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         Department of the Treasury
         Internal Revenue Service

Publication 583
(Rev. January 2015)
Cat. No. 15150B

Starting a

Business and



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Comments and Suggestions                                        What New Business Owners 

We  welcome  your  comments  about  this  publication  and      Need To Know
your suggestions for future editions.
                                                                As a new business owner, you need to know your federal 
You  can  send  us  comments  from         www.irs.gov/         tax responsibilities. Table 1 can help you learn what those 
formspubs. Click on “More Information” and then on “Give        responsibilities  are.  Ask  yourself  each  question  listed  in 
us feedback.”                                                   the table, then see the related discussion to find the an-
Or you can write to:
                                                                 In addition to knowing about federal taxes, you need to 
Internal Revenue Service                                        make some basic business decisions. Ask yourself:
Tax Forms and Publications
                                                                 What are my financial resources?
1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526
Washington, DC 20224                                             What products and services will I sell?

We respond to many letters by telephone. Therefore, it           How will I market my products and services?
would be helpful if you would include your daytime phone 
number, including the area code, in your correspondence.         How will I develop a strategic business plan?

Although we cannot respond individually to each com-             How will I manage my business on a day-to-day ba-
ment received, we do appreciate your feedback and will           sis?
consider your comments as we revise our tax products.            How will I recruit employees?
Ordering forms and publications.     Visit www.irs.gov/         The  Small  Business  Administration  (SBA)  is  a  federal 
formspubs  to  download  forms  and  publications.  Other-      agency  that  can  help  you  answer  these  types  of  ques-
wise,  you  can  go  to www.irs.gov/orderforms  to  order       tions.  For  information  on  how  to  contact  the  SBA,  see 
forms  or  call  1-800-829-3676  to  order  current  and        How To Get Tax Help, later.
prior-year forms and instructions. Your order should arrive 
within 10 business days.
Tax questions.    If you have a tax question, check the 
information available on IRS.gov or call 1-800-829-1040. 
We  cannot  answer  tax  questions  sent  to  the  above  ad-
Table 1. What New Business Owners Need To Know About Federal Taxes

           (Note: This table is intended to help you, as a new business owner, learn what you need to know about 
           your federal tax responsibilities. To use it, ask yourself each question in the left column, then see the 
           related discussion in the right column.)

                  What Must I Know?                                         Where To Find the Answer
Which form of business will I use?                               See Determining Which Type of Business to Use.
Will I need an employer identification number (EIN)?             See Getting a Taxpayer Identification Number.
Do I have to start my tax year in January, or may I start it in  See Designating a Tax Year.
any other month?
What method can I use to account for my income and               See Choosing an Accounting Method.
What kinds of federal taxes will I have to pay? How should I     See Business Taxes.
pay my taxes?
What must I do if I have employees?                              See Employment Taxes.
Which forms must I file?                                         See Table 2 and Information Returns.
Are there penalties if I do not pay my taxes or file my returns? See Penalties.
What business expenses can I deduct on my federal income         See Deducting Business Expenses.
tax return?
What records must I keep? How long must I keep them?             See Recordkeeping.

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                                                                      Exception—Qualified joint venture.         If you and your 
                                                                      spouse each materially participate as the only members of 
Determining Which Type of                                             a jointly owned and operated business, and you file a joint 
                                                                      return for the tax year, you can make a joint election to be 
Business to Use
                                                                      treated as a qualified joint venture instead of a partnership 
                                                                      for the tax year. Making this election will allow you to avoid 
The most common forms of business are the sole proprie-
                                                                      the  complexity  of  Form  1065  but  still  give  each  spouse 
torship,  partnership,  and  corporation.  When  beginning  a 
                                                                      credit  for  social  security  earnings  on  which  retirement 
business, you must decide which form of business to use. 
                                                                      benefits are based. For an explanation of "material partici-
Legal and tax considerations enter into this decision. Only 
                                                                      pation," see the Instructions for Schedule C, line G.
tax considerations are discussed in this publication.
                                                                      To make this election, you must divide all items of in-
        Your form of business determines which income                 come, gain, loss, deduction, and credit attributable to the 
TIP     tax  return  form  you  have  to  file.  See Table  2  to     business  between  you  and  your  spouse  in  accordance 
        find out which form you have to file.                         with your respective interests in the venture. Each of you 
                                                                      must file a separate Schedule C or C-EZ and a separate 
Sole  proprietorships.   A  sole  proprietorship  is  an  unin-       Schedule  SE.  For  more  information,  see  Qualified  Joint 
corporated business that is owned by one individual. It is            Venture in the Instructions for Schedule SE.
the  simplest  form  of  business  organization  to  start  and 
maintain. The business has no existence apart from you,               Corporations. In  forming  a  corporation,  prospective 
the  owner.  Its  liabilities  are  your  personal  liabilities.  You shareholders exchange money, property, or both, for the 
undertake the risks of the business for all assets owned,             corporation's capital stock. A corporation generally takes 
whether or not used in the business. You include the in-              the same deductions as a sole proprietorship to figure its 
come and expenses of the business on your personal tax                taxable  income.  A  corporation  can  also  take  special  de-
return.                                                               ductions.
More information.        For more information on sole pro-            C corporations.   The profit of a C corporation is taxed 
prietorships,  see  Publication  334,  Tax  Guide  for  Small         to the corporation when earned, and then is taxed to the 
Business. If you are a farmer, see Publication 225, Farm-             shareholders  when  distributed  as  dividends.  However, 
er's Tax Guide.                                                       shareholders  cannot  deduct  any  loss  of  the  corporation. 
                                                                      For  more  information  on  corporations,  see  Publication 
Partnerships.   A  partnership  is  the  relationship  existing       542, Corporations.
between two or more persons who join to carry on a trade 
                                                                      S corporations.   An eligible domestic corporation (or a 
or business. Each person contributes money, property, la-
                                                                      domestic entity eligible to elect to be treated as a corpora-
bor, or skill, and expects to share in the profits and losses 
                                                                      tion)  can  avoid  double  taxation  (once  to  the  corporation 
of the business.
                                                                      and again to the shareholders) as long as it meets certain 
A partnership must file an annual information return to 
                                                                      tests and elects to be treated as an S corporation. Gener-
report the income, deductions, gains, losses, etc., from its 
                                                                      ally, an S corporation is exempt from federal income tax 
operations,  but  it  does  not  pay  income  tax.  Instead,  it 
                                                                      other  than  tax  on  certain  capital  gains  and  passive  in-
“passes through” any profits or losses to its partners. Each 
                                                                      come. On their tax returns, the S corporation's sharehold-
partner includes his or her share of the partnership's items 
                                                                      ers include their share of the corporation's separately sta-
on his or her tax return.
                                                                      ted items of income, deduction, loss, and credit, and their 
More  information.       For  more  information  on  partner-         share  of  nonseparately  stated  income  or  loss.  For  more 
ships, see Publication 541, Partnerships.                             information on S corporations and the tests that need to 
                                                                      be met to be eligible to elect to be an S corporation, see 
Business owned and operated by spouses.              If you and       the instructions for Form 2553, Election by a Small Busi-
your  spouse  jointly  own  and  operate  an  unincorporated          ness Corporation, and Form 1120S, U.S. Income Tax Re-
business and share in the profits and losses, you are part-           turn for an S Corporation.
ners  in  a  partnership,  whether  or  not  you  have  a  formal 
partnership agreement. Do not use Schedule C or C-EZ.                 Limited  liability  company. A  limited  liability  company 
Instead,  file  Form  1065,  U.S.  Return  of  Partnership  In-       (LLC) is an entity formed under state law by filing articles 
come. For more information, see Publication 541, Partner-             of organization as an LLC. The members of an LLC are 
ships.                                                                not personally liable for its debts. An LLC may be classi-
                                                                      fied for federal income tax purposes as either a partner-
Exception—Community  Income.   If  you  and  your                     ship, a corporation, or an entity disregarded as separate 
spouse wholly own an unincorporated business as com-                  from its owner by applying the rules in Regulations section 
munity property under the community property laws of a                301.7701-3.
state,  foreign  country,  or  U.S.  possession,  you  can  treat 
the business either as a sole proprietorship or a partner-            More information. For more information on LLCs, see 
ship.  The  only  states  with  community  property  laws  are        the instructions for Form 8832, Entity Classification Elec-
Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mex-               tion.
ico, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin.

Publication 583 (January 2015)                                                                                        Page 3

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                                                                 you can get an EIN immediately. If you apply by fax, you 
                                                                 can get an EIN within 4 business days.
Getting a Taxpayer                                               If you do not receive your EIN by the time a return is 
                                                                 due,  file  your  return  anyway.  Write  “Applied  for”  and  the 
Identification Number
                                                                 date you applied for the number in the space for the EIN. 
                                                                 Do not use your social security number as a substitute for 
You  must  have  a  taxpayer  identification  number  so  the 
                                                                 an EIN on your tax returns.
IRS can process your returns. Two of the most common 
kinds of taxpayer identification numbers are the social se-      More  than  one  EIN. You  should  have  only  one  EIN.  If 
curity number (SSN) and the employer identification num-         you  have  more  than  one  EIN  and  are  not  sure  which  to 
ber (EIN).                                                       use, contact the Internal Revenue Service Center where 
An SSN is issued to individuals by the Social Security           you file your return. Give the numbers you have, the name 
Administration (SSA) and is in the following format:             and  address  to  which  each  was  assigned,  and  the  ad-
000–00–0000.                                                     dress of your main place of business. The IRS will tell you 
                                                                 which number to use.
An EIN is issued to individuals (sole proprietors), part-
nerships, corporations, and other entities by the IRS            More information.  For more information about EINs, see 
and is in the following format: 00–0000000.                      Publication 1635, Understanding Your EIN.
Providing  your  identification  number  to  others. You 
must include your taxpayer identification number (SSN or         Payee's Identification Number
EIN) on all returns and other documents you send to the 
IRS.  You  must  also  give  your  number  to  other  persons    In the operation of a business, you will probably make cer-
who  use  your  identification  number  on  any  returns  or     tain payments you must report on information returns (dis-
documents they send to the IRS. This includes returns or         cussed later under Information Returns). The forms used 
documents filed to report the following information.             to report these payments must include the payee's identi-
                                                                 fication number.
1. Interest, dividends, royalties, etc., paid to you.
                                                                 Employee.  If you have employees, you must get an SSN 
2. Any amount paid to you as a dependent care pro-               from  each  of  them.  Record  the  name  and  SSN  of  each 
vider.                                                           employee  exactly  as  they  are  shown  on  the  employee's 
3. Certain other amounts paid to you that total $600 or          social security card. If the employee's name is not correct 
more for the year.                                               as shown on the card, the employee should request a new 
                                                                 card  from  the  SSA.  This  may  occur,  for  example,  if  the 
If  you  do  not  furnish  your  identification  number  as  re- employee's  name  has  changed  due  to  marriage  or  di-
quired,  you  may  be  subject  to  penalties.  See Penalties,   vorce.
later.                                                           If  your  employee  does  not  have  an  SSN,  he  or  she 
                                                                 should  file  Form  SS-5,  Application  for  a  Social  Security 
Employer Identification Number (EIN)                             Card, with the SSA. This form is available at SSA offices 
                                                                 or by calling 1-800-772-1213. It is also available from the 
EINs are assigned to sole proprietors, LLCs, corporations,       SSA website at www.ssa.gov.
and partnerships for tax filing and reporting purposes. See 
Form SS-4 and its instructions for more information and to       Other payee.  If you make payments to someone who is 
see which businesses must get an EIN.                            not your employee and you must report the payments on 
                                                                 an information return, get that person's SSN. If you make 
Applying for an EIN. You may apply for an EIN:                   reportable payments to an organization, such as a corpo-
Online—Click on the Employer ID Numbers (EINs) link              ration or partnership, you must get its EIN.
at www.irs.gov/businesses/small. The EIN is issued               To  get  the  payee's  SSN  or  EIN,  use  Form  W-9,  Re-
immediately once the application information is valida-          quest  for  Taxpayer  Identification  Number  and  Certifica-
ted.                                                             tion. This form is available from IRS offices or by calling 
                                                                 1-800-829-3676. It is also available from the IRS website 
By mailing or faxing Form SS-4, Application for Em-              at IRS.gov.
ployer Identification Number.
                                                                          If the payee does not provide you with an identifi­
International applicants may call 267-941-1099 (not a                     cation number, you may have to withhold part of 
toll-free number).                                               CAUTION! the  payments  as  backup  withholding.  For  infor­
                                                                 mation on backup withholding, see the Form W­9 instruc­
                                                                 tions and the General Instructions for Certain Information 
When  to  apply. You  should  apply  for  an  EIN  early 
enough to receive the number by the time you must file a 
return or statement or make a tax deposit. If you apply by 
mail, file Form SS-4 at least 4 weeks before you need an 
EIN. If you apply by telephone or through the IRS website, 

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Designating a Tax Year                                             Choosing an Accounting 

You must figure your taxable income and file an income             Method
tax return based on an annual accounting period called a 
tax  year.  A  tax  year  is  usually  12  consecutive  months.    An accounting method is a set of rules used to determine 
There are two kinds of tax years.                                  when  and  how  income  and  expenses  are  reported.  You 
                                                                   choose an accounting method for your business when you 
1. Calendar tax year. A calendar tax year is 12 consec-            file  your  first  income  tax  return.  There  are  two  basic  ac-
   utive months beginning January 1 and ending De-                 counting methods.
   cember 31.
                                                                   1. Cash method. Under the cash method, you report in-
2. Fiscal tax year. A fiscal tax year is 12 consecutive               come in the tax year you receive it. You usually de-
   months ending on the last day of any month except                  duct or capitalize expenses in the tax year you pay 
   December. A 52-53-week tax year is a fiscal tax year               them.
   that varies from 52 to 53 weeks but does not have to 
   end on the last day of a month.                                 2. Accrual method. Under an accrual method, you gen-
                                                                      erally report income in the tax year you earn it, even 
If  you  file  your  first  tax  return  using  the  calendar  tax    though you may receive payment in a later year. You 
year and you later begin business as a sole proprietor, be-           deduct or capitalize expenses in the tax year you in-
come a partner in a partnership, or become a shareholder              cur them, whether or not you pay them that year.
in an S corporation, you must continue to use the calendar 
year unless you get IRS approval to change it or are other-        For other methods, see Publication 538.
wise allowed to change it without IRS approval.                    If an inventory is necessary to account for your income, 
You must use a calendar tax year if:                               you must generally use an accrual method of accounting 
                                                                   for  purchases  and  sales.  Inventories  include  goods  held 
   You keep no books.                                              for  sale  in  the  normal  course  of  business.  They  also  in-
   You have no annual accounting period.                           clude  raw  materials  and  supplies  that  will  physically  be-
                                                                   come a part of merchandise intended for sale. Inventories 
   Your present tax year does not qualify as a fiscal year.        are explained in Publication 538.
   You are required to use a calendar year by a provision                   Certain  small  business  taxpayers  can  use  the 
   of the Internal Revenue Code or the Income Tax Reg-             TIP      cash method of accounting and can also account 
   ulations.                                                                for inventoriable items as materials and supplies 
                                                                   that are not incidental. For more information, see Publica­
For more information, see Publication 538, Accounting              tion 538.
Periods and Methods.
                                                                   You  must  use  the  same  accounting  method  to  figure 
First-time filer. If you have never filed an income tax re-        your  taxable  income  and  to  keep  your  books.  Also,  you 
turn for your business, you can adopt either a calendar tax        must  use  an  accounting  method  that  clearly  shows  your 
year or a fiscal tax year. Although, some partnerships and         income.  In  general,  any  accounting  method  that  consis-
S corporations must use a particular tax year. See Publi-          tently uses accounting principles suitable for your trade or 
cation 538 for more information. You adopt a tax year by           business  clearly  shows  income.  An  accounting  method 
filing your first income tax return using that tax year. You       clearly shows income only if it treats all items of gross in-
have not adopted a tax year if all you did was one or more         come and expense the same from year to year.
of the following.
   Filed an application for an extension of time to file an        More than one business. When you own more than one 
   income tax return.                                              business, you can use a different accounting method for 
                                                                   each  business  if  the  method  you  use  for  each  clearly 
   Filed an application for an employer identification             shows your income. You must keep a complete and sepa-
   number.                                                         rate set of books and records for each business.
   Paid estimated taxes for that tax year.
                                                                   Changing your method of accounting.    Once you have 
                                                                   set  up  your  accounting  method,  you  must  generally  get 
Changing your tax year. Once you have adopted your                 IRS approval before you can change to another method. A 
tax year, you may have to get IRS approval to change it.           change in accounting method not only includes a change 
To get approval, you must file Form 1128, Application To           in your overall system of accounting, but also a change in 
Adopt, Change, or Retain a Tax Year. You may have to               the  treatment  of  any  material  item.  For  examples  of 
pay a fee. For more information, see Publication 538.              changes that require approval and information on how to 
                                                                   get approval for the change, see Publication 538.

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Table 2. Which Forms Must I File?

IF you are a...                           THEN you may have to pay...        FILE form...
Sole proprietor                           Income tax                         1040 and Schedule C   or C-EZ 1
                                                                             (Schedule F   for farm business)1

                                          Self-employment tax                1040 and Schedule SE
                                          Estimated tax                      1040-ES
                                          Employment taxes:
                                           • Social security and Medicare    941 or 944 (943 for farm employees)
                                              taxes and income tax 
                                           • Federal unemployment (FUTA)     940 
                                          Excise taxes                       See Excise Taxes
Partnership                               Annual return of income            1065
                                          Employment taxes                   Same as sole proprietor
                                          Excise taxes                       See Excise Taxes
Partner in a partnership (individual)     Income tax                         1040 and Schedule E 2

                                          Self-employment tax                1040 and Schedule SE
                                          Estimated tax                      1040-ES
C corporation or S corporation            Income tax                         1120 (C corporation) 2
                                                                             1120S (S corporation) 2

                                          Estimated tax                      1120-W (corporation only)
                                          Employment taxes                   Same as sole proprietor
                                          Excise taxes                       See Excise Taxes
S corporation shareholder                 Income tax                         1040 and Schedule E 2

                                          Estimated tax                      1040-ES

1 File a separate schedule for each business.
2 Various other schedules may be needed.

                                                                Income Tax
Business Taxes
                                                                All businesses except partnerships must file an annual in-
The form of business you operate determines what taxes          come  tax  return.  Partnerships  file  an  information  return. 
you must pay and how you pay them. The following are            Which form you use depends on how your business is or-
the four general kinds of business taxes.                       ganized. See Table 2 to find out which return you have to 
 Income tax.
                                                                The  federal  income  tax  is  a  pay-as-you-go  tax.  You 
 Self-employment tax.                                           must pay the tax as you earn or receive income during the 
 Employment taxes.                                              year. An employee usually has income tax withheld from 
                                                                his or her pay. If you do not pay your tax through withhold-
 Excise taxes.                                                  ing, or do not pay enough tax that way, you might have to 
                                                                pay estimated tax. If you are not required to make estima-
 See Table 2 for the forms you file to report these taxes.      ted tax payments, you may pay any tax due when you file 
                                                                your return.
       You may want to get Publication 509. It has tax 
TIP    calendars  that  tell  you  when  to  file  returns  and Reminder.   If your business is an LLC, how you elected to 
       make tax payments.                                       have the LLC treated for tax purposes (either as a corpo-
                                                                ration, partnership, or as part of the LLC owner's tax re-
                                                                turn)  will  determine  what  taxes  you  must  pay  and  what 
                                                                forms you should use to pay your taxes.

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Estimated  tax.  Generally,  you  must  pay  taxes  on  in-       Employment taxes include the following.
come, including self-employment tax (discussed next), by          Social security and Medicare taxes.
making regular payments of estimated tax during the year.
Sole  proprietors,  partners,  and  S  corporation                Federal income tax withholding.

shareholders.   You generally have to make estimated tax          Federal unemployment (FUTA) tax.
payments  if  you  expect  to  owe  tax  of  $1,000  or  more 
when you file your return. Use Form 1040-ES, Estimated            If you have employees, you will need to get Publication 
Tax for Individuals, to figure and pay your estimated tax.        15 (Circular E), Employer's Tax Guide. If you have agricul-
For more information, see Publication 505, Tax Withhold-          tural employees, get Publication 51 (Circular A), Agricul-
ing and Estimated Tax.                                            tural  Employer's  Tax  Guide.  These  publications  explain 
Corporations.    You generally have to make estimated             your tax responsibilities as an employer.
tax payments for your corporation if you expect it to owe 
tax  of  $500  or  more  when  you  file  its  return.  Use  Form If you are not sure whether the people working for you 
1120-W, Estimated Tax for Corporations, to figure the es-         are  your  employees,  see  Publication  15-A,  Employer's 
timated tax. You must deposit the payments as explained           Supplemental Tax Guide. That publication has information 
later under Depositing Taxes. For more information, see           to  help  you  determine  whether  an  individual  is  an  em-
Publication 542.                                                  ployee or an independent contractor. If you wrongly clas-
                                                                  sify an employee as an independent contractor, you can 
                                                                  be held liable for employment taxes for that worker plus a 
Self-Employment Tax                                               penalty.  An  independent  contractor  is  someone  who  is 
                                                                  self-employed. Generally, you do not have to withhold or 
Self-employment  tax  (SE  tax)  is  a  social  security  and     pay any taxes on payments to an independent contractor.
Medicare tax primarily for individuals who work for them-
selves. Your payments of SE tax contribute to your cover-         Federal Income, Social Security, and 
age under the social security system. Social security cov-
                                                                  Medicare Taxes
erage  provides  you  with  retirement  benefits,  disability 
benefits, survivor benefits, and hospital insurance (Medi-        You generally must withhold federal income tax from your 
care) benefits.                                                   employee's  wages.  To  figure  how  much  federal  income 
                                                                  tax to withhold from each wage payment, use the employ-
You must pay SE tax and file Schedule SE (Form 1040) 
                                                                  ee's Form W-4 (discussed later under Hiring Employees) 
if either of the following applies.
                                                                  and the methods described in Publication 15.
1. Your net earnings from self-employment were $400 or 
more.                                                             Social security and Medicare taxes pay for benefits that 
                                                                  workers and their families receive under the Federal Insur-
2. You had church employee income of $108.28 or                   ance Contributions Act (FICA). Social security tax pays for 
more.                                                             benefits under the old-age, survivors, and disability insur-
Use Schedule SE (Form 1040) to figure your SE tax. For            ance part of FICA. Medicare tax pays for benefits under 
more  information,  see  Publication  334,  Tax  Guide  for       the hospital insurance part of FICA. You withhold part of 
Small Business.                                                   these taxes from your employee's wages and you pay a 
                                                                  part  yourself.  To  find  out  how  much  social  security  and 
    You can deduct a portion of your SE tax as an ad­             Medicare tax to withhold and to pay, see Publication 15.
TIP justment to income on your Form 1040.
                                                                  Which form do I file? Report these taxes on Form 941, 
                                                                  Employer's  QUARTERLY  Federal  Tax  Return,  or  Form 
The  Social  Security  Administration  (SSA)  time  limit         944, Employer's ANNUAL Federal Tax Return. (Farm em-
for  posting  self-employment  income. Generally,  the            ployers  use  Form  943,  Employer's  Annual  Federal  Tax 
SSA will give you credit only for self-employment income          Return for Agricultural Employees.)
reported on a tax return filed within 3 years, 3 months, and 
15 days after the tax year you earned the income. If you 
                                                                  Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax
file your tax return or report a change in your self-employ-
ment income after this time limit, the SSA may change its         The federal unemployment tax is part of the federal and 
records,  but  only  to  remove  or  reduce  the  amount.  The    state program under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act 
SSA will not change its records to increase your self-em-         (FUTA)  that  pays  unemployment  compensation  to  work-
ployment income.                                                  ers who lose their jobs. You report and pay FUTA tax sep-
                                                                  arately from social security and Medicare taxes and with-
Employment Taxes                                                  held income tax. You pay FUTA tax only from your own 
                                                                  funds. Employees do not pay this tax or have it withheld 
This section briefly discusses the employment taxes you           from their pay.
must  pay,  the  forms  you  must  file  to  report  them,  and 
other forms that must be filed when you have employees.           Which form do I file? Report federal unemployment tax 
                                                                  on Form 940, Employer's Annual Federal Unemployment 

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(FUTA) Tax Return. See Publication 15 to find out if you           Tax on the first retail sale of heavy trucks, trailers, and 
can use this form.                                                 tractors.
                                                                   Manufacturers taxes on the sale or use of a variety of 
Hiring Employees                                                   different articles.

Have the employees you hire fill out Form I-9 and Form         Form  2290.  There  is  a  federal  excise  tax  on  certain 
W-4.                                                           trucks, truck tractors, and buses used on public highways. 
                                                               The tax applies to vehicles having a taxable gross weight 
Form I-9. You must verify that each new employee is le-
                                                               of 55,000 pounds or more. Report the tax on Form 2290, 
gally eligible to work in the United States. Both you and 
                                                               Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return. For more infor-
the employee must complete the U.S. Citizenship and Im-
                                                               mation, see the Instructions for Form 2290.
migration  Services  (USCIS)  Form  I-9,  Employment  Eligi-
bility Verification. You can get the form from USCIS offices   Form 730.    If you are in the business of accepting wagers 
or from the USCIS website at www.uscis.gov. Call the US-       or conducting a wagering pool or lottery, you may be liable 
CIS  at  1-800-375-5283  for  more  information  about  your   for  the  federal  excise  tax  on  wagering.  Use  Form  730, 
responsibilities.                                              Monthly  Tax  Return  for  Wagers,  to  figure  the  tax  on  the 
                                                               wagers you receive.
Form W-4.  Each employee must fill out Form W-4, Em-
ployee's  Withholding  Allowance  Certificate.  You  will  use Form 11-C.   Use Form 11-C, Occupational Tax and Reg-
the filing status and withholding allowances shown on this     istration Return for Wagering, to register for any wagering 
form to figure the amount of income tax to withhold from       activity and to pay the federal occupational tax on wager-
your employee's wages. For more information, see Publi-        ing.
cation 15.
Employees claiming more than 10 withholding al­                Depositing Taxes
lowances.  An  employer  of  an  employee  who  claims 
more than 10 withholding allowances for wages paid can         You generally have to deposit employment taxes, certain 
use  several  methods  of  withholding.  See  section  16  of  excise  taxes,  corporate  income  tax,  and  S  corporation 
Publication 15.                                                taxes before you file your return.
                                                               Generally,  taxpayers  are  required  to  deposit  taxes 
Form W-2 Wage Reporting                                        through  the  Electronic  Federal  Tax  Payment  System 
After the calendar year is over, you must furnish copies of 
Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, to each employee             Any business that has a federal tax obligation and re-
to whom you paid wages during the year. You must also          quests a new EIN will automatically be enrolled in EFTPS. 
send copies to the Social Security Administration. See In­     Through the mail, the business will receive an EFTPS PIN 
formation  Returns,  later,  for  more  information  on  Form  package that contains instructions for activating its EFTPS 
W-2.                                                           enrollment.

Excise Taxes
                                                               Information Returns
This section describes the excise taxes you may have to 
pay and the forms you have to file if you do any of the fol-   If  you  make  or  receive  payments  in  your  business,  you 
lowing.                                                        may have to report them to the IRS on information returns. 
Manufacture or sell certain products.                          The IRS compares the payments shown on the informa-
                                                               tion returns with each person's income tax return to see if 
Operate certain kinds of businesses.                           the payments were included in income. You must give a 
                                                               copy of each information return you are required to file to 
Use various kinds of equipment, facilities, or products.       the recipient or payer. In addition to the forms described 
                                                               below, you may have to use other returns to report certain 
Receive payment for certain services.
                                                               kinds of payments or transactions. For more details on in-
For  more  information  on  excise  taxes,  see  Publication   formation returns and when you have to file them, see the 
510, Excise Taxes.                                             General Instructions for Certain Information Returns.

Form  720. The  federal  excise  taxes  reported  on  Form     Form 1099-MISC.  Use Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous 
720, Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return, consist of sev-      Income,  to  report  certain  payments  you  make  in  your 
eral broad categories of taxes, including the following.       trade or business. These payments include the following 
Environmental taxes.
                                                                   Payments of $600 or more for services performed for 
Communications and air transportation taxes.                       your business by people not treated as your employ-
                                                                   ees, such as subcontractors, attorneys, accountants, 
Fuel taxes.                                                        or directors.

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Rent payments of $600 or more, other than rents paid              formation returns. For more information, see the General 
to real estate agents.                                            Instructions for Certain Information Returns.
Prizes and awards of $600 or more that are not for                Failure to file information returns. A penalty ap-
services, such as winnings on TV or radio shows.                  plies if you do not file information returns by the due 
Royalty payments of $10 or more.                                  date, if you do not include all required information, or if 
                                                                  you report incorrect information.
Payments to certain crew members by operators of                  Failure to furnish correct payee statements. A 
fishing boats.                                                    penalty applies if you do not furnish a required state-
You  also  use  Form  1099-MISC  to  report  your  sales  of      ment to a payee by the due date, if you do not include 
$5,000 or more of consumer goods to a person for resale           all required information, or if you report incorrect infor-
anywhere other than in a permanent retail establishment.          mation.
Form  W-2. You  must  file  Form  W-2,  Wage  and  Tax            Waiver  of  penalty. These  penalties  will  not  apply  if 
Statement,  to  report  payments  to  your  employees,  such      you  can  show  that  the  failures  were  due  to  reasonable 
as wages, tips, and other compensation, withheld income,          cause and not willful neglect.
social security, and Medicare taxes. For more information         In addition, there is no penalty for failure to include all 
on  what  to  report  on  Form  W-2,  see  the  Instructions  for the required information, or for including incorrect informa-
Forms W-2 and W-3.                                                tion, on a de minimis number of information returns if you 
                                                                  correct the errors by August 1 of the year the returns are 
Form  8300. You  must  file  Form  8300,  Report  of  Cash        due. (To be considered de minimis, the number of returns 
Payments Over $10,000 Received in a Trade or Business,            cannot  exceed  the  greater  of  10  or    of  1%  of  the  total 12
if you receive more than $10,000 in cash in one transac-          number of returns you are required to file for the year.)
tion or two or more related business transactions. Cash in-
cludes U.S. and foreign coin and currency. It also includes       Failure  to  supply  taxpayer  identification  number.   If 
certain monetary instruments such as cashier's and travel-        you  do  not  include  your  taxpayer  identification  number 
er's checks and money orders. For more information, see           (SSN or EIN) or the taxpayer identification number of an-
Publication  1544,  Reporting  Cash  Payments  of  Over           other  person  where  required  on  a  return,  statement,  or 
$10,000 (Received in a Trade or Business).                        other document, you may be subject to a penalty of $50 
                                                                  for each failure. You may also be subject to the $50 pen-
                                                                  alty if you do not give your taxpayer identification number 
                                                                  to  another  person  when  it  is  required  on  a  return,  state-
Penalties                                                         ment, or other document.
The law provides penalties for not filing returns or paying 
taxes as required. Criminal penalties may be imposed for 
willful failure to file, tax evasion, or making a false state-    Deducting Business Expenses
                                                                  You can deduct business expenses on your business or 
Failure to file tax returns. If you do not file your tax re-      personal income tax return, depending on the form of your 
turn by the due date, you may have to pay a penalty. The          business. These are the current operating costs of running 
penalty is based on the tax not paid by the due date. See         your  business.  To  be  deductible,  a  business  expense 
your tax return instructions for more information about this      must  be  both  ordinary  and  necessary.  An  ordinary  ex-
penalty.                                                          pense is one that is common and accepted in your field of 
                                                                  business,  trade,  or  profession.  A  necessary  expense  is 
Failure to pay tax. If you do not pay your taxes by the           one  that  is  helpful  and  appropriate  for  your  business, 
due date, you will have to pay a penalty for each month, or       trade, or profession. An expense does not have to be in-
part of a month, that your taxes are not paid. For more in-       dispensable to be considered necessary.
formation, see your tax return instructions.
                                                                  The following are brief explanations of some expenses 
Failure  to  withhold,  deposit,  or  pay  taxes. If  you  do     that  are  of  interest  to  people  starting  a  business.  There 
not  withhold  income,  social  security,  or  Medicare  taxes    are many other expenses that you may be able to deduct. 
from  employees,  or  if  you  withhold  taxes  but  do  not  de- See your form instructions and Publication 535, Business 
posit them or pay them to the IRS, you may be subject to          Expenses.
a penalty of the unpaid tax, plus interest. You may also be 
subject to penalties if you deposit the taxes late. For more      Business Start-Up Costs
information, see Publication 15.
                                                                  Business start-up costs are the expenses you incur before 
Failure to follow information reporting requirements. 
                                                                  you  actually  begin  business  operations.  Your  business 
The following penalties apply if you are required to file in-
                                                                  start-up costs will depend on the type of business you are 
                                                                  starting.  They  may  include  costs  for  advertising,  travel, 
                                                                  surveys,  and  training.  These  costs  are  generally  capital 

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You  usually  recover  costs  for  a  particular  asset  (such     c. For your trade or business, AND
as  machinery  or  office  equipment)  through  depreciation 
                                                                   2. The business part of your home must be one of the 
(discussed next). You can elect to deduct up to $5,000 of 
business start-up costs and $5,000 of organizational costs 
paid or incurred after October 22, 2004. The $5,000 de-            a. Your principal place of business (defined later),
duction is reduced by the amount your total start-up or or-
                                                                   b. A place where you meet or deal with patients, cli-
ganizational  costs  exceed  $50,000.  Any  remaining  cost 
                                                                   ents, or customers in the normal course of your 
must be amortized.
                                                                   trade or business, or
For more information about amortizing start-up and or-
                                                                   c. A separate structure (not attached to your home) 
ganizational costs, see chapter 7 in Publication 535.
                                                                   you use in connection with your trade or business.

Depreciation                                                       Exclusive  use. To  qualify  under  the  exclusive  use  test, 
                                                                   you must use a specific area of your home only for your 
If property you acquire to use in your business has a use-         trade or business. The area used for business can be a 
ful  life  that  extends  substantially  beyond  the  year  it  is room  or  other  separately  identifiable  space.  The  space 
placed in service, you generally cannot deduct the entire          does not need to be marked off by a permanent partition.
cost as a business expense in the year you acquire it. You         You do not meet the requirements of the exclusive use 
must spread the cost over more than one tax year and de-           test if you use the area in question both for business and 
duct  part  of  it  each  year.  This  method  of  deducting  the  for personal purposes.
cost of business property is called depreciation.
                                                                   Exceptions to exclusive use. You do not have to meet 
Business  property  you  must  depreciate  includes  the           the exclusive use test if either of the following applies.
following items.
                                                                   1. You use part of your home for the storage of inventory 
Office furniture.                                                  or product samples.
Buildings.                                                         2. You use part of your home as a daycare facility.
Machinery and equipment.                                           For  an  explanation  of  these  exceptions,  see  Publication 
                                                                   587, Business Use of Your Home (Including Use by Day-
You can choose to deduct a limited amount of the cost              care Providers).
of certain depreciable property in the year you place the 
property in service. This deduction is known as the “sec-          Principal place of business. Your home office will qual-
tion 179 deduction.” For more information about deprecia-          ify  as  your  principal  place  of  business  for  deducting  ex-
tion and the section 179 deduction, see Publication 946,           penses for its use if you meet the following requirements.
How To Depreciate Property.                                        You use it exclusively and regularly for administrative 
    Depreciation must be taken in the year it is allow­            or management activities of your trade or business.
TIP able. Allowable depreciation not taken in a prior              You have no other fixed location where you conduct 
    year cannot be taken in the current year. If you do            substantial administrative or management activities of 
not  deduct  the  correct  depreciation,  you  may  be  able  to   your trade or business.
make  a  correction  by  filing  Form  1040X,  Amended  U.S.       Alternatively, if you use your home exclusively and reg-
Individual  Income  Tax  Return,  or  by  changing  your  ac­      ularly  for  your  business,  but  your  home  office  does  not 
counting method. For more information on how to correct            qualify as your principal place of business based on the 
depreciation deductions, see chapter 1 in Publication 946.         previous rules, you determine your principal place of busi-
                                                                   ness based on the following factors.
Business Use of Your Home                                          The relative importance of the activities performed at 
                                                                   each location.
To deduct expenses related to the business use of part of 
your  home,  you  must  meet  specific  requirements.  Even        If the relative importance factor does not determine 
then, your deduction may be limited. You may be able to            your principal place of business, the time spent at 
use  the  simplified  method  to  figure  your  expenses  for      each location.
business  use  of  your  home.  For  more  information,  see       If, after considering your business locations, your home 
Schedule C (Form 1040) and its instructions.                       cannot  be  identified  as  your  principal  place  of  business, 
                                                                   you  cannot  deduct  home  office  expenses.  However,  for 
To qualify to claim expenses for business use of your 
                                                                   other ways to qualify to deduct home office expenses, see 
home, you must meet both the following tests.
                                                                   Publication 587.
1. Your use of the business part of your home must be:
                                                                   Which  form  do  I  file? If  you  file  Schedule  C  (Form 
a. Exclusive (however, see Exceptions to exclusive                 1040),  use  Form  8829,  Expenses  for  Business  Use  of 
    use, later),
b. Regular,

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Your  Home,  to  figure  your  deduction.  If  you  file  Sched- Additional information.     For more information about the 
ule F (Form 1040) or you are a partner, you can use the          rules for claiming car and truck expenses, see Publication 
worksheet in Publication 587.                                    463, Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses.

More information. For more information about business 
use of your home, see Publication 587.

Car and Truck Expenses                                           This part explains why you must keep records, what kinds 
                                                                 of records you must keep, and how to keep them. It also 
If you use your car or truck in your business, you can de-
                                                                 explains how long you must keep your records for federal 
duct the costs of operating and maintaining it. You gener-
                                                                 tax purposes. A sample recordkeeping system is illustra-
ally can deduct either your actual expenses or the stand-
                                                                 ted at the end of this part.
ard mileage rate.

Actual  expenses. If  you  deduct  actual  expenses,  you        Why Keep Records?
can deduct the cost of the following items:
                                                                 Everyone  in  business  must  keep  records.  Good  records 
                                                                 will help you do the following.
Depreciation           Lease payments      Registration 
Garage rent            Licenses            Repairs               Monitor  the  progress  of  your  business. You  need 
Gas                    Oil                 Tires                 good  records  to  monitor  the  progress  of  your  business. 
Insurance              Parking fees        Tolls                 Records  can  show  whether  your  business  is  improving, 
                                                                 which  items  are  selling,  or  what  changes  you  need  to 
If you use your vehicle for both business and personal           make. Good records can increase the likelihood of busi-
purposes, you must divide your expenses between busi-            ness success.
ness  and  personal  use.  You  can  divide  your  expenses 
based on the miles driven for each purpose.                      Prepare your financial statements. You need good re-
                                                                 cords to prepare accurate financial statements. These in-
Example.      You are the sole proprietor of a flower shop.      clude  income  (profit  and  loss)  statements  and  balance 
You drove your van 20,000 miles during the year. 16,000          sheets.  These  statements  can  help  you  in  dealing  with 
miles were for delivering flowers to customers and 4,000         your  bank  or  creditors  and  help  you  manage  your  busi-
miles  were  for  personal  use.  You  can  claim  only  80%     ness.
(16,000 ÷ 20,000) of the cost of operating your van as a 
business expense.                                                An income statement shows the income and expen-
                                                                 ses of the business for a given period of time.
Standard mileage rate. Instead of figuring actual expen-         A balance sheet shows the assets, liabilities, and your 
ses, you may be able to use the standard mileage rate to         equity in the business on a given date.
figure  the  deductible  costs  of  operating  your  car,  van, 
pickup, or panel truck for business purposes. You can use        Identify source of receipts.   You will receive money or 
the standard mileage rate for a vehicle you own or lease.        property from many sources. Your records can identify the 
The standard mileage rate is a specified amount of money         source of your receipts. You need this information to sep-
you can deduct for each business mile you drive. It is an-       arate  business  from  nonbusiness  receipts  and  taxable 
nounced  annually  by  the  IRS.  To  figure  your  deduction,   from nontaxable income.
multiply your business miles by the standard mileage rate 
for the year.                                                    Keep  track  of  deductible  expenses. You  may  forget 
                                                                 expenses when you prepare your tax return unless you re-
         Generally, if you use the standard mileage rate,        cord them when they occur.
         you  cannot  deduct  your  actual  expenses.  How­
CAUTION! ever, you may be able to deduct business­related 
                                                                 Prepare  your  tax  returns.   You  need  good  records  to 
parking fees, tolls, interest on your car loan, and certain      prepare your tax returns. These records must support the 
state and local taxes.                                           income,  expenses,  and  credits  you  report.  Generally, 
                                                                 these are the same records you use to monitor your busi-
Choosing the standard mileage rate.        If you want to        ness and prepare your financial statements.
use the standard mileage rate for a car you own, you must 
choose to use it in the first year the car is available for use  Support items reported on tax returns. You must keep 
in your business. In later years, you can choose to use ei-      your business records available at all times for inspection 
ther the standard mileage rate or actual expenses.               by the IRS. If the IRS examines any of your tax returns, 
If you use the standard mileage rate for a car you lease,        you may be asked to explain the items reported. A com-
you must choose to use it for the entire lease period (in-       plete set of records will speed up the examination.
cluding renewals).

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Kinds of Records To Keep                                           Supporting Documents

Except in a few cases, the law does not require any spe-           Purchases,  sales,  payroll,  and  other  transactions  you 
cific kind of records. You can choose any recordkeeping            have  in  your  business  generate  supporting  documents. 
system suited to your business that clearly shows your in-         Supporting  documents  include  sales  slips,  paid  bills,  in-
come and expenses.                                                 voices,  receipts,  deposit  slips,  and  canceled  checks. 
                                                                   These documents contain information you need to record 
The business you are in affects the type of records you 
                                                                   in your books.
need to keep for federal tax purposes. You should set up 
your  recordkeeping  system  using  an  accounting  method 
that  clearly  shows  your  income  for  your  tax  year.  See     It is important to keep these documents because they 
Choosing  an  Accounting  Method,  earlier.  If  you  are  in      support the entries in your books and on your tax return. 
more than one business, you should keep a complete and             Keep them in an orderly fashion and in a safe place. For 
separate set of records for each business. A corporation           instance, organize them by year and type of income or ex-
should keep minutes of board of directors' meetings.               pense.

Your recordkeeping system should include a summary                 Gross  receipts. Gross  receipts  are  the  income  you  re-
of your business transactions. This summary is ordinarily          ceive  from  your  business.  You  should  keep  supporting 
made in your books (for example, accounting journals and           documents  that  show  the  amounts  and  sources  of  your 
ledgers).  Your  books  must  show  your  gross  income,  as       gross  receipts.  Documents  that  show  gross  receipts  in-
well as your deductions and credits. For most small busi-          clude the following.
nesses,  the  business  checkbook  (discussed  later)  is  the 
                                                                   Cash register tapes.
main source for entries in the business books. In addition, 
you must keep supporting documents, explained later.               Bank deposit slips.

Electronic records. All requirements that apply to hard            Receipt books.
copy books and records also apply to electronic storage 
systems that maintain tax books and records. When you              Invoices.
replace hard copy books and records, you must maintain 
the electronic storage systems for as long as they are ma-         Credit card charge slips.
terial to the administration of tax law. An electronic stor-
                                                                   Forms 1099-MISC.
age system is any system for preparing or keeping your 
records  either  by  electronic  imaging  or  by  transfer  to  an 
electronic  storage  media.  The  electronic  storage  system      Inventory. Inventory  is  any  item  you  buy  and  resell  to 
must  index,  store,  preserve,  retrieve,  and  reproduce  the    customers. If you are a manufacturer or producer, this in-
electronically stored books and records in legible format.         cludes the cost of all raw materials or parts purchased for 
All  electronic  storage  systems  must  provide  a  complete      manufacture into finished products. Your supporting docu-
and accurate record of your data that is accessible to the         ments should show the amount paid and that the amount 
IRS.  Electronic  storage  systems  are  also  subject  to  the    was for inventory. Documents reporting the cost of inven-
same controls and retention guidelines as those imposed            tory include the following.
on your original hard copy books and records.                      Canceled checks.
The original hard copy books and records may be de-
stroyed  provided  that  the  electronic  storage  system  has     Cash register tape receipts.
been tested to establish that the hard copy books and re-
cords  are  being  reproduced  in  compliance  with  IRS  re-      Credit card sales slips.

quirements  for  an  electronic  storage  system  and  proce-      Invoices.
dures  are  established  to  ensure  continued  compliance 
with all applicable rules and regulations. You still have the      These records will help you determine the value of your in-
responsibility  of  retaining  any  other  books  and  records     ventory at the end of the year. See Publication 538 for in-
that are required to be retained.                                  formation on methods for valuing inventory.
The  IRS  may  test  your  electronic  storage  system,  in-
cluding the equipment used, indexing methodology, soft-            Expenses.  Expenses are the costs you incur (other than 
ware and retrieval capabilities. This test is not considered       the cost of inventory) to carry on your business. Your sup-
an examination and the results must be shared with you. If         porting documents should show the amount paid and that 
your  electronic  storage  system  meets  the  requirements        the amount was for a business expense. Documents for 
mentioned  earlier,  you  will  be  in  compliance.  If  not,  you expenses include the following.
may  be  subject  to  penalties  for  non-compliance,  unless      Canceled checks.
you  continue  to  maintain  your  original  hard  copy  books 
and records in a manner that allows you and the IRS to             Cash register tapes.
determine your correct tax.
For details on electronic storage system requirements,             Account statements.
see Revenue Procedure 97-22, available at www.irs.gov/
Tax­Exempt­Bonds/Revenue­Procedures.                               Credit card sales slips.

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Invoices.                                                                                THEN the statement must 
                                                               IF payment is by...       show the...
Petty cash slips for small cash payments.
                                                               Check                       Check number.
    A petty cash fund allows you to make small pay­
TIP ments  without  having  to  write  checks  for  small 
    amounts.  Each  time  you  make  a  payment  from                                      Payee's name.
this fund, you should make out a petty cash slip and at­                                   Date the check amount 
tach it to your receipt as proof of payment.                                               was posted to the 
                                                                                           account by the financial 
Travel,  transportation,  entertainment,  and  gift  ex­                                   institution.
penses. Specific recordkeeping rules apply to these ex-
penses. For more information, see Publication 463.             Electronic funds transfer   Amount transferred.
                                                                                           Payee's name.
Employment  taxes. There  are  specific  employment 
tax records you must keep. For a list, see Publication 15.                                 Date the transfer was 
                                                                                           posted to the account by 
Assets. Assets are the property, such as machinery and                                     the financial institution.
furniture  you  own  and  use  in  your  business.  You  must  Credit card                 Amount charged.
keep records to verify certain information about your busi-
ness assets. You need records to figure the annual depre-                                  Payee's name.
ciation and the gain or loss when you sell the assets. Your                                Transaction date.
records should show the following information.
When and how you acquired the asset.                                    Proof  of  payment  of  an  amount,  by  itself,  does 
                                                                        not establish you are entitled to a tax deduction. 
Purchase price.                                                CAUTION! You should also keep other documents, such as 
                                                               credit card sales slips and invoices, to show that you also 
Cost of any improvements.                                      incurred the cost.
Section 179 deduction taken.
                                                               Recording Business Transactions
Deductions taken for depreciation.
                                                               A good recordkeeping system includes a summary of your 
Deductions taken for casualty losses, such as losses           business  transactions.  (Your  business  transactions  are 
resulting from fires or storms.                                shown  on  the  supporting  documents  just  discussed.) 
How you used the asset.                                        Business transactions are ordinarily summarized in books 
                                                               called journals and ledgers. You can buy them at your lo-
When and how you disposed of the asset.                        cal stationery or office supply store.

Selling price.                                                 A  journal  is  a  book  where  you  record  each  business 
                                                               transaction  shown  on  your  supporting  documents.  You 
Expenses of sale.                                              may have to keep separate journals for transactions that 
The following documents may show this information.             occur frequently.

Purchase and sales invoices.                                   A  ledger  is  a  book  that  contains  the  totals  from  all  of 
                                                               your journals. It is organized into different accounts.
Real estate closing statements.
                                                               Whether  you  keep  journals  and  ledgers  and  how  you 
Canceled checks.                                               keep  them  depends  on  the  type  of  business  you  are  in. 
                                                               For  example,  a  recordkeeping  system  for  a  small  busi-
What if I don't have a canceled check?       If you do not     ness might include the following items.
have  a  canceled  check,  you  may  be  able  to  prove  pay-
ment  with  certain  financial  account  statements  prepared  Business checkbook.

by financial institutions. These include account statements    Daily summary of cash receipts.
prepared for the financial institution by a third party. These 
account statements must be highly legible. The following       Monthly summary of cash receipts.
table lists acceptable account statements.
                                                               Check disbursements journal.

                                                               Depreciation worksheet.

                                                               Employee compensation record.

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The  business  checkbook  is  explained  next.  The  other         Before  you  reconcile  your  monthly  bank  statement, 
items  are  illustrated  later  under Recordkeeping  System        check your own figures. Begin with the balance shown in 
Example.                                                           your checkbook at the end of the previous month. To this 
                                                                   balance,  add  the  total  cash  deposited  during  the  month 
    The system you use to record business transac­
                                                                   and subtract the total cash disbursements.
TIP tions will be more effective if you follow good re­            After checking your figures, the result should agree with 
    cordkeeping  practices.  For  example,  record  ex­            your checkbook balance at the end of the month. If the re-
penses  when  they  occur,  and  identify  the  source  of         sult does not agree, you may have made an error in re-
recorded receipts. Generally, it is best to record transac­        cording a check or deposit. You can find the error by do-
tions on a daily basis.                                            ing the following.
Business checkbook.     One of the first things you should         1. Adding the amounts on your check stubs and com-
do when you start a business is open a business checking           paring that total with the total in the “amount of check” 
account.  You  should  keep  your  business  account  sepa-        column in your check disbursements journal. If the to-
rate from your personal checking account.                          tals do not agree, check the individual amounts to see 
The business checkbook is your basic source of infor-              if an error was made in your check stub record or in 
mation for recording your business expenses. You should            the related entry in your check disbursements journal.
deposit  all  daily  receipts  in  your  business  checking  ac-   2. Adding the deposit amounts in your checkbook. Com-
count. You should check your account for errors by recon-          pare that total with the monthly total in your cash re-
ciling it. See Reconciling the checking account, later.            ceipt book, if you have one. If the totals do not agree, 
Consider using a checkbook that allows enough space                check the individual amounts to find any errors.
to identify the source of deposits as business income, per-
sonal funds, or loans. You should also note on the deposit         If  your  checkbook  and  journal  entries  still  disagree, 
slip the source of the deposit and keep copies of all slips.       then  refigure  the  running  balance  in  your  checkbook  to 
You should make all payments by check to document                  make sure additions and subtractions are correct.
business expenses. Write checks payable to yourself only           When your checkbook balance agrees with the balance 
when making withdrawals from your business for personal            figured from the journal entries, you may begin reconciling 
use.  Avoid  writing  checks  payable  to  cash.  If  you  must    your  checkbook  with  the  bank  statement.  Many  banks 
write a check for cash to pay a business expense, include          print a reconciliation worksheet on the back of the state-
the  receipt  for  the  cash  payment  in  your  records.  If  you ment.
cannot get a receipt for a cash payment, you should make           To reconcile your account, follow these steps.
an  adequate  explanation  in  your  records  at  the  time  of    1. Compare the deposits listed on the bank statement 
payment.                                                           with the deposits shown in your checkbook. Note all 
    Use the business account for business purposes                 differences in the dollar amounts.
TIP only. Indicate the source of deposits and the type             2. Compare each canceled check, including both check 
    of expense in the checkbook.                                   number and dollar amount, with the entry in your 
                                                                   checkbook. Note all differences in the dollar amounts. 
Reconciling  the  checking  account.      When  you  re-           Mark the check number in the checkbook as having 
ceive your bank statement, make sure the statement, your           cleared the bank. After accounting for all checks re-
checkbook, and your books agree. The statement balance             turned by the bank, those not marked in your check-
may  not  agree  with  the  balance  in  your  checkbook  and      book are your outstanding checks.
books if the statement:
                                                                   3. Prepare a bank reconciliation. One is illustrated later 
Includes bank charges you did not enter in your books              under Recordkeeping System Example.
and subtract from your checkbook balance, or
                                                                   4. Update your checkbook and journals for items shown 
Does not include deposits made after the statement                 on the reconciliation as not recorded (such as service 
date or checks that did not clear your account before              charges) or recorded incorrectly.
the statement date.
                                                                   At this point, the adjusted bank statement balance should 
By reconciling your checking account, you will:
                                                                   equal your adjusted checkbook balance. If you still have 
Verify how much money you have in the account,                     differences, check the previous steps to find the errors.
Make sure that your checkbook and books reflect all 
                                                                   Bookkeeping System
bank charges and the correct balance in the checking 
account, and                                                       You must decide whether to use a single-entry or a dou-
Correct any errors in your bank statement, checkbook,              ble-entry bookkeeping system. The single-entry system of 
and books.                                                         bookkeeping is the simplest to maintain, but it may not be 
                                                                   suitable for everyone. You may find the double-entry sys-
    You  should  reconcile  your  checking  account                tem better because it has built-in checks and balances to 
TIP each month.                                                    assure accuracy and control.

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Single-entry. A  single-entry  system  is  based  on  the  in-    Computerized System
come statement (profit or loss statement). It can be a sim-
ple and practical system if you are starting a small busi-        There  are  computer  software  packages  you  can  use  for 
ness.  The  system  records  the  flow  of  income  and           recordkeeping.  They  can  be  purchased  in  many  retail 
expenses through the use of:                                      stores.  These  packages  are  very  helpful  and  relatively 
                                                                  easy  to  use;  they  require  very  little  knowledge  of  book-
1. A daily summary of cash receipts, and                          keeping and accounting.
2. Monthly summaries of cash receipts and disburse-
ments.                                                            If you use a computerized system, you must be able to 
                                                                  produce sufficient legible records to support and verify en-
Double-entry. A double-entry bookkeeping system uses              tries made on your return and determine your correct tax 
journals  and  ledgers.  Transactions  are  first  entered  in  a liability.  To  meet  this  qualification,  the  machine-sensible 
journal  and  then  posted  to  ledger  accounts.  These  ac-     records must reconcile with your books and return. These 
counts show income, expenses, assets (property a busi-            records must provide enough detail to identify the underly-
ness owns), liabilities (debts of a business), and net worth      ing source documents.
(excess of assets over liabilities). You close income and 
expense accounts at the end of each tax year. You keep            You must also keep all machine-sensible records and a 
asset, liability, and net worth accounts open on a perma-         complete description of the computerized portion of your 
nent basis.                                                       recordkeeping system. This documentation must be suffi-
In  the  double-entry  system,  each  account  has  a  left       ciently detailed to show all of the following items.
side for debits and a right side for credits. It is self-balanc-  Functions being performed as the data flows through 
ing because you record every transaction as a debit entry         the system.
in one account and as a credit entry in another.
Under this system, the total debits must equal the total          Controls used to ensure accurate and reliable pro-
credits after you post the journal entries to the ledger ac-      cessing.
counts. If the amounts do not balance, you have made an           Controls used to prevent the unauthorized addition, al-
error and you must find and correct it.                           teration, or deletion of retained records.
An example of a journal entry exhibiting a payment of 
                                                                  Charts of accounts and detailed account descriptions.
rent in October is shown next.
                                                                  For  more  information,  see  Revenue  Procedure  98-25  in 
General Journal                                                   Cumulative  Bulletin  1998-1,  available  at    www.irs.gov/
Date       Description of Entry  Debit           Credit
                                                                  How Long To Keep Records
Oct. 5    Rent expense          780.00
                                                                  You must keep your records as long as they may be nee-
                                                                  ded for the administration of any provision of the Internal 
         Cash                                   780.00            Revenue Code. Generally, this means you must keep re-
                                                                  cords that support an item of income or deduction on a re-
                                                                  turn until the period of limitations for that return runs out.
                                                                  The period of limitations is the period of time in which 
                                                                  you can amend your return to claim a credit or refund, or 
                                                                  the  IRS  can  assess  additional  tax. Table  3  contains  the 
                                                                  periods of limitations that apply to income tax returns. Un-
                                                                  less  otherwise  stated,  the  years  refer  to  the  period  after 
Table 3. Period of Limitations

IF you...                                                                                THEN the period is...
1. Owe additional tax and situations (2), (3), and (4), below, do not apply to you       3 years
2. Do not report income that you should report and it is more than 25% of the gross      6 years
income shown on the return
3. File a fraudulent return                                                              Not limited
4. Do not file a return                                                                  Not limited
5. File a claim for credit or refund after you filed your return                         Later of: 3 years or 
                                                                                         2 years after tax 
                                                                                          was paid
6. File a claim for a loss from worthless securities or a bad debt deduction             7 years

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the return was filed. Returns filed before the due date are     Petty cash fund. Henry uses a petty cash fund to make 
treated as filed on the due date.                               small  payments  without  having  to  write  checks  for  small 
                                                                amounts. Each time he makes a payment from this fund, 
        Keep copies of your filed tax returns. They help in 
                                                                he makes out a petty cash slip and attaches it to his re-
TIP     preparing future tax returns and making computa­
                                                                ceipt  as  proof  of  payment.  He  sets  up  a  fixed  amount 
        tions if you file an amended return.
                                                                ($50) in his petty cash fund. The total of the unspent petty 
                                                                cash  and  the  amounts  on  the  petty  cash  slips  should 
Employment  taxes. If  you  have  employees,  you  must         equal the fixed amount of the fund. When the totals on the 
keep all employment tax records for at least 4 years after      petty cash slips approach the fixed amount, he brings the 
the  date  the  tax  becomes  due  or  is  paid,  whichever  is cash  in  the  fund  back  to  the  fixed  amount  by  writing  a 
later.  For  more  information  about  recordkeeping  for  em-  check to “Petty Cash” for the total of the outstanding slips. 
ployment taxes, see Publication 15.                             (See  the Check  Disbursements  Journal entry  for  check 
                                                                number 92.) This restores the fund to its fixed amount of 
Assets. Keep records relating to property until the period 
                                                                $50. He then summarizes the slips and enters them in the 
of limitations expires for the year in which you dispose of 
                                                                proper columns in the monthly check disbursements jour-
the property in a taxable disposition. You must keep these 
records to figure any depreciation, amortization, or deple-
tion deduction, and to figure your basis for computing gain 
or loss when you sell or otherwise dispose of the property.     2. Monthly Summary of Cash Receipts

Generally, if you received property in a nontaxable ex-         This shows the income activity for the month. Henry car-
change, your basis in that property is the same as the ba-      ries the total monthly net sales shown in this summary for 
sis of the property you gave up, increased by any money         January ($4,865.05) to his Annual Summary.
you paid. You must keep the records on the old property, 
as well as on the new property, until the period of limita-     To figure total monthly net sales, Henry reduces the to-
tions expires for the year in which you dispose of the new      tal monthly receipts by the sales tax imposed on his cus-
property in a taxable disposition.                              tomers and turned over to the state. He cannot take a de-
                                                                duction for sales tax turned over to the state because he 
Records for nontax purposes.       When your records are 
                                                                only collected the tax. He does not include the tax in his 
no longer needed for tax purposes, do not discard them          income.
until you check to see if you have to keep them longer for 
other purposes. For example, your insurance company or 
creditors  may  require  you  to  keep  them  longer  than  the 3. Check Disbursements Journal

IRS does.                                                       Henry enters checks drawn on the business checking ac-
                                                                count in the Check Disbursements Journal    each day. All 
Recordkeeping System Example                                    checks are prenumbered and each check number is listed 
                                                                and accounted for in the column provided in the journal.
This  example  illustrates  a  single-entry  system  used  by 
Henry Brown, who is the sole proprietor of a small auto-        Frequent expenses have their own headings across the 
mobile body shop. Henry uses part-time help, has no in-         sheet. He enters in a separate column expenses that re-
ventory of items held for sale, and uses the cash method        quire  comparatively  numerous  or  large  payments  each 
of accounting.                                                  month, such as materials, gross payroll, and rent. Under 
                                                                the General Accounts column, he enters small expenses 
These sample records should not be viewed as a rec-             that  normally  have  only  one  or  two  monthly  payments, 
ommendation of how to keep your records. They are in-           such as licenses and postage.
tended only to show how one business keeps its records.
                                                                Henry does not pay personal or nonbusiness expenses 
1. Daily Summary of Cash Receipts                               by  checks  drawn  on  the  business  account.  If  he  did,  he 
                                                                would  record  them  in  the  journal,  even  though  he  could 
This summary is a record of cash sales for the day. It ac-      not deduct them as business expenses.
counts for cash at the end of the day over the amount in 
the Change and Petty Cash Fund at the beginning of the          Henry carries the January total of expenses for materi-
day.                                                            als ($1,083.50) to the Annual Summary. Similarly, he en-
                                                                ters  the  monthly  total  of  expenses  for  telephone,  truck/
Henry takes the cash sales entry from his cash register         auto, etc., in the appropriate columns of that summary.
tape. If he had no cash register, he would simply total his 
cash sale slips and any other cash received that day.           4. Employee Compensation Record

                                                                This record shows the following information.
He carries the total receipts shown in this summary for 
January 3 ($267.80), including cash sales ($263.60) and             The number of hours Henry's employee worked in a 
sales  tax  ($4.20),  to  the Monthly  Summary  of  Cash  Re­       pay period.
ceipts.                                                             The employee's total pay for the period.

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The deductions Henry withheld in figuring the employ-            placed in service several used assets that do not qualify 
ee's net pay.                                                    for the section 179 deduction. Depreciation and the sec-
The monthly gross payroll.                                       tion  179  deduction  are  discussed  in  Publication  946. 
                                                                 Henry uses the information in the worksheet to complete 
Henry carries the January gross payroll ($520) to the   An­      Form  4562,  Depreciation  and  Amortization  (not  illustra-
nual Summary.                                                    ted).

5. Annual Summary                                                7. Bank Reconciliation

This  annual  summary  of  monthly  cash  receipts  and  ex-     Henry reconciles his checkbook with his bank statement 
pense  totals  provides  the  final  amounts  to  enter  on      and prepares a bank reconciliation for January as follows.
Henry's tax return. He figures the cash receipts total from 
                                                                 1. Henry begins by entering his bank statement balance.
the  total  of  monthly  cash  receipts  shown  in  the Monthly 
Summary of Cash Receipts. He figures the expense totals          2. Henry compares the deposits listed on the bank state-
from  the  totals  of  monthly  expense  items  shown  in  the       ment with deposits shown in his checkbook. Two de-
Check Disbursements Journal. As in the journal, he keeps             posits shown in his checkbook— $701.33 and 
each major expense in a separate column.                             $516.08—were not on his bank statement. He enters 
                                                                     these two amounts on the bank reconciliation. He 
Henry carries the cash receipts total shown in the an-               adds them to the bank statement balance of 
nual summary ($47,440.95) to Part I of Schedule C (not il-           $1,458.12 to arrive at a subtotal of $2,675.53.
lustrated). He carries the total for materials ($10,001.00) 
to Part II of Schedule C.                                        3. After comparing each canceled check with his check-
                                                                     book, Henry found four outstanding checks totaling 
         A business that keeps materials and supplies on             $526.50. He subtracts this amount from the subtotal 
         hand generally must complete the inventory lines            in (2). The result of $2,149.03 is the adjusted bank 
CAUTION! in Part III of Schedule C. However, there are no 
                                                                     statement balance.
inventories  of  materials  and  supplies  in  this  example. 
Henry buys parts and supplies on a per­job basis; he does        4. Henry enters his checkbook balance on the bank rec-
not keep them on hand.                                               onciliation.
                                                                 5. Henry discovered that he mistakenly entered a de-
Henry enters annual totals for interest, rent, taxes, and            posit of $600.40 in his checkbook as $594.40. He 
wages on the appropriate lines in Part II of Schedule C.             adds the difference ($6.00) to the checkbook balance 
The  total  for  taxes  and  licenses  includes  the  employer's     of $2,153.03. There was a $10.00 bank service 
share of social security and Medicare taxes, and the busi-           charge on his bank statement that he subtracts from 
ness license fee. He enters the total of other annual busi-          the checkbook balance. The result is the adjusted 
ness  expenses  on  the  “Other  expenses”  line  of  Sched-         checkbook balance of $2,149.03. This equals his ad-
ule C.                                                               justed bank statement balance computed in (3).

6. Depreciation Worksheet                                        The only book adjustment Henry needs to make is to 
                                                                 the Check Disbursements Journal for the $10 bank serv-
This worksheet shows the information used in figuring the        ice charge. He does not need to adjust the  Monthly Sum­
depreciation allowed on assets used in Henry's business.         mary of Cash Receipts because he correctly entered the 
Henry figures the depreciation using the modified acceler-       January 8 deposit of $600.40 in that record.
ated cost recovery system (MACRS). He purchased and 

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Daily Cash Receipts
                   1. Daily Summary of Cash Receipts

                   Date       January 3, 20 —

                   Cash sales                                     263.60

                   Sales tax                                       4.20

                                         TOTAL RECEIPTS           267.80

                   Cash on hand

                   Cash in register (including unspent petty cash)

                        Coins                 23.75

                        Bills                 143.00

                        Checks                134.05
                   TOTAL CASH IN REGISTER                         300.80

                   Add: Petty cash slips                           17.00

                                              TOTAL CASH          317.80

                   Less: Change and petty cash

                   Petty cash slips           17.00

                   Coins and bills            33.00
                   (unspent petty cash)
                   TOTAL CHANGE AND PETTY CASH FUND               50.00

                               TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS                267.80

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2. Monthly Summary of Cash Receipts

Year 20—   Month January
 Day          Net Sales        Sales Tax Daily Receipts       Deposit
 3            263.60               4.20  267.80                       
 4            212.00               3.39  215.39
 5            194.40               3.10  197.50               680.69
 6            222.40               3.54  225.94
 7            231.15               3.68  234.83
 8            137.50               2.13  139.63               600.40
 10           187.90               2.99  190.89
 11           207.56               3.31  210.87               401.76
 12           128.95               2.05  131.00
 13           231.40               3.77  235.17
 14           201.28               3.21  204.49
 15           88.01                1.40  89.41                660.07
 17           210.95               3.36  214.31
 18           221.80               3.53  225.33               439.64
 19           225.15               3.59  228.74
 20           221.93               3.52  225.45
 21           133.53               2.13  135.66               589.85
 22           130.84               2.08  132.92
 24           216.37               3.45  219.82               352.74
 25           220.05               3.50  223.55
 26           197.80               3.15  200.95
 27           272.49               4.34  276.83               701.33
 28           150.64               2.40  153.04
 29           224.05               3.56  227.61                             
 31           133.30               2.13  135.43               516.08
TOTALS        4,865.05             77.51 4,942.56             4,942.56

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3. Check Disbursements Journal

Year 20—   Month     January

                                                                     Federal  FICA                                       FICA 
                                                                     Withheld Social                                     Medicar
                              Chec Amount of           Gross         Income   Security                                   e 
Day      Paid To              k #  Check     Materials Payroll       Tax      Reserve  Reserve
3       Dale Advertising      74   85.00
4       City Treasurer        75   35.00
4       Auto Parts, Inc.      76   203.00    203.00
4       John E. Marks         77   214.11                     260.00 (20.00)  (16.12)                                    (3.77)

6       Henry Brown           78   250.00
6       Mike's Deli           79   36.00
6       Joe's Service Station 80   74.50     29.50
6       ABC Auto Paint        81   137.50    137.50
7       Henry Brown           82   225.00
14      Telephone Co.         83   27.00
        National Bank (Tax 
15      Deposit)              84   119.56                            40.00    32.24                                       7.54
18      National Bank         85   90.09
18      Auto Parts, Inc.      86   472.00    472.00
18      Henry Brown           87   275.00
18      John E. Marks         88   214.11              260.00        (20.00)  (16.12)                                    (3.77)
21      Electric Co.          89   175.30
21      M.B. Ignition         90   66.70     66.70
21      Baker's Fender Co.    91   9.80      9.80
21      Petty Cash            92   17.00     15.00
21      Henry Brown           93   225.00
25      Baker's Fender Co.    94   150.00    150.00
25      Enterprise Properties 95   300.00
25      State Treasurer       96   12.00
25      State Treasurer       97   65.00
                                   3,478.67  1,083.50  520.00        -0-        -0-                                      -0-
        Bank service charge        10.00
TOTALS                             3,488.67  1,083.50  520.00        -0-        -0-                                      -0- 

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3. Check Disbursements Journal (Continued)

 State     s 
 Withheld   FICA                                               Truck/
Income Tax Tax       Electric Interest  Rent  Telephone        Auto  Drawing General Accounts
                                                                             Advertising                                 85.00
                                                                             License                                     35.00

                                                                             Holiday Party                               36.00

                               18.09                                         Loan                                        72.00


                                                                             Postage                                     2.00

                                                                             Sales Tax                                   65.00
 -0-           39.78 175.30    18.09   300.00 27.00            45.00 975.00                                              295.00
 -0-           39.78 175.30    18.09   300.00 27.00            45.00 975.00                                              305.00

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Employee Compensation
4. Employee Compensation Record

Name      John E. Marks                                                        Full Time          Soc. Sec. No.         567-00-8901

Address   1 Elm St., Anytown, NJ 07101                                     X   Part Time          Date of Birth    12-21-65
Phone     555-6075                                                                                No. of Exemptions            1 / single

              Hours Worked                                            Earnings                       Deductions
Pay                                              Total                                                                  Federal       State
Period  Date                                     Regular              Regular  Overtime              Social             Income        Income
Ending  Paid  S M T W T F S        S M T W T F S Hours      Overtime  Rate     Rate        Total     Security  Medicare Tax           Tax     Net Pay
1 - 1   1 - 4     5     5 5 5      5       5 4 6     40               $6.50          .     $260.00   $16.12      $3.77  $20.00        $6.00   $214.11
1 - 15 1 - 18     444442           43 443            40               $6.50          .     $260.00   $16.12      $3.77  $20.00        $6.00   $214.11
                                                     80                 .            .     $520.00   $32.24      $7.54  $40.00        $12.00  $428.22

                                                                        .            .        .      . ... .
                        QUARTERLY TOTALS                                .            .     $1,262.40 $78.23      $18.31 $100.00 $30.00 $1,035.86

5. Annual Summary

             Cash       Materials/ Gross   FICA      Bank                                                   Truck/             Office Taxes/
Month        Receipts   Supplies   Payroll Taxes     Charges Electric Interest Insurance Rent    Telephones Auto   Advertising Expenses Licenses Misc.

January      $4,865.05 $1,083.50 $520.00 $39.78 $10.00 $175.30 $18.09          .         $300.00 $27.00 $45.00 $85.00 $36.00 $100.00             $2.00
February     3,478.32   874.93     235.40    17.68   7.50   153.10    18.09 210.00         300.00    21.50 28.50   .           .            .    .
March        3,942.00   724.90     507.00    38.08   11.25  145.81    18.09    .           300.00    32.10  51.30  .           .            .    .

December     3,656.52   609.23     520.00    39.78   10.00  169.00    18.09    .           300.00    23.13 37.62   .           4.00         .    71.91
             $47,440.95 $10,001.00 $5,434.00 $408.09 $92.30 $1,642.37 $217.08 $420.00 $3,600.00 $324.09 $571.46 $85.00 $40.00 $218.00            $344.00

6. Depreciation Worksheet
                                                                Section 179
                                                     Business/  Deduction      Depreci-
                        Date Placed Cost or          Investment and Special    ation Prior Basis for Method/       Recovery Rate or         Depreciation
Description of Property in Service   Other Basis Use %          Allowance      Years       Depreciation Convention Period      Table %      Deduction
Used Equipment—
Transmission Jack       1 - 3              3,000     100%                              3,000     200 DB/HY     7           14.29%         $429
Used Pickup Truck       1 - 3              8,000     100%                              8,000     200 DB/HY     5            20%           1,600
Used Heavy Duty
Tow Truck               1 - 3            30,000      100%                              30,000    200 DB/HY     5            20%           6,000
Used Equipment—
Engine Hoist            1 - 3              4,000     100%                              4,000     200 DB/HY     7           14.29%            572

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Bank Reconciliation
                   7. Bank Reconciliation as of

                   Date             January 31, 20 —

                   Closing balance shown on bank statement       1,458.12

                   Add deposits not credited:
                                         1/28           701.33

                                         1/31           516.08
                               TOTAL DEPOSITS NOT CREDITED       1,217.41

                   Subtotal                                      2,675.53

                   Subtract outstanding checks:

                               No.       90             66.70

                                         91                  9.80

                                         94             150.00

                                         95             300.00
                               TOTAL OUTSTANDING CHECKS          526.50

                   Adjusted balance per bank statement           2,149.03

                   Balance shown in checkbook                    2,153.03
                                    Deposit of $600.40 for
                               Add: 1/8 entered as                6.00
                                    $594.40 (difference)

                               Subtract: Bank service charge     10.00

                   Adjusted checkbook balance                    2,149.03

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                                                                   Tax forms and publications.  You can download or print 
                                                                   all  of  the  forms  and  publications  you  may  need  on 
How To Get Tax Help                                                www.irs.gov/formspubs. Otherwise, you can:
Do you need help with a tax issue or preparing your tax re-        Go to www.irs.gov/orderforms to place an order and 
turn, or do you need a free publication or form?                   have forms mailed to you, or
                                                                   Call 1-800-829-3676 to order current-year forms, in-
Preparing and filing your tax return. Find free options 
                                                                   structions, publications, and prior-year forms and in-
to prepare and file your return on IRS.gov or in your local 
                                                                   structions (limited to 5 years).
community if you qualify.
                                                                   You should receive your order within 10 business days.
Go to IRS.gov and click on the Filing tab to see your 
options.                                                           Where to file your tax return. 
Enter “Free File” in the search box to use brand name              There are many ways to file your return electronically. 
software to prepare and e­file your federal tax return             It’s safe, quick and easy. See Preparing and filing your 
for free.                                                          tax return, earlier, for more information.
Enter “VITA” in the search box, download the free                  See your tax return instructions to determine where to 
IRS2Go app, or call 1-800-906-9887 to find the near-               mail your completed paper tax return.
est Volunteer Income Tax Assistance or Tax Counsel-
ing for the Elderly (TCE) location for free tax prepara-           Getting a transcript or copy of a return. 
tion.                                                              Go to IRS.gov and click on “Get Transcript of Your 
Enter “TCE” in the search box, download the free                   Tax Records” under “Tools.”
IRS2Go app, or call 1-888-227-7669 to find the near-               Download the free IRS2Go app to your smart phone 
est Tax Counseling for the Elderly location for free tax           and use it to order transcripts of your tax returns or tax 
preparation.                                                       account.
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program 
                                                                   Call the transcript toll-free line at 1-800-908-9946.
offers free tax help to people who generally make $53,000 
or  less,  persons  with  disabilities,  the  elderly,  and  limi- Mail Form 4506-T or Form 4506T-EZ (both available 
ted-English-speaking taxpayers who need help preparing             on IRS.gov).
their own tax returns. The Tax Counseling for the Elderly 
(TCE) program offers free tax help for all taxpayers, par-         Using online tools to help prepare your return.       Go to 
ticularly  those  who  are  60  years  of  age  and  older.  TCE   IRS.gov and click on the Tools bar to use these and other 
volunteers  specialize  in  answering  questions  about  pen-      self-service options.
sions and retirement-related issues unique to seniors.
                                                                   The Earned Income Tax Credit Assistant determines if 
Getting  answers  to  your  tax  law  questions. IRS.gov           you are eligible for the EIC.
and IRS2Go are ready when you are—24 hours a day, 7                The First Time Homebuyer Credit Account Look­up 
days a week.                                                       tool provides information on your repayments and ac-
Enter “ITA” in the search box on IRS.gov for the Inter-            count balance.
active Tax Assistant, a tool that will ask you questions           The Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) Assistant deter-
on a number of tax law topics and provide answers.                 mines whether you may be subject to AMT.
You can print the entire interview and the final re-
                                                                   The Online EIN Application helps you get an Employer 
                                                                   Identification Number.
Enter “Tax Map” or “Tax Trails” in the search box for 
                                                                   The IRS Withholding Calculator estimates the amount 
detailed information by tax topic.
                                                                   you should have withheld from your paycheck for fed-
Enter “Pub 17” in the search box to get Pub. 17, Your              eral income tax purposes.
Federal Income Tax for Individuals, which features de-
                                                                   The Electronic Filing PIN Request helps to verify your 
tails on tax-saving opportunities, 2014 tax changes, 
                                                                   identity when you do not have your prior year AGI or 
and thousands of interactive links to help you find an-
                                                                   prior year self-selected PIN available.
swers to your questions.
Call TeleTax at 1-800-829-4477 for recorded informa-               Understanding identity theft issues. 
tion on a variety of tax topics.                                   Go to www.irs.gov/uac/Identity­Protection for informa-
Access tax law information in your electronic filing               tion and videos.
software.                                                          If your SSN has been lost or stolen or you suspect you 
Go to IRS.gov and click on the Help & Resources tab                are a victim of tax-related identity theft, visit 
for more information.                                              www.irs.gov/identitytheft to learn what steps you 
                                                                   should take.

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Checking on the status of a refund.                               1. Taxpayers can find information on IRS.gov in the fol-
Go to www.irs.gov/refunds.                                           lowing languages.
                                                                     a. Spanish.
Download the free IRS2Go app to your smart phone 
and use it to check your refund status.                              b. Chinese.
Call the automated refund hotline at 1-800-829-1954.                 c. Vietnamese.
                                                                     d. Korean.
Making  a  tax  payment. You  can  make  electronic  pay-
ments online, by phone, or from a mobile device. Paying              e. Russian.
electronically is safe and secure. The IRS uses the latest 
                                                                  2. The IRS Taxpayer Assistance Centers provide 
encryption  technology  and  does  not  store  banking  infor-
                                                                     over-the-phone interpreter service in over 170 lan-
mation. It’s easy and secure and much quicker than mail-
                                                                     guages, and the service is available free to taxpayers.
ing in a check or money order. Go to IRS.gov and click on 
the Payments tab or the “Pay Your Tax Bill” icon to make a 
payment using the following options.                              The Taxpayer Advocate Service Is 
Direct Pay (only if you are an individual who has a               Here To Help You
checking or savings account).                                     What is the Taxpayer Advocate Service?
Debit or credit card.
                                                                  The  Taxpayer  Advocate  Service  (TAS)  is  an independ­
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System.                            ent organization within the Internal Revenue Service that 
                                                                  helps taxpayers and protects taxpayer rights. Our job is to 
Check or money order.                                             ensure  that  every  taxpayer  is  treated  fairly  and  that  you 
                                                                  know and understand your rights under the Taxpayer Bill 
What if I can’t pay now? Click on the Payments tab or             of Rights.
the “Pay Your Tax Bill” icon on IRS.gov to find more infor-
mation about these additional options.
                                                                  What Can the Taxpayer Advocate Service 
An online payment agreement determines if you are                 Do For You?
eligible to apply for an installment agreement if you 
cannot pay your taxes in full today. With the needed              We can help you resolve problems that you can’t resolve 
information, you can complete the application in about            with the IRS. And our service is free. If you qualify for our 
30 minutes, and get immediate approval.                           assistance, you will be assigned to one advocate who will 
An offer in compromise allows you to settle your tax              work with you throughout the process and will do every-
debt for less than the full amount you owe. Use the               thing possible to resolve your issue. TAS can help you if:
Offer in Compromise Pre­Qualifier to confirm your eli-               Your problem is causing financial difficulty for you, 
gibility.                                                            your family, or your business,
Checking  the  status  of  an  amended  return.  Go  to              You face (or your business is facing) an immediate 
IRS.gov and click on the Tools tab and then Where’s My               threat of adverse action, or
Amended Return?                                                      You’ve tried repeatedly to contact the IRS but no one 
                                                                     has responded, or the IRS hasn’t responded by the 
Understanding  an  IRS  notice  or  letter. Enter  “Under-           date promised.
standing your notice” in the search box on IRS.gov to find 
additional information about your IRS notice or letter.
                                                                  How Can You Reach Us?
Visiting  the  IRS. Locate  the  nearest  Taxpayer  Assis-
                                                                  We  have  offices in  every  state,  the  District  of  Columbia, 
tance Center using the Office Locator tool on IRS.gov. En-
                                                                  and Puerto Rico. Your local advocate’s number is in your 
ter “office locator” in the search box. Or choose the “Con-
                                                                  local directory and at www.taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov. You 
tact  Us”  option  on  the  IRS2Go  app  and  search  Local 
                                                                  can also call us at 1-877-777-4778.
Offices.  Before  you  visit,  use  the  Locator  tool  to  check 
hours and services available.
                                                                  How Can You Learn About Your Taxpayer 
Watching  IRS       videos.   The IRS   Video    portal           Rights?
www.irsvideos.gov  contains  video  and  audio  presenta-
tions on topics of interest to individuals, small businesses,     The Taxpayer Bill of Rights describes ten basic rights that 
and tax professionals. You’ll find video clips of tax topics,     all  taxpayers  have  when  dealing  with  the  IRS.  Our  Tax 
archived versions of live panel discussions and Webinars,         Toolkit at www.taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov can help you un-
and audio archives of tax practitioner phone forums.              derstand what these rights mean to you and how they ap-
                                                                  ply. These are your rights. Know them. Use them.
Getting  tax  information  in  other  languages. For  tax-
payers whose native language is not English, we have the 
following resources available.

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How Else Does the Taxpayer Advocate                          tax problems such as audits, appeals, and tax collection 
Service Help Taxpayers?                                      disputes. Some clinics can provide information about tax-
                                                             payer rights and responsibilities in different languages for 
TAS  works  to  resolve  large-scale  problems  that  affect individuals who speak English as a second language. To 
many taxpayers. If you know of one of these broad issues,    find  a  clinic  near  you,  visit www.irs.gov/litc  or  see  IRS 
please report it to us at www.irs.gov/sams.                  Publication 4134, Low Income Taxpayer Clinic List.

Low Income Taxpayer Clinics

Low  Income  Taxpayer  Clinics  (LITCs)  serve  individuals 
whose income is below a certain level and need to resolve 

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                   To help us develop a more useful index, please let us know if you have ideas for index entries.
Index              See “Comments and Suggestions” in the “Introduction” for the ways you can reach us.
                                 1128 5                             Penalties 9
A                                11-C 8                             Publications (See Tax help)
Accounting method:               2290 8
  Accrual method  5              720 8
  Cash method   5                730 8                              R
Assistance (See Tax help)        8300 9                             Recordkeeping   11
                                 8829 10                            Records, how long to keep                            15
                                 I-9 8
B                                SS-4 4
Business:                        W-2  8 9,                          S
                                                                    S corporation 3
  Expenses   9                   W-4  8
                                                                    Self-employment tax  7
  Start-up costs 9               W-9  4
                                                                    Social security tax 7
  Taxes 6                      Forms of business  3
                                                                    Sole proprietorship  3
  Use of car 11                FUTA tax 7
  Use of home  10                                                   Start-up costs 9

C                              Getting a taxpayer identification    T
Car and truck expenses 11        number    4
C corporation  3                                                     Employment    7
Corporation  3                                                       Estimated  7
                               I                                     Excise  8
                               Income tax  6 7,                      How to deposit 8
D                              Information returns 8                 Income   6
Depositing taxes  8            Inventories 5                         Self-employment    7
Depreciation 10                                                      Unemployment (FUTA)              7
                                                                    Tax help 24
                               L                                    Tax year 5
E                              Limited liability company 3          TTY/TDD information   24
Employer identification number 
  (EIN) 4
Employment taxes:              M                                    U
  Defined 7                    Medicare tax 7                       Unemployment (FUTA) tax                              7
  Records to keep  13
Estimated tax  7
Excise taxes 8                 O
                               Office in home   10

Form:                          P
  1099-MISC  8                 Partnership  3

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