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Note: The form, instructions, or publication you are looking 
                      for begins after this coversheet.

            Please review the updated information below.

            Update to Where To File Address for Form 8971

File Form 8971 (including all Schedules(s) A) at the following address.

  Internal Revenue Service 
  Stop 824G 
  7940 Kentucky Drive 
  Florence, KY 41042

 Do not use the Where To File address on the first page of the Instructions for Form 8971

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                                          Information Regarding Beneficiaries 
Form  8971                                                                                                                 OMB No. 1545-2264
(January 2016)                            Acquiring Property From a Decedent
Department of the Treasury ▶ Information about Form 8971 and its separate instructions is at www.irs.gov/form8971.
Internal Revenue Service
Check box if this is a supplemental filing
Part I  Decedent and Executor Information
1  Decedent's name                                                                2  Decedent's date of death    3  Decedent's SSN

4  Executor's name (see instructions)                                             5  Executor's phone no.        6  Executor's TIN

7  Executor's address (number and street including apartment or suite no.; city, town, or post office; state or province; country; and 
  ZIP or foreign postal code)

8  If there are multiple executors, check here       and attach a statement showing the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and 
 TINs of the additional executors.

9  If the estate elected alternate valuation, indicate the alternate valuation date:

Part II Beneficiary Information
How many beneficiaries received (or are expected to receive) property from the estate?                        For each beneficiary, provide 
the information requested below. If more space is needed, attach a statement showing the requested information for the additional 
                           A              B                                            C                                       D 
               Name of Beneficiary        TIN                                   Address, City, State, ZIP                Date Provided

                                          Notice to Executors:
Submit Form 8971 with a copy of each completed Schedule A to the IRS. To protect privacy, Form 8971 should not be provided to any 
beneficiary. Only Schedule A of Form 8971 should be provided to the beneficiary. Retain copies of all forms for the estate's records.

      Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and 
Sign  belief, all information reported herein is true, correct, and complete.
               Signature of executor                                                         Date
May the IRS discuss this return with the preparer shown below? See instructions . .  . . .   .   . .      . . .    .   . .     Yes      No
               Print/Type preparer’s name Preparer’s signature                               Date                              PTIN
Paid                                                                                                          Check         if 
Preparer                        ▶                                                                         Firm’s EIN  ▶
               Firm’s name      
               Firm’s address  
Use Only                     ▶                                                                            Phone no.
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate instructions.               Cat. No. 37794V               Form 8971 (1-2016)

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Form 8971 (1-2016)

  SCHEDULE A—Information Regarding Beneficiaries Acquiring Property From a Decedent
       ▶ Information about Form 8971 (including Schedule A) and its separate instructions is at www.irs.gov/form8971.

Check box if this is a supplemental filing

Part 1. General Information
1  Decedent's name                          2  Decedent’s SSN 3  Beneficiary's name                             4  Beneficiary's TIN

5  Executor's name                                                                                 6  Executor's phone no.

7  Executor's address

Part 2. Information on Property Acquired
  A                                       B                                             C             D                   E 
  Item Description of property acquired from the decedent and the Schedule and item     Did this      Valuation           Estate Tax 
  No.  number where reported on the decedent's Form 706, United States Estate (and      asset         Date                Value 
        Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return. If the beneficiary acquired a partial increase                          (in U.S. 
                     interest in the property, indicate the interest acquired here.     estate tax                        dollars)
        Form 706, Schedule                   , Item

        Description —

                                             Notice to Beneficiaries:
 You have received this schedule to inform you of the value of property you received from the estate of the decedent named above. 
 Retain this schedule for tax reporting purposes. If the property increased the estate tax liability, Internal Revenue Code section 
 1014(f) applies, requiring the consistent reporting of basis information. For more information on determining basis, see IRC section 
 1014 and/or consult a tax professional.
                                                                                                                          Page A-1

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                                                                                                        Page                of
Form 8971 (1-2016)
                                          SCHEDULE A—Continuation Sheet
  Use only if you need additional space to report property acquired (or expected to be acquired) by the beneficiary.
Check box if this is a supplemental filing

Part 1. General Information
1  Decedent's name                          2  Decedent’s SSN 3  Beneficiary's name                               4  Beneficiary's TIN

5  Executor's name                                                                                   6  Executor's phone no.

7  Executor's address

Part 2. Information on Property Acquired
  A                                       B                                               C             D                   E 
  Item    Description of property acquired from the decedent and the Schedule and item    Did this      Valuation           Estate Tax 
  No.     number where reported on the decedent's Form 706, United States Estate (and     asset         Date                Value 
(continue Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return. If the beneficiary acquired a partial increase                          (in U.S. 
  from               interest in the property, indicate the interest acquired here.       estate tax                        dollars)
 previous                                                                                 liability? 
  page)                                                                                   (Y/N)

                                             Notice to Beneficiaries:
 You have received this schedule to inform you of the value of property you received from the estate of the decedent named above. 
 Retain this schedule for tax reporting purposes. If the property increased the estate tax liability, Internal Revenue Code section 
 1014(f) applies, requiring the consistent reporting of basis information. For more information on determining basis, see IRC section 
 1014 and/or consult a tax professional.
                                                                                                                            Page A-2

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