Userid: CPM Schema: Leadpct: 100% Pt. size: 10 Draft Ok to Print notice Fileid: … es/N1036/201812/A/XML/Cycle04/source (Init. & Date) _______ AH XSL/XML Page 1 of 4 8:54 - 3-Dec-2018 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Department of the Treasury Notice 1036 Internal Revenue Service (Rev. December 2018) Early Release Copies of the 2019 Note. Nonresident alien students from India and business apprentices from India aren't subject to this Percentage Method Tables for procedure. Income Tax Withholding Instructions. To figure how much income tax to withhold from the wages paid to a nonresident alien Future Developments employee performing services in the United States, use For the latest information about developments related to the following steps. Notice 1036, such as legislation enacted after it was Step 1. Add to the wages paid to the nonresident published, go to alien employee for the payroll period the amount shown in the chart below for the applicable payroll period. Percentage Method Tables for Income Tax Withholding Amount To Add to Nonresident Alien Employee's Wages for Calculating Income Tax Withholding Attached are early release copies of the Percentage Only Method Tables for Income Tax Withholding that will appear in Pub. 15, Employer's Tax Guide (For use in Payroll Period Add Additional 2019). Pub. 15 will be posted on in December Weekly $ 153.80 2018. Biweekly 307.70 The wage amounts shown in the Percentage Method Semimonthly 333.30 Tables for Income Tax Withholding are net wages after Monthly 666.70 the deduction for total withholding allowances. The withholding allowance amounts by payroll period have Quarterly 2,000.00 changed. For 2019, they are: Semiannually 4,000.00 One Withholding Annually 8,000.00 Payroll Period Allowance Daily or Miscellaneous 30.80 Weekly $ 80.80 (each day of the payroll period) Biweekly 161.50 Semimonthly 175.00 Step 2. Use the amount figured in Step 1 and the number of withholding allowances claimed (generally Monthly 350.00 limited to one allowance) to figure income tax Quarterly 1,050.00 withholding. Determine the value of withholding allowances by multiplying the number of withholding Semiannually 2,100.00 allowances claimed by the appropriate amount in the Annually 4,200.00 first table shown earlier. Reduce the amount figured in Daily or Miscellaneous 16.20 Step 1 by the value of withholding allowances and use (each day of the payroll period) that reduced amount to determine the wages subject to income tax withholding. Figure the income tax withholding using the Percentage Method Tables for When employers use the Percentage Method Tables for Income Tax Withholding provided on pages 3 and 4. Income Tax Withholding, the tax for the pay period may Alternatively, you can figure the income tax withholding be rounded to the nearest dollar. If rounding is used, it using the Wage Bracket Method Tables for Income Tax must be used consistently. Withheld tax amounts should Withholding included in Pub. 15 (For use in 2019). be rounded to the nearest whole dollar by dropping amounts under 50 cents and increasing amounts from 50 to 99 cents to the next dollar. For example, $2.30 Social Security and Medicare Tax for becomes $2 and $2.50 becomes $3. 2019 For social security, the tax rate is 6.2% each for the Withholding Adjustment for employee and employer, unchanged from 2018. The Nonresident Aliens social security wage base limit is $132,900. The Medicare tax rate is 1.45% each for the employee and For 2019, apply the procedure discussed next to figure employer, unchanged from 2018. There is no wage base the amount of income tax to withhold from the wages of limit for Medicare tax. nonresident alien employees performing services within the United States. Catalog No. 21974B |
Page 2 of 4 Fileid: … es/N1036/201812/A/XML/Cycle04/source 8:54 - 3-Dec-2018 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Additional Medicare Tax Withholding b. If the supplemental wages are paid concurrently with regular wages, add the supplemental wages to the In addition to withholding Medicare tax at 1.45%, you concurrently paid regular wages. If there are no must withhold a 0.9% Additional Medicare Tax from concurrently paid regular wages, add the supplemental wages you pay to an employee in excess of $200,000 in wages to, alternatively, either the regular wages paid or a calendar year. You’re required to begin withholding to be paid for the current payroll period or the regular Additional Medicare Tax in the pay period in which you wages paid for the preceding payroll period. Figure the pay wages in excess of $200,000 to an employee and income tax withholding as if the total of the regular continue to withhold it each pay period until the end of wages and supplemental wages is a single payment. the calendar year. Additional Medicare Tax is only Subtract the tax already withheld or to be withheld from imposed on the employee. There is no employer share the regular wages. Withhold the remaining tax from the of Additional Medicare Tax. All wages that are subject to supplemental wages. If there were other payments of Medicare tax are subject to Additional Medicare Tax supplemental wages paid during the payroll period withholding if paid in excess of the $200,000 withholding made before the current payment of supplemental threshold. For more information on what wages are wages, aggregate all the payments of supplemental subject to Medicare tax, see the chart, Special Rules for wages paid during the payroll period with the regular Various Types of Services and Payments, in section 15 wages paid during the payroll period, calculate the tax of Pub. 15. For more information on Additional Medicare on the total, subtract the tax already withheld from the Tax, go to regular wages and the previous supplemental wage payments, and withhold the remaining tax. Withholding on Supplemental 2. If you didn't withhold income tax from the employee's regular wages in the current or immediately Wages preceding calendar year, use method 1b. This would occur, for example, when the value of the employee's See section 7 of Pub. 15 for the definition of withholding allowances claimed on Form W-4 is more supplemental wages. than the wages. Withholding on supplemental wages when an Withholding on supplemental wages when an employee receives $1 million or less of employee receives more than $1 million of supplemental wages during the calendar year. If supplemental wages during the calendar year. If a the supplemental wages paid to the employee during the supplemental wage payment, together with other calendar year are less than or equal to $1 million, the supplemental wage payments made to the employee following rules apply in determining the amount of during the calendar year, exceeds $1 million, the excess income tax to be withheld. is subject to withholding at 37% (or the highest rate of Supplemental wages combined with regular income tax for the year). Withhold using the 37% rate wages. If you pay supplemental wages with regular without regard to the employee's Form W-4. wages but don't specify the amount of each, withhold Regardless of the method you use to withhold income federal income tax as if the total were a single payment tax on supplemental wages, they are subject to social for a regular payroll period. security, Medicare, and FUTA taxes. Examples of Supplemental wages identified separately from withholding on supplemental wage payments are regular wages. If you pay supplemental wages included in section 7 of Pub. 15. separately (or combine them in a single payment and specify the amount of each), the federal income tax Backup Withholding Rate withholding method depends partly on whether you withhold income tax from your employee's regular You generally must withhold 24% of certain taxable wages. payments if the payee fails to furnish you with his or her 1. If you withheld income tax from an employee's correct taxpayer identification number (TIN). This regular wages in the current or immediately preceding withholding is referred to as “backup withholding.” calendar year, you can use one of the following methods For more information on backup withholding, for the supplemental wages. including the types of payments subject to backup a. Withhold a flat 22% (no other percentage withholding, see Nonpayroll Income Tax Withholding in allowed). Pub. 15. Catalog No. 21974B |
Page 3 of 4 Fileid: … es/N1036/201812/A/XML/Cycle04/source 8:54 - 3-Dec-2018 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Percentage Method Tables for Income Tax Withholding (For Wages Paid in 2019) TABLE 1—WEEKLY Payroll Period (a) SINGLE person (including head of household)— (b) MARRIED person— If the amount of wages If the amount of wages (after subtracting The amount of income tax (after subtracting The amount of income tax withholding allowances) is: to withhold is: withholding allowances) is: to withhold is: Not over $73 $0 Not over $227 $0 Over— But not over— of excess over— Over— But not over— of excess over— $73 —$260 $0.00 plus 10% —$73 $227 —$600 $0.00 plus 10% —$227 $260 —$832 $18.70 plus 12% —$260 $600 —$1,745 $37.30 plus 12% —$600 $832 —$1,692 $87.34 plus 22% —$832 $1,745 —$3,465 $174.70 plus 22% —$1,745 $1,692 —$3,164 $276.54 plus 24% —$1,692 $3,465 —$6,409 $553.10 plus 24% —$3,465 $3,164 —$3,998 $629.82 plus 32% —$3,164 $6,409 —$8,077 $1,259.66 plus 32% —$6,409 $3,998 —$9,887 $896.70 plus 35% —$3,998 $8,077 —$12,003 $1,793.42 plus 35% —$8,077 $9,887 $2,957.85 plus 37% —$9,887 $12,003 $3,167.52 plus 37% —$12,003 TABLE 2—BIWEEKLY Payroll Period (a) SINGLE person (including head of household)— (b) MARRIED person— If the amount of wages If the amount of wages (after subtracting The amount of income tax (after subtracting The amount of income tax withholding allowances) is: to withhold is: withholding allowances) is: to withhold is: Not over $146 $0 Not over $454 $0 Over— But not over— of excess over— Over— But not over— of excess over— $146 —$519 $0.00 plus 10% —$146 $454 —$1,200 $0.00 plus 10% —$454 $519 —$1,664 $37.30 plus 12% —$519 $1,200 —$3,490 $74.60 plus 12% —$1,200 $1,664 —$3,385 $174.70 plus 22% —$1,664 $3,490 —$6,931 $349.40 plus 22% —$3,490 $3,385 —$6,328 $553.32 plus 24% —$3,385 $6,931 —$12,817 $1,106.42 plus 24% —$6,931 $6,328 —$7,996 $1,259.64 plus 32% —$6,328 $12,817 —$16,154 $2,519.06 plus 32% —$12,817 $7,996 —$19,773 $1,793.40 plus 35% —$7,996 $16,154 —$24,006 $3,586.90 plus 35% —$16,154 $19,773 $5,915.35 plus 37% —$19,773 $24,006 $6,335.10 plus 37% —$24,006 TABLE 3—SEMIMONTHLY Payroll Period (a) SINGLE person (including head of household)— (b) MARRIED person— If the amount of wages If the amount of wages (after subtracting The amount of income tax (after subtracting The amount of income tax withholding allowances) is: to withhold is: withholding allowances) is: to withhold is: Not over $158 $0 Not over $492 $0 Over— But not over— of excess over— Over— But not over— of excess over— $158 —$563 $0.00 plus 10% —$158 $492 —$1,300 $0.00 plus 10% —$492 $563 —$1,803 $40.50 plus 12% —$563 $1,300 —$3,781 $80.80 plus 12% —$1,300 $1,803 —$3,667 $189.30 plus 22% —$1,803 $3,781 —$7,508 $378.52 plus 22% —$3,781 $3,667 —$6,855 $599.38 plus 24% —$3,667 $7,508 —$13,885 $1,198.46 plus 24% —$7,508 $6,855 —$8,663 $1,364.50 plus 32% —$6,855 $13,885 —$17,500 $2,728.94 plus 32% —$13,885 $8,663 —$21,421 $1,943.06 plus 35% —$8,663 $17,500 —$26,006 $3,885.74 plus 35% —$17,500 $21,421 $6,408.36 plus 37% —$21,421 $26,006 $6,862.84 plus 37% —$26,006 TABLE 4—MONTHLY Payroll Period (a) SINGLE person (including head of household)— (b) MARRIED person— If the amount of wages If the amount of wages (after subtracting The amount of income tax (after subtracting The amount of income tax withholding allowances) is: to withhold is: withholding allowances) is: to withhold is: Not over $317 $0 Not over $983 $0 Over— But not over— of excess over— Over— But not over— of excess over— $317 —$1,125 $0.00 plus 10% —$317 $983 —$2,600 $0.00 plus 10% —$983 $1,125 —$3,606 $80.80 plus 12% —$1,125 $2,600 —$7,563 $161.70 plus 12% —$2,600 $3,606 —$7,333 $378.52 plus 22% —$3,606 $7,563 —$15,017 $757.26 plus 22% —$7,563 $7,333 —$13,710 $1,198.46 plus 24% —$7,333 $15,017 —$27,771 $2,397.14 plus 24% —$15,017 $13,710 —$17,325 $2,728.94 plus 32% —$13,710 $27,771 —$35,000 $5,458.10 plus 32% —$27,771 $17,325 —$42,842 $3,885.74 plus 35% —$17,325 $35,000 —$52,013 $7,771.38 plus 35% —$35,000 $42,842 $12,816.69 plus 37% —$42,842 $52,013 $13,725.93 plus 37% —$52,013 Catalog No. 21974B |
Page 4 of 4 Fileid: … es/N1036/201812/A/XML/Cycle04/source 8:54 - 3-Dec-2018 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Percentage Method Tables for Income Tax Withholding (continued) (For Wages Paid in 2019) TABLE 5—QUARTERLY Payroll Period (a) SINGLE person (including head of household)— (b) MARRIED person— If the amount of wages If the amount of wages (after subtracting The amount of income tax (after subtracting The amount of income tax withholding allowances) is: to withhold is: withholding allowances) is: to withhold is: Not over $950 $0 Not over $2,950 $0 Over— But not over— of excess over— Over— But not over— of excess over— $950 —$3,375 $0.00 plus 10% —$950 $2,950 —$7,800 $0.00 plus 10% —$2,950 $3,375 —$10,819 $242.50 plus 12% —$3,375 $7,800 —$22,688 $485.00 plus 12% —$7,800 $10,819 —$22,000 $1,135.78 plus 22% —$10,819 $22,688 —$45,050 $2,271.56 plus 22% —$22,688 $22,000 —$41,131 $3,595.60 plus 24% —$22,000 $45,050 —$83,313 $7,191.20 plus 24% —$45,050 $41,131 —$51,975 $8,187.04 plus 32% —$41,131 $83,313 —$105,000 $16,374.32 plus 32% —$83,313 $51,975 —$128,525 $11,657.12 plus 35% —$51,975 $105,000 —$156,038 $23,314.16 plus 35% —$105,000 $128,525 $38,449.62 plus 37% —$128,525 $156,038 $41,177.46 plus 37% —$156,038 TABLE 6—SEMIANNUAL Payroll Period (a) SINGLE person (including head of household)— (b) MARRIED person— If the amount of wages If the amount of wages (after subtracting The amount of income tax (after subtracting The amount of income tax withholding allowances) is: to withhold is: withholding allowances) is: to withhold is: Not over $1,900 $0 Not over $5,900 $0 Over— But not over— of excess over— Over— But not over— of excess over— $1,900 —$6,750 $0.00 plus 10% —$1,900 $5,900 —$15,600 $0.00 plus 10% —$5,900 $6,750 —$21,638 $485.00 plus 12% —$6,750 $15,600 —$45,375 $970.00 plus 12% —$15,600 $21,638 —$44,000 $2,271.56 plus 22% —$21,638 $45,375 —$90,100 $4,543.00 plus 22% —$45,375 $44,000 —$82,263 $7,191.20 plus 24% —$44,000 $90,100 —$166,625 $14,382.50 plus 24% —$90,100 $82,263 —$103,950 $16,374.32 plus 32% —$82,263 $166,625 —$210,000 $32,748.50 plus 32% —$166,625 $103,950 —$257,050 $23,314.16 plus 35% —$103,950 $210,000 —$312,075 $46,628.50 plus 35% —$210,000 $257,050 $76,899.16 plus 37% —$257,050 $312,075 $82,354.75 plus 37% —$312,075 TABLE 7—ANNUAL Payroll Period (a) SINGLE person (including head of household)— (b) MARRIED person— If the amount of wages If the amount of wages (after subtracting The amount of income tax (after subtracting The amount of income tax withholding allowances) is: to withhold is: withholding allowances) is: to withhold is: Not over $3,800 $0 Not over $11,800 $0 Over— But not over— of excess over— Over— But not over— of excess over— $3,800 —$13,500 $0.00 plus 10% —$3,800 $11,800 —$31,200 $0.00 plus 10% —$11,800 $13,500 —$43,275 $970.00 plus 12% —$13,500 $31,200 —$90,750 $1,940.00 plus 12% —$31,200 $43,275 —$88,000 $4,543.00 plus 22% —$43,275 $90,750 —$180,200 $9,086.00 plus 22% —$90,750 $88,000 —$164,525 $14,382.50 plus 24% —$88,000 $180,200 —$333,250 $28,765.00 plus 24% —$180,200 $164,525 —$207,900 $32,748.50 plus 32% —$164,525 $333,250 —$420,000 $65,497.00 plus 32% —$333,250 $207,900 —$514,100 $46,628.50 plus 35% —$207,900 $420,000 —$624,150 $93,257.00 plus 35% —$420,000 $514,100 $153,798.50 plus 37% —$514,100 $624,150 $164,709.50 plus 37% —$624,150 TABLE 8—DAILY or MISCELLANEOUS Payroll Period (a) SINGLE person (including head of household)— (b) MARRIED person— If the amount of wages If the amount of wages (after subtracting (after subtracting withholding allowances) withholding allowances) divided by the number of The amount of income tax divided by the number of The amount of income tax days in the payroll period is: to withhold per day is: days in the payroll period is: to withhold per day is: Not over $14.60 $0 Not over $45.40 $0 Over— But not over— of excess over— Over— But not over— of excess over— $14.60 —$51.90 $0.00 plus 10% —$14.60 $45.40 —$120.00 $0.00 plus 10% —$45.40 $51.90 —$166.40 $3.73 plus 12% —$51.90 $120.00 —$349.00 $7.46 plus 12% —$120.00 $166.40 —$338.50 $17.47 plus 22% —$166.40 $349.00 —$693.10 $34.94 plus 22% —$349.00 $338.50 —$632.80 $55.33 plus 24% —$338.50 $693.10 —$1,281.70 $110.64 plus 24% —$693.10 $632.80 —$799.60 $125.96 plus 32% —$632.80 $1,281.70 —$1,615.40 $251.90 plus 32% —$1,281.70 $799.60 —$1,977.30 $179.34 plus 35% —$799.60 $1,615.40 —$2,400.60 $358.68 plus 35% —$1,615.40 $1,977.30 $591.54 plus 37% —$1,977.30 $2,400.60 $633.50 plus 37% —$2,400.60 Catalog No. 21974B |