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             Tax Exempt and Government Entities



             P R O V I D I N G  

             A S S IST A N CE     

             TH R OU G H  

             C H A R I T A B L E  

             O R G A N I Z A T IO N S          ,

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TA B L E  of


            Helping Through an Existing Charitable Organization, ....................            3,
            Federal Tax Law, ............................................................... 3,
            State Law Considerations, ...................................................... 3,

            Establishing a New Charitable Organization, ................................         4,
            Applying for Tax-Exempt Status, ............................................... 4,
            Employee Identification Number (EIN), ........................................ 5,
            Expedited Processing of Applications for Exemption, .......................... 5,
            Public Charity vs. Private Foundation, .........................................     7,

            How Charitable Organizations Help Victims, ................................          8,
            Aid to Individuals, .............................................................. 8,
            Aid to Businesses, .............................................................. 8,
            Charitable Class, ................................................................   9,
            Needy or Distressed Test, ...................................................... 11,
            No Automatic Right to Charity Aid,........................................... 11,
            Short-Term and Long-Term Assistance, ......................................          12,

            Documentation, ..................................................................    13,
            Documentation of Short-Term Emergency Aid, ............................... 13,

            Reporting, ......................................................................... 14,
            Income Tax Treatment of Qualified Disaster Payments, ...................... 14,

            Employer-Sponsored Assistance Programs, ...............................              15,
            Employer-Sponsored Public Charities, ........................................ 16,
            Employer-Sponsored Donor Advised Funds, .................................. 17,
            Employer-Sponsored Private Foundations, .................................... 17,


- 3 -
Special Tax Rules for Recipients of Disaster Relief Assistance, .......           20,
Charitable Organizations, .....................................................   20,
Federal and State Government, ...............................................     20,
Direct Assistance from Employers and Other Sources, ....................... 21,

Gifts and Charitable Contribution Rules, ...................................      22,
Charitable Contributions, .....................................................   22,
Foreign Contributions, ........................................................   23,
Gifts, .......................................................................... 24,

Additional Help on Disaster-Related Topics, ...............................       25,
Forms and Publications, ......................................................    25,
Telephone Assistance, ........................................................    25,


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P R O V I D I N G  A S SIST A N CE           

TH R O UG H  CH A R I T A B L E  O R G A NI Z A T I O N S                                 ,

This publication is for people interested in assisting victims of disasters or those in  

emergency hardship situations through tax-exempt charities. Charitable organizations  

have traditionally been involved in assisting victims of disasters such as floods, fires, riots, 

storms or similar large-scale events. Charities also play an important role in helping those  

in need because of a sudden illness, death, accident, violent crime or other emergency  

hardship. This publication includes:

n advice about helping to provide relief through an existing charitable organization,

n information about establishing a new charitable organization,

n guidance about how charitable organizations can help victims,

n documentation and reporting requirements,

n guidance about employer-sponsored assistance programs,

n information about tax treatment of disaster relief payments,

n information about gifts and charitable contribution rules, and

n reference materials and taxpayer assistance resources.

By using this publication as you begin to plan your relief efforts, you will be able to ensure  

that your program will assist victims in ways that are consistent with the federal tax rules  

that apply to charities.


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Providing aid to relieve human suffering caused by a natural or civil disaster or an emergency 

hardship is charity in its most basic form. Charitable organizations, including churches, are  

frequently able to administer relief programs more efficiently than individuals acting on their 

own. Charitable organizations can continue to offer assistance over long periods. Even if the 

charity later dissolves, its remaining assets are permanently dedicated to accomplishing charita-

ble purposes and cannot be divided among the organization’s members, directors or employees.

Of course, there are tax advantages when a tax-exempt charitable organization provides relief.  

If an organization is exempt from federal income tax, it can use more of its resources to further  

its mission. Contributors to qualified charitable organizations may be eligible to claim tax 

deductions for their donations, and the value of these contributions is not subject to gift tax, 

regardless of the amount. Also, individuals receiving assistance are not generally subject to  

federal tax on the value of assistance they receive from a charity to meet their personal needs.


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H E L P I N G T H R O U G H A N E X I S T I N G 
C H A R I T A B L E  O RG A N I Z A T I O N ,

When a tragic event occurs there is often an overwhelming desire on the part of the community 
to come to the aid of the victims. In the immediate aftermath of a disaster or emergency, those 
who wish to provide help may overlook existing charities and spend precious time and resources 
establishing a new charitable organization and applying for tax-exempt status.

As an alternative, it may be more practical to combine resources with an existing charity to 
provide immediate relief, or see whether an existing charity operating in a related area may be 
interested in establishing a special program to address a particular disaster or emergency hard-
ship situation. For instance, a community fund like the United Way, a religious organization like 
the Salvation Army, or a relief organization like the Red Cross are all existing organizations 
which have provided targeted disaster relief and emergency hardship assistance in response to 
natural and civil disasters and other unforeseen emergencies. Community-based organizations 
and charities with a local presence often know best what assistance is needed and understand 
the social and cultural context of a disaster. Working with and supporting these existing  
organizations may prove to be a more efficient use of disaster relief resources.

Furthermore, even if a charity was not specifically organized to provide disaster relief and such 
activities were not specified in its application for exemption, an existing recognized charity may 
engage in disaster relief activities without obtaining prior permission from the IRS. However,  
it must report this new activity on its annual return and may wish to report a change in its  
activities to the IRS Exempt Organizations Determinations Office.

F E D E R A L TA X L A W ,

Under federal law, an existing qualified charity generally must be given full control and 
authority over the use of donated funds, and contributors may not earmark funds for the  
benefit of a particular individual or family. Contributions to qualified charities may, however, 
be earmarked for flood relief, hurricane relief or other disaster relief.


Some contributors are reluctant to contribute to an existing umbrella organization with many 
programs. They are concerned that their donations will not be spent directly to serve the  
victims of the particular emergency they wish to help, and instead, will be applied to other  
organizational expenses.

To address these concerns, many state and local authorities that regulate charitable solicitation 
rules have imposed regulations that provide that, if a charity represents that funds will be used 
for the relief of the victims of a particular disaster, the funds may not be used for other programs 
of the organization. Charitable organizations and contributors should be aware of the solicitation 
rules that may apply in their particular jurisdiction.


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E S T A B LIS H I N G  A  N EW   
C H A R I T A B L E  O RG A N I Z A T I O N ,

When no existing charity appears to have the capability to carry out an effective disaster relief 
or emergency hardship program, or when the potential organizers of the charity have long-term 
goals extending beyond the immediate crisis, it may be appropriate to consider establishing a 
new charitable organization. An organization qualifies as an exempt charitable organization if it 
is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes, serves public rather than private 
interests, and refrains from participating or intervening in any political campaign or engaging in 
substantial amounts of lobbying activity.


Generally, a new charitable organization with actual or anticipated annual gross receipts in 
excess of $5,000 must submit an application for exemption and be recognized as tax exempt by 
the IRS. There are exceptions to this general rule. Churches, synagogues, temples, and mosques 
may, but are not required to, apply for tax-exempt status from the IRS.

You may wish to consult the IRS website at www.irs.gov and review the following IRS resources 
when establishing a charitable organization:

Life Cycle of a Public Charity/Private Foundation,
These life cycles, which can be accessed at www.irs.gov/charities, contain links to helpful infor-
mation about points of intersection between disaster relief organizations and the IRS, including 
access to explanatory information and forms that organizations may need to file with the IRS.

Publication 4220, Applying for 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Status,
This publication provides information about eligibility for section 501(c)(3) status, how to apply 
for tax-exempt status, and the responsibilities of section 501(c)(3) organizations.

Form 1023, Application for Recognition of Exemption  
Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code,
Applicants for tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) generally must file Form 1023.

Form 1023-EZ, Streamlined Application for Recognition of Exemption  
Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code ,
Organizations with annual revenues of $50,000 or less and assets of $200,000 or less may  
file the interactive Form 1023-EZ. It’s three pages and must be filed online. An organization  
not eligible to file Form 1023-EZ must use Form 1023. 

Publication 557, Tax-Exempt Status for Your Organization,
This publication describes basic requirements to qualify as a tax-exempt charitable organization 
and the application process.


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E M P L O Y E E  ID E N TIF I C ATI O N  N U M B E R  ( E IN ) ,

An organization must obtain an employer identification number before it applies for tax-exempt 
status. An EIN is an organization’s account number with the IRS. It should be used on all corre-
spondence with the IRS and must be entered on application forms as well as annual information 
and tax returns.

You can apply for an EIN:

n Online by clicking on the Employer ID Numbers link at Tax Information For Businesses.  
 The EIN is issued immediately once the application information is validated. (Certain  
 organizations, including those with a foreign address and certain limited liability companies 
 may not file online.) This is the preferred application method.

n By telephone at (800) 829-4933. International applicants must call (267) 941-1099. An assistor 
 will provide the number to an authorized party by phone.

n By faxing or mailing a completed Form SS-4, Application for Employer Identification Number, 
 to the fax numbers or address specified in the form instructions. The form and instructions are 
 available on  www.irs.gov or by calling (800) 829-3676.

If you have already applied for an EIN and have not yet received it, or you are not sure  
whether you have an EIN, call our toll-free customer account services number, (877) 829-5500, 
for assistance.

E X P E D I T E D  P R OC E SS I NG  OF   

Normally, a Form 1023 is processed in order based upon the date it is received; however, a  
new disaster relief or emergency hardship organization may request expedited handling of its 
application. An organization should only request expedited handling of its application if there is 
a compelling reason for the IRS to approve such a request. An application will not be expedited 
simply because the organization may serve disaster victims. The organization must demonstrate 
that it is meeting an immediate need of disaster relief or emergency hardship victims and that  
its ability to provide immediate assistance to such victims will be adversely impacted in a  
material way if the application is not reviewed expeditiously. Requests for expedited handling 
are infrequently approved, and even if consideration of the application is expedited, there is  
no guarantee that tax-exempt status will be granted.

The request for expedited processing should accompany the application and user fee,  
and should include:

n a compelling reason to process the application ahead of others,

n a brief description of the disaster and details of how the organization will provide relief,

n an explanation of the immediate need for the specific disaster relief services the  
 organization provides,


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n a description of any pending grants, including information about the grantor and the  
 amount or property to be received,

n an explanation of how the loss of the grant(s) might impact the organization’s ability  
 to operate and provide relief,

n a description of any significant business emergency (such as an impending deadline  
 imposed by a court or government agency) demonstrating that the business emergency  
 will significantly impact the applicant’s ability to operate and explaining how expediting  
 the application will enable the applicant to avoid the emergency,

n a statement explaining any other anticipated consequences should the expedited 
  processing be denied, and ,

n the date an exemption letter is required, if applicable.

The following examples demonstrate the types of situations in which a request for the  
expeditious handling of an application for exemption would be appropriate or inappropriate.

 E X AMP L E ,

 An organization has a matching grant pending that would double the 
 funds it has available to provide immediate counseling for children 
 directly affected by an earthquake. The organization can only receive the 
 funds if it can prove that it is exempt under section 501(c)(3). Expediting 
 the processing of the application under these circumstances is appropri-
 ate because the organization would otherwise lose this significant grant 
 money that is to be used to provide counseling to children at a time 
 when they most need it.

 E X AMP L E ,

 An organization plans to raise funds to be used to erect a monument to  
 victims of a plane crash. Certain businesses and members of the general  
 public have expressed interest in contributing to the project; however,  
 there are no firm commitments for funding. While the organization intends  
 to honor disaster victims, it is not providing disaster relief. Furthermore, 
 there is no evidence that there are any significant grants pending or 
 any other business reason to expedite consideration of the application. 
 Expedited treatment of the application would not be appropriate.


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P U B L I C C H A R I T Y V S . P R I V A T E F O U N D A T I O N ,

Every exempt charitable organization is classified as either a public charity or a private  
foundation. Generally, organizations that are classified as public charities are those that:

n are churches, hospitals, schools, and qualified medical research organizations affiliated with 
 hospitals, schools, colleges and universities;

n have an active fundraising program and normally receive a substantial part of their support in 
 the form of contributions from publicly supported organizations, governmental units, and/or 
 from the general public;

n normally receive not more than one-third of their support from the sum of gross investment 
 income and the excess (if any) of unrelated business taxable income over the tax imposed on 
 that income; and normally receive more than one-third of their support from contributions, 
 membership fees, and gross receipts from activities related to their exempt functions; and

n support other public charities.

Because public charities typically solicit funds from the general public and are generally  
subject to more public scrutiny and oversight in their daily operations, they are less restricted 
in the type of disaster assistance and emergency hardship relief they may provide than private 
foundations. See Employer-Sponsored Assistance Programs, page 15. 

Private foundations, in contrast, typically have a single major source of funding (usually gifts 
from one family or corporation), rather than funding from many sources. Many have as their 
primary activity the making of grants to other charitable organizations and individuals, rather 
than the direct operation of a charitable program.

Classification as a public charity or private foundation is important because different tax rules 
apply to the operations of each. Deductibility of contributions to a private foundation is more 
limited than deductibility of contributions to a public charity. In addition, private foundations 
are subject to excise taxes, including taxes on acts of self-dealing. For example, it is self-dealing 
if the income or assets of a private foundation are used by or for the benefit of a substantial  
contributor to the foundation or a person in control of the foundation, and the benefit is not  
incidental or tenuous.

Publication 557, Tax-Exempt Status for Your Organization, explains some of the distinctions 
between public charities and private foundations. See also the Life Cycle of a Public Charity 
and the Life Cycle of a Private Foundation at  www.irs.gov/charities.  


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HO W  C H A R I T A B L E  OR G A N I Z A T I O NS   
H E L P  V I C T I MS           ,

Charitable organizations can serve disaster victims and those facing emergency hardship  
situations in a variety of ways.

A ID  T O  IN D I V ID U A L S ,

Organizations may provide assistance in the form of funds, services, or goods to ensure  
that victims have the basic necessities, such as food, clothing, housing (including repairs),  
transportation, and medical assistance (including psychological counseling). The type of aid  
that is appropriate depends on the individual’s needs and resources. Disaster relief organiza- 
tions are generally in the best position to determine the type of assistance that is appropriate.

For example, immediately following a devastating flood, a family may be in need of food,  
clothing, and shelter, regardless of their financial resources. However, they may not require 
long-term assistance if they have adequate financial resources. Individuals who are financially 
needy or otherwise distressed are appropriate recipients of charity. Financial need and/or  
distress may arise through a variety of circumstances. Examples include individuals who are:

n temporarily in need of food or shelter when stranded, injured, or lost because of a disaster;

n temporarily unable to be self-sufficient as a result of a sudden and severe personal or family 
 crisis, such as victims of violent crimes or physical abuse;

n in need of long-term assistance with housing, childcare, or educational expenses because of a 
 disaster; and,

n in need of counseling because of trauma experienced as a result of a disaster or a violent crime.

A I D T O B U S I N E S S E S ,

Disaster assistance may also be provided to businesses to achieve the following charitable  

n to aid individual business owners who are financially needy or otherwise distressed, 
n to combat community deterioration, and,

n to lessen the burdens of government.

An exempt charity can accomplish a charitable purpose by providing disaster assistance to  
a business if:
n the assistance is a reasonable means of accomplishing a charitable purpose, and,

n any benefit to a private interest is incidental to the accomplishment of a charitable purpose.


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Once a damaged business has been restored to viability or a newly attracted business is  
self-supporting, further assistance from a charity is no longer appropriate. Charities that aid 
businesses should have criteria and procedures in place to determine when aid should be  
offered and discontinued.


As a result of a tornado, the central business district of a community is 
severely damaged. Because of the devastation, the area has become 
blighted. No single business wants to begin restoration efforts until 
it can be assured that the whole business district will be restored. A 
charity may provide funds to begin rebuilding the infrastructure of the 
district, such as roads, sidewalks, parks, sewers and power lines. This 
type of assistance would accomplish a charitable purpose by combating 
community deterioration. Any benefit to the business is incidental to the 
public purpose accomplished by the charity’s program of assistance to 
the community.

C H A R I TA B L E  C L A S S ,

The group of individuals that may properly receive assistance from a tax-exempt charitable 
organization is called a “charitable class.”

A charitable class must be large enough or sufficiently indefinite that the community as a  
whole, rather than a pre-selected group of people, benefits when a charity provides assistance. 
For example, a charitable class could consist of all the individuals in a city, county or state.  
This charitable class is large enough that the potential beneficiaries cannot be individually  
identified and providing benefits to this group would benefit the entire community.

If the group of eligible beneficiaries is limited to a smaller group, such as the employees of 
a particular employer, the group of persons eligible for assistance must be indefinite. To be 
considered to benefit an indefinite class, the proposed relief program must be open-ended and 
include employees affected by the current disaster and those who may be affected by a future 
disaster. Accordingly, if a charity follows a policy of assisting employees who are victims of all 
disasters, present or future, it would be providing assistance to an indefinite charitable class. If 
the facts and circumstances indicate that a newly established disaster relief program is intend-
ed to benefit only victims of a current disaster without any intention to provide for victims of 
future disasters, the organization would not be considered to be benefiting a charitable class.


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Because of the requirement that exempt organizations must serve a charitable class, a tax- 
exempt disaster relief or emergency hardship organization cannot target and limit its assistance 
to specific individuals, such as a few persons injured in a particular fire. Similarly, donors  
cannot earmark contributions to a charitable organization for a particular individual or family.


Linda’s baby, Todd, suffers severe burns in a fire requiring costly  
treatment that Linda cannot afford. Linda’s friends and co-workers  
form the Todd Foundation to raise funds from fellow workers, family 
members, and the general public to meet Todd’s expenses. Because  
the organization is formed to assist a particular individual, it would  
not qualify as a charitable organization.

Consider this alternative case: Linda’s friends and co-workers form an 
organization to raise funds to meet the expenses of an open-ended 
group consisting of all children in the community injured by disasters 
where financial help is needed. Neither Linda nor members of Linda’s 
family control the charitable organization. The organization controls 
the selection of aid recipients and determines whether any assistance 
should be provided to Todd. Potential donors are advised that, while 
funds may be used to assist Todd, their contributions might well be  
used for other children who have similar needs. The organization  
does not accept contributions specifically earmarked for Todd or any 
other individual. The organization, formed and operated to assist an 
indefinite number of current and future disaster victims, qualifies as  
a charitable organization.

See the example in the section on Gifts and Charitable Contribution 
Rules, page 24, for a situation where providing disaster assistance  
apart from a qualified charity is desirable.


A hurricane causes widespread damage to property and loss of life in 
several counties of a coastal state. Over 100,000 homes are damaged or 
destroyed by high winds and flooding. The group of people affected by 
the disaster is large enough that providing aid to this group benefits the 
public as a whole. Therefore, a charitable organization can be formed 
to assist persons in this group since the eligible recipients comprise a 
charitable class.


- 14 -

A hurricane causes widespread damage to property and loss of life in 
several counties of a coastal state. In one of the affected counties, an 
existing charitable organization has an ongoing program that provides 
emergency assistance to residents of the county. A small number of  
residents of this county suffered significant injury or property damage  
as a result of the storm. The organization provided assistance to some  
of these individuals. The organization’s assistance was provided to a 
charitable class because the group of potential recipients is indefinite  
in that it is open-ended to include other victims of future disasters in  
the county.


Generally, a disaster relief or emergency hardship organization must make a specific  
assessment that a recipient of aid is financially or otherwise in need. Individuals do not  
have to be totally destitute to be financially needy; they may merely lack the resources to  
obtain basic necessities. Under established rules, charitable funds cannot be distributed to  
individuals merely because they are victims of a disaster. Therefore, an organization’s  
decision about how its funds will be distributed must be based on an objective evaluation  
of the victims’ needs at the time the grant is made. The scope of the assessment required  
to support the need for assistance may vary depending upon the circumstances.

A charity may provide crisis counseling, rescue services, or emergency aid such as blankets 
or hot meals in the immediate aftermath of a disaster without a showing of financial need. 
Providing such services to the distressed in the immediate aftermath of a disaster serves a  
charitable purpose regardless of the financial condition of the recipients. However, as time 
goes on and people are able to call upon their individual resources, it may become increasingly 
appropriate for charities to conduct individual financial needs assessments. For example, if a 
charity intends to provide three to six months of financial assistance to families to pay for  
basic housing because of a disaster or emergency hardship, it would be required to make  
an assessment of financial need before disbursing aid. While those who may not have the 
resources to meet basic living needs may be entitled to such assistance, those who do not  
need continued assistance should not use charitable resources.

N O A U T O M AT I C R I G H T T O C H A R I T Y A I D ,

An individual who is eligible for assistance because the individual is a victim of a disaster  
or emergency hardship has no automatic right to a charity’s funds. For example, a charitable 


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organization that provides disaster or emergency hardship relief does not have to make an  
individual whole, such as by rebuilding the individual’s uninsured home destroyed by a flood,  
or replacing an individual’s income after the person becomes unemployed as the result of a  
civil disturbance. This issue is especially relevant when the volume of contributions received  
in response to appeals exceeds the immediate needs. A charitable organization is responsible  
for taking into account the charitable purposes for which it was formed, the public benefit of  
its activities, and the specific needs and resources of each victim when using its discretion  
to distribute its funds.

S HOR T - T E R M  A ND  L ONG - T E R M  A SS I S TA N C E ,

Often charitable organizations (or programs of existing charities) are established as a result  
of a particular disaster where both short-term and long-term assistance might be required.  
The following types of assistance, if based on individual need, would be consistent with  
charitable purposes:

n assistance to allow a surviving spouse with young children to remain at home with the  
 children to maintain the psychological well-being of the family,

n assistance with elementary and secondary school tuition and higher education costs to  
 permit a child to attend school,

n assistance with rent, mortgage payments or car loans to prevent loss of a primary home or 
 transportation that would cause additional trauma to families already suffering, and,

n travel costs for family members to attend funerals and to provide comfort to survivors.

 E X AMP L E ,

 A group of individuals is killed in a fire in a large office complex. A  
 charitable organization was previously formed to assist needy individuals  
 in the surrounding region. The charity determines that some victims’ 
 spouses and dependents lack adequate resources to meet immediate 
 basic needs; others have resources to meet these needs, but will likely 
 have a continuing need for counseling, medical, housing, childcare and 
 education expenses. In this circumstance, the organization can grant 
 funds to assist in meeting current and continuing needs. The organiza-
 tion can also set aside funds for possible future needs. However, when 
 payments are made out of the set-aside funds, they must be based on 
 needs of victims’ families that exist at the time the payments are made.


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D O C U M E N T AT I O N ,

An organization must maintain adequate records to show that the organization’s payments  
further the organization’s charitable purposes and that the victims served are needy or  
distressed. Charities must also maintain appropriate records to show that they have made  
distributions to individuals after making appropriate needs assessments based on the  
recipients’ financial resources and their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. 

Generally, documentation should include:
n a complete description of the assistance provided,
n costs associated with providing the assistance,
n the purpose for which the aid was given,
n the charity’s objective criteria for disbursing assistance under each program,
n how the recipients were selected,
n the name, address, and amount distributed to each recipient,
n any relationship between a recipient and officers, directors, or key employees of, or  
 substantial contributors to, the charitable organization, and,
n the composition of the selection committee approving the assistance.


A charitable organization that is distributing short-term emergency assistance would only be 
expected to maintain records showing the type of assistance provided, criteria for disbursing 
assistance, date, place, estimated number of victims assisted (individual names and address-
es are not required), charitable purpose intended to be accomplished, and the cost of the aid. 
Examples of such short-term emergency aid would include the distribution of blankets, hot 
meals, electric fans, or coats, hats and gloves. An organization that is distributing longer-term 
aid should keep the more-detailed type of records described above.


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Most public charities and all private foundations are required to file an annual return. Public 
charities file Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax;   Form 990-EZ, Short 
Form Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax; or Form 990-N, Electronic Notice 
(e-Postcard) for Tax-Exempt Organizations Not Required to File Form 990 or 990-PF.  
Private foundations file Form 990-PF, Return of Private Foundation or Section 4947(a)(1) 
Trust Treated as a Private Foundation.

If a public charity carries on disaster relief activities as one of its three largest programs, it  
must describe the services provided in the Statement of Program Service Accomplishments  
on Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. See the form instructions for additional information about  
reporting obligations of public charities with respect to grants or other types of disbursements  
to individuals in connection with disaster relief programs. A public charity also may be required 
to complete Schedule F if it carries out foreign operations, or Schedule I for grants or other 
assistance to individuals.

Similarly, if a private foundation carries on disaster relief activities as one of its four largest  
programs, it must describe the services provided in its summary of direct charitable activities  
on Form 990-PF. See the Form 990-PF instructions for further information about reporting 
disaster relief activities of private foundations such as grants or other types of disbursements  
to individuals.

For additional information about the reporting requirements of public charities and private  
foundations, see the Life Cycle of a Public Charity and the Life Cycle of a Private Foundation 
at www.irs.gov/charities, as well as Publication 4221-PC, Compliance Guide for 501(c)(3) Public 
Charities, and Publication 4221-PF, Compliance Guide for 501(c)(3) Private Foundations.


Internal Revenue Code section 139 provides that qualified disaster relief payments from any 
source, including employers, reimbursing or paying individuals’ specified expenses in connection  
with qualified disasters are not taxable as income and are not subject to employment taxes  
or withholding.


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A qualified disaster is defined in section 139 as a disaster that:
n results from terrorist or military actions,
n results from an accident involving a common carrier,
n is a Presidentially declared disaster, or,
n is an event that the Secretary of the Treasury determines is catastrophic.

Qualified disaster relief payments within the meaning of section 139 include payments 
received (regardless of the source) for the following expenses:

n reasonable and necessary personal, family, living, or funeral expenses incurred as a result  
 of a qualified disaster,
n reasonable and necessary expenses incurred for the repair or rehabilitation of a personal  
 residence due to a qualified disaster (a personal residence can be a rented residence or one  
 you own), and,

n reasonable and necessary expenses incurred for the repair or replacement of the contents of  
 a personal residence due to a qualified declared disaster.

Payments by a federal, state, or local government, or their agencies or instrumentalities, to  
persons affected by a qualified disaster in order to promote general welfare are also considered 
to be qualified disaster relief payments. For purposes of such payments by federal, state, or  
local governments, a qualified disaster includes the events listed above, as well as a disaster 
determined by a federal, state or local authority to warrant governmental assistance.

Qualified disaster relief payments do not include:
n payments for expenses otherwise paid for by insurance or other reimbursements, or,

n income replacement payments, such as payments of lost wages, lost business income, or  
 unemployment compensation

E M P L O Y E R - S P O NS OR E D   
A S S I S T A N CE  P R O G R A M S ,

Frequently, employers fund relief programs through charitable organizations aimed at helping 
their employees cope with the consequences of a disaster or personal hardship. As noted above, 
all charitable organizations, including those that provide disaster relief, must demonstrate 
that they serve a public rather than a private interest and serve a charitable class. In the past, 
employer-sponsored organizations were considered to enhance employee recruitment and reten-
tion, resulting in private benefit to sponsoring employers. In addition, there were concerns that 


- 19 -
employers could exercise undue influence over the selection of recipients. For these reasons, 
special rules apply to employer-sponsored charities.

Employer-sponsored charities sometimes establish emergency hardship funds to help  
employees who have been the victims of crime or a personal loss such as a fire or a sudden 
death in the family.

Not all employer-sponsored charitable organizations are permitted to provide assistance  
to employees and their families in any type of emergency hardship situations. The types  
of benefits a charitable organization can provide through an employer-sponsored assistance  
program depend on whether the employer-sponsored organization is a public charity, a donor 
advised fund or a private foundation. When an employer-sponsored organization provides  
assistance to employees, certain limitations apply that help to ensure that such aid does not 
result in impermissible private benefit to the employer.

E MP L O Y E R - S P ON S OR E D  P U B L I C  C H A R I T I E S ,

Because public charities typically receive broad financial support from the general public, 
their operations are generally more transparent and are subject to greater public scrutiny. 
Accordingly, public charities may provide a broader range of assistance to employees than 
can be provided by donor advised funds or private foundations. An employer can establish an 
employer-sponsored public charity to provide assistance programs to respond to any type of 
disaster or employee emergency hardship situations, as long as the related employer does not 
exercise excessive control over the organization. Generally, employees contribute to the public 
charity and rank and file employees constitute a significant portion of the board of directors.

To ensure the program is not impermissibly serving the related employer, the following  
requirements must be met:

n the class of beneficiaries must be large or indefinite (a “charitable class”),

n the recipients must be selected based on an objective determination of need, and,

n the recipients must be selected by an independent selection committee or adequate substitute 
 procedures must be in place to ensure that any benefit to the employer is incidental and ten-
 uous. The charity’s selection committee is independent if a majority of the members of the 
 committee consists of persons who are not in a position to exercise substantial influence over 
 the affairs of the employer.

If these requirements are met, the public charity’s payments to the employer-sponsor’s  
employees and their family members in response to a disaster or emergency hardship are  
presumed: (1) to be made for charitable purposes, and (2) not to result in taxable compensation 
to the employees.


- 20 -

Certain community foundations and other public charities maintain separate funds or accounts 
to receive contributions from individual donors. These individual donors then receive advisory 
privileges over investment or distribution of the donated funds.

In general, these organizations, known as donor advised funds, can make grants to 501(c)(3) 
public charities and, under certain conditions, to other organizations for charitable purposes,  
but cannot make grants to individual persons. However, there is an exception for certain 
employer-related funds or accounts established to benefit employees and their family members 
who are victims of a qualified disaster.

A donor advised fund or account can make grants to employees and their family members in  
the following circumstances:

n the fund serves the single identified purpose of providing relief from one or more qualified 
 disasters as defined on page 14 in the discussion of section 139 of the Internal Revenue Code,

n the fund serves a charitable class,

n recipients of grants are selected based upon an objective determination of need,

n the selection of recipients of grants is made using either an independent selection committee  
 or adequate substitute procedures to ensure that any benefit to the employer is incidental  
 and tenuous (the selection committee is considered independent if a majority of its members 
 consists of persons who are not in a position to exercise substantial influence over the  
 employer’s affairs),

n no payment is made from the fund to or for the benefit of any director, officer, or trustee of 
 the sponsoring community foundation or public charity, or members of the fund’s selection 
 committee, and,

n the fund maintains adequate records to demonstrate the recipients’ need for the disaster  
 assistance provided.

For a description of the types of records a fund must retain, see the previous section, 
Documentation, on page 13.


Like public charities, private foundations can make need-based distributions to victims of  
disasters or to the poor or distressed. However, several issues arise when an employer-sponsored 
private foundation provides aid that favors the employees of the sponsoring employer. The IRS 
has previously ruled that, because the availability of the disaster relief programs aided employ-
ers in recruiting and retaining a stable workforce, such programs conferred a significant private 
benefit on the sponsoring companies. However, after the September 11 attacks, Congress took 
the position that employer-sponsored private foundations should be able to provide assistance to 
employees in certain situations.


- 21 -
Accordingly, employer-sponsored private foundations may provide assistance to employees or 
family members affected by a qualified disaster, as defined in section 139 of the Code, as long 
as certain safeguards are in place to ensure that such assistance is serving charitable purposes, 
rather than the business purposes of the employer. Employer-sponsored private foundations can 
only make payments to employees or their family members affected by qualified disasters, not 
in non-qualified disasters or in emergency hardship situations.

The IRS will presume that payments in response to a qualified disaster, as defined above, made 
by a private foundation to employees (or family members of employees) of an employer that is a 
disqualified person (such as a company that is a substantial contributor) are consistent with the 
foundation’s charitable purposes if:
n the class of beneficiaries is large or indefinite (a “charitable class”),
n the recipients are selected based on an objective determination of need or, and,

n the selection is made using either an independent selection committee or adequate  
 substitute procedures to ensure that any benefit to the employer is incidental and tenuous.  
 The foundation’s selection committee is independent if a majority of the members of the  
 committee consists of persons who are not in a position to exercise substantial influence  
 over the affairs of the employer.

If the requirements of this presumption are met, the private foundation’s payments in response 
to a qualified disaster are treated as made for charitable purposes; do not result in prohibited 
self-dealing merely because the recipient is an employee (or family member of an employee) of 
the employer-sponsor; and do not result in taxable compensation to the employees.

The presumption described above does not apply to payments that would otherwise constitute 
self-dealing and subject the organization to excise taxes. For example, the presumption does 
not apply to payments made to (or for the benefit of) individuals who are directors, officers, or 
trustees of the private foundation or members of the private foundation’s selection committee.

While a private foundation may fail to meet all of the requirements of the presumption, other 
procedures and standards may be considered to constitute adequate substitutes to ensure that 
any benefit to the employer is incidental and tenuous, when all the facts and circumstances  
are taken into account. Conversely, even though a private foundation meets the presumption,  
the IRS may still review the facts and circumstances to ensure that any benefit to the employer 
is tenuous and incidental. For example, a program may not be used to induce employees to  
follow a course of action sought by the employer or designed to relieve the employer of a  
legal obligation for employee benefits.


- 22 -
         E X AMP L E ,

         A for-profit company is located in an area of the country designated a 
         Presidentially-declared disaster because of hurricane devastation. A 
         private foundation funded by the company establishes a new program 
         to provide assistance to the company’s employees and their immediate 
         family members who are victims of the current disaster and any future 
         qualified disasters. The private foundation’s committee that selects  
         recipients for assistance consists of a majority of members who are  
         not in a position to exercise substantial influence over the affairs of the  
         company. The foundation provides assistance to the employees and  
         their families based on an objective determination of need.

         The foundation’s program does not relieve the company of any legal  
         obligation, such as an obligation under a collective bargaining agreement 
         or written plan that provides insurance benefits. The company does not 
         use the program to recruit employees to continue their employment, or  
         to otherwise follow a course of action sought by the company.

         Because the foundation serves a charitable class, provides assistance 
         based on an objective determination of need, and has an independent 
         selection committee, the IRS will presume that it is carrying out a  
         charitable program. Distributions are neither self-dealing transactions 
         between the foundation and the employer nor taxable compensation  
         to its employees under the program.

See the Life Cycle of a Private Foundation at www.irs.gov/charities for information about  
foundation excise taxes, self-dealing, and disqualified persons.

For a description of the types of records a private foundation must retain, see the previous  
section, Documentation, on page 13.


- 23 -
S P E CI A L  T A X  R U L E S  F O R  R E CI P I E N T S   
O F  D IS A S T E R  R E LI E F  A S S IS T A N C E ,

This part of the publication discusses special tax rules that apply to individuals who receive 
assistance from public charities, private foundations, employer-related charitable organizations, 
government entities and other sources in disaster situations.

Gross income, for federal income tax purposes, generally includes all income from whatever 
source derived, unless a specific exception applies. Whether a payment to a disaster victim 
constitutes gross income for income tax purposes or compensation subject to employment tax 
depends, in part, on the source of the payment.

C H A R I TA B L E  O R G A N I Z AT I O N S ,

Payments that individuals receive under a charitable organization’s program as a result of a 
disaster or emergency hardship are considered to be gifts and are excluded from gross income of 
recipients under section 102 of the Code. Payments from an employer-sponsored public charity 
or private foundation are also exempt from gross income as gifts so long as the requirements 
described in Employer-Sponsored Assistance Programs, page 15, are met.

An examination of the facts and circumstances surrounding a charity’s payment to a for-profit 
business will govern whether the business can exclude the amount paid from gross income as  
a gift under section 102 of the Code. The IRS will evaluate whether the charity intended the 
payment to be a gift, and was motivated by charitable impulses. If the payment was made out  
of a moral or legal obligation, an anticipated economic benefit or in return for services, the  
payment will not be excluded from income as a gift.


Generally, payments that individual disaster victims receive from governmental units under 
social programs for the promotion of the general welfare (i.e. based on need) are not included  
in the gross income of the recipients of the payments. In addition, certain payments that indi- 
viduals receive from a state, federal or local government (or agency thereof), in connection  
with a qualified disaster, as described on page 14, are excluded from the gross income of the 
recipient under section 139 of the Code. See Direct Assistance from Employers and Other 
Sources, page 21, for additional information about the types of payments excluded from  
income and employment taxes under section 139.

         EX AM


- 24 -
        E X AMP L E ,

        An area within a state was affected by a hurricane that was a 
        Presidentially-declared disaster. The state enacted emergency  
        legislation to provide grants to pay or reimburse medical, temporary 
        housing, and transportation expenses incurred by individuals as a 
        result of the flood that are not compensated by insurance or otherwise. 
        Payments received under the state’s grant program are excluded from 
        income under the general welfare exclusion as well as under section  
        139 of the Code.


In some instances a corporation or other non-exempt entity may choose to provide direct assis-
tance to disaster victims rather than funneling its assistance through a charity or governmental 
entity. In addition, sometimes an employer may provide assistance through a non-exempt fund 
established to receive contributions from the employer as well as employees. In certain circum-
stances, payments from such sources may receive favorable tax treatment as well. As noted on 
page 14, section 139 of the Code provides for special tax treatment of qualified disaster relief 
payments made to victims of a qualified disaster, regardless of the source. Qualified disaster 
relief payments are not included in the income of recipients to the extent that any expenses cov-
ered by these payments are not otherwise compensated by insurance or other reimbursements. 
Qualifying payments are not subject to income tax, self-employment tax, or employment taxes 
(Social Security, Medicare, and federal unemployment taxes) even if the payments are made 
directly from an employer.

        E X AMP L E ,

        A for-profit corporation makes grants to its employees who are  
        affected by a flood that was a Presidentially-declared qualified  
        disaster. The grants will pay or reimburse employees for medical,  
        temporary housing, and transportation expenses they incur as a  
        result of the flood that are not compensated by insurance or  
        otherwise. The corporation will not require individuals to provide  
        proof of actual expenses to receive a grant payment. The  
        corporation’s program, however, contains requirements (which 
         are described in the program documents) to ensure that the grant 
        amounts are reasonably expected to be commensurate with the 
        amount of unreimbursed reasonable and necessary medical, 


- 25 -
    temporary housing, and transportation expenses the corporation’s 
    employees incur as a result of the flood. The grants are not intended  
    to indemnify all flood-related losses or to reimburse the cost of non- 
    essential, luxury, or decorative items and services. The grants are 
    available to all employees regardless of length or type of service  
    with the corporation.

    The grants made by the employer are qualified disaster relief payments 
    expected to be commensurate with the unreimbursed reasonable and 
    necessary personal, living or family expenses of the employees not  
    compensated by insurance or otherwise. The grants are excluded from 
    the employees’ gross income under section 139.

G I F T S A N D C H A R I T A B L E   
C ON T R I B U T I ON  R U L E S ,

This part of the publication discusses the tax rules that apply to individuals who want to claim  
a tax deduction for their contributions to a qualified charitable organization. It also discusses  
the potential liability of donors for gift tax.


Contributors to qualified domestic charitable organizations may be eligible to claim federal 
income tax deductions for their contributions if they file itemized tax returns. Qualified  
organizations include charitable organizations that the IRS has determined are exempt  
from federal income tax. Churches, synagogues, temples and mosques are also qualified  
charitable organizations. 

Domestic charitable organizations are those created under the laws of the United States or its 
possessions. For charitable contribution purposes, United States possessions include Puerto 
Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa and the Commonwealth of Northern 
Mariana Islands.

See Publication 526, Charitable Contributions, for a complete description of qualified  


- 26 -
Before making a contribution to an organization for disaster relief, a contributor may want to 
verify whether the contribution would be tax-deductible. A contributor may use the following 
resources to determine if the organization is qualified to accept tax-deductible contributions:

n Go to EO Select Check on the Charities and Nonprofits home page on the IRS website,  
 www.irs.gov, to access an online database of qualified charitable organizations, or ,

n Call IRS Exempt Organizations Customer Service at (877) 829-5500.

Potential contributors, like other interested members of the public, may obtain a copy of an 
organization’s exemption application or its recent annual information returns (Form 990,  
990-EZ, 990-PF or 990-N).

Contributors can contact the organization directly or submit Form 4506-A, Request for Public 
Inspection or Copy of Exempt Organization IRS Form, to the IRS to receive copies of the  
completed forms. Some organizations also post the forms on their website. An organization’s 
Form 990-N may be accessed on the IRS website using     EO Select Check.

A contributor cannot claim a tax deduction for any cash, check, or other monetary contribution 
to a qualified charitable organization made on or after January 1, 2007, unless the donor  
maintains a record of the contribution in the form of either a bank record (such as a canceled 
check) or a written communication from the charity (such as a receipt or a letter) showing the 
name of the charity, the date of the contribution, and the amount of the contribution. For more 
information about contributions, see Publication 526, Charitable Contributions.

In addition, a donor cannot claim a tax deduction for any single contribution of $250 or more 
unless the donor obtains a contemporaneous acknowledgment of the contribution from the recip-
ient organization. For detailed information on what a charity is required to include in written 
acknowledgment statements given to donors, see Publication 1771, Charitable Contributions—
Substantiation and Disclosure Requirements.


Contributions to qualified domestic charitable organizations that provide assistance to individuals 
in foreign countries qualify as tax-deductible contributions for federal income tax purposes,  
provided the U.S. organization has full control and discretion over the uses of such funds. 

If the contributor is a corporation, its contributions for use in a foreign country are not deductible 
unless the domestic charity is itself organized as a corporation for federal tax purposes.

Contributions to foreign organizations are generally not tax-deductible, unless permitted by a 
tax treaty. The United States currently has tax treaties with Canada, Mexico, and Israel. See 
Publication 526, Charitable Contributions, for limitations that apply pursuant to these treaties.



- 27 -
G IF T S ,

Individuals can also help victims of disaster or hardship by making gifts directly to victims. 
This type of assistance does not qualify as a tax-deductible contribution since a qualified  
charitable organization is not the recipient. However, individual recipients of gifts are generally 
not subject to federal income tax on the value of the gift. If you make a gift directly to an  
individual, you are not subject to federal gift tax unless the total gifts made in a year exceed  
the annual exclusion amount.

Sometimes providing financial assistance apart from a qualified charity is desirable.

          E X AMP L E ,

          Jim, a college student and a counselor at a summer camp, accidentally 
          rolls his old truck into a lake. The other counselors collect several  
          hundred dollars and give the monies directly to Jim to help with the 
          down payment for another truck. Since the counselors are making gifts 
          to a particular individual, the use of a qualified charitable organization 
          would not be appropriate. The counselors cannot claim tax deductions 
          for their gifts to Jim. However, Jim is not subject to federal income tax 
          on the gift amount. The other counselors would not be subject to federal 
          gift tax if the total gifts made by each counselor to Jim during the year 
          did not exceed the annual exclusion amount.

For more information about the taxability of gifts, see Publication 559, Survivors, Executors, 
and Administrators.


- 28 -
A D D I T I ON A L  H E L P  ON   
D I SA S T E R - R E L A T E D  T O P I C S ,

The IRS has a number of forms and publications on disaster relief and tax exemption  
that may be helpful to your organization.


To order free IRS publications and forms, call the IRS at (800) 829-3676.  
Download IRS publications and forms at   www.irs.gov.

Form 1023, Application for Recognition of Exemption under Section 501(c)(3)  
of the Internal Revenue Code,

Form 1023-EZ, Streamlined Application for Recognition of Exemption under  
Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code,

Publication 526, Charitable Contributions,

Publication 547,  Casualties, Disasters, and Thefts,

Publication 557, Tax-Exempt Status for Your Organization,

Publication 559, Survivors, Executors, and Administrators,

Publication 561, Determining the Value of Donated Property,

Publication 584, Casualty, Disaster, and Theft Loss Workbook (Personal-Use Property),

Publication 584-B, Business Casualty, Disaster, and Theft Loss Workbook,

Publication 1771, Charitable Contributions—Substantiation and Disclosure Requirements,

Publication 2194, Disaster Resource Guide for Individuals and Businesses,


The following telephone numbers will connect you to IRS customer service.

(877) 829-5500  , IRS Exempt Organizations Customer Account Services,
                  for tax information specific to exempt organizations,

(215) 516-2000  , IRS International Customer Service,
                  for tax information specific to foreign tax issues,

(800) 829-1040  , IRS Customer Service,
                  for general tax information ,

 Publication 3833 (Rev. 12-2014)  Catalog Number 32168V  Department of the Treasury  Internal Revenue Service  www.irs.gov

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