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                                                    Certificate of Election of Coverage
                                                                                                                                                                 Send Copies A,  
Form  SS-16                                             Under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act                                                            B, and C to the  
(Rev. November 2024) 
Department of the Treasury             (For use by religious orders whose members are required to take a vow of poverty)                                         IRS address below.
Internal Revenue Service                                Go to www.irs.gov/FormSS16 for the latest information.
                          Full name of religious order (or autonomous subdivision of religious order)                                                    Employer identification number

                          Address (include number, street, apt. or suite no.)                                                                            Effective date (mm/dd/yyyy)  
                                                                                                                                                         (See instructions below.)
             Type or print
                          City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code (If you have a foreign address, see instructions below.)

Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the religious order named above irrevocably elects social security and Medicare coverage for services performed by all our current 
and future members in exercising their required duties (which shall be considered services performed as employees of the religious order) and that our members are 
required to take a vow of poverty. Each member’s wages, on which we shall pay the social security and Medicare taxes imposed on employees and employers, will be 
determined as provided in section 3121(i)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Sign                               (Signature of authorized official)                                                            (Title)                              (Date)
                                           (Print or type name of authorized official)                                                                  (Telephone number)
Section references are to the Internal Revenue                                Definitions                                                address listed below under Where To File 
Code.                                                                         Member of religious order. For purposes of                 Form SS-16. Keep Copy D for your records. 
General Instructions                                                          this certificate, a member of a religious order            Copy C will be returned to you after the form 
                                                                              is an individual who (a) is subject to a vow of            is accepted by the Internal Revenue Service 
Purpose of Form                                                               poverty as a member, (b) performs the                      (IRS).
A religious order (or autonomous subdivision                                  services usually required of an active                     Telephone number.Enter the best daytime 
of a religious order) whose members are                                       member, and (c) is not considered retired                  telephone number, including area code, where 
required to take a vow of poverty may file                                    because of age or total disability.                        we can reach you if we have any questions.
Form SS-16 to certify that it elects social                                   Wages for member’s services. For purposes                  Need help? For help in preparing this form, 
security and Medicare coverage under section                                  of this certificate, wages subject to social               call the IRS at 800-829-4933 (toll free). If you 
3121(r) for services its members perform in                                   security and  Medicare taxes generally include             have access to TTY/TDD equipment, call 
exercising their required duties.                                             all pay you give to     a member for services              800-829-4059 (toll free). If you are in a foreign 
  This form consists of four pages. Copies A                                  performed. The term “wages”      also includes the         country, call 267-941-1000 (not toll free). For 
and C each contain the same general                                           fair market value of board, lodging,   clothing,           information about the effect of this form on 
information and instructions for filing Form                                  and other benefits a member receives in            return  the social security and Medicare benefits of 
SS-16. Copies B and D each contain the                                        for services from the order or from any  person            your members, contact any Social Security 
same instructions specific to this election for                               or organization under an agreement with the                Administration office.
filing Form 941, Employer’s QUARTERLY                                         order or subdivision. If the fair market value of          Where To File Form SS-16
Federal Tax Return, and Form 941-X,                                           the items is less than $100 a month, that 
Adjusted Employer’s QUARTERLY Federal                                         amount cannot be included as wages.                        File this form with the following Internal 
                                                                                                                                         Revenue Service Center:
Tax Return or Claim for Refund.
                                                                              Specific Instructions—                                     Department of the Treasury  
Effect of Election                                                            Form SS-16                                                 Internal Revenue Service Center 
This certificate is irrevocable and applies to                                                                                           Ogden, UT 84201-0005 
all current and future members of the order.                                  Employer Identification Number (EIN)
All services a member performs in exercising                                  If the religious order already files Form 941, 
required duties are considered performed as                                   be sure to show the same EIN on Form SS-16 
an employee of the order. The order must pay                                  that you use on your return.
the social security and Medicare taxes 
imposed on employees and employers on the                                     Foreign Address
wages, as defined later, of each active                                       Enter the information in the following order: 
member. The taxes are reported on Form 941                                    city, province or state, and country. Follow 
or 941-X, as appropriate. For details, see                                    the country’s practice for entering the postal 
Which Form To File on Copy B or D.                                            code. Do not abbreviate the country name.
Retroactive Coverage                                                          Effective Date
When social security and Medicare coverage                                    This election becomes effective for the period 
is made retroactive to a quarter before the                                   that begins on the first day of:
quarter in which the certificate is filed,                                    • The calendar quarter in which the certificate 
coverage applies only to services performed                                   is filed,
during the retroactive period by persons who 
were active members when the services were                                    • The calendar quarter after the quarter in 
performed and who are alive on the first day                                  which the certificate is filed, or
of the quarter the certificate is filed.                                      • Any one of the 20 calendar quarters before 
Paying taxes for retroactive coverage. When                                   the quarter in which the certificate is filed.
coverage is made retroactive to cover one or                                     Enter one of these dates in the space to the 
more calendar quarters before the quarter in                                  right of the address. If the effective date is 
which the certificate is filed, the religious order                           incorrect for your filing date or is missing, 
must report and pay the total employer and                                    Form SS-16 will be returned.
employee social           security and Medicare taxes                         How To File Form SS-16
for these quarters. File  Form 941 or 941-X, as 
appropriate, for each quarter.         For details, see                       An authorized official of the order must sign 
Which Form To File on Copy B or D.                                            the form and send Copies A, B, and C to the 
File in triplicate with Internal Revenue Service                                        Cat. No. 16202C                          Copy A—To be retained by Internal Revenue Service

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Enlarge image
                                                Certificate of Election of Coverage
                                                                                                                                                            Send Copies A, 
Form  SS-16                                         Under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act                                                           B, and C to the IRS 
(Rev. November 2024) 
Department of the Treasury       (For use by religious orders whose members are required to take a vow of poverty)                                          address on Copy A.
Internal Revenue Service                           Go to www.irs.gov/FormSS16 for the latest information.
                          Full name of religious order (or autonomous subdivision of religious order)                                               Employer identification number

                          Address (include number, street, apt. or suite no.)                                                                       Effective date (mm/dd/yyyy)  
                                                                                                                                                    (See instructions on Copy A.)
             Type or print
                          City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code (If you have a foreign address, see instructions on Copy A.)

Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the religious order named above irrevocably elects social security and Medicare coverage for services performed by all our current 
and future members in exercising their required duties (which shall be considered services performed as employees of the religious order) and that our members are 
required to take a vow of poverty. Each member’s wages, on which we shall pay the social security and Medicare taxes imposed on employees and employers, will be 
determined as provided in section 3121(i)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Sign                         (Signature of authorized official)                                                              (Title)                              (Date)
                                        (Print or type name of authorized official)                                                               (Telephone number)

Specific Instructions—                                                        Future quarter. If Form SS-16 is made                  How To File
                                                                              effective the first day of the calendar quarter 
Forms 941 and 941-X                                                           immediately after the calendar quarter in              Forms 941 for retroactive quarters. Enter 
                                                                              which Form SS-16 is filed, then Form 941 is            “Form SS-16” and the date you filed Form 
Which Form To File                                                            due the last day of the calendar month                 SS-16 in dark, bold letters across the top 
For the current and future quarters, the taxes                                following the calendar quarter.                        margin of page 1 of each Form 941 being 
                                                                                                                                     filed. Attach a copy of Form SS-16 to each 
are reported on Form 941, Employer’s                                          Retroactive quarters. Under section 3121(r),           Form 941 filed for a retroactive quarter to help 
QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return.                                                 the due date of Forms 941 or 941-X for all             identify that the return is being filed for 
Form 941. The form that must be filed for                                     retroactive quarters is determined by the date         retroactive coverage. In the top margin of the 
each of the retroactive quarters depends on                                   Form SS-16 is filed. The due date for filing the       Form SS-16 being attached, enter “Copy” in 
whether an original Form 941 was filed for the                                returns and paying the tax, for calendar               dark, bold letters.
specific retroactive period. If Form 941 was                                  quarters prior to the quarter in which Form 
never filed for one or more quarters for which                                SS-16 is filed, is the last day of the calendar        You can:
this election is effective, the religious order (or                           month following the calendar quarter in which          • View, download, or print Forms 941 for the 
subdivision) must file Forms 941 for those                                    Form SS-16 is filed. If you file and pay by the        retroactive quarters online by going to 
retroactive quarters.                                                         applicable due date, you will not be subject to        www.irs.gov/Form941, clicking on “All Form 
                                                                              failure to file or failure to pay penalties or         941 revisions,” and selecting the Form 941 for 
Form 941-X. If original Forms 941 were filed                                  interest.                                              the year you are seeking; or
for any of the retroactive quarters for which 
this election is effective, the religious order                               IF the Form SS-16       THEN all Forms 941 or          • Order Forms 941 for the retroactive quarters 
must file Forms 941-X, Adjusted Employer’s                                    is filed any day        941-X for the retroactive      online at www.irs.gov/OrderForms and have 
QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return or Claim for                                     during the...           quarters must be filed         your order mailed to you. The IRS will process 
Refund, for those retroactive quarters.                                                               and tax paid by...             your order as soon as possible. Don’t 
                                                                                                                                     resubmit requests you have already sent us. 
Form 944. If you were notified to file Form                                   1stquarter (January,    April 30                       You can get forms faster online.
                                                                              February, March)
944, Employer’s ANNUAL Federal Tax Return, 
                                                                                                                                     Form 941-X. In the explanation in Part 4 of 
instead of Form 941, call the IRS for                                         2ndquarter (April,      July 31                        each Form 941-X, enter “Form SS-16” and 
assistance at 800-829-4933 (toll free). If you                                May, June)
                                                                                                                                     the date your Form SS-16 was filed.
800-829-4059 (toll free). If you are in a foreign                             3 quarter (July,  
have access to TTY/TDD equipment, call                                        rd                      October 31                     If you are filing Form 941-X for any 
country, call 267-941-1000 (not toll free).                                   August, September)
                                                                                                                                     retroactive quarter, use the current form. You 
Additional information.See Pub. 15 (Circular                                  4thquarter (October,    January 31 of next year        can get this form through the sources listed 
E), Employer’s Tax Guide, for more                                            November, December)                                    above.
information about filing or correcting Form                                   Postmark rule. For purposes of determining             Where To File Forms 941 and  
941 or 944. Also, see the instructions for Form                               when returns are due, generally the “received          941-X
941, 941-X, or 944.                                                           date” is considered the date Form SS-16 is 
When To File Forms 941 and 941-X                                              filed. However, if the religious order selects an      See the current instructions for Form 941 or 
                                                                              effective date that is the first day of the 20th       941-X for the filing address.
Current quarter. If Form SS-16 is made                                        calendar quarter preceding the quarter in 
effective the first day of the calendar quarter                               which Form SS-16 is postmarked but the 
in which the Form SS-16 is filed, then Form                                   Form SS-16 is received in a later quarter, the 
941 is due the last day of the calendar                                       IRS will use the postmark date to determine 
month following the calendar quarter.                                         the date filed to ensure the intended 20th 
                                                                              quarter can be included.

File in triplicate with Internal Revenue Service                                                            Copy B—To be forwarded to Social Security Administration by IRS

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Enlarge image
                                                    Certificate of Election of Coverage
                                                                                                                                                                 Send Copies A, 
Form  SS-16                                             Under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act                                                            B, and C to the IRS 
(Rev. November 2024) 
Department of the Treasury             (For use by religious orders whose members are required to take a vow of poverty)                                         address below.
Internal Revenue Service                                Go to www.irs.gov/FormSS16 for the latest information.
                          Full name of religious order (or autonomous subdivision of religious order)                                                    Employer identification number

                          Address (include number, street, apt. or suite no.)                                                                            Effective date (mm/dd/yyyy)  
                                                                                                                                                         (See instructions below.)
             Type or print
                          City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code (If you have a foreign address, see instructions below.)

Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the religious order named above irrevocably elects social security and Medicare coverage for services performed by all our current 
and future members in exercising their required duties (which shall be considered services performed as employees of the religious order) and that our members are 
required to take a vow of poverty. Each member’s wages, on which we shall pay the social security and Medicare taxes imposed on employees and employers, will be 
determined as provided in section 3121(i)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Sign                               (Signature of authorized official)                                                            (Title)                              (Date)
                                           (Print or type name of authorized official)                                                                  (Telephone number)
Section references are to the Internal Revenue                                Definitions                                                address listed below under Where To File 
Code.                                                                         Member of religious order. For purposes of                 Form SS-16. Keep Copy D for your records. 
General Instructions                                                          this certificate, a member of a religious order            Copy C will be returned to you after the form 
                                                                              is an individual who (a) is subject to a vow of            is accepted by the Internal Revenue Service 
Purpose of Form                                                               poverty as a member, (b) performs the                      (IRS).
A religious order (or autonomous subdivision                                  services usually required of an active                     Telephone number.Enter the best daytime 
of a religious order) whose members are                                       member, and (c) is not considered retired                  telephone number, including area code, where 
required to take a vow of poverty may file                                    because of age or total disability.                        we can reach you if we have any questions.
Form SS-16 to certify that it elects social                                   Wages for member’s services. For purposes                  Need help? For help in preparing this form, 
security and Medicare coverage under section                                  of this certificate, wages subject to social               call the IRS at 800-829-4933 (toll free). If you 
3121(r) for services its members perform in                                   security and  Medicare taxes generally include             have access to TTY/TDD equipment, call 
exercising their required duties.                                             all pay you give to     a member for services              800-829-4059 (toll free). If you are in a foreign 
  This form consists of four pages. Copies A                                  performed. The term “wages”      also includes the         country, call 267-941-1000 (not toll free). For 
and C each contain the same general                                           fair market value of board, lodging,   clothing,           information about the effect of this form on 
information and instructions for filing Form                                  and other benefits a member receives in            return  the social security and Medicare benefits of 
SS-16. Copies B and D each contain the                                        for services from the order or from any  person            your members, contact any Social Security 
same instructions specific to this election for                               or organization under an agreement with the                Administration office.
filing Form 941, Employer’s QUARTERLY                                         order or subdivision. If the fair market value of          Where To File Form SS-16
Federal Tax Return, and Form 941-X,                                           the items is less than $100 a month, that 
Adjusted Employer’s QUARTERLY Federal                                         amount cannot be included as wages.                        File this form with the following Internal 
                                                                                                                                         Revenue Service Center:
Tax Return or Claim for Refund.
                                                                              Specific Instructions—                                     Department of the Treasury  
Effect of Election                                                            Form SS-16                                                 Internal Revenue Service Center 
This certificate is irrevocable and applies to                                                                                           Ogden, UT 84201-0005
all current and future members of the order.                                  Employer Identification Number (EIN)
All services a member performs in exercising                                  If the religious order already files Form 941, 
required duties are considered performed as                                   be sure to show the same EIN on Form SS-16 
an employee of the order. The order must pay                                  that you use on your return.
the social security and Medicare taxes 
imposed on employees and employers on the                                     Foreign Address
wages, as defined later, of each active                                       Enter the information in the following order: 
member. The taxes are reported on Form 941                                    city, province or state, and country. Follow 
or 941-X, as appropriate. For details, see                                    the country’s practice for entering the postal 
Which Form To File on Copy B or D.                                            code. Do not abbreviate the country name.
Retroactive Coverage                                                          Effective Date
When social security and Medicare coverage                                    This election becomes effective for the period 
is made retroactive to a quarter before the                                   that begins on the first day of:
quarter in which the certificate is filed,                                    • The calendar quarter in which the certificate 
coverage applies only to services performed                                   is filed,
during the retroactive period by persons who 
were active members when the services were                                    • The calendar quarter after the quarter in 
performed and who are alive on the first day                                  which the certificate is filed, or
of the quarter the certificate is filed.                                      • Any one of the 20 calendar quarters before 
Paying taxes for retroactive coverage. When                                   the quarter in which the certificate is filed.
coverage is made retroactive to cover one or                                     Enter one of these dates in the space to the 
more calendar quarters before the quarter in                                  right of the address. If the effective date is 
which the certificate is filed, the religious order                           incorrect for your filing date or is missing, 
must report and pay the total employer and                                    Form SS-16 will be returned.
employee social           security and Medicare taxes                         How To File Form SS-16
for these quarters. File  Form 941 or 941-X, as 
appropriate, for each quarter.         For details, see                       An authorized official of the order must sign 
Which Form To File on Copy B or D.                                            the form and send Copies A, B, and C to the 
File in triplicate with Internal Revenue Service                                                                                                  Copy C—To be returned to taxpayer

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Enlarge image
                                                Certificate of Election of Coverage
                                                                                                                                                            Send Copies A, 
Form  SS-16                                         Under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act                                                           B, and C to the IRS 
(Rev. November 2024) 
Department of the Treasury       (For use by religious orders whose members are required to take a vow of poverty)                                          address on Copy A.
Internal Revenue Service                           Go to www.irs.gov/FormSS16 for the latest information.
                          Full name of religious order (or autonomous subdivision of religious order)                                               Employer identification number

                          Address (include number, street, apt. or suite no.)                                                                       Effective date (mm/dd/yyyy)  
                                                                                                                                                    (See instructions on Copy A.)
             Type or print
                          City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code (If you have a foreign address, see instructions on Copy A.)

Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the religious order named above irrevocably elects social security and Medicare coverage for services performed by all our current 
and future members in exercising their required duties (which shall be considered services performed as employees of the religious order) and that our members are 
required to take a vow of poverty. Each member’s wages, on which we shall pay the social security and Medicare taxes imposed on employees and employers, will be 
determined as provided in section 3121(i)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Sign                         (Signature of authorized official)                                                              (Title)                              (Date)
                                        (Print or type name of authorized official)                                                               (Telephone number)

Specific Instructions—                                                        Future quarter. If Form SS-16 is made                  How To File
                                                                              effective the first day of the calendar quarter 
Forms 941 and 941-X                                                           immediately after the calendar quarter in              Forms 941 for retroactive quarters. Enter 
                                                                              which Form SS-16 is filed, then Form 941 is            “Form SS-16” and the date you filed Form 
Which Form To File                                                            due the last day of the calendar month                 SS-16 in dark, bold letters across the top 
For the current and future quarters, the taxes                                following the calendar quarter.                        margin of page 1 of each Form 941 being 
                                                                                                                                     filed. Attach a copy of Form SS-16 to each 
are reported on Form 941, Employer’s                                          Retroactive quarters. Under section 3121(r),           Form 941 filed for a retroactive quarter to help 
QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return.                                                 the due date of Forms 941 or 941-X for all             identify that the return is being filed for 
Form 941. The form that must be filed for                                     retroactive quarters is determined by the date         retroactive coverage. In the top margin of the 
each of the retroactive quarters depends on                                   Form SS-16 is filed. The due date for filing the       Form SS-16 being attached, enter “Copy” in 
whether an original Form 941 was filed for the                                returns and paying the tax, for calendar               dark, bold letters.
specific retroactive period. If Form 941 was                                  quarters prior to the quarter in which Form 
never filed for one or more quarters for which                                SS-16 is filed, is the last day of the calendar        You can:
this election is effective, the religious order (or                           month following the calendar quarter in which          • View, download, or print Forms 941 for the 
subdivision) must file Forms 941 for those                                    Form SS-16 is filed. If you file and pay by the        retroactive quarters online by going to 
retroactive quarters.                                                         applicable due date, you will not be subject to        www.irs.gov/Form941, clicking on “All Form 
                                                                              failure to file or failure to pay penalties or         941 revisions,” and selecting the Form 941 for 
Form 941-X. If original Forms 941 were filed                                  interest.                                              the year you are seeking; or
for any of the retroactive quarters for which 
this election is effective, the religious order                               IF the Form SS-16       THEN all Forms 941 or          • Order Forms 941 for the retroactive quarters 
must file Forms 941-X, Adjusted Employer’s                                    is filed any day        941-X for the retroactive      online at www.irs.gov/OrderForms and have 
QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return or Claim for                                     during the...           quarters must be filed         your order mailed to you. The IRS will process 
Refund, for those retroactive quarters.                                                               and tax paid by...             your order as soon as possible. Don’t 
                                                                                                                                     resubmit requests you have already sent us. 
Form 944. If you were notified to file Form                                   1stquarter (January,    April 30                       You can get forms faster online.
                                                                              February, March)
944, Employer’s ANNUAL Federal Tax Return, 
                                                                                                                                     Form 941-X. In the explanation in Part 4 of 
instead of Form 941, call the IRS for                                         2ndquarter (April,      July 31                        each Form 941-X, enter “Form SS-16” and 
assistance at 800-829-4933 (toll free). If you                                May, June)
                                                                                                                                     the date your Form SS-16 was filed.
800-829-4059 (toll free). If you are in a foreign                             3 quarter (July,  
have access to TTY/TDD equipment, call                                        rd                      October 31                     If you are filing Form 941-X for any 
country, call 267-941-1000 (not toll free).                                   August, September)
                                                                                                                                     retroactive quarter, use the current form. You 
Additional information.See Pub. 15 (Circular                                  4thquarter (October,    January 31 of next year        can get this form through the sources listed 
E), Employer’s Tax Guide, for more                                            November, December)                                    above.
information about filing or correcting Form                                   Postmark rule. For purposes of determining             Where To File Forms 941 and  
941 or 944. Also, see the instructions for Form                               when returns are due, generally the “received          941-X
941, 941-X, or 944.                                                           date” is considered the date Form SS-16 is 
When To File Forms 941 and 941-X                                              filed. However, if the religious order selects an      See the current instructions for Form 941 or 
                                                                              effective date that is the first day of the 20th       941-X for the filing address.
Current quarter. If Form SS-16 is made                                        calendar quarter preceding the quarter in 
effective the first day of the calendar quarter                               which Form SS-16 is postmarked but the 
in which the Form SS-16 is filed, then Form                                   Form SS-16 is received in a later quarter, the 
941 is due the last day of the calendar                                       IRS will use the postmark date to determine 
month following the calendar quarter.                                         the date filed to ensure the intended 20th 
                                                                              quarter can be included.

File in triplicate with Internal Revenue Service                                                                                                  Copy D—Keep for your records

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