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                                                   Application for IRS Individual 
(Rev. December 2024)
Form  W-7                                        Taxpayer Identification Number                                                    OMB No. 1545-0074
Department of the Treasury             For use by individuals who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents.  
Internal Revenue Service                Go to www.irs.gov/FormW7 for instructions and the latest information.
An IRS individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) is for U.S. federal tax purposes only.                     Application type (check one box):
Before you begin:                                                                                                            Apply for a new ITIN
• Don’t submit this form if you have, or are eligible to get, a U.S. social security number (SSN).                           Renew an existing ITIN
Reason you’re submitting Form W-7.Read the instructions for the box you check. Caution: If you check box b, c, d, e, f, or  ,    g you must file a U.S. 
federal tax return with Form W-7 unless you meet one of the exceptions (see instructions).
  a   Nonresident alien required to get an ITIN to claim tax treaty benefit (you must also check and complete box h (see instructions))
  b   Nonresident alien filing a U.S. federal tax return
  c   U.S. resident alien (based on days present in the United States) filing a U.S. federal tax return
  d   Dependent of U.S. citizen/resident alien     If d, enter relationship to U.S. citizen/resident alien (see instructions)
  e   Spouse of U.S. citizen/resident alien        If  dor  ,eenter name and SSN/ITIN of U.S. citizen/resident alien (see instructions)
  f   Nonresident alien student, professor, or researcher filing a U.S. federal tax return or claiming an exception (if claiming an exception, you must 
      also check and complete box h (see instructions))
  g   Dependent/spouse of a nonresident alien holding a U.S. visa
  h   Other (see instructions)
Additional information for  aand  :fEnter treaty country                                 and treaty article number 
Name                     1a  First name                             Middle name                                 Last name
(see instructions)
Name at birth if         1b  First name                             Middle name                                 Last name
different  . .   .  
Applicant’s              2    Street address, apartment number, or rural route number. If you have a P.O. box, see separate instructions.
Address                     City or town, state or province, and country. Include ZIP code or postal code where appropriate.

Foreign                  3    Street address, apartment number, or rural route number. Don’t use a P.O. box number.
Address                     City or town, state or province, and country. Include postal code where appropriate.
(see instructions)
Birth                    4  Date of birth (month / day / year) Country of birth                    City and state or province (optional) 5                 Male
Information                        /         /                                                                                                             Female
Other                    6a  Country(ies) of citizenship 6b Foreign tax I.D. number (if any)  6c  Type of U.S. visa (if any), number, and expiration date
                         6d Identification document(s) submitted. (Complete for the first document submitted. For multiple documents, see instructions)
                             Passport            Driver’s license/State I.D.        USCIS documentation            Other
                            Issued by:                                                                                 Date of entry into the United States 
                            Number:                                             Exp. date:         /      /            (MM/DD/YYYY):       /      /
                         6e Have you previously received an ITIN or an Internal Revenue Service Number (IRSN)?
                             No/Don’t know. Skip line 6f.
                             Yes. Complete line 6f. If more than one, list on a sheet and attach to this form (see instructions).
                         6f Enter ITIN and/or IRSN       ITIN       –           –                           IRSN             –           –
                            and name under which it was issued
                                                                         First name                  Middle name                   Last name
                         6g Name of college/university or company (see instructions)
                            City and state                                                         Length of stay
Sign                Under penalties of perjury, I (applicant/delegate/acceptance agent) declare that I have examined this application, including accompanying 
                    documentation and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. I authorize the IRS to share 
Here                information with my acceptance agent in order to perfect this Form W-7, Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. 
Keep a copy for     Signature of applicant (if delegate, see instructions)          Date (month / day / year)   Phone number
your records.
                                                                                         /         /
                    Name of delegate, if applicable (type or print)                 Delegate’s relationship to applicant
                                                                                       Parent        Power of attorney       Court-appointed guardian
Acceptance          Signature                                                       Date (month / day / year)   Phone 
Agent’s                                                                                  /         /            Fax
Use ONLY            Name and title (type or print)                         Name of company                  EIN                  PTIN
                                                                                                            Office code
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions.                           Cat. No. 10229L                         Form W-7 (Rev. 12-2024) 

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