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How to Apply for a
Certificate of Subordination of Federal
Estate Tax Lien Under Section 6325(d)
of the Internal Revenue Code
Since there is no standard form available for an application 4. List the encumbrances (or attach a copy of the instrument that
for a certificate of subordination of Federal Estate tax lien, created each encumbrance) on all the property subject to the
a typewritten request will be considered an application. estate tax lien, that you believe has priority over the estate tax
Submit your typewritten request and all accompanying lien. For each encumbrance show:
documents to: a. The name and address of the holder;
b. A description of the encumbrance;
Address application to: c. The date of the agreement;
Internal Revenue Service d. The date and place of any recording;
Advisory Estate Tax Lien Group e. The original principal amount and the interest rate;
55 South Market St. Mail Stop 5350 f. The amount due, if known, as of the date of the application for
San Jose, CA 95113-2324 certificate of subordination (show costs and accrued interest
Attn: Group Manager separately);
E-fax number: 877-477-9243 g. Your family relationship, if any, to the holder(s) of any other
encumbrances on the property.
Give date of application: Also show the following:
Please give the name and address of the person applying, 5. An estimate of the fair market value of the property for which
under section 6325(d) of the Internal Revenue Code, for a you would like a certificate of subordination, the basis of this
certificate of subordination. Give the name and address of estimate, and a separate estimate of any remaining property
the decedent at the time of death and describe the property subject to the estate tax lien.
as follows: 6. The name address, and social security numbers of the
decedent’s estate or any qualified heir(s) of property subject to
1. Give a detailed description, including the location, of the
the notice of Federal estate tax lien.
property for which you are requesting the certificate of
subordination. If real property is involved, use the description 7. If the applicant or the applicant’s legal representative is not
contained in the title or deed to the property, and the complete the agent designated by the estate, executor or the qualified
address (street, city, State, and ZIP code). heir(s) for dealings with Internal Revenue Service regarding
the property, submit a written authorization for the applicant or
2. Attach a copy of each notice of Federal estate tax lien, or representative to apply for a subordination of the estate tax lien.
furnish the following information as it appears on each filed
8. The purpose of the loan for which the subordination is sought.
notice of Federal tax lien:
9. The amount of money to be loaned to the applicant, the terms
a. The name of the Internal Revenue Area;
b. The name and address of the taxpayer against whom the notice of repayment, and the exact name of address of the lender.
was filed; Please include the name and telephone number of a contact
c. Serial number shown on the lien; person in the lender’s office.
d. Taxpayer’s identification number shown on the lien; 10. A daytime telephone number where you can be reached.
e. The date and place the notice was filed;
f. In lieu of the above, a preliminary title report may be substituted 11. The name, address, and telephone number of your attorney or
listing the required information. other legal representative.
3. Describe the encumbrance to which the Federal estate tax lien 12. Make the following declaration over your signature and title:
is to be subordinated, including: “Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this
a. The present or proposed amount of the encumbrance, or both; application (including any accompanying schedules, exhibits,
b. The nature of the encumbrance (such as mortgage, assignment, affidavits, and statements) and to the best of my knowledge and
etc.); belief, it is true, correct, and complete.”
c. The date the transaction is to be completed.
Publication 1153 (Rev. 6-2018) Catalog Number 62173C Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service www.irs.gov