Enlarge image | Userid: CPM Schema: Leadpct: 100% Pt. size: 10 Draft Ok to Print instrx AH XSL/XML Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source (Init. & Date) _______ Page 1 of 31 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service 2023 Instructions for Form 8941 Credit for Small Employer Health Insurance Premiums Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code Partnerships, S corporations, cooperatives, unless otherwise noted. TIP estates, trusts, and tax-exempt eligible small employers must file this form to claim the credit. Future Developments All other taxpayers must not complete or file this form if For the latest information about developments related to their only source for this credit is a partnership, S Form 8941 and its instructions, such as legislation corporation, cooperative, estate, or trust. Instead, they enacted after they were published, go to IRS.gov/ must report this credit directly on line 4h in Part III of Form Form8941. 3800, General Business Credit. Reminder Eligible Small Employers Waiver for Hawaii. Employers in Hawaii can’t claim this You’re an eligible small employer for the tax year if you credit for insurance premiums paid for health plan years meet the following three requirements. beginning after 2016. For more information, see Waiver for 1. You paid premiums for employee health insurance Hawaii in the instructions for line A. coverage under a qualifying arrangement. A qualifying arrangement is generally an arrangement that General Instructions requires you to pay a uniform percentage (not less than 50%) of the premium cost for each enrolled employee’s Purpose of Form health insurance coverage (defined later). However, an Eligible small employers (defined later) use Form 8941 to arrangement that requires you to pay a uniform premium figure the credit for small employer health insurance for each enrolled employee (composite billing) and offers premiums for tax years beginning after 2009. For tax years different tiers of coverage (for example, employee-only, beginning after 2013, the credit is only available for a dependent, and family coverage) can be a qualifying 2-consecutive-tax-year credit period. The maximum credit arrangement even if it requires you to pay a uniform is generally a percentage of premiums the employer paid percentage that is less than 50% of the premium cost for during the tax year for certain health insurance coverage employees not enrolled in employee-only coverage. the employer provided to certain employees enrolled in a In addition, an arrangement that requires you to pay a qualified health plan offered through a Small Business separate premium for each employee based on age or Health Options Program (SHOP) Marketplace. But the other factors (list billing) can be a qualifying arrangement credit may be reduced by limitations based on the even if it requires you to pay a uniform percentage that is employer’s full-time equivalent employees, average less than 50% of the premium cost for some employees. annual wages, adjusted average premiums, and state For details, see Employer Premiums Paid Health , premium subsidies and tax credits. Insurance Coverage, and Qualifying Arrangement, later. For information about insurance plans offered 2. You had fewer than 25 full-time equivalent employ- TIP through a SHOP Marketplace, go to Healthcare.gov. ees (FTEs) for the tax year. You may be able to meet this requirement even if you had 25 or more employees. For example, an employer with 48 employees who are For tax-exempt eligible small employers, the each half-time employees has 24 FTEs and can claim the maximum credit is 35% of premiums paid, is limited to the credit. For details, see Worksheets 1 and 2. amount of certain payroll taxes paid, and is claimed as a refundable credit on Form 990-T, Exempt Organization Although the term “eligible small employer” is Business Income Tax Return. A tax-exempt eligible small ! defined in the Internal Revenue Code to include employer is an eligible small employer described in CAUTION employers with “no more than” 25 FTEs the , section 501(c) that is exempt from taxation under section phaseout of the credit amount operates in such a way that 501(a). A tax-exempt employer not described in section an employer with exactly 25 FTEs is not, in fact, eligible for 501(c) is generally not eligible to claim this credit. the credit. However, a tax-exempt farmers’ cooperative subject to tax under section 1381 may be able to claim the credit as a 3. You paid average annual wages for the tax year of general business credit, as discussed next. less than $62,000 per FTE. For details, see Worksheets 1 and 3. For all other eligible small employers, the maximum credit is 50% of premiums paid and can be taken against both regular and alternative minimum tax. The credit is claimed as part of the general business credit on Form 3800, General Business Credit. Nov 8, 2023 Cat. No. 55222U |
Enlarge image | Page 2 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. If you had more than 10 FTEs and average annual State premium subsidy or tax credit. If you’re entitled ! wages of more than $30,000, the FTE and to a state tax credit or a state premium subsidy paid CAUTION average annual wage limitations (discussed later) directly to you for premiums you paid, don’t reduce the will separately reduce your credit. This may reduce your amount you paid by the credit or subsidy amount. Also, if a credit to zero even if you had fewer than 25 FTEs and state pays a premium subsidy directly to your insurance average annual wages of less than $62,000. provider, treat the subsidy amount as an amount you paid for employee health insurance coverage. Employers treated as a single employer. Treat the following employers as a single employer to figure the Wellness programs. A wellness program is generally an credit. insurance program of health promotion or disease • Employers who are corporations in a controlled group of prevention. If you pay part or all of the cost of an corporations. employee’s participation in a wellness program, treat the • Employers who are members of an affiliated service amount you paid toward the employee’s participation as group. an amount you paid for employee health insurance • Employers who are partnerships, proprietorships, etc., coverage. under common control. See Regulations sections Tobacco surcharges. A tobacco surcharge is generally 1.414(c)-2, 1.414(c)-3, and 1.414(c)-4. an additional amount charged for insurance for a tobacco • Tax-exempt employers under common control. See user. If you pay part or all of an employee’s tobacco Regulations section 1.414(c)-5. surcharge, you can’t use the amount you paid to figure For details, see section 45R(e)(5)(A) and Regulations your employer premiums paid. section 1.45R-2(b). Dependent coverage. Dependent coverage is generally No more than one Form 8941 can be filed with a coverage offered separately to an individual who is or may TIP tax return, unless the exception described in become eligible for coverage under the terms of a group Example 2 below applies. health plan because of a relationship to a participant-employee, whether or not a dependent of the Example 1. You’re a sole proprietor with two separate participant-employee. Dependent coverage doesn’t businesses and you file a separate Schedule C (Form include coverage, such as family coverage, which 1040), Profit or Loss From Business, for each business. includes coverage of the participant-employee. If you pay You must treat both businesses as a single employer to part or all of the cost of an employee’s dependent figure the credit. You will file one Form 8941 for both coverage, use the amount you paid to figure your businesses. employer premiums paid. Example 2. You and your spouse are both sole Portion of premiums paid. If you pay only a portion of proprietors and file a separate Schedule C (Form 1040) the premiums and your employees pay the rest, only the for each of your separate businesses. Neither spouse was portion you pay is taken into account. For this purpose, an employee of the other spouse or participated in the any premium paid through a salary reduction arrangement management of the other spouse’s business at any time under a section 125 cafeteria plan isn’t treated as an during the tax year. No more than 50% of the gross employer paid premium. For more information on cafeteria income of either business was derived from royalties, plans, see section 1 of Pub. 15-B, Employer’s Tax Guide to rents, dividends, interest, and annuities and you otherwise Fringe Benefits. meet the requirements listed in Regulations section 1.414(c)-4(b)(5)(ii). Don’t treat both businesses as a Example 3. You offer health insurance coverage to single employer to figure the credit. If you and your spouse employees under a qualifying arrangement that requires are both eligible small employers, you can file two Forms you to pay 60% of the premium cost for employee-only 8941 with a jointly filed Form 1040 or 1040-SR. coverage for each employee enrolled in any health insurance coverage you provide to employees. The total Credit Period premium for each employee enrolled in employee-only For tax years beginning after 2013, the credit period coverage is $5,200 per year or $100 ($5,200 ÷ 52) for during which the credit can be claimed is a each weekly payday. The total premium for each 2-consecutive-tax-year period beginning with the first tax employee enrolled in family coverage is $13,000 per year year in which: or $250 ($13,000 ÷ 52) for each weekly payday. • An eligible small employer (or any predecessor) files an Each payday, you contribute $60 (60% of $100) toward income tax return with an attached Form 8941 with line A the premium cost of each employee enrolled in checked “Yes” and a positive amount on line 12, or employee-only coverage and withhold the remaining $40 • A tax-exempt eligible small employer (or any from the employee's paycheck to obtain the $100 total predecessor) files Form 990-T with an attached Form weekly premium. Each payday, you contribute $60 (the 8941 with line A checked “Yes” and a positive amount on same amount you pay toward the premiums of employees line 12. enrolled in employee-only coverage) toward the premium cost of each employee enrolled in family coverage and Employer Premiums Paid withhold the remaining $190 from the employee’s Only premiums you paid for health insurance coverage paycheck to obtain the $250 total weekly premium. under a qualifying arrangement (discussed later) for To determine the premiums you paid during the tax individuals considered employees are counted when year, multiply the number of pay periods during which the figuring your credit. -2- Instructions for Form 8941 (2023) |
Enlarge image | Page 3 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. employee was enrolled in the health insurance coverage surcharge for nonparticipation). However, for purposes of by $60. For example, you would’ve paid $3,120 ($60 × 52) figuring the credit, the employer contributions are taken for an employee who was enrolled for the entire tax year. into account, including those contributions attributable to You would’ve paid $600 ($60 × 10) for an employee who an employee’s participation in a wellness program. was only enrolled for 10 pay periods. You will need an Tobacco surcharge. Any additional amount you or your additional set of calculations if the premium amounts employee pays to cover a tobacco surcharge isn’t taken changed during the tax year. into account in figuring the uniform percentage Health Insurance Coverage requirement. Amounts you or your employee pays to cover a tobacco surcharge aren’t considered premiums paid for For tax years beginning after 2013, health insurance health insurance coverage when figuring this credit. coverage generally means coverage provided to employees enrolled in a qualified health plan offered Dependent coverage. Premiums you pay for dependent through a Small Business Health Options Program coverage aren’t subject to the uniform percentage (SHOP) Marketplace. For an exception that applies to requirement. You aren’t required to pay a uniform certain employers in certain counties, see the instructions percentage (not less than 50%) for dependent coverage. for line A, later. If this exception applies, health insurance Arrangements with composite billing. An arrangement coverage means coverage, as defined under Health that requires you to pay a uniform premium for each Insurance Coverage in the 2013 Instructions for Form enrolled employee (composite billing) and offers different 8941. tiers of coverage can be a qualifying arrangement even if it A stand-alone dental plan offered through a SHOP requires you to pay a uniform percentage that is less than TIP exchange will be considered a qualified health 50% of the premium cost for employees not enrolled in plan for purposes of the credit. employee-only coverage. It is a qualifying arrangement (assuming employee-only coverage is the least expensive Employer premiums paid for health insurance tier of coverage) if it requires you to pay each of the ! coverage can be counted in figuring the credit only following amounts if you make the relevant tier of coverage CAUTION if the premiums are paid under a qualifying available. arrangement. • A uniform percentage (not less than 50%) of the premium cost for each employee (if any) enrolled in Qualifying Arrangement employee-only coverage. A qualifying arrangement is generally an arrangement that • A uniform amount that is no less than the amount you requires you to pay a uniform percentage (not less than would’ve paid toward employee-only coverage for each 50%) of the premium cost for each enrolled employee's employee (if any) enrolled in family coverage. health insurance coverage (defined earlier). An • A uniform amount that is no less than the amount you arrangement that offers different tiers of coverage (for would’ve paid toward employee-only coverage for each example, employee-only and family coverage) is generally employee (if any) enrolled in any other tier of coverage a qualifying arrangement if it requires you to pay a uniform (figured separately for each tier). percentage (not less than 50%) separately for each tier of Arrangements with list billing and only employee-on- coverage you offer. However, an arrangement can be a ly coverage. An arrangement that requires you to pay a qualifying arrangement even if it requires you to pay a separate premium for each employee based on age or uniform percentage that is less than 50% of the premium other factors (list billing) that only provides employee-only cost for some employees. coverage can be a qualifying arrangement even if it requires you to pay a uniform percentage that is less than For more information about the following exceptions, 50% of the premium cost for some employees. It is a see Regulations section 1.45R-4. qualifying arrangement if it requires you to pay either of State or local law. You will be treated as satisfying the the following amounts. uniform percentage requirement if your failure to otherwise • A uniform percentage (not less than 50%) of the satisfy the requirement was solely attributable to premium charged for each employee enrolled in the additional contributions you made to certain employees to employee-only coverage. comply with state or local law. • A uniform percentage (not less than 50%) of your Wellness program. If a plan of an employer provides a employer-computed composite rate (defined later) for your wellness program, for purposes of meeting the uniform employee-only coverage for each employee enrolled in percentage requirement, the following applies. Any the employee-only coverage. additional amount of the employer contribution attributable Arrangements with list billing and other tiers of cov- to an employee’s participation in the wellness program erage. An arrangement that requires you to pay a over the employer contribution with respect to an separate premium for each employee based on age or employee that doesn’t participate in the wellness program other factors (list billing) that provides other tiers of isn’t considered in calculating the uniform percentage coverage can be a qualifying arrangement even if it requirement. This is true whether the difference is due to a requires you to pay a uniform percentage that is less than discount for participation or a surcharge for 50% of the premium cost for some employees. It is a nonparticipation. The employer contribution for employees qualifying arrangement (assuming employee-only who don’t participate in the wellness program must be at coverage is the least expensive tier of coverage) if it least 50% of the premium (including any premium Instructions for Form 8941 (2023) -3- |
Enlarge image | Page 4 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. requires you to pay each of the following amounts if you Net premium payments are employer premiums paid make the relevant tier of coverage available. (discussed earlier) minus the amount of any state tax • A uniform percentage (not less than 50%) for each credits you received or will receive and any state premium employee enrolled in employee-only coverage, as subsidies paid either to you or directly to your insurance discussed under Arrangements with list billing and only provider for premiums for health insurance coverage you employee-only coverage, earlier. provide under a qualifying arrangement to individuals • A uniform amount that is either equal to the amount you considered employees. would’ve paid toward employee-only coverage (as discussed above), a uniform percentage (not less than Payroll Tax Limitation for Tax-Exempt 50%) of the premium charged, or a uniform percentage Eligible Small Employers (not less than 50%) of your employer-computed The credit for tax-exempt eligible small employers can’t composite rate (defined below) for your family coverage, exceed the amount of certain payroll taxes. For tax years for each employee (if any) enrolled in family coverage. beginning in 2023, payroll taxes, for this purpose, mean • A uniform amount that is either equal to the amount you only the following taxes. would’ve paid toward employee-only coverage (as discussed above), a uniform percentage (not less than • Federal income taxes the tax-exempt employer was required to withhold from employees’ wages in calendar 50%) of the premium charged, or a uniform percentage year 2023. (not less than 50%) of your employer-computed composite rate (defined below) for any other tier of • Medicare taxes the tax-exempt employer was required to withhold from employees’ wages in calendar year 2023. coverage, for each employee (if any) enrolled in any other tier of coverage (figured separately for each tier). • Medicare taxes the tax-exempt employer was required to pay for calendar year 2023. Employer-computed composite rate. The employer-computed composite rate for a tier of coverage Premium Deduction Reduced is the average rate determined by adding the premiums for You must reduce your deduction for the cost of providing that tier of coverage for all employees eligible to health insurance coverage to your employees by the participate in the health insurance plan (whether or not amount of any credit for small employer health insurance they actually receive coverage under the plan or under premiums allowed with respect to the coverage. that tier of coverage) and dividing by the total number of such eligible employees. More Information For more information about this credit, see the following. More than one plan. Different types of health insurance plans are generally not aggregated for purposes of • Section 45R. meeting the qualifying arrangement requirement. For • Regulations sections 1.45R-0 through 1.45R-5. example, if you offer a major medical insurance plan and a • IRS.gov/Affordable-Care-Act/Employers/Small- Business-Health-Care-Tax-Credit-and-the-SHOP- stand-alone vision plan, you generally must separately Marketplace. satisfy the requirements for a qualifying arrangement with respect to each type of coverage. For exceptions, see Regulations section 1.45R-4(c). Specific Instructions State subsidies and credits. For this purpose, if you’re Partnerships, S corporations, cooperatives, entitled to a state tax credit or a state premium subsidy TIP estates, trusts, and tax-exempt eligible small paid directly to you for premiums you paid, don’t reduce employers must file this form to claim the credit. the amount you paid by the credit or subsidy amount. All other taxpayers must not complete or file this form if Also, if a state pays a premium subsidy directly to your their only source for this credit is a partnership, S insurance provider, treat the subsidy amount as an corporation, cooperative, estate, or trust. Instead, they amount you paid for employee health insurance coverage. must report this credit directly on line 4h in Part III of Form 3800. State Premium Subsidy and Tax Credit Limitation Use Worksheets 1 through 7 to figure the amounts to Your credit may be reduced if you’re entitled to a state tax report on various lines of Form 8941. credit or a state premium subsidy for the cost of health • Use Worksheets 1, 2, and 3 to figure the amounts to insurance coverage you provide under a qualifying report on lines 1, 2, and 3 of Form 8941. arrangement to individuals considered employees. The • Use Worksheet 4 to figure the amounts to report on state tax credit may be refundable or nonrefundable and lines 4, 5, and 13 of Form 8941. the state premium subsidy may be paid to you or directly • Use Worksheets 5, 6, and 7 to figure the amounts to to your insurance provider. report on lines 8, 9, and 14 of Form 8941. Although a state tax credit or premium subsidy paid Line A directly to you doesn’t reduce the amount of your Answer “Yes” if one of the following applies. employer premiums paid, and although a state premium • You paid premiums for employee health insurance subsidy paid directly to an insurance provider is treated as coverage you provided through a SHOP Marketplace or an employer premium you paid, the amount of your credit through a direct enrollment process, if available in your can’t be more than your net premium payments. state. -4- Instructions for Form 8941 (2023) |
Enlarge image | Page 5 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. • You qualify for an exception to this requirement, as Worksheet 1. Information Needed To discussed below. Complete Line 1 and Worksheets 2 If you answer “Yes” because you paid premiums for employee health insurance coverage you provided and 3 through a SHOP Marketplace, enter the Marketplace identifier, if any. If you need more rows, use a separate sheet and include the additional amounts in the totals below. If you answer “No,” don’t file Form 8941 unless you’re filing it for a partnership, S corporation, cooperative, (a) (b) (c) estate, trust, or tax-exempt eligible small employer that Individuals Employee Employee received from another entity a credit that must be reported Considered Hours of Wages on line 15. For more information, see the instructions for Employees Service Paid line 15. 1. Waiver for Hawaii. Hawaii has received a 5-year State Innovation Waiver under section 1332 of the Affordable 2. Care Act that has been extended for 5 more years. 3. Employers in Hawaii can’t participate in the SHOP 4. Marketplace or claim the credit for insurance premiums paid for health plan years beginning after 2016. For more 5. information on the waiver, go to CMS.gov. 6. Exception for eligible small employers in certain 7. counties. For calendar year 2023, SHOP Marketplaces in certain counties across the United States didn’t have 8. qualified health plans available for employers to offer to 9. employees. However, relief is available, which allows 10. eligible small employers with a principal business address in those counties to claim the credit for 2023 if they 11. properly claimed the credit under section 45R for all or 12. part of 2022. For details, see Notice 2018-27, 2018-20, I.R.B. 580, available at IRS.gov/irb/ 13. 2018-20_IRB#NOT-2018-27. 14. To see whether a particular county has coverage 15. TIP available through a SHOP Exchange for 2023 and 16. beyond, go to Healthcare.gov/small-business and enter “plans and prices” in the search box. 17. 18. Line C 19. Answer “Yes” if a tax return you (or any predecessor) filed 20. for a tax year beginning after 2013 and before 2022 included a Form 8941 with line A checked “Yes” and 21. line 12 showing a positive amount. For more information, 22. see Credit Period, earlier. 23. If you answer “Yes,” don’t file Form 8941 unless you’re 24. filing it for a partnership, S corporation, cooperative, estate, trust, or tax-exempt eligible small employer that 25. received from another entity a credit that must be reported on line 15. An entity that qualifies for this exception Totals: shouldn’t report any amount on line 12. For more information, see the instructions for line 15. Column (a), Individuals Considered Employees Enter the name or other identifying information for all individuals considered employees for purposes of this credit. In general, all employees who perform services for you during the tax year are taken into account in determining your FTEs, average annual wages, and premiums paid. Rules that apply to certain types of employees are discussed below. Instructions for Form 8941 (2023) -5- |
Enlarge image | Page 6 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Excluded employees. The following individuals aren’t discussed above. A sole proprietor must include both considered employees when you figure this credit. Hours business and nonbusiness employees to determine FTEs, and wages of these employees and premiums paid for average annual wages, and premiums paid. them aren’t counted when you figure your credit. Ministers. A minister performing services in the exercise • The owner of a sole proprietorship. of the minister’s ministry is treated as self-employed for • A partner in a partnership. social security and Medicare purposes. However, for • A shareholder who owns (after applying the section 318 credit purposes, whether a minister is an employee or constructive ownership rules) more than 2% of an S self-employed is determined under the common law test corporation. for determining worker status. Self-employed ministers • A shareholder who owns (after applying the section 318 aren’t considered employees. constructive ownership rules) more than 5% of the outstanding stock or stock possessing more than 5% of Column (b), Employee Hours of the total combined voting power of all stock of a Service corporation that isn’t an S corporation. • A person who owns more than 5% of the capital or Enter the total hours of service for the tax year for each profits interest in any other business that isn’t a employee listed in column (a). Don’t enter more than corporation. 2,080 hours for any employee. But enter -0- for seasonal • Family members or a member of the household who employees who worked 120 or fewer days during the tax isn’t a family member but qualifies as a dependent on the year. individual income tax return of a person listed above. Employee hours of service. An employee’s hours of Family members include a child (or descendant of a service for a year include the following. child), a sibling or step-sibling, a parent (or ancestor of a • Each hour for which the employee is paid, or entitled to parent), a step-parent, a niece or nephew, an aunt or payment, for the performance of duties for the employer uncle, or a son-in-law, daughter-in-law, father-in-law, during the employer’s tax year. mother-in-law, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law. A spouse of • Each hour for which an employee is paid, or entitled to any owner or family member listed above is also payment, by the employer on account of a period of time considered a family member for this purpose. during the employer’s tax year during which no duties are Former employees. Premiums paid on behalf of a performed due to vacation, holiday, illness, incapacity former employee with no hours of service may be treated (including disability), layoff, jury duty, military duty, or leave as paid on behalf of an employee for purposes of figuring of absence (except that no more than 160 hours of service the credit, provided that, if so treated, the former are required to be counted for an employee on account of employee is also treated as an employee for purposes of any single continuous period during which the employee the uniform percentage requirement. performs no duties). To figure the total number of hours of service you must Leased employees. Don’t use premiums paid by the take into account for an employee for the year, you can leasing organization to figure your credit. Also, a leased use any of the following methods. employee who isn’t a common law employee is considered an employee for credit purposes if the Actual-hours-worked method. Determine actual employee does all the following. hours of service from records of hours worked and hours • Provides services to you under an agreement between for which payment is made or due (payment is made or you and a leasing organization. due for vacation, holiday, illness, incapacity, etc., as • Has performed services for you (or for you and a related described above). person) substantially full time for at least 1 year. Days-worked equivalency method. Use a • Performs services under your primary direction or days-worked equivalency whereby the employee is control. credited with 8 hours of service for each day for which the employee would be required to be credited with at least 1 But don’t use hours, wages, or premiums paid with hour of service under the rules described above. respect to the initial year of service on which leased Weeks-worked equivalency method. Use a employee status is based. weeks-worked equivalency whereby the employee is Seasonal employees. Employees who perform labor or credited with 40 hours of service for each week for which services on a seasonal basis and perform labor or the employee would be required to be credited with at services for you 120 or fewer days during the tax year least 1 hour of service under the rules described above. aren’t considered employees in determining FTEs and average annual wages. But premiums paid on their behalf Column (c), Employee Wages Paid are counted in determining the amount of the credit. Complete Worksheet 2 before you complete Seasonal workers include retail workers employed ! column (c) of Worksheet 1. Do not complete exclusively during holiday seasons. Seasonal workers CAUTION column (c) if Worksheet 2, line 3, is 25 or more. also include workers employed exclusively during the summer. Enter the total wages paid for the tax year for each Household and other nonbusiness employees. employee listed in column (a). But enter -0- for seasonal Household employees and other employees who aren’t employees who worked 120 or fewer days during the tax performing services in your trade or business are year. considered employees if they otherwise qualify, as -6- Instructions for Form 8941 (2023) |
Enlarge image | Page 7 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Wages, for this purpose, mean wages subject to social Worksheet 4. Information Needed To security and Medicare tax withholding determined without considering any wage base limit. Complete Lines 4, 5, and 13 and Worksheet 7 Worksheet 2. Information Needed To Complete Line 2 (FTEs) If you need more rows, use a separate sheet and include the additional amounts in the totals below. Your credit is reduced if you had more than 10 FTEs for (a) (d) the tax year. If you had 25 or more FTEs for the tax year, Enrolled (b) (c) Enrolled your credit is reduced to zero. Individuals Employer Adjusted Employee 1. Enter the total employee hours of Considered Premiums Average Hours of service from Worksheet 1, column Employees Paid Premiums Service (b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 1. 2. Hours of service per FTE . . . . . . . . . 2. 2,080 2. 3. Full-time equivalent employees. 3. Divide line 1 by line 2. If the result isn’t a whole number (0, 1, 2, etc.), generally 4. round the result down to the next 5. lowest whole number. For example, round 2.99 down to 2. However, if the 6. result is less than one, enter 1. Report 7. this number on Form 8941, line 2 . . . 3. 8. 9. Worksheet 3. Information Needed To 10. Complete Line 3 (Average Annual 11. Wages) 12. 13. Your credit is reduced if you paid average annual wages of more than $30,000 for the tax year. If you paid average 14. annual wages of $62,000 or more for the tax year, your 15. credit is reduced to zero. 16. 1. Enter the total employee wages paid from Worksheet 1, column (c) . . . . . . 1. 17. 2. Enter FTEs from Worksheet 2, 18. line 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 19. 3. Average annual wages. Divide line 1 20. by line 2. If the result isn’t a multiple of $1,000 ($1,000, $2,000, $3,000, etc.), 21. round the result down to the next 22. lowest multiple of $1,000. For example, round $2,999 down to $2,000. Report 23. this amount on Form 8941, line 3 . . . 3. 24. 25. Totals: Column (a), Enrolled Individuals Considered Employees Enter the name or other identifying information for each individual listed in column (a) of Worksheet 1 who was enrolled in health insurance coverage you provided to employees during the tax year under a qualifying arrangement. For details, see Health Insurance Coverage and Qualifying Arrangement, earlier. Instructions for Form 8941 (2023) -7- |
Enlarge image | Page 8 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Column (b), Employer Premiums Paid enrolled for the entire tax year. You would’ve paid $570 ($57 × 10) if the employee was only enrolled for 10 pay Enter the total employer premiums paid for the tax year for periods. You’ll need an additional set of calculations if the each employee listed in column (a). For details, see premium amounts changed during the tax year. Employer Premiums Paid, earlier. Column (d), Enrolled Employee Hours Column (c), Adjusted Average of Service Premiums Your credit is reduced if the employer premiums paid are Don’t complete column (d) of Worksheet 4 if Form more than the employer premiums that would’ve been ! 8941, line 12, is zero. CAUTION paid if individuals considered employees were enrolled in a plan with a premium equal to the average premium for Enter the amount from column (b) of Worksheet 1 for the small group market in the rating area in which the each employee listed in column (a) of Worksheet 4. employee enrolls for coverage. The rating area in which an employee enrolls for Worksheet 5. Information Needed To coverage is generally the rating area where your business Complete Line 8 (If Line 2 Is More is located (based on your primary business address). You will generally have selected a plan in your rating area that Than 10) covers all employees located within or outside your rating area. However, if you have multiple businesses or 1. Enter the amount from Form 8941, operations in multiple states, and have set up plans in line 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. more than one SHOP Marketplace, the average premiums 2. Enter the number from Form may be different for employees enrolled in each SHOP 8941, line 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Marketplace. 3. Subtract 10 from line 2 . . . . . 3. Enter, for each employee listed in column (a), the 4. Divide line 3 by 15. Enter the premiums you would’ve paid if the employee had enrolled result as a decimal (rounded to in a plan or plans with a total premium equal to the at least 3 places) . . . . . . . . 4. average premium for the small group market in the rating 5. Multiply line 1 by line 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. area in which the employee enrolls for coverage. 6. Subtract line 5 from line 1. Report this To find the average premium for the small group market amount on Form 8941, line 8 . . . . . . . . . 6. in a rating area for tax years beginning in 2023, see the average premium tables at the end of these instructions. Family coverage includes any coverage other than Worksheet 6. Information Needed To employee-only coverage. Complete Line 9 (If Line 3 Is More Example 4. Assume the same facts that were used in Example 3. The $60 you contribute each payday toward Than $30,000) employee health insurance coverage is 60% ($60 ÷ $100) of the weekly premium for each employee enrolled in 1. Enter the amount from Form 8941, employee-only coverage and 24% ($60 ÷ $250) of the line 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. weekly premium for each employee enrolled in family 2. Enter the amount from Form coverage. 8941, line 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. In this situation, the total average premium limitation 3. Enter the amount from Form amounts that apply are 60% of the applicable average 8941, line 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. premium amounts for each employee enrolled in 4. Subtract $30,700 from line 3 . 4. employee-only coverage and 24% of the applicable average premium amounts for each employee enrolled in 5. Divide line 4 by $30,700. Enter family coverage. the result as a decimal (rounded to at least 3 places) . . . . . . . . 5. You have an employee enrolled in employee-only 6. Multiply line 2 by line 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . coverage who enrolled for coverage in your local rating 6. area. The applicable employee-only average premium 7. Subtract line 6 from line 1. Report this amount for the rating area is $4,940 or $95 ($4,940 ÷ 52) amount on Form 8941, line 9 . . . . . . . . . 7. for each weekly payday. The amount you would’ve paid toward this employee’s health insurance coverage based Line 10 on the average premiums is $57 (60% of $95) each Enter the total amount of any state premium subsidies payday. paid and any state tax credits available to you for To determine the premiums you would’ve paid for this premiums included on line 4. For details, see State employee during the tax year if the employee had enrolled Premium Subsidy and Tax Credit Limitation, earlier. in an average premium plan, multiply the number of pay periods during which your employee was enrolled in the health insurance coverage by $57. For example, you would’ve paid $2,964 ($57 × 52) if the employee was -8- Instructions for Form 8941 (2023) |
Enlarge image | Page 9 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Worksheet 7. Information Needed To its tax liability. Therefore, to figure the unused amount of the credit allocated to patrons, the cooperative must first Complete Line 14 (If Line 12 Is More figure its tax liability. While any excess is allocated to patrons, any credit recapture applies as if the cooperative Than Zero) had claimed the entire credit. 1. Enter the total enrolled employee hours of If the cooperative is subject to the passive activity rules, service from Worksheet 4, column include on line 15 any credit for small employer health (d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. insurance premiums from passive activities disallowed for 2. Hours of service per FTE . . . . . . . . . . 2. 2,080 prior years and carried forward to this year. Complete Form 8810, Corporate Passive Activity Loss and Credit 3. Divide line 1 by line 2. If the result isn’t a Limitations, to determine the allowed credit that must be whole number (0, 1, 2, etc.), generally allocated to patrons. For details, see the Instructions for round the result down to the next Form 8810. lowest whole number. For example, round 2.99 down to 2. However, if the result is Estates and trusts. Allocate the credit on line 16 less than one, enter 1. Report this between the estate or trust and the beneficiaries in the number on Form 8941, line 14 . . . . . . 3. same proportion as income was allocated and enter the beneficiaries’ share on line 17. Line 15 If the estate or trust is subject to the passive activity rules, include on line 15 any credit for small employer Enter any credit for small employer health insurance health insurance premiums from passive activities premiums from: disallowed for prior years and carried forward to this year. • Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), Partner's Share of Income, Complete Form 8582-CR, Passive Activity Credit Deductions, Credits, etc., box 15 (code BA); Limitations, to determine the allowed credit that must be • Schedule K-1 (Form 1120-S), Shareholder's Share of allocated between the estate or trust and the Income, Deductions, Credits, etc., box 13 (code BA); beneficiaries. For details, see the Instructions for Form • Schedule K-1 (Form 1041), Beneficiary’s Share of 8582-CR. Income, Deductions, Credits, etc., box 13 (code G); and • Form 1099-PATR, Taxable Distributions Received From Line 19 Cooperatives, box 12, or other notice of credit allocation. Enter the total amount of certain payroll taxes. Payroll Partnerships, S corporations, cooperatives, taxes, for this purpose, mean only the following taxes. TIP estates, trusts, and tax-exempt eligible small • Federal income taxes the tax-exempt employer was employers report the above credits on line 15. All required to withhold from employees’ wages in calendar other filers figuring a separate credit on earlier lines also year 2023. report the above credits on line 15. All others not using • Medicare taxes the tax-exempt employer was required earlier lines to figure a separate credit must report the to withhold from employees’ wages in calendar year 2023. above credits directly on Form 3800, Part lll, line 4h. • Medicare taxes the tax-exempt employer was required to pay for calendar year 2023. Line 17 Cooperatives. A cooperative described in section 1381(a) must allocate to its patrons the credit in excess of Instructions for Form 8941 (2023) -9- |
Enlarge image | Page 10 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for the information on this form to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of the United States. You are required to give us the information. We need it to ensure that you are complying with these laws and to allow us to figure and collect the right amount of tax. You are not required to provide the information requested on a form that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the form displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records relating to a form or its instructions must be retained as long as their contents may become material in the administration of any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax returns and return information are confidential, as required by section 6103. The time needed to complete and file this form will vary depending on individual circumstances. The estimated burden for individual and business taxpayers filing this form is approved under OMB control number 1545-0074 and 1545-0123 and is included in the estimates shown in the instructions for their individual and business income tax return. The estimated burden for all other taxpayers who file this form is shown below. Recordkeeping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 hr., 8 min. Learning about the law or the form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 hr., 2 min. Preparing and sending the form to the IRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 hr., 5 min. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of these time estimates or suggestions for making this form simpler, we would be happy to hear from you. See the instructions for the tax return with which this form is filed. -10- Instructions for Form 8941 (2023) |
Enlarge image | Page 11 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Average Premiums Needed To Figure Adjusted Amounts on Worksheet 4 The following tables list the average Limestone 7,262 23,301 Petersburg 11,771 31,062 premiums for the small group market Lowndes 8,391 23,453 Prince of Wales-Hyder 11,771 31,062 in each rating area generally listed by county for each state for tax years Macon 7,241 20,533 Sitka 11,771 31,062 beginning in 2023. Madison 7,262 23,301 Skagway 11,771 31,062 Marengo 7,241 20,533 Southeast Fairbanks 12,011 30,930 Alabama Marion 7,241 20,533 Valdez Cordova 11,303 29,868 Employee- Dependent, Marshall 7,241 20,533 Wade Hampton 12,011 30,930 County Only Family, etc. Mobile 7,468 22,163 Wrangell City and 11,771 31,062 Autauga 8,391 23,453 Monroe 7,241 20,533 Borough Baldwin 7,241 20,533 Montgomery 8,391 23,453 Yakutat 12,011 30,930 Barbour 7,241 20,533 Morgan 7,893 19,596 Yukon Koyukuk 12,011 30,930 Bibb 7,061 22,250 Perry 7,241 20,533 Arizona Blount 7,061 22,250 Pickens 7,241 20,533 Bullock 7,241 20,533 Pike 7,241 20,533 Employee- Dependent, County Only Family, etc. Butler 7,241 20,533 Randolph 7,241 20,533 Apache 8,205 23,802 Calhoun 6,836 20,924 Russell 7,210 21,092 Cochise 7,758 21,771 Chambers 7,241 20,533 Shelby 7,061 22,250 Coconino 8,205 23,802 Cherokee 7,241 20,533 St. Clair 7,061 22,250 Gila 7,732 20,592 Chilton 7,061 22,250 Sumter 7,241 20,533 Graham 7,758 21,771 Choctaw 7,241 20,533 Talladega 7,241 20,533 Greenlee 7,758 21,771 Clarke 7,241 20,533 Tallapoosa 7,241 20,533 La Paz 8,893 24,548 Clay 7,241 20,533 Tuscaloosa 7,665 21,879 Maricopa 7,176 22,558 Cleburne 7,241 20,533 Walker 7,061 22,250 Mohave 8,205 23,802 Coffee 7,241 20,533 Washington 7,241 20,533 Navajo 8,205 23,802 Colbert 8,701 22,810 Wilcox 7,241 20,533 Pima 7,513 21,227 Conecuh 7,241 20,533 Winston 7,241 20,533 Coosa 7,241 20,533 Pinal 7,732 20,592 Covington 7,241 20,533 Alaska Santa Cruz 7,513 21,227 Crenshaw 7,241 20,533 Yavapai 7,412 21,670 Employee- Dependent, Cullman 7,241 20,533 County Only Family, etc. Yuma 8,893 24,548 Dale 7,241 20,533 Aleutians East 12,011 30,930 Arkansas Dallas 7,241 20,533 Aleutians West 12,011 30,930 DeKalb 7,241 20,533 Anchorage 11,303 29,868 Employee- Dependent, County Only Family, etc. Elmore 8,391 23,453 Bethel 11,303 29,868 Arkansas 7,140 17,389 Escambia 7,241 20,533 Bristol Bay 12,011 30,930 Ashley 7,140 17,389 Etowah 6,539 22,226 Denali 12,011 30,930 Baxter 7,244 21,429 Fayette 7,241 20,533 Dillingham 11,303 29,868 Benton 7,244 21,429 Franklin 7,241 20,533 Fairbanks North Star 12,011 30,930 Boone 7,244 21,429 Geneva 7,505 22,014 Haines 11,771 31,062 Bradley 7,140 17,389 Greene 7,665 21,879 Hoonah-Angoon 11,771 31,062 Calhoun 7,695 23,029 Hale 7,665 21,879 Juneau 11,771 31,062 Carroll 7,244 21,429 Henry 7,505 22,014 Kenai Peninsula 12,011 30,930 Chicot 7,140 17,389 Houston 7,505 22,014 Ketchikan Gateway 11,771 31,062 Clark 6,191 18,872 Jackson 7,241 20,533 Kodiak Island 12,011 30,930 Clay 7,751 21,560 Jefferson 7,061 22,250 Lake and Peninsula 12,011 30,930 Cleburne 7,028 19,164 Lamar 7,241 20,533 Matanuska Susitna 12,011 30,930 Cleveland 7,140 17,389 Lauderdale 8,701 22,810 Nome 12,011 30,930 Columbia 7,695 23,029 Lawrence 7,893 19,596 North Slope 12,011 30,930 Conway 7,028 19,164 Lee 6,462 19,185 Northwest Arctic 12,011 30,930 2023 Average Premium Tables -11- |
Enlarge image | Page 12 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Craighead 7,751 21,560 Stone 7,751 21,560 Santa Clara 9,709 28,911 Crawford 6,714 21,788 Union 7,695 23,029 Santa Cruz 9,395 26,386 Crittenden 7,751 21,560 Van Buren 7,028 19,164 Shasta 9,825 23,668 Cross 7,751 21,560 Washington 7,244 21,429 Sierra 9,825 23,668 Dallas 7,140 17,389 White 7,028 19,164 Siskiyou 9,825 23,668 Desha 7,140 17,389 Woodruff 7,751 21,560 Solano 8,407 22,859 Drew 7,140 17,389 Yell 7,028 19,164 Sonoma 8,407 22,859 Faulkner 7,028 19,164 Stanislaus 9,008 24,693 Franklin 6,714 21,788 California Sutter 9,825 23,668 Fulton 7,751 21,560 Employee- Dependent, Tehama 9,825 23,668 Garland 6,191 18,872 County Only Family, etc. Trinity 9,825 23,668 Grant 7,028 19,164 Alameda 9,991 26,876 Tulare 9,008 24,693 Greene 7,751 21,560 Alpine 9,825 23,668 Tuolumne 9,825 23,668 Hempstead 7,695 23,029 Amador 9,825 23,668 Ventura 8,551 25,169 Hot Spring 6,191 18,872 Butte 9,825 23,668 Yolo 8,099 24,093 Howard 7,695 23,029 Calaveras 9,825 23,668 Yuba 9,825 23,668 Independence 7,751 21,560 Colusa 9,825 23,668 Izard 7,751 21,560 Contra Costa 9,461 26,914 Colorado Jackson 7,751 21,560 Del Norte 9,825 23,668 Employee- Dependent, Jefferson 7,140 17,389 El Dorado 8,099 24,093 County Only Family, etc. Johnson 6,714 21,788 Fresno 8,250 25,788 Adams 7,411 21,656 Lafayette 7,695 23,029 Glenn 9,825 23,668 Alamosa 8,633 23,653 Lawrence 7,751 21,560 Humboldt 9,825 23,668 Arapahoe 7,411 21,656 Lee 7,140 17,389 Imperial 8,038 22,422 Archuleta 8,143 24,827 Lincoln 7,140 17,389 Inyo 8,038 22,422 Baca 8,633 23,653 Little River 7,695 23,029 Kern 8,576 20,242 Bent 8,633 23,653 Logan 6,714 21,788 Kings 8,250 25,788 Boulder 7,775 22,089 Lonoke 7,028 19,164 Lake 9,825 23,668 Broomfield 7,411 21,656 Madison 7,244 21,429 Lassen 9,825 23,668 Chaffee 8,633 23,653 Marion 7,244 21,429 Los Angeles 8,516 24,150 Cheyenne 8,633 23,653 Miller 7,695 23,029 Madera 8,250 25,788 Clear Creek 7,411 21,656 Mississippi 7,751 21,560 Marin 8,407 22,859 Conejos 8,633 23,653 Monroe 7,140 17,389 Mariposa 9,008 24,693 Costilla 8,633 23,653 Montgomery 6,191 18,872 Mendocino 9,825 23,668 Crowley 8,633 23,653 Nevada 7,695 23,029 Merced 9,008 24,693 Custer 8,633 23,653 Newton 7,244 21,429 Modoc 9,825 23,668 Delta 8,143 24,827 Ouachita 7,695 23,029 Mono 8,038 22,422 Denver 7,411 21,656 Perry 7,028 19,164 Monterey 9,395 26,386 Dolores 8,143 24,827 Phillips 7,140 17,389 Napa 8,407 22,859 Douglas 7,411 21,656 Pike 6,191 18,872 Nevada 9,825 23,668 Eagle 7,932 24,678 Poinsett 7,751 21,560 Orange 9,098 26,021 El Paso 6,583 22,503 Polk 6,714 21,788 Placer 8,099 24,093 Elbert 7,411 21,656 Pope 7,028 19,164 Plumas 9,825 23,668 Fremont 8,633 23,653 Prairie 7,028 19,164 Riverside 8,823 24,188 Garfield 7,932 24,678 Pulaski 7,028 19,164 Sacramento 8,099 24,093 Gilpin 7,411 21,656 Randolph 7,751 21,560 San Benito 9,395 26,386 Grand 8,143 24,827 Saline 7,028 19,164 San Bernardino 8,823 24,188 Gunnison 8,143 24,827 Scott 6,714 21,788 San Diego 7,936 19,698 Hinsdale 8,143 24,827 Searcy 7,244 21,429 San Francisco 9,194 32,092 Huerfano 8,633 23,653 Sebastian 6,714 21,788 San Joaquin 9,008 24,693 Jackson 8,143 24,827 Sevier 7,695 23,029 San Luis Obispo 8,551 25,169 Jefferson 7,411 21,656 Sharp 7,751 21,560 San Mateo 10,893 30,804 Kiowa 8,633 23,653 St. Francis 7,751 21,560 Santa Barbara 8,551 25,169 Kit Carson 8,633 23,653 -12- 2023 Average Premium Tables |
Enlarge image | Page 13 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. La Plata 8,143 24,827 Florida Pasco 7,525 22,543 Lake 8,143 24,827 Employee- Dependent, Pinellas 7,371 22,139 Larimer 8,694 19,824 County Only Family, etc. Polk 8,801 22,081 Las Animas 8,633 23,653 Alachua 8,574 22,734 Putnam 7,836 23,177 Lincoln 8,633 23,653 Baker 7,715 22,501 Santa Rosa 7,489 20,819 Logan 8,054 23,081 Bay 7,461 21,468 Sarasota 7,521 21,644 Mesa 8,998 21,727 Bradford 7,686 23,023 Seminole 7,715 20,590 Mineral 8,633 23,653 Brevard 8,879 23,208 St. Johns 10,257 27,879 Moffat 8,143 24,827 Broward 7,925 23,328 St. Lucie 7,591 21,601 Montezuma 8,143 24,827 Calhoun 7,789 22,571 Sumter 7,862 24,206 Montrose 8,143 24,827 Charlotte 8,533 25,787 Suwannee 7,668 22,810 Morgan 8,054 23,081 Citrus 7,757 21,534 Taylor 8,601 24,552 Otero 8,633 23,653 Clay 7,626 22,922 Union 7,932 23,505 Ouray 8,143 24,827 Collier 7,988 29,682 Volusia 8,323 20,111 Park 7,411 21,656 Columbia 8,265 24,544 Wakulla 7,548 23,347 Phillips 8,054 23,081 DeSoto 7,735 23,403 Walton 7,767 21,234 Pitkin 7,932 24,678 Dixie 7,911 21,209 Washington 7,947 23,329 Prowers 8,633 23,653 Duval 7,679 22,097 Pueblo 7,319 20,347 Escambia 7,892 21,756 Georgia Rio Blanco 8,143 24,827 Flagler 8,808 22,670 Employee- Dependent, Rio Grande 8,633 23,653 Franklin 8,034 23,949 County Only Family, etc. Routt 8,143 24,827 Gadsden 7,735 23,387 Appling 10,583 27,444 Saguache 8,633 23,653 Gilchrist 7,658 22,553 Atkinson 7,649 22,962 San Juan 8,143 24,827 Glades 8,083 25,093 Bacon 7,887 23,290 San Miguel 8,143 24,827 Gulf 8,395 23,946 Baker 8,463 25,176 Sedgwick 8,054 23,081 Hamilton 7,602 22,503 Baldwin 8,673 24,458 Summit 7,932 24,678 Hardee 7,526 20,987 Banks 8,299 22,594 Teller 6,583 22,503 Hendry 8,388 24,714 Barrow 9,031 21,237 Washington 8,054 23,081 Hernando 8,890 23,493 Bartow 7,850 22,689 Weld 8,306 26,016 Highlands 8,138 25,498 Ben Hill 8,599 24,744 Yuma 8,054 23,081 Hillsborough 7,740 25,008 Berrien 8,599 24,744 Holmes 7,742 22,612 Bibb 8,545 20,662 Connecticut Indian River 7,568 21,289 Bleckley 8,545 20,662 Employee- Dependent, Jackson 7,381 20,719 Brantley 7,887 23,290 County Only Family, etc. Jefferson 8,243 22,557 Brooks 8,599 24,744 Fairfield 9,528 29,578 Lafayette 7,903 21,405 Bryan 10,583 27,444 Hartford 9,002 26,680 Lake 9,585 24,889 Bulloch 10,583 27,444 Litchfield 8,527 28,343 Lee 7,667 22,838 Burke 8,071 20,462 Middlesex 8,672 27,077 Leon 9,230 28,653 Butts 7,850 22,689 New Haven 9,794 29,443 Levy 7,541 23,288 Calhoun 8,463 25,176 New London 8,729 25,787 Liberty 7,894 22,899 Camden 7,887 23,290 Tolland 8,001 22,920 Madison 8,248 23,532 Candler 10,583 27,444 Windham 8,489 31,760 Manatee 7,718 21,046 Carroll 8,130 24,070 Marion 6,342 20,829 Catoosa 7,913 23,868 Delaware Charlton 7,887 23,290 Martin 8,016 24,627 Employee- Dependent, Miami-Dade 8,031 24,816 Chatham 10,583 27,444 County Only Family, etc. Monroe 8,436 25,476 Chattahoochee 7,316 20,658 All 8,846 23,764 Nassau 8,332 20,919 Chattooga 8,654 22,433 Okaloosa 8,059 28,477 Cherokee 7,850 22,689 District of Columbia Okeechobee 8,465 24,963 Clarke 9,031 21,237 Employee- Dependent, Orange 7,953 20,908 Clay 8,463 25,176 County Only Family, etc. Clayton 7,850 22,689 Osceola 8,438 24,353 All 9,368 28,176 Clinch 8,599 24,744 Palm Beach 8,603 28,912 2023 Average Premium Tables -13- |
Enlarge image | Page 14 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Cobb 7,850 22,689 Lanier 8,599 24,744 Towns 8,299 22,594 Coffee 7,649 22,962 Laurens 7,649 22,962 Treutlen 7,649 22,962 Colquitt 8,599 24,744 Lee 8,463 25,176 Troup 7,316 20,658 Columbia 8,071 20,462 Liberty 10,583 27,444 Turner 8,599 24,744 Cook 8,599 24,744 Lincoln 8,071 20,462 Twiggs 8,545 20,662 Coweta 7,850 22,689 Long 10,583 27,444 Union 8,299 22,594 Crawford 8,545 20,662 Lowndes 8,599 24,744 Upson 7,316 20,658 Crisp 8,463 25,176 Lumpkin 8,299 22,594 Walker 7,913 23,868 Dade 7,913 23,868 Macon 7,316 20,658 Walton 7,850 22,689 Dawson 8,299 22,594 Madison 9,031 21,237 Ware 7,887 23,290 Decatur 8,599 24,744 Marion 7,316 20,658 Warren 8,071 20,462 DeKalb 7,850 22,689 McDuffie 8,071 20,462 Washington 8,673 24,458 Dodge 8,545 20,662 McIntosh 7,887 23,290 Wayne 7,887 23,290 Dooly 8,545 20,662 Meriwether 7,316 20,658 Webster 7,316 20,658 Dougherty 8,463 25,176 Miller 8,599 24,744 Wheeler 7,649 22,962 Douglas 7,850 22,689 Mitchell 8,463 25,176 White 8,299 22,594 Early 8,599 24,744 Monroe 8,545 20,662 Whitfield 8,050 23,245 Echols 8,599 24,744 Montgomery 7,649 22,962 Wilcox 8,545 20,662 Effingham 10,583 27,444 Morgan 9,031 21,237 Wilkes 8,071 20,462 Elbert 9,031 21,237 Murray 8,050 23,245 Wilkinson 8,673 24,458 Emanuel 8,071 20,462 Muscogee 7,316 20,658 Worth 8,463 25,176 Evans 10,583 27,444 Newton 7,850 22,689 Fannin 8,050 23,245 Oconee 9,031 21,237 Hawaii Fayette 7,850 22,689 Oglethorpe 9,031 21,237 Employee- Dependent, Floyd 8,654 22,433 Paulding 7,850 22,689 County Only Family, etc. Forsyth 7,850 22,689 Peach 8,545 20,662 All 8,011 21,523 Franklin 8,299 22,594 Pickens 8,654 22,433 Idaho Fulton 7,850 22,689 Pierce 7,887 23,290 Gilmer 8,654 22,433 Pike 7,850 22,689 Employee- Dependent, Glascock 8,071 20,462 Polk 8,654 22,433 County Only Family, etc. Glynn 7,887 23,290 Pulaski 8,545 20,662 Ada 7,011 18,558 Gordon 8,654 22,433 Putnam 8,545 20,662 Adams 6,888 18,579 Grady 8,599 24,744 Quitman 7,316 20,658 Bannock 8,437 18,200 Greene 9,031 21,237 Rabun 8,299 22,594 Bear Lake 8,437 18,200 Gwinnett 7,850 22,689 Randolph 8,463 25,176 Benewah 7,005 16,122 Habersham 8,299 22,594 Richmond 8,071 20,462 Bingham 8,437 18,200 Hall 8,299 22,594 Rockdale 7,850 22,689 Blaine 6,476 18,948 Hancock 8,673 24,458 Schley 8,463 25,176 Boise 6,888 18,579 Haralson 8,130 24,070 Screven 10,583 27,444 Bonner 7,005 16,122 Harris 7,316 20,658 Seminole 8,599 24,744 Bonneville 7,918 20,506 Hart 8,299 22,594 Spalding 7,850 22,689 Boundary 7,005 16,122 Heard 8,130 24,070 Stephens 8,299 22,594 Butte 8,437 18,200 Henry 7,850 22,689 Stewart 7,316 20,658 Camas 6,476 18,948 Houston 8,545 20,662 Sumter 8,463 25,176 Canyon 6,888 18,579 Irwin 8,599 24,744 Talbot 7,316 20,658 Caribou 8,437 18,200 Jackson 9,031 21,237 Taliaferro 8,071 20,462 Cassia 6,476 18,948 Jasper 7,850 22,689 Tattnall 10,583 27,444 Clark 7,918 20,506 Jeff Davis 7,649 22,962 Taylor 7,316 20,658 Clearwater 8,172 19,086 Jefferson 8,071 20,462 Telfair 7,649 22,962 Custer 8,437 18,200 Jenkins 8,071 20,462 Terrell 8,463 25,176 Elmore 6,888 18,579 Johnson 7,649 22,962 Thomas 8,599 24,744 Franklin 8,437 18,200 Jones 8,545 20,662 Tift 8,599 24,744 Fremont 7,918 20,506 Lamar 7,850 22,689 Toombs 7,649 22,962 Gem 6,888 18,579 -14- 2023 Average Premium Tables |
Enlarge image | Page 15 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Gooding 6,476 18,948 Fulton 8,720 23,057 Saline 9,777 25,949 Idaho 8,172 19,086 Gallatin 9,777 25,949 Sangamon 8,465 20,916 Jefferson 7,918 20,506 Greene 8,687 25,047 Schuyler 8,465 20,916 Jerome 6,476 18,948 Grundy 9,101 20,715 Scott 8,465 20,916 Kootenai 7,005 16,122 Hamilton 9,777 25,949 Shelby 8,465 20,916 Latah 7,005 16,122 Hancock 8,243 22,350 St. Clair 8,482 22,961 Lemhi 7,918 20,506 Hardin 9,777 25,949 Stark 8,720 23,057 Lewis 8,172 19,086 Henderson 8,243 22,350 Stephenson 8,972 22,362 Lincoln 6,476 18,948 Henry 8,243 22,350 Tazewell 8,720 23,057 Madison 7,918 20,506 Iroquois 9,646 23,421 Union 9,777 25,949 Minidoka 6,476 18,948 Jackson 9,777 25,949 Vermilion 9,646 23,421 Nez Perce 8,172 19,086 Jasper 9,777 25,949 Wabash 9,777 25,949 Oneida 8,437 18,200 Jefferson 9,777 25,949 Warren 8,243 22,350 Owyhee 6,888 18,579 Jersey 8,687 25,047 Washington 8,687 25,047 Payette 6,888 18,579 Jo Daviess 8,972 22,362 Wayne 9,777 25,949 Power 8,437 18,200 Johnson 9,777 25,949 White 9,777 25,949 Shoshone 7,005 16,122 Kane 8,977 24,388 Whiteside 8,243 22,350 Teton 7,918 20,506 Kankakee 9,101 20,715 Will 9,101 20,715 Twin Falls 6,476 18,948 Kendall 9,101 20,715 Williamson 9,777 25,949 Valley 6,888 18,579 Knox 8,720 23,057 Winnebago 8,972 22,362 Washington 6,888 18,579 Lake 8,491 24,199 Woodford 8,720 23,057 LaSalle 8,720 23,057 Illinois Lawrence 9,777 25,949 Indiana Employee- Dependent, Lee 8,972 22,362 Employee- Dependent, County Only Family, etc. Livingston 9,902 24,851 County Only Family, etc. Adams 8,465 20,916 Logan 8,465 20,916 Adams 7,571 23,214 Alexander 9,777 25,949 Macon 8,465 20,916 Allen 8,107 24,189 Bond 8,687 25,047 Macoupin 8,687 25,047 Bartholomew 7,972 22,956 Boone 8,972 22,362 Madison 8,482 22,961 Benton 8,516 25,391 Brown 8,465 20,916 Marion 9,777 25,949 Blackford 8,548 23,755 Bureau 8,243 22,350 Marshall 8,720 23,057 Boone 8,202 25,255 Calhoun 8,687 25,047 Mason 8,465 20,916 Brown 8,081 26,469 Carroll 8,972 22,362 Massac 9,777 25,949 Carroll 8,352 26,016 Cass 8,465 20,916 McDonough 8,720 23,057 Cass 8,166 21,331 Champaign 9,646 23,421 McHenry 8,491 24,199 Clark 7,522 21,619 Christian 8,465 20,916 McLean 9,902 24,851 Clay 7,770 23,405 Clark 9,646 23,421 Menard 8,465 20,916 Clinton 8,352 26,016 Clay 9,777 25,949 Mercer 8,243 22,350 Crawford 7,522 21,619 Clinton 8,687 25,047 Monroe 8,482 22,961 Daviess 8,249 25,780 Coles 9,646 23,421 Montgomery 8,687 25,047 Dearborn 8,906 24,245 Cook 8,729 23,937 Morgan 8,465 20,916 Decatur 7,972 22,956 Crawford 9,777 25,949 Moultrie 8,465 20,916 DeKalb 7,571 23,214 Cumberland 9,646 23,421 Ogle 8,972 22,362 Delaware 8,548 23,755 DeKalb 8,972 22,362 Peoria 8,720 23,057 Dubois 8,249 25,780 DeWitt 9,902 24,851 Perry 9,777 25,949 Elkhart 8,340 22,494 Douglas 9,646 23,421 Piatt 9,646 23,421 Fayette 8,158 24,148 DuPage 8,977 24,388 Pike 8,465 20,916 Floyd 7,522 21,619 Edgar 9,646 23,421 Pope 9,777 25,949 Fountain 8,352 26,016 Edwards 9,777 25,949 Pulaski 9,777 25,949 Franklin 8,906 24,245 Effingham 9,777 25,949 Putnam 8,720 23,057 Fulton 8,166 21,331 Fayette 9,777 25,949 Randolph 8,687 25,047 Gibson 9,588 24,463 Ford 9,646 23,421 Richland 9,777 25,949 Grant 8,548 23,755 Franklin 9,777 25,949 Rock Island 8,243 22,350 Greene 8,249 25,780 2023 Average Premium Tables -15- |
Enlarge image | Page 16 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Hamilton 8,202 25,255 Vanderburgh 9,588 24,463 Guthrie 8,697 21,249 Hancock 8,158 24,148 Vermillion 7,770 23,405 Hamilton 6,970 20,188 Harrison 7,522 21,619 Vigo 7,770 23,405 Hancock 7,445 21,955 Hendricks 8,202 25,255 Wabash 7,571 23,214 Hardin 6,970 20,188 Henry 8,158 24,148 Warren 8,516 25,391 Harrison 8,697 21,249 Howard 8,166 21,331 Warrick 9,588 24,463 Henry 7,311 19,465 Huntington 7,571 23,214 Washington 7,522 21,619 Howard 7,445 21,955 Jackson 7,972 22,956 Wayne 8,158 24,148 Humboldt 7,445 21,955 Jasper 8,516 25,391 Wells 7,571 23,214 Ida 8,032 22,897 Jay 8,548 23,755 White 8,516 25,391 Iowa 7,270 21,569 Jefferson 7,522 21,619 Whitley 7,571 23,214 Jackson 7,270 21,569 Jennings 7,972 22,956 Jasper 7,095 22,233 Johnson 8,081 26,469 Iowa Jefferson 7,311 19,465 Knox 8,249 25,780 Employee- Dependent, Johnson 7,270 21,569 Kosciusko 8,340 22,494 County Only Family, etc. Jones 7,270 21,569 LaGrange 7,571 23,214 Adair 8,697 21,249 Keokuk 7,311 19,465 Lake 8,474 22,352 Adams 8,697 21,249 Kossuth 7,445 21,955 LaPorte 8,474 22,352 Allamakee 7,445 21,955 Lee 7,311 19,465 Lawrence 8,081 26,469 Appanoose 7,311 19,465 Linn 7,270 21,569 Madison 8,158 24,148 Audubon 8,697 21,249 Louisa 7,311 19,465 Marion 8,202 25,255 Benton 7,270 21,569 Lucas 7,311 19,465 Marshall 8,340 22,494 Black Hawk 7,270 21,569 Lyon 8,032 22,897 Martin 8,249 25,780 Boone 6,970 20,188 Madison 7,095 22,233 Miami 8,166 21,331 Bremer 7,445 21,955 Mahaska 7,311 19,465 Monroe 8,081 26,469 Buchanan 7,270 21,569 Marion 7,095 22,233 Montgomery 8,352 26,016 Buena Vista 8,032 22,897 Marshall 6,970 20,188 Morgan 8,202 25,255 Butler 7,445 21,955 Mills 8,697 21,249 Newton 8,516 25,391 Calhoun 6,970 20,188 Mitchell 7,445 21,955 Noble 7,571 23,214 Carroll 6,970 20,188 Monona 8,032 22,897 Ohio 8,906 24,245 Cass 8,697 21,249 Monroe 7,311 19,465 Orange 8,249 25,780 Cedar 7,270 21,569 Montgomery 8,697 21,249 Owen 8,081 26,469 Cerro Gordo 7,445 21,955 Muscatine 7,311 19,465 Parke 7,770 23,405 Cherokee 8,032 22,897 O'Brien 8,032 22,897 Perry 8,249 25,780 Chickasaw 7,445 21,955 Osceola 8,032 22,897 Pike 8,249 25,780 Clarke 8,697 21,249 Page 8,697 21,249 Porter 8,474 22,352 Clay 8,032 22,897 Palo Alto 8,032 22,897 Posey 9,588 24,463 Clayton 7,270 21,569 Plymouth 8,032 22,897 Pulaski 8,166 21,331 Clinton 7,270 21,569 Pocahontas 8,032 22,897 Putnam 8,352 26,016 Crawford 8,032 22,897 Polk 7,095 22,233 Randolph 8,548 23,755 Dallas 7,095 22,233 Pottawattamie 8,697 21,249 Ripley 8,906 24,245 Davis 7,311 19,465 Poweshiek 6,970 20,188 Rush 7,972 22,956 Decatur 8,697 21,249 Ringgold 8,697 21,249 Scott 7,522 21,619 Delaware 7,270 21,569 Sac 8,032 22,897 Shelby 8,202 25,255 Des Moines 7,311 19,465 Scott 7,270 21,569 Spencer 8,249 25,780 Dickinson 8,032 22,897 Shelby 8,697 21,249 St. Joseph 8,340 22,494 Dubuque 7,270 21,569 Sioux 8,032 22,897 Starke 8,340 22,494 Emmet 7,445 21,955 Story 6,970 20,188 Steuben 7,571 23,214 Fayette 7,445 21,955 Tama 6,970 20,188 Sullivan 7,770 23,405 Floyd 7,445 21,955 Taylor 8,697 21,249 Switzerland 8,906 24,245 Franklin 7,445 21,955 Union 8,697 21,249 Tippecanoe 8,352 26,016 Fremont 8,697 21,249 Van Buren 7,311 19,465 Tipton 8,352 26,016 Greene 6,970 20,188 Wapello 7,311 19,465 Union 8,158 24,148 Grundy 6,970 20,188 Warren 7,095 22,233 -16- 2023 Average Premium Tables |
Enlarge image | Page 17 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Washington 7,311 19,465 Hodgeman 6,640 20,210 Stevens 6,640 20,210 Wayne 7,311 19,465 Jackson 7,004 19,947 Sumner 6,660 18,161 Webster 6,970 20,188 Jefferson 7,004 19,947 Thomas 7,246 21,412 Winnebago 7,445 21,955 Jewell 6,556 17,604 Trego 7,246 21,412 Winneshiek 7,445 21,955 Johnson 7,490 20,490 Wabaunsee 7,004 19,947 Woodbury 8,032 22,897 Kearny 6,640 20,210 Wallace 7,246 21,412 Worth 7,445 21,955 Kingman 6,660 18,161 Washington 6,556 17,604 Wright 7,445 21,955 Kiowa 6,640 20,210 Wichita 7,246 21,412 Labette 7,646 19,378 Wilson 6,660 18,161 Kansas Lane 7,246 21,412 Woodson 7,646 19,378 Employee- Dependent, Leavenworth 7,490 20,490 Wyandotte 7,490 20,490 County Only Family, etc. Lincoln 6,556 17,604 Allen 7,646 19,378 Linn 7,004 19,947 Kentucky Anderson 7,004 19,947 Logan 7,246 21,412 Employee- Dependent, Atchison 7,004 19,947 Lyon 7,004 19,947 County Only Family, etc. Barber 6,640 20,210 Marion 6,660 18,161 Adair 7,995 23,900 Barton 7,246 21,412 Marshall 7,004 19,947 Allen 7,995 23,900 Bourbon 7,646 19,378 McPherson 6,660 18,161 Anderson 6,923 19,939 Brown 7,004 19,947 Meade 6,640 20,210 Ballard 9,237 20,839 Butler 6,660 18,161 Miami 7,490 20,490 Barren 7,995 23,900 Chase 6,660 18,161 Mitchell 6,556 17,604 Bath 7,608 22,247 Chautauqua 6,660 18,161 Montgomery 6,660 18,161 Bell 8,511 23,588 Cherokee 7,646 19,378 Morris 6,556 17,604 Boone 6,901 20,870 Cheyenne 7,246 21,412 Morton 6,640 20,210 Bourbon 6,923 19,939 Clark 6,640 20,210 Nemaha 7,004 19,947 Boyd 7,608 22,247 Clay 6,556 17,604 Neosho 7,646 19,378 Boyle 6,923 19,939 Cloud 6,556 17,604 Ness 7,246 21,412 Bracken 7,608 22,247 Coffey 7,004 19,947 Norton 7,246 21,412 Breathitt 8,511 23,588 Comanche 6,640 20,210 Osage 7,004 19,947 Breckinridge 7,219 20,556 Cowley 6,660 18,161 Osborne 7,246 21,412 Bullitt 7,219 20,556 Crawford 7,646 19,378 Ottawa 6,556 17,604 Butler 7,995 23,900 Decatur 7,246 21,412 Pawnee 6,640 20,210 Caldwell 9,237 20,839 Dickinson 6,556 17,604 Phillips 7,246 21,412 Calloway 9,237 20,839 Doniphan 7,004 19,947 Pottawatomie 7,004 19,947 Campbell 6,901 20,870 Douglas 7,004 19,947 Pratt 6,640 20,210 Carlisle 9,237 20,839 Edwards 6,640 20,210 Rawlins 7,246 21,412 Carroll 7,219 20,556 Elk 6,660 18,161 Reno 6,660 18,161 Carter 7,608 22,247 Ellis 7,246 21,412 Republic 6,556 17,604 Casey 7,995 23,900 Ellsworth 6,556 17,604 Rice 6,660 18,161 Christian 8,681 23,593 Finney 6,640 20,210 Riley 6,556 17,604 Clark 6,923 19,939 Ford 6,640 20,210 Rooks 7,246 21,412 Clay 8,511 23,588 Franklin 7,004 19,947 Rush 7,246 21,412 Clinton 7,995 23,900 Geary 6,556 17,604 Russell 7,246 21,412 Crittenden 9,237 20,839 Gove 7,246 21,412 Saline 6,556 17,604 Cumberland 7,995 23,900 Graham 7,246 21,412 Scott 7,246 21,412 Daviess 8,681 23,593 Grant 6,640 20,210 Sedgwick 6,660 18,161 Edmonson 7,995 23,900 Gray 6,640 20,210 Seward 6,640 20,210 Elliott 7,608 22,247 Greeley 7,246 21,412 Shawnee 7,004 19,947 Estill 6,923 19,939 Greenwood 6,660 18,161 Sheridan 7,246 21,412 Fayette 6,923 19,939 Hamilton 6,640 20,210 Sherman 7,246 21,412 Fleming 7,608 22,247 Harper 6,660 18,161 Smith 7,246 21,412 Floyd 8,511 23,588 Harvey 6,660 18,161 Stafford 6,640 20,210 Franklin 6,923 19,939 Haskell 6,640 20,210 Stanton 6,640 20,210 Fulton 9,237 20,839 2023 Average Premium Tables -17- |
Enlarge image | Page 18 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Gallatin 6,901 20,870 Ohio 8,681 23,593 Franklin 8,275 20,521 Garrard 6,923 19,939 Oldham 7,219 20,556 Grant 8,797 22,437 Grant 6,901 20,870 Owen 6,923 19,939 Iberia 7,541 20,453 Graves 9,237 20,839 Owsley 8,511 23,588 Iberville 8,072 21,892 Grayson 7,219 20,556 Pendleton 6,901 20,870 Jackson 8,275 20,521 Green 7,995 23,900 Perry 8,511 23,588 Jefferson 7,665 21,666 Greenup 7,608 22,247 Pike 8,511 23,588 Jefferson Davis 8,459 21,861 Hancock 8,681 23,593 Powell 6,923 19,939 Lafayette 7,541 20,453 Hardin 7,219 20,556 Pulaski 7,995 23,900 Lafourche 7,692 20,542 Harlan 8,511 23,588 Robertson 7,608 22,247 LaSalle 8,797 22,437 Harrison 6,923 19,939 Rockcastle 6,923 19,939 Lincoln 8,275 20,521 Hart 7,995 23,900 Rowan 7,608 22,247 Livingston 8,072 21,892 Henderson 8,681 23,593 Russell 7,995 23,900 Madison 8,275 20,521 Henry 7,219 20,556 Scott 6,923 19,939 Morehouse 8,275 20,521 Hickman 9,237 20,839 Shelby 7,219 20,556 Natchitoches 7,834 21,179 Hopkins 8,681 23,593 Simpson 7,995 23,900 Orleans 7,665 21,666 Jackson 6,923 19,939 Spencer 7,219 20,556 Ouachita 8,275 20,521 Jefferson 7,219 20,556 Taylor 7,995 23,900 Plaquemines 7,665 21,666 Jessamine 6,923 19,939 Todd 8,681 23,593 Pointe Coupee 8,072 21,892 Johnson 8,511 23,588 Trigg 8,681 23,593 Rapides 8,797 22,437 Kenton 6,901 20,870 Trimble 7,219 20,556 Red River 7,834 21,179 Knott 8,511 23,588 Union 8,681 23,593 Richland 8,275 20,521 Knox 8,511 23,588 Warren 7,995 23,900 Sabine 7,834 21,179 LaRue 7,219 20,556 Washington 7,219 20,556 St. Bernard 7,665 21,666 Laurel 8,511 23,588 Wayne 7,995 23,900 St. Charles 7,665 21,666 Lawrence 7,608 22,247 Webster 8,681 23,593 St. Helena 8,072 21,892 Lee 8,511 23,588 Whitley 8,511 23,588 St. James 7,665 21,666 Leslie 8,511 23,588 Wolfe 8,511 23,588 St. John Baptist 7,665 21,666 Letcher 8,511 23,588 Woodford 6,923 19,939 St. Landry 7,541 20,453 Lewis 7,608 22,247 St. Martin 7,541 20,453 Lincoln 6,923 19,939 Louisiana St. Mary 7,541 20,453 Livingston 9,237 20,839 Employee- Dependent, St. Tammany 7,665 21,666 Logan 7,995 23,900 Parish Only Family, etc. Tangipahoa 8,072 21,892 Lyon 9,237 20,839 Acadia 7,541 20,453 Tensas 8,275 20,521 Madison 6,923 19,939 Allen 8,459 21,861 Terrebonne 7,692 20,542 Magoffin 8,511 23,588 Ascension 8,072 21,892 Union 8,275 20,521 Marion 7,219 20,556 Assumption 7,692 20,542 Vermilion 7,541 20,453 Marshall 9,237 20,839 Avoyelles 8,797 22,437 Vernon 8,797 22,437 Martin 8,511 23,588 Beauregard 8,459 21,861 Washington 8,072 21,892 Mason 7,608 22,247 Bienville 7,834 21,179 Webster 7,834 21,179 McCracken 9,237 20,839 Bossier 7,834 21,179 West Baton Rouge 8,072 21,892 McCreary 7,995 23,900 Caddo 7,834 21,179 West Carroll 8,275 20,521 McLean 8,681 23,593 Calcasieu 8,459 21,861 West Feliciana 8,072 21,892 Meade 7,219 20,556 Caldwell 8,275 20,521 Winn 8,797 22,437 Menifee 7,608 22,247 Cameron 8,459 21,861 Mercer 6,923 19,939 Catahoula 8,797 22,437 Maine Metcalfe 7,995 23,900 Claiborne 7,834 21,179 Employee- Dependent, Monroe 7,995 23,900 Concordia 8,797 22,437 County Only Family, etc. Montgomery 6,923 19,939 DeSoto 7,834 21,179 Androscoggin 8,045 22,601 Morgan 7,608 22,247 East Baton Rouge 8,072 21,892 Aroostook 9,703 24,940 Muhlenberg 8,681 23,593 East Carroll 8,275 20,521 Cumberland 7,735 22,574 Nelson 7,219 20,556 East Feliciana 8,072 21,892 Franklin 8,045 22,601 Nicholas 6,923 19,939 Evangeline 7,541 20,453 Hancock 9,703 24,940 -18- 2023 Average Premium Tables |
Enlarge image | Page 19 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Kennebec 7,517 20,158 Norfolk 9,358 26,811 Lenawee 7,587 22,510 Knox 7,517 20,158 Plymouth 9,361 25,875 Livingston 7,587 22,510 Lincoln 7,517 20,158 Suffolk 9,358 26,811 Luce 9,363 22,114 Oxford 7,517 20,158 Worcester 8,989 25,350 Mackinac 8,510 22,856 Penobscot 8,045 22,601 Macomb 7,838 22,752 Piscataquis 8,045 22,601 Michigan Manistee 7,203 21,345 Sagadahoc 7,735 22,574 Employee- Dependent, Marquette 9,363 22,114 Somerset 8,045 22,601 County Only Family, etc. Mason 7,097 21,254 Waldo 8,045 22,601 Alcona 8,510 22,856 Mecosta 7,097 21,254 Washington 9,703 24,940 Alger 9,363 22,114 Menominee 9,363 22,114 York 7,735 22,574 Allegan 7,197 21,587 Midland 7,425 21,232 Alpena 8,510 22,856 Missaukee 7,203 21,345 Maryland Antrim 7,203 21,345 Monroe 8,584 24,261 Employee- Dependent, Arenac 7,898 20,833 Montcalm 7,097 21,254 County Only Family, etc. Baraga 9,363 22,114 Montmorency 8,510 22,856 Allegany 8,282 24,040 Barry 7,197 21,587 Muskegon 7,097 21,254 Anne Arundel 8,273 22,894 Bay 7,898 20,833 Newaygo 7,097 21,254 Baltimore 8,273 22,894 Benzie 7,203 21,345 Oakland 7,838 22,752 Baltimore City 8,273 22,894 Berrien 8,527 24,805 Oceana 7,097 21,254 Calvert 8,337 21,174 Branch 8,488 22,633 Ogemaw 8,510 22,856 Caroline 8,337 21,174 Calhoun 8,488 22,633 Ontonagon 9,363 22,114 Carroll 8,282 24,040 Cass 8,527 24,805 Osceola 7,097 21,254 Cecil 8,337 21,174 Charlevoix 7,203 21,345 Oscoda 8,510 22,856 Charles 8,337 21,174 Cheboygan 8,510 22,856 Otsego 8,510 22,856 Dorchester 8,337 21,174 Chippewa 8,510 22,856 Ottawa 7,097 21,254 Frederick 8,282 24,040 Clare 7,425 21,232 Presque Isle 8,510 22,856 Garrett 8,282 24,040 Clinton 8,521 21,466 Roscommon 8,510 22,856 Harford 8,273 22,894 Crawford 8,510 22,856 Saginaw 7,898 20,833 Howard 8,273 22,894 Delta 9,363 22,114 Sanilac 8,709 21,559 Kent 8,337 21,174 Dickinson 9,363 22,114 Schoolcraft 9,363 22,114 Montgomery 8,718 25,697 Eaton 8,521 21,466 Shiawassee 8,060 19,416 Prince George’s 8,718 25,697 Emmet 7,203 21,345 St. Clair 7,875 22,787 Queen Anne’s 8,337 21,174 Genesee 8,060 19,416 St. Joseph 8,527 24,805 Somerset 8,337 21,174 Gladwin 7,425 21,232 Tuscola 8,709 21,559 St. Mary’s 8,337 21,174 Gogebic 9,363 22,114 Van Buren 8,527 24,805 Talbot 8,337 21,174 Grand Traverse 7,203 21,345 Washtenaw 7,587 22,510 Washington 8,282 24,040 Gratiot 7,898 20,833 Wayne 8,584 24,261 Wicomico 8,337 21,174 Hillsdale 8,521 21,466 Wexford 7,203 21,345 Worcester 8,337 21,174 Houghton 9,363 22,114 Huron 8,709 21,559 Minnesota Massachusetts Ingham 8,521 21,466 Employee- Dependent, Employee- Dependent, Ionia 7,097 21,254 County Only Family, etc. County Only Family, etc. Iosco 8,510 22,856 Aitkin 8,499 22,222 Barnstable 11,191 27,157 Iron 9,363 22,114 Anoka 8,198 23,928 Berkshire 8,363 24,733 Isabella 7,425 21,232 Becker 8,286 23,575 Bristol 9,361 25,875 Jackson 8,521 21,466 Beltrami 8,499 22,222 Dukes 11,191 27,157 Kalamazoo 8,488 22,633 Benton 8,198 23,928 Essex 9,148 25,727 Kalkaska 7,203 21,345 Big Stone 9,311 21,521 Franklin 8,363 24,733 Kent 7,097 21,254 Blue Earth 10,352 21,766 Hampden 8,363 24,733 Keweenaw 9,363 22,114 Brown 8,725 22,580 Hampshire 8,363 24,733 Lake 7,097 21,254 Carlton 8,693 21,889 Middlesex 9,358 26,811 Lapeer 8,060 19,416 Carver 8,198 23,928 Nantucket 11,191 27,157 Leelanau 7,203 21,345 Cass 8,499 22,222 2023 Average Premium Tables -19- |
Enlarge image | Page 20 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Chippewa 9,311 21,521 Renville 9,311 21,521 Humphreys 6,958 18,688 Chisago 8,499 22,222 Rice 10,352 21,766 Issaquena 6,958 18,688 Clay 8,286 23,575 Rock 8,725 22,580 Itawamba 7,340 18,912 Clearwater 7,342 23,307 Roseau 8,499 22,222 Jackson 7,844 23,137 Cook 8,693 21,889 Scott 8,198 23,928 Jasper 6,958 18,688 Cottonwood 8,725 22,580 Sherburne 8,198 23,928 Jefferson 6,958 18,688 Crow Wing 8,499 22,222 Sibley 9,311 21,521 Jefferson Davis 6,958 18,688 Dakota 8,198 23,928 St. Louis 8,693 21,889 Jones 7,522 17,322 Dodge 8,999 23,347 Stearns 8,198 23,928 Kemper 6,958 18,688 Douglas 8,286 23,575 Steele 8,999 23,347 Lafayette 6,958 18,688 Faribault 10,352 21,766 Stevens 8,286 23,575 Lamar 7,522 17,322 Fillmore 8,999 23,347 Swift 9,311 21,521 Lauderdale 6,958 18,688 Freeborn 8,999 23,347 Todd 8,499 22,222 Lawrence 6,958 18,688 Goodhue 8,999 23,347 Traverse 8,286 23,575 Leake 6,958 18,688 Grant 8,286 23,575 Wabasha 8,999 23,347 Lee 7,340 18,912 Hennepin 8,198 23,928 Wadena 8,499 22,222 Leflore 6,958 18,688 Houston 8,999 23,347 Waseca 10,352 21,766 Lincoln 6,958 18,688 Hubbard 8,499 22,222 Washington 8,198 23,928 Lowndes 6,958 18,688 Isanti 8,499 22,222 Watonwan 10,352 21,766 Madison 7,262 17,857 Itasca 8,693 21,889 Wilkin 8,286 23,575 Marion 6,958 18,688 Jackson 8,725 22,580 Winona 8,999 23,347 Marshall 6,877 23,091 Kanabec 8,499 22,222 Wright 8,198 23,928 Monroe 6,958 18,688 Kandiyohi 9,311 21,521 Yellow Medicine 9,311 21,521 Montgomery 6,958 18,688 Kittson 7,342 23,307 Neshoba 6,958 18,688 Koochiching 8,693 21,889 Mississippi Newton 6,958 18,688 Lac qui Parle 9,311 21,521 Employee- Dependent, Noxubee 6,958 18,688 Lake 8,693 21,889 County Only Family, etc. Oktibbeha 6,958 18,688 Lake of the Woods 8,693 21,889 Adams 6,958 18,688 Panola 6,958 18,688 Le Sueur 10,352 21,766 Alcorn 6,958 18,688 Pearl River 7,522 17,322 Lincoln 8,725 22,580 Amite 6,958 18,688 Perry 7,522 17,322 Lyon 9,311 21,521 Attala 6,958 18,688 Pike 6,958 18,688 Mahnomen 7,342 23,307 Benton 7,340 18,912 Pontotoc 7,340 18,912 Marshall 7,342 23,307 Bolivar 6,958 18,688 Prentiss 6,958 18,688 Martin 10,352 21,766 Calhoun 6,958 18,688 Quitman 6,958 18,688 McLeod 9,311 21,521 Carroll 6,958 18,688 Rankin 7,262 17,857 Meeker 9,311 21,521 Chickasaw 6,958 18,688 Scott 6,958 18,688 Mille Lacs 8,499 22,222 Choctaw 6,958 18,688 Sharkey 6,958 18,688 Morrison 8,499 22,222 Claiborne 6,958 18,688 Simpson 7,262 17,857 Mower 8,999 23,347 Clarke 6,958 18,688 Smith 6,958 18,688 Murray 8,725 22,580 Clay 6,958 18,688 Stone 7,844 23,137 Nicollet 10,352 21,766 Coahoma 6,958 18,688 Sunflower 6,958 18,688 Nobles 8,725 22,580 Copiah 7,262 17,857 Tallahatchie 6,958 18,688 Norman 7,342 23,307 Covington 6,958 18,688 Tate 6,877 23,091 Olmsted 8,999 23,347 DeSoto 6,877 23,091 Tippah 7,340 18,912 Otter Tail 8,286 23,575 Forrest 7,522 17,322 Tishomingo 6,958 18,688 Pennington 7,342 23,307 Franklin 6,958 18,688 Tunica 6,877 23,091 Pine 8,499 22,222 George 7,844 23,137 Union 7,340 18,912 Pipestone 8,725 22,580 Greene 7,522 17,322 Walthall 6,958 18,688 Polk 7,342 23,307 Grenada 6,958 18,688 Warren 7,262 17,857 Pope 8,286 23,575 Hancock 7,844 23,137 Washington 6,958 18,688 Ramsey 8,198 23,928 Harrison 7,844 23,137 Wayne 6,958 18,688 Red Lake 7,342 23,307 Hinds 7,262 17,857 Webster 6,958 18,688 Redwood 8,725 22,580 Holmes 6,958 18,688 Wilkinson 6,958 18,688 -20- 2023 Average Premium Tables |
Enlarge image | Page 21 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Winston 6,958 18,688 Iron 7,282 18,701 St. Francois 7,712 20,240 Yalobusha 6,958 18,688 Jackson 8,567 22,493 St. Louis 7,712 20,240 Yazoo 6,958 18,688 Jasper 7,152 19,025 St. Louis City 7,712 20,240 Jefferson 7,712 20,240 Ste. Genevieve 7,712 20,240 Missouri Johnson 7,494 19,730 Stoddard 8,348 22,895 Employee- Dependent, Knox 8,548 20,952 Stone 7,843 21,502 County Only Family, etc. Laclede 7,843 21,502 Sullivan 8,548 20,952 Adair 8,548 20,952 Lafayette 7,494 19,730 Taney 7,843 21,502 Andrew 10,197 19,609 Lawrence 7,843 21,502 Texas 7,282 18,701 Atchison 10,197 19,609 Lewis 8,548 20,952 Vernon 7,494 19,730 Audrain 8,472 21,174 Lincoln 7,712 20,240 Warren 7,712 20,240 Barry 7,843 21,502 Linn 8,548 20,952 Washington 7,712 20,240 Barton 7,152 19,025 Livingston 10,197 19,609 Wayne 8,348 22,895 Bates 7,494 19,730 Macon 8,548 20,952 Webster 7,843 21,502 Benton 7,494 19,730 Madison 8,348 22,895 Worth 10,197 19,609 Bollinger 8,348 22,895 Maries 8,472 21,174 Wright 7,843 21,502 Boone 8,472 21,174 Marion 8,548 20,952 Buchanan 10,197 19,609 McDonald 7,152 19,025 Montana Butler 8,348 22,895 Mercer 10,197 19,609 Employee- Dependent, Caldwell 10,197 19,609 Miller 8,472 21,174 County Only Family, etc. Callaway 8,472 21,174 Mississippi 8,348 22,895 Beaverhead 8,693 20,347 Camden 8,472 21,174 Moniteau 8,472 21,174 Big Horn 8,693 20,347 Cape Girardeau 8,348 22,895 Monroe 8,472 21,174 Blaine 8,693 20,347 Carroll 10,197 19,609 Montgomery 8,472 21,174 Broadwater 7,606 22,167 Carter 7,282 18,701 Morgan 8,472 21,174 Carbon 8,123 22,023 Cass 8,567 22,493 New Madrid 8,348 22,895 Carter 8,693 20,347 Cedar 7,843 21,502 Newton 7,152 19,025 Cascade 7,606 22,167 Chariton 8,472 21,174 Nodaway 10,197 19,609 Chouteau 7,606 22,167 Christian 7,843 21,502 Oregon 7,282 18,701 Custer 8,693 20,347 Clark 8,548 20,952 Osage 8,472 21,174 Daniels 8,693 20,347 Clay 8,567 22,493 Ozark 7,843 21,502 Dawson 8,693 20,347 Clinton 10,197 19,609 Pemiscot 8,348 22,895 Deer Lodge 7,606 22,167 Cole 8,472 21,174 Perry 8,348 22,895 Fallon 8,693 20,347 Cooper 8,472 21,174 Pettis 7,494 19,730 Fergus 8,693 20,347 Crawford 7,282 18,701 Phelps 7,282 18,701 Flathead 7,863 20,820 Dade 7,843 21,502 Pike 8,548 20,952 Gallatin 7,606 22,167 Dallas 7,843 21,502 Platte 8,567 22,493 Garfield 8,693 20,347 Daviess 10,197 19,609 Polk 7,843 21,502 Glacier 8,693 20,347 DeKalb 10,197 19,609 Pulaski 7,282 18,701 Golden Valley 8,693 20,347 Dent 7,282 18,701 Putnam 8,548 20,952 Granite 8,693 20,347 Douglas 7,843 21,502 Ralls 8,548 20,952 Hill 8,693 20,347 Dunklin 8,348 22,895 Randolph 8,472 21,174 Jefferson 7,606 22,167 Franklin 7,712 20,240 Ray 10,197 19,609 Judith Basin 7,606 22,167 Gasconade 8,472 21,174 Reynolds 7,282 18,701 Lake 7,863 20,820 Gentry 10,197 19,609 Ripley 7,282 18,701 Lewis and Clark 7,606 22,167 Greene 7,843 21,502 Saline 7,494 19,730 Liberty 8,693 20,347 Grundy 10,197 19,609 Schuyler 8,548 20,952 Lincoln 8,693 20,347 Harrison 10,197 19,609 Scotland 8,548 20,952 Madison 8,693 20,347 Henry 7,494 19,730 Scott 8,348 22,895 McCone 8,693 20,347 Hickory 7,843 21,502 Shannon 7,282 18,701 Meagher 8,693 20,347 Holt 10,197 19,609 Shelby 8,548 20,952 Mineral 8,693 20,347 Howard 8,472 21,174 St. Charles 7,712 20,240 Missoula 7,863 20,820 Howell 7,282 18,701 St. Clair 7,494 19,730 Musselshell 8,123 22,023 2023 Average Premium Tables -21- |
Enlarge image | Page 22 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Park 8,693 20,347 Dodge 7,859 22,206 Seward 9,036 24,033 Petroleum 8,693 20,347 Douglas 7,859 22,206 Sheridan 9,129 25,388 Phillips 8,693 20,347 Dundy 9,129 25,388 Sherman 8,981 26,077 Pondera 8,693 20,347 Fillmore 9,036 24,033 Sioux 9,129 25,388 Powder River 8,693 20,347 Franklin 8,981 26,077 Stanton 8,981 26,077 Powell 8,693 20,347 Frontier 9,129 25,388 Thayer 9,036 24,033 Prairie 8,693 20,347 Furnas 8,981 26,077 Thomas 9,129 25,388 Ravalli 8,693 20,347 Gage 9,036 24,033 Thurston 7,859 22,206 Richland 8,693 20,347 Garden 9,129 25,388 Valley 8,981 26,077 Roosevelt 8,693 20,347 Garfield 8,981 26,077 Washington 7,859 22,206 Rosebud 8,693 20,347 Gosper 8,981 26,077 Wayne 8,981 26,077 Sanders 8,693 20,347 Grant 9,129 25,388 Webster 8,981 26,077 Sheridan 8,693 20,347 Greeley 8,981 26,077 Wheeler 8,981 26,077 Silver Bow 7,606 22,167 Hall 8,981 26,077 York 9,036 24,033 Stillwater 8,123 22,023 Hamilton 8,981 26,077 Sweet Grass 8,123 22,023 Harlan 8,981 26,077 Nevada Teton 7,606 22,167 Hayes 9,129 25,388 Employee- Dependent, Toole 8,693 20,347 Hitchcock 9,129 25,388 County Only Family, etc. Treasure 8,693 20,347 Holt 8,981 26,077 Carson City 7,344 19,438 Valley 8,693 20,347 Hooker 9,129 25,388 Churchill 7,741 23,111 Wheatland 8,693 20,347 Howard 8,981 26,077 Clark 7,204 20,646 Wibaux 8,693 20,347 Jefferson 9,036 24,033 Douglas 7,344 19,438 Yellowstone 8,123 22,023 Johnson 9,036 24,033 Elko 7,741 23,111 Kearney 8,981 26,077 Esmeralda 7,741 23,111 Nebraska Keith 9,129 25,388 Eureka 7,741 23,111 Employee- Dependent, Keya Paha 8,981 26,077 Humboldt 7,741 23,111 County Only Family, etc. Kimball 9,129 25,388 Lander 7,741 23,111 Adams 8,981 26,077 Knox 8,981 26,077 Lincoln 7,741 23,111 Antelope 8,981 26,077 Lancaster 9,036 24,033 Lyon 7,344 19,438 Arthur 9,129 25,388 Lincoln 9,129 25,388 Mineral 7,741 23,111 Banner 9,129 25,388 Logan 9,129 25,388 Nye 7,204 20,646 Blaine 8,981 26,077 Loup 8,981 26,077 Pershing 7,741 23,111 Boone 8,981 26,077 Madison 8,981 26,077 Storey 7,344 19,438 Box Butte 9,129 25,388 McPherson 9,129 25,388 Washoe 8,331 21,180 Boyd 8,981 26,077 Merrick 8,981 26,077 White Pine 7,741 23,111 Brown 9,129 25,388 Morrill 9,129 25,388 New Hampshire Buffalo 8,981 26,077 Nance 8,981 26,077 Burt 7,859 22,206 Nemaha 9,036 24,033 Employee- Dependent, Butler 8,981 26,077 Nuckolls 8,981 26,077 County Only Family, etc. Cass 7,859 22,206 Otoe 9,036 24,033 All 8,498 26,225 Cedar 8,981 26,077 Pawnee 9,036 24,033 New Jersey Chase 9,129 25,388 Perkins 9,129 25,388 Cherry 9,129 25,388 Phelps 8,981 26,077 Employee- Dependent, County Only Family, etc. Cheyenne 9,129 25,388 Pierce 8,981 26,077 All 8,090 24,143 Clay 8,981 26,077 Platte 8,981 26,077 Colfax 8,981 26,077 Polk 8,981 26,077 New Mexico Cuming 8,981 26,077 Red Willow 9,129 25,388 Employee- Dependent, Custer 8,981 26,077 Richardson 9,036 24,033 County Only Family, etc. Dakota 8,981 26,077 Rock 8,981 26,077 Bernalillo 7,758 21,368 Dawes 9,129 25,388 Saline 9,036 24,033 Catron 9,379 29,015 Dawson 8,981 26,077 Sarpy 7,859 22,206 Chaves 9,379 29,015 Deuel 9,129 25,388 Saunders 7,859 22,206 Cibola 9,379 29,015 Dixon 8,981 26,077 Scotts Bluff 9,129 25,388 -22- 2023 Average Premium Tables |
Enlarge image | Page 23 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Colfax 9,379 29,015 Hamilton 9,203 25,195 Bertie 7,967 22,994 Curry 9,379 29,015 Herkimer 9,203 25,195 Bladen 7,391 23,420 De Baca 9,379 29,015 Jefferson 9,203 25,195 Brunswick 7,906 21,413 Doña Ana 8,107 20,387 Kings 11,243 29,771 Buncombe 8,305 21,752 Eddy 9,379 29,015 Lewis 9,203 25,195 Burke 7,960 21,585 Grant 9,379 29,015 Livingston 8,103 20,885 Cabarrus 7,893 22,733 Guadalupe 9,379 29,015 Madison 9,203 25,195 Caldwell 7,960 21,585 Harding 9,379 29,015 Monroe 8,103 20,885 Camden 7,967 22,994 Hidalgo 9,379 29,015 Montgomery 8,439 21,463 Carteret 9,047 21,390 Lea 9,379 29,015 Nassau 11,034 28,766 Caswell 7,851 25,284 Lincoln 9,379 29,015 New York 11,243 29,771 Catawba 7,960 21,585 Los Alamos 9,379 29,015 Niagara 8,449 20,437 Chatham 7,851 25,284 Luna 9,379 29,015 Oneida 9,203 25,195 Cherokee 8,305 21,752 McKinley 9,379 29,015 Onondaga 9,203 22,260 Chowan 7,967 22,994 Mora 9,379 29,015 Ontario 8,103 20,885 Clay 8,305 21,752 Otero 9,379 29,015 Orange 10,472 25,016 Cleveland 8,254 22,198 Quay 9,379 29,015 Orleans 8,449 20,437 Columbus 7,906 21,413 Rio Arriba 9,379 29,015 Oswego 9,203 25,195 Craven 9,047 21,390 Roosevelt 9,379 29,015 Otsego 9,203 25,195 Cumberland 7,391 23,420 San Juan 7,985 21,236 Putnam 10,472 25,016 Currituck 7,967 22,994 San Miguel 9,379 29,015 Queens 11,243 29,771 Dare 9,047 21,390 Sandoval 7,758 21,368 Rensselaer 8,439 21,463 Davidson 8,418 23,593 Santa Fe 8,139 24,010 Richmond 11,243 29,771 Davie 8,418 23,593 Sierra 9,379 29,015 Rockland 11,243 29,771 Duplin 7,906 21,413 Socorro 9,379 29,015 Saratoga 8,439 21,463 Durham 7,851 25,284 Taos 9,379 29,015 Schenectady 8,439 21,463 Edgecombe 8,970 27,984 Torrance 7,758 21,368 Schoharie 8,439 21,463 Forsyth 8,418 23,593 Union 9,379 29,015 Schuyler 9,203 22,260 Franklin 7,278 22,091 Valencia 7,758 21,368 Seneca 8,103 20,885 Gaston 8,254 22,198 St. Lawrence 9,203 25,195 Gates 7,967 22,994 New York Steuben 9,203 22,260 Graham 8,305 21,752 Employee- Dependent, Suffolk 11,034 28,766 Granville 7,403 20,823 County Only Family, etc. Sullivan 10,472 25,016 Greene 8,970 27,984 Albany 8,439 21,463 Tioga 9,203 22,260 Guilford 7,650 21,582 Allegany 8,449 20,437 Tompkins 9,203 22,260 Halifax 7,967 22,994 Bronx 11,243 29,771 Ulster 10,472 25,016 Harnett 7,391 23,420 Broome 9,203 22,260 Warren 8,439 21,463 Haywood 8,305 21,752 Cattaraugus 8,449 20,437 Washington 8,439 21,463 Henderson 8,305 21,752 Cayuga 9,203 22,260 Wayne 8,103 20,885 Hertford 7,967 22,994 Chautauqua 8,449 20,437 Westchester 11,243 29,771 Hoke 7,391 23,420 Chemung 9,203 22,260 Wyoming 8,449 20,437 Hyde 9,047 21,390 Chenango 9,203 25,195 Yates 8,103 20,885 Iredell 7,960 21,585 Clinton 9,203 25,195 Jackson 8,305 21,752 Columbia 8,439 21,463 North Carolina Johnston 7,278 22,091 Cortland 9,203 22,260 Employee- Dependent, Jones 9,047 21,390 Delaware 10,472 25,016 County Only Family, etc. Lee 7,851 25,284 Dutchess 10,472 25,016 Alamance 7,851 25,284 Lenoir 9,047 21,390 Erie 8,449 20,437 Alexander 7,960 21,585 Lincoln 8,254 22,198 Essex 9,203 25,195 Alleghany 8,494 23,965 Macon 8,305 21,752 Franklin 9,203 25,195 Anson 7,893 22,733 Madison 8,305 21,752 Fulton 8,439 21,463 Ashe 8,494 23,965 Martin 7,967 22,994 Genesee 8,449 20,437 Avery 8,305 21,752 McDowell 8,305 21,752 Greene 8,439 21,463 Beaufort 9,047 21,390 Mecklenburg 7,893 22,733 2023 Average Premium Tables -23- |
Enlarge image | Page 24 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Mitchell 8,305 21,752 Cavalier 8,478 24,547 Auglaize 8,334 21,287 Montgomery 9,310 22,169 Dickey 8,478 24,547 Belmont 7,905 19,458 Moore 9,310 22,169 Divide 8,478 24,547 Brown 7,700 19,544 Nash 8,970 27,984 Dunn 8,478 24,547 Butler 7,872 23,435 New Hanover 7,906 21,413 Eddy 8,478 24,547 Carroll 7,693 22,733 Northampton 7,967 22,994 Emmons 8,478 24,547 Champaign 7,552 21,207 Onslow 7,906 21,413 Foster 8,478 24,547 Clark 7,552 21,207 Orange 7,851 25,284 Golden Valley 8,478 24,547 Clermont 7,700 19,544 Pamlico 9,047 21,390 Grand Forks 7,369 23,920 Clinton 7,700 19,544 Pasquotank 7,967 22,994 Grant 8,478 24,547 Columbiana 7,575 21,064 Pender 7,906 21,413 Griggs 8,478 24,547 Coshocton 7,905 19,458 Perquimans 7,967 22,994 Hettinger 8,478 24,547 Crawford 7,799 20,711 Person 7,851 25,284 Kidder 8,478 24,547 Cuyahoga 8,331 23,234 Pitt 8,970 27,984 La Moure 8,478 24,547 Darke 7,552 21,207 Polk 8,305 21,752 Logan 8,478 24,547 Defiance 8,137 21,370 Randolph 7,650 21,582 McHenry 8,478 24,547 Delaware 7,351 22,087 Richmond 7,391 23,420 McIntosh 8,478 24,547 Erie 8,591 22,268 Robeson 7,391 23,420 McKenzie 8,478 24,547 Fairfield 7,351 22,087 Rockingham 7,650 21,582 McLean 8,478 24,547 Fayette 7,351 22,087 Rowan 7,893 22,733 Mercer 8,478 24,547 Franklin 7,351 22,087 Rutherford 8,305 21,752 Morton 8,214 23,849 Fulton 8,137 21,370 Sampson 7,391 23,420 Mountrail 8,478 24,547 Gallia 9,816 25,764 Scotland 7,391 23,420 Nelson 8,478 24,547 Geauga 8,331 23,234 Stanly 7,893 22,733 Oliver 8,478 24,547 Greene 7,552 21,207 Stokes 8,418 23,593 Pembina 8,478 24,547 Guernsey 7,905 19,458 Surry 8,418 23,593 Pierce 8,478 24,547 Hamilton 7,872 23,435 Swain 8,305 21,752 Ramsey 8,478 24,547 Hancock 8,334 21,287 Transylvania 8,305 21,752 Ransom 8,478 24,547 Hardin 8,334 21,287 Tyrrell 9,047 21,390 Renville 8,478 24,547 Harrison 7,905 19,458 Union 7,893 22,733 Richland 8,478 24,547 Henry 8,137 21,370 Vance 7,403 20,823 Rolette 8,478 24,547 Highland 7,700 19,544 Wake 7,278 22,091 Sargent 8,478 24,547 Hocking 8,183 21,428 Warren 7,403 20,823 Sheridan 8,478 24,547 Holmes 6,481 20,621 Washington 9,047 21,390 Sioux 8,478 24,547 Huron 8,591 22,268 Watauga 8,494 23,965 Slope 8,478 24,547 Jackson 9,816 25,764 Wayne 8,970 27,984 Stark 8,478 24,547 Jefferson 7,905 19,458 Wilkes 8,494 23,965 Steele 8,478 24,547 Knox 7,351 22,087 Wilson 8,970 27,984 Stutsman 8,478 24,547 Lake 8,331 23,234 Yadkin 8,418 23,593 Towner 8,478 24,547 Lawrence 9,816 25,764 Yancey 8,305 21,752 Traill 8,478 24,547 Licking 7,351 22,087 Walsh 8,478 24,547 Logan 7,351 22,087 North Dakota Ward 8,478 24,547 Lorain 8,331 23,234 Employee- Dependent, Wells 8,478 24,547 Lucas 8,137 21,370 County Only Family, etc. Williams 8,478 24,547 Madison 7,351 22,087 Adams 8,478 24,547 Mahoning 7,575 21,064 Barnes 8,478 24,547 Ohio Marion 7,861 21,747 Benson 8,478 24,547 Employee- Dependent, Medina 8,141 22,928 Billings 8,478 24,547 County Only Family, etc. Meigs 8,183 21,428 Bottineau 8,478 24,547 Adams 7,700 19,544 Mercer 8,334 21,287 Bowman 8,478 24,547 Allen 8,334 21,287 Miami 7,552 21,207 Burke 8,478 24,547 Ashland 8,141 22,928 Monroe 7,905 19,458 Burleigh 8,214 23,849 Ashtabula 8,331 23,234 Montgomery 7,552 21,207 Cass 7,707 24,039 Athens 8,183 21,428 Morgan 7,905 19,458 -24- 2023 Average Premium Tables |
Enlarge image | Page 25 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Morrow 7,861 21,747 Custer 8,126 22,340 Wagoner 8,397 22,134 Muskingum 7,905 19,458 Delaware 8,126 22,340 Washington 8,126 22,340 Noble 7,905 19,458 Dewey 8,126 22,340 Washita 8,126 22,340 Ottawa 8,591 22,268 Ellis 8,126 22,340 Woods 8,126 22,340 Paulding 8,334 21,287 Garfield 8,126 22,340 Woodward 8,126 22,340 Perry 7,905 19,458 Garvin 8,126 22,340 Pickaway 7,351 22,087 Grady 8,463 21,112 Oregon Pike 9,816 25,764 Grant 8,126 22,340 Employee- Dependent, Portage 8,141 22,928 Greer 8,126 22,340 County Only Family, etc. Preble 7,552 21,207 Harmon 8,126 22,340 Baker 9,689 24,154 Putnam 8,334 21,287 Harper 8,126 22,340 Benton 7,925 21,095 Richland 7,799 20,711 Haskell 8,126 22,340 Clackamas 7,421 22,379 Ross 9,816 25,764 Hughes 8,126 22,340 Clatsop 9,288 23,313 Sandusky 8,591 22,268 Jackson 8,126 22,340 Columbia 9,288 23,313 Scioto 9,816 25,764 Jefferson 8,126 22,340 Coos 9,288 23,313 Seneca 8,591 22,268 Johnston 8,126 22,340 Crook 9,689 24,154 Shelby 7,552 21,207 Kay 8,126 22,340 Curry 9,288 23,313 Stark 7,693 22,733 Kingfisher 8,126 22,340 Deschutes 8,511 23,403 Summit 8,141 22,928 Kiowa 8,126 22,340 Douglas 8,028 22,230 Trumbull 7,575 21,064 Latimer 8,126 22,340 Gilliam 9,689 24,154 Tuscarawas 7,905 19,458 Le Flore 7,472 19,440 Grant 9,689 24,154 Union 7,351 22,087 Lincoln 8,463 21,112 Harney 9,689 24,154 Van Wert 8,334 21,287 Logan 8,463 21,112 Hood River 9,689 24,154 Vinton 9,816 25,764 Love 8,126 22,340 Jackson 8,028 22,230 Warren 7,872 23,435 Major 8,126 22,340 Jefferson 9,689 24,154 Washington 8,183 21,428 Marshall 8,126 22,340 Josephine 8,028 22,230 Wayne 6,481 20,621 Mayes 8,126 22,340 Klamath 8,511 23,403 Williams 8,137 21,370 McClain 8,463 21,112 Lake 8,511 23,403 Wood 8,137 21,370 McCurtain 8,126 22,340 Lane 7,925 21,095 Wyandot 8,591 22,268 McIntosh 8,126 22,340 Lincoln 9,288 23,313 Murray 8,126 22,340 Linn 7,925 21,095 Oklahoma Muskogee 8,126 22,340 Malheur 9,689 24,154 Employee- Dependent, Noble 8,126 22,340 Marion 7,547 21,686 County Only Family, etc. Nowata 8,126 22,340 Morrow 9,689 24,154 Adair 8,126 22,340 Okfuskee 8,126 22,340 Multnomah 7,421 22,379 Alfalfa 8,126 22,340 Oklahoma 8,463 21,112 Polk 7,547 21,686 Atoka 8,126 22,340 Okmulgee 8,397 22,134 Sherman 9,689 24,154 Beaver 8,126 22,340 Osage 8,397 22,134 Tillamook 9,288 23,313 Beckham 8,126 22,340 Ottawa 8,126 22,340 Umatilla 9,689 24,154 Blaine 8,126 22,340 Pawnee 8,397 22,134 Union 9,689 24,154 Bryan 8,126 22,340 Payne 8,126 22,340 Wallowa 9,689 24,154 Caddo 8,126 22,340 Pittsburg 8,126 22,340 Wasco 9,689 24,154 Canadian 8,463 21,112 Pontotoc 8,126 22,340 Washington 7,421 22,379 Carter 8,126 22,340 Pottawatomie 8,126 22,340 Wheeler 9,689 24,154 Cherokee 8,126 22,340 Pushmataha 8,126 22,340 Yamhill 7,421 22,379 Choctaw 8,126 22,340 Roger Mills 8,126 22,340 Pennsylvania Cimarron 8,126 22,340 Rogers 8,397 22,134 Cleveland 8,463 21,112 Seminole 8,126 22,340 Employee- Dependent, Coal 8,126 22,340 Sequoyah 7,472 19,440 County Only Family, etc. Comanche 7,985 20,401 Stephens 8,126 22,340 Adams 8,983 24,095 Cotton 8,126 22,340 Texas 8,126 22,340 Allegheny 8,022 22,027 Craig 8,126 22,340 Tillman 8,126 22,340 Armstrong 8,022 22,027 Creek 8,397 22,134 Tulsa 8,397 22,134 Beaver 8,022 22,027 2023 Average Premium Tables -25- |
Enlarge image | Page 26 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Bedford 8,469 20,575 Susquehanna 8,137 23,020 McCormick 8,590 22,973 Berks 8,983 24,095 Tioga 8,137 23,020 Newberry 8,550 22,352 Blair 8,469 20,575 Union 8,694 26,717 Oconee 9,341 25,843 Bradford 8,137 23,020 Venango 7,425 20,206 Orangeburg 8,291 23,112 Bucks 8,596 23,467 Warren 7,425 20,206 Pickens 7,983 22,026 Butler 8,022 22,027 Washington 8,022 22,027 Richland 8,074 23,003 Cambria 8,469 20,575 Wayne 8,137 23,020 Saluda 8,422 22,368 Cameron 7,314 22,737 Westmoreland 8,022 22,027 Spartanburg 7,709 22,457 Carbon 8,137 23,020 Wyoming 8,137 23,020 Sumter 7,846 20,767 Centre 8,694 26,717 York 8,983 24,095 Union 7,512 21,717 Chester 8,596 23,467 Williamsburg 7,776 22,421 Clarion 7,425 20,206 Rhode Island York 7,868 22,286 Clearfield 8,469 20,575 Employee- Dependent, Clinton 8,137 23,020 County Only Family, etc. South Dakota Columbia 8,694 26,717 All 8,796 24,780 Employee- Dependent, Crawford 7,425 20,206 County Only Family, etc. South Carolina Cumberland 8,863 24,699 Aurora 8,365 24,641 Dauphin 8,863 24,699 Employee- Dependent, Beadle 7,952 23,411 Delaware 8,596 23,467 County Only Family, etc. Bennett 7,735 21,478 Elk 7,314 22,737 Abbeville 8,099 22,442 Bon Homme 8,365 24,641 Erie 7,425 20,206 Aiken 7,627 21,404 Brookings 7,952 23,411 Fayette 8,022 22,027 Allendale 7,955 22,061 Brown 7,952 23,411 Forest 7,425 20,206 Anderson 8,023 22,069 Brule 8,365 24,641 Franklin 8,863 24,699 Bamberg 7,536 22,564 Buffalo 8,365 24,641 Fulton 8,863 24,699 Barnwell 7,463 21,743 Butte 7,735 21,478 Greene 8,022 22,027 Beaufort 8,126 21,663 Campbell 7,952 23,411 Huntingdon 8,469 20,575 Berkeley 8,717 21,748 Charles Mix 8,365 24,641 Indiana 8,022 22,027 Calhoun 7,775 22,009 Clark 7,952 23,411 Jefferson 8,469 20,575 Charleston 7,808 22,902 Clay 7,477 21,356 Juniata 8,863 24,699 Cherokee 7,663 22,225 Codington 7,952 23,411 Lackawanna 8,137 23,020 Chester 8,071 21,886 Corson 7,735 21,478 Lancaster 8,983 24,095 Chesterfield 7,988 22,551 Custer 7,735 21,478 Lawrence 8,022 22,027 Clarendon 7,369 21,976 Davison 8,365 24,641 Lebanon 8,863 24,699 Colleton 8,068 23,075 Day 7,952 23,411 Lehigh 8,694 26,717 Darlington 8,319 22,772 Deuel 7,952 23,411 Luzerne 8,137 23,020 Dillon 8,040 21,490 Dewey 7,735 21,478 Lycoming 8,137 23,020 Dorchester 9,023 22,684 Douglas 8,365 24,641 McKean 7,425 20,206 Edgefield 7,449 22,065 Edmunds 7,952 23,411 Mercer 7,425 20,206 Fairfield 7,982 22,308 Fall River 7,735 21,478 Mifflin 8,694 26,717 Florence 8,165 22,796 Faulk 7,952 23,411 Monroe 8,137 23,020 Georgetown 8,100 21,834 Grant 7,952 23,411 Montgomery 8,596 23,467 Greenville 8,011 22,390 Gregory 7,735 21,478 Montour 8,694 26,717 Greenwood 7,464 22,222 Haakon 7,735 21,478 Northampton 8,694 26,717 Hampton 8,305 22,455 Hamlin 7,952 23,411 Northumberland 8,694 26,717 Horry 7,496 22,581 Hand 8,365 24,641 Perry 8,863 24,699 Jasper 7,826 22,874 Hanson 8,365 24,641 Philadelphia 8,596 23,467 Kershaw 8,349 22,207 Harding 7,735 21,478 Pike 8,137 23,020 Lancaster 8,029 21,741 Hughes 8,365 24,641 Potter 7,314 22,737 Laurens 7,684 21,804 Hutchinson 8,365 24,641 Schuylkill 8,694 26,717 Lee 7,814 22,307 Hyde 8,365 24,641 Snyder 8,694 26,717 Lexington 8,215 22,393 Jackson 7,735 21,478 Somerset 8,469 20,575 Marion 8,491 23,343 Jerauld 8,365 24,641 Sullivan 8,137 23,020 Marlboro 8,036 22,442 Jones 7,735 21,478 -26- 2023 Average Premium Tables |
Enlarge image | Page 27 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Kingsbury 7,952 23,411 DeKalb 6,672 16,567 Robertson 7,695 19,360 Lake 7,477 21,356 Dickson 7,001 18,618 Rutherford 7,695 19,360 Lawrence 7,735 21,478 Dyer 7,401 20,883 Scott 6,720 17,996 Lincoln 7,477 21,356 Fayette 7,276 18,799 Sequatchie 7,379 18,618 Lyman 7,735 21,478 Fentress 6,672 16,567 Sevier 6,720 17,996 Marshall 7,952 23,411 Franklin 7,379 18,618 Shelby 7,276 18,799 McCook 7,477 21,356 Gibson 7,401 20,883 Smith 6,672 16,567 McPherson 7,952 23,411 Giles 7,001 18,618 Stewart 7,001 18,618 Meade 7,735 21,478 Grainger 6,720 17,996 Sullivan 7,434 18,852 Mellette 7,735 21,478 Greene 7,434 18,852 Sumner 7,695 19,360 Miner 8,365 24,641 Grundy 7,379 18,618 Tipton 7,276 18,799 Minnehaha 7,477 21,356 Hamblen 6,720 17,996 Trousdale 7,695 19,360 Moody 7,477 21,356 Hamilton 7,379 18,618 Unicoi 7,434 18,852 Pennington 7,735 21,478 Hancock 7,434 18,852 Union 6,720 17,996 Perkins 7,735 21,478 Hardeman 7,401 20,883 Van Buren 6,672 16,567 Potter 7,952 23,411 Hardin 7,401 20,883 Warren 6,672 16,567 Roberts 7,952 23,411 Hawkins 7,434 18,852 Washington 7,434 18,852 Sanborn 8,365 24,641 Haywood 7,276 18,799 Wayne 7,001 18,618 Shannon 7,735 21,478 Henderson 7,401 20,883 Weakley 7,401 20,883 Spink 7,952 23,411 Henry 7,401 20,883 White 6,672 16,567 Stanley 7,735 21,478 Hickman 7,001 18,618 Williamson 7,695 19,360 Sully 8,365 24,641 Houston 7,001 18,618 Wilson 7,695 19,360 Todd 7,735 21,478 Humphreys 7,001 18,618 Tripp 7,735 21,478 Jackson 6,672 16,567 Texas Turner 7,477 21,356 Jefferson 6,720 17,996 Employee- Dependent, Union 7,477 21,356 Johnson 7,434 18,852 County Only Family, etc. Walworth 7,952 23,411 Knox 6,720 17,996 Anderson 7,822 20,066 Yankton 8,365 24,641 Lake 7,401 20,883 Andrews 7,822 20,066 Ziebach 7,735 21,478 Lauderdale 7,276 18,799 Angelina 7,822 20,066 Lawrence 7,001 18,618 Aransas 8,102 26,628 Tennessee Lewis 7,001 18,618 Archer 8,440 20,716 Employee- Dependent, Lincoln 7,001 18,618 Armstrong 10,030 23,705 County Only Family, etc. Loudon 6,720 17,996 Atascosa 7,665 18,955 Anderson 6,720 17,996 Macon 6,672 16,567 Austin 7,250 22,662 Bedford 7,001 18,618 Madison 7,401 20,883 Bailey 7,822 20,066 Benton 7,401 20,883 Marion 7,379 18,618 Bandera 7,665 18,955 Bledsoe 7,379 18,618 Marshall 7,001 18,618 Bastrop 7,061 20,191 Blount 6,720 17,996 Maury 7,001 18,618 Baylor 7,822 20,066 Bradley 7,379 18,618 McMinn 7,379 18,618 Bee 7,822 20,066 Campbell 6,720 17,996 McNairy 7,401 20,883 Bell 8,124 18,547 Cannon 6,672 16,567 Meigs 7,379 18,618 Bexar 7,665 18,955 Carroll 7,401 20,883 Monroe 6,720 17,996 Blanco 7,822 20,066 Carter 7,434 18,852 Montgomery 7,695 19,360 Borden 7,822 20,066 Cheatham 7,695 19,360 Moore 7,001 18,618 Bosque 7,822 20,066 Chester 7,401 20,883 Morgan 6,720 17,996 Bowie 7,368 20,522 Claiborne 6,720 17,996 Obion 7,401 20,883 Brazoria 7,250 22,662 Clay 6,672 16,567 Overton 6,672 16,567 Brazos 7,118 20,305 Cocke 6,720 17,996 Perry 7,001 18,618 Brewster 7,822 20,066 Coffee 7,001 18,618 Pickett 6,672 16,567 Briscoe 7,822 20,066 Crockett 7,401 20,883 Polk 7,379 18,618 Brooks 7,822 20,066 Cumberland 6,672 16,567 Putnam 6,672 16,567 Brown 7,822 20,066 Davidson 7,695 19,360 Rhea 7,379 18,618 Burleson 7,118 20,305 Decatur 7,401 20,883 Roane 6,720 17,996 Burnet 7,822 20,066 2023 Average Premium Tables -27- |
Enlarge image | Page 28 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Caldwell 7,061 20,191 Freestone 7,822 20,066 Kimble 7,822 20,066 Calhoun 8,198 21,897 Frio 7,822 20,066 King 7,822 20,066 Callahan 7,456 20,335 Gaines 7,822 20,066 Kinney 7,822 20,066 Cameron 6,716 18,893 Galveston 7,250 22,662 Kleberg 7,822 20,066 Camp 7,822 20,066 Garza 7,822 20,066 Knox 7,822 20,066 Carson 10,030 23,705 Gillespie 7,822 20,066 Lamar 7,822 20,066 Cass 7,822 20,066 Glasscock 7,822 20,066 Lamb 7,822 20,066 Castro 7,822 20,066 Goliad 8,198 21,897 Lampasas 8,124 18,547 Chambers 7,250 22,662 Gonzales 7,822 20,066 LaSalle 7,822 20,066 Cherokee 7,822 20,066 Gray 7,822 20,066 Lavaca 7,822 20,066 Childress 7,822 20,066 Grayson 7,707 19,921 Lee 7,822 20,066 Clay 8,440 20,716 Gregg 6,632 22,987 Leon 7,822 20,066 Cochran 7,822 20,066 Grimes 7,822 20,066 Liberty 7,250 22,662 Coke 7,822 20,066 Guadalupe 7,665 18,955 Limestone 7,822 20,066 Coleman 7,822 20,066 Hale 7,822 20,066 Lipscomb 7,822 20,066 Collin 7,978 22,164 Hall 7,822 20,066 Live Oak 7,822 20,066 Collingsworth 7,822 20,066 Hamilton 7,822 20,066 Llano 7,822 20,066 Colorado 7,822 20,066 Hansford 7,822 20,066 Loving 7,822 20,066 Comal 7,665 18,955 Hardeman 7,822 20,066 Lubbock 7,143 21,917 Comanche 7,822 20,066 Hardin 9,052 22,480 Lynn 7,822 20,066 Concho 7,822 20,066 Harris 7,250 22,662 Madison 7,822 20,066 Cooke 7,822 20,066 Harrison 7,822 20,066 Marion 7,822 20,066 Coryell 8,124 18,547 Hartley 7,822 20,066 Martin 7,822 20,066 Cottle 7,822 20,066 Haskell 7,822 20,066 Mason 7,822 20,066 Crane 7,822 20,066 Hays 7,061 20,191 Matagorda 7,822 20,066 Crockett 7,822 20,066 Hemphill 7,822 20,066 Maverick 7,822 20,066 Crosby 7,143 21,917 Henderson 7,822 20,066 McCulloch 7,822 20,066 Culberson 7,822 20,066 Hidalgo 8,613 21,323 McLennan 5,891 17,785 Dallam 7,822 20,066 Hill 7,822 20,066 McMullen 7,822 20,066 Dallas 7,978 22,164 Hockley 7,822 20,066 Medina 7,665 18,955 Dawson 7,822 20,066 Hood 7,822 20,066 Menard 7,822 20,066 Deaf Smith 7,822 20,066 Hopkins 7,822 20,066 Midland 6,913 22,892 Delta 7,978 22,164 Houston 7,822 20,066 Milam 7,822 20,066 Denton 7,978 22,164 Howard 7,822 20,066 Mills 7,822 20,066 DeWitt 7,822 20,066 Hudspeth 7,822 20,066 Mitchell 7,822 20,066 Dickens 7,822 20,066 Hunt 7,978 22,164 Montague 7,822 20,066 Dimmit 7,822 20,066 Hutchinson 7,822 20,066 Montgomery 7,250 22,662 Donley 7,822 20,066 Irion 10,151 23,008 Moore 7,822 20,066 Duval 7,822 20,066 Jack 7,822 20,066 Morris 7,822 20,066 Eastland 7,822 20,066 Jackson 7,822 20,066 Motley 7,822 20,066 Ector 8,911 19,166 Jasper 7,822 20,066 Nacogdoches 7,822 20,066 Edwards 7,822 20,066 Jeff Davis 7,822 20,066 Navarro 7,822 20,066 El Paso 7,581 16,149 Jefferson 9,052 22,480 Newton 7,822 20,066 Ellis 7,978 22,164 Jim Hogg 7,822 20,066 Nolan 7,822 20,066 Erath 7,822 20,066 Jim Wells 7,822 20,066 Nueces 8,102 26,628 Falls 7,822 20,066 Johnson 7,978 22,164 Ochiltree 7,822 20,066 Fannin 7,822 20,066 Jones 7,456 20,335 Oldham 7,822 20,066 Fayette 7,822 20,066 Karnes 7,822 20,066 Orange 9,052 22,480 Fisher 7,822 20,066 Kaufman 7,978 22,164 Palo Pinto 7,822 20,066 Floyd 7,822 20,066 Kendall 7,665 18,955 Panola 7,822 20,066 Foard 7,822 20,066 Kenedy 7,822 20,066 Parker 7,978 22,164 Fort Bend 7,250 22,662 Kent 7,822 20,066 Parmer 7,822 20,066 Franklin 7,822 20,066 Kerr 7,822 20,066 Pecos 7,822 20,066 -28- 2023 Average Premium Tables |
Enlarge image | Page 29 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Polk 7,822 20,066 Webb 8,091 21,227 Virginia Potter 10,030 23,705 Wharton 7,822 20,066 Employee- Dependent, Presidio 7,822 20,066 Wheeler 7,822 20,066 County Only Family, etc. Rains 7,822 20,066 Wichita 8,440 20,716 Accomack 7,539 20,308 Randall 10,030 23,705 Wilbarger 7,822 20,066 Albemarle 8,974 21,460 Reagan 7,822 20,066 Willacy 7,822 20,066 Alexandria City 8,021 23,327 Real 7,822 20,066 Williamson 7,061 20,191 Alleghany 7,539 20,308 Red River 7,822 20,066 Wilson 7,665 18,955 Amelia 7,693 22,408 Reeves 7,822 20,066 Winkler 7,822 20,066 Amherst 6,642 20,171 Refugio 7,822 20,066 Wise 7,978 22,164 Appomattox 6,642 20,171 Roberts 7,822 20,066 Wood 7,822 20,066 Arlington 8,021 23,327 Robertson 7,118 20,305 Yoakum 7,822 20,066 Augusta 7,539 20,308 Rockwall 7,978 22,164 Young 7,822 20,066 Bath 7,539 20,308 Runnels 7,822 20,066 Zapata 7,822 20,066 Bedford 6,642 20,171 Rusk 6,632 22,987 Zavala 7,822 20,066 Bedford City 6,642 20,171 Sabine 7,822 20,066 Bland 7,539 20,308 San Augustine 7,822 20,066 Utah Botetourt 8,194 22,437 San Jacinto 7,250 22,662 Employee- Dependent, Bristol City 7,843 19,493 San Patricio 8,102 26,628 County Only Family, etc. Brunswick 7,539 20,308 San Saba 7,822 20,066 Beaver 7,720 23,521 Buchanan 7,539 20,308 Schleicher 7,822 20,066 Box Elder 7,158 22,242 Buckingham 7,539 20,308 Scurry 7,822 20,066 Cache 8,509 23,989 Buena Vista City 7,539 20,308 Shackelford 7,822 20,066 Carbon 7,720 23,521 Campbell 6,642 20,171 Shelby 7,822 20,066 Daggett 7,720 23,521 Caroline 7,693 22,408 Sherman 7,822 20,066 Davis 7,291 22,868 Carroll 7,539 20,308 Smith 7,669 22,893 Duchesne 7,720 23,521 Charles City 7,693 22,408 Somervell 7,822 20,066 Emery 7,720 23,521 Charlotte 7,539 20,308 Starr 7,822 20,066 Garfield 7,720 23,521 Charlottesville City 8,974 21,460 Stephens 7,822 20,066 Grand 7,720 23,521 Chesapeake City 7,782 21,119 Sterling 7,822 20,066 Iron 9,091 22,531 Chesterfield 7,693 22,408 Stonewall 7,822 20,066 Juab 7,720 23,521 Clarke 8,021 23,327 Sutton 7,822 20,066 Kane 7,720 23,521 Colonial Heights City 7,693 22,408 Swisher 7,822 20,066 Millard 7,720 23,521 Covington City 7,539 20,308 Tarrant 7,978 22,164 Morgan 7,158 22,242 Craig 8,194 22,437 Taylor 7,456 20,335 Piute 7,720 23,521 Culpeper 7,539 20,308 Terrell 7,822 20,066 Rich 8,509 23,989 Cumberland 7,693 22,408 Terry 7,822 20,066 Salt Lake 7,291 22,868 Danville City 8,956 21,176 Throckmorton 7,822 20,066 San Juan 7,720 23,521 Dickenson 7,539 20,308 Titus 7,822 20,066 Sanpete 7,720 23,521 Dinwiddie 7,693 22,408 Tom Green 10,151 23,008 Sevier 7,720 23,521 Emporia City 7,539 20,308 Travis 7,061 20,191 Summit 7,291 22,868 Essex 7,539 20,308 Trinity 7,822 20,066 Tooele 7,291 22,868 Fairfax 8,021 23,327 Tyler 7,822 20,066 Uintah 7,720 23,521 Fairfax City 8,021 23,327 Upshur 6,632 22,987 Utah 6,933 22,542 Falls Church City 8,021 23,327 Upton 7,822 20,066 Wasatch 7,291 22,868 Fauquier 8,021 23,327 Uvalde 7,822 20,066 Washington 9,091 22,531 Floyd 7,539 20,308 Val Verde 7,822 20,066 Wayne 7,720 23,521 Fluvanna 8,974 21,460 Van Zandt 7,822 20,066 Weber 7,158 22,242 Franklin 8,194 22,437 Victoria 8,198 21,897 Franklin City 7,539 20,308 Vermont Walker 7,822 20,066 Frederick 8,090 21,890 Waller 7,250 22,662 Employee- Dependent, Fredericksburg City 8,021 23,327 Ward 7,822 20,066 County Only Family, etc. Galax City 7,539 20,308 Washington 7,822 20,066 All 8,460 23,240 Giles 6,887 20,744 2023 Average Premium Tables -29- |
Enlarge image | Page 30 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Gloucester 7,782 21,119 Radford City 6,887 20,744 Kittitas 7,672 22,822 Goochland 7,693 22,408 Rappahannock 7,539 20,308 Klickitat 7,145 20,391 Grayson 7,539 20,308 Richmond 7,539 20,308 Lewis 7,967 20,803 Greene 8,974 21,460 Richmond City 7,693 22,408 Lincoln 7,417 19,788 Greensville 7,539 20,308 Roanoke 8,194 22,437 Mason 7,967 20,803 Halifax 7,539 20,308 Roanoke City 8,194 22,437 Okanogan 7,672 22,822 Hampton City 7,782 21,119 Rockbridge 7,539 20,308 Pacific 7,967 20,803 Hanover 7,693 22,408 Rockingham 7,253 21,742 Pend Oreille 7,417 19,788 Harrisonburg City 7,253 21,742 Russell 7,539 20,308 Pierce 7,967 20,803 Henrico 7,693 22,408 Salem City 8,194 22,437 San Juan 7,967 20,803 Henry 7,539 20,308 Scott 7,843 19,493 Skagit 7,967 20,803 Highland 7,539 20,308 Shenandoah 7,539 20,308 Skamania 7,145 20,391 Hopewell City 7,693 22,408 Smyth 7,539 20,308 Snohomish 7,967 20,803 Isle of Wight 7,782 21,119 Southampton 7,539 20,308 Spokane 7,417 19,788 James City 7,782 21,119 Spotsylvania 8,021 23,327 Stevens 7,417 19,788 King and Queen 7,693 22,408 Stafford 8,021 23,327 Thurston 7,967 20,803 King George 7,539 20,308 Staunton City 7,539 20,308 Wahkiakum 7,967 20,803 King William 7,693 22,408 Suffolk City 7,782 21,119 Walla Walla 7,672 22,822 Lancaster 7,539 20,308 Surry 7,782 21,119 Whatcom 7,967 20,803 Lee 7,539 20,308 Sussex 7,693 22,408 Whitman 7,672 22,822 Lexington City 7,539 20,308 Tazewell 7,539 20,308 Yakima 7,672 22,822 Loudoun 8,021 23,327 Virginia Beach City 7,782 21,119 Louisa 7,693 22,408 Warren 8,021 23,327 West Virginia Lunenburg 7,539 20,308 Washington 7,843 19,493 Employee- Dependent, Lynchburg City 6,642 20,171 Waynesboro City 7,539 20,308 County Only Family, etc. Madison 7,539 20,308 Westmoreland 7,539 20,308 Barbour 9,242 27,010 Manassas City 8,021 23,327 Williamsburg City 7,782 21,119 Berkeley 8,573 24,140 Manassas Park City 8,021 23,327 Winchester City 8,090 21,890 Boone 8,389 26,140 Martinsville City 7,539 20,308 Wise 7,539 20,308 Braxton 9,567 25,392 Mathews 7,782 21,119 Wythe 7,539 20,308 Brooke 8,840 27,737 Mecklenburg 7,539 20,308 York 7,782 21,119 Cabell 8,675 25,542 Middlesex 7,539 20,308 Calhoun 9,567 25,392 Montgomery 6,887 20,744 Washington Clay 9,567 25,392 Nelson 8,974 21,460 Employee- Dependent, Doddridge 9,107 24,704 New Kent 7,693 22,408 County Only Family, etc. Fayette 9,567 25,392 Newport News City 7,782 21,119 Adams 7,672 22,822 Gilmer 9,107 24,704 Norfolk City 7,782 21,119 Asotin 7,672 22,822 Grant 7,539 24,907 Northampton 7,539 20,308 Benton 7,672 22,822 Greenbrier 9,567 25,392 Northumberland 7,539 20,308 Chelan 7,672 22,822 Hampshire 7,539 24,907 Norton City 7,539 20,308 Clallam 7,967 20,803 Hancock 8,840 27,737 Nottoway 7,539 20,308 Clark 7,145 20,391 Hardy 7,539 24,907 Orange 7,539 20,308 Columbia 7,672 22,822 Harrison 9,242 27,010 Page 7,539 20,308 Cowlitz 7,967 20,803 Jackson 9,704 28,051 Patrick 7,539 20,308 Douglas 7,672 22,822 Jefferson 8,573 24,140 Petersburg City 7,693 22,408 Ferry 7,417 19,788 Kanawha 10,466 28,870 Pittsylvania 8,956 21,176 Franklin 7,672 22,822 Lewis 9,107 24,704 Poquoson 7,782 21,119 Garfield 7,672 22,822 Lincoln 8,389 26,140 Portsmouth City 7,782 21,119 Grant 7,672 22,822 Logan 8,389 26,140 Powhatan 7,693 22,408 Grays Harbor 7,967 20,803 Marion 9,107 24,704 Prince Edward 7,539 20,308 Island 7,967 20,803 Marshall 8,840 27,737 Prince George 7,693 22,408 Jefferson 7,967 20,803 Mason 8,675 25,542 Prince William 8,021 23,327 King 7,851 21,509 McDowell 8,389 26,140 Pulaski 6,887 20,744 Kitsap 7,967 20,803 Mercer 8,780 21,360 -30- 2023 Average Premium Tables |
Enlarge image | Page 31 of 31 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2023/a/xml/cycle05/source 17:22 - 8-Nov-2023 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. Mineral 7,539 24,907 Dodge 7,712 22,786 Sawyer 9,003 25,622 Mingo 8,389 26,140 Door 7,748 22,230 Shawano 7,748 22,230 Monongalia 9,107 24,704 Douglas 9,003 25,622 Sheboygan 7,712 22,786 Monroe 8,780 21,360 Dunn 8,268 24,992 St. Croix 9,799 25,801 Morgan 7,539 24,907 Eau Claire 8,268 24,992 Taylor 8,104 22,602 Nicholas 9,567 25,392 Florence 6,695 21,458 Trempealeau 7,925 22,747 Ohio 8,840 27,737 Fond du Lac 7,712 22,786 Vernon 8,133 23,995 Pendleton 7,539 24,907 Forest 6,695 21,458 Vilas 6,695 21,458 Pleasants 9,704 28,051 Grant 8,133 23,995 Walworth 8,344 26,080 Pocahontas 9,242 27,010 Green 8,344 26,080 Washburn 9,003 25,622 Preston 9,242 27,010 Green Lake 8,246 29,125 Washington 8,177 24,978 Putnam 8,675 25,542 Iowa 8,133 23,995 Waukesha 8,177 24,978 Raleigh 8,780 21,360 Iron 6,695 21,458 Waupaca 7,712 22,786 Randolph 9,242 27,010 Jackson 7,925 22,747 Waushara 7,712 22,786 Ritchie 9,704 28,051 Jefferson 8,344 26,080 Winnebago 7,712 22,786 Roane 9,567 25,392 Juneau 8,246 29,125 Wood 9,019 25,476 Summers 8,780 21,360 Kenosha 9,382 26,795 Taylor 9,242 27,010 Kewaunee 7,748 22,230 Wyoming Tucker 9,242 27,010 La Crosse 7,925 22,747 Employee- Dependent, Tyler 9,704 28,051 Lafayette 8,133 23,995 County Only Family, etc. Upshur 9,242 27,010 Langlade 6,695 21,458 Albany 8,863 24,339 Wayne 8,675 25,542 Lincoln 9,019 25,476 Big Horn 8,863 24,339 Webster 9,242 27,010 Manitowoc 7,748 22,230 Campbell 8,863 24,339 Wetzel 9,107 24,704 Marathon 9,019 25,476 Carbon 8,863 24,339 Wirt 9,704 28,051 Marinette 7,748 22,230 Converse 8,863 24,339 Wood 9,704 28,051 Marquette 8,246 29,125 Crook 8,863 24,339 Wyoming 8,389 26,140 Menomonee 7,748 22,230 Fremont 8,863 24,339 Milwaukee 7,939 26,745 Goshen 8,863 24,339 Wisconsin Monroe 7,925 22,747 Hot Springs 8,863 24,339 Employee- Dependent, Oconto 7,748 22,230 Johnson 8,863 24,339 County Only Family, etc. Oneida 6,695 21,458 Laramie 8,671 22,222 Adams 8,246 29,125 Outagamie 7,712 22,786 Lincoln 8,863 24,339 Ashland 9,003 25,622 Ozaukee 8,177 24,978 Natrona 9,630 24,281 Barron 8,104 22,602 Pepin 8,268 24,992 Niobrara 8,863 24,339 Bayfield 9,003 25,622 Pierce 9,799 25,801 Park 8,863 24,339 Brown 7,748 22,230 Polk 9,799 25,801 Platte 8,863 24,339 Buffalo 7,925 22,747 Portage 9,019 25,476 Sheridan 8,863 24,339 Burnett 9,003 25,622 Price 8,104 22,602 Sublette 8,863 24,339 Calumet 7,712 22,786 Racine 9,382 26,795 Sweetwater 8,863 24,339 Chippewa 8,268 24,992 Richland 8,246 29,125 Teton 8,863 24,339 Clark 8,104 22,602 Rock 8,344 26,080 Uinta 8,863 24,339 Columbia 8,344 26,080 Rusk 8,104 22,602 Washakie 8,863 24,339 Crawford 8,133 23,995 Sauk 8,246 29,125 Weston 8,863 24,339 Dane 7,594 25,699 2023 Average Premium Tables -31- |