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                                                                                           Department of the Treasury
                                                                                           Internal Revenue Service

Instructions for Form 8936

Clean Vehicle Credits (and Schedule A (Form 8936), Clean Vehicle Credit Amount)

Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code           Qualified commercial clean vehicle credit.
unless otherwise noted.
                                                              New Clean Vehicle Credit
Future Developments                                           Use Parts I, II, and III of Form 8936 to claim the credit for 
For the latest information about developments related to      new clean vehicles. The credit is equal to the sum of the 
Form 8936 and its instructions, such as legislation           credit amounts figured for each new clean vehicle you 
enacted after they were published, go to IRS.gov/             placed in service during your tax year.
                                                                Use Parts I, II, and III of Schedule A (Form 8936) to 
What’s New for 2023                                           figure the clean vehicle credit amount for each new clean 
                                                              vehicle you placed in service during your tax year.
New clean vehicle credit.   This credit is available for 
new clean vehicles placed in service after 2022. See New        The part of the credit attributable to business/
Clean Vehicle Credit.                                         investment use of a new clean vehicle is treated as a 
Previously owned clean vehicle credit.    This credit is      general business credit. Any part of the credit not 
available for previously owned clean vehicles acquired        attributable to business/investment use is treated as a 
and placed in service after 2022. See Previously Owned        personal credit.
Clean Vehicle Credit.
                                                                Partnerships and S corporations must file this form to 
Qualified commercial clean vehicle credit.   This credit      claim the credit. All other taxpayers are not required to 
is available for qualified commercial clean vehicles          complete or file this form if their only source for this credit 
acquired and placed in service after 2022. See Qualified      is a partnership or S corporation. Instead, they can report 
Commercial Clean Vehicle Credit.                              this credit directly on line 1y in Part III of Form 3800, 
Tax-exempt and governmental entities.     For tax years       General Business Credit.
beginning after 2022, certain tax-exempt and                  New clean vehicle defined.   This is a new vehicle with at 
governmental entities can elect to treat the qualified        least four wheels placed in service after 2022 that:
commercial clean vehicle credit as a payment of income        Is propelled to a significant extent by an electric motor 
tax. See Tax-Exempt and Governmental Entities.                that draws electricity from a battery that has a capacity of 
                                                              not less than 7 kilowatt hours and is capable of being 
What’s New for 2024                                           recharged from an external source of electricity;
Transfer of new clean vehicle credit.     For vehicles        Is manufactured primarily for use on public streets, 
placed in service after 2023, you may be able to transfer     roads, and highways;
the credit amount to the dealer at the time of sale and       Has a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of less than 
receive an immediate financial benefit in place of a tax      14,000 pounds;
credit claimed on your tax return. You will need to file Form Had its final assembly within North America;
8936 with your return for the tax year in which the vehicle   Has a manufacturer's suggested retail price of not more 
was placed in service. For details, go to IRS.gov/            than $55,000 ($80,000 for a van, sport utility vehicle 
CleanVehicles.                                                (SUV), or pickup truck); and
                                                              Meets certain additional requirements discussed under 
Transfer of previously owned clean vehicle credit.            New Clean Vehicle Certification and Other Requirements, 
For vehicles acquired and placed in service after 2023,       later.
you may be able to transfer the credit amount to the dealer 
at the time of sale and receive an immediate financial          Certain new qualified fuel cell motor vehicles 
benefit in place of a tax credit claimed on your tax return.  (discussed next) may also be treated as new clean 
You will need to file Form 8936 with your return for the tax  vehicles.
year in which the vehicle was placed in service. For          New qualified fuel cell motor vehicle. This is a new 
details, go to IRS.gov/CleanVehicles.                         vehicle with at least four wheels placed in service after 
                                                              2022 that:
                                                              Is propelled by power derived from one or more cells 
General Instructions                                          that convert chemical energy directly into electricity by 
Purpose of Form                                               combining oxygen with hydrogen fuel;
                                                              Is manufactured primarily for use on public streets, 
Use Form 8936 and Schedule A (Form 8936) to figure the        roads, and highways;
following credits for clean vehicles you placed in service      Had its final assembly within North America;
during your tax year.                                           Has a manufacturer's suggested retail price of not more 
New clean vehicle credit.                                   than $55,000 ($80,000 for a van, SUV, or pickup truck); 
Previously owned clean vehicle credit.                      and

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Meets certain additional requirements discussed under       More information.    For details, see the following.
New Clean Vehicle Certification and Other Requirements,       Section 30D.
later.                                                        IRS.gov/CleanVehicles.
New Clean Vehicle Certification and                           Previously Owned Clean Vehicle 
Other Requirements                                            Credit
Generally, for new clean vehicles (other than qualified fuel  Use Parts I and IV of Form 8936 to claim the credit for 
cell motor vehicles), the vehicle must have been              previously owned clean vehicles. The credit is equal to the 
manufactured by a qualified manufacturer. A qualified         lesser of $4,000 or 30% of the sales price of a previously 
manufacturer is a manufacturer who has entered into a         owned clean vehicle you acquired and placed in service 
written agreement with the IRS under which the                during your tax year.
manufacturer agrees to make periodic written reports to 
the IRS providing vehicle identification numbers (VINs)         Use Parts I and IV of Schedule A (Form 8936) to figure 
and other information about their new clean vehicles.         the previously owned clean vehicle credit amount.
Information and certifications contained in these reports     Previously owned clean vehicle defined. This is a 
will help identify which vehicles qualify you for the new     previously owned vehicle with at least four wheels that you 
clean vehicle credit. Manufacturers of qualified fuel cell    acquired and placed in service after 2022 that:
vehicles are also encouraged to file these reports.             Has a model year that is at least 2 years earlier than the 
       Information about new clean vehicles reported by       calendar year in which you acquire the vehicle;
TIP    qualified manufacturers to the IRS is available at     Had its original use begin with a person other than you;
       Fueleconomy.gov/feg/tax2023.shtml.                     Has a sales price that does not exceed $25,000;
                                                              Was purchased from a dealer and was the first transfer 
  The dealer/seller of a new clean vehicle (including a       since August 16, 2022, to an individual eligible to claim 
qualified fuel cell vehicle) must provide a report to you and the credit;
the IRS providing information required to claim the credit,   Is propelled to a significant extent by an electric motor 
including the following.                                      that draws electricity from a battery that has a capacity of 
Your name and taxpayer identification number (TIN).         not less than 7 kilowatt hours and is capable of being 
The vehicle’s VIN.                                          recharged from an external source of electricity;
The battery capacity of the vehicle.                        Is manufactured primarily for use on public streets, 
Verification that the original use of the vehicle begins    roads, and highways;
with you.                                                     Has a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of less than 
The maximum new clean vehicle credit allowable for the      14,000 pounds; and
vehicle.                                                      Meets certain additional requirements discussed under 
                                                              Previously Owned Clean Vehicle Certification and Other 
  The following additional requirements must be met to        Requirements, later.
qualify you for the credit.                                     Certain previously owned qualified fuel cell motor 
You are the owner of the vehicle. If the vehicle is leased, vehicles (discussed next) may also be treated as 
only the lessor and not the lessee is entitled to the credit. previously owned clean vehicles.
You placed the vehicle in service during the tax year.
The original use of the vehicle began with you.             Previously owned qualified fuel cell motor vehicle. 
You acquired the vehicle for use or to lease to others,     This is a previously owned vehicle with at least four 
and not for resale.                                           wheels that you acquired and placed in service after 2022 
You use the vehicle primarily in the United States. If you  that:
use the vehicle primarily outside the United States, see      Has a model year that is at least 2 years earlier than the 
section 168(g)(4) for a list of exceptions that may apply.    calendar year in which you acquire the vehicle;
Your modified adjusted gross income (AGI) for 2022 or       Had its original use begin with a person other than you;
2023 is not more than $150,000 ($300,000 if married filing    Has a sales price that does not exceed $25,000;
jointly or a qualifying surviving spouse; $225,000 if head    Was purchased from a dealer and was the first transfer 
of household). Use Part I of Form 8936 to figure your         since August 16, 2022, to an individual eligible to claim 
modified AGI.                                                 the credit;
                                                              Is propelled by power derived from one or more cells 
Basis reduction.    Unless you elect not to claim the credit, that convert chemical energy directly into electricity by 
you may have to reduce the basis of each vehicle by the       combining oxygen with hydrogen fuel;
amount entered on line 9 of Schedule A (Form 8936) for          Is manufactured primarily for use on public streets, 
that vehicle.                                                 roads, and highways;
Coordination with other credits. A vehicle that anyone        Has a GVWR of less than 14,000 pounds; and
has claimed for the new clean vehicle credit in Part II of    Meets certain additional requirements discussed under 
Form 8936 cannot be used to claim the qualified               Previously Owned Clean Vehicle Certification and Other 
commercial clean vehicle credit in Part V of Form 8936. If    Requirements, later.
your vehicle qualifies for both credits, you may choose 
which of those credits to claim.                              Previously Owned Clean Vehicle 
Recapture of credit. If the vehicle no longer qualifies for   Certification and Other Requirements
the credit, you may have to recapture part or all of the      Generally, for previously owned clean vehicles (other than 
credit. See section 30D(f)(5).                                qualified fuel cell motor vehicles), the vehicle must have 

2                                                                                    Instructions for Form 8936 (2023)

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been manufactured by a qualified manufacturer. A                 Use Parts I and V of Schedule A (Form 8936) to figure 
qualified manufacturer is a manufacturer who has entered      the clean vehicle credit amount for each qualified 
into a written agreement with the IRS under which the         commercial clean vehicle you placed in service during 
manufacturer agrees to make periodic written reports to       your tax year.
the IRS providing vehicle identification numbers (VINs) 
and other information about their previously owned clean         Partnerships and S corporations must file this form to 
vehicles. Information and certifications contained in these   claim the credit. All other taxpayers are not required to 
reports will help identify which vehicles qualify you for the complete or file this form if their only source for this credit 
previously owned clean vehicle credit. Manufacturers of       is a partnership or S corporation. Instead, they can report 
qualified fuel cell vehicles are also encouraged to file      this credit directly on line 1aa in Part III of Form 3800, 
these reports.                                                General Business Credit.
    Information about previously owned clean vehicles         Credit amount. Generally, the credit amount for each 
TIP reported by qualified manufacturers to the IRS is         qualified commercial clean vehicle is equal to the lesser 
    available at Fueleconomy.gov/feg/taxused.shtml.           of:
                                                              15% of the basis of the vehicle (30% for a vehicle not 
                                                              powered by a gasoline or diesel internal combustion 
  The dealer/seller of a previously owned clean vehicle       engine), or
(including a qualified fuel cell vehicle) must provide a        The incremental cost of the vehicle.
report to you and the IRS providing information required to 
claim the credit, including the following.                    Incremental cost. The incremental cost of any qualified 
Your name and taxpayer identification number (TIN).         commercial clean vehicle is an amount equal to the 
The vehicle’s VIN.                                          excess of the purchase price for the vehicle over the price 
The battery capacity of the vehicle.                        of a comparable vehicle. A comparable vehicle is a vehicle 
The sales price.                                            powered solely by a gasoline or diesel internal combustion 
The maximum previously owned clean vehicle credit           engine and which is comparable in size and use to such 
allowable for the vehicle.                                    vehicle.
                                                                2023 safe harbor. Notice 2023-9 provides a safe 
  The following additional requirements must be met to        harbor regarding the incremental cost of certain qualified 
qualify you for the credit.                                   commercial clean vehicles (including qualified fuel cell 
You are an individual.                                      motor vehicles) placed in service in calendar year 2023. 
You are the owner of the vehicle. If the vehicle is leased, The IRS will accept the use of $7,500 as the incremental 
only the lessor and not the lessee is entitled to the credit. cost for all street vehicles (other than compact car plug-in 
You placed the vehicle in service during the tax year.      hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs)) with a gross vehicle 
You acquired the vehicle for use, and not for resale.       weight rating (GVWR) of less than 14,000 pounds to figure 
You can't be claimed as a dependent by another              the credit amount for vehicles placed in service during 
taxpayer.                                                     calendar year 2023. For compact car PHEVs and certain 
You have not claimed another previously owned clean         vehicles with a GVWR of 14,000 pounds or more, the IRS 
vehicle credit in the 3 years before the purchase date.       will accept the incremental cost for the appropriate vehicle 
You use the vehicle primarily in the United States. If you  class determined by the Department of Energy (DOE) 
use the vehicle primarily outside the United States, see      2022 Incremental Purchase Cost Methodology and 
section 168(g)(4) for a list of exceptions that may apply.    Results for Clean Vehicles. For details, see Notice 2023-9, 
Your modified adjusted gross income (AGI) for 2022 or       available at IRS.gov/irb/2023-03_IRB#NOT-2023-9.
2023 is not more than $75,000 ($150,000 if married filing       2024 safe harbor. Notice 2024-5 provides a safe 
jointly or a qualifying surviving spouse; $112,500 if head    harbor regarding the incremental cost of certain qualified 
of household). Use Part I of Form 8936 to figure your         commercial clean vehicles (including qualified fuel cell 
modified AGI.                                                 motor vehicles) placed in service in calendar year 2024. 
Basis reduction. Unless you elect not to claim the credit,    The IRS will accept the use of $7,500 as the incremental 
you may have to reduce the basis of each previously           cost for all street vehicles (other than compact car PHEVs) 
owned clean vehicle by the amount entered on line 17 of       with a GVWR of less than 14,000 pounds to figure the 
Schedule A (Form 8936) for that vehicle.                      credit amount for vehicles placed in service during 
                                                              calendar year 2024. For compact car PHEVs and certain 
Recapture of credit.  If the vehicle no longer qualifies for  vehicles with a GVWR of 14,000 pounds or more, the IRS 
the credit, you may have to recapture part or all of the      will accept the incremental cost for the appropriate vehicle 
credit. See sections 25E(e) and 30D(f)(5).                    class determined by the DOE Incremental Purchase Cost 
More information.  For details, see the following.            Methodology and Results for Clean Vehicles. For details, 
Section 25E.                                                see Notice 2024-5, available at IRS.gov/irb/
IRS.gov/CleanVehicles.                                      2024-02_IRB#NOT-2024-5.
Qualified Commercial Clean Vehicle                            Maximum per vehicle credit amount.    The credit 
                                                              amount is limited to $7,500 ($40,000 for a vehicle with a 
Credit                                                        GVWR of 14,000 pounds or more).
Use Part V of Form 8936 to claim the credit for qualified     Qualified commercial clean vehicle.   This is a vehicle 
commercial clean vehicles. The credit is equal to the sum     acquired and placed in service after 2022 that:
of the credit amounts figured for each qualified                Is propelled to a significant extent by an electric motor 
commercial clean vehicle you placed in service during         which draws electricity from a battery that has a capacity 
your tax year.

Instructions for Form 8936 (2023)                                                                                         3

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of not less than 15 kilowatt hours (7 kilowatt hours for a  Form 3800, General Business Credit.
vehicle with a GVWR of less than 14,000 pounds) and is      Form 990-T, Exempt Organization Business Income Tax 
capable of being recharged from an external source of       Return, or other applicable income tax return.
Is either manufactured primarily for use on public          The IRS has established a pre-filing registration 
streets, roads, and highways, or is mobile machinery as     process that must be completed prior to electing payment 
defined in section 4053(8) (including vehicles that are not of the qualified commercial clean vehicle credit. To 
designed to perform a function of transporting a load over  register, go to IRS.gov/Credits-Deductions/Register-for-
the public highways);                                       Elective-Payment-or-Transfer-of-Credits. See Pub. 5884, 
Is of a character subject to the allowance for            Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and CHIPS Act of 2022 
depreciation (except for vehicles not subject to a lease    (CHIPS) Pre-Filing Registration Tool, for more information. 
placed in service by certain tax-exempt and governmental    Also see Registering for and Making Elective Payment 
entities); and                                              and Transfer Elections in the Instructions for Form 3800.
Meets certain additional requirements discussed under 
Qualified Commercial Clean Vehicle Certification and        Qualified Commercial Clean Vehicle 
Other Requirements, later.                                  Certification and Other Requirements
  Certain qualified fuel cell motor vehicles (discussed     Generally, for qualified commercial clean vehicles, the 
next) may also be treated as qualified commercial clean     vehicle must have been manufactured by a qualified 
vehicles.                                                   manufacturer. A qualified manufacturer is a manufacturer 
                                                            who has entered into a written agreement with the IRS 
Qualified fuel cell motor vehicle. This is a vehicle 
                                                            under which the manufacturer agrees to make periodic 
acquired and placed in service after 2022 that:
                                                            written reports to the IRS providing vehicle identification 
Is propelled by power derived from one or more cells 
                                                            numbers (VINs) and other information about their qualified 
that convert chemical energy directly into electricity by 
                                                            commercial clean vehicles. Information and certifications 
combining oxygen with hydrogen fuel;
                                                            contained in these reports will help identify which vehicles 
Is either manufactured primarily for use on public 
                                                            qualify you for the qualified commercial clean vehicle 
streets, roads, and highways, or is mobile machinery as 
defined in section 4053(8) (including vehicles that are not 
designed to perform a function of transporting a load over    The following additional requirements must be met to 
the public highways);                                       qualify you for the credit.
Is of a character subject to the allowance for            You are the owner of the vehicle. If the vehicle is leased, 
depreciation (except for vehicles not subject to a lease    only the lessor and not the lessee is entitled to the credit.
placed in service by certain tax-exempt and governmental    You placed the vehicle in service during the tax year.
entities); and                                              You acquired the vehicle for use or to lease to others, 
Meets certain additional requirements discussed under     and not for resale.
Qualified Commercial Clean Vehicle Certification and        You use the vehicle primarily in the United States. If you 
Other Requirements, later.                                  use the vehicle primarily outside the United States, see 
                                                            section 168(g)(4) for a list of exceptions that may apply.
Tax-Exempt and Governmental 
                                                            Basis reduction.   Unless you elect not to claim the credit, 
Entities                                                    you may have to reduce the basis of each qualified vehicle 
For tax years beginning after 2022, certain tax-exempt      by the amount entered on line 26 of Schedule A (Form 
and governmental entities that generally don't benefit from 8936) for that vehicle.
income tax credits can elect to treat the qualified 
commercial clean vehicle credit as a payment of income      Coordination with other credits. A vehicle that anyone 
tax. Resulting overpayments may result in refunds.          has claimed for the new clean vehicle credit in Part II of 
                                                            Form 8936 cannot be used to claim the qualified 
  Tax-exempt and governmental entities eligible to make     commercial clean vehicle credit in Part V of Form 8936. If 
the elective payment election include:                      your vehicle qualifies for both credits, you may choose 
A state, the District of Columbia, or a political         which of those credits to claim.
subdivision thereof, any territory of the United States, or 
                                                            Recapture of credit.   If the vehicle no longer qualifies for 
any agency or instrumentality of any of the foregoing;
                                                            the credit, you may have to recapture part or all of the 
An organization (other than a cooperative described in 
                                                            credit. For details, see sections 45W(d)(1) and 30D(f)(5).
section 521) that is exempt from tax imposed by chapter 1 
of the Internal Revenue Code; or                            More information.  For details, see the following.
Any Indian tribal government described in section         Section 45W.
7701(a)(40).                                                IRS.gov/CleanVehicles.
  For details, see section 6417 and the related 
regulations.                                                Specific Instructions for Form 
  Tax-exempt and governmental entities making the           8936
elective payment election for the qualified commercial 
clean vehicle credit must file the following.               Line 7
Schedule(s) A (Form 8936), Clean Vehicle Credit           Enter the total new clean vehicle credits from:
Amount.                                                     Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), Partner's Share of Income, 
Form 8936, Clean Vehicle Credits.                         Deductions, Credits, etc., box 15 (code AY); and

4                                                                                      Instructions for Form 8936 (2023)

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Schedule K-1 (Form 1120-S), Shareholder's Share of                 If your vehicle qualifies for this credit as well as for 
Income, Deductions, Credits, etc., box 13 (code AY).           TIP   the qualified commercial clean vehicle credit, you 
                                                                     can choose which of those credits to claim.
  Partnerships and S corporations report the above 
credits on line 7. All other filers figuring a separate credit 
on earlier lines also report the above credits on line 7. All  Line 6
others not using earlier lines to figure a separate credit     See the definitions under Previously Owned Clean Vehicle 
can report the above credits directly on Form 3800, Part       Credit, earlier.
III, line 1y.
                                                               Line 7
Line 11                                                        See the definitions under Qualified Commercial Clean 
Enter the total, if any, credits from Schedule 3 (Form         Vehicle Credit, earlier.
1040), lines 1 through 4, 5b, 6d, 6I, and 6m.                        If your vehicle qualifies for this credit as well as for 
                                                               TIP   the new clean vehicle credit, you can choose 
Line 13
                                                                     which of those credits to claim.
If you cannot use part of the personal portion of the credit 
because of the tax liability limit, the unused credit is lost. 
The unused personal portion of the credit cannot be            Line 9
carried back or forward to other tax years.                    Tentative credit amounts for new clean vehicles are 
                                                               provided to the purchaser by the seller at the time the 
Line 16                                                        vehicle is sold, and later forwarded to the IRS. Generally, 
Enter the total, if any, credits from Schedule 3 (Form         this amount will be the maximum credit amount listed in 
1040), lines 1 through 4, 5b, 6d, and 6I.                      the seller’s report for the vehicle. See New Clean Vehicle 
                                                               Certification and Other Requirements, earlier.
Line 18
If you cannot use part of the credit because of the tax        Line 10
liability limit, the unused credit is lost. The unused credit  Enter the percentage of business/investment use.
cannot be carried back or forward to other tax years.          Enter 100% if the vehicle is used solely for business 
Line 20
Enter the total qualified commercial clean vehicle credits     If the vehicle is used for both business purposes and 
from:                                                          personal purposes, determine the percentage of business 
Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), Partner's Share of Income,         use by dividing the number of miles the vehicle was driven 
Deductions, Credits, etc., box 15 (code AZ); and               during the year for business purposes or for the 
Schedule K-1 (Form 1120-S), Shareholder's Share of           production of income (not to include any commuting 
Income, Deductions, Credits, etc., box 13 (code AZ).           mileage) by the total number of miles the vehicle was 
                                                               driven for all purposes. Treat vehicles used by your 
  Partnerships and S corporations report the above             employees as being used 100% for business/investment 
credits on line 20. All other filers reporting a separate      purposes if the value of personal use is included in the 
credit on line 19 also report the above credits on line 20.    employees’ gross income, or the employees reimburse 
All others not using line 19 to report a separate credit can   you for the personal use. If you report the amount of 
report the above credits directly on Form 3800, Part III,      personal use of the vehicle in your employee’s gross 
line 1aa.                                                      income and withhold the appropriate taxes, enter “100%” 
                                                               for the percentage of business/investment use.
Specific Instructions for Schedule A                           If during the tax year you convert property used solely 
(Form 8936)                                                    for personal purposes to business/investment use (or vice 
                                                               versa), figure the percentage of business/investment use 
Line 2                                                         only for the number of months you use the property in your 
You must enter the vehicle's VIN on line 2. The VIN of a       business or for the production of income. Multiply that 
vehicle can be obtained from the registration, title, proof of percentage by the number of months you use the property 
insurance, or actual vehicle. Generally, the VIN is 17         in your business or for the production of income and 
characters made up of numbers and letters.                     divide the result by 12. For example, if you converted a 
                                                               vehicle to 50% business use for the last 6 months of the 
Line 3                                                         year, you would enter 25% on line 5 (50% multiplied by 6 
The date the vehicle was placed in service is the date the     divided by 12).
taxpayer takes possession of the vehicle.                      For more information, see Pub. 463, Travel, Gift, and 
                                                               Car Expenses.
Line 4
See section 168(g)(4) for a list of exceptions that may        Line 18a
apply.                                                         See the exception discussed in the vehicle definitions 
                                                               under Qualified Commercial Clean Vehicle Credit, earlier.
Line 5
See the definitions under New Clean Vehicle Credit,            Line 18c
earlier.                                                       A qualified commercial clean vehicle (including a new 
                                                               qualified fuel cell motor vehicle) is not required to be 

Instructions for Form 8936 (2023)                                                                                          5

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powered solely by an electric motor to qualify for the     control number. Books or records relating to a form or its 
credit. The vehicle may also be powered by a gasoline or   instructions must be retained as long as their contents 
diesel internal combustion engine. However, if it is also  may become material in the administration of any Internal 
powered by a gas or diesel engine, the credit rate is      Revenue law. Generally, tax returns and return information 
reduced from 30% to 15%. For more information, see the     are confidential, as required by section 6103.
vehicle definitions earlier.
                                                           The time needed to complete and file this form and 
Line 19                                                    related schedule will vary depending on individual 
For a discussion of cost or other basis, see Pub. 551,     circumstances. The estimated burden for individual and 
Basis of Assets.                                           business taxpayers filing this form is approved under OMB 
                                                           control number 1545-0074 and 1545-0123 and is included 
Line 20                                                    in the estimates shown in the instructions for their 
Enter any section 179 expense deduction you claimed for    individual and business income tax return. The estimated 
the vehicle from Part I of Form 4562, Depreciation and     burden for all other taxpayers who file this form is shown 
Amortization.                                              below.

Line 23                                                    Recordkeeping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       4 hr., 15 min.
See Incremental cost, earlier.                             Learning about the law or the form. . . . . .                 27 min.
                                                           Preparing and sending the form to the 
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for the             IRS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 hr., 25 min.
information on this form and related schedule to carry out 
the Internal Revenue laws of the United States. You are 
required to give us the information. We need it to ensure  If you have comments concerning the accuracy of 
that you are complying with these laws and to allow us to  these time estimates or suggestions for making this form 
figure and collect the right amount of tax.                and related schedule simpler, we would be happy to hear 
  You are not required to provide the information          from you. See the instructions for the tax return with which 
requested on a form that is subject to the Paperwork       this form is filed.
Reduction Act unless the form displays a valid OMB 

6                                                                                             Instructions for Form 8936 (2023)

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