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Form 8946 (Rev. 10-2023) Page 2
General Instructions For the purposes of receiving a PTIN, the United States includes any
state, territory, or possession of the United States, including a
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise commonwealth, or the District of Columbia.
If you later obtain an SSN or become eligible for a SSN at
Future Developments any time, you will need to notify us once you actually receive
For the latest information about developments related to Form 8946 and ▲! your SSN so that it can be added to your PTIN account.
its instructions, such as legislation enacted after they were published,
go to www.irs.gov/Form8946.
How To Apply
Purpose of Form Online. Go to webpage www.irs.gov/ptin for information. During the
Form 8946 is used by foreign persons without a social security number PTIN application process, you will be prompted to complete and upload
(SSN) who want to prepare tax returns for compensation. Foreign acceptable supporting documents. See examples of acceptable
persons who are tax return preparers must obtain a preparer tax supporting documents listed in the table below.
identification number (PTIN) to prepare tax returns for compensation. Applying by mail. Complete both Form W-12 and Form 8946.
Generally, the IRS requires an individual to provide an SSN to get a Send both forms and the supporting documents to the following
PTIN. Because foreign persons generally cannot get an SSN, they must address.
file Form 8946 to establish their identity and status as a foreign person.
IRS Tax Professional PTIN Processing Center
You must have a PTIN to prepare a tax return for PO Box 380638
TIP San Antonio, TX 78268
Allow 6 weeks for the IRS to process your application.
SSNs. Do not complete Form 8946 if: Submission of Form 8946. Submit the following.
• You have an SSN, 1. Your completed Form 8946.
• You are eligible to get an SSN, 2. The original documents, or notarized copies of documents that
verify the information provided on Form 8946. If you are sending
• You are a U.S. citizen, or copies of documents, see the information below. The supporting
• You have been admitted by the United States for permanent residence documentation must be consistent with the information provided on
or U.S. employment. Form 8946. For example, the name must be the same as on Form
To get an SSN, see Form SS-5, Application for a Social Security Card. 8946, line 1 (or in the case of a civil birth certificate, line 3), and the
To get Form SS-5 or to find out if you are eligible to get an SSN, go to date of birth must be the same as on Form 8946, line 3.
www.SSA.gov or contact a Social Security Administration (SSA) office. To avoid any loss of your documents, it is suggested you do
not submit the original documentation.
If you have an application for an SSN pending, do not file Form 8946. TIP
Complete Form 8946 only if the SSA notifies you that an SSN cannot be
If you already have an SSN, enter the SSN when you apply for your A notarized document is one that has been notarized by a foreign
PTIN using Form W-12, IRS Paid Preparer Tax Identification Number notary legally authorized within his or her local jurisdiction or U.S.
(PTIN) Application and Renewal. Consul/Embassy Employee to certify that each document is a true copy
of the original. The notary must see the valid, unaltered, original
Telephone help. If you have questions about completing this form, the documents and verify that the copies conform to the original. All of the
status of your application, or the return of your original documents notarized copies must bear the mark (stamp, signature, etc.) of the
submitted with this form, you may call the following phone numbers. If notary. Notarized documents may or may not have a signature but will
calling from the United States, call 1-877-613-PTIN (7846). For TTY/TDD have a stamp.
assistance, call 1-877-613-3686. If calling internationally, call
+1 915-342-5655 (not a toll-free number). Telephone help is generally Original documents you submit will be returned to you at the
mailing address shown on your Form 8946. You do not need
available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. TIP to provide a return envelope. If your original documents are
Central time.
not returned within 60 days, you can call the phone numbers
Who Must Apply provided earlier under Telephone help. Copies of documents will not be
As part of applying for a PTIN, a foreign person must provide additional returned.
information either online or by mail with the Form 8946 to establish their If you submit an original valid passport (or notarized copy of a
identity and status as a foreign person. A foreign person is an individual valid passport), you do not need to submit any other documents.
who does not have and is not eligible to obtain an SSN and is neither a Otherwise, you must submit two current documents that, when the
citizen of the United States nor a resident alien of the United States as combined information on the documents is taken into account, verify
defined in section 7701(b)(1)(A). your identity and your status as a foreign person. At least one document
must contain your photograph. The documents must be government
issued. Examples of acceptable supporting documents are listed in the
following table. Do not attach expired documents.