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Instructions for Form 8991

(Rev. December 2024)
Tax on Base Erosion Payments of Taxpayers With Substantial Gross Receipts

Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless           Information Return of a 25% Foreign-Owned U.S. Corporation or 
otherwise noted.                                                     a Foreign Corporation Engaged in a U.S. Trade or Business, and 
                                                                     its instructions for further details.
Future Developments                                                  Expenditures charged to capital account.    Any expenditure 
                                                                     made by a taxpayer to a foreign related party that is charged to 
For the latest information about developments related to Form        capital account and amortized or deducted, including under 
8991, its schedules, and its instructions, such as legislation       section 174, is a base erosion payment.
enacted or guidance published after the form and instructions 
were issued, go to IRS.gov/Form8991.
                                                                     General Instructions
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (P.L. 115-97) added new            Purpose of Form
section 59A (Tax on Base Erosion Payments of Taxpayers with          Use Form 8991 to determine a taxpayer’s base erosion minimum 
Substantial Gross Receipts), which applies to large corporations     tax amount for the year.
that have the ability to reduce U.S. tax liabilities by making 
deductible payments to foreign related parties. The Base               Use Schedule A to determine the amount of base erosion 
Erosion and Anti-Abuse Tax (BEAT) of section 59A is generally        payments and base erosion tax benefits for purposes of:
levied on certain large corporations whose aggregate group           Determining the taxpayer’s base erosion percentage, and
satisfies the "base erosion test" under Regulations section          Determining the applicable taxpayer’s modified taxable 
1.59A-2(e), generally by having deductions with respect to           income.
amounts paid or accrued to foreign related parties that are 3% or 
higher of their total deductions (2% if any member of the              Use Schedule B to report the amount of deductions being 
aggregate group is a member of an affiliated group that includes     waived for the tax year.
a bank or registered security dealer). Large corporations are          Use Schedule C to determine the credits that reduce regular 
those whose aggregate group satisfies the "gross receipts test"      tax liability in computing the base erosion minimum tax amount.
of Regulations section 1.59A-2(d), generally by having gross 
receipts of $500 million or more. The BEAT operates as a             Definitions
minimum tax, so a taxpayer is only subject to additional tax 
under the BEAT if the BEAT tax rate multiplied by the taxpayer's     Applicable taxpayer.    An applicable taxpayer is, with respect to 
modified taxable income exceeds the taxpayer's regular tax           any tax year, a taxpayer which meets all of the following criteria.
liability adjusted for certain credits.                              The taxpayer is a corporation other than a regulated 
                                                                     investment company (RIC), a real estate investment trust (REIT), 
On December 6, 2019, the Treasury Department and the IRS             or an S corporation.
published final regulations (the “final regulations”) under sections The taxpayer's aggregate group (or if the taxpayer does not 
59A, 383, 1502, and 6038A, and proposed regulations which            have an aggregate group, the taxpayer) satisfies the gross 
propose other regulations under sections 59A and 6031 (the           receipts test, generally by having average annual gross receipts 
“2019 proposed regulations”).                                        for the 3-tax-year period ending with the preceding tax year that 
On October 9, 2020, the Treasury Department and the IRS              are at least $500 million.
published final regulations (the “2020 final regulations”) providing The taxpayer's aggregate group (or if the taxpayer does not 
additional guidance under sections 59A, 1502, and 6031.              have an aggregate group, the taxpayer) satisfies the base 
                                                                     erosion test, generally by having a base erosion percentage for 
What’s New                                                           the tax year of 3% or higher; 2% or higher for a taxpayer who is a 
                                                                     member of an affiliated group that includes a bank (as defined in 
Schedule A, line 2. A new line 2 has been added to include           section 581) or a registered securities dealer as defined in 
payments related to cost sharing transactions payments as            Regulations section 1.59A-1(b)(15).
defined in Regulations section 1.482-7(b)(1)(i). See line 2 under 
Schedule A—Base Erosion Payments and Base Erosion Tax                  See Regulations section 1.59A-2 for more information on how 
Benefits, for more information.                                      to determine whether a taxpayer is an applicable taxpayer.
                                                                     Base erosion minimum tax amount.       The base erosion 
Reminders                                                            minimum tax amount for the tax year is the excess of 10% (5% in 
Corrected Form 8991. If you file a Form 8991 that you later          the case of a tax year beginning in 2018) of the modified taxable 
determine is incomplete or incorrect, file a corrected Form 8991     income of the applicable taxpayer for the tax year over the 
with an amended tax return, using the amended return                 applicable taxpayer’s regular tax liability under section 26(b), 
instructions for the return with which you originally filed Form     reduced (but not below zero) by the excess, if any, of:
8991. Write “Corrected” at the top of the form and attach a            1. The credits allowed under chapter 1 of subtitle A of the 
statement identifying the changes.                                   Code (“chapter 1”) against the applicable taxpayer’s regular tax 
                                                                     liability over
Reporting requirements and penalties.    P.L. 115-97 also 
expanded the information reporting requirements under section          2. The sum of:
6038A and increased the amount of the penalty for failure to           a. The credit allowed under section 38 which is properly 
furnish information or maintain records under section 6038A(d)       allocable to the research credit determined under section 41(a), 
(1) and (2) from $10,000 to $25,000. See Form 5472,                  plus
                                        Instructions for Form 8991 (Rev. 12-2024)  Catalog Number 71330Z
Oct 2, 2024                             Department of the Treasury  Internal Revenue Service  www.irs.gov

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  b. The portion of the applicable section 38 credits not in         day of the tax year and any additional times required by the 
excess of 80% of the lesser of the amount of the applicable          taxpayer’s method of accounting, (b) treats the recognized gain 
section 38 credits or the base erosion minimum tax amount            or loss as ordinary, and (c) treats the character of all payments 
determined without taking the applicable section 38 credits into     made with respect to the derivative as ordinary. A payment is not 
account, plus                                                        a qualified derivative payment if the payment is properly 
  c. Any credits allowed under sections 33, 37, and 53.              allocable to a non-derivative component of a contract or if the 
                                                                     payment would be treated as a base erosion payment if it were 
  If the applicable taxpayer is a member of an affiliated group      not made pursuant to a derivative, such as an interest, royalty, or 
under section 1504(a)(1) that includes a bank (as defined in         services payment.
section 581) or a registered securities dealer (as defined in        Effectively connected income and income taken into account 
Regulations section 1.59A-1(b)(15)), the tax rate in effect for the  in U.S. taxable income under an income tax treaty.
tax year for the base erosion minimum tax amount is increased          1. Amounts paid or accrued that are subject to U.S. federal 
by an additional 1%.                                                 income taxation as income that is effectively connected to a U.S. 
  See Regulations section 1.59A-5 for more information on how        trade or business if the taxpayer receives a withholding 
to compute the base erosion minimum tax amount.                      certificate with respect to the income.
Base erosion payment.   A base erosion payment is any                  2. If the foreign related party determines its taxable income 
amount paid or accrued by a taxpayer to a foreign person (as         applying the business profits provisions of an income tax treaty, 
defined in Regulations section 1.59A-1(b)(10)) that is a related     amounts paid or accrued to the foreign related party that are 
party (as defined in Regulations section 1.59A-1(b)(12)) with        taken into account in determining its taxable income.
respect to which a deduction is allowable under chapter 1.           Exchange loss from section 988 transactions.
  The amount paid or accrued, and the identity of the payor and      Certain deductions for amounts paid or accrued with respect 
recipient of the amount paid or accrued, is determined under         to certain total loss absorbing capacity (TLAC) securities and 
general tax principles.                                              certain foreign TLAC securities.
                                                                     Amounts transferred in connection with certain specified 
  An amount paid or accrued includes an amount paid or               nonrecognition transactions. See Regulations section 1.59A-3(b)
accrued using any form of consideration, such as cash, property,     (3)(viii) for more information.
stock, a partnership interest, or the assumption of a liability.     Amounts paid by the taxpayer to a regulated foreign insurance 
  Base erosion payments are generally determined on a gross          company under a reinsurance contract for reinsurance losses 
basis, unless the Code or regulations expressly permit netting of    incurred or claims payments that are ultimately paid by the 
amounts in determining payments.                                     foreign insurance company to an unrelated party.
  For purposes of determining whether a taxpayer has made a            See Regulations section 1.59A-3(b)(3)(i)–(ix) for further 
base erosion payment, the taxpayer must treat a payment to or        information on whether a payment or accrual is not a base 
from a partnership as made to or from each partner. See              erosion payment.
Regulations section 1.59A-7 for more information on how the 
BEAT applies to partners.                                            Related party. A related party is:
                                                                     Any 25% owner of the taxpayer (as defined in Regulations 
  Base erosion payments also include the following.                  section 1.59A-1(b)(17)(ii)),
Amounts paid or accrued by a taxpayer to a foreign related         Any person who is related (within the meaning of section 
party in connection with the acquisition of depreciable or           267(b) or 707(b)(1)) to the taxpayer or any 25% owner of the 
amortizable property.                                                taxpayer, or
Premiums or other consideration paid or accrued by a               A controlled taxpayer within the meaning of section 1.482-1(i)
taxpayer to a foreign related party for reinsurance payments         (5) together with, or with respect to, the taxpayer.
which are taken into account under section 803(a)(1)(B) or 
section 832(b)(4)(A).                                                  Section 318, with certain modifications, applies in 
Any amount paid or accrued by a taxpayer to a related party        determining whether a person is a related party. See Regulations 
that is a surrogate foreign corporation (if that corporation first   section 1.59A-1(b)(17)(iii) for additional rules relating to the 
became a surrogate foreign corporation after November 9,             modification of section 318 for use in determining a person’s 
2017), or a foreign person which is a member of the same             relatedness.
expanded affiliated group as the surrogate foreign corporation       Base erosion tax benefit.      Generally, a base erosion tax 
(collectively, “expatriated entities”), which results in a reduction benefit is any deduction that is allowed under chapter 1 for the 
to gross receipts. See section 59A(d)(4) for more information.       tax year for any base erosion payment. Base erosion tax benefits 
  See Regulations section 1.59A-3 for more information on the        also include any deductions allowed for the tax year for 
definition of a base erosion payment.                                depreciation or amortization with respect to the property 
                                                                     acquired with a base erosion payment (that are paid or accrued 
  Base erosion payments do not include the following types of        in tax years beginning after 2017). Base erosion tax benefits also 
payments made to a foreign person that is a related party.           include certain reductions in the gross amount of premiums and 
Amounts resulting in a reduction to determine gross income,        other consideration on insurance and annuity contracts, or any 
such as cost of goods sold.                                          deduction from the amount of gross premiums written on 
Amounts paid or accrued for services if such services are          insurance contracts during the tax year for premiums paid for 
services that meet the requirements for eligibility for use of the   reinsurance, and payments to certain expatriated entities (as 
services cost method under section 482 (determined without           defined under Base erosion payment, earlier) that cause a 
regard to the requirement that the services not contribute           reduction in gross receipts in computing gross income of the 
significantly to the fundamental risks of business success or        taxpayer for the tax year.
failure), but only to the extent of the total services cost of those 
services. The mark-up component paid or accrued to a foreign           See the instructions for Schedule A, later, for special rules 
related party is a base erosion payment.                             applicable in determining the amount of the base erosion tax 
Qualified derivative payments. A qualified derivative payment      benefit when taxes have been imposed by section 871 or 881 
is a payment made by a taxpayer pursuant to a derivative with        and withheld under section 1441 or 1442 on a base erosion 
respect to which the taxpayer (a) recognizes gain or loss as if the  payment; or when the taxpayer has made an interest payment 
derivative were sold for its fair market value on the last business 

2                                                                                     Instructions for Form 8991 (Rev. 12-2024)

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that gives rise to a base erosion tax benefit and section 163(j)   the United States or income taken into account in determining 
applies for the tax year.                                          net taxable income using an income tax treaty.
Base erosion percentage.     The base erosion percentage of the      An aggregate group is determined for each taxpayer. A 
taxpayer's aggregate group (or if the taxpayer does not have an    taxpayer that is a member of an aggregate group determines its 
aggregate group, the taxpayer) is determined by dividing:          gross receipts and base erosion percentage on the basis of its 
                                                                   aggregate group by taking into account the gross receipts, base 
  1. The aggregate amount of base erosion tax benefits for the 
                                                                   erosion payments, base erosion tax benefits, and deductions of 
tax year (numerator) by
                                                                   the members of the aggregate group for the tax years that end 
  2. The aggregate amount allowed deductions and base              with or within the taxpayer's tax year.
erosion tax benefits (denominator). The denominator excludes 
                                                                     See Regulations section 1.59A-2(c) for further information on 
the following deductions.
                                                                   how to apply the aggregation rules.
  a. Any deduction allowed under sections 172, 245A, or 250.
  b. Any deduction for amounts paid or accrued for services to     Who Must File
which the exception under Regulations section 1.59A-3(b)(3)(i)     Any corporation, other than a RIC, a REIT, or an S corporation, 
for the section 482 services cost method applies.                  that has (or is a member of an aggregate group that has) annual 
  c. Any deduction for qualified derivative payments which are     gross receipts of at least $500 million in 1 or more of the 3 
not treated as base erosion payments as a result of Regulations    preceding tax years ending with the preceding tax year must file 
section 1.59A-3(b)(3)(ii).                                         Form 8991.
  d. Exchange loss from section 988 transactions that is not a       See Form 8991, Part I, lines 1a through 1g, and Specific 
base erosion payment as a result of the exception under            Instructions, later, to determine whether the corporation has 
Regulations section 1.59A-3(b)(3)(iv).                             gross receipts of at least $500 million in 1 or more of the 3 
  e. Any deduction for amounts paid or accrued to foreign          preceding tax years.
related parties with respect to TLAC securities and foreign TLAC     See also questions/items and related instructions in the 
securities that are not treated as base erosion payments as a      following forms.
result of Regulations section 1.59A-3(b)(3)(v).                      Question 22, Schedule K, Form 1120.
  f.   Any reinsurance losses incurred or claims payments that     Item DD, Form 1120-F.
are not treated as base erosion payments as a result of the        Question 14, Schedule M, Form 1120-L.
exception under Regulations section 1.59A-3(b)(3)(ix).             Question 15, Schedule I, Form 1120-PC.
  g. Any deduction not allowed in determining taxable income.      Question 16, Schedule K, Form 1120-C.

  See Regulations section 1.59A-2(e)(3) for further information    When To File
on how to compute the base erosion percentage.                     Attach Form 8991 to your income tax return (or, if applicable, 
Modified taxable income.   Modified taxable income is the          exempt organization business income tax return) and file by the 
applicable taxpayer’s taxable income plus any base erosion tax     due date (including extensions) for that return.
benefit with respect to any base erosion payment and the base 
erosion percentage of any net operating loss deduction allowed 
under section 172 for the tax year.                                Specific Instructions
  See Regulations section 1.59A-4(b) for further information on    Note. Complete every applicable entry space on Form 8991. Do 
the computation of modified taxable income.                        not enter “See Attached” or “Available Upon Request” instead of 
Applicable section 38 credits.  Applicable section 38 credits      completing the entry spaces. If more space is needed on the 
are the credits allowed under section 38 for the tax year that are forms or schedules, attach separate sheets using the same size 
properly allocable to:                                             and format as the printed forms.
The low-income housing credit determined under section             If there are supporting statements and attachments, arrange 
42(a);                                                             them in the same order as the schedules or forms they support 
The renewable electricity production credit determined under     and attach them last. Show the totals on the printed forms. Enter 
section 45(a); and                                                 the filer’s name and employer identification number (EIN) on 
The investment credit determined under section 46, but only      each supporting statement or attachment.
to the extent properly allocable to the energy credit determined 
under section 48.                                                  Part I—Applicable Taxpayer 
  See also the instructions for Schedule C, later.                 Determination
Aggregation rules. When applying the gross receipts test and 
base erosion percentage test, a taxpayer that is a member of an    Average Annual Gross Receipts for the 
aggregate group determines its gross receipts and base erosion     3-Tax-Year Period Ending With the Preceding 
percentage as if it were one person, on the basis of its aggregate Tax Year
group. A taxpayer is a member of an aggregate group if it 
belongs to a controlled group of corporations. The term            A taxpayer that falls within the definition of Who Must File, 
“controlled group of corporations” has the meaning given by        earlier, and is filing Form 8991 should complete lines 1a through 
section 1563(a) except that:                                       1g to determine their average annual gross receipts for the 
                                                                   3-tax-year period ending with the preceding tax year.
  1. “More than 50%” is substituted for “at least 80%” each 
place it appears in section 1563(a), and                             For purposes of determining average annual gross receipts, a 
  2. The determination of the controlled group of corporations     foreign corporation's gross receipts are included only when such 
is made without regard to sections 1563(a)(4) and (e)(3)(C).       gross receipts are taken into account when determining the 
                                                                   foreign corporation's income effectively connected with a U.S. 
  Foreign corporations are excluded from an aggregate group        trade or business (“ECI”). If the foreign corporation is subject to 
except to the extent the foreign corporation has income            tax on a net basis pursuant to a U.S. income tax treaty, only 
effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business in   gross receipts that are attributable to transactions taken into 
Instructions for Form 8991 (Rev. 12-2024)                                                                                              3

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account in determining the foreign corporation's net taxable         Any reduction under section 803(a)(1)(B) in the gross amount 
income are included in the gross receipts determination.             of premiums and other consideration on insurance and annuity 
                                                                     contracts for premiums and other consideration arising out of 
Line 1a. Enter in column (a) your gross receipts for the first 
                                                                     indemnity insurance, and
preceding tax year. Enter in column (b) your gross receipts for 
the second preceding tax year. Enter in column (c) your gross        Any deduction under section 832(b)(4)(A) from the amount of 
                                                                     gross premiums written on insurance contracts during the tax 
receipts for the third preceding tax year.
                                                                     year for premiums paid for reinsurance.
  Only include the gross receipts of the filer on line 1a. Do not 
include on this line the gross receipts of all other persons treated Line 2d. Enter the aggregate amount paid or accrued with 
as one person under the aggregation rules of Regulations             respect to expatriated entities that results in a reduction of the 
section 1.59A-2(c) which should be reported on line 1c. See the      gross receipts of the taxpayer.
instructions for line 1c, later.                                     Line 2f. Enter the amount from Schedule A, line 5b.
Line 1b. Enter in column (a) gross receipts from partnerships        Line 2g. Enter the amount from Schedule A, line 9b.
for the first preceding tax year. Enter in column (b) gross receipts 
from partnerships for the second preceding tax year. Enter in        Line 2h. Enter the aggregate amount of deductions allowed 
column (c) gross receipts from partnerships for the third            under sections 172, 245A, and 250.
preceding tax year.                                                  Line 2i. If an election is made to waive deductions in 
  A filer must report total ECI gross receipts from Schedule K-3     accordance with Regulations section 1.59A-3(c)(6)(i), check the 
(Form 1065), Part IX, Section 1, lines 2–4, column (b), received     “Yes” box on line 2i; complete Schedule B, Waiver of Deductions; 
from partnerships in which the taxpayer holds partnership            and enter the amount from line 15 of Schedule B. If the taxpayer 
interests.                                                           is a member of an aggregate group, and another member of the 
                                                                     aggregate group has also made the election to waive deductions 
Line 1c. Enter in column (a) gross receipts of all other persons     as described above, also include the amount of the member's 
treated as one person under the aggregation rules of                 waived deductions in line 2i. See Schedule B, later.
Regulations section 1.59A-2(c) (the “aggregate gross receipts”) 
for the first preceding tax year. Enter in column (b) the aggregate  Line 2j. Enter the aggregate amount of deductions for exchange 
gross receipts for the second preceding tax year. Enter in           losses from section 988 transactions described in Regulations 
column (c) the aggregate gross receipts for the third preceding      section 1.59A-2(e)(3)(ii)(D).
tax year. Do not include on line 1c gross receipts that have         Line 2k. Enter the aggregate amount of deductions for TLAC 
already been included on line 1a.                                    securities and foreign TLAC securities described in Regulations 
Line 1f. If the taxpayer was not in existence for the entire 3-year  section 1.59A-2(e)(3)(ii)(E).
period referenced in columns (a), (b), and (c), the taxpayer must    Line 2l. Enter the aggregate amount of reinsurance losses 
determine a gross receipts average for the period that it was in     incurred and claims payments described in Regulations section 
existence (which includes the current year's gross receipts). See    1.59A-2(e)(3)(ii)(F).
Regulations section 1.59A-2(d)(2) for further information.
                                                                     Line 2p. If you check “No” for line 2p, you are not subject to the 
Line 1g. If you check “No” on line 1g, you are not subject to the    tax on base erosion payments of taxpayers with substantial 
section 59A tax on base erosion payments of taxpayers with           gross receipts. Skip Parts II–IV. Complete Part V and 
substantial gross receipts. Do not complete the remaining lines.     Schedule A. Complete Schedule B if necessary. Do not 
Attach Form 8991 to your tax return.                                 complete Schedule C. Attach Form 8991 and the completed 
  If you check “Yes” on line 1g, continue to line 2a.                Schedule A (and, if applicable, Schedule B) to your tax return.
                                                                       If you check “Yes” for line 2p, continue to Part II.
Base Erosion Percentage for the Tax Year
Complete lines 2a through 2o to determine your base erosion          Part II—Modified Taxable Income
percentage for the tax year. See the definition of aggregation       See Regulations section 1.59A-4 for further details on how to 
rules, earlier, for information on how to determine the base         determine modified taxable income.
erosion percentage for an aggregate group. If the taxpayer is not 
a member of an aggregate group, the taxpayer should enter its        Line 3a. Enter the amount of taxable income after any net 
own amounts in lines 2a through 2o.                                  operating loss. The amount here does not include special 
  A taxpayer is subject to the 2% base erosion percentage              If the current year reports a loss, without any net operating 
threshold if it or any member of its aggregate group is a member     loss carryovers, the amount entered here may be less than zero.
of an affiliated group (as defined in section 1504(a)(1)) that         If the current year reports taxable income and there is a net 
includes a bank (as defined in section 581) or a registered          operating loss carryover that would reduce taxable income 
securities dealer (as defined in Regulations section 1.59A-1(b)      below zero, enter “-0-.” Do not enter an amount less than zero.
                                                                     Line 3b. Enter the amount of base erosion tax benefits for the 
Line 2a. Enter the amount of base erosion tax benefits from          tax year with respect to base erosion payments from 
Schedule A, line 15, column (a-2).                                   Schedule A, line 15, column (b-2).
Line 2b. Enter the aggregate amount of deductions allowed            Line 3c. Enter the amount of net operating loss deduction to be 
under chapter 1 (sections 1 through 1400) for the tax year. The      added back to taxable income for purposes of determining 
amount entered should be the aggregate deductions allowed to         modified taxable income. To calculate this amount, first 
all persons that are treated as one person under the aggregation     determine the amount of net operating loss deduction allowed 
rules. Do not include amounts reported on line 2c (reinsurance       under section 172 that does not exceed taxable income before 
payments) or amounts reported on line 2d (payments to                taking into account the net operating loss deduction for all 
expatriated entities).                                               applicable tax years. Second, multiply this net operating loss 
Line 2c. For reinsurance payments paid or accrued that are           deduction by the base erosion percentage for the tax year in 
base erosion payments described in Regulations section               which the net operating loss arose. If the net operating loss 
1.59A-3(b)(1)(iii), enter the aggregate amount of:                   deduction is attributable to net operating losses that arose in 

4                                                                                         Instructions for Form 8991 (Rev. 12-2024)

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more than 1 tax year, multiply the net operating loss attributable 
to each tax year by the base erosion percentage for that tax year     Schedule A—Base Erosion Payments 
and determine the total amount by adding the result from each         and Base Erosion Tax Benefits
tax year. For any tax year beginning before 2018, the base            Schedule A is required to be attached if a corporation has 
erosion percentage is zero.                                           average annual gross receipts of $500 million or more for the 
Line 3d. Combine the amounts on lines 3a through 3c.                  3-tax-year period ending with the preceding tax year. This 
                                                                      schedule requires a taxpayer to report all amounts that are base 
Part III—Regular Tax Liability                                        erosion payments as defined in Regulations section 1.59A-3(b) 
                                                                      and base erosion tax benefits as defined in Regulations section 
Adjusted for Purposes of Computing                                    1.59A-3(c). This schedule also requires a taxpayer to report any 
Base Erosion Minimum Tax Amount                                       amounts that qualify for certain exceptions applicable to 
                                                                      amounts that are not treated as base erosion payments.
Line 4a. Enter the amount of regular tax liability (as defined in 
section 26(b)) of the applicable taxpayer for the tax year.           For lines 2 through 11, complete columns (a-1), (a-2), (b-1), 
Consolidated groups.     Affiliated groups of corporations filing     and (b-2) for each type of payment made by the taxpayer (or, 
consolidated returns, please review any additional information at     where applicable, member of the taxpayer's aggregate group) to 
IRS.gov/Form8991.                                                     a foreign related party of the taxpayer during the tax year. For 
                                                                      each type of payment reported on lines 2 through 11 of column 
Line 4c. Subtract line 4b from 4a. If zero or less, enter “-0-.”      (a-1), check all applicable boxes in columns (c), (d), and (e) to 
                                                                      indicate the type of related party who received the base erosion 
Part IV—Computation of Base                                           payment from the taxpayer.
Erosion Minimum Tax Amount                                            Consolidated groups. Affiliated groups of corporations filing 
Line 5b. Enter the applicable tax rate for the tax year. For tax      consolidated returns, please review any additional information at 
years beginning during 2018, the applicable rate is 5%. For tax       IRS.gov/Form8991.
years beginning and ending during 2019 through 2025, the              Columns (a-1) and (a-2).  Columns (a-1) and (a-2) are used to 
applicable rate is 10%. For any tax year that includes January 1,     determine the base erosion percentage, as defined in 
2026, the applicable rate is 12.5%.                                   Regulations section 1.59A-2(e). Enter in columns (a-1) and (a-2) 
The rates above are increased by 1% if the applicable                 the amount of aggregate base erosion payments and aggregate 
taxpayer is a member of an affiliated group (as defined in section    base erosion tax benefits, respectively, that correspond to each 
1504(a)(1)) that includes either a bank (as defined in section        type of base erosion payment specified on lines 2 through 11. 
581), or a registered securities dealer (as defined in Regulations    The aggregate base erosion payment entered in these lines 
section 1.59A-1(b)(15)).                                              should include only those base erosion payments paid or 
                                                                      accrued in the current year. The aggregate base erosion tax 
Line 5e. Subtract line 5d from line 5c. If zero or less, enter “-0-.” benefit entered in these lines should only include those base 
This is your base erosion minimum tax amount. Enter this              erosion tax benefits allowed in the current year, which may relate 
amount on your applicable tax return. For example, for an             to a base erosion payment paid or accrued in the current year or 
applicable taxpayer filing Form 1120, enter this amount on            a prior year. The aggregate base erosion tax benefits in column 
Schedule J, line 1f.                                                  (a-2), lines 2 through 11, should be the amounts determined 
                                                                      before applying the exception in Regulations section 1.59A-3(c)
Part V—Additional Questions                                           (3) (base erosion tax benefits disregarded if tax withheld on base 
Line 6. If the taxpayer is electing to use financial statements per   erosion payment).
Regulations section 1.59A-3(b)(4)(i)(D) for purposes of               Aggregate base erosion payments include the base erosion 
calculating interest expense allocable to a foreign corporation's     payments of all persons treated as one person pursuant to the 
effectively connected income, check “Yes”; otherwise, check           aggregation rules (see the definition of aggregation rules, 
“No.”                                                                 earlier). Similarly, aggregate base erosion tax benefits include 
Line 7. Indicate if in the current year, the taxpayer capitalized to  the base erosion tax benefits of all persons treated as one 
inventory, or included in cost of goods sold (COGS), any cost         person pursuant to the aggregation rules.
incurred for any payment to a related foreign party that the          However, if the taxpayer is not a member of an aggregate 
taxpayer treated as a deduction in any prior tax year starting on     group, the taxpayer will enter in columns (a-1) and (a-2) the 
or after January 1, 2018. If the answer is yes, check “Yes” and       amount of its own base erosion payments and base erosion tax 
complete line 8.                                                      benefits, respectively, that correspond to each type of base 
                                                                      erosion payment specified on lines 2 through 11, determined 
Line 8, column (i).  Indicate the amount capitalized or included      before applying the exception in Regulations section 1.59A-3(c)
in COGS for the current year.                                         (3).
Line 8, column (ii). Indicate a detailed description of the           Columns (b-1) and (b-2).  Columns (b-1) and (b-2) are used to 
item(s) capitalized or included in COGS such as sales-based           determine modified taxable income, as described in Regulations 
royalties, production-based royalties, trademarks, tradenames,        section 1.59A-4, of the applicable taxpayer. Enter in columns 
section 482 adjustments, transportation costs, etc.                   (b-1) and (b-2) the amount of base erosion payments and base 
Line 8, column (iii). Indicate the line item(s) where the             erosion tax benefits, respectively, that correspond to the type of 
deduction was claimed on a prior year return, for example,            base erosion payments specified in lines 2 through 11. Enter in 
line 26, 27, or other line(s) on Form 1120-F, Form 1120, etc.         these columns the applicable taxpayer’s own base erosion 
                                                                      payments and base erosion tax benefits, without applying the 
Line 8, column (iv).  If an accounting method change was filed        aggregation rules. The base erosion tax benefit in column (b-2), 
on Form 3115 regarding items in column (i), indicate the tax year     lines 2 through 11, should be an amount determined before 
in which the filing(s) was made. If no Form 3115 was filed,           applying the exception in Regulations section 1.59A-3(c)(3) (tax 
indicate in an attachment the reason(s) why. Attach additional        benefits disregarded if tax withheld on base erosion payment).
sheets, if necessary, to report multiple row items starting with d, 
e, etc.                                                               Line 1. This line is reserved and should not be used at this time.

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Line 2. Enter the amount paid or accrued as cost sharing              Line 7, columns (a-2) and (b-2). Enter the amount of 
transaction payments to a foreign related party as defined in         deductions allowed under chapter 1 for the tax year for amounts 
Regulations section 1.482-7(b)(1)(i) for the tax year. Do not         paid or accrued to a foreign related party for the purchase of 
report any negative amounts here for base erosion payments.           tangible personal property.
Line 3, columns (a-1) and (b-1). Enter the amount paid or             Line 8, columns (a-1) and (b-1). Enter the amount of any 
accrued to a foreign related party in connection with the             premiums or other consideration paid or accrued to a foreign 
acquisition or creation of intangible property rights (patents,       related party for insurance and reinsurance that are taken into 
copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, etc.) that is subject to the   account under section 803(a)(1)(B) (relating to return premiums 
allowance for depreciation (or amortization in lieu of                and premiums or other consideration arising out of indemnity 
depreciation).                                                        reinsurance that reduces life insurance gross income) or section 
                                                                      832(b)(4)(A) (relating to amounts deducted from gross premiums 
Line 3, columns (a-2) and (b-2). Enter the amount of 
                                                                      written on insurance contracts for return premiums and 
deductions allowed under chapter 1 for the tax year for 
                                                                      premiums paid for reinsurance). See Regulations section 
depreciation (or amortization in lieu of depreciation) with respect 
to intangible property rights acquired in the current or prior years 
from a foreign related party.                                         Line 8, columns (a-2) and (b-2). Enter the amount of any 
                                                                      reduction under section 803(a)(1)(B) in gross premiums and 
Line 4, columns (a-1) and (b-1). Enter the amount paid or 
                                                                      other consideration on insurance and annuity contracts for 
accrued to a foreign related party for the use or right to use 
                                                                      premiums and other consideration arising out of indemnity 
tangible or intangible property resulting in rents, royalties, and/or 
                                                                      insurance paid to a foreign related party, and the amount of any 
license fees.
                                                                      deduction under section 832(b)(4)(A) from the amount of gross 
Line 4, columns (a-2) and (b-2). Enter the amount of                  premiums written on insurance contracts during the tax year for 
deductions allowed under chapter 1 for the tax year for amounts       premiums paid to a foreign related party for reinsurance.
paid or accrued to a foreign related party for the use or right to 
                                                                      Line 9a, columns (a-1) and (b-1). Enter the amount paid or 
use tangible or intangible property that results in rents, royalties, 
                                                                      accrued to a foreign related party with respect to any derivative 
and/or license fees.
                                                                      contract that is not a qualified derivative payment as defined in 
Line 5a, columns (a-1) and (b-1). Enter the amount paid or            Regulations section 1.59A-6. Do not include any amount paid 
accrued to a foreign related party as compensation or                 that is a qualified derivative payment.
consideration for services, but excluding any amount that falls 
                                                                      Line 9a, columns (a-2) and (b-2). Enter the amount of 
within the exception in Regulations section 1.59A-3(b)(3)(i). 
                                                                      deductions allowed under chapter 1 for the tax year for amounts 
Enter amounts paid or accrued in excess of the total services 
                                                                      paid or accrued to a foreign related party with respect to any 
cost of the services eligible for the services cost method 
                                                                      payment that is not a qualified derivative payment. Do not 
exception (or the mark-up component). Also, enter amounts paid 
                                                                      include any deductions allowed under chapter 1 for the tax year 
or accrued for services ineligible for the services cost method 
                                                                      if the deductible amount is a qualified derivative payment.
                                                                      Line 9b. Enter the amount paid to a foreign related party that is 
Line 5a, columns (a-2) and (b-2). Enter the amount of 
                                                                      a qualified derivative payment excepted by Regulations section 
deductions allowed under chapter 1 for the tax year for amounts 
                                                                      1.59A-6(b). Determine the amount of the qualified derivative 
paid or accrued to a foreign related party as compensation or 
                                                                      payments after applying the aggregation rules. Generally, a 
consideration for services, but excluding any deduction for 
                                                                      qualified derivative payment is any payment made by the 
amounts paid or accrued that fall within the exception in 
                                                                      taxpayer pursuant to a derivative contract provided that the 
Regulations section 1.59A-3(b)(3)(i). Enter amounts of 
                                                                      taxpayer recognizes gain or loss on the derivative contract as if it 
deductions allowed under chapter 1 for the tax year for amounts 
                                                                      were sold for its fair market value on the last business day of the 
paid or accrued in excess of the total services cost of the 
                                                                      tax year; treats the gain or loss as ordinary; and treats the 
services eligible for the services cost method exception (or the 
                                                                      character of all other items of income, deduction, gain, or loss 
mark-up component). Also, enter amounts of deductions for 
                                                                      with respect to a payment pursuant to the derivative as ordinary. 
services ineligible for the services cost method exception.
                                                                      A payment is not a qualified derivative payment if the payment 
Line 5b. Enter the amount paid or accrued to a foreign related        would be treated as a base erosion payment if it were not made 
party as compensation or consideration for services that are          pursuant to a derivative (such as interest, royalty, or services 
defined under the exception in Regulations section 1.59A-3(b)(3)      income). With respect to a contract with both derivative and 
(i). Determine the amount of compensation or consideration            non-derivative components, a payment is not a qualified 
eligible for this exception after applying the aggregation rules.     derivative payment if it is properly allocable to the non-derivative 
Line 6, columns (a-1) and (b-1). Enter the amount of all              component.
interest paid or accrued to a foreign related party with respect to   A taxpayer meets the reporting requirement of Regulations 
which a deduction is allowable in the tax year.                       sections 1.59A-6(b)(2) and 1.6038A-2(b)(7)(ix) by entering the 
                                                                      amount on line 9b. Pursuant to Notice 2024-43, for tax years 
Line 6, columns (a-2) and (b-2). Enter the amount of                  beginning on or after January 1, 2027, a taxpayer will also need 
deductible interest expense allowed under chapter 1 for the tax       to provide a representation that all payments satisfy the 
year with respect to amounts paid or accrued to a foreign related     requirements of Regulations section 1.59A-6(b)(2) and meet the 
party. For purposes of completing line 6, columns (a-2) and           reporting requirement of Regulations sections 1.59A-6(b)(2) and 
(b-2), any reduction in the amount of interest for which a            1.6038A-2(b)(7)(ix).
deduction is allowed for the tax year under section 163(j) is 
treated as allocable first to interest paid or accrued to persons     Line 10, columns (a-1) and (b-1). Enter the amount paid or 
who are not related parties with respect to the taxpayer and then     accrued to certain expatriated entities that results in a reduction 
to such related parties.                                              of the gross receipts of the taxpayer. This amount includes 
                                                                      payments to a surrogate foreign corporation that is a related 
Line 7, columns (a-1) and (b-1). Enter the amount paid or             party, but only if the entity first became a surrogate foreign 
accrued to a foreign related party for the purchase of tangible       corporation after November 9, 2017. The amount also includes 
personal property.                                                    payments to a foreign person that is a member of the same 

6                                                                                        Instructions for Form 8991 (Rev. 12-2024)

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expanded affiliated group, as defined in section 7874(c)(1), as     and column (b-2) amounts on line 14, as necessary. Keep a copy 
the surrogate foreign corporation. A surrogate foreign              of the completed worksheet for your records.
corporation is defined in section 7874(a)(2)(B), but does not 
                                                                    Line 15. Subtract the sum of line 13 and line 14 from line 12, 
include a foreign corporation that is treated as a domestic 
                                                                    and enter the amount on line 15. Line 15, column (a-2), is the 
corporation under section 7874(b).
                                                                    total amount of aggregate base erosion tax benefits for the tax 
Line 10, columns (a-2) and (b-2). Enter the amount of the           year that is used for purposes of determining the taxpayer's base 
reduction to gross receipts with respect to payments to             erosion percentage. Line 15, column (b-2), is the total amount of 
expatriated entities that were used to compute gross income for     base erosion tax benefits for the tax year that is used for 
the tax year.                                                       purposes of determining the taxpayer's modified taxable income. 
                                                                    Line 15, column (b-2), is also the total amount of base erosion 
Line 11, columns (a-1) and (b-1). Enter the total amount of 
                                                                    tax benefits for the tax year that is used for purposes of 
any other base erosion payments that were paid or accrued to a 
                                                                    determining the taxpayer's base erosion percentage when the 
foreign related party and for which a deduction is allowable 
                                                                    taxpayer is not a member of an aggregate group.
under chapter 1. Only include those amounts that have not 
otherwise been included in Schedule A on lines 2 through 10.
                                                                    Instructions for Worksheet for Schedule A, 
Line 11, columns (a-2) and (b-2). Enter the amount of               Line 14
deductions allowed under chapter 1 for the tax year for other 
base erosion payments paid or accrued to a foreign related          Use a separate row for each type of base erosion payment and 
party. Only include those amounts that have not otherwise been      each treaty-reduced withholding tax rate to which the 
included in Schedule A on lines 2 through 10.                       corresponding base erosion tax benefit is subject.
                                                                    Do not include a base erosion tax benefit that is subject to the 
Attach a statement for line 11. For amounts reported on             30% statutory withholding tax rate or a base erosion tax benefit 
line 11, attach a statement describing the type and amount of       that is exempt from tax pursuant to relevant income tax treaty 
other payments, using the same column headings as specified in      provisions.
Schedule A: “Aggregate Group's Base Erosion Payments,” 
“Aggregate Group's Base Erosion Tax Benefits,” “Taxpayer's          Do not combine the base erosion tax benefits that are subject 
Base Erosion Payments,” and “Taxpayer's Base Erosion Tax            to different withholding rates. Do not enter any blended 
Benefits.” For each type of payment, the attachment must            withholding tax rates.
identify the relationship of the recipients consistent with the     Column A.  Enter the type of base erosion payment that 
categories and instructions for columns (c), (d), and (e) of        corresponds to the type of base erosion payment in Schedule A.
Schedule A.
                                                                    Column B.  Enter the amount of base erosion tax benefits that 
Line 12. For columns (a-1), (a-2), (b-1), and (b-2), add lines 2    correspond to the specific type of base erosion payment on 
through 11 and enter the total amount.                              which tax is imposed under section 871 or section 881, and with 
Line 13. Enter the aggregate amount of base erosion tax             respect to which tax is deducted and withheld at a reduced 
benefits from columns (a-2) and (b-2) of lines 2 through 11 on      withholding rate pursuant to a U.S. income tax treaty.
which either (1) tax is imposed under section 871(a) or section     Column C.  Enter the treaty-reduced withholding tax rate to 
881, and with respect to which tax has been deducted and            which the base erosion tax benefit is subject.
withheld under section 1442 (or section 1441) at a 30% rate; or 
(2) tax is imposed under section 884(f) at a 30% rate and the tax   Column D.  Divide the tax rate in column C by 30% (0.30). 
is reported and paid under Regulations section 1.884-4(a)(2)(iv).   Round to four decimal places.
Line 14. Complete the Worksheet for Schedule A, Line 14 to          Column E.  Multiply the amount in column B by column D. The 
determine the portion of the base erosion tax benefits from lines   amount is the portion of base erosion tax benefits with respect to 
2 through 11 on which, pursuant to a U.S. income tax treaty, tax    the specific type of base erosion payment and the specific 
is either (1) imposed under section 871 or section 881 at a         treaty-reduced rate of withholding that is not taken into account 
reduced withholding rate or (2) imposed under section 884(f)        in computing modified taxable income. Add the amounts in 
and paid and reported at a reduced rate. The amount to be           column E and enter the total on Schedule A, line 14, column 
entered on line 14 is the same proportion of such base erosion      (a-2) or (b-2).
tax benefits as the reduced rate of tax specified by the relevant 
treaty bears to the rate of tax imposed without regard to the       Schedule B—Waiver of Deductions
treaty. Complete a separate worksheet for column (a-2) amounts      Schedule B is used to report all the deductions being waived for 
                                                                    the tax year in accordance with Regulations section 1.59A-3(c)
                                                                    (6)(i). Columns (a) through (i) are to be completed for each item 
Worksheet for Schedule A, Line 14
              A                        B                          C                       D                                 E
Type of base erosion payment Amount of base erosion tax Treaty-reduced withholding rate Divide column C by 30% (0.30)  Multiply column B by column D
                                  benefit                                      (round to four decimal places)
                             Add the amounts in column E and enter the total on the appropriate line on Schedule A, line 14.

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or property of which a deduction related to such item or property   under sections 33, 37, and 53. Total credits include the sum of all 
is being waived.                                                    credits shown on Form 1120 or other applicable return.
        You should use lines 1 through 13 to report only your       Line 2. Enter the total amount of credit for increasing research 
    !   own deductions that you are electing to waive. If a         activities reported on Form 3800, Part III, line 1c, column (g), 
CAUTION member or members of your aggregate group has also          plus Part IV, line 1c, column (g). This total equals the available 
elected to waive any of its deductions, complete a separate         credit for increasing research activities in the tax year.
attachment for each member of the aggregate group that is 
                                                                    Line 3. Enter only that portion of the available credit for 
waiving deductions which contains the name and EIN of the 
                                                                    increasing research activities which was included on Form 3800, 
aggregate group member and the information shown in columns 
                                                                    Part II, Section D, line 38, and used against regular tax liability. 
(a) through (i). Attach each attachment to Schedule B. Include 
                                                                    You must apply the general rules and the ordering rules for use 
the total amount of the deductions being claimed by all of your 
                                                                    of general business credits from the Instructions for Form 3800. 
aggregate group members with respect to the items or property 
                                                                    The Instructions for Form 3800 provide that credits reported on 
that their respective waiver elections relate to on line 14, column 
                                                                    Form 3800 are treated as used on a first-in, first-out basis by 
(h) and the total of all of the deductions being waived by the 
                                                                    offsetting the earliest earned credits first. Therefore, the order in 
members on line 14, column (i). See the instructions for line 14, 
                                                                    which the credits are used in any tax year is:
                                                                      Carryforwards to that year, the earliest ones first;
Column (a). Enter a brief description of the item or property to      The general business credit earned in that year; and
which the deduction relates to; for example, debt instrument,         The carryback to that year.
intangible property (such as patent, trademark, or license),            If your general business credits exceed your tax liability limit, 
personal property, real property, etc.                              the credits are used in the order as they are listed in section 
                                                                    38(b). Although general business credits are aggregated on 
Column (b). Enter the date on which, or the time period which       Form 3800, you should have a separate record of each credit.
the waived deduction was paid or accrued.
                                                                    Line 5. Section 59A(b)(1)(B)(ii)(II) limits the allowable 
Column (c). Enter the provision of the Code (and regulations,       adjustment for applicable section 38 credits to 80% of the lesser 
as applicable) that allows the deduction for the item or property   of applicable section 38 credits or the BEMTA computed without 
to which the election relates.                                      the adjustment for applicable section 38 credits computed in Part 
Column (d). Enter the schedule and line number of the               III.
controlled group's federal income tax return where the deduction 
is reflected (or would have been reflected).                        Part II—Applicable Section 38 Credits
Column (e). Enter the name of the foreign related party that is     Line 8. Enter the total amount of low-income housing credit 
or will be the recipient of the payment that generates the          shown on Form 3800, Part III, line 4d, column (g); and Part IV, 
deduction.                                                          line 2b, column (g) and line 4d, column (g). This total equals the 
                                                                    available credit for low-income housing in the tax year.
Column (f). Enter the tax identification number of the foreign 
related party payee that was entered in column (e). This can be     Line 9. Enter the total amount of section 45 credit shown on 
an EIN, individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN), or        Form 3800, Part III, line 1f, column (g); Part III, line 4e, column 
foreign tax identification number (FTIN).                           (g); Part IV, line 1f, column (g); and Part IV, line 4e, column (g). 
                                                                    This total equals the available credit for renewable electricity 
Column (g). Enter the country of organization of the foreign        production in the tax year.
related party that was entered in column (e).
                                                                    Line 10. Enter only the total amount of investment credit 
Column (h). For each item or property reported under columns        allocable to the section 48 energy credit shown on Form 3800, 
(a) through (g), enter the amount of the deduction claimed on the   Part III, line 4a, column (g); and Part IV, line 4a, column (g). This 
tax return (after the waiver indicated in column (i)).              total equals the available investment credit properly allocable to 
Column (i). For each item or property reported under columns        the energy credit in the tax year.
(a) through (g), enter the amount of the deduction being waived.    Line 11. Enter only that portion of the available applicable 
Line 14. If additional space is necessary, complete and attach a    credits which was included on Form 3800, Part II, Section D, 
separate worksheet with the same information as shown under         line 38, and used against regular tax liability. This represents the 
columns (a) through (i) for each additional item or property. Enter amount of applicable credits allowed against regular tax liability 
the total of deductions claimed for the tax year on line 14,        in the current year. Refer to the ordering rules described in the 
column (h) and the total of deductions waived on line 14, column    earlier instructions for Schedule C, line 3.
    Also include on this line the total of deductions being claimed Part III—BEMTA Determined Without Adjustment 
(column (h)) and waived (column (i)) from other taxpayers that      for Applicable Section 38 Credits
are members of your aggregate group, if applicable.                 Line 15. Subtract line 14 from line 13. If zero or less, enter “-0-.”
Schedule C—Credits Reducing                                         Line 16. You must compute the BEMTA without adjustment for 
                                                                    applicable section 38 credits to allow computation of the 
Regular Tax Liability in Computing                                  limitation of applicable section 38 credits on lines 4 and 5 of Part 
Base Erosion Minimum Tax Amount                                     I.


Part I—Credits Allowed Against Regular Tax
Line 1. You must enter the total credits allowed against your 
regular tax liability in the tax year, except for credits allowed 

8                                                                            Instructions for Form 8991 (Rev. 12-2024)

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Paperwork Reduction Act Notice.      We ask for the information on this form to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of the United 
States. You are required to give us the information. We need it to ensure that you are complying with these laws and to allow us to 
figure and collect the right amount of tax.
You are not required to provide the information requested on a form that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the form 
displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records relating to a form or its instructions must be retained as long as their contents 
may become material in the administration of any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax returns and return information are confidential, 
as required by section 6103.
The time needed to complete and file this form will vary depending on individual circumstances. The estimated burden for business 
taxpayers filing this form is approved under OMB control number 1545-0123 and is included in the estimates shown in the instructions 
for their business income tax return.

Instructions for Form 8991 (Rev. 12-2024)                                                                                               9

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