200 Regular pay plus $10 vested 
Regular pay = $200; Deferral, vested = $20; Vesting of                           employer match) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    210
prior-year  deferrals  =  $100;  Vesting  of  investment  earn-                  Leave Box 11 blank. File Form SSA-131. . . . . . . . . . . .           -0-
ings on $100 of prior-year deferral = $15.                                                              Form SSA-131 Completion
                                                                                 Item 6 - amount of wages earned by the employee during 
                                                                                 the tax year ($230 from Box 1 of Form W-2 minus $50 
Form W-2 Completion                                                       Amount Distribution plus $30 vested current year employee 
Box 1 ($200 Regular pay minus $20 Deferral, vested). . .                  $180   deferral and employer match) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       $210
Box 3 ($200 Regular pay plus $100 vested prior-year 
deferral plus $15 earnings on deferral)       . . . . . . . . . . . . .   315
                                                                                 Example  6:  Deferral  with  delayed  vesting  and 
Box 5 ($200 Regular pay plus $100 vested prior-year 
deferral plus $15 vested investment earnings on prior year                       there  are  distributions  (no  vesting  of  prior-year  de-
deferral) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315    ferrals). For  the  year,  the  employee’s  regular  pay  was 
Box 11 ($100 vested prior-year deferral plus $15                                 $200, and the employee deferred $20 of the pay into the 
earnings) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   115    employer’s NQDC plan. The deferral was not vested upon 
                                                                                 deferral. There was no vesting of prior-year deferrals un-
Example 4: No deferrals but there are distributions                              der the plan. During the year, there were total distributions 
(no vesting of prior-year deferrals).                         For the year, the  of $50 from the plan to the employee.
employee’s regular pay was $100, and the employee de-                            Regular pay = $200; Deferral, not vested = $20; Distri-
ferred no pay into the employer’s NQDC plan. There was                           bution = $50.
no  vesting  of  prior-year  deferrals  under  the  plan.  During 
the year, there were total distributions of $50 from the plan                    Form W-2 Completion                                                    Amount
to the employee.                                                                 Box 1 ($50 Special Wage Payment (Distribution) plus $200 
Regular pay = $100; Distribution = $50.                                          Regular pay minus $20 Deferral, not vested). . . . . . . . .           $230
                                                                                 Boxes 3 and 5 ($200 Regular pay minus $20 deferral that 
                                                                                 is not vested) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Form W-2 Completion                                                       Amount                              . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
                                                                                 Box 11 ($50 Distribution).
Box 1 ($100 Regular pay plus $50 Distribution). . . . . . . .             $150
Box 3 ($100 Regular pay )     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   100
Box 5 ($100 Regular pay)      . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   100    Example 7: Deferral that is immediately vested and 
Box 11 ($50 Distribution). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        50     there are distributions (also vesting of prior-year de-
                                                                                 ferrals  and  earnings  on  those  prior-year  deferrals). 
Special rule for box 11 of Form W-2 (distributions                               For the year, the employee’s regular pay was $200, and 
and  deferral  in  the  same  year).                  If,  in  the  same  year,  the employee deferred $20 of the pay into the employer’s 
there are NQDC distributions and there are deferrals that                        NQDC plan. The deferral was vested upon deferral. There 
are  reportable  in  boxes  3  and/or  5  (current  or  prior-year               was  vesting  of  $100  of  prior-year  deferrals  and  $15  of 
deferrals) of Form W-2, do not complete box 11. Instead,                         earnings  on  the  $100  prior-year  deferral  under  the  plan. 
report  on  Form  SSA-131  the  total  amount  the  employee                     During the year, there were total distributions of $50 from 
earned during the year.* Submit the SSA-131 to the near-                         the plan to the employee.
est SSA office or give it to the employee.                                       Regular pay = $200; Deferral, vested = $20; Distribu-
*Generally, the amount earned by the employee during                             tion = $50; Vesting of prior-year deferrals ($100) and earn-
the tax year for purposes of item 6 of Form SSA-131 is the                       ings on those prior-year deferrals ($15) = $115.
amount reported in box 1 of Form W-2 plus current-year 
deferrals  that  are  vested  (employee  and  employer  por-
tions) less distributions. Do not consider prior-year defer-
rals that are vesting in the current year. If there was a plan 

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Form W-2 Completion                                             Amount amounts  under  the  plan  ($115).  During  the  year,  there 
Box 1 ($50 Special Wage Payment (Distribution) plus $200               were  total  distributions  of  $50  from  the  plan  to  the  em-
Regular pay minus $20 vested deferral. . . . . . . . . . . . .  $230   ployee.
Boxes 3 and 5 ($200 Regular pay Plus $115 vested prior                 Regular pay = $200; Deferral, not vested = $20; Distri-
deferral (with vested earnings on the deferral)). . . . . . . . 315    bution = $50; Vesting of prior-year deferrals and employer 
Leave Box 11 blank. File Form SSA-131. . . . . . . . . . . .    -0-    match = $100 plus earnings on that $100 of $15.
         Form SSA-131 Completion
Item 6, amount of wages earned by the employee during                  Form W-2 Completion                                                      Amount
the tax year ($230 from Box 1 of Form W-2 minus $50                    Box 1 ($50 Special Wage Payment (Distribution) plus $200 
Distribution plus $20 vested current year deferral) . . . . .   $200   regular pay minus $20 Deferral, not vested) . . . . . . . . .            $230
                                                                       Boxes 3 and 5 ($200 Regular pay plus $115 vested 
Example  8:  Deferral  with  delayed  vesting  and                     prior-year deferral and prior year employer match and 
there  are  distributions  (vesting  of  prior-year  defer-            earning on the prior year amounts minus $20 deferral that 
rals,  including  employer  matches,  and  earnings  on                is not vested)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  295
those deferrals).        For the year, the employee’s regular          Leave Box 11 blank. File Form SSA-131. . . . . . . . . . . .             -0-
pay was $200, and the employee deferred $20 of the pay                                         Form SSA-131 Completion
into the employer’s NQDC plan. The deferral was not ves-               Item 6 ($230 Amount from Box 1 of Form W-2 minus $50 
ted upon deferral. There was also vesting of prior-year de-            Distribution). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $180
ferrals  and  employer  matches  and  earnings  on  these 
Table 2. Specifications for Electronic Reporting of Special Wage Payments

Record Position                Field  
Start End                      Size    Description
1     3                        3       Record Type—must include only the capital letters “SWP”
4     12                       9       SSN—must be numeric and may not be all zeros
13    27                       15      Last Name—all capitals and no punctuation; may have blanks on right only
28    38                       11      First Name—all capitals and no punctuation; may have blanks on right only
39    39                       1       Middle Initial—must be either a capital letter or blank
40    48                       9       EIN—must be numeric and may not be all zeros
49    59                       11      Payment—must be numeric; may not be all zeros; last two digits on right are
                                       assumed to be cents; no period or dollar sign
60    63                       4       Payment Year—must be only a four-digit year
64    66                       3       SSA Office Code—must be numeric and may be all zeros
67    67                       1       Payment Type Code—must be the capital letter “T”
68    117                      50      Filler
The record format is a fixed length of 117.
The file format is ASCII.
Submit only one file at a time.

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Table 3. Sample—Paper Listing for Reporting Special Wage Payments to Several 
                                                                                            Report of Special Wage Payments      Tax Year:                            Page  of 
A. Employer Name:                                                                                     EIN: 

   Address:                                                                                     Contact Name: 

                                                                                               Phone: (    ) 

   .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1)  B. Employee Name: (Last)                                                                      (First)                               (MI) 

    C. SSN:                                                       D. SWP:$                        E. Type:              Other: 

2)  B. Employee Name: (Last)                                                                      (First)                               (MI) 

    C. SSN:                                                       D. SWP:$                        E. Type:              Other: 

3)  B. Employee Name: (Last)                                                                      (First)                               (MI) 

    C. SSN:                                                       D. SWP:$                        E. Type:              Other: 

4)  B. Employee Name: (Last)                                                                      (First)                               (MI) 

    C. SSN:                                                       D. SWP:$                        E. Type:              Other: 

5)  B. Employee Name: (Last)                                                                      (First)                               (MI) 

    C. SSN:                                                       D. SWP:$                        E. Type:              Other: 


   Enter tax year and page number.

   A. Employer name, employer identification number (EIN), address, the name of a contact person, and a phone number where the contact 
   person can be reached during normal business hours.

   B. Employee's name. 

   C. Employee's social security number (SSN).

   D. Total amount of special wage payments made to the employee.

   E. Type of special wage payment from the following list: (1) Vacation Pay, (2) Sick Pay, (3) Severance Pay, 
   (4) Bonus, (5) Deferred Compensation, (6) Stock Options, and (7) Other—Please explain.

   Do not use a paper listing for nonqualified deferred compensation and section 457 plan deferrals and payments that could not be 
   reported in block 11 of Form W-2. (Get Form SSA-131.)

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