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                                                                                            Department of the Treasury
                                                                                            Internal Revenue Service

Instructions for Forms 

1099-R and 5498

Distributions From Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, 
Insurance Contracts, etc.

Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless     Taxpayer identification numbers (TINs).
otherwise noted.                                               Backup withholding.
Future Developments                                            The definitions of terms applicable for chapter 4 purposes 
For the latest information about developments related to       that are referenced in these instructions.
Forms 1099-R and 5498 and their instructions, such as          Other general topics.
legislation enacted after they were published, go to IRS.gov/    You can get the general instructions from General 
Form1099R or IRS.gov/Form5498.                                 Instructions for Certain Information Returns at IRS.gov/
What’s New                                                     1099GeneralInstructions or go to IRS.gov/Form1099R or 
Automatic rollover amount increased.      Beginning January    E-filing returns. The Taxpayer First Act of 2019 authorized 
1, 2024, the automatic rollover amount has increased from      the Department of the Treasury and the IRS to issue 
$5,000 to $7,000. See Automatic rollovers, later.              regulations that reduce the 250-return e-file threshold. T.D. 
Certain corrective distributions not subject to 10% early      9972, published February 23, 2023, lowered the e-file 
distribution tax. Beginning on December 29, 2022, the          threshold to 10 (calculated by aggregating all information 
10% additional tax on early distributions does not apply to an returns), effective for information returns required to be filed 
IRA distribution made pursuant to the rules of section 408(d)  on or after January 1, 2024. Go to IRS.gov/InfoReturn for 
(4), which consists of a contribution for that year and any    e-file options.
earnings allocable to the contribution, as long as the         Information Reporting Intake System (IRIS).     The IRS has 
distribution is made on or before the due date (including      developed IRIS, an online portal that allows taxpayers to 
extensions) of the income tax return. See Corrective           electronically file (e-file) information returns after December 
Distributions for more information.                            31, 2022, for 2022 and later tax years. Go to IRS.gov/IRIS for 
Designated Roth nonelective contributions and desig-           additional information and updates.
nated Roth matching contributions.     The SECURE 2.0 Act      Online fillable forms.  To ease statement furnishing 
of 2022 permits certain nonelective contributions and          requirements, Copies B, C, 1, and 2 have been made fillable 
matching contributions that are made after December 29,        online in a PDF format available at IRS.gov/Form1099R and 
2022, to be designated as Roth contributions.                  IRS.gov/Form5498. You can complete these copies online for 
Disaster tax relief. The special rules that provide for        furnishing statements to recipients and for retaining in your 
tax-favored withdrawals and repayments now apply to            own files.
disasters that occur on or after January 26, 2021. See         Qualified tuition program rollover to a Roth IRA. 
Disaster-Related Relief in Pub. 590-B, Distributions From      Effective with respect to distributions made after December 
Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs).                     31, 2023, a beneficiary of a section 529 qualified tuition 
Increase in required minimum distribution (RMD) age.           program is permitted to roll over a distribution from the 
The age for RMDs was increased to 73 by the SECURE 2.0         section 529 account to a Roth IRA for the beneficiary, under 
Act of 2022. For more information, see RMDs, later.            certain conditions (for example, such rollover must be paid 
                                                               through a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer, are subject to the 
Penalty-free withdrawals for victims of domestic abuse. 
                                                               Roth IRA annual contribution limit and a $35,000 lifetime limit, 
Participants that self-certify that they experienced domestic 
                                                               and must be from a section 529 account that has been open 
abuse are permitted to withdraw up to the lesser of $10,000 
                                                               for more than 15 years). Such rollovers are reported on Form 
indexed (or 50% of the vested balance) within one year of 
                                                               5498 as Roth IRA contributions and not as rollover 
incident without penalty.
Reminders                                                      Roth SEP IRAs and Roth SIMPLE IRAs.         For tax years 
In addition, see the current General Instructions for Certain  beginning after December 31, 2022, a simplified employee 
Information Returns for information on the following topics.   pension (SEP) arrangement or SIMPLE IRA plan may allow 
Who must file (certain Foreign Financial Institutions (FFIs) an employee to designate a Roth IRA as the IRA to which 
and U.S. payers that report on Form(s) 1099 to satisfy their   contributions under the arrangement or plan are made. 
Internal Revenue Code chapter 4 reporting requirements).       Employer matching and nonelective contributions made to a 
When and where to file.                                      Roth SEP or Roth SIMPLE IRA must be reported for the year 
Electronic reporting.                                        in which the contributions are made to the employee's Roth 
Corrected and void returns.                                  IRA, with the total reported in boxes 1 and 2a, using code 2 
Statements to recipients.

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or 7 in box 7 and the IRA/SEP/SIMPLE checkbox in box 7             settlement to a former spouse under the name and TIN of the 
checked.                                                           recipient, not that of the military retiree.
Specific Instructions for Form 1099-R                                       Use Code 7 in box 7 for reporting military pensions or 
                                                                            survivor benefit annuities. Use Code 4 for reporting 
File Form 1099-R, Distributions From Pensions, Annuities,          CAUTION! death benefits paid to a survivor beneficiary on a 
Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance                separate Form 1099-R. Do not combine with any other 
Contracts, etc., for each person to whom you have made a           codes.
designated distribution or are treated as having made a 
distribution of $10 or more from profit-sharing or retirement      Governmental section 457(b) plans.          Report on Form 
plans, any individual retirement arrangements (IRAs),              1099-R, not Form W-2, income tax withholding and 
annuities, pensions, insurance contracts, survivor income          distributions from a section 457(b) plan maintained by a state 
benefit plans, permanent and total disability payments under       or local government employer. Distributions from a 
life insurance contracts, charitable gift annuities, etc.          governmental section 457(b) plan to a participant or 
  Designated Roth nonelective contributions and                    beneficiary include all amounts that are paid from the plan. 
designated Roth matching contributions must be reported on         For more information, see Notice 2003-20 on page 894 of 
Form 1099-R for the year in which the contributions are            Internal Revenue Bulletin (IRB) 2003-19 at IRS.gov/pub/irs-
allocated. See Q&A L-9 of Notice 2024-2, available at              irbs/irb03-19.pdf. Also, see Governmental section 457(b) 
IRS.gov/irb/2024-02_IRB#NOT-2024-2.                                plan distributions, later, for information on distribution codes.
  Also, report on Form 1099-R death benefits payments              Nonqualified plans. Report any reportable distributions 
made by employers that are not made as part of a pension,          from commercial annuities. Report distributions to employee 
profit-sharing, or retirement plan. See Box 1, later.              plan participants from section 409A nonqualified deferred 
                                                                   compensation plans and eligible nongovernmental section 
  Payments of reportable death benefits in accordance with         457(b) plans on Form W-2, not on Form 1099-R; for 
final regulations published under section 6050Y must be            nonemployees, these payments are reportable on Form 
reported on Form 1099-R.                                           1099-NEC. Report distributions to beneficiaries of deceased 
                                                                   plan participants on Form 1099-MISC. For more information, 
  Reportable disability payments made from a retirement            see the Instructions for Forms 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC at 
plan must be reported on Form 1099-R.                              IRS.gov/pub/irs-pdf/i1099mec.pdf.
  Generally, do not report payments subject to withholding         Section 404(k) dividends.    Distributions of section 404(k) 
of social security and Medicare taxes on this form. Report         dividends from an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), 
such payments on Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement.                 including a tax credit ESOP, are reported on Form 1099-R. 
    There is no special reporting for qualified charitable         Distributions other than section 404(k) dividends from the 
TIP distributions under section 408(d)(8) or qualified             plan must be reported on a separate Form 1099-R.
    health savings account (HSA) funding distributions             Section 404(k) dividends paid directly from the corporation 
described in section 408(d)(9), or for the payment of qualified    to participants or their beneficiaries are reported on Form 
health insurance premiums (including long-term care                1099-DIV. See Announcement 2008-56, 2008-26 I.R.B. 
insurance premiums) for retired public safety officers             1192, available at IRS.gov/irb/2008-26_IRB#ANN-2008-56.
described in section 402(l).
                                                                   Charitable gift annuities.   If cash or capital gain property is 
Reportable death benefits.  Under section 6050Y and the            donated in exchange for a charitable gift annuity, report 
regulations thereunder, a payer must report reportable death       distributions from the annuity on Form 1099-R. See 
benefits paid after December 31, 2018, in connection with a        Charitable gift annuities, later.
life insurance contract transferred after December 31, 2018,       Life insurance, annuity, and endowment contracts. 
in a reportable policy sale. Reportable death benefits are         Report payments of matured or redeemed annuity, 
amounts paid by reason of the death of the insured under a         endowment, and life insurance contracts. However, you do 
life insurance contract that has been transferred in a             not need to file Form 1099-R to report the surrender of a life 
reportable policy sale. In general, a reportable policy sale is    insurance contract if it is reasonable to believe that none of 
the acquisition of an interest in a life insurance contract,       the payment is includible in the income of the recipient. If you 
directly or indirectly, if the acquirer has no substantial family, are reporting the surrender of a life insurance contract, see 
business, or financial relationship with the insured apart from    Code 7, later. See, however, Box 1, later, for FFIs reporting in 
the acquirer's interest in such life insurance contract. The       a manner similar to section 6047(d) for the purposes of 
payer of reportable death benefits must file a return that         chapter 4 of the Internal Revenue Code.
includes certain information, including the name of the            Report premiums paid by a trustee or custodian for the 
reportable death benefits payment recipient, the date and          cost of current life or other insurance protection. Costs of 
gross amount of each payment, and the payer's estimate of          current life insurance protection are not subject to the 10% 
the buyer's investment in the contract. Under Regulations          additional tax under section 72(t). See Cost of current life 
section 1.6050Y-4(e), however, a payer does not have to file       insurance protection, later.
a return for reportable death benefits payments in certain 
situations, including when the reportable death benefits           Report charges or payments for a qualified long-term care 
payments are made to certain foreign payees and when the           insurance contract against the cash value of an annuity 
payer does not receive, and has no knowledge of any issuer         contract or the cash surrender value of a life insurance 
having received, a reportable policy sale payment statement.       contract, which is excludable from gross income under 
                                                                   section 72(e)(11). See Code W, later.
Military retirement annuities. Report payments to military         Section 1035 exchange.       A tax-free section 1035 
retirees or payments of survivor benefit annuities on Form         exchange is the exchange of (a) a life insurance contract for 
1099-R. Report military retirement pay awarded as a property 

2                                                                           Instructions for Forms 1099-R and 5498 (2024)

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another life insurance contract, or for an endowment or         section 403(b) plan). In addition, a designated Roth account 
annuity contract, or for a qualified long-term care insurance   may include certain nonelective contributions or matching 
contract; (b) a contract of endowment insurance for another     contributions that a participant designates as Roth 
contract of endowment insurance that provides for regular       contributions. Under the terms of the section 401(k) plan, 
payments to begin no later than they would have begun           section 403(b) plan, or governmental section 457(b) plan, the 
under the old contract, or for an annuity contract, or for a    designated Roth account must meet the requirements of 
qualified long-term care insurance contract; (c) an annuity     section 402A.
contract for an annuity contract or for a qualified long-term 
                                                                        A separate Form 1099-R must be used to report the 
care insurance contract; or (d) a qualified long-term care 
                                                                        total annual distribution from a designated Roth 
insurance contract for a qualified long-term care insurance     CAUTION!
contract. A contract shall not fail to be treated as an annuity 
contract or as a life insurance contract solely because a       Distributions allocable to an in-plan Roth rollover (IRR). 
qualified long-term care insurance contract is a part of, or a  The distribution of an amount allocable to the taxable amount 
rider on, such contract. However, the distribution of other     of an IRR, made within the 5-year period beginning with the 
property or the cancellation of a contract loan at the time of  first day of the participant’s tax year in which the rollover was 
the exchange may be taxable and reportable on a separate        made, is treated as includible in gross income for purposes of 
Form 1099-R.                                                    applying section 72(t) to the distribution. The total amount 
These exchanges of contracts are generally reportable on        allocable to such an IRR is reported in box 10. See the 
Form 1099-R. However, reporting on Form 1099-R is not           instructions for Box 10. Amount Allocable to IRR Within 5 
required if (a) the exchange occurs within the same             Years, later. An IRR is a rollover within a retirement plan to a 
company; (b) the exchange is solely a contract for contract     designated Roth account in the same plan. See Notice 
exchange, as defined above, that does not result in a           2010-84, 2010-51 I.R.B. 872, available at IRS.gov/irb/
designated distribution; and (c) the company maintains          2010-51_IRB#NOT-2010-84, as modified by Notice 2013-74, 
adequate records of the policyholder's basis in the contracts.  2013-52 I.R.B. 819, available at IRS.gov/irb/
For example, a life insurance contract issued by Company X      2013-52_IRB#NOT-2013-74.
received in exchange solely for another life insurance 
contract previously issued by Company X does not have to        IRA Distributions
be reported on Form 1099-R as long as the company 
                                                                        For deemed IRAs under section 408(q), use the rules 
maintains the required records. See Rev. Proc. 92-26, 1992-1 
                                                                        that apply to traditional IRAs or Roth IRAs, as 
C.B. 744, for certain exchanges for which reporting is not      TIP
                                                                        applicable. Simplified employee pension (SEP) IRAs 
required under section 6047(d). Also, see Rev. Rul. 2007-24, 
                                                                and savings incentive match plan for employees (SIMPLE) 
2007-21 I.R.B. 1282, available at IRS.gov/irb/
                                                                IRAs, however, may not be used as deemed IRAs.
2007-21_IRB#RR-2007-24, for certain transactions that do 
not qualify as tax-free exchanges. For more information on      Deemed IRAs.     For more information on deemed IRAs in 
partial exchanges of annuity contracts, see Rev. Proc.          qualified employer plans, see Regulations section 1.408(q)-1.
2011-38, 2011-30 I.R.B. 66, available at IRS.gov/irb/
2011-30_IRB#RP-2011-38   .                                      IRAs other than Roth IRAs.  Unless otherwise instructed, 
Regulations under section 6050Y provide that a section          distributions from any IRA that is not a Roth IRA must be 
1035 exchange constitutes a reportable policy sale in limited   reported in boxes 1 and 2a. Check the “Taxable amount not 
circumstances. Death benefits paid by reason of the death of    determined” box in box 2b. But see:
the insured under the life insurance contract issued in such    Traditional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRA, later, for how to report the 
circumstances are reportable death benefits that must be        withdrawal of IRA contributions under section 408(d)(4);
reported on Form 1099-R.                                        Transfers, later, for information on trustee-to-trustee 
                                                                transfers, including recharacterizations;
For more information on reporting taxable exchanges, see        Traditional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRA, later, for reporting a 
Box 1. Gross Distribution, later.                               corrective distribution from an IRA under section 408(d)(5);
Prohibited transactions. If an IRA owner engages in a           IRA Revocation or Account Closure, later, for reporting IRA 
prohibited transaction with respect to an IRA, the assets of    revocations or account closures due to Customer 
the IRA are treated as distributed on the first day of the tax  Identification Program failures; and
year in which the prohibited transaction occurs. IRAs that      Traditional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRA, later, for reporting a 
hold non-marketable securities and/or closely held              transfer from a SIMPLE IRA to a non-SIMPLE IRA within the 
investments, in which the IRA owner effectively controls the    first 2 years of plan participation.
underlying assets of such securities or investments, have a       The direct rollover provisions beginning later do not apply 
greater potential for resulting in a prohibited transaction.    to distributions from any IRA. However, taxable distributions 
Enter Code 5 in box 7.                                          from traditional IRAs and SEP IRAs may be rolled over into 
                                                                an eligible retirement plan. See section 408(d)(3). SIMPLE 
Designated Roth Account Contributions                           IRAs may also be rolled over into an eligible retirement plan, 
An employer offering a section 401(k), 403(b), or               but only after the first 2 years of plan participation.
governmental section 457(b) plan may allow participants to        An IRA includes all investments under one IRA plan or 
contribute all or a portion of the elective deferrals they are  account. File only one Form 1099-R for distributions from all 
otherwise eligible to make to a separate designated Roth        investments under one plan that are paid in 1 year to one 
account established under the plan. These contributions,        recipient, unless you must enter different codes in box 7. You 
which are made in lieu of elective deferrals, are designated    do not have to file a separate Form 1099-R for each 
Roth contributions. Contributions made under a section          distribution under the plan.
401(k) plan must meet the requirements of Regulations 
section 1.401(k)-1(f) (Regulations section 1.403(b)-3(c) for a 

Instructions for Forms 1099-R and 5498 (2024)                                                                                    3

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Roth IRAs. For distributions from a Roth IRA, report the          employee or is closed by the trustee or custodian, report the 
gross distribution in box 1 but generally leave box 2a blank.     distribution as fully taxable.
Check the “Taxable amount not determined” box in box 2b. 
Enter Code J, Q, or T, as appropriate, in box 7. Do not use       For more information on IRAs that have been revoked, see 
any other codes with Code Q or Code T. You may enter Code         Rev. Proc. 91-70, 1991-2 C.B. 899.
8 or P with Code J. For the withdrawal of excess 
                                                                  Roth SEP IRAs and Roth SIMPLE IRAs
contributions, see Roth IRA under Box 2a. Taxable amount, 
later. It is not necessary to mark the IRA/SEP/SIMPLE             Employer matching and nonelective contributions made to a 
checkbox.                                                         Roth SEP or Roth SIMPLE IRA must be reported in the same 
                                                                  manner as the reporting that would have applied if (1) there 
Reporting Roth IRA conversions.    You must report a              were no after-tax contributions made to any of the 
traditional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRA distribution that you know is     employee's IRAs, and (2) the matching or nonelective 
converted this year to a Roth IRA in boxes 1 and 2a               contributions were made to an IRA that was not a Roth IRA 
(checking box 2b “Taxable amount not determined” unless           and then immediately converted to a Roth IRA. So, employer 
otherwise directed elsewhere in these instructions), even if      matching and nonelective contributions made to a Roth SEP 
the conversion is a trustee-to-trustee transfer or is with the    or Roth SIMPLE IRA must be reported for the year in which 
same trustee. Enter Code 2 or 7 in box 7 depending on the         the contributions are made to the employee's Roth IRA, with 
participant's age.                                                the total reported in boxes 1 and 2a, using code 2 or 7 in 
IRA escheatment.   Payments made from IRAs to state               box 7 and the IRA/SEP/SIMPLE checkbox in box 7 checked.
unclaimed property funds must be reported on Form 1099-R. 
See Rev. Rul. 2018-17, 2018-25 I.R.B. 753, available at           Plan Escheatment
IRS.gov/irb/2018-25_IRB#RR-2018-17, as modified by                Payments made from qualified plans on or after January 1, 
Notice 2018-90, 2018-49 I.R.B. 826, available at IRS.gov/irb/     2022, to state unclaimed property funds must be reported on 
2018-49_IRB#NOT-2018-90.                                          Form 1099-R. See Rev. Rul. 2020-24, 2020-45 I.R.B. 965, 
                                                                  available at IRS.gov/irb/2020-45_IRB#REV-RUL-2020-24.
IRA Revocation or Account Closure
If a traditional or Roth IRA is revoked during its first 7 days   Deductible Voluntary Employee Contributions 
(under Regulations section 1.408-6(d)(4)(ii)) or is closed at     (DVECs)
any time by the IRA trustee or custodian due to a failure of      If you are reporting a total distribution from a plan that 
the taxpayer to satisfy the Customer Identification Program       includes a distribution of DVECs, you may file a separate 
requirements described in section 326 of the USA PATRIOT          Form 1099-R to report the distribution of DVECs. If you do, 
Act, the distribution from the IRA must be reported. In           report the distribution of DVECs in boxes 1 and 2a on the 
addition, Form 5498, IRA Contribution Information, must be        separate Form 1099-R. For the direct rollover (explained 
filed to report any regular, rollover, Roth IRA conversion, SEP   later) of funds that include DVECs, a separate Form 1099-R 
IRA, or SIMPLE IRA contribution to an IRA that is                 is not required to report the direct rollover of the DVECs.
subsequently revoked or closed by the trustee or custodian.
                                                                  Direct Rollovers
  If a regular contribution is made to a traditional or Roth IRA 
                                                                  You must report a direct rollover of an eligible rollover 
that is later revoked or closed, and a distribution is made to 
                                                                  distribution. A direct rollover is the direct payment of the 
the taxpayer, enter the gross distribution in box 1. If no 
                                                                  distribution from a qualified plan, a section 403(b) plan, or a 
earnings are distributed, enter 0 (zero) in box 2a and Code 8 
                                                                  governmental section 457(b) plan to a traditional IRA, Roth 
in box 7 for a traditional IRA and Code J for a Roth IRA. If 
                                                                  IRA, or other eligible retirement plan. For additional rules 
earnings are distributed, enter the amount of earnings in 
                                                                  regarding the treatment of direct rollovers from designated 
box 2a. For a traditional IRA, enter Codes 1 and 8, if 
                                                                  Roth accounts, see Designated Roth accounts, later. A direct 
applicable, in box 7; for a Roth IRA, enter Codes J and 8, if 
                                                                  rollover may be made for the employee, for the employee's 
applicable. These earnings could be subject to the 10% 
                                                                  surviving spouse, for the spouse or former spouse who is an 
additional tax under section 72(t). If a rollover contribution is 
                                                                  alternate payee under a qualified domestic relations order 
made to a traditional or Roth IRA that is later revoked or 
                                                                  (QDRO), or for a nonspouse designated beneficiary, in which 
closed, and distribution is made to the taxpayer, enter in 
                                                                  case the direct rollover can only be made to an inherited IRA. 
boxes 1 and 2a of Form 1099-R the gross distribution and the 
                                                                  If the distribution is paid to the surviving spouse, the 
appropriate code in box 7 (Code J for a Roth IRA). Follow this 
                                                                  distribution is treated in the same manner as if the spouse 
same procedure for a transfer from a traditional or Roth IRA 
                                                                  were the employee. See Part V of Notice 2007-7, 2007-5 
to another IRA of the same type that is later revoked or 
                                                                  I.R.B. 395, available at IRS.gov/irb/
closed. The distribution could be subject to the 10% 
                                                                  2007-05_IRB#NOT-2007-7, and Notice 2020-51, 2020-29 
additional tax under section 72(t).
                                                                  I.R.B. 73, available at IRS.gov/irb/
  If an IRA conversion contribution or a rollover from a          2020-29_IRB#NOT-2020-51, for guidance on direct rollovers 
qualified plan is made to a Roth IRA that is later revoked or     by nonspouse designated beneficiaries. Also, see Notice 
closed, and a distribution is made to the taxpayer, enter the     2008-30, Part II, 2008-12 I.R.B. 638, available at IRS.gov/irb/
gross distribution in box 1 of Form 1099-R. If no earnings are    2008-12_IRB#NOT-2008-30, which has been amplified and 
distributed, enter 0 (zero) in box 2a and Code J in box 7. If     clarified by Notice 2009-75, 2009-39 I.R.B. 436, available at 
earnings are distributed, enter the amount of the earnings in     IRS.gov/irb/2009-39_IRB#NOT-2009-75, for questions and 
box 2a and Code J in box 7. These earnings could be subject       answers covering rollover contributions to Roth IRAs.
to the 10% additional tax under section 72(t).
                                                                  An eligible rollover distribution is any distribution of all or 
  If an employer SEP IRA or SIMPLE IRA plan contribution          any portion of the balance to the credit of the employee 
is made and the SEP IRA or SIMPLE IRA is revoked by the           (including net unrealized appreciation (NUA)) from a qualified 

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plan, a section 403(b) plan, or a governmental section 457(b)    Reporting a direct rollover. Report a direct rollover in 
plan except the following.                                       box 1 and a 0 (zero) in box 2a, unless the rollover is a direct 
   1. One of a series of substantially equal periodic            rollover of a qualified rollover contribution other than from a 
payments made at least annually over:                            designated Roth account. See Qualified rollover contributions 
   a. The life of the employee or the joint lives of the         as defined in section 408A(e), later. You do not have to report 
employee and the employee's designated beneficiary,              capital gain in box 3 or NUA in box 6. Enter Code G in box 7 
                                                                 unless the rollover is a direct rollover from a designated Roth 
   b. The life expectancy of the employee or the joint life and  account to a Roth IRA. See Designated Roth accounts, later. 
last survivor expectancy of the employee and the employee's      If the direct rollover is made by a nonspouse designated 
designated beneficiary, or                                       beneficiary, also enter Code 4 in box 7.
   c. A specified period of 10 years or more.                       Prepare the form using the name and social security 
   2. A required minimum distribution (RMD) under section        number (SSN) of the person for whose benefit the funds were 
401(a)(9). A plan administrator is permitted to assume there     rolled over (generally, the participant), not those of the trustee 
is no designated beneficiary for purposes of determining the     of the traditional IRA or other plan to which the funds were 
minimum distribution.                                            rolled.
   3. Elective deferrals (under section 402(g)(3)) and              If part of the distribution is a direct rollover and part is 
employee contributions (including earnings on each) returned     distributed to the recipient, prepare two Forms 1099-R.
because of the section 415 limits.                                  For guidance on allocation of after-tax amounts to 
   4. Corrective distributions of excess deferrals (under        rollovers, see Notice 2014-54, 2014-41 I.R.B. 670, available 
section 402(g)) and earnings.                                    at IRS.gov/irb/2014-41_IRB#NOT-2014-54.
   5. Corrective distributions of excess contributions under a      For more information on eligible rollover distributions, 
qualified cash or deferred arrangement (under section            including substantially equal periodic payments, RMDs, and 
401(k)) and excess aggregate contributions (under section        plan loan offset amounts, see Regulations sections 
401(m)) and earnings.                                            1.402(c)-2 and 1.403(b)-7(b). See Rev. Rul. 2014-9, 2014-17 
   6. Loans treated as deemed distributions (under section       I.R.B. 975, available at IRS.gov/irb/2014-17_IRB#RR-2014-9, 
72(p)). However, qualified plan loan offset amounts and plan     for information on rollovers to qualified plans. Also, see Rev. 
loan offset amounts can be eligible rollover distributions. See  Rul. 2002-62, which is on page 710 of I.R.B. 2002-42 at 
section 402(c)(3)(C) and Regulations section 1.402(c)-2,         IRS.gov/pub/irs-irbs/irb02-42.pdf, for guidance on 
Q/A-9 and Plan Loan Offsets, later.                              substantially equal periodic payments.
   7. Section 404(k) dividends.                                         For information on distributions of amounts 
   8. Cost of current life insurance protection.                 TIP    attributable to rollover contributions separately 
                                                                        accounted for by an eligible retirement plan and if 
   9. Distributions to a payee other than the employee, the 
                                                                 permissible timing restrictions apply, see Rev. Rul. 2004-12, 
employee's surviving spouse, a spouse or former spouse 
                                                                 2004-7 I.R.B. 478, available at IRS.gov/irb/
who is an alternate payee under a QDRO, or a nonspouse 
                                                                 2004-07_IRB#RR-2004-12, as modified by Notice 2013-74.
designated beneficiary.
   10. Any hardship distribution.                                Designated Roth accounts.        A direct rollover from a 
                                                                 designated Roth account may only be made to another 
   11. A permissible withdrawal under section 414(w).
                                                                 designated Roth account or to a Roth IRA. A distribution from 
   12. Prohibited allocations of securities in an S corporation  a Roth IRA, however, cannot be rolled over into a designated 
that are treated as deemed distributions.                        Roth account. In addition, a plan is permitted to treat the 
   13. Distributions of premiums for accident or health          balance of the participant's designated Roth account and the 
insurance under Regulations section 1.402(a)-1(e).               participant's other accounts under the plan as accounts held 
                                                                 under two separate plans for purposes of applying the 
   Amounts paid under an annuity contract purchased for,         automatic rollover rules of section 401(a)(31)(B) and Q/A-9 
and distributed to, a participant under a qualified plan can     through Q/A-11 of Regulations section 1.401(a)(31)-1. Thus, 
qualify as eligible rollover distributions. See Regulations      if a participant's balance in the designated Roth account is 
section 1.402(c)-2, Q/A-10.                                      less than $200, the plan is not required to offer a direct 
Automatic rollovers.  Eligible rollover distributions may also   rollover election or to apply the automatic rollover provisions 
include involuntary distributions that are more than $1,000      to such balance.
but not more than $7,000 and are made from a qualified plan         A distribution from a designated Roth account that is a 
to an IRA on behalf of a plan participant. Involuntary           qualified distribution is tax free. A qualified distribution is a 
distributions are generally subject to the automatic rollover    payment that is made both after age 59 /  (or after death or 1 2
provisions of section 401(a)(31)(B) and must be paid in a        disabililty) and after the 5-tax-year period that begins with the 
direct rollover to an IRA, unless the plan participant elects to first day of the first tax year in which a contribution is made to 
have the rollover made to another eligible retirement plan or    the designated Roth account. Certain amounts, including 
to receive the distribution directly.                            corrective distributions, cannot be qualified distributions. See 
   For information on the notification requirements, see         Regulations section 1.402A-1.
Explanation to Recipients Before Eligible Rollover                  If any portion of a distribution from a designated Roth 
Distributions (Section 402(f) Notice), later. For additional     account that is not includible in gross income is to be rolled 
information, also see Notice 2005-5, 2005-3 I.R.B. 337,          over into a designated Roth account under another plan, the 
available at IRS.gov/irb/2005-03_IRB#NOT-2005-5, as              rollover must be accomplished by a direct rollover. Any 
modified by Notice 2005-95, 2005-51 I.R.B. 1172, available       portion not includible in gross income that is distributed to the 
at IRS.gov/irb/2005-51_IRB#NOT-2005-95.                          employee, however, cannot be rolled over to another 

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designated Roth account, though it can be rolled over into a       electronic section 402(f) notice must meet the requirements 
Roth IRA within the 60-day period described in section             for using electronic media in Regulations section 
402(c)(3). In the case of a direct rollover, the distributing plan 1.401(a)-21.
is required to report to the recipient plan the amount of the 
                                                                     The notice must explain the rollover rules, the special tax 
investment (basis) in the contract and the first year of the 
                                                                   treatment for certain lump-sum distributions, the direct 
5-tax-year period, or that the distribution is a qualified 
                                                                   rollover option (and any default procedures), the mandatory 
                                                                   20% withholding rules, and an explanation of how 
  For a direct rollover of a distribution from a designated        distributions from the plan to which the rollover is made may 
Roth account to a Roth IRA, enter the amount rolled over in        have different restrictions and tax consequences than the 
box 1 and 0 (zero) in box 2a. Use Code H in box 7. For all         plan from which the rollover is made.
other distributions from a designated Roth account, use 
Code B in box 7, unless Code E applies. If the direct rollover       For periodic payments that are eligible rollover 
is from one designated Roth account to another designated          distributions, you must provide the notice before the first 
Roth account, also enter Code G in box 7.                          payment and at least once a year as long as the payments 
                                                                   continue. For section 403(b) plans, the payer must provide an 
  For a direct rollover of a distribution from a section 401(k)    explanation of the direct rollover option within the time period 
plan, a section 403(b) plan, or a governmental section 457(b)      described earlier or some other reasonable period of time.
plan to a designated Roth account in the same plan, enter 
the amount rolled over in box 1, the taxable amount in box 2a,       Notice 2020-62, 2020-35 I.R.B. 476, available at 
and any basis recovery amount in box 5. Use Code G in              IRS.gov/irb/2020-35_IRB#NOT-2020-62, contains two safe 
box 7.                                                             harbor explanations that may be provided to recipients of 
  Report designated Roth nonelective contributions and             eligible rollover distributions from an employer plan in order to 
designated Roth matching contributions for the year in which       satisfy section 402(f).
the contributions are allocated. Enter the total amount of         Involuntary distributions. For involuntary distributions paid 
designated Roth nonelective contributions and designated           to an IRA in a direct rollover (automatic rollover), you may 
Roth matching contributions that are allocated to an               satisfy the notification requirements of section 401(a)(31)(B)
individual's acount in the year in boxes 1 and 2a. Use Code G      (i) either separately or as a part of the section 402(f) notice. 
in box 7. See Q&A L-9 of Notice 2024-2, available at               The notification must be in writing and may be sent using 
IRS.gov/irb/2024-02_IRB#NOT-2024-2.                                electronic media in accordance with Q/A-5 of Regulations 
  Qualified rollover contributions as defined in section           section 1.402(f)-1. Also, see Notice 2005-5, Q/A-15.
408A(e). A qualified rollover contribution as defined in 
section 408A(e) is:                                                Transfers
A rollover contribution to a Roth IRA from another IRA that      Generally, do not report a transfer between trustees or 
meets the requirements of section 408(d)(3), or                    issuers that involves no payment or distribution of funds to 
A rollover contribution to a Roth IRA from an eligible           the participant, including a trustee-to-trustee transfer from 
retirement plan (other than an IRA) that meets the                 one IRA to another IRA, valid transfers from one section 
requirements of section 408A(e)(1)(B).                             403(b) plan in accordance with paragraphs 1 through 3 of 
  For reporting a rollover from an IRA other than a Roth IRA       Regulations section 1.403(b)-10(b), or for the purchase of 
to a Roth IRA, see Reporting Roth IRA conversions, earlier.        permissive service credit under section 403(b)(13) or section 
  For a direct rollover of an eligible rollover distribution to a  457(e)(17) in accordance with paragraph 4 of Regulations 
Roth IRA (other than from a designated Roth account), report       section 1.403(b)-10(b) and Regulations section 1.457-10(b)
the total amount rolled over in box 1, the taxable amount in       (8). However, you must report:
box 2a, and any basis recovery amount in box 5. (See the           Recharacterized IRA contributions;
instructions for Box 5. FMV of Account, later.) Use Code G in      Roth IRA conversions;
box 7. If the direct rollover is made on behalf of a nonspouse     Direct rollovers from qualified plans, section 403(b) plans, 
designated beneficiary, also enter Code 4 in box 7.                or governmental section 457(b) plans, including any direct 
                                                                   rollovers from such plans that are IRRs or are qualified 
  For reporting instructions for a direct rollover from a          rollover contributions described in section 408A(e); and
designated Roth account, see Designated Roth accounts,             Direct payments from IRAs to accepting employer plans.
                                                                   IRA recharacterizations. You must report each 
Explanation to Recipients Before Eligible                          recharacterization of an IRA contribution. If a participant 
Rollover Distributions (Section 402(f) Notice)                     makes a contribution to an IRA (first IRA) for a year, the 
                                                                   participant may choose to recharacterize the contribution by 
For qualified plans, section 403(b) plans, and governmental        transferring, in a trustee-to-trustee transfer, any part of the 
section 457(b) plans, the plan administrator must provide to       contribution (plus earnings) to another IRA (second IRA). The 
each recipient of an eligible rollover distribution an             contribution is treated as made to the second IRA 
explanation using either a written paper document or an            (recharacterization). A recharacterization may be made with 
electronic medium (section 402(f) notice). The explanation         the same trustee or with another trustee. The trustee of the 
must be provided no more than 180 days and no fewer than           first IRA must report the recharacterization as a distribution 
30 days before making an eligible rollover distribution or         on Form 1099-R and the contribution to the first IRA and its 
before the annuity starting date. However, if the recipient who    character on Form 5498.
has received the section 402(f) notice affirmatively elects a 
distribution, you will not fail to satisfy the timing requirements   Enter the fair market value (FMV) of the amount 
merely because you make the distribution fewer than 30 days        recharacterized in box 1, 0 (zero) in box 2a, and Code R in 
after you provided the notice as long as you meet the              box 7 if reporting a recharacterization of a prior-year (2023) 
requirements of Regulations section 1.402(f)-1, Q/A-2. The         contribution or Code N if reporting a recharacterization of a 
                                                                   contribution in the same year (2024). It is not necessary to 

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check the IRA/SEP/SIMPLE checkbox. For more information           year of deferral (other than designated Roth contributions), 
on how to report, see Notice 2000-30 on page 1266 of I.R.B.       but the earnings are taxable in the year distributed. Except for 
2000-25 at IRS.gov/pub/irs-irbs/irb00-25.pdf.                     a SARSEP, if the distribution occurs after April 15, the excess 
                                                                  is taxable in the year of deferral and the year distributed. The 
No recharacterizations of conversions made in 2018 or 
                                                                  earnings are taxable in the year distributed. For a SARSEP, 
later.  A conversion of a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA, and a 
                                                                  excess deferrals not withdrawn by April 15 are considered 
rollover from any other eligible retirement plan to a Roth IRA, 
                                                                  regular IRA contributions subject to the IRA contribution 
made in the participant’s tax years beginning after December 
                                                                  limits. Corrective distributions of excess deferrals are not 
31, 2017, cannot be recharacterized as having been made to 
                                                                  subject to federal income tax withholding or social security 
a traditional IRA.
                                                                  and Medicare taxes. For losses on excess deferrals, see 
Section 1035 exchange.    You may have to report                  Losses, later. See Regulations section 1.457-4(e) for special 
exchanges of insurance contracts, including an exchange           rules relating to excess deferrals under governmental section 
under section 1035, under which any designated distribution       457(b) plans.
may be made. For a section 1035 exchange that is in part 
                                                                  Excess contributions. Excess contributions can occur in a 
taxable, file a separate Form 1099-R to report the taxable 
                                                                  section 401(k) plan or a SARSEP. All distributions of the 
amount. See Section 1035 exchange, earlier.
                                                                  excess contributions plus earnings (other than designated 
SIMPLE IRAs. Do not report a trustee-to-trustee transfer          Roth contributions), including recharacterized excess 
from one SIMPLE IRA to another SIMPLE IRA. However, you           contributions, are taxable to the participant in the year of 
must report as a taxable distribution in boxes 1 and 2a a         distribution. Report the gross distribution in box 1 of Form 
trustee-to-trustee transfer from a SIMPLE IRA to an IRA that      1099-R. In box 2a, enter the excess contribution and 
is not a SIMPLE IRA during the 2-year period beginning on         earnings distributed less any designated Roth contributions. 
the day contributions are first deposited in the individual's     For a SARSEP, the employer must notify the participant by 
SIMPLE IRA by the employer. Use Code S in box 7, if               March 15 of the year after the year the excess contribution 
appropriate.                                                      was made that the participant must withdraw the excess and 
Transfer of an IRA to spouse. If you transfer or                  earnings. All distributions from a SARSEP are taxable in the 
re-designate an interest from one spouse's IRA to an IRA for      year of distribution. An excess contribution not withdrawn by 
the other spouse under a divorce or separation instrument,        April 15 of the year after the year of notification is considered 
the transfer or re-designation, as provided under section         a regular IRA contribution subject to the IRA contribution 
408(d)(6), is tax free. Do not report such a transfer on Form     limits.
1099-R.                                                           The 10% additional tax on early distributions does not 
                                                                  apply to an IRA distribution made pursuant to the rules of 
Corrective Distributions                                          section 408(d)(4), consisting of a return of a contribution for 
You must report on Form 1099-R corrective distributions of        that year and any earnings allocable to the contribution, as 
excess deferrals, excess contributions and excess aggregate       long as the distribution is made on or before the due date 
contributions under section 401(a) plans, section 401(k) cash     (including extensions) of the income tax return.
or deferred arrangements, section 403(a) annuity plans,                   Regulations have not been updated for SARSEPs.
section 403(b) salary reduction agreements, and salary 
reduction simplified employee pensions (SARSEPs) under            CAUTION!
section 408(k)(6). You must also report on Form 1099-R 
corrective IRA distributions made under section 408(d)(4).        Excess aggregate contributions. Excess aggregate 
Excess contributions that are recharacterized under a section     contributions under section 401(m) can occur in section 
401(k) plan are treated as distributed. Corrective distributions  401(a), section 401(k), section 403(a), and section 403(b) 
must include earnings through the end of the year in which        plans. In general, a corrective distribution of excess 
the excess arose. These distributions are reportable on Form      aggregate contributions plus earnings is taxable to the 
1099-R and are generally taxable in the year of the               participant in the year the distribution was made. However, a 
distribution (except for excess deferrals under section           corrective distribution of excess aggregate contributions is 
402(g)). Enter Code 8 or P in box 7 (with Code B, if              not includible in gross income (other than earnings) to the 
applicable) to designate the distribution and the year it is      extent that it represents designated Roth contributions. See 
taxable.                                                          Treas. Reg. section 1.401(m)-2(b)(2)(vi)(C). Report the gross 
                                                                  distribution in box 1 of Form 1099-R. In box 2a, enter the 
Use a separate Form 1099-R to report a corrective                 excess and earnings distributed less any after-tax 
distribution from a designated Roth account.                      contributions.
        The total amount of the elective deferral is reported in  Losses. If a corrective distribution of an excess deferral is 
TIP     box 12 of Form W-2. See the Instructions for Forms        made in a year after the year of deferral and a net loss has 
        W-2 and W-3 for more information.                         been allocated to the excess deferral, report the corrective 
                                                                  distribution amount in boxes 1 and 2a of Form 1099-R for the 
For more information about reporting corrective                   year of the distribution with the appropriate distribution code 
distributions, see Table 1; Notice 89-32, 1989-1 C.B. 671;        in box 7. If the excess deferrals consist of designated Roth 
Notice 88-33, 1988-1 C.B. 513; Notice 87-77, 1987-2 C.B.          contributions, report the corrective distribution amount in 
385; and the regulations under sections 401(k), 401(m),           box 1, 0 (zero) in box 2a, and the appropriate distribution 
402(g), and 457.                                                  code in box 7. However, taxpayers must include the total 
                                                                  amount of the excess deferral (unadjusted for loss) in income 
Excess deferrals.  Excess deferrals under section 402(g)          in the year of deferral, and they may report a loss on the tax 
can occur in section 401(k) plans, section 403(b) plans, or       return for the year the corrective distribution is made.
SARSEPs. If distributed by April 15 of the year following the 
year of deferral, the excess is taxable to the participant in the 

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Distributions Under Employee Plans                                  You must also issue copies of the Forms 1099-R to the 
Compliance Resolution System (EPCRS)                                plan participant with an explanation of why these new forms 
                                                                    are being issued. ADP and ACP test corrective distributions 
The procedure for correcting excess annual additions under          are exempt from the 10% additional tax under section 72(t).
section 415 is explained in the latest EPCRS revenue 
procedure in section 6.06 of Rev. Proc. 2021-30, 2021-31            Loans Treated as Distributions
I.R.B. 172, available at IRS.gov/irb/2021-31_IRB#REV-
                                                                    A loan from a qualified plan under section 401(a) or 403(a), 
                                                                    from a section 403(b) plan, or from a plan, whether or not 
  Distributions to correct a section 415 failure are not eligible   qualified, that is maintained by the United States, a state or 
rollover distributions although they are subject to federal         political subdivision thereof, or any agency or instrumentality 
income tax withholding under section 3405. They are not             thereof, made to a participant or beneficiary is not treated as 
subject to social security, Medicare, or Federal                    a distribution from the plan if the loan satisfies the following 
Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) taxes. In addition, such                requirements.
distributions are not subject to the 10% additional tax under       1. The loan is evidenced by an enforceable agreement.
section 72(t).
                                                                    2. The agreement specifies that the loan must be repaid 
  You may report the distribution of elective deferrals (other      within 5 years, except for a principal residence.
than designated Roth contributions) and employee                    3. The loan must be repaid in substantially level 
contributions (and earnings attributable to such elective           installments (at least quarterly).
deferrals and employee contributions) on the same Form 
1099-R. However, if you made other distributions during the         4. The loan amount does not exceed the limits in section 
year, report them on a separate Form 1099-R. Because the            72(p)(2)(A) (maximum limit is equal to the lesser of 50% of 
distribution of elective deferrals (other than designated Roth      the vested account balance or $50,000).
contributions) is fully taxable in the year distributed (no part of Certain exceptions, cure periods, and suspension of the 
the distribution is a return of the investment in the contract),    repayment schedule may apply.
report the total amount of the distribution in boxes 1 and 2a. 
Leave box 5 blank, and enter Code E in box 7. For a return of       The loan agreement must specify the amount of the loan, 
employee contributions (or designated Roth contributions)           the term of the loan, and the repayment schedule. The 
plus earnings, enter the gross distribution in box 1, the           agreement may include more than one document.
earnings attributable to the employee contributions (or             If a loan fails to satisfy (1), (2), or (3), the balance of the 
designated Roth contributions) being returned in box 2a, and        loan is a deemed distribution. The distribution may occur at 
the employee contributions (or designated Roth                      the time the loan is made or later if the loan is not repaid in 
contributions) being returned in box 5. Enter Code E in box 7.      accordance with the repayment schedule.
For more information, see Rev. Proc. 92-93, 1992-2 C.B. 505.        If a loan fails to satisfy (4) at the time the loan is made, the 
  Similar rules apply to other corrective distributions under       amount that exceeds the amount permitted to be loaned is a 
EPCRS. Also, special Form 1099-R reporting is available for         deemed distribution.
certain plan loan failures. See section 6.07 of Rev. Proc.          Deemed distribution.   If a loan is treated as a deemed 
2021-30 for details.                                                distribution, it is reportable on Form 1099-R using the normal 
  If excess employer contributions (other than elective             taxation rules of section 72, including tax basis rules. The 
deferrals), and the earnings on them, under SEP, SARSEP, or         distribution may also be subject to the 10% additional tax 
SIMPLE IRA plans are returned to an employer (with the              under section 72(t). It is not eligible to be rolled over to an 
participant's consent), enter the gross distribution (excess        eligible retirement plan nor is it eligible for the 10-year tax 
and earnings) in box 1 and 0 (zero) in box 2a. Enter Code E         option. On Form 1099-R, complete the appropriate boxes, 
in box 7.                                                           including boxes 1 and 2a, and enter Code L in box 7. Also, 
                                                                    enter Code 1 or Code B, if applicable.
Failing the ADP or ACP Test After a Total                           Interest that accrues after the deemed distribution of a 
Distribution                                                        loan is not an additional loan and, therefore, is not reportable 
If you make a total distribution in 2024 and file a Form 1099-R     on Form 1099-R.
with the IRS and then discover in 2025 that the plan failed         Loans that are treated as deemed distributions or that are 
either the section 401(k)(3) actual deferral percentage (ADP)       actual distributions are subject to federal income tax 
test for 2024 and you compute excess contributions or the           withholding. If such a distribution occurs after the loan is 
section 401(m)(2) actual contribution percentage (ACP) test         made, you must withhold only if you distributed cash or 
and you compute excess aggregate contributions, you must            property (other than employer securities) at the time of the 
recharacterize part of the total distribution as excess             deemed or actual distribution. See section 72(p), section 
contributions or excess aggregate contributions. First, file a      72(e)(4)(A), and Regulations section 1.72(p)-1.
CORRECTED Form 1099-R for 2024 for the correct amount 
of the total distribution (not including the amount                 Subsequent repayments. If a participant makes any cash 
recharacterized as excess contributions or excess aggregate         repayments on a loan that was reported on Form 1099-R as a 
contributions). Second, file a new Form 1099-R for 2024 for         deemed distribution, the repayments increase the 
the excess contributions or excess aggregate contributions          participant's tax basis in the plan as if the repayments were 
and allocable earnings.                                             after-tax contributions. However, such repayments are not 
                                                                    treated as after-tax contributions for purposes of section 
Note. To avoid a late filing penalty if the new Form 1099-R is      401(m) or 415(c)(2)(B).
filed after the due date, enter in the bottom margin of Form        For a deemed distribution that was reported on Form 
1096, Annual Summary and Transmittal of U.S. Information            1099-R but was not repaid, the deemed distribution does not 
Returns, the words “Filed To Correct Excess Contributions.”         increase the participant's basis.

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Plan loan offsets. If a participant's accrued benefit is           number (EIN) used to deposit any tax withheld and to file 
reduced (offset) to repay a loan, the amount of the account        Form 945, Annual Return of Withheld Federal
balance that is offset against the loan is an actual distribution. Income Tax.
Report it as you would any other actual distribution. Do not 
enter Code L in box 7.                                             Beneficiaries
   A qualified plan loan offset is a type of plan loan offset that If you make a distribution to a beneficiary, trust, or estate, 
meets certain requirements. In order to be a qualified plan        prepare Form 1099-R using the name and TIN of the 
loan offset, the loan, at the time of the offset, must be a loan   beneficiary, trust, or estate, not that of the decedent. If there 
in good standing and the offset must be solely by reason of        are multiple beneficiaries, report on each Form 1099-R only 
(1) the termination of the qualified employer plan, or (2) the     the amount paid to the beneficiary whose name appears on 
failure to meet the repayment terms because the employee           the Form 1099-R, and enter the percentage in box 9a, if 
had a severance from employment. Report a qualified plan           applicable.
loan offset as you would any other actual distribution. In         Disclaimers. A beneficiary may make a qualified disclaimer 
addition, enter Code M in box 7.                                   of all or some of an IRA account balance if the disclaimed 
                                                                   amount and income are paid to a new beneficiary or 
Permissible Withdrawals Under Section 414(w)                       segregated in a separate account. A qualified disclaimer may 
For permissible withdrawals from an eligible automatic             be made after the beneficiary has previously received the 
contribution arrangement (EACA) under section 414(w):              RMD for the year of the decedent's death. For more 
The distribution (except to the extent the distribution          information, see Rev. Rul. 2005-36, 2005-26 I.R.B. 1368, 
consists of designated Roth contributions) is included in the      available at IRS.gov/irb/2005-26_IRB#RR-2005-36.
employee's gross income in the year distributed;
Report principal and earnings in boxes 1 and 2a except, in       Alternate Payee Under a QDRO
the case of a distribution from a designated Roth account,         Distributions to an alternate payee who is a spouse or former 
report only earnings in box 2a;                                    spouse of the employee under a QDRO are reportable on 
The distribution is not subject to the 10% additional tax        Form 1099-R using the name and TIN of the alternate payee. 
under section 72(t), indicated by reporting Code 2 in box 7;       If the alternate payee under a QDRO is a nonspouse, enter 
and                                                                the name and TIN of the employee. However, this rule does 
The distribution must be elected by the employee no later        not apply to IRAs; see Transfer of an IRA to spouse, earlier.
than 90 days after the first default elective contribution under 
the EACA, as specified in Regulations section 1.414(w)-1(c)        Nonresident Aliens
(2).                                                               If income tax is withheld under section 3405 on any 
                                                                   distribution to a nonresident alien, report the distribution and 
   If the distribution is from a designated Roth account, enter    withholding on Form 1099-R. Also, file Form 945 to report the 
Code B as well as Code 2 in box 7.                                 withholding. See the presumption rules in part S of the 
                                                                   current General Instructions for Certain Information Returns.
Corrected Form 1099-R
If you filed a Form 1099-R with the IRS and later discover that    However, any payments to a nonresident alien from any 
there is an error on it, you must correct it as soon as possible.  trust under section 401(a); any annuity plan under section 
For example, if you transmit a direct rollover and file a Form     403(a); any annuity, custodial account, or retirement income 
1099-R with the IRS reporting that none of the direct rollover     account under section 403(b); or any IRA account under 
is taxable by entering 0 (zero) in box 2a, and you then            section 408(a) or (b) are subject to withholding under section 
discover that part of the direct rollover consists of RMDs         1441, unless there is an exception under a tax treaty. Report 
under section 401(a)(9), you must file a corrected Form            the distribution and withholding on Form 1042, Annual 
1099-R reporting the eligible rollover distribution as the direct  Withholding Tax Return for U.S. Source Income of Foreign 
rollover and file a new Form 1099-R reporting the RMD as if it     Persons, and Form 1042-S, Foreign Person's U.S. Source 
had been distributed to the participant. See part H in the         Income Subject to Withholding.
current General Instructions for Certain Information Returns,      For guidance regarding covered expatriates, see Notice 
or Pub. 1220, if filing electronically.                            2009-85, 2009-45 I.R.B. 598, available at IRS.gov/irb/
   If you filed a Form 1099-R with the IRS reporting a 
payment of reportable death benefits, you must file a              Statements to Recipients
corrected return within 15 calendar days of recovering any 
portion of the reportable death benefits from the reportable       If you are required to file Form 1099-R, you must furnish a 
death benefits payment recipient as a result of the rescission     statement to the recipient. For more information about the 
of the reportable policy sale.                                     requirement to furnish a statement to each recipient, see part 
                                                                   M in the current General Instructions for Certain Information 
   If you furnished a statement to the reportable death            Returns.
benefits payment recipient, you must furnish the recipient         Truncating recipient's TIN on payee statements. 
with a corrected statement within 15 calendar days of              Pursuant to Regulations section 301.6109-4, all filers of Form 
recovering any portion of the reportable death benefits from       1099-R may truncate a recipient’s TIN (social security 
the reportable death benefits payment recipient as a result of     number (SSN), individual taxpayer identification number 
the rescission of the reportable policy sale.                      (ITIN), adoption taxpayer identification number (ATIN), or 
                                                                   employer identification number (EIN)) on payee statements. 
Filer                                                              Truncation is not allowed on any documents the filer files with 
The payer, trustee, or plan administrator must file Form           the IRS. A payer's TIN may not be truncated on any form. See 
1099-R using the same name and employer identification 

Instructions for Forms 1099-R and 5498 (2024)                                                                                        9

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part J in the current General Instructions for Certain              For section 1035 exchanges that are reportable on Form 
Information Returns for more information.                         1099-R, enter the total value of the contract in box 1, 0 (zero) 
                                                                  in box 2a, the total premiums paid in box 5, and Code 6 in 
        Do not enter a negative amount in any box on Form 
                                                                  box 7.
TIP     1099-R.
                                                                  Designated Roth account distributions.      If you are making 
                                                                  a distribution from a designated Roth account, enter the 
Account Number                                                    gross distribution in box 1, the taxable portion of the 
The account number is required if you have multiple accounts      distribution in box 2a, the basis included in the distributed 
for a recipient for whom you are filing more than one Form        amount in box 5, any amount allocable to an IRR made within 
1099-R.                                                           the previous 5 years (unless an exception to section 72(t) 
                                                                  applies) in box 10, and the first year of the 5-tax-year period 
The account number is also required if you check the              for determining qualified distributions in box 11. Also, enter 
“FATCA filing requirement” box. See Box 12. FATCA Filing          the applicable code(s) in box 7.
Requirement Checkbox, later.
                                                                  Roth SEP IRAs and Roth SIMPLE IRAs.         Employer 
Additionally, the IRS encourages you to designate an              matching and nonelective contributions made to a Roth SEP 
account number for all Forms 1099-R that you file. See part L     or Roth SIMPLE IRA must be reported for the year in which 
in the current General Instructions for Certain Information       the contributions are made to the employee's Roth IRA, with 
Returns.                                                          the total reported in boxes 1 and 2a, using code 2 or 7 in 
The policy number of the life insurance contract under            box 7 and the IRA/SEP/SIMPLE checkbox in box 7 checked.
which benefits are paid is required if you are reporting a        Employer securities and other property.     If you distribute 
payment of reportable death benefits.                             employer securities or other property, include in box 1 the 
                                                                  FMV of the securities or other property on the date of 
Box 1. Gross Distribution                                         distribution. If there is a loss, see Losses, later.
Enter the total amount of the distribution before income tax or 
                                                                    If you are distributing worthless property only, you are not 
other deductions were withheld. Include direct rollovers, IRA 
                                                                  required to file Form 1099-R. However, you may file and enter 
direct payments to accepting employer plans, 
                                                                  0 (zero) in boxes 1 and 2a and any after-tax employee 
recharacterized IRA contributions, Roth IRA conversions, and 
                                                                  contributions or designated Roth contributions in box 5.
premiums paid by a trustee or custodian for the cost of 
current life or other insurance protection. Also, include in this Charitable gift annuities. If cash or capital gain property is 
box distributions to plan participants from governmental          donated in exchange for a charitable gift annuity, report the 
section 457(b) plans. However, in the case of a distribution by   total amount distributed during the year in box 1. See 
a trust representing certificates of deposit (CDs) redeemed       Charitable gift annuities under Box 3. Capital Gain (Included 
early, report the net amount distributed. Also, see Box 6,        in Box 2a), later.
later.                                                            FFIs reporting in a manner similar to section 6047(d).         If 
For a distribution from a traditional IRA of assets that do       you are a participating FFI electing to report with respect to a 
not have a readily available FMV, enter Code K in box 7.          cash value insurance contract or annuity contract that is a 
                                                                  U.S. account held by a specified U.S. person in a manner 
Include in this box the value of U.S. Savings Bonds 
                                                                  similar to section 6047(d), include in box 1 any amount paid 
distributed from a plan. Enter the appropriate taxable amount 
                                                                  under the contract during the reporting period (that is, the 
in box 2a. Furnish a statement to the plan participant showing 
                                                                  calendar year or the year ending on the most recent contract 
the value of each bond at the time of distribution. This will 
                                                                  anniversary date).
provide them with the information necessary to figure the 
interest income on each bond when it is redeemed.                         Do not report the account balance or value (as of the 
Include in box 1 amounts distributed from a qualified               !     end of the reporting period) in box 1. Participating 
retirement plan for which the recipient elects to pay health      CAUTION FFIs reporting in a manner similar to section 6047(d) 
insurance premiums under a cafeteria plan or that are paid        should check the Recent Developments section for Form 
directly to reimburse medical care expenses incurred by the       1099-R at IRS.gov/Form1099R before filing for 2024.
recipient (see Rev. Rul. 2003-62 on page 1034 of I.R.B. 
2003-25 at IRS.gov/pub/irs-irbs/irb03-25.pdf). Also, include      Box 2a. Taxable Amount
this amount in box 2a.                                                    When determining the taxable amount to be entered 
Include in box 1 charges or payments for qualified                  !     in box 2a, do not reduce the taxable amount by any 
long-term care insurance contracts under combined                 CAUTION portion of the $3,000 exclusion for which the 
arrangements. Enter Code W in box 7.                              participant may be eligible as a payment of qualified health 
                                                                  and long-term care insurance premiums for retired public 
In addition to reporting distributions to beneficiaries of 
                                                                  safety officers under section 402(l).
deceased employees, report here any death benefit 
payments made by employers that are not made as part of a           Generally, you must enter the taxable amount in box 2a. 
pension, profit-sharing, or retirement plan. Also, enter these    However, if you are unable to reasonably obtain the data 
amounts in box 2a; enter Code 4 in box 7.                         needed to compute the taxable amount, leave this box blank. 
                                                                  Except as provided under Box 6, later, do not enter 
        Do not report accelerated death benefits on Form 
                                                                  excludable or tax-deferred amounts reportable in boxes 5, 6, 
!       1099-R. Report them on Form 1099-LTC, Long-Term           and 8. Enter 0 (zero) in box 2a for:
CAUTION Care and Accelerated Death Benefits.
                                                                  A direct rollover (other than an IRR) from a qualified plan, a 
Include in box 1 the amount of any payment of reportable          section 403(b) plan, or a governmental section 457(b) plan to 
death benefits.                                                   another such plan or to a traditional IRA;

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A direct rollover from a designated Roth account to a Roth     distribution is $4,700 ($9,400/$10,000 x $5,000). The issuer 
IRA;                                                             would report on Form 1099-R:
An amount from a traditional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRA directly      Box 1, $5,000 as the gross distribution;
transferred to an accepting employer plan;                       Box 2a, $300 as the taxable amount;
An IRA recharacterization;                                     Box 4, $60 ($300 x 20% (0.20) as the withholding on the 
A nontaxable section 1035 exchange of life insurance,          earnings portion of the distribution;
annuity, endowment, or long-term care insurance contracts;       Box 5, $4,700 as the designated Roth contribution basis 
or                                                               (nontaxable amount);
A nontaxable charge or payment, for the purchase of a          Box 7, Code B; and
qualified long-term care insurance contract, against the cash    The first year of the 5-tax-year period in box 11.
value of an annuity contract or the cash surrender value of a      Using the same facts as in the example above, except that 
life insurance contract.                                         the distribution was a direct rollover to a Roth IRA, the issuer 
Annuity starting date in 1998 or later. If you made annuity      would report on Form 1099-R:
payments from a qualified plan under section 401(a), 403(a),     Box 1, $5,000 as the gross distribution;
or 403(b) and the annuity starting date is in 1998 or later, you Box 2a, 0 (zero) as the taxable amount;
must use the simplified method under section 72(d)(1) to         Box 4, no entry;
figure the taxable amount. Under this method, the expected       Box 5, $4,700 as the designated Roth contribution basis 
number of payments you use to figure the taxable amount          (nontaxable amount);
depends on whether the payments are based on the life of         Box 7, Code H; and
one or more than one person. See Notice 98-2, 1998-1 C.B.        The first year of the 5-tax-year period in box 11.
266, and Pub. 575, Pension and Annuity Income, to help you       Disability retirement annuity. If annuity payments are 
figure the taxable amount to enter in box 2a.                    made under a workers’ compensation act or under a statute 
Annuity starting date after November 18, 1996, and be-           in the nature of a workers’ compensation act, as 
fore 1998. Under the simplified method for figuring the          compensation for personal injuries or sickness incurred 
taxable amount, the expected number of payments is based         during the course of employment, and a portion of the annuity 
only on the primary annuitant's age on the annuity starting      payments are based on age or length of service under the 
date. See Notice 98-2.                                           retirement plan, enter the taxable portion of the annuity in 
                                                                 box 2a. See Rev. Rul. 85-105, 1985-2 C.B. 53. Enter 
Annuity starting date before November 19, 1996.         If you   distribution code 3 in box 7.
properly used the rules in effect before November 19, 1996, 
for annuities that started before that date, continue to report  Losses.  If a distribution is a loss, do not enter a negative 
using those rules. No changes are necessary.                     amount in this box. For example, if an employee's 401(k) 
                                                                 account balance, consisting solely of stock, is distributed but 
Corrective distributions. Enter in box 2a the amount of          the value is less than the employee's remaining after-tax 
excess deferrals, excess contributions, or excess aggregate      contributions or designated Roth contributions, enter the 
contributions (other than employee contributions or              value of the stock in box 1, leave box 2a blank, and enter the 
designated Roth contributions). See Corrective Distributions,    employee's contributions or designated Roth contributions in 
earlier.                                                         box 5.
Cost of current life insurance protection.    Include current      For a plan with no after-tax contributions or designated 
life insurance protection costs (net premium costs) that were    Roth contributions, even though the value of the account may 
reported in box 1. However, do not report these costs and a      have decreased, there is no loss for reporting purposes. 
distribution on the same Form 1099-R. Use a separate Form        Therefore, if there are no employer securities distributed, 
1099-R for each. For the cost of current life insurance          show the actual cash and/or FMV of property distributed in 
protection, enter Code 9 in box 7.                               boxes 1 and 2a, and make no entry in box 5. If only employer 
DVECs.   Include DVEC distributions in this box. Also, see       securities are distributed, show the FMV of the securities in 
Deductible Voluntary Employee Contributions (DVECs),             boxes 1 and 2a and make no entry in box 5 or 6. If both 
earlier.                                                         employer securities and cash or other property are 
                                                                 distributed, show the actual cash and/or FMV of the property 
Designated Roth account.     Generally, a distribution from a    (including employer securities) distributed in box 1, the gross 
designated Roth account that is not a qualified distribution is  less any NUA on employer securities in box 2a (except as 
taxable to the recipient under section 402 in the case of a      provided under Box 6. Net Unrealized Appreciation (NUA) in 
plan qualified under section 401(a), under section 403(b)(1)     Employer’s Securities, later), no entry in box 5, and any NUA 
in the case of a section 403(b) plan, and under section          in box 6.
457(a)(1)(A) in the case of a governmental section 457(b) 
plan. For purposes of section 72, designated Roth                Roth IRA. For a distribution from a Roth IRA, report the total 
contributions are treated as employer contributions, as          distribution in box 1 and leave box 2a blank except in the 
described in section 72(f)(1) (that is, as includible in the     case of an IRA revocation or account closure and a 
participant's gross income).                                     recharacterization, earlier. Use Code J, Q, or T as 
  Examples. Participant A received a nonqualified                appropriate in box 7. Use Code 8 or P, if applicable, in box 7 
distribution of $5,000 from the participant's designated Roth    with Code J. Do not combine Code Q or T with any other 
account. Immediately before the distribution, the participant's  codes.
account balance was $10,000, consisting of $9,400 of               However, for the distribution of excess Roth IRA 
designated Roth contributions and $600 of earnings. The          contributions, report the gross distribution in box 1 and only 
taxable amount of the $5,000 distribution is $300                the earnings in box 2a. Enter Code J and Code 8 or P in 
($600/$10,000 x $5,000). The nontaxable portion of the           box 7.

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Roth IRA conversions. Report the total amount converted              Box 2b. Total Distribution
from a traditional IRA, SEP IRA, or SIMPLE IRA to a Roth IRA         Enter an “X” in this box only if the payment shown in box 1 is 
in box 2a. Check the “Taxable amount not determined” box in          a total distribution. A total distribution is one or more 
box 2b. A conversion is considered a distribution and must be        distributions within 1 tax year in which the entire balance of 
reported even if it is with the same trustee and even if the         the account is distributed. If periodic or installment payments 
conversion is done by a trustee-to-trustee transfer. When an         are made, mark this box in the year the final payment is 
individual retirement annuity described in section 408(b) is         made.
converted to a Roth IRA, the amount that is treated as 
distributed is the FMV of the annuity contract on the date the       Box 3. Capital Gain (Included in Box 2a)
annuity contract is converted. This rule also applies when a         If any amount is taxable as a capital gain, report it in box 3.
traditional IRA holds an annuity contract as an account asset 
and the traditional IRA is converted to a Roth IRA.                  Charitable gift annuities.  Report in box 3 any amount from 
Determining the FMV of an individual retirement annuity              a charitable gift annuity that is taxable as a capital gain. 
issued by a company regularly engaged in the selling of              Report in box 1 the total amount distributed during the year. 
contracts depends on the timing of the conversion as outlined        Report in box 2a the taxable amount. Advise the annuity 
in Q/A-14 of Regulations section 1.408A-4.                           recipient of any amount in box 3 subject to the 28% rate gain 
                                                                     for collectibles and any unrecaptured section 1250 gain. 
  For a Roth IRA conversion, use Code 2 in box 7 if the              Report in box 5 any nontaxable amount. Enter Code F in 
participant is under age 59 /  or Code 7 if the participant is at 1 2
                                                                     box 7. See Regulations section 1.1011-2(c), Example 8.
least age 59 / . Also, check the IRA/SEP/SIMPLE checkbox 1 2
in box 7.                                                            Special rule for participants born before January 2, 
                                                                     1936 (or their beneficiaries). For lump-sum distributions 
Roth SEP IRAs and Roth SIMPLE IRAs. Employer                         from qualified plans only, enter the amount in box 2a eligible 
matching and nonelective contributions made to a Roth SEP            for the capital gain election under section 1122(h)(3) of the 
or Roth SIMPLE IRA must be reported for the year in which            Tax Reform Act of 1986 and section 641(f)(3) of the 
the contributions are made to the employee's Roth IRA, with          Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001. 
the total reported in boxes 1 and 2a, using code 2 or 7 in           Enter the full amount eligible for the capital gain election. You 
box 7 and the IRA/SEP/SIMPLE checkbox in box 7 checked.              should not complete this box for a direct rollover.
Traditional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRA. Generally, you are not                To compute the months of an employee's active 
required to compute the taxable amount of a traditional, SEP,        participation before 1974, count as 12 months any part of a 
or SIMPLE IRA or designate whether any part of a                     calendar year in which an employee actively participated 
distribution is a return of basis attributable to nondeductible      under the plan; for active participation after 1973, count as 1 
contributions. Therefore, except as provided below or                month any part of a month in which the employee actively 
elsewhere in these instructions, report the total amount             participated under the plan. See the Example, later.
distributed from a traditional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRA in box 2a. 
This will be the same amount reported in box 1. Check the              Active participation begins with the first month in which an 
“Taxable amount not determined” box in box 2b.                       employee became a participant under the plan and ends with 
For a distribution by a trust representing CDs redeemed            the earliest of:
early, report the net amount distributed. Do not include any         The month in which the employee received a lump-sum 
amount paid for IRA insurance protection in this box.                distribution under the plan;
For a distribution of contributions plus earnings from an          For an employee, other than a self-employed person or 
IRA before the due date of the return under section 408(d)(4),       owner-employee, the month in which the employee separates 
report the gross distribution in box 1, only the earnings in         from service;
box 2a, and enter Code 8 or P, whichever is applicable, in           The month in which the employee dies; or
box 7. Also, enter Code 1 or 4, if applicable.                       For a self-employed person or owner-employee, the first 
For a distribution of excess contributions without earnings        month in which the employee becomes disabled within the 
after the due date of the individual's return under section          meaning of section 72(m)(7).
408(d)(5), leave box 2a blank, and check the “Taxable                  Example. 
amount not determined” box in box 2b. Use Code 1 or 7 in 
box 7 depending on the age of the participant.
For an amount in a traditional IRA or a SEP IRA paid 
directly to an accepting employer plan, or an amount in a 
SIMPLE IRA paid directly to an accepting employer plan after 
the first 2 years of plan participation, enter the gross amount 
in box 1, 0 (zero) in box 2a, and Code G in box 7.

Box 2b. Taxable Amount Not Determined
Enter an “X” in this box if you are unable to reasonably obtain 
the data needed to compute the taxable amount.
  In addition, enter an “X” in this box if you are an FFI 
reporting in box 1 to satisfy your chapter 4 reporting 
requirement under the election described in Regulations 
section 1.1471-4(d)(5)(i)(B).
  If you check this box, leave box 2a blank; but see 
Traditional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRA, earlier. Except for IRAs, 
make every effort to compute the taxable amount.

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Method for Computing Amount Eligible for                            Roth account distribution that is not directly rolled over. The 
Capital Gain Election (See Box 3. Capital Gain                      recipient cannot claim exemption from the 20% withholding 
(Included in Box 2a), earlier.)                                     but may ask to have additional amounts withheld on Form 
Step 1. Total Taxable Amount                                        W-4P, Withholding Certificate for Pension or Annuity 
                                                                    Payments. If the recipient is not asking that additional 
A. Total distribution                                     XXXXX     amounts be withheld, Form W-4P is not required for an 
B. Less:                                                            eligible rollover distribution because 20% withholding is 
 1. Current actuarial value of any annuity           XXXX           mandatory.
 2. Employee contributions or designated Roth                       Employer securities and plan loan offset amounts that are 
contributions (minus any amounts previously                         part of an eligible rollover distribution must be included in the 
distributed that were not includible in the                         amount multiplied by 20% (0.20). However, the actual 
employee's gross income)                             XXXX           amount to be withheld cannot be more than the sum of the 
 3. Net unrealized appreciation in the value of any                 cash and the FMV of property (excluding employer securities 
employer securities that was a part of the                          and plan loan offset amounts). For example, if the only part of 
lump-sum distribution                                XXXX           an eligible rollover distribution that is not a direct rollover is 
C. Total of lines 1 through 3                             XXXXX     employer securities or a plan loan offset amount, no 
D. Total taxable amount. Subtract line C from line        XXXXX     withholding is required. However, unless otherwise exempt, 
A.                                                                  any cash that is paid in the distribution must be used to 
                                                                    satisfy the withholding on the employer securities or plan loan 
Step 2. Capital Gain                                                offset amount.
                                                                    Depending on the type of plan or arrangement, the payer 
                                                                    or, in some cases, the plan administrator is required to 
                                                                    withhold 20% of eligible rollover distributions from a qualified 
Total taxable            Months of active                           plan's distributed annuity and on eligible rollover distributions 
amount                   participation before 1974                  from a governmental section 457(b) plan. For additional 
line D          X        ____________________        = Capital gain information, see section 3405(d) and Regulations sections 
                         Total months of active                     35.3405-1T, Q/A A-13; and 31.3405(c)-1, Q/A-4 and -5. For 
                         participation                              governmental section 457(b) plans only, see Notice 2003-20 
                                                                    on page 894 of I.R.B. 2003-19.
                                                                    Any NUA excludable from gross income under section 
Box 4. Federal Income Tax Withheld                                  402(e)(4) is not included in the amount of any eligible rollover 
Enter any federal income tax withheld. This withholding             distribution that is subject to 20% withholding.
under section 3405 is subject to deposit rules and the              You are not required to withhold 20% of an eligible rollover 
withholding tax return is Form 945. Backup withholding does         distribution that, when aggregated with other eligible rollover 
not apply. See Pub. 15-A, Employer's Supplemental Tax               distributions made to one person during the year, is less than 
Guide, and the Instructions for Form 945 for more withholding       $200.
information.                                                        IRAs. The 20% withholding does not apply to distributions 
Even though you may be using Code 1 in box 7 to                     from any IRA, but withholding does apply to IRAs under the 
designate an early distribution subject to the 10% additional       rules for periodic payments and nonperiodic distributions. For 
tax specified in section 72(q), (t), or (v), you are not required   withholding, assume that the entire amount of a distribution 
to withhold that tax.                                               from an IRA other than a Roth IRA is taxable (except for the 
                                                                    distribution of contributions under section 408(d)(4), in which 
       The amount withheld cannot be more than the sum of           only the earnings are taxable, and section 408(d)(5), as 
TIP    the cash and the FMV of property (excluding                  applicable). Generally, Roth IRA distributions are not subject 
       employer securities) received in the distribution. If a      to withholding except on the earnings portion of excess 
distribution consists solely of employer securities and cash        contributions distributed under section 408(d)(4).
($200 or less) in lieu of fractional shares, no withholding is 
required.                                                           An IRA recharacterization is not subject to income tax 
To determine your withholding requirements for any                  Periodic payments. For periodic payments that are not 
designated distribution under section 3405, you must first          eligible rollover distributions, withhold on the taxable part as 
determine whether the distribution is an eligible rollover          though the periodic payments were wages, based on the 
distribution. See Direct Rollovers, earlier, for a discussion of    recipient's Form W-4P. The recipient may request additional 
eligible rollover distributions. If the distribution is not an      withholding on Form W-4P or claim exemption from 
eligible rollover distribution, the rules for periodic payments or  withholding. If a recipient does not submit a Form W-4P, 
nonperiodic distributions apply. For purposes of withholding,       withhold by treating the recipient as single with no 
distributions from any IRA are not eligible rollover                adjustments. See Regulations section 35.3405-1T, Q/A A-9, 
distributions.                                                      for a definition of periodic payments. See Pub. 15-A for 
                                                                    additional information regarding withholding on periodic 
Eligible rollover distribution; 20% withholding.     If an 
                                                                    payments and Pub. 15-T for applicable tables used to 
eligible rollover distribution is paid directly to an eligible 
                                                                    determine withholding on periodic payments.
retirement plan in a direct rollover, do not withhold federal 
income tax. If any part of an eligible rollover distribution is not       Rather than Form W-4P, military retirees should give 
a direct rollover, you must withhold 20% of the part that is        TIP   you Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Certificate.
paid to the recipient and includible in gross income. This 
includes the earnings portion of any nonqualified designated 

Instructions for Forms 1099-R and 5498 (2024)                                                                                          13

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Nonperiodic distributions. Withhold 10% of the taxable              If you are unable to reasonably obtain the data necessary 
part of a nonperiodic distribution that is not an eligible rollover to compute the taxable amount, leave box 2a blank, leave 
distribution. In most cases, designated distributions from any      box 5 blank (except in the case of a payment of reportable 
IRA are treated as nonperiodic distributions subject to             death benefits), and check the first box in box 2b. In the case 
withholding at the 10% rate even if the distributions are paid      of a payment of reportable death benefits, box 5 must be 
over a periodic basis. See Regulations section 35.3405-1T,          completed.
Q/A F-15. The recipient may request additional withholding 
on Form W-4R or claim exemption from withholding. For               For more information, see Rev. Proc. 92-86, 1992-2 C.B. 
more information on nonperiodic distributions and                   495, and section 72(d).
withholding, see Regulations section 35-3405-1T, Q/A A-12,          For reporting charitable gift annuities, see Charitable gift 
and parts C, D, and F.                                              annuities, earlier.
Failure to provide TIN. For periodic payments and 
nonperiodic distributions, if a payee fails to furnish their        Box 6. Net Unrealized Appreciation (NUA) in 
correct TIN to you in the manner required, or if the IRS            Employer's Securities
notifies you before any distribution that the TIN furnished is      Use this box if a distribution from a qualified plan (except a 
incorrect, a payee cannot claim exemption from withholding.         qualified distribution from a designated Roth account) 
For periodic payments, withhold as if the payee was single          includes securities of the employer corporation (or a 
claiming no withholding allowances. For nonperiodic                 subsidiary or parent corporation) and you can compute the 
payments, withhold 10%. Backup withholding does not apply.          NUA in the employer's securities. Enter all the NUA in 
                                                                    employer securities if this is a lump-sum distribution. If this is 
Box 5. Employee Contributions/Designated Roth                       not a lump-sum distribution, enter only the NUA in employer 
Account Contributions or Insurance Premiums                         securities attributable to employee contributions. See 
Enter the employee's contributions, designated Roth account         Regulations section 1.402(a)-1(b) for the determination of the 
contributions, or insurance premiums that the employee may          NUA. Also, see Notice 89-25, Q/A-1, 1989-1 C.B. 662. 
recover tax free this year (even if they exceed the box 1           Include the NUA in box 1 but not in box 2a except in the case 
amount). The entry in box 5 may include any of the following:       of a direct rollover to a Roth IRA or a designated Roth 
(a) designated Roth account contributions or contributions          account in the same plan (see Notice 2009-75, Q/A-1, and 
actually made on behalf of the employee over the years              Notice 2010-84, Q/A-7). You do not have to complete this box 
under the plan that were required to be included in the             for a direct rollover.
income of the employee when contributed (after-tax 
contributions), (b) contributions made by the employer but          Box 7. Distribution Code(s)
considered to have been contributed by the employee under           Enter an “X” in the IRA/SEP/SIMPLE checkbox if the 
section 72(f), (c) the accumulated cost of premiums paid for        distribution is from a traditional IRA, SEP IRA, or SIMPLE 
life insurance protection taxable to the employee in previous       IRA. Do not check the box for a distribution from a Roth IRA 
years and in the current year under Regulations section             or for an IRA recharacterization.
1.72-16 (cost of current life insurance protection) (only if the 
life insurance contract itself is distributed), and (d) premiums    Enter the appropriate code(s) in box 7. Use Table 1 to 
paid on commercial annuities. Do not include any DVECs,             determine the appropriate code(s) to enter in box 7 for any 
any elective deferrals, or any contribution to a retirement plan    amounts reported on Form 1099-R. Read the codes carefully 
that was not an after-tax contribution.                             and enter them accurately because the IRS uses the codes 
                                                                    to help determine whether the recipient has properly reported 
Generally, for qualified plans, section 403(b) plans, and           the distribution. If the codes you enter are incorrect, the IRS 
nonqualified commercial annuities, enter in box 5 the               may improperly propose changes to the recipient's taxes.
employee contributions or insurance premiums recovered tax          When applicable, enter a numeric and an alpha code. For 
free during the year based on the method you used to                example, when using Code P for a traditional IRA distribution 
determine the taxable amount to be entered in box 2a. On a          under section 408(d)(4), you must also enter Code 1, if it 
separate Form 1099-R, include the portion of the employee's         applies. For a normal distribution from a qualified plan that 
basis that has been distributed from a designated Roth              qualifies for the 10-year tax option, enter Codes 7 and A. For 
account. See the Examples in the instructions for box 2a,           a direct rollover to an IRA or a qualified plan for the surviving 
earlier.                                                            spouse of a deceased participant, or on behalf of a 
If periodic payments began before 1993, you are not                 nonspouse designated beneficiary, enter Codes 4 and G 
required, but you are encouraged, to report in box 5.               (Codes 4 and H if from a designated Roth account to a Roth 
                                                                    IRA). If two or more distribution codes are not valid 
         If you made periodic payments from a qualified plan        combinations, you must file more than one Form 1099-R.
!        and the annuity starting date is after November 18, 
CAUTION  1996, you must use the simplified method to figure                 Enter a maximum of two alphanumeric codes in 
the tax-free amount each year. See Annuity starting date in         !       box 7. See Table 1 for allowable combinations. Only 
1998 or later, earlier.                                             CAUTION three numeric combinations are permitted on one 
                                                                    Form 1099-R: Codes 8 and 1, 8 and 2, or 8 and 4. If two or 
If a total distribution is made, the total employee                 more other numeric codes are applicable, you must file more 
contributions or insurance premiums available to be                 than one Form 1099-R. For example, if part of a distribution is 
recovered tax free must be shown only in box 5. If any              premature (Code 1) and part is not (Code 7), file one Form 
previous distributions were made, any amount recovered tax          1099-R for the part to which Code 1 applies and another 
free in prior years must not appear in box 5.                       Form 1099-R for the part to which Code 7 applies. In 
For payments of reportable death benefits, enter your               addition, for the distribution of excess deferrals, parts of the 
estimate of the buyer’s investment in the contract in box 5.        distribution may be taxable in 2 different years. File separate 

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Forms 1099-R using Code 8 or P to indicate the year the            Box 8. Other
amount is taxable.                                                 Enter the current actuarial value of an annuity contract that is 
                                                                   part of a lump-sum distribution. Do not include this item in 
        If a qualified plan loan offset occurs in a designated 
                                                                   boxes 1 and 2a.
!       Roth account (Codes M and B), or a loan is treated 
CAUTION as a deemed distribution under section 72(p) (Codes        To determine the value of an annuity contract, show the 
L and B) and a numeric code is needed to indicate whether          value as an amount equal to the current actuarial value of the 
the recipient is subject to the 10% tax under section 72(t),       annuity contract, reduced by an amount equal to the excess 
omit Code M or L, as applicable.                                   of the employee's contributions over the cash and other 
                                                                   property (not including the annuity contract) distributed.
Even if the employee/taxpayer is age 59 /  or over, use 1 2
Code 1 if a series of substantially equal periodic payments        If an annuity contract is part of a multiple recipient 
was modified within 5 years of the date of the first payment       lump-sum distribution, enter in box 8, along with the current 
(within the meaning of section 72(q)(3) or (t)(4)), if you have    actuarial value, the percentage of the total annuity contract 
been reporting distributions in previous years using Code 2.       each Form 1099-R represents.
For example, Jordan began receiving payments that                  Also, enter in box 8 the amount of the reduction in the 
qualified for the exception for part of a series of substantially  investment (but not below 0 (zero)) against the cash value of 
equal periodic payments under section 72(t)(2)(A)(iv) when         an annuity contract or the cash surrender value of a life 
they were 57. When they were 61, Jordan modified the               insurance contract due to charges or payments for qualified 
payments. Because the payments were modified within 5              long-term care insurance contracts.
years, use Code 1 in the year the payments were modified, 
even though Jordan is over 59 / .1 2                               Box 9a. Your Percentage of Total Distribution
If you do not know that the taxpayer meets the                     If this is a total distribution and it is made to more than one 
requirements for substantially equal periodic payments under       person, enter the percentage received by the person whose 
section 72(t)(2)(A)(iv), use Code 1 to report the payments.        name appears on Form 1099-R. You need not complete this 
                                                                   box for any IRA distributions or for a direct rollover.
        For further guidance on what makes a series of 
!       substantially equal periodic payments, see Notice          Box 9b. Total Employee Contributions
CAUTION 2022-6, 2022-05 I.R.B. 460. Note that section 72(t)
(2)(A) generally provides that periodic payments will not fail     You are not required to enter the total employee contributions 
to be treated as substantially equal merely because they are       or designated Roth contributions in box 9b. However, 
amounts received as an annuity, and that periodic payments         because this information may be helpful to the recipient, you 
shall be deemed to be substantially equal if they are payable      may choose to report them.
over a period described in section 72(t)(2)(A)(iv) and satisfy     If you choose to report the total employee contributions or 
the requirements for annuity payments under section 401(a)         designated Roth contributions, do not include any amounts 
(9).                                                               recovered tax free in prior years. For a total distribution, 
                                                                   report the total employee contributions or designated Roth 
If part of a distribution is paid in a direct rollover and part is contributions in box 5 rather than in box 9b.
not, you must file a separate Form 1099-R for each part 
showing the appropriate code on each form.                         Box 10. Amount Allocable to IRR Within 5 Years
Governmental section 457(b) plan distributions.                    Enter the amount of the distribution allocable to an IRR made 
Generally, a distribution from a governmental section 457(b)       within the 5-year period beginning with the first day of the 
plan is not subject to the 10% additional tax under section        year in which the rollover was made. Do not complete this 
72(t). However, an early distribution from a governmental          box if an exception under section 72(t) applies.
section 457(b) plan of an amount that is attributable to a 
rollover from another type of eligible retirement plan or IRA is   For further guidance on determining amounts allocable to 
subject to the additional tax as if the distribution were from a   an IRR, see Notice 2010-84, Q/A-13.
plan described in section 401(a). See section 72(t)(9). If the 
distribution consists solely of amounts that are not               Box 11. First Year of Desig. Roth Contrib.
attributable to such a rollover, enter Code 2 in box 7. If the     Enter the first year of the 5-tax-year period. This is the year in 
distribution consists solely of amounts attributable to such a     which the designated Roth account was first established by 
rollover, then enter the appropriate code in box 7 as if the       the recipient.
distribution were from a plan described in section 401(a). If 
the distribution is made up of amounts from both sources,          Box 12. FATCA Filing Requirement Checkbox
you must file separate Forms 1099-R for each part of the           Check the box if you are an FFI reporting a cash value 
distribution unless Code 2 would be entered on                     insurance contract or annuity contract that is a U.S. account 
each form.                                                         in a manner similar to that required under section 6047(d). 
Roth SEP IRAs and Roth SIMPLE IRAs.  Employer                      See Regulations section 1.1471-4(d)(5)(i)(B) for this election. 
matching and nonelective contributions made to a Roth SEP          In addition, check the box if you are a U.S. payer that is 
or Roth SIMPLE IRA must be reported for the year in which          reporting on Form 1099-R as part of satisfying your 
the contributions are made to the employee's Roth IRA, with        requirement to report with respect to a U.S. account for 
the total reported in boxes 1 and 2a, using code 2 or 7 in         chapter 4 purposes, as described in Regulations section 
box 7 and the IRA/SEP/SIMPLE checkbox in box 7 checked.            1.1471-4(d)(2)(iii)(A).

                                                                   Box 13. Date of Payment
                                                                   Enter here the date payment was made for reportable death 
                                                                   benefits under section 6050Y.

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Boxes 14–19. State and Local Information                              appropriate. In box 15, enter the abbreviated name of the 
These boxes and Copies 1 and 2 are provided for your                  state and the payer's state identification number. The state 
convenience only and need not be completed for the IRS.               number is the payer's identification number assigned by the 
Use the state and local information boxes to report                   individual state. In box 18, enter the name of the locality. In 
distributions and taxes for up to two states or localities. Keep      boxes 16 and 19, you may enter the amount of the state or 
the information for each state or locality separated by the           local distribution. Copy 1 may be used to provide information 
broken line. If state or local income tax has been withheld on        to the state or local tax department. Copy 2 may be used as 
this distribution, you may enter it in boxes 14 and 17, as            the recipient's copy in filing a state or local income tax return. 
Table 1. Guide to Distribution Codes
                                                    Guide to Distribution Codes
              Distribution Codes          Explanations                                                                            *Used with code (if 
1—Early distribution, no known exception. Use Code 1 only if the participant has not reached age 59 / , and you do not 1 2        8, B, D, K, L, M, or P
                                          know if any of the exceptions under Code 2, 3, or 4 apply. However, use Code 1 
                                          even if the distribution is made for medical expenses, health insurance premiums, 
                                          qualified higher education expenses, a first-time home purchase, a qualified 
                                          reservist distribution, or a qualified birth or adoption distribution under section 
                                          72(t)(2)(B), (D), (E), (F), (G), or (H). Code 1 must also be used even if a taxpayer 
                                          is 59 /  or older and they modify a series of substantially equal periodic payments 1 2
                                          under section 72(q), (t), or (v) prior to the end of the 5-year period that began with 
                                          the first payment.
2—Early distribution, exception applies.  Use Code 2 only if the participant has not reached age 59 /1 2 and you know the         8, B, D, K, L, M, or P
                                          distribution is the any of the following.
                                          A Roth IRA conversion (an IRA converted to a Roth IRA).
                                          A distribution made from a qualified retirement plan or IRA because of an IRS 
                                          levy under section 6331.
                                          A governmental section 457(b) plan distribution that is not subject to the
                                          additional 10% tax. But see Governmental section 457(b) plans, earlier, for 
                                          information on distributions that may be subject to the 10% additional tax.
                                          A distribution from a qualified retirement plan after separation from service in 
                                          or after the year the participant has reached age 55.
                                          A distribution from a governmental plan to a public safety employee (as 
                                          defined in section 72(t)(10)(B)) after separation from service, in or after the year 
                                          the employee has reached age 50 or 25 years of service under the plan, 
                                          whichever is earlier. A distribution from a qualified plan, a section 403(a) plan, or a 
                                          section 403(b) plan to an employee who provides firefighting services, after 
                                          separation from service, in or after the year the employee has reached age 50 or 
                                          25 years of service under the plan, whichever is earlier.
                                          A distribution that is part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments, 
                                          as described in section 72(q), (t), (u), or (v).
                                          A distribution that is a permissible withdrawal under an eligible automatic 
                                          contribution arrangement (EACA).
                                          Any other distribution subject to an exception under section 72(q), (t), (u), or 
                                          (v) that is not required to be reported using Code 1, 3, or 4.
                                          An employer matching or nonelective contribution made to a Roth SEP IRA or 
                                          a Roth SIMPLE IRA.
3—Disability.                             For these purposes, see section 72(m)(7) and Rev. Rul. 85-105, 1985-2 C.B. 53.          D
4—Death.                                  Use Code 4 regardless of the age of the participant to indicate payment to a            8, A, B, D, G, H, K, L, M, or P
                                          decedent's beneficiary, including an estate or trust. Also, use it for death benefit 
                                          payments made by an employer but not made as part of a pension, profit-sharing, 
                                          or retirement plan. Also, use it for payments of reportable death benefits.
5—Prohibited transaction.                 Use Code 5 if there was a prohibited transaction involving the IRA account. Code  None
                                          5 means the account is no longer an IRA.
6—Section 1035 exchange.                  Use Code 6 to indicate the tax-free exchange of life insurance, annuity, long-term  W
                                          care insurance, or endowment contracts under section 1035.

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                                                        Guide to Distribution Codes
Distribution Codes                               Explanations                                                                                  *Used with code (if 
7—Normal distribution.                           Use Code 7: (a) for a normal distribution from a plan, including a traditional IRA,           A, B, D, K, L, or M
                                                 section 401(k), or section 403(b) plan, if the employee/taxpayer is at least age 
                                                 59 / ; (b) for a Roth IRA conversion if the participant is at least age 59 / ; and (c) 1 2 1 2
                                                 to report a distribution from a life insurance, annuity, or endowment contract and 
                                                 for reporting income from a failed life insurance contract under section 7702(g) 
                                                 and (h). See Rev. Proc. 2008-42, 2008-29 I.R.B. 160, available at IRS.gov/irb/
                                                 2008-29_IRB#RP-2008-42. Generally, use Code 7 if no other code applies. Do 
                                                 not use Code 7 for a Roth IRA.
                                                 Note. Code 1 must be used even if a taxpayer is age 59 /  or older and they 1 2
                                                 modify a series of substantially equal periodic payments under section 72(q), (t), 
                                                 or (v) prior to the end of the 5-year period that began with the first payment.
8—Excess contributions plus earnings/excess      Use Code 8 for a corrective IRA distribution under section 408(d)(4), unless Code  1, 2, 4, B, J, or K
deferrals (and/or earnings) taxable in 2024.     P applies. Also, use this code for corrective distributions of excess deferrals, 
                                                 excess contributions, and excess aggregate contributions, unless Code P 
                                                 applies. See Corrective Distributions, earlier, and IRA Revocation or Account 
                                                 Closure, earlier, for more information.
9—Cost of current life insurance protection.     Use Code 9 to report premiums paid by a trustee or custodian for current life or              None
                                                 other insurance protection. See the instructions for Box 2a. Taxable Amount, 
                                                 earlier, for more information.
A—May be eligible for 10-year tax option.        Use Code A only for participants born before January 2, 1936, or their                        4 or 7
                                                 beneficiaries to indicate the distribution may be eligible for the 10-year tax option 
                                                 method of computing the tax on lump-sum distributions (on Form 4972, Tax on 
                                                 Lump-Sum Distributions). To determine whether the distribution may be eligible 
                                                 for the tax option, you need not consider whether the recipient used this method 
                                                 (or capital gain treatment) in the past.
B—Designated Roth account distribution.          Use Code B for a distribution from a designated Roth account. But use Code E for  1, 2, 4, 7, 8, G, L, M, P, or U
                                                 a section 415 distribution under EPCRS (see Code E) or Code H for a direct 
                                                 rollover to a Roth IRA.
C—Reportable death benefits under section 6050Y. Use Code C for a distribution to report payments of reportable death benefits.                D
D—Annuity payments from nonqualified annuities   Use Code D for a distribution from any plan or arrangement not described in                   1, 2, 3, 4, 7, or C
and distributions from life insurance contracts  section 401(a), 403(a), 403(b), 408, 408A, or 457(b).
that may be subject to tax under section 1411.
E—Distributions under Employee Plans             See Distributions Under Employee Plans Compliance Resolution System                           None
Compliance Resolution System (EPCRS).            (EPCRS), earlier.
F—Charitable gift annuity.                       See Charitable gift annuities, earlier.                                                       None
G—Direct rollover and direct payment.            Use Code G for a direct rollover from a qualified plan, a section 403(b) plan, or a           4, B, or K
                                                 governmental section 457(b) plan to an eligible retirement plan (another qualified 
                                                 plan, a section 403(b) plan, a governmental section 457(b) plan, or an IRA). See 
                                                 Direct Rollovers , earlier. Also, use Code G for a direct payment from an IRA to an 
                                                 accepting employer plan, for IRRs that are direct rollovers, and to report 
                                                 designated Roth nonelective contributions and designated Roth matching 
                                                 contributions for the year in which the contributions are allocated. 
                                                 Note. Do not use Code G for a direct rollover from a designated Roth account to a 
                                                 Roth IRA. Use Code H.
H—Direct rollover of a designated Roth account   Use Code H for a direct rollover of a distribution from a designated Roth account             4
distribution to a Roth IRA.                      to a Roth IRA.
J—Early distribution from a Roth IRA.            Use Code J for a distribution from a Roth IRA when Code Q or T does not apply.                 8 or P
                                                 But use Code 2 for an IRS levy and Code 5 for a prohibited transaction.
K—Distribution of traditional IRA assets not     Use Code K to report distributions of IRA assets not having a readily available               1, 2, 4, 7, 8, or G
having a readily available FMV.                  FMV. These assets may include:
                                                 Stock, other ownership interest in a corporation, short- or long-term debt 
                                                 obligations, not readily tradable on an established securities market; 
                                                 Ownership interest in a limited liability company (LLC), partnership, trust, or 
                                                 similar entity (unless the interest is traded on an established securities market);
                                                 Real estate; 
                                                 Option contracts or similar products not offered for trade on an established 
                                                 option exchange; or 
                                                 Other asset that does not have a readily available FMV.

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                                                                            Guide to Distribution Codes
                   Distribution Codes                           Explanations                                                                        *Used with code (if 
L—Loans treated as deemed distributions under                   Do not use Code L to report a plan loan offset. See Loans Treated as                1, 2, 4, 7, or B
section 72(p).                                                  Distributions, earlier.
M—Qualified plan loan offset.                                   Use Code M for a qualified plan loan offset (which is generally a type of plan loan  1, 2, 4, 7, or B
                                                                offset due to severance from employment or termination of the plan). See Plan 
                                                                loan offsets, earlier.
N—Recharacterized IRA contribution made for                     Use Code N for a recharacterization of an IRA contribution made for 2024 and        None
2024.                                                           recharacterized in 2024 to another type of IRA by a trustee-to-trustee transfer or 
                                                                with the same trustee.
P—Excess contributions plus earnings/excess                     See the explanation for Code 8. The IRS suggests that anyone using Code P for       1, 2, 4, B, or J
deferrals taxable in 2023.                                      the refund of an IRA contribution under section 408(d)(4), including excess Roth 
                                                                IRA contributions, advise payees, at the time the distribution is made, that the 
                                                                earnings are taxable in the year in which the contributions were made.
Q—Qualified distribution from a Roth IRA.                       Use Code Q for a distribution from a Roth IRA if you know that the participant      None
                                                                meets the 5-year holding period and:
                                                                The participant has reached age 59 / ,1 2
                                                                The participant died, or
                                                                The participant is disabled.
                                                                Note. If any other code, such as 8 or P, applies, use Code J.
R—Recharacterized IRA contribution made for                     Use Code R for a recharacterization of an IRA contribution made for 2023 and        None
2023.                                                           recharacterized in 2024 to another type of IRA by a trustee-to-trustee transfer or 
                                                                with the same trustee.
S—Early distribution from a SIMPLE IRA in the                   Use Code S only if the distribution is from a SIMPLE IRA in the first 2 years, the  None
first 2 years, no known exception.                              employee/taxpayer has not reached age 59 / , and none of the exceptions under 1 2
                                                                section 72(t) are known to apply when the distribution is made. The 2-year period 
                                                                begins on the day contributions are first deposited in the individual's SIMPLE IRA. 
                                                                Do not use Code S if Code 3 or 4 applies.
T—Roth IRA distribution, exception applies.                     Use Code T for a distribution from a Roth IRA if you do not know if the 5-year      None
                                                                holding period has been met but:
                                                                The participant has reached age 59 / ,1 2
                                                                The participant died, or
                                                                The participant is disabled.
                                                                Note. If any other code, such as 8 or P, applies, use Code J.
U—Dividends distributed from an ESOP under                      Use Code U for a distribution of dividends from an employee stock ownership         B
section 404(k).                                                 plan (ESOP) under section 404(k). These are not eligible rollover distributions. 
                                                                Note. Do not report dividends paid by the corporation directly to plan participants 
                                                                or their beneficiaries. Continue to report those dividends on Form 1099-DIV.
W—Charges or payments for purchasing qualified                  Use Code W for charges or payments for purchasing qualified long-term care          6
long-term care insurance contracts under                        insurance contracts under combined arrangements that are excludable under 
combined arrangements.                                          section 72(e)(11) against the cash value of an annuity contract or the cash 
                                                                surrender value of a life insurance contract.
*See the first two Cautions for the box 7 instructions, earlier.

                                                                                                         You are required to file Form 5498 even if required 
Specific Instructions for Form 5498                                                             !        minimum distributions (RMDs) or other annuity or 
File Form 5498, IRA Contribution Information, with the IRS by                                 CAUTION    periodic payments have started.

May 31, 2025, for each person for whom in 2024 you                                              Report contributions to a Kay Bailey Hutchison Spousal 
maintained any individual retirement arrangement (IRA),                                       IRA under section 219(c) on a separate Form 5498 using the 
including a deemed IRA under section 408(q).                                                  name and TIN of the spouse.
An IRA includes all investments under one IRA plan. It is                                       For contributions made between January 1 and April 15, 
not necessary to file a Form 5498 for each investment under                                   2025, trustees and issuers should obtain the participant's 
one plan. For example, if a participant has three certificates                                designation of the year for which the contributions are made.
of deposit (CDs) under one IRA plan, only one Form 5498 is 
required for all contributions and the fair market values                                     Direct rollovers, transfers, and recharacterizations.                     You 
(FMVs) of the CDs under the plan. However, if a participant                                   must report the receipt of a direct rollover from a qualified 
has established more than one IRA plan with the same                                          plan, section 403(b) plan, or governmental section 457(b) 
trustee, a separate Form 5498 must be filed for each plan.                                    plan to an IRA. Report a direct rollover in box 2. For 
                                                                                              information on direct rollovers of eligible rollover distributions, 
Contributions.     You must report contributions to any IRA on                                see Direct Rollovers, earlier.
Form 5498. See the instructions under boxes 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9,                                   If a rollover or trustee-to-trustee transfer is made from a 
10, 13a, and 14a, later. If no reportable contributions were                                  savings incentive match plan for employees (SIMPLE) IRA to 
made for 2024, complete only boxes 5 and 7, and boxes 11,                                     an IRA that is not a SIMPLE IRA and the trustee has 
12a, 12b, 15a, and 15b, if applicable. See Reporting FMV of                                   adequately substantiated information that the participant has 
certain specified assets, later.                                                              not satisfied the first 2 years of plan participation, report the 

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amount as a regular contribution in box 1 even if the amount       closed IRA, see IRA Revocation or Account Closure under 
exceeds $6,500 ($7,500 for participants 50 or older).              the Specific Instructions for Form 1099-R, earlier.
Transfers. Do not report on Form 5498 a                            Total distribution, no contributions. Generally, if a total 
trustee-to-trustee transfer from (a) a traditional IRA or a        distribution was made from an account during the year and 
simplified employee pension (SEP) IRA to another traditional       no contributions, including rollovers, recharacterizations, or 
IRA or SEP IRA, or to a SIMPLE IRA after the first 2 years of      Roth IRA conversion amounts, were made for that year, you 
plan participation; (b) a SIMPLE IRA to another SIMPLE IRA,        need not file Form 5498 or furnish the annual statement to 
or to a traditional IRA or SEP IRA after the first 2 years of plan reflect that the FMV on December 31 was zero.
participation; or (c) a Roth IRA to another Roth IRA.
Recharacterizations.  You must report each                         RMDs.   An IRA (other than a Roth IRA) owner/participant 
recharacterization of an IRA contribution. If a participant        must begin taking distributions for each calendar year 
makes a contribution to an IRA (first IRA) for a year, the         beginning with the calendar year in which the participant 
participant may choose to recharacterize the contribution by       attains age 73 (it was age 72 for participants who attained 
transferring, in a trustee-to-trustee transfer, any part of the    age 72 before 2022). The distribution for the 73 year old must 
contribution (plus earnings) to another IRA (second IRA). The      be made no later than April 1 of the following calendar year; 
contribution is treated as made to the second IRA                  RMDs for any other year must be made no later than 
(recharacterization). A recharacterization may be made with        December 31 of the year. See Public Law (P.L.) 117-328, Div. 
the same trustee or with another trustee. The trustee of the       T, Title III, section 107.
first IRA must report the amount contributed before the            For each IRA you held as of December 31 of the prior 
recharacterization as a contribution on Form 5498 and the          year, if an RMD is required for the year, you must provide a 
recharacterization as a distribution on Form 1099-R. The           statement to the IRA participant by January 31 regarding the 
trustee of the second IRA must report the amount received          RMD using one of two alternative methods described below. 
(FMV) in box 4 on Form 5498 and check the type of IRA in           You are not required to use the same method for all IRA 
box 7.                                                             participants; you can use Alternative one for some IRA 
All recharacterized contributions received by an IRA in the        participants and Alternative two for the rest. Under both 
same year must be totaled and reported on one Form 5498 in         methods, the statement must inform the participant that you 
box 4. You may report the FMV of the account on the same           are reporting to the IRS that an RMD is required for the year. 
Form 5498 you use to report a recharacterization of an IRA         The statement can be provided in conjunction with the 
contribution and any other contributions made to the IRA for       statement of the FMV.
the year.                                                          If the IRA participant is deceased, and the surviving 
No recharacterizations of conversions made in 2018 or              spouse is the sole beneficiary, special rules apply for RMD 
later.  A conversion of a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA, and a     reporting. If the surviving spouse elects to treat the IRA as 
rollover from any other eligible retirement plan to a Roth IRA,    the spouse's own, then report with the surviving spouse as 
made in the participant’s tax years beginning after December       the owner. However, if the surviving spouse does not elect to 
31, 2017, cannot be recharacterized as having been made to         treat the IRA as the spouse's own, then you must continue to 
a traditional IRA.                                                 treat the surviving spouse as the beneficiary. Until further 
                                                                   guidance is issued, no reporting is required for IRAs of 
Catch-up contributions. Participants who are age 50 or             deceased participants (except where the surviving spouse 
older by the end of the year may be eligible to make catch-up      elects to treat the IRA as the spouse's own, as described 
IRA contributions or catch-up elective deferral contributions.     above).
The annual IRA regular contribution limit of $6,500 is 
                                                                   Alternative one. Under this method, include in the 
increased to $7,500 for participants age 50 or older. 
                                                                   statement the amount of the RMD with respect to the IRA for 
Catch-up elective deferral contributions reported on Form 
                                                                   the calendar year and the date by which the distribution must 
5498 may be made under a salary reduction SEP (SARSEP) 
                                                                   be made. The amount may be calculated assuming the sole 
or under a SIMPLE IRA plan. For 2024, up to $7,500 in 
                                                                   beneficiary of the IRA is not a spouse more than 10 years 
catch-up elective deferral contributions may be made under a 
                                                                   younger than the participant. Use the value of the account as 
SARSEP, and up to $3,500 to a SIMPLE IRA plan. For more 
                                                                   of December 31 of the prior year to compute the amount. See 
information on catch-up elective deferral contributions, see       the instructions for boxes 11. Check if RMD for 2024 12a. , 
Regulations section 1.414(v)-1.                                    RMD Date, and 12b. RMD Amount, later, for how to report.
Include any catch-up amounts when reporting                        Alternative two. Under this method, the statement 
contributions for the year in box 1, 8, 9, or 10, or for a prior   informs the participant that a minimum distribution with 
year in box 13a.                                                   respect to the IRA is required for the calendar year and the 
Roth IRA conversions. You must report the receipt of a             date by which such amount must be distributed. You must 
conversion from an IRA to a Roth IRA even if the conversion        include an offer to furnish the participant with a calculation of 
is with the same trustee. Report the total amount converted        the amount of the RMD if requested by the participant.
from a traditional IRA, SEP IRA, or SIMPLE IRA to a Roth IRA       Electronic filing. These statements may be furnished 
in box 3.                                                          electronically using the procedures described in part F of the 
                                                                   current General Instructions for Certain Information Returns.
IRA revocation or account closure. If a traditional IRA, 
                                                                   Reporting to the IRS.      If an RMD is required, check 
Roth IRA, or SIMPLE IRA is revoked during its first 7 days 
                                                                   box 11. See Box 11. Check if RMD for 2024, later. For 
(under Regulations section 1.408-6(d)(4)(ii)) or closed at any 
                                                                   example, box 11 is checked on the Form 5498 for a 2025 
time by the IRA trustee pursuant to its resignation or such 
                                                                   RMD. You are not required to report to the IRS the amount or 
other event mandating the closure of the account, Form 5498 
                                                                   the date by which the distribution must be made. However, 
must be filed to report any regular, rollover, IRA conversion, 
                                                                   see the Caution following the box 11 instructions, later, for 
SEP IRA, or SIMPLE IRA contributions to the IRA. For 
                                                                   reporting RMDs to participants.
information about reporting a distribution from a revoked or 

Instructions for Forms 1099-R and 5498 (2024)                                                                                    19

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For more details, see Notice 2002-27 on page 814 of               For more information about the reporting requirements for 
I.R.B. 2002-18 at IRS.gov/pub/irs-irbs/irb02-18.pdf, as         inherited IRAs, see Rev. Proc. 89-52, 1989-2 C.B. 632.
clarified by Notice 2003-3 on page 258 of I.R.B. 2003-2 at 
                                                                Disaster relief reporting. Special rules apply to tax-favored 
                                                                withdrawals, income inclusion, and repayments for 
Inherited IRAs. In the year an IRA participant dies, you, as    individuals who suffered economic losses as a result of 
an IRA trustee or issuer, must generally file a Form 5498 and   certain major disasters. See Disaster-Related Relief in Pub. 
furnish an annual statement for the decedent and a Form         590-B, for more information.
5498 and an annual statement for each nonspouse                   For information about disaster relief available in your area, 
beneficiary. An IRA holder must be able to identify the source  including postponements, go to IRS News Around the Nation.
of each IRA they hold for purposes of figuring the taxation of 
a distribution from an IRA. Thus, the decedent's name must        See the instructions for boxes 13a through 13c for 
be shown on the beneficiary's Form 5498 and annual              reporting postponed contributions, later.
statement. For example, you may enter “Brian Willow as          Special reporting for U.S. Armed Forces in designated 
beneficiary of Joan Maple” or something similar that signifies  combat zones.   A participant who is serving in, or in support 
that the IRA was once owned by Joan Maple. You may              of, the Armed Forces in a designated combat zone or 
abbreviate the word “beneficiary” as, for example, “bene.”      qualified hazardous duty area has an additional period after 
For a spouse beneficiary, unless the spouse makes the           the normal contribution due date of April 15 to make IRA 
IRA their own, treat the spouse as a nonspouse beneficiary      contributions for a prior year. The period is the time the 
for reporting purposes. If the spouse makes the IRA their       participant was in the designated zone or area plus at least 
own, do not report the beneficiary designation on Form 5498     180 days. The participant must designate the IRA 
and the annual statement.                                       contribution for a prior year to claim it as a deduction on the 
                                                                income tax return.
An IRA set up to receive a direct rollover for a nonspouse 
designated beneficiary is treated as an inherited IRA.            Under section 219(f), combat zone compensation that is 
FMV. On the decedent's Form 5498 and annual statement,          excluded from gross income under section 112 is treated as 
you must enter the FMV of the IRA on the date of death in       includible compensation for purposes of determining IRA 
box 5. Or you may choose the alternate reporting method and     contributions.
report the FMV as of the end of the year in which the             A qualifying participant is:
decedent died. This alternate value will usually be zero        Serving or has served in a combat zone;
because you will be reporting the end-of-year valuation on      Serving or has served in a qualifying hazardous duty area; 
the beneficiary's Form 5498 and annual statement. The same      or
figure should not be shown on both the beneficiary's and        Serving or has served in an active direct support area.
decedent's forms. If you choose to report using the alternate     If a qualifying participant designates an IRA contribution 
method, you must inform the executor or administrator of the    for a prior year, other than an IRA contribution made by April 
decedent's estate of their right to request a date-of-death     15 for the preceding year, you must report the type of IRA 
valuation.                                                      (box 7) and the amount on Form 5498. Report the amount 
On the beneficiary's Form 5498 and annual statement, the        either for (1) the year for which the contribution was made, or 
FMV of that beneficiary's share of the IRA as of the end of the (2) a subsequent year. See the instructions for boxes 13a, 
year must be shown in box 5. Every year thereafter that the     13b, and 13c, later.
IRA exists, you must file Form 5498 and furnish an annual         1. If you report a contribution for 2024 made before April 
statement for each beneficiary who has not received a total     15, 2025, no special reporting is required. Include the 
distribution of their share of the IRA showing the FMV at the   contribution in box 1 or 10 of an original Form 5498 or of a 
end of the year and identifying the IRA, as described above.    corrected Form 5498 if an original was previously filed.
However, if a beneficiary takes a total distribution of their     2. If you report the contribution on Form 5498 in a 
share of the IRA in the year of death, you need not file a Form subsequent year, you must include the year for which the 
5498 or furnish an annual statement for that beneficiary, but   contribution was made, the amount of the contribution, and 
you must still file Form 5498 for the decedent.                 one of the following indicators.
If you have no knowledge of the death of an IRA                   a. Use “EO13239” for Afghanistan and those countries in 
participant until after you are required to file Form 5498 (May direct support, including Djibouti, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, 
31, 2025), you are not required to file a corrected Form 5498   Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Yemen.
or furnish a corrected annual statement. However, you must 
                                                                  b. Use “EO12744” for the Arabian Peninsula, including air 
still provide the date-of-death valuation in a timely manner to 
                                                                space and adjacent waters (the Persian Gulf; the Red Sea; 
the executor or administrator upon request.
                                                                the Gulf of Oman, the Gulf of Aden; the portion of the Arabian 
In the case of successor beneficiaries, apply the               Sea that lies north of 10 degrees north latitude and west of 68 
preceding rules by treating the prior beneficiary as the        degrees east longitude; the total land areas of Iraq, Kuwait, 
decedent and the successor beneficiary as the beneficiary.      Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab 
Using the example above (Brian Willow as beneficiary of         Emirates; Lebanon, and Turkey east of longitude 33.51E), 
Joan Maple), when that account passes to Brian's successor      and Jordan, which is in direct support of the Arabian 
beneficiary, Maurice Poplar, Form 5498 and the annual           Peninsula.
statement for Maurice should state “Maurice Poplar as 
                                                                  c. Use “EO13119” or “P.L.106-21” for the Federal 
beneficiary of Brian Willow.” The final Form 5498 and annual 
                                                                Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), Albania, 
statement for Brian Willow will state “Brian Willow as 
                                                                Kosovo, the Adriatic Sea, and the Ionian Sea north of the 
beneficiary of Joan Maple” and will show the FMV as of the 
                                                                39th parallel. (Note. The combat zone designation for 
date of Brian's death or year-end valuation, depending on the 
                                                                Montenegro and Kosovo (previously a province within Serbia) 
method chosen.
                                                                under Executive Order 13119 remains in force even though 

20                                                                          Instructions for Forms 1099-R and 5498 (2024)

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Montenegro and Kosovo became independent nations since            reported in box 1 (even if the amount exceeds the regular 
EO13119 was signed.)                                              contribution limit), you must file a corrected Form 5498.
d. Use “P.L.115-97” for the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt.             Statements to participants. If you are required to file Form 
        For additions to, or subtractions from, the list of       5498, you must provide a statement to the participant. By 
                                                                  January 31, 2025, you must provide participants with a 
!       combat zones or qualified hazardous duty areas            statement of the December 31, 2024, value of the 
CAUTION implemented by executive orders and public laws, 
and direct support areas designated by the Secretary of           participant's account (including information required to be 
Defense, after the publication date of these instructions, go to  reported in boxes 15a and 15b for hard-to-value assets) and 
IRS.gov/Form5498.                                                 RMD, if applicable. Trustees of SIMPLE IRAs must also 
                                                                  provide a statement of the account activity by January 31, 
Example.    For a $4,000 IRA contribution designated by a         2025. Contribution information for all other types of IRAs 
participant who served under EO13239 for the tax year 2023,       must be provided by May 31, 2025. You are not required to 
enter “4000” in box 13a, “2023” in box 13b, and “EO13239” in      provide information to the IRS or to participants as to whether 
box 13c only. Make no entry in box 1 or box 10.                   a contribution is deductible or nondeductible. In addition, the 
Repayment of qualified reservist distributions.        Report     participant is not required to tell you whether a contribution is 
any repayment of a qualified reservist distribution as            deductible or nondeductible.
described in section 72(t)(2)(G) in boxes 14a (amount) and        If you furnished a statement of the FMV of the account 
14b (with indicator code “QR”).                                   (including information required to be reported in boxes 15a 
Repayment of qualified disaster distributions.         Report     and 15b for hard-to-value assets) and RMD, if applicable, to 
any repayment of a qualified disaster distribution, as            the participant by January 31, 2025, and no reportable 
described in applicable disaster legislation, in boxes 14a        contributions, including rollovers, recharacterizations, or Roth 
(amount) and 14b (with indicator code “DD”).                      IRA conversions, were made for 2024, you need not furnish 
Repayment of qualified birth or adoption                          another statement (or Form 5498) to the participant to report 
distributions. Report any repayment of a qualified birth or       zero contributions. However, you must file Form 5498 with the 
adoption distribution as described in section 72(t)(2)(H) in      IRS by May 31, 2025, to report the December 31, 2024, FMV 
boxes 14a (amount) and 14b (with indicator code "BA").            of the account and the FMV of hard-to-value assets. This rule 
Military death gratuities and servicemembers' group               also applies to beneficiary accounts under the inherited IRA 
life insurance (SGLI) payments.       Recipients of military      rules, earlier. For more information about the requirement to 
death gratuities and SGLI payments may contribute amounts         furnish statements to participants, see part M in the current 
received to a Roth IRA, up to the amount of the gratuity or       General Instructions for Certain Information Returns.
SGLI payment less any amounts contributed to Coverdell                    If you do not furnish another statement to the 
ESAs. Report the amount of the rollover contribution in box 2     !       participant because no reportable contributions were 
only. See section 408A(e)(2), and Notice 2010-15, 2010-06         CAUTION made for the year, the statement of the FMV of the 
I.R.B. 390, available at IRS.gov/irb/                             account must contain a legend designating which information 
2010-06_IRB#NOT-2010-15, for more information on                  is being filed with the IRS.
Electronic filers. You may request an automatic waiver            Truncating participant's TIN on payee statements. 
from filing Forms 5498 electronically for combat zone             Pursuant to Regulations section 301.6109-4, all filers of Form 
participants by submitting Form 8508, Request for Waiver          5498 may truncate a participant’s TIN (social security number 
From Filing Information Returns Electronically. Once you          (SSN), individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN), 
have received the waiver, you may report all Forms 5498 for       adoption taxpayer identification number (ATIN), or employer 
combat zone participants on paper. Alternatively, you may         identification number (EIN)) on payee statements. Truncation 
report contributions made by the normal contribution due          is not allowed on any documents the filer files with the IRS. A 
date electronically and report the contributions made after       trustee's or issuer's TIN may not be truncated on any form. 
the normal contribution due date on paper. You may also           See part J in the current General Instructions for Certain 
report prior year contributions by combat zone participants       Information Returns.
on a corrected Form 5498 electronically or on paper.
See part F in the current General Instructions for Certain        Account Number
Information Returns for information on how to request a           The account number is required if you have multiple accounts 
waiver on Form 8508.                                              for a recipient for whom you are filing more than one Form 
Reporting FMV of certain specified assets.       Assets held      5498. Additionally, the IRS encourages you to designate an 
in an IRA that are not readily tradable on an established         account number for all Forms 5498 that you file. See part L in 
securities market or option exchange, or that do not have a       the current General Instructions for Certain Information 
readily available FMV, must be reported at the FMV                Returns.
determined as of December 31, 2024. See the instructions 
for boxes 15a and 15b, later.                                     Box 1. IRA Contributions (Other Than Amounts 
                                                                  in Boxes 2–4, 8–10, 13a, and 14a)
Corrected Form 5498.     If you file a Form 5498 with the IRS 
and later discover that there is an error on it, you must correct Enter contributions to a traditional IRA made in 2024 and 
it as soon as possible. See part H in the current General         through April 15, 2025, designated for 2024.
Instructions for Certain Information Returns, or Pub. 1220, if    Report gross contributions, including the amount allocable 
filing electronically. For example, if you reported contributions to the cost of life insurance (see Box 6. Life Insurance Cost 
as rollover contributions in box 2, and you later discover that   Included in Box 1, later) and including any excess 
part of the contribution was not eligible to be rolled over and   contributions, even if the excess contributions were 
was, therefore, a regular contribution that should have been      withdrawn. If an excess contribution is treated as a 

Instructions for Forms 1099-R and 5498 (2024)                                                                                 21

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contribution in a subsequent year under section 219(f)(6), do     Box 5. FMV of Account
not report it on Form 5498 for the subsequent year. It has        Enter the FMV of the account on December 31, 2024. For 
already been reported as a contribution on Form 5498 for the      inherited IRAs, see Inherited IRAs, earlier.
year it was actually contributed.
                                                                          Trustees and custodians are responsible for ensuring 
  Also include employer contributions to an IRA that are not      !       that all IRA assets (including those not traded on 
made pursuant to a SEP arrangement (which include                 CAUTION established markets or not having a readily 
employer contributions that are nominally under a SEP             determinable market value) are valued annually at their FMV.
arrangement but that exceed the definite written allocation 
formula of the SEP arrangement). Such contributions are           Box 6. Life Insurance Cost Included in Box 1
contributions made by the employee, not by the employer, 
that are treated as regular IRA contributions subject to the      For endowment contracts only, enter the amount included in 
100% of compensation and $6,500 ($7,500 for participants          box 1 allocable to the cost of life insurance.
age 50 or older) limits of section 219. Do not include 
employer SEP IRA contributions or SARSEP contributions            Box 7. Checkboxes
under section 408(k)(6). Instead, include them in box 8.          Check the appropriate box.
                                                                  IRA. Check “IRA” if you are filing Form 5498 to report 
  Also, do not include in box 1 employer contributions,           information about a traditional IRA account.
including salary deferrals, to a SIMPLE IRA (report them in 
box 9) and a Roth IRA (report them in box 10). In addition, do    SEP. Check “SEP” if you are filing Form 5498 to report 
not include in box 1 rollovers and recharacterizations (report    information about a SEP IRA. If you do not know whether the 
rollovers in box 2 and recharacterizations in box 4), or a Roth   account is a SEP IRA, check the “IRA” box.
IRA conversion amount (report in box 3).                          SIMPLE. Check “SIMPLE” if you are filing Form 5498 to 
                                                                  report information about a SIMPLE IRA account. Do not file 
Box 2. Rollover Contributions                                     Form 5498 for a SIMPLE 401(k) plan.
Enter any rollover contributions (or contributions treated as 
rollovers) to any IRA received by you during 2024. These          Roth IRA. Check “Roth IRA” if you are filing Form 5498 to 
contributions may be any of the following.                        report information about a Roth IRA account.
A 60-day rollover between Roth IRAs or between other            Roth SEP IRA. Check both “SEP” and “Roth IRA” if you are 
types of IRAs.                                                    filing Form 5498 to report information about a Roth SEP IRA.
A direct or indirect (within 60 days) rollover from a qualified 
plan, section 403(b) plan, or governmental section 457(b)         Roth SIMPLE IRA.    Check both “SIMPLE” and “Roth IRA” if 
plan.                                                             you are filing Form 5498 to report information about a Roth 
Any qualified rollover contribution, as defined in section      SIMPLE IRA.
408A(e) from an eligible retirement plan (other than an IRA) 
                                                                  Box 8. SEP Contributions
to a Roth IRA.
A military death gratuity.                                      Enter employer contributions made to a SEP IRA (including 
An SGLI payment.                                                salary deferrals under a SARSEP) during 2024, including 
                                                                  contributions made in 2024 for 2023, but not including 
  For the rollover of property, enter the FMV of the property     contributions made in 2025 for 2024. Trustees and issuers 
on the date you receive it. This value may be different from      are not responsible for reporting the year for which SEP 
the value of the property on the date it was distributed to the   contributions are made. Do not enter employer contributions 
participant.                                                      to an IRA that are not made pursuant to a SEP arrangement 
                                                                  (which include employer contributions that are nominally 
  For more details, see Pub. 590-A.                               under a SEP arrangement but that exceed the definite written 
                                                                  allocation formula of the SEP arrangement). Report any 
Note. Do not use box 2 for late rollover contributions,           employer contributions to an IRA that are not made pursuant 
including rollovers of qualified plan loan offset amounts after   to a SEP arrangement in box 1. Include in box 8 SEP 
60 days or any of the following repayments made after 60          contributions made by a self-employed person to their own 
days.                                                             account. Also, include in box 8 contributions to a Roth SEP 
Qualified reservist distributions.                              IRA.
Qualified disaster distributions.
Qualified birth or adoption distributions.                      Box 9. SIMPLE Contributions
See the instructions for boxes 13a through 13c 14a, , and         Enter employer contributions, including salary deferrals, 
14b, later.                                                       made to a SIMPLE IRA during 2023, including contributions 
                                                                  made in 2023 for 2022, but not including contributions made 
Box 3. Roth IRA Conversion Amount                                 in 2024 for 2023. Trustees and issuers are not responsible for 
Enter the amount converted from a traditional IRA, SEP IRA,       reporting the year for which SIMPLE contributions are made. 
or SIMPLE IRA to a Roth IRA during 2024. Do not include a         Do not include contributions to a SIMPLE 401(k) plan. Also, 
rollover from one Roth IRA to another Roth IRA, or a qualified    include in box 9 contributions to a Roth SIMPLE IRA.
rollover contribution under section 408A(e) from an eligible 
retirement plan (other than an IRA) to a Roth IRA. These          Box 10. Roth IRA Contributions
rollovers are reported in box 2.                                  Enter any contributions made to a Roth IRA in 2024 and 
                                                                  through April 15, 2025, designated for 2024. Also enter a 
Box 4. Recharacterized Contributions                              rollover contribution to a Roth IRA from a long-term section 
Enter any amounts recharacterized plus earnings from one          529 qualified tuition program that was made after December 
type of IRA to another.

22                                                                          Instructions for Forms 1099-R and 5498 (2024)

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31, 2023, and on or before April 15, 2025, that is designated   For participants' service in a combat zone, hazardous duty 
for 2024. However, report Roth IRA conversion amounts in        area, or direct support area, enter the appropriate executive 
box 3. Report a qualified rollover contribution made under      order or public law, as defined under Special reporting for 
section 408A(e) from an eligible retirement plan (other than    U.S. Armed Forces in designated combat zones, earlier.
an IRA) to a Roth IRA in box 2. Do not include in box 10        For participants who are “affected taxpayers,” as described 
contributions to a Roth SEP IRA or Roth SIMPLE IRA.             in an IRS News Release relating to a federally designated 
Also, report qualified rollover contributions made under        disaster area, enter “FD.” (For a repayment of a qualified 
section 529(c)(E) from a qualified tuition plan (QTP) to a Roth disaster distribution, use boxes 14a and 14b.)
IRA maintained for the benefit of the QTP beneficiary.          For participants who are making a rollover of a qualified 
                                                                plan loan offset amount, enter “PO.” See the discussion of 
Box 11. Check if RMD for 2025                                   qualified plan loan offsets in the second paragraph under 
Check the box if the participant must take an RMD for 2025.     Plan Loan Offsets in the Form 1099-R instructions, earlier.
You are required to check the box for the year in which the     For participants who have certified that the rollover 
IRA participant reaches age 73 even though the RMD for that     contribution is late because of one or more of the 
year need not be made until April 1 of the following year.      circumstances listed in section 3.02(2) of Rev. Proc. 2020-46, 
Then, check the box for each subsequent year an RMD is          enter “SC.”
required to be made.
                                                                Box 14a. Repayments
        Boxes 12a and 12b are provided for your use to          Enter the amount of any repayment of a qualified reservist 
!       report RMD dates and amounts to participants. You       distribution, a qualified disaster distribution, or a qualified 
CAUTION may choose to complete these boxes, or continue to 
                                                                birth or adoption distribution.
provide a separate Form 5498, or a separate statement, to 
report the information required by Alternative one or           Box 14b. Code
Alternative two, earlier. To determine the RMD, see the         Enter “QR” for the repayment of a qualified reservist 
regulations under sections 401(a)(9) and 408(a)(6) and (b)      distribution, “DD” for repayment of a qualified disaster 
(3).                                                            distribution, or “BA” for repayment of a qualified birth or 
                                                                adoption distribution.
Box 12a. RMD Date
Enter the RMD date if you are using Form 5498 to report the     Box 15a. FMV of Certain Specified Assets
additional information. See RMDs, earlier.                      Enter the FMV of the investments in the IRA that are 
                                                                specified in the categories identified below.
Box 12b. RMD Amount
Enter the RMD amount if you are using Form 5498 to report       Box 15b. Code(s)
the additional information under Alternative one. See           Enter the code for the type(s) of investments held in the IRA 
Alternative one, earlier.                                       for which the FMV is reported in box 15a. A maximum of two 
                                                                codes can be entered in box 15b. If more than two codes 
Box 13a. Postponed/late contrib.                                apply, enter Code H.
Report the amount of any postponed contribution made in         A—Stock or other ownership interest in a corporation that 
2024 for a prior year. If contributions were made for more      is not readily tradable on an established securities market.
than 1 prior year, each prior year's postponed contribution     B—Short- or long-term debt obligation that is not traded on 
must be reported on a separate form. Report the amount of a     an established securities market.
late rollover contribution made during 2024, including          C—Ownership interest in a limited liability company or 
rollovers that are (1) certified by participants, (2) qualified similar entity (unless the interest is traded on an established 
plan loan offsets, and (3) related to taxpayers for federally   securities market).
declared disasters. See Rev. Proc. 2020-46, 2020-45 I.R.B.      D—Real estate.
995, available at IRS.gov/irb/2020-45_IRB#REV-                  E—Ownership interest in a partnership, trust, or similar 
PROC-2020-46. If the participant also has a postponed           entity (unless the interest is traded on an established 
contribution, use a separate Form 5498 to report a late         securities market).
rollover.                                                       F—Option contract or similar product that is not offered for 
                                                                trade on an established option exchange.
Box 13b. Year                                                   G—Other asset that does not have a readily available 
Enter the year for which the postponed contribution in          FMV.
box 13a was made. Leave this box blank for late rollover        H—More than two types of assets (listed in A through G) 
contributions and rollovers of qualified plan loan offset       are held in this IRA.

Box 13c. Code
Enter the reason the participant made the postponed 

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                                                    Federal income tax withholding     13           Qualified rollover contributions    6 22, 
A                                                   Form 1099-R    2
Account closure, IRA  4 19,                         Form 5498  18                                   R
Alternate payee under QDRO        9                 Form 945   13                                   Recharacterized IRA contributions       6, 
Annuity distributions 2 16-                                                                          10 13 18, , 
Automatic contribution                              G                                               Reportable death benefits    2
  arrangements      7                               Guide to Distribution Codes       16 18-        Required minimum distribution       19 23, 
Automatic rollovers   5 6,                                                                          Retirement payments   2 16-
                                                    I                                               Revocation, IRA 4 19, 
B                                                   In-plan Roth rollover (IRR) 3 10 15, ,          RMD 19 23, 
Beneficiaries 9                                     Inherited IRAs  20 22,                          RMD amount   23
                                                    Insurance contracts   2 14,                     RMD date  23
C                                                   Involuntary distributions   5 6,                Rollovers 4 6 9 10 13 14 18 19 21,  ,  , , , , , , , 
Charitable gift annuities  10                       IRA contributions 18
                                                                                                    Roth IRA contributions  19 22, 
Combat zones, designated        20                  IRA distributions 2 3 15 16,  , , 
                                                                                                    Roth IRA conversions   4 6 12 13 19,  , , , , 
Corrected Form 1099-R      9                        IRA recharacterizations   3 6 10 13,  , , ,      22
Corrected Form 5498   21                              18 19 21, , 
                                                                                                    Roth IRA distributions 4 11 13, , 
Corrective distributions   7                        IRA revocation  4 19, 
Cost of current life insurance                                                                      S
  protection  10                                    L
                                                                                                    Section 1035 exchange    2 7 10,  , 
                                                    Late rollovers 23
                                                                                                    Section 402(f) notice 6
D                                                   Life insurance contract 
Death benefit payments     10                         distributions 2                               Section 404(k) dividends  2
Deemed IRAs   3                                     Loans treated as distributions    4 8,          SEP contributions 4 12 18 21 22, , , , 
Designated Roth account,                            Losses, retirement distributions       7 11,    SEP distributions 4 12 14, , 
                                                                                                    Servicemembers' Group Life 
  contributions     3                                                                                Insurance (SGLI) payments       21
Designated Roth account, direct                     M
                                                                                                    SIMPLE contributions   18 22, 
  rollover 4 5,                                     Military death gratuities 21                    SIMPLE distributions  4 7 12 14,  , , 
Designated Roth account,                            Military retirement 2                           State and local information  16
  distributions     10 11 15, , 
                                                                                                    Statements to recipients/
Direct rollovers    4 6 9 10 13 14 17- ,  , , , , , N                                                participants  9
  18 22, 
Disaster relief reporting  20                       Net unrealized appreciation       4 5 11,  , , 
Disclaimer of an IRA  9                               13 14,                                        T
Distributions under EPCRS       8                   Nonperiodic distributions   13                  Taxable amount, retirement 
DVECs  4                                            Nonqualified plan distributions   2              distributions 10
                                                    Nonresident aliens  9                           Transfers:
E                                                                                                    Form 1099-R   6 7, 
                                                    P                                                Form 5498   18
Eligible rollover distribution  4 13 14, , 
Employee contributions, retirement                  Pension distributions  2 16-
  plan 14 15,                                       Periodic payments   13                          U
Employer securities, distributions      8,          Permissible withdrawals under                   U.S. Armed Forces, special 
  10 11 13 14, , ,                                    section 414(w)  9                              reporting   20
Endowment contracts     2 22,                       Postponed contribution    23
Excess deferrals, excess                            Profit-sharing distributions 2 16-              W
  contributions, corrective                                                                         Withholding  13
  distributions of  7                               Q                                                Federal income tax   13
                                                    QDRO 4 7 9,  , 
F                                                   Qualified HSA funding distributions            2
Failing ADP or ACP test,                            Qualified plan distributions      2 16-
  corrections      8


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