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                                                                                            Department of the Treasury
                                                                                            Internal Revenue Service

Instructions for Schedule I 

(Form 1041)

Alternative Minimum Tax—Estates and Trusts

Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless      any general business credit and line 6 of Part I or line 3 of 
otherwise noted.                                                Part III of the Form 3800 is more than zero.

Future Developments                                             Recordkeeping
For the latest information about developments related to        Schedule I (Form 1041) contains adjustments and tax 
Schedule I and its instructions, such as legislation enacted    preference items that are treated differently for regular tax 
after they were published, go to IRS.gov/Form1041.              and AMT purposes. If you, as fiduciary for the estate or trust, 
                                                                completed a form to figure an item for regular tax purposes, 
What's New                                                      you may have to complete it a second time for AMT 
AMT tax brackets. The threshold for the 28% AMT tax             purposes. Generally, the difference between the amounts on 
bracket increased to amounts over $206,100.                     the two forms is the AMT adjustment or tax preference item 
                                                                to enter on Schedule I. Except for Form 1116, Foreign Tax 
AMT exemption amount and phaseout.       The AMT                Credit (Individual, Estate, or Trust), any additional form 
exemption amount increased to $26,500. The exemption            completed for AMT purposes doesn't have to be filed with 
amount begins to be phased out at amounts over $88,300          Form 1041.
and is completely phased out at $194,300.
                                                                For regular tax purposes, some deductions and credits 
Capital gains and qualified dividends. For tax year 2022,       may result in carrybacks or carryforwards to other tax years. 
the 20% maximum capital gains rate applies to estates and       Examples are investment interest expense, a net operating 
trusts with income above $13,700. The 0% and 15% rates          loss deduction (NOLD), a capital loss, and the foreign tax 
continue to apply to certain threshold amounts. The 0% rate     credit. Because these items may be refigured for the AMT, 
applies to amounts up to $2,800. The 15% rate applies to        the carryback or carryforward amount may be different for 
amounts over $2,800 and up to $13,700.                          regular and AMT purposes. Therefore, you should keep 
                                                                records of these different carryforward and carryback 
                                                                amounts for the AMT and regular tax. The AMT carryforward 
General Instructions                                            will be important in completing Schedule I for 2023.

Purpose of Schedule                                             Credit for Prior Year Minimum Tax
Use Schedule I (Form 1041) to figure:
                                                                Estates and trusts that paid AMT in 2021, or had a minimum 
The estate's or trust's alternative minimum taxable 
                                                                tax credit carryforward from the 2021 Form 8801, Credit for 
                                                                Prior Year Minimum Tax—Individuals, Estates, and Trusts, 
The income distribution deduction on a minimum tax 
                                                                may be eligible for a minimum tax credit in 2022. See Form 
  basis, and
The estate's or trust's alternative minimum tax (AMT).
Electing Small Business Trusts (ESBTs).  An ESBT must           Partners and Shareholders
figure the AMT for the S and non-S portions of the trust on     An estate or trust that is a partner in a partnership or a 
separate Schedules I (Form 1041). The Schedule I for each       shareholder in an S corporation must take into account its 
portion includes only the income, deductions, and credits       share of items of income and deductions that enter into the 
attributable to that portion.                                   computation of its adjustments and tax preference items.

Who Must Complete Schedule I (Form                              Allocation of Deductions to Beneficiaries
1041)                                                           The distributable net alternative minimum taxable income 
                                                                (DNAMTI) of the estate or trust doesn't include amounts of 
Complete Parts I and II if the estate or trust is required to 
                                                                depreciation, depletion, and amortization that are allocated to 
  complete Form 1041, Schedule B, Income Distribution 
                                                                the beneficiaries, just as the distributable net income of the 
                                                                estate or trust doesn't include these items for regular tax 
Complete Schedule I if the estate's or trust's share of 
  alternative minimum taxable income (Part I, line 27) 
  exceeds $26,500.                                              Report separately in box 12 of Schedule K-1 (Form 1041), 
Complete Schedule I if the estate or trust claims any         Beneficiary's Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc., any 
  general business credit and line 6 of Part I or line 3 of     adjustments or tax preference items attributable to 
  Part III of Form 3800, General Business Credit, is more       accelerated depreciation (code G), depletion (code H), and 
  than zero.                                                    amortization (code I) that were allocated to the beneficiaries.
ESBTs. Complete Schedule I if the alternative minimum 
  taxable income (Part I, line 27) of the S portion of the 
  trust is more than zero or the S portion of the trust claims 

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Optional Write-Off for Certain Expenditures                            income. See the instructions for line 7 for the definition of 
There is no AMT adjustment for the following items if the              specified private activity bonds.
estate or trust elects to deduct them ratably over the period of     Step 2.  On line 2, enter the AMT disallowed investment 
time shown for the regular tax.                                      interest expense from 2021.
Circulation expenditures—3 years (section 173).
Research and experimental expenditures—10 years                    Step 3.  When completing Part II of the AMT Form 4952, 
  (section 174(a)).                                                  refigure gross income from property held for investment, any 
Intangible drilling costs—60 months (section 263(c)).              net gain from the disposition of property held for investment, 
Mining exploration and development costs—10 years                  net capital gain from the disposition of property held for 
  (sections 616(a) and 617(a)).                                      investment, and any investment expenses, taking into 
                                                                     account all AMT adjustments and tax preference items that 
The election must be made in the year the expenditure                apply. Include any interest income and investment expenses 
was made and may be revoked only with IRS consent. See               from private activity bonds issued after August 7, 1986.
section 59(e) and Regulations section 1.59-1 for more 
                                                                     When completing line 4g of the AMT Form 4952, enter the 
                                                                     smaller of:
                                                                     The amount from line 4g of the regular tax Form 4952, or
Specific Instructions                                                The total of lines 4b and 4e of the AMT Form 4952.
        ESBTs. Use a separate Schedule I (Form 1041) to              Step 4. Complete Part III.
!       figure the AMT for the S portion of the trust. Add the       Enter on Schedule I (Form 1041), line 2, the difference 
CAUTION notation “ESBT” to the top of the Schedule I and             between line 8 of the AMT Form 4952 and line 8 of the 
attach it to the tax computation attachment for Form 1041.           regular tax Form 4952. If the AMT deduction is greater, enter 
See the ESBT Tax Worksheet in the Instructions for Form              the difference as a negative amount.
                                                                     Line 3—Taxes
Where these instructions refer to completing other forms             Enter any state or local real property taxes; state or local 
and worksheets, you must complete separate forms and                 personal property taxes; state and local general sales taxes; 
worksheets for the S and non-S portions of the trust. Where          and any state, local, or foreign income taxes that were 
necessary, add an “ESBT” notation at the top of the form or          included on Form 1041, page 1, line 11.
worksheet to show it relates to the computation for the S 
portion of the trust.                                                Line 4—Refund of Taxes
Part I—Estate's or Trust's Share of                                  Enter any refunds received in 2022 of taxes described for 
                                                                     line 3 above and included in income. Also, include foreign 
Alternative Minimum Taxable Income                                   real property taxes that were deducted in years prior to 2022, 
                                                                     but refunded in 2022 and included in income on Form 1041.
Line 1—Adjusted Total Income or (Loss)
Adjusted total income or (loss) (from Form 1041, line 17, or         Line 5—Depletion
ESBT Tax Worksheet, line 13). See the ESBT Tax                       Refigure the depletion deduction for AMT purposes by using 
Worksheet in the Instructions for Form 1041.                         only the income and deductions allowed for the AMT when 
                                                                     refiguring the limit based on taxable income from the property 
Note. The section 199A deduction isn’t included in the               under section 613(a) and the limit based on taxable income, 
amount reported on line 1. To figure your adjusted alternative       with certain adjustments, under section 613A(d)(1). Also, the 
minimum taxable income, any section 199A deduction taken             depletion deduction for mines, wells, and other natural 
on Form 1041, line 20, must be included as a negative                deposits under section 611 is limited to the property's 
amount on Line 21—Other Adjustments, later.                          adjusted basis at the end of the year, as refigured for the 
                                                                     AMT, unless the estate or trust is an independent producer or 
Line 2—Interest                                                      royalty owner claiming percentage depletion for oil and gas 
In determining the alternative minimum taxable income,               wells. Figure this limit separately for each property. When 
qualified residence interest (other than qualified housing           refiguring the property's adjusted basis, take into account any 
interest defined in section 56(e)) isn't allowed.                    AMT adjustments made this year or in previous years that 
                                                                     affect basis (other than the current year's depletion).
If you completed Form 4952, Investment Interest Expense 
Deduction, for regular tax purposes, you may have an                 Enter on line 5 the difference between the regular tax and 
adjustment on this line. Refigure your investment interest           AMT deduction. If the AMT deduction is more than the 
expense on a separate AMT Form 4952 as follows.                      regular tax deduction, enter the difference as a negative 
Step 1. On line 1 of the AMT Form 4952, follow the 
instructions for that line, but also include the following           Line 6—Net Operating Loss Deduction
Any qualified residence interest (other than qualified             Enter any NOLD from line 15b of page 1 of the Form 1041 as 
  housing interest) that was paid or accrued on a loan or            a positive amount.
  part of a loan that is allocable to property held for 
  investment as defined in section 163(d)(5) (for example,           Line 7—Interest From Specified Private Activity 
  interest on a home equity loan whose proceeds were                 Bonds Exempt From the Regular Tax
  invested in stocks or bonds).                                      Enter the interest earned from specified private activity bonds 
Any interest that would have been deductible if interest           reduced (but not below zero) by any deduction that would 
  on specified private activity bonds had been included in           have been allowable if the interest were includible in gross 

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income for regular tax purposes. Each payer of this type of         Line 10—Other Estates and Trusts
interest should send a Form 1099-INT, Interest Income, to           If the estate or trust is the beneficiary of another estate or 
the estate or trust showing the amount of this interest in          trust, enter the adjustment for minimum tax purposes from 
box 9. Generally, specified private activity bonds are any          box 12, code A, Schedule K-1 (Form 1041).
qualified bonds (as defined in section 141) issued after 
August 7, 1986, and before 2009 or after 2010, the interest         ESBTs. Enter an amount on this line only if the S corporation 
on which isn't includible in gross income for the regular tax.      was a beneficiary of an estate or trust, received a 
See section 57(a)(5) for more information.                          Schedule K-1 (Form 1041) from the estate or trust with an 
                                                                    entry in box 12, code A, and the S corporation allocated a 
Don’t include interest on qualified New York Liberty                portion of the box 12, code A, amount to the ESBT. See 
Bonds, qualified Gulf Opportunity Zone bonds, qualified             Schedule K-1 (Form 1120-S), box 15, code F.
Midwestern disaster area bonds, or qualified Hurricane Ike 
disaster area bonds.                                                Line 11—Disposition of Property
                                                                    Use this line to report any AMT adjustment related to the 
Exempt-interest dividends paid by a regulated investment            disposition of property resulting from refiguring:
company are treated as interest from specified private 
activity bonds to the extent the dividends are attributable to      1. Gain or loss from the sale, exchange, or involuntary 
interest on the bonds received by the company, minus an             conversion of property reported on Form 4797, Sales of 
allocable share of the expenses paid or incurred by the             Business Property;
company in earning the interest. This amount should also be         2. Casualty gain or loss to business or income-producing 
reported to the estate or trust on Form 1099-DIV in box 12.         property reported on Form 4684, Casualties and Thefts;
Line 8—Qualified Small Business Stock                               3. Ordinary income from the disposition of property not 
If the estate or trust claimed the exclusion under section 1202     taken into account in 1 or 2 above or on any other line on 
for gain on qualified small business stock acquired before          Schedule I (Form 1041), such as a disqualifying 
September 28, 2010, and held more than 5 years, multiply            disposition of stock acquired in a prior year by exercising 
the excluded gain (as shown on Form 8949 in column (g)) by          an incentive stock option; and
7% (0.07). Enter the result on line 8 as a positive amount.         4. Capital gain or loss (including any carryover that is 
                                                                    different for the AMT) reported on Form 8949, Sales and 
Line 9—Exercise of Incentive Stock Options                          Other Dispositions of Capital Assets, or Schedule D 
For regular tax purposes, no income is recognized when an           (Form 1041), Capital Gains and Losses.
incentive stock option (as defined in section 422(b)) is 
exercised. However, this rule doesn't apply for AMT                        The $3,000 capital loss limitation for the regular 
purposes. Instead, the estate or trust must generally include       !      tax applies separately for the AMT.
on line 9 the excess, if any, of:
1. The fair market value (FMV) of the stock acquired                First, figure any ordinary income adjustment related to 3, 
through exercise of the option (determined without                  earlier. Then, refigure Form 4684, Form 4797, Form 8949, 
regard to any lapse restriction) when its rights in the             and Schedule D (Form 1041) for the AMT, if applicable, by 
acquired stock first become transferable or when these              taking into account any adjustments you made this year or in 
rights are no longer subject to a substantial risk of               previous years that affect the estate's or trust's basis or 
forfeiture, over                                                    otherwise result in a different amount for AMT. When you 
                                                                    refigure your gain or loss on Form 8949 for AMT, the amount 
2. The amount paid for the stock, including any amount              of gain you elected to defer for regular tax purposes due to 
paid for the option used to acquire the stock.                      an investment in a qualified opportunity fund may need to be 
      Even if the estate's or trust's rights in the stock aren't    adjusted on your AMT Form 8949. An adjustment may be 
TIP   transferable and are subject to a substantial risk of         required if the regular tax and AMT adjusted basis of the 
      forfeiture, you may elect to include in AMT income            property you sold prior to your investment is different.
the excess of the stock's FMV (determined without regard to 
                                                                    If the estate or trust has a capital loss after refiguring 
any lapse restriction) over the exercise price upon the 
                                                                    Schedule D for the AMT, apply the $3,000 capital loss 
transfer to the estate or trust of the stock acquired through 
                                                                    limitation separately to the AMT loss. For each of the four 
exercise of the option. See section 83(b) for more details. 
                                                                    items listed above, figure the difference between the amount 
The election must be made no later than 30 days after the 
                                                                    included in taxable income for the regular tax and the amount 
date of transfer.
                                                                    included in income for the AMT. Treat the difference as a 
                                                                    negative amount if (a) both the AMT and regular tax amounts 
If the estate or trust acquired stock by exercising an option       are zero or more and the AMT amount is less than the regular 
and it disposed of that stock in the same year, the tax             tax amount, or (b) the AMT amount is a loss, and the regular 
treatment under the regular tax and the AMT is the same,            tax amount is a smaller loss, or zero or more.
and no adjustment is required.
                                                                    Enter on line 11 the combined adjustments for the four 
Increase the AMT basis of any stock acquired through the            items, earlier.
exercise of an incentive stock option by the amount of the 
adjustment.                                                         Line 12—Depreciation on Assets Placed in 
                                                                    Service After 1986
Note. If a Form 3921, Exercise of an Incentive Stock Option 
Under Section 422(b), was received, it may help you figure          This section describes when depreciation must be refigured 
the adjustment.                                                     for the AMT and how to figure the amount to enter on line 12.

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Don’t include on this line any depreciation adjustment              Property depreciated under the unit-of-production 
from:                                                                 method or any other method not expressed in a term of 
An activity for which the estate or trust isn't at risk or          years.
  income or loss from a partnership or an S corporation if          Qualified Indian reservation property.
  the basis limitations under section 704(d) or 1366(d)             A natural gas gathering line placed in service after April 
  apply. Take this adjustment into account on line 14;                11, 2005.
A tax shelter farm activity. Take this adjustment into 
  account on line 21; or                                            How is depreciation refigured for the AMT?            See 
A passive activity. Take this adjustment into account on          methods below.
  line 13.                                                          Property placed in service before 1999.           Refigure 
                                                                    depreciation for the AMT using ADS with the same 
What depreciation must be refigured for the AMT?                    convention used for the regular tax. See the table below for 
Generally, you must refigure depreciation for the AMT,              the method and recovery period to use.
including depreciation allocable to inventory costs, for:
Property placed in service after 1998 that is depreciated                         Property Placed in Service Before 1999
  for the regular tax using the 200% declining balance              IF the property is...              THEN use the...
  method (generally 3-, 5-, 7-, or 10-year property under 
  the modified accelerated cost recovery system                     Section 1250 property.             Straight line method over 40 years.
  (MACRS), except for certain qualified property eligible for       Tangible property (other than      Straight line method over the 
  the special depreciation allowance (discussed later));            section 1250 property) depreciated  property's AMT class life.
Section 1250 property placed in service after 1998 that           using the straight line method for 
  isn't depreciated for the regular tax using the straight line     the regular tax.
  method; and                                                       Any other tangible property.       150% declining balance method, 
Tangible property placed in service after 1986 and                                                   switching to the straight line method 
  before 1999. If the transitional election was made under                                             the first tax year it gives a larger 
  section 203(a)(1)(B) of the Tax Reform Act of 1986, this                                             deduction, over the property's AMT 
  rule applies to property placed in service after July 31,                                            class life.
What depreciation isn't refigured for the AMT?  Don’t 
refigure depreciation for the AMT for the following items.          Property placed in service after 1998.        Use the same 
Residential rental property placed in service after 1998.         convention and recovery period used for the regular tax. For 
Nonresidential real property with a class life of 27.5 years      property other than section 1250 property, use the 150% 
  or more placed in service after 1998 that is depreciated          declining balance method, switching to the straight line 
  for the regular tax using the straight line method.               method the first tax year it gives a larger deduction. For 
Other section 1250 property placed in service after 1998          section 1250 property, use the straight line method.
  that is depreciated for the regular tax using the straight        How is the AMT class life determined?         The class life 
  line method.                                                      used for the AMT isn't necessarily the same as the recovery 
Property (other than section 1250 property) placed in             period used for the regular tax. The class lives for the AMT 
  service after 1998 that is depreciated for the regular tax        are listed in Rev. Proc. 87-56, 1987-2 C.B. 674, and in Pub. 
  using the 150% declining balance method or the straight           946, How To Depreciate Property. Use 12 years for any 
  line method.                                                      tangible personal property not assigned a class life.
Property for which you elected to use the alternative 
  depreciation system (ADS) of section 168(g) for the                       See Pub. 946 for optional tables that can be used to 
  regular tax.                                                      TIP     figure AMT depreciation. Rev. Proc. 89-15, 1989-1 
Qualified property that is or was eligible for the special                C.B. 816, has special rules for short tax years and for 
  depreciation allowance if the depreciable basis of the            property disposed of before the end of the recovery period.
  property for the AMT is the same as for the regular tax. 
  This applies to any special depreciation allowance,               How is the line 12 adjustment figured?        Subtract the AMT 
  including those for disaster assistance property, reuse           deduction for depreciation from the regular tax deduction and 
  and recycling property, cellulosic biofuel plant property,        enter the result. If the AMT deduction is more than the regular 
  second generation biofuel plant property, New York                tax deduction, enter the difference as a negative amount.
  Liberty Zone property, Gulf Opportunity Zone property,            In addition to the AMT adjustment to your deduction for 
  and Kansas disaster area recovery assistance property.            depreciation, you must also adjust the amount of 
  The special allowance is deductible for the AMT, and              depreciation that was capitalized, if any, to account for the 
  there is also no adjustment required for any depreciation         difference between the rules for the regular tax and the AMT. 
  figured on the remaining basis of the qualified property if       Include on this line the current year adjustment to taxable 
  the depreciable basis of the property for the AMT is the          income, if any, resulting from the difference.
  same as for the regular tax. Property for which an 
  election is in effect to not have the special allowance           Line 13—Passive Activities
  apply isn't qualified property. In addition, if you elect not             Don’t enter again elsewhere on this schedule any 
  to have any special depreciation allowance apply, the             !       AMT adjustment or tax preference item included on 
  property may be subject to an AMT adjustment for                  CAUTION this line.
  depreciation if it was placed in service before 2016. It is 
  not subject to an AMT adjustment for depreciation if it           For AMT purposes, the rules described in section 469 
  was placed in service after 2015.                                 apply, except that in applying the limitations, minimum tax 
Motion picture films, videotapes, or sound recordings.            rules apply.

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Refigure passive activity gains and losses on an AMT                 Note.    Contracts described in section 460(e)(1)(B) are 
basis. Refigure a passive activity gain or loss by taking into       subject to the simplified method of cost allocation of section 
account all AMT adjustments or tax preference items that             460(b)(4).
pertain to that activity.
                                                                     Enter the difference between the AMT and regular tax 
You may complete a second Form 8582, Passive Activity                income. If the AMT income is smaller, enter the difference as 
Loss Limitations, to determine the passive activity losses           a negative amount.
allowed for AMT purposes, but don't send this AMT Form 
8582 to the IRS.                                                     Line 17—Mining Costs
Enter the difference between the loss reported for regular                    Don’t make this adjustment for costs for which you 
tax purposes and the AMT loss, if any.                               !        elected the optional 10-year write-off period under 
                                                                     CAUTION  section 59(e) for regular tax purposes.
        The amount of any passive activity loss that isn't 
TIP     deductible (and is therefore carried forward) for AMT        Expenditures for the development or exploration of a mine 
        purposes is likely to differ from the amount (if any)        or certain other mineral deposits (other than an oil, gas, or 
that is carried forward for regular tax purposes. Therefore, it      geothermal well) deducted under sections 616(a) and 617(a) 
is essential that you retain adequate records for both AMT           for regular tax purposes must be amortized for AMT 
and regular tax purposes.                                            purposes over 10 years beginning with the year the 
                                                                     expenditures were paid or incurred.
Publicly traded partnerships (PTPs).       If the estate or trust 
                                                                     Enter the difference between the amount allowed for AMT 
had a loss from a PTP, refigure the loss using any AMT 
                                                                     purposes and the amount allowed for regular tax purposes. If 
adjustments, tax preference items, and any AMT prior year 
                                                                     the amount allowed for AMT purposes exceeds the amount 
unallowed loss.
                                                                     deducted for regular tax purposes, enter the difference as a 
Line 14—Loss Limitations                                             negative amount.
        If the loss is from a passive activity, use line 13          If the estate or trust had a loss on property for which 
                                                                     mining expenditures haven't been fully amortized for the 
!       instead. If the loss is from a tax shelter farm activity 
CAUTION (that isn't passive), use line 21.                           AMT, the AMT deduction is the smaller of (a) the amount of 
                                                                     the loss allowable for the expenditures had they remained 
Refigure your allowable losses for AMT purposes from                 capitalized, or (b) the remaining expenditures to be 
activities for which you aren't at risk and basis limitations        amortized for the AMT.
applicable to interests in partnerships and stock in S 
corporations by taking into account your AMT adjustments             Line 18—Research and Experimental Costs
and tax preference items. See sections 59(h), 465, 704(d), 
and 1366(d).                                                                  Don’t make this adjustment for costs paid or incurred 
                                                                              in connection with an activity in which the estate or 
Enter the difference between the loss reported for regular           CAUTION! trust materially participated under the passive activity 
tax purposes and the AMT loss. If the AMT loss is more than          rules or for costs for which you elected the optional 10-year 
the loss reported for regular tax purposes, enter the                write-off for research and experimental expenditures under 
adjustment as a negative amount.                                     section 59(e) for regular tax purposes.
Line 15—Circulation Costs                                            Research and experimental expenditures deducted under 
                                                                     section 174(a) for regular tax purposes must generally be 
        Don’t make this adjustment for expenditures for              amortized for AMT purposes over 10 years beginning with 
!       which you elected the optional 3-year write-off period       the year the expenditures were paid or incurred.
CAUTION for regular tax purposes.
                                                                     Enter the difference between the amount allowed for AMT 
Circulation expenditures deducted under section 173(a)               purposes and the amount allowed for regular tax purposes. If 
for regular tax purposes must be amortized for AMT                   the amount for AMT purposes exceeds the amount allowed 
purposes over 3 years beginning with the year the                    for regular tax purposes, enter the difference as a negative 
expenditures were paid or incurred.                                  amount.
Enter the difference between the regular tax and AMT                 If the estate or trust had a loss on property for which 
deduction. If the AMT deduction is greater, enter the                research and experimental costs haven't been fully amortized 
difference as a negative amount.                                     for the AMT, the AMT deduction is the smaller of (a) the loss 
If the estate or trust had a loss on property for which              allowable for the costs had they remained capitalized, or (b) 
circulation expenditures haven't been fully amortized for the        the remaining costs to be amortized for the AMT.
AMT, the AMT deduction is the smaller of (a) the amount of 
the loss allowable for the expenditures had they remained            Line 19—Income From Certain Installment Sales 
capitalized, or (b) the remaining expenditures to be                 Before January 1, 1987
amortized for the AMT.                                               The installment method doesn't apply for AMT purposes to 
                                                                     any nondealer disposition of property that occurred after 
Line 16—Long-Term Contracts                                          August 16, 1986, but before the first day of your tax year that 
For AMT purposes, the percentage of completion method of             began in 1987, if an installment obligation to which the 
accounting described in section 460(b) must generally be             proportionate disallowance rule applied arose from the 
used. However, this rule doesn't apply to any home                   disposition. Enter on line 19 the amount of installment sale 
construction contract (as defined in section 460(e)(6)).             income that was reported for regular tax purposes.

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Line 20—Intangible Drilling Costs (IDCs)                              amount separately for each property and include on 
Preference                                                            line 21 only positive amounts.
                                                                      For leased personal property other than recovery 
        Don’t make this adjustment for costs for which you            property, enter the amount by which the regular tax 
!       elected the optional 60-month write-off under section         depreciation using the pre-1987 rules exceeds the 
CAUTION 59(e) for regular tax purposes.
                                                                      depreciation allowable using the straight line method. For 
IDCs from oil, gas, and geothermal wells are a preference             leased 10-year recovery property and leased 15-year 
to the extent that the excess IDCs exceed 65% of the net              public utility property, enter the amount by which the 
income from the wells. Figure the preference for all oil and          depreciation deduction determined for regular tax 
gas properties separately from the preference for all                 purposes is more than the deduction allowable using the 
geothermal properties.                                                straight line method with a half-year convention, no 
                                                                      salvage value, and a recovery period of 15 years (22 
Figure excess IDCs as follows.                                        years for 15-year public utility property). Figure this 
1. Determine the amount of the estate's or trust's IDCs               amount separately for each property and include on 
  allowed for the regular tax under section 263(c), but               line 21 only positive amounts.
  don’t include any section 263(c) deduction for                    Amortization of pollution control facilities. The 
  nonproductive wells, then                                           amortization deduction under section 169 must be 
                                                                      refigured for the AMT. For facilities placed in service after 
2. Subtract the amount that would have been allowed had               1986 and before 1999, figure the amortization deduction 
  you amortized these IDCs over a 120-month period                    for the AMT using the ADS described in section 168(g). 
  starting with the month the well was placed in                      For facilities placed in service after 1998, figure the AMT 
  production.                                                         deduction under MACRS using the straight line method. 
                                                                      Enter the difference between the regular tax and AMT 
        Cost depletion can be substituted for the amount 
                                                                      deduction. If the AMT amount is greater, enter the 
!       allowed using amortization over 120 months.                   difference as a negative amount.
                                                                    Tax shelter farm activities. Figure this adjustment only 
Net income. Determine net income by reducing the gross                if the tax shelter farm activity (as defined in section 58(a)
income that the estate or trust received or accrued during the        (2)) isn't a passive activity. If the activity is passive, 
tax year from all oil, gas, and geothermal wells by the               include it with any other passive activities on line 13.
deductions allocable to those wells (reduced by the excess            Refigure all gains and losses reported for the regular 
IDCs). When refiguring net income, use only income and                tax from tax shelter farm activities by taking into account 
deductions allowed for the AMT.                                       any AMT adjustments and preferences. Determine tax 
Exception. The preference for IDCs from oil and gas wells             shelter farm activity gain or loss for the AMT using the 
doesn't apply to taxpayers who are independent producers              same rules used for the regular tax with the following 
(that is, not integrated oil companies as defined in section          modifications. No refigured loss is allowed, except to the 
291(b)(4)). However, this benefit may be limited. First, figure       extent an estate or trust is insolvent (see section 58(c)
the IDC preference as if this exception didn't apply. For             (1)). A refigured loss may not be used in the current tax 
purposes of this exception, complete and combine lines 1              year to offset gains from other tax shelter farm activities. 
through 21, including the IDC preference. If the amount of the        Instead, any refigured loss must be suspended and 
IDC preference exceeds 40% of the total of lines 1 through            carried forward indefinitely until (a) the estate or trust has 
21, enter the excess on line 20 (the benefit of this exception        a gain in a subsequent tax year from the same activity, or 
is limited). Otherwise, don’t enter an amount on line 20 (the         (b) the activity is disposed of.
estate's or trust's benefit from this exception isn't limited).       The AMT amount of any tax shelter farm activity loss 
                                                                      that isn't deductible and is carried forward is likely to 
Line 21—Other Adjustments                                             differ from the regular tax amount. Keep adequate 
Enter on line 21 the total of any other adjustments that apply,       records for both the AMT and regular tax.
including the following.                                              Enter the difference between the amount that would 
Section 199A deduction. Include as a negative amount                be reported for the activity on Schedule E (Form 1040), 
  on line 21 the section 199A deduction shown on Form                 Supplemental Income and Loss, or Schedule F (Form 
  1041, line 20.                                                      1040), Profit or Loss From Farming, for the AMT and the 
          ESBTs. Don't include any section 199A                       regular tax amount. If (a) the AMT loss is more than the 
                                                                      regular tax loss, (b) the AMT gain is less than the regular 
       !  deduction taken on line 11, Qualified business              tax gain, or (c) there is an AMT loss and a regular tax 
  CAUTION income deduction (S portion), of your ESBT Tax 
  Worksheet on line 21 when figuring your adjusted                    gain, then enter the adjustment as a negative amount.
  alternative minimum taxable income for the S portion of             Enter any adjustment for amounts reported on Form 
  your trust. This amount is already included on line 1,              8949, Schedule D (Form 1041), Form 4684, or Form 
  Adjusted total income or (loss), from line 13 of your               4797 for the activity on line 11 instead of line 21.
  ESBT Tax Worksheet.                                               Biofuel producer credit and biodiesel and 
Depreciation figured using pre-1987 rules. For AMT                  renewable diesel fuels credit. If the adjusted total 
  purposes, use the straight line method to figure                    income (Form 1041, line 17) includes the amount of the 
  depreciation on real property. Use a recovery period of             biofuel producer credit or biodiesel and renewable diesel 
  19 years for 19-year real property and 15 years for                 fuels credit, include that amount as a negative amount on 
  low-income housing. Enter the excess of depreciation                line 21.
  claimed for regular tax purposes over depreciation                Related adjustments. AMT adjustments and tax 
  refigured using the straight line method. Figure this               preference items may affect deductions that are based 

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on an income limit other than adjusted gross income                  2. The smaller of:
(AGI) or modified AGI (for example, farm conservation 
                                                                       a. The sum of the ATNOL carrybacks and 
expenses). Refigure these deductions using the income 
                                                                             carryforwards to the tax year attributable to qualified 
limit as modified for the AMT. Include the difference 
                                                                             disaster losses, qualified Gulf Opportunity Zone 
between the regular tax and AMT deduction on line 21. If 
                                                                             losses, qualified recovery assistance losses, 
the AMT deduction is more than the regular tax 
                                                                             qualified disaster recovery assistance losses, and 
deduction, include the difference as a negative amount.
                                                                             any 2008 or 2009 loss that you elected to carry back 
        Don’t make an adjustment on line 21 for an item you                  more than 2 years under section 172(b)(1)(H); or
!       refigured on another line of Schedule I (for example,          b. 100% of AMTI for the tax year (figured without regard 
CAUTION line 5).
                                                                             to the ATNOLD) reduced by the amount determined 
Business interest limitation.    Complete an AMT Form                        under 1 above.
8990 using amounts adjusted for AMT. Enter the difference            Enter on line 22 the smaller of the ATNOLD or the 
between the AMT and regular tax allowable interest expense.          ATNOLD limitation.
If line 30 of the AMT Form 8990 is more than the amount on 
line 30 of the regular tax Form 8890, enter the difference as a      Any ATNOL not used may generally be carried back 2 
negative amount.                                                     years or forward up to 20 years if it arose before your 2018 
                                                                     tax year. Any ATNOL arising after your 2020 tax year may 
Line 22—Alternative Tax Net Operating Loss                           generally be carried forward indefinitely. For more 
Deduction (ATNOLD)                                                   information about carryover periods and special rules for 
                                                                     2018 through 2020 losses, see Pub. 536, Net Operating 
The ATNOLD is the sum of the alternative tax net operating           Losses (NOLs) for Individuals, Estates, and Trusts.
loss (ATNOL) carryovers and carrybacks to the tax year, 
subject to the limitation explained below.                           The treatment of ATNOLs doesn't affect your regular tax 
The net operating loss (NOL) under section 172(c) is 
modified for alternative tax purposes by (a) taking into                     If you elected under section 172(b)(3) to forego the 
account the adjustments made under sections 56 and 58,               TIP     carryback period for regular tax purposes, the 
and (b) reducing the NOL by any item of tax preference                       election will also apply for the AMT.
under section 57. For an estate or trust that held a residual 
interest in a real estate mortgage investment conduit                Line 27—Estate's or Trust's Share of Alternative 
(REMIC), figure the ATNOLD without regard to any excess              Minimum Taxable Income
                                                                     For an estate or trust that held a residual interest in a REMIC, 
If this estate or trust is the beneficiary of another estate or      line 27 may not be less than the estate's or trust's share of 
trust that terminated in 2022, include any ATNOL carryover           the amount on Schedule E (Form 1040), line 38, column (c). 
that was reported in box 11, code F, of Schedule K-1 (Form           If that amount is larger than the amount you would otherwise 
1041).                                                               enter on line 27, enter that amount instead and write “Sch. Q” 
                                                                     on the dotted line next to line 27.
The estate's or trust's ATNOLD may be limited. To figure 
the ATNOLD limitation, first figure alternative minimum              ESBTs.  Enter the amount from line 27 on line 49, and go to 
taxable income (AMTI) without regard to the ATNOLD. For              line 50.
this purpose, figure a tentative amount for line 5 of Schedule I 
(Form 1041) by treating line 22 as if it were zero. Then, figure     Part II—Income Distribution 
a tentative total by combining lines 1–21 of Schedule I (Form        Deduction on a Minimum Tax Basis
1041) using the line 5 tentative amount. The ATNOLD 
limitation is 90% of the result.                                             ESBTs. Do not complete Part II.
However, the 90% limit doesn't apply to an ATNOL that is             CAUTION!
attributable to qualified disaster losses (as defined in section 
172(j)), qualified Gulf Opportunity Zone losses (as defined in       Line 28—Adjusted Alternative Minimum Taxable 
section 1400N(k)(2)), qualified recovery assistance losses 
(as defined in Pub. 4492-A, Information for Taxpayers 
Affected by the May 4, 2007, Kansas Storms and                               The section 199A deduction is not included in the 
Tornadoes), qualified disaster recovery assistance losses (as        !       distributable net alternative minimum taxable income 
defined in Pub. 4492-B, Information for Affected Taxpayers in        CAUTION (DNAMTI). The section 199A deduction must be 
the Midwestern Disaster Areas) or a 2008 or 2009 loss that           added back to the amount from line 23, Schedule I (Form 
you elected to carry back more than 2 years under section            1041), to calculate the income distribution deduction on a 
172(b)(1)(H). If an ATNOL that is carried back or carried            minimum tax basis.
forward to a tax year is attributable to any of those losses, the    Generally, enter on line 28, Schedule I, the amount from 
ATNOLD for the tax year is limited to the sum of:                    line 23, Schedule I, plus the amount of the section 199A 
1. The smaller of:                                                   deduction, if any. However, if Form 1041, page 1, line 4, and 
                                                                     line 23, Schedule I (after adding back the section 199A 
  a. The sum of the ATNOL carrybacks and                             deduction) are losses, enter on line 28 the smaller of those 
        carryforwards to the tax year attributable to NOLs           losses. If Form 1041, line 4, is zero or a gain and line 23, 
        other than the losses described in 2a below; or              Schedule I, is a loss (after adding back the section 199A 
  b. 90% of AMTI for the tax year (figured without regard            deduction), enter zero on line 28.
        to the ATNOLD), plus

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Line 29—Adjusted Tax-Exempt Interest                                  proportion of expenses indirectly allocable to both 
To figure the adjusted tax-exempt interest (including                 tax-exempt income and other income must be allocated to 
exempt-interest dividends received as a shareholder in a              each class of income.
mutual fund or other regulated investment company), 
                                                                      Line 42—Income Distribution Deduction on a 
subtract the total of any:
                                                                      Minimum Tax Basis
1. Tax-exempt interest from Form 1041, Schedule A, line 2,            Allocate the income distribution deduction figured on a 
figured for AMT purposes; and                                         minimum tax basis among the beneficiaries in the same 
2. Section 212 expenses allowable for AMT purposes                    manner as income was allocated for regular tax purposes. 
allocable to tax-exempt interest, from the amount of                  You need the allocated income distribution deduction figured 
tax-exempt interest received.                                         on a minimum tax basis to figure the beneficiary's adjustment 
                                                                      for minimum tax purposes, as explained under Box 
Don’t subtract any deductions reported on lines 2 and 3,              12—Alternative minimum tax (AMT) items in the 
Schedule I (Form 1041).                                               Schedule K-1 instruction section of the Instructions for Form 
Section 212 expenses that are directly allocable to                   1041 and Schedules A, B, G, J, and K-1.
tax-exempt interest are allocated only to tax-exempt interest. 
A reasonable proportion of section 212 expenses that are              Part III—Alternative Minimum Tax 
indirectly allocable to both tax-exempt interest and other            Computation
income must be allocated to each class of income.
                                                                      Line 51—Alternative Minimum Foreign Tax 
Line 31                                                               Credit
Reduce the amount on line 31 by any allocable section 1202 
exclusion (as refigured for AMT purposes).                                  To see if you need to figure the estate's or trust's 
                                                                      TIP   AMT foreign tax credit, fill in line 53 of Schedule I 
Line 32                                                                     (Form 1041) as instructed. If the amount on line 53 is 
Enter any capital gains that were paid or permanently set             greater than or equal to the amount on line 50, the estate or 
aside for charitable purposes from the current year's income          trust doesn't owe the AMT. Enter zero on line 54 and see 
included on line 1 of Form 1041, Schedule A. Reduce the               Who Must Complete, earlier, to find out if you must file 
amount on line 32 by any allocable section 1202 exclusion             Schedule I with Form 1041. However, even if the estate or 
(as refigured for AMT purposes).                                      trust doesn't owe AMT, you may need to complete line 51 to 
                                                                      see if you have an AMT foreign tax credit carryback or 
Lines 33 and 34                                                       carryforward to other tax years.
Capital gains and losses must take into account any basis             To figure the AMT foreign tax credit, follow the steps 
adjustments from line 11, Part I of Schedule I (Form 1041).           discussed below.
                                                                      Step 1. Complete and attach a separate AMT Form 1116, 
Line 39—Adjustment for Tax-Exempt Income                              with the notation “Alt Min Tax” at the top for each separate 
In figuring the income distribution deduction on a minimum            limitation category specified at the top of Form 1116.
tax basis, the estate or trust isn't allowed a deduction for any 
item of DNAMTI (line 35) that isn't included in the gross             Note. When applying the separate limitation categories, use 
income of the estate or trust figured on an AMT basis. Thus,          the applicable AMT rate instead of the regular tax rate to 
for purposes of figuring the allowable income distribution            determine if any income is “high-taxed.”
deduction on a minimum tax basis, the DNAMTI is figured 
                                                                      Step 2. If you (on behalf of the estate or trust) previously 
without regard to any tax-exempt interest (except for 
                                                                      made or are making the Simplified limitation election (as 
amounts from line 7).
                                                                      discussed later), skip Part I and enter on the AMT Form 
If tax-exempt interest is the only tax-exempt income                  1116, line 17, the same amount you entered on that line for 
included in the total distributions (line 38), and the DNAMTI         the regular tax. If you didn't complete Form 1116 for the 
(line 35) is less than or equal to line 38, then enter on line 39     regular tax and you previously made or are making the 
the amount from line 29.                                              simplified limitation election (on behalf of the estate or trust), 
                                                                      complete Part I and lines 15 through 17 of the AMT Form 
If tax-exempt interest is the only tax-exempt income                  1116 using regular tax amounts.
included in the total distributions (line 38), and the DNAMTI is 
                                                                      If the election doesn't apply, complete Part I using only 
more than line 38 (that is, the estate or trust made a 
                                                                      income and deductions allowed for the AMT that are 
distribution that is less than the DNAMTI), then figure the 
                                                                      attributable to sources outside the United States. If the estate 
adjustment by multiplying line 29 by a fraction, the numerator 
                                                                      or trust has any foreign source qualified dividends or foreign 
of which is the total distributions (line 38), and the 
                                                                      source capital gains or losses, use the instructions under 
denominator of which is the DNAMTI (line 35). Enter the 
                                                                      Step 3 below to determine whether you must make 
result on line 39.
                                                                      adjustments to those amounts before you include the 
If line 38 includes tax-exempt income other than                      amounts on line 1a or line 5 of the AMT Form 1116.
tax-exempt interest (except for amounts from line 7), figure          Step 3. Follow the instructions below, if applicable, to 
line 39 by subtracting the total expenses allocable to                determine the amount of foreign source qualified dividends 
tax-exempt income that are allowable for AMT purposes from            and foreign source capital gains and losses to include on 
tax-exempt income included on line 38.                                line 1a and line 5 of the AMT Form 1116.
Expenses that are directly allocable to tax-exempt income             Foreign qualified dividends.    You must adjust the 
are allocated only to tax-exempt income. A reasonable                 estate's or trust's foreign source qualified dividends before 

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you include those amounts on line 1a of the AMT Form 1116                4952, line 4e, that you elected to include on Form 4952, 
if:                                                                      line 4g, is zero or less, (b) line 27 of that AMT Part V of 
  Line 60 of Schedule I (Form 1041) is greater than zero,              Schedule D (Form 1041) is zero; or (c) line 43 of that 
  Line 81 of Schedule I (Form 1041) is smaller than line 82,           AMT Part V is equal to or greater than line 44.
    and                                                                  Use Worksheet B if you:
  The exception for foreign qualified dividends below                Can’t use Worksheet A,
    doesn't apply.                                                     Have foreign source capital gains and losses in no more 
    But, you don’t need to make any adjustments if:                      than two separate categories,
  The estate or trust qualifies for the adjustment exception         Didn’t have any item of unrecaptured section 1250 gain 
    under Qualified Dividends Tax Worksheet (Estates and                 or any item of 28% rate gain or loss for either regular tax 
    Trusts) or Schedule D Filers in the Instructions for Form            or AMT, and
    1116, and                                                          Didn’t have any capital gains taxed at a rate of 0% or 
  Line 60 of Schedule I (Form 1041) isn't more than                    20%.
    $206,100.                                                            Instructions for Worksheets A and B. When you 
                                                                      complete Worksheet A or Worksheet B, use foreign source 
Note. Use the estate's or trust's capital gains and losses as 
                                                                      capital gains and losses as refigured for the AMT, if 
refigured for the AMT to determine whether your total 
                                                                      necessary, and don’t use any foreign source capital gains 
amounts are less than the $20,000 threshold under the 
                                                                      that you elected to include on line 4g of the AMT Form 4952. 
adjustment exception.
                                                                      If you must complete a Schedule D (Form 1041) for the AMT, 
    To adjust foreign source qualified dividends, multiply the        use line 19 of that AMT Schedule D (Form 1041) to complete 
estate's or trust's foreign source qualified dividends in each        line 3 of Worksheet A or line 4 of the Line 2 Worksheet (For 
separate category by 0.5357 if the foreign source qualified           Line 2 of Worksheet B). Use 0.5357 instead of the number 
dividends are taxed at a rate of 15%. Include the results on          used for regular tax to complete lines 11, 13, and 15 of 
line 1a of the AMT Form 1116.                                         Worksheet B and to complete lines 8, 11, and 17 of the 
    If they are taxed at a rate of 20%, multiply your foreign         Line 15 Worksheet (For Line 15 of Worksheet B).
source qualified dividends in each separate category by                  If the estate or trust doesn't qualify to use Worksheet A or 
0.7143. Include the results on line 1a of the AMT Form 1116.          Worksheet B, use the instructions for Capital Gains and 
    You adjust the estate's or trust's foreign source qualified       Losses in Pub. 514 to determine the adjustments you make. 
dividends taxed at the 0% rate by not including them on               When using the instructions in Pub. 514 to determine if you 
line 1a of Form 1116. Amounts taxed at the 0% rate are on             must adjust foreign source capital gains and losses, make 
line 8 of the Qualified Dividends Tax Worksheet in the                the following substitutions.
Instructions for Form 1041, line 30 of Schedule D (Form                When the amount of any AMT gain is in the 15% rate 
1041), or line 19 of the Schedule D Tax Worksheet in the                 group, multiply it by 0.5357 instead of the number used 
Instructions for Schedule D (Form 1041).                                 for regular tax.
        Don’t adjust the amount of any foreign source                  When the amount of any AMT gain is in the 20% rate 
                                                                         group, multiply it by 0.7143 instead of the number used 
    !   qualified dividends you elected to include on line 4g            for regular tax.
CAUTION of the AMT Form 4952.
                                                                       When the amount of any AMT gain is in the 25% rate 
Foreign capital gains or losses.      If any capital gain or             group, multiply it by 0.8929 instead of the number used 
loss from U.S. or foreign sources is different for the AMT, use          for regular tax.
the refigured amounts to complete this step.                           When the amount of any AMT gain is in the 28% rate 
    To figure the adjustment for the estate's or trust's foreign         group, multiply it by 1.0 instead of the number used for 
source capital gains or losses, you must first determine                 regular tax.
whether you can use Worksheet A or Worksheet B in the                 Step 4. Complete Part II and lines 9 through 14 of the AMT 
Instructions for Form 1116. Otherwise, you must use the               Form 1116. Use the estate's or trust's AMT foreign tax credit 
instructions for Capital Gains and Losses in Pub. 514,                carryover, if any, on line 10.
Foreign Tax Credit for Individuals, to figure the adjustments 
you must make to the estate's or trust's foreign source capital       Step 5. If the simplified limitation election doesn't apply, 
gains and losses.                                                     complete lines 15 through 17 of the AMT Form 1116.
    Use Worksheet A if the estate or trust has foreign source         Step 6. If you didn't complete Part IV of Schedule I (Form 
capital gains or losses in no more than two separate                  1041), enter the amount from Schedule I (Form 1041), 
categories, and any of the following apply.                           line 27, on line 18 of the AMT Form 1116 and go to Step 7 
  You weren't required to make adjustments to the estate's          later.
    or trust's foreign source qualified dividends under the              If you completed Part IV of Schedule I (Form 1041), 
    rules described earlier (or if the estate or trust had foreign    complete an AMT Worksheet for Line 18 in the Instructions 
    source qualified dividends, you wouldn’t have been                for Form 1116 to figure the amount to enter on Form 1116, 
    required to make those adjustments).                              line 18, if:
  Schedule D (Form 1041), line 18a, column (2), or line 19,          Line 60 of Schedule I (Form 1041) is greater than zero, 
    column (2), as refigured for the AMT if necessary, is zero           and
    or a loss.                                                         Line 81 of Schedule I (Form 1041) is smaller than line 82.
  On the AMT Schedule D Tax Worksheet for Form 1041, 
    (a) line 17a is zero, (b) line 9 is zero, or (c) line 42 is          But you don’t need to complete the Worksheet for Line 18 
    equal to or greater than line 43.                                 if:
  On the AMT Part V of Schedule D (Form 1041), (a)                   The estate or trust qualifies for the adjustment exception 
    line 22 of that AMT Part V minus the amount on Form                  discussed in the Instructions for Form 1116, and

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  Line 60 of Schedule I (Form 1041) isn't more than             a later year. Once made, the election applies to all later tax 
    $206,100.                                                     years and may be revoked only with IRS consent.
    Note. Use the estate's and trust's capital gains and 
    losses as refigured for the AMT to determine if its total     Line 53—Tax
    amounts are less than the $20,000 threshold under the         ESBTs. Enter the tax shown on line 14a of the ESBT Tax 
    adjustment exception.                                         Worksheet (minus any foreign tax credit from line 15a of the 
If you don’t have to complete an AMT Worksheet for                ESBT worksheet).
Line 18, enter the amount from line 27 of Schedule I (Form 
1041) on line 18 of the AMT Form 1116.                            Line 54—Alternative Minimum Tax
Instructions for completing an AMT Worksheet for                  ESBTs. Enter the amount shown on line 14b of the ESBT 
Line 18. To complete an AMT Worksheet for Line 18 in the          Tax Worksheet.
Instructions for Form 1116, follow these instructions.
                                                                  Part IV—Line 50 Computation Using 
1. Enter the amount from Schedule I (Form 1041), line 27, 
    on line 1 of the worksheet.                                   Maximum Capital Gains Rates

2. Skip lines 2 and 3 of the worksheet.                           Lines 56, 57, and 58
3. Enter the amount from Schedule I (Form 1041), line 79,         If you used Schedule D (Form 1041), the Schedule D Tax 
    on line 4 of the worksheet.                                   Worksheet in the Instructions for Schedule D (Form 1041), or 
                                                                  the Qualified Dividends Tax Worksheet in the Instructions for 
4. Multiply line 4 of the worksheet by 0.1071 (instead of the     Form 1041, you may generally enter the amounts as 
    number used for regular tax) and enter the results on         instructed on Schedule I (Form 1041), lines 56, 57, and 58. 
    line 5 of the worksheet.                                      But don’t use those amounts if any of the following apply.
5. Enter the amount from Schedule I (Form 1041), line 76,              1. The gain or loss from any transaction reported on Form 
    on line 6 of the worksheet.                                          8949 or Schedule D (Form 1041) is different for the AMT 
6. Multiply line 6 of the worksheet by 0.2857 (instead of the            (for example, because the AMT basis was different due 
    number used for regular tax) and enter the result on                 to depreciation adjustments or an incentive stock option 
    line 7 of the worksheet.                                             adjustment or the AMT capital loss carryover from 2021 
                                                                         was different).
7. Enter the amount from Schedule I (Form 1041), line 73, 
    on line 8 of the worksheet.                                        2. You didn't complete Part V of Schedule D (Form 1041), 
                                                                         the Schedule D Tax Worksheet in the Instructions for 
8. Multiply line 8 of the worksheet by 0.4643 (instead of the            Schedule D (Form 1041), or the Qualified Dividends Tax 
    number used for regular tax). Enter the result on line 9 of          Worksheet in the Instructions for Form 1041 because 
    the worksheet.                                                       Form 1041, line 23, or line 13 of the EBST Tax 
9. Enter the amount from Schedule I (Form 1041), line 66,                Worksheet, was zero or less.
    on line 10 of the worksheet.                                       3. The estate or trust received a Schedule K-1 (Form 1041) 
10. Complete lines 11 and 12 of the worksheet as instructed              that shows an amount in box 12 with code B, C, D, E, or 
    on the worksheet.                                                    F. If this applies, see If the estate or trust is a beneficiary 
                                                                         of another estate or trust, later.
Step 7. Enter the amount from Schedule I (Form 1041), 
                                                                       If 1 above applies, complete an AMT Form 8949. Next, if 1 
line 50 on the AMT Form 1116, line 20. Complete lines 19 
                                                                  or 3 applies, complete Parts I through IV of an AMT 
through 24 of the AMT Form 1116.
                                                                  Schedule D (Form 1041) by refiguring the amounts of your 
Step 8. Complete Part IV of the first AMT Form 1116 only.         gains and losses for the AMT. Then, if 1, 2, or 3 applies, 
Enter on line 51 of Schedule I (Form 1041) the amount             complete the following lines of the applicable schedule or 
from line 35 of the first AMT Form 1116.                          worksheet.
Attach to the estate's or trust's return all AMT Forms 1116            Lines 22 through 26 of an AMT Schedule D (Form 1041),
(and if applicable Schedule B (Form 1116)) you used to                 Lines 2 through 13 of an AMT Schedule D Tax 
                                                                         Worksheet in the Instructions for Schedule D (Form 
figure your AMT foreign tax credit.
                                                                         1041), or
AMT foreign tax credit carryback and carryforward.       If            Lines 2 through 4 of a Qualified Dividends Tax 
the AMT foreign tax credit is limited, any unused amount can             Worksheet in the Instructions for Form 1041.
be carried back or forward under section 904(c). The election 
to forego the carryback period for regular tax purposes also           If you were required to complete an AMT Form 4952, use 
applies for the AMT.                                              it to figure the amount to enter on line 25 of the AMT 
                                                                  Schedule D (Form 1041), lines 3 and 4 of the AMT 
Simplified limitation election.  The estate or trust may          Schedule D Tax Worksheet in the Instructions for Schedule D 
elect to use a simplified section 904 limitation to figure its    (Form 1041), and line 3 of the Qualified Dividends Tax 
AMT foreign tax credit. To do so, use the estate's or trust's     Worksheet. Use amounts from the AMT Schedule D (Form 
regular tax income for Form 1116, Part I, instead of refiguring   1041), AMT Schedule D Tax Worksheet in the Instructions 
the estate's or trust's foreign source income for the AMT, as     for Schedule D (Form 1041), or Qualified Dividends Tax 
described in Step 2 in the instructions for line 51, earlier. The Worksheet in the Instructions for Form 1041 to complete 
estate or trust must make the election for the first tax year     Schedule I (Form 1041), lines 56, 57, and 58. Keep the AMT 
after 1997 for which it claims an AMT foreign tax credit. If it   Form 8949, AMT Schedule D (Form 1041), and applicable 
doesn't make the election for that year, it may not make it for   AMT worksheet for your records, but don’t attach any of them 
                                                                  to Form 1041.

                                                                  -10-            2022 Instructions for Schedule I (Form 1041)

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The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.

        Don’t decrease the estate's or trust's section 1202        IF the code in box 12 is... THEN include that amount in the total 
!       exclusion by the amount, if any, included on line 8 of                                 on...
CAUTION Schedule I (Form 1041) .
                                                                   B                           line 2 of an AMT Qualified Dividends Tax 
                                                                                               Worksheet in the Instructions for Form 
If the estate or trust is a beneficiary of another estate or                                   1041; line 23 of an AMT Schedule D 
trust. If the estate or trust received a Schedule K-1 (Form                                    (Form 1041); or line 2 of an AMT 
1041) from another estate or trust that shows an amount in                                     Schedule D Tax Worksheet in the 
                                                                                               Instructions for Schedule D (Form 1041), 
box 12 with code B, C, D, E, or F, follow the instructions in                                  whichever applies.
the table below.                                                   C                           line 5, column (h), of an AMT Schedule D 
                                                                                               (Form 1041).
                                                                   D                           line 12, column (h), of an AMT 
                                                                                               Schedule D (Form 1041).
                                                                   E                           line 11 of an AMT Unrecaptured Section 
                                                                                               1250 Gain Worksheet in the Instructions 
                                                                                               for Schedule D (Form 1041).
                                                                   F                           line 4 of an AMT 28% Rate Gain 
                                                                                               Worksheet in the Instructions for 
                                                                                               Schedule D (Form 1041).

2022 Instructions for Schedule I (Form 1041)                   -11-

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