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              Fast Track Mediation - Collection

              A Process for Prompt Resolution of Tax Issues

Qualifications                        the manager of the person who           Representation
                                      issued the findings. If you still don’t 
The Internal Revenue Service offers                                           You may represent yourself at the 
                                      agree, you may appeal your case 
fast track mediation for certain                                              mediation session, or someone else 
                                      or, in qualifying cases, engage in 
collection cases and issues to help                                           can act as your representative.
taxpayers resolve disputes resulting                                          For mediation to succeed, those 
from:                                 In order to avail yourself of 
                                                                              who have the authority to make a 
                                      the mediation process, all 
Offers in Compromise                                                          decision must be present. If you 
                                      documentation to consider 
Trust Fund Recovery Penalties                                                 decide to have someone represent 
                                      your case must be provided to 
                                                                              you, that person must have the 
Advantages                            Collection.
                                                                              proper authorization to act on your 
Fast Track Mediation offers:          Either you or Collection may initiate   behalf and to receive confidential 
                                      a mediation request. Both you and       information. You may use Form 
an expedited process                  Collection, however, must agree to      2848, Power of Attorney and 
a trained mediator                    participate in the process and sign     Declaration of Representative for 
a neutral setting                     an agreement to mediate prior to        this purpose.
You don’t have to file a formal       attending the mediation session.
                                                                              You may also bring participants 
written protest to request fast track Generally within a week of receiving    with you to support your 
mediation.                            the signed agreement to mediate,        position.  The Appeals mediator, 
                                      the mediator will contact you and       however, may limit the number 
Excluded Cases / Issues
                                      Collection to schedule the meeting.     of participants to facilitate the 
Certain cases and issues are          The mediator will provide a brief       mediation session.
excluded from fast track mediation.   explanation of the process and 
They include:                         discuss with you when and where         Appeals
Assessment of the hazards of          to hold the mediation session.          You may withdraw from the 
litigation, which would require                                               mediation process anytime.
the Appeals mediator to hold          Mediation
                                                                              If any issues remain unresolved, 
settlement authority                  The process involves an Appeals 
                                                                              you will retain all the usual appeal 
Cases referred to the Department      Officer who has been trained in 
                                                                              rights as explained in Publication 
of Justice                            mediation. The goal of mediation is 
                                                                              5, Your Appeal Rights and How 
Issues for which mediation would      to help you and Collection resolve 
                                                                              To Prepare a Protest If You Don’t 
be inconsistent with sound tax        the dispute.
                                                                              Agree. For further information, see 
administration                        The mediator’s role is to facilitate    the Appeals Internet Web site at 
Cases in which the taxpayer           communication. The mediator will        www.irs.gov/appeals.
has failed to respond to IRS          work with you and Collection to 
communications or failed              obtain the information necessary 
to submit documentation to            to understand the nature of the 
Collection for consideration          dispute. This includes the issues 
Collection Due Process cases          involved and the positions of both                        Scan this 
Collection Appeals Program            parties.                                                  QR Code 
Cases worked at a Collection          The mediator may conduct both                             with your 
Campus site                           separate and joint discussions with                       smartphone or 
Frivolous issues                      you and Collection. The purpose                           other device 
                                      is to help the two of you reach a                         with a QR 
Starting the Process                  mutually satisfactory resolution that                     reader, or go 
                                      is consistent with the applicable                         to the website 
If you don’t agree with any or all 
                                      law. The mediator has no authority      url shown, to view more information 
of the IRS findings, you have the 
                                      to require either party to accept any   about completing this form and 
right to request a conference with 
                                      resolution.                             other Appeals processes online.
      Publication 3605 (Rev. 10-2018)  Catalog Number 29749Q  Department of the Treasury  Internal Revenue Service  www.irs.gov

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