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                                                           Tax Guide for 

                                                           the Retiree

A series of informational publications designed to educate Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
taxpayers about the tax impact of significant life events.
                                                           This brochure is intended for individuals who recently retired or have 
                                                           retirement plans in their near future
                                                           Tax Benefits and Credits

WHAT DIFFERENCES ARE THERE IN                                                     » Form W-4 for wages and military retirement pay 
REPORTING MY RETIREMENT INCOME AND MY                                             » Form W-4P for pensions and annuities
                                                                                  » Form W-4V for social security, unemployment compensation, and 
When you received your Form W-2 prior to retirement, you reported your              railroad retirement income
wages on an individual income tax return, such as Form 1040. You also may 
have received self-employment income on Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous            To ensure you do not have too much or too little income tax withheld from 
Income, if you were a contractor/subcontractor or if you performed independent   your  pay,  use  the  search  engine  on www.irs.gov and  input  the  word 
projects or services. You reported your income by attaching a Schedule C         “calculator”. Click on the “IRS Withholding Calculator” link and fill in the 
or C-EZ to your Form 1040 and your self-employment tax on Schedule SE.           information that applies to you. You may use the results of this program to 
After you formally retire, you would do the same if you continue to receive      wcomplete the Form W-4.
these types of income.                                                           l  Estimated Tax Payment If you have not paid enough federal tax through 
When retired, you may receive a Form SSA-1099 for social security benefits        withholding, you should make estimated tax payments to the Internal 
and/or a Form 1099-R for pension income. You will include these types of          Revenue Service (IRS). This can be done by completing a quarterly 
retirement income on your Form 1040, in addition to any other income you          payment voucher (Form 1040 ES) and mailing it to the IRS.
may have received during the tax year.                                             NOTE: If you do not make sufficient and timely federal tax payments, you 
                                                                                  could incur an estimated tax penalty.
The types of income which are taxable include, but are not limited to: military  To calculate your estimated tax payments, you can use the worksheet with 
retirement pay, all or part of pensions and annuities, all or part of Individual Form 1040 ES. Estimated tax payments are due each year on April 15th, June 
Retirement Accounts (IRA), unemployment compensation, gambling income,           15th, September 15th, and January 15th of the following year.
bonuses and awards for outstanding work, alimony or prizes. A portion of         Example: John realizes that selling his mutual funds in December resulted in 
your social security benefits may be taxable based on your other income and      a large gain. He can estimate the effect of that gain and pay the amount by 
filing status.                                                                   January 15th, to avoid a penalty.
For additional information see Publication 525.                                  For additional information see Publication 505.

Some income is not subject to tax. A few examples are veteran’s benefits,        Q    I am retired and receive social security, but I have now taken a part 
disability pay for certain military or government related incidents, worker’s       time job. Why are they taking social security taxes out of my pay?
compensation, and cash rebates from a dealer or manufacturer of an item          A    The Federal Insurance Contribution Act, or FICA, provides for a Federal 
you purchase.                                                                       System of old-age, survivors, disability, and hospital insurance. The 
For additional information see Publication 525.                                     old-age, survivors, and disability insurance part is financed by the social 
                                                                                    security tax. Generally, employee wages are subject to social security 
WHY IS MY PENSION INCOME TAXED?                                                     and Medicare taxes regardless of the employee’s age or whether he or 
                                                                                    she is receiving social security benefits.
Your pension could be fully or partially taxable depending on how the money 
was put into the pension plan. If all the money was contributed by the employer  Q    How do I determine how much of my social security is taxable?
or the money was not taxed before going into the plan, it would be taxable.      A  Compare the base amount found in      Publication 915, Social Security 
When your contribution to the plan is from already-taxed dollars, that part         and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits, to the total of one-half of 
is not taxed, but must be recovered over your life expectancy. There are            your social security benefits plus all of your other income (including tax-
worksheets in the instruction books for versions of Form 1040, including            exempt income). If the base amount exceeds your income computation, 
Form 1040 A.                                                                        then your social security is non-taxable. For the most complete 
                                                                                    calculation, you should use the worksheets found in Publication 915 or 
For additional information see Publication 575 or 915.
                                                                                    the instruction books for the 1040 series.
TAX WITHHOLDING AND ESTIMATED TAX                                                Q    How will I know how much of my pension is taxable?
                                                                                 A    Your pension will be reported on a Form 1099R. Form 1099R will show 
Our tax law provides for a pay-as-you-go system which requires taxes to be paid     you how much you contributed to the plan and how much tax was 
on income as it is received. There are two ways which taxes are typically paid:     withheld. For new retirees, you will generally use the “simplified method” 
l  Tax Withholding You can request federal tax be withheld from your              to compute the taxable portion of your pension. (See Publication 575, 
 pension, social security, unemployment compensation, etc., by submitting           Pension and Annuity Income). Generally, your contributions to the plan  
 the appropriate following form to the payer of the income:                                                                                   continued...„

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Tax Guide for 

the Retiree

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (continued...)„

  are not taxable as long as they were subject to taxation when they were     Q I’m retired and I don’t have health care coverage.  I also don’t 
  deposited to the plan.                                                        qualify for Medicare. Will I need to make an individual shared 
Q   What if I take my pension out in lump-sum payment?                          responsibility payment when I file my tax return?
A If you withdraw the full amount in your pension account, part or all will   A The individual shared responsibility provision requires that each 
  be taxable in the year received. You may want to consider rolling it over     individual have qualifying health care coverage for each month, qualify 
  into another pension plan or a traditional IRA to avoid paying a large        for a coverage exemption, or make a payment when filing a federal 
  amount of tax in one year.                                                    income tax return.
  NOTE: Before withdrawing any funds from a retirement account                  If you retire before you’re 65 and don’t have health care coverage, find out 
  (IRA, 401-K, Thrift Savings, etc.), consult with a tax professional to        if you qualify for Medicaid or a Special Enrollment Period for coverage 
  understand potential tax consequences.                                        through the Marketplace.  If you apply through the Marketplace, you 
                                                                                may be able to get a premium tax credit and lower out-of-pocket costs.  
Q   I am a military retiree. Where can I go to change my withholding?           Go to HealthCare.gov for information.
A   There are two ways to change your withholding. You can call the Retiree 
  Pay customer service number at Defense Finance and Accounting               ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 
  Service (DFAS) at 1-800-321-1080. Or, you can make changes online           All the forms and publications mentioned in this publication can be found on 
  via DFAS’s myPay secure web-based pay management system. The                the Internal Revenue Service Internet site (www.irs. gov).
  myPay system lets active duty military, National Guard and Reserve 
  members, some federal government  civilian employees, and military          For a free paper copy of any listed form or publication, please call 1-800-829-
  retirees and annuitants quickly change pay information like federal         3676 (1- 800-TAX-FORM).
  and state withholding. If you are a myPay account holder, log in            For additional questions about your tax responsibilities, you can call 
  at https://mypay.dfas.mil.  If you want to set up a new account or          1-800-829-1040.
  need help with your existing account, call the myPay customer service       Publications that may be of assistance:
  center at 1- 877-363-3677.
                                                                              Publication 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax
FOR RETIREES                                                                  Publication 525, Taxable and Non-taxable Income
Important  Note  about  Health  Insurance  Coverage:  The  individual  shared Publication 575, Pension and Annuity Income
responsibility provision requires that each individual have qualifying health Publication 915, Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement 
care coverage for each month, qualify for a coverage exemption, or make a       Benefits
payment when filing a federal income tax return. Find out more about tax-
related provisions of the health care law at IRS.gov/aca.                     Publication 501, Exemptions, Standard Deduction, and Filing Information
                                                                              Publication 554, Older Americans’ Tax Guide
Q I’m over 65 and Medicare Part A is my primary health insurance 
  coverage.  Do I have qualifying health care coverage under the              Publication 560, Retirement Plans for Small Business
  health care law?
                                                                              Publication 721, Tax Guide to U.S. Civil Service Retirement Benefits
A Yes. Medicare Part A is qualifying health care coverage under the health 
  care law. Medicare Part C, also known as Medicare Advantage, is also        Publication 939, General Rule for Pensions and Annuities
  qualifying coverage.  You do not need to enroll in Medicare Part B to       Form 1040, U. S. Individual Income Tax Return
  satisfy the health care law. 
                                                                              Form 1040A, U. S. Individual Income Tax Return 
Q I’m retired and have retiree health benefits from my former 
  employer.  Do I have qualifying health care coverage under the              Form 1040-ES, Estimated Tax for Individuals
  health care law?                                                            Schedule C, Profit or Loss From Business
A Yes. If you have retiree health benefits, that’s qualifying health care     Schedule C-EZ, Net Profit From Business
  coverage  under the health care law.  However, if you voluntarily drop 
  your retiree coverage, you won’t qualify for a Special Enrollment Period    Schedule SE, Self-Employment Tax
  to enroll in a new Health Insurance Marketplace plan and you will have 
  to wait until the next Open Enrollment period to enroll in coverage         FREE TAX RETURN ASSISTANCE
  through the Marketplace. And, if you don’t have qualifying coverage or 
  a coverage exemption, you will make an individual shared responsibility     Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and Tax Counseling for the Elderly 
  payment when you file your tax return.                                      (TCE) Sites offer free tax return preparation to individuals having low to 
                                                                              moderate income. To find free tax help near you, call IRS at 1-800-829-1040 
                                                                              or AARP TaxAide at 1-888-227-7669.

       Publication 4190 (Rev. 5-2015) Catalog Number 36562Z  Department of the Treasury  Internal Revenue Service  www.irs.gov

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