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                                                                                                                               OMB No. 1545-2089 
Form  8925                      Report of Employer-Owned Life Insurance Contracts 
(Rev. January 2010) 
Department of the Treasury                      © Attach to the policyholder’s tax return—See instructions.                   Sequence No.  160 
Internal Revenue Service   (99) 
Name(s) shown on return                                                                                           Identifying number 

Name of policyholder, if different from above                                                                     Identifying number, if different from above 

Type of business 

1      Enter the number of employees the policyholder had at the end of the tax year  .             .   . .   .    1 
2      Enter the number of employees included on line 1 who were insured at the end of the tax 
       year under the policyholder’s employer-owned life insurance contract(s) issued after August 
       17, 2006. See  Section 1035 exchanges on page 2 for an exception              .   .   .    . .   . .   .    2 
3      Enter the total amount of employer-owned life insurance in force at the end of the tax year 
       for employees who were insured under the contract(s) specified on line 2 .            .    . .   . .   .    3 
4  a   Does the policyholder have a valid consent (see instructions) for each  
       employee included on line 2?             . . . .    .  .   .  .  . .  . .   . .   .          Yes     No
     b If “No,” enter the number of employees included on line 2 for whom the policyholder does 
       not have a valid consent  .            . . . . .    .  .   .  .  . .  . .   . .   .   .    . .   . .   .   4b 
                                                      that employs the person insured under             reasonably expects to purchase with 
General Instructions 
                                                      the employer-owned life insurance                 regard to the employee during the 
Section references are to the Internal                contract and (b) the direct or indirect           course of the employee's tenure. 
Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.                  beneficiary of the employer-owned life            Additional notice and consent are 
Purpose of Form                                       insurance contract.                               required if the aggregate face amount of 
Use Form 8925 to report the number of                 Related person.  A related person is              the employer-owned life insurance 
employees covered by employer-owned                   considered a policyholder if that person          contracts with regard to an employee 
life insurance contracts issued after                 is (a) related to the policyholder (defined       exceeds the amount of which the 
August 17, 2006, and the total amount of              earlier) under sections 267(b) or 707(b)          employee was given notice and to which 
employer-owned life insurance in force                (1), or (b) engaged in a trade or business        the employee consented. See Q&A-9 
on those employees at the end of the tax              under common control with the                     and Q&A-12 in Notice 2009-48. 
year. Policyholders must also indicate                policyholder. See sections 52(a) and (b).           2.  Provide written notification to the  
whether a valid consent has been                      Employee. Employee includes an                    employee that the policyholder will be a 
received from each covered employee,                  officer, director, or highly compensated          beneficiary of any proceeds payable  
and the number of covered employees                   employee under section 414(q).                    upon the death of the employee. 
for which a valid consent has not been                Insured.  An individual must be a U.S.              3.  Receive written consent from the  
received.                                             citizen or resident to be considered              employee. See Valid consent under the  
See sections 101(j) and 6039I, and                    insured under an employer-owned life              instructions for line 4a. 
Notice 2009-48, 2009-24 I.R.B. 1085, for              insurance contract. Both individuals                Electronic notification and consent. 
more information.                                     covered by a contract covering the joint          The written notification and consent 
                                                      lives of two individuals are considered           requirement can be met electronically 
Definitions                                           insured.                                          only if the system for electronic 
Employer-owned life insurance                         Notice and consent requirements.  To              notification and consent meets 
contract.  For purposes of Form 8925,                 qualify as an employer-owned life                 requirements 1 through 3, above. See 
an insurance contract is an employer-                 insurance contract, the policyholder              Q&A-11 in Notice 2009-48 for more 
owned life insurance contract if it is                must meet the notice and consent                  information. 
owned by a policyholder as defined                    requirements listed below before the                Issue date of contract. Generally, the 
below, and covers the life of the                     issuance of the contract.                         issue date of a life insurance contract is 
policyholder’s employee(s) on the date                                                                  the date on the policy assigned by the 
                                                         1.  Provide written notification to the  
the life insurance contract is issued. If                                                               insurance company on or after the date 
                                                      employee stating the policyholder  
you have master contracts, see section                                                                  of application. For purposes of meeting 
                                                      intends to insure the employee’s life and 
101(j)(3) for additional  information.                                                                  the notice and consent requirements, the 
                                                      the maximum face amount for which the 
Policyholder.  For purposes of Form                   employee could be insured at the time             issue date of the employer-owned life 
8925 and these instructions, a                        the contract was issued.                          insurance contract is the later of (1) the 
policyholder is an "applicable                                                                          date of application of coverage, (2) the 
policyholder" as defined in section                      The  written notification must include 
                                                                                                        effective date of coverage, or (3) the 
101(j)(3)(B). Generally, a policyholder is            a disclosure of the face amount of life 
                                                                                                        formal issuance of the contract. See 
the person  who owns the employer-                    insurance, either in dollars or as a 
                                                                                                        Q&A-4 in Notice 2009-48 for more 
owned life insurance contract, and who                multiple of salary, that the policyholder 
is (a) engaged in a trade or business 

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 2.                                  Cat. No. 37737A                             Form  8925  (Rev. 1-2010) 

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Form 8925 (Rev. 1-2010)                                                                                                    Page  2 
                                                                                        You are not required to provide the  
Who Must File                               Specific Instructions 
                                                                                        information requested on a form that is 
Generally, every policyholder owning  
one or more employer-owned life             Name of Policyholder                        subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act 
insurance contracts issued after August     Enter the name of the policyholder          unless the form displays a valid  OMB 
17, 2006, must file Form 8925 for each      (defined earlier).                          control number. Books or records 
                                                                                        relating to a form or its instructions must 
tax year the contract(s) is owned. 
                                            Identifying Number                          be retained as long as their contents 
Section 1035 exchanges.                     The identifying number of an individual     may become material in the 
Policyholders are not required to           is a social security number. For all other  administration of any Internal Revenue 
complete Form 8925 for a life insurance     taxpayers, it is an employer identification law. Generally, tax returns and return 
contract issued after August 17, 2006, as   number.                                     information are confidential, as required 
part of a section 1035 exchange for a                                                   by section 6103. 
contract issued before August 18, 2006.     Type of Business                            The time needed to complete and file 
See Q&A-15 in Notice 2009-48 for more       Enter the policyholder’s trade or           this form will vary depending on  
information.                                business activity.                          individual circumstances. The estimated 
However, any material increase in the                                                   burden for individual taxpayers filing this 
death benefit or other material change      Line 4a 
                                                                                        form is approved under OMB control 
to the contract will cause it to be treated Valid consent. Before the issuance of       number 1545-0074 and is included in the 
as a new contract and the policyholder is   the employer-owned life insurance           estimates shown in the instructions for 
required to file Form 8925. See Q&A-14      contract, the employee must provide         their individual income tax return. The  
in Notice 2009-48 for more information.     written consent (a) to be insured under     estimated burden for all other taxpayers 
                                            the contract and (b) that coverage may      who file this form is shown below. 
For master contracts under section          continue after the insured terminates  
264(f)(4)(E), the addition of covered lives employment.                                 Recordkeeping    .  . .  2 hrs., 23 min. 
is treated as a new contract only for the                                               Learning about the law or the 
additional covered lives.                   Note. The written consent is not valid      form .     . .   .  . . . 1 hr., 00 min.
See sections 1035 and 264 (f)(4)(E) and     unless the related employer-owned life      Preparing the form    . .      1 hr., 4 min. 
Notice 2009-48 for more information.        insurance contract is issued (see Issue 
                                            date of contract on page 1) within a year   If you have comments concerning the 
How To File                                 after the consent was executed, or          accuracy of these time estimates or 
Attach Form 8925 to the policyholder’s      before the employee terminates              suggestions for making this form  
income tax return for each tax year,        employment with the trade or business       simpler, we would be happy to hear  
during which the policyholder has           of the applicable policyholder, whichever   from you. See the instructions for the  
employer-owned life insurance               is earlier. For additional notice and       tax return with which this form is filed. 
contract(s) in force.                       consent requirements that may apply, 
                                            see item 1 under Notice and consent 
Recordkeeping                               requirements on page 1. Also, see 
You must keep adequate records to           Q&A-9 in Notice 2009-48 for more 
support the information reported on         information.
Form 8925. 
                                            Paperwork Reduction Act Notice 
                                            We ask for the information on this form 
                                            to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of 
                                            the United States. You are required to 
                                            give us the information. We need it to 
                                            ensure that you are complying with these 
                                            laws and to allow us to figure and collect 
                                            the right amount of tax. 

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