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Publication 3609 (Rev. 12-2011)  Catalog Number 29789A
Department of the Treasury  Internal Revenue Service  

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Overview                                             Benefits  

n information return is a tax document 
A         used to report certain types of payments   of Filing  
made by financial institutions and others who  
make payments as part of their trade or business     Electronically  
as required by Internal Revenue Code Regulations.  
Information returns are filed electronically via the n It’s Paperless…
FIRE (Filing Information Returns Electronically)     no follow-up form requirements
system at http://fire.irs.gov. The following infor-
mation returns can be filed electronically: Forms    n It’s Secure…
1042-S, 1097, 1098, 1099, 3921, 3922, 5498, 8027,    supports AES 256-bit, AES 128-bit and TDES 168-bit encryption
8935, 8955-SSA, and W-2G.   
                                                     n It’s 
Note: Forms W-2 are filed with the                         Easy to Use…
Social Security Administration (SSA).                due to easy to follow screen prompts

                                                     n It’s Efficient…
                                                     due to the on-line availability of transmitter files and file status  
                                                     results e-mailed in one to two business days for most form types  
                                                     if the correct e-mail address is provided 

                                                     n It’s Fast…
                                                     transmission time is reduced by up to 95% when large files are  
                                                     compressed with PKZIP or WINZIP

                                                     n It’s Flexible…
                                                     due dates are extended for electronically filed Forms 1097, 1098,  
                                                     1099, 3921, 3922, 8027, and W-2G

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  Who Can Participate                                               Transmission Time
  Any filer of information returns may file electronically. Any     The time required to transmit information returns electronically will vary 
  corporation, partnership, employer, estate, and/or trust, who is  by the type of connection to the internet and if file compression is used. 
  required to file 250 or more information returns for any calendar Note:  The FIRE system may be down every Wednesday from 2:00 
  year, must file them electronically. However, if filers have less a.m. to 5:00 a.m. ET for maintenance and for two weeks at the end of 
  than 250 information returns, IRS encourages them to file those   the year for yearly updates. The FIRE system will not be available for 
                                                                    submissions during these times. 
  returns electronically as well.
                                                                    Software Data Compression
  How To Participate
                                                                    The IRS accepts and encourages the use of software data compression 
  Submit Form 4419, Application for Filing Information Returns      (i.e., PKZIP and WINZIP) for files larger than 10,000 records submitted via 
  Electronically, to request authorization to file information      the FIRE system. Transmission time can be reduced by as much as 95% by 
  returns with the Internal Revenue Service/Information Returns     using software data compression. 
  Branch (IRS/IRB). Once approved, a five-character alpha/          Note:  Do not compress multiple files into one compressed file, create 
  numeric Transmitter Control Code (TCC) will be assigned.          an executable file or an encrypted zip file (password protected). 
  Submit Form 4419 to IRS/IRB at least 30 days before the due 
  date of the returns for current year processing. Mail or fax the  File Preparation
  completed Form 4419 to:
                                                                    Electronically transmitted file(s) must be in standard ASCII code 
  Internal Revenue Service                                          and must follow the record format for the type of form(s) being filed.  
  Information Returns Branch                                        For complete filing instructions, refer to Publication 1220, Specifications 
  230 Murall Drive, Mail Stop 4360                                  for Filing Forms 1097-BTC, 1098, 1099, 3921, 3922, 5498, 8935, and 
  Kearneysville, WV  25430                                          W-2G Electronically; Publication 1187, Specifications for Filing Form 
                                                                    1042-S, Foreign Person’s U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding, 
  Fax: 1-877-477 -0572
                                                                    Electronically; Publication 1239, Specifications for Filing Form 8027, 
                                                                    Employer’s Annual Information Return of Tip Income and Allocated Tips, 
                                                                    Electronically or Publication 4810, Specifications for Filing Form 8955-
                                                                    SSA, Annual Registration Statement Identifying Separated Participants 
                                                                    with Deferred Vested Benefits Electronically. 
                                                                    Note:  File size cannot exceed 2.5 million records.

                                                                    File Naming
                                                                    Files submitted to the FIRE system will be assigned a unique filename 
                                                                    (users can name the file anything they choose; however, most software 
                                                                    products provide a filename). The filename assigned by the FIRE  
                                                                    system will consist of the submission type, the filer’s TCC, and a four-digit 
                                                                    sequence number. The sequence number will be incremental for every 
                                                                    file sent. For example, if this is the first original file for the calendar year 
                                                                    and the TCC is 44444, the assigned filename will be ORIG.44444.0001. 
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  Testing                                                                      Filing  
  There is no requirement to submit test files; however, IRS highly recom-
  mends first time electronic filers and software companies to participate     Electronically
  in testing. Electronic test files can be transmitted from November 1 
  through February 15 via the FIRE test system at http://fire.test.irs.gov.    1. Before connecting, have the TCC and TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) 
  Note: Participants in the Combined Federal/State Filing Program are          available.
  required to submit a test file the first year and encouraged thereafter 
  to verify that the file is being coded properly for this program. Refer      2. Turn off pop-up blocking software before transmitting files.
  to Publication 1220 for further details.                                     3. Internet browsers must support AES 256-bit, AES 128-bit or TDES 168-bit 
  Online Extension of Time
                                                                               4. Internet browsers must be set to receive “cookies.” Cookies are used to 
  The fill-in Form 8809, Application for Extension of Time to File Information preserve User ID status.
  Returns, may be completed online via the FIRE system. (Filers that do        5. Point the internet browser to http://fire.irs.gov to connect to the FIRE system 
  not have a User ID and password should refer to the section “First Time      or http://fire.test.irs.gov to connect to the FIRE test system (November 1 through 
  Connection to the FIRE System.”) At the Main Menu, click “Extension of       February 15).
  Time Request” and then click “Fill-in Extension Form.” This option can 
  only be used to request an automatic 30-day extension of time. The           First Time Connection to the FIRE System 
  application must be completed by the due date of the return for which an 
                                                                               (If there has been a previous logon, skip to  
  extension is being requested. A separate application is required for each 
                                                                               “Subsequent Connections to the FIRE system”)
  payer. Filers should print the approval page for their records.
                                                                                 Click “Create New Account”
  File Status E-mail Notification                                                Fill out the registration form and click “Submit”
  After one or two business days, the results of the electronic transmis-         Create User ID 
  sion(s) will be sent to the e-mail address provided on the “Verify Your         Create and verify password (The password is user created and must be eight 
  Filing Information” screen. If using e-mail filtering software, configure    alpha/numeric characters, containing at least one uppercase, one lowercase, one 
  the software to accept e-mails from fire@irs.gov and irs.e-helpmail@         numeric and cannot contain the User ID. The FIRE system requires passwords to 
  irs.gov. If the e-mail indicates that the file is bad, log on to the FIRE    be changed every 90 days or at the first logon attempt after 90 days. The previ-
  system and go to “CHECK FILE STATUS” at the Main Menu to determine           ous 24 passwords cannot be used.) 
  the errors in the file. Fix the errors and resubmit the file timely as a         Click “Create”
  “REPLACEMENT.”   If filers disagree with the count of payees, they               If the message “Account Created” is received, click“OK” 
  should contact IRB at 1-866-455-7438 as soon as possible to resolve              Create and verify the ten digit self-assigned PIN 
  the discrepancy.                                                             (Personal Identification Number). 
                                                                                  Click “Submit”
                                                                                  If the message “Your PIN has been successfully created!” is received, 
                                                                               click “OK” 
                                                                                  Read the bulletin(s) and/or “Click here to continue”

                                                                               Subsequent Connections to the FIRE System
                                                                                 Click “Log On”
                                                                                  Enter the User ID
                                                                                  Enter the Password (the password is case sensitive).
                                                                                  Read the bulletin(s) and/or “Click here to continue”
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  Uploading a File to the FIRE System                                               Checking the File Status
  At the Menu Options:                                                              At the Main Menu:
    Click “Send Information Returns”                                                 Click “Check File Status”
    Enter the TCC                                                                    Enter the TCC
    Enter the TIN                                                                    Enter the TIN
    Click “Submit”                                                                   Click “Search”
  The system will display the company name, address, city, state, ZIP               n If the results posted on http://fire.irs.gov indicate: 
  code, telephone number, contact, and e-mail address. This information                “Good, Not Released”–   If the “Count of Payees” is correct, the filer 
  is used to e-mail the transmitter regarding the transmission. Update               is finished with this file. The file will automatically be released after  
  as appropriate and/or click “Accept”.                                              ten calendar days unless the filer contacts IRB within this timeframe. 
  Note: Please provide an accurate e-mail address for the correct person               “Good, Released”–   The file has been released to the mainline 
  to receive the e-mail and to avoid having the e-mail returned to IRS as            processing.
  undeliverable. If SPAM filtering software is being used, configure it to 
  allow an e-mail from fire@irs.gov and irs.e-helpmail@irs.gov.                        “Bad”–   The file has errors. Click on the filename to view the 
    Click one of the following:                                                     error message(s), fix the errors, and resubmit the file timely as a 
    Original File                                                                       “replacement.” 
    Replacement File                                                                   “Not yet processed”–   The file has been received, but results are
   Correction File                                                                    not available. Please check back in a few days. 

    Test File (This option will only be available from November 1 through           n If the results posted on http://fire.test.irs.gov indicate: 
      February 15 at http://fire.test.irs.gov.) 
                                                                                       “Good, Federal Reporting”–   The test file is good for federal 
    Enter the ten-digit PIN (If sending a test file, there is no prompt for this.) 
                                                                                     reporting only.
    Click “Submit”
    Click “Browse” to locate the file and open it                                     “Good, Federal/State Reporting”–   The file is good for the 
                                                                                     Combined Federal and State Filing Program (refer to Publication 1220, 
    Click “Upload”
                                                                                     Part A, Section 10, for further details).
  When the upload is complete, the screen will display the total bytes re-
                                                                                       “Bad”–   The test file contained errors. Click on the filename for a list 
  ceived and the IRS assigned filename for the file. IF THIS INFORMATION 
                                                                                     of the errors. 
  THE FILE. To verify, go to the “CHECK FILE STATUS” option on the Main                “Not yet processed”–   The file has been received, but results are not  
  Menu. If the filename is displayed, the count is equal to “0” and the results      available. Please check back in a few days. 
  indicate “not yet processed,” IRB received the file. IFthe filename is not          When finished, click“Log Out”
  displayed, send the file again.                                                     Click “Close Web Browser”
    If there are more files to upload for that TCC: 
   Click “File Another?” otherwise,
   Click “Main Menu”

     It is the filer’s responsibility to check the acceptability of the 
     file(s). If an e-mail is not received within two business days or 
     an e-mail is received and it indicates the file is bad, log back 
     into the FIRE system and click on “CHECK FILE STATUS” to view 
     the results of the file. 

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                                                                                  the file is bad (one to two business days after the file was transmitted).  
 1. SPAM filters are not set to receive e-mail from fire@irs.gov and 
                                                                                  If a file should not be processed, contact IRS/IRB at 1-866-455-7438 to 
 irs.e-helpmail@irs.gov.  To receive e-mails concerning files, processing 
                                                                                  see if this is a possibility. 
 results, reminders, and notices, set the SPAM filter to receive e-mail from 
 fire@irs.gov and irs.e-helpmail@irs.gov.                                         7. Transmitter compresses several files into one. Only compress one 
                                                                                  file at a time. For example, if there are ten uncompressed files to send, 
 2. Incorrect e-mail address provided. When the “Verify Your Filing 
                                                                                  compress each file separately and send ten separate compressed files. 
 Information” screen is displayed, make sure the correct e-mail address is 
 listed. If not, please update with the correct e-mail address.                   8. File is formatted in EBCDIC. All files submitted electronically must 
                                                                                  be in standard ASCII code. 
 3. Transmitter does not check the FIRE system to determine why 
 the file is bad. Generally, the results of a file transfer are posted to the     9. Transmitter has one TCC, but is filing for multiple companies. 
 FIRE system within two business days. If the correct e-mail address was          Which TIN should be used when sending the file? When sending 
 provided on the “Verify Your Filing Information” screen when the file was        the file electronically, enter the TIN of the company assigned to the TCC. 
 sent, an e-mail will be sent regarding the FILE STATUS. If the results in the    The uploaded file should contain the TINs of the companies reporting 
 e-mail indicate “Good, Not Released” and the “Count of Payees” is correct,       information returns. The payer TIN is the information that will be passed 
 the filer is finished with this file. If any other results are received, follow  forward. 
 the instructions in the “Check File Status” option. If the file contains 
 errors, get an online listing of the errors. If the file status is good, but the 10. Transmitter sent the wrong file. What should be done? Call 
 file should not be processed, contact IRS/IRB within ten calendar days           IRS/IRB at 1-866-455-7438. IRB may be able to stop the file before it has 
 from the transmission of the file.                                               been processed.  

 4. Incorrect file is not replaced timely. If a file is bad, fix the file and 
 resubmit timely as a replacement. 

 5. Transmitter sends an original file that is good, and then sends 
 a correction file for the entire file even though there are only a 
                                                                                  For More  
 few changes. The correction file, containing the proper coding, should 
 only contain the records needing correction. Do not send the entire file.  
 Improper submission can result in duplicate reporting of payee information.      Information 

 6. Transmitter sends a file and “CHECK FILE STATUS” indicates that 
                                                                                  Filers may contact IRS/IRB at 1-866-455-7438 between the hours of  
 the file is good, but the transmitter wants to send another file 
                                                                                  8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. ET or by e-mail at fire@irs.gov. 
 containing the same information. Once a file has been transmitted, a 
 replacement file cannot be sent unless the “CHECK FILE STATUS” indicates 


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