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Don’t Fall For These Arguments
person “exchanges” labor for money.
While taxpayers have the right to contest their tax
liabilities in the courts, taxpayers do not have the Truth: This argument has been consistently
right to violate and disobey tax laws. Unscrupulous dismissed by the courts. Sources of taxable income
individuals and promoters advocating willful are identified in the Code under Section 61, Gross
noncompliance with the tax laws have used a variety Income Defined. Congress has determined that all
of false or misleading arguments for not filing and income is taxable unless specifically excluded by
paying taxes. Here are some of the most common some part of the Code. The list of sources under this
arguments: section is not all inclusive.
Constitutional Myths: Filing a Form 1040 violates Fictional Legal Basis Myths: Taxpayers are not
the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination required to file a federal income tax return because
or the Fourth Amendment right to privacy. Filing also the instructions and regulations associ- ated with the
violates the Thirteenth Amendment right against Form 1040 do not display an OMB control number as
involuntary servitude and First Amendment rights required by the Paperwork Reduction Act.
based on moral or religious beliefs.
Truth: The courts have uniformly rejected this
Truth: The courts have consistently held that argument on different grounds. Some courts have
disclosure of the type of routine financial informa- simply noted that the PRA applies to the forms
tion required on a tax return does not incriminate an themselves, not to the instruction booklets, and
individual or violate the right to privacy. Also, courts because the Form 1040 does have a control number,
have consistently found that the First and Thirteenth there is no PRA violation.
Amendments do not provide rights to refuse to
Trusts Myths: Forming a business trust to hold your
comply with federal tax laws.
income and assets will avoid taxes. A family estate
Internal Revenue Code Myths: The filing and trust will allow you to reduce or eliminate your tax
paying of tax is voluntary, or the Code doesn’t apply liability.
to me because I am neither a government employee
Truth: Establishing a trust, foreign or domestic, for
nor a resident of a sovereign state.
the sole purpose of hiding your income and assets
Truth: The term voluntary compliance means that from taxation is illegal and will not absolve you of
each of us is responsible for filing a tax return your tax liability.
when required and for determining and paying
the correct amount of tax. The tax law is found in
What does the IRS do to address
Title 26 of the United States Code. Section 6012 of
the Code makes clear that only individuals whose willful noncompliance with U.S.
income falls below a specified level do not have to
file returns. While our tax system is based on self- tax laws?
assessment and reporting, compliance with tax laws
is mandatory. State citizenship does not negate the 1. Encourage taxpayers to self-correct their returns and
applicability of the Code on individuals working and comply with their tax obligations.
residing in the United States.
2. Vigorously apply both civil and criminal sanctions,
Frivolous Credit Myths: African and Native including prosecution and prison sentence against those
Americans can claim a special tax credit as who persist in violating the tax laws.
reparations for slavery and other oppressive
treatment. Report individuals or companies not
Truth: There is no provision in the Code that complying with the tax laws to the IRS. For
allows taxpayers to claim reparation credits. Unless instructions, visit www.IRS.gov, and at the
bottom of the page, click on “Tax Fraud &
specifically provided for in the Code, no deduction or
Abuse”, then click on “IRS wants you to know
credit will be allowed.
about Schemes, Scams, and Cons”, and finally
Compensation Myths: Wages, tips, and other near the bottom of the page, “How do you report
compensation received for personal services are Suspected Tax Fraud Activity?”
not income because there is no taxable gain when a