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Form W-8CE                                 Notice of Expatriation and Waiver of Treaty Benefits
(November 2009)                                             Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code.                                                OMB No. 1545-2138
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service                                    Give this form to the payer. Do not send to the IRS.
                         Name of owner                                                                                    U.S. taxpayer identification number

                         Permanent address                                                                                Expatriation date

                         City, province or state, postal code, and country

                         Current mailing address, if different from permanent address. Include apt. or suite no., or P.O. box if mail is not delivered to street address.

    Please print or type City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code. If you have a foreign address, enter city, province or state, postal code, and country.

Under penalties of perjury, I certify that I am a covered expatriate (as defined in the instructions below). Furthermore, I authorize
this form to be provided to any withholding agent that has control, receipt, or custody of the income of which I am the beneficial
owner or any withholding agent that can disburse or make payments of the income of which I am the beneficial owner.

                                                                                                                                        Account Number
Name of payer                                                                                                                        (or other identifying information)
For the payer above, check the box below if you had any of the following items on the day
before your expatriation date (see instructions).

                         1. Eligible Deferred Compensation Item. Checking this box notifies the payer that you are
                            irrevocably waiving any right to claim any reduction in withholding for such eligible deferred
                            compensation item under any treaty with the United States (see instructions)

                         2. Ineligible Deferred Compensation Item

                         3. Specified Tax Deferred Account

                         4. Nongrantor Trust. Checking this box notifies the payer that you will be treated as having waived any
                            right to claim any reduction in withholding on any distribution from this trust under any treaty with the
                            United States (see instructions)

                            Checking this box notifies the payer that you are electing to be treated as having received the value of your interest in the trust on
                            the day before your expatriation date and that you will be subject to withholding under section 877A until the payer receives (a) a
                            copy of the letter ruling issued by the IRS stating the value of your interest in the trust and (b) your certification that you have paid
                            any tax due on the receipt of the value of your interest in the trust (see instructions).

                         Signature                                                      Date

                                                            obligations for the preceding 5 years or                 Long-Term Resident. For expatriation
General Instructions                                        have not submitted evidence of such                      purposes, a long-term resident is any
                                                            compliance.                                              individual who was a lawful permanent
Purpose                                                                                                              resident of the United States in at least 8
                                                                          Exceptions. Statements (1) and (2) above
Use Form W-8CE to notify the payer that                     do not apply if:                                         out of the last 15 tax years ending with the
you are a covered expatriate individual                                                                              tax year of expatriation.
subject to special tax rules.                                             You became a U.S. citizen and a citizen    Expatriation date. Your expatriation date is
Covered Expatriate                                          of another country at birth and, as of your              the date you relinquished U.S. citizenship or
                                                            expatriation date, continue to be a citizen              the date on which you ceased to be a lawful
You are a covered expatriate if you are an                  of, and taxed as a resident of, such other               permanent U.S. resident.
expatriate to whom any of the following                     country, and you were a U.S. resident for
applied on your expatriation date.                          not more than 10 tax years during the                    Who Must File
                                                            15-year period ending with the tax year in
1) Your average annual net income tax for                   which you expatriated, or                                Covered expatriates are required to give
the 5-year period ending the year before                                                                             Form W-8CE to the payer if they had any of
your expatriation date is more than                                     You relinquished U.S. citizenship before   the items identified in Boxes 1 through 4 on
$145,000 (for 2009 and 2010). This amount                   the age of 18 ⁄1 2        and were a U.S. resident       the day before their expatriation date. In
is indexed for inflation. For years after 2010,             for not more than 10 tax years before your               addition, all expatriates must file Form 8854
see the Instructions for Form 8854 for the                  expatriation date.                                       with the Internal Revenue Service.
adjusted amount.                                            Expatriate. An expatriate is a U.S. citizen              Deferred compensation items. Deferred
2) Your net worth is $2 million or more.                    who relinquished citizenship or a long-term              compensation items include any interest in
3) You have not certified under penalties                   resident who ceased to be a lawful                       a plan or arrangement described in section
of perjury that you met all federal tax                     permanent resident.                                      219(g)(5), any interest in a foreign pension
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 2.                                       Cat. No. 51945M                plan or similar retirementFormarrangementW-8CE      (11-2009)

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Form W-8CE (11-2009)                                                                                                              Page     2

or program, any item of deferred             Check Box 4 if you were the beneficiary          60 days of receipt of this form with the
compensation, and any property, or right to  of a nongrantor trust on the day before          information needed to calculate the value
property, that the individual is entitled to your expatriation date. Checking this box        of his interest in the trust as of the day
receive in connection with the performance   provides notice to the trustee that you are      before the expatriation date. This
of services to the extent not previously     a covered expatriate who, unless the box         information includes the following.
taken into account under section 83 or in    below this line is checked, is deemed to           A copy of the trust deed document.
accordance with section 83.                  have waived any right to claim any                 A list of assets held by the trust on the
Eligible deferred compensation item          reduction in withholding on any distribution         day before the expatriation date and
(Box 1). A deferred compensation item is an  from this trust under any treaty with the            the values of such assets.
eligible deferred compensation item if the   United States.                                     Relevant information about the
following three conditions are met.          Election to be treated as receiving                  interests of the other beneficiaries.
1. The payer is either a U.S. person or a    value of interest in the trust. You can            Dates of birth of all persons who
foreign person electing to be treated as a   elect to pay tax currently on the value of           constitute measuring lives for any
U.S. person under an agreement with the      your interest in the trust if you first obtain a     distributions.
IRS. (Separate guidance will be issued       letter ruling from the IRS stating the value       Policies used by trustees in making
providing procedures to make this election.) of your interest in the trust as of the day
2. You notify the payer of your status as a  before your expatriation date. Make the              discretionary distributions (if any) that
covered expatriate.                          election on Form 8854. Attach the                    may constitute an ascertainable
                                             valuation letter ruling to Form 8854 and file        standard.
3. You make an irrevocable waiver on         Form 8854 with your Form 1040 or Form              Any other relevant information.
Form 8854 of any right to claim any          1040NR. An election is not valid unless          If you do not provide such documents
reduction of withholding on this item under  your income tax return is filed by the due       and information to the covered expatriate,
any treaty with the United States.           date plus extensions.                            then the election is not valid and you must
Check Box 1 if you have an eligible                                                           withhold 30% on any taxable distributions
deferred compensation item. Checking this    When To File                                     from the trust.
box provides notice to the payer that you    File Form W-8CE on the earlier of (a) the        If the covered expatriate makes the
are a covered expatriate who is waiving      day before the first distribution on or after    election, you must withhold 30% on any
benefits under any treaty with the United    the expatriation date or (b) thirty (30) days    taxable distribution from the trust until you
States for the eligible deferred             after the expatriation date for each             receive (a) a copy of the valuation letter
compensation item.                           specified tax deferred account, item of          ruling issued by the IRS and (b) the
Ineligible deferred compensation item        deferred compensation, or interest in a          covered expatriate’s certification under
(Box 2). A deferred compensation item is an  nongrantor trust.                                penalties of perjury that he has paid any
ineligible deferred compensation item if the                                                  tax due on the value of the trust that he is
three conditions listed above are not met.   Where To File                                    treated as receiving.
Check Box 2 if you have an ineligible        Give Form W-8CE to each payer of the             Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask
deferred compensation item. Checking this    income described above. Keep a copy for          for the information on this form to carry out
box provides notice to the payer that you    your own records.                                the Internal Revenue laws of the United
are a covered expatriate who is to be                                                         States. You are required to provide the
treated as receiving an amount equal to      Instructions for Payer                           information. We need it to ensure that you
the present value of your accrued benefit    As a result of receiving notification of         are complying with these laws and to allow
on the day before your expatriation date.    expatriation on Form W-8CE, you may              us to figure and collect the right amount of
Specified tax deferred account (Box 3).      have a requirement to withhold tax under         tax.
Specified tax deferred accounts include      section 877A or to report information to the     The time needed to complete and file this
individual retirement plans (as defined in   IRS.                                             form will vary depending on individual
section 7701(a)(37)) other than                                                               circumstances. The estimated average time
arrangements described in subsection (k)     Eligible deferred compensation. You
or (p) of section 408, qualified tuition     must withhold 30% on any taxable                 is: Recordkeeping, 3 hr., 35 min.; Learning
programs (as defined in section 529),        payment to the covered expatriate.               about the law or the form, 1 hr., 00 min.;
                                                                                              Preparing and sending the form, 1 hr., 6
Coverdell education savings accounts (as     Ineligible deferred compensation. You            min.
defined in section 530), health savings      must advise the covered expatriate within
accounts (as defined in section 223), and    60 days of receipt of this form of the           If you have comments concerning the
Archer MSAs (as defined in section 220).     present value of the individual’s accrued        accuracy of these time estimates or
Check Box 3 if you have a specified tax      benefit in the deferred compensation item        suggestions for making this form simpler,
deferred account. Checking this box          on the day before the expatriation date.         we would be happy to hear from you. You
                                                                                              can email us at *taxforms@irs.gov. (The
provides notice to the payer that you are a  Specified tax deferred account. You              asterisk must be included in the address.)
covered expatriate who is to be treated as   must advise the covered expatriate within        Enter “Forms Comment” on the subject
receiving a distribution of your entire      60 days of receipt of this form of the           line. Or you can write to Internal Revenue
interest in the account on the day before    individual’s entire interest in the account      Service, Tax Products Coordinating
your expatriation date.                      on the day before the expatriation date.         Committee, SE:W:CAR:MP:T:T:SP, 1111
Nongrantor trust (Box 4). A nongrantor       Nongrantor trust. If the covered expatriate      Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526,
trust is the portion of any trust (U.S. or   elects to be treated as receiving the value      Washington, DC 20224. Do not send Form
foreign) that you are not considered         of his interest in the nongrantor trust on       W-8CE to this address. Instead, give it to
(immediately before your expatriation date)  the day before his expatriation date, you        the payer.
to own under the grantor trust rules (see    must provide the covered expatriate within
sections 671 through 679). The withholding
rules of section 877A apply to a nongrantor
trust only if you were a beneficiary on the
day before your expatriation date.

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