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            Publication 551
            (Rev. December 2018)                                                 Contents
            Cat. No. 15094C                                                      Future Developments                  
of the                                                                           What’s New                    
Internal    Basis of Assets                                                      Reminder                       
Service                                                                          Introduction                  
                                                                                 Cost Basis                    
                                                                                       Stocks and Bonds               
                                                                                       Real Property               
                                                                                       Business Assets                 
                                                                                       Allocating the Basis           
                                                                                 Adjusted Basis                    
                                                                                       Increases to Basis             
                                                                                       Decreases to Basis             
                                                                                 Basis Other Than Cost                
                                                                                       Property Received for Services        
                                                                                       Taxable Exchanges              
                                                                                       Nontaxable Exchanges         
                                                                                       Property Transferred From a 
                                                                                       Property Received as a Gift       
                                                                                       Inherited Property             
                                                                                       Property Changed to Business 
                                                                                             or Rental Use                   10
                                                                                 How To Get Tax Help                         11
                                                                                 Glossary                                    13
                                                                                 Index                                       14

                                                                                 Future Developments
                                                                                 For the latest information about developments 
                                                                                 related to Pub. 551, such as legislation enacted 
                                                                                 after  this  publication  was  published,  go  to 

                                                                                 What’s New
                                                                                 Uniform  capitalization  rules.   Beginning  in 
                                                                                 2018, small businesses are not subject to the 
                                                                                 uniform capitalization rules if the average an-
                                                                                 nual gross receipts are $25 million or less for 
                                                                                 the 3 preceding tax years and the business isn't 
                                                                                 a tax shelter. See Uniform Capitalization Rules, 
                                                                                 Like-kind  exchanges.      Beginning  after  De-
                                                                                 cember  31,  2017,  section  1031  like-kind  ex-
                                                                                 change treatment applies only to exchanges of 
                                                                                 real property held for use in a trade or business 
                                                                                 or for investment, other than real property held 
                                                                                 primarily  for  sale.  Certain  exchanges  of  per-
                                                                                 sonal or intangible property started in 2017 and 
                                                                                 completed in 2018 may qualify as a like-kind ex-
                                                                                 change. See Like-Kind Exchanges, later.

              Get forms and other information faster and easier at:
              IRS.gov (English)         IRS.gov/Korean (한국어) 
              IRS.gov/Spanish (Español) IRS.gov/Russian (Pусский)            Reminder
              IRS.gov/Chinese (中文)      IRS.gov/Vietnamese (TiếngViệt)       Photographs of missing children.        The Inter-
                                                                                 nal Revenue Service is a proud partner with the 

Dec 10, 2018

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National  Center  for  Missing   &  Exploited        Useful Items                                                considered to be unstated interest. You gener-
Children® (NCMEC). Photographs of missing            You may want to see:                                        ally have unstated interest if your interest rate is 
children selected by the Center may appear in                                                                    less than the applicable federal rate. For more 
this publication on pages that would otherwise         Publication                                               information, see Unstated Interest and Original 
be blank. You can help bring these children                                                                      Issue Discount in Pub. 537.
home by looking at the photographs and calling            463 463 Travel, Gift, and Car Expenses
1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) if you rec-               523 523 Selling Your Home                              Purchase of a business.    When you purchase 
ognize a child.                                                                                                  a trade or business, you generally purchase all 
                                                          525 525 Taxable and Nontaxable Income                  assets used in the business operations, such as 
Introduction                                              527     Residential Rental Property                    land,  buildings,  and  machinery.  Allocate  the 
                                                                                                                 price among the various assets, including any 
Basis is the amount of your investment in prop-           530     Tax Information for Homeowners                 section 197 intangibles. See Allocating the Ba-
erty for tax purposes. Use the basis of property          535 535 Business Expenses                              sis, later.
to figure depreciation, amortization, depletion,          537 537 Installment Sales
and casualty losses. Also use it to figure gain or                                                               Stocks and Bonds
loss on the sale or other disposition of property.        544 544 Sales and Other Dispositions of 
You must keep accurate records of all items                   Assets                                             The basis of stocks or bonds you buy is gener-
that  affect  the  basis  of  property  so  you  can      547 547 Casualties, Disasters, and Thefts              ally the purchase price plus any costs of pur-
make these computations.                                                                                         chase, such as commissions and recording or 
This publication is divided into the following            550 550 Investment Income and Expenses                 transfer fees. If you get stocks or bonds other 
sections.                                                 559 559 Survivors, Executors, and                      than by purchase, your basis is usually deter-
   Cost Basis                                                                                                  mined by the fair market value (FMV) or the pre-
   Adjusted Basis                                           Administrators
                                                                                                                 vious owner's adjusted basis of the stock.
   Basis Other Than Cost                                587 587 Business Use of Your Home
                                                                                                                    You must adjust the basis of stocks for cer-
The basis of property you buy is usually its              946 946 How To Depreciate Property                     tain  events  that  occur  after  purchase.  See 
cost. You may also have to capitalize (add to                                                                    Stocks and Bonds in chapter 4 of Pub. 550 for 
basis) certain other costs related to buying or        Form (and Instructions)                                   more information on the basis of stock.
producing the property.                                   706 706 United States Estate (and 
Your original basis in property is adjusted                                                                      Identifying stock or bonds sold.     If you can 
(increased or decreased) by certain events. If                Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax 
you  make  improvements  to  the  property,  in-              Return                                             adequately identify the shares of stock or the 
                                                                                                                 bonds you sold, their basis is the cost or other 
crease your basis. If you take deductions for de-         706-A        706-A United States Additional Estate Tax basis of the particular shares of stock or bonds. 
preciation or casualty losses, reduce your ba-                Return                                             If you buy and sell securities at various times in 
sis.                                                      8594    8594 Asset Acquisition Statement               varying  quantities  and  you  can't  adequately 
You can't determine your basis in some as-                                                                       identify the shares you sell, the basis of the se-
sets by cost. This includes property you receive     See How To Get Tax Help near the end of this                curities you sell is the basis of the securities you 
as a gift or inheritance. It also applies to prop-   publication for information about getting publi-            acquired first. For more information about iden-
erty received in an involuntary conversion and       cations and forms.                                          tifying  securities  you  sell,  see Stocks  and 
certain other circumstances.                                                                                     Bonds under Basis of Investment Property in 
                                                                                                                 chapter 4 of Pub. 550.
Comments  and  suggestions.      We  welcome 
your comments about this publication and your        Cost Basis
                                                                                                                 Mutual fund shares.   If you sell mutual fund 
suggestions for future editions.                                                                                 shares acquired at different times and prices, 
You  can  send  us  comments  through                Terms you may need to know 
IRS.gov/FormComments. Or you can write to:           (see Glossary):                                             you can choose to use an average basis. For 
                                                        Business assets                                          more information, see Pub. 550.
     Internal Revenue Service                           Real property
     Tax Forms and Publications                         Unstated interest                                        Real Property
     1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526               
     Washington, DC 20224                                                                                        Real property, also called real estate, is land 
                                                                                                                 and generally anything built on or attached to it. 
                                                     The basis of property you buy is usually its cost.          If you buy real property, certain fees and other 
Although  we  can’t  respond  individually  to       The cost is the amount you pay in cash, debt                expenses become part of your cost basis in the 
each comment received, we do appreciate your         obligations,  other  property,  or  services.  Your         property.
feedback and will consider your comments as          cost also includes amounts you pay for the fol-
we revise our tax forms, instructions, and publi-    lowing items.                                               Real estate taxes. If you pay real estate taxes 
cations.                                               Sales tax.                                              the seller owed on real property you bought, 
Ordering  forms  and  publications.     Visit          Freight.                                                and the seller didn't reimburse you, treat those 
IRS.gov/FormsPubs  to  download  forms  and            Installation and testing.                               taxes as part of your basis. You can't deduct 
publications. Otherwise, you can go to IRS.gov/        Excise taxes.                                           them as taxes.
OrderForms  to  order  current  and  prior-year        Legal and accounting fees (when they                       If  you  reimburse  the  seller  for  taxes  the 
forms and instructions. Your order should arrive         must be capitalized).                                   seller paid for you, you can usually deduct that 
within 10 business days.                               Revenue stamps.                                         amount as an expense in the year of purchase. 
                                                       Recording fees.                                         don't include that amount in the basis of the 
Tax questions.      If you have a tax question         Real estate taxes (if assumed for the                   property. If you didn't reimburse the seller, you 
not  answered  by  this  publication,  check             seller).                                                must reduce your basis by the amount of those 
IRS.gov and How To Get Tax Help at the end of        You may also have to capitalize (add to basis)              taxes.
this publication.                                    certain other costs related to buying or produc-
                                                     ing property.                                               Settlement costs.  Your basis includes the set-
                                                                                                                 tlement fees and closing costs for buying prop-
                                                     Loans  with  low  or  no  interest.    If  you  buy         erty. You can't include in your basis the fees 
                                                     property on a time-payment plan that charges                and costs for getting a loan on property. A fee 
                                                     little or no interest, the basis of your property is        for buying property is a cost that must be paid 
                                                     your stated purchase price, minus the amount                even if you bought the property for cash.
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The following items are some of the settle-           Example.    If you buy a building for $20,000     carried on for profit. However, see Exceptions 
ment fees or closing costs you can include in       cash and assume a mortgage of $80,000 on it,        below.
the basis of your property.                         your basis is $100,000.                             Produce real or tangible personal property 
  Abstract fees (abstract of title fees).                                                               for use in the business or activity.
  Charges for installing utility services.        Constructing assets.    If you build property or    Produce real or tangible personal property 
  Legal fees (including title search and prep-    have assets built for you, your expenses for this     for sale to customers.
    aration of the sales contract and deed).        construction are part of your basis. Some of        Acquire property for resale.
  Recording fees.                                 these expenses include the following costs.         You produce property if you construct, build, 
  Surveys.                                         Land.                                            install, manufacture, develop, improve, create, 
  Transfer taxes.                                  Labor and materials.                             raise, or grow the property. Treat property pro-
  Owner's title insurance.                         Architect's fees.                                duced for you under a contract as produced by 
  Any amounts the seller owes that you             Building permit charges.                         you up to the amount you pay or costs you oth-
    agree to pay, such as back taxes or inter-       Payments to contractors.                         erwise incur for the property. Tangible personal 
    est, recording or mortgage fees, charges         Payments for rental equipment.                   property includes films, sound recordings, video 
    for improvements or repairs, and sales           Inspection fees.                                 tapes, books, or similar property.
    commissions.                                    In addition, if you own a business and use your     Under the uniform capitalization rules, you 
Settlement  costs  don't  include  amounts          employees, material, and equipment to build an      must capitalize all direct costs and an allocable 
placed in escrow for the future payment of items    asset, don't deduct the following expenses. You     part of most indirect costs you incur due to your 
such as taxes and insurance.                        must include them in the asset's basis.             production  or  resale  activities.  To  capitalize 
The  following  items  are  some  settlement         Employee wages paid for the construction         means to include certain expenses in the basis 
fees and closing costs you can't include in the        work, reduced by any employment credits          of property you produce or in your inventory 
basis of the property.                                 allowed.                                         costs rather than deduct them as a current ex-
                                                     Depreciation on equipment you own while          pense. You recover these costs through deduc-
1. Casualty insurance premiums.                        it's used in the construction.                   tions for depreciation, amortization, or cost of 
2. Rent for occupancy of the property before         Operating and maintenance costs for              goods sold when you use, sell, or otherwise dis-
    closing.                                           equipment used in the construction.              pose of the property.
                                                     The cost of business supplies and materi-        Any cost you can't use to figure your taxable 
3. Charges for utilities or other services rela-       als used in the construction.                    income for any tax year isn't subject to the uni-
    ted to occupancy of the property before 
    closing.                                                 Don't include the value of your own la-    form capitalization rules.
                                                             bor, or any other labor you didn't pay 
4. Charges connected with getting a loan.           CAUTION! for, in the basis of any property you      Example.     If you incur a business meal ex-
    The following are examples of these             construct.                                          pense for which your deduction would be limi-
    charges.                                                                                            ted to 50% of the cost of the meal, that amount 
    a. Points (discount points, loan origina-                                                           is  subject  to  the  uniform  capitalization  rules. 
        tion fees).                                 Business Assets                                     The nondeductible part of the cost isn't subject 
                                                                                                        to the uniform capitalization rules.
    b. Mortgage insurance premiums.
    c. Loan assumption fees.                        Terms you may need to know                          More information. For more information about 
                                                    (see Glossary):                                     these rules, see the regulations under section 
    d. Cost of a credit report.                        Amortization                                     263A of the Internal Revenue Code and Pub. 
    e. Fees for an appraisal required by a             Capitalization                                   538, Accounting Periods and Methods.
        lender.                                        Depletion                                        Exceptions.  Beginning  in  2018,  you're  not 
5. Fees for refinancing a mortgage.                    Depreciation                                     subject to the uniform capitalization rules if your 
                                                       Fair market value (FMV)                          average annual gross receipts are $25 million 
If these costs relate to business property, items      Going concern value                              or less for the 3 preceding tax years and you're 
(1) through (3) are deductible as business ex-         Goodwill                                         not a tax shelter. See section 263A(i).
penses. Items (4) and (5) must be capitalized          Intangible property
as costs of getting a loan and can be deducted         Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery               In addition, the following are not subject to 
over the period of the loan.                           System (MACRS) property                          the uniform capitalization rules.
                                                       Personal property                                Property you produce that you don't use in 
Points. If you pay points to obtain a loan (in-        Recapture                                          your trade, business, or activity conducted 
cluding a mortgage, second mortgage, line of           Section 179 deduction                              for profit.
credit, or a home equity loan), don't add the          Section 197 intangibles                          Qualified creative expenses you pay or in-
points to the basis of the related property. Gen-      Tangible property                                  cur as a freelance (self-employed) writer, 
                                                                                                          photographer, or artist that are otherwise 
erally, you deduct the points over the term of                                                            deductible on your tax return.
the loan. For more information on how to deduct                                                         Property you produce under a long-term 
points, see Points in chapter 4 of Pub. 535.                                                              contract, except for certain home construc-
                                                    If you purchase property to use in your busi-
Points on home mortgage.        Special rules       ness, your basis is usually its actual cost to you.   tion contracts.
may  apply  to  points  you  and  the  seller  pay  If you construct, create, or otherwise produce      Research and experimental expenses de-
when you obtain a mortgage to purchase your         property, you must capitalize the costs as your       ductible under section 174 of the Internal 
main home. If certain requirements are met, you     basis.  In  certain  circumstances,  you  may  be     Revenue Code.
can deduct the points in full for the year in which subject to the uniform capitalization rules (dis-   Before 2018, costs for personal property 
they're paid. Reduce the basis of your home by      cussed next).                                         acquired for resale if your (or your prede-
any  seller-paid  points.  For  more  information,                                                        cessor's) average annual gross receipts for 
                                                                                                          the 3 previous tax years don't exceed $10 
see Points in Pub. 936, Home Mortgage Inter-        Uniform Capitalization Rules                          million.
est Deduction.
                                                    The  uniform  capitalization  rules  specify  the   For other exceptions to the uniform capitaliza-
Assumption of mortgage.      If you buy property    costs you add to basis in certain circumstances.    tion rules, see section 1.263A-1(b) of the regu-
and  assume  (or  buy  subject  to)  an  existing                                                       lations.
mortgage on the property, your basis includes       Activities subject to the rules.  You must use      For information on the special rules that ap-
the amount you pay for the property plus the        the uniform capitalization rules if you do any of   ply to costs incurred in the business of farming, 
amount to be paid on the mortgage.                  the following in your trade or business or activity see chapter 6 in Pub. 225, Farmer's Tax Guide.

Publication 551 (December 2018)                                                                                                                 Page 3

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Intangible Assets                                     2. Accounts receivable, other debt instru-         If these conditions are met, add the costs of 
                                                        ments, and assets you mark to market at          the modifications to the basis of the building.
Intangible  assets  include  goodwill,  patents,        least annually for federal income tax pur-
copyrights,  trademarks,  trade  names,  and            poses.                                           Subdivided lots. If you buy a tract of land and 
                                                                                                         subdivide it, you must determine the basis of 
franchises. The basis of an intangible asset is       3. Property of a kind that would properly be       each lot. This is necessary because you must 
usually the cost to buy or create it. If you ac-        included in inventory if on hand at the end      figure the gain or loss on the sale of each indi-
quire multiple assets, for example, an ongoing          of the tax year or property held primarily       vidual lot. As a result, you don't recover your 
business for a lump sum, see Allocating the Ba-         for sale to customers in the ordinary            entire cost in the tract until you have sold all of 
sis, later, to figure the basis of the individual as-   course of business.                              the lots.
sets. The basis of certain intangibles can be 
amortized. See chapter 8 of Pub. 535 for infor-       4. All other assets except section 197 intan-      To determine the basis of an individual lot, 
mation on the amortization of these costs.              gibles, goodwill, and going concern value.       multiply the total cost of the tract by a fraction. 
Patents. The basis of a patent you get for an         5. Section 197 intangibles except goodwill         The numerator is the FMV of the lot and the de-
invention is the cost of development, such as           and going concern value.                         nominator is the FMV of the entire tract.
research and experimental expenditures, draw-         6. Goodwill and going concern value                Future improvement costs.       If you're a de-
ings, working models, and attorneys' and gov-           (whether or not they qualify as section 197      veloper and sell subdivided lots before the de-
ernmental fees. If you deduct the research and          intangibles).                                    velopment  work  is  completed,  you  can  (with 
experimental expenditures as current business                                                            IRS consent) include in the basis of the proper-
expenses, you can't include them in the basis of      Agreement.   The buyer and seller may enter        ties sold an allocation of the estimated future 
the  patent.  The  value  of  the  inventor's  time   into a written agreement as to the allocation of   cost for common improvements. See Revenue 
spent on an invention isn't part of the basis.        any consideration or the FMV of any of the as-     Procedure 92-29, 1992-1 C.B. 748, for more in-
                                                      sets. This agreement is binding on both parties    formation, including an explanation of the pro-
Copyrights. If you're an author, the basis of a       unless the IRS determines the amounts are not      cedures for getting consent from the IRS.
copyright will usually be the cost of getting the     appropriate.                                       Use of erroneous cost basis.         If you made 
copyright plus copyright fees, attorneys' fees,                                                          a mistake in figuring the cost basis of subdivi-
clerical assistance, and the cost of plates that      Reporting requirement.  Both the buyer and         ded lots sold in previous years, you can't cor-
remain in your possession. Don't include the          seller involved in the sale of business assets     rect the mistake for years for which the statute 
value of your time as the author, or any other        must report to the IRS the allocation of the sales of limitations (generally, 3 tax years) has ex-
person's time you didn't pay for.                     price among section 197 intangibles and the        pired. Figure the basis of any remaining lots by 
                                                      other business assets. Use Form 8594 to pro-       allocating the correct original cost basis of the 
Franchises, trademarks, and trade names.              vide  this  information.  The  buyer  and  seller  entire tract among the original lots.
If  you  buy  a  franchise,  trademark,  or  trade    should each attach Form 8594 to their federal 
name, the basis is its cost, unless you can de-       income tax return for the year in which the sale   Example.     You  bought  a  tract  of  land  to 
duct your payments as a business expense.             occurred.                                          which you assigned a cost of $15,000. You sub-
                                                                                                         divided the land into 15 building lots of equal 
                                                      More information. See Sale of a Business in        size and equitably divided your basis so that 
Allocating the Basis                                  chapter 2 of Pub. 544 for more information.        each lot had a basis of $1,000. You treated the 
If you buy multiple assets for a lump sum, allo-                                                         sale of each lot as a separate transaction and 
cate the amount you pay among the assets you          Land and Buildings                                 figured gain or loss separately on each sale.
receive. You must make this allocation to figure                                                         Several years later, you determine that your 
your basis for depreciation and gain or loss on a     If you buy buildings and the land on which they    original basis in the tract was $22,500 and not 
later disposition of any of these assets. See         stand for a lump sum, allocate the basis of the    $15,000. You sold eight lots using $8,000 of ba-
Trade or Business Acquired below.                     property among the land and the buildings so       sis in years for which the statute of limitations 
                                                      you can figure the depreciation allowable on the   has expired. You now can take $1,500 of basis 
Group of Assets Acquired                                                                                 into account for figuring gain or loss only on the 
                                                                                                         sale  of  each  of  the  remaining  seven  lots 
If you buy multiple assets for a lump sum, you        Figure the basis of each asset by multiplying      ($22,500 basis divided among all 15 lots). You 
and the seller may agree to a specific allocation     the lump sum by a fraction. The numerator is       can't refigure the basis of the eight lots sold in 
of the purchase price among the assets in the         the FMV of that asset and the denominator is       tax years barred by the statute of limitations.
sales contract. If this allocation is based on the    the FMV of the whole property at the time of 
value of each asset and you and the seller have       purchase. If you're not certain of the FMV of the 
adverse tax interests, the allocation generally       land and buildings, you can allocate the basis     Adjusted Basis
will be accepted. However, see    Trade or Busi-      based on their assessed values for real estate 
ness Acquired next.                                   tax purposes.                                      Before  figuring  gain  or  loss  on  a  sale,  ex-
                                                                                                         change, or other disposition of property, or fig-
                                                      Demolition of building. Add demolition costs       uring allowable depreciation, depletion or amor-
Trade or Business Acquired                            and other losses incurred for the demolition of    tization,  you  must  usually  make  certain 
If you acquire a trade or business, allocate the      any building to the basis of the land on which     adjustments to the basis of the property. The re-
consideration  paid  to  the  various  assets  ac-    the  demolished  building  was  located.  Don't    sult of these adjustments to the basis is the ad-
quired.  Generally,  reduce  the  consideration       claim the costs as a current deduction.            justed basis.
paid by any cash and general deposit accounts         Modification of building.   A modification of 
(including checking and savings accounts) re-         a building won't be treated as a demolition if     Increases to Basis
ceived. Allocate the remaining consideration to       both the following conditions are satisfied.
the other business assets received in propor-         75% or more of the existing external walls       Increase the basis of any property by all items 
tion to (but not more than) their fair market value     of the building are retained in place as in-     properly added to a capital account. These in-
(FMV) in the following order.                           ternal or external walls.                        clude the cost of any improvements having a 
1. Certificates of deposit, U.S. government           75% or more of the existing internal struc-      useful life of more than 1 year.
   securities, foreign currency, and actively           tural framework of the building is retained 
   traded personal property, including stock            in place.                                        Rehabilitation expenses also increase basis. 
   and securities.                                    If the building is a certified historic structure, However, you must subtract any rehabilitation 
                                                      the modification must also be part of a certified  credit allowed for these expenses before you 
                                                      rehabilitation.                                    add them to your basis. If you have to recapture 
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Table 1. Examples of Increases and Decreases to Basis                                                      Easements.
                                                                                                           Gas-guzzler tax.
Increases to Basis                                   Decreases to Basis                                    Adoption tax benefits.
Capital improvements:                                Exclusion from income of subsidies for energy         Credit for employer-provided child care.
 Putting an addition on your home                    conservation measures                                 Partial disposition of MACRS property, 
 Replacing an entire roof                                                                                    whether you elect to recognize the partial 
 Paving your driveway                                Casualty or theft loss deductions and                   disposition or are required to recognize it.
 Installing central air conditioning                 insurance reimbursements                            Some of these items are discussed next.
Rewiring your home                                    
                                                     Certain vehicle credits                             Casualties and Thefts
Assessments for local improvements:                  Section 179 deduction
Water connections                                                                                        If you have a casualty or theft loss, decrease 
Sidewalks                                                                                                the basis in your property by any insurance or 
Roads                                                                                                    other  reimbursement  and  by  any  deductible 
Casualty losses:                                     Depreciation                                        loss not covered by insurance.
Restoring damaged property                            
                                                     Nontaxable corporate distributions                  If you dispose of a portion of MACRS prop-
Legal fees:                                                                                              erty because of a loss sustained from a casu-
                                                                                                         alty event, decrease the basis in the property by 
 Cost of defending and perfecting a title                                                                any insurance or other reimbursement and by 
Zoning costs                                                                                             any deductible loss on the disposed portion of 
                                                                                                         the  property  that  isn't  covered  by  insurance. 
any of the credit, increase your basis by the re-    costs.  If  you  capitalize  these  costs,  include The deductible loss is generally the decrease in 
captured amount.                                     them in your basis. If you deduct them, don't in-   the fair market value of the property resulting 
                                                     clude them in your basis. See Uniform Capitali-     from the casualty event, but is limited to the ad-
If you make additions or improvements to             zation Rules, earlier.                              justed  basis  of  the  disposed  portion  of  the 
business property, keep separate accounts for 
                                                                                                         MACRS property.
them. Also, you must depreciate the basis of          The costs you can choose to deduct or to 
each according to the depreciation rules that        capitalize include the following.                   You must increase your basis in the property 
would apply to the underlying property if you         Carrying charges, such as interest and           by the amount you spend on repairs that sub-
had placed it in service at the same time you           taxes, that you pay to own property, except      stantially  prolong  the  life  of  the  property,  in-
placed the addition or improvement in service.          carrying charges that must be capitalized        crease its value, or adapt it to a different use. 
For more information, see Pub. 946.                     under the uniform capitalization rules.          To make this determination, compare the re-
The following items increase the basis of             Research and experimentation costs.              paired property to the property before the casu-
property.                                             Intangible drilling and development costs        alty. If the amount you spent didn't otherwise 
The cost of extending utility service lines to        for oil, gas, and geothermal wells.              improve the property, then it's deductible as a 
  the property.                                       Exploration costs for new mineral deposits.      repair and doesn't affect basis. For more infor-
Impact fees.                                        Mining development costs for a new min-          mation on casualty and theft losses, see Pub. 
Legal fees, such as the cost of defending             eral deposit.                                    547.
  and perfecting title.                               Costs of establishing, maintaining, or in-
Legal fees for obtaining a decrease in an             creasing the circulation of a newspaper or       Easements
  assessment levied against property to pay             other periodical.
  for local improvements.                             Costs of removing architectural and trans-       The amount you receive for granting an ease-
Zoning costs.                                         portation barriers to people with disabilities   ment is generally considered to be a sale of an 
The capitalized value of a redeemable                 and the elderly. If you claim the disabled       interest in real property. It reduces the basis of 
  ground rent.                                          access credit, you must reduce the amount        the affected part of the property. If the amount 
                                                        you deduct or capitalize by the amount of        received is more than the basis of the part of 
                                                        the credit.
Assessments for                                                                                          the property affected by the easement, reduce 
                                                                                                         your basis in that part to zero and treat the ex-
Local Improvements                                    For  more  information  about  deducting  or       cess as a recognized gain.
Increase the basis of property by assessments        capitalizing costs, see chapter 7 in Pub. 535.
for items such as paving roads and building                                                              Vehicle Credits
ditches that increase the value of the property      Decreases to Basis
assessed. Don't deduct them as taxes. How-                                                               Unless you elect not to claim the qualified vehi-
ever,  you  can  deduct  as  taxes  charges  for     The following are some items that reduce the        cle credit, the alternative motor vehicle credit, or 
maintenance, repairs, or interest charges rela-      basis of property.                                  the qualified plug-in electric drive motor vehicle 
ted to the improvements.                              Section 179 deduction.                           credit, you may have to reduce the basis of 
                                                      Nontaxable corporate distributions.              each qualified vehicle by certain amounts repor-
Example.    Your city changes the street in           Deductions previously allowed (or allowa-        ted. For more information on available credits, 
front of your store into an enclosed pedestrian         ble) for amortization, depreciation, and de-     see  Form  8834,  Qualified  Electric  Vehicle 
mall and assesses you and other affected land-          pletion.                                         Credit; Form 8910, Alternative Motor Vehicle 
owners for the cost of the conversion. Add the        Exclusion of subsidies for energy conser-        Credit;  Form  8936,  Qualified  Plug-in  Electric 
assessment to your property's basis. In this ex-        vation measures.                                 Drive Motor Vehicle Credit; and the related in-
ample, the assessment is a depreciable asset.         Certain vehicle credits.                         structions.
                                                      Residential energy credits.
Deducting vs. Capitalizing Costs                      Postponed gain from sale of home.                Gas-Guzzler Tax
                                                      Investment credit (part or all) taken.
Don't add to your basis costs you can deduct as       Casualty and theft losses and insurance          Decrease the basis in your car by the gas-guz-
current expenses. For example, amounts paid             reimbursement.                                   zler (fuel economy) tax if you begin using the 
for incidental repairs or maintenance that are        Certain canceled debt excluded from in-          car within 1 year of the date of its first sale for 
deductible  as  business  expenses  can't  be           come.                                            ultimate use. This rule also applies to someone 
added to basis. However, you can choose ei-           Rebates treated as adjustments to the            who later buys the car and begins using it not 
ther  to  deduct  or  to  capitalize  certain  other    sales price.                                     more  than  1  year  after  the  original  sale  for 
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ultimate use. If the car is imported, the 1-year   Canceled Debt Excluded                              portion  sold.  Use  your  records  to  determine 
period begins on the date of entry or withdrawal   From Income                                         which portion of the asset was sold, the date 
of the car from the warehouse if that date is                                                          the asset was placed in service, the unadjusted 
later than the date of the first sale for ultimate If a debt you owe is canceled or forgiven, other    basis of the portion sold, and its adjusted basis. 
use.                                               than as a gift or bequest, you generally must in-   See the partial disposition rules in Regulations 
                                                   clude the canceled amount in your gross in-         section 1.168(i)-8 for more detail. The adjusted 
Section 179 Deduction                              come for tax purposes. A debt includes any in-      basis of the portion sold is used to determine 
                                                   debtedness  for  which  you're  liable  or  which   the gain or loss realized on the sale. Also see 
If you take the section 179 deduction for all or   attaches to property you hold.                      Pub. 544.
part of the cost of qualifying business property, 
decrease the basis of the property by the de-      You  can  exclude  canceled  debt  from  in-        If  you  physically  abandon  a  portion  of 
duction. For more information about the section    come in the following situations.                   MACRS property (a MACRS asset) and you 
                                                                                                       elect to recognize the loss on the abandonment 
179 deduction, see Pub. 946.                       1. Debt canceled in a bankruptcy case or            by reporting the loss on your tax return, you 
                                                   when you're insolvent.                              must reduce the adjusted basis of the MACRS 
Exclusion of Subsidies for Energy                  2. Qualified farm debt.                             asset by the adjusted basis of the portion aban-
Conservation Measures                                                                                  doned. Use your records to determine which 
                                                   3. Qualified real property business debt (pro-      portion of the asset was abandoned, the date 
You can exclude from gross income any sub-         vided you're not a C corporation).                  the asset was placed in service, the unadjusted 
sidy you received from a public utility company                                                        basis of the portion abandoned, and its adjus-
for the purchase or installation of any energy     If you exclude from income canceled debt un-
conservation measure for a dwelling unit. Re-      der situation (1) or (2), you may have to reduce    ted basis. See the partial disposition rules in 
duce the basis of the property for which you re-   the basis of your depreciable and nondeprecia-      Regulations section 1.168(i)-8 for more detail. 
ceived the subsidy by the excluded amount. For     ble property. However, in situation (3), you must   Also see Example 2 and Example 3 below.
more information on this subsidy, see Pub. 525.    reduce the basis of your depreciable property 
                                                   by the excluded amount.                             Adjustments to Basis 
Depreciation                                       For more information about canceled debt in         Examples
                                                   a bankruptcy case or during insolvency, see 
Decrease the basis of property by the deprecia-    Pub. 908, Bankruptcy Tax Guide. For more in-        Example  1.  In  January  2013,  you  paid 
tion you deducted, or could have deducted, on      formation about canceled debt that is qualified     $80,000 for real property to be used as a fac-
your tax returns under the method of deprecia-     farm debt, see chapter 3 in Pub. 225. For more      tory. You also paid commissions of $2,000 and 
tion you chose. If you took less depreciation      information about qualified real property busi-     title search and legal fees of $600. You alloca-
than you could have under the method chosen,       ness  debt,  see  chapter  5  in  Pub.  334,  Tax   ted the total cost of $82,600 between the land 
decrease the basis by the amount you could         Guide for Small Business.                           and  the  building—$10,325  for  the  land  and 
have taken under that method. If you didn't take                                                       $72,275  for  the  building.  Immediately,  you 
a depreciation deduction, reduce the basis by                                                          spent $20,000 in remodeling the building before 
the full amount of the depreciation you could      Postponed Gain From Sale of                         you placed it in service. You were allowed de-
have taken.                                        Home                                                preciation  of  $14,526  for  the  years  2013 
                                                                                                       through 2017. In 2016, you had a $5,000 casu-
Unless a timely election is made not to de-        If you postponed gain from the sale of your         alty loss from a storm that wasn't covered by in-
duct  the  special  depreciation  allowance  for   main home before May 7, 1997, you must re-          surance on the building. You claimed a deduc-
property placed in service after September 10,     duce the basis of your new home by the post-        tion for this loss. You spent $5,500 to repair the 
2001, decrease the property's basis by the spe-    poned gain. For more information on the rules       damages and to otherwise improve the build-
cial  depreciation  allowance  you  deducted  or   for the sale of a home, see Pub. 523.               ing. The adjusted basis of the building on Janu-
could have deducted.                                                                                   ary 1, 2018, is figured as follows:
                                                   Adoption Tax Benefits
If you deducted more depreciation than you                                                             Original cost of building including fees and 
should  have,  decrease  your  basis  by  the      If you claim an adoption credit for the cost of im- commissions                                  $72,275
amount equal to the depreciation you should        provements  you  added  to  the  basis  of  your    Adjustments to basis:
have deducted plus the part of the excess de-      home, decrease the basis of your home by the        Add:
preciation you deducted that actually reduced      credit allowed. This also applies to amounts you        Improvements                             20,000
your tax liability for the year.                   received under an employer's adoption assis-            Repair of damages                        5,500
                                                   tance program and excluded from income. For                                                      $97,775
In decreasing your basis for depreciation,         more  information,  see  Form  8839,  Qualified     Subtract:
                                                                                                           Depreciation          $14,526
take into account the amount deducted on your      Adoption Expenses.                                      Deducted casualty 
tax returns as depreciation and any deprecia-                                                              loss                           5,000     19,526
tion capitalized under the uniform capitalization 
rules.                                             Employer-Provided Child Care                        Adjusted basis on January 1, 2018            $78,249
                                                   If you're an employer, you can claim the em-        The basis of the land, $10,325, remains un-
For information on figuring depreciation, see      ployer-provided child care credit on amounts        changed. it's not affected by any of the above 
Pub. 946.                                          you paid or incurred to acquire, construct, reha-   adjustments.
If you're claiming depreciation on a business      bilitate, or expand property used as part of your 
vehicle, see Pub. 463. If the car isn't used more  qualified child care facility. You must reduce      Example 2.  You own a building that you pur-
than 50% for business during the tax year, you     your basis in that property by the credit claimed.  chased in 1990 for $75,000. You use the build-
may have to recapture excess depreciation. In-     For more information, see Form 8882, Credit for     ing in your business. The building is a MACRS 
clude the excess depreciation in your gross in-    Employer-Provided  Child  Care  Facilities  and     asset. You removed and abandoned the roof on 
come and add it to your basis in the property.     Services.                                           the building and replaced it with a new roof. You 
For information on the computation of excess                                                           make the partial disposition election to recog-
depreciation, see chapter 4 in Pub. 463.           Disposition of a Portion of MACRS                   nize loss on the abandonment of the old roof by 
                                                   Property                                            reporting the loss on your timely filed tax return. 
                                                                                                       The loss is the adjusted basis of the roof as of 
                                                   If  you  sell  a  portion  of  MACRS  property  (a  the first day of the tax year of the abandonment. 
                                                   MACRS asset), you must reduce the adjusted          Using  your  records,  you  determine  that  the 
                                                   basis of the asset by the adjusted basis of the     abandoned roof was placed in service in 1990 
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with the building, the unadjusted basis of the      Bargain Purchases                                     Taxable Exchanges
building attributable to the roof is $5,000, and 
after you deducted depreciation of $3,500 on        A bargain purchase is a purchase of an item for       A taxable exchange is one in which the gain is 
the roof, its adjusted basis as of the first day of less than its FMV. If, as compensation for serv-      taxable or the loss is deductible. A taxable gain 
the tax year of the abandonment is $1,500. Re-      ices, you purchase goods or other property at         or deductible loss is also known as a recog-
port the $1,500 ordinary loss in Part II of Form    less than FMV, include the difference between         nized gain or loss. If you receive property in ex-
4797. In your depreciation records, you must        the purchase price and the property's FMV in          change  for  other  property  in  a  taxable  ex-
reduce  the  unadjusted  basis  of  the  building,  your income. Your basis in the property is its        change, the basis of property you receive is 
$75,000, by the unadjusted basis of the roof,       FMV (your purchase price plus the amount you          usually its FMV at the time of the exchange. A 
$5,000, as well as reduce the accumulated de-       include in income).                                   taxable  exchange  occurs  when  you  receive 
preciation of the building by the accumulated                                                             cash or property not similar or related in use to 
depreciation on the roof, $3,500. You must also     If  the  difference  between  your  purchase          the property exchanged.
capitalize the cost of the replacement roof and     price and the FMV represents a qualified em-
depreciate it as a separate asset from the build-   ployee discount, don't include the difference in      Example.     You  trade  a  tract  of  farm  land 
ing.                                                income. However, your basis in the property is        with an adjusted basis of $3,000 for a tractor 
                                                    still its FMV. See Employee Discounts in Pub.         that has an FMV of $6,000. You must report a 
Example 3. You own a bulldozer that you pur-        15-B.                                                 taxable gain of $3,000 for the land. The tractor 
chased 2 years ago for $25,000. You use the                                                               has a basis of $6,000.
bulldozer in your business. The bulldozer is a      Restricted Property
MACRS asset. You removed and replaced the 
                                                                                                          Involuntary Conversions
bucket on the bulldozer with a new bucket. You      If you receive property for your services and the 
make the partial disposition election to recog-     property is subject to certain restrictions, your     If you receive property as a result of an involun-
nize loss on the abandonment of the old bucket      basis in the property is its FMV when it be-          tary conversion, such as a casualty, theft, or 
by reporting the loss on your timely filed tax re-  comes substantially vested unless you make            condemnation, you can figure the basis of the 
turn.  The  loss  is  the  adjusted  basis  of  the the election discussed later. Property becomes        replacement property you receive using the ba-
bucket as of the first day of the tax year of the   substantially  vested  when  your  rights  in  the    sis of the converted property.
abandonment. Using your records, you deter-         property or the rights of any person to whom 
mine that the abandoned bucket was placed in        you transfer the property are not subject to a        Similar or related property.  If you receive re-
service with the bulldozer, the unadjusted basis    substantial risk of forfeiture.                       placement property similar or related in service 
of the bucket is $5,000, and after you deducted                                                           or use to the converted property, the replace-
depreciation of $3,800 on the bucket, the adjus-    There is substantial risk of forfeiture when          ment property's basis is the old property's basis 
ted basis of the bucket as of the first day of the  the rights to full enjoyment of the property de-      on the date of the conversion. However, make 
tax year of the abandonment is $1,200. Report       pend on the future performance of substantial         the following adjustments.
the $1,200 ordinary loss in Part II of Form 4797.   services by any person.
In your depreciation records, you must reduce                                                             1. Decrease the basis by the following.
the unadjusted basis of the bulldozer, $25,000,     When  the  property  becomes  substantially           a. Any loss you recognize on the conver-
by the unadjusted basis of the bucket, $5,000,      vested, include the FMV, less any amount you                  sion.
as well as reduce the accumulated depreciation      paid for the property, in income.
of the bulldozer by the accumulated deprecia-                                                             b. Any money you receive that you don't 
tion on the bucket, $3,800. You must also capi-     Example.  Your employer gives you stock                       spend on similar property.
talize the cost of the replacement bucket and       for services performed under the condition that       2. Increase the basis by the following.
begin depreciating it as a separate asset from      you'll have to return the stock unless you com-
the bulldozer.                                      plete 5 years of service. The stock is under a        a. Any gain you recognize on the con-
                                                    substantial risk of forfeiture and isn't substan-             version.
                                                    tially vested when you receive it. You don't re-      b. Any cost of acquiring the replacement 
Basis Other Than Cost                               port any income until you have completed the 5                property.
                                                    years of service that satisfy the condition.
There are many times when you can't use cost                                                              Money or property not similar or related. If 
as basis. In these cases, the fair market value     Fair market value.  Figure the FMV of property        you receive money or property not similar or re-
or the adjusted basis of property may be used.      you received without considering any restriction      lated in service or use to the converted prop-
Adjusted basis is discussed earlier.                except one that by its terms will never end.          erty, and you buy replacement property similar 
                                                                                                          or related in service or use to the converted 
Fair market value (FMV). FMV is the price at        Example.  You  received  stock  from  your            property, the basis of the new property is its 
which property would change hands between a         employer  for  services  you  performed.  If  you     cost decreased by the gain not recognized on 
buyer and a seller, neither having to buy or sell,  want  to  sell  the  stock  while  you're  still  em- the conversion.
and both having reasonable knowledge of all         ployed, you must sell the stock to your em-
necessary facts. Sales of similar property on or    ployer  at  book  value.  At  your  retirement  or    Example.     The state condemned your prop-
about the same date may be helpful in figuring      death, you or your estate must offer to sell the      erty.  The  property  had  an  adjusted  basis  of 
the property's FMV.                                 stock to your employer at its book value. This is     $26,000 and the state paid you $31,000 for it. 
                                                    a restriction that by its terms will never end and    You  realized  a  gain  of  $5,000  ($31,000  − 
                                                    you must consider it when you figure the FMV.         $26,000).  You  bought  replacement  property 
Property Received                                                                                         similar  in  use  to  the  converted  property  for 
for Services                                        Election. You can choose to include in your           $29,000.  You  recognize  a  gain  of  $2,000 
                                                    gross income the FMV of the property at the           ($31,000 − $29,000), the unspent part of the 
If you receive property for services, include the   time of transfer, less any amount you paid for it.    payment from the state. Your gain not recog-
property's FMV in income. The amount you in-        If you make this choice, the substantially vested     nized  is  $3,000,  the  difference  between  the 
clude  in  income  becomes  your  basis.  If  the   rules don't apply. Your basis is the amount you       $5,000 realized gain and the $2,000 recognized 
services were performed for a price agreed on       paid plus the amount you included in income.          gain. The basis of the new property is figured as 
beforehand, it will be accepted as the FMV of       See the discussion of  Restricted Property in         follows:
the property if there is no evidence to the con-    Pub. 525 for more information.
trary.                                                                                                    Cost of replacement property           $29,000
                                                                                                          Minus: Gain not recognized             3,000
                                                                                                          Basis of the replacement property      $26,000

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Allocating  the  basis. If  you  buy  more  than    Exchange  expenses.   Exchange  expenses             If the other party to the exchange assumes 
one  piece  of  replacement  property,  allocate    are generally the closing costs you pay. They        your  liabilities,  treat  the  debt  assumption  as 
your basis among the properties based on their      include such items as brokerage commissions,         money you received in the exchange.
respective costs.                                   attorney fees, deed preparation fees, etc. Add 
                                                    them to the basis of the like-kind property re-      Example. You trade a parcel of real prop-
  Example. The state in the previous exam-          ceived.                                              erty with an adjusted basis of $60,000 for an-
ple condemned your unimproved real property                                                              other parcel of real property with an FMV of 
and the replacement property you bought was         Property plus cash. If you trade property in a       $52,000 and $10,000 cash. You realize a gain 
improved real property with both land and build-    like-kind exchange and also pay money, the ba-       of $2,000 (the FMV of the parcel of real prop-
ings.  Allocate  the  replacement  property's       sis of the property received is the basis of the     erty received plus the cash minus the adjusted 
$26,000  basis  between  land  and  buildings       property you gave up increased by the money          basis of real property you traded ($52,000 + 
based on their respective costs.                    you paid.                                            $10,000  –  $60,000)).  You  must  include  all 
                                                                                                         $2,000 of the gain in income as recognized gain 
More information. For more information about        Example.  You exchange  a parcel of  real            because the gain is less than the cash received. 
condemnations, see Involuntary Conversions in       property (adjusted basis of $30,000) for another     Your basis in the newly acquired parcel of real 
Pub. 544. For more information about casualty       parcel of real property (FMV $75,000) and pay        property is as follows:
and theft losses, see Pub. 547.                     $40,000. Your basis in the newly acquired real 
                                                    property is $70,000 (the $30,000 adjusted basis      Adjusted basis of old property               $60,000
                                                    of the old parcel plus the $40,000 paid).
Nontaxable Exchanges                                                                                     Minus: Cash received (adjustment 1(a))       10,000
                                                    Special  rules  for  related  persons.   If  a       Plus: Gain recognized (adjustment 2(b))      2,000
Terms you may need to know                          like-kind exchange takes place directly or indi-
(see Glossary):                                     rectly between related persons and either party      Basis of new property                        $52,000
                                                    disposes of the property within 2 years after the 
  Intangible property                               exchange, the exchange no longer qualifies for       Allocation of basis.   Allocate the basis first to 
  Like-kind property                                like-kind  exchange  treatment.  Each  person        the unlike property, other than money, up to its 
  Personal property                                 must report any gain or loss not recognized on       FMV on the date of the exchange. The rest is 
  Real property                                     the original exchange. Each person reports it on     the basis of the like property.
                                                    the tax return filed for the year in which the later 
                                                    disposition occurs. If this rule applies, the basis  Example. You  had  an  adjusted  basis  of 
A  nontaxable  exchange  is  an  exchange  in       of  the  property  received  in  the  original  ex-  $15,000 in real estate you held for investment. 
which you're not taxed on any gain and you          change will be its fair market value (at the time    You exchanged it for other real estate to be held 
can't deduct any loss. If you receive property in   of the exchange).                                    for investment with an FMV of $12,500, a truck 
a nontaxable exchange, its basis is usually the     These rules generally don't apply to the fol-        with an FMV of $3,000, and $1,000 cash. The 
same as the basis of the property you transfer-     lowing kinds of property dispositions.               truck is unlike property. You realized a gain of 
red. A nontaxable gain or loss is also known as     Dispositions due to the death of either rela-      $1,500 ($16,500 − $15,000). This is the FMV of 
an unrecognized gain or loss.                         ted person.                                        the real estate received plus the FMV of the 
                                                    Involuntary conversions.                           truck received plus the cash minus the adjus-
                                                    Dispositions in which neither the original         ted basis of the real estate you traded ($12,500 
Like-Kind Exchanges                                   exchange nor the subsequent disposition            + $3,000 + $1,000 – $15,000). You include in 
                                                      had as a main purpose the avoidance of             income (recognize) all $1,500 of the gain be-
The exchange of property for the same kind of         federal income tax.                                cause it's less than the FMV of the unlike prop-
property may qualify as a nontaxable exchange 
under  section  1031  of  the  Internal  Revenue    Related  persons.   Generally,  related  per-        erty plus the cash received. Your basis in the 
Code.  Beginning  after  2017,  nontaxable          sons are ancestors, lineal descendants, broth-       properties you received is figured as follows:
like-kind  exchange  treatment  under  section      ers and sisters (whole or half), and a spouse.
1031 applies only to exchanges of real property     For other related persons (for example, two          Adjusted basis of real estate transferred    $15,000
held for use in a trade or business or for invest-  corporations, an individual and a corporation, a     Minus: Cash received (adjustment 1(a))        1,000
ment, other than real property held primarily for   grantor and fiduciary, etc.), see Nondeductible                                                   $14,000
sale. Before 2017, section 1031 also applied to     Loss in chapter 2 of Pub. 544.                       Plus: Gain recognized (adjustment 2(b))       1,500
certain  exchanges  of  personal  or  intangible                                                         Total basis of properties received           $15,500
property. Nontaxable like-kind exchange treat-      Partially Nontaxable Exchange
ment under section 1031 will still apply to a                                                            Allocate the total basis of $15,500 first to the 
qualifying exchange of personal or intangible       A partially nontaxable exchange is an exchange       unlike property — the truck ($3,000). This is the 
property  if  the  taxpayer  disposed  of  the  ex- in which you receive unlike property or money        truck's FMV. The rest ($12,500) is the basis of 
changed property on or before December 31,          in addition to like property. The basis of the       the real estate.
2017, or received replacement property on or        property you receive is the same as the basis of 
before that date.                                   the property you gave up, with the following ad-     Sale and Purchase
  To qualify as a like-kind exchange, you must 
hold for business or investment purposes both       1. Decrease the basis by the following               If you sell property and buy similar property in 
the real property you transfer and the real prop-     amounts.                                           two mutually dependent transactions, you may 
                                                                                                         have to treat the sale and purchase as a single 
erty you receive. There must also be an ex-              a. Any money you receive.                       nontaxable exchange.
change of like-kind property. For more informa-
tion, see Like-Kind Exchanges in Pub. 544.               b. Any loss you recognize on the ex-
                                                            change.                                      Example. You have real property held for 
                                                                                                         productive use in your trade or business. Its ad-
  The basis of the property you receive is the      2. Increase the basis by the following               justed  basis  is  $500,000  and  its  fair  market 
same as the basis of the property you gave up.        amounts.                                           value is $750,000. You're interested in replac-
  Example. You exchange real estate (adjus-              a. Any additional costs you incur.              ing the property with real estate containing a 
                                                                                                         building worth $900,000. Ordinarily, you would 
ted basis $50,000, FMV $80,000) held for in-             b. Any gain you recognize on the ex-            swap properties and pay the $150,000 differ-
vestment for other real estate (FMV $80,000)                change.                                      ence in fair market values. Your basis would 
held for investment. Your basis in the new prop-
erty is the same as the basis of the old property                                                        then  be  $650,000  ($150,000  cash  paid  plus 
($50,000).                                                                                               $500,000 adjusted basis in your old property).

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You want your new real property to have a            At  the time  of the transfer, the transferor         of any gift tax paid, depending on the date of 
larger basis for depreciation, so you arrange to     must give you the records necessary to deter-         the gift.
sell your old property to the other party. You       mine the adjusted basis and holding period of 
then buy the new property from that individual       the property as of the date of transfer.              Also, for figuring gain or loss from a sale or 
for  $900,000.  However,  if  the  sale  and  pur-                                                         other disposition of the property, or for figuring 
chase are reciprocal and mutually dependent,         For  more  information,  see  Pub.  504,  Di-         depreciation, depletion, or amortization deduc-
you're treated as having exchanged your old          vorced or Separated Individuals.                      tions on business property, you must increase 
property for the new property. In that case, your                                                          or decrease your basis by any required adjust-
basis for depreciation for the new property is                                                             ments to basis while you held the property. See 
$650,000, the same as if you had exchanged           Property                                              Adjusted Basis, earlier.
the old property for the new property.               Received as a Gift
                                                                                                           Gift received before 1977.           If you received a 
Partial Business Use of Property                     To figure the basis of property you receive as a      gift before 1977, increase your basis in the gift 
                                                     gift, you must know its adjusted basis (defined       (the donor's adjusted basis) by any gift tax paid 
If you have real property, a portion of which is     earlier) to the donor just before it was given to     on it. However, don't increase your basis above 
used for business and a portion of which is          you, its FMV at the time it was given to you, and     the FMV of the gift at the time it was given to 
used for personal use, and you exchange it in a      any gift tax paid on it.                              you.
nontaxable  exchange  for  real  property  to  be 
                                                                                                           Example  1.       You  were  given  a  house  in 
used wholly or partly in your business, the basis    FMV Less Than                                         1976 with an FMV of $21,000. The donor's ad-
of the property you receive is figured separately    Donor's Adjusted Basis                                justed basis was $20,000. The donor paid a gift 
for the business and nonbusiness use parts. 
The part of the property used for business is an     If the FMV of the property at the time of the gift    tax of $500. Your basis is $20,500, the donor's 
exchange  of  like-kind  property.  The  per-        is less than the donor's adjusted basis, your ba-     adjusted basis plus the gift tax paid.
sonal-use part of the property is property on        sis depends on whether you have a gain or a           Example 2.        If, in Example 1, the gift tax 
which gain is recognized.                            loss when you dispose of the property. Your ba-       paid  had  been  $1,500,  your  basis  would  be 
                                                     sis for figuring gain is the same as the donor's      $21,000. This is the donor's adjusted basis plus 
Figure the adjusted basis of each part of the        adjusted basis plus or minus any required ad-         the gift tax paid, limited to the FMV of the house 
property by taking into account any adjustments      justment to basis while you held the property.        at the time you received the gift.
to basis. Deduct the depreciation you took or        Your basis for figuring loss is its FMV when you 
could have taken from the adjusted basis of the      received the gift plus or minus any required ad-      Gift received after 1976.  If you received a gift 
business part. Then figure the amount realized       justment to basis while you held the property         after 1976, increase your basis in the gift (the 
for your property and allocate it to the business    (see Adjusted Basis, earlier).                        donor's adjusted basis) by the part of the gift tax 
and nonbusiness parts of the property.                                                                     paid on it that is due to the net increase in value 
                                                     If you use the donor's adjusted basis for fig-        of the gift. Figure the increase by multiplying the 
You're  deemed  to  have  received,  in  ex-         uring a gain and get a loss, and then use the         gift tax paid by a fraction. The numerator of the 
change for the nonbusiness part, an amount           FMV for figuring a loss and have a gain, you          fraction is the net increase in value of the gift, 
equal to its FMV on the date of the exchange.        have neither gain nor loss on the sale or dispo-      and the denominator is the amount of the gift.
The basis of the property you acquired is the to-    sition of the property.                               The net increase in value of the gift is the 
tal basis of the property transferred (adjusted to                                                         FMV of the gift less the donor's adjusted basis. 
the date of the exchange), increased by any          Example. You received an acre of land as              The amount of the gift is its value for gift tax pur-
gain recognized on the nonbusiness part.             a gift. At the time of the gift, the land had an      poses after reduction by any annual exclusion 
                                                     FMV of $8,000. The donor's adjusted basis was         and marital or charitable deduction that applies 
     If the nonbusiness part of the property         $10,000. After you received the land, no events       to the gift. For information on the gift tax, see 
TIP  transferred  is  your  main  home,  you         occurred to increase or decrease your basis. If       Pub. 559, Survivors, Executors, and Adminis-
     may qualify to exclude from income all          you  sell  the  land  for  $12,000,  you'll  have  a  trators.
or part of the gain on that part. For more infor-    $2,000 gain because you must use the donor's 
mation, see Pub. 523.                                adjusted basis ($10,000) at the time of the gift      Example.      In 2018, you received a gift of 
                                                     as your basis to figure gain. If you sell the land    property from your mother that had an FMV of 
                                                     for $7,000, you'll have a $1,000 loss because         $50,000. Her adjusted basis was $20,000. The 
Property Transferred                                 you must use the FMV ($8,000) at the time of          amount  of  the  gift  for  gift  tax  purposes  was 
From a Spouse                                        the gift as your basis to figure a loss.              $35,000  ($50,000  minus  the  $15,000  annual 
                                                     If  the  sales  price  is  between  $8,000  and       exclusion). She paid a gift tax of $7,100. Your 
The  basis  of  property  transferred  to  you  or   $10,000, you have neither gain nor loss. For in-      basis, $26,106, is figured as follows:
transferred  in  trust  for  your  benefit  by  your stance, if the sales price was $9,000 and you 
spouse (or former spouse if the transfer is inci-    tried to figure a gain using the donor's adjusted     Fair market value                         $50,000
dent to divorce) is the same as your spouse's        basis ($10,000), you would get a $1,000 loss. If      Minus: Adjusted basis                     20,000
adjusted basis. However, adjust your basis for       you then tried to figure a loss using the FMV         Net increase in value                     $30,000
any gain recognized by your spouse or former         ($8,000), you would get a $1,000 gain.                Gift tax paid                             $7,100
spouse  on  property  transferred  in  trust.  This                                                        Multiplied by ($30,000 ÷ $35,000)         0.86
rule applies only to a transfer of property in trust Business  property.      If  you  hold  the  gift  as                                           $6,106
in which the liabilities assumed, plus the liabili-  business property, your basis for figuring any        Gift tax due to net increase in value
                                                                                                           Adjusted basis of property to your 
ties to which the property is subject, are more      depreciation, depletion, or amortization deduc-       mother                                    20,000
than the adjusted basis of the property transfer-    tion is the same as the donor's adjusted basis        Your basis in the property                $26,106
red.                                                 plus or minus any required adjustments to basis 
                                                     while you hold the property.
If the property transferred to you is a series                                                             Inherited Property
E, series EE, or series I U.S. savings bond, the     FMV Equal to or More Than
transferor must include in income the interest       Donor's Adjusted Basis                                The basis of property inherited from a decedent 
accrued to the date of transfer. Your basis in the                                                         is generally one of the following.
bond immediately after the transfer is equal to      If the FMV of the property is equal to or greater     1. The FMV of the property at the date of the 
the transferor's basis increased by the interest     than the donor's adjusted basis, your basis is            individual's death.
income includible in the transferor's income. For    the donor's adjusted basis at the time you re-
more  information  on  these  bonds,  see  Pub.      ceived the gift. Increase your basis by all or part 
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2. The FMV on the alternate valuation date if      Example.        John  and  Jim  owned,  as  joint    necessary value from the executor or personal 
the personal representative for the estate         tenants  with  right  of  survivorship,  business    representative of the estate.
chooses to use alternate valuation. For in-        property they purchased for $30,000. John fur-
formation on the alternate valuation date,         nished two-thirds of the purchase price and Jim      Special-use  valuation. If  you're  a  qualified 
see the Instructions for Form 706.                 furnished one-third. Depreciation deductions al-     heir who received special-use valuation prop-
3. The value under the special-use valuation       lowed before John's death were $12,000. Un-          erty, your basis in the property is the estate's or 
method for real property used in farming or        der local law, each had a half interest in the in-   trust's basis in that property immediately before 
a closely held business if chosen for es-          come from the property. At the date of John's        the distribution. Increase your basis by any gain 
tate tax purposes. This method is dis-             death, the property had an FMV of $60,000,           recognized by the estate or trust because of 
cussed later.                                      two-thirds of which is includible in John's estate.  post-death appreciation. Post-death apprecia-
                                                   Jim figures his basis in the property at the date    tion is the property's FMV on the date of distri-
4. The decedent's adjusted basis in land to        of John's death as follows:                          bution minus the property's FMV either on the 
the extent of the value excluded from the                                                               date of the individual's death or the alternate 
decedent's taxable estate as a qualified           Interest Jim bought with his                         valuation date. Figure all FMVs without regard 
conservation easement. For information             own funds— /  of $30,000 1 3                         to the special-use valuation.
on a qualified conservation easement, see          cost                            $10,000               You can elect to increase your basis in spe-
the Instructions for Form 706.                     Interest Jim received on John's                      cial-use valuation property if it becomes subject 
                                                   death— /  of 2 3
                                                                                                        to the additional estate tax. This tax is assessed 
If a federal estate tax return doesn't have to     $60,000 FMV                     40,000  $50,000      if, within 10 years after the death of the dece-
be filed, your basis in the inherited property is  Minus:  /  of $12,000 depreciation 1 2
its appraised value at the date of death for state before John's death                     6,000        dent, you transfer the property to a person who 
                                                                                                        isn't a member of your family or the property 
inheritance or transmission taxes.                 Jim's basis at the date of John's                    stops being used as a farm or in a closely held 
                                                   death                                   $44,000
For more information, see the Instructions 
for Form 706.                                      If Jim hadn't contributed any part of the pur-        To increase your basis in the property, you 
                                                   chase  price,  his  basis  at  the  date  of  John's must make an irrevocable election and pay in-
Appreciated   property. The        above  rule     death would be $54,000. This is figured by sub-      terest on the additional estate tax figured from 
doesn't apply to appreciated property you re-      tracting from the $60,000 FMV, the $6,000 de-        the date 9 months after the decedent's death 
ceive from a decedent if you or your spouse        preciation allocated to Jim's half interest before   until the date of the payment of the additional 
originally  gave  the  property  to  the  decedent the date of death.                                   estate tax. If you meet these requirements, in-
within 1 year before the decedent's death. Your    If under local law Jim had no interest in the        crease your basis in the property to its FMV on 
basis in this property is the same as the dece-    income from the property and he contributed no       the date of the decedent's death or the alternate 
dent's adjusted basis in the property immedi-      part of the purchase price, his basis at John's      valuation date. The increase in your basis is 
ately before his or her death, rather than its     death would be $60,000, the FMV of the prop-         considered to have occurred immediately be-
FMV.  Appreciated  property  is  any  property     erty.                                                fore the event that results in the additional es-
whose FMV on the day it was given to the dece-                                                          tate tax.
                                                                                                         You make the election by filing with Form 
dent is more than its adjusted basis.              Qualified Joint Interest                             706-A a statement that does all of the following.
Community Property                                 Include one-half of the value of a qualified joint   Contains your name, address, and tax-
                                                   interest  in  the  decedent's  gross  estate.  It      payer identification number and those of 
In community property states (Arizona, Califor-    doesn't matter how much each spouse contrib-           the estate.
nia,  Idaho,  Louisiana,  Nevada,  New  Mexico,    uted to the purchase price. Also, it doesn't mat-    Identifies the election as an election under 
Texas,  Washington,  and  Wisconsin),  married     ter which spouse dies first.                           section 1016(c) of the Internal Revenue 
individuals are each usually considered to own                                                            Specifies the property for which the elec-
half  the  community  property.  When  either      A qualified joint interest is any interest in        
spouse dies, the total value of the community      property held by married individuals as either of      tion is made,
property, even the part belonging to the surviv-   the following.                                       Provides any additional information re-
ing spouse, generally becomes the basis of the        Tenants by the entirety.                          quired by the Instructions for Form 706-A.
entire property. For this rule to apply, at least     Joint tenants with right of survivorship if the  For more information, see the Instructions 
half the value of the community property inter-         married couple are the only joint tenants.      for  Form  706  and  the  Instructions  for  Form 
est must be includible in the decedent's gross                                                          706-A.
estate, whether or not the estate must file a re-  Basis. As the surviving spouse, your basis in 
turn.                                              property  you  owned  with  your  spouse  as  a 
                                                   qualified joint interest is the cost of your half of Property Changed to
For example, you and your spouse owned             the property with certain adjustments. Decrease      Business or Rental Use
community  property  that  had  a  basis  of       the cost by any deductions allowed to you for 
$80,000. When your spouse died, half the FMV       depreciation  and  depletion.  Increase  the  re-    If you hold property for personal use and then 
of the community interest was includible in your   duced cost by your basis in the half you inheri-     change it to business use or use it to produce 
spouse's estate. The FMV of the community in-      ted.                                                 rent, you must figure its basis for depreciation. 
                                                                                                        An example of changing property held for per-
terest was $100,000. The basis of your half of                                                          sonal use to business use would be renting out 
the property after the death of your spouse is     Farm or Closely Held Business                        your former main home.
$50,000 (half of the $100,000 FMV). The basis 
of the other half to your spouse's heirs is also   Under certain conditions, when a person dies 
$50,000.                                           the executor or personal representative of that      Basis for depreciation. The basis for depreci-
                                                   person's estate can choose to value the quali-       ation is the lesser of the following amounts.
For more information on community prop-            fied real property on other than its FMV. If so,     The FMV of the property on the date of the 
erty, see Pub. 555, Community Property.            the executor or personal representative values         change, or
                                                   the qualified real property based on its use as a    Your adjusted basis on the date of the 
                                                   farm or its use in a closely held business. If the     change.
Property Held by Surviving Tenant                  executor  or  personal  representative  chooses       Example. Several  years  ago,  you  paid 
                                                   this method of valuation for estate tax purposes, 
The following example explains the rule for the    that value is the basis of the property for the      $160,000 to have your home built on a lot that 
basis of property held by a surviving tenant in    heirs. Qualified heirs should be able to get the     cost $25,000. You paid $20,000 for permanent 
joint tenancy or tenancy by the entirety.                                                               improvements  to  the  house  and  claimed  a 
                                                                                                        $2,000 casualty loss deduction for damage to 
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the  house  before  changing  the  property  to    tax returns. The Tax Counseling for the Elderly     sues more than 90% of refunds in less than 21 
rental use last year. Because land isn't depreci-  (TCE) program offers free tax help for all tax-     days.
able, you include only the cost of the house       payers, particularly those who are 60 years of 
when figuring the basis for depreciation.          age and older. TCE volunteers specialize in an-     Refund timing for returns claiming certain 
Your adjusted basis in the house when you          swering questions about pensions and retire-        credits. The  IRS  can’t  issue  refunds  before 
changed  its  use  was  $178,000  ($160,000  +     ment-related issues unique to seniors.              mid-February 2019 for returns that claimed the 
$20,000  −  $2,000).  On  the  same  date,  your    You can go to IRS.gov to see your options          earned  income  credit  (EIC)  or  the  additional 
property had an FMV of $180,000, of which          for preparing and filing your return which in-      child tax credit (ACTC). This applies to the en-
$15,000 was for the land and $165,000 was for      clude the following.                                tire refund, not just the portion associated with 
the house. The basis for figuring depreciation     Free File. Go to IRS.gov/FreeFile to see if       these credits.
on the house is its FMV on the date of change        you qualify to use brand-name software to 
($165,000) because it's less than your adjusted      prepare and e-file your federal tax return        Getting a transcript or copy of a return.   The 
basis ($178,000).                                    for free.                                         quickest way to get a copy of your tax transcript 
                                                   VITA. Go to IRS.gov/VITA, download the            is to go to IRS.gov/Transcripts. Click on either 
Sale of property.  If you later sell or dispose of   free IRS2Go app, or call 800-906-9887 to          "Get Transcript Online" or "Get Transcript by 
property changed to business or rental use, the      find the nearest VITA location for free tax       Mail" to order a copy of your transcript. If you 
basis of the property you use will depend on         return preparation.                               prefer, you can:
whether you're figuring gain or loss.              TCE. Go to IRS.gov/TCE, download the              Order your transcript by calling 
Gain.  The basis for figuring a gain is your         free IRS2Go app, or call 888-227-7669 to            800-908-9946, or
adjusted basis when you sell the property.           find the nearest TCE location for free tax        Mail Form 4506-T or Form 4506T-EZ (both 
                                                     return preparation.                                 available on IRS.gov).
Example.     Assume the same facts as in the              Getting  answers  to  your  tax  law         Using online tools to help prepare your re-
previous example except that you sell the prop-           questions. On IRS.gov, get answers           turn. Go to IRS.gov/Tools for the following.
erty at a gain after being allowed depreciation           to  your  tax  questions  anytime,  any-     The Earned Income Tax Credit Assistant 
deductions of $37,500. Your adjusted basis for     where.                                                (IRS.gov/EITCAssistant) determines if 
figuring gain is $165,500 ($178,000 + $25,000                                                            you’re eligible for the EIC.
(land) − $37,500).                                                                                     The Online EIN Application IRS.gov/EIN (   ) 
Loss.  Figure the basis for a loss starting        Go to IRS.gov/Help for a variety of tools           helps you get an employer identification 
                                                     that will help you get answers to some of           number.
with the smaller of your adjusted basis or the       the most common tax questions.                    The IRS Withholding Calculator IRS.gov/ (
FMV of the property at the time of the change to   Go to IRS.gov/ITA for the Interactive Tax           W4App) estimates the amount you should 
business or rental use. Then adjust this amount      Assistant, a tool that will ask you questions       have withheld from your paycheck for fed-
for the period after the change in the property's    on a number of tax law topics and provide           eral income tax purposes and can help you 
use, as discussed earlier under Adjusted Basis,      answers. You can print the entire interview         perform a “paycheck checkup.”
to arrive at a basis for loss.                       and the final response for your records.          The First Time Homebuyer Credit Account 
Example.     Assume the same facts as in the       Go to IRS.gov/Pub17 to get Pub. 17, Your            Look-up IRS.gov/HomeBuyer (  ) tool pro-
                                                     Federal Income Tax for Individuals, which           vides information on your repayments and 
previous example, except that you sell the prop-     features details on tax-saving opportuni-           account balance.
erty at a loss after being allowed depreciation      ties, 2018 tax changes, and thousands of          The Sales Tax Deduction Calculator 
deductions of $37,500. In this case, you would       interactive links to help you find answers to       (IRS.gov/SalesTax) figures the amount you 
start with the FMV on the date of the change to      your questions. View it online in HTML, as          can claim if you itemize deductions on 
rental use ($180,000) because it's less than the     a PDF, or download it to your mobile de-            Schedule A (Form 1040), choose not to 
adjusted  basis  of  $203,000  ($178,000  +          vice as an eBook.                                   claim state and local income taxes, and 
($180,000) by the depreciation deductions to       
$25,000)  on  that  date.  Reduce  that  amount      You may also be able to access tax law in-          you didn’t save your receipts showing the 
                                                     formation in your electronic filing software.
arrive at a basis for loss of $142,500 ($180,000                                                         sales tax you paid.
− $37,500).                                        Getting tax forms and publications.    Go to        Resolving tax-related identity theft issues.
                                                   IRS.gov/Forms to view, download, or print all of    The IRS doesn’t initiate contact with tax-
                                                   the forms and publications you may need. You          payers by email or telephone to request 
How To Get Tax Help                                can also download and view popular tax publi-         personal or financial information. This in-
                                                   cations and instructions (including the 1040 in-      cludes any type of electronic communica-
If you have questions about a tax issue, need      structions) on mobile devices as an eBook at no       tion, such as text messages and social me-
help preparing your tax return, or want to down-   charge. Or you can go to IRS.gov/OrderForms           dia channels.
load free publications, forms, or instructions, go to place an order and have forms mailed to you      Go to IRS.gov/IDProtection for information.
to IRS.gov and find resources that can help you    within 10 business days.                            If your SSN has been lost or stolen or you 
right away.                                                                                              suspect you’re a victim of tax-related iden-
                                                   Access your online account (individual tax-           tity theft, visit IRS.gov/IdentityTheft to learn 
Tax  reform. Major  tax  reform  legislation  im-  payers only). Go to  IRS.gov/Account to se-           what steps you should take.
pacting  individuals,  businesses,  and  tax-ex-   curely access information about your federal tax 
empt entities was enacted by Congress in the       account.                                            Checking on the status of your refund. 
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on December 22, 2017.        View the amount you owe, pay online, or           Go to IRS.gov/Refunds.
Go to  IRS.gov/TaxReform for information and         set up an online payment agreement.               The IRS can’t issue refunds before 
updates  on  how  this  legislation  affects  your Access your tax records online.                     mid-February 2019 for returns that claimed 
taxes.                                             Review the past 24 months of your pay-              the EIC or the ACTC. This applies to the 
                                                     ment history.                                       entire refund, not just the portion associ-
Preparing and filing your tax return.      Find    Go to IRS.gov/SecureAccess to review the            ated with these credits.
free options to prepare and file your return on      required identity authentication process.         Download the official IRS2Go app to your 
IRS.gov or in your local community if you qual-                                                          mobile device to check your refund status.
ify.                                               Using direct deposit. The fastest way to re-        Call the automated refund hotline at 
The  Volunteer  Income  Tax  Assistance            ceive a tax refund is to combine direct deposit       800-829-1954.
(VITA) program offers free tax help to people      and IRS e-file. Direct deposit securely and elec-
who generally make $55,000 or less, persons        tronically transfers your refund directly into your 
with  disabilities,  and  limited-English-speaking financial account. Eight in 10 taxpayers use di-
taxpayers who need help preparing their own        rect deposit to receive their refund. The IRS is-
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Making a tax payment.  The IRS uses the lat-       Center (TAC). Go to IRS.gov/LetUsHelp for the       free. If you qualify for their assistance, you'll be 
est encryption technology to ensure your elec-     topics people ask about most. If you still need     assigned to one advocate who will work with 
tronic payments are safe and secure. You can       help, IRS TACs provide tax help when a tax is-      you throughout the process and will do every-
make  electronic  payments  online,  by  phone,    sue can’t be handled online or by phone. All        thing possible to resolve your issue. TAS can 
and from a mobile device using the IRS2Go          TACs now provide service by appointment so          help you if:
app. Paying electronically is quick, easy, and     you’ll know in advance that you can get the            Your problem is causing financial difficulty 
faster than mailing in a check or money order.     service you need without long wait times. Be-            for you, your family, or your business;
Go to  IRS.gov/Payments to make a payment          fore you visit, go to IRS.gov/TACLocator to find       You face (or your business is facing) an 
using any of the following options.                the nearest TAC, check hours, available serv-            immediate threat of adverse action; or
IRS Direct Pay: Pay your individual tax bill     ices,  and  appointment  options.  Or,  on  the        You’ve tried repeatedly to contact the IRS 
  or estimated tax payment directly from           IRS2Go app, under the Stay Connected tab,                but no one has responded, or the IRS 
  your checking or savings account at no           choose the Contact Us option and click on “Lo-           hasn’t responded by the date promised.
  cost to you.                                     cal Offices.”
Debit or credit card: Choose an ap-                                                                  How Can You Reach TAS?
  proved payment processor to pay online,          Watching IRS videos.     The IRS Video portal 
  by phone, and by mobile device.                  (IRSVideos.gov) contains video and audio pre-       TAS has offices in every state, the District of 
Electronic Funds Withdrawal: Offered             sentations  for  individuals,  small  businesses,   Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Your local advo-
  only when filing your federal taxes using        and tax professionals.                              cate’s number is in your local directory and at 
  tax return preparation software or through                                                           TaxpayerAdvocate.IRS.gov/Contact-Us.        You 
  a tax professional.                              Getting tax information in other languages.         can also call them at 877-777-4778.
Electronic Federal Tax Payment Sys-              For taxpayers whose native language isn’t Eng-
  tem: Best option for businesses. Enroll-         lish,  we've  the  following  resources  available. 
  ment is required.                                Taxpayers can find information on IRS.gov in        How Else Does TAS Help 
Check or money order: Mail your pay-             the following languages.                            Taxpayers?
  ment to the address listed on the notice or       Spanish IRS.gov/Spanish (    ).
  instructions.                                     Chinese IRS.gov/Chinese (    ).                  TAS works to resolve large-scale problems that 
Cash: You may be able to pay your taxes           Vietnamese IRS.gov/Vietnamese (      ).          affect many taxpayers. If you know of one of 
  with cash at a participating retail store.        Korean IRS.gov/Korean ( ).                       these broad issues, please report it to them at 
                                                    Russian IRS.gov/Russian (    ).                  IRS.gov/SAMS.
What  if  I  can’t  pay  now? Go  to  IRS.gov/      The IRS TACs provide over-the-phone inter-         TAS  also  has  a  website, Tax  Reform 
Payments for more information about your op-       preter service in over 170 languages, and the       Changes, which shows you how the new tax 
tions.                                             service is available free to taxpayers.             law may change your future tax filings and helps 
Apply for an online payment agreement 
  (IRS.gov/OPA) to meet your tax obligation                                                            you plan for these changes. The information is 
  in monthly installments if you can’t pay         The Taxpayer Advocate                               categorized by tax topic in the order of the IRS 
                                                                                                       Form 1040. Go to TaxChanges.us for more in-
  your taxes in full today. Once you complete      Service (TAS) Is Here To                            formation.
  the online process, you'll receive immedi-       Help You
  ate notification of whether your agreement 
  has been approved.                               What is TAS?                                        Low Income Taxpayer 
Use the Offer in Compromise Pre-Qualifier                                                            Clinics (LITCs)
  (IRS.gov/OIC) to see if you can settle your      TAS is an independent organization within the 
  tax debt for less than the full amount you       IRS that helps taxpayers and protects taxpayer      LITCs  are  independent  from  the  IRS.  LITCs 
  owe.                                             rights. Their job is to ensure that every taxpayer  represent individuals whose income is below a 
                                                   is treated fairly and that you know and under-      certain level and need to resolve tax problems 
Checking the status of an amended return.          stand  your  rights  under  the Taxpayer  Bill  of  with the IRS, such as audits, appeals, and tax 
Go  to IRS.gov/WMAR  to  track  the  status  of    Rights.                                             collection disputes. In addition, clinics can pro-
Form 1040X amended returns. Please note that                                                           vide information about taxpayer rights and re-
it can take up to 3 weeks from the date you        How Can You Learn About Your                        sponsibilities in different languages for individu-
mailed your amended return for it to show up in    Taxpayer Rights?                                    als who speak English as a second language. 
our system and processing it can take up to 16                                                         Services are offered for free or a small fee. To 
weeks.                                             The Taxpayer Bill of Rights describes 10 basic      find a      clinic near     you,            visit 
                                                   rights that all taxpayers have when dealing with    TaxpayerAdvocate.IRS.gov/LITCmap  or  see 
Understanding an IRS notice or letter. Go to       the IRS. Go to TaxpayerAdvocate.IRS.gov/ to         IRS Pub. 4134,  Low Income Taxpayer Clinic 
IRS.gov/Notices  to  find  additional  information help you understand   what these rights mean to     List.
about responding to an IRS notice or letter.       you and how they apply. These are your rights. 
                                                   Know them. Use them.
Contacting  your  local  IRS  office. Keep  in 
mind,  many  questions  can  be  answered  on 
IRS.gov without visiting an IRS Tax Assistance     What Can TAS Do For You?
                                                   TAS can help you resolve problems that you 
                                                   can’t resolve with the IRS. And their service is 

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Amortization:   A ratable deduction  used more than 1 year for business  such  as  goodwill,  patents,  copy- be  reported  as  ordinary  income 
for  the  cost  of  certain  intangible  or income producing purposes.         rights, etc.                          when property is sold at a gain.
property  over  the  period  specified 
by law. Examples of costs that can     Fair market value (FMV): FMV is         Like-kind property: Items of prop-    Section 179 deduction: This is a 
be  amortized  are  goodwill,  agree- the  price  at  which  property  would  erty with the same nature or charac- special  deduction  allowed  against 
ment not to compete, and research  change hands between a buyer and  ter. The grade or quality of the prop- the  cost  of  certain  property  pur-
and mining exploration costs.          a seller, neither having to buy or sell,  erties doesn't matter. Examples are  chased for use in the active conduct 
                                       and both having reasonable knowl- two vacant plots of land.                   of a trade or business.
Business assets: Property used in  edge of all necessary facts.
the conduct of a trade or business,                                            Modified  Accelerated  Cost  Re-      Section  197  intangibles: Certain 
such as business machinery and of-     Going concern value: Going con-         covery  System  (MACRS)  prop-        intangibles held in connection with 
fice furniture.                        cern  value  is  the  additional  value erty: Buildings (and their structural the conduct of a trade or business or 
                                       that  attaches  to  property  because   components) and other tangible de-    an activity entered into for profit, in-
Capitalization: Adding costs, such  the property is an integral part of an     preciable property placed in service  cluding  goodwill,  going  concern 
as improvements, to the basis of as- ongoing business activity. It includes    after 1986 that is used in a trade or value, patents, copyrights, formulas, 
sets.                                  value based on the ability of a busi-   business or for the production of in- franchises,  trademarks,  and  trade 
                                       ness  to  continue  to  function  and   come.                                 names.
Depletion: Yearly  deduction  al- generate income even though there 
lowed to recover your investment in  is a change in ownership.                 Personal property:  Property, such    Tangible  property:    This  is  prop-
minerals in place or standing timber.                                          as machinery, equipment, or furni-    erty that can be seen or touched, 
To  take  the  deduction,  you  must   Goodwill: Goodwill is the value of a    ture, that isn't real property.       such as furniture and buildings.
have the right to income from the ex- trade or business based on expec-
traction and sale of the minerals or  ted  continued  customer  patronage      Real property: Land and generally     Unstated interest:    The part of the 
the cutting of the timber.             due to its name, reputation, or any     anything erected on, growing on, or   sales price treated as interest when 
                                       other factor.                           attached  to  land,  for  example,  a an installment contract provides for 
Depreciation:   Ratable    deduction                                           building.                             little or no interest.
allowed over a number of years to      Intangible property: Property that 
recover your basis in property that is  can't  be  perceived  by  the  senses  Recapture:   Amount of depreciation 
                                                                               or section 179 deduction that must 

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                     To help us develop a more useful index, please let us know if you have ideas for index entries.
Index                See “Comments and Suggestions” in the “Introduction” for the ways you can reach us.
                                  Community property   10                                          Fair market value 7
A                                 Constructing assets  3          G                                Restricted property   7
Adjusted basis:                   Copyrights  4                   Gain from sale of home   6      Property transferred from a 
  Adoption tax benefits 6         Cost basis:                     Gifts, property received 9       spouse  9
  Assessment for local              Allocating basis 4            Group of assets acquired   4    Publications (See Tax help)
  improvements     5                Assumption of mortgage    3
  Canceled debt  6                  Capitalized costs 3 5, 
  Casualty and theft losses 5       Loans, low or no interest 2   I                               R
  Credit for qualified electric     Real estate taxes 2           Identity theft 11               Real estate taxes 2
  vehicles    5                     Real property 2               Inherited property 9            Real property 2
  Decreases to  5                   Settlement costs (fees) 2     Intangible assets 4
  Depreciation 6                                                  Involuntary exchanges  7
  Easements   5                                                                                   S
  Employer-provided child care  6 D                                                               Settlement costs (fees) 2
  Example   6                     Decreases to basis  5           L                               Special-use valuation  10
  Gain from sale of home  6       Demolition of building 4        Land and buildings   4          Spouse, property transferred 
  Gas-guzzler tax 5               Depreciation  6                 Loans, low or no interest 2      from 9
  Increases to 4                                                                                  Stocks and bonds  2
  Section 179 deduction  6                                                                        Subdivided lots 4
  Subsidies for energy            E                               N
  conservation     6              Easements   5                   Nontaxable exchanges:
Adoption tax benefits  6          Employer-provided child care  6   Like-kind 8                   T
Allocating basis 4                Exchanges:                        Partial 8                     Taxable exchanges  7
Assistance (See Tax help)           Involuntary 7                                                 Tax help 11
Assumption of mortgage    3         Like-kind 8                                                   Trademarks and trade names       4
                                    Nontaxable  8                 P                               Trade or business acquired   4
                                    Partial business use of       Partially nontaxable            Trading property (see 
B                                   property    9                   exchanges    8                 Exchanges)    7
Business acquired  4                Taxable 7                     Patents 4
Business assets  3                                                Points 3
                                                                  Property changed to business    U
                                  F                                 use  10                       Uniform capitalization rules:
C                                 Fair market value  7            Property received as a gift 9    Activities subject to the rules 3
Canceled debt  6                  Franchises  4                   Property received for services:  Exceptions   3
Casualty and theft losses 5                                         Bargain purchases  7
Change to business use   10

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