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  Want to save                                                                                                                           Have  you  
time  and money?                                                                                                                         had  your 
                                                               Retirement  Plan                                                          Check-up  
                                                                     Assistance                                                           year?       Retirement  Plans 
Think check-up now! 

          winter check-up keeps your vehicle                   The  following resources will help you maintain                       
            reliable through the harsh season.             your  plan and protect participant benefits. For free                   
               A quick summer check-up adds                    information,  you can call the IRS toll free or        -                               Reading this brochure may be the  
to a safe and more relaxing vacation trip. In A                 access  materials through IRS websites.                                               best 2 minutes you ever spent on  
either case, a check-up helps ensure that you                                                                                                         your business’s retirement plan! 
                                                                     www.irs.gov/retirement                                              Checklists 
have a solid, well-oiled, dependable machine 
when you need it.                                        Access  the Retirement Plans Web page for an array of                          
                                                      information  on retirement plans, including how to subscribe                
  Likewise,  you want the same type of safety       
                                                      to  the  Retirement  News for Employers       newsletter, and to get a             
and  reliability for you and your employees           free  plan Checklist for your specific plan. Fix It Guides with       -         
through  your retirement plan. Just like your         tips  on how to find, fix and avoid plan mistakes are available              
automobile, a    retirement plan needs regular                              on  this website.  
attention  and care to keep it operating well.                 Also, look for the posting of new retirement plan  
Take a    retirement plan check-up now and save                     materials as they become available. 
time,  paperwork, and money for you, your busi-      
ness,  and your employees.                                           www.irs.gov/retirement 
                                                                    (see Correcting Plan Errors) 
Examples of savings include:                             Read about the following correction programs under the 
 minimize paperwork                                   Employee Plans Compliance Resolution System (EPCRS):                              Review  Tips 
 cut administrative costs                                           Self-Correction Program (SCP) 
                                                                    Voluntary Correction Program (VCP) 
 safeguard your employees’ money  
                                                               Audit Closing Agreement Program (Audit CAP) 
 lead to a better plan for your business  
 increase tax return accuracy  
                                                                            (877) 829-5500 
 enhance portability of retirement assets  
                                                                    EP Customer Account Services. 
 minimize extent of mistakes                                                                                                            Publications 

 fix it yourself                                                            www.irs.gov 
                                                           Access and download IRS forms and publications. 
...bottom line, a check-up   
today makes for a more                                                      (800) 829-3676 
secure tomorrow.                                                   Order free IRS forms and publications.                                Correction 

                                                                                                                                                      Internal  Tax Exempt     Employee 
                                                                                                                                                      Revenue   and Government Plans 
                                                                    Publication 3066 (12-2010) Catalog Number 35808E                                  Service   Entities 
                                                                Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service www.irs.gov 

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           Here’s what the check-up includes: 

  Retirement Plan Checklist                                                             Tips,  Publications and Forms for                                      Need to Make a Correction?                      
                                                                                         the Operation of Your Plan                                            We Can Help.   

Retirement Plan Checklists are available in two formats.                                You and your employees expect a retirement plan to                    Mistakes don’t go away by themselves. 
                                                                                        deliver what’s promised. 
Single page version, available in print or online— For a                                                                                                    The  IRS has helpful correction programs     
quick review to see if you meet some basic requirements in                              Use  these tips and resources to help ensure that the plan            that  are structured to provide financial     
operating your business’s retirement plan, get the one-page                             you  and your employees count on is in good running order.            incentives  for finding and correcting mis-           Common  
                                                                                                                                                              takes  earlier rather than later. In fact, many       
IRS Checklist for your specific plan. The checklist does not                            Watch for law changes.  Keep the plan up-to-date with 
                                                                                                                                                              mistakes                                              Reviewing the 
cover all plan requirements, so you should not use it as a com-                         the law. Ask your tax advisor “when and what” to change in                       can be corrected easily, without           Checklist questions  
plete plan review. It is, however, an easy way to start                                 your plan. Those who specialize in retirement                                  and without notifying the IRS.               for your plan could   
your plan check-up.                                                                     programs may provide auditing and plan review services.               The IRS system of retirement plan                     help you avoid   
                                                                                                                                                              correction programs, the Employee Plans               common errors in 
Sample of Checklist questions:                                                          Perform periodic reviews of your plan. Errors in a plan                                                                   the operation of    
                                                                                                                                                              Compliance Resolution System (EPCRS), 
  1. Has your plan document been updated within the past        Yes                  No brought on by changes in your work force and its salary defer-                                                              your retirement  
                                                                                                                                                              helps business owners protect participant 
  few years to reflect recent law changes?                                          ral patterns are easier and cheaper to fix when they                                                                        plan. The IRS  
                                                                                                                                                              benefits and keep their plans within the law. 
                                                                Yes                  No are small and have not been allowed to continue over a                                                                      frequently finds  
   2. Are the plan’s operations based on the terms of the plan                                                                                                EPCRS includes: 
  document?                                                                         long period of time. Changes in your business may produce                                                                   the following mis-   
                                                                                        unexpected changes in your plan’s operation.                                                            With this         takes in retirement 
                                                                                                                                                              Self-Correction Program (SCP)— 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    plan examinations: 
  3. Are all eligible employees participating                   Yes                  No                                                                       program, you can find and correct a mis-
  in the plan?                                                                      Get an independent reviewer to check your plan. An inde-            take without contacting the IRS. You can fix            not covering the 
                                                                                        pendent reviewer may see something that has been overlooked           insignificant operational failures at any             proper employees 
Answering “yes” to all checklist questions may indicate that                          by others, which could save you and your employees money,             time, even if the plan is under examination.            not giving 
your plan is in good shape. You should share your answered                              and may improve benefits.                                             In most cases, you must fix significant oper-         employees required    
checklist with your tax advisor to verify all is well.                                  Subscribe to the Retirement News for Employers  newsletter.         ational failures by the end of the second             information 
Answering “no” to any of the checklist questions lets you                             This quarterly IRS publication provides plain-language                year following the plan year in which the               not depositing 
know on the spot that you may have a mistake in the opera-                              information about retirement plans. To subscribe, go to               mistake occurred.                                     employee deferrals  
tion of your plan. Help is available.                                                   www.irs.gov/retirement  and select Newsletters.                       Voluntary Correction Program (VCP)—  
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    not depositing 
Electronic version with links to expanded explanations—                                                                                           or        You may correct your plan’s mistakes 
                                                                                        The following free materials are available at www.irs.gov,                                                                  employer contribu- 
An electronic version of this Checklist, with links to the plan's                                                                                             with help from the IRS. A fee may apply.              tions timely 
                                                                                        can be ordered by calling the IRS at (800) 829-3676: 
"IRS Fix-It Guide" for tips on how to find, fix and avoid each                                                                                                Audit Closing Agreement Program 
                                                                                        Publication 560    Retirement Plans for Small Business                                                                      not following 
potential mistake, is available through www.irs.gov/retirement.                                            (SEP, SIMPLE, and Qualified Plans)                 (Audit CAP)—  If the IRS examines your plan           the terms of the  
Select Fix-It Guides, Common Problems, Real Solutions.                                  Publication 3998   Choosing a Retirement Solution                     and finds an error, you can still                     plan document 
                                                                                                           for Your Small Business                            correct the problem. You should be                      not limiting 
Order free Checklists at (800) 829-3676, or download them                                                                                                     aware that the fee will be larger than if             employee defer- 
                                                                                        Publication 4222   401(k) Plans for Small Businesses 
from the Internet at www.irs.gov/retirement:                                                                                                                  you had found and fixed the error  
                                                                                        Publication 4333   SEP Retirement Plans for Small Businesses                                                                rals and employer  
Publication 4284  SIMPLE IRA Plan Checklist                                                                                                                   yourself, or brought it in voluntarily.               contributions to  
                                                                                        Publication 4334   SIMPLE IRA Plans for Small Businesses                                                                    the proper  
Publication 4285  SEP Checklist 
                                                                                        Publication 4336   SARSEP for Small Businesses                        Learn about IRS correction programs at                maximum limits 
Publication 4286  SARSEP Checklist 
                                                                                        Publication 4483   Tax-Sheltered Annuity Plans for Sponsor            www.irs.gov/retirement. See Correcting Plan 
Publication 4531  401(k) Plan Checklist                                                                                                                       Errors.   
                                                                                        Publication 4484   Choose a Retirement Plan for Employees 
Publication 4546  403(b) Plan Checklist                                                                    of Tax Exempt and Government Entities  

Note: The Checklist is for sponsor/owner’s use. It is not to be filed with the IRS.  
Use of the Checklist is strictly voluntary.   

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