PDF document
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IRS e-file for Business Fact Sheets 

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Table of Contents

Employment Tax e-file System  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

1065 e-file for Partnerships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Filing Information Returns Electronically (FIRE)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Electronic Federal Tax Payment System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

e-Services  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Electronic Payment Options  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

1041 e-file for Estates and Trusts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Form 1120 (U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return), 
Form 1120S(U.S. Income Tax Return for an S Corporation) . . . . . . .13

Charities and Non-Profit Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17


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                       Employment Tax e-file System

                                                              Integrated Payment Option -  Eligible filers may submit a
                                                              required payment along with their return, subject to limita-
The Employment Tax e-file System offers an improved way       tions imposed by the Federal Tax Deposit rules.  
to file 940 and 941 returns and accepts most forms and
                                                              Completely Electronic Signature Process - Taxpayers and
schedules. For the first time, Electronic Return Originators
                                                              Reporting Agents can continue to sign their returns with
(EROs) have the ability to offer employment tax filing to
                                                              their own IRS issued Personal Identification Number (PIN). 
their clients.  The Employment Tax e-file System offers sev-
eral new features and greater flexibility for filing employ-
ment tax returns.                                             Who Can Participate:
                                                              The program is available to Reporting Agents that file and
Why:                                                          sign Forms 940/941 on behalf of their clients or businesses
                                                              filing for themselves.  Participation is also open to software
Features of the System                                        developers and transmitters. 
More Filing Options - The Employment Tax e-file System
                                                              To apply on-line go to the tax professionals page at
accepts the following forms and schedules:
                                                              www.irs.gov/e-file, click on e-Services and register to gain
Form 941, Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return             access to complete the electronic application to participate
                                                              in the IRS e-file Program. 
Form 941PR, Planilla Para La Declaracion Trimestral Del
                                                              How to Participate:
Form 941SS, Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return
(American Samoa, Guam, The Commonwealth of the Northern       Special Notes for Participants - 
Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands)                 If you have been issued a valid Electronic Transmitter
Form 941C, Supporting Statement to Correct Information        Identification Number (ETIN) for the purpose of filing
                                                              your business tax returns, and do not already have an
Schedule B, Employer’s Record of Federal Tax Liability        ETIN for the 1040 e-file program, you must complete an
Anexo B, Registro Suplementario De La Obligacion              electronic application, and we will issue you a new ETIN.  
Contributiva Federal Del Patrono                              If you have been issued a valid ETIN for the purpose of
Form 940, Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA)       filing your business tax returns, and you have a valid
Tax Return                                                    ETIN for the 1040 e-file program, you must complete a
                                                              revised electronic application, indicating the business
Form 940PR, Planilla Para La Declaracion Anual Del Patrono    returns that you will file, and we will issue you a new
La Contribucion Federal Para El Desempleo (FUTA)              ETIN.  Your old business filing ETIN will no longer be valid
More Flexible Filing - Forms 940 and 941 can now be filed     for filing.
in a single transmission file.
More Explicit Error Conditions - New error conditions pin-
point the location of the error in the transmission, and pro-
vide complete information for each error identified. 
Faster Acknowledgements - Transmissions are processed
upon receipt and acknowledgements are returned in near
real-time.  No more waiting for once or twice daily system
processing cycles. 


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If you are a Reporting Agent who has been issued a
                                                               Contact Information 
Personal Identification Number (PIN) for the purpose of
signing your returns, you will be issued a new PIN when        Questions should be directed to the Help Desk at 
your new application is processed.  Your old PIN will no       1-866-255-0654.
longer be valid.                                               Not only can you file Employment Tax Returns electronical-
                                                               ly, you may also e-file Forms 990/990EZ, 1041, 1065,
Transmitters, Reporting Agents, and Software 
                                                               1120/1120S, Information Returns, and 1040 Individual
Developers - Complete an electronic application to partici-
pate in the IRS e-file program. Go to the tax professional’s
page at www.irs.gov/efile, click on e-Services and register
to complete your application.
Electronic Return Originators (ERO’s) - Complete an elec-
tronic application to participate in the IRS e-file program.
To apply on-line go to the tax professionals page at
www.irs.gov/efile, click on e-Services and register to
become an ERO. 
Business Taxpayers - If you are currently using software to
prepare your 940/941, ask your software provider about the
employment tax e-file program or visit www.irs.gov/e-file
for a list of Software Providers for the  Employment Tax 
e-file program. Also see “How Returns Are Signed” below.

How Returns Are Signed
Electronic Return Originators (ERO’s) – A Personal
Identification Number (PIN) is used as the business filer’s
signature.  You or your client will register through an
approved software provider for a PIN. The IRS will then send
the business client the PIN.  When the business client
receives the PIN, you are ready to file Form 940 or Form
941.  The PIN must be received before the client’s return
can be e-filed.  Please note that the PIN registration process
takes approximately 10 days.  
Payroll Preparation Service - Reporting agents sign all of
the electronic returns they file with a single PIN signature.
Business Filers – A PIN is used as your signature. When
you register for a PIN through an IRS approved software
provider, the software will request information pertaining to
your business.  Once this information is submitted, the IRS
will send you a PIN and you will be ready to file your Form
940 and 941 electronically.  Please note that the PIN regis-
tration process takes approximately 10 days.  


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                            1065 e-file for Partnerships 

What:                                                          How to Participate: 
The 1065 e-file program allows the electronic filing of Form   To apply on-line go to the tax professionals page at
1065, U.S. Return of Partnership Income, including most asso-  www.irs.gov/e-file, click on e-Services and register to gain
ciated forms and schedules.   This is accomplished using a     access to complete the electronic application to participate
personal computer (PC), and Form 1065 preparation software.    in the IRS e-file program.
The return can be submitted by the partnership, or through
                                                               Product Information:
an approved third-party software developer, preparer, or
transmitter.  Section 1224 of the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997  Publication 4283, e-filing your Form 1065
requires partnerships with more than 100 partners to file      Publication 4300, Something New for 1065 Partnerships
their returns electronically for taxable years ending on or    Publication 4301, Electronic Filing Option for Tax
after December 31, 2000.  However, partnerships with 100 or
less partners can voluntarily file Form 1065 electronically.  
                                                               Visit www irs.gov/efile
New for Tax Year 2004
                                                               Vendor Information:  
Form T, Forest Activities
                                                               The listing of Approved IRS e-file Providers which includes
Form 970, Application to Use LIFO Inventory Method          direct links to their individual web sites is located at
Form 8886, Reportable Transaction Disclosure Statement      www.irs.gov/efile. This list is updated frequently as new
                                                               providers and features are added.

Why:                                                           Application Process:  
Less paper handling                                         After the electronic application has been processed and the
Reduced costs                                               applicant has passed the suitability screening, the IRS will
                                                               assign an Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN).
Improved accuracy and product quality (less errors = less
                                                               Direct transmitters will also be assigned an Electronic
  correspondence from the IRS)
                                                               Transmitter Identification Number (ETIN) and a temporary
Electronic acknowledgement of return receipt                password. Direct transmitters will use their test password to
                                                               log on and transmit test data.  Testing is mandatory and
Who Can Participate:                                           required each year for all participants who will develop soft-
 Partnerships that engage in a trade or business or have     ware and transmit returns.  Electronic Forms 1065 are filed
  gross income from sources within the United States.          at the Ogden Submission Processing Center (OSPC):
 Transmitters who receive Form 1065 information from            IRS-OSPC
  clients and transmit the data to the IRS electronically. A      Mail Stop 6052
  partnership is considered a transmitter if the partnership      Ogden, UT  84201
  transmits its own return.                                    Questions should be directed to the OSPC at 1-866-255-0654.
 Software Developers who design or produce software used     Not only can you file Form 1065 electronically, you may also
  to prepare returns, or who format the Form 1065 return,      e-file Forms 940/941, 990/990EZ, 1041, 1120/1120S,
  Schedules K-1, and related forms and schedules according     Information Returns, and 1040 Individual Returns. 
  to IRS specifications, or who transmit the Form 1065 tax
  return data directly to the IRS. 
Paid Preparer - A firm, organization, or individual who
  deals directly with the partnership from which the return
  is due. 


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   Filing Information Returns Electronically (FIRE) 

                                                                Note: As of calendar year 2004 for tax year 2003, IRS/MCC
                                                                no longer accepts 8mm, 4mm, and Quarter Inch Cartridges
An Information Return is the tax document used to report        (QIC) for filing Information Returns.
certain types of payments made by financial institutions
and others who make payments as a part of their trade or
business as required by Internal Revenue Code regulations.      How to Participate:  
Information Returns are filed electronically via the FIRE       New users are required to submit Form 4419, Application for
(Filing Information Returns Electronically) system at           Filing Information Returns Electronically/Magnetically, to
http://fire.irs.gov. FIRE is dedicated exclusively to the fil-  request authorization to file Information Returns with
ing of Forms 1042-S, 1098, 1099, 5498, 8027, W-2G and           IRS/Martinsburg Computing Center.  Upon approval, a five-
QWF (Questionable Forms W-4).                                   character alpha/numeric Transmitter Control Code (TCC) will
                                                                be assigned.  Form 4419 should be submitted to IRS/MCC at
Note: Forms W-2 are filed with the Social Security
                                                                least 30 days before the due date of the returns for current
Administration. For more information go to 
                                                                year processing.  Send your completed Form 4419 to:

                                                                Internal Revenue Service 
Why:                                                            Martinsburg Computing Center 
Features & Benefits:                                            Information Reporting Program 
                                                                230 Murall Drive 
It’s Fast                                                       Kearneysville, WV 25430
Filing status is available within 2-business days (Forms
                                                                Vendor Information:
1042-S, 8027 & QWF are available within 30 days) 
                                                                Detailed information on all e-file products as well as a list-
High speed Internet connection
                                                                ing of Approved IRS e-file for Business Providers which
It’s Accurate                                                   includes direct links to their individual websites is located
99% accuracy rate                                            on the IRS website on www.irs.gov/efile. This listing is
                                                                updated frequently as new providers and features are added.
Less risk of transcription errors
                                                                If you are unable to prepare the files yourself and want to
It’s Safe                                                       purchase software, or locate someone to file on your behalf,
                                                                refer to Publication 1582, Information Returns Vendor List.
Tax Information is secure with 128-bit encryption
Only authorized users have access to the system              Information: 
                                                                For more information you may contact the Martinsburg
It’s Flexible
                                                                Computing Center’s Customer Service Section, toll-free at
Later due dates for electronically filed forms               866-455-7438.  IRS personnel are available Monday through
Extended file-testing time                                   Friday, 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. EST.   Telecommunications
No long distance telephone charges for Internet filing       Device for the Deaf (TDD) can be reached at 304-267-3367.
                                                                Instructions for Filing Information Returns Electronically
                                                                can be found in Publication 1220 Part B and/or Publication
Who Can Participate:                                            3609, and are available on the Internet at www.irs.gov.
Any filer of Information Returns may file their return elec-    Not only can you file Information
tronically.  However, any person, including corporations,       Returns electronically, you may also
partnerships, employers, estates and trusts, who files 250 or   e-file Forms 940/941, 990/990EZ,
more Information Returns of any Forms 1042-S, 1098, 1099,       1041, 1065,  1120/1120S, and 1040
5498, or W-2G for any calendar year must file their             Individual Returns. 
Information Returns electronically or by magnetic media.
The IRS encourages you to file electronically or magnetical-
ly even if you are filing fewer than 250 returns.


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           Electronic Federal Tax Payment System

                                                                Who Can Participate:    
                                                                All individual and business taxpayers may participate in
                                                                EFTPS, but you must first enroll.  However, if your business
The Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) allows        made depository taxes of more than $200,000 in 2002, you
individual and business taxpayers to initiate all Federal tax   must begin using EFTPS for making all your Federal business
payments electronically, including income, estimated and        tax payments electronically beginning January 1, 2004.
excise taxes.  The system is sponsored by the U.S.              This applies to any tax deposit obligations incurred on or
Department of Treasury and requires no special equipment.       after January 1, 2004.
Electronic payments can be made using the Internet or the
phone.  You input your tax payment and send it.  
                                                                How to Participate:  
Why:                                                            To participate in EFTPS you must first enroll.  To 
                                                                receive an enrollment form, call EFTPS Customer Service at 
Features & Benefits: 
                                                                1-800-555-4477.  To enroll in EFTPS-OnLine, visit our Web
Easy to Use
                                                                site at www.eftps.gov. Remember, if you use EFTPS-OnLine
Fast and Economical                                           you will also need a Password.  You will receive instructions
Accurate                                                      on how to obtain your Internet Password in your
                                                                Confirmation/Update Package.  
EFTPS offers the convenience of making Federal tax pay-
ments directly to the IRS (EFTPS-Direct), or you can choose     Information:
to go through a financial institution.  EFTPS-Direct allows     Businesses can make all their federal tax payments 
online and phone payments to be made interchangeably.           electronically using EFTPS by phone or the Internet. Visit
EFTPS-Through a Financial Institution allows same-day pay-      www.eftps.gov to enroll. For more information or to obtain
ments to be made through your financial institution.  Both      an enrollment form, call EFTPS Customer Service at 
methods allow tax payments to be initiated 24 hours a day,      1-800-555-4477.
seven days a week.  
                                                                Publication 966, Electronic Choices for Paying All Your
As an added convenience, EFTPS offers payment scheduling.       Federal Taxes
You may schedule your payment instructions for up to 120
                                                                Publication 3425, 4 Easy Ways to Use EFTPS for Tax
days in advance of the tax due date for businesses or 365
                                                                Practitioners, Accountants and Payroll Companies
days in advance of the tax due date for individuals.  EFTPS
will automatically make your payments for you on the due        Publication 3806, The Easiest Way to Pay Your Federal Taxes
date you indicate. Tax practitioners, accountants and pay-      – for Individuals
roll companies have discovered the added benefits of using      Publication 4169, E-Primer, A Guide to Paying Federal Taxes
EFTPS.                                                          Electronically for Tax Professionals
EFTPS offers four easy ways to make payments for clients:       Form 9779, EFTPS Business Enrollment Form
EFTPS-OnLine. Use the Internet to make payments for             Form 9783, EFTPS Individual Enrollment Form
businesses and clients.                                         Not only can you pay your taxes electronically, you may
EFTPS-Phone. For taxpayers and providers who wish to            also electronically file Forms 940/941, 990/990EZ, 1041,
make debit payments using the telephone.                        1065, 1120/1120S, Information
EFTPS-Batch Provider.   Designed for payroll processors and     Returns, and 1040 Individual Returns.  
others who wish to enroll their client and submit batches
using Windows-based software.
EFTPS-Bulk Provider. Designed for payroll processors who initi-
ate frequent payments and desire automated enrollment through
an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) compatible system.        5

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No text to extract.

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                                                                Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
e-Services are a suite of web-based products that allow tax
professionals and second line professionals and payers to do    TIN Matching is a pre-filing service offered to payers and/or
business with the IRS electronically.  Participants must first  authorized agents who submit any of six information
register to use e-Services, and may then qualify for the        returns subject to backup withholding (Forms 1099-B, INT,
incentive programs.                                             DIV, OID, PATR, and MISC).  Interactive TIN Matching-
                                                                authorized payers can match up to 25 payee TIN and name
The IRS is offering Disclosure Authorization, Electronic
                                                                combinations against IRS records prior to submitting an
Account Resolution and Transcript Delivery System to tax
                                                                information return. Bulk TIN Matching- allows authorized
professionals as an incentive for filing their clients returns
                                                                payers to match up to 100,000 TIN and name combinations.
electronically. e-filed returns are processed faster with less
errors, and can mean quicker refunds.  e-Services will give     Electronic e-file Application
tax professionals easier access to the IRS and the ability to
                                                                Complete the integrated electronic application for participa-
receive information electronically, cutting down the
                                                                tion in both individual and business e-file programs.  The
response time to serve clients better.  All e-Services prod-
                                                                electronic e-file application allows the application to be
ucts will be quick, convenient, and easy-to-use. Electronic
                                                                saved in progress, acknowledgement sent via email, and
Return Originators (ERO's) who e-file 5 individual or busi-
                                                                your electronic signature captured through the use of a PIN.
ness tax returns will have access to additonal incentive
                                                                The most impressive enhancement is the delegation of
                                                                authority feature which allows principals and/or responsible
                                                                officials of the firm/organization to delegate e-Services to
Suite of e-ServicesProducts                                     their employees.
What’s Available                                                Tax professionals who are active participants in the IRS 
                                                                e-file program and e-file 5 or more accepted, individual or
Registration                                                    business income tax returns in a season are eligible to use
All tax professionals who wish to use e-Services products       the following premium e-Services:
must register on-line to create an electronic account.  The
                                                                Disclosure Authorization 
registration process is a one-time automated process where
the user selects a username, password and PIN.  An on-          Eligible tax professionals may complete authorization forms,
screen acknowledgement confirms that you’ve successfully        view existing forms, and receive acknowledgement of
completed the initial registration process and you will         accepted submissions immediately—all on-line. Disclosure
receive your confirmation code through U.S. Mail. To com-       Authorization allows tax professionals to electronically sub-
plete your registration and begin using e-Services, you must    mit Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of
login to the e-Services web site inserting the confirmation     Representative and Form 8821, Tax Information
code within 28 days of receipt.                                 Authorizations. This e-Service expedites processing and
                                                                issues a real-time acknowledgement of accepted submissions.
Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN)
Application                                                     Electronic Account Resolution
A paid tax professional may choose to use a PTIN, instead       Electronic Account Resolution allows tax professionals to
of his or her SSN, on returns that are prepared for clients.    expedite closure on client’s account 
The PTIN application enables a preparer to apply on-line for    problems by electronically sending/receiving account related
a PTIN, or request a new or replacement PTIN card, or look      inquiries.  Tax professionals may inquire about individual or
up a forgotten PTIN.  The PTIN will be provided during the      business account problems, refunds, installment agreements,
on-line session, and a physical PTIN card can be sent to you    missing payments or notices.  Tax professionals must have a
if requested.                                                   power of attorney on file before submitting an inquiry.  The
                                                                IRS response will be delivered to a secure mailbox within 72


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Transcript Delivery System                                     listing of IRS Approved e-file Providers with direct links to
                                                               their individual websites, visit www.irs.gov/efile.
Use Transcript Delivery System to request tax return tran-
scripts, account transcripts and a record of account for your  The IRS e-file program includes Forms 940/941, 990/990EZ,
individual and business taxpayers. Resolve your clients’       1041, 1065, 1120/1120S, Information Returns, and 1040
account issues or problems quickly in a secure, on-line ses-   Individual Returns.
sion. Tax professionals must have authorization on file with
the IRS before accessing a client’s account. 


Features and Benefits:

Information is quickly available to IRS Customer Service
Quick processing time
System is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Less risk of errors
On-screen acknowledgement confirms that IRS has
  received submission

Tax information is secure
Only authorized users have access to the system

Online help function 
Online step-by-step tutorials to train users
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) area to answer most
  common questions

Who Can Participate:
To apply on-line go to the tax professionals page at
www.irs.gov/e-file, click on e-Services and register to gain
access to complete the electronic application to participate
in the IRS e-file program.
To find out more about IRS e-file products as well as get a


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                           Electronic Payment Options

                                                              Credit Card (individuals only)
Electronic payment options are convenient, safe and secure      It’s convenient - individual taxpayers can pay early and
methods for paying individual and business taxes.               yet delay out-of-pocket expenses.  Some may even earn
Taxpayers can enroll in the U.S. Treasury’s Electronic          reward program perks from their card issuers.
Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS), authorize an electron-    Standard, commercial credit card networks are used. The
ic funds withdrawal while e-filing, or use a credit card        IRS does not receive or store credit card numbers. 
(individuals only).  Electronic payment options give taxpay-  Credit card service providers charge a fee for the service.
ers an alternative to paying taxes by check or money order.     Fees are based on the amount of the payment.
Payments can be made 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  An
                                                              The words “United States Treasury Tax Payment” are
electronic confirmation number is provided once the pay-
                                                                included on the credit card statement as proof of pay-
ment transaction is completed.  Making an electronic pay-
ment eliminates the need to send in the associated paper
payment voucher. The electronic funds withdrawal and
EFTPS options are free!                                       Who Can Participate:
                                                              EFTPS is available to taxpayers who e-file or paper file
Why:                                                            their business and individual returns.
                                                              EFW is available to taxpayers who e-file their business
Features & Benefits:
                                                                and individual returns.
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System                         Credit card options are available to individual taxpayers
Pay all business and individual taxes year-round using        who e-file or paper file their returns.
  EFTPS.  More than 4 million taxpayers currently use this    Self-employed, small and large business taxpayers can pay
  system.                                                     electronically as follows:
It’s free, easy to use and convenient.                      Pay all taxes (including deposits, estimated and balance
Pay on-line, by phone or through a payroll processor or       due taxes) year-round using EFTPS. This option is 
  other service provider.                                       recommended for making deposits and other recurring
Once enrolled, taxpayers can pay on-line or by phone and      monthly or quarterly payments.  Visit www.eftps.gov
  even schedule one-time or recurring payments.                 for additional information.  (See Publication 3909E for
                                                                more EFTPS facts.)
Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW)                             e-file and pay in a single step by EFW.   
It’s free.  It’s convenient - business and individual         Form 941, Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return
  taxpayers can e-file and pay the balance due in a single
                                                                (including Form 941PR, SS and C) - includes TeleFile
                                                                Form 940, Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment
Individual taxpayers including Schedule C filers can e-file
                                                                Tax (FUTA) Return (includes Form 940PR)
  and, at the same time, schedule an electronic payment
  for withdrawal from a bank account on a future date up          Form 1120/1120S, U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return
  to the return due date.                                       Form 1041, U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates & Trusts
The words “United States Treasury Tax Payment” are            Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
  included on the bank statement as proof of payment.           (includes Schedule C filers)
                                                                Form 1040-ES, Estimated Taxes for Individuals
                                                              e-file and pay in a single step by 
                                                                credit card
                                                                Form 1040 series, U.S. Individual 
                                                                Income Tax Return (including 
                                                                Schedule C filers)

- 12 -
                                                                Credit Card - It’s available through service providers.
Individual taxpayers can pay
                                                                  Taxpayers may refer to their tax professional, tax software
electronically as follows:                                        package or contact the pay by phone or internet service
Pay all taxes (including estimated and balance due taxes)       providers (1-800-2PAY-TAX/www.officialpayments.com
  year-round using EFTPS. This option is recommended for          or 1-888-PAY-1040/www.pay1040.com) for more infor-
  making recurring monthly or quarterly payments.  Visit          mation including convenience fees.  
  www.eftps.gov for additional information or see EFTPS
  Fact Sheet, Publication 3909E.                                Information:
 e-file and pay in a single step by EFW                       Visit www.irs.gov/efile and choose Electronic Payment
  Form 1040 series, U. S. Individual Income Tax Return -      Options.  Also, visit www.EFTPS.gov.
  includes Forms 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, and TeleFile users
  Form 4868, Application for Automatic Extension of Time      Product Information: 
  to File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return includes TeleFile   Detailed information on all IRS e-file products and services
  users                                                         is available by visiting the IRS Web site at
  Form 2350, Application for Extension of Time to File U.S.   http://www.irs.gov/efile. 
  Individual Income Tax Return                                  Publication 3611  - Electronic Payments Brochure
  Form 1040-ES, Estimated Tax for Individuals                 Publication 3909E, EFTPS Fact Sheet
 e-file and pay in a single step by credit card               Not only can you pay your taxes electronically, you may
  Form 1040 series, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return         also e-file Forms 940/941, 990/990EZ, 1041,1065,
  (including Schedule C filers) - excludes TeleFile             1120/1120S, Information Returns, and 1040 Individual
 File using any method and pay by credit card on-line or
  by phone
  Form 1040 series, U. S. Individual Income Tax Return
  (including Schedule C filers and balance due notice pay-
  ments for current and prior tax year) 
  Form 1040-ES, Estimated Taxes for Individuals
  Form 4868, Application for Automatic Extension of Time
  to File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
  Installment Agreements (available to taxpayers with
  active installment agreements for three previous tax

How to Participate:
EFTPS - Once the taxpayer is enrolled, payments can be
  made on-line or by phone.  For enrollment information,
  visit www.eftps.gov or call 1-800-555-4477.  The 
  taxpayer can also refer to their payroll processor for
Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) - It’s available
  through most tax preparation software, tax professionals
  and TeleFile.  The taxpayer may refer to their tax profes-
  sional or tax software package for more information.


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               1041 e-file for Estates and Trusts

What:                                                           How to Participate: 
The 1041 e-file program allows the electronic filing of Form    To apply on-line go to the tax professionals page at
1041, U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts             www.irs.gov/e-file, click on e-Services and register to
including 40 forms and schedules. Form 1041 is used to          gain access to complete the electronic application to 
report yearly income for estates and trusts. The return can     participate in the IRS e-file program. 
be submitted by an approved third-party software develop-
                                                                After the electronic application has been processed and
er, preparer, or transmitter.  Fiduciaries may also electroni-
                                                                the applicant has passed the suitability screening process,
cally file a Form 1041 directly to the IRS, but must pass
                                                                the IRS will assign an Electronic Filing Identification
testing the same as a transmitter.    
                                                                Number (EFIN). Direct transmitters will also be assigned
                                                                an Electronic Transmitter Identification Number (ETIN) and a
Why:                                                            temporary password. Direct transmitters will use their test
                                                                password to log on and transmit test data.  Testing is
Features & Benefits
                                                                mandatory and required each year for all participants who
Saves time                                                    will develop software and transmit returns.  
Reduces filing errors                                         Contact the Ogden Submission Processing Center
Reduces storage space and costs                               Electronic Filing Section at (866) 255-0654 when you are
Electronic acknowledgement of return receipt                  ready to test. 

Has a multi-signature option (one signature for up to         Vendor Information
  5,000 returns) as well as an Electronic Funds Withdrawal      For a listing of Approved IRS e-file Providers that can file
  (EFW) payment option                                          your Form 1041 electronically, and give you the direct
                                                                links to their individual web sites, visit www.irs.gov/efile.
Who Can Participate:                                            This listing is updated frequently as new providers are
Fiduciary: A trustee of a trust; or an executor, administra-    added. 

tor, personal representative, or a person in possession of      Product Information
property of a decedent’s estate 
                                                                Detailed information on all e-file business products is
Paid Preparer:                                                  available by visiting the IRS web site at
Deals directly with the estate or trust from which the        http://www.irs.gov/efile.  
  return is due; or                                             Not only can you file Form 1041 electronically, you may
Prepares a return or collects return data for purposes of     also e-file Forms 940/941, 990/990EZ, 1065, 1120/1120S,
  having electronic records of Form 1041; or                    Information Returns, and 1040 Individual Returns.  
Collects a prepared return for purposes of having 
  electronic records of Form 1041     
Electronic Return Originator(ERO): Originates the elec-
  tronic submission of tax returns to the IRS.
Transmitter: Receives Form 1041 data from clients and
  transmits the data to the IRS electronically.
Software Developer: Develops software for use in preparing
  1041 returns, Schedules K-1 and related forms and sched-
  ules according to IRS specifications.


- 14 -
No text to extract.

- 15 -
                  Form 1120 (U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return)

        Form 1120S (U.S. Income Tax Return for an S Corporation)

                                                                 Information is quickly available to IRS Customer Service
The IRS e-file program now includes Forms 1120 and 1120S.
The 1120 program has file and pay capability and returns
are processed on a transaction basis rather than in batch        Quick processing time
mode.  There are 100 forms and schedules available. (See
Appendix A)
                                                                 Fewer risks of transcription errors
Form 1120 is used to report the income, gains, losses,
deductions and credits, and income tax liability of a corpo-       Low error rates

ration.  (Note- Bankruptcy returns cannot be e-filed, a          Safe:
paper return must be filed.) Form 1120S, U.S. Income Tax
                                                                 Tax information is secure - only authorized users have
Return for an S Corporation, is used to report income,
                                                                   access to the system
deductions, gains, losses, etc., of a domestic corporation
that has elected to be an S Corporation by filing Form 2553,
Election by a Small Business Corporation, and whose election     Who Can Participate:
is in effect for the tax year and until terminated.              Business taxpayers who file Form 1120/1120S may e-file
                                                                 their return through an Approved IRS e-file Provider. A list
New for 2005
                                                                 of Approved IRS Providers is available on www.irs.gov/efile.
Schedule M-3,  Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation for
  Corporations with Total Assets of $10 Million or More
                                                                 How to Participate:
Form 8858, Information Return of U.S. Persons With
  Respect To Foreign Disregarded Entities                        To apply on-line go to the tax professionals page at
                                                                 www.irs.gov/e-file, click on e-Services and register to gain
Schedule M, Transactions Between Foreign Disregarded
                                                                 access to complete the electronic application to participate
  Entity of a Foreign Tax Owner and the Filer or Other
                                                                 in the IRS e-file program.
  Related Entities
Form 7004, Application for Automatic Extension of Time to
  File for Corporate Returns
                                                                 To find out more about IRS e-file products as well as obtain
                                                                 a listing of Approved IRS e-file Providers with direct links to
Why:                                                             their individual websites, visit www.irs.gov/efile.
Features and Benefits:                                           Not only can you file Form 1120/1120S electronically, you
                                                                 may also e-file Forms 940/941, 990/990EZ, 1041, 1065,
It’s Convenient:
                                                                 Information Returns, and 1040 Individual Returns. 
 Fast - electronic acknowledgment 
 Easy to understand - error messages in plain language 
 Tax preparation work is automated with return prepara-
  tion software that performs calculations and highlights
  needed forms and schedules
 Completely paperless - corporations will have the option to
  use the Practitioner PIN method or the Form 8453-C or S
  can be scanned and included as a PDF attachment 
 Eliminates the duplicate filing requirements of internation-
  al Forms 5471, 5472, 5713, and 8832 to Philadelphia
  Submission Processing Center.


- 16 -
Forms and Schedules for 1120/1120S e-file
1  1120                     US Corporation Income Tax Return
2  Schedule D (Form 1120)   Capital Gains and Losses
3  Schedule H (Form 1120)   Section 280H Limitations for a Personal Service Corporation (PSC)
4  Schedule N (Form 1120)   Foreign Operations of U. S. Corporations
   Schedule N (Form 1120)   Foreign Operations of U. S. Corporations
5  Schedule M-3 (Form 1120) Reconciliations of Financial Satement, Net Income per Books, and Return
6  Schedule PH (Form 1120)  US Personal Holding Company (PHC) Tax
7  Form 851                 Affiliations Schedule
8  Form 926                 Return by a US Transferor of Property to a Foreign Corporation
9  970                      Application to Use LIFO Inventory Method
10 972                      Consent of Shareholder to Include Specific Amount in Gross Income
11 973                      Corporation Claim for Deduction for Consent Dividends
12 982                      Reduction of Tax Attributes Due to Discharge of Indebtedness (and Sec 1082 Basis 
13 Schedule F (Form 1040)   Profit or Loss from Farming
14 1118                     Foreign Tax Credit – Corporations
15 Schedule I (Form 1118)   Reduction of Oil and Gas
16 Schedule J (Form 1118)   Adjustments to Separate Limitation Income (Loss) Categories for Determining 
                            Numerators  of Limitation Fractions
17 1122                     Authorization and Consent of Subsidiary Corporation to be Included in a Consolidated 88
   Income Tax Return
18 2220                     Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Corporations
19 2439                     Notice to Shareholder of Undistributed Long-Term Capital Gains
20 3115                     Application for Change in Accounting Method
21 3468                     Investment Credit
22 3800                     General Business Credits
23 4136                     Credit for Federal Tax Paid on Fuels
24 4255                     Recapture of Investment Credit
25 4466                     Corporation Application for Quick Refund of Overpayment of Estimated Tax
26 4562                     Depreciation and Amortization
27 4626                     Alternate Minimum Tax Corporations
28 4684                     Casualties and Thefts
29 4797                     Sale of Business Property
30 5452                     Corporate Report of Nondividend Distributions
31 5471                     Information Return of US Persons With Respect to Certain Foreign Corporations
32 Schedule J (Form 5471)   Accumulated Earning and Profits (E&P) of Controlled Foreign Corporation
33 Schedule M (Form 5471),  Transactions Between Controlled Foreign Corporation and Shareholders or Other Related 
34 Schedule O (Form 5471),  Organization or Reorganization of Foreign Corporation and Acquisitions and Dispositions 
                            of its Stock

- 17 -
35 5472                   Information Return of a 25% Foreign-Owned US Corporation or a Foreign Corporation 
                          Engaged in a US Trade or Business
36 5712-A                 Election and Verification of the Cost Sharing or Profit Split Method Under Section 
37 5713                   International Boycott Report
38 Schedule A (Form 5713) International Boycott Factor (Sec 999(c)(1))
39 Schedule B (Form 5713) Specifically Attributable Taxes and Income (Sec 999(c)(2))
40 Schedule C (Form 5713) Tax Effect of the International Boycott Provisions
41 5735                   Possessions Corporation Tax Credit (Under Sections 936 and 30A)
42 Schedule P (Form 5735) Allocation of Income and Expenses Under Section 936(h)(5)
43 5884                   Work Opportunity Credit
44 6198                   At-Risk Limitations
45 6252                   Installment Sale Income
46 6478                   Credit for Alcohol Used as Fuel
47 6765                   Credit for Increasing Research Activities
48 6781                   Gains and Losses from Sec 1256 Contracts and Straddles
49 8050                   Direct Deposit of Corporate Tax Refund
50 8082                   Notice of Inconsistent Treatment or Amended Return
51 8271                   Investor Reporting of Tax Shelter Registration Number
52 8275                   Disclosure Statement
53 8275-R                 Regulation Disclosure Statement
54 8283                   Noncash Charitable Contributions
55 8586                   Low-Income Housing Credit
56 8594                   Asset Acquisition Statement
57 8609,                  Low-Income Housing Credit Allocation Certificate
58 Schedule A (Form 8609) Annual Statement
59 8611                   Recapture of Low-Income Housing Credit
60 8621                   Return by a Shareholder of a Passive Foreign Investment Company or Qualified Electing 
61 8697                   Interest Computation Under the Look-Back Method for Completed Long-Term Contracts
62 8716                   Election To Have a Tax Year Other Than a Required Tax Year
63 8810                   Corporate Passive Activity Loss and Credit Limitations
64 8816                   Special Loss Discount Account and Special Estimated Tax Payments for Insurance 
65 8820                   Orphan Drug Credit
66 8824                   Like-Kind Exchanges
67 8825                   Rental Real Estate Income and Expenses of a Partnership or an S Corporation
68 8826                   Disabled Access Credit
69 8827                   Credit for Prior Year Minimum Tax - Corporations
70 8830                   Enhanced Oil Recovery Credit
71 8832                   Entity Classification Election

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72  8833                      Treaty-Based Return Position Disclosure Under Sec 6114 or 7701(b)
73  8834                      Qualified Electric Vehicle Credit
74  8835                      Renewable Electricity Production Credit
75  8838                      Consent To Extend the Time To Assess Tax Under Sec 367 – Gain Recognition Agreement
76  8844                      Empowerment Zone Employment Credit
77  8845                      Indian Employment Credit
78  8846                      Credit for Employer Social Security and Medicare Taxes Paid on Certain Employees
79  8847                      Credit for Contributions to Selected Community Development Corporations
80  8858                      Information Return of U.S. Persons With Respect to Disregarded Entities
81  Schedule M (Form 8858)    Transactions Between Foreign Disregarded Entity Owned by a Controlled Foreign Corporation 
                              and Filer or Other Related Entities
82  8860                      Qualified Zone Academy Bond Credit
83  8861                      Welfare-to-Work Credit
84  8865                      Return of U.S. Persons With Respect to Certain Foreign Partnerships
85  Schedule K-1 (Form 8865), Partner’s Share of Income, Credits, Deductions, etc.
86  Schedule O (Form 8865),   Transfer of Property to a Foreign Partnership
87  Schedule P (Form 8865)    Acquisitions, Dispositions, and Changes of Interests in a Foreign Partnership
88  8866                      Interest Computation Under the Look-Back Method for Property Depreciated Under the 
                              Income Forecast Method
89  8873                      Extraterritorial Income Exclusion
90  8874                      New Markets Tax Credit
91  8881                      Credit for Small Employer-Pension Plan Startup Costs
92  8882                      Credit for Employer-Provided Child Care Facilities and Services
93  8883                      Asset Allocation Statement Under Section 338
94  8884                      New York Liberty Zone Business Employee Credit
95  8886                      Reportable Transaction Disclosure Statement
96  Form T                    Timber & Forest Activities Schedules
97  1120S                     US S Corporation Income Tax Return
98  1120S Sch D               S Corporation Capital Gains and losses
99  1120S Sch K-1             S Corporation Section 280H Limitations for a Personal Service Corporation (PSC)
100 7004                      Application for Automatic Extension of Time to file Corporation Income Tax Return


- 19 -
             Charities and Non-Profit Organizations

What:                                                           Why:
The IRS e-file system provides the capability for exempt
                                                                Features and Benefits
organizations to file their annual information and tax
returns electronically using the Internet.  The program         Fast
includes Forms 990, Return of Organization Exempt from          Fast electronic acknowledgement
Income Tax, 990EZ, Short Form Return of Organization
                                                                Quicker processing time
Exempt from Income Tax, Form 8868, Application for
Extension of Time to File an Exempt Organization Return and     Accurate
Form 1120POL, U.S. Income Tax Return for Certain Political      More accurate and rapid release of information permitted
Organizations. New for 2005 will be Form 990PF, Return of
                                                                  to be disclosed 
Private Foundation or Section 4947(a)(1) Trust Treated as a
Private Foundation.                                               Immediate electronic notification of filing errors

Exempt organization returns are unique for three key rea-       Safe
sons.  First, tax-exempt organizations, by definition, do not   Tax information is secure
generally pay income taxes.  The primary purpose of their
                                                                Only authorized users have access to the system. 
filing requirements is not to report taxes but to provide
information on their programs and activities.  This informa-    Convenient
tion verifies that organizations are operating in accordance    Time and cost savings due to reduced preparation time
with their stated tax-exempt purpose and are not violating
                                                                  and reduced postage and storage needs
the rules and regulations governing their tax exempt status. 
                                                                Easy to understand error messages in plain English
Secondly, the returns are unique because tax-exempt organ-
izations are required, by Internal Revenue Code section           Single-point filing with state agencies (future enhance-
6104, to make their information returns widely available for      ment)
public inspection.  This means that organizations must
allow members of the public to inspect Forms 990/990EZ,         How to Participate:
and 990PF filed with the IRS.  Exempt organizations are
                                                                To apply on-line go to the tax professionals page at
also required to provide copies of the returns when requested,
                                                                www.irs.gov/e-file, click on e-Services and register to gain
or make them available on the Internet.  Thirdly, exempt
                                                                access to complete Form 8633, Application to Participate in
organization returns are unique because they are multi-
                                                                the IRS e-file Program. 
jurisdictional forms, with nearly 40 states using Form
990/990EZ to satisfy their filing requirements.
                                                                Who Can Participate
                                                                Exempt Organizations: Any exempt organization may par-
                                                                ticipate in this program by filing their returns through an
                                                                Authorized IRS e-file provider.  Start talking with your prac-
                                                                titioner or your software provider now to see if they plan to
                                                                offer e-file for exempt organizations.  A list of approved
                                                                providers is available on www.irs.gov/efile.

                                                                Not only can you file Form 990/990EZ 
                                                                electonically, you may also e-file Forms 940/941, 1041, 1065,
                                                                1120/1120S, Information Returns, and 1040 Individual Returns.   


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Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Publication 3909 (Rev. 4-2005)
Catalog Number 32760R

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