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                                                                                                      Department of the Treasury
                                                                                                      Internal Revenue Service
Instructions for Form 926

(Rev. December 2017)
Return by a U.S. Transferor of Property to a Foreign Corporation

Section references are to the Internal Revenue partnership, not the partnership itself,     section 332 to a foreign distributee 
Code unless otherwise noted.                   are required to comply with section          corporation that meets the stock 
                                               6038B and file Form 926. Each                ownership requirements of section 
What's New                                     domestic partner is treated as a             332(b). If the distribution qualifies for the 
                                               transferor of its proportionate share of     exception in Regulations section 
The regulations addressing the active 
                                               the property. See the instructions for       1.367(e)-2(b)(2)(i) or (iii) then, provided 
trade or business (ATB) exception and 
                                               line 2 for additional information.           that all initial liquidation documents are 
the transfer of intangible property under 
                                               Transfers by spouses. Spouses                timely filed (determined without regard 
section 367(a), 367(d), and 6038B have 
                                               may file Form 926 jointly, but only if they  to Regulations section 1.367(e)-2(f)), 
been finalized and are generally 
                                               file a joint income tax return.              the domestic liquidating corporation 
effective for transfers occurring on or 
                                               Transfers of cash. A U.S. person             should (1) complete Part I and Part II of 
after September 14, 2015. See Part III, 
                                               that transfers cash to a foreign             the Form 926, (2) in the Supplemental 
Information Regarding Transfer of 
                                               corporation must report the transfer on      Information Required To Be Reported 
Property, later.
                                               Form 926 if (a) immediately after the        section at the end of Part III of the form, 
        For transfers after December           transfer, the person holds directly or       note that the information required by 
!       31, 2017, P.L. 115-97, section         indirectly, at least 10% of the total voting Form 926 is contained in the statement 
CAUTION 14102 modifies the rules               power or the total value of the foreign      required by Regulations section 
pertaining to transfers of loss amounts        corporation, or (b) the amount of cash       1.367(e)-2(b)(2)(i)(C)(2) or (iii)(D), as 
from foreign branches to certain foreign       transferred by the person to the foreign     the case may be, and (3) complete Part 
corporations and repeals the active            corporation during the 12-month period       IV. In addition, the domestic liquidating 
trade or business exception. If a revised      ending on the date of the transfer           corporation must comply in all material 
Form 926 is unavailable at the time a          exceeds $100,000. See Regulations            respects with the terms of a liquidation 
taxpayer is required to file Form 926 for      section 1.6038B-1(b)(3).                     document (determined without regard to 
such transfers, see IRS.gov/Form926            Transfers of stock or securities for         Regulations section 1.367(e)-2(f)) in 
for instructions for filing the December       which a gain recognition agreement           order to satisfy its section 6038B 
2017 Form 926 for these transfers.             (GRA) is filed. A U.S. transferor must       reporting obligations. See Regulations 
                                               file a Form 926 with respect to a transfer   section 1.6038B-1 for further 
                                               of stock or securities in all cases in       information.
General Instructions                           which a GRA is filed under Regulations 
                                               section 1.367(a)-8. Provided that the        Exceptions to Filing
Future Developments                            initial GRA is timely filed (determined      1. For exchanges described in 
For the latest information about               without regard to Regulations section        section 354 or 356, a U.S. person does 
developments related to Form 926 and           1.367(a)-8(p)), then, with respect to the    not have to file Form 926 if:
its instructions, such as legislation          transfer of the stock or securities, the 
enacted after they were published, go to       U.S. transferor should (1) complete Part     a. The U.S. person exchanges 
IRS.gov/Form926.                               I and Part II of the Form 926, (2)           stock of a foreign corporation in a 
                                               complete columns (a) through (e) of the      recapitalization described in section 
Purpose of Form                                "Stock and securities" line in Part III,     368(a)(1)(E), or
Use Form 926 to report certain transfers       Section A, of the form, and check the        b. The U.S. person exchanges 
of tangible or intangible property to a        “Yes” box on line 10, and (3) complete       stock of a domestic or foreign 
foreign corporation required by section        the Supplemental Part III Information        corporation for stock of a foreign 
6038B.                                         Required To Be Reported section at the       corporation under an asset 
                                               end of Part III of the form using the        reorganization described in section 
Who Must File                                  Line 10 instructions under the               368(a)(1) that is not treated as an 
                                               Supplemental Part III Information            indirect stock transfer under 
Generally, a U.S. citizen or resident, a 
                                               Required To Be Reported section, later.      Regulations section 1.367(a)-3(d).
domestic corporation, or a domestic 
                                               In addition, the U.S. transferor must 
estate or trust must complete and file                                                      2. Generally, a domestic corporation 
                                               comply in all material respects with the 
Form 926 to report certain transfers of                                                     that distributes stock or securities of a 
                                               terms of a GRA (determined without 
property to a foreign corporation that are                                                  domestic corporation under section 355 
                                               regard to Regulations section 
described in section 6038B(a)(1)(A),                                                        is not required to file Form 926. 
                                               1.367(a)-8(p)) in order to satisfy its 
367(d), or 367(e). See section 6038B,                                                       However, this exception does not apply 
                                               section 6038B reporting obligations. 
and Regulations sections 1.6038B-1                                                          if the distribution is of stock or securities 
                                               See Regulations section 1.6038B-1 for 
and 1.6038B-1T for more information.                                                        of a foreign controlled corporation to a 
                                               further information.                         distributee shareholder who is not a 
                                               Distributions by domestic                    U.S. citizen or resident or a domestic 
Special Rules                                  liquidating corporations. A domestic         corporation.
Transfers by a partnership. If the             liquidating corporation must file a Form 
transferor is a partnership (domestic or       926 with respect to a distribution of        3. A U.S. person that transfers stock 
foreign), the domestic partners of the         property in complete liquidation under       or securities under section 367(a) does 

Jan 22, 2018                                             Cat. No. 27037X

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not have to file Form 926 if either   ora  b qualify for nonrecognition treatment       identifying number of all others is their 
below applies.                               must file Form 8838, Consent To            employer identification number (EIN).
a. The U.S. transferor owned less            Extend the Time To Assess Tax Under 
                                                                                        Line 1a. If you answered “Yes” to 
than 5% of both the total voting power       Section 367—Gain Recognition 
                                                                                        question 1a and the asset is a tangible 
and the total value of the transferee        Agreement, to extend the statute of 
                                                                                        asset, section 367(a)(5) may require 
foreign corporation immediately after        limitations with respect to the gain 
                                                                                        basis adjustments. If you answered “No” 
the transfer and:                            realized but not recognized on the 
                                                                                        to question 1a and the asset is a 
The U.S. transferor qualified for            transfer.
                                                                                        tangible asset, the transfer is taxable 
nonrecognition treatment with respect to     Penalties for Failure To File              under sections 367(a)(1) and (a)(5). If 
the transfer, or                                                                        the asset transferred is an intangible 
The U.S. transferor is a tax-exempt          If a taxpayer fails to comply with section 
entity and the income was not unrelated      6038B, the penalty equals 10% of the       asset, see section 367(d) and its 
business income, or                          fair market value of the property at the   regulations.
The transfer was taxable to the U.S.         time of the transfer. The penalty will not If you answered “No” to question 1a: 
transferor under Regulations section         apply if the failure to comply is due to   If the U.S. transferor is owned directly 
1.367(a)-3(c) and such person properly       reasonable cause and not to willful        by more than five domestic corporations 
reported the income from the transferor      neglect. The penalty is limited to         immediately before the reorganization, 
on its timely filed return (including        $100,000 unless the failure to comply      but some combination of five or fewer 
extensions) for the tax year that            was due to intentional disregard.          domestic corporations controls the U.S. 
includes the date of transfer, or            Moreover, the period of limitations for    transferor, the U.S. transferor must 
The transfer is considered to be to a        assessment of tax upon the transfer of     designate the five or fewer domestic 
foreign corporation solely by reason of      that property is extended to the date      corporations that comprise the control 
Regulations section 1.83-6(d)(1) and         that is 3 years after the date on which    group. List these designated 
the fair market value of the property        the information required to be reported    corporations on Form 926, line 1b.
transferred did not exceed $100,000.         is provided.                               Line 1b. If the transferor went out of 
b. The U.S. transferor owned 5% or           Section 6662(j) Penalty                    existence pursuant to the transfer (for 
                                                                                        example, as in a reorganization 
more of the total voting power or the        For tax years beginning after March 18, 
                                                                                        described in section 368(a)(1)(C)), list 
total value of the transferee foreign        2010, a 40% penalty may be imposed 
                                                                                        the controlling shareholders and their 
corporation immediately after the            on any underpayment resulting from an 
                                                                                        identifying numbers.
transfer and:                                undisclosed foreign financial asset 
The U.S. transferor is a tax-exempt          understatement. No penalty will be         Line 1c. If the transferor was a member 
entity and the income was not unrelated      imposed with respect to any portion of     of an affiliated group filing a 
business income, or                          an underpayment if the taxpayer can        consolidated tax return (see sections 
The transfer was taxable to the U.S.         demonstrate that the failure to comply     1501 through 1504), but was not the 
transferor and such person properly          was due to reasonable cause with           parent corporation, list the name and 
reported the income from the transfer on     respect to such portion of the             EIN of the parent corporation and file 
its timely filed return, or                  underpayment and the taxpayer acted        Form 926 with the parent corporation's 
The transfer is considered to be to a        in good faith with respect to such portion consolidated return.
foreign corporation solely by reason of      of the underpayment. See sections          Line 1d. If the answer to line 1d is 
Regulations section 1.83-6(d)(1) and         6662(j) and 6664(c) for additional         "Yes," and if the asset is transferred in 
the fair market value of the property        information.                               an exchange described in section 
transferred did not exceed $100,000.
                                                                                        361(a) or (b), attach the following.
When and How To File                         Specific Instructions                      A statement that the conditions set 
                                                                                        forth in the second sentence of section 
Form 926 must be filed with the U.S.         Important: All information reported on     367(a)(5) and any regulations under that 
transferor's income tax return (or, if       Form 926 must be in English. All           section have been satisfied.
applicable, exempt organization return)      amounts must be stated in U.S. dollars.    An explanation of any basis or other 
for the tax year that includes the date of   If the information required in a given     adjustments made pursuant to section 
the transfer.                                section exceeds the space provided         367(a)(5) and any regulations 
        The Form 926 filed with the IRS      within that section, do not write “see     thereunder.
                                             attached” in the section and then attach 
!       must include the additional          all of the information on additional       Line 2. If a partnership (whether foreign 
CAUTION information required in 
Regulations sections 1.6038B-1(c)            sheets. Instead, complete all entry        or domestic) transfers property to a 
through (e) and Temporary Regulations        spaces in the section and attach the       foreign corporation in an exchange 
sections 1.6038B-1T(c) and (d).              remaining information on additional        described in section 367(a)(1), then a 
                                             sheets. The additional sheets must         U.S. person that is a partner in the 
Other Forms That May Be                      conform with the IRS version of that       partnership shall be treated as having 
                                             section.                                   transferred a proportionate share of the 
Required                                                                                property in an exchange described in 
Persons filing this form may be required     Part I—U.S. Transferor                     section 367(a)(1). A U.S. person's 
to file FinCEN Form 114, Report of                                                      proportionate share of partnership 
Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts          Information                                property shall be determined under the 
(FBAR).                                      Identifying number. The identifying        rules and principles of sections 701 
                                             number of an individual is his or her      through 761 and the regulations 
A U.S. transferor that is required to        social security number (SSN). The          thereunder. See Temporary Regulations 
enter into a GRA under section 367 to                                                   section 1.367(a)-1T(c)(3).

                                                          -2-                           Instructions for Form 926 (Rev. 12-2017)

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Line 2d. For definition of “regularly      disposition or liquidation), the reference   under the laws of the country of 
traded on an established securities        ID number used for that transferee           incorporation or organization.
market,” see Temporary Regulations         foreign corporation cannot be used 
                                                                                        Line 8.  See section 957(a) to 
section 1.367(a)-1T(c)(3)(ii)(D). If the   again for another transferee foreign 
                                                                                        determine whether the corporation is a 
answer to line 2d is “Yes,” the rules of   corporation for purposes of Form 926 
                                                                                        controlled foreign corporation 
Temporary Regulations section              reporting.
                                                                                        immediately after the transfer.
1.367(a)-1T(c)(3)(ii)(C) apply.            There are some situations that 
                                           warrant correlation of a new reference       Part III—Information 
Part II—Transferee                         ID number with a previous reference ID 
Foreign Corporation                        number when assigning a new                  Regarding Transfer of 
                                           reference ID number to a transferee          Property
Information                                foreign corporation. For example:            Information in Part III is reported in four 
Line 4b, Reference ID number.       A      In the case of a merger or acquisition,      sections. Collectively, the four sections 
reference ID number is required on         a Form 926 filer must use a reference ID     capture information with regard to all of 
line 4b only in cases where no EIN was     number which correlates the previous         the properties transferred. The 
entered on line 4a for the transferee      reference ID number with the new             properties covered by each section, 
foreign corporation. However, filers are   reference ID number assigned to the          respectively, are:
permitted to enter both an EIN and a       transferee foreign corporation.              Cash, stock, and securities 
reference ID number. If applicable, enter  In the case of an entity classification      (“Section A”).
on line 4b the reference ID number         election that is made on behalf of a         Property qualifying for Active Trade or 
(defined below) you have assigned to       transferee foreign corporation on Form       Business exception under Regulations 
the transferee foreign corporation.        8832, Regulations section                    sections 1.367(a)-2(a)(2)(i) and (ii) 
                                           301.6109-1(b)(2)(v) requires the 
A “reference ID number” is a number                                                     (“Section B”).
                                           transferee foreign corporation to have       Property not qualifying for Active 
established by or on behalf of the U.S. 
                                           an EIN for this election. For the first year Trade or Business exception (other than 
transferor identified at the top of page 1 
                                           that Form 926 is filed after an entity       intangible property subject to section 
of the form that is assigned to the 
                                           classification election is made on behalf    367(d)) (“Section C”).
transferee foreign corporation with 
                                           of the transferee foreign corporation on     Intangible property under Regulations 
respect to which Form 926 reporting is 
                                           Form 8832, the new EIN must be               section 1.367(a)-1(d)(5) (“Section D”).
required. These numbers are used to 
                                           entered on line 4a and the old reference 
uniquely identify the transferee foreign                                                For information that must generally 
                                           ID number must be entered on line 4b. 
corporation in order to keep track of the                                               be included for a transfer described in 
                                           In subsequent years, the Form 926 filer 
entity from tax year to tax year. The                                                   section 6038B(a)(1)(A), see the 
                                           may continue to enter both the EIN and 
reference ID number must meet the                                                       beginning of the Supplemental Part III 
                                           the reference ID number, but must enter 
requirements set forth below.                                                           Information Required To Be Reported 
                                           at least the EIN on line 4a.
                                                                                        section, later.
Note. Because reference ID numbers         You must correlate the reference ID 
are established by or on behalf of the     numbers as follows: New reference ID         If additional row(s) are needed to 
U.S. person filing Form 926, there is no   number [space] Old reference ID              enter information for a property category 
need to apply to the IRS to request a      number. If there is more than one old        in a Section in Part III, provide the 
reference ID number or for permission      reference ID number, you must enter a        information in the same format as 
to use these numbers.                      space between each such number. As           required for the row in the Section at 
                                           indicated above, the length of a given       issue in the Supplemental Part III 
Note.  In general, the reference ID        reference ID number is limited to 50         Information Required To Be Reported 
number assigned to a transferee foreign    characters and each number must be           section. For each property category with 
corporation on Form 926 has relevance      alphanumeric and no special characters       such additional row(s), in the Section 
only to Form 926 and should not be         are permitted.                               enter “See Supplemental” under column 
used with respect to the transferee                                                     (b), Description of Property, on the last 
foreign corporation on other IRS forms.    Note. This correlation requirement           row of the property category and enter 
                                           applies only to the first year the new       in the remaining columns on that last 
Requirements.  The reference ID            reference ID number is used.                 row the aggregated amounts from the 
number must be alphanumeric (defined 
below) and no special characters or        Line 5,  Address. Enter the information      corresponding columns on the 
spaces are permitted. The length of a      in the following order: city, province or    additional rows.
given reference ID number is limited to    state, and country. Follow the country's 
50 characters.                             practice for entering the postal code, if    For distributions covered by section 
For these purposes, the term               any. Do not abbreviate the country           367(e)(2), see the instructions for 
“alphanumeric” means the entry can be      name; however, if you file electronically,   line 21a, later.
alphabetical, numeric, or any              please follow the convention specified.      Section A
combination of the two.                    Line 6. Enter the two-letter country         Section A captures information 
The same reference ID number must          code (from the list at IRS.gov/              regarding cash and certain stock and 
be used consistently from tax year to tax  countrycodes) of the transferee foreign      securities transferred.
year with respect to a given transferee    corporation's country of incorporation or 
                                                                                        Column (a), Date of transfer.     Enter 
foreign corporation. If for any reason a   organization.
                                                                                        the first date on which title to, 
reference ID number falls out of use (for  Line 7. List the entity classification (for  possession of, or rights to the use of the 
example, the transferee foreign            example, partnership, corporation, etc.)     property passed for U.S. income tax 
corporation no longer exists due to        of the transferee foreign corporation        purposes. See Temporary Regulations 

Instructions for Form 926 (Rev. 12-2017)                    -3-

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section 1.6038B-1T(b)(4) for additional     general rule of section 367(a)(1) will     Column (a), Date of transfer.     Enter 
information.                                apply.                                     the first date on which title to, 
Column (b), Description of property.        Column (a), Date of transfer.     Enter    possession of, or rights to the use of the 
For each stock or security, provide the     the first date on which title to,          property passed for U.S. income tax 
class or type and the name of the           possession of, or rights to the use of the purposes. See Temporary Regulations 
issuing corporation. See the Line 10        property passed for U.S. income tax        section 1.6038B-1T(b)(4) for additional 
instructions in the Supplemental Part III   purposes. See Temporary Regulations        information.
Information Required To Be Reported         section 1.6038B-1T(b)(4) for additional    Column (b), Description of property. 
section, later, for additional reporting    information.                               Provide a description of the property 
requirements.                                                                          transferred. See, in general, final and 
                                            Column (b), Description of property. 
Column (c), Fair market value on            Provide a description of the property      temporary Regulations section 
date of transfer.   Enter the fair market   transferred. See Regulations section       1.6038B-1(c)(4).
value of the property transferred           1.6038B-1(c)(4)(i) for identifying and     Column (c), Fair market value on 
(measured as of the date of transfer).      describing items of property within a      date of transfer. Enter the fair market 
                                            particular property category in 
Column (d), Cost or other basis.                                                       value of the property transferred 
                                            Section B.
Enter the adjusted basis in the property                                               (measured as of the date of transfer).
transferred on the date of the transfer.    Column (c), Fair market value on           Column (d), Cost or other basis. 
See sections 1011 through 1016 for          date of transfer.  Enter the fair market   Enter your adjusted basis in the 
more information for the determination      value of the property transferred          property transferred on the date of the 
of adjusted basis.                          (measured as of the date of transfer).     transfer. See sections 1011 through 
Column (e), Gain recognized on              Column (d), Cost or other basis.           1016 for more information for the 
transfer. Enter the gain recognized on      Enter the adjusted basis in the property   determination of adjusted basis.
the transfer of each property.              transferred on the date of the transfer.   Column (e), Gain recognized on 
                                            See sections 1011 through 1016 for         transfer. Enter the gain recognized 
Note. Do not report in Section A any        more information for the determination     under section 367 and its regulations on 
information for stock or securities         of adjusted basis.                         the transfer of each property. Include in 
transferred that are described in                                                      this column any recapture of 
Regulations sections 1.367(a)-2(a)(2)(i)    Column (e), Gain recognized on 
and (ii). Instead, report the information   transfer. Enter the gain recognized on     depreciation under Regulations section 
for such stock or securities in Section B.  the transfer of each property. Include in  1.367(a)-4. If the transferor transferred 
                                            this column any recapture of               property of a foreign branch with 
Line 9. If cash was the only property       depreciation under Regulations section     previously deducted losses, such losses 
transferred, skip the remainder of Part III 1.367(a)-4. If the transferor transferred  generally must be recaptured by the 
and proceed to Part IV.                     property of a foreign branch with          recognition of gain realized on the 
Line 10. Indicate whether a gain            previously deducted losses, such losses    transfer. See Regulations sections 
recognition agreement was filed             generally must be recaptured by the        1.367(a)-6 and -6T.
pursuant to Regulations section             recognition of gain realized on the        Important.  Do not enter any such 
1.367(a)-8 for a transfer of stock or       transfer, regardless of whether any of     foreign branch loss recapture amount in 
securities. If “Yes,” complete the          the property of the foreign branch         Section C. See the instructions for 
Supplemental Part III Information           satisfies the active trade or business     line 12c below for information on how to 
Required To Be Reported section at the      exception. See Regulations sections        report foreign branch loss recapture.
end of Part III of the form using the       1.367(a)-6 and -6T.
                                                                                       Certain property to be retransferred 
Line 10 instructions under the              Important.   Do not enter any such         (see Regulations section 
Supplemental Part III Information           foreign branch loss recapture in           1.367(a)-2(g)). This property category 
Required To Be Reported section, later.     Section B. See the instructions for        is for property to which Regulations 
Section B                                   line 12c below for information on how to   sections 1.367(a)-2(g)(1)(i) and (ii) 
                                            report foreign branch loss recapture.
Section B captures information                                                         apply, taking into account Regulations 
                                                                                       section 1.367(a)-2(g)(2).
regarding property that is eligible         Note.  Only report information under the 
property under Regulations section          property category “Tangible Property       Property described in Regulations 
1.367(a)-2(a)(2)(i) that is transferred for (not listed under another category)” with  section 1.6038B-1(c)(4)(iv).      This 
use by the foreign corporation in the       respect to tangible property for which     category captures information regarding 
active conduct of a trade or business       information is not reportable under        property that is eligible property under 
outside of the United States under          another property category of Section B.    Regulations section 1.367(a)-2(b) taking 
Regulations section 1.367(a)-2(a)(2)(ii).                                              into account the application of 
Generally, if the property is used in the   Section C                                  Regulations section 1.367(a)-2(c) 
active conduct of a foreign trade or        Section C captures information with        (certain property that does not 
business under Regulations sections         respect to property to which the active    constitute eligible property) that was 
1.367(a)-2(d) through (h), and the U.S.     trade or business exception does not       transferred to the foreign corporation 
transferor complies with the reporting      apply (other than intangible property      but not for use in the active conduct of a 
requirements of section 6038B and its       subject to section 367(d)). Section        trade or business outside the United 
regulations for the transfer of such        367(a)(1) applies to the transfer of       States. Do not report in this category 
property, the active trade or business      property reported in Section C.            information regarding property which 
exception (at section 367(a)(3)) to the                                                would be reported under the category 
                                                                                       “Certain property to be retransferred 

                                                               -4-                     Instructions for Form 926 (Rev. 12-2017)

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(see Regulations section                    column (e), and Part III, Section C,           Part III Information Required To Be 
1.367(a)-2(g)).”                            column (e).                                    Reported section.
Property described in Regulations           Section D                                      Column (e), Cost or other basis. 
section 1.6038B-1(c)(4)(vii).     This      Section D captures information                 Enter the adjusted basis in the property 
category includes any property (a) other    regarding transfers of intangible              transferred on the date of the transfer. 
than property described in Regulations      property as defined under Regulations          See sections 1011 through 1016 for 
section 1.367(a)-2(c); (b) that cannot      section 1.367(a)-1(d)(5) and subject to        more information for the determination 
qualify under Regulations section           section 367(d). Therefore, the category        of adjusted basis.
1.367(a)-2(a)(2) regardless of its use in   “Property described in section 936(h)(3)       Column (f), Income inclusion for 
the active conduct of a trade or            (B)” does not include property described       year of transfer.  A U.S. person who 
business outside of the United States;      in section 1221(a)(3) or a working             transfers property subject to section 
and (c) that is not subject to the rules of interest in oil and gas property.              367(d) is treated as having sold such 
section 367(d) under Regulations 
section 1.367(a)-1(b)(5) (treatment of      Column (a), Date of transfer.     Enter        property in exchange for payments 
certain property as subject to section      the first date on which title to,              which are contingent upon the 
367(d)). Each item of property must be      possession of, or rights to the use of the     productivity, use or disposition of such 
separately identified. This category        property passed for U.S. income tax            property and receiving amounts 
would include, for example, information     purposes. See Temporary Regulations            annually over the useful life of the 
regarding:                                  section 1.6038B-1T(b)(4) for additional        property that represent an appropriate 
property described in section 1221(a)       information.                                   arm’s length charge for use of the 
                                                                                           property. For each intangible 
(3),                                        Column (b), Description of property.           transferred, enter the amount included 
a working interest in oil and gas not       Provide a separate description for each        in income under section 367(d) on the 
reported in Section B, and                  identified intangible, including each          income tax return for the year of the 
property for which the transferor           identified (i) patent, invention, formula,     transfer. If the amount reported in 
could have applied section 367(d)           process, design, pattern, or know-how;         column (d) as the arm’s length price for 
pursuant to Regulations section             (ii) copyright, literary, musical, or artistic intangible property is an allocation of an 
1.367(a)-1(b)(5) but did not.               composition; (iii) trademark, trade            amount determined based on an 
                                            name, or brand name; (iv) franchise, 
Note. Do not report in Section C any                                                       aggregate analysis, enter the inclusion 
                                            license, or contract; and (v) method, 
information for stock or securities                                                        amount in column (f) that corresponds 
                                            program, system, procedure, campaign, 
transferred. Instead, report this                                                          to the allocated amount reported in 
                                            survey, study, forecast, estimate, 
information in Section A or Section B.                                                     column (d). If no amount is so included, 
                                            customer list, or technical data. If an        enter “0.” The amount entered in column 
Note. Do not report in Section C any        identified intangible is similar to any of     (f) should reflect the application of 
information for intangible property         the intangibles described in the               Regulations section 1.367(d)-1(c)(3)(ii), 
subject to section 367(d). Instead,         preceding sentence (either individually        if properly chosen. See line 15c and 
report this information in Section D.       or collectively), provide a brief              related instructions, below. See also the 
                                            explanation.                                   Line 15c instructions under the 
Line 11. If the answer to the question                                                     Supplemental Part III Information 
on line 11 is "Yes," complete the           Column (c), Useful life. Enter the 
Supplemental Part III Information           useful life for each intangible. The useful    Required To Be Reported section, later, 
Required To Be Reported section at the      life of intangible property is defined         for additional information that must be 
end of Part III of the form using the       under Regulations section 1.367(d)-1(c)        reported.
Line 11 instructions under the              (3)(i). If the useful life of intangible       Line 13a. For purposes of answering 
Supplemental Part III Information           property is indefinite, enter “indefinite.”    line 13a, “property described in section 
Required To Be Reported section, later.     Regulations section 1.367(d)-1(c)(3)(ii)       936(h)(3)(B)” does not include property 
                                            is not relevant to the determination of        described in section 1221(a)(3) or a 
Lines 12a-e. See Final and Temporary        the useful life entered in column (c).         working interest in oil and gas property. 
Regulations sections 1.367(a)-2 through                                                    See Regulations section 1.367(a)-1(d)
1.367(a)-7 for instances in which a         Column (d), Arm’s length price on 
transferor must recognize income on the     date of transfer. Generally, if a U.S.         (5).
transfer of property. If the answer to      person transfers intangible property           Line 13b. If the amount requested on 
line 12b, 12c, or 12e is “Yes,” complete    subject to section 367(d), such person         line 13b is zero, enter “0.” The amount 
the Supplemental Part III Information       shall, over the useful life of the property,   entered on line 13b should reflect the 
Required To Be Reported section at the      annually include in gross income an            application of Regulations section 
end of Part III of the form using the       amount that represents an appropriate          1.367(d)-1(c)(3)(ii), if properly chosen. 
Line 12b, 12c, or 12e instructions under    arm’s length charge for use of the             See line 15c and related instructions. 
the Supplemental Part III Information       property. The appropriate charge is            Include in the amount entered on 
Required To Be Reported section, later.     determined in accordance with the              line 13b gain recognized as a result of 
                                            provisions of section 482 and                  making an election to treat a transfer of 
Line 12c.  If the answer to line 12c is     regulations thereunder. See Temporary          certain intangible property as a sale 
“Yes,” enter on line 12d the total amount   Regulations section 1.367(d)-1T(c)(1).         under Temporary Regulations section 
of the foreign branch loss recapture        For each intangible reported in                1.367(d)-1T(g)(2). See also the 
under Regulations sections 1.367(a)-6       Section D, provide the arm’s length            Line 13b instructions under the 
and -6T. Do not enter this amount in any    price on the date of transfer. See             Supplemental Part III Information 
Section of Part III of the form. See the    instructions below for information that        Required To Be Reported section, later, 
instructions for Part III, Section B,       must be included in the Supplemental 

Instructions for Form 926 (Rev. 12-2017)                      -5-

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for additional information that must be      part, including a chronology of the         2. The number of months the 
reported.                                    transfers involved and an identification    property was in use;
                                             of the other parties to the transaction to 
Line 14a. Under Regulations section                                                      3. The fair market value of the 
                                             the extent known. See Temporary 
1.367(a)-1(b)(5), a U.S. transferor may                                                  property;
                                             Regulations section 1.6038B-1T(c)(2)
apply section 367(d) to certain property                                                 4. A schedule of the depreciation 
that otherwise would be subject to                                                       deduction with respect to the property; 
section 367(a).                              Provide a description of the                and
                                             consideration received by the U.S. 
Line 14b. If the amount requested on         person making the transfer. The             5. A calculation of the amount of 
line 14b is zero, enter “0.” The amount      description should identify:                depreciation to be recaptured.
entered on line 14b should reflect the       The property comprising the                 See Regulations section 
application of Regulations section           consideration and the total fair market     1.6038B-1(c)(4)(iii).
1.367(d)-1(c)(3)(ii), if properly chosen. If value of the items, and
the answer to line 14b is “Yes,” see the     In the case of stock or securities, the     Line 12c. If the answer to line 12c is 
Line 14b instructions under the              class, type, amount, and characteristics    “Yes”:
Supplemental Part III Information            of the interest received.                   Describe the foreign branch the 
Required To Be Reported section, later,                                                  property of which is transferred. See 
for additional information that must be      See Temporary Regulations sections          Temporary Regulations section 
reported.                                    1.6038B-1T(c)(3) and 1.6038B-1T(d)(1)       1.6038B-1T(c)(5)(i).
                                             (iii).                                      Describe the property of the foreign 
Line 14d. If the amount requested on 
line 14d is zero, enter “0.” See the         Information to be reported.  When           branch, including its adjusted basis and 
Line 14d instructions under the              providing any information in the            fair market value. See Temporary 
Supplemental Part III Information            Supplemental Part III Information           Regulations section 1.6038B-1T(c)(5)
Required To Be Reported section, later,      Required To Be Reported section,            (ii).
for additional information that must be      indicate the Section, column, row, and      Set forth a detailed calculation of the 
reported.                                    line for which the information is being     sum of the losses incurred by the 
                                             provided.                                   foreign branch before the transfer and a 
Line 15c. In cases where the useful life                                                 detailed calculation of any reduction of 
of the transferred intangible property is    Additional Section rows.     If additional  such losses. See Temporary 
indefinite or reasonably anticipated to      rows are needed to enter information for    Regulations section 1.6038B-1T(c)(5)
exceed 20 years, a taxpayer may,             a property category on a Section in Part    (iii).
instead of including amounts in income       III, provide the information in the same    Set forth a statement of the character 
during the entire useful life of the         format as required for the row on the       of the gain required to be recognized. 
intangible property, choose in the year      Section at issue in the Supplemental        See Temporary Regulations section 
of transfer to increase annual inclusions    Part III Information Required To Be         1.6038B-1T(c)(5)(iv).
during the 20-year period beginning with     Reported section. See the beginning of      List any intangible property subject to 
the first year in which the U.S. transferor  the Part III instructions, earlier, for how section 367(d) the transfer of which 
takes into account income pursuant to        to incorporate the information from the     gives rise to foreign branch recapture 
section 367(d), to reflect amounts that,     additional rows.                            under Regulations sections 1.367(a)-6 
but for the choice to increase annual        Line 10. If the answer to the line 10       and -6T and provide a calculation of the 
inclusions, would have been required to      question is “Yes,” for any stock or         gain required to be recognized. See 
be included following the end of the         securities transferred, provide a general   Regulations section 1.6038B-1(d)(1)
20-year period. To apply this 20-year        description of the corporation issuing      (vii).
inclusion period, a taxpayer must attach     the stock or securities. See Regulations    Line 12e. If the answer to line 12e is 
a statement titled “Application of the       section 1.6038B-1(c)(4)(ii).                “Yes”:
20-year Inclusion Period to Section 
367(d) Transfer” to a timely filed original  Line 11. If the answer to the line 11       Describe any property transferred for 
federal income tax return (including         question is “Yes,” provide a general        which gain is required to be recognized 
extensions) for the year of the transfer.    description of the business conducted       under a provision of Regulations 
See Regulations section 1.367(d)-1(c)        (or to be conducted) by the transferee,     sections 1.367(a)-2 through -7 other 
(3)(ii). If the answer to line 15c is “Yes,” including:                                  than the provisions at issue on lines 
see the Line 15c and Line 15d                The location of the business;               12a-d and
instructions below for information that      The number of its employees; and            For each such property described, 
must be included in the Supplemental         The nature of the business.                 provide the specific regulation provision 
Part III Information Required To Be          See Regulations section                     under which gain is required to be 
Reported section at the end of Part III of   1.6038B-1(c)(4)(i).                         recognized.
the form.                                    Line 12b.  If the answer to line 12b is     Section D, column (d). Provide a brief 
Supplemental Part III                        “Yes”:                                      explanation of how the arm’s length 
                                             Describe any property that is subject       price on the date of transfer for each 
Information Required To Be                                                               intangible was determined.
                                             to depreciation recapture under 
Reported                                     Regulations section 1.367(a)-4(a). See      Section D, column (f). If an amount 
Information to be generally reported         Regulations section 1.6038B-1(c)(4)(iii).   greater than zero was included, provide 
for a transfer described in section          Specify with respect to each such           a brief explanation of how the income 
6038B(a)(1)(A): Provide a general            property:                                   inclusion for the year of the transfer was 
description of the transfer, and any         1. The relevant recapture provision;        determined.
wider transaction of which it forms a 

                                                              -6-                        Instructions for Form 926 (Rev. 12-2017)

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Line 13b. Provide and explain the                    anticipated income or cost reduction                      gain recognized. See Regulations 
calculation of the annual deemed                     attributable to the property’s (or                        section 1.987-5.
payment. See Temporary Regulations                   properties’) use beyond the 20-year 
                                                                                                               Line 20.  If this transfer resulted from a 
section 1.6038B-1T(d)(1)(v). If                      period was estimated. See Regulations 
                                                                                                               change in entity classification (a 
applicable, provide a calculation of the             section 1.6038B-1(d)(1)(iv).
                                                                                                               deemed transfer resulting from a 
gain required to be recognized on the                                                                          classification change on Form 8832, 
transfer of intangible property with                 Part IV— Additional                                       Entity Classification Election, or a 
respect to which an election has been                Information Regarding                                     termination of a section 1504(d) 
made to treat the transfer as a sale                                                                           election), check the “Yes” box. If the 
                                                     Transfer of Property
under Temporary Regulations section                                                                            transfer was an actual transfer of 
1.367(d)-1T(g)(2). See Temporary                     Line 18.      List the type of nonrecognition             property to a foreign corporation, check 
Regulations section 1.6038B-1T(d)(1)                 transaction that gave rise to the                         the “No” box.
(vi).                                                reporting obligation (for example, 
                                                     section 332, 351, 354, 356, or 361).                      Line 21a.  Check the “Yes” box on 
Line 14b. Provide and explain the                                                                              line 21a if the domestic corporation 
calculation of the annual deemed                     Line 19a.       If gain recognition was                   (domestic liquidating corporation) made 
payment. See Temporary Regulations                   required with respect to any transfer                     a distribution of property in complete 
section 1.6038B-1T(d)(1)(v).                         reported in Part III under section 904(f)                 liquidation under section 332 to a 
                                                     (3), attach a statement identifying the 
Line 14d. Provide a description of the                                                                         foreign corporation that meets the stock 
                                                     transfer and the amount of gain 
property and the amount of gain, if any,                                                                       ownership requirements of section 
reported under section 367(a)(1) with                                                                          332(b) with respect to stock in the 
respect to the property.                             Line 19b.       If gain recognition was                   domestic liquidating corporation.
                                                     required with respect to any transfer                     If the answer to line 21a is "Yes," 
Line 15c. If the answer to the line 15c 
                                                     reported in Part III under section 904(f)                 provide the following information in the 
question is “Yes,” describe the property 
                                                     (5)(F), attach a statement identifying the                Supplemental Part III Information 
for which the transferor chose to apply 
                                                     transfer and the amount of gain                           Required To Be Reported section. 
the 20-year inclusion period. See 
                                                     recognized.                                               Preface this supplemental information 
Regulations sections 1.6038B-1(d)(1)
(iv) and 1.367(d)-1(c)(3)(ii).                       Line 19c.       If recapture was required                 on the form with the heading “Section 
Explain how the increase to the                      with respect to any transfer reported in                  367(e)(2) Information.”
deemed payment rate was calculated                   Part III under section 1503(d) (dual                      A description, including the adjusted 
for property transferred. See                        consolidated loss), attach a statement                    tax basis and fair market value, of all 
Regulations sections 1.6038B-1(d)(1)                 identifying the transfer and the amount                   property distributed by the distributing 
(iv) and 1.367(d)-1(c)(3)(ii). The                   of recapture. See section 1503(d) and                     corporation (regardless of whether the 
explanation should include how the                   the regulations thereunder.                               distribution of the property qualifies for 
                                                                                                               nonrecognition treatment).
deemed payment rate was calculated                   Line 19d.         If exchange gain recognition            An identification of the items of 
for each period of the useful life of the            was required with respect to any                          property for which nonrecognition 
intangible property and the 20-year                  transfer reported in Part III under section               treatment is claimed under Regulations 
inclusion period.                                    987, attach a statement identifying the                   section 1.367(e)-2(b)(2)(ii) or (iii), as 
Line 15d. If the answer to the question              transfer and the amount of exchange                       applicable.
on line 15c is “Yes,” explain how the 

Paperwork Reduction Act Notice.            We ask for the information on this form to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of the 
United States. You are required to give us the information. We need it to ensure that you are complying with these laws and to 
allow us to figure and collect the right amount of tax.
You are not required to provide the information requested on a form that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless 
the form displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records relating to a form or its instructions must be retained as long 
as their contents may become material in the administration of any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax returns and return 
information are confidential, as required by section 6103.
The time needed to complete and file this form will vary depending on individual circumstances. The estimated burden for 
individual and business taxpayers filing this form is approved under OMB control numbers 1545-0074 and 1545-0123. The 
estimated burden for all other taxpayers who file this form is shown below.
Recordkeeping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                            7 hr., 48 min.
Learning about the law or the form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                     2 hr., 19 min.
Preparing and sending the form to the IRS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                          4 hr., 57 min.

If you have comments concerning the accuracy of these time estimates or suggestions for making this form simpler, we 
would be happy to hear from you. See the instructions for the tax return with which this form is filed.

Instructions for Form 926 (Rev. 12-2017)                                         -7-

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