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            Publication 584-B
            (Rev. October 2017)                                                  What’s New
            Cat. No. 31749K                                                      Disaster  tax  relief  was  enacted  for  those 
Department                                                                       impacted by Hurricane Harvey, Irma, or Maria, 
of the                                                                           including   provisions that    modified     the 
Treasury                                                                         calculation  of  casualty  and  theft  losses  of 
                                                                                 personal-use property. See Pub. 976, Disaster 
Internal    Business                                                             Relief,  for  more  information  about  these  and 
Revenue                                                                          other disaster tax relief provisions that may not 
Service                                                                          be covered in this publication.

            Disaster, and
                                                                                 Future developments.   For the latest informa-
            Theft Loss                                                           tion about developments related to Pub. 584-B, 
                                                                                 such  as  legislation  enacted  after  it  was  pub-
            Workbook                                                             lished, go to IRS.gov/Pub584B.
                                                                                 Photographs of missing children.        The Inter-
                                                                                 nal Revenue Service is a proud partner with the 
                                                                                 National  Center  for  Missing   &  Exploited 
                                                                                 Children®  (NCMEC).  Photographs  of  missing 
                                                                                 children selected by the Center may appear in 
                                                                                 this publication on pages that would otherwise 
                                                                                 be  blank.  You  can  help  bring  these  children 
                                                                                 home by looking at the photographs and calling 
                                                                                 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) if  you  rec-
                                                                                 ognize a child.

                                                                                 This  workbook  is  designed  to  help  you  figure 
                                                                                 your  loss  on  business  and  income-producing 
                                                                                 property in the event of a disaster, casualty, or 
                                                                                 theft.  It  contains  schedules  to  help  you  figure 
                                                                                 the loss to your office furniture and fixtures, in-
                                                                                 formation  systems,  motor  vehicles,  office  sup-
                                                                                 plies,  buildings,  and  equipment.  These  sched-
                                                                                 ules,  however,  are  for  your  information  only. 
                                                                                 You must complete Form 4684, Casualties and 
                                                                                 Thefts, to report your loss.

                                                                                 How To Use This 
                                                                                 You  can  use  this  workbook  by  following  these 
                                                                                 five steps.
                                                                                 1. Read Pub. 547 to learn about the tax rules 
                                                                                 for casualties, disasters, and thefts.
                                                                                 2. Know the definitions of adjusted basis and 
                                                                                 fair market value, discussed below.
                                                                                 3. Fill out Schedules 1 through 6.
                                                                                 4. Read the Instructions for Form 4684.
                                                                                 5. Fill out Form 4684 using the information 
                                                                                 you entered in Schedules 1 through 6.
                                                                                 Use the chart below to find out how to use 
                                                                                 Schedules 1 through 6 to fill out Form 4684.

              Get forms and other information faster and easier at:
              IRS.gov (English)         IRS.gov/Korean (한국어) 
              IRS.gov/Spanish (Español) IRS.gov/Russian (Pусский) 
              IRS.gov/Chinese (中文)      IRS.gov/Vietnamese (TiếngViệt) 

Oct 16, 2017

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                                                 And enter it on    forms and instructions. Your order should arrive        can also download and view popular tax publi-
Take what's in each row of...                          Form 4684... within 10 business days.                                cations and instructions (including the 1040 in-
                                                                                                                            structions) on mobile devices as an eBook at no 
Column 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Line 19    Tax questions.       If you have a tax question         charge. Or, you can go to IRS.gov/OrderForms 
Column 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Line 20    not  answered  by  this  publication,  check            to place an order and have forms mailed to you 
Column 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Line 21    IRS.gov and How To Get Tax Help .                       within 10 business days.
Column 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Line 22
Column 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Line 23
Column 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Line 24                                                            Access your online account (Individual tax-
Column 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Line 25    How To Get Tax Help                                     payers  only).  Go  to IRS.gov/Account  to  se-
Column 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Line 26                                                            curely access information about your federal tax 
Column 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Line 27    If  you  have  questions  about  a  tax  issue,  need   account.
                                                                    help preparing your tax return, or want to down-            View the amount you owe, pay online or 
                                                                    load free publications, forms, or instructions, go          set up an online payment agreement.
Adjusted basis.        Adjusted basis usually means                 to IRS.gov and find resources that can help you             Access your tax records online.
original cost plus improvements, minus depreci-                     right away.                                                 Review the past 18 months of your pay-
ation  allowed  or  allowable  (including  any  sec-                                                                            ment history.
tion 179 expense deduction), amortization, de-                      Preparing  and  filing  your  tax  return. Find             Go to IRS.gov/SecureAccess to review the 
pletion, etc. If you didn’t acquire the property by                 free  options  to  prepare  and  file  your  return  on     required identity authentication process.
purchasing it, your basis is determined as dis-                     IRS.gov or in your local community if you qual-
cussed in Pub. 551. If you inherited the property                   ify.                                                    Using  direct  deposit. The  fastest  way  to  re-
from someone who died in 2010 and the execu-                        The  Volunteer  Income  Tax  Assistance                 ceive a tax refund is to combine direct deposit 
tor of the decedent's estate made the election                      (VITA)  program  offers  free  tax  help  to  people    and IRS e-file. Direct deposit securely and elec-
to file Form 8939, refer to the information provi-                  who  generally  make  $54,000  or  less,  persons       tronically transfers your refund directly into your 
ded by the executor.                                                with  disabilities,  and  limited-English-speaking      financial account. Eight in 10 taxpayers use di-
                                                                    taxpayers  who  need  help  preparing  their  own       rect deposit to receive their refund. IRS issues 
Fair  market  value.         Fair  market  value  is  the           tax returns. The Tax Counseling for the Elderly         more than 90% of refunds in less than 21 days.
price for which you could sell your property to a                   (TCE)  program  offers  free  tax  help  for  all  tax-
willing buyer, when neither of you has to sell or                   payers,  particularly  those  who  are  60  years  of   Delayed refund for returns claiming certain 
buy and both of you know all the relevant facts.                    age and older. TCE volunteers specialize in an-         credits. Due  to  changes  in  the  law,  the  IRS 
When  filling  out  Schedules  1  through  6,  you                  swering  questions  about  pensions  and  retire-       can’t  issue  refunds  before  mid-February  2018, 
need to know the fair market value of the prop-                     ment-related issues unique to seniors.                  for returns that properly claimed the earned in-
erty  immediately  before  and  immediately  after                  You can go to IRS.gov to see your options               come  credit  (EIC)  or  the  additional  child  tax 
the disaster or casualty.                                           for  preparing  and  filing  your  return  which  in-   credit (ACTC). This applies to the entire refund, 
Deduction limits.        If your casualty or theft loss             clude the following.                                    not just the portion associated with these cred-
involved a home you used for business or ren-                            Free File. Go to IRS.gov/FreeFile. See if          its.
ted  out,  your  deductible  loss  may  be  limited.                     you qualify to use brand-name software to 
See the Instructions for Form 4684, Section B. If                        prepare and e-file your federal tax return         Getting a transcript or copy of a return.   The 
the casualty or theft loss involved property used                        for free.                                          quickest way to get a copy of your tax transcript 
in a passive activity, see Form 8582 and its in-                         VITA. Go to IRS.gov/VITA, download the             is to go to IRS.gov/Transcripts. Click on either 
structions.                                                              free IRS2Go app, or call 1-800-906-9887            "Get  Transcript  Online"  or  "Get  Transcript  by 
The  casualty  and  theft  loss  deduction  for                          to find the nearest VITA location for free         Mail"  to  order  a  copy  of  your  transcript.  If  you 
employee property, when added to your job ex-                            tax preparation.                                   prefer, you can:
penses and most other miscellaneous itemized                             TCE. Go to IRS.gov/TCE, download the                   Order your transcript by calling 
deductions  on  Schedule  A  (Form  1040),  must                         free IRS2Go app, or call 1-888-227-7669                1-800-908-9946.
be  reduced  by  2%  of  your  adjusted  gross  in-                      to find the nearest TCE location for free tax          Mail Form 4506-T or Form 4506T-EZ (both 
come.  Employee  property  is  property  used  in                        preparation.                                           available on IRS.gov).
performing services as an employee.                                      Getting  answers  to  your  tax  ques-             Using online tools to help prepare your re-
                                                                         tions.    On IRS.gov get answers to your           turn. Go to IRS.gov/Tools for the following.
                                                                         tax questions anytime, anywhere.                       The Earned Income Tax Credit Assistant 
Comments and                                                             Go to IRS.gov/Help or IRS.gov/LetUsHelp                (IRS.gov/EIC) determines if you’re eligible 
Suggestions                                                              pages for a variety of tools that will help            for the EIC.
                                                                         you get answers to some of the most com-               The Online EIN Application IRS.gov/EIN (  ) 
We  welcome  your  comments  about  this  publi-                         mon tax questions.                                     helps you get an employer identification 
cation and your suggestions for future editions.                         Go to IRS.gov/ITA for the Interactive Tax              number.
                                                                         Assistant, a tool that will ask you questions          The IRS Withholding Calculator IRS.gov/ (
You  can  send  us  comments  through                                    on a number of tax law topics and provide              W4App) estimates the amount you should 
IRS.gov/FormComments. Or you can write to:                               answers. You can print the entire interview            have withheld from your paycheck for fed-
                                                                         and the final response for your records.               eral income tax purposes.
Internal Revenue Service                                                 Go to IRS.gov/Pub17 to get Pub. 17, Your               The First Time Homebuyer Credit Account 
Tax Forms and Publications                                               Federal Income Tax for Individuals, which              Look-up IRS.gov/HomeBuyer ( ) tool pro-
1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526                                       features details on tax-saving opportuni-              vides information on your repayments and 
Washington, DC 20224                                                     ties, 2017 tax changes, and thousands of               account balance.
                                                                         interactive links to help you find answers to          The Sales Tax Deduction Calculator 
Although  we  can’t  respond  individually  to                           your questions. View it online in HTML, as             (IRS.gov/SalesTax) figures the amount you 
each comment received, we do appreciate your                             a PDF, or download it to your mobile de-               can claim if you itemize deductions on 
feedback  and  will  consider  your  comments  as                        vice as an eBook.                                      Schedule A (Form 1040), choose not to 
we revise our tax forms, instructions, and publi-                        You may also be able to access tax law in-             claim state and local income taxes, and 
cations.                                                                 formation in your electronic filing software.          you didn’t save your receipts showing the 
                                                                                                                                sales tax you paid.
Ordering  forms  and  publications.                      Visit                                                              Resolving tax-related identity theft issues.
IRS.gov/FormsPubs  to  download  forms  and                         Getting  tax  forms  and  publications. Go  to 
publications. Otherwise, you can go to IRS.gov/                     IRS.gov/Forms to view, download, or print all of            The IRS doesn’t initiate contact with tax-
OrderForms  to  order  current  and  prior-year                     the forms and publications you may need. You                payers by email or telephone to request 

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personal or financial information. This in-           tax debt for less than the full amount you           What Can the Taxpayer Advocate 
cludes any type of electronic communica-              owe.                                                 Service Do For You?
tion, such as text messages and social me-
dia channels.                                        Checking the status of an amended return.             We  can  help  you  resolve  problems  that  you 
Go to IRS.gov/IDProtection for information           Go  to IRS.gov/WMAR  to  track  the  status  of       can’t  resolve  with  the  IRS.  And  our  service  is 
and videos.                                          Form 1040X amended returns. Please note that          free. If you qualify for our assistance, you will be 
If your SSN has been lost or stolen or you           it  can  take  up  to  3  weeks  from  the  date  you assigned  to  one  advocate  who  will  work  with 
suspect you’re a victim of tax-related iden-         mailed your amended return for it to show up in       you  throughout  the  process  and  will  do  every-
tity theft, visit IRS.gov/ID to learn what           our system and processing it can take up to 16        thing  possible  to  resolve  your  issue.  TAS  can 
steps you should take.                               weeks.                                                help you if:
                                                                                                               Your problem is causing financial difficulty 
Checking on the status of your refund.               Understanding an IRS notice or letter.    Go to           for you, your family, or your business,
Go to IRS.gov/Refunds.                               IRS.gov/Notices  to  find  additional  information        You face (or your business is facing) an 
Due to changes in the law, the IRS can’t is-         about responding to an IRS notice or letter.              immediate threat of adverse action, or
sue refunds before mid-February 2018, for                                                                      You’ve tried repeatedly to contact the IRS 
returns that properly claimed the EIC or the         Contacting  your  local  IRS  office.  Keep  in           but no one has responded, or the IRS 
ACTC. This applies to the entire refund,             mind,  many  questions  can  be  answered  on             hasn’t responded by the date promised.
not just the portion associated with these           IRS.gov without visiting an IRS Tax Assistance 
credits.                                             Center (TAC). Go to IRS.gov/LetUsHelp for the 
Download the official IRS2Go app to your             topics people ask about most. If you still need       How Can You Reach Us?
mobile device to check your refund status.           help, IRS TACs provide tax help when a tax is-        We  have  offices in  every  state,  the  District  of 
Call the automated refund hotline at                 sue  can’t  be  handled  online  or  by  phone.  All  Columbia,  and  Puerto  Rico.  Your  local  advo-
1-800-829-1954.                                      TACs  now  provide  service  by  appointment  so      cate’s  number  is  in  your  local  directory  and  at 
                                                     you’ll  know  in  advance  that  you  can  get  the   TaxpayerAdvocate.IRS.gov/Contact-Us.          You 
Making a tax payment.  The IRS uses the lat-         service  you  need  without  long  wait  times.  Be-  can also call us at 1-877-777-4778.
est encryption technology to ensure your elec-       fore you visit, go to IRS.gov/TACLocator to find 
tronic payments are safe and secure. You can         the  nearest  TAC,  check  hours,  available  serv-
make  electronic  payments  online,  by  phone,      ices,  and  appointment  options.  Or,  on  the       How Can You Learn About Your 
and  from  a  mobile  device  using  the  IRS2Go     IRS2Go  app,  under  the  Stay  Connected  tab,       Taxpayer Rights?
app.  Paying  electronically  is  quick,  easy,  and choose the Contact Us option and click on “Lo-
faster than mailing in a check or money order.       cal Offices.”                                         The Taxpayer Bill of Rights describes 10 basic 
Go  to IRS.gov/Payments  to  make  a  payment                                                              rights that all taxpayers have when dealing with 
using any of the following options.                  Watching  IRS  videos.   The  IRS  Video  portal      the IRS.       Our   Tax          Toolkit     at 
IRS Direct Pay: Pay your individual tax bill         (IRSvideos.gov) contains video and audio pre-         TaxpayerAdvocate.IRS.gov  can  help  you  un-
or estimated tax payment directly from               sentations  for  individuals,  small  businesses,     derstand    what  these  rights  mean  to  you  and 
your checking or savings account at no               and tax professionals.                                how  they  apply.  These  are your  rights.  Know 
cost to you.                                                                                               them. Use them.
Debit or credit card: Choose an ap-                  Getting tax information in other languages. 
proved payment processor to pay online,              For taxpayers whose native language isn’t Eng-        How Else Does the Taxpayer 
by phone, and by mobile device.                      lish, we have the following resources available.      Advocate Service Help Taxpayers?
Electronic Funds Withdrawal: Offered                 Taxpayers  can  find  information  on  IRS.gov  in 
only when filing your federal taxes using            the following languages.                              TAS works to resolve large-scale problems that 
tax preparation software or through a tax             Spanish IRS.gov/Spanish ( ).                         affect  many  taxpayers.  If  you  know  of  one  of 
professional.                                         Chinese IRS.gov/Chinese ( ).                         these  broad  issues,  please  report  it  to  us  at 
Electronic Federal Tax Payment Sys-                   Vietnamese IRS.gov/Vietnamese (       ).             IRS.gov/SAMS.
tem: Best option for businesses. Enroll-              Korean IRS.gov/Korean ( ).
ment is required.                                     Russian IRS.gov/Russian ( ).
                                                                                                           Low Income Taxpayer 
Check or money order: Mail your pay-                  The IRS TACs provide over-the-phone inter-
ment to the address listed on the notice or          preter  service  in  over  170  languages,  and  the  Clinics
instructions.                                        service is available free to taxpayers.
Cash: You may be able to pay your taxes                                                                    Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITCs) are inde-
with cash at a participating retail store.                                                                 pendent from the IRS. LITCs represent individu-
                                                     The Taxpayer Advocate                                 als whose income is below a certain level and 
What  if  I  can’t  pay  now? Go  to IRS.gov/        Service Is Here To Help You                           need to resolve tax problems with the IRS, such 
Payments for more information about your op-                                                               as audits, appeals, and tax collection disputes. 
tions.                                               What is the Taxpayer Advocate                         In  addition,  clinics  can  provide  information 
Apply for an online payment agreement                Service?                                              about taxpayer rights and responsibilities in dif-
(IRS.gov/OPA) to meet your tax obligation                                                                  ferent  languages  for  individuals  who  speak 
in monthly installments if you can’t pay             The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is an     in­     English as a second language. Services are of-
your taxes in full today. Once you complete          dependent  organization  within  the  IRS  that       fered for free or a small fee. To find a clinic near 
the online process, you will receive imme-           helps  taxpayers  and  protects  taxpayer  rights.    you,  visit TaxpayerAdvocate.IRS.gov/LITCmap 
diate notification of whether your agree-            Our job is to ensure that every taxpayer is trea-     or  see  IRS  Publication  4134,  Low  Income 
ment has been approved.                              ted  fairly  and  that  you  know  and  understand    Taxpayer Clinic List.
Use the Offer in Compromise Pre-Qualifier            your rights under the Taxpayer Bill of Rights.
(IRS.gov/OIC) to see if you can settle your 

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       Schedule 1. Office Furniture and Fixtures
              ) 1 (                 ) 2 ( ) 3 (         ) 4 (     (5)      ) 6 (                                            ) 7 ( ) 8 (   ) 9 (
         Item        Cost                 Insurance     Gain      Fair     Fair                             Column                Smaller Casualty/Theft
                                    or    or other      from      market   market                           (5) minus             of      Loss (column
                     other                reimbursement casualty1 value    value                            column                column  (8) minus   3
                     basis                              or theft  before   after                                            (6)   (2) or  column (3)) 
                                                                  casualty casualty                                               column2
         Bookcase    250.00               50.00         .00       150.00   .00                              150.00                250.00  200.00
         Chair       695.00               375.00        .00       500.00   200.00                           300.00                300.00  -0-
         Desk        425.00               480.00        55.00

         File cabinet

       1 If column (3) is greater than column (2), enter the difference here and skip columns (5) through (9) for that item.
       2 If the property was completely destroyed or stolen, enter in column (8) the amount from column (2).
       3 If zero or less, enter -0-.

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Schedule 2. Information Systems
     (1)                     ) 2 ( ) 3 (         ) 4 (     (5)      ) 6 (                                            ) 7 ( ) 8 (  ) 9 (
     Item    Cost                  Insurance     Gain      Fair     Fair                             Column                Smaller Casualty/Theft
                             or    or other      from      market   market                           (5) minus             of     Loss (column
             other                 reimbursement casualty1 value    value                            column                column (8) minus   3
             basis                               or theft  before   after                                            (6)   (2) or column (3)) 
                                                           casualty casualty                                               column2
  Disc drive
  Disc file
  Fax machine
  Tape drive

1 If column (3) is greater than column (2), enter the difference here and skip columns (5) through (9) for that item.
2 If the property was completely destroyed or stolen, enter in column (8) the amount from column (2).
3 If zero or less, enter -0-.

Publication 584-B (October 2017)                                                                                                                 Page 5

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       Schedule 3. Motor Vehicles
         (1)                        ) 2 ( ) 3 (         ) 4 (     (5)      ) 6 (                                            ) 7 ( ) 8 (  ) 9 (
         Vehicle   Cost                   Insurance     Gain      Fair     Fair                             Column                Smaller Casualty/Theft
         (year,                     or    or other      from      market   market                           (5) minus             of     Loss (column
         make,     other                  reimbursement casualty1 value    value                            column                column (8) minus   3
         and       basis                                or theft  before   after                                            (6)   (2) or column (3)) 
         model)                                                   casualty casualty                                               column2

       1 If column (3) is greater than column (2), enter the difference here and skip columns (5) through (9) for that item.
       2 If the property was completely destroyed or stolen, enter in column (8) the amount from column (2).
       3 If zero or less, enter -0-.

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Schedule 4.   Office Supplies
       (1)                   ) 2 ( ) 3 (         ) 4 (     (5)      ) 6 (                                            ) 7 ( ) 8 (  ) 9 (
  Item        Cost                 Insurance     Gain      Fair     Fair                             Column                Smaller Casualty/Theft
                             or    or other      from      market   market                           (5) minus             of     Loss (column
              other                reimbursement casualty1 value    value                            column                column (8) minus   3
              basis                              or theft  before   after                                            (6)   (2) or column (3)) 
                                                           casualty casualty                                               column2
  File folders
  Hole puncher
  Stamp pad

1 If column (3) is greater than column (2), enter the difference here and skip columns (5) through (9) for that item.
2 If the property was completely destroyed or stolen, enter in column (8) the amount from column (2).
3 If zero or less, enter -0-.

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       Schedule 5. Building, Building Components, and Land
             (1)                    ) 2 ( ) 3 (         ) 4 (     (5)      ) 6 (                                            ) 7 ( ) 8 (  ) 9 (
             Item    Cost                 Insurance     Gain      Fair     Fair                             Column                Smaller Casualty/Theft
                                    or    or other      from      market   market                           (5) minus             of     Loss (column
                     other                reimbursement casualty1 value    value                            column                column (8) minus   3
                     basis                              or theft  before   after                                            (6)   (2) or column (3)) 
                                                                  casualty casualty                                               column2
         Central air
         Heating unit



       1 If column (3) is greater than column (2), enter the difference here and skip columns (5) through (9) for that item.
       2 If the property was completely destroyed or stolen, enter in column (8) the amount from column (2).
       3 If zero or less, enter -0-.

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Schedule 6. Equipment
       (1)                   ) 2 ( ) 3 (         ) 4 (     (5)      ) 6 (                                           ) 7 ( ) 8 (  ) 9 (
  Item       Cost                  Insurance     Gain      Fair     Fair                             Column               Smaller Casualty/Theft
                             or    or other      from      market   market                           (5) minus            of     Loss (column
             other                 reimbursement casualty1 value    value                            column               column (8) minus   3
             basis                               or theft  before   after                                           (6)   (2) or column (3)) 
                                                           casualty casualty                                              column2


1If column (3) is greater than column (2), enter the difference here and skip columns (5) through (9) for that item.
2 If the property was completely destroyed or stolen, enter in column (8) the amount from column (2).
3 If zero or less, enter -0-.

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Tax Publications for Individual Taxpayers
General Guides
              1         Your Rights as a Taxpayer
              17        Your Federal Income Tax For Individuals
              334       Tax Guide for Small Business (For Individuals Who Use Schedule C or C-EZ)
              509       Tax Calendars
              910       IRS Guide to Free Tax Services
Specialized Publications
              3         Armed Forces’ Tax Guide
              54        Tax Guide for U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens Abroad
              225       Farmer’s Tax Guide
              463       Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses
              501       Exemptions, Standard Deduction, and Filing Information
              502       Medical and Dental Expenses (Including the Health Coverage Tax Credit)
              503       Child and Dependent Care Expenses
              504       Divorced or Separated Individuals
              505       Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax
              514       Foreign Tax Credit for Individuals
              516       U.S. Government Civilian Employees Stationed Abroad
              517       Social Security and Other Information for Members of the Clergy and Religious Workers
              519       U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens
              521       Moving Expenses
              523       Selling Your Home
              524       Credit for the Elderly or the Disabled
              525       Taxable and Nontaxable Income
              526       Charitable Contributions
              527       Residential Rental Property (Including Rental of Vacation Homes)
              529       Miscellaneous Deductions
              530       Tax Information for Homeowners
              531       Reporting Tip Income
              535       Business Expenses
              536       Net Operating Losses (NOLs) for Individuals, Estates, and Trusts
              537       Installment Sales
              541       Partnerships
              544       Sales and Other Dispositions of Assets
              547       Casualties, Disasters, and Thefts
              550       Investment Income and Expenses (Including Capital Gains and Losses)
              551       Basis of Assets
              554       Tax Guide for Seniors
              555       Community Property
              556       Examination of Returns, Appeal Rights, and Claims for Refund
              559       Survivors, Executors, and Administrators
              561       Determining the Value of Donated Property
              570       Tax Guide for Individuals With Income From U.S. Possessions
              571       Tax-Sheltered Annuity Plans (403(b) Plans) for Employees of Public Schools and Certain Tax-Exempt Organizations
              575       Pension and Annuity Income
              584       Casualty, Disaster, and Theft Loss Workbook (Personal-Use Property)
              587       Business Use of Your Home (Including Use by Daycare Providers)
              590-A     Contributions to Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs)
              590-B     Distributions from Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs)
              594       The IRS Collection Process
              596       Earned Income Credit (EIC)
              721       Tax Guide to U.S. Civil Service Retirement Benefits
              901       U.S. Tax Treaties
              907       Tax Highlights for Persons With Disabilities
              908       Bankruptcy Tax Guide
              915       Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits
              925       Passive Activity and At-Risk Rules
              926       Household Employer’s Tax Guide
              929       Tax Rules for Children and Dependents
              936       Home Mortgage Interest Deduction
              946       How To Depreciate Property
              947       Practice Before the IRS and Power of Attorney
              950       Introduction to Estate and Gift Taxes
              969       Health Savings Accounts and Other Tax-Favored Health Plans
              970       Tax Benefits for Education
              971       Innocent Spouse Relief
              972       Child Tax Credit
              976       Disaster Relief
              1542      Per Diem Rates (For Travel Within the Continental United States)
              1544      Reporting Cash Payments of Over $10,000 (Received in a Trade or Business)
              1546      Taxpayer Advocate Service – Your Voice at the IRS
Spanish Language Publications
              1SP       Derechos del Contribuyente
              17(SP)    El Impuesto Federal sobre los Ingresos Para Personas Físicas
        547(SP)         Hechos Fortuitos, Desastres y Robos
        584(SP)         Registro de Pérdidas por Hechos Fortuitos (Imprevistos), Desastres y Robos (Propiedad de Uso Personal)
              594SP     El Proceso de Cobro del IRS
              596SP     Crédito por Ingreso del Trabajo (EIC)
        850(EN/SP)      English-Spanish Glossary of Tax Words and Phrases Used in Publications Issued by the Internal Revenue Service
        1544(SP)        Informe de Pagos en Efectivo en Exceso de $10,000 (Recibidos en una Ocupación o Negocio)

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Commonly Used Tax Forms
                                               Form Number and Title
1040          U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
Sch A         Itemized Deductions
Sch B         Interest and Ordinary Dividends
Sch C         Profit or Loss From Business
Sch C-EZ      Net Profit From Business
Sch D         Capital Gains and Losses
Sch E         Supplemental Income and Loss
Sch EIC       Earned Income Credit
Sch F         Profit or Loss From Farming
Sch H         Household Employment Taxes
Sch J         Income Averaging for Farmers and
Sch R         Credit for the Elderly or
              the Disabled
Sch SE        Self-Employment Tax 
1040A         U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
 Sch B        Interest and Ordinary Dividends
1040EZ        Income Tax Return for Single and Joint Filers With No Dependents
1040-ES       Estimated Tax for Individuals
1040X         Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
2106          Employee Business Expenses
2106-EZ       Unreimbursed Employee Business Expenses
2210          Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals, Estates, and Trusts
2441          Child and Dependent Care Expenses
2848          Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative
2848(SP)      Poder Legal y Declaración del Representante
3903          Moving Expenses
4562          Depreciation and Amortization
4868          Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
4868(SP)      Solicitud de Prórroga Automática para Presentar la Declaración del Impuesto sobre el Ingreso Personal de los Estados 
4952          Investment Interest Expense Deduction
5329          Additional Taxes on Qualified Plans (Including IRAs) and Other Tax-Favored Accounts
6251          Alternative Minimum Tax—Individuals
8283          Noncash Charitable Contributions
8582          Passive Activity Loss Limitations
8606          Nondeductible IRAs
8812          Child Tax Credit
8822          Change of Address (For Individual, Gift, Estate, or Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Returns)
8829          Expenses for Business Use of Your Home
8863          Education Credits (American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning Credits)
8949          Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets
9465          Installment Agreement Request
9465(SP)      Solicitud para un Plan de Pagos a Plazos

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