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Publication 4141 (Rev. 8-2009) Catalog Number 35631R Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service www.irs.gov
Senior Citizens
Don’t get penalized on monies in your IRA!
Are you an IRA Retirement plans are primarily designed to supplement retirement
owner over 70? income. Withdrawals from the retirement plan must begin by a certain
date and not be postponed indefinitely. You are required to take
distributions from your traditional IRA and other retirement plans
once you reach 70 1/2. This is referred to as the Required Minimum
Distribution Rules.
What are the Generally, participants in a qualified retirement plan or IRA must begin
rules? to receive distributions from the plan by April 1 of the year following the
year in which the participant turned 70 ½. Some retirement plans allow
the participant to defer distributions until they retire, even if they are past
age 70 ½. This option is not available for traditional IRAs. All distributions
after the initial distribution must be made annually by December 31.
How do I calculate The account balance (as of the end of the preceding year) for all of your
the required traditional IRA accounts are added together and then divided by the
applicable divisor from the Uniform Table. This is the minimum amount
minimum that you must withdraw. You can always take more than this amount out,
distribution? if your plan allows that option. Part or all of the money you withdraw will
be subject to Federal Income Tax. If you do not have any tax withheld
from the disbursement, you may need to make estimated tax payments
(see Publication 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax, for more
What happens if Failing to take the required minimum distribution may result in the
I fail to comply? assessment of a 50% excise tax on the difference between the Required
Minimum Distribution amount and the actual amount distributed.
Can I delay my Yes, however, if you do not take a distribution in the year that you turn
first required 70 ½, you will need to take two distributions the following year. The
first distribution, which represents the amount for the year in which you
distribution? turned 70 ½, must be taken by April 1. You will also need to take the
current year’s distribution by December 31.
Where can I find Publication 590, Individual Retirement Accounts, contains information on
the minimum distribution requirements and the Uniform Tables. You can
out more about
also visit the IRS Website at www.irs.gov. Some IRA administrators will
the required help you figure your minimum distribution. For complex situations, you
distributions? may need to seek the assistance of an accountant or attorney.
Publication 4141 (Rev. 8-2009) Catalog Number 35631R Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service www.irs.gov