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                                                                                                     Department of the Treasury
                                                                                                     Internal Revenue Service
Instructions for Form 8993

(Rev. December 2020)
Section 250 Deduction for Foreign-Derived Intangible Income (FDII) and Global 
Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI)

Section references are to the Internal Revenue                                            6. FDII is determined.
Code unless otherwise noted.                   General Instructions                       7. If there is excess FDII and GILTI 
                                                                                          over taxable income, the FDII reduction 
Future Developments                            Purpose of Form                            and the GILTI reduction are determined.
For the latest information about               Public Law 115-97 (Tax Cuts and Jobs       8. The eligible deduction under 
developments related to Form 8993 and          Act of 2017) enacted section 250 for the   section 250 is determined.
its instructions, such as legislation          allowance of a deduction for the eligible 
enacted after they were published, go to       percentage of FDII and GILTI.              FDDEI
IRS.gov/Form8993.                              See Form 8992, U.S. Shareholder            FDDEI means, with respect to a 
                                               Calculation of Global Intangible           taxpayer for its tax year, any deduction 
What’s New                                     Low-Taxed Income (GILTI), and its          eligible income of the taxpayer that is 
                                               instructions for more information on       derived in connection with:
Changes have been made throughout                                                         1. Property that is sold by the 
these instructions based on the                                                           taxpayer to any person who is a foreign 
proposed section 250 regulations (84           Use Form 8993 to figure the amount         person and that the taxpayer 
FR 8188, March 6, 2019) and final              of the eligible deduction for FDII and     establishes to the satisfaction of the 
section 250 regulations (T.D. 9901, 85         GILTI under section 250.                   Secretary is for a foreign use (see 
FR 43042, July 15, 2020). There is a                                                      Proposed and Final Regulations 
change in the manner in which                  Who Must File                              sections 1.250(b)-3 and 1.250(b)-4); or
foreign-derived deduction eligible             All domestic corporations (and U.S.        2. Services provided by the 
income (FDDEI) is now reported in Part         individual shareholders of controlled      taxpayer that the taxpayer establishes 
II. See the instructions for lines 9–19 for    foreign corporations (CFCs) making a       to the satisfaction of the Secretary are 
details.                                       section 962 election (962 electing         provided to any person, or with respect 
Although final section 250 regulations         individual)) must use Form 8993 to         to property, located outside the United 
apply to tax years beginning on or after       determine the allowable deduction          States (see Proposed and Final 
January 1, 2021, taxpayers may choose          under section 250.                         Regulations sections 1.250(b)-3 and 
to apply either the proposed or the final                                                 1.250(b)-5).
                                               The deduction is allowed only to 
regulations for tax years beginning on or 
                                               domestic corporations (not including 
after January 1, 2018, and before                                                         Special rules for determining foreign 
                                               real estate investment trusts (REITs), 
January 1, 2021 (provided they apply                                                      use apply to transactions that involve 
                                               regulated investment companies (RICs), 
either the proposed or final regulations                                                  property or services provided to related 
                                               and S corporations) and section 962 
in their entirety, with the limited                                                       parties (see section 250(b)(5)(C) and 
                                               electing individuals. For the treatment of 
exception of certain special                                                              Proposed and Final Regulations section 
                                               a domestic corporation that is a partner 
substantiation requirements as                                                            1.250(b)-6).
                                               in a partnership, see Proposed and 
specified in the final section 250                                                        Sale
                                               Final Regulations sections 1.250(b)-1(e) 
regulations, and once they choose to 
                                               and 1.250(b)-3(e).                         The terms “sold,” “sells,” and “sale” 
apply the final regulations, they must 
                                                                                          include any lease, license, exchange, or 
apply those final regulations for all 
subsequent tax years beginning before          When and Where To File                     other disposition of property.
January 1, 2021). See Final Regulations        Attach Form 8993 to your income tax        Foreign Use
section 1.250-1(b) for more details.           return and file both by the due date 
                                               (including extensions) for that return.    “Foreign use” is defined to mean “any 
                                                                                          use, consumption, or disposition which 
Important Reminders                                                                       is not within the United States.” See 
                                               Definitions and Overview
Domestic corporation’s deduction.                                                         Proposed Regulations sections 
For tax years beginning on or after            Steps for Computing the                    1.250(b)-4(d) and (e), and Final 
January 1, 2018, and before January 1,         Deduction Under Section 250                Regulations section 1.250(b)-4(d). For 
                                                                                          the latest guidance about foreign use, 
2026, section 250 generally allows a           1. Deduction Eligible Income (DEI)         go to IRS.gov/Form8993.
deduction equal to the sum of 37.5% of         is determined.
the corporation's FDII plus 50% of its                                                    Qualified Business Asset 
GILTI (thereafter, these deductions are        2. Deemed Tangible Income Return 
reduced to 21.875% and 37.5%,                  (DTIR) is determined.                      Investment (QBAI)
respectively).                                 3. Deemed Intangible Income (DII)          A domestic corporation’s QBAI is the 
                                               is determined.                             average of the aggregate of its adjusted 
Deduction limitation. If the sum of                                                       bases, determined as of the close of 
FDII and GILTI exceeds taxable income,         4. FDDEI is determined.
                                                                                          each quarter of the tax year, in specified 
the deduction under section 250 is             5. Foreign-Derived Ratio (FDR) is          tangible property used in its trade or 
limited to taxable income.                     determined.

Mar 17, 2021                                              Cat. No. 71352N

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business and of a type with respect to     submitted electronically to               1.250(b)-1(d)(2) for more details. 
which a deduction is allowable under       substituteforms@irs.gov, or requests      Deductions properly allocable to gross 
section 167. See Proposed and Final        may be mailed to: Internal Revenue        DEI are determined without regard to 
Regulations section 1.250(b)-2.            Service, Attention: Substitute Forms      sections 163(j), 170(b)(2), 172, 246(b), 
                                           Program, SE:W:CAR:MP:P:TP, 1111           and 250.
Information From Partnership               Constitution Ave. NW, Room 6554, 
A domestic corporate partner of a          Washington, DC 20224.                     Include the partner's share of the 
partnership takes into account its                                                   partnership's deductions properly 
distributive share of a partnership's                                                allocable to the amount on line 4. Do not 
gross DEI, gross FDDEI, and                Specific Instructions                     duplicate expenses already included on 
deductions in order to calculate the                                                 line 1.
partner's FDII. See Proposed and Final     Part I. Determining DEI                   Line 7. Deemed Tangible 
Regulations section 1.250(b)-1(e)(1). In   and DII                                   Income Return (10% of QBAI)
addition, for purposes of determining a    DEI means, with respect to any            The DTIR with respect to a domestic 
domestic corporate partner's DTIR, a       domestic corporation, the excess (if      corporation is the corporation’s QBAI for 
domestic corporation's QBAI is             any) of the gross income of the           the year multiplied by 10%.
increased by its share of the              corporation, less exclusions, over 
partnership's adjusted basis in            deductions (including taxes) properly     First, compute QBAI (defined earlier). 
partnership specified tangible property.   allocable to such gross income.           See Proposed and Final Regulations 
See Proposed and Final Regulations                                                   section 1.250(b)-2. “Specified tangible 
section 1.250(b)-2(g).                     Line 1. Gross Income                      property” means any tangible property 
For partners in a partnership, attach      For purposes of this form, gross income   used in the production of the gross 
a statement to Form 8993 listing each      includes all income from whatever         income included in DEI. If such property 
partnership's name; employer               source derived. Enter the amount from     was used in the production of DEI and 
identification number (EIN); the           Form 1120, line 11.                       income that is not DEI (such as dual-use 
partner's share of the partnership's       Line 2. Exclusions                        property), the property is treated as 
                                                                                     specified tangible property in the same 
QBAI reported on line 7; and other         Exclude the following items to the extent proportion that the amount of the gross 
FDDEI items reported on lines 9b, 10b,     included on line 1.                       income included in DEI produced with 
13, and 17.
                                           1. Any amount included in the gross       respect to the property bears to the total 
Documentation                              income of such corporation under          amount of gross income produced with 
For special substantiation requirements    section 951(a)(1). Include the section 78 respect to the property. If specified 
under Final Regulations, see sections      gross-up with respect to the inclusion    tangible property is only partially 
1.250(b)-3(f), 1.250(b)-4(d)(3), and       under section 951(a)(1).                  depreciable, then only the depreciable 
1.250(b)-5(e)(4). Also see Final           2. Any amount included in the gross       portion is QBAI. The adjusted basis is 
Regulations section 1.250-1(b) for         income of such corporation under          determined by using the alternative 
information about the applicability date   section 951A. Section 951A defines        depreciation system under section 
of the final regulations and a special     GILTI. Include the section 78 gross-up    168(g) and allocating depreciation 
transition rule.                           with respect to the inclusion under       deductions with respect to such 
                                           section 951A.                             property ratably to each day during the 
Section 250 Deduction                                                                period in the tax year to which such 
Limitation                                 3. Any financial services income (as 
                                                                                     depreciation relates.
                                           defined under section 904(d)(2)(D)) of 
If the sum of FDII and GILTI exceeds       such corporation.                         Include the amount, if any, of a 
taxable income, the deduction under                                                  partner's share of the partnership's 
section 250 is subject to limitation. See  4. Any dividend received from a 
the instructions for lines 26 and 27,      CFC with respect to which the             QBAI. Then, multiply QBAI by 10% 
later, for additional information.         corporation is a U.S. shareholder, as     (0.10). Finally, enter this result on Form 
                                           defined under section 951(b).             8993, line 7.
See the instructions for lines 26 and      5. Any domestic oil and gas               Line 8. DII
27, later, for additional information.     extraction income. The term “domestic     DII is the excess (if any) of the 
Corrections to Form 8993                   oil and gas extraction income” means      corporation’s DEI over its DTIR.
                                           income described in section 907(c)(1), 
If you file a Form 8993 that you later 
                                           determined by substituting “within the 
determine is incomplete or incorrect, file                                           Part II. Determining FDDEI
                                           United States” for “without the United 
a corrected Form 8993 with an                                                        Each place where general property is 
amended tax return, using the amended                                                listed refers to amounts connected to 
return instructions for the return with    6. Any foreign branch income (as          the sale, lease, exchange, or other 
which you originally filed Form 8993.      defined in section 904(d)(2)(J)).         disposition of general property to a 
Enter “Corrected” at the top of the                                                  foreign person and, as established to 
                                           Line 5. Deductions Properly 
corrected Form 8993.                                                                 the satisfaction of the Secretary, is for a 
                                           Allocable to the Amount on                foreign use as defined in Proposed and 
Computer-Generated Form                    Line 4                                    Final Regulations sections 1.250(b)-3 
8993                                       Allocable deductions include all          and 1.250(b)-4(d). The term “general 
Generally, all computer-generated          deductions (including taxes) properly     property” means any property other than 
forms must receive prior approval from     allocable to gross DEI on line 4. See     intangible property; a security (as 
the IRS and are subject to an annual       Proposed and Final Regulations section    defined in section 475(c)(2)); an interest 
review. Requests for approval may be                                                 in a partnership, trust, or estate; or a 

                                                             -2-                   Instructions for Form 8993 (Rev. 12-2020)

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commodity described in section 475(e)       Column B. Intangible Property              Line 12. Allocable Deductions
(2)(A) that is not a physical commodity     Enter the amount of foreign-derived        Enter the amount of the deductions that 
or a commodity described in section         gross receipts from all sales of           are allocated and apportioned to gross 
475(e)(2)(B) through (D).                   intangible property.                       FDDEI on line 11. See Proposed and 
                                                                                       Final Regulations section 1.250(b)-1(d)
Each place where intangible property        Column C. Services                         (2) for more details. Report interest and 
is listed refers to amounts connected to    Enter the amount of foreign-derived        research and experimental (R&E) 
the sale, license, exchange, or other       gross receipts from all services.          deductions on lines 14 and 15, 
disposition of intangible property to a 
foreign person and, as established to       Line 9b. Gross Receipts From               respectively. Deductions are 
                                                                                       determined without regard to sections 
the satisfaction of the Secretary, is for a Partnerships                               163(j),170(b)(2), 172, 246(b), and 250.
foreign use as defined in Proposed 
                                            Enter the amount, if any, of the partner’s 
Regulations sections 1.250(b)-3 and                                                    Column A. General Property
                                            share of the partnership’s 
1.250(b)-4(e) and Final Regulations                                                    Enter the amount of the deductions that 
                                            foreign-derived gross receipts.
sections 1.250(b)-3 and 1.250(b)-4(d)                                                  are allocated and apportioned to gross 
(2).                                        Column A. General Property                 FDDEI from all sales of general 
                                            Enter the amount, if any, of the partner’s 
Each place where services are listed                                                   property.
                                            share of the partnership’s 
refers to amounts connected to services                                                Column B. Intangible Property
                                            foreign-derived gross receipts from all 
that, as established to the satisfaction of                                            Enter the amount of the deductions that 
                                            sales of general property.
the Secretary, are provided to any                                                     are allocated and apportioned to gross 
person, or with respect to property,        Column B. Intangible Property              FDDEI from all sales of intangible 
located outside the United States as        Enter the amount, if any, of the partner’s property.
defined in Proposed and Final               share of the partnership’s 
Regulations section 1.250(b)-5.             foreign-derived gross receipts from all    Column C. Services
                                            sales of intangible property.              Enter the amount of the deductions that 
If a transaction includes both a sales                                                 are allocated and apportioned to gross 
component and a service component,          Column C. Services                         FDDEI from all services.
the transaction is classified as either a   Enter the amount, if any, of the partner’s 
sale or as a service according to the       share of the partnership’s                 Line 13. Allocable Deductions 
overall predominant character of the        foreign-derived gross receipts from all    From Partnerships
transaction. See Proposed Regulations       services.                                  Enter the amount, if any, of the partner’s 
section 1.250(b)-3(e) and Final 
Regulations section 1.250(b)-3(d).          Line 10a. Cost of Goods Sold               share of the partnership’s deductions 
                                                                                       that are allocated and apportioned to 
                                            Enter the amount of cost of goods sold     gross FDDEI on line 11.
For purposes of determining a               attributable to the amount(s) on line 9a.
domestic corporation’s deductions that                                                 Column A. General Property
are properly allocable to gross FDDEI,      For purposes of this form, when            Enter the amount, if any, of the partner’s 
the corporation’s deductions are            figuring FDDEI, cost of goods sold         share of the partnership’s deductions 
allocated and apportioned to gross          includes the:                              that are allocated and apportioned to 
FDDEI under the rules of sections           1. Cost of goods sold to customers,        gross FDDEI from all sales of general 
1.861-8 through 1.861- 14T and              and                                        property.
1.861-17 by treating section 250(b) as 
an operative section described in           2. Adjusted basis of non-inventory         Column B. Intangible Property
section 1.861-8(f). See Proposed and        property sold or otherwise disposed of 
Final Regulations section 1.250(b)-1(d)     in trade or business.                      Enter the amount, if any, of the partner’s 
                                                                                       share of the partnership’s deductions 
(2).                                        In making that determination,              that are allocated and apportioned to 
                                            attribute costs of goods sold to gross     gross FDDEI from all sales of intangible 
The partnership should determine            receipts using a reasonable method in      property.
and report the partner’s share of each      accordance with Proposed and Final 
item necessary to compute FDII in           Regulations section 1.250(b)-1(d)(1).      Column C. Services
accordance with the partner’s                                                          Enter the amount, if any, of the partner’s 
distributive share of the underlying item   Cost of goods sold must be attributed      share of the partnership’s deductions 
of income, gain, deduction, and loss of     to gross receipts with respect to gross    that are allocated and apportioned to 
the partnership.                            DEI or gross FDDEI regardless of           gross FDDEI from all services.
Line 9a. Gross Receipts                     whether certain costs included in cost of 
                                            goods sold can be associated with          Line 14. Interest Deductions
“Foreign-derived gross receipts” means      activities undertaken in an earlier tax    The total interest deductions for the 
gross receipts that are used to compute     year (including a year before the          members of the corporation's affiliated 
gross FDDEI as defined in Proposed          effective date of section 250).            group are allocated and apportioned to 
and Final Regulations section                                                          the statutory and residual groupings 
1.250(b)-1.                                 Line 10b. Cost of Goods Sold               under proposed, final, and Temporary 
Column A. General Property                  From Partnerships                          Regulations sections 1.861-8 through 
Enter the amount of foreign-derived         Enter the amount, if any, of the partner’s 1.861-14. The term “interest” refers to 
gross receipts from all sales of general    share of the partnership’s cost of goods   the gross amount of interest expense 
property.                                   sold attributable to the amount on         incurred by a taxpayer in a given year. 
                                            line 9b.                                   Interest expense includes any expense 

Instructions for Form 8993 (Rev. 12-2020)                 -3-

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that is currently deductible under          Manual (SIC code). R&E expenses are       Line 24. Taxable Income
section 163 (including original issue       apportioned between the statutory and     Enter the taxable income of the 
discount), and interest equivalents. See    residual groupings based on either the    domestic corporation (determined 
Temporary Regulations section               gross income or sales method. See         without regard to section 250).
1.861-9T(b) for the definition of interest  Regulations section 1.861-17.
equivalents and Temporary Regulations                                                 Line 25. Excess FDII and GILTI 
section 1.861-9T(c) for sections that       The amount reported on this line 
disallow, suspend, or require the           should include R&E deductions of the      Over Taxable Income
capitalization of interest deductions.      taxpayer and the taxpayer’s share of      Subtract the taxable income amount 
                                            R&E deductions incurred by a              reported on line 24 from the total FDII 
Interest deductions are apportioned         partnership. Partnerships with corporate  and GILTI on line 23.
to gross FDDEI based ordinarily on the      partners must provide the information     If the result reported on line 25 is 
tax book value of the taxpayer’s assets.    sufficient to perform these R&E           zero or negative, your taxable income is 
See Regulations section 1.861-9T(g)(1)      calculations. See Regulations section     greater than the sum of FDII and GILTI, 
(i). For years beginning after December     1.861-17(f). This requires that the       and your deduction under section 250 is 
31, 2017, the fair market value method      partnership report to its partners on the not limited.
is not allowed with respect to allocations  Schedule K-1 (Form1065) the sales and 
and apportionments of interest              gross income by SIC code according to     If the result reported on line 25 is a 
expense. See section 864(e)(2). A           the statutory and residual groupings and  positive number, your taxable income is 
corporation may elect to use the            the partner’s distributive share of the   less than the sum of your FDII and 
alternative tax book value method. See      partnership’s R&E deductions              GILTI, and your deduction under section 
Regulations section 1.861-9(i). See         connected with the product lines.         250 is limited to taxable income. Refer 
Regulations sections 1.861-10 and           Taxpayers that use the sales method for   to the instructions for lines 26 and 27, to 
1.861-10T for exceptions to the general     apportioning R&E expenses can use         determine the amount by which you 
rule of fungibility (such as qualified      Proposed Regulations section 1.861-17,    need to reduce FDII and GILTI.
nonrecourse indebtedness, integrated        provided the proposed regulations are 
financial transactions, and excess          applied consistently.                     Line 26. FDII Reduction
related party indebtedness).                                                          The reduction in FDII for which a 
                                            Line 16. Other Apportioned 
The amount reported on this line                                                      deduction is allowed equals such 
should include interest paid or accrued     Deductions                                excess multiplied by a percentage equal 
by the taxpayer and the taxpayer’s          Enter all other apportioned deductions    to the corporation’s FDII divided by the 
share of interest expense incurred by a     that relate to gross FDDEI that are not   sum of its FDII and GILTI.
partnership. With respect to corporate      otherwise included on lines 12, 14, and   Use the Line 26 Worksheet to 
partners with an interest in the            15. If a deduction does not bear a        compute the FDII reduction.
partnership of 10% or more, interest        definite relationship to a class of gross 
expense, including the partner’s            income constituting less than all of 
distributive share of partnership interest  gross income, it shall ordinarily be 
expense, is apportioned by reference to     treated as definitely related and 
the partner’s assets, including the         allocable to all of the taxpayer's gross 
partner’s pro rata share of partnership     income, including gross DEI and gross 
assets. See Regulations section             FDDEI, except where otherwise 
1.861-9(e)(2). A corporate partner with     directed in the regulations.
a less-than-10% interest in a 
                                            Line 17. Other Apportioned 
partnership shall directly allocate its 
distributive share of the partnership’s     Deductions From Partnerships
interest expense to its distributive share  Enter all other apportioned deductions 
of partnership gross income and be          that relate to gross FDDEI from 
apportioned in accordance with the          partnerships that are not otherwise 
partner’s relative distributive share of    included on lines 13, 14, and 15.
gross FDDEI. See Regulations section 
1.861-9(e)(4). The above partnership        Part III. Determining FDII 
information should have been reported       and/or GILTI Deduction
to the partners on Schedule K-1 (Form 
1065).                                      Line 20. Foreign-Derived Ratio
Line 15. Research and                       FDR is determined by computing the 
                                            ratio of FDDEI over DEI. See Definitions 
Experimental Deductions                     and Overview, earlier, for discussion of 
R&E expenses deducted under section         FDDEI. Divide the amount on line 19 by 
174 are definitely related to all income    the amount on line 6. The resulting ratio 
reasonably connected with relevant          must not exceed 1.
broad product categories of the 
taxpayer and are allocable to all items of  Line 22. GILTI Inclusion
gross income as a class related to such     Enter the amount of GILTI reported on 
product categories. The product             Form 8992, Part II, line 5. Attach Form 
categories are generally determined by      8992 to your income tax return.
reference to the three-digit classification 
of the Standard Industrial Classification 

                                                        -4-                           Instructions for Form 8993 (Rev. 12-2020)

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Line 26 Worksheet                       Line 27 Worksheet                       received by the corporation (or 962 
                                                                                electing individual) that is treated as a 
Line A     Enter the                      Line F Enter the                      dividend under section 78 which is 
           amount                                amount                         attributable to GILTI, from Form 1118, 
           from                                  from                           Schedule A, column 3(b). Lastly, 
           line 25. If                           line 25. If                    multiply that amount by 50% (0.50).
           zero or                               zero or 
           less,                                 less, enter                    Enter the sum of lines 28 and 29 on 
           enter -0- on                          zero on line                   Form 1120, Schedule C, line 22, or on 
                                                                                the comparable schedules of other 
           line E of                             H of this 
                                                                                corporate returns.
           this                                  worksheet 
           worksheet                             and stop.                      Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. 
           and stop.                                                            We ask for the information on this form 
                                          Line G Enter the 
Line B     Enter the                             amount                         to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of 
           amount                                from line E                    the United States. You are required to 
           from line 21.                         in the                         give us the information. We need it to 
                                                 worksheet                      ensure that you are complying with 
Line C     Enter the                                                            these laws and to allow us to figure and 
                                                 above, as 
           amount                                                               collect the right amount of tax. You are 
                                                 reported on 
           from line 23.                                                        not required to provide the information 
                                                 line 26, of 
Line D     Divide line                           Form 8993.                     requested on a form that is subject to 
           B by line C.                                                         the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the 
                                          Line H Subtract                       form displays a valid OMB control 
Line E     Multiply line                         line G from                    number. Books or records relating to a 
           A by line D.                          line F.                        form or its instructions must be retained 
           Enter this                            Enter this                     as long as their contents may become 
           line E                                line H                         material in the administration of any 
           amount on                             amount on                      Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax 
           Form 8993,                            Form 8993,                     returns and return information are 
           line 26.                              line 27.                       confidential, as required by section 
                                                                                The time needed to complete and file 
Line 27. GILTI Reduction                Line 28. FDII Deduction                 this form will vary depending on 
The reduction in GILTI is determined by To figure the FDII deduction, subtract  individual circumstances. The estimated 
the excess amount less the FDII         the amount from line 26 (FDII           burden for business taxpayers filing this 
reduction.                              reduction), from the amount on line 21  form is approved under OMB control 
                                        (FDII).                                 number 1545-0123 and is included in 
Use the Line 27 Worksheet to                                                    the estimates shown in the instructions 
compute the FDII reduction.               Then, multiply the resulting amount   for their business income tax return.
                                        by 37.5% (0.375) to obtain the FDII 
                                        deduction and enter it on line 28.      If you have comments concerning the 
                                                                                accuracy of these time estimates or 
                                        Line 29. GILTI Deduction                suggestions for making this form 
                                        To figure the GILTI deduction, subtract simpler, we would be happy to hear 
                                        the amount from line 27 (GILTI          from you. See the instructions for the tax 
                                        reduction), from the amount on line 22  return with which this form is filed.
                                        (GILTI inclusion). Then, add any amount 

Instructions for Form 8993 (Rev. 12-2020)        -5-

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