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                                         User Fee for Application for Voluntary                                   OMB No. 1545-1673
    Form   8951
                                                          Correction Program (VCP) 
                                                                                                                  For IRS Use Only
    (Rev. September 2016)                Under the Employee Plans Compliance Resolution System (EPCRS)
    Department of the Treasury       Information about Form 8951 and its instructions is at www.irs.gov/form8951. Amount paid 
    Internal Revenue Service                                      ▶ Attach to Form 8950.                          $
1  Name of plan sponsor (employer if single-employer plan)

2   Plan sponsor’s employer identification number 3   Plan number 4   Plan name

5   Number of plan participants. See instructions to determine this number.

6   If you are submitting a check for an additional VCP user fee that has been requested by an IRS employee in Voluntary 
    Compliance, check this box     and provide the check amount                $  and the VCP case number                                     .

7   For qualified retirement plans under sections 401(a) and 403(b) that do not qualify for a reduced or alternative user fee, as 
    described below on line 8. Enter the general user fee amount     $                based on the number of plan participants. 
    Do not complete line 7 if you qualify for a reduced or alternative fee as described below on line 8.
                                                                                                      Check box, if applicable and      
8  Reduced and alternative user fees for VCP submissions
                                                                                                                  enter enclosed fee.

   (a) Plan is a section 401(a) or 403(b) plan that qualifies for a reduced fee associated with 
   specific failures and under certain conditions. See instructions.                                              Enter fee amount $

   (b) VCP submission relates to a request for a minor modification of a previously issued 
   compliance statement. See instructions.                                                                        Enter fee amount $

   (c) Plan is a SEP, SARSEP, or SIMPLE IRA. See instructions.                                                    Enter fee amount $

   (d) Group submission from an eligible organization. See instructions.                                          Enter fee amount $

   (e) Terminating orphan plan. A terminating orphan plan may be granted a waiver of the fee  
   upon request. See instructions.                                                                                No fee is due at this time.

                                                                                                                  No payment is due at the 
   (f) Plan is a  section 457(b) plan. See instructions.                                                          time of filing.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions.                            Cat. No. 37771W                   Form 8951 (Rev. 9-2016)

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Form 8951 (Rev. 9-2016)                                                                                                              Page 2
Section references are to the Internal          Attach a check to Form 8951 payable           checks to the IRS for any fee matters 
Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.            to the “United States Treasury” for the full  unless the applicant has received specific 
                                                amount of the fee. If you do not              instructions from the IRS. 
Future Developments                             include the full amount of the fee, your 
For the latest information about                submission may be returned or closed with     User Fee for VCP Submissions
developments related to Form 8951 and           no action. In addition, include a photocopy   Line 7
its instructions, such as legislation           of the check with your VCP submission. 
enacted after they were published, go to        If you have multiple plans (for example, a    For qualified retirement plans established 
www.irs.gov/form8951.                           profit-sharing and a money purchase           under section 401(a) or 403(b), enter the 
                                                plan), submit a separate VCP                  amount of the applicable general user fee 
What's New                                      submission (including a separate Form         you are including with your VCP 
The IRS has classified fees associated with     8951) for each plan. Submit a separate        submission. The general user fee amounts 
the Voluntary Correction Program (VCP) as       check, including a photocopy of the           for these types of retirement plans are 
user fees subject to section 7528. For          check, for each VCP submission.               based upon the number of plan 
                                                                                              participants. Follow the Determining the 
2016, user fees for VCP submissions are         Your check may be converted to an             Proper User Fee section in these 
set forth in Rev. Proc. 2016-8, section 6.08.   electronic fund transfer. An electronic fund  instructions, later. Do not complete this 
User fees for VCP submissions are               transfer is the process by which the IRS      item if you qualify for a reduced or 
currently published as part of the annual       electronically instructs your financial       alternative VCP fee listed on line 8. For the 
revenue procedure for the user fee              institution to transfer funds from your       current user fees, go to the applicable 
program of the IRS as it pertains to            account to the Treasury's account,            annual revenue procedure on IRS.gov at 
requests for letter rulings, determination      rather than processing your check. By         www.irs.gov/retirement-plans/voluntary-
letters, etc., on matters under the             sending your completed, signed check          correction-program-fees.
jurisdiction of the Commissioner, Tax           to the IRS, you authorize the IRS to copy 
Exempt and Government Entities Division.        your check and to use the account             Lines 8(a)–(f)
Beginning in 2017 and each year                 information from your check to make an        Check the appropriate box and if 
thereafter, the user fees for VCP               electronic fund transfer from your account    applicable, enter the user fee for VCP 
submissions will be published as part of an     for the same amount as the check. If the      submissions involving reduced or 
annual Employee Plans revenue procedure.        electronic fund transfer cannot be            alternative fees for certain section 401(a) 
Taxpayers should refer to the revenue           processed for technical reasons, you          and section 403(b) plans, SEP, SARSEP, or 
procedure in effect at the time they file their authorize the IRS to process the copy of      SIMPLE IRA retirement plans; group 
submission with the IRS to determine the        your check. The electronic fund transfer      submissions; terminating orphan plans; 
VCP user fee.                                   from your account will usually occur within   457(b) plans and minor modifications of a 
The IRS no longer lists specific user fee       24 hours, which is faster than a check is     previously issued compliance statement. 
amounts on this form. Applicants will enter     normally processed, so it is important        For the current user fees, go to the 
the applicable fee amount when                  that you have sufficient funds available in   applicable annual revenue procedure on 
completing the form. For the current user       your checking account when you send the       IRS.gov at www.irs.gov/retirement-plans/
fees, go to the applicable annual revenue       IRS your check. Your financial institution    voluntary-correction-program-fees.
procedure or IRS.gov at www.irs.gov/            will not return your cancelled check to you.  • Line 8(a). For section 401(a) and section 
retirement-plans/voluntary-correction-          Information about correcting plan errors      403(b) plans, a reduced user fee may be 
program-fees.                                   and examples of how to determine the user     available under limited circumstances. 
                                                fee is available at www.irs.gov/retirement-   • Line 8(b). The VCP submission is limited 
General Instructions                                                                          to a request for a minor modification of a 
                                                                                              previously issued compliance statement 
Purpose of Form                                 Specific Instructions                         and the request is mailed to the IRS before 
                                                                                              the end of the correction period provided 
Generally, a user fee is required with          Lines 1–5                                     for in the compliance statement. 
each VCP submission. Use Form 8951 to 
submit the applicable fee for the VCP           Lines 1 through 5 should correspond to the    • Line 8(c). There is a special user fee for a 
submission.                                     information you entered for line 1a, 1i, 4b,  SEP, SARSEP, or a SIMPLE IRA VCP 
                                                4a, and 4e, respectively, on the related      submission. 
Where To File                                   Form 8950, Application for Voluntary          • Line 8(d). If the VCP submission is a 
Include Form 8951 and the applicable fee        Correction Program (VCP) under the            group submission from an eligible 
with your VCP submission.                       Employee Plans Compliance Resolution          organization for section 401(a) and section 
                                                System (EPCRS).
Send the documents to:                                                                        403(b) plans, the user fee is based on the 
Internal Revenue Service                        Submission of Additional Fees                 number of plans affected by the failure 
                                                                                              described in the VCP submission. An initial 
P.O. Box 12192                                  Line 6                                        user fee payment must be included with 
Covington, KY 41012-0192                                                                      the submission and must be attached to 
                                                The IRS's office of Employee Plans 
VCP submissions shipped by express              Voluntary Compliance may contact you          Form 8951. An additional user fee may also 
mail or a delivery service should be sent to:   regarding additional fees that may be due     apply. The IRS will request the additional 
Internal Revenue Service                        for a previously submitted VCP case. If you   fee, if applicable. 
201 West Rivercenter Blvd.                      are instructed to submit an additional fee,   • Line 8(e). The IRS has discretionary 
Attn: Extracting Stop 312                       file Form 8951 along with a check for the     authority to waive the user fee in the case 
Covington, KY 41011                             additional user fee, a copy of the check      of a terminating orphan plan, if requested 
                                                and an appropriate cover letter. Complete     by an eligible party. A VCP applicant who is 
Payment of User Fee                             lines 1–5. It is important to complete line 6 an eligible party can request that the user 
Generally, you must include a user fee          by checking the box and entering the          fee be waived. Include a written 
payment with any VCP submission mailed          amount of the additional fee you are          explanation that explains why a waiver 
to the IRS. If your submission is for a         submitting plus the nine-digit VCP case       should be granted. 
terminating orphan plan or a section 457(b)     number that has been assigned to your 
plan, no fee or payment is due at the time      VCP submission. No other items on the 
of filing. See the instructions for line 8(e)   Form 8951 need to be completed. Once a 
and line 8(f) for additional information.       VCP submission has been mailed to the 
                                                IRS, an applicant should not mail any 

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Form 8951 (Rev. 9-2016)                                                                                                              Page 3
• Line 8(f). Do not include any payment at      Multiemployer or multiple employer             (a)  Egregious qualification failures;
this time if the plan is a section 457(b) plan. plans:                                         (b)  SEP, SARSEP, or SIMPLE IRA plans 
If the IRS chooses to process the               If a submission relates to a multiemployer     that choose to allow excess amounts to 
submission, it will collect a mutually          or multiple employer plan, the general user    remain within the affected IRAs;
acceptable sanction payment when the            fee will normally be determined in             (c)  Situations where the plan sponsor 
applicant signs a special closing               accordance with the instructions in Step 1     has requested that the IRS waive the 
agreement.                                      and in the first paragraph of this Step 2.     additional 10% tax imposed by section 
Determining the Proper User Fee                 However, if all of the described failures in   72(t) on certain plan distributions. 
                                                the submission apply to fewer than all of 
Step 1:                                         the employers under the plan, the plan         Go to the correcting plan errors web 
On line 5, enter the total number of plan       administrator may choose to have the           page on IRS.gov to find additional 
participants at the end of the plan year        general user fee computed separately for       information. If applicable, the IRS will 
recorded on line 6(f) of the retirement         each affected employer based on the            discuss the matter with the plan sponsor 
plan’s most recently filed Form 5500 return.    participants attributable to that employer     and solicit the additional payment during 
Filers of Form 5500-SF or EZ will use the       rather than the total participants of the      the review of the VCP submission.
equivalent line item specified on their         entire plan. This may apply, for example, 
forms. For applicants that are exempt from      when the plan administrator believes each      Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We 
filing a Form 5500 series return, enter the     failure is attributable in whole or in part to ask for the information on this form to carry 
number of plan participants determined as       data, information, actions, or inactions that  out the Internal Revenue laws of the United 
of the last day of the most recently ended      are within the control of the employers        States. If you want to have your VCP 
plan year. However, if this information is      rather than the multiemployer or multiple      submission approved by the IRS, you are 
not available at the time the VCP               employer plan (such as attribution in whole    required to give us the information. We 
submission is being mailed to the IRS, it is    or in part to the failure of an employer to    need it to determine whether your 
acceptable to use the most recently ended       provide the plan administrator with full and   correction proposals meet the legal 
prior plan year for which information on the    complete information).                         requirements applicable to qualified 
                                                                                               retirement plans.
number of plan participants is available.       If you are using this special methodology 
The exception does not apply if the VCP         to determine the general user fee, attach a    You are not required to provide the 
submission is mailed to the IRS more than       written explanation that details how the       information requested on a form that is 
seven months after the close of the most        user fee was determined. When completing       subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act 
recently ended plan year preceding the          Form 8951, the plan administrator would        unless the form displays a valid OMB 
date of the VCP submission. Plans that          complete line 5 in the normal manner by        control number. Books or records relating 
have terminated and filed a final Form          using the total participant count reported     to a form or its instructions must be 
5500 series return should enter the number      on the most recently filed Form 5500 series    retained as long as their contents 
of participants on the return filed for the     return for the entire plan.                    may become material in the administration 
year prior to the year all assets were                                                         of any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax 
distributed. Your entry should correspond       Step 3:                                        returns and return information are 
to the information on Form 8950, line 4e.       If a VCP submission consists solely of         confidential, as required by section 6103.
                                                multiple failures that qualify for reduced     The estimated average time is:
Step 2:                                         user fees, then the user fee amount will be    Recordkeeping    . . .     . 3 hr., 21 min.
Single employer plans:                          the lesser of: the sum of the reduced user 
For those VCP submissions that pertain to       fee amounts or the general user fee            Learning about the 
a qualified retirement plan under section       amount. If the total of the applicable         law or the form  . . .     .  2 hr., 39 min.
401(a) or 403(b) that do not qualify for any    reduced user fee amounts is less than the      Preparing the form . .     .  3 hr., 45 min. 
reduced user fees, the general user fee is      general user fee amount for qualified          Copying, assembling, and             
based on the number of plan participants.       retirement plans under sections 401(a) and     sending the form to the IRS  0 hr., 16 min.
                                                403(b), include a worksheet showing how 
                                                you determined the user fee  for your          If you have comments concerning the 
                                                submission.                                    accuracy of this time estimate or 
                                                                                               suggestions for making this form 
                                                Note: Additional payments to the IRS may       simpler, we would be happy to hear from 
                                                be due under certain situations that involve:  you. You can send your comments to:
                                                                                               Internal Revenue Service                           
                                                                                               Tax Forms and Publications Division         
                                                                                               1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526 
                                                                                               Washington, DC 20224                              
                                                                                               Do not send this form to this address. 
                                                                                               Instead, see Where To File.

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