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2024 Instructions for Schedule R

                                        Use Schedule R (Form 1040) to figure the credit for the elderly or the disa-
Credit for the                          bled.

Elderly or the 


Future  developments. For  the  latest  information  about         Age 65
developments related to Schedule R (Form 1040) and its             You are considered age 65 on the day before your 65th 
instructions,  such  as  legislation  enacted  after  they  were   birthday.  As  a  result,  if  you  were  born  on  January  1, 
published, go to IRS.gov/ScheduleR.                                1960, you are considered to be age 65 at the end of 2024.
                                                                   Death  of  taxpayer. If  you  are  preparing  a  return  for 
What’s New                                                         someone who died in 2024, consider the taxpayer to be 
Pub. 524 discontinued. We have discontinued Pub. 524,              age 65 at the end of 2024 if they were age 65 or older on 
Credit  for  the  Elderly  or  the  Disabled;  the  last  revision the day before their death. For example, if the taxpayer 
was  for  2023.  All  the  pertinent  information  from  Pub.      was born on February 14, 1959, and died on February 13, 
524  has  been  incorporated  into  the  Instructions  for         2024,  the  taxpayer  is  considered  age  65  at  the  time  of 
Schedule  R.  Prior  revisions  of  Pub.  524  will  remain        death.  However,  if  the  taxpayer  died  on  February  12, 
available at IRS.gov/Pub524.                                       2024, the taxpayer isn't considered age 65 at the time of 
                                                                   death or at the end of 2024.

General Instructions                                               U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien
Who Can Take the Credit                                            You must be a U.S. citizen or resident alien (or be treated 
You can take the credit for the elderly or the disabled if         as a resident alien) to take the credit. Generally, you can't 
you meet both of the following requirements.                       take the credit if you were a nonresident alien at any time 
You are a qualified individual.                                  during the tax year.
Your income isn't more than certain limits.                      Exceptions. You may be able to take the credit if you are 
                                                                   a  nonresident  alien  who  is  married  to  a  U.S.  citizen  or 
You can use  Figure A and    Table 1 as guides to see if 
                                                                   resident alien at the end of the tax year and you and your 
you are eligible for the credit. Use Figure A first to see if 
                                                                   spouse choose to treat you as a U.S. resident alien. If you 
you are a qualified individual. If you are, then go to Ta-
                                                                   make that choice, both you and your spouse are taxed on 
ble 1 to make sure your income isn’t too high to take the 
                                                                   your worldwide incomes.
                                                                   If you were a nonresident alien at the beginning of the 
Qualified Individual                                               year and a resident alien at the end of the year, and you 
You are a qualified individual for this credit if you are a        were married to a U.S. citizen or resident alien at the end 
U.S. citizen or resident alien, and either of the following        of the year, you may be able to choose to be treated as a 
applies.                                                           U.S. resident alien for the entire year. In that case, you 
                                                                   may be allowed to take the credit.
1. You were age 65 or older at the end of 2024.
                                                                   For information on these choices, see chapter 1 of Pub. 
2. You were under age 65 (discussed later) at the end 
of 2024 and all three of the following statements are true.
a. You retired on permanent and total disability. (See                 You can take the credit only if you file Form 1040 
Permanent and Total Disability, later).                            TIP or 1040-SR. You can’t take the credit if you file 
                                                                       Form 1040-NR.
b. You receive taxable disability income for 2024.
c. On January 1, 2024, you had not reached mandato-
ry retirement age (defined later under Disability Income).         Married Persons
                                                                   Generally, if you are married at the end of the tax year, 
                                                                   you and your spouse must file a joint return to take the 

                              Instructions for Schedule R (Form 1040) (2024)  Catalog Number 11357O
Dec 18, 2024                  Department of the Treasury  Internal Revenue Service  www.irs.gov

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credit. However, if you and your spouse lived apart, you         Permanent and Total Disability
might be eligible for the credit.                                You are permanently and totally disabled if both 1 and 2 
Married  persons  filing  separate  returns. If  your  filing    below apply.
status  is  married  filing  separately  and  you  lived  apart     1. You can’t engage in any substantial gainful activity 
from your spouse at all times during 2024, you can claim         because of a physical or mental condition.
the credit. However, if you lived with your spouse at any           2. A qualified physician determines that the condition 
time during 2024, you can’t take the credit.                     has lasted or can be expected to last continuously for at 
                                                                 least  a  year  or  can  be  expected  to  result  in  death.  See 
Head of Household                                                Physician's Statement, later.
You can file as head of household and qualify to take the 
credit, even if your spouse lived with you during the first      Substantial gainful activity. Substantial gainful activity 
6 months of the year, if you meet all the following tests.       is the performance of significant duties over a reasonable 
                                                                 period of time while working for pay or profit, or in work 
1. You file a separate return.
                                                                 generally  done  for  pay  or  profit.  Full-time  work  (or 
2. You  paid  more  than  half  the  cost  of  keeping  up       part-time work done at your employer's convenience) in a 
your home during the tax year.                                   competitive work situation for at least the minimum wage 
3. Your spouse didn't live in your home at any time              conclusively  shows  that  you  are  able  to  engage  in  sub-
during the last 6 months of the tax year and the absence         stantial gainful activity.
wasn't  temporary.  See Temporary  absences  under Head 
of Household in Pub. 501.                                        Note. Information on minimum wage rates is available 
                                                                 at DOL.gov/general/topic/wages/minimumwage.
4. Your home was the main home of your child, your 
stepchild, or an eligible foster child for more than half the       Substantial gainful activity isn't work you do to take 
year. An eligible foster child is a child placed with you by     care  of  yourself  or  your  home.  It  isn't  unpaid  work  on 
an authorized placement agency or by judgment, decree,           hobbies,  institutional  therapy  or  training,  school  attend-
or other order of any court of competent jurisdiction.           ance, clubs, social programs, and similar activities. How-
                                                                 ever, the nature of the work you perform may show that 
5. The child is your dependent, or would be your de-
                                                                 you are able to engage in substantial gainful activity.
pendent except that the noncustodial parent is entitled to 
claim the child as their dependent under the special rule           The fact that you haven't worked or have been unem-
for children of divorced or separated parents. See Chil-         ployed for some time isn't, of itself, conclusive evidence 
dren  of  divorced  or  separated  parents  (or  parents  who    that you can't engage in substantial gainful activity.
live apart) in Pub. 501.                                            The following examples illustrate the tests of substan-
                                                                 tial gainful activity.
For more information, see the Instructions for Form 1040 
or Pub 501.                                                         Example 1. Alex, a sales clerk, is retired on disability. 
                                                                 Alex is 53 years old and now works as a full-time baby-
Under Age 65                                                     sitter for the minimum wage. Although different work is 
If you are under age 65 at the end of 2024, you can quali-       performed, Alex is able to do the duties of the new job in 
fy for the credit only if you are retired on permanent and       a full-time competitive work situation for the minimum 
total  disability  (discussed  next),  have  taxable  disability wage. The credit can’t be taken because Alex is able to 
income (discussed later under Disability Income), and as         engage in substantial gainful activity.
of  January  1,  2024,  had  not  reached Mandatory  retire-        Example 2. Blake, a bookkeeper, is retired on disabili-
ment age. You are retired on permanent and total disabili-       ty.  Blake  is  59  years  old  and  now  drives  a  truck  for  a 
ty if:                                                           charitable  organization.  Blake  decides  what  hours  to 
You  were  permanently  and  totally  disabled  when           work  and  isn’t  paid.  Duties  of  this  nature  are  generally 
you retired, and                                                 performed for pay or profit. Blake works 10 hours some 
You retired on disability before the close of the tax          weeks, and some weeks 40 hours. Over the year, Blake 
year.                                                            averages  20  hours  a  week.  The  kind  of  work  and  the 
                                                                 average hours per week conclusively show that Blake is 
Even if you don't retire formally, you may be consid-
                                                                 able to engage in substantial gainful activity. This is true 
ered retired on disability when you have stopped working 
                                                                 even though Blake isn't paid and sets the hours to work. 
because of your disability.
                                                                 Blake can't take the credit.
If  you  retired  on  disability  before  1977,  and  weren't       Example 3. Cameron, who retired on disability, took a 
permanently  and  totally  disabled  at  the  time,  you  can    job with a former employer on a trial basis. The purpose 
qualify for the credit if you were permanently and totally       of the job was to see if Cameron could do the work. The 
disabled on January 1, 1976, or January 1, 1977.                 trial  period  lasted  for  6  months  during  which  Cameron 
       You are considered to be under age 65 at the end          was paid the minimum wage. Because of Cameron's disa-
TIP    of 2024 if you were born after January 1, 1960.           bility, only light duties of a nonproductive “make-work” 
                                                                 nature were assigned. Unless the activity is both substan-


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tial and gainful, Cameron isn’t engaged in a substantial      Income Limits
and gainful activity. The activity was gainful because Ca-
                                                              To determine if you can claim the credit, you must con-
meron was paid at least the minimum wage. But the ac-
                                                              sider two income limits. The first limit is the amount of 
tivity  wasn't  substantial  because  Cameron’s  duties  were 
                                                              your  adjusted  gross  income  (AGI).  The  second  limit  is 
nonproductive.  These  facts  don't,  by  themselves,  show 
                                                              the amount of nontaxable social security and other non-
that Cameron is able to engage in substantial gainful ac-
                                                              taxable pensions, annuities, or disability income you re-
                                                              ceived. The limits are shown in Table 1.
Example 4. Dean, who retired on disability from a job 
                                                              If your AGI and your nontaxable pensions, annuities, 
as a bookkeeper, lives with a relative who manages sever-
                                                              or disability income are less than the income limits, you 
al motel units. Dean is 56 years old and helps the relative 
                                                              may be able to claim the credit.
for 1 or 2 hours a day by performing duties such as wash-
ing  dishes,  answering  phones,  registering  guests,  and           If your AGI or your nontaxable pensions, annui-
bookkeeping. Dean can select the time of day when Dean        !       ties,  or  disability  income  are  equal  to  or  more 
feels the most fit to work. Work of this nature, performed    CAUTION than the income limits, you can't take the credit.
off and on during the day at Dean's convenience, isn't ac-
tivity of a substantial and gainful nature even if Dean is    Want the IRS To Figure Your Credit?
paid  for  the  work.  The  performance  of  these  duties    You can figure the credit yourself or the IRS will figure it 
doesn't, of itself, show that Dean is able to engage in sub-  for you. If you want to figure the credit yourself, skip this 
stantial gainful activity.                                    section and see Part I, later.
Sheltered  employment.     Certain  work  offered  at  quali- If you can take the credit and you want the IRS to fig-
fied locations to physically or mentally impaired persons     ure the credit for you, check the appropriate box in Part I 
is considered sheltered employment. These qualified lo-       of Schedule R and fill in Part II and lines 11 and 13 of 
cations include work centers that are certified by the De-    Part III, if they apply to you. Then, on Schedule 3 (Form 
partment  of  Labor  (formerly  referred  to  as  “sheltered  1040), line 6d, enter “CFE” on the line next to that box. 
workshops”),  hospitals  and  similar  institutions,  home-   Attach Schedule R to your return.
bound  programs,  and  Department  of  Veterans  Affairs 
(VA) sponsored homes.
Compared  to  commercial  employment,  pay  is  lower 
for sheltered employment. Therefore, one usually doesn't      Specific Instructions
look for sheltered employment if they can get other em-
                                                              Part I — Check the Box for Your Filing 
ployment. The fact that one has accepted sheltered em-
ployment isn't proof of the person's ability to engage in     Status and Age
substantial gainful activity.                                 Check the box in Part I of Schedule R that applies to you. 
                                                              Only check one box in Part I. If you check box 2, 4, 5, 6, 
Disability Income                                             or 9 in Part I, also complete Part II of Schedule R.
If you are under age 65, you must also have taxable disa-
                                                              Part II — Statement of Permanent and 
bility income to qualify for the credit. Disability income 
must meet both of the following requirements.                 Total Disability
1. It must be paid under your employer's accident or          If you checked box 2, 4, 5, 6, or 9 in Part I and you didn't 
health plan or pension plan.                                  file a physician's statement for 1983 or an earlier year, or 
2. It  must  be  included  in  your  income  as  wages  (or   you filed or got a statement for tax years after 1983 and 
payments instead of wages) for the time you are absent        your  physician  signed  on  line  A  of  the  statement,  you 
from work because of permanent and total disability.          must have your physician complete a statement certifying 
Payments that aren’t disability income. Any payment           You  were  permanently  and  totally  disabled  on  the 
you receive from a plan that doesn't provide for disability   date you retired; or
retirement  isn't  disability  income.  Any  lump-sum  pay-   If  you  retired  before  1977,  you  were  permanently 
ment for accrued annual leave that you receive when you       and  totally  disabled  on  January  1,  1976,  or  January  1, 
retire on disability is a salary payment and isn't disability 1977.
income.                                                       You don't have to file this statement with your tax re-
Mandatory retirement age.     For purposes of the credit      turn. But you must keep it for your records. You can use 
for the elderly or the disabled, disability income doesn't    the Physician's  Statement  later  in  these  instructions  for 
include amounts you receive after you reach mandatory         this  purpose.  Your  physician  should  show  on  the  state-
retirement age. Mandatory retirement age is the age set       ment if the disability has lasted or can be expected to last 
by your employer at which you would have had to retire,       continuously for at least a year, or if there is no reasona-
had you not become disabled.                                  ble probability that the disabled condition will ever im-
                                                              prove. If you file a joint return and you checked box 5 in 
                                                              Part I, you and your spouse must each get a statement.


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If you filed a physician's statement for 1983 or an ear-           IF you checked . . . THEN enter on line 10 . . .
lier year, or you filed or got a statement for tax years after 
1983  and  your  physician  signed  on  line  B  of  the  state-   box 1, 2, 4, or 7    $5,000
ment, you don't have to get another statement for 2024.            box 3, 5, or 6       $7,500
But you must check the box on line 2 in Part II to certify 
all three of the following.                                        box 8 or 9           $3,750
1. You filed or got a physician's statement in an earli-
er year.
                                                                   Line 11
2. You were permanently and totally disabled during 
2024.                                                              If you or your spouse were under age 65, you must figure 
                                                                   the amount of your taxable disability income for line 11.
3. You were unable to engage in any substantial gain-
ful activity during 2024 because of your physical or men-          If you checked box 2, 4, 5, 6, or 9 in Part I, use the fol-
tal condition.                                                     lowing table to complete line 11.
If  you  checked  box  4,  5,  or  6  in  Part  I,  enter  in  the IF you checked . . . THEN enter on line 11 . . .
space above the box on line 2 in Part II the first name(s) 
of the spouse(s) for whom the box is checked.                      box 6                the total of $5,000 plus the disability 
                                                                                        income you reported on your tax return 
If  the  Department  of  Veterans  Affairs  (VA)  certifies                             for the spouse who was under age 65.
that  you  are  permanently  and  totally  disabled,  you  can 
use  VA  Form  21-0172  instead  of  the  physician's  state-      box 2, 4, or 9       the total amount of disability income 
                                                                                        you reported on your tax return.
ment. VA Form 21-0172 must be signed by a person au-
thorized by the VA to do so. You can get this form from            box 5                the total amount of disability income 
your local VA regional office.                                                          you reported on your tax return for 
                                                                                        both you and your spouse.
Part III — Figure Your Credit
To figure your credit, you must first determine your ini-
tial  amount  using  lines  10  through  12.  Your  initial        Example 1.     You are 63 years old and retired on perma-
amount depends on your filing status and, if you are un-           nent  and  total  disability  in  2024.  You  are  filing  jointly 
der age 65, the amount of your taxable disability income.          with your spouse, who was age 67 in 2024. You check 
The initial amount for qualified individuals under age 65          box 6 in Part I and enter $7,500 on line 10. You received 
may be less than the amount shown for a filing status.             $4,000 of taxable disability income and will report the in-
                                                                   come on Form 1040, line 1h. On line 11, you will enter 
Initial amounts for persons under age 65. If you are a 
                                                                   $9,000 ($5,000 plus the $4,000 of disability income you 
qualified  individual  under  age  65,  your  initial  amount 
                                                                   will report on Form 1040, line 1h). You will enter $7,500 
can’t be more than your taxable disability income. Your 
                                                                   on line 12 (the smaller of line 10 or line 11). The largest 
initial  amount  will  be  the  lesser  of  the  initial  amount 
                                                                   amount that can be used to figure the credit is $7,500.
shown  on  line  10  for  your  filing  status  or  your  taxable 
disability income figured on line 11. The smaller of these         Example  2.    You  checked  box  2  in  Part  I  and  entered 
two amounts will be entered on line 12.                            $5,000 on line 10. You received $3,000 of taxable disa-
                                                                   bility income, which is entered on line 11. You will enter 
Special rules for joint returns. If you file a joint return        $3,000 on line 12 (the smaller of line 10 or line 11). The 
and both you and your spouse are qualified individuals,            largest  amount  that  can  be  used  to  figure  the  credit  is 
the initial amount you report for yourself and your spouse         $3,000.
on Schedule R will depend on whether only one of you is 
(or both of you are) under age 65.                                 Line 13a Through 13b
If only one of you is under age 65, your initial amount            The amount on which you figured your credit can be re-
can’t be more than $5,000 plus the taxable disability in-          duced  if  you  received  certain  types  of  nontaxable  pen-
come of the spouse who is under age 65.                            sions,  annuities,  or  disability  income.  Use  lines  13a 
If both you and your spouse are under age 65, the ini-             through 13c to figure the nontaxable portion.
tial amount for you and your spouse can’t be more than                    Worksheets  are  provided  in  the  Instructions  for 
your combined taxable disability income.                           TIP    Form 1040 to help you determine if any of your 
                                                                          social security benefits (or equivalent railroad re-
Line 10                                                            tirement benefits) are taxable.
The following table shows the initial amount for each fil-
ing status.
                                                                   Line 13a
                                                                   Enter  any  social  security  benefits  (before  deduction  of 
                                                                   Medicare premiums) you (and your spouse if filing joint-
                                                                   ly) received for 2024 that aren't taxable.


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Don’t include a lump-sum death benefit payment you                     Any other pension, annuity, or disability benefit that 
may receive as a surviving spouse, or a surviving chid’s           is excluded from income under any provision of federal 
insurance benefit payments you may receive as a guardi-            law other than the Internal Revenue Code. Don't include 
an.                                                                amounts that are treated as a return of your cost of a pen-
Also, enter any tier 1 railroad retirement benefits trea-          sion or annuity.
ted as social security that aren't taxable.                            Don't include on line 13b any pension, annuity, or sim-
If any of your social security or equivalent railroad re-          ilar allowance for personal injuries or sickness resulting 
tirement benefits are taxable, the amount to enter on this         from active service in the armed forces of any country, or 
line is generally the difference between the amounts en-           in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 
tered on Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 6a and line 6b.                or the Public Health Service. Also, don't include a disa-
                                                                   bility annuity payable under section 808 of the Foreign 
        If your social security or equivalent railroad re-         Service Act of 1980.
CAUTION compensation  benefits,  treat  the  workers’  com-
!       tirement benefits are reduced because of workers’                  Be sure to take into account all of the nontaxable 
pensation benefits as social security benefits when com-               !   amounts you receive. These amounts are verified 
pleting Schedule R (Form 1040), line 13a.                          CAUTION by the IRS through information supplied by other 
                                                                   government agencies.
Line 13b                                                           Excess  adjusted  gross  income.                 The  amount  on  which 
                                                                   you figure your credit can also be reduced if your adjus-
Enter the total of the following types of income that you 
                                                                   ted gross income is over a certain amount. This will be 
(and your spouse if filing jointly) received for 2024.
                                                                   figured on lines 14 through 17.
Veterans'  pensions  (but  not  military  disability  pen-

Line 21 — Credit Limit Worksheet                                                                            Keep for Your Records
The amount of credit you can claim is generally limited to the amount of your tax. Use the Credit Limit Worksheet to 
determine if your credit is limited.

1.  Enter the amount from Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                1.  
2.  Enter the amount from Schedule 3 (Form 1040), lines 1, 2, and 6l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                       2.  
3.  Subtract line 2 from line 1. Enter this amount on Schedule R (Form 1040), line 21. But if 
    zero or less, STOP; you can't take this credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.  

Examples                                                           Line  references  (shown  in  parentheses)  are  to  Sched-
                                                                   ule R.
The following examples illustrate the credit for the elder-
ly or the disabled.                                                1.    Initial amount based on filing status (line 10)                 . . .    $5,000
                                                                   2.    Taxable disability pension (line 11)   . . . . . . . . .                 $15,000
Example 1.         Jesse is 58 years old, single, and files Form 
1040. In 2022, Jesse retired on permanent and total disa-          3.    Initial amount (smaller of line 1 or line 2) 
bility, and is still permanently and totally disabled. Jesse             (line 12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                $5,000
got the required physician's statement in 2022 and kept it         4.    Nontaxable social security 
with personal tax records. The physician signed on line B                benefits (line 13c) . . . . . . . . . . . . .                       $700
of  the  statement.  This  year,  Jesse  checks  the  box  in      5.    Excess adjusted gross income (line 17) 
Schedule  R,  Part  II.  Jesse  doesn't  need  to  get  another          ($15,100 − $7,500) ÷ 2  . . . . . . . . . .                        $3,800
statement for 2024.                                                6.    Add lines 4 and 5 (line 18)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                 $4,500
Jesse received the following income for the year.                  7.    Subtract line 6 from line 3 (line 19) 
                                                                         (Don't enter less than -0-.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               $500
Nontaxable social security   . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $700
Interest (taxable) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100    8.    Multiply line 7 by 15% (0.15) (line 20)    . . . . . . .                 $75
Taxable disability pension   . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $15,000 9.    Enter the amount from the 
Adjusted gross income (Form 1040, line 11)       . . . .   $15,100       Credit Limit Worksheet—Line 21 in the 
                                                                         Instructions for Schedule R (line 21)    . . . . . . . .                 $51
                                                                   10.   Credit (Enter the smaller of 
The adjusted gross income is the total of Jesse’s taxa-                  line 8 or line 9.) (line 22) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               $51
ble  interest  and  taxable  disability  pension  ($15,000  + 
$100). Jesse figures the credit on Schedule R as follows. 


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Jesse can claim the credit; enters $51 on Schedule R,                  The amount on line 3–$7,500–is less than the amount 
line 22, and on Schedule 3 (Form 1040), line 6d; and at-               on line 6–$11,675. Subtracting $11,675 from $7,500 pro-
taches a completed Schedule R.                                         duces a negative amount. As a result, Riley and Parker 
Example 2.    Riley, age 53, is married to Parker, age 49.             may not claim the credit.
Riley had a stroke 3 years ago and retired on permanent 
and total disability. Riley is still permanently and totally 
disabled because of the stroke. In November, Parker was 
injured in an accident at work and retired on permanent 
and total disability.
Riley  received  nontaxable  social  security  disability 
benefits of $2,000 during the year and a taxable disability 
pension of $6,400. Parker earned $21,250 from a job and 
received  a  taxable  disability  pension  of  $1,700.  Their 
joint return on Form 1040, line 11, shows adjusted gross 
income of $29,350 ($6,400 + $21,250 + $1,700). Their 
filing status is married filing jointly. They don't itemize 
deductions. They don't have any amounts that would in-
crease their standard deduction.
Parker's doctor completed the physician's statement in 
the Instructions for Schedule R. Parker isn't required to 
include the statement with their return, but Parker must 
keep it for their records.
Riley got a physician's statement for the year Riley had 
the  stroke.  Riley’s  doctor  had  signed  on  line  B  of  that 
physician's statement to certify that Riley had a perma-
nent  and  total  disability.  Riley  has  kept  the  physician's 
statement with their tax records. Riley checks the box on 
Schedule R, Part II, and will write “Riley” in the space 
above the box on line 2.
Riley and Parker use Schedule R to figure their credit 
for  the  elderly  or  disabled.  They  are  ineligible  for  the 
credit because their initial amount is less than zero. They 
can’t take the credit because their nontaxable social se-
curity  plus  their  excess  adjusted  gross  income  is  more 
than their initial amount.

Riley  and  Parker  made  that  determination  on  Sched-
ule R as follows. Line references (shown in parentheses) 
are to Schedule R.
1.  Initial amount based on filing status (line 10)    . . .   $7,500
2.  Taxable disability pension (line 11)   . . . . . . . . .   $8,100
3.  Initial amount (smaller of line 1 or line 2) 
    (line 12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $7,500
4.  Nontaxable social security 
    benefits (line 13c) . . . . . . . . . . . . .        $2,000
5.  Excess adjusted gross income (line 17) 
    ($29,350 − $10,000) ÷ 2      . . . . . . . . .       $9,675
6.  Add lines 4 and 5 (line 18)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $11,675
7.  Subtract line 6 from line 3 
    (Don't enter less than -0-.) (line 19) . . . . . . . . .   ($4,175)
8.  Multiply line 7 by 15% (0.15)    . . . . . . . . . . . .   N/A
9.  Enter the amount from the 
    Credit Limit Worksheet—Line 21 in the 
    Instructions for Schedule R (line 21)    . . . . . . . .   N/A
10. Credit (Enter the smaller of 
    line 8 or line 9.) (line 22) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/A


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Figure A. Are You a Qualified Individual?

    Did you live with your                 Yes
    spouse at any time                               Were you married at the end of the tax year? Start Here
    during the tax year?1                  No
                       Yes              Yes
    Are you ling a joint                  No        Are you a U.S. citizen or resident alien?2
    return with your spouse?
                                                     Were you 65 or older at the end of     Yes
                                                     the tax year?
     You aren’t a qualied 
     individual and can’t                                              No                         You are a qualied
     take the credit for                                                                          individual and may
     the elderly or the                              Are  you  retired  on  permanent  and        be able to take the
     disabled.                                       total disability?                            credit for the elderly
                                                                                                  or the disabled
                                                                       Yes                        unless your income
                                           Yes                                                    exceeds the limits in
                                                     Did you reach mandatory retirement           Table 1.
                                                     age before the tax year?3

                                           No        Did  you  receive  taxable  disability Yes
                                                     benets during the tax year?

1However, you may be able to claim this credit even if you lived with your spouse during the rst 6 months of the tax year, as long as you qualify 
 to le as head of household. You qualify to le as head of household if you are considered unmarried and meet certain other conditions. See 
 Publication 501 for more information. 
2If you were a nonresident alien at any time during the tax year and were married to a U.S. citizen or resident alien at the end of the tax year,
 see U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien under Qualified Individual. If you and your spouse choose to treat you as a U.S. resident alien, answer “Yes”
 to this question.
3 Mandatory retirement age is the age set by your employer at which you would have been required to retire, had you not become disabled.
Table 1. Income Limits

                                        THEN, you generally CAN'T take the credit if...
                                                                                           OR the total of your nontaxable social security and 
                                        The amount on Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 11* is... other nontaxable pension(s), annuities, or disability 
IF your filing status is...                                                                income is equal to or more than...
single, head of household, or 
                                                     $17,500 or more                              $5,000
qualifying surviving spouse
married filing jointly and only one 
                                                     $20,000 or more                              $5,000
spouse is a qualifying individual
married filing jointly and both 
                                                     $25,000 or more                              $7,500
spouses are qualifying individuals
married filing separately and you 
lived apart from your spouse for all of              $12,500 or more                              $3,750
* AGI is the amount on Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 11.


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Instructions for Physician's Statement
Taxpayer                                                            Physician
If you retired after 1976, enter the date you retired in  A person is permanently and totally disabled if both 
the space provided on the statement below.                          of the following apply.
                                                                    1. They can't engage in any substantial gainful 
                                                                    activity because of a physical or mental condition.
                                                                    2. A physician determines that the disability has 
                                                                    lasted or can be expected to last continuously for at 
                                                                    least a year or can lead to death.

Physician's Statement                                                                      Keep for Your Records

   I certify that 
                                                                    Name of disabled person
was permanently and totally disabled on January 1, 1976, or January 1, 1977, or was permanently and totally 
disabled on the date they retired. If retired after 1976, enter the date retired:
Physician: Sign your name on either line A or B below.

A The disability has lasted or can be expected to 
   last continuously for at least a year . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
                                                                    Physician's signature             Date
B There is no reasonable probability that the 
   disabled condition will ever improve . . . . . . . . . . .       
                                                                    Physician's signature             Date
Physician's name                                                    Physician's address

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