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                                                                                                                             INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 
                                                                                                                             TAX EXEMPT AND GOVERNMENT 
                                                                                                                             ENTITIES (TE/GE)

Use the following customer education and outreach            TE/GE CUSTOMER SERVICES
information and services that are available at:              Call (877) 829-5500 toll-free with retirement plan-related 
www.irs.gov/retirement.                                      questions, such as technical issues and questions dealing with 
                                                             the completion of applications and returns 
 Retirement Plans Community web page – 
includes information on: 
• specific customer segments (plan sponsors/employers,       EMPLOYEE PLANS
   plan participants/employees and benefits practitioners) 
• frequently asked questions 
• correcting plan errors                                     Robert S. Choi                 (202) 283-2100
• EP Examination Process Guide                               Director                       robert.s.choi@irs.gov 
• latest guidance explaining retirement plan law 
• details on EP programs and services                        Monika A. Templeman  (410) 962-4092                             EMPLOYEE PLANS
 Two free electronic newsletters:                           Director                       monika.a.templeman@irs.gov 
Employee Plans News    – for benefits practitioners        Examinations 
Retirement News for Employers – for small business owners 
   and other employers                                       Andrew E. Zuckerman  (202) 283-9515
 Benefit conferences – Check the Employee Plans News        Director                       andrew.e.zuckerman@irs.gov
                                                             Rulings and Agreements 
for the dates of conferences in your area. 
 Speakers – Go online to find how organizations can         Janet Mak                    (718) 488-2383
request an educational speaker.                                 Manager                     janet.mak@irs.gov 
                                                                Voluntary Compliance 
 IRS forms and publications – Request your free copy of 
an IRS publication or form by calling (800) 829-3676 or      Vickie Surguy                (513) 263-3583
download these publications and forms from our website.         Manager                     vickie.a.surguy@irs.gov
These retirement plan-related publications include:             Determinations
• Publication 4460 The Retirement Plan Products Navigator     
                                                             Mark O’Donnell                 (202) 283-9532 
• Publication 3998 Choosing a Retirement Solution for Your   Director                       mark.f.o’donnell@irs.gov 
   Small Business                                            Customer Education and Outreach
• Publication 4484 Choose a Retirement Plan for Employees 
   of  Tax Exempt and Government Entities                                                                                    Determinations 
• Publication 4224 Retirement Plan Correction Programs                                                                       Voluntary Correction 
• Publication 560 Retirement Plans for Small Business (SEP,                                                                  Technical Rulings/Guidance
   SIMPLE, and Qualified Plans)                                                                                              Customer Education & Outreach 
• Publication 571 Tax-Sheltered Annuity Plans (403(b) Plans)                                                                 Customer Service
   For Employees of Public Schools and Certain Tax-Exempt 
• Publication 575 Pension and Annuity Income 
• Publication 590 Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs) 
                                                                     Publication 3636 (Rev. 10-2011) Catalog Number 30288U
                                                              Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service www.irs.gov

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     he office of Employee Plans (EP) under the Tax Exempt      Shutting down abusive transactions or schemes involving         EPCRS includes: 
T     & Government Entities (TE/GE) operating division of      retirement plans. Such abuses usually involve ways to shelter      a program under which you may self-correct a failure to 
the Internal Revenue Service conducts examinations as          all or most of the employer’s business income from tax or         satisfy the pension law without pre-approval from the IRS 
part of an ongoing, robust enforcement program. EP also        take excessively large deductions.                                and without paying the government any fee or sanction; 
offers various programs (such as the Determination Letter                                                                        a program that provides correction with IRS approval, 
Program and Voluntary Correction Program) and services          Examining plans with the highest risk for noncompliance.          under which an employer pays a limited fee; and 
to help the retirement plans community comply with             Risk assessments are conducted to determine the level of 
                                                                                                                                a program that applies on audit, under which an employer 
applicable law. The retirement plans community includes        risk of specific plan types involving various business/industry 
                                                                                                                                   corrects and pays a reasonable sanction. 
plan sponsors/employers, plan participants/employees and       groups. 
benefits practitioners.                                                                                                         You can access a detailed description of these programs at 
                                                                Monitoring pension funding in conjunction with the U.S.        www.irs.gov/retirement. 
Retirement plan law provides significant tax benefits for      Department of Labor and the Pension Benefit Guaranty 
sponsors of certain retirement plans (such as 401(k) plans)    Corporation.                                                      Determination letters — Through our Determination 
and the employees who participate in them. EP’s programs                                                                        Letter Program, you may get advance assurance that the 
and services help conserve plan benefits until an employee’s    Increasing compliance contacts via specialized initiatives     terms of your retirement plan satisfy the qualification 
retirement, and help preserve the tax benefits associated      and through the Employee Plans Compliance Unit (EPCU).           requirements of applicable law. Instructions for filing a 
with these plans.                                              EPCU identifies returns for compliance activities and uses       determination letter application are found on the Forms 
This brochure highlights EP’s unique programs and services of: soft contact approaches to question return items, which may      5300, 5307 and 5310.  You can avoid the need to file for a 
                                                               resolve issues without a full examination.                       determination letter if you use a pre-approved plan (stan-
Examinations                                                                                                                    dardized master or prototype plan). A description of our 
                                                               You can access information on EP’s examination/enforce-          master and prototype programs and determination letter 
Rulings and Agreements – voluntary compliance, determination   ment results at www.irs.gov/retirement. Plus, the website has an procedures can be accessed at www.irs.gov/retirement. 
letter program, and technical guidance (IRS regulations,       Examination Process Guide that gives plan sponsors/employ-
revenue rulings, revenue procedures, notices, announcements,   ers and benefits practitioners a better understanding of our      Technical guidance — EP provides guidance that explains 
private letter rulings).                                       examination process from start to finish. This guide includes    how certain laws may apply to you. Guidance items of 
Customer Education & Outreach                                  sections on resolving issues, communications, and the appeals    general application are published in the weekly Internal Revenue 
                                                               process.                                                         Bulletin, such as regulations, revenue rulings, revenue 
TE/GE Customer Services                                                                                                         procedures, notices and announcements. Please go to 
                                                                                                                                www.irs.gov/retirement for useful guidance and access to the 
                                                                                                                                Internal Revenue Bulletin. 
                                                               RULINGS AND AGREEMENTS                                            
EXAMINATIONS                                                   EP’s Rulings and Agreements offers three types of services to 
EP has a strong and effective Examinations Program which       help you understand retirement plan law: voluntary compli-
is vital in combating noncompliance in retirement plans.       ance; determination letters; and technical guidance.             CUSTOMER EDUCATION & OUTREACH 
This prominent enforcement presence in the retirement                                                                           Through our partnership efforts with government and private 
plans community encourages voluntary compliance in plan         Voluntary compliance - If you sponsor a qualified retire-      industry, EP works to meet your changing needs. We want 
operations. Examinations uses a centralized case selec-        ment plan and you fail to satisfy the requirements of appli-     to keep you informed and promote a better understanding 
tion process to identify plans to analyze their books and      cable law, our system of correction programs – the Employee      of retirement plans for easier compliance with applicable law. 
records relating to the plans’ operational features. If plan   Plans Compliance Resolution System (EPCRS) – may enable 
mistakes are identified during an examination, help may be     you to correct a problem, ensure that proper benefits are 
available through the Audit Closing Agreement Program.         provided to your employees, and preserve the tax benefits 
Examples of EP Examinations’ critical areas of focus include:  of your plan.

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