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Form  8933                                 Carbon Oxide Sequestration Credit                                                                   OMB No. 1545-0123
(Rev. December 2024)
                                                             Attach to your tax return. 
Department of the Treasury      Go to www.irs.gov/Form8933 for instructions and the latest information.                                        Attachment 
Internal Revenue Service                                                                                                                       Sequence No.  165
Name(s) shown on return                                                                                                         Identifying number

Part I Information About Facility, Carbon Capture Equipment, DAC Facility, Carbon Oxide Sequestration 
       Types, Credit Calculation, and Your Elections
Section 1—Facility Information
1     If making an elective payment election or transfer election, enter the IRS-issued registration number for the facility:

2     Facility’s EPA e-GGRT ID number(s), if available:
3     Type (disposal in geological storage, enhanced oil or natural gas recovery, utilization):
4a    If different than filer, enter (i) owner’s name:                                                                    and (ii) owner’s TIN:
b     Address of the facility (if applicable):

c     Coordinates.         (i) Latitude:         .                                                    (ii) Longitude:             .
                                         Enter a “+” (plus) or “-” (minus) sign in the first box.                     Enter a “+” (plus) or “-” (minus) sign in the first box.
5     Date construction began (MM/DD/YYYY):
6     Date placed in service (MM/DD/YYYY):
7     Total metric tons of carbon oxide captured during the tax year:
Section 2—Industrial Facility Information
                                                                                                                                                   Yes No
8     Reserved for future use.
9     Is the facility an electricity-generating facility?  . . . . . .                            . . .   . . . .     .   . . . . . . .        .  .
10    Is the facility a direct air capture (DAC) facility? If “Yes,” skip to line 16                      . . . .     .   . . . . . . .        .  .
11    If  the  facility  isn’t  an  electricity-generating  or  DAC  facility,  state  the  nature  of  the  facility  (for  example,  ethanol 
      production, cement manufacturing, etc.):
12    Does the facility described above process carbon dioxide or any other gas from underground deposits?  .                                  .  .
a     If you answered “Yes” to line 12, was any gas obtained from a carbon dioxide production well at natural carbon
      dioxide-bearing formations or at a naturally occurring subsurface spring, which means a well that contains 90% or 
      greater carbon dioxide by volume?  .       . .   .     . . . . .                            . . .   . . . .     .   . . . . . . .        .  .
b     If you answered “Yes” to line 12a, you can’t treat the facility as a qualified industrial facility to the extent that it 
      processed gas described on line 12a during the tax year. See line 12c.
c     If you answered “Yes” to line 12a, do you attest that you meet the exception for a deposit that contains a product, 
      other than carbon oxide, that’s commercially viable to extract and sell without taking into account the availability 
      of a commercial market for the carbon oxide that’s extracted or any carbon oxide sequestration credit (credit) that 
      might be available?     . .        . . . . . .   .     . . . . .                            . . .   . . . .     .   . . . . . . .        .  .
d     If  you  answered  “Yes”  to  line  12c,  have  you  attached  an  attestment  letter  from  an  independent  registered
      engineer? Don’t treat the facility as a qualified industrial facility unless you answered “Yes” to both lines 12c and 
      12d. See instructions  .  .        . . . . . .   .     . . . . .                            . . .   . . . .     .   . . . . . . .        .  .
13    What were the emissions of carbon oxide during the tax year (amount released to the atmosphere plus amount 
a     Of the amount listed on line 13, what amount was carbon dioxide?
b     Of the amount listed on line 13, what amount was carbon monoxide?
14    Were first-year carbon oxide emissions annualized for this tax year?  .                             . . . .     .   . . . . . . .        .  .
a     If you answered “Yes” to line 14, state the annualized carbon oxide emissions and attach a statement that shows 
      how you determined the annualized carbon oxide emissions:
15    Was aggregation of multiple facilities required to achieve the requisite carbon capture thresholds?  .                        . .        .  .
a     If you answered “Yes” to line 15, attach a statement that lists the facilities and describes the appropriateness of
      their aggregation.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions.                                            Cat. No. 37748H             Form 8933 (Rev. 12-2024)

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Form 8933 (Rev. 12-2024)                                                                                                        Page 2
Section 3—Carbon Capture Equipment and DAC Facility Information
                                                                                                                                Yes No
16 Is carbon captured by a DAC facility?   . . . . . . .       .      . . . .    . . .   . .  . . . . . . .  .
17 Reserved for future use.
18 Was  any  carbon  capture  equipment  placed  in  service  on  or  after  February  9,  2018,  and  before  2023?  See 
   instructions  .       . . . . . .   . . . . . . . . .       .      . . . .    . . .   . .  . . . . . . .  .
19 Reserved for future use.
20 Are you the owner of the carbon capture equipment described in Section 1?       . .   . .  . . . . . . .  .
a  If you answered “No” to line 20, state your authority for claiming the credit:
21 Reserved for future use.
22 For  the  carbon  capture  equipment  described  in  Section  1,  what  was  the  carbon  capture  capacity  on  or  after 
   February 9, 2018?
23 Was additional equipment installed on or after February 9, 2018?  .    . .    . . .   . .  . . . . . . .  .
a  Reserved for future use.
b  Reserved for future use.
c  Is the placed-in-service date of the carbon capture equipment described on line 23 determined pursuant to the
   80/20 rule?  .        . . . . . .   . . . . . . . . .       .      . . . .    . . .   . .  . . . . . . .  .
d  If you answered “Yes” to line 23c, state your investment in:
   (i)  New carbon capture equipment  .    . . . . . . .       .      . . . .    . . .
   (ii) The fair market value of pre-existing carbon capture equipment .  . .    . . .
e  If the placed-in-service date of the carbon capture equipment was determined pursuant to the 80/20 rule, did you
   include its investment in a transportation pipeline as new carbon capture equipment?    .  . . . . . . .  .
f  If you answered “Yes” to line 23e, state your investment in a transportation pipeline:
24 What was the total amount of carbon oxide captured during the tax year (in metric tons)?
a  Of the amount listed on line 24, what amount was carbon dioxide?
b  Of the amount listed on line 24, what amount was carbon monoxide?
25 Were first-year carbon oxide emissions annualized for this tax year?  .  .    . . .   . .  . . . . . . .  .
a  If you answered “Yes” to line 25, state the annualized carbon oxide emissions:
Section 4—Information About Carbon Oxide Sequestration Credit and Your Elections
                                                                                                                                Yes No
26 During the tax year, are other parties contractually ensuring disposal, injection, or utilization of qualified carbon
   oxide captured at this facility?  . . . . . . . . . .       .      . . . .    . . .   . .  . . . . . . .  .
27 For this tax year, do you elect to allow any of the parties described on line 26 to claim some or all of the credit?  .
28 Do  you  elect  under  section  45Q(b)(3)  to  apply  the  $10  and  $20  rates  (adjusted  for  inflation)  instead  of  the
   applicable dollar amounts?  .   .   . . . . . . . . .       .      . . . .    . . .   . .  . . . . . . .  .

a  If you answered “Yes” to line 28, determine the credit using $27.75 on Part III, line 1g; and $13.88 on Part III, line
   2g or 3g, for tax years beginning in 2024. See instructions for the inflation-adjusted rates applicable in later tax 
b  If you answered “No” to line 28 and your carbon capture facility and equipment were placed in service before 
   2023, determine the credit using $43.92 on Part III, line 1g; and $30.07 on Part III, line 2g or 3g, for tax years 
   beginning in 2024. See Notice 2018-93 for the applicable dollar amounts in later tax years.
c  If you answered “No” to line 28 and your carbon capture equipment was placed in service after 2022, determine 
   the credit using $17 on Part III, line 1g; and $12 on Part III, line 2g or 3g. For a DAC facility, determine the credit 
   using $36 on Part III, line 1g; and $26 on Part III, line 2g or 3g.
                                                                                                        Form 8933 (Rev. 12-2024)

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Section 4—Information About Carbon Oxide Sequestration Credit and Your Elections (continued)
                                                                                                                                  Yes No
29    Is the facility described in Section 1 an applicable facility and are you making the election under section 45Q(f)(6)?
      If you answered “Yes” to line 29, determine the credit using the same rates listed on line 28b. See instructions  .
30    Does the facility capture qualified carbon oxide and dispose of it in secure geological storage?      . .  . . .  .
      If you answered “Yes” to line 30, use Part III, line 1, to figure your credit amounts for disposal. 
31    Does the facility capture qualified carbon oxide, use it as a tertiary injectant in a qualified enhanced oil or natural 
      gas recovery project, and dispose of it in secure geological storage?  . . . .   . .       . .      . . .  . . .  .
      If you answered “Yes” to line 31, use Part III, line 2, to figure your credit amounts for injection.
32    Does the facility capture qualified carbon oxide and utilize it as described in section 45Q(f)(5)? .  . .  . . .  .
      If you answered “Yes” to line 32, use Part III, line 3, to figure your credit amounts for utilization.
33    Does the facility meet the prevailing wage and apprenticeship (PWA) requirement?   .       . .      . . .  . . .  .
      If you answered “Yes” to line 33, you may qualify for an increased credit amount. See instructions for Part III, lines
      1i, 2i, and 3i.
Part II  Information About You
Check the applicable box(es).
1     You have obtained an analysis of lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions (LCA) approved by the IRS .         .  . . .  .       . . .
2     You physically or contractually ensured the capture of qualified carbon oxide during the tax year  .    .  . . .  .       . . .
3     You physically or contractually ensured the disposal, usage as a tertiary injectant in a qualified enhanced oil or natural gas 
      recovery project, or utilization of captured qualified carbon oxide during the tax year  . . .      . . .  . . .  .       . . .
4     You elected to allow another taxpayer to claim the carbon oxide sequestration credit that you would’ve otherwise been 
      entitled to .  .   . . . .    . . . . . . .     . .   .    . . . . .     . . .   . .       . .      . . .  . . .  .       . . .
5     Another taxpayer elected to allow you to claim the carbon oxide sequestration credit that they would’ve otherwise been 
      entitled to .  .   . . . .    . . . . . . .     . .   .    . . . . .     . . .   . .       . .      . . .  . . .  .       . . .
6     You’re making the election under section 45Q(b)(3)  . .    . . . . .     . . .   . .       . .      . . .  . . .  .       . . .
7     You’re making the election under section 45Q(f)(6)  . .    . . . . .     . . .   . .       . .      . . .  . . .  .       . . .
8     You’re making the election under section 45Q(f)(9)  . .    . . . . .     . . .   . .       . .      . . .  . . .  .       . . .
Part III Credit Calculations
Caution: See instructions to determine your qualification for the increased credit amounts by meeting certain requirements.
Note: Enter the applicable inflation-adjusted credit rate or applicable dollar amount on line 1g, 2g, or 3g (see instructions). 
1     Qualified carbon oxide captured using carbon capture equipment or DAC 
      facility,  disposed  of  in  secure  geological  storage,  and  not  used  as  a 
      tertiary  injectant  in  a  qualified  enhanced  oil  or  natural  gas  recovery 
      project, nor utilized as described in section 45Q(f)(5).
a     Metric tons captured and measured at the point of disposal  .  . . .     . .     1a
b     Metric  tons  captured  and  securely  stored  (physically 
      disposed) by you  .    . .    . . . . . . .     . .        1b
c     Metric  tons  captured  and  securely  stored  (physically 
      disposed) by another person     . . . . . .     . .        1c
d     Add lines 1b and 1c    . .    . . . . . . .     . .   .    . . . . .     . .     1d
e     Metric  tons  captured  and  securely  stored  (physically 
      disposed) by another person and for which you allow 
      that  person  to  claim  the  resulting  carbon  oxide 
      sequestration  credit.  See  instructions  for  attaching 
      Schedule E (Form 8933) for each disposal site . . .        1e
f     Subtract line 1e from line 1d . . . . . . .     . .   .    . . . . .     . .     1f
g     Credit rate or applicable dollar amount (see instructions) . . . . .     . .     1g
h     Multiply line 1f by line 1g . . . . . . . .     . .   .    . . . . .     . . .   . .       . .      . . .    1h
i     Increased credit amount for qualified facility and equipment. If you answered “Yes” in Part I, line 33, 
      multiply the amount on line 1h by 5.0. Otherwise, enter the amount from line 1h. See instructions for 
      attaching Schedule A (Form 8933) and Schedule B (Form 8933) .    . .     . . .   . .       . .      . . .    1i
                                                                                                                   Form 8933 (Rev. 12-2024)

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Form 8933 (Rev. 12-2024)                                                                                           Page 4
Part III Credit Calculations (continued)
2 Qualified carbon oxide captured using carbon capture equipment or DAC 
  facility, used as a tertiary injectant in a qualified enhanced oil or natural 
  gas recovery project, and disposed of in secure geological storage.
a Metric tons captured and measured at the point of injection  .     . .  . .      .    2a
b Metric tons captured and injected by you  .          . . .     2b
c Metric tons captured and injected by another person            2c
d Add lines 2b and 2c        .   . . .   .    . . .    . . .   . . . . .  . .      .    2d
e Metric  tons  captured  and  injected  by  another  person 
  and  for  which  you  allow  that  person  to  claim  the 
  resulting  carbon  oxide  sequestration  credit.  See 
  instructions  for  attaching  Schedule  E  (Form  8933)  for 
  each recovery project  .       . . .   .    . . .    . . .     2e
f Subtract line 2e from line 2d .    .   .    . . .    . . .   . . . . .  . .      .    2f
g Credit rate or applicable dollar amount (see instructions)     . . . .  . .      .    2g
h Multiply line 2f by line 2g  .   . .   .    . . .    . . .   . . . . .  . .      .  . . . . . . . .     2h
i Increased credit amount for qualified facility and equipment. If you answered “Yes” in Part I, line 33, 
  multiply the amount on line 2h by 5.0. Otherwise, enter the amount from line 2h. See instructions for 
  attaching Schedule A (Form 8933) and Schedule C (Form 8933)  .       .  . .      .  . . . . . . . .     2i
3 Qualified carbon oxide captured using carbon capture equipment or DAC 
  facility, and utilized as described in section 45Q(f)(5).
a Metric tons captured and measured at the point of utilization  .   . .  . .      .    3a
b Metric tons captured and physically utilized by you  .         3b
c Metric tons captured and physically utilized by another 
  person .  .     .      . . .   . . .   .    . . .    . . .     3c
d Add lines 3b and 3c        .   . . .   .    . . .    . . .   . . . . .  . .      .    3d
e Metric tons captured and physically utilized by another 
  person  and  for  which  you  allow  that  person  to  claim 
  the  resulting  carbon  oxide  sequestration  credit 
  (expressed  as  carbon  dioxide  equivalents  that  were 
  determined  pursuant  to  an  approved  LCA).  See 
  instructions  for  attaching  Schedule  E  (Form  8933)  for 
  each utilization facility .    . . .   .    . . .    . . .     3e
f Subtract line 3e from line 3d .    .   .    . . .    . . .   . . . . .  . .      .    3f
g Credit rate or applicable dollar amount (see instructions)     . . . .  . .      .    3g
h Multiply line 3f by line 3g  .   . .   .    . . .    . . .   . . . . .  . .      .  . . . . . . . .     3h
i Increased credit amount for qualified facility and equipment. If you answered “Yes” in Part I, line 33, 
  multiply the amount on line 3h by 5.0. Otherwise, enter the amount from line 3h. See instructions for 
  attaching Schedule F (Form 8933) .          . . .    . . .   . . . . .  . .      .  . . . . . . . .     3i
4 Carbon  oxide  sequestration  credit  that  another  taxpayer  elected  under 
  section  45Q(f)(3)(B)  to  allow  you  to  claim.  See  instructions  for  attaching 
  Schedule A (Form 8933), Schedule E (Form 8933), and Schedule F (Form 
  8933). Provide basic information for the three largest elections (in dollars) 
  on lines 4a, 4b, and 4c; report all others on line 4e.
         (i) EIN of          (ii) Metric tons     (iii) Credit   (iv) Credit elected. 
         electing                elected            rates        Multiply column (ii) 
         taxpayer                                                  by column (iii).
d Add lines 4a, 4b, and 4c in column (iv)  .      .    . . .   . . . . .  . .      .    4d
e Report  all  other  carbon  oxide  sequestration  credit  that  another  taxpayer 
  elected under section 45Q(f)(3)(B) to allow you to claim. See instructions  .    .    4e
f Add lines 4d and 4e  .         . . .   .    . . .    . . .   . . . . .  . .      .  . . . . . . . .     4f
5 Carbon oxide sequestration credit from partnerships and S corporations (see instructions)  .  . . .     5
6 Add lines 1i, 2i, 3i, 4f, and 5. Partnerships and S corporations, report this amount on Schedule K. All 
  others, report this amount on Form 3800, Part III, line 1x  .    . . .  . .      .  . . . . . . . .     6
7 Carbon oxide sequestration credit recaptured. See instructions for attaching Schedule D (Form 8933) 
  and for reporting this amount on the appropriate line of your return  . . .      .  . . . . . . . .     7
                                                                                                          Form 8933 (Rev. 12-2024)

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