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Form 8985-V
(December 2019)                                            Tax Payment by a Pass-Through Partner                                                     OMB No. 1545-0123
Department of the Treasury 
Internal Revenue Service
                   Check the box for type of payment    File only if you are making a payment by check or money order. Mail this voucher Amount you are paying by check or 
                   BBA exam push out                    with your check or money order payable to “United States Treasury.” Write your   money order.
                                                        taxpayer identification number (TIN) and “Form 8985” on your check or money 
                   BBA AAR push out                     order. Do not send cash. Enclose, but do not staple or attach, your payment with 
                                                        this voucher.                                                                    $
                   Payment due date (MM/DD/YYYY)        This payment amount is for the following:
                         /   /                          An imputed underpayment                             Penalties                    Interest
                   Audit control number (if applicable)               Partner’s applicable tax year ending date (MM/DD/YYYY)             Partner’s TIN

                   Type of tax return filed by the Partner            Name of Pass-Through Partner
                   Form 1065 Form 1120-S                Form 1041
     Print or type                                                    Address (number, street, and apt. no.)
                   Other (enter form number)

                   Partner’s Representative                           City                                  State                        ZIP code
                   Phone                                              Foreign country name                  Foreign province/county      Foreign postal code

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions.                                                                                 Cat. No. 71711W

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