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                                                                                                      Department of the Treasury
Instructions for Form 8928                                                                            Internal Revenue Service

(Rev. September 2016)

For use with Form 8928 (Rev. May 2016)
Return of Certain Excise Taxes Under Chapter 43
of the Internal Revenue Code

Section references are to the Internal Revenue 3. Any employer liable for the tax         “timely mailing as timely filing/paying” 
Code unless otherwise noted.                   under section 4980E for failure to make    rule for tax returns and payments. 
                                               comparable Archer MSA contributions        These private delivery services include 
Future Developments                            for all participating employees.           only the following.
For the latest information about Form          4. Any employer liable for the tax         DHL Express (DHL): DHL Express 
8928 and its instructions, such as             under section 4980G for failure to make    9:00, DHL Express 10:30, DHL Express 
legislation enacted after they were            comparable HSA contributions for all       12:00, DHL Express Worldwide, DHL 
published, go to www.irs.gov/form8928.         participating employees.                   Express Envelope, DHL Import Express 
                                                                                          10:30, DHL Import Express 12:00, and 
General Instructions                           When To File                               DHL Import Express Worldwide.
                                                                                          Federal Express (FedEx): FedEx First 
                                               For a failure under section 4980B or 
                                                                                          Overnight, FedEx Priority Overnight, 
Purpose of Form                                section 4980D, if the failure is by an 
                                                                                          FedEx Standard Overnight, FedEx 
File Form 8928 to report the tax due on        employer or other person responsible 
                                                                                          2Day, FedEx International Next Flight 
the following failures by group health         for providing or administering benefits 
                                                                                          Out, FedEx International Priority, FedEx 
plans or employers.                            under the plan (such as an insurer or 
                                                                                          International First, and FedEx 
A failure to provide a level of                third-party administrator), file Form 8928 
                                                                                          International Economy.
coverage of the costs of pediatric             on or before the due date for filing the 
                                                                                          United Parcel Service (UPS): UPS 
vaccines (as defined in section 2612 of        person's federal income tax return.
                                                                                          Next Day Air Early AM, UPS Next Day 
the Public Health Services Act) that is 
                                               If the failure under section 4980B or      Air, UPS Next Day Air Saver, UPS 2nd 
not below the coverage provided as of 
                                               section 4980D is by a multiemployer or     Day Air, UPS 2nd Day Air A.M., UPS 
May 1, 1993.
                                               multiple employer plan, file Form 8928     Worldwide Express Plus, and UPS 
A failure to satisfy continuation 
                                               on or before the last day of the seventh   Worldwide Express.
coverage requirements under section 
                                               month following the end of the plan 
4980B.                                                                                    The private delivery service can tell 
A failure to meet portability, access,                                                    you how to get written proof of the 
renewability, and market reform                For a failure under section 4980E or       mailing date.
requirements under sections 9801,              section 4980G, file Form 8928 on or 
9802, 9803, 9811, 9812, 9813, and              before the 15th day of the 4th month       Interest and Penalties
9815.                                          following the calendar year in which the   Interest.   Interest is charged on taxes 
A failure to make comparable Archer            noncomparable contributions were           not paid by the due date even if an 
medical savings account (MSA)                  made.                                      extension of time to file is granted. 
contributions under section 4980E.             Extension. File Form 7004, Application     Interest is also charged on penalties 
A failure to make comparable health            for Automatic Extension of Time to File    imposed from the due date, including 
savings account (HSA) contributions            Certain Business Income Tax,               extensions, to the date of payment for 
under section 4980G.                           Information, and Other Returns, to         failure to file, negligence, fraud, gross 
                                               request an automatic extension of time     valuation overstatements, and 
Who Must File                                  to file Form 8928. You must file Form      substantial understatements of tax. The 
Form 8928 must be filed by the                 7004 on or before the regular due date     interest rate is determined under section 
following.                                     of Form 8928. See the Instructions for     6621.
1. Any employer, group health plan,            Form 7004 for more information. Form       Penalty for late filing of return.  If you 
plan administrator, or plan sponsor            7004 does not extend the time to pay       do not file a return by the due date, 
liable for the tax under section 4980B         excise taxes due under Form 8928.          including extensions, you may have to 
for failure to provide the required level of                                              pay a penalty of 5% of the unpaid tax for 
pediatric vaccine coverage or to offer         Where To File                              each month or part of a month the return 
continuation coverage to a qualified                                                      is late, up to a maximum of 25% of the 
                                                     Send Form 8928 to the 
beneficiary.                                                                              unpaid tax. The minimum penalty for a 
                                                     following address.
2. Any employer or group health                                                           return that is more than 60 days late is 
plan liable for the tax under section          Department of the Treasury                 the smaller of the tax due or $100. The 
4980D for failure to meet portability,         Internal Revenue Service                   penalty will not be imposed if you can 
access, renewability, and market reform        Cincinnati, OH 45999-0009                  show that the failure to file on time was 
requirements for group health plans                                                       due to reasonable cause. If you file late, 
under sections 9801, 9802, 9803, 9811,                                                    you must attach a statement to Form 
9812, 9813, and 9815.                          Private delivery services. You can         8928 explaining the reasonable cause.
                                               use certain private delivery services 
                                               designated by the IRS to meet the 

Sep 01, 2016                                              Cat. No. 52470C

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Penalty for late payment of tax.      If   Item C. Name of plan.  Enter the             ended March 31, 2016, should be 
you do not pay the tax when due, you       formal name of the plan, name of the         shown as 03/31/2016.
may have to pay a penalty of   of 1% of 12 plan sponsor, or name of the insurance       Item G. Plan number. Enter the 
the unpaid tax for each month or part of   company or financial institution of the      three-digit number that the employer or 
a month the tax is not paid, up to a       direct filing entity (DFE). In the case of a plan administrator assigned to the plan. 
maximum of 25% of the unpaid tax. The      group insurance arrangement (GIA),           This three-digit number is used with the 
penalty will not be imposed if you can     enter the name of the trust or other         EIN entered on line B and is used by the 
show that the failure to pay on time was   entity that holds the insurance contract.    IRS, the Department of Labor, and the 
due to reasonable cause.                   In the case of a master trust investment     Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 
Interest and penalties for late filing     account (MTIA), enter the name of the        as a unique 12-digit number to identify 
and late payment will be billed            sponsoring employers.                        the plan.
separately after the return is filed.      If the plan covers only the employees                 If the plan number is not 
                                           of one employer, enter the employer's                 provided, this will cause a delay 
Claim for Refund or Credit/                name or enough information to identify       CAUTION! in processing your return.
Amended Return                             the plan. This should be the same name 
                                           indicated on the Form 5500 series            Filer's signature. To reduce the 
File an amended Form 8928 for any of       return/report if that form is required to be possibility of correspondence and 
the following.                             filed for the plan.                          penalties, please sign and date the 
To claim a refund of overpaid taxes 
reportable on Form 8928.                   Item D. Name and address of plan             form. Also enter a daytime phone 
To receive a credit for overpaid taxes.    sponsor. The term “plan sponsor”             number where you can be reached.
To report additional taxes due within      means:                                       Paid Preparer Use Only. A paid 
the same tax year of the filer if those    1. The employer, for a group health          preparer must sign Form 8928 and 
taxes have the same due date as those      plan established or maintained by a          provide the information in the Paid 
previously reported.                       single employer;                             Preparer Use Only section at the end of 
File an amended return by writing          2. The employee organization, in             the form if the preparer was paid to 
“Amended Return” at the top of Form        the case of a plan of an employee            prepare the form and is not an 
8928 and completing the appropriate        organization; or                             employee of the filing entity. The 
                                                                                        preparer must give you a copy of the 
part.                                      3. The association, committee, joint         form in addition to the copy to be filed 
                                           board of trustees, or other similar group    with the IRS.
If you file an amended return to claim     of representatives of the parties who 
a refund or credit, the claim must state   establish or maintain the plan, if the       If you are a paid preparer, enter your 
in detail the reasons for claiming the     group health plan is established or          Preparer Tax Identification Number 
refund. In order for the IRS to promptly   maintained jointly by one or more            (PTIN) in the space provided. Include 
consider your claim, you must explain      employers and one or more employee           your complete address. If you work for a 
why you are filing the claim and provide   organizations, or by two or more             firm, you also must enter the firm’s 
the appropriate supporting evidence.       employers.                                   name and the EIN of the firm. However, 
See Regulations section 301.6402-2 for                                                  you cannot use the PTIN of the tax 
more details.                              Include the suite, room, or other unit       preparation firm in place of your PTIN.
                                           numbers after the street number. If the      You can apply for a PTIN online or by 
                                           post office does not deliver mail to the     filing Form W-12, IRS Paid Preparer Tax 
Specific Instructions                      street address and you have a P.O. box,      Identification Number (PTIN) 
Filer tax year. Enter the tax year of the  show the box number instead of the           Application and Renewal. For more 
employer, entity, or individual on whom    street address.                              information about applying for a PTIN 
the tax is imposed by using the plan       If the plan sponsor has a foreign            online, visit the IRS website at 
year beginning and ending dates            address, enter the information in the        www.irs.gov/ptin.
entered in Part I of Form 5500 or by       following order: city or town, state or 
using the tax year of the business return  province, and country. Follow the            Part I. Tax on Failure To 
filed, if applicable.                      country's practice for entering the postal 
                                           code. Do not abbreviate the country          Satisfy Continuation 
Item A. Name and address of filer.         name.                                        Coverage Requirements 
Enter the name and address of the 
employer, individual, or other entity who  Item E. Plan sponsor's EIN. Enter the        Under Section 4980B
is liable for the tax.                     nine-digit employer identification           Complete a separate Part I, Section A, 
Include the suite, room, or other unit     number (EIN) assigned to the plan            lines 1 through 6, for each qualifying 
numbers after the street number. If the    sponsor. This should be the same             event for which one or more failures to 
post office does not deliver mail to the   number used to file the Form 5500            satisfy continuation coverage 
street address and you have a P.O. box,    series return/report.                        requirements occurred during the 
                                                                                        reporting period as a result of failures 
show the box number instead of the         Item F. Plan year ending. “Plan year”        due to reasonable cause and not to 
street address.                            is defined in Regulations section            willful neglect. If multiple qualifying 
If the entity has a foreign address,       54.9801-2. Enter eight digits in month/      events occurred with different 
enter the information in the following     date/year order. This number assists the     noncompliance periods, complete lines 
order: city or town, state or province,    IRS in properly identifying the plan and     1 through 6 on a separate Part I for each 
and country. Follow the country's          time period for which the Form 8928 is       qualifying event. Then complete a 
practice for entering the postal code. Do  being filed. For example, a plan year        “summary” Form 8928 with items A 
not abbreviate the country name.


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through G and enter the total amount of     employed fewer than 20 employees on          failures were not corrected before the 
the excise tax on line 7 of that summary    a typical business day.                      date a notice of examination of income 
form and complete lines 8 through 11        Any governmental plan under section          tax liability was sent from the IRS and 
for all qualifying events as a result of    414(d).                                      the failure or failures continued during 
failures due to reasonable cause and        Any church plan under section                the examination period. The minimum 
not to willful neglect.                     414(e).                                      excise tax under Part I, Section A, is 
                                                                                         $15,000 if the failure or failures are 
Complete a separate Part I, lines 12        Section A. Failures Due to                   determined to be more than de minimis.
through 14, for each qualifying event for   Reasonable Cause and Not to 
which one or more failures to satisfy                                                    Line 7. If you had more than one 
                                            Willful Neglect
continuation coverage requirements                                                       qualifying event during the reporting 
occurred during the reporting period as     If the failure or failures as a result of a  period, complete lines 1 through 6 in a 
a result of failures due to willful neglect particular qualifying event were due to      separate Part I, Section A, for each 
or otherwise not due to reasonable          reasonable cause and not to willful          qualifying event and enter the total from 
cause. If multiple qualifying events        neglect, complete Part I, Section A,         line 6 from all copies of Part I, Section A, 
occurred with different noncompliance       lines 1 through 11.                          on line 7 of your summary form. See the 
periods, complete lines 12 through 14       Line 1.  Calculate the total number of       discussion under Part I earlier.
on a separate Part I for each qualifying    days of noncompliance within the             Line 8. For a single employer plan, 
event. Then complete a “summary”            reporting period beginning on the date       enter on line 8 the aggregate amount 
Form 8928 with items A through G and        the failure first occurred and ending on     paid or incurred during the preceding 
enter the total amount of the excise tax    the earlier of the date the failure is       tax year by the employer (or a 
on line 15 of that summary form for all     corrected or, at the latest, a date that is  predecessor) for its group health plan. 
failures that were due to willful neglect   6 months after the last day of the           For a multiemployer plan, enter on this 
or otherwise not due to reasonable          maximum continuation coverage period         line the amount paid or incurred during 
cause.                                      under the qualifying event that led to the   the current tax year to provide medical 
Write “Summary Form” at the top to          failure.                                     care, directly or through insurance or 
indicate that this is a summary form and             The noncompliance period may        reimbursement.
attach all copies to it.                    TIP      include portions of more than 1     Line 11. The maximum excise tax 
       You may report all failures on                plan year (in the case of an        payable during a tax year by third-party 
TIP    the same form if the failures        employee benefit plan) or 1 tax year (in     administrators, HMOs, and insurance 
       occurred during the same tax         the case of an employer or third-party       companies under Part I, Section A, is $2 
year.                                       administrator). In that case, only the       million for all plans for failures due to 
                                            portion of the noncompliance period          reasonable cause and not to willful 
For purposes of Part I, a qualifying        falling within that plan year or tax year    neglect. For those entities, do not enter 
event is any of the following.              would be used to calculate the excise        more than $2 million on this line for such 
Death of the covered employee.              tax due for that year.                       failures for all plans even if the 
Termination or reduction of hours of                                                     aggregate excise tax owed for all 
the covered employee's employment           Line 4.  No tax is due for any failure       failures under Part I, Section A, is more 
(other than for employee gross              under Part I, Section A, if it is            than $2 million.
misconduct).                                established to the satisfaction of the 
Divorce or legal separation of the          Secretary of the Treasury that no one        Section B. Failures Due to 
covered employee from the employee's        liable for the tax knew, or exercising       Willful Neglect or Otherwise 
spouse.                                     reasonable diligence would have              Not Due to Reasonable Cause
Covered employee becoming entitled          known, that the failure occurred. 
to Medicare benefits.                       Additionally, no tax is due if the failure   If the failure or failures as a result of a 
Dependent child of the covered              under Part I, Section A, was due to          particular qualifying event were due to 
employee ceasing to be a covered child      reasonable cause and not due to willful      willful neglect or otherwise not due to 
under the terms of the plan.                neglect and the failure was corrected        reasonable cause, complete Part I, 
Bankruptcy of the employer from             during the 30-day period beginning on        Section B, lines 12 through 15.
whose employment the covered                the 1st date anyone liable for the tax       Line 12. Calculate the total number of 
employee retired.                           knew, or exercising reasonable               days of noncompliance within the 
                                            diligence should have known, that the        reporting period beginning on the date 
Waiver of excise tax.    The Secretary      failure existed.                             the failure first occurred and ending on 
may waive part or all of the excise tax     For this purpose, a failure is treated       the earlier of the date the failure is 
under Part I, to the extent that payment    as corrected if the failure is retroactively corrected or, at the latest, a date that is 
of the tax would be excessive relative to   undone to the extent possible and the        6 months after the last day of the 
the failure involved. This only applies to  qualified beneficiary to whom the failure    maximum continuation coverage period 
failures due to reasonable cause and        relates is placed in a financial position    under the qualifying event that led to the 
not due to willful neglect.                 which is as good as such beneficiary         failure.
Note. The tax under Part I will not apply   would have been in had the failure not       Line 15. If you had more than one 
to the following.                           occurred.                                    qualifying event during the reporting 
Any failure of a group health plan if       Line 5.  The minimum excise tax under        period, complete lines 12 through 14 in 
the qualifying event occurred during the    Part I, Section A, is $2,500 for each        a separate Part I, Section B, for each 
calendar year immediately following a       qualified beneficiary for whom one or        qualifying event and enter the total from 
calendar year during which all              more failures occurred if the failure or     line 14 from all copies of Part I, 
employers maintaining the plan normally                                                  Section B, on line 15 of your summary 


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form. See the discussion under Part I       50 employees on business days during         tax liability was sent from the IRS and 
earlier.                                    the preceding calendar year, and who         the failure or failures continued during 
                                            employs at least 2 employees on the          the examination period. The minimum 
Part II. Tax on Failure To                  first day of the current plan year. Special  excise tax under Part II, Section A, is 
Meet Portability, Access,                   rules apply to employers not in              $15,000 if the failure or failures are 
                                            existence in the preceding year. See         determined to be more than de minimis.
and Renewability                            section 4980D(d)(2)(B).
                                                                                         Exception for church plans.          The 
Requirements Under 
                                            Section A. Failures Due to                   $2,500 (or $15,000, if applicable) 
Section 4980D                               Reasonable Cause and Not to                  minimum excise tax does not apply to a 
Complete a separate Part II, Section A,                                                  church plan, as defined in section 
lines 17 through 23, for each failure to    Willful Neglect
                                                                                         414(e). If your plan meets the 
meet portability, access, and               If the failure or failures were due to       requirements for a church plan, enter 
renewability requirements that occurred     reasonable cause and not to willful          “-0-” on this line and go to line 23.
during the reporting period that was due    neglect, complete Part II, Section A, 
to reasonable cause and not to willful      lines 17 through 28.                         Line 24. If you had more than one 
                                                                                         failure during the reporting period, 
neglect. If multiple such failures          Line 17. Calculate the total number of       complete lines 17 through 23 in a 
occurred with different noncompliance       days of noncompliance within the             separate Part II, Section A, for each 
periods, complete lines 17 through 23 in    reporting period beginning on the date       failure and enter the total from line 23 
a separate Part I, Section A, for each      the failure first occurred and ending on     from all copies of Part II, Section A, on 
failure. Then complete a “summary”          the date the failure is corrected.           line 24 of your summary form. See the 
Form 8928 with items A through G and 
enter the total amount of the excise tax        The noncompliance period may             discussion under Part I earlier.
on line 24 of that summary form and         TIP include portions of more than 1          Line 25. For a single employer plan, 
complete lines 25 through 28 for all            plan year (in the case of an             enter on this line the aggregate amount 
failures due to reasonable cause and        employee benefit plan) or 1 tax year (in     paid or incurred during the preceding 
not to willful neglect.                     the case of an employer or third-party       tax year by the employer (or a 
                                            administrator). In that case, only the       predecessor) for its group health plan. 
Complete a separate Part II,                portion of the noncompliance period          For a multiemployer plan, enter on this 
Section B, lines 29 through 33, for each    falling within that plan year or tax year    line the amount paid or incurred during 
failure to meet portability, access, and    would be used to calculate the excise        the current tax year to provide medical 
renewability requirements that occurred     tax due for that year.                       care, directly or through insurance or 
during the reporting period that was due                                                 reimbursement.
to willful neglect or otherwise not due to  Line 21. No tax is due for any failure 
reasonable cause. If multiple failures      under Part II, Section A, if it is           Section B. Failure Due to Willful 
occurred with different noncompliance       established to the satisfaction of the       Neglect or Otherwise Not Due 
periods, complete lines 29 through 32       Secretary of the Treasury that no one        to Reasonable Cause
on a separate Part II, Section B, for       liable for the tax knew, or exercising 
each failure. Then complete a               reasonable diligence would have              If the failure or failures were due to 
“summary” Form 8928 with items A            known, that the failure occurred.            willful neglect or otherwise not due to 
through G and enter the total amount of     Additionally, no tax is due if the failure   reasonable cause, complete Part II, 
the excise tax on line 33 of that           under Part II, Section A, was due to         Section B, lines 29 through 33.
summary form for all such failures.         reasonable cause and not due to willful      Line 29. Calculate the total number of 
                                            neglect and the failure was corrected 
Write “Summary Form” at the top to                                                       days of noncompliance within the 
                                            during the 30-day period beginning on 
indicate that this is a summary form and                                                 reporting period beginning on the date 
                                            the first date anyone liable for the tax 
attach all copies to it.                                                                 the failure first occurred and ending on 
                                            knew, or exercising reasonable               the date the failure is corrected.
Waiver of excise tax.    The Secretary      diligence would have known, that the 
may waive part or all of the excise tax     failure existed.                             Line 33. If you had more than one 
                                                                                         failure during the reporting period, 
under Part II, to the extent that payment   For this purpose, a failure is treated       complete lines 29 through 32 in a 
of the tax would be excessive relative to   as corrected if the failure is retroactively separate Part II, Section B, for each 
the failure involved. This only applies to  undone to the extent possible and the        qualifying event and enter the total from 
failures due to reasonable cause and        person to whom the failure relates is        line 32 from all copies of Part II, 
not due to willful neglect.                 placed in a financial position which is as   Section B, on line 33 of your summary 
Exception for certain insured small         good as such person would have been          form. See the discussion under Part I 
employer plans. If you are a small          in had the failure not occurred.             earlier.
employer who provides health                In the case of a church plan, the 
insurance coverage solely through a         failure must be corrected before the         Part III. Tax on Failure To 
contract with a health insurance issuer,    close of the correction period, as 
                                                                                         Make Comparable Archer 
you will not be liable for the excise tax   defined under section 414(e)(4)(C).
under Part II for any failure (other than a                                              MSA Contributions Under 
failure under section 9811) that is solely  Line 22. The minimum excise tax 
the result of the health insurance          under Part II, Section A, is $2,500 for      Section 4980E
coverage offered by the issuer.             each qualified beneficiary for whom one      An employer is liable for tax under 
                                            or more failures occurred if the failure or  section 4980E if he fails to make 
“Small employer” is generally defined       failures were not corrected before the       comparable contributions to the Archer 
as an employer who employed an              date a notice of examination of income       MSAs of all comparable participating 
average of at least 2 but not more than 


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employees for each coverage period          under this part, to the extent that          be retained as long as their contents 
during the calendar year.                   payment of the tax would be excessive        may become material in the 
“Comparable contributions” are              relative to the failure involved. This only  administration of any Internal Revenue 
contributions which are the same            applies to failures due to reasonable        law. Generally, tax returns and return 
amount or which are the same                cause and not to willful neglect.            information are confidential, as required 
                                                                                         by section 6103.
percentage of the annual deductible         Controlled group. For purposes of this 
limit under the high deductible health      part, all persons treated as a single        The time needed to complete and file 
plan covering the employees.                employer under section 414(b), (c), (m),     this form will vary depending on 
“Comparable participating                   or (o) will be treated as one employer.      individual circumstances. The estimated 
employees” are employees who are                                                         average time is:
eligible individuals covered under any      Part V. Tax Due
                                                                                         Recordkeeping            12 hr., 40 min.
high deductible health plan of the                 Make your check or money 
employer, and who have the same                    order payable to “United States       Learning about 
category of coverage.                              Treasury” for the full amount         the law or the 
To determine whether contributions          due. Attach the payment to your return.      form                       4 hr., 0 min.
are comparable, see Regulations             Write your name, identifying number,         Preparing and 
sections 54.4980G-1 through                 plan number, and “Form 8928,                 sending the form 
54.4980G-7.                                 Part(s)____” on your payment.                to the IRS                6 hr., 47 min.
Line 35. Enter the aggregate amount         File at the address shown under Where 
contributed to employees' Archer MSAs       To File, earlier.
for tax years ending with or within the                                                  Comments and suggestions. We 
calendar year.                              Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduc-             welcome your comments about this 
Waiver of excise tax. The Secretary         tion Act Notice. We ask for the              publication and your suggestions for 
may waive part or all of the excise tax     information on this form to carry out the    future editions. You can send us 
under this part, to the extent that         Internal Revenue laws of the United          comments from www.irs.gov/
payment of the tax would be excessive       States. Taxpayers subject to the             formspubs. Click on "More Information" 
relative to the failure involved. This only provisions of sections 4980B, 4980D,         and then on "Give us feedback." Or you 
applies to failures due to reasonable       4980E, and 4980G are required to             can write to:
cause and not to willful neglect.           provide the information requested on 
                                            this form. Section 6109 requires you to      Internal Revenue Service
Controlled group. For purposes of this      provide your identifying number. If you      Tax Forms and Publications
part, all persons treated as a single       fail to provide this information in a timely 1111 Constitution Ave. NW 
employer under section 414(b), (c), (m),    manner, you may be liable for penalties.     IR-6526
or (o) will be treated as one employer.     Routine uses of this information include     Washington, DC 20224
                                            giving it to the Department of Justice for 
Part IV. Tax on Failure To                  civil and criminal litigation, to other      We respond to many letters by 
Make Comparable HSA                         federal agencies as authorized by law,       telephone. Therefore, it would be helpful 
                                            and to cities, states, the District of       if you would include your daytime phone 
Contributions Under                         Columbia, and U.S. commonwealths             number, including the area code, in your 
Section 4980G                               and possessions for use in                   correspondence. Although we cannot 
An employer is liable for tax under         administering their tax laws. We may         respond individually to each comment 
section 4980G if he fails to make           also disclose this information to other      received, we do appreciate your 
comparable contributions to the HSAs        countries under a tax treaty, to federal     feedback and will consider your 
of all comparable participating             and state agencies to enforce federal        comments as we revise our tax 
employees for each coverage period          nontax criminal laws, or to federal law      products.
during the calendar year.                   enforcement and intelligence agencies 
                                            to combat terrorism.                         Ordering forms and publications. 
Line 37. Enter the aggregate amount                                                      Visit www.irs.gov/ formspubs to 
contributed to employees' HSAs for tax      You are not required to provide the          download forms and publications. 
years ending with or within the calendar    information requested on a form that is      Otherwise, you can go to www.irs.gov/
year.                                       subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act       orderforms to order forms.
                                            unless the form displays a valid OMB 
Waiver of excise tax. The Secretary         control number. Books or records 
may waive part or all of the excise tax     relating to a form or its instructions must 


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