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IRS e-le Application
What services e-services Products
Available to anyone submitting a new or revised e-le Application
are available? online for IRS e-le programs: Disclosure Authorization (DA)
n e-le for Individuals (1040 and Electronically Transmitted Allows tax professionals to electronically submit Form 2848,
Registration Forms 56 and 9465) Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative and Form
Users must register to access e-services. Registration is a n e-le for Corporations (1120, 1120-F and 1120S) 8821, Tax Information Authorization. New and existing forms
one-time process requiring users to enter specic information n e-le for Exempt Organizations (990, 990-EZ, 990-PF, 990N and can be viewed and modied online. Accepted submissions are
to verify their identity. It requires them to create a username, acknowledged online and the tax professional can immediately
password, and personal identication number (PIN). An begin acting on behalf of their client.
n e-le for Employment Taxes (940, 941 and 944)
on-screen acknowledgement conrms successful completion
n e-le for Partnerships (1065 and 1065-B)
of the registration. For added security, a conrmation code NOTE: Tax professionals must have a Form 2848, Power of
n e-le for Estates and Trusts (1041)
is mailed to the registrant’s home address. To complete Attorney and Declaration of Representative, on le with the IRS
enrollment, the registrant must log into e-services and enter n e-le for Excise Taxes (720, 2290 and 8849) before requesting information. DA can be used for this purpose
the conrmation code within 28 days of receipt. n e-le for Extensions (2350, 4868, 7004, and 8868) prior to accessing TDS or EAR. Reporting Agents must have
Form 8655, Reporting Agent Authorization, on le with the IRS
The IRS e-le Application can be saved “in process” and retrieved before requesting information through TDS or EAR.
After registering for e-services: for later completion. A completed Application is acknowledged upon
Electronic Account Resolution (EAR)
Taxpayer Identication Number (TIN) Matching submission. Applications are maintained and updated electronically.
Provides tax professionals with a secure method to
A pre-ling service offered to payers and authorized agents A delegation of authority feature allows Principals or Responsible
electronically correspond with IRS regarding individual or
who submitted any of the following six information returns Ofcials of a rm/organization to delegate access to e-services
business account problems, refunds, installment agreements,
within the past two years (Forms 1099-B, INT, DIV, OID, products to their employees.
notices or missing payments. These account-related questions
PATR, and MISC). It is also available to lers of information
are answered by IRS Customer Service Representatives after
returns (Form 1099-K) under the new section 6050W of the More information on the e-le Application process can be found on
verifying the tax professional has authority to represent the
Internal Revenue Code. www.irs.gov, keyword “e-le Application”.
taxpayer. The IRS response is delivered to the user’s secure
mailbox within three (3) business days and the tax professional
A TIN Matching Application must be submitted before using
is notied by e-mail.
the service. Click the Application link on the e-services
welcome page to access the TIN Matching Application. Transcript Delivery System (TDS)
Provides tax professionals the ability to request and view
Interactive TIN Matching allows an authorized user to match taxpayer information in a secure, online session. This includes
up to 25 payee TIN and name combinations against IRS tax return transcripts, account transcripts, record of account,
records. Results are displayed immediately. verication of non-ling, and wage and income documents for
Bulk TIN Matching allows authorized users to submit data both individuals and businesses.
les and match up to 100,000 TIN and name combinations.
Results are returned to the web secure mailbox within 24