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                                                                                                      Department of the Treasury
                                                                                                      Internal Revenue Service
Instructions for Form 8963

(Rev. January 2018)
Report of Health Insurance Provider Information

Section references are to the Internal Revenue complete the transaction. Keep it with your   reinsurance ceded, and reduced by 
Code unless otherwise noted.                   records.                                      ceding commissions and medical loss 
                                                                                             ratio (MLR) rebates with respect to the 
Future Developments                            Where To File                                 data year. Net premiums written includes 
For the latest information about                   If you are not filing electronically,     premiums written for assumption 
developments related to Form 8963 and              send your paper Form 8963 to the          reinsurance and is reduced by assumption 
its instructions, such as legislation              following address.                        reinsurance premiums ceded. Net 
enacted after they were published, go to                                                     premiums written does not include 
IRS.gov/Form8963.                              Internal Revenue Service                      premiums written for indemnity 
                                               1973 Rulon White Blvd.                        reinsurance and is not reduced by 
Note. See IRS.gov/ACA9010 for                  Mail Stop 4916 IPF                            indemnity reinsurance ceded.
additional guidance.                           Ogden, UT 84201-0051                          Assumption reinsurance is 
                                                                                             reinsurance for which there is a novation 
General Instructions                                                                         and the reinsurer takes over the entire risk 
                                                   If you mail your form, please also        of loss pursuant to a new contract.
Purpose of Form                                TIP fax it to 877-797-0235.                   Indemnity reinsurance is an 
File Form 8963 during each fee year (year                                                    agreement between one or more 
the annual health insurance provider fee is    If you would like to request an               reinsuring companies and a covered entity 
due) to report net premiums written for        acknowledgment that we received your          under which (a) the reinsuring company 
U.S. health risks during the data year         Form 8963, please email LBI.IPF@irs.gov       agrees to accept, and to indemnify the 
(calendar year immediately preceding the       with the company information and/or           issuing company for, all or part of the risk 
fee year). The IRS will use that information   tracking number and we will reply when        of loss under policies specified in the 
when figuring the annual fee imposed by        we receive the form. If you use an            agreement; and (b) the covered entity 
Affordable Care Act (ACA) section 9010.        overnight service, add the email address      retains its liability to, and its contractual 
(Public Law 111-148, section 9010; PL          LBI.IPF@irs.gov in the recipient email and    relationship with, the individuals whose 
111-148, section 10905; PL 111-152,            we will reply when we receive the form.       health risks are insured under the policies 
section 1406; and PL 113-235, division                                                       specified in the agreement.
M.)                                            Public Disclosure                                      In determining net premiums 
                                               The information on this form is not           TIP      written, filers must take 
Who Must File                                  confidential. Although, generally, returns             assumption reinsurance into 
Generally, a covered entity that provides      and return information are confidential, as   account by including assumption 
health insurance for any U.S. health risk      required by section 6103, the information     reinsurance written in direct premiums 
during the 2018 fee year (the calendar         on this form is not subject to section 6103,  written and deducting assumption 
year in which the fee must be paid) must       pursuant to ACA section 9010, as              reinsurance ceded from direct premiums 
file Form 8963.                                amended. All information on this form is      written. However, filers may not include 
      If you are not a covered entity, you     subject to public disclosure. Do not          indemnity reinsurance written in direct 
TIP   do not have to file this form.           include personal information other than       premiums written and may not deduct 
                                               that requested by this form.                  indemnity reinsurance ceded from direct 
When To File                                   Definitions                                   premiums written.
You must file Form 8963 by April 17, 2018.     Covered entity. Generally, covered            U.S. health risk. A U.S. health risk 
                                               entity means any entity with net premiums     means the health risk of any individual 
How To File                                    written for health insurance for U.S. health  who is:
There are two ways to file your Form 8963.     risks during the fee year that is:            A U.S. citizen,
1. You can file Form 8963 (with Form           A health insurance issuer within the          A resident of the United States (within 
8453-R, Electronic Filing Declaration for      meaning of section 9832(b)(2);                the meaning of section 7701(b)(1)(A)), or
Form 8963) electronically by accessing         A health maintenance organization             Located in the United States, with 
IRS e-file using your own computer, or         within the meaning of section 9832(b)(3);     respect to the period that individual is so 
                                               An insurance company that is subject to       located.
2. You can file a paper Form 8963.
                                               tax under subchapter L, Part I or II, or that Health insurance. In general, the term 
Note. If filing electronically, upload the     would be subject to tax under subchapter      “health insurance” has the same meaning 
completed fillable version of the form. Do     L, Part I or II, but for the entity being     as the term “health insurance coverage” in 
not print and scan the form.                   exempt from tax under section 501(a);         section 9832(b)(1)(A), defined to mean 
                                               An insurer that provides health               benefits consisting of medical care 
E-File: It’s Convenient, Safe and              insurance under Medicare Advantage,           (provided directly, through insurance or 
Secure                                         Medicare Part D, or Medicaid; or              reimbursement, or otherwise) under any 
                                               A non-fully insured multiple employer         hospital or medical service policy or 
IRS e-file is the IRS’s electronic filing      welfare arrangement (MEWA).                   certificate, hospital or medical service plan 
program. For more information about IRS 
e-file, go to IRS.gov/Form8963efile. By        Net premiums written. Net premiums            contract, or health maintenance 
filing electronically, you will receive an     written means premiums written, including     organization contract offered by a covered 
electronic acknowledgment once you             reinsurance premiums written, reduced by      entity.

Feb 15, 2018                                            Cat. No. 60499R

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        The term “health insurance”         Obtaining consents from all controlled       overnight deliveries on the “Address 
TIP     includes limited scope (also called group members that are required to be        (continued)” line.
        stand-alone) dental and vision      listed on Schedule A of this form, and
benefits under section 9832(c)(2)(A) and    Providing (to the IRS upon request) the      Foreign address.  If reporting a 
retiree-only health insurance, but does not consents obtained from controlled group      foreign address, include the full name of 
include any other excepted benefits under   members that are required to be listed on    the country using uppercase letters in 
section 9832(c).                            Schedule A of this form.                     English. If you file Form 8963 
                                                                                         electronically, select the full name of the 
For the definitions of controlled group,    If the IRS selects the designated entity,    country from the drop down in the foreign 
single-person covered entity and            then all members of the controlled group     country name box. Enter foreign province 
designated entity, see Specific             that are required to be listed on            or state, and postal code.
Instructions, next.                         Schedule A of this form will be deemed to 
                                            have consented to this election.             Part I. Signature of Official 
                                            Box 2a. Agent of an affiliated group.        Signing on Behalf of the 
Specific Instructions                       Check box 2a if you are the agent of an      Single-Person Covered Entity 
Covered entity information.     A covered   affiliated group. You must also sign Part I  or Designated Entity (Agent of 
entity is either a single-person covered    on page 1 (see Part I signature 
entity or a member of a controlled group. A instructions below). Also complete the first an Affiliated Group, or Other 
single-person covered entity is a covered   line of Schedule A, with your National       Designated Entity) and Consent 
entity that is not a member of a controlled Association of Insurance Commissioners       by the Designated Entity (if 
group. Under the controlled group rule of   (NAIC) company and group code and net        applicable)
ACA section 9010(c)(3), all persons         premiums written, if any.
                                                                                         Provide the date signed in MM/DD/YYYY 
treated as a single employer under          Box 2b. Other. Check box 2b if you are       format, your phone and fax numbers, and 
sections 52(a), 52(b), 414(m), or 414(o)    the designated entity for a covered entity   the name and title of your signing official in 
will be treated as one covered entity. In   that is not an affiliated group. You must    print format.
applying the single employer rules, ACA     also sign Part I on page 1 (see Part I 
section 9010(c)(3)(B) provides that a       signature instructions below). Also          If you file Form 8963 by paper, 
foreign entity subject to tax under section complete the first line of Schedule A, with  manually sign the form.
881 is included within a controlled group   your NAIC company and group code and 
under section 52(a) or 52(b). A person is   net premiums written, if any.                If you file Form 8963 electronically, do 
treated as being a member of a controlled                                                not manually sign the form. Instead, 
group if it is a member of the group at the Corrected report.   Check the box if this is manually sign, scan, and upload Form 
end of the day on December 31, 2017,        a corrected report.                          8453-R with your Form 8963. See How To 
and would qualify as a covered entity in    Employer identification number (EIN).        File, earlier.
2018 if it were a single-person covered     Enter your EIN. If you do not have an EIN,   Part II. Alternate Contact 
entity.                                     you must apply for one. If filing your Form 
Box 1. Single-person covered entity.        8963 electronically, enter your 9-digit EIN  Person Designee
Check box 1 if you are a single-person      without the dash. The EIN will be properly   If you want to designate an employee to 
covered entity. You must sign Part I on     formatted for you.                           discuss the report with the IRS, check the 
                                                                                         related box and enter the person’s name, 
page 1 (see Part l signature instructions   Number of controlled group members           title, phone number, and fax number, and 
below). Also complete the first line of     included in Schedule A.  Enter the           we will contact that person if we have any 
Schedule A.                                 number of controlled group members who       questions concerning the report.
Designated entity.  Each controlled         are listed on Schedule A, including the 
group must have a designated entity.        entity in box 2a or 2b. If reporting as a    Schedule A. Single-Person 
                                            single-person covered entity, enter “1” for  Covered Entity or Controlled 
If the controlled group, without regard     the number of controlled group members.
to foreign corporations included under                                                   Group Member Information
ACA section 9010(c)(3)(B), is also an       Entity name. If you checked box 1, enter     Enter the single-person covered entity, 
affiliated group that files a consolidated  the name of the single-person covered        common parent of affiliated group, or 
return for federal income tax purposes, the entity in the entity name box. If you        designated entity information on the first 
designated entity is the agent of the       checked box 2a or 2b, enter the name of      line. This information will automatically 
affiliated group as identified on the tax   the designated entity. If you have a trade   populate the first line of Schedule A if you 
return filed for the data year.             name or are doing business under a           complete the form electronically. It is 
                                            different name, enter that name or d/b/a 
If not, the controlled group must select                                                 unnecessary to repeat the entity name 
                                            name on the “Entity name (continued)” 
one of its members to be the designated                                                  and address from page 1 on line 1, but 
entity.                                                                                  you must enter all of the premium data 
If a controlled group does not select a     Address. Enter a street address where        requested for the entity. Complete 
designated entity, the IRS will select a    you can receive overnight deliveries.        additional lines for every person who is a 
                                                                                         controlled group member at the end of the 
member of the controlled group as the                Do not provide a P.O. box.          day on December 31, 2017, and who 
designated entity for the controlled group.
The designated entity is responsible for    CAUTION!                                     would qualify as a covered entity in 2018 if 
                                                                                         it were a single-person covered entity, and 
the following for the group:                                                             enter the following information for each 
Filing Form 8963,                           Third party.   If you receive your mail in 
Receiving IRS communications about          care of a third party (such as an            member.
the fee,                                    accountant or an attorney), enter on the     (a) Employer identification number 
Filing any necessary error correction       first street address line “C/O” followed by  (EIN). If filing your Form 8963 
report,                                     the third party's name and enter the street  electronically, enter your 9-digit EIN 
Paying the fee to the IRS,                  address where the third party can receive    without the dash. The EIN will be properly 
                                                                                         formatted for you.

                                                                -2-                      Instructions for Form 8963 (Rev. 01-2018)

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(b) Entity name. If you have a trade        insurance of U.S. health risks (subject to 
name or are doing business under a          any applicable exclusions for amounts that                      (f) − (g) + (h) = (i)
different name, enter that name or d/b/a    are not health insurance) unless the 
name.                                       covered entity can demonstrate otherwise.          This is 100% of the amount of net 
                                            If the entity does not file an SHCE with           premiums written for health insurance of 
(c) Address.  Enter a street address                                                           U.S. health risks for the calendar year. 
                                            NAIC or an MLR form with CCIIO, or those 
where you can receive overnight                                                                The IRS will compute net premiums 
                                            forms do not contain the relevant data for 
deliveries.                                                                                    written taken into account (in accordance 
                                            determining all of the direct premiums 
If reporting a foreign address, also        written for health insurance for U.S. health       with Regulations section 57.4(a)(4)). If 
include the full name of the country using  risks of an entity (or member), enter              negative, enter “-0-”. Any negative 
uppercase letters in English. Enter the     comparable direct premiums written                 amounts will be treated as zero for fee 
information in the following order: city,   information from any equivalent form               calculation purposes.
province or state, and postal code.         required by state or federal law.                  (j) Amount in column (i) attributable to 
(d) and (e) National Association of In-     If no single form contains all of the              section 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), 501(c)
surance Commissioners (NAIC) identi-        relevant data for determining all of the           (26), or 501(c)(29) entities. All 
fication codes. Enter (d) NAIC company      direct premiums written for health                 designated entities or controlled group 
code and (e) NAIC group code for each       insurance for U.S. health risks of an entity       members who enter an amount in box j 
single-person covered entity, the common    (or member), then direct premiums written          must be organized as a tax exempt entity 
parent of an affiliated group or designated must be determined using aggregated                under section 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), 501(c)
entity, and each listed controlled group    data from multiple forms. Please include a         (26), or 501(c)(29).
member. If you do not have an NAIC          reconciliation with the premiums you 
company code or group code for a            reported on the SHCE, MLR form, or                 Box 1 (or drop down menu).          Enter 
covered entity or controlled group          equivalent form required by state or               the section 501(c) paragraph number for 
member, leave the related field blank.      federal law.                                       each entity that qualifies for the partial 
                                                                                               exclusion, if applicable. Allowable 
(f) Direct premiums written.  For each      See IRS.gov/ACA9010 for the                        selections are 3, 4, 26, or 29. The entity 
single-person covered entity or member of   treatment of expatriate health plans.              must be one of these types of entities in 
a controlled group, the source of data for  (g) MLR rebates.    Enter MLR rebates as           order for it to qualify. If you file Form 8963 
determining direct premiums written is the  you reported for the 2017 calendar year            electronically, select the number of the 
Supplemental Health Care Exhibit            to: NAIC on SHCE; CCIIO on the MLR                 paragraph from the drop down box.
(SHCE), filed with the NAIC; the Medical    form; or any other regulatory authority that       Box 2.  Enter the portion of net 
Loss Ratio (MLR) Annual Reporting Form      specifically requires MLR rebates for other        premiums written included in the total 
(MLR form), filed with the Center for       than commercial markets (Medicare Part             reported in column (i) for health insurance 
Consumer Information and Insurance          D, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid,                   premiums that are attributable to certain 
Oversight (CCIIO); or any equivalent form   FEHBP, etc.).                                      exempt activities of a covered entity 
required by state or federal law. If the 
entity or member does not file an SHCE,     Figure the MLR rebates (current year               qualifying under section 501(c)(3), 501(c)
an MLR form, or any equivalent form, the    accrual), as below.                                (4), 501(c)(26), or 501(c)(29) (ACA 
entity or member is still required to file                                                     section 9010(b)(2)(B), partial exclusion for 
Form 8963 and provide direct premiums       1. Rebates paid                    $ ________      certain exempt activities).
written for health insurance of U.S. health 2. Less estimated rebates                          Enter 100% of the premiums that 
risks and any other information required    unpaid-prior year                  $ (_______)     qualify for the exclusion and the IRS will 
by this form.                                                                                  apply the 50% reduction after application 
                                            3. Plus estimated rebates                          of the percentage of net premiums written 
Generally, if the entity files an SHCE      unpaid-current year                $ _______
and/or an MLR form, enter the direct                                                           (see (i) Net premiums written, earlier). If 
premiums written as reported for the data   4. MLR rebates (current year                       the amount entered is greater than the net 
                                            accrual). Enter this net amount in                 premiums written reported in column (i), it 
year on the SHCE (SHCE, Part 2, line 1.1,   column (g). Place a minus sign in                  will be limited to the amount of column (i) 
columns 1–10 plus 12) and/or MLR (MLR       front of amounts to indicate                       for that controlled group member for fee 
form, Part 2, comparable lines and          negative amounts.                  $ _______
columns, amounts from the “Total as of                                                         calculation purposes.
12/31/Data Year” columns only).                                                                Error Correction Process
        References to the SHCE and the      (h) Stand-alone dental or vision direct            Each fee year, the IRS will send a 
!       MLR form in these instructions are  premiums written.     Enter the amount of          preliminary fee notification to each 
CAUTION solely for your convenience in      stand-alone dental or vision direct                covered entity. If the entity believes there 
identifying the premium information         premiums written as reported to the NAIC           is an error in the notification, the entity 
required for this report and are subject to on the SHCE. If you do not file an SHCE,           must submit a corrected Form 8963 in the 
change.                                     include direct premiums written for                time and manner specified in the 
                                            policies providing for dental only or vision       notification.
Only include direct premiums written        only coverage issued as a stand-alone 
for health insurance of U.S. health risks.  dental or vision policy, or as a rider to a        Note. If you submit a corrected Form 
Exclude from direct premiums written any    medical policy through deductibles or              8963 by e-file, you should receive an 
premiums for coverage that is not health    out-of-pocket limits.                              electronic acknowledgement when you 
insurance for U.S. health risks. For more                                                      complete the transaction. If you use 
information see the definitions of Health   (i) Net premiums written.          Enter the total 
                                                                                               another method specified in the 
insurance and U.S. health risk, earlier.    of column (f) minus column (g) plus 
                                                                                               notification, the IRS will mail an 
For any covered entity that files the       column (h) in column (i).
                                                                                               acknowledgement to the address 
SHCE with the NAIC, the entire amount                                                          indicated on the corrected Form 8963. If 
reported on the SHCE as direct premiums                                                        you do not receive an acknowledgement 
written will be considered to be for health                                                    within 10 days of submission, please 

Instructions for Form 8963 (Rev. 01-2018)                       -3-

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contact the IRS by phone at 616-365-4617    retained as long as their contents may        Comments. If you have comments 
(not a toll-free number), by fax at         become material in the administration of      concerning the accuracy of these time 
877-797-0235, or by email at                any Internal Revenue law.                     estimates or suggestions for making this 
LBI.IPF@irs.gov.                            Public disclosure, open to public             form simpler, we would be happy to hear 
                                            inspection. Although, generally, returns      from you. You can send us comments 
Disclosure and Paperwork Reduction          and return information are confidential, as   from IRS.gov/FormComments. Or you can 
Act Notice. We ask for the information on   required by section 6103, the information     write to the Internal Revenue Service, Tax 
this form to carry out the Internal Revenue on this form is not confidential and is not   Forms and Publications Division, 1111 
laws of the United States. You are          subject to section 6103 pursuant to ACA       Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526, 
required to give us the information. We     section 9010, as amended. All information     Washington, DC 20224. Don’t send the 
need it to ensure that you are complying    on this form is subject to public disclosure. form to this office.
with these laws and to allow us to figure   Do not include personal information other 
and collect the right fee.                  than that required to be disclosed.
You are not required to provide the         The time needed to complete and file 
information requested on a form that is     this form will vary depending on individual 
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act      circumstances. The estimated average 
unless the form displays a valid OMB        time is:
control number. Books or records relating 
to a form or its instructions must be                                 5 hr., 30 min.
                                            Learning about the 
                                            law or the form                    53 min.
                                            Preparing the form        1 hr., 1 min.

                                                            -4-                           Instructions for Form 8963 (Rev. 01-2018)

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