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                                                                                             Department of the Treasury
Notice 1392                                                                                  Internal Revenue Service
(Rev. October 2018)

Supplemental Form W-4 Instructions 
for Nonresident Aliens
Nonresident aliens must follow special instructions when           the United States. This Notice modifies the instructions on 
completing Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance              Form W-4 to take into account the restrictions on a nonresident 
Certificate, for compensation paid to such individuals as          alien's filing status, the correct number of personal allowances 
employees performing dependent personal services in the            to claim, and the restriction on claiming the standard 
United States. Compensation for dependent personal services        deduction.
includes amounts paid as wages, salaries, fees, bonuses, 
commissions, compensatory scholarships, fellowship income,         Are there any exceptions to this 
and similar designations for amounts paid to an employee.          withholding?

Getting tax forms and publications. Go to IRS.gov/Forms-           Yes. Nonresident aliens may be exempt from wage 
Instructions to view, download, or print all of the forms and      withholding on the following amounts.
publications you may need. You can also download and view 
                                                                   Compensation paid to employees of foreign employers if 
popular tax publications and instructions on mobile devices as 
                                                                     such pay is not more than $3,000 and the employee is 
an eBook at no charge. Or, you can go to IRS.gov/OrderForms 
                                                                     temporarily present in the United States for not more than 
to place an order and have forms mailed to you within 10 
                                                                     a total of 90 days during the tax year.
business days. Also, you can call 800-829-3676 to place your 
order.                                                             Compensation paid to regular crew members of a foreign 
Are you a nonresident alien? If so, these                          Compensation paid to residents of Canada or Mexico 
special instructions apply to you. Resident                          engaged in transportation-related employment.
aliens should follow the instructions on                           Certain compensation paid to residents of American 
Form W-4.                                                            Samoa, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands.
 If you are an alien individual (that is, an individual who is not Compensation paid to foreign agricultural workers 
                                                                     temporarily admitted into the United States on H-2A visas.
a U.S. citizen), specific rules apply to determine if you are a 
resident alien or a nonresident alien for federal income tax       See Pub. 519 to see if you qualify for one of these 
purposes. Generally, you are a resident alien if you meet either   exemptions.
the “green card test,” or the “substantial presence test,” for the 
                                                                   Nonresident aliens may be exempt from wage withholding 
calendar year. Any alien individual not meeting either test is 
                                                                   on part or all of their compensation for dependent personal 
generally a nonresident alien. Additionally, a dual-resident 
                                                                   services under an income tax treaty. If you are claiming a tax 
alien who applies the so-called “tie-breaker” rules contained 
                                                                   treaty withholding exemption, do not complete Form W-4. 
within the Resident (or Residence or Fiscal Residence) article 
                                                                   Instead, complete Form 8233, Exemption from Withholding on 
of an applicable U.S. income tax treaty in favor of the other 
                                                                   Compensation for Independent (and Certain Dependent) 
Contracting State is treated as a nonresident alien. See Pub. 
                                                                   Personal Services of a Nonresident Alien Individual, and give it 
519, U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens, for more information on the 
                                                                   to each withholding agent from whom amounts will be 
green card test, the substantial presence test, and the 
first-year choice.
                                                                   Even if you submit Form 8233, the withholding agent may 
What compensation is subject to                                    have to withhold tax from your income because the factors on 
withholding and requires a Form W-4?                               which the treaty exemption is based may not be determinable 
                                                                   until after the close of the tax year. In this case, you must file 
 Compensation paid to a nonresident alien for performing           Form 1040NR, U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return, (or 
personal services as an employee in the United States is           Form 1040NR-EZ, U.S. Income Tax Return for Certain 
subject to graduated withholding. Compensation for personal        Nonresident Aliens With No Dependents, if you qualify), to 
services also includes amounts paid as a scholarship or            recover any overwithheld tax and to provide the IRS with proof 
fellowship grant to the extent it represents payment for past,     that you are entitled to the treaty exemption. See Form 8233 
present, or future services performed as an employee in the        and the Instructions for Form 8233, Pub. 901, U.S. Tax 
United States. Nonresident aliens must complete Form W-4           Treaties, and Pub. 519 for more information on treaty benefits.
using the modified instructions provided later, so that 
employers can withhold the correct amount of federal income 
tax from compensation paid for personal services performed in 

IRS.gov                                                                                                     Catalog No. 54303E

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Am I required to file a U.S. tax return even                     information about other adjustments that might reduce the 
if I am a nonresident alien?                                     amount of your withholding.

Yes. Nonresident aliens who perform personal services in         Personal Allowances Worksheet.        If you use the Personal 
the United States are considered to be engaged in a trade or     Allowances Worksheet to complete line 5, enter one personal 
business in the United States and generally are required to file allowance for yourself on Line A.
Form 1040NR (or Form 1040NR-EZ). Also, you will need to file     Do not enter an amount on Lines B, C, or D.
Form 1040NR (or Form 1040NR-EZ) to claim a refund of any 
overwithheld taxes. See the Instructions for Form 1040NR, or     E. Child tax credit. Certain nonresident aliens who are 
the Instructions for Form 1040NR-EZ, for more information.       residents of Canada, Mexico, South Korea, or India may be 
Nonresident aliens who are bona fide residents of U.S.           eligible to claim an additional allowance for the child tax credit. 
possessions should consult Pub. 570, for information on          To claim the child tax credit your child must have an SSN valid 
whether compensation is subject to wage withholding in the       for employment issued prior to the due date of your tax return 
United States.                                                   (including extensions). Contact the SSA to find out if your child 
                                                                 can get an SSN. See the instructions for Line 2 above for how 
Will my withholding amounts be different                         to contact the SSA.
from withholding for my U.S. coworkers?                          To determine whether you may be allowed to claim an 
                                                                 additional allowance for the child tax credit, see Line E. Child 
Yes. Nonresident aliens cannot claim the standard                tax credit under Specific Instructions in the instructions for 
deduction. The benefits of the standard deduction are included   Form W-4.
in the existing wage withholding tables published in Pub. 15     For more information on the child tax credit, see Pub. 972, 
(Circular E), Employer's Tax Guide.                              Child Tax Credit. Also, see Pub. 519 for a discussion of 
Because nonresident aliens do not qualify for the standard       nonresident aliens and the child tax credit.
deduction, employers are instructed to withhold an additional 
amount from a nonresident alien's wages. For the specific        F. Credit for other dependents.  The credit for other 
amounts to be added to wages before application of the wage      dependents is a new credit for dependents who do not qualify 
tables, see Pub. 15.                                             for the child tax credit. Certain nonresident aliens who are 
                                                                 residents of Canada, Mexico, South Korea, or India may be 
Note.   A special rule applies to nonresident alien students     eligible to claim an additional allowance for the credit for other 
from India and business apprentices from India who are           dependents.
eligible for the benefits of Article 21(2) of the United         To determine whether you may be allowed to claim an 
States-India income tax treaty. Employers are not required to    additional allowance for the credit for other dependents, see 
withhold an additional amount for the standard deduction from    Line F. Credit for other dependents under Specific Instructions 
the wages of these individuals, as they may be entitled to claim in the instructions for Form W-4.
an additional personal allowance for the standard deduction. 
See Pub. 15 and Pub. 519 for more information.
                                                                 Deductions, Adjustments, and Additional Income 
                                                                 Worksheet. Use the Deductions, Adjustments, and Additional 
What are the special Form W-4                                    Income Worksheet only if you itemize deductions, claim 
instructions?                                                    certain adjustments to income, or have a large amount of 
                                                                 nonwage income. Generally, your nonwage income is not 
Nonresident aliens should pay particular attention to the        included in the computation of income tax withholding at 
following lines when completing Form W-4.                        graduated rates. See Pub. 519 for more information.

Line 2. You are required to enter a social security number       Multiple withholding agents.     If you are completing Form 
(SSN) on line 2 of Form W-4. If you do not have an SSN,          W-4 for more than one withholding agent (for example, you 
contact the Social Security Administration (SSA) to find out if  have more than one employer), figure the total number of 
you are eligible for one.                                        personal allowances you are entitled to claim and claim no 
You can visit any SSA office or call the SSA at                  more than that amount on all Forms W-4 combined. Your 
800-772-1213. For the deaf or hard-of-hearing, call              withholding usually will be most accurate when all allowances 
800-325-0778 (TTY/TTD number).                                   are claimed on the Form W-4 for the highest-paying job and 
For more information, go to www.ssa.gov/ssnumber.                zero allowances are claimed on the others.

Note. You cannot enter an individual taxpayer identification     Line 6. Write “nonresident alien” or “NRA” on the dotted line. If 
number (ITIN) on line 2 of Form W-4.                             you would like to have an additional amount withheld, enter the 
                                                                 amount on line 6.
Line 3. Check the single box regardless of your actual marital 
status.                                                          Line 7. Do not claim that you are exempt from withholding on 
                                                                 line 7 of Form W-4 (even if you meet both of the conditions 
Line 5. Generally, you can claim one personal allowance. See     listed on that line).
Pub. 519 and Personal Allowances Worksheet below for 

IRS.gov                                                                                                      Catalog No. 54303E

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