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Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Instructions for Form
(Rev. January 2023)
Taxable Distributions Received From Cooperatives
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless Exceptions. Generally, you are not required to file Form
otherwise noted. 1099-PATR for payments made to a corporation, a tax-exempt
organization including tax-exempt trusts (HSAs, Archer MSAs,
Future Developments and Coverdell ESAs), the United States, a state, a possession,
For the latest information about developments related to Form or the District of Columbia. See Regulations section 1.6044-3(c).
1099-PATR and its instructions, such as legislation enacted after
they were published, go to IRS.gov/Form1099PATR. Statements to Recipients
If you are required to file Form 1099-PATR, you must furnish a
What’s New statement to the recipient. For more information about the
Continuous-use form and instructions. Form 1099-PATR requirement to furnish statements to recipients, see part M in the
and these instructions have been converted from an annual current General Instructions for Certain Information Returns.
revision to continuous use. Both the form and instructions will be Truncating recipient's TIN on payee statements. Pursuant
updated as needed. For the most recent versions, go to IRS.gov/ to Regulations section 301.6109-4, all filers of this form may
Form1099PATR. truncate a payee’s TIN (social security number (SSN), individual
taxpayer identification number (ITIN), adoption taxpayer
Reminders identification number (ATIN), or employer identification number
In addition to these specific instructions, you should also use the (EIN)) on payee statements. Truncation is not allowed on any
current General Instructions for Certain Information Returns. documents the filer files with the IRS. A filer’s TIN may not be
Those general instructions include information about the truncated on any form. See part J in the current General
following topics. Instructions for Certain Information Returns.
• Who must file.
• When and where to file. 2nd TIN Not.
• Electronic reporting. You may enter an “X” in this box if you were notified by the IRS
• Corrected and void returns. twice within 3 calendar years that the payee provided an
• Statements to recipients. incorrect TIN. If you mark this box, the IRS will not send you any
• Taxpayer identification numbers (TINs). further notices about this account.
• Backup withholding.
• Penalties. However, if you received both IRS notices in the same year,
• Other general topics. or if you received them in different years but they both related to
You can get the general instructions at IRS.gov/ information returns filed for the same year, do not check the box
1099GeneralInstructions. at this time. For purposes of the two-notices-in-3-years rule, you
are considered to have received one notice and you are not
Online fillable copies. To ease statement furnishing required to send a second “B” notice to the taxpayer on receipt
requirements, Copies B and C have been made fillable online in of the second notice. See part N in the current General
a PDF format available at IRS.gov/Form1099PATR. You can Instructions for Certain Information Returns for more information.
complete these copies online for furnishing statements to
recipients and for retaining in your own files. For information on the TIN Matching System offered by
TIP the IRS, see Items You Should Note in the current
General Instructions for Certain Information Returns.
Specific Instructions
File Form 1099-PATR, Taxable Distributions Received From Account Number
Cooperatives, for each person to whom the cooperative has paid The account number is required if you have multiple accounts for
at least $10 in patronage dividends and other distributions a recipient for whom you are filing more than one Form
described in section 6044(b), or from whom you withheld any 1099-PATR. Additionally, the IRS encourages you to designate
federal income tax under the backup withholding rules an account number for all Forms 1099-PATR that you file. See
regardless of the amount of the payment. A cooperative part L in the current General Instructions for Certain Information
determined to be primarily engaged in the retail sale of goods or Returns.
services that are generally for personal, living, or family use of
the members may ask for and receive exemption from filing Box 1. Patronage Dividends
Form 1099-PATR. See Form 3491, Consumer Cooperative
Exemption Application, for information about how to apply for Enter the patron’s share of total patronage dividends paid in
this exemption. Report dividends paid on a cooperative's capital cash (including qualified or “consent” checks), qualified written
stock on Form 1099-DIV, Dividends and Distributions. notices of allocation (face amount), and other property (except
nonqualified written notices of allocation) allowable as a
Report on Form 1099-PATR only items of income, deduction under section 1382(b)(1).
! expenses, and credits that you properly pass through to
CAUTION patrons for reporting on the patron's tax return. Box 2. Nonpatronage Distributions
For farmers’ cooperatives exempt from tax under section 521
only, enter the patron’s share of the total amount paid in cash
Nov 8, 2022 Cat. No. 27984F