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                                                                                         Department of the Treasury
                                                                                         Internal Revenue Service

Instructions for Form 1095-A

Health Insurance Marketplace Statement

Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code           Statements to Individuals
unless otherwise noted.
                                                              Furnishing required information to the individual. 
Future Developments                                           Marketplaces use Form 1095-A to furnish the required 
                                                              statement to recipients. A separate Form 1095-A must be 
For the latest information about developments related to 
                                                              furnished for each policy, and the information on the Form 
Form 1095-A and its instructions, such as legislation 
                                                              1095-A should relate only to that policy. If two or more tax 
enacted after they were published, go to IRS.gov/
Form1095A.                                                    filers are enrolled in one policy, each tax filer receives a 
                                                              statement reporting coverage of only the members of that 
Additional Information                                        tax filer's tax family (a tax family may include the tax filer, 
For information related to the Affordable Care Act, visit     the tax filer’s spouse if the tax filer is filing a joint return 
IRS.gov/ACA.                                                  with his or her spouse, and the tax filer’s dependents). 
                                                              See the instructions for line 4 for more information about 
For additional information related to Form 1095-A, visit      who is a recipient. Don't furnish a Form 1095-A for a 
IRS.gov/Affordable-Care-Act/Individuals-And-Families/         catastrophic health plan or a stand-alone dental plan. See 
Health-Insurance-Marketplace-Statements.                      the instructions for Part III, column A.
                                                              On Form 1095-A statements furnished to recipients, 
General Instructions                                          filers of Form 1095-A may truncate the social security 
                                                              number (SSN) of an individual receiving coverage by 
Purpose of Form                                               showing only the last four digits of the SSN and replacing 
Form 1095-A is used to report certain information to the      the first five digits with asterisks (*) or Xs. Truncation isn't 
IRS about individuals who enroll in a qualified health plan   allowed on forms filed with the IRS.
through the Health Insurance Marketplace. Form 1095-A         Statements must be furnished to recipients on paper by 
is also furnished to individuals to allow them to take the    mail, unless a recipient affirmatively consents to receive 
premium tax credit, to reconcile the credit on their returns  the statement in an electronic format. If mailed, the 
with advance payments of the premium tax credit               statement must be sent to the recipient’s last known 
(advance credit payments), and to file an accurate tax        permanent address, or if no permanent address is known, 
return.                                                       to the recipient’s temporary address.
Who Must File                                                 Consent to furnish statement electronically.               The 
Health Insurance Marketplaces must file Form 1095-A to        requirement to obtain affirmative consent to furnish a 
report information on all enrollments in qualified health     statement electronically ensures that statements are sent 
plans in the individual market through the Marketplace. Do    electronically only to individuals who are able to access 
not file a Form 1095-A for a catastrophic health plan or a    them. A recipient may provide her or his consent on paper 
separate dental policy (called a stand-alone dental plan in   or electronically, such as by email. If consent is provided 
these instructions).                                          on paper, the recipient must confirm the consent 
                                                              electronically. An electronic statement may be furnished 
When To File                                                  by email or by informing the recipient how to access the 
                                                              statement on a Marketplace’s website (for example, in the 
File the annual report with the IRS and furnish the 
                                                              recipient's Marketplace account).
statements to individuals on or before January 31, 2024, 
for coverage in calendar year 2023.
The requirement to furnish a statement to individuals         Specific Instructions
will be met if the Form 1095-A is properly addressed and 
                                                              Part I—Recipient Information
mailed or furnished electronically (if the recipient has 
consented to electronic receipt) on or before the due date.   Line 1. Enter the Marketplace state name or 
If the regular due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal abbreviation.
holiday, furnish the statement by the next business day. A    Line 2. Enter the number the Marketplace assigned to 
business day is any day that isn't a Saturday, Sunday, or     the policy. If the policy number is greater than 15 
legal holiday.                                                characters, enter only the last 15 characters.
How To File                                                   Line 3. Enter the name of the issuer of the policy.
Electronic filing. You must submit the information to the     Line 4. Enter the name of the recipient of the statement. 
IRS electronically. Submit the information through the        This should be the person identified at enrollment as the 
Department of Health and Human Services Data Services         tax filer (the person who is expected to file a tax return, to 

Sep 29, 2023                                          Cat. No. 63016Q

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claim other family members as dependents, and who, if          Column A. Enter the total monthly enrollment premiums 
qualified, would take the premium tax credit for the year of   for the policy in which the covered individuals enrolled. 
coverage for his or her tax family). If the tax filer can't be Include only the premiums allocable to essential health 
identified from the information provided at enrollment (for    benefits. If a covered individual is enrolled in a 
example, because no financial assistance was                   stand-alone dental plan, include the portion of the 
requested), enter the name of the primary applicant for the    premiums for the stand-alone dental plan that is allocable 
coverage.                                                      to pediatric dental coverage in the total monthly 
Line 5.  Enter the social security number (SSN) for the        enrollment premiums. If more than one Form 1095-A is 
recipient shown on line 4.                                     filed for coverage of the recipient’s family for the same 
                                                               months because, for example, a family member enrolled 
Line 6.  Enter the recipient’s date of birth only if line 5 is in a separate policy, include the portion of the premium for 
blank.                                                         pediatric dental coverage in the amount in column A on 
Lines 7, 8, and 9.  Enter information about the recipient’s    only one Form 1095-A. If more than one tax filer is 
spouse, if the recipient has one, if advance credit            enrolled in a policy, report on each tax filer's Form 1095-A 
payments were made for the coverage. Enter this                only those enrollment premiums allocated to that tax filer. 
information even if the advance credit payments were not       If a policy is terminated by an issuer for nonpayment of 
made for the spouse's coverage. Enter a date of birth only     premiums, enter -0- for a month in which the covered 
if line 8 is blank.                                            individuals have coverage but the premiums are not fully 
                                                               paid (generally, the first month of a grace period). If one or 
Line 10. Enter the date that coverage under the policy 
                                                               more covered individuals terminate coverage before the 
started. If the policy was in effect at the start of the year, 
                                                               last day of a month, the amount reported in this column 
enter 1/1/2023.
                                                               should not include any amount of the monthly enrollment 
Line 11. Enter the date of termination if the policy was       premium that was refunded. If the issuer provided a 
terminated during the year. If the policy was in effect at the premium credit for one or more months, the amount 
end of the year, enter 12/31/2023.                             reported in this column should be the amount of the 
Lines 12–15. Enter the recipient's address.                    monthly enrollment premium as reduced by any premium 
Part II—Covered Individuals                                    Column B. Enter the premiums for the applicable second 
Enter on lines 16 through 20 and columns A through E           lowest cost silver plan (SLCSP) that was used as a 
information for each individual covered under the policy,      benchmark to compute monthly advance credit payments. 
including the recipient and the recipient's spouse, if         If advance payments were made, the applicable SLCSP 
covered. If advance credit payments were not made for          for a month is the SLCSP that applies to individuals in Part 
any coverage under the policy and a tax family cannot be       II who were identified at enrollment as members of the tax 
identified, enter in Part II information for all covered       filer's tax family (the tax filer, the tax filer's spouse if the tax 
individuals. If advance credit payments were made for the      filer is filing a joint return with her or his spouse, and any 
coverage or a tax family can be identified, enter in Part II   dependents of the tax filer) and who are enrolled in the 
information only for covered individuals whom the tax filer    coverage on the first day of the month and are not eligible 
certified at enrollment would be a part of the tax filer's tax for other health coverage for that month. However, if an 
family. Information about individuals enrolled in the same     individual enrolls in coverage and the enrollment is 
policy as the tax filer’s tax family who are not members of    effective on the date of the individual's birth, adoption, 
that tax family, including children, must be reported on a     placement in foster care, or on the effective date of a court 
separate Form 1095-A.                                          order, the individual should be considered to have 
                                                               enrolled on the first day of the month for purposes of the 
For each line, enter a date of birth in column C only if 
                                                               applicable SLCSP premium reported in column B. If all 
column B is blank. Enter in column D the date the 
                                                               covered individuals enroll after the first of the month, and 
coverage started for the individual. Enter in column E the     no individual's coverage is effective on the date of the 
date of termination if the individual's coverage was 
                                                               individual's birth, adoption, placement in foster care, or on 
terminated during the year. If the coverage was in effect at 
                                                               the effective date of a court order, enter -0- in column B for 
the end of the year, enter 12/31/2023.
                                                               that month. If more than one Form 1095-A is filed for 
         If there are more than five covered individuals,      coverage of a tax filer’s family for the same month (for 
TIP      complete one or more additional Forms 1095-A,         example, because members of the family were split 
         Part II.                                              among several policies), enter the SLCSP premium that 
                                                               applies to all the family members who were enrolled in any 
Part III—Coverage Information                                  policy on the first of the month and who were not eligible 
                                                               for other health coverage for that month. Enter this SLCSP 
Enter information in Part III, lines 21 through 32, for each 
                                                               premium in column B on each Form 1095-A.
month of coverage. This information is determined on a 
monthly basis and may change during the year if there is a         In some cases, the information provided at enrollment 
change in enrollment or other circumstances that affect        may not indicate which covered individuals are members 
eligibility for, or the amount of, the premium tax credit.     of the recipient's family and are not eligible for other health 
Total the amounts on lines 21 through 32 and enter on          coverage. (Such information may not be provided, for 
line 33.                                                       example, because no financial assistance was 
                                                               requested.) If this is the case, and if the Marketplace has 

                                                               -2-       Instructions for Form 1095-A (2023)

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provided a tool for determining the applicable SLCSP              discovering that information reported is incorrect. Check 
premium for the year of coverage at the time of filing the        the CORRECTED box on the top of the form.
tax return, leave column B blank. If the Marketplace has 
not provided a tool for determining the applicable SLCSP          Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice.         We 
premium, enter the premiums for the SLCSP that would              ask for the information on this form to carry out the Internal 
apply to all individuals identified in Part II as covered for     Revenue laws of the United States. You are required by 
the month.                                                        the Internal Revenue Code to give us the information. We 
If a policy is terminated by an issuer for nonpayment of          need it to ensure that taxpayers are complying with these 
premiums and advance credit payments are made,                    laws and to allow us to figure and collect the right amount 
enter -0- for a month in which the covered individuals have       of tax.
coverage but the premiums are not paid (generally, the            You are not required to provide the information 
first month of a grace period). However, if an individual         requested on a form that is subject to the Paperwork 
enrolled on the first day of a month terminates coverage          Reduction Act unless the form displays a valid OMB 
before the last day of the month, the individual should be        control number. Books or records relating to a form or its 
considered to have been enrolled for the entire month for         instructions must be retained as long as their contents 
purposes of the applicable SLCSP premium reported in              may become material in the administration of any Internal 
column B.                                                         Revenue law. Generally, tax returns and return information 
Column C.  Enter the amount of advance credit payments            are confidential, as required by section 6103.
for the month. If more than one Form 1095-A is filed for          The time needed to complete and file this form will vary 
coverage of a tax filer’s family for the same months, enter       depending on individual circumstances. The estimated 
only the advance credit payment amount allocated to the           average time is:
policy reported on this Form 1095-A. If the tax filer’s family 
is also enrolled in a stand-alone dental plan, any advance 
                                                                  Preparing the form . . . . . . . . . . . .             3 min.
credit payments allocated to the stand-alone dental plan 
should be added to the advance credit payments 
allocated to one of the policies reported on a Form 
                                                                  If you have comments concerning the accuracy of 
                                                                  these time estimates or suggestions for making this form 
Void Statements                                                   simpler, we would be happy to hear from you. You can 
                                                                  send us comments from IRS.gov/FormComments. Or you 
If a Form 1095-A was sent for a policy that shouldn't be          can write to the Internal Revenue Service, Tax Forms and 
reported on a Form 1095-A, such as a stand-alone dental           Publications Division, 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, 
plan or a catastrophic health plan, send a duplicate of that      IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224. Don't send the form to 
Form 1095-A and check the VOID box at the top of the              this office.
form. Provide this information to the IRS and to the 
recipient of the statement as soon as possible after 
discovering that the statement was sent in error.

Correction to Information Reported
Report corrected information on the Form 1095-A to the 
IRS and to the recipient as soon as possible after 

Instructions for Form 1095-A (2023)                            -3-

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