- 1 -
More Than 5 each dependent each dependent More Than 5 each dependent each dependent each dependent each dependent
112.31 plus 19.23 for 561.54 plus 96.15 for 1123.08 plus 192.31 for each dependent 1216.67 plus 208.33 for each dependent 2433.33 plus 416.67 for each dependent 56.15 plus 19.23 for 280.77 plus 96.15 for 561.54 plus 192.31 for 608.33 plus 208.33 for 1216.67 plus 416.67 for each dependent
Internal Revenue Service
5 5
208.46 1042.29 2084.63 2258.32 4516.68 152.30 761.52 1523.09 1649.98 3300.02
4 4
189.23 946.14 1892.32 2049.99 4100.01 133.07 665.37 1330.78 1441.65 2883.35
3 3 Department of Treasury --
170.00 849.99 1700.01 1841.66 3683.34 113.84 569.22 1138.47 1233.32 2466.68
Married Filing Separate Return
2 2
150.77 753.84 1507.70 1633.33 3266.67 94.61 473.07 946.16 1024.99 2050.01
Number of Dependents Claimed on Statement Number of Dependents Claimed on Statement
Married Filing Joint Return (and Qualifying Widow(er)s) 1 Filing Status: 1
131.54 657.69 1315.39 1425.00 2850.00 75.38 376.92 753.85 816.66 1633.34
0 0
Filing Status:
112.31 561.54 1123.08 1216.67 2433.33 56.15 280.77 561.54 608.33 1216.67
Pay Period Pay Period
Weekly Biweekly Semimonthly Monthly These tables show the amount of take home pay that isexempt each pay period from a levy on wages, salary, and other income. 1. A single taxpayer who is paid weekly and claims three dependents has $569.22 exempt from levy. 2. If the taxpayer in number 1 is over 65 and writes 1 in the ADDITIONAL STANDARD DEDUCTION space on Parts 3, 4, & 5 of the levy, $606.72 is exempt from this levy ($569.22 plus $37.50). 3. A taxpayer who is married, files jointly, is paid bi-weekly, and claims two dependents has $1,507.70 exempt from levy. 4. if the taxpayer in number 3 is over 65 and has a spouse who is blind, this taxpayer should write 2 in the ADDITIONAL STANDARD DEDUCTION space on Parts 3,4, and 5 of the levy. If so, $1,626.93 is exempt from this levy ($1,507.70 plus $119.23).
Monthly 162.50 325.00 129.17 258.33 387.50 516.67
each dependent each dependent each dependent each dependent each dependent More Than 5 each dependent each dependent each dependent each dependent each dependent
56.15 plus 19.23 for Daily 280.77 plus 96.15 for 561.54 plus 192.31 for 608.33 plus 208.33 for 1216.67 plus 416.67 for 84.23 plus 19.23 for Daily 421.15 plus 96.15 for Weekly 842.31 plus 192.31 for Biweekly 912.50 plus 208.33 for Semimonthly 1825.00 plus 416.67 for Monthly Catalog Number 11439T
81.25 162.50 64.58 129.17 193.75 258.33
5 More Than 5 5 Semi-monthly
152.30 761.52 1523.09 1649.98 3300.02 180.38 901.90 1803.86 1954.15 3908.35
133.07 665.37 1330.78 1441.65 2883.35 161.15 805.75 1611.55 1745.82 3491.68 Biweekly 75.00 150.00 59.62 119.23 178.85 238.46
Head of Household
Filing Status: 113.84 569.22 1138.47 1233.32 2466.68 141.92 709.60 1419.24 1537.49 3075.01 Additional Exempt Amount
Weekly 37.50 75.00 29.81 59.62 89.42 119.23
23 23 www.irs.gov
94.61 473.07 946.16 1024.99 2050.01 Filing Status: 122.69 613.45 1226.93 1329.16 2658.34
Number of Dependents Claimed on Statement Number of Dependents Claimed on Statement
14 14
Daily 7.50 15.00 5.96 11.92 17.88 23.85
75.38 376.92 753.85 816.66 1633.34 103.46 517.30 1034.62 1120.83 2241.67
0 0 * 1 2 1 2 3 4
56.15 280.77 561.54 608.33 1216.67 84.23 421.15 842.31 912.50 1825.00 (Rev. 1-2024)
Pay Period Pay Period
Tables for Figuring Amount Exempt from Levy on Wages, Salary, and Other Income (Forms 668-W) The tables below show the amount of an individual's income (take home pay) that is exempt from a notice of levy used to collect delinquent tax in 2024 Daily Weekly Biweekly Semimonthly Monthly Daily Weekly Biweekly Semimonthly Monthly 2. Table for Figuring Additional Exempt Amount for Taxpayers at Least 65 Years Old and/or Blind Filing Status Single or Head of Household Any Other Filing Status * ADDITIONAL STANDARD DEDUCTION claimed on Parts 3,4, and 5 of levy. Publication