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            Publication 598
            (Rev. March 2021)                                                  Contents
            Cat. No. 46598X                                                    Introduction                  
of the                                                                         Chapter 1. Organizations Subject 
Treasury                                                                         to the Tax                 
Internal    Tax on 
Revenue                                                                        Chapter 2. The Tax and Filing 
Service                                                                          Requirements                   
                                                                               Chapter 3. Unrelated Trade 
                                                                                 or Business               
            Business Income 
                                                                               Chapter 4. Unrelated Business 
                                                                                 Taxable Income                
            of Exempt 
                                                                               Chapter 5. How To Get Tax Help               21
            Organizations                                                      Index                                        22

                                                                               Future Developments
                                                                               The IRS has created a page on IRS.gov for 
                                                                               information about Pub. 598, at IRS.gov/Pub598. 
                                                                               Information  about  any  future  developments 
                                                                               affecting Pub. 598 (such as legislation enacted 
                                                                               after we release it) will be posted on that page.

                                                                               What's New
                                                                               Mandatory electronic filing. Section 3101 
                                                                                 of the Taxpayer First Act, (P.L. 116-25) 
                                                                                 requires tax-exempt organizations to 
                                                                                 electronically file information returns and 
                                                                                 related forms. This law affects tax-exempt 
                                                                                 organizations in tax years beginning after 
                                                                                 July 1, 2019. In 2020, the IRS continued to 
                                                                                 accept paper Forms 990-T pending 
                                                                                 conversion into electronic format. In 2021, 
                                                                                 the Form 990-T is being updated and 
                                                                                 e-filing is required for tax year 2020 filings. 
                                                                                 The IRS expects e-filing to be available 
                                                                                 beginning in February 2021. The IRS will 
                                                                                 announce the specific dates when the 
                                                                                 programming comes online. See the 
                                                                                 Instructions for Form 990-T, When, Where, 
                                                                                 and How To File, for more information.
                                                                               Final regulations issued. Section 512(a)(6) 
                                                                                 requires a tax-exempt organization with 
                                                                                 more than one unrelated trade or business 
                                                                                 to compute unrelated business taxable 
                                                                                 income (UBTI), including any NOL 
                                                                                 deduction, separately for each trade or 
                                                                                 business. Final regulations were published 
                                                                                 in the Federal Register on December 2, 
                                                                                 2020, that provide guidance on how an 
                                                                                 exempt organization determines if it has 
                                                                                 more than one unrelated trade or business, 
                                                                                 and, if so, how the exempt organization 
                                                                                 calculates unrelated business taxable 
                                                                                 income. T.D. 9933, 85 Fed. Reg. 77952 
                                                                                 (Dec. 2, 2020). The final regulations are 
                                                                                 applicable to tax years beginning on or 
                                                                                 after December 2, 2020. In addition, an 
                                                                                 exempt organization may choose to apply 
              Get forms and other information faster and easier at:              the final regulations under section 512(a)
              IRS.gov (English)         IRS.gov/Korean (한국어)                 (6) to tax years beginning on or after 
              IRS.gov/Spanish (Español) IRS.gov/Russian (Pусский) 
              IRS.gov/Chinese (中文)      IRS.gov/Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)      January 1, 2018, and before December 2, 
                                                                                 2020. Alternatively, an exempt 

Mar 22, 2021

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  organization may rely on a reasonable,               Agricultural Organizations and Business                   and How To Get Tax Help at the end of this 
  good-faith interpretation of section 512(a)          Leagues, later.                                           publication.
  (6) for such tax years. For this purpose, a 
  reasonable good faith interpretation 
  includes the methods of aggregating or         Introduction
  identifying separate trades or businesses      An exempt organization isn’t taxed on its in-
  provided in Notice 2018-67 or the              come from an activity substantially related to 
  proposed regulations published April 24,       the  charitable,  educational,  or  other  purpose 
  2020 (85 Fed. Reg. 23172). See T.D. 9933       that is the basis for the organization's exemp-                 1.
  for more details.                              tion. Such income is exempt even if the activity 
Form 990-T has been redesigned for tax         is a trade or business.
  year 2020. Schedule M (Form 990-T) has         However, if an exempt organization regu-
  been replaced with Schedule A. Each            larly  carries  on  one  or  more  trades  or  busi-            Organizations 
  unrelated trade or business of an              nesses not substantially related to the organiza-
  organization is reported on a separate         tion's exempt purpose, except that conducting 
  Schedule A. At the organization’s              the trade or business provides funds to carry                   Subject to the 
  discretion, each separate trade or             out  the  exempt  purpose,  the  organization  is 
  business may be classified by a 2-digit        subject to tax on its income from the unrelated                 Tax
  North American Industrial Classification       trade(s) or business(es).
  System (NAICS) code. See Regulations           This publication covers the rules for the tax                   The tax on unrelated business income applies 
  section 1.512(a)-6(b)(1). The Instructions     on unrelated business income of exempt organ-                   to most organizations exempt from tax under 
  for Form 990-T provide 6-digit Business        izations. It explains:                                          section  501(a).  These  organizations  include 
  Activity Codes for investment and other 
  activities not represented in NAICS.           1. Which organizations are subject to the tax                   charitable, religious, scientific, and other organi-
Organizations with more than one                     (chapter 1),                                              zations described in section 501(c), as well as 
                                                                                                                 employees'  trusts  forming  part  of  pension, 
  unrelated trade or business must compute       2. What the requirements are for filing a tax                   profit-sharing, and stock bonus plans described 
  unrelated business taxable income (UBTI),            return (chapter 2),                                       in section 401(a).
  including for the purpose of determining 
  any net operating loss deduction,              3. What an unrelated trade or business is 
  separately with respect to each such trade           (chapter 3), and                                          In addition, the following are subject to the tax 
                                                                                                                 on unrelated business income.
  or business. See Regulations section           4. How to figure unrelated business taxable                       Individual retirement arrangements (IRAs), 
  1.512(a)-6 for more information.                     income (chapter 4).                                           including traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, sim-
Retroactive repeal of section 512(a)(7).                                                                           plified employee pensions (SEP-IRAs), 
  P.L. 116-94 retroactively repealed the         All section references in this publication are 
  section 512(a)(7), which required exempt       to the Internal Revenue Code.                                       and savings incentive match plans for em-
                                                                                                                     ployees (SIMPLE IRAs).
  organizations to increase their unrelated                                                                        State and municipal colleges and universi-
  business taxable income for expenses           Useful Items                                                        ties.
  incurred to provide certain benefits,          You may want to see:                                              Qualified state tuition programs described 
  including qualified transportation fringes. If                                                                     in section 529.
  your organization reported and paid tax on     Publication                                                       Qualified ABLE programs described in 
  such amounts included in unrelated               557 557 Tax-Exempt Status for Your                                section 529A.
  business taxable income for tax years                Organization                                                Medical savings accounts (MSAs) descri-
  2017 or 2018 and you want to claim a                                                                               bed in section 220(d).
  refund, file an amended Form 990-T.            Form (and Instructions)                                           Coverdell savings accounts described in 
Net operating loss (NOL) carryback. The          990-T   990-T Exempt Organization Business                        section 530.
  Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic 
  Security Act (CARES Act) amended                     Income Tax Return
  section 172 provides for carryback of any        Schedule A (990-T)      Schedule A (990-T) Unrelated Business U.S. instrumentalities. A corporation that is a 
  net operating loss arising in a tax year             Taxable Income From an Unrelated                          U.S. instrumentality described in section 501(c)
  beginning after 2017 and before 2021 to              Trade or Business                                         (1) isn’t subject to the tax on unrelated business 
                                                                                                                 income if the corporation is organized under an 
  each of the 5 tax years preceding the tax      Visit IRS.gov/FormsPubs  to  download  forms                    Act of Congress and, under the Act, is exempt 
  year of the NOL. Taxpayers may elect to        and  publications.  Otherwise,  you  can  go  to                from federal income taxes.
  waive the carryback period for NOLs            IRS.gov/OrderForms  to  order  current  and 
  arising in those years. To elect to waive the  prior-year  forms  and  instructions.  Your  order              Colleges and universities. Colleges and uni-
  carryback period for an NOL arising in a       should arrive within 10 business days.                          versities that are agencies or instrumentalities 
  tax year beginning in 2018 or 2019, attach                                                                     of any government or any political subdivision 
  a statement electing the carryback waiver      Comments and suggestions.                    We welcome         of a government, or that are owned or operated 
  to your return for the first tax year ending   your comments about this publication and your                   by a government or political subdivision of a 
  after March 27, 2020. For more                 suggestions for future editions.                                government, are subject to the tax on unrelated 
  information, see Rev. Proc. 2020-24. If you    You  can  send  us  comments  through                           business income. As used here, the word “gov-
  incurred an NOL in a tax year beginning in     IRS.gov/FormComments. Or you can write to:                      ernment” includes any foreign government (to 
  2018 or 2019, you can file an amended                                                                          the extent not contrary to a treaty) and all do-
  return, Form 990-T, to carryback the NOL.            Internal Revenue Service                                  mestic governments (the United States and any 
  See Pub. 536 for more information.                   Tax Forms and Publications                                of its possessions, any state, and the District of 
The maximum cost of a low-cost article, for          1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526                        Columbia).
  organizations eligible to receive charitable         Washington, DC 20224                                      The tax is on the unrelated business income 
  contributions, was increased to $11.20 for                                                                     of both the universities and colleges themselves 
  2020. See Distribution of low-cost articles,   Although  we  can’t  respond  individually  to                  and on their wholly owned or controlled tax ex-
  later.                                         each comment received, we do appreciate your                    empt subsidiary organizations. It is immaterial 
The annual limit on associate member           feedback and will consider your comments as                     whether the business is conducted by the uni-
  dues received by an agricultural or            we revise our tax products.                                     versity or by a separately incorporated wholly 
  horticultural organization not treated as                                                                      owned or controlled subsidiary. If the business 
  gross income was increased to $171 for         Tax questions.  If you have tax questions not                   activity is unrelated, the income in both instan-
  2020. See Exception under Dues of              answered  by  the  publication,  check  IRS.gov                 ces will be subject to the tax. If the primary 
Page 2    Chapter 1 Organizations Subject to the Tax

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purpose of a wholly owned or controlled subsid-     trades or businesses can't be less than zero. 
iary is to operate or conduct any unrelated trade   The tax computed on the total UBTI can be re-
or business (other than holding title to property   duced by any applicable tax credits, including      Payment of Tax
and collecting income from it), the subsidiary      the general business credits (such as the in-
isn’t  an  exempt  organization,  and  this  rule   vestment credit) and the foreign tax credit.        Estimated  tax.     A  tax-exempt  organization 
doesn’t apply.                                                                                          must make estimated tax payments if it antici-
                                                                                                        pates its tax (unrelated business income tax af-
Title-holding corporations. When an exempt          Returns and Filing                                  ter certain adjustments) to be $500 or more. Es-
title-holding  corporation,  described  in  section                                                     timated tax payments are generally due by the 
501(c)(2), pays any of its net income to an or-     Requirements                                        15th day of the 4th, 6th, 9th, and 12th months of 
ganization that itself is exempt from tax under                                                         the tax year. If any due date falls on a Saturday, 
section 501(a) (or would pay such an amount         Mandatory electronic filing of Form 990-T star-     Sunday, or legal holiday, the payment is due on 
except that the expenses of collecting its in-      ted in February 2021. Limited exceptions apply.     the next business day.
come exceed the amount collected) and files a       See the Instructions for Form 990-T for more in-    Any organization that fails to pay the proper 
consolidated return with that organization, the     formation. The obligation to file Form 990-T is in  estimated tax when due may be charged an un-
title-holding corporation is treated, for unrelated addition to the obligation to file any other re-    derpayment penalty for the period of underpay-
business income tax purposes, as organized          quired return or notice.                            ment. Generally, to avoid the estimated tax pen-
and operated for the same purposes as the ex-                                                           alty, the organization must make estimated tax 
empt payee organization.                            Form 990-T is required if the sum of the or-        payments that total 100% of the organization's 
   Thus,  a  title-holding  corporation  whose      ganization's  gross  income  from  all  unrelated   current tax year liability. However, an organiza-
source of income is related to the exempt pur-      businesses is $1,000 or more. An exempt or-         tion with taxable income less than $1 million for 
poses of the payee organization isn’t subject to    ganization files a single Form 990-T. The organ-    each of the 3 preceding tax years can base its 
the unrelated business income tax if the holding    ization  reports  the  income  and  expenses  for   required estimated tax payments on 100% of 
corporation and the payee organization file a       each of its unrelated businesses on a separate      the tax shown on its return for the preceding 
consolidated return. However, if the source of      Schedule A (Form 990-T) attached to the Form        year (unless no tax is shown). If an organiza-
the income isn’t so related, the title-holding cor- 990-T. See Regulations section 1.512(a)-6 for       tion's taxable income for any of those years was 
poration  is  subject  to  unrelated  business  in- information about how to identify separate unre-    $1 million or more, it can base only its first re-
come tax.                                           lated trades or businesses.                         quired installment payment on its prior year's 
   Example. X, a title-holding corporation, is      Each organization must file a separate Form         All  tax-exempt  organizations  should  use 
required to distribute its net income to A, an ex-  990-T,  except  section  501(c)(2)  title-holding   Form 990-W (Worksheet), to figure their estima-
empt organization. During the tax year, X real-     corporations and organizations receiving their      ted tax.
izes net income of $900,000 from source M,          earnings that file a consolidated return under 
which is related to A's exempt function. X also     section 1501.                                       Tax due with Form 990-T.     Any tax due with 
receives $100,000 from source N, which isn’t                                                            Form 990-T must be paid in full when the return 
related to A's exempt function. X and A file a      The various provisions of tax law relating to       is filed, but no later than the date the return is 
consolidated return for the tax year. X has unre-   accounting  periods,  accounting  methods,          due (determined without extensions).
lated business income of $100,000.                  at-risk limits (described in section 465), assess-
                                                    ments, and collection penalties that apply to tax 
                                                    returns also generally apply to Form 990-T.         Federal Tax Deposits Must 
                                                                                                        be Made by Electronic Funds 
                                                    When to file. The Form 990-T of an employ-          Transfer
                                                    ees' trust described in section 401(a), an IRA 
                                                    (including a traditional, SEP, SIMPLE, Roth, or     Electronic  Deposit  Requirement.   The  or-
                                                    Coverdell IRA), or an MSA must be filed by the      ganization  must  deposit  all  depository  taxes 
2.                                                  15th day of the 4th month after the end of its tax  (such as employment tax, excise tax, and cor-
                                                    year. The Form 990-T of any other exempt or-        porate  income  tax)  electronically.  Generally, 
                                                    ganization must be filed by the 15th day of the     electronic fund transfers are made using the 
The Tax and                                         5th month after the end of its tax year. If the due Electronic  Federal  Tax  Payment  System 
                                                    date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holi-    (EFTPS). For more information about EFTPS or 
                                                    day, the return is due by the next business day.    to enroll in EFTPS, visit the EFTPS website at 
Filing                                                                                                  EFTPS.gov,      or      call 1-800-555-4477, 
                                                    Extension of time to file.  Use Form 8868,          1-800-733-4829  (TDD),  or  1-800-244-4829 
                                                    Application for Automatic Extension of Time To      (Spanish). You can also get Pub. 966, Elec-
Requirements                                        File an Exempt Organization Return, to request      tronic Federal Tax Payment System: A Guide to 
                                                    an automatic 6-month extension of time to file      Getting Started.
All organizations subject to the tax on unrelated   Form 990-T.
business income, except the exempt trusts de-                                                           Depositing on time.     For EFTPS deposits to 
scribed in section 511(b)(2), are taxable at cor-   Public Inspection Requirements of Section           be made timely, the organization must initiate 
porate rates on that income. All exempt trusts      501(c)(3)  Organizations.   Under section           the deposit by 8 p.m. Eastern time the day be-
subject to the tax on unrelated business income     6104(d), a section 501(c)(3) organization that      fore the deposit is due.
that, if not exempt, would be taxable as trusts     has gross income from an unrelated trade or 
are taxable at trust rates on that income. How-     business of $1,000 or more must make its Form       Same-day wire payment option.  If you fail to 
ever, an exempt trust may not claim the deduc-      990-T return (including amended returns) avail-     initiate a deposit transaction on EFTPS by 8 
tion for a personal exemption that is normally al-  able for public inspection. See the Instructions    p.m. Eastern time the day before the date a de-
lowed to a trust.                                   for  Form  990-T  for  information  about  attach-  posit is due, you can still make your deposit on 
                                                    ments and related forms that are disclosable as     time  by  using  the  Federal  Tax  Application 
The tax is imposed on the organization's unrela-    part of the return.                                 (FTA), a same-day federal tax payment system 
ted business taxable income (UBTI) (described                                                           that works in conjunction with EFTPS. Make ar-
in chapter 4). Under section 512(a)(6), an or-          A section 501(c)(3) organization filing 
ganization that conducts more than one unrela-      TIP the Form 990-T only to request a credit         rangements with your financial institution ahead 
ted trade or business calculates its UBTI as the        for  certain  federal  excise  taxes  paid      of time, noting the institution's availability, dead-
sum of the UBTI calculated separately for each      doesn’t have to make the Form 990-T available       lines, and costs, if you believe you would ever 
unrelated trade or business, and when calculat-     for public inspection.                              need the same-day wire payment option. To 
                                                                                                        learn  more,  visit IRS.gov/SameDayWire  and 
ing this sum, the UBTI from any of the separate 
                                                                                      Chapter 2         The Tax and Filing Requirements    Page 3

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also download the Same-Day Payment Work-             business. The stand would not compete with           public. If the organization also operates the the-
sheet.                                               similar facilities that a nonexempt organization     ater as a motion picture theater for the public 
                                                     would ordinarily operate year-round. However,        when the museum is closed, the activity is an 
Timeliness of deposits.  The IRS uses busi-          operating a commercial parking lot every Satur-      unrelated trade or business.
ness days to determine the timeliness of depos-      day, year-round, would be the regular conduct        For information on allocating expenses for 
its. Business days are any day that isn't a Satur-   of a trade or business.                              the dual use of assets or facilities, see  Deduc-
day, Sunday, or legal holiday in the District of                                                          tions in chapter 4.
Columbia. See Pub. 583, Starting a Business          Not substantially related.  A business activity 
and Keeping Records.                                 isn’t substantially related to an organization's     Exploitation  of  exempt  functions.       Ex-
                                                     exempt purpose if it doesn’t contribute impor-       empt  activities  sometimes  create  goodwill  or 
        If the organization owes tax and is filing   tantly to accomplishing that purpose (other than     other intangibles that can be exploited in a com-
!       a paper Form 990-T, don't include the        through the production of funds). Whether an         mercial  way.  When  an  organization  exploits 
CAUTION payment with the tax return. Instead,                                                             such an intangible in commercial activities, the 
                                                     activity contributes importantly depends in each 
use EFTPS.                                           case on the facts involved.                          fact that the income depends in part upon an 
                                                     In determining whether activities contribute         exempt  function  of  the  organization  doesn’t 
                                                     importantly  to  the  accomplishment  of  an  ex-    make the commercial activities a related trade 
                                                     empt purpose, the size and extent of the activi-     or business. Unless the commercial exploitation 
                                                     ties involved must be considered in relation to      contributes importantly to the accomplishment 
                                                     the nature and extent of the exempt function         of the exempt purpose, the commercial activi-
                                                     that they intend to serve. For example, to the       ties are an unrelated trade or business.
3.                                                   extent an activity is conducted on a scale larger    For the treatment of expenses attributable to 
                                                     than is reasonably necessary to perform an ex-       the exploitation of exempt activities, see Deduc-
                                                     empt purpose, it doesn’t contribute importantly      tions in chapter 4.
                                                     to the accomplishment of the exempt purpose. 
Unrelated Trade                                      The part of the activity that is more than needed 
                                                     to accomplish the exempt purpose is an unrela-       Examples
                                                     ted trade or business.
or Business                                          Also in determining whether activities con-          The  following  are  examples  of  activities  that 
                                                     tribute importantly to the accomplishment of an      were determined to be (or not to be) unrelated 
Unrelated business income is the income from         exempt purpose, the following principles apply.      trades or businesses using the definitions and 
a trade or business regularly conducted by an                                                             principles just discussed.
exempt organization and not substantially rela-      Selling of products of exempt functions.
ted to the performance by the organization of its    Ordinarily, selling products that result from the    Artists' facilities. An organization whose ex-
exempt purpose or function. Use by the organi-       performance of exempt functions isn’t an unre-       empt purpose is to stimulate and foster public 
zation, of the profits derived from this activity,   lated trade or business if the product is sold in    interest in the fine arts by promoting art exhibits, 
does not, alone, make the activity substantially     substantially the same state it is in when the ex-   sponsoring cultural events, and furnishing infor-
related to the performance by the organization       empt functions are completed. Thus, for an ex-       mation about fine arts leases studio apartments 
of its exempt purpose or function.                   empt  organization  engaged  in  rehabilitating      to artist tenants and operates a dining hall pri-
                                                     handicapped  persons  (its  exempt  function),       marily for these tenants. These two activities 
Certain trade or business activities aren’t trea-    selling articles made by these persons as part       don’t  contribute  importantly  to  accomplishing 
ted as an unrelated trade or business. See  Ex-      of their rehabilitation training is not an unrelated the organization's exempt purpose. Therefore, 
cluded Trade or Business Activities, later.          trade or business.                                   they are unrelated trades or businesses.
Trade or business.  The term “trade or busi-         However, if a completed product resulting 
ness” generally includes any activity conducted      from an exempt function is used or exploited in      Broadcasting  rights.   An  exempt  collegiate 
for the production of income from selling goods      further business activity beyond what is reason-     athletic conference conducts an annual com-
or performing services. An activity must be con-     ably appropriate or necessary to dispose of it as    petitive athletic game between its conference 
ducted with intent to make a profit to constitute    is, the activity is an unrelated trade or business.  champion and another collegiate team. Income 
a trade or business. An activity doesn’t lose its    For example, if an exempt organization main-         is derived from admission charges and the sale 
identity as a trade or business merely because       tains an experimental dairy herd for scientific      of exclusive broadcasting rights to a national ra-
it is conducted within a larger group of similar     purposes, the sale of milk and cream produced        dio and television network. An athletic program 
activities that may or may not be related to the     in the ordinary course of operation of the project   is considered an integral part of the educational 
exempt purposes of the organization.                 isn’t an unrelated trade or business. But if the     process of a university.
                                                     organization uses the milk and cream in the fur-     The educational purposes served by inter-
For example, the regular sale of pharma-             ther  manufacture  of  food  items  such  as  ice    collegiate athletics are identical whether con-
ceutical supplies to the general public by a hos-    cream, pastries, etc., the sale of these products    ducted directly by individual universities or by 
pital  pharmacy  doesn’t  lose  its  identity  as  a is an unrelated trade or business unless the         their regional athletic conference. Also, the edu-
trade or business, even though the pharmacy          manufacturing activities themselves contribute       cational purposes served by exhibiting a game 
also furnishes supplies to the hospital and pa-      importantly  to  the  accomplishment  of  an  ex-    before an audience that is physically present 
tients of the hospital in accordance with its ex-    empt purpose of the organization.                    and exhibiting the game on television or radio 
empt purpose. Similarly, soliciting, selling, and 
                                                                                                          before a much larger audience are substantially 
publishing commercial advertising is a trade or      Dual use of assets or facilities. If an as-          similar. Therefore, the sale of the broadcasting 
business even though the advertising is pub-         set or facility necessary to the conduct of ex-      rights contributes importantly to the accomplish-
lished  in  an  exempt  organization's  periodical   empt functions is also used in commercial activ-     ment of the organization's exempt purpose and 
that contains editorial matter related to the or-    ities, its use for exempt functions doesn’t, by      isn’t an unrelated trade or business.
ganization's exempt purpose.                         itself, make the commercial activities a related 
                                                     trade or business. The test, as discussed ear-       In a similar situation, an exempt organization 
Regularly  conducted. Business  activities  of       lier, is whether the activities contribute impor-    was created as a national governing body for 
an exempt organization ordinarily are consid-        tantly to the accomplishment of exempt purpo-        amateur athletes to foster interest in amateur 
ered regularly conducted if they show a fre-         ses.                                                 sports and to encourage widespread public par-
quency and continuity, and are pursued in a          For example, a museum has a theater audi-            ticipation.  The  organization  receives  income 
manner similar to comparable commercial ac-          torium designed for showing educational films        each year from the sale of exclusive broadcast-
tivities of nonexempt organizations.                 in connection with its program of public educa-      ing rights to an independent producer, who con-
For example, a hospital auxiliary's operation        tion in the arts and sciences. The theater is a      tracts with a commercial network to broadcast 
of a sandwich stand for 2 weeks at a state fair      principal feature of the museum and operates         many of the athletic events sponsored, super-
would not be the regular conduct of a trade or       continuously while the museum is open to the         vised, and regulated by the organization.

Page 4    Chapter 3   Unrelated Trade or Business

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The broadcasting of these events promotes           tic and therapeutic procedures to the hospital's     more time viewing the museum's exhibits with-
the various amateur sports, fosters widespread      patients and operates the hospital's emergency       out having to seek outside restaurants at meal-
public interest in the benefits of the organiza-    room on a 24-hour basis. The leasing activity is     time. The eating facilities also allow the mu-
tion's nationwide amateur program, and encour-      substantially  related  to  the  hospital's  exempt  seum  staff  and  employees  to  remain  in  the 
ages public participation. The sale of the rights   purpose and isn’t an unrelated trade or busi-        museum  throughout  the  day.  Thus,  the  mu-
and the broadcasting of the events contribute       ness.                                                seum's operation of the eating facilities contrib-
importantly  to  the  organization's  exempt  pur-  The  hospital  also  operates  a  gift  shop         utes importantly to the accomplishment of its 
pose.  Therefore,  the  sale  of  the  exclusive    patronized by patients, visitors making purcha-      exempt purposes and isn’t an unrelated trade or 
broadcasting rights isn’t an unrelated trade or     ses  for  patients,  and  employees;  a  cafeteria   business.
business.                                           and coffee shop primarily for employees and 
                                                    medical staff; and a parking lot for patients and    Museum  greeting  card  sales. An  art  mu-
Business  league's  parking  and  bus  serv-        visitors only. These activities are substantially    seum  that  exhibits  modern  art  sells  greeting 
ices. The exempt purpose of a business lea-         related to the hospital's exempt purpose and         cards that display printed reproductions of se-
gue is to retain and stimulate trade in a down-     don’t constitute unrelated trades or businesses.     lected works from other art collections. Each 
town area that has inadequate parking facilities.                                                        card is imprinted with the name of the artist, the 
The organization operates, as an insubstantial      Insurance  programs.   An  organization  that        title or subject matter of the work, the date or 
part of its activities, a park-and-shop plan.       acts as a group insurance policyholder for its       period of its creation, if known, and the mu-
The park-and-shop plan allows customers of          members and collects a fee for performing ad-        seum's name. The cards contain appropriate 
particular  merchants  to  park  free  at  certain  ministrative services is normally carrying on an     greetings and are personalized on request.
parking lots in the area. Merchants participating   unrelated trade or business.                         The organization sells the cards in the shop 
in this plan buy parking stamps, which they dis-                                                         it operates in the museum and sells them at 
tribute to their customers to use to pay for park-  Exceptions.      Administrative services provi-      quantity discounts to retail stores. The museum 
ing.                                                ded by an organization whose exempt activities       also sells greeting cards by mail order through a 
The  park-and-shop  plan  encourages  cus-          may include the provision of insurance benefits,     catalog  that  is  advertised  in  magazines  and 
tomers to use a limited number of participating     such as fraternal beneficiary societies, volun-      other publications throughout the year. As a re-
member merchants in order to obtain free park-      tary  employees  beneficiary  associations,  and     sult, a large number of cards are sold at a sig-
ing. This provides a particular service to individ- labor organizations, are generally not an unrela-    nificant profit.
ual members of the organization and doesn’t         ted trade or business.                               The museum is exempt as an educational 
further its exempt purpose. Therefore, operating    Magazine publishing.   An association of credit      organization  on  the  basis  of  its  ownership, 
the park-and-shop plan is an unrelated trade or     unions with tax-exempt status as a business          maintenance, and exhibition for public viewing 
business.                                           league publishes a consumer-oriented maga-           of works of art. The sale of greeting cards with 
Halfway house workshop.     A halfway house         zine four times a year and makes it available to     printed  reproductions  of  artworks  contributes 
organized to provide room, board, therapy, and      member credit unions for purchase.                   importantly to the achievement of the museum's 
                                                                                                         exempt  educational  purposes  by  enhancing 
counseling for persons discharged from alco-        By selling a magazine to its members as a            public awareness, interest, and appreciation of 
holic treatment centers also operates a furniture   promotional device, the organization furnishes       art. The cards may encourage more people to 
shop to provide full-time employment for its res-   its members with a regular commercial service        visit the museum itself to share in its educa-
idents. The profits are applied to the operating    they can use in their own operations. This serv-     tional programs. The fact that the cards are pro-
costs of the halfway house. The income from         ice doesn’t promote the improvement of busi-         moted and sold in a commercial manner at a 
this venture isn’t unrelated trade or business in-  ness conditions of one or more lines of busi-        profit and in competition with commercial greet-
come because the furniture shop contributes         ness,  which  is  the  exempt  purpose  of  a        ing card publishers doesn’t alter the fact that the 
importantly to the organization's purpose of aid-   business league.                                     activity is related to the museum's exempt pur-
ing its residents' transition from treatment to a   Since the activity doesn’t contribute impor-         pose. Therefore, these sales activities aren’t an 
normal and productive life.                         tantly to the organization's exempt function, it is  unrelated trade or business.
                                                    an unrelated trade or business.
Health club program.   An exempt charitable                                                              Museum  shop.   An  art  museum  maintained 
organization's purpose is to provide for the wel-   Membership  list  sales.     An  exempt  educa-      and operated for the exhibition of American folk 
fare  of  young  people.  The  organization  con-   tional organization regularly sells membership       art operates a shop in the museum that sells:
ducts charitable activities and maintains facili-   mailing  lists  to  business  firms.  This  activity 
ties that will contribute to the physical, social,  doesn’t  contribute  importantly  to  the  accom-    1. Reproductions of works in the museum's 
mental, and spiritual health of young people at     plishment of the organization's exempt purpose       own collection and reproductions of artis-
minimum or no cost to them. Nominal annual          and therefore is an unrelated trade or business.     tic works from the collections of other art 
dues are charged for membership in the organi-      Also see Exchange or rental of member lists un-      museums (prints suitable for framing, 
zation and use of the facilities.                   der Excluded Trade or Business Activities, later.    postcards, greeting cards, and slides);
In  addition,  the  organization  organized  a                                                           2. Metal, wood, and ceramic copies of Amer-
health club program that its members could join     Miniature golf course. An exempt youth wel-          ican folk art objects from its own collection 
for an annual fee in addition to the annual dues.   fare  organization  operates  a  miniature  golf     and similar copies of art objects from other 
The annual fee is comparable to fees charged        course that is open to the general public. The       collections of artworks;
by similar local commercial health clubs and is     course, which is managed by salaried employ-
sufficiently high to restrict participation in the  ees, is substantially similar to commercial cour-    3. Instructional literature and scientific books 
program to a limited number of members of the       ses. The admission fees charged are compara-         and souvenir items concerning the history 
community.                                          ble  to  fees  of  commercial  facilities  and  are  and development of art and, in particular, 
                                                    designed to return a profit.                         of American folk art; and
The health club program is in addition to the 
general physical fitness program of the organi-     The operation of the miniature golf course in        4. Scientific books and souvenir items of the 
zation. Operating this program does not contrib-    a commercial manner doesn’t contribute impor-        city in which the museum is located.
ute  importantly  to  the  organization's  accom-   tantly to the accomplishment of the organiza-
plishing its exempt purpose and, therefore, is      tion's exempt purpose and, therefore, is an un-      The shop also rents originals or reproduc-
an unrelated trade or business if there is a in-    related trade or business.                           tions of paintings contained in its collection. All 
tent to make a profit.                                                                                   of its reproductions are imprinted with the name 
                                                    Museum eating facilities.    An exempt art mu-       of the artist, the title or subject matter of the 
Hospital facilities. An exempt hospital leases      seum operates a dining room, a cafeteria, and a      work from which it is reproduced, and the mu-
its adjacent office building and furnishes certain  snack bar for use by the museum staff, employ-       seum's name.
office  services  to  a  hospital-based  medical    ees, and visitors. Eating facilities in the museum 
group for a fee. The group provides all diagnos-    help to attract visitors and allow them to spend 

                                                                                             Chapter 3   Unrelated Trade or Business    Page 5

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Each line of merchandise must be consid-              the association. Therefore, the advertising in-     1. The normal manner in which the publica-
ered separately to determine if sales are related     come is unrelated trade or business income.              tion is circulated;
to the exempt purpose.                                On the other hand, the publication of legal         2. The territorial scope of the circulation;
The sale and rental of reproductions and              notices is distinguishable from ordinary com-
copies of works from the museum's own collec-         mercial advertising in that its purpose is to in-   3. The extent to which its readers, promot-
tion  and  reproductions  of  artistic  works  not    form  the  general  public  of  significant  legal       ers, or the like could reasonably be expec-
owned by the museum contribute importantly to         events rather than to stimulate demand for the           ted to further, either directly or indirectly, 
the achievement of the museum's exempt edu-           products or services of an advertiser. This pro-         the commercial interest of the advertisers;
cational purpose by making works of art familiar      motes the common interests of the legal profes-     4. The eligibility of the publishing organiza-
to a broader segment of the public, thereby en-       sion and contributes importantly to the associa-         tion to receive tax-deductible contribu-
hancing the public's understanding and appre-         tion's exempt purposes.          Therefore, the          tions; and
ciation of art. The same is true for the sale of lit- publishing of legal notices doesn’t constitute an 
erature relating to art. Therefore, these sales       unrelated trade or business.                        5. The commercial or noncommercial meth-
activities aren’t an unrelated trade or business.                                                              ods used to solicit the advertisers.
On the other hand, the sale (if they intend to        Directory  of  members. A  business  league 
make a profit) of scientific books and souvenir       publishes an annual directory that contains a list  In this situation, the purchaser of a separate 
items of the city where the museum is located         of all its members, their addresses, and their      advertising space without a commercial mes-
has no causal relationship to art or to artistic en-  area of expertise. Each member has the same         sage  can  nevertheless  expect  a  commercial 
deavor and, therefore, doesn’t contribute impor-      amount of space in the directory, and its format    benefit from the goodwill derived from being 
tantly to the accomplishment of the museum's          doesn’t emphasize the relative importance or        identified in that manner as a patron of the or-
exempt  educational  purposes.  Even  though          reputation of any member. The directory con-        ganization. However, the purchaser of a listing 
selling some of these items could, in a different     tains no commercial advertisement and is sold       can’t expect more than an inconsequential ben-
context, be related to the exempt educational         only to the organization's members.                 efit. Therefore, the sale of separate spaces, but 
purpose of a different exempt educational or-         The  directory  facilitates  communication          not the listings, is an unrelated trade or busi-
ganization doesn’t change this conclusion. Ad-        among the members and encourages the ex-            ness.
ditionally, the sale of these items doesn’t lose      change of ideas and expertise. Because the di-      Sales of cattle for commissions. An agricul-
its character as an unrelated trade or business       rectory lists the members in a similar noncom-      tural organization, whose exempt purposes are 
merely because the museum also sells articles         mercial  format  without  advertising  and  isn’t   to promote better conditions for cattle breeders 
that contribute importantly to the accomplish-        distributed to the public, its sale doesn’t confer  and to improve the breed generally, engages in 
ment of its exempt function. Therefore, these         private commercial benefits on the members.         an unrelated trade or business when it regularly 
sales by the museum in this example are an un-        The sale of the directory does contribute impor-    sells cattle for its members on a commission 
related trade or business.                            tantly to the organization's exempt purpose and     basis.
                                                      isn’t an unrelated trade or business. This direc-
Nonpatient  laboratory  testing. Nonpatient           tory differs from the publication discussed next    Sales of hearing aids.  A tax-exempt hospital, 
laboratory testing performed by a tax-exempt          because of its noncommercial characteristics.       whose  primary  activity  is  rehabilitation,  sells 
teaching hospital on specimens needed for the                                                             hearing aids to patients. This activity is an es-
conduct of its teaching activities isn’t an unrela-   Sales of advertising space.      A national asso-   sential part of the hospital's program to test and 
ted trade or business. However, laboratory test-      ciation of law enforcement officials publishes a    evaluate patients with hearing deficiencies and 
ing  performed  by  a  tax-exempt  non-teaching       monthly journal that contains articles and other    contributes importantly to its exempt purpose. 
hospital on referred specimens from private of-       editorial material of professional interest to its  The hearing aid sales aren't an unrelated trade 
fice patients of staff physicians is an unrelated     members.  The  journal  is  distributed  without    or business.
trade or business if these services are other-        charge, mainly to the organization's members.
wise available in the community.                      The organization sells advertising space in         School facilities. An exempt school has ten-
                                                      the journal either for conventional advertising or  nis courts and dressing rooms that it uses dur-
Pet  boarding  and  grooming  services. An            to merely identify the purchaser without a com-     ing the regular school year in its educational 
exempt organization, organized and operated           mercial message. Some of the noncommercial          program. During the summer, the school oper-
for the prevention of cruelty to animals, receives    advertising identifies the purchaser in a sepa-     ates a tennis club open to the general public. 
unrelated business income from providing pet          rate space, and some consists of listings of 60     Employees of the school run the club, including 
boarding and grooming services for the general        or more purchasers per page. A business firm        collecting  membership  fees  and  scheduling 
public. These activities don’t contribute impor-      identified in a separate space is further identi-   court time.
tantly to its purpose of preventing cruelty to ani-   fied in an Index of Advertisers.                    Another  exempt  school  leases  the  same 
mals.                                                 The organization solicits advertising by per-       type of facilities to an unrelated individual who 
                                                      sonal contacts. Advertising from large firms is     runs a tennis club for the summer. The lease is 
Publishing legal notices.  A bar association          solicited by contacting their chief executive offi- for a fixed fee that doesn’t depend on the in-
publishes a legal journal containing opinions of      cer or community relations officer rather than      come or profits derived from the leased prop-
the county court, articles of professional interest   their  advertising  manager.  The  organization     erty.
to  lawyers,  advertisements  for  products  and      also solicits advertising in form letters appealing In both situations, the organization’s exempt 
services used by the legal profession, and legal      for corporate and personal contributions.           purpose is the advancement of education. Fur-
notices. The legal notices are published to sat-      An exempt organization's sale of advertising        nishing tennis facilities in the manner described 
isfy state laws requiring publication of notices in   placed for the purchaser's commercial benefit is    doesn't further that exempt purpose. These ac-
connection with legal proceedings, such as the        a commercial activity. Goodwill derived by the      tivities  are  unrelated  trades  or  businesses. 
administration of estates and actions to quiet ti-    purchaser from being identified as a patron of      However, in the second situation the income 
tle to real property. The state designated the        the organization is usually considered a form of    derived from the leasing of the property may be 
bar association's journal as the place to publish     commercial benefit. Therefore, advertising in an    excluded from UBTI as rent from real property. 
the required notices.                                 exempt organization's publication is generally      See Rents under Exclusions in chapter 4.
The publication of ordinary commercial ad-            presumed to be placed for the purchaser's com-
vertising doesn’t advance the exempt purposes         mercial benefit, even if it has no commercial       School  handicraft  shop. An  exempt  voca-
of the association even when published in a pe-       message. However, this presumption isn’t con-       tional school operates a handicraft shop that 
riodical that contains material related to exempt     clusive if the purchaser's patronage would be       sells articles made by students in their regular 
purposes. Although the advertising is directed        difficult to justify commercially in view of the    courses of instruction. The students are paid a 
specifically to members of the legal profession,      facts and circumstances. In that case, other fac-   percentage of the sales price. In addition, the 
it is still commercial in nature and doesn’t con-     tors should also be considered in determining       shop  sells  products  made  by  local  residents 
tribute importantly to the exempt purposes of         whether a commercial benefit can be expected.       who make articles at home according to the 
                                                      Those other factors include:
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shop's specifications. The shop manager peri-       paid by the travel agencies on a per-person ba-
odically inspects the articles during their manu-   sis.
facture to ensure that they meet desired stand-         The organization provides an employee for        Excluded Trade or 
ards of style and quality. Although many local      each tour as a tour leader. There is no formal 
participants are former students of the school,     educational  program  conducted  with  these         Business Activities
any qualified person may participate in the pro-    tours, and they don’t differ from regular com-
gram. The sale of articles made by students         mercially operated tours (if there is a intent to    The following activities are specifically excluded 
doesn’t constitute an unrelated trade or busi-      make a profit).                                      from the definition of unrelated trade or busi-
ness, but the sale of products made by local            By providing travel tours to its members, the    ness.
residents is an unrelated trade or business and     organization is engaging in a regularly conduc-      Gaming.   In general, games of chance do not 
is subject to unrelated business income tax.        ted trade or business. Even if the tours it offers   further an exempt purpose. An exempt organi-
                                                    support the university, financially and otherwise,   zation that generates revenue from the conduct 
Selling  endorsements.  An  exempt  scientific      and  encourage  alumni  to  do  the  same,  the      of activities will be operating an unrelated trade 
organization enjoys an excellent reputation in      travel tours don’t contribute importantly to the     or business, unless a exception applies. The 
the field of biological research. It exploits this  organization's exempt purpose of promoting ed-       exceptions  to  the  general  rule  (that  gaming 
reputation regularly by selling endorsements of     ucation. Therefore, the sale of the travel tours is  does not usually further an exempt purpose) in-
laboratory  equipment  to  manufacturers.  En-      an unrelated trade or business.                      clude organizations whose exempt purposes in-
dorsing laboratory equipment doesn’t contribute 
importantly to the accomplishment of any pur-           Example  2. A  tax-exempt  organization          clude social or recreational activities. For these 
pose for which exemption is granted to the or-      formed for the purpose of educating individuals      organizations, gaming itself may further an ex-
ganization.  Accordingly,  the  sale  of  endorse-  about the geography and the culture of the Uni-      empt purpose.
ments is an unrelated trade or business.            ted  States  provides  study  tours  to  national    More information about gaming activities by 
                                                    parks  and  other  locations  within  the  United    exempt organizations can be found in Publica-
Services  provided  with  lease. An  exempt         States. These tours are conducted by teachers        tion 3079, Tax-Exempt Organizations and Gam-
university leases its football stadium during sev-  and others certified by the state board of educa-    ing.
eral months of the year to a professional foot-     tion. The tours are primarily designed for stu-
ball team for a fixed fee. Under the lease agree-   dents enrolled in degree programs at state edu-      Bingo games. Bingo games may qualify for a 
ment, the university furnishes heat, light, and     cational  institutions  but  are  open  to  all  who specific exclusion from the definition of unrela-
water and is responsible for all ground mainte-     agree to participate in the required study pro-      ted trade or business. To qualify for this exclu-
nance. It also provides dressing room, linen,       gram associated with the tour taken. A tour's        sion, the bingo game must meet the following 
and stadium security services for the professio-    study program consists of instruction on sub-        requirements.
nal team.                                           jects related to the location being visited on the   1. It meets the legal definition of bingo.
Leasing of the stadium is an unrelated trade        tour. Each tour group brings along a library of 
or business. In addition, the substantial services  material related to the subjects being studied on    2. It is legal where it is played.
furnished for the convenience of the lessee go      the tour. During the tour, 5 or 6 hours per day      3. It is played in a jurisdiction where bingo 
beyond those usually provided with the rental of    are devoted to organized study, preparation of           games aren’t regularly conducted by 
space for occupancy only. Therefore, the in-        reports, lectures, instruction, and recitation by        for-profit organizations.
come from this lease is rent from real property     the students. Examinations are given at the end 
and unrelated business taxable income.              of  each  tour.  The  state  board  of  education    Gambling  activities  other  than  bingo.
                                                    awards academic credit for tour participation.       Games of chance conducted by an exempt or-
Sponsoring  entertainment  events. An  ex-          Because these tours are substantially related to     ganization may avoid being treated as an unre-
empt university has a regular faculty and a reg-    the organization's exempt purpose, they aren’t       lated trade or business if they are:
ularly enrolled student body. During the school     an unrelated trade or business.                        Conducted with substantially all volunteer 
year, the university sponsors the appearance of                                                              labor,
professional theater companies and symphony         Yearbook advertising. An exempt organiza-              Qualified public entertainment activities, 
orchestras that present drama and musical per-      tion receives income from the sale of advertis-          and
formances for the students and faculty mem-         ing  in  its  annual  yearbook.  The  organization     Games of chance conducted in North Da-
bers. Members of the general public also are        hires an independent commercial firm, under a            kota.
admitted. The university advertises these per-      contract covering a full calendar year, to con-
formances and supervises advance ticket sales       duct an intensive advertising solicitation cam-      Legal definition. For a game to meet the 
at various places, including such university fa-    paign in the organization's name. This firm is       legal  definition  of  bingo,  wagers  must  be 
cilities as the cafeteria and the university book-  paid a percentage of the gross advertising re-       placed, winners must be determined, and pri-
store. Although the presentation of the perform-    ceipts for selling the advertising, collecting from  zes or other property must be distributed in the 
ances makes use of an intangible generated by       advertisers, and printing the yearbook. This ad-     presence of all persons placing wagers in that 
the  university's  exempt  educational  func-       vertising activity is an unrelated trade or busi-    game.
tions—the presence of the student body and          ness.                                                A wagering game that doesn’t meet the le-
faculty—such drama and music events contrib-                                                             gal definition of bingo doesn’t qualify for the ex-
ute importantly to the overall educational and      Youth  residence. An  exempt  organization,          clusion, regardless of its name. For example, 
cultural functions of the university. Therefore,    whose purpose is to provide for the welfare of       “instant bingo,” in which a player buys a pre-
the activity isn’t an unrelated trade or business.  young people, rents rooms primarily to people        packaged  bingo  card  with  pull-tabs  that  the 
                                                    under age 25. The residence units are operated       player removes to determine if he or she is a 
Travel  tour  programs. Travel  tour  activities    on, and as a part of, the premises in which the      winner, doesn’t qualify. 
that are a trade or business are an unrelated       organization carries on the social, recreational,    Legal  where  played.    This  exclusion  ap-
trade or business if the activities aren’t substan- and guidance programs for which it was recog-        plies only if bingo is legal under the laws of the 
tially related to the purpose for which tax ex-     nized as exempt. The facilities are under the        jurisdiction where it is conducted. The fact that 
emption was granted to the organization.            management and supervision of trained career         a jurisdiction's law that prohibits bingo is rarely 
                                                    professionals who provide residents with per-        enforced or is widely disregarded doesn’t make 
Example 1. A tax-exempt university alumni           sonal counseling, physical education programs,       the conduct of bingo legal for the exception and 
association provides a travel tour program for      and  group  recreational  activities.  The  rentals  is therefore an unrelated trade or business.
its members and their families. The organization    aren’t an unrelated trade or business because 
works with various travel agencies and sched-       renting the rooms is substantially related to the    No for-profit games where played.           This 
ules approximately ten tours a year to various      organization's exempt purpose.                       exclusion applies only if for-profit organizations 
places around the world. It mails out promo-                                                             can’t regularly conduct bingo games in any part 
tional material and accepts reservations for fees                                                        of the same jurisdiction. Jurisdiction is normally 

                                                                                    Chapter 3                Unrelated Trade or Business    Page 7

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the entire state; however, in certain situations,   supplementary  section  of  the  association's       mutual  or  cooperative  telephone  or  electric 
local jurisdiction will control.                    website in conjunction with a trade show con-        company  described  in  section  501(c)(12).  A 
                                                    ducted by the association. The trade show itself     qualified pole rental is the rental of a pole (or 
Example.       Tax-exempt organizations X and       must be a qualified convention and trade show        other structure used to support wires) if the pole 
Y  are  organized  under  the  laws  of  state  N,  activity. The supplementary section of the web-      (or other structure) is used:
which has a law that permits exempt organiza-       site must be ancillary to, and serve to augment      1. By the telephone or electric company to 
tions  to  conduct  bingo  games.  In  addition,    and enhance, the trade show, as when it makes        support one or more wires that the com-
for-profit organizations are permitted to conduct   available the same information available at the      pany uses in providing telephone or elec-
bingo games in city S, a resort community loca-     trade show and is available only during a time       tric services to its members, and
ted in county R. Several for-profit organizations   period that coincides with the time period that 
conduct  nightly  games.  Y  conducts  weekly       the trade show is in operation. Conversely, In-      2. According to the rental, to support one or 
bingo games in city S, while X conducts weekly      ternet activities that aren’t conducted in con-      more wires (in addition to the wires descri-
games in county R. Since state law confines the     junction with a qualified convention and trade       bed in 1) for use in connection with the 
for-profit organizations to city S, local jurisdic- show activity and that don’t augment and en-         transmission by wire of electricity or of tel-
tion controls. Y's bingo games conducted in city    hance  the  trade  show  can’t  themselves  be       ephone or other communications.
S are an unrelated trade or business. However,      qualified convention and trade show activity.
X's bingo games conducted in county R outside                                                            For this purpose, the term rental includes any 
of city S aren’t an unrelated trade or business.    Distribution  of  low-cost  articles. The  term      sale of the right to use the pole (or other struc-
See Pub. 3079, for more detailed informa-           “unrelated trade or business” doesn’t include        ture).
tion.                                               activities relating to the distribution of low-cost 
                                                    articles incidental to soliciting charitable contri- Public  entertainment  activity. An  unrelated 
Convenience of members.          A trade or busi-   butions. This applies to organizations described     trade or business doesn’t include a qualified 
ness conducted by a 501(c)(3) organization or       in section 501 that are eligible to receive chari-   public entertainment activity. A public entertain-
by a state college or university primarily for the  table income tax deductible contributions.           ment activity is one traditionally conducted at a 
convenience of its members, students, patients,     A distribution is considered incidental to the       fair or exposition promoting agriculture and edu-
officers, or employees isn’t an unrelated trade     solicitation of a charitable contribution if:        cation, including any activity whose purpose is 
or business. For example, a laundry operated                                                             designed to attract the public to fairs or exposi-
by a college for the purpose of laundering dor-     1. The recipient didn’t request the distribu-        tions or to promote the breeding of animals or 
mitory linens and students' clothing isn’t an un-    tion,                                               the development of products or equipment.
related trade or business.                          2. The distribution is made without the ex-          A qualified public entertainment activity is 
                                                     press consent of the recipient, and                 one conducted by a qualifying organization:
Convention or trade show activity. An unre-                                                              1. In conjunction with an international, na-
lated trade or business doesn’t include qualified   3. The article is accompanied by a request 
convention or trade show activities conducted        for a charitable contribution to the organi-        tional, state, regional, or local fair or expo-
at a convention, annual meeting, or trade show.      zation and a statement that the recipient           sition;
A qualified convention or trade show activity        may keep the low-cost article regardless            2. In accordance with state law that permits 
is any activity of a kind traditionally conducted    of whether a contribution is made.                  the activity to be operated or conducted 
by a qualifying organization in conjunction with    An article is considered low cost if the cost        solely by such an organization or by an 
an international, national, state, regional, or lo- of an item (or the aggregate costs if more than      agency, instrumentality, or political subdi-
cal convention, annual meeting, or show if:         one item) distributed to a single recipient in a     vision of the state; or
1. One of the purposes of the organization in       tax year isn’t more than $11.20 (in 2020), in-       3. In accordance with state law that permits 
      sponsoring the activity is promoting and      dexed annually for inflation. The cost of an arti-   an organization to be granted a license to 
      stimulating interest in, and demand for, the  cle is the cost to the organization that distrib-    conduct an activity for not more than 20 
      products and services of that industry or     utes  the  item  or  on  whose  behalf  it  is       days on paying the state a lower percent-
      educating the persons in attendance re-       distributed.                                         age of the revenue from the activity than 
      garding new products and services or new                                                           the state charges nonqualifying organiza-
      rules and regulations affecting the indus-    Employee association sales. The sale of cer-         tions that hold similar activities.
      try; and                                      tain items by a local association of employees 
                                                    described in section 501(c)(4), organized be-        For these purposes, a qualifying organiza-
2. The show is designed to achieve its pur-         fore May 17, 1969, isn’t an unrelated trade or       tion  is  an  organization  described  in  section 
      pose through the character of the exhibits    business if the items are sold for the conven-       501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), or 501(c)(5) that regularly 
      and the extent of the industry products       ience  of  the  association's  members  at  their    conducts an agricultural and educational fair or 
      that are displayed.                           usual place of employment. This exclusion ap-        exposition as one of its substantial exempt pur-
For these purposes, a qualifying organiza-          plies only to the sale of work-related clothes       poses. Its conducting qualified public entertain-
tion  is  one  described  in  section  501(c)(3),   and equipment and items normally sold through        ment activities will not affect determination of its 
501(c)(4), 501(c)(5), or 501(c)(6). The organiza-   vending machines, food dispensing facilities, or     exempt status.
tion must regularly conduct, as one of its sub-     by snack bars.
                                                                                                         Qualified  sponsorship  activities. Receiving 
stantial exempt purposes, a qualified conven-       Exchange or rental of member lists.     The ex-      qualified sponsorship payments isn’t an unrela-
tion or trade show activity.                        change or rental of member or donor lists be-        ted trade or business, and the payments aren’t 
The rental of display space to exhibitors (in-      tween organizations described in section 501         subject to unrelated business income tax.
cluding exhibitors who are suppliers) at a quali-   that are eligible to receive charitable contribu-    Qualified sponsorship payment.      This is 
fied convention or trade show isn’t an unrelated    tions isn’t included in the term unrelated trade     any payment made by a person engaged in a 
trade or business even if the exhibitors who rent   or business.                                         trade or business for which the person will re-
the space are permitted to sell or solicit orders. 
                                                                                                         ceive no substantial benefit other than the use 
For this purpose, a supplier's exhibit is one in    Hospital  services. The  providing  of  certain      or acknowledgment of the business name, logo, 
which the exhibitor displays goods or services      services at or below cost by an exempt hospital      or product lines in connection with the organiza-
that are supplied to, rather than by, members of    to other exempt hospitals that have facilities for   tion's  activities.  “Use  or  acknowledgment” 
the  qualifying  organization  in  the  conduct  of 100 or fewer inpatients isn’t an unrelated trade     doesn’t include advertising the sponsor's prod-
these members' own trades or businesses.            or business. This exclusion applies only to serv-    ucts or services. The organization's activities in-
Certain  Internet  activities  conducted  by  a     ices described in section 501(e)(1)(A).              clude all its activities, whether or not related to 
trade association described in section 501(c)(6) 
                                                                                                         its exempt purposes.
will  be  considered  qualified  convention  and    Pole rentals. The term unrelated trade or busi-      For  example,  if,  in  return  for  receiving  a 
trade show activity if conducted on a special       ness doesn’t include qualified pole rentals by a     sponsorship   payment,       an  organization 
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promises to use the sponsor's name or logo in         Exception  for  conventions  and  trade 
acknowledging the sponsor's support for an ed-        shows.   A payment isn’t a qualified sponsor-
ucational or fundraising event, the payment is a      ship payment if it is made in connection with 
qualified sponsorship payment and isn’t subject       any qualified convention or trade show activity.       4.
to the unrelated business income tax.                 The exclusion of qualified convention or trade 
Providing facilities, services, or other privi-       show activities from the definition of unrelated 
leges  (for  example,  complimentary  tickets,        trade  or  business  is  explained  earlier  under 
pro-am playing spots in golf tournaments, or re-      Convention or trade show activity.                     Unrelated 
ceptions for major donors) to a sponsor or the 
sponsor's designees in connection with a spon-        Exception  for  periodicals.        A  payment 
sorship payment does not affect whether the           isn’t a qualified sponsorship payment if it enti-      Business 
payment is a qualified sponsorship payment. In-       tles the payer to the use or acknowledgment of 
stead, providing these goods or services is trea-     the business name, logo, or product lines in the       Taxable Income
ted as  a  separate transaction in  determining       organization's  periodical.  For  this  purpose,  a 
whether  the  organization  has  unrelated  busi-     periodical is any regularly scheduled and prin-        The term “unrelated business taxable income” 
ness income from the event. Generally, if the         ted material (for example, a monthly journal)          (UBTI) generally means the gross income de-
services or facilities aren’t a substantial benefit   published by or on behalf of the organization. It      rived from any unrelated trade or business reg-
or if providing them is a related business activ-     doesn’t include material that is related to and        ularly conducted by the exempt organization, 
ity, the payments will not be subject to the unre-    primarily distributed in connection with a spe-        less the deductions directly connected with car-
lated business income tax.                            cific event conducted by the organization (for         rying on the trade or business. Section 512(a)
Similarly, the sponsor's receipt of a license         example, a program or brochure distributed at a        (6) requires an organization that regularly car-
to use an intangible asset (for example, a trade-     sponsored event).                                      ries on two or more unrelated business activi-
mark, logo, or designation) of the organization       The treatment of payments that entitle the             ties to calculate its unrelated business taxable 
is treated as separate from the qualified spon-       payer  to  the  depiction  of  the  payer's  name,     income, including for purposes of determining 
sorship transaction in determining whether the        logo, or product lines in an organization's peri-      any  net  operating  loss  deduction,  separately 
organization has UBTI.                                odical is determined under the rules that apply        with respect to each such trade or business. 
If part of a payment would be a qualified             to advertising activities. See Sales of advertis-      The UBTI of the organization is the sum of the 
sponsorship  payment  if  paid  separately,  that     ing space under Examples, earlier in this chap-        UBTI computed from each separate unrelated 
part is treated as a separate payment. For ex-        ter.  Also  see Exploitation  of  Exempt  Activ-       trade or business. For the purpose of this sum, 
ample, if a sponsorship payment entitles the          ity—Advertising Sales in chapter 4.                    the UBTI from any of the unrelated trades or 
sponsor to both product advertising and the use                                                              businesses can't be less than zero. See Regu-
or acknowledgment of the sponsor's name or            Selling  donated  merchandise.      A  trade  or       lations section 1.512(a)-6 for more information.
logo  by  the  organization,  then  the  unrelated    business that consists of selling merchandise, 
business income tax doesn’t apply to the part of      substantially all of which the organization re-        In computing UBTI, gross income and deduc-
the payment that is more than the fair market         ceived as gifts or contributions, isn’t an unrela-     tions are subject to the modifications and spe-
value of the product advertising.                     ted trade or business. For example, a thrift shop      cial rules explained in this chapter. Whether a 
                                                      operated  by  a  tax-exempt  organization  that        particular item of income or expense falls within 
Advertising.  A payment isn’t a qualified             sells donated clothes and books to the general         any of these modifications or special rules must 
sponsorship payment if, in return, the organiza-      public, with the proceeds going to the exempt          be determined by all the facts and circumstan-
tion advertises the sponsor's products or serv-       organization, isn’t an unrelated trade or busi-        ces in each specific case. For example, if the 
ices. For information on the treatment of pay-        ness.                                                  organization received a payment termed rent 
ments  for  advertising,  see Exploitation  of                                                               that is in fact a return of profits by a person op-
Exempt  Activity—Advertising  Sales  in  chap-        Volunteer workforce. Any trade or business             erating the property for the benefit of the organi-
ter 4.                                                in which substantially all the work is performed       zation, or that is a share of the profits retained 
Advertising includes:                                 for the organization without compensation isn’t        by the organization as a partner or joint ven-
                                                      an unrelated trade or business.
1. Messages containing qualitative or com-                                                                   turer, the payment isn’t within the income exclu-
parative language, price information, or              Example 1.      A retail store operated by an          sion for rents, discussed later under Exclusions.
other indications of savings or value;                exempt  orphanage  where  unpaid  volunteers 
2. Endorsements; and                                  perform substantially all the work in carrying on 
                                                      the business isn’t an unrelated trade or busi-         Income
3. Inducements to purchase, sell, or use the          ness.
products or services.                                                                                        Generally, unrelated business income is taxa-
The use of promotional logos or slogans that          Example 2.      A volunteer fire company con-          ble, but there are exclusions and special rules 
are an established part of the sponsor's identity     ducts  weekly  public  dances.  Holding  public        that must be considered when figuring the in-
isn’t, by itself, advertising. In addition, mere dis- dances and charging admission on a regular             come.
tribution or display of a sponsor's product by the    basis may, given the facts and circumstances of 
organization to the public at a sponsored event,      a particular case, be considered an unrelated          Exclusions
whether for free or for remuneration, is consid-      trade or business. However, because the work 
ered  use  or  acknowledgment  of  the  product       at the dances is performed by unpaid volun-            The following types of income (and deductions 
rather than advertising.                              teers,  the  activity  isn’t  an  unrelated  trade  or directly connected with the income) are gener-
                                                      business.                                              ally excluded when figuring UBTI.
Exception for contingent payments.       A 
payment isn’t a qualified sponsorship payment                                                                Dividends, interest, annuities, and other in-
if its amount is contingent, by contract or other-                                                           vestment income.  All dividends, interest, an-
wise, upon the level of attendance at one or                                                                 nuities,  payments  with  respect  to  securities 
more events, broadcast ratings, or other factors                                                             loans, income from notional principal contracts, 
indicating the degree of public exposure to one                                                              and  other  income  from  an  exempt  organiza-
or more events. However, the fact that a spon-                                                               tion's ordinary and routine investments that the 
sorship payment is contingent upon an event                                                                  IRS  determines  are  substantially  similar  to 
actually  taking  place  or  being  broadcast                                                                these types of income are excluded in comput-
doesn’t,  by  itself,  affect  whether  a  payment                                                           ing UBTI.
                                                                                                             Exception for insurance activity income 
                                                                                                             of  a  controlled  foreign  corporation.   This 
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exclusion doesn’t apply to income from certain        payments for the use of a professional athlete's    The rent attributable to the personal prop-
insurance activities of an exempt organization's      name, photograph, likeness, or facsimile signa-     erty must be recomputed, and the treatment of 
controlled foreign corporation. The income isn’t      ture are ordinarily considered royalties. How-      the rents must be redetermined, if:
excludable  dividend  income,  but  instead  is       ever, royalties don’t include payments for per-     1. The rent attributable to all the leased per-
UBTI to the extent it would be so treated if the      sonal  services.  Therefore,  payments  for         sonal property increases by 100% or more 
exempt organization had earned it directly. Cer-      personal appearances and interviews aren’t ex-      because additional or substitute personal 
tain exceptions to this rule apply. For more in-      cluded as royalties and must be included in fig-    property is placed in service, or
formation, see section 512(b)(17).                    uring UBTI.
                                                      Unrelated business taxable income doesn’t           2. The lease is modified to change the rent 
Other exceptions.       This exclusion doesn’t        include royalty income received from licensees      charged (whether or not the amount of 
apply to unrelated debt-financed income (dis-         by an exempt organization that is the legal and     rented personal property changes).
cussed  under Income  From  Debt-Financed             beneficial owner of patents assigned to it by in-
Property, later), or to certain rents, royalties, in- ventors for specified percentages of future roy-    Any change in the treatment of rents resulting 
terest or annuities received from a controlled        alties.                                             from the recomputation is effective only for the 
corporation  (discussed  under    Income  From                                                            period beginning with the event that caused the 
Controlled Organizations, later).                     Mineral  royalties  are  excluded  whether          recomputation.
                                                      measured by production or by gross or taxable 
Income  from  lending  securities.      Pay-          income from the mineral property. However, the      Exception for rents based on net profit. 
ments received with respect to a security loan        exclusion doesn’t apply to royalties that stem      The  exclusion  for  rents  doesn’t  apply  if  the 
are excluded in computing UBTI only if the loan       from an arrangement whereby the organization        amount of the rent depends on the income or 
is made under an agreement that:                      owns a working interest in a mineral property       profits derived by any person from the leased 
                                                      and is liable for its share of the development      property,  other  than  an  amount  based  on  a 
1. Provides for the return to the exempt or-          and  operating  costs  under  the  terms  of  its   fixed percentage of the gross receipts or sales.
ganization of securities identical to the se-         agreement with the operator of the property. To 
curities loaned,                                      the extent they aren’t treated as loans under       Exception  for  income  from  personal 
2. Requires payments to the organization of           section 636 (relating to income tax treatment of    services.  Payment for occupying space when 
amounts equivalent to all interest, divi-             mineral  production  payments),  payments  for      personal services are also rendered to the oc-
dends, and other distributions that the               mineral  production  are  treated  in  the  same    cupant doesn’t constitute rent from real prop-
owner of the securities is entitled to re-            manner as royalty payments for the purpose of       erty. Therefore, the exclusion doesn’t apply to 
ceive during the period of the loan,                  computing UBTI. To the extent they are treated      transactions  such  as  renting  hotel  rooms, 
                                                      as loans, any payments for production that are      rooms in boarding houses or tourist homes, and 
3. Doesn’t reduce the organization's risk of          the equivalent of interest are treated as interest  space in parking lots or warehouses.
loss or opportunity for gain on the securi-           and are excluded.                                   Other exceptions.         This exclusion doesn’t 
4. Contains reasonable procedures to imple-           Exceptions.      This exclusion doesn’t apply       apply to unrelated debt-financed income (dis-
ment the obligation of the borrower to fur-           to debt-financed income (discussed under In-        cussed  under Income  From  Debt-Financed 
nish collateral to the organization with a            come From Debt-Financed Property, later) or to      Property, later), or to interest, annuities, royal-
fair market value each business day dur-              royalties received from a controlled corporation    ties and rents received from a controlled corpo-
ing the period of the loan in an amount not           (discussed under Income From Controlled Or-         ration (discussed under   Income From Control-
less than the fair market value of the se-            ganizations, later).                                led Organizations, later), or investment income 
                                                                                                          (dividends, interest, rents, etc.) received by or-
curities at the close of the preceding busi-          Rents.  Rents from real property, including ele-    ganizations  described  in  sections  501(c)(7), 
ness day, and                                         vators and escalators, are excluded in comput-      501(c)(9), and 501(c)(17). See Special Rules 
5. Permits the organization to terminate the          ing UBTI. Rents from personal property aren’t       for Social Clubs, VEBAs, and SUBs, discussed 
loan upon notice of not more than 5 busi-             excluded.  However,  special  rules  apply  to      later, for more information.
ness days.                                            “mixed leases” of both real and personal prop-
                                                      erty.                                               Income from research.     A tax-exempt organi-
Payments with respect to securities loans in-                                                             zation  may  exclude  income  from  research 
clude:                                                Mixed leases.        In a mixed lease, all of the   grants or contracts from UBTI. However, the ex-
1. Amounts in respect of dividends, interest,         rents are excluded if the rents attributable to the tent of the exclusion depends on the nature of 
and other distributions,                              personal property aren’t more than 10% of the       the organization and the type of research.
                                                      total rents under the lease, as determined when     Income from research for the United States, 
2. Fees based on the period of time the loan          the personal property is first placed in service    any of its agencies or instrumentalities, or a 
is in effect and the fair market value of the         by the lessee. If the rents attributable to per-    state or any of its political subdivisions is exclu-
security during that period,                          sonal property are more than 10% but not more       ded when computing UBTI.
3. Income from collateral security for the            than 50% of the total rents, only the rents attrib- For a college, university, or hospital, all in-
loan, and                                             utable to the real property are excluded. If the    come from research, whether fundamental or 
                                                      rents attributable to the personal property are     applied, is excluded in computing UBTI.
4. Income from the investment of collateral           more than 50% of the total rents, none of the       When an organization is operated primarily 
security.                                             rents are excludable.                               to  conduct  fundamental  research  (as  distin-
                                                      Property is placed in service when the les-         guished from applied research) and the results 
The payments are considered to be from the            see first may use it under the terms of a lease.    are freely available to the general public, all in-
securities loaned and not from collateral secur-      For example, property subject to a lease en-        come from research performed for any person 
ity or the investment of collateral security from     tered into on November 1, for a term starting on    is excluded in computing UBTI.
the loans. Any deductions that are directly con-      January 1 of the next year, is considered placed    The term research, for this purpose, doesn’t 
nected with collateral security for the loan, or      in service on January 1, regardless of when the     include activities of a type normally conducted 
with the investment of collateral security, are       lessee first actually uses it.                      as an incident to commercial or industrial oper-
considered deductions that are directly connec-       If separate leases are entered into for real        ations, such as testing or inspecting materials 
ted with the securities loaned.                       and personal property and the properties have       or products, or designing or constructing equip-
                                                      an integrated use (for example, one or more 
Royalties. Royalties, including overriding roy-       leases for real property and another lease or       ment, buildings, etc. In addition, the term funda-
alties, are excluded in computing UBTI.               leases for personal property to be used on the      mental research doesn’t include research con-
To be considered a royalty, a payment must            real property), all the leases will be considered   ducted for the primary purpose of commercial 
relate to the use of a valuable right. Payments       as one lease.                                       or industrial application.
for trademarks, trade names, or copyrights are 
ordinarily considered   royalties. Similarly, 

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Gains and losses from disposition of prop-               competitive if they are neither materially     lar items attributable solely to the conduct of an 
erty.  Also excluded from UBTI are gains or              higher nor materially lower than the rates     unrelated business are proximately and primar-
losses from the sale, exchange, or other dispo-          charged by similar businesses operating        ily related to that business and qualify for de-
sition of property other than:                           in the same general area.                      duction to the extent that they are otherwise al-
                                                                                                        lowable income tax deductions.
1. Stock in trade or other property of a kind        Exception.     This exclusion doesn’t apply to     For  example,  salaries  of  personnel  em-
      that would properly be includible in inven-    unrelated debt-financed income (discussed un-      ployed full-time to conduct the unrelated busi-
      tory if on hand at the close of the tax year,  der Income  From  Debt-Financed  Property,         ness and depreciation of a building used en-
2. Property held primarily for sale to custom-       later).                                            tirely  in  the  conduct  of  that  business  are 
      ers in the ordinary course of a trade or                                                          deductible to the extent otherwise allowable.
      business, or                                   Member income of mutual or cooperative 
                                                     electric companies.      Income of a mutual or     Expenses attributable to dual use of facili-
3. Cutting of timber that an organization has        cooperative electric company described in sec-     ties or personnel.  When facilities or person-
      elected to consider as a sale or exchange      tion 501(c)(12) that is treated as member in-      nel are used both to conduct exempt functions 
      of the timber.                                 come under subparagraph (H) of that section is     and to conduct an unrelated trade or business, 
                                                     excluded from UBTI.
It should be noted that the last exception re-                                                          expenses, depreciation, and similar items attrib-
lates only to cut timber. The sale, exchange, or                                                        utable to the facilities or personnel must be allo-
other disposition of standing timber is excluded     Dues of Agricultural                               cated between the two uses on a reasonable 
from the computation of unrelated business in-       Organizations and Business                         basis. The part of an item allocated to the unre-
come,  unless  it  constitutes  property  held  for                                                     lated trade or business is proximately and pri-
sale to customers in the ordinary course of busi-    Leagues                                            marily related to that business and is allowable 
                                                                                                        as a deduction in computing UBTI if the ex-
ness.                                                Dues received from associate members by or-        pense is otherwise an allowable income tax de-
Lapse  or  termination  of  options.           Any   ganizations exempt under section 501(c)(5) or      duction.
gain from the lapse or termination of options to     section 501(c)(6) may be treated as gross in-
buy or sell securities is excluded from UBTI.        come from an unrelated trade or business if the    An exempt organization with more than one 
The exclusion applies only if the option is writ-    associate member category exists for the prin-     unrelated trade or business likewise allocates 
ten  in  connection  with  the  exempt  organiza-    cipal purpose of producing unrelated business      deductions between separate unrelated trades 
tion's investment activities. Therefore, this ex-    income. For example, if an organization creates    or  businesses  using  the  reasonable  basis 
clusion  isn’t  available  if  the  organization  is an associate member category solely to allow       standard.
engaged in the trade or business of writing op-      associate  members  to  purchase  insurance 
tions or the options are held by the organization    through the organization, the associate member     Example  1.        A  school  recognized  as  a 
as inventory or for sale to customers in the ordi-   dues may be unrelated business income.             tax-exempt organization contracts with an indi-
                                                                                                        vidual to conduct a summer tennis camp. The 
nary course of a trade or business.                  Exception.     Associate  member  dues  re-        school  provides  the  individual  with  tennis 
Exception.     This exclusion doesn’t apply to       ceived by an agricultural or horticultural organi- courts, housing, and dining facilities, and per-
unrelated  debt-financed  income,  discussed         zation aren’t treated as gross income from an      sonnel to maintain and operate them. The con-
later under Income From Debt-Financed Prop-          unrelated trade or business, regardless of their   tracted individual hires the instructors, recruits 
erty.                                                purpose, provided the associate member dues        campers, and provides supervision of the tennis 
                                                     do not exceed an annual limit, which is indexed    camp. The income the school receives from the 
Gain or loss on disposition of certain               for inflation. The limit on dues paid by an asso-  individual under the contract from this activity 
brownfield property.     Gain or loss from the       ciate member is $171 in 2020.                      for the use of its facilities and personnel is from 
qualifying sale, exchange, or other disposition      If the required annual dues are more than          a dual use of the facilities and personnel, not 
of a qualifying brownfield property (as defined in   the limit, the entire amount is treated as income  from  conducting  an  educational  activity.  The 
section 512(b)(19)(C)), which was acquired by        from an unrelated business unless the asso-        school, in computing its UBTI, may deduct an 
the organization after December 31, 2005 and         ciate member category was formed or availed        allocable part of the expenses attributable to 
before January 1, 2011, is excluded from UBTI        of for the principal purpose of furthering the or- the facilities and personnel it makes available 
and is excepted from the debt-financed rules.        ganization's exempt purposes.                      under the contract.
See sections 512(b)(19) and 514(b)(1)(E).
                                                                                                        Example  2.       An  exempt  organization  with 
Income from services provided under fed-             Deductions                                         gross income from an unrelated trade or busi-
eral license.  There is a further exclusion from                                                        ness pays its president $90,000 a year. The 
UBTI of income from a trade or business con-         To qualify as allowable deductions in computing    president  devotes  approximately  10%  of  his 
ducted by a religious order or by an educational     UBTI, the expenses, depreciation, and similar      time to the unrelated business. To figure the or-
organization maintained by the order.                items must generally be allowable income tax       ganization's  UBTI,  a  deduction  of  $9,000 
This exclusion applies only if the following         deductions that are directly connected with car-   ($90,000 × 10%) is allowed for the salary paid 
requirements are met.                                rying  on  the  unrelated  trade  or  business  to to its president.
1. The trade or business must have been op-          which they relate. They can’t be directly con-
      erated by the order or by the institution be-  nected with excluded income.                       Expenses attributable to exploitation of ex-
                                                                                                        empt activities.   Generally, expenses, depre-
      fore May 27, 1959.                             For an exception to the “directly connected”       ciation, and similar items attributable to the con-
2. The trade or business must provide serv-          requirement, see Charitable contributions de-      duct of an exempt activity aren’t deductible in 
      ices under a license issued by a federal       duction, under Modifications, later.               computing  UBTI  from  an  unrelated  trade  or 
      regulatory agency.                                                                                business that exploits the exempt activity. (See 
                                                                                                        Exploitation of exempt functions under Not sub-
3. More than 90% of the net income from the          Directly Connected                                 stantially related in chapter 3.) This is because 
      business for the tax year must be devoted                                                         they don’t have a proximate and primary rela-
      to religious, charitable, or educational pur-  To be directly connected with the conduct of an 
      poses that constitute the basis for the reli-  unrelated trade or business, deductions must       tionship to the unrelated trade or business, and 
      gious order's exemption.                       have a proximate and primary relationship to       therefore, they don’t qualify as directly connec-
                                                     carrying on that trade or business. For an ex-     ted with that business.
4. The rates or other charges for these serv-        ception, see Expenses attributable to exploita-    Exception.        Expenses,  depreciation,  and 
      ices must be fully competitive with the        tion of exempt activities, later.                  similar items may be treated as directly connec-
      rates or other charges of similar taxable                                                         ted with the conduct of the unrelated business if 
      businesses. Rates or other charges for         Expenses  attributable  solely  to  unrelated      all the following conditions are met.
      these services will be considered as fully     business.  Expenses, depreciation, and simi-
                                                                                       Chapter 4    Unrelated Business Taxable Income    Page 11

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1. The unrelated business exploits the ex-           than gross advertising income). It includes all        Example 2.  Assume the same facts ex-
   empt activity.                                    amounts  from  the  sale  or  distribution  of  the    cept that U sells only 500 copies of its periodi-
2. The unrelated business is a type normally         readership content of the periodical, such as in-      cal to nonmembers, at a price of $10 a year. As-
   conducted for profit by taxable organiza-         come from subscriptions. It also includes allo-        sume also that U's members may elect not to 
   tions.                                            cable membership receipts if the right to receive      receive the periodical, in which case their dues 
                                                     the periodical is associated with a membership         are reduced from $15 a year to $6 a year, and 
3. The exempt activity is a type normally con-       or similar status in the organization.                 that only 3,000 members elect to receive the 
   ducted by taxable organizations in carry-                                                                periodical and pay the full dues of $15 a year. 
   ing on that type of business.                     Allocable membership receipts.             This is     U's stated subscription price of $9 to members 
                                                     the part of membership receipts (dues, fees, or        consistently results in an excess of total income 
The amount treated as directly connected is the      other  charges  associated  with  membership)          (including gross advertising income) attributa-
smaller of:                                          equal  to  the  amount  that  would  have  been        ble to the periodical over total costs of the peri-
1. The excess of these expenses, deprecia-           charged and paid for the periodical if:                odical. Since the 500 copies of the periodical 
   tion, and similar items over the income           1. The periodical was published by a taxable           distributed to nonmembers represent only 14% 
   from, or attributable to, the exempt activity;    organization,                                          of the 3,500 copies distributed, the $10 sub-
                                                                                                            scription  price  charged  to  nonmembers  isn’t 
   or                                                2. The periodical was published for profit,            used to determine the part of membership re-
2. The gross unrelated business income re-           and                                                    ceipts allocable to the periodical. Instead, since 
   duced by all other expenses, depreciation,        3. The member was an unrelated party deal-             70% of the members elect not to receive the pe-
   and other items that are actually directly        ing with the taxable organization at arm's             riodical and pay $9 less per year in dues, the $9 
   connected.                                        length.                                                price is used to determine the subscription price 
                                                                                                            charged to members. Thus, the allocable mem-
   The application of these rules to an advertis-    The amount used to allocate membership                 bership  receipts  will  be  $9  per  member,  or 
ing activity that exploits an exempt publishing      receipts is the amount shown in the following          $27,000 ($9 times 3,000 copies). U's total circu-
activity is explained next.                          chart.                                                 lation  income  is  $32,000  ($27,000  plus  the 
                                                     For this purpose, the total periodical costs           $5,000 from nonmember subscriptions).
Exploitation of Exempt                               are the sum of the direct advertising costs and 
Activity—Advertising Sales                           the readership costs, explained under      Periodi-
                                                     cal Costs, later. The cost of other exempt activi-     Periodical Costs
The sale of advertising in a periodical of an ex-    ties means the total expenses incurred by the          Direct advertising costs.  These are expen-
empt organization that contains editorial mate-      organization in connection with its other exempt       ses, depreciation, and similar items of deduc-
rial related to the accomplishment of the organi-    activities, not offset by any income earned by         tion directly connected with selling and publish-
zation's  exempt  purpose  is  an  unrelated         the organization from those activities.                ing advertising in the periodical.
business that exploits an exempt activity, the                              THEN the amount used to         Examples  of  allowable  deductions  under 
circulation,  and  readership  of  the  periodical.                         allocate membership             this classification include agency commissions 
Therefore,  in  addition  to  direct  advertising    IF . . .               receipts is . . .               and other direct selling costs, such as transpor-
costs, exempt activity costs (expenses, depre-                                                              tation and travel expenses, office salaries, pro-
ciation, and similar expenses attributable to the    20% or more of the     the subscription price charged  motion and research expenses, and office over-
production and distribution of the editorial or      total circulation      nonmembers.
readership content) can be treated as directly       consists of sales to                                   head  directly  connected  with  the  sale  of 
connected with the conduct of the advertising        nonmembers                                             advertising lineage in the periodical. Also inclu-
activity. (See Expenses attributable to exploita-    the above condition    the reduction in dues for a     ded are other deductions commonly classified 
tion of exempt activities under Directly Connec-     doesn’t apply, and     member not receiving the        as  advertising  costs  under  standard  account 
ted, earlier.)                                       20% or more of the     periodical.                     classifications, such as artwork and copy prep-
                                                     members pay                                            aration,  telephone,  telegraph,  postage,  and 
                                                     reduced dues                                           similar costs directly connected with advertis-
Figuring UBTI.        The UBTI of an advertising     because they do not                                    ing.
activity is the amount shown in the following        receive the periodical                                 In addition, direct advertising costs include 
chart.                                               neither of the above   the membership receipts         the part of mechanical and distribution costs at-
IF gross advertising                                 conditions applies     multiplied by this fraction:    tributable to advertising lineage. For this pur-
income is . . .       THEN UBTI is . . .                                    Total periodical costs          pose,  the  general  account  classifications  of 
                                                                            Total periodical costs          items includible in mechanical and distribution 
more than direct      the excess advertising income,                                    Plus                costs  ordinarily  employed  in  business-paper 
advertising costs     reduced (but not below zero)                          Cost of other exempt activities and consumer-publication accounting provide a 
                      by the excess, if any, of                                                             guide for the computation. Accordingly, the me-
                      readership costs over 
                      circulation income.            Example 1.           U is an exempt scientific or-     chanical and distribution costs include the part 
equal to or less than zero.                          ganization with 10,000 members who pay an-             of the costs and other expenses of composition, 
direct advertising                                   nual dues of $15. One of U's activities is pub-        press work, binding, mailing (including paper 
costs                  Circulation income and        lishing a monthly periodical distributed to all of     and wrappers used for mailing), and bulk post-
                      readership costs aren’t taken  its members. U also distributes 5,000 additional       age attributable to the advertising lineage of the 
                      into account.                  copies of its periodical to nonmembers, who            publication.
                                                     subscribe for $10 a year. Since the nonmember          In the absence of specific and detailed re-
   The terms used in the chart are explained in      circulation of U's periodical represents one-third     cords, the part of mechanical and distribution 
the following discussions.                           (more than 20%) of its total circulation, the sub-     costs attributable to the periodical's advertising 
                                                     scription price charged to nonmembers is used          lineage can be based on the ratio of advertising 
Periodical Income                                    to determine the part of U's membership re-            lineage to total lineage in the periodical, if this 
                                                     ceipts allocable to the periodical. Thus, U's allo-    allocation is reasonable.
Gross advertising income.       This is all the in-  cable membership receipts are $100,000 ($10 
come from the unrelated advertising activities of    times 10,000 members), and U's total circula-          Readership costs.  These are all expenses, 
an exempt organization periodical.                   tion  income  for  the  periodical  is  $150,000       depreciation, and similar items directly connec-
                                                     ($100,000  from  members  plus  $50,000  from          ted with the production and distribution of the 
Circulation income.      This is all the income      sales to nonmembers).                                  readership content of the periodical.
from the production, distribution, or circulation 
of  an  exempt  organization's  periodical  (other 

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Costs partly attributable to other activities.       Under these circumstances, Y may consoli-          eliminate both the expiration of NOL carryfor-
Deductions properly attributable to exempt ac-       date  the  income  and  deductions  from  the      wards and the ability to carryback NOLs to ear-
tivities other than publishing the periodical may    monthly and quarterly journals in computing its    lier tax years. Certain farming and insurance 
not be allocated to the periodical. When expen-      UBTI. It may not consolidate the income and        company losses are exceptions and can be car-
ses are attributable both to the periodical and to   deductions from the newsletter with the income     ried back as described in section 172(b). See 
the organization's other activities, an allocation   and deductions of its other periodicals, since     Publication 225, Farmer's Tax Guide; Publica-
must  be  made  on  a  reasonable  basis.  The       the newsletter isn’t published for the production  tion 536, Net Operating Losses; or Publication 
method of allocation will vary with the nature of    of income.                                         542,  Corporations;  for  additional  information. 
the item, but once adopted, it should be used                                                           However, the CARES Act added section 172(b)
consistently.  Allocations  based  on  dollar  re-                                                      (1)(D), which provides for carryback of NOLs 
ceipts from various exempt activities generally      Modifications                                      arising in 2018, 2019, and 2020 to each of the 5 
aren’t reasonable since receipts usually don’t                                                          years preceding the tax year in which the NOL 
accurately reflect the costs associated with spe-    Net operating loss (NOL).  An NOL arises           arose.  An  organization  that  wishes  to  carry 
cific activities that an exempt organization con-    when allowable deductions exceed gross unre-       these NOLs forward must waive the carryback. 
ducts.                                               lated trade or business income. Subject to mod-    See the Instructions for Form 990-T for more in-
                                                     ifications described in section 172, the NOL is    formation.
Consolidated Periodicals                             allowed as a deduction against unrelated busi-     In addition to largely eliminating NOL carry-
                                                     ness taxable income for a tax year to which the    backs (except for the CARES Act modification), 
If an exempt organization publishes more than        NOL can be carried, as described below. The        the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, as modified by the 
one periodical to produce income, it may treat       NOL for any tax year, the carryovers of NOLs,      CARES Act, provides that the allowable NOL 
all of them (but not less than all) as one in deter- and the NOL deduction are determined without       deduction for tax years beginning in 2021 can-
mining UBTI from selling advertising. The gross      taking into account any amount of income or        not exceed 80% of taxable income.
income from all the periodicals, and the deduc-      deduction that is specifically excluded in com-    An organization that had an NOL in a tax 
tions directly connected with them is figured on     puting UBTI. For example, a loss from an unre-     year beginning in 2018 or 2019 can file amen-
a consolidated basis. Consolidated treatment,        lated  trade  or  business  isn't  diminished  be- ded returns Form 990-T to carryback the NOL. 
once adopted, must be followed consistently          cause  the  organization  received  dividend       See Pub. 536 for more information.
and is binding. This treatment can be changed        income.                                            For more details on the NOL deduction, in-
only with the consent of the IRS.                    In line with this concept, an NOL can arise        cluding property eligible for an extended carry-
                                                     only in a tax year for which the organization is   back period, see section 172 and Pub. 536.
An exempt organization's periodical is pub-          subject to tax on unrelated business income.
lished to produce income if:                         The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (P.L. 115-97)            Charitable contributions deduction. An ex-
1. The periodical generates gross advertising        and the CARES Act (P.L. 116-136) substantially     empt organization is allowed to deduct its chari-
income to the organization equal to at               modified the NOL provisions under section 172.     table contributions in computing its UBTI even if 
least 25% of its readership costs, and               Further, section 512(a)(6) (added by the Tax       the contributions are not directly connected with 
                                                     Cuts and Jobs Act) changed the way exempt          any unrelated business.
2. Publishing the periodical is an activity en-      organizations report and figure the tax on in-     To be deductible, the contribution must be 
gaged in for profit.                                 come from unrelated trade or business activity.    paid to another qualified organization. For ex-
                                                                                                        ample, an exempt university that operates an 
Whether the publication of a periodical is an        NOLs arising before 2018. Prior to the addi-       unrelated business may deduct a contribution 
activity engaged in for profit can be determined     tion of section 512(b)(6), an exempt organiza-     made  to  another  university  for  educational 
only by all the facts and circumstances in each      tion would compute its NOL (if any) for each tax   work, but may not claim a deduction for contri-
case. The facts and circumstances must show          year on an aggregate basis, regardless of the      butions of amounts spent for carrying out its 
that the organization carries on the activity for    number of separate unrelated trades or busi-       own educational program.
economic profit, although there may not be a         ness conducted by the organization. NOLs aris-     For purposes of the deduction, a distribution 
profit in a particular year. For example, if an or-  ing before 2018 (pre-2018 NOLs) can be car-        by a trust made under the trust instrument to a 
ganization begins publishing a new periodical        ried forward for up to 20 years. Pre-2018 NOLs     beneficiary, which itself is a qualified organiza-
whose total costs exceed total income in the         can be applied (subject to modifications) as a     tion, is treated the same as a contribution.
start-up years because of lack of advertising        deduction to reduce unrelated business taxable 
sales, that doesn’t mean that the organization       income without regard to the unrelated trade or    Deduction limits.      An exempt organization 
didn’t have as its objective an economic profit.     business activity that generated the income.       that is subject to the unrelated business income 
                                                                                                        tax at corporate rates is allowed a deduction for 
The organization may establish that it had this      Even though an NOL can arise only in a tax         charitable contributions up to 10% of its UBTI 
objective by showing it can reasonably expect        year for which the organization is subject to tax  computed without regard to the deduction for 
advertising sales to increase, so that total in-     on  unrelated  business  income,  the  pre-2018    contributions.  See  the  Instructions  for  Form 
come  will  exceed  costs  within  a  reasonable     NOLs expire after 20 consecutive tax years. For    990-T for more information.
time.                                                example, if an organization was subject to the     An exempt trust that is subject to the unrela-
                                                     tax for 2014 and had an NOL for that year, the     ted business income tax at trust rates is gener-
Example. Y, an exempt trade association,             last tax year to which any part of that NOL may    ally allowed a deduction for charitable contribu-
publishes three periodicals that it distributes to   be carried over is 2034, regardless of whether     tions  in  the  same  amounts  as  allowed  for 
its members: a weekly newsletter, a monthly          the organization was subject to the unrelated      individuals. However, the limit on the deduction 
magazine,  and  a  quarterly  journal.  Both  the    business income tax in any of the intervening      is  determined  in  relation  to  the  trust's  UBTI 
monthly  magazine  and  the  quarterly  journal      years.                                             computed  without  regard  to  the  deduction, 
contain advertising that accounts for gross ad-
                                                                                                        rather than in relation to adjusted gross income.
vertising income equal to more than 25% of           NOLs arising in tax years after 2017.  Sec-        Contributions in excess of the limits just de-
their respective readership costs. Similarly, the    tion  512(a)(6)  requires  an  organization  with  scribed may be carried over to the next 5 tax 
total income attributable to each periodical has     more than one unrelated trade or business to       years.  A  contribution  carryover  isn’t  allowed, 
exceeded  the  total  deductions  attributable  to   calculate UBTI in any tax year beginning after     however, to the extent that it increases an NOL 
each periodical for substantially all the years      2017, including for purposes of determining any    carryover.
they have been published. The newsletter car-        NOL  (post-2017  NOL)  or  applying  any 
ries no advertising and its annual subscription      post-2017 NOL deduction, separately with re-       Specific  deduction. In  computing  UBTI,  a 
price isn’t intended to cover the cost of publica-   spect to each such trade or business.              specific deduction of $1,000 is allowed. How-
tion. The newsletter is a service that Y distrib-    The  Tax  Cuts  and  Jobs  Act  (P.L.115-97,       ever,  the  specific  deduction  isn’t  allowed  in 
utes to all of its members in an effort to keep      section  13302)  amended  section  172(b)  to      computing an NOL or the NOL deduction.
them informed of changes occurring in the busi-
ness world. It is not engaged in for profit.
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Generally, the deduction is limited to $1,000         partnership income and deductions to be inclu-
regardless  of  the  number  of  unrelated  busi-     ded in the organization's UBTI are figured the 
nesses in which the organization is engaged.          same way as any income and deductions from          Special Rules for Social 
                                                      an unrelated trade or business conducted di-
Exception.      An exception is provided in the       rectly by the organization. The partnership is re-  Clubs, VEBAs, and SUBs
case of a diocese, province of a religious order,     quired to provide the organization this informa-
or a convention or association of churches that       tion on Schedule K-1.                               The following discussion applies to:
may claim a specific deduction for each parish,                                                             Social clubs described in section 501(c)
individual church, district, or other local unit. In  Example.         An exempt educational organi-          (7),
these cases, the specific deduction for each lo-      zation is a partner in a partnership that operates    Voluntary employees' beneficiary as-
cal unit is limited to the lower of:                  a factory. The partnership also holds stock in a        sociations (VEBAs) described in section 
   $1,000, or                                       corporation. The exempt organization must in-           501(c)(9), and
   Gross income derived from an unrelated           clude its share of the gross income from operat-      Supplemental unemployment compen-
     trade or business regularly conducted by         ing the factory in its UBTI but may exclude its         sation benefit trusts (SUBs) described 
     the local unit.                                  share of any dividends the partnership received         in section 501(c)(17).
This exception applies only to parishes, dis-         from the corporation.                               In general, these organizations are subject to 
tricts, or other local units that aren’t separate le-                                                     the tax on income from unrelated trade or busi-
gal entities, but are components of a larger en-      Different tax years.    If the exempt organiza-     ness activities and must apply the rules under 
tity (diocese,  province, convention,        or       tion and the partnership of which it is a member    section  512(a)(6).  See  Regulations  section 
association) filing Form 990-T. The parent or-        have different tax years, the partnership items     1.512(a)-6 for more information. However, they 
ganization must file a return reporting the unre-     that enter into the computation of the organiza-    must also must figure UBTI under special rules. 
lated business gross income and related de-           tion's UBTI must be based on the income and         Unlike other exempt organizations, they can’t 
ductions of all units that aren’t separate legal      deductions of the partnership for the partner-      exclude their investment income (dividends, in-
entities. The local units can’t file separate re-     ship's tax year that ends within the organiza-      terest, rents, etc.). (See Exclusions under In-
turns. However, each local unit that is sepa-         tion's tax year.                                    come,  earlier.)  Therefore,  they  are  generally 
rately incorporated must file its own return and                                                          subject to unrelated business income tax on 
can’t include, or be included with, any other en-                                                         this income.
tity. See Title-holding corporations in chapter 1     S Corporation Income or 
for a discussion of the only situation in which                                                           The UBTI of these organizations includes all 
more than one legal entity may be included on         Loss                                                gross income, less deductions directly connec-
the same Form 990-T.                                                                                      ted with the production of that income, except 
                                                      An organization that owns S corporation stock       that gross income for this purpose doesn’t in-
Example.      X is an association of churches         must take into account its share of the S corpo-    clude exempt function income. The deduction 
and is divided into local units A, B, C, and D.       ration's income, deductions, and losses in figur-   for dividends received by a corporation isn’t al-
Last year, A, B, C, and D derived gross income        ing UBTI, regardless of the actual source or na-    lowed in computing UBTI because it isn’t an ex-
of,  respectively,  $1,200,  $800,  $1,500,  and      ture of the income, deductions, and losses. For     pense incurred in the production of income.
$700 from unrelated businesses that they regu-        example, the organization's share of the S cor-
larly conduct. X may claim a specific deduction       poration's interest and dividend income will be     Losses from nonexempt activities.       Losses 
of $1,000 with respect to A, $800 with respect        taxable, even though interest and dividends are     from  nonexempt  activities  of  these  organiza-
to B, $1,000 with respect to C, and $700 with         normally excluded from UBTI. The organization       tions can’t be used to offset investment income.
respect to D.                                         must also take into account its gain or loss on 
                                                      the sale or other disposition of the S corporation  Modifications.   The UBTI is modified by any 
                                                      stock in figuring UBTI.                             NOL or charitable contributions deduction and 
Partnership Income                                                                                        by the specific deduction (described earlier un-
                                                                                                          der Deductions).
or Loss                                               Special Rules for 
                                                                                                          Exempt  function  income.  This  is  gross  in-
An organization may have unrelated business           Foreign Organizations                               come from dues, fees, charges, or similar items 
income or loss as a member of an entity classi-                                                           paid by members for goods, facilities, or serv-
fied as a partnership for federal tax purposes        The UBTI of a foreign organization exempt from      ices  to  the  members  or  their  dependents  or 
(see section 7701 and corresponding regula-           tax under section 501(a) consists of the organi-    guests, to further the organization's exempt pur-
tions), rather than through direct business deal-     zation's:                                           poses. Exempt function income also includes 
                                                                                                          income set aside for qualified purposes.
ings with the public. If so, it must treat its share  1. Unrelated business taxable income de-
of the partnership income or loss as if it had        rived from sources within the United                Income that is set aside.  This is income 
conducted the business activity in its own ca-        States but not effectively connected with           set aside to be used for religious, charitable, 
pacity as a corporation or trust. No distinction is   the conduct of a trade or business within           scientific, literary, or educational purposes or for 
made between limited and general partners or          the United States; and                              the prevention of cruelty to children or animals. 
managing or non-managing members of a limi-                                                               In addition, for a VEBA or SUB it is income set 
ted liability company. The organization is re-        2. Unrelated business taxable income effec-
quired to notify the partnership of its tax-exempt    tively connected with the conduct of a              aside to provide for the payment of life, sick, ac-
status. See Regulations section 1.512(a)-6 for        trade or business within the United States,         cident, or other benefits.
information and transition rules under section        whether or not this income is derived from          However, any amounts set aside by a VEBA 
512(a)(6) for aggregating income from partner-        sources within the United States.                   or SUB that exceed the organization's qualified 
                                                                                                          asset account limit (determined under section 
ships and debt-financed income from partner-          To determine whether income realized by a           419A) are unrelated business income. Special 
ships.                                                foreign  organization  is  derived  from  sources   rules apply to the treatment of existing reserves 
Thus, if an organization is a member of a             within the United States or is effectively connec-  for  post-retirement  medical  or  life  insurance 
partnership  regularly  engaged  in  a  trade  or     ted  with  the  conduct  of  a  trade  or  business benefits. These rules are explained in section 
business that is an unrelated trade or business       within  the  United  States,  see  sections  861    512(a)(3)(E)(ii).
with respect to the organization, the organiza-       through 865 and the related regulations.            Income derived from an unrelated trade or 
tion must include in its UBTI its share of the                                                            business may not be set aside and therefore 
partnership's gross income from the unrelated                                                             can’t be exempt function income. In addition, 
trade or business (whether or not distributed),                                                           any income set aside and later spent for other 
and  the  deductions  attributable  to  it.  The                                                          purposes must be included in UBTI.

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Set-aside income is generally excluded from          received or accrued from the controlled organi-      a section 501(c)(3) organization or a govern-
gross income only if it is set aside in the tax      zation pursuant to a binding written contract in     mental unit, and such use isn’t consistent with 
year in which it is otherwise includible in gross    effect  on  August  17,  2006,  or  to  a  contract  the requirements for qualified 501(c)(3) bonds 
income. However, income set aside on or be-          which is a renewal, under substantially similar      under section 145, the section 501(c)(3) organi-
fore the date for filing Form 990-T, including ex-   terms of a binding written contract in effect on     zation is considered to have received unrelated 
tensions of time, may, at the election of the or-    August  17,  2006,  and  the  payments  are  re-     business income in the amount of the greater of 
ganization, be treated as having been set aside      ceived or accrued after December 31, 2014.           the actual rental income or the fair rental value 
in the tax year for which the return was filed.      If a controlled participant isn’t required to file   of the property for the period it is used. No de-
The income set aside must have been includi-         a U.S. income tax return, the participant must       duction is allowed for interest on the private ac-
ble in gross income for that earlier year.           ensure that the copy or copies of the Regula-        tivity bond. See sections 150(b)(3) and (c) for 
                                                     tions  section  1.482-7  Cost  Sharing  Arrange-     more information.
Nonrecognition  of  gain. If  the  organization      ment Statement and any updates are attached 
sells property used directly in performing an ex-    to Schedule M of any Form 5471, Information 
empt  function  and  purchases  other  property      Return of U.S. Persons With Respect To Cer-          Disposition of Property 
used directly in performing an exempt function,      tain Foreign Corporations, any Form 5472, In-
any gain on the sale is recognized only to the       formation Return of a 25% Foreign-Owned U.S.         Received From Taxable 
extent that the sales price of the old property      Corporation or a Foreign Corporation Engaged 
exceeds the cost of the new property. The pur-       in a U.S. Trade or Business, or any Form 8865,       Subsidiary and Used in 
chase of the new property must be made within        Return of U.S. Persons With Respect to Certain       Unrelated Business
1 year before the date of sale of the old property   Foreign Partnerships, filed for that participant.
or within 3 years after the date of sale.                                                                 A taxable 80%-owned subsidiary corporation of 
This rule also applies to gain from an invol-        Addition to tax for valuation misstate-
untary conversion of the property resulting from     ments.  Under section 512(b)(13)(E)(ii), the tax     one  or  more  tax-exempt  entities  is  generally 
its destruction in whole or in part, theft, seizure, imposed on a controlling organization will be in-    subject to tax on a distribution in liquidation of 
requisition, or condemnation.                        creased by 20% of the excess qualifying speci-       its assets to its exempt parent (or parents). The 
                                                     fied payments that are determined with or with-      assets are treated as if sold at fair market value.
                                                     out any amendments or supplements to a return 
                                                     of tax, whichever is larger. See section 512(b)      Tax-exempt  entities  include  organizations 
Special Rules for                                    (13)(E)(ii) for more information.                    described  in  sections  501(a),  529,  and  115, 
                                                                                                          charitable  remainder  trusts,  U.S.  and  foreign 
Veterans' Organizations                              Net unrelated income.         This is:               governments, Indian tribal governments, inter-
                                                     For an exempt organization, its UBTI, or           national organizations, and similar non-taxable 
Unrelated business taxable income of a veter-        For a nonexempt organization, the part of          organizations.
ans' organization that is exempt under section         its taxable income that would be UBTI if it 
501(c)(19) doesn’t include the net income from         were exempt and had the same exempt                A taxable corporation that transfers substan-
insurance business that is properly set aside.         purposes as the controlling organization.          tially all of its assets to a tax-exempt entity in a 
The organization may set aside income from                                                                transaction that otherwise qualifies for nonre-
payments received for life, sick, accident, or       Net unrelated loss.     This is:                     cognition treatment must recognize gain on the 
health  insurance  for  the  organization's  mem-    For an exempt organization, its NOL, or            transaction as if it sold the assets at fair market 
bers or their dependents for the payment of in-      For a nonexempt organization, the part of          value. However, such a transfer isn’t taxable if it 
surance benefits or reasonable costs of insur-         its NOL that would be its NOL if it were ex-       qualifies as a like-kind exchange under section 
ance administration, or for use exclusively for        empt and had the same exempt purposes              1031 or an involuntary conversion under sec-
religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or edu-   as the controlling organization.                   tion 1033. In such a case, the built-in apprecia-
cational purposes, or the prevention of cruelty                                                           tion is preserved in the replacement property 
to children or animals. For details, see section     Control. An organization is controlled if:
512(a)(4) and the regulations under that sec-        For a corporation, the controlling organiza-       received in the transaction.
tion.                                                  tion owns (by vote or value) more than             A corporation that changes status from taxa-
                                                       50% of the stock,                                  ble to tax-exempt is treated generally as if it 
                                                     For a partnership, the controlling organiza-       transferred all of its assets to a tax-exempt en-
                                                       tion owns more than 50% of the profits or 
Income From Controlled                                 capital interests, or                              tity  immediately  before  the  change  in  status 
Organizations                                        For any other organization, the controlling        (thus subjecting it to the tax on a deemed sale 
                                                       organization owns more than 50% of the             for fair market value). This rule doesn’t apply 
The exclusions for interest, annuities, royalties,     beneficial interest.                               where the taxable corporation becomes exempt 
                                                                                                          within 3 years of formation, or had previously 
and rents, explained earlier in this chapter un-     For  this  purpose,  constructive  ownership  of     been exempt and within several years (gener-
der Income, may not apply to a payment of            stock (determined under section 318) or other        ally a period of 3 years) regains exemption, un-
these items received by a controlling organiza-      interests is taken into account.                     less the principal purpose of the transactions is 
tion from its controlled organization. The pay-      As a result, an exempt parent organization is        to avoid the tax on the change in status.
ment is included in the controlling organization's   treated as controlling any subsidiary in which it 
UBTI to the extent it reduced the net unrelated      holds more than 50% of the voting power or           In the transactions described above, the tax-
income (or increased the net unrelated loss) of      value,  whether  directly  (as  in  the  case  of  a able  event  is  deferred  for  property  that  the 
the  controlled  organization.  All  deductions  of  first-tier subsidiary) or indirectly (as in the case tax-exempt entity immediately uses in an unre-
the controlling organization directly connected      of a second-tier subsidiary).                        lated business. If the parent later disposes of 
with the amount included in its UBTI are al-                                                              the property, then any gain (not in excess of the 
lowed.                                                                                                    amount not recognized) is included in the pa-
                                                     Income From Property                                 rent's UBTI. If there is partial use of the assets 
Excess qualifying specified payments.      Ex-                                                            in unrelated business, then there is partial rec-
cess qualifying specified payments received or       Financed With Qualified                              ognition of gain or loss. Property is treated as 
accrued from a controlled entity are included in                                                          disposed if the tax-exempt entity no longer uses 
a controlling exempt organization's UBTI only to     501(c)(3) Bonds                                      it in an unrelated business.
the  extent  of  the  amount  that  exceeds  that 
would have been paid or accrued if the pay-          If any part of a 501(c)(3) organization's property   Losses on the transfer of assets to a tax-ex-
ments had been determined under section 482.         financed with qualified 501(c)(3) bonds is used      empt entity are disallowed if part of a plan with a 
Qualifying specified payments means any pay-         in a trade or business of any person other than      principal purpose of recognizing losses.
ments of interest, annuities, royalties, or rents 

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                                                   partnership agreement provides that all three           securities.  The  office  building  wasn’t  debt-fi-
                                                   partners will share equally in the profits of the       nanced property. The organization later sold the 
Income From                                        partnership, each will invest $3 million, and X         building  for  $1  million  without  repaying  the 
                                                   will be a limited partner. X invests $1 million of      $400,000 loan. It used the sale proceeds to buy 
Debt-Financed Property                             its own funds in the partnership and $2 million         an apartment building it rents to the general 
                                                   of borrowed funds.                                      public. The unpaid debt of $400,000 is acquisi-
Investment income that would otherwise be ex-      The partnership buys as its sole asset an of-           tion indebtedness with respect to the apartment 
cluded  from  an  exempt  organization's  UBTI     fice building that it leases to the public for non-     building.
(see Exclusions under Income, earlier) must be     exempt purposes. The office building costs the 
included to the extent it is derived from debt-fi- partnership $24 million, of which $15 million is        Property acquired subject to mortgage or 
nanced property. The amount of income inclu-       borrowed from Y bank. The loan is secured by a          lien. If property (other than certain gifts, be-
ded is proportionate to the debt on the property.  mortgage  on  the  entire  office  building.  By        quests, and devises) is acquired subject to a 
                                                   agreement with Y bank, X isn’t personally liable        mortgage,  the  outstanding  principal  debt  se-
                                                   for payment of the mortgage.                            cured by that mortgage is treated as acquisition 
Debt-Financed Property                             X has acquisition indebtedness of $7 million.           indebtedness even if the organization didn’t as-
                                                   This amount is the $2 million debt X incurred in        sume or agree to pay the debt.
In  general,  the  term  “debt-financed  property” acquiring the partnership interest, plus the $5 
means any property held to produce income (in-     million that is X's allocable part of the partner-      Example.          An  exempt  organization  paid 
cluding gain from its disposition) for which there ship's debt incurred to buy the office building         $50,000 for real property valued at $150,000 
is an acquisition indebtedness at any time dur-    (one-third of $15 million).                             and  subject  to  a  $100,000  mortgage.  The 
ing the tax year (or during the 12-month period                                                            $100,000 of outstanding principal debt is ac-
before the date of the property's disposal, if it  Example 3.  A labor union advanced funds,               quisition indebtedness, as though the organiza-
was disposed of during the tax year). However,     from existing resources and without any bor-            tion had borrowed $100,000 to buy the prop-
the tax on unrelated debt-financed income un-      rowing, to its tax-exempt subsidiary title-holding      erty.
der section 514 does not apply to property used    company. The subsidiary used the funds to pay 
for  an  exempt  purpose.  See Exceptions  to      a debt owed to a third party that was previously        Liens similar to a mortgage.     In determin-
Debt-Financed Property, later. Sources of unre-    incurred in acquiring two income-producing of-          ing acquisition indebtedness, a lien similar to a 
lated debt-financed income include rental real     fice buildings. Neither the union nor the subsid-       mortgage is treated as a mortgage. A lien is 
estate, tangible personal property, and corpo-     iary has incurred any further debt in acquiring or      similar to a mortgage if title to property is en-
rate stock.                                        improving the property. The union has no out-           cumbered by the lien for a creditor's benefit. 
                                                   standing debt on the property. The subsidiary's         However, when state law provides that a lien for 
Acquisition Indebtedness                           debt to the union is represented by a demand            taxes or assessments attaches to property be-
                                                   note on which the subsidiary makes payments             fore the taxes or assessments become due and 
For any debt-financed property, acquisition in-    whenever it has the available cash. The books           payable, the lien isn’t treated as a mortgage un-
debtedness is the unpaid amount of debt incur-     of the union and the subsidiary list the outstand-      til after the taxes or assessments have become 
red by an organization:                            ing debt as inter-organizational indebtedness.          due and payable and the organization has had 
                                                   Although the subsidiary's books show a debt             an opportunity to eliminate the lien by paying 
1. When acquiring or improving the property,       to  the  union,  it  isn’t  the  type  subject  to  the the amount it secured in accordance with state 
2. Before acquiring or improving the property      debt-financed property rules. In this situation,        law.  Liens  similar  to  mortgages  include  (but 
     if the debt would not have been incurred      the very nature of the title-holding company and        aren’t limited to):
     except for the acquisition or improvement,    the  parent-subsidiary  relationship  shows  this       1. Deeds of trust,
     and                                           debt to be merely a matter of accounting be-
                                                   tween the two organizations. Accordingly, the           2. Conditional sales contracts,
3. After acquiring or improving the property if:   debt isn’t acquisition indebtedness.                    3. Chattel mortgages,
     a. The debt would not have been incur-        Change in use of property.   If an organization         4. Security interests under the Uniform Com-
     red except for the acquisition or im-         converts property that isn’t debt-financed prop-              mercial Code,
     provement, and                                erty to a use that results in its treatment as          5. Pledges,
     b. Incurring the debt was reasonably          debt-financed property, the outstanding princi-
     foreseeable when the property was             pal debt on the property is thereafter treated as       6. Agreements to hold title in escrow, and
     acquired or improved.                         acquisition indebtedness.                               7. Liens for taxes or assessments (other than 
                                                                                                                 those discussed earlier in this paragraph).
The facts and circumstances of each situa-         Example.  Four years ago a university bor-
tion  determine  whether  incurring  a  debt  was  rowed funds to acquire an apartment building            Exception for property acquired by gift, 
reasonably foreseeable. That an organization       as housing for married students. Last year, the         bequest, or devise. If property subject to a 
may not have foreseen the need to incur a debt     university rented the apartment building to the         mortgage is acquired by gift, bequest, or de-
before  acquiring  or  improving  the  property    public for nonexempt purposes. The outstand-            vise, the outstanding principal debt secured by 
doesn’t necessarily mean that incurring the debt   ing principal debt becomes acquisition indebt-          the mortgage isn’t treated as acquisition indebt-
later wasn’t reasonably foreseeable.               edness as of the time the building was first ren-       edness during the 10-year period following the 
                                                   ted to the public.                                      date  the  organization  receives  the  property. 
Example 1.     Y, an exempt scientific organi-                                                             However, this applies to a gift of property only if:
zation,  mortgages  its  laboratory  to  replace   Continued debt.    If an organization sells prop-       1. The mortgage was placed on the property 
working  capital  used  in  remodeling  an  office erty and, without paying off debt that would be               more than 5 years before the date the or-
building that Y rents to an insurance company      acquisition indebtedness if the property were                 ganization received it, and
for nonexempt purposes. The debt is acquisi-       debt-financed  property,  buys  property  that  is 
tion indebtedness since the debt, though incur-    otherwise  debt-financed  property,  the  unpaid        2. The donor held the property for more than 
red after the improvement of the office building,  debt is acquisition indebtedness for the new                  5 years before the date the organization 
would not have been incurred without the im-       property. This is true even if the original prop-             received it.
provement, and the debt was reasonably fore-       erty wasn’t debt-financed property.
seeable when, to make the improvement, Y re-                                                               This exception doesn't apply if an organiza-
duced  its  working  capital  below  the  amount   Example.  To house its administration offi-             tion assumes and agrees to pay all or part of 
necessary to continue current operations.          ces, an exempt organization bought a building           the debt secured by the mortgage or makes any 
                                                   using $600,000 of its own funds and $400,000            payment for the equity in the property owned by 
Example  2.    X,  an  exempt  organization,       of borrowed funds secured by a pledge of its            the donor or decedent (other than a payment 
forms  a  partnership  with  A  and  B.  The                                                               under an annuity obligation excluded from the 
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definition  of  acquisition  indebtedness,  dis-    Annuity obligation. The organization's obliga-       Real property debts of qualified organiza-
cussed  under Debt  That  Isn’t  Acquisition  In-   tion to pay an annuity isn’t acquisition indebted-   tions. In  general,  acquisition  indebtedness 
debtedness, later).                                 ness if the annuity meets all the following re-      doesn't include debt incurred by a qualified or-
Whether an organization has assumed and             quirements.                                          ganization in acquiring or improving any real 
agreed to pay all or part of a debt in order to ac- 1. It must be the sole consideration (other          property. A qualified organization is:
quire the property is determined by the facts            than a mortgage on property acquired by         1. A qualified retirement plan under section 
and circumstances of each situation.                     gift, bequest, or devise that meets the ex-     401(a),
Modifying  existing  debt. Extending,  renew-            ception discussed under Property ac-
ing, or refinancing an existing debt is consid-          quired subject to mortgage or lien, earlier     2. An educational organization described in 
ered a continuation of that debt to the extent its       in this chapter) issued in exchange for the     section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii) and certain of its 
outstanding  principal  doesn’t  increase.  When         property received.                              affiliated support organizations,
the principal of the modified debt is more than     2. Its present value, at the time of exchange,       3. A title-holding company described in sec-
the outstanding principal of the old debt, the ex-       must be less than 90% of the value of the       tion 501(c)(25), or
cess is treated as a separate debt.                      prior owner's equity in the property re-        4. A retirement income account described in 
                                                         ceived.                                         section 403(b)(9) in acquiring or improving 
Extension  or  renewal.    In  general,  any                                                             real property in tax years beginning on or 
modification or substitution of the terms of a      3. It must be payable over the lives of either 
debt by an organization is considered an exten-          one or two individuals living when issued.      after August 17, 2006.
sion or renewal of the original debt, rather than   4. It must be payable under a contract that:         This  exception  from  acquisition  indebted-
the start of a new one, to the extent that the out-                                                      ness doesn’t apply in the following six situa-
standing principal of the debt doesn’t increase.         a. Doesn’t guarantee a minimum nor              tions.
The following are examples of acts resulting             specify a maximum number of pay-
in the extension or renewal of a debt:                   ments, and                                      1. The acquisition price isn’t a fixed amount 
                                                                                                         determined as of the date of the acquisi-
1. Substituting liens to secure the debt,                b. Doesn’t provide for any adjustment of        tion or the completion of the improvement. 
                                                         the amount of the annuity payments              However, the terms of a sales contract 
2. Substituting obligees whether or not with             based on the income received from               may provide for price adjustments due to 
  the organization's consent,                            the transferred property or any other           customary closing adjustments such as 
3. Renewing, extending, or accelerating the              property.                                       prorating property taxes. The contract also 
  payment terms of the debt, and                                                                         may provide for a price adjustment if it is 
                                                    Example.     X,  an  exempt  organization,  re-      for a fixed amount dependent upon subse-
4. Adding, deleting, or substituting sureties       ceives property valued at $100,000 from donor        quent resolution of limited, external contin-
  or other primary or secondary obligors.           A, a male age 60. In return X promises to pay A      gencies such as zoning approvals, title 
Debt increase.      If the outstanding principal    $6,000 a year for the rest of A's life, with neither clearances, and the removal of ease-
of a modified debt is more than that of the un-     a minimum nor maximum number of payments             ments. These conditions in the contract 
modified debt, and only part of the refinanced      specified. The amounts paid under the annuity        will not cause the price to be treated as an 
debt is acquisition indebtedness, the payments      aren’t dependent on the income derived from          undetermined amount. However, see Note 
on the refinanced debt must be allocated be-        the property transferred to X. The present value     1 at the end of this list.
tween the old debt and the excess.                  of this annuity is $81,156, determined from IRS 
                                                    valuation tables. Since the value of the annuity     2. Any debt or other amount payable for the 
Example.      An  organization  has  an  out-       is less than 90 percent of A's $100,000 equity in    debt, or the time for making any payment, 
standing principal debt of $500,000 that is trea-   the property transferred and the annuity meets       depends, in whole or in part, upon any rev-
ted as acquisition indebtedness. The organiza-      all the other requirements just discussed, the       enue, income, or profits derived from the 
tion  borrows  another  $100,000,  which  isn’t     obligation to make annuity payments isn’t ac-        real property. However, see Note 1 at the 
acquisition  indebtedness,  from  the  same         quisition indebtedness.                              end of this list.
lender, resulting in a $600,000 note for the total  Securities  loans. Acquisition  indebtedness         3. The real property is leased back to the 
obligation. A payment of $60,000 on the total       doesn’t include an obligation of the exempt or-      seller of the property or to a person related 
obligation would reduce the acquisition indebt-     ganization to return collateral security provided    to the seller as described in section 267(b) 
edness    by  $50,000        ($60,000          x    by the borrower of the exempt organization's         or section 707(b). However, see Note 2 at 
$500,000/$600,000)  and  the  excess  debt  by      securities  under  a  securities  loan  agreement    the end of this list.
$10,000.                                            (discussed  under Exclusions,  earlier  in  this     4. The real property is acquired by a qualified 
                                                    chapter). This transaction isn’t treated as the      retirement plan from, or after its acquisition 
Debt That Isn’t Acquisition                         borrowing by the exempt organization of the          is leased by a qualified retirement plan to, 
Indebtedness                                        collateral furnished by the borrower (usually a      a related person. However, see Note 2 at 
                                                    broker) of the securities.                           the end of this list. For this purpose, a rela-
Certain debt and obligations aren’t acquisition     However, if the exempt organization incur-           ted person is:
indebtedness. These include the following.          red debt to buy the loaned securities, any in-             a. An employer who has employees cov-
Debts incurred in performing an exempt            come  from  the  securities  (including  income             ered by the plan,
  purpose.                                          from lending the securities) would be debt-fi-
Annuity obligations.                              nanced  income.  For  this  purpose,  any  pay-            b. An owner with at least a 50% interest 
Securities loans.                                 ments because of the securities are considered              in an employer described in (a),
Real property debts of qualified organiza-        to be from the securities loaned and not from              c. A member of the family of any individ-
  tions.                                            collateral security or the investment of collateral         ual described in (a) or (b),
Certain Federal financing.                        security from the loans. Any deductions that are 
                                                    directly  connected  with  collateral  security  for       d. A corporation, partnership, trust, or 
Debt  incurred  in  performing  exempt  pur-        the loan, or with the investment of collateral se-          estate in which a person described in 
pose. A debt incurred in performing an exempt       curity, are considered deductions that are di-              (a), (b), or (c) has at least a 50% inter-
purpose isn’t acquisition indebtedness. For ex-     rectly connected with the securities loaned.                est, or
ample,  acquisition  indebtedness  doesn’t  in-
clude the debt an exempt credit union incurs in     Short sales.      Acquisition indebtedness                 e. An officer, director, 10% or more 
accepting  deposits  from  its  members  or  the    doesn’t include the “borrowing” of stock from a             shareholder, or highly compensated 
debt an exempt organization incurs in accepting     broker to sell the stock short. Although a short            employee of a person described in 
payments from its members to provide them           sale  creates  an  obligation,  it  doesn’t  create         (a), (b), or (d).
with insurance, retirement, or other benefits.      debt.
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5. The seller, a person related to the seller        1. A comparison of the time the property is         3. More than 50% of the members of one or-
(under section 267(b) or section 707(b)),                  used for exempt purposes with the total            ganization are members of the other, or
or a person related to a qualified retire-                 time the property is used,                    4. Each organization is a local organization 
ment plan (as described in (4)) provides fi-         2. A comparison of the part of the property              directly affiliated with a common state, na-
nancing for the transaction on other than                  that is used for exempt purposes with the          tional, or international organization that 
commercially reasonable terms.                             part used for all purposes, or                     also is exempt.
6. The real property is held by a partnership        3. Both of these comparisons.                       Medical  clinics.   Real  property  isn’t  debt-fi-
in which an exempt organization is a part-
ner (along with taxable entities), and the           If less than 85% of the use of any property is      nanced property if it is leased to a medical clinic 
principal purpose of any allocation to an            devoted to an organization's exempt purposes,       and the lease is entered into primarily for purpo-
exempt organization is to avoid tax. This            only that part of the property used to further the  ses related to the lessor's exercise or perform-
generally applies to property placed in              organization's exempt purposes isn’t treated as     ance of its exempt purpose.
service after 1986. For more information,            debt-financed property.
see section 514(c)(9)(B)(vi) and section                                                                 Example.  An exempt hospital leases all of 
514(c)(9)(E).                                        Property used in an unrelated trade or busi-        its clinic space to an unincorporated association 
                                                     ness. To the extent that the gross income from      of physicians and surgeons. They, under the 
Note 1. Qualifying sales by financial institu-       any property is treated as income from the con-     lease, agree to provide all of the hospital's out-
tions of foreclosure property or certain conser-     duct  of  an  unrelated  trade  or  business,  the  patient  medical  and  surgical  services  and  to 
vatorship or receivership property aren’t inclu-     property isn’t treated as debt-financed property.   train all of the hospital's residents and interns. 
ded in (1) or (2) and, therefore, don’t give rise to However,  any  gain  on  the  disposition  of  the  In this case the rents received aren’t unrelated 
acquisition indebtedness. For more information,      property not included in income from an unrela-     debt-financed income.
see section 514(c)(9)(H).                            ted trade or business is includible as gross in-
                                                     come derived from, or on account of, debt-fi-       Life income contract.  If an individual trans-
Note 2. For purposes of (3) and (4), small           nanced property.                                    fers property to a trust or a fund with the income 
leases are disregarded. A small lease is one         The rules for debt-financed property don’t          payable to that individual or other individuals for 
that covers no more than 25% of the leasable         apply to rents from personal property, certain      a period not to exceed the life of the individual 
floor space in the property and has commer-          passive income from controlled organizations,       or individuals, and with the remainder payable 
cially reasonable terms.                             and other amounts that are required by other        to an exempt charitable organization, the prop-
                                                     rules to be included in computing UBTI.             erty isn’t treated as debt-financed property. This 
Certain federal financing. Acquisition indebt-                                                           exception applies only where the payments to 
edness doesn’t include an obligation, to the ex-     Property used in research activities.      Prop-    the individual aren’t the proceeds of a sale or 
tent it is insured by the Federal Housing Admin-     erty  isn’t  treated  as  debt-financed  property   exchange of the property transferred.
istration, to finance the purchase, rehabilitation,  when it produces gross income derived from re-
or construction of housing for low or moderate       search activities otherwise excluded from the       Neighborhood land rule.    If an organization 
income people.                                       unrelated trade or business tax. See       Income   acquires real property with the intention of using 
                                                     from research under Exclusions, earlier in this     the land for exempt purposes within 10 years, it 
In addition,   acquisition         indebtedness      chapter.                                            will not be treated as debt-financed property if it 
doesn’t  include  indebtedness  incurred  by  a                                                          is in the neighborhood of other property that the 
small  business  investment  company  licensed       Property  used  in  certain  excluded  activi-      organization  uses  for  exempt  purposes.  This 
under  the  Small  Business  Investment  Act  of     ties. Debt-financed  property  doesn’t  include     rule applies only if the intent to demolish any ex-
1958 after October 22, 2004, if such indebted-       property used in a trade or business that is ex-    isting structures and use the land for exempt 
ness is evidenced by a debenture issued by           cluded from the definition of “unrelated trade or   purposes within 10 years isn’t abandoned.
such company and held or guaranteed by the           business” because:                                  Property is considered in the neighborhood 
Small Business Administration. However, this                                                             of property that an organization owns and uses 
provision doesn’t apply to any small business        1. It has a volunteer workforce,                    for its exempt purposes if it is contiguous with 
investment company during any period that any        2. It is conducted for the convenience of its       the exempt purpose property or would be con-
organization which is exempt from tax (other               members, or                                   tiguous except for an intervening road, street, 
than a governmental unit) owns more than 25%                                                             railroad, stream, or similar property. If it isn’t 
of the capital or profits interest in such com-      3. It consists of selling donated merchandise.      contiguous with the exempt purpose property, it 
pany, or organizations which are exempt from         See Excluded Trade or Business Activities in        still may be in the same neighborhood if it is 
tax  (including  governmental  agencies  other       chapter 3.                                          within 1 mile of the exempt purpose property 
than any agency or instrumentality of the United                                                         and if the facts and circumstances make it un-
States) own, in the aggregate, 50% or more of        Related exempt uses.   Property owned by an         reasonable to acquire the contiguous property.
the capital or profits interest in such company.     exempt organization and used by a related ex-       Some  issues  to  consider  in  determining 
                                                     empt organization, or by an exempt organiza-        whether acquiring contiguous property is unrea-
Exceptions to Debt-Financed                          tion related to that related exempt organization,   sonable include the availability of land and the 
Property                                             isn’t treated as debt-financed property when the    intended future use of the land.
                                                     property is used by either organization to further 
Certain property is excepted from treatment as       its exempt purpose. Furthermore, property isn’t     Example.   A  university  tries  to  buy  land 
debt-financed property.                              treated as debt-financed property when a rela-      contiguous to its present campus, but can’t do 
                                                     ted exempt organization uses it for research ac-    so because the owners either refuse to sell or 
Property  related  to  exempt  purposes.         If  tivities or certain excluded activities, as descri- ask unreasonable prices. The nearest land of 
substantially all (85% or more) of the use of any    bed above.                                          sufficient size and utility is a block away from 
property is substantially related to an organiza-                                                        the campus. The university buys this land. Un-
tion's exempt purposes, the property isn’t trea-     Related organizations.  An exempt organ-            der these circumstances, the contiguity require-
ted  as  debt-financed  property.  Related  use      ization is related to another exempt organiza-      ment is unreasonable and not applicable. The 
doesn’t include a use related solely to the or-      tion only if:                                       land bought would be considered neighborhood 
ganization's need for income, or its use of the      1. One organization is an exempt holding            land.
profits. The extent to which property is used for          company and the other receives profits        Exceptions.   For  all  organizations  other 
a particular purpose is determined on the basis            derived by the exempt holding company,        than churches and conventions or associations 
of all the facts. They may include:
                                                     2. One organization controls the other as dis-      of churches, discussed later under   Churches, 
                                                           cussed under Income From Controlled Or-       the  neighborhood  land  rule  doesn’t  apply  to 
                                                           ganizations earlier in this chapter,          property  after  the  10  years  following  its 

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acquisition. Further, the rule applies after the       exceptions, of real property for a term of more       the 15-year period, but the land is in fact con-
first 5 years only if the organization satisfies the   than 5 years by an exempt organization if at the      verted to an exempt use within the 15-year pe-
IRS that use of the land for exempt purposes is        close of the lessor's tax year there is a business    riod,  the  land  isn’t  treated  as  debt-financed 
reasonably  certain  before  the  10-year  period      lease (acquisition) indebtedness on that prop-        property for any period before the conversion.
expires. The organization need not show bind-          erty.                                                 The same rule for demolition or removal of 
ing contracts to satisfy this requirement; but it                                                            structures, as discussed earlier in this chapter 
must have a definite plan detailing a specific im-     Refund of taxes.  When the neighborhood               under Limits, applies to a church or an associa-
provement and a completion date, and it must           land rule doesn’t initially apply, but the land is    tion or a convention of churches.
show some affirmative action toward the fulfill-       eventually used for exempt purposes, a refund 
ment of the plan. This information should be for-      or credit of any overpaid taxes will be allowed 
warded to the IRS for a ruling at least 90 days        for a prior tax year as a result of the satisfaction  Computation of 
before the end of the 5th year after acquisition       of the actual use rule. A claim must be filed         Debt-Financed Income
of the land. Send information to:                      within 1 year after the close of the tax year in 
                                                       which the actual use rule is satisfied. Interest      For each debt-financed property, the unrelated 
    Internal Revenue Service                           rates on any overpayment are governed by the          debt-financed income is a percentage (not over 
    Attn: CC:PA:LPD:DRU                                regulations.                                          100%) of the total gross income derived during 
    P.O. Box 120, Ben Franklin Station                                                                       a tax year from the property. This percentage is 
    Washington, DC 20044                               Example.     In January 2009, Y, a calendar           the same percentage as the average acquisi-
                                                       year exempt organization, acquired real prop-         tion indebtedness with respect to the property 
                                                       erty contiguous to other property that Y uses in      for the tax year of the property's average adjus-
If a private delivery service is used, the address     furtherance of its exempt purpose. Assume that        ted basis for the year (the debt/basis percent-
is:                                                    without the neighborhood land rule, the property      age). Thus, the formula for deriving unrelated 
                                                       would be debt-financed property. Y didn’t sat-        debt-financed income is:
    Internal Revenue Service                           isfy the IRS by January 2014 that the existing 
    Attn: CC:PA:LPD:DRU, Room 5336                     structure  would  be  demolished  and  the  land            average acquisition        gross income
    1111 Constitution Ave. NW                          would be used in furtherance of its exempt pur-                 indebtedness      x    from
    Washington, DC 20224                               pose. From 2014 until the property is converted                                        debt-financed
                                                       to an exempt use, the income from the property                                         property
The IRS may grant a reasonable extension of            is subject to the tax on unrelated business in-             average adjusted basis
time for requesting the ruling if the organization     come. During July 2018, Y will demolish the ex-
can show good cause. For more information,             isting structure on the land and begin using the      Example.     X, an exempt trade association, 
contact the IRS.                                       land in furtherance of its exempt purpose. At         owns an office building that is debt-financed 
       For any updates to these addresses go           that time, Y can file claims for refund for the       property.  The  building  produced  $10,000  of 
                                                       open years 2015 through 2017.                         gross rental income last year. The average ad-
!      to IRS.gov/Pub598.                              Further, Y also can file a claim for refund for       justed basis of the building during that year was 
                                                       2014, even though a claim for that tax year may       $100,000, and the average acquisition indebt-
    Actual use.  If the neighborhood land rule         be barred by the statute of limitations, provided     edness  with  respect  to  the  building  was 
doesn’t apply because the acquired land isn’t in       the claim is filed before the close of 2019.          $50,000. Accordingly, the debt/basis percent-
the neighborhood of other land used for an or-                                                               age  was  50%  (the  ratio  of  $50,000  to 
ganization's exempt purposes, or because the           Churches.    The neighborhood land rule as 
organization fails to establish after the first 5      described here also applies to churches, or a         $100,000).  Therefore,  the  unrelated  debt-fi-
years of the 10-year period that the property will     convention or association of churches, but with       nanced income with respect to the building was 
be used for exempt purposes, but the land is           two differences:                                      $5,000 (50% of $10,000).
used eventually by the organization for its ex-        1. The period during which the organization           Gain or loss from sale or other disposition 
empt purposes within the 10-year period, the                 must demonstrate the intent to use ac-          of property. If an organization sells or other-
property isn’t treated as debt-financed property             quired property for exempt purposes is in-      wise disposes of debt-financed property, it must 
for any period before the conversion.                        creased from 10 to 15 years, and                include, in computing UBTI, a percentage (not 
                                                                                                             over 100%) of any gain or loss. The percentage 
    Limits. The neighborhood land rule or ac-          2. Acquired property doesn’t have to be in            is that of the highest acquisition indebtedness 
tual use rule applies to any structure on the land           the neighborhood of other property used         with  respect  to  the  property  during  the 
when acquired, or to the land occupied by the                by the organization for exempt purposes.        12-month period preceding the date of disposi-
structure, only so long as the intended future                                                               tion, in relation to the property's average adjus-
use of the land in furtherance of the organiza-        Thus, if a church or association or conven-
tion's exempt purpose requires that the struc-         tion of churches acquires real property for the       ted basis.
ture be demolished or removed in order to use          primary purpose of using the land in the exer-        The tax on this percentage of gain or loss is 
the land in this manner. Thus, during the first 5      cise  or  performance  of  its  exempt  purpose,      determined according to the usual rules for cap-
years  after  acquisition  (and  for  later  years  if within 15 years after the time of acquisition, the    ital gains and losses.
there is a favorable ruling), improved property        property isn’t treated as debt-financed property 
isn’t debt financed so long as the organization        as long as the organization doesn't abandon its       Debt-financed  property  exchanged  for 
doesn’t abandon its intent to demolish the exist-      intent to use the land in this manner within the      subsidiary's  stock.   A  transfer  of  debt-fi-
ing structures and use the land in furtherance of      15-year period.                                       nanced property by a tax-exempt organization 
its exempt purpose. If an actual demolition of         This exception for a church or association or         to its wholly owned taxable subsidiary, in ex-
these structures occurs, the use made of the           convention of churches doesn’t apply to any           change for additional stock in the subsidiary, 
land need not be the one originally intended as        property after the 15-year period expires. Fur-       isn’t considered a gain subject to the tax on un-
long as its use furthers the organization's ex-        ther, this rule will apply after the first 5 years of related business income.
empt purpose.                                          the 15-year period only if the church or associa-     Example.     A tax-exempt hospital wants to 
    In addition to this limit, the neighborhood        tion or convention of churches establishes to         build  a  new  hospital  complex  to  replace  its 
land rule and the actual use rule don’t apply to       the satisfaction of the IRS that use of the ac-       present old and obsolete facility. The most de-
structures erected on land after its acquisition.      quired land in furtherance of the organization's      sirable location for the new hospital complex is 
They don’t apply to property subject to a busi-        exempt purpose is reasonably certain before           a site occupied by an apartment complex. Sev-
ness lease (as defined in section 1.514(f)-1 of        the 15-year period expires.                           eral years ago the hospital bought the land and 
the  regulations)  whether  an  organization  ac-      If a church or association or convention of           apartment complex, taking title subject to a first 
quired  the  property  subject  to  the  lease,  or    churches can’t establish after the first 5 years of   mortgage already on the premises.
whether it executed the lease after acquisition.       the 15-year period that use of acquired land for      For valid business reasons, the hospital pro-
A  business  lease  is  any  lease,  with  certain     its exempt purpose is reasonably certain within       posed  to  exchange  the  land  and  apartment 

                                                                                     Chapter 4       Unrelated Business Taxable Income    Page 19

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complex, subject to the mortgage on the prop-       organization acquires debt-financed property in        To be directly connected with debt-financed 
erty, for additional stock in its wholly owned      a complete or partial liquidation of a corporation     property or with the income from it, a deductible 
subsidiary. The exchange satisfied all the re-      in exchange for its stock, the organization's ba-      item must have proximate and primary relation-
quirements of section 351(a).                       sis in the property is the same as it would be in      ship to the property or income. Expenses, de-
The  transfer  of  appreciated  debt-financed       the hands of the transferor corporation. This ba-      preciation, and similar items attributable solely 
property  from  the  tax-exempt  hospital  to  its  sis is increased by the gain recognized to the         to the property qualify for deduction, to the ex-
wholly owned subsidiary in exchange for stock       transferor corporation upon the distribution and       tent they meet the requirements of an allowable 
didn’t result in a gain subject to the tax on unre- by the amount of any gain that, because of the         deduction.
lated business income.                              distribution,  is  includible  in  the  organization's 
                                                    gross  income  as  unrelated  debt-financed  in-       For example, if the straight-line depreciation 
Gain or loss on disposition of certain              come.                                                  allowance for an office building is $10,000 a 
brownfield property.   Gain or loss from the                                                               year, an organization can deduct depreciation 
qualifying sale, exchange, or other disposition     Computation of debt/basis percentage.      The         of $10,000 if the entire building is debt-financed 
of a qualifying brownfield property (as defined in  following example shows how to compute the             property. However, if only half of the building is 
section 512(b)(19)(C)), which was acquired by       debt/basis percentage by first determining the         debt-financed  property,  the  depreciation  al-
the organization after December 31, 2004, is        average acquisition indebtedness and average           lowed as a deduction is $5,000.
excluded from UBTI and is excepted from the         adjusted basis.
debt-financed rules for such property. See sec-                                                            Capital  losses.   If  a  sale  or  exchange  of 
tions 512(b)(19) and 514(b)(1)(E).                  Example.       On July 7, an exempt organiza-          debt-financed property results in a capital loss, 
                                                    tion buys an office building for $510,000 using        the loss taken into account in the tax year in 
Average  acquisition  indebtedness. This  is        $300,000 of borrowed funds. The organization           which the loss arises is computed as provided 
the  average  amount  of  outstanding  principal    files its return on a calendar year basis. During      earlier. See Gain or loss from sale or other dis-
debt during the part of the tax year that the or-   the year the only adjustment to basis is $20,000       position  of  property  under Computation  of 
ganization holds the property.                      for depreciation. Starting July 28, the organiza-      Debt-Financed Income, earlier.
Average acquisition indebtedness is compu-          tion pays $20,000 each month on the mortgage           If any part of the allowable capital loss isn’t 
ted by determining how much principal debt is       principal plus interest. The debt/basis percent-       taken into account in the current tax year, it may 
outstanding on the first day in each calendar       age for the year is calculated as follows:             be carried back or carried over to another tax 
month during the tax year that the organization                                                            year as provided in section 1212 , without appli-
holds the property, adding these amounts, and                                    Debt on first day         cation  of  the  debt/basis  percentage  for  that 
dividing the sum by the number of months dur-                                    of each month             year.
ing the year that the organization held the prop-   Month                        property is held
erty. Part of a month is treated as a full month in July                                300,000            Example.     X, an exempt educational organ-
computing average acquisition indebtedness.         August                              280,000            ization,  owned  debt-financed  securities  that 
                                                    September                           260,000            were capital assets. Last year, X sold the secur-
Indeterminate price.   If an organization ac-       October                             240,000            ities at a loss of $20,000. The debt/basis per-
quires or improves property for an indetermi-       November                            220,000            centage for computing the loss from the sale of 
nate price (that is, neither the price nor the debt December                            200,000            the securities is 40%. Thus, X sustained a capi-
is certain), the unadjusted basis and the initial   Total                               $1,500,000         tal loss of $8,000 (40% of $20,000) on the sale 
acquisition indebtedness are determined as fol-     Average acquisition                                    of the securities. Last year and the preceding 3 
lows, unless the organization obtains the IRS's     indebtedness:                                          tax years, X had no other capital transactions. 
consent to use another method:                      $1,500,000 ÷ 6 months               $ 250,000          Under these circumstances, the $8,000 of capi-
The unadjusted basis is the fair market                                                                  tal  loss  may  be  carried  over  to  succeeding 
  value of the property or improvement on                                               Basis              years (subject to limitations under section 1212) 
  the date of acquisition or completion of the      As of July 7                        510,000            without further application of the debt/basis per-
  improvement.                                      As of December 31                   490,000            centage.
The initial acquisition indebtedness is the       Total                               $1,000,000
  fair market value of the property or im-                                                                 NOL.  If, after applying the debt/basis percent-
  provement on the date of acquisition or           Average adjusted basis:                                age to the income from debt-financed property 
  completion of the improvement, less any           $1,000,000 ÷ 2                      $ 500,000 
                                                                                                           and the deductions directly connected with this 
  down payment or other initial payment ap-         Debt/basis percentage                                  income, the deductions exceed the income, an 
  plied to the principal debt.                                                                             organization has an NOL for the tax year. This 
                                                     $250,000 ÷ $500,000         = 50%
                                                                                                           amount may be carried over to other tax years 
Average adjusted basis. The average adjus-                                                                 in the same manner as any other NOL of an or-
ted basis of debt-financed property is the aver-                                                           ganization with UBTI. (For a discussion of the 
age of the adjusted basis of the property as of     Deductions for                                         NOL deduction, see    Modifications under De-
the first day and as of the last day that the or-   Debt-Financed Property                                 ductions, earlier in this chapter.) However, the 
ganization  holds  the  property  during  the  tax                                                         debt/basis percentage is not applied in those 
year.                                               The deductions allowed for each debt-financed          other tax years to determine the deductions that 
Determining the average adjusted basis of           property are determined by applying the debt/          may be taken in those years.
the debt-financed property isn’t affected if the    basis percentage to the sum of allowable de-
organization was exempt from tax for prior tax      ductions.                                              Example.     Last year, Y, an exempt organi-
years. The basis of the property must be adjus-                                                            zation, received $20,000 of rent from a debt-fi-
ted properly for the entire period after the prop-  The allowable deductions are those directly            nanced building that it owns. Y had no other 
erty was acquired. As an example, adjustment        connected with the debt-financed property or           UBTI for the year. The deductions directly con-
must be made for depreciation during all prior      with  the  income  from  it  (including  the  divi-    nected with this building were property taxes of 
tax years whether or not the organization was       dends-received deduction), except that:                $5,000, interest of $5,000 on the acquisition in-
tax-exempt. If only part of the depreciation al-                                                           debtedness, and salary of $15,000 to the build-
lowance may be taken into account in comput-        1. The allowable deductions are subject to             ing manager. The debt/basis percentage with 
ing the percentage of deductions allowable for           the modifications for computation of the          respect to the building was 50%. Under these 
each debt-financed property, that doesn’t affect         UBTI (discussed earlier in this chapter);         circumstances,  Y  must  take  into  account,  in 
the amount of the depreciation adjustment to             and                                               computing its UBTI, $10,000 (50% of $20,000) 
use in determining average adjusted basis.          2. The depreciation deduction, if allowable,           of income and $12,500 (50% of $25,000) of the 
Basis  for  debt-financed  property  ac-                 is computed only by use of the                    deductions directly connected with that income.
quired in corporate liquidation.   If an exempt          straight-line method.

Page 20    Chapter 4   Unrelated Business Taxable Income

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Thus,  Y  sustained  an  NOL  of  $2,500            taken into account is determined by multiplying       Missing and Exploited Children. Photographs of 
($10,000  of  income  less  $12,500  of  deduc-     the $6,000 of rental income and $1,000 of de-         missing children selected by the Center may 
tions), which may be carried back or carried        ductions directly connected with the rental in-       appear in instructions on pages that would oth-
over to other tax years (as provided in section     come by the debt/basis percentage.                    erwise be blank. You can help bring these chil-
172)  without  further  application  of  the  debt/ The debt/basis percentage is the ratio of the         dren home by looking at the photographs and 
basis percentage.                                   allocable part of the average acquisition indebt-     calling  1-800-THE-LOST  (1-800-843-5678)  if 
                                                    edness to the allocable part of the property's        you recognize a child.
                                                    average adjusted basis: that is, in this case, the 
Allocation Rules                                    ratio  of  $30,000  (one-half  of  $60,000)  to       Phone  Help. If  you  have  questions  and/or 
When only part of the property is debt-financed     $50,000 (one-half of $100,000). Thus, the debt/       need  help  completing  this  form,  please  call 
property, proper allocation of the basis, debt, in- basis percentage for the year is 60% (the ratio       877-829-5500. This toll-free telephone service 
come, and deductions with respect to the prop-      of $30,000 to $50,000).                               is available Monday through Friday.
erty must be made to determine how much in-         Under these circumstances, X must include 
come or gain derived from the property to treat     net rental income of $3,000 in its UBTI for the       Internet. You can access the IRS website 24 
as unrelated debt-financed income.                  year, computed as follows:                            hours a day, 7 days a week, at IRS.gov to:
                                                                                                          Download forms and publications.
                                                    Rental income treated as gross income                 Order IRS products online.
Example.     X,  an  exempt  college,  owns  a      from an unrelated trade or business (60% of           Research your tax questions online.
four-story office building that it bought with bor- $6,000)                                        $3,600 Search publications online by topic or key-
rowed funds (assumed to be acquisition indebt-      Less the allowable portion of                           word.
edness). During the year, the lower two stories     deductions directly connected with that income        Use the online Internal Revenue Code 
of the building were used to house computers        (60% of $1,000)                                600      (IRC), Regulations, or other official guid-
that X uses for administrative purposes. The                                                                ance.
two upper stories were rented to the public and     Net rental income included by X in 
                                                    computing its UBTI from debt-financed                 View Internal Revenue Bulletins (IRBs) 
used for nonexempt purposes.                        property.                                      $3,000   published in the last few years.
The gross income X derived from the build-                                                                  Sign up to receive local and national tax 
ing was $6,000, all of which was attributable to                                                          
                                                                                                            news by email. To subscribe, visit IRS.gov/
the rents paid by tenants. The expenses were                                                                Charities.
$2,000 and were equally allocable to each use 
of the building. The average adjusted basis of                                                            Ordering  Forms  and  Publications.       Visit 
the building for the year was $100,000 and the                                                            IRS.gov/FormsPubs  to  download  forms  and 
average acquisition indebtedness for the year                                                             publications. Otherwise, you can go to IRS.gov/
was $60,000.                                        5.                                                    OrderForms  to  order  current  and  prior-year 
Since the two lower stories were used for                                                                 forms and instructions. Your order should arrive 
exempt purposes, only the upper half of the                                                               within 10 business days.
building  is  debt-financed  property.  Conse-
quently, only the rental income and the deduc-      How To Get Tax 
tions directly connected with this income are 
taken into account in computing UBTI. The part 
                                                    Photographs of Missing Children. The IRS is 
                                                    a proud partner with the National Center for 

                                                                                                          Chapter 5 How To Get Tax Help    Page 21

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                      To help us develop a more useful index, please let us know if you have ideas for index entries.
Index                 See “Comments and Suggestions” in the “Introduction” for the ways you can reach us.
                                     Exploitation of exempt                                                 Exploitation of exempt 
A                                      functions  4                    U                                    functions    4
Acquisition indebtedness  20                                           Unrelated business:                  Gambling activities other than 
  Annuity obligations 17                                                 Hospital laboratory  6             bingo       7
  By gift or bequest of mortgaged    F                                 Unrelated business income      9     Halfway house  5
  property   16                      Form 990-T  3                       Advertising income   12            Health club program   5
  Change in property use  16                                             Certain trusts 14                  Hearing aid sales   6
  Continued debt 16                                                      Controlled organizations  15       Hospital facilities 5
  Debt modifying existing 17         I                                   Debt-financed property    16       Hospital services   8
  Federal financing 18               Income from research   10           Deductions 11                      Insurance programs    5
  For performing exempt                                                  Employees beneficiary              Magazine publishing   5
  purpose    17                                                          associations       14              Member lists rentals, etc. 8
  Obligation to return collateral 17 L                                   Exclusions 9                       Membership list sales  5
  Property subject to mortgage or    Limits 19                           Foreign organizations   14         Miniature golf course 5
  lien    16                                                             Income from gambling               Museum eating facilities 5
  Real property 17                                                       activities   7                     Museum greeting card sales    5
Advertising income  12               N                                   Income from lending                Pet boarding and grooming 
Agricultural organization            Net operating loss deduction   13   securities     10                  services     6
  dues  11                           Nonrecognition of gain   15         Modifications  13                  Pole rentals 8
                                                                         Partnership income or loss   14    Public entertainment activity 8
                                                                         Products of exempt functions   4   Publishing legal notices 6
B                                    P                                   S corporation income   14          Regularly conducted   4
Business league dues  11             Publications 21                     S corporation income or loss   14  Sales commissions    6
                                                                         Social clubs 14                    Sales of advertising space 6
                                                                         Veterans organizations    15       School facilities 6
C                                    R                                 Unrelated debt-financed              School handicraft shop   6
Churches  19                         Rents  10                           income 18                          Selling donated merchandise    9
Contributions deduction   13         Return 3                            Average acquisition                Selling endorsements   7
Convention or trade show             Royalties 10                        indebtedness       20              Sponsoring entertainment 
  activity 8                                                             Average adjusted basis    20       events      7
                                                                         Computation    19                  Substantially related 4
                                     S                                   Debt/basis percentage     20       Trade or business defined  4
D                                    Specific deduction 13               Deductions 20                      Travel tour programs  7
Debt-financed property    16                                             Gains from dispositions   19       Volunteer workforce   9
  Acquired in liquidation 20                                             Indeterminate property price  20   Yearbook advertising  7
Dues, agricultural organizations     T                                 Unrelated trade or business    4     Youth residence     7
  and business leagues    11         Tax 2                               Artists facilities 4              Unstated trade or business:
                                       Colleges and universities  2      Broadcasting rights   4            Bingo games   7
                                       Deposits 3                        Business league's parking and 
E                                      Estimated  3                      bus services       5
Exchange or rental of member           Organizations affected 2          Convenience of members      8     V
  lists 8                              Payment   3                       Convention or trade show    8     Volunteer fire company  9
Excluded trade or business             Rates  3                          Directory of members    6
  activities 7                         Return  3                         Distribution of low-cost 
Exclusions 9                           Title-holding corporations 3      articles   8                      W
  Sponsorship  8                       U.S. instrumentalities 2          Dual use facilities, etc. 4       When to file 3
Exempt function income    14         Tax Help 21                         Employees association sales    8
Exploitation of exempt activity:     Title-holding corporations   3      Exclusions 7
  Advertising income  12

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