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                                                                                                   Department of the Treasury
                                                                                                   Internal Revenue Service

Instructions for Form 8865

Return of U.S. Persons With Respect to Certain Foreign Partnerships

Section references are to the Internal             Future Developments                     an eligible partner to claim a foreign 
Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.                                                       tax credit.
                                                   For the latest information about 
Contents                                    Page   developments related to Form 8865, 
General Instructions .  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1  its schedules, and its instructions,    General Instructions
Specific Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7  such as legislation enacted after they  Only the general instructions for 
Schedule A. Constructive                           were published, go to IRS.gov/          Schedules B, K, K-1, M-1, and M-2 
Ownership of Partnership                           Form8865.                               are included later in these 
Interest .    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   10                                         instructions. If you are required to 
Schedule A-1. Certain Partners of                                                          complete these schedules for Form 
Foreign Partnership .         . . . . . . . .   10 What’s New
Schedule A-2. Foreign Partners of                  See What’s New in the Instructions for  8865, use the specific instructions for 
Section 721(c) Partnership .            . . .   10 Form 1065 for changes and new           the corresponding schedules of Form 
Schedule A-3. Affiliation                          Internal Revenue Code sections that     1065, U.S. Return of Partnership 
Schedule .      . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   10 may affect foreign partnerships with    Income.
Schedule B. Income                                 fiscal years, corporate partners, or 
Statement—Trade or 
Business Income           . . . . . . . . . .   10 certain impacted activities.            IF you are          THEN use the 
Schedule D. Capital Gains and                                                              completing Form     instructions for 
Losses .      . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   11 Reminders                               8865...             Form 1065...
Schedule G (Form 8865).                            Schedules K-2 (Form 8865) and           Schedule B          page 1 (income and 
Statement of Application of                        K-3 (Form 8865) for partnerships.                           deductions).
the Gain Deferral Method                           For tax years beginning after 2020,     Schedules K and K-1 Schedules K and K-1.
Under Section 721(c) .          . . . . . . .   11
Schedule H (Form 8865).                            most items of international tax 
Acceleration Events and                            relevance are reported on Schedules     Schedule K-3        Schedule K-3.
Exceptions Reporting                               K-2 and K-3, replacing prior reporting  Schedule L          Schedule L.
Relating to Gain Deferral                          on Form 8865, Schedules K and K-1,      Schedule M-1        Schedule M-1.
Method Under Section                               line 16, Foreign transactions, and 
721(c) .    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   13                                         Schedule M-2        Schedule M-2.
Schedules K, Partners' Distributive                certain reporting on Form 8865, 
Share Items, and K-1 (Form                         Schedules K and K-1, line 20, Other 
8865), Partner’s Share of                          information.
Income, Deductions, Credits,                                                               Note. If you are reporting capital 
etc.    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   15    The schedules are designed to 
                                                                                           gains and losses, use Schedule D 
Schedules K-2 (Form 8865),                         provide greater clarity for partners on 
                                                                                           (Form 1065). See the Instructions for 
Partners’ Distributive Share                       how to compute their U.S. income tax 
                                                                                           Schedule D (Form 1065).
Items—International, and K-3                       liability regarding items of 
(Form 8865), Partner’s Share 
of Income, Deductions,                             international tax relevance, including  Purpose of Form
Credits, etc.—International  .          . . .   16 claiming deductions and credits. Go     Use Form 8865 to report the 
Schedule L. Balance Sheets per                     to IRS.gov for the schedules and the    information required under section 
Books .     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   16 Instructions for Schedules K-2 and      6038 (reporting with respect to 
Schedule M. Balance Sheets for                     K-3 (Form 8865) for more information.   controlled foreign partnerships), 
Interest Allocation .       . . . . . . . . .   17 Form 8865, Schedules K and K-1,         section 6038B (reporting of transfers 
Schedule M-1. Reconciliation of                    retain line 16 for the partnership to   to foreign partnerships), or section 
Income (Loss) per Books With 
Income (Loss) per Return .            . . . .   17 check a box indicating that it has      6046A (reporting of acquisitions, 
Schedule M-2. Analysis of                          items of international tax relevance    dispositions, and changes in foreign 
Partners' Capital Accounts            . . . .   17 and that it completed Schedules K-2     partnership interests).
Schedule N. Transactions                           and K-3. For purposes of basis 
Between Controlled Foreign                         adjustments and to reconcile income,    Who Must File
Partnership and Partners or                        Form 8865 retains total foreign taxes   A U.S. person qualifying under one or 
Other Related Entities          . . . . . . .   17
Schedule O (Form 8865). Transfer                   paid or accrued but moves this          more of the Categories of Filers (see 
of Property to a Foreign                           reporting to Schedule K, line 21. See   below) must complete and file Form 
Partnership .       . . . . . . . . . . . . .   17 the Instructions for Form 1065 for      8865. These instructions and the 
Schedule P (Form 8865).                            amounts to report on line 21.           Filing Requirements for Categories of 
Acquisitions, Dispositions,                                                                Filers chart, later, explain the 
and Changes of Interests in a                      Important.  Foreign taxes paid or 
Foreign Partnership .         . . . . . . . .   19 accrued must be reported on             information, statements, and 
List of Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   21 Schedules K-2 and K-3 for purposes      schedules required for each category 
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 of reporting information necessary for  of filer. If you qualify under more than 
                                                                                           one category for a particular foreign 

Feb 6, 2023                                                  Cat. No. 26053N

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partnership, you must submit all the                 required to attach a copy of the Form      and 1.721(c)-6(c)(2). See U.S. 
items required for each category                     8832 to the tax return to which the        transferor, later.
under which you qualify.                             Form 8865 is being attached.
Example.        If you qualify as a                                                             Categories of Filers
                                                          If a domestic section 721(c) 
Category 2 and a Category 3 filer, you                                                          Category 1 filer. A Category 1 filer is 
                                                     partnership is formed on or after 
must submit all the schedules                                                                   a U.S. person who controlled the 
                                                     January 18, 2017, and the gain 
required of Category 2 filers (page 1                                                           foreign partnership at any time during 
                                                     deferral method is applied, then a 
of Form 8865, and Schedules A, A-2,                                                             the partnership's tax year. Control of a 
                                                     U.S. transferor must file Form 8865 
N, K-1, and K-3) plus any additional                                                            partnership is ownership of more than 
                                                     with respect to that partnership. See 
schedules that Category 3 filers are                                                            a 50% interest in the partnership. See 
                                                     Regulations section 1.721(c)-6(b)(4). 
required to submit (Schedules A-1                                                               the definition of 50% interest, later. 
                                                     See Section 721(c) partnership Gain , 
and O).                                                                                         There may be more than one 
                                                     deferral method, and U.S. transferor, 
Complete a separate Form 8865                        later.                                     Category 1 filer for a partnership for a 
and the applicable schedules for each                                                           particular partnership tax year. See 
foreign partnership.                                      A U.S. transferor that is required to U.S. person and Foreign partnership, 
                                                     provide information with respect to a      later.
File the 2022 Form 8865 with your                    partnership under Regulations              A Category 1 filer also includes a 
income tax return for your tax year                  sections 1.721(c)-6(b)(2)(iv) and          U.S. transferor who must report 
beginning in 2022.                                   1.721(c)-6(b)(3)(xi) must file a           certain information with respect to a 
If a Form 8832, Entity Classification                separate Form 8865 (along with all         section 721(c) partnership for the tax 
Election, was filed for this entity for the          necessary schedules and                    year of contribution and subsequent 
current tax year, see When To File                   attachments) for each partnership          years, pursuant to Regulations 
and Where To File in the instructions                treated as a U.S. transferor under         section 1.721(c)-6. A Category 1 filer 
for Form 8832 to determine if you are                Regulations sections 1.721(c)-3(d)         fulfills this reporting requirement by 
Filing Requirements for Categories of Filers
                                                                                                      Category of Filers
                                  Filing Requirements
                                                                                            1         2           3        4
 Identifying information—page 1 of Form 8865
 Schedule A—Constructive Ownership of Partnership Interest
 Schedule A-1—Certain Partners of Foreign Partnership
 Schedule A-3—Affiliation Schedule
 Schedule B—Income Statement—Trade or Business Income
 Schedule G (Form 8865)—Statement of Application of the Gain Deferral Method Under Section 
 Schedule H (Form 8865)—Acceleration Events and Exceptions Reporting Relating to Gain 
Deferral Method Under Section 721(c)
 Schedule K—Partners' Distributive Share Items
 Schedule K-2 (Form 8865)—Partners’ Distributive Share Items—International
 Schedule K-3 (Form 8865)—Partner’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.—International
 Schedule L—Balance Sheets per Books
 Schedule M—Balance Sheets for Interest Allocation
 Schedule M-1—Reconciliation of Income (Loss) per Books With Income (Loss) per Return
 Schedule M-2—Analysis of Partners' Capital Accounts
 Schedule N—Transactions Between Controlled Foreign Partnership and Partners or Other 
Related Entities
 Schedule D—Schedule D (Form 1065), Capital Gains and Losses
 Schedule K-1 (Form 8865)—Partner's Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc. (direct 
partners only)
 Schedule O (Form 8865)—Transfer of Property to a Foreign Partnership
 Schedule P (Form 8865)—Acquisitions, Dispositions, and Changes of Interests in a Foreign 

                                                                          -2-                         Instructions for Form 8865 (2022)

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filing Schedule G and, in certain        that transfer under section 6038B, if    decreased by at least a 10% interest 
circumstances, Schedule H. See           the foreign partnership disposed of      (for example, from 21% to 11%).
Section 721(c) partnership and U.S.      such property while the U.S. person      A disposition of a section 721(c) 
transferor, later.                       remained a direct or indirect partner in partnership interest may be an 
                                         the partnership.
Category 2 filer.  A Category 2 filer is                                          acceleration event for purposes of 
a U.S. person who at any time during     Category 4 filer. A Category 4 filer is  applying the gain deferral method. 
the tax year of the foreign partnership  a U.S. person that had a reportable      The U.S. transferor may be required 
owned a 10% or greater interest in the   event under section 6046A during that    to recognize gain in an amount equal 
partnership while the partnership was    person's tax year. There are three       to the remaining built-in gain on the 
controlled by U.S. persons each          categories of reportable events under    section 721(c) property previously 
owning at least a 10% interest.          section 6046A: acquisitions,             contributed to the section 721(c) 
However, if the foreign partnership      dispositions, and changes in             partnership. See Regulations section 
had a Category 1 filer at any time       proportional interests.                  1.721(c)-4. For acceleration events 
during that tax year, no person will be                                           exceptions, see Regulations section 
                                            Acquisitions.  A U.S. person that 
considered a Category 2 filer. See the                                            1.721(c)-5. See the specific 
                                         acquires a foreign partnership interest 
definition of a 10% interest, later.                                              instructions for Schedule H, later.
                                         has a reportable event if:
Category 3 filer.  A Category 3 filer is The person didn’t own a 10% or         Changes in proportional 
a U.S. person who contributed            greater direct interest in the           interests. A U.S. person has a 
property during that person's tax year   partnership and, as a result of the      reportable event if compared to the 
to a foreign partnership in exchange     acquisition, the person owns a 10% or    person's direct proportional interest 
for an interest in the partnership (a    greater direct interest in the           the last time the person had a 
section 721 transfer), if that person    partnership (for example, from 9% to     reportable event, the person's direct 
either:                                  10%). For purposes of this rule, an      proportional interest has increased or 
1. Owned directly or constructively      acquisition includes an increase in a    decreased by at least the equivalent 
at least a 10% interest in the foreign   person's direct proportional interest    of a 10% interest in the partnership.
partnership immediately after the        (see Changes in proportional             Special rule for a partnership 
contribution, or                         interests, later); or                    interest owned on December 31, 
2. The value of the property             Compared to the person's direct        1999. If the U.S. person owned at 
                                         interest when the person last had a 
contributed (when added to the value                                              least a 10% direct interest in the 
                                         reportable event, after the acquisition 
of any other property contributed to                                              foreign partnership on December 
                                         the person's direct interest has 
the partnership by such person, or                                                31,1999, then comparisons should be 
                                         increased by at least a 10% interest 
any related person, during the                                                    made to the person's direct interest on 
                                         (for example, from 11% to 21%).
12-month period ending on the date of                                             December 31,1999. Once the person 
                                         An acquisition of a section 721(c) 
transfer) exceeds $100,000.                                                       has a reportable event after 
                                         partnership interest may be an           December 31,1999, future 
If a domestic partnership                acceleration event exception under       comparisons should be made by 
contributes property to a foreign        the gain deferral method. See            reference to the last reportable event.
partnership, the domestic                Regulations section 1.721(c)-5. In this 
partnership's partners are considered    case, the acquirer may become a          Exceptions to Filing
to have transferred a proportionate      successor U.S. transferor and may        Multiple Category 1 filers.            If during 
share of the contributed property to     have a reporting requirement under       the tax year of the partnership more 
the foreign partnership. However, if     Regulations section 1.721(c)-6. See      than one U.S. person qualifies as a 
the domestic partnership files Form      the specific instructions for            Category 1 filer, only one of these 
8865 and properly reports all the        Schedule H, later.                       Category 1 partners is required to file 
required information with respect to                                              Form 8865. A U.S. person with a 
the contribution, its partners will not     Dispositions.  A U.S. person that 
                                         disposes of a foreign partnership        controlling interest in the losses or 
be required to report the transfer.                                               deductions of the partnership isn’t 
                                         interest has a reportable event if:
A Category 3 filer includes a U.S.       The person owned a 10% or              permitted to be the filer of Form 8865 
transferor who (i) contributes section   greater direct interest in the           if another U.S. person has a 
721(c) property to a section 721(c)      partnership before the disposition       controlling interest in capital or profits; 
partnership, and (ii) has reporting      and, as a result of the disposition, the only the latter may file the return. The 
requirements pursuant to Regulations     person owns less than a 10% direct       U.S. person that files the Form 8865 
section 1.721(c)-6(b)(2). The            interest (for example, from 10% to       must complete item F on page 1.
Category 3 filer fulfills this reporting 8%). For purposes of this rule, a        The single Form 8865 to be filed 
requirement by filing Schedule G, in     disposition includes a decrease in a     must contain all of the information that 
addition to Schedule O, and, in certain  person's direct proportional interest;   would be required if each Category 1 
circumstances, Schedule H. See           or                                       filer filed a separate Form 8865. 
Section 721(c) property, later.          Compared to the person's direct        Specifically, separate Schedules N, 
Category 3 also includes a U.S.          interest when the person last had a      K-1, and K-3 (if applicable) must be 
person that previously transferred       reportable event, after the disposition  attached to the Form 8865 for each 
appreciated property to the              the person's direct interest has         Category 1 filer. Also, items B, C, and 
partnership and was required to report                                            D on page 1 and Schedule A on 

Instructions for Form 8865 (2022)                         -3-

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page 2 of Form 8865 must be               2. The U.S. person through which           Exception for certain Category 4 
completed for each Category 1 filer       the indirect partner constructively        filers. If you qualify as a Category 3 
not filing the form. Attach a separate    owns an interest in the foreign            and 4 filer because you contributed 
statement listing this information to     partnership is also a constructive         property to a foreign partnership in 
the single Form 8865.                     owner and meets all the requirements       exchange for a 10% or greater interest 
  A Category 1 filer not filing Form      of this constructive ownership filing      in that partnership, you aren’t required 
8865 must attach a statement entitled     exception, or                              to report this transaction under both 
“Controlled Foreign Partnership           3. Form 8865 is filed for the              Category 3 and 4 filing requirements. 
Reporting” to that person's income tax    foreign partnership by another             If you properly report the contribution 
return.                                   Category 1 filer under the multiple        of property under the Category 3 
  The statement must include the          Category 1 filers exception.               rules, you aren’t required to report it 
                                                                                     as a Category 4 filer. However, the 
following information.                    To qualify for the constructive 
                                                                                     acquisition will count as a reportable 
A statement that the person             ownership filing exception, the indirect 
                                                                                     event to determine if a later change in 
qualified as a Category 1 filer, but is   partner must file with its income tax 
                                                                                     your partnership interest qualifies as a 
not submitting Form 8865 under the        return a statement entitled “Controlled 
                                                                                     reportable event under Category 4.
multiple Category 1 filers exception.     Foreign Partnership Reporting.”
The name, address, and identifying                                                 Example.    Partner A doesn’t own 
                                          This statement must contain the 
number (if any) of the foreign                                                       an interest in FPS, a foreign 
                                          following information.
partnership of which the person                                                      partnership. Partner A transfers 
qualified as a Category 1 filer.          1. A statement that the indirect           property to FPS in exchange for a 
A statement that the filing             partner was required to file Form          15% direct interest. Partner A qualifies 
requirement has been or will be           8865, but isn’t doing so under the         as a Category 3 filer because he 
satisfied.                                constructive owners exception.             transferred property to a foreign 
The name and address of the             2. The names and addresses of              partnership and owned at least a 10% 
person filing Form 8865 for this          the U.S. persons whose interests the       interest in FPS immediately after the 
partnership.                              indirect partner constructively owns.      contribution. Partner A is also a 
The Internal Revenue Service            3. The name and address of the             Category 4 filer because he didn’t own 
Center where the Form 8865 must be        foreign partnership for which the          a 10% or greater direct interest in FPS 
filed (or indicate “electronic filing” if indirect partner would have had to         and as a result of the acquisition now 
the Form 8865 has been or will be         have filed Form 8865 but for this          owns a 10% or greater direct interest 
filed electronically).                    exception.                                 in FPS. If Partner A properly reports 
                                                                                     the contribution on Form 8865 as a 
        A U.S. person who qualifies       4. If the indirect partner is a 
                                                                                     Category 3 filer, Partner A isn’t 
  !     for this exception to the         domestic corporation, a statement 
                                                                                     required to report his acquisition of the 
CAUTION Category 1 filing requirement     setting forth all the information that the 
                                                                                     15% interest in FPS as a Category 4 
would still have to file a separate Form  indirect partner would have had to 
8865 if that person is also subject to    provide in response to questions G8a 
the filing requirements of Category 3     and G8b on Form 8865. See Item             Relief for Category 1 and 2 
or 4. This separate Form 8865 would       H10. Separate Units Note, later, for       Filers When the Foreign 
include all the information required for  more information.                          Partnership Files Form 1065
a Category 3 filer, a Category 4 filer, 
or a U.S. transferor who must report      Members of an affiliated group of          If a foreign partnership files Form 
certain information with respect to a     corporations filing a consolidated         1065 for its tax year, Category 1 and 2 
section 721(c) partnership for the year   return. If one or more members of an       filers may use a copy of the 
of contribution and subsequent years,     affiliated group of corporations filing a  completed Form 1065 schedules in 
pursuant to Regulations section           consolidated return qualify as             place of the equivalent schedules of 
1.721(c)-6, in addition to the            Category 1 or 2 filers for a particular    Form 8865.
“Controlled Foreign Partnership           foreign partnership, the common            If you file Form 8865 with an 
Reporting” statement.                     parent corporation may file one Form       electronically filed income tax return, 
                                          8865 on behalf of all of the members       see the electronic filing publications 
Constructive owners.   See                of the group required to report. Except    identified in the instructions for your 
Constructive ownership, later. A          for group members who also qualify         income tax return for more 
Category 1 or 2 filer that doesn’t own    under the constructive owners              information.
a direct interest in the partnership and  exception, the Form 8865 must 
                                                                                     See the first paragraph under 
that is required to file this form solely contain all the information that would 
                                                                                     General Instructions, earlier, for the 
because of constructive ownership         have been required to be submitted if 
                                                                                     Form 1065 schedules that are 
from a U.S. person(s) isn’t required to   each group member filed its own 
                                                                                     equivalent to the Form 8865 
file Form 8865 if:                        Form 8865.
  1. Form 8865 is filed by the U.S.       Exception for certain trusts.   Trusts 
                                                                                     Example.    Partner A is a Category 
person(s) through which the indirect      relating to state and local government 
                                                                                     1 filer with respect to FPS, a foreign 
partner constructively owns an            employee retirement plans aren’t 
                                                                                     partnership, during the 2022 tax year. 
interest in the foreign partnership,      required to file Form 8865.
                                                                                     FPS completes and files a Form 1065 
                                                                                     for its 2022 tax year. Instead of 
                                                        -4-                                Instructions for Form 8865 (2022)

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completing Schedules B, K, K-2, L,        The term “partnership” includes a          of section 721(c) property to a section 
M-1, M-2, and K-1 and K-3 of Form         limited partnership, syndicate, group,     721(c) partnership with respect to 
8865, Partner A may attach to its         pool, joint venture, or other              which the recognition of gain is 
Form 8865 page 1 of Form 1065 and         unincorporated organization, through       deferred under the gain deferral 
Form 1065 Schedules K, K-2, L, M-1,       or by which any business, financial        method. See Regulations section 
M-2, and K-1 and K-3 (including the       operation, or venture is carried on,       1.721(c)-1(b)(7).
Schedules K-1 and K-3 for Partner A       that isn’t, within the meaning of the 
                                                                                     Gain deferral method.   The gain 
and all other U.S. persons owning         regulations under section 7701, a 
                                                                                     deferral method is the method 
10% or greater direct interests in        corporation, trust, estate, or sole 
                                                                                     described in Regulations section 
FPS). Partner A must complete the         proprietorship.
                                                                                     1.721(c)-3(b) applied to avoid the 
following items and schedules on          A joint undertaking merely to share        immediate recognition of gain upon a 
Form 8865.                                expenses isn’t a partnership. Mere         contribution of section 721(c) property 
The first and second pages.             co-ownership of property that is           to a section 721(c) partnership under 
Schedule A.                             maintained and leased or rented isn’t      Regulations section 1.721(c)-2(b).
Schedule A-1.                           a partnership. However, if the 
Schedule A-2.                           co-owners provide services to the          50% interest. A 50% interest in a 
Schedule A-3.                           tenants, a partnership exists.             partnership is an interest equal to:
Schedule G (Form 8865).                                                            50% of the capital,
Schedule H (Form 8865).                 Foreign partnership. A foreign             50% of the profits, or
Schedule M.                             partnership is a partnership that isn’t    50% of the deductions or losses.
Schedule N.                             created or organized in the United         For purposes of determining a 50% 
                                          States or under the law of the United      interest, the constructive ownership 
  Example.  Partner A is a Category       States or of any state or the District of  rules described below apply.
2 filer with respect to FPS, a foreign    Columbia. If a domestic section 
partnership. If FPS completes and         721(c) partnership is formed on or         10% interest. A 10% interest in a 
files a Form 1065 for its 2022 tax year,  after January 18, 2017, and the gain       partnership is an interest equal to:
Partner A may file with Form 8865 the     deferral method is applied, then the       10% of the capital,
Schedules K-1 and K-3 (Form 1065)         section 721(c) partnership is treated      10% of the profits, or
that it receives from the partnership     as a foreign partnership for purposes      10% of the deductions or losses.
instead of Schedules K-1 and K-3          of Form 8865 and these instructions.       For purposes of determining a 10% 
(Form 8865). Partner A must               See Regulations section 1.721(c)-6(b)      interest, the constructive ownership 
complete the following items and          (4).                                       rules described below apply.
schedules on Form 8865.                                                              Constructive ownership.    For 
The first and second pages.             Section 721(c) partnership.    A 
Schedule A.                             partnership (domestic or foreign) is a     purposes of determining an interest in 
Schedule A-2.                           section 721(c) partnership if there is a   a partnership, the constructive 
Schedule N.                             contribution of section 721(c) property    ownership rules of section 267(c) 
                                          to the partnership and, after the          (excluding section 267(c)(3)) apply, 
When and Where To File                    contribution (and all transactions         taking into account that such rules 
Attach Form 8865 to your income tax       related to the contribution), (A) a        refer to corporations and not to 
return (or, if applicable, partnership or related foreign person with respect to     partnerships. Generally, an interest 
exempt organization return) and file      the U.S. transferor is a direct or         owned directly or indirectly by or for a 
both by the due date (including           indirect partner in the partnership; and   corporation, partnership, estate, or 
extensions) for that return. If you don’t (B) the U.S. transferor and related        trust shall be considered as being 
have to file an income tax return, you    persons own 80% or more of the             owned proportionately by its owners, 
must file Form 8865 separately with       interests in partnership capital, profits, partners, or beneficiaries.
the IRS at the time and place you         deductions, or losses. See                   Also, an individual is considered to 
would be required to file an income       Regulations section 1.721(c)-1(b)(14).     own an interest owned directly or 
tax return (or, if applicable, a                                                     indirectly by or for their family. The 
                                          U.S. transferor. A U.S. transferor is 
partnership or exempt organization                                                   family of an individual includes only 
                                          a U.S. person other than a domestic 
return). See below for penalties that                                                that individual's spouse, siblings, 
                                          partnership. See Regulations section 
may apply if you don’t file Form 8865                                                ancestors, and lineal descendants. An 
on time.                                                                             interest will be attributed from a 
                                          Section 721(c) property.      Section      nonresident alien individual under the 
Definitions                               721(c) property is property (other than    family attribution rules only if the 
Partnership. A partnership is the         excluded property) with built-in gain      person to whom the interest is 
relationship between two or more          that is contributed to a partnership by    attributed owns a direct or indirect 
persons who join to carry on a trade or   a U.S. transferor, including pursuant      interest in the foreign partnership 
business, with each person                to a contribution described in             under section 267(c)(1) or (5).
contributing money, property, labor, or   Regulations section 1.721(c)-2(d) 
                                                                                     U.S. person. A U.S. person is a 
skill and each expecting to share in      (partnership look-through rule). See       citizen or resident of the United 
the profits and losses of the business    Regulations section 1.721(c)-1(b)(15).     States, a domestic partnership, a 
whether or not a formal partnership       Gain deferral contribution.    A gain      domestic corporation, and any estate 
agreement is made.                        deferral contribution is a contribution 

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or trust that isn’t foreign. See section   expired. See section 6038 (and the          States (such as an income tax treaty, 
7701(a)(30).                               underlying regulations) for the             an estate and gift tax treaty, or a 
                                           maximum reduction, the exception            friendship, commerce, and navigation 
Control of a corporation.  For 
                                           due to reasonable cause, and the            treaty):
purposes of Schedule N, control of a 
                                           limits on the amount of these 
corporation is ownership of stock                                                      Overrides or modifies any provision 
                                           penalties.                                  of the Internal Revenue Code, and
possessing more than 50% of the total 
combined voting power, or more than        Criminal penalties under sections         Causes (or potentially causes) a 
                                           7203, 7206, and 7207 may apply for          reduction of any tax incurred at any 
50% of the total value of shares of all 
                                           failure to file or for filing false or      time.
classes of stock of the corporation. 
                                           fraudulent information.
For rules concerning indirect                                                            Failure to make such a report may 
ownership and attribution, see               Additionally, any person that files       result in a $1,000 penalty ($10,000 in 
Regulations section 1.6038-2(c).           under the constructive owners               the case of a C corporation). See 
                                           exception may be subject to these           section 6712.
Change in a proportional interest.         penalties if all the requirements of the 
                                                                                       Section 6662(j).  Penalties may be 
A partner's proportional interest in a     exception aren’t met. Any person 
                                                                                       imposed for underpayment 
foreign partnership can change as a        required to file Form 8865 who 
                                                                                       attributable to undisclosed foreign 
result of changes in other partners'       doesn’t file under the multiple 
                                                                                       financial asset understatements. The 
interests, for example, when another       Category 1 filers exception may be 
                                                                                       term “undisclosed foreign financial 
partner withdraws from the                 subject to the above penalties if the 
                                                                                       asset” with respect to any tax year 
partnership. A partner's proportional      other person doesn’t file a correctly 
                                                                                       includes any asset with respect to 
interest can also change, for example,     completed form and schedules. See 
                                                                                       which required information was not 
by operation of the partnership            Exceptions to Filing, earlier.
agreement (for example, if the                                                         provided. An "undisclosed foreign 
partnership agreement provides that a      Failure to file information required        financial asset understatement" 
partner's interest in profits will change  of Category 3 filers.  Any person           means for any tax year, the portion of 
on a set date or when the partnership      that fails to properly report a             the understatement for that tax year 
has earned a specified amount of           contribution to a foreign partnership       which is attributable to any transaction 
profits, then the partner's proportional   that is required to be reported under       involving an undisclosed foreign 
interest changes when the set date or      section 6038B and the regulations           financial asset. No penalty will be 
specified amount of profits is             under that section is subject to a          imposed with respect to any portion of 
reached).                                  penalty equal to 10% of the fair            an underpayment if the taxpayer can 
                                           market value (FMV) of the property at       demonstrate that the failure to comply 
Penalties                                  the time of the contribution. This          was due to reasonable cause with 
Failure to timely submit all infor-        penalty is subject to a $100,000 limit,     respect to such portion of the 
mation required of Category 1 and          unless the failure is due to intentional    underpayment and the taxpayer acted 
2 filers.                                  disregard. In addition, the transferor      in good faith with respect to such 
A $10,000 penalty is imposed for         must recognize gain on the                  portion of the underpayment. See 
each tax year of each foreign              contribution as if the contributed          sections 6662(j) and 6664(c) for 
partnership for failure to furnish the     property had been sold for its FMV.         additional information.
required information within the time       See section 6038B for the exception 
                                                                                       Failure to comply with a require-
prescribed. If the information isn’t filed due to reasonable cause.
                                                                                       ment of the gain deferral method. 
within 90 days after the IRS has           Failure to file information required        Failure to comply with a requirement 
mailed a notice of the failure to the      of Category 4 filers.  Any person           of the gain deferral method, including 
U.S. person, an additional $10,000         who fails to properly report all the        a failure to comply with the procedural 
penalty (per foreign partnership) is       information requested by section            and reporting requirements imposed 
charged for each 30-day period, or         6046A is subject to a $10,000 penalty,      under Regulations sections 1.721(c)-3 
fraction thereof, during which the         in addition to the section 7203             and 1.721(c)-6 and section 6038B, 
failure continues after the 90-day         criminal penalty, unless it is shown        may result in an acceleration event 
period has expired. The additional         that such failure is due to reasonable      under Regulations section 
penalty is limited to a maximum of         cause. If the failure continues for more    1.721(c)-4(b)(2) and a penalty under 
$50,000 for each failure.                  than 90 days after the IRS mails            section 6038B. See the specific 
Any person who fails to furnish all of   notice of the failure, an additional        instructions for Schedule G and 
the information required within the        $10,000 penalty will apply for each         Schedule H, later.
time prescribed will be subject to a       30-day period (or fraction thereof) 
reduction of 10% of the foreign taxes      during which the failure continues          Corrections to Form 8865
available for credit under sections 901    after the 90-day period has expired.        If you file a Form 8865 that you later 
and 960. If the failure continues 90       The additional penalty shall not            determine is incomplete or incorrect, 
days or more after the date the IRS        exceed $50,000.                             file a corrected Form 8865 with an 
mails notice of the failure, an                                                        amended tax return following the 
additional 5% reduction is made for        Treaty-based return positions.         File instructions for the return with which 
each 3-month period, or fraction           Form 8833, Treaty-Based Return              you originally filed Form 8865. Enter 
thereof, during which the failure          Position Disclosure Under Section           “corrected” at the top of the form and 
continues after the 90-day period has      6114 or 7701(b), to report a return 
                                           position that a treaty of the United 

                                                           -6-                              Instructions for Form 8865 (2022)

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attach a statement identifying and       Foreign address.    Enter the            other persons under the multiple 
explaining the changes.                  information in the following order: city Category 1 filers exception, or are 
                                         or town, state or province, and          reporting information about members 
Specific Instructions                    country. Follow the country's practice   of your affiliated group of corporations 
                                         for entering the postal code, if any.    under the consolidated return 
Important:   All information must be in  Don’t abbreviate the country name.       exception (see Exceptions to Filing, 
                                                                                  earlier), identify each such person in 
English. All amounts must be stated in   Item A. Category of Filer                item F. List their names, addresses, 
U.S. dollars.
                                         Check the box for each category that     and identifying numbers. Also, 
If the information required in a         describes the person filing the form. If indicate whether each person is a 
given section exceeds the space          more than one category applies,          Category 1 filer or Category 2 filer, 
provided within that section, attach a   check all boxes that apply. See          and whether such person 
separate statement(s) to provide the     Categories of Filers, earlier.           constructively owned an interest in the 
remaining information, using the same                                             foreign partnership during the tax year 
size and format as the printed forms.    Item C                                   of the partnership listed at the top of 
Fill in all applicable lines and         Enter the filer's share of nonrecourse   Form 8865, page 1. See Constructive 
schedules.   All categories of filers    liabilities, partnership-level qualified ownership, earlier.
must complete all items on pages 1       nonrecourse financing, and other 
and 2, with three exceptions.            liabilities. Nonrecourse liabilities are Item G1
Complete item E only if, in addition to  those liabilities of the partnership for For the foreign partnership's address, 
filing the form on your own behalf, you  which no partner bears the economic      enter the city or town, state or 
are reporting information about other    risk of loss. The extent to which a      province, and the foreign country in 
Category 1 filers under the multiple     partner bears the economic risk is       that order. Follow the foreign country's 
Category 1 filers exception, or you are  determined under the rules of            practice in placing the postal code in 
reporting information about members      Regulations section 1.752-2.             the address. Don’t abbreviate the 
                                                                                  country name. If the partnership 
of your affiliated group of corporations   "Qualified nonrecourse financing"      receives its mail in care of a third party 
under the consolidated return            generally includes financing:            (such as an accountant or attorney), 
exception. Only Category 1 and 2         For which no one is personally         enter “C/O” followed by the third 
filers are required to complete item     liable for repayment;                    party's name and street address or 
H8. See Exceptions to Filing, earlier.   That is borrowed for use in an         P.O. box.
Answer items H10 and H11 only if you     activity of holding real property; and
are a Category 1 filer.                  That is borrowed from a qualified      Item G2(a)
Tax Year                                 person (defined in section 49(a)(1)(D)   If the foreign partnership has an EIN, 
                                         (iv)) or is lent or guaranteed by a 
Enter in the space below the title of                                             enter it here. Don’t enter FOREIGNUS 
                                         federal, state, or local government.
Form 8865 the tax year of the foreign                                             or APPLIED FOR. If the partnership 
                                                                                  has no EIN, item G2(b) must be 
partnership that ended with or within      See section 465(b)(6) for more 
the tax year of the person filing this   information on qualified nonrecourse 
form. Category 1 or 2 filers must        financing.                               Item G2(b)
report information for the tax year of                                            A reference ID number (defined 
the foreign partnership that ends with   Item D. Identification of 
or within their tax years. A Category 3  Common Parent                            below) is required on item G2(b) only 
                                                                                  in cases where no EIN was entered 
or 4 filer must report on Schedule O or  If the person filing the form is a       on item G2(a) for the foreign 
P, respectively, transactions that       member of a consolidated group, but      partnership. However, filers are 
occurred during that filer's tax year    not the parent, list the name, address,  permitted to enter both an EIN on item 
(rather than during the partnership's    and EIN of the filer's common parent.    G2(a) and a reference ID number on 
tax year).                                                                        item G2(b). If applicable, enter the 
                                         Item E
Identifying Numbers and                  Check the item E checkbox only if the    reference ID number you have 
Addresses                                Form 8865 filer also files Form 8938,    assigned to the foreign partnership 
Enter the identifying number of the      Statement of Specified Foreign           identified on item G1.
person filing this return. Use an        Financial Assets, for the tax year and   A “reference ID number” is a 
employer identification number (EIN)     includes this form in the total number   number established by or on behalf of 
to identify partnerships, corporations,  of Forms 8865 reported on Form           the U.S. person identified at the top of 
and estates or trusts. For individuals,  8938, Part IV, line 19. For more         page 1 of the form that is assigned to 
use a social security number (SSN) or    information, see the Instructions for    a foreign partnership with respect to 
other identification number.             Form 8938, generally, and in             which Form 8865 reporting is 
                                         particular, Duplicative reporting and    required. These numbers are used to 
Include the suite, room, or other        Part IV Excepted Specified Foreign .     uniquely identify the foreign 
unit number after the street address. If Financial Assets.                        partnership in order to keep track of 
the Post Office doesn’t deliver mail to                                           the partnership from tax year to tax 
the street address and the U.S.          Item F
person has a P.O. box, show the box      Information about certain partners. 
number instead.                          If you are reporting information about 

Instructions for Form 8865 (2022)                        -7-

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The reference ID number must             reference ID number to a foreign           Item G8a. Functional Currency
meet the requirements below. Don’t       partnership. For example:                  Enter the foreign partnership's 
enter FOREIGNUS or APPLIED FOR           In the case of a merger or               functional currency. See sections 985 
with respect to the reference ID         acquisition, a Form 8865 filer must        through 989 and the regulations 
number.                                  use a reference ID number which            thereunder. If the partnership had 
                                         correlates the previous reference ID       more than one qualified business unit 
Note. Because reference ID numbers       number with the new reference ID           (QBU), described in Regulations 
are established by or on behalf of the   number assigned to the foreign             section 1.989(a)-1(b)(2)(ii), attach a 
U.S. person filing Form 8865, there is   partnership; or                            statement identifying each QBU, its 
no need to apply to the IRS to request   In the case of an entity                 country of operation, and its functional 
a reference ID number or for             classification election that is made on    currency. A QBU under Regulations 
permission to use these numbers.         behalf of the foreign partnership on       section 1.989(a)-1(b)(2)(ii) is any 
                                         Form 8832, Regulations section             separate and clearly identified unit of 
Note. Generally, the reference ID        301.6109-1(b)(2)(v) requires the           a trade or business of the partnership 
number assigned to a foreign             foreign partnership to have an EIN for     which maintains separate books and 
partnership on Form 8865 has             this election. For the first year that     records.
relevance only on Form 8865, its         Form 8865 is filed after an entity 
schedules, and any other form that is    classification election is made on         Hyperinflationary exception.         A 
attached to or associated with Form      behalf of the foreign partnership on       partnership that has a 
8865, and should not be used with        Form 8832, the new EIN must be             hyperinflationary currency as its 
respect to that foreign partnership on   entered on item G2(a) of Form 8865         functional currency is subject to 
other IRS forms. However, the foreign    and the old reference ID number must       special rules set forth in Regulations 
partnership's reference ID number        be entered on item G2(b). In               section 1.985-3. Generally, under 
should also be entered on Form 8858,     subsequent years, the filer may            these rules, a partnership must use 
Information Return of U.S. Persons       continue to enter both the EIN on item     the U.S. dollar as its functional 
With Respect to Foreign Disregarded      G2(a) and the reference ID number on       currency.
Entities, if the foreign partnership is  item G2(b), but must enter at least the    Item G8b. Exchange Rate
listed as a tax owner of a foreign       EIN on item G2(a).
disregarded entity on Form 8858. See                                                When translating functional currency 
                                           You must correlate the reference ID 
the instructions for Form 8858,                                                     to U.S. dollars, you must use the 
                                         numbers as follows: New reference ID 
line 3c(2), for more information.                                                   method specified in sections 985 
                                         number (space) Old reference ID 
                                                                                    through 989 and the regulations 
                                         number. If there is more than one old 
                                                                                    thereunder. But, regardless of the 
Requirements                             reference ID number, you must enter 
                                                                                    specific method required, all 
                                         a space between each such number. 
                                                                                    exchange rates must be reported 
The reference ID number that is          As indicated above, the length of a 
                                                                                    using a “divide-by convention” 
entered on item G2(b) must be            given reference ID number is limited 
                                                                                    rounded to at least four places. That 
alphanumeric (defined below) and no      to 50 characters and each number 
                                                                                    is, the exchange rate must be 
special characters or spaces are         must be alphanumeric and no special 
                                                                                    reported in terms of the amount by 
permitted. The length of a given         characters are permitted.
reference ID number is limited to 50                                                which the functional currency amount 
characters.                              Note. This correlation requirement         must be divided in order to reflect an 
                                         applies only to the first year the new     equivalent amount of U.S. dollars. As 
For these purposes, the term             reference ID number is used.               such, the exchange rate must be 
“alphanumeric” means the entry can                                                  reported as the units of foreign 
be alphabetical, numeric, or any         Item G6. Principal Business                currency that equal one U.S. dollar, 
combination of the two.                  Activity Code                              rounded to at least four places. Don’t 
                                                                                    report the exchange rate as the 
                                         If the foreign partnership filed 
                                                                                    number of U.S. dollars that equal one 
The same reference ID number             Form 1065. Enter the business code 
                                                                                    unit of foreign currency.
must be used consistently from tax       number (principal business activity 
year to tax year with respect to a given code) shown in item C of the Form          Note. You must round the result to 
foreign partnership. If for any reason a 1065 filed by the partnership.             more than four places if failure to do 
reference ID number falls out of use 
(for example, the foreign partnership    If the foreign partnership did not         so would materially distort the 
no longer exists due to disposition or   file Form 1065.  Enter the applicable      exchange rate or the equivalent 
liquidation), the reference ID number    principal business activity code from      amount of U.S. dollars.
used for that foreign partnership        Codes for Principal Business Activity      Item H2
cannot be used again for another         and Principal Product or Service near 
foreign partnership for purposes of      the end of these instructions. If the      If the foreign partnership was required 
Form 8865 reporting.                     information necessary to apply the         to file Form 1065 for the partnership's 
                                         total receipts test is not available, pick tax year listed at the top of page 1 of 
There are some situations that           a principal business activity code         Form 8865, check the applicable box 
warrant correlation of a new reference   using the information you have about       and enter the Internal Revenue 
ID number with a previous reference      the partnership.                           Service Center where the form was or 
                                                                                    will be filed (or enter “electronic filing” 
ID number when assigning a new 
                                                          -8-                       Instructions for Form 8865 (2022)

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if the form was or will be filed          Enter the number of Forms 8858            and (2) the amount of the dual 
electronically). Also, check the          attached to Form 8865. A disregarded      consolidated loss. See Regulations 
applicable box(es) if the foreign         entity is an entity that is disregarded   section 1.1503(d)-5 for rules on 
partnership was required to file (for its as an entity separate from its owner      determining the amount of a dual 
tax year) Form 8804, Annual Return        under Regulations section                 consolidated loss attributable to a 
for Partnership Withholding Tax           301.7701-2(c)(2). The partnership is      separate unit.
(Section 1446); or (for the calendar      the tax owner of the foreign 
year ending with or within the foreign    disregarded entity if it is treated as    Item H11
partnership's tax year) Form 1042,        owning the assets and liabilities of the  Note. Only Category 1 filers are 
Annual Withholding Tax Return for         foreign disregarded entity for            required to answer item H11.
U.S. Source Income of Foreign             purposes of U.S. income tax law.          Answer “Yes” to item H11 if the 
Persons.                                  If the foreign partnership is the tax     partnership meets both of the 
Item H5                                   owner of a foreign disregarded entity     requirements shown on the form. 
                                          or operates a foreign branch and you      Total receipts is defined as the sum of 
Section 267A disallows a deduction        are a Category 1 or 2 filer of Form       gross receipts or sales (Schedule B, 
for certain interest or royalty paid or   8865, complete and attach Form 8858       line 1a); all other income reported on 
accrued in agreement with a hybrid        to Form 8865. For more information,       Schedule B (lines 4 through 7); 
arrangement, to the extent that, under    see the Instructions for Form 8858.       income reported on Schedule K, lines 
the foreign tax law, there isn’t a                                                  3a, 5, 6a, and 7; income or net gain 
corresponding income inclusion            Item H10. Separate Units                  reported on Schedule K, lines 8, 9a, 
(including long-term deferral). In the    Note. Only Category 1 filers (or          10, and 11; and income or net gain 
case of a filer that is a tax resident of indirect partners that are filing the     reported on Form 8825, Rental Real 
the United States (for example, a         constructive ownership exception          Estate Income and Expenses of a 
domestic corporation or citizen of the    statement) are required to answer         Partnership or an S Corporation, lines 
United States), report in Question H5     items H10a and H10b, if applicable.       2, 19, and 20a.
the total amount of interest and royalty  Answer "Yes" to item H10a if the filer 
paid or accrued by the foreign            is a domestic corporation and (1) the     Item H12
partnership for which your distributive   partnership is a hybrid entity; or (2)    Check the “Yes” box on line 12a if the 
share of deductions is disallowed         the filer, through its interest in the    filer of this Form 8865 is claiming a 
under section 267A. In the case of a      partnership, indirectly owns an           deduction under section 250 with 
filer that isn’t a tax resident of the    interest in a hybrid entity or indirectly respect to foreign-derived intangible 
United States (for example, a             carries on a business operation           income (FDII), and enter the amounts 
domestic partnership), only report in     outside the United States that, if        requested on lines 12b, 12c, and 12d. 
Question H5 the portion of your           carried on by a U.S. person, would        Enter U.S. dollar amounts on lines 
distributive share of interest and        constitute a foreign branch (as           12b, 12c, and 12d, translated from 
royalty paid or accrued by the foreign    defined in Regulations section            functional currency at the average 
partnership for which you know, or        1.367(a)-6T(g)(1)). Under Regulations     exchange rate for the foreign 
have reason to know, that one or          section 1.1503(d)-1(b)(3), a hybrid       partnership's tax year (see section 
more of your owners aren’t allowed a      entity means an entity that isn’t         989(b)).
deduction under section 267A. For         taxable as an association for U.S.        The reported amounts should 
additional information about section      federal tax purposes, but is subject to   provide information for transactions 
267A, including the application of        an income tax of a foreign country as     between the filer of the Form 8865 
section 267A in the case of payments      a corporation (or otherwise at the        and the foreign partnership. See Form 
by a partnership, see IRS.gov/            entity level) either on its worldwide     8993 and its instructions for 
businesses/partnerships/faqs-for-         income or on a residence basis. If the    information on the section 250 
form-1065-schedule-b-other-               answer to item H10a is "No," skip item    deduction. If no deduction is being 
information-question-22.                  H10b.                                     claimed, check the “No” box.
Item H6                                   See Regulations section 
                                          1.1503(d)-1(b)(4) for more information    Item H14
Answer “Yes” to item H6 if the                                                      Answer “Yes” if at any time during the 
                                          on separate units, including 
partnership is a section 721(c)                                                     year there were transfers between the 
                                          information on when two or more 
partnership. If the answer is “Yes,”                                                partnership and its partners subject to 
                                          individual separate units are 
see the specific instructions for                                                   the disclosure requirements of 
                                          combined and treated as one 
Schedules G and H, relating to the                                                  Regulations section 1.707-8. For 
                                          separate unit. If you answer “Yes” to 
gain deferral method, and, if                                                       certain transfers that are presumed to 
                                          item H10b, then, for each separate 
applicable, Schedule O, relating to the                                             be sales, the partnership or the 
                                          unit that has a dual consolidated loss, 
contribution of property during the tax                                             partners must comply with the 
                                          attach a statement that sets forth (1) 
year. See Section 721(c) partnership, 
                                          the identity and country of operation of  disclosure requirements in 
earlier.                                                                            Regulations section 1.707-8. 
                                          the separate unit or, in the case of a 
Item H8                                   combined separate unit, the identity      Generally, disclosure is required 
Note. Only Category 1 and 2 filers        and country of operation of each          when:
are required to complete item H8.         individual separate unit that is treated  1. Certain transfers to a partner 
                                          as part of the combined separate unit;    are made within 2 years of a transfer 

Instructions for Form 8865 (2022)               -9-

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of property by the partner to the        during the filer's tax year that the     organization for any foreign partner, 
partnership;                             reportable transfer occurred. See        other than an individual. See country 
2. Certain debt is incurred by a         Schedule A-2. Foreign Partners of        codes on IRS.gov/CountryCodes.
partner within 2 years of the earlier of Section 721(c) Partnership, later.
                                                                                  Check if related to U.S. transferor. 
(a) a written agreement to transfer, or                                           Check the box if the partner is directly 
(b) a transfer of the property that      Schedule A-1. Certain                    or indirectly related to the U.S. 
secures the debt, if the debt is treated                                          transferor (within the meaning of 
as a qualified liability; or             Partners of Foreign 
                                                                                  section 267(b) or 707(b)(1)) and isn’t 
3. Transfers from a partnership to       Partnership                              a U.S. person.
a partner occur which are the            All Category 1 and certain Category 3 
equivalent to those listed in (1) or (2) filers must complete Schedule A-1.       Percentage interest.  Include the 
above.                                   Any person already listed on             foreign partner's percentage of 
                                         Schedule A isn’t required to be listed   interest in the partnership's capital 
The disclosure must be made on           again on Schedule A-1.                   and profits immediately after the gain 
the transferor partner's return using                                             deferral contribution. If multiple gain 
Form 8275, Disclosure Statement, or      Category 1 filers. Category 1 filers     deferral contributions occurred during 
on an attached statement providing       must list all U.S. persons who owned     the tax year, enter the percentages 
the same information. When more          at least a 10% direct interest in the    immediately after the last gain deferral 
than one partner transfers property to   foreign partnership during the           contribution. See Gain deferral 
a partnership under a plan, the          partnership's tax year listed at the top contribution, earlier.
disclosure may be made by the            of page 1 of Form 8865.

partnership rather than each partner.    Category 3 filers. Category 3 filers     Schedule A-3. Affiliation 
                                         must list:
Signature                                                                         Schedule
                                         Each U.S. person that owned a 
Filer. Don’t sign Form 8865 if you are   10% or greater direct interest in the    All filers must complete Schedule A-3. 
filing it as an attachment to your       foreign partnership during the           List on Schedule A-3 all partnerships 
income tax return. Sign the return only  Category 3 filer's tax year, and         (foreign or domestic) in which the 
if you are filing Form 8865 separately   Any other person related to the        foreign partnership owned a direct 
because you aren’t required to file a    Category 3 filer that was a direct       interest, or a 10% indirect interest 
U.S. income tax return. See When         partner in the foreign partnership       (under the rules of section 267(c)(1) 
and Where To File, earlier, for more     during that tax year.                    and (5)) during the partnership tax 
                                                                                  year listed at the top of page 1 of 
information.                               See Regulations section 
                                                                                  Form 8865.
Paid preparer. Don’t sign Form 8865      1.6038B-2(i)(4) for the definition of a 
or complete the paid preparer section    related person.                          Category 1 filers. Only Category 1 
                                                                                  filers must complete the ordinary 
at the bottom of the form if Form 8865     Exception.  Category 3 filers who      income or loss column. In that 
is filed as an attachment to an income   only transferred cash and didn’t own a   column, report the foreign 
tax return. Sign Form 8865 and           10% or greater interest in the           partnership's share of ordinary income 
complete the paid preparer section       transferee partnership after the         (even if not received) or loss from 
only if Form 8865 is filed separately.   transfer aren’t required to complete     partnerships in which the foreign 
                                         Schedule A-1.                            partnership owns a direct interest. 
Schedule A. Constructive                                                          The total amount of ordinary income 
Ownership of Partnership                 Schedule A-2. Foreign                    or loss from each partnership must 
                                                                                  also be included on Schedule B, 
Interest                                 Partners of Section 721(c) 
                                                                                  line 4.
All filers must complete Schedule A.     Partnership
Check box a if the person filing the     Schedule A-2 must be completed if 
return owns a direct interest in the     (1) item H6 is answered “Yes” (that      Schedule B. Income 
foreign partnership. Check box b if the  the partnership is a section 721(c)      Statement—Trade or 
person filing the return constructively  partnership); and (2) during the         Business Income
owns an interest in the foreign          current tax year, a gain deferral 
partnership. See Constructive            contribution occurred, or (3) a gain     Important:  All Category 1 filers in 
ownership, earlier.                      deferral contribution occurred in a      partnerships engaged in a domestic 
Category 1 and 2 filers.     Category 1  prior tax year (including before 2021)   or foreign trade or business must 
and 2 filers must list the persons (U.S. and, during the current tax year, the    complete Form 8865, Schedule B.
and foreign) whose interests in the      gain deferral method is applied to       If the partnership is a section 
foreign partnership they constructively  section 721(c) property contributed in   721(c) partnership and the gain 
owned during the partnership tax         the prior gain deferral contribution.    deferral method is applied, 
year.                                    See Section 721(c) partnership Gain ,    Schedule B must include any 
                                         deferral contribution, and Gain 
Category 3 filers.  Category 3 filers                                             remedial items with respect to section 
                                         deferral method, earlier.
must list the persons (U.S. and                                                   721(c) property, including an 
foreign) whose interests in the foreign  Country of organization.   Insert the    offsetting remedial item relating to 
partnership they constructively owned    2-letter country code for the country of contributed section 197(f)(9) property. 

                                                         -10-                     Instructions for Form 8865 (2022)

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See Regulations section 1.704-3(d)      subsequent tax year to which the gain      on which the property is listed in Part 
and Regulations section 1.704-3(d)(5)   deferral method is applied to section      I. Thus, in Parts II through IV, line 1 
(iii). The total net amount of remedial 721(c) property, even if the gain          corresponds to Part I, line 1, and line 2 
allocations should be included on       deferral contribution with respect to      corresponds to Part I, line 2, and so 
line 7, Other income (loss). Attach a   that property occurred before 2018.        on.
detailed statement describing the       See Regulations section 1.721(c)-6(b)      If there are more than four 
remedial items allocated to each        (2) and (3). See Gain deferral method,     reportable section 721(c) properties, 
partner during the tax year with        Gain deferral contribution, and            in Parts I through IV, attach a 
respect to section 721(c) property.     Section 721(c) property, earlier.          statement using the same format as in 
See Regulations section 1.721(c)-3.                                                Parts I through IV, listing properties, or 
See Section 721(c) partnership,         Filing Year
Section 721(c) property, and Gain       Check the box for “Tax year of gain        information with respect to properties, 
deferral method, earlier.               deferral contribution” if your tax year is in the same manner as described in 
                                        a year in which a gain deferral            the preceding two paragraphs. For 
Specific Instructions for               contribution occurred (a gain deferral     example, the first line on the 
Schedule B                              contribution year). Check the “Annual      statement for Part I must be labeled 
For specific instructions for Form      reporting” box if a gain deferral          “5” and contain columns with the 
8865, Schedule B, use the               contribution occurred in a year prior to   same information as those in Part I, 
instructions for Form 1065, lines 1a    the current tax year and, in the current   and must list the reportable section 
through 21 (income and deductions).     tax year, the gain deferral method         721(c) property with the fifth-highest 
                                        applies to section 721(c) property         FMV. The statements with respect to 
    You can view or download the        contributed in the prior gain deferral     Parts I through IV may be combined in 
TIP Instructions for Form 1065 at       contribution (an annual reporting          a single attached statement, provided 
    IRS.gov/                            year). If the tax year is both a gain      that the format described above is 
ScheduleD(Form1065). Also, these        deferral contribution year and an          followed.
instructions can be ordered by calling  annual reporting year, both boxes          A U.S. transferor should complete 
800-829-3676 (800-TAX-FORM).            should be checked.                         and file only one Schedule G for each 
                                                                                   partnership. See U.S. transferor, 
                                        General Instructions                       earlier.
Schedule D. Capital Gains               On Schedule G, information must be 
and Losses                              provided with respect to section           Part I. Section 721(c) Property
                                        721(c) property that was (i)               Provide the requested information 
Important: All Form 8865 Category 1     contributed to the partnership in a        with respect to each reportable 
filers in partnerships having           gain deferral contribution that            section 721(c) property. See General 
partnership items described in the      occurred during the current tax year;      Instructions under Schedule G above 
Instructions for Schedule D (Form       or (ii) contributed to the partnership in  for the order in which properties must 
1065), Capital Gains and Losses,        a gain deferral contribution that          be listed and when an attached 
must complete that schedule.            occurred during a prior tax year,          statement can and must be used. If 
    You can view or download the        provided that the gain deferral method     there are more than four reportable 
                                        is applied to the property in the          section 721(c) properties, enter on 
TIP Schedule D (Form 1065) and 
    the Instructions for                current tax year. Collectively, section    line 4a the following information with 
Schedule D (Form 1065) at IRS.gov/      721(c) property with respect to which      respect to the reportable section 
                                        information must be reported on            721(c) properties listed on the 
ScheduleD(Form1065). Also, the form 
                                        Schedule G is referred to as               attached statement.
and its instructions can be ordered by 
                                        “reportable section 721(c) properties.” 
calling 800-829-3676                                                               1. In columns 6(a) through 6(c), 
(800-TAX-FORM).                             Section 721(c) property, earlier.      provide the aggregate FMV, basis, 
                                        In Parts I through V, information          and built-in gain, respectively, of the 
                                        must be provided on a                      properties.
Schedule G (Form 8865).                 property-by-property basis. In Part I,     2. Check the boxes in columns 4, 
Statement of Application                reportable section 721(c) properties       5, and 7(a)–(e) if applicable to any of 
of the Gain Deferral                    and accompanying information must          the properties.
                                        be listed in descending order of FMV               Don’t complete line 4a if there 
Method Under Section                    (measured at the time of contribution).    !       are four or fewer reportable 
721(c)                                  Thus, the reportable section 721(c)        CAUTION section 721(c) properties.
A U.S. transferor uses Schedule G to    property with the highest FMV should 
comply with the reporting               be listed on line 1, the reportable 
requirements that must be satisfied in  section 721(c) property with the           Note.   Schedule O, Transfer of 
applying the gain deferral method. If   second highest FMV should be listed        Property to a Foreign Partnership, 
the gain deferral method is applied to  on line 2, and so on.                      may need to be completed if, during 
section 721(c) property, a U.S.                                                    the tax year, the U.S. transferor 
transferor must file Schedule G for the In Parts II through IV, the line on        contributed property (including 
tax year of a gain deferral             which information is provided with         section 721(c) property) to the 
contribution, as well as for each       respect to a reportable section 721(c)     partnership. See the Schedule O 
                                        property must correspond to the line       instructions, later.

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Column 4. Section 197(f)(9) prop-       properties must be listed and when an   Instead, column 5 should list only the 
erty. Check the box with respect to     attached statement can and must be      amount of gain recognized pursuant 
the reportable section 721(c) property  used. On line 4a, provide the total     to Regulations section 1.721(c)-5(e) 
if the property is an intangible        amounts in each column with respect     (requiring the U.S. transferor to 
described in section 197(f)(9).         to all reportable section 721(c)        recognize an amount of gain equal to 
                                        property, including property listed on  the remaining built-in gain (if any) that 
Column 5. Effectively connected         an attached statement.                  would have been allocated to the U.S. 
income property.    Check the box                                               transferor if the partnership had sold 
with respect to the reportable section  Column (a). Remaining built-in 
                                                                                the remaining portion of the property 
721(c) property if (1) all distributive gain at beginning of tax year.    With 
                                                                                immediately before the transfer for 
shares of income and gain with          respect to a reportable section 721(c) 
respect to the property for all direct  property, enter the amount of 
and indirect partners that are related  remaining built-in gain at the          Part III. Allocation Percentages 
foreign persons with respect to the     beginning of the tax year. If the       of Partnership Items With 
U.S. transferor will be subject to      property was contributed in the         Respect to Section 721(c) 
taxation as income effectively          current tax year, enter the property’s 
connected with a trade or business      built-in gain on the date of the        Property
within the United States (under         contribution (Part I, column 6(c)).     For each reportable section 721(c) 
                                                                                property, enter the percentage of 
section 871 or 882), and (2) neither    Column (b). Remaining built-in          income, gain, deduction, and loss 
the section 721(c) partnership nor a    gain at end of tax year. With           allocated to the U.S. transferor, 
related foreign person that is a direct respect to a reportable section 721(c)  related domestic partners, and related 
or indirect partner in the partnership  property, enter the amount of           foreign partners. See General 
claims benefits under an income tax     remaining built-in gain at the end of   Instructions under Schedule G, 
convention that would exempt the        the tax year, figured under the gain    earlier, for the order in which 
income or gain from tax or reduce the   deferral method.                        properties must be listed and when an 
rate of taxation to which the income or 
gain is subject. See Regulations        Column (c). Remedial income allo-       attached statement can and must be 
sections 1.721(c)-3(b)(1)(ii) and       cated to the U.S. transferor.    With   used. See section 267(b) or 707(b)(1) 
1.721(c)-6(c)(1).                       respect to a reportable section 721(c)  for rules on determining related 
                                        property, enter the remedial income     partners, and see Regulations section 
Column 6(a). Fair market value.         allocated to the U.S. transferor under  1.721(c)-3(c) for a rule requiring that 
Enter the fair market value of the      the remedial allocation method. When    the partnership apply the consistent 
reportable section 721(c) property,     the gain deferral method applies to a   allocation method when the gain 
measured as of the date of              section 721(c) property, the            deferral method applies.
contribution.                           partnership must use the remedial 
                                                                                Part IV. Allocation of Items to 
Column 6(b). Basis. Enter the           allocation method described in 
adjusted tax basis of the reportable    Regulations section 1.704-3(d) with     U.S. Transferor With Respect to 
section 721(c) property on the date of  respect to the property. See            Section 721(c) Property
the contribution. See sections 1011     Regulations section 1.721(c)-3(b)(1)    For each reportable section 721(c) 
through 1016 for more information for   (i)(A).                                 property, enter the amount (both book 
the determination of adjusted tax       Column (d). Gain recognized due         and tax) of income, gain, deduction, 
basis.                                  to acceleration event. With respect     and loss allocated to the U.S. 
Column 7. Events.   Check the box       to a reportable section 721(c)          transferor under the gain deferral 
for each of columns 7(a) through 7(e)   property, enter the amount of built-in  method. See General Instructions 
which describes an event that           gain taken into account by reason of    under Schedule G, earlier, for the 
occurred during the tax year with       an acceleration event or partial        order in which properties must be 
respect to the reportable section       acceleration event. See Regulations     listed and when an attached 
721(c) property. If a box is checked    sections 1.721(c)-4 and 1.721(c)-5 for  statement can and must be used. In 
for any reportable section 721(c)       events constituting an acceleration     addition, a description of any tax item 
property listed, respond “Yes” on the   event or partial acceleration event and or regulatory allocation with respect to 
corresponding line in Part V of         for the consequences of such events.    a reportable section 721(c) property 
                                                                                that is allocated to the U.S. transferor 
Schedule G and complete                 Column (e). Gain recognized due         must be included in Part VI, 
Schedule H. See the Part V              to section 367 transfer. With           Supplemental Information.
instructions below.                     respect to a reportable section 721(c) 
Part II. Remaining Built-in Gain,       property, enter the amount of gain      Part V. Additional Information
                                        recognized by the U.S. transferor       Part V provides questions relating to 
Remedial Income, and Gain                                                       whether certain events have occurred 
                                        pursuant to Regulations section 
Recognition                             1.721(c)-5(e) (regarding transfers,     in the current tax year with respect to 
Provide the requested information       including indirect transfers, described one or more reportable section 721(c) 
with respect to each reportable         in section 367 of section 721(c)        properties and information relating to 
section 721(c) property. See General    property to a foreign corporation).     treaty benefits. Such events include:
Instructions under Schedule G,          Gain recognized under section 367       Acceleration events (see 
earlier, for the order in which         should not be included in column 5.     Regulations section 1.721(c)-4),

                                                -12-                              Instructions for Form 8865 (2022)

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Partial acceleration events (see                                                 allocated to the U.S. transferor if the 
Regulations section 1.721(c)-5(d)),       Schedule H (Form 8865).                  section 721(c) partnership had sold 
Termination events (see                 Acceleration Events and                  the section 721(c) property 
Regulations section 1.721(c)-5(b)),       Exceptions Reporting                     immediately before the acceleration 
Successor events involving a                                                     event for FMV. Following the event, 
successor partnership or U.S.             Relating to Gain Deferral                the gain deferral method no longer 
transferor (see Regulations section       Method Under Section                     applies to that section 721(c) 
1.721(c)-5(c)),                           721(c)                                   property. See Regulations section 
Taxable disposition of a portion of     If the gain deferral method is being     1.721(c)-4 for rules relating to 
an interest in a partnership (see         applied to reportable section 721(c)     acceleration events.
Regulations section 1.721(c)-5(f)),       property, complete and file              At any time, a U.S. transferor may 
and                                       Schedule H to report certain events      affirmatively treat an acceleration 
Direct or indirect transfer of section  related to the section 721(c) property.  event as having occurred (a deemed 
721(c) property to a foreign              See Regulations sections 1.721(c)-4      acceleration event) with respect to a 
corporation subject to section 367        and -5 for more information. Complete    section 721(c) property by both 
(see Regulations section                  a separate Schedule H for each           recognizing the remaining built-in gain 
1.721(c)-5(e)).                           partnership.                             in that section 721(c) property and 
Lines 1 through 6b. If the answer is      General instructions.    Complete all    satisfying the reporting requirements 
“Yes” to any of the questions on lines    Parts of Schedule H that correspond      of the acceleration event. See 
1 through 6b of Part V, also complete     to the box or boxes checked in           Regulations section 1.721(c)-4(b)(4).
and attach Schedule H (Form 8865).        Schedule G, Part I, column 7, and the    Column (b).   Provide a description of 
See the separate instructions later for   related line on Part V checked “Yes.”    the acceleration event, including the 
Schedule H. In addition, the              If additional lines are needed to report citation in the case of a partial or 
corresponding checkboxes in Part I,       the information required in Parts I      deemed acceleration event. See 
columns 7(a) through 7(e), should be      through V, attach a statement in the     Regulations section 1.721(c)-6(b)(3)
marked, as applicable.                    same format as the format used in the    (iv). Use Part VI, Supplemental 
Line 7a. If the answer is “Yes,” attach   Part, in Part VI, Supplemental           Information, if additional space is 
to Form 8865 a copy of the waiver of      Information. See Section 721(c)          needed to describe the transaction.
treaty benefits with respect to the       property, earlier.
                                                                                   Column (d).   Enter the amount of the 
reportable section 721(c) property.       For Parts I–III and V, enter in          gain recognized by the U.S. transferor 
See Regulations sections                  column (a) the line number for the       with respect to the section 721(c) 
1.721(c)-6(b)(2)(iii) and 1.721(c)-6(c).  section 721(c) property from             property resulting from the 
                                          Schedule G, Part I. If the impacted 
Part VI. Supplemental                                                              acceleration event.
                                          section 721(c) property is listed on an 
Information                               attached statement to Schedule G,        Column (e).   Enter the amount that 
Information to be reported.   When        Part I, enter the line number from the   the section 721(c) partnership will 
providing any information in Part VI,     attached statement on which that         increase its basis in the section 721(c) 
indicate the Part, Part column, and       property was identified.                 property as a result of the acceleration 
                                                                                   event. See Regulations sections 
line for which the information is         Part I. Acceleration Event               1.721(c)-4(c)(2) and 1.721(c)-5(d) in 
                                          Acceleration event.   An acceleration    the case of a partial acceleration 
Additional Part rows.  If an attached     event is any event that either would     event.
statement is used in Parts I through      reduce the amount of the remaining       Column (f). Check the box if there is 
IV, include the statement “Additional     built-in gain that a U.S. transferor     a partial acceleration event and the 
Section 721(c) Property statement(s)      would have recognized under the gain     U.S. transferor recognizes a partial 
is/are attached” in the area provided     deferral method if the event had not     gain with respect to the section 721(c) 
in Part VI.                               occurred or could defer the              property. Certain distributions of other 
Other information. Use the                recognition of the remaining built-in    partnership property to a partner that 
Supplemental Information section to       gain. Acceleration events are            result in an adjustment under section 
provide any additional information        applicable on a property-by-property     734 to the section 721(c) property 
required by Regulations section           basis. An acceleration event includes    constitute a partial acceleration event 
1.721(c)-6 that isn’t captured in Parts I the transfer of section 721(c) property  requiring that the U.S. transferor 
through IV above.                         by making a contribution of the          recognize gain. If there is a remaining 
                                          property itself to another partnership   built-in gain in the section 721(c) 
                                          or the contribution of an interest in a  property immediately after the partial 
                                          section 721(c) partnership to another    acceleration event, the gain deferral 
                                          partnership. When an acceleration        method must continue to apply and 
                                          event occurs with respect to a section   the U.S. transferor is required to 
                                          721(c) property, the U.S. transferor     continue to report the information on 
                                          must recognize gain in an amount         Schedule G with respect to that 
                                          equal to remaining built-in gain in the  property. See Regulations section 
                                          property that would have been            1.721(c)-5(d).

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Part II. Termination Event              transferor. In other successor events,    partnerships) that the U.S. transferor 
A termination event causes the gain     a partnership becomes the successor       retained immediately after the event.
deferral method to no longer apply      section 721(c) partnership. A 
                                                                                  Column (e). Enter the aggregate 
with respect to the affected section    successor section 721(c) partnership 
                                                                                  amount of the remaining built-in gain 
721(c) property on a                    may be a new, upper-tier, or lower-tier 
                                                                                  with respect to all of the section 
property-by-property basis.             partnership. The identifying 
                                                                                  721(c) properties that is attributable to 
Regulations section 1.721(c)-5(b)       information must include the name, 
                                                                                  the portion of the interest in the 
identifies the termination events.      address, and U.S. taxpayer 
                                                                                  section 721(c) partnership that is 
                                        identification number (TIN), if any, of 
                                                                                  retained. Attach a detailed supporting 
Column (b).   Provide a description of  the successor U.S. transferor or 
                                                                                  schedule to Schedule H that 
the termination event, including the    successor section 721(c) partnership.
citation to the relevant paragraph in                                             separately states each remaining 
Regulations section 1.721(c)-5(b).      Part IV. Taxable Disposition of           section 721(c) property and its 
See Regulations section 1.721(c)-6(b)   a Portion of an Interest in               respective remaining built-in gain 
(3)(v). Use Part VI, Supplemental       Partnership Event                         allocable to the U.S. transferor 
                                                                                  included in the aggregate amount 
Information, if additional space is     Part IV reports the information relating  reported in column (e).
needed to describe the transaction.     to a fully taxable disposition of a 
Part III. Successor Event               portion of an interest in a section       Part V. Section 367 Transfer 
                                        721(c) partnership. Complete this Part 
A successor event allows for the                                                  Event
                                        if a U.S. transferor or a partnership in 
continued application of the gain                                                 Part V reports the information relating 
                                        which a U.S. transferor is a direct or 
deferral method with respect to the                                               to a transfer described in section 367 
                                        indirect partner disposes of (directly or 
affected section 721(c) property on a                                             of section 721(c) property to a foreign 
                                        indirectly through one or more 
property-by-property basis by a                                                   corporation. See Regulations section 
                                        partnerships) a portion of an interest 
successor U.S. transferor or a                                                    1.721(c)-5(e). Section 367 events 
                                        in a section 721(c) partnership in a 
successor section 721(c) partnership.                                             include:
                                        transaction in which the gain or loss, if 
However, if the successor doesn’t                                                 Transfer of section 721(c) property 
                                        any, is recognized. This will not be an 
continue the gain deferral method, the                                            by a section 721(c) partnership to a 
                                        acceleration event with respect to the 
event is an acceleration event and                                                foreign corporation, or
                                        portion of the interest transferred. The 
must be reported in Part I above.                                                 Transfer by a U.S. transferor or a 
                                        gain deferral method will continue to 
Successor events are applicable on a                                              partnership in which a U.S. transferor 
                                        apply with respect to the section 
property-by-property basis. If only a                                             is a direct or indirect partner transfers 
                                        721(c) property of the section 721(c) 
portion of an interest in a partnership                                           (directly or indirectly through one or 
                                        partnership. The rules of Regulations 
is transferred in a successor event,                                              more partnerships) all or a portion of 
                                        section 1.704-3(a)(7) are applied to 
the rules of Regulations section                                                  the section 721(c) partnership that 
                                        determine the remaining built-in gain 
1.704-3(a)(7) are applied to determine                                            owns section 721(c) property to a 
                                        in the section 721(c) property on a 
the remaining built-in gain in the                                                foreign corporation.
                                        property-by-property basis that is 
section 721(c) property that is                                                     As a result of the section 367 
                                        attributable to the portion of the 
attributable to the portion of the                                                event, the section 721(c) property is 
                                        interest in the section 721(c) 
interest that is transferred and the                                              no longer subject to the gain deferral 
                                        partnership is retained. See 
portion that is retained. Regulations                                             method. The U.S. transferor is treated 
                                        Regulations section 1.721(c)-5(f).
section 1.721(c)-5(c) identifies the                                              as transferring the section 721(c) 
successor events, including special     Column (a). Provide a description of      property to a foreign corporation and 
rules for transactions involving tiered the disposition of the interest in the    is subject to taxation on the transfer 
partnerships.                           partnership, including whether the        under section 367. See the section 
If more than one successor event        interest was a direct or indirect         367 regulations for rules relating to 
occurs in the tax year, provide the     interest (through one or more             gain or income recognition under 
required information for each event     partnerships). If more than one           section 367.
separately in Part IV in chronological  taxable disposition event occurs in the 
date order.                             tax year, provide the required            Note. A transfer of property to a 
                                        information for each event separately     foreign corporation by a U.S. 
Column (b).   Provide a description of  in Part IV in chronological date order.   transferor is subject to other reporting 
the successor event, including the      If additional space is needed, provide    requirements under sections 367, 
citation to the relevant paragraph in   the information in Part VI,               351, 368, and 6038B (for example, 
Regulations section 1.721(c)-5(c).      Supplemental Information.                 the filing of Form 926), as applicable. 
See Regulations section 1.721(c)-6(b)                                             See the related regulations under 
(3)(v). Use Part VI, Supplemental       Column (c). Enter the percentage of 
                                                                                  these Code sections. Such reporting 
Information, if additional space is     partnership interest that was disposed 
                                                                                  requirements are in addition to the 
needed to describe the transaction.     of in the event to which all gain or 
                                                                                  filing of Schedule H.
                                        loss, if any, is recognized.
Column (d).   Enter the identifying                                                 After considering the tax 
information of the relevant successor,  Column (d). Enter the percentage of       consequences under section 367, the 
as applicable. In certain successor     the partnership interest (directly or     remaining built-in gain, if any, with 
events, a domestic corporation          indirectly through one or more            respect to the section 721(c) property 
becomes the successor U.S.                                                        is recognized by the U.S. transferor to 
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the extent that would have been          on the Part at issue. If separate         interest in FPS. Therefore, Partner A 
allocated to the U.S. transferor had     supplemental schedules are used for       is considered to own a 55% interest in 
the section 721(c) partnership sold      any Part of Schedule H for specific       FPS and is thus a Category 1 filer. 
that portion of the property             section 721(c) properties, use the        When Partner A completes 
immediately before the transfer for      same corresponding identification line    Schedule K-1 (Form 8865) for itself, 
FMV.                                     number from the Part I of Schedule G      Partner A must report the distributive 
                                         for such property on the supplemental     share of items allocated to Partner A's 
Column (b). Provide a description of 
                                         schedule for Schedule H.                  direct interest of 45% but not any 
the section 367 transfer, including 
                                                                                   items allocated to DC's 10% interest. 
whether the transfer was a direct or     Other information.  Use the 
                                                                                   When Partner A completes 
indirect transfer (through one or more   Supplemental Information section to 
                                                                                   Schedule K-1 (Form 8865) for DC 
partnerships) of section 721(c)          provide any additional information 
                                                                                   (which Partner A must do because DC 
property to a foreign corporation. If    required by Regulations section 
                                                                                   owns a direct 10% interest), Partner A 
more than one section 367 transfer       1.721(c)-6 that isn’t reported in Parts I 
                                                                                   must report on DC's Schedule K-1 
occurs in the tax year, provide the      through V above.
                                                                                   (Form 8865) only items allocated to 
required information for each transfer 
                                                                                   DC's direct 10% interest.
separately in Part IV in chronological 
date order. If additional space is       Schedules K, Partners'                    Although the partnership isn’t 
needed, provide the information in       Distributive Share Items,                 subject to income tax, the partners are 
Part VI, Supplemental Information.       and K-1 (Form 8865),                      liable for tax on their shares of the 
Column (d). Enter the amount of the      Partner’s Share of Income,                partnership income, whether or not 
                                                                                   distributed, and must include their 
remaining portion of built-in gain       Deductions, Credits, etc.                 share of such items on their tax 
recognized by the U.S. transferor 
under section 721(c). The amount of      Schedule K                                returns.
gain equals the remaining portion of     Form 8865, Schedule K, is a summary       Allocations of income, gains, 
the built-in gain that would have been   schedule of all of the partners' shares   losses, deductions, or credits among 
allocated to the U.S. transferor if the  of the partnership income, credits,       the partners should generally be 
section 721(c) partnership had sold      deductions, etc. Only Category 1 filers   made according to the partnership 
that portion of the section 721(c)       must complete Form 8865,                  agreement. See section 704 and the 
property immediately before the          Schedule K.                               regulations thereunder.
transfer for FMV. This amount should 
not include any gain or income           Schedule K-1                              Schedule K-1 (Form 8865) for rela-
recognized by the U.S. transferor        Schedule K-1 (Form 8865) is used to       ted foreign partners.  If the gain 
pursuant to section 367 that is          report a specific partner's share of the  deferral method is applied and a 
reported elsewhere on the return. See    partnership income, deductions,           section 721(c) partnership doesn’t 
Regulations section 1.721(c)-5(e).       credits, etc.                             have a filing obligation under section 
                                                                                   6031, the U.S. transferor must obtain 
After the section 367 transfer, the      All Category 1 and 2 filers must 
                                                                                   a Schedule K-1 (Form 8865) for each 
transferred section 721(c) property      complete Schedule K-1 (Form 8865) 
                                                                                   direct or indirect partner that is related 
will no longer be subject to the gain    for any direct interest they hold in the 
                                                                                   to the U.S. transferor (within the 
deferral method.                         partnership. A Category 1 or 2 filer 
                                                                                   meaning of section 267(b) or 707(b)
Column (e). Enter the identifying        that doesn’t own a direct interest is 
                                                                                   (1)) and that isn’t a U.S. person 
information of the foreign transferee    not required to complete 
                                                                                   (related foreign partner). See 
corporation that received the section    Schedule K-1 (Form 8865).
                                                                                   Regulations section 1.721(c)-6(c)(3). 
721(c) property in the section 367       Category 1 filers must also               The Schedule K-1 (Form 8865) for 
transfer. The identifying information    complete Schedule K-1 (Form 8865)         each related foreign partner must be 
includes the name, address, and          for each U.S. person that directly        filed and attached to the Form 8865 
U.S.TIN, if any.                         owns a 10% or greater direct interest     as part of the annual reporting relating 
Part VI. Supplemental                    in the partnership.                       to the gain deferral method pursuant 
Information                              Provide the partner's beginning and       to Regulations section 1.721(c)-6(b)
                                         year-end percentage interests in          (3)(xi). The instructions that apply to 
Information to be reported.     When                                               Schedule K-1 (Form 8865) for all 
                                         partnership profits, losses, capital, or 
providing any information in the                                                   other partners also apply to a 
                                         deductions. These percentages 
Supplemental Information, indicate                                                 Schedule K-1 (Form 8865) for a 
                                         should include any interest 
the Part, Part column, row, and line for                                           related foreign partner. See Gain 
                                         constructively owned by the filer.
which the information is provided.                                                 deferral method Section 721(c) , 
                                         Complete boxes 1 through 21 for 
Additional Part rows. If additional                                                partnership, and U.S. transferor, 
                                         any direct interest that the partner 
rows are needed to enter information                                               earlier.
                                         owns in the partnership.
in Parts I through V in the 
Supplemental Information, provide the    Example.      Partner A owns a 45%        General Reporting Instructions
information in an attachment or          direct interest in a foreign partnership  for Schedule K-1 (Form 8865)
attachments to Schedule H in the         (FPS). Partner A also owns 100% of 
same format as required for the row      the stock of a domestic corporation       On each Schedule K-1 (Form 8865), 
                                         (DC), which owns a 10% direct             enter the information about the 

Instructions for Form 8865 (2022)                      -15-

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partnership and the partner in Parts I    income (loss) (code I) in the           Instructions for Schedule K-1 (Form 
and II (items A through F). For           Instructions for Form 1065.             1065).
Schedule K-1 (Form 8865), items E 
                                          Attached statements.  When              Line 16. If the partnership had items 
and F, see the instructions for the 
                                          attaching statements to Schedule K-1    of international tax relevance, see the 
corresponding Schedule K-1 (Form 
                                          to report additional information to the Instructions for Schedules K-2 and 
1065), items J and L, in the 
                                          partner, indicate there is a statement  K-3 (Form 8865) to determine if you 
Instructions for Form 1065 under 
                                          for the following.                      need to check the box and attach 
Specific Instructions (Schedule K-1 
                                          If an amount can be input on          Schedules K-2 and K-3.
only). In Part III, enter the partner's 
                                          Schedule K-1 but additional 
distributive share of each item of 
                                          information is required, enter an 
income, deduction, and credit and any                                             Schedules K-2 (Form 
                                          asterisk (*) after the code in the 
other information the partner needs to                                            8865), Partners’ 
                                          column to the left of the entry space.
prepare the partner's tax return.
                                          For items that can't be reported as   Distributive Share 
Item A2                                   a single dollar amount, enter the code  Items—International, and 
Enter the reference ID number used        and an asterisk (*) in the column to 
on Form 8865, item G2(b). For details,    the left and enter “STMT” in the right  K-3 (Form 8865), Partner’s 
see the instructions for Item G2(b),      column to indicate that the information Share of Income, 
earlier.                                  is provided on an attached statement.   Deductions, Credits, 
                                          If the partnership has more coded     etc.—International
Part III—line 1.  If the gain deferral    items than the number of entry boxes 
method is applied to which the section    (for example, boxes 11 and 13           Schedule K-2
721(c) partnership adopts the             through 15, or boxes 17 through 21),    Schedule K-2 (Form 8865) is an 
remedial allocation method, the           don't enter a code or dollar amount in  extension of Schedule K of the Form 
amounts reflected on each partner's       the last entry box. Instead, enter an   8865 and is used to report items of 
Schedule K-1 for the allocations of       asterisk (*) in the left column and     international tax relevance from the 
income, gains, losses, deductions, or     enter “STMT” in the entry space to the  operation of a partnership.
credits allocated to such partner must    right.
include any allocations of remedial                                               Schedule K-3
                                            More than one attached statement 
items with respect to section 721(c)                                              Schedule K-3 (Form 8865) is an 
                                          can be placed on the same sheet of 
property. See Regulations section                                                 extension of Schedule K-1 (Form 
                                          paper. The information included in the 
1.721(c)-3(c).                                                                    8865) and is generally used to report 
                                          statement should be identified in 
For example, if the partner is the        alphanumeric order by box number        the partner’s share of the items 
U.S. transferor of section 721(c)         followed by the letter code (if any),   reported on Schedule K-2. The 
property, Part III, line 1, would include description, and dollar amount for      information reported on Schedule K-3 
any remedial income allocated to the      each item. For example: “Box 13,        is used to report information on a 
U.S. transferor from Schedule G, Part     code J—Work opportunity                 partner’s tax or information returns.
II, column (c), Remedial income           credit—$1,000.” This can be followed    For more information, see the 
allocated to U.S. transferor, as          with any additional information the     Instructions for Schedules K-2 and 
applicable. For partners other than the   partner needs to determine the proper   K-3 (Form 8865).
transferor, Part III, line 1, would       tax treatment of the item.
include their share of ordinary 
business income (or loss) after taking    Specific Instructions for               Schedule L. Balance 
into account any remedial items to        Schedules K and K-1                     Sheets per Books
such partner relating to section 721(c)   For the specific instructions for Form  The balance sheets should agree with 
property. However, Part III, line 1,      8865, Schedule K, and Schedule K-1      the partnership's books and records. 
would not include basis adjustments       (Form 8865), see the Instructions for   Attach a statement explaining any 
attributable to section 197(f)(9) for     Form 1065.                              differences.
related foreign partners. See 
Regulations section 1.704-3(d)(5)(iii)      If the partnership is a section       Only Category 1 filers are required 
and Regulations section 1.721(c)-3.       721(c) partnership, box 20 (code        to complete Form 8865, Schedule L.
See Section 721(c) partnership,           AH—Other information) of 
Section 721(c) property, and Gain         Schedule K-1, Part III, must include    If you answered "Yes" to item H11 
deferral method, earlier.                 the amounts relating to any remedial    on page 1 of Form 8865, you do not 
                                          items made under the remedial           have to complete Form 8865, 
Codes.   In box 11 and boxes 13           allocation method (described in         Schedule L.
through 21, identify each item by         Regulations section 1.704-3(d) and      Schedule L requires balance 
entering a code in the column to the      Regulations section 1.704-3(d)(5)(iii)) sheets prepared and translated into 
left of the dollar amount entry space.    with respect to section 721(c)          U.S. dollars in accordance with U.S. 
These codes are identified in List of     property. For the specific partner's    generally accepted accounting 
Codes Used for Schedule K-1 (Form         information relating to the remedial    principles (GAAP).
8865), later. For Box 11—Code G.          method allocations and gain deferral 
Other income (loss), see Other            method, see the Instructions for Form   Exception.  Generally, if the 
                                          1065, especially the Partner's          partnership or any QBU of the 
                                                                                  partnership uses the dollar 
                                                     -16-                         Instructions for Form 8865 (2022)

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approximate separate transactions      Only Category 1 filers are required     under column (d). Report the 
method (DASTM), Form 8865,             to complete Form 8865,                  transactions only under column (b).
Schedule L, should reflect the tax     Schedule M-1. If you answered "Yes" 
                                                                               Lines 6 and 16.  Enter distributions 
balance sheets prepared and            to item H11 on page 1 of Form 8865, 
                                                                               received from other partnerships and 
translated into U.S. dollars according you don’t have to complete Form 
                                                                               distributions from the foreign 
to Regulations section 1.985-3(d).     8865, Schedule M-1.
                                                                               partnership for which this form is 
Specific Instructions for              Specific Instructions for               being completed.
Schedule L                             Schedule M-1                            Lines 20 and 21. Enter the largest 
For the specific instructions for Form For the specific instructions for       outstanding balances during the tax 
8865, Schedule L, see the              Schedule M-1 (Form 8865), see the       year of gross amounts borrowed from, 
Instructions for Form 1065.            Instructions for Form 1065.             and gross amounts lent to, the related 
                                                                               parties described in columns (a) 
                                                                               through (d). Don’t enter aggregate 
Schedule M. Balance                    Schedule M-2. Analysis of               cash flows, year-end loan balances, 
Sheets for Interest                    Partners' Capital Accounts              average balances, or net balances. 
Allocation                             Only Category 1 filers are required to  Don’t include open account balances 
All Category 1 filers must complete    complete Form 8865, Schedule M-2.       resulting from sales and purchases 
Form 8865, Schedule M, and it should   If you answered "Yes" to item H11 on    reported under other items listed on 
reflect the book values of the         page 1 of Form 8865, you don’t have     Schedule N that arise and are 
partnership's assets, as described in  to complete Form 8865,                  collected in full in the ordinary course 
Temporary Regulations sections         Schedule M-2.                           of business.
1.861-9T(g)(2) and 1.861-12T. Assets   Specific Instructions for 
should be characterized as U.S.                                                Schedule O (Form 8865). 
                                       Schedule M-2
assets or foreign assets in one or 
more separate limitation categories as For the specific instructions for Form  Transfer
provided in Temporary Regulations      8865, Schedule M-2, see the             of Property to a
sections 1.861-9T(g)(3) and            Instructions for Form 1065.             Foreign Partnership
1.861-12T. The balance sheets                                                  Category 3 filers must complete 
should be prepared in U.S. dollars     Schedule N. Transactions                Schedule O.
under Temporary Regulations section 
1.861-9T(g)(2)(ii).                    Between Controlled                      Section 721(c) partnerships. 
                                       Foreign Partnership and                 Regulations section 1.721(c)-2 
Exception.   If the partnership or 
any QBU of the partnership uses        Partners or Other Related               overrides section 721(a) 
DASTM, Form 8865, Schedule M,          Entities                                nonrecognition of gain upon a 
                                                                               contribution of section 721(c) property 
should reflect the tax balance sheet   All Category 1 filers must complete 
                                                                               to a section 721(c) partnership 
prepared in U.S. dollars under         Schedule N and report all transactions 
                                                                               occurring on or after August 6, 2015. 
Regulations section 1.985-3(d). See    of the foreign partnership during the 
                                                                               A U.S. transferor must recognize gain 
Temporary Regulations section          tax year of the partnership listed on 
                                                                               unless the gain deferral method 
1.861-9T(g)(2)(ii)(A)(2) for more      the top of Form 8865, page 1. A 
                                                                               described in Regulations section 
information on DASTM.                  Category 1 filer filing a Form 8865 for 
                                                                               1.721(c)-3 is applied. To satisfy the 
                                       other Category 1 filers under the 
Line 2. Enter the partnership's                                                reporting requirements of the gain 
                                       multiple Category 1 filers exception 
foreign assets according to the                                                deferral method, the U.S. transferor is 
                                       must complete a Schedule N for itself 
separate categories of income.                                                 required to report certain information 
                                       and a separate Schedule N for each 
                                                                               for the year of the contribution and for 
See the instructions for               Category 1 filer not filing Form 8865.
Schedule K-2 and Schedule K-3                                                  subsequent years. See Regulations 
                                       Category 2 filers are required to 
(Form 8865), Part III, Section 2;                                              section 1.721(c)-6. See Section 
                                       complete columns (a), (b), and (c) of 
section 904(d); and Regulations                                                721(c) property Section 721(c) , 
                                       Schedule N. Category 2 filers don’t 
section 1.904-4(m) for more                                                    partnership U.S. transferor, , and Gain 
                                       have to complete column (d).
information.                                                                   deferral method, earlier.
                                       Column (a). Use column (a) to report    Reference ID number.     Use the 
                                       transactions between the foreign        reference ID number shown on Form 
Schedule M-1.                          partnership and the person filing the   8865, item G2(b). For details, see the 
Reconciliation of Income               Form 8865.                              instructions for Item G2(b), earlier.
(Loss) per Books With                  Column (d). Use column (d) to report    Part I. Transfers Reportable 
Income (Loss) per Return               transactions between the foreign 
                                                                               Under Section 6038B
Form 8865 filers aren’t required to    partnership and any U.S. person with 
complete Schedule M-3 (Form 1065),     a 10% or more direct interest in the    Part I is used to report the transfer of 
Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation for   foreign partnership. If such person     property to a foreign partnership. 
Certain Partnerships.                  also qualifies under column (b), don’t  Provide the information required in 
                                       report transactions between the         columns (a) through (g) with respect 
                                       foreign partnership and that person     to each contribution of property to the 

Instructions for Form 8865 (2022)                    -17-

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foreign partnership that must be         before the transfer differs from any of     Annual Reporting With Respect
reported. If you contributed property    your profit, loss, or deduction interests   to the Gain Deferral Method
with an FMV greater than its tax basis   in the partnership at that time, enter in 
(appreciated property), or intangible    the supplemental information below          A U.S. transferor subject to the gain 
property, provide the information        your interests, by percentage, in the       deferral method must annually attach 
required in columns (a) through (g)      profit, loss, and deductions at that        Schedule G (Form 8865), containing 
separately with respect to each item     time. To the extent your capital            the information required in 
of property transferred (except to the   interest in the partnership immediately     Regulations section 1.721(c)-6(b)(3)
extent you are allowed to aggregate      after the transfer differs from any of      (i) through (vii) (and (b)(3)(ix), as 
the property under Regulations           your profit, loss, or deduction interests   applicable). See Regulations section 
sections 1.704-3(e)(2), (3), and (4)).   in the partnership at that time, enter in   1.721(c)-6(b)(3) for further annual 
                                         the supplemental information below          reporting requirements pursuant to 
Provide a general description of         your interests, by percentage, in the       the gain deferral method.
each item of property in the             profit, loss, and deductions at that 
Supplemental Information Required        time.                                       Part II. Dispositions Reportable 
To Be Reported section. For all other                                                Under Section 6038B
property contributed, aggregate by       Supplemental information required 
the categories listed in Part I.         to be reported. Enter any                   Use Part II to report certain 
                                         information from Part I that is required    dispositions by a foreign partnership. 
Column (a). Enter the date of the        to be reported in greater detail.           If you were required to report a 
transfer. If the transfer was composed   Identify the applicable column number       transfer of appreciated property to the 
of a series of transactions over         next to the information entered in this     partnership, and the partnership 
multiple dates, enter the date the       section. In addition, if you contributed    disposes of the property while you are 
transfer was completed.                  property to a foreign partnership as        still a direct or constructive partner, 
Column (b). Enter the description of     part of a wider transaction, briefly        you must report that disposition in Part 
the property transferred.                describe the entire transaction.            II. If the partnership disposes of the 
                                                                                     property in a nonrecognition 
Column (c). Enter the FMV of the           Reporting required for the year           transaction and receives in exchange 
property contributed (measured as of     of contribution to which the gain           substituted basis property, report the 
the date of the transfer).               deferral method is applied.                 subsequent disposition of the 
                                         Additionally, describe any section 
Column (d). Enter your adjusted                                                      substituted basis property in the same 
                                         721(c) property contributed to a 
basis in the property contributed on                                                 manner as provided for the 
                                         section 721(c) partnership and 
the date of the transfer. See sections                                               contributed property. See section 
                                         identify whether the gain deferral 
1011 through 1016 for more                                                           7701(a)(42) for the definition of 
                                         method is applied. A U.S. transferor 
information on the determination of                                                  substituted basis property and 
                                         must attach to Form 8865, for the year 
adjusted basis.                                                                      Regulations section 1.704-3(a)(8) for 
                                         of contribution, Schedule G,                more information.
Column (f). If you contributed           containing the information described        A disposition by a partnership may 
appreciated property, enter the          in Regulations section 1.721(c)-6(b)        be an acceleration event for purposes 
method (traditional, traditional with    (2)(i). See Regulations section             of applying the gain deferral method. 
curative allocations, or remedial) used  1.721(c)-6(b) for additional                The U.S. transferor may be required 
by the partnership to make section       requirements.                               to recognize gain in an amount equal 
704(c) allocations with respect to 
each item of property. See                 Additional form and statement             to the remaining built-in gain on the 
Regulations sections 1.704-3(b), (c),    requirements. In addition to the            section 721(c) property previously 
and (d) for more information on these    reporting requirements above, the           contributed to the section 721(c) 
allocation methods. If the gain deferral following statements and forms must         partnership. See Regulations section 
method is applied, the remedial          also be filed to satisfy the                1.721(c)-4. For acceleration event 
method must generally be used. See       requirements for the gain deferral          exceptions, see Regulations section 
Regulations section 1.721(c)-3(b)(1)     method.                                     1.721(c)-5. Acceleration events and 
(i). For an exception for certain        Schedule H (Form 8865), if certain        exceptions to an acceleration event 
property generating effectively          events have occurred.                       should be reflected in Part II. In 
connected income, see Regulations        Form 8838-P, Consent To Extend            addition, Schedules G and H are 
section 1.721(c)-3(b)(1)(ii).            the Time To Assess Tax Pursuant to          required to be filed.
                                         the Gain Deferral Method (Section           Column (a). Provide a brief 
Column (g). Enter the amount of          721(c)). See Regulations sections           description of the property disposed 
gain, if any, recognized on the          1.721(c)-6(b)(2)(ii), (b)(3)(viii), and (b) of by the partnership. If you are 
transfer. See sections 721(b) and        (5) for more information.                   reporting the disposition of substituted 
904(f)(3), and Regulations section       Copy of “Statement of Waiver of           basis property received by the 
1.721(c)-2.                              Treaty Benefits under Section               partnership in a nonrecognition 
Line 3. Enter your capital interests,    1.721(c)-6,” if applicable. See             transaction in exchange for 
by percentage, in the partnership        Regulations section 1.721(c)-6(c)(1).       appreciated property contributed by 
immediately before and after the                                                     you, enter “See Attached” and attach 
transfer. To the extent your capital                                                 a statement providing brief 
interest in the partnership immediately                                              descriptions of both the property 
                                                         -18-                        Instructions for Form 8865 (2022)

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contributed by you to the partnership                                              (measured as of the date of 
and the substituted basis property       Schedule P (Form 8865).                   acquisition). See sections 722 and 
received by the partnership in           Acquisitions, Dispositions,               742.
exchange for that property.              and Changes of Interests                  Columns (e) and (f). Enter your total 
Column (b).  Enter the date that you     in a Foreign Partnership                  direct percentage interest in the 
transferred this property to the         Use Schedule P to report the              partnership both before and 
partnership. If you are reporting the    acquisition, disposition, and change of   immediately after the acquisition. To 
disposition of substituted basis         interest in a foreign partnership.        the extent your direct percentage 
property received by the partnership                                               interest in the partnership differs 
in a nonrecognition transaction in       Every Category 4 filer must               among capital, profits, losses, or 
exchange for property previously         complete Schedule P, unless they          deductions, enter “See Below” and 
contributed by you, enter “See           qualify under the exception for certain   state the different percentages in Part 
Attached” and attach a statement         Category 4 filers, described earlier.     IV.
showing both the date you transferred    Reference ID number.    Use the           Part II. Dispositions
the appreciated property to the          reference ID number shown on Form 
                                                                                   This section is completed by U.S. 
partnership and the date the             8865, item G2(b). For details, see the 
                                                                                   persons who are Category 4 filers 
partnership exchanged the property       instructions for Item G2(b), earlier.
for substituted basis property in a                                                because they disposed of an interest 
nonrecognition transaction. See          Part I. Acquisitions                      in a foreign partnership. See 
Regulations section 1.6038B-2.           Part I is completed by Category 4         Categories of Filers, earlier, for more 
Column (c).  Enter the date that the     filers required to report an acquisition  details about what types of 
partnership disposed of the property.    of an interest in a foreign partnership.  dispositions must be reported. For 
                                         See Categories of Filers, earlier, for    each disposition reported in Part II, 
Column (d).  Briefly describe how the    more details about which types of         indicate in Part IV whether a 
partnership disposed of the property     acquisitions must be reported.            statement is required by Regulations 
(for example, by sale or exchange).                                                section 1.751-1(a)(3) to be filed with 
                                         An acquisition of a section 721(c)        respect to the disposition.
Column (e).  Enter the amount of         partnership interest may be an 
gain, if any, recognized by the          acceleration event exception under           A disposition of a section 721(c) 
partnership on the disposition of        the gain deferral method. In such         partnership interest may be an 
property.                                case, Schedule H is required to be        acceleration event for purposes of 
Column (f).  Enter the amount of         filed. See Regulations section            applying the gain deferral method. 
depreciation recapture, if any,          1.721(c)-5. In this case, the acquirer    The U.S. transferor may be required 
recognized by the partnership on the     may become a successor U.S.               to recognize gain in an amount equal 
disposition of property. See             transferor and may have a reporting       to the remaining built-in gain on the 
Regulations sections 1.1245-1(e) and     requirement under Regulations             section 721(c) property previously 
1.1250-1(f).                             section 1.721(c)-6. As a result, the      contributed to the section 721(c) 
                                         successor U.S. transferor is required     partnership. In this case, Schedule H 
Column (g).  Enter the amount of         to file Schedule G as well as, if certain must also be filed. See Regulations 
gain from column (e) allocated to you.   events occur, Schedule H. See             section 1.721(c)-4. For acceleration 
Column (h).  Enter the amount of         Section 721(c) partnership Gain ,         event exceptions, see Regulations 
depreciation recapture from column       deferral method, and U.S. transferor,     section 1.721(c)-5.
(f) allocated to you. See Regulations    earlier.                                  Column (a). Unless you disposed of 
sections 1.1245-1(e) and 1.1250-1(f).    Column (a). If you acquired the           the interest by withdrawing, in whole 
If you recognize any section 1254        interest in the foreign partnership by    or in part, from the partnership, enter 
recapture on the partnership's           purchase, gift, or inheritance, or in a   the name, address, and identifying 
disposition of natural resource          distribution from a trust, estate,        number (if any) of the person to whom 
recapture property, enter “See           partnership, or corporation, enter the    you transferred the interest in the 
Attached” and attach a statement         name, address, and identifying            foreign partnership.
figuring the amount of recapture. See    number (if any) of the person from        Column (b). Enter the date of the 
Regulations section 1.1254-5.            whom you acquired the interest.           disposition. If the disposition was 
Part III. Gain Recognition Under         Column (b). Enter the date of the         composed of a series of transactions 
Section 904(f)(3) or (f)(5)(F)           acquisition. If the acquisition was       over multiple dates, enter the date the 
If gain recognition was required with    composed of a series of transactions      disposition was completed.
respect to any transfer reported in      over multiple dates, enter the date the   Column (c). Enter the FMV of the 
Part I under section 904(f)(3) or (f)(5) acquisition was completed.                interest you disposed of in the 
(F), attach a statement identifying the  Column (c). Enter the FMV of the          partnership (measured as of the date 
transfer and the amount of gain          interest you acquired in the              of disposition). If you recognized gain 
recognized.                              partnership (measured as of the date      or loss on the disposition, state the 
                                         of acquisition).                          amount of gain or loss in Part IV. See 
                                                                                   section 741.
                                         Column (d). Enter your basis in the 
                                         acquired partnership interest 

Instructions for Form 8865 (2022)                         -19-

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Column (d). Enter your adjusted           changed. See Categories of Filers,      Columns (e) and (f).   Enter your 
basis in the partnership interest         earlier, for more details about which   direct percentage interest in the 
disposed of immediately before the        changes in proportional interest must   partnership both before and 
disposition. See section 705.             be reported.                            immediately after the change. To the 
Columns (e) and (f).     Enter your total Column (a).   Briefly describe the      extent your percentage interest in the 
direct percentage interest in the         event that caused your interest in the  partnership differs among capital, 
partnership both before and               partnership to change (for example,     profits, losses, or deductions, enter 
immediately after the disposition. To     the admission of a new partner).        “See Below” and state the different 
                                                                                  percentages in Part IV.
the extent your percentage interest in    Column (b).   Enter the date of the 
the partnership differs among capital,    change. If the change resulted from a   Part IV. Supplemental 
profits, losses, or deductions, enter     series of transactions over multiple    Information Required
“See Below” and state the different       dates, enter the date the change was    To Be Reported
percentages in Part IV.                   completed.
                                                                                  Enter any information asked for in Part 
Part III. Change in                       Column (c).   Enter the FMV of your     I, Part II, or Part III that must be 
Proportional Interest                     interest in the partnership immediately reported in detail. Identify the 
This section is completed by U.S.         before the change.                      applicable part number and column 
persons who are Category 4 filers         Column (d).   Enter your basis in your  next to the information entered in Part 
because their direct proportional         partnership interest immediately        IV.
interest in the foreign partnership       before the change.

Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice.         We ask for the information on this form and its schedules to carry 
out the Internal Revenue laws of the United States. We need this information to ensure that you are complying with the 
revenue laws and to allow us to figure and collect the right amount of tax. Sections 6038, 6038B, 6038D, and 6046A 
require you to provide this information. Section 6038D requires specified individuals and, upon issuance of regulations, 
specified domestic entities to report specified foreign financial assets in which they have an interest. Form 8938 is 
generally used to comply with this reporting requirement, but if you checked the box on Form 8865, item E, you're 
choosing to use Form 8865 (in conjunction with Form 8938) to report your interests. Section 6109 requires you to provide 
your identification number. Failure to provide all of the requested information in a timely manner or providing false 
information may subject you to penalties.
You are not required to provide the information requested on a form that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act 
unless the form displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records relating to a form or its instructions must be 
retained as long as their contents may become material in the administration of any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax 
returns and return information are confidential, as required by section 6103. However, section 6103 allows or requires 
the IRS to disclose or give such information to the Department of Justice for civil and criminal litigation, and to cities, 
states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. commonwealths and possessions for use in administering their tax laws. We 
may also disclose this information to other countries under a tax treaty, to federal and state agencies to enforce federal 
nontax criminal laws, or to federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies to combat terrorism.
The time needed to complete and file this form and related schedules will vary depending on individual 
circumstances. The estimated burden for individual and business taxpayers filing this form is approved under OMB 
control number 1545-0074 and 1545-0123 and is included in the estimates shown in the instructions for their individual 
and business income tax return. The estimated burden for all other taxpayers who file this form is shown below.

                                                             Learning about the law  Preparing, copying, assembling, 
     Form                             Recordkeeping          or the form             and sending the form to the IRS
8865                                   39 hr., 30 min.       6 hr., 47 min.                       14 hr., 21 min.
Schedule G (Form 8865)                 13 hr., 52 min.       3 hr., 34 min.                        3 hr., 57 min.
Schedule H (Form 8865)                 7 hr., 53 min.        2 hr., 17 min.                        2 hr., 30 min.
Schedule K-1 (Form 8865)               12 hr., 12 min.        7 hr., 31 min.                       9 hr., 14 min.
Schedule K-2 (Form 8865)               170 hr., 16 min.      34 hr., 28 min.                      50 hr., 44 min.
Schedule K-3 (Form 8865)               171 hr., 13 min.      35 hr., 33 min.                      51 hr., 53 min.
Schedule O (Form 8865)                 16 hr., 15 min.       5 hr., 10 min.                        5 hr., 39 min.
Schedule P (Form 8865)                 5 hr., 44 min.        1 hr., 12 min.                       1 hr., 20 min.

If you have comments concerning the accuracy of these time estimates or suggestions for making this form and 
related schedules simpler, we would be happy to hear from you. You can send us comments through IRS.gov/
FormComments. Or you can send your comments to the Internal Revenue Service, Tax Forms and Publications, 1111 
Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224. Do not send Form 8865 to this address. Instead, see When and 
Where To File, earlier.

                                                        -20-                         Instructions for Form 8865 (2022)

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List of Codes Used for Schedule K-1 (Form 8865)

Box Number / Item                                                       Where to report or where to find further reporting information. 
1. Ordinary business income (loss). Determine whether the income (loss) 
is passive or nonpassive and enter on your return as follows.
Passive loss                                                            See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Passive income                                                          Schedule E (Form 1040), line 28, column (h)
Nonpassive loss                                                         See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Nonpassive income                                                       Schedule E (Form 1040), line 28, column (k)
2. Net rental real estate income (loss)                                 See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
3. Other net rental income (loss)
Net income                                                              Schedule E (Form 1040), line 28, column (h)
Net loss                                                                See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
4a. Guaranteed payment services                                         See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065) 
4b. Guaranteed payment capital                                          See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
4c. Guaranteed payment total                                            See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
5. Interest income                                                      Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 2b
6a. Ordinary dividends                                                  Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 3b
6b. Qualified dividends                                                 Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 3a
6c. Dividend equivalents                                                See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
7. Royalties                                                            Schedule E (Form 1040), line 4
8. Net short-term capital gain (loss)                                   Schedule D (Form 1040), line 5
9a. Net long-term capital gain (loss)                                   Schedule D (Form 1040), line 12
9b. Collectibles (28%) gain (loss)                                      28% Rate Gain Worksheet, line 4 (Schedule D instructions)
9c. Unrecaptured section 1250 gain                                      See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
10. Net section 1231 gain (loss)                                        See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
11. Other income (loss)
Code A. Other portfolio income (loss)                                   See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code B. Involuntary conversions                                         See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code C. Section 1256 contracts & straddles                              Form 6781, line 1
Code D. Mining exploration costs recapture                              See Pub. 535
Code E. Cancellation of debt                                            Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 8c; or Form 982
Code F. Section 743(b) positive income adjustments                      See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code G. Other income (loss)                                             See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)

Instructions for Form 8865 (2022)                            -21-

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Box Number / Item                                                  Where to report or where to find further reporting information. 
12. Section 179 deduction                                          See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
13. Other deductions
Code A. Cash contributions (60%)                                   See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code B. Cash contributions (30%)                                   See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code C. Noncash contributions (50%)                                See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code D. Noncash contributions (30%)                                See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code E. Capital gain property to a 50% organization (30%)          See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code F. Capital gain property (20%)                                See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code G. Contributions (100%)                                       See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code H. Investment interest expense                                Form 4952, line 1
Code I. Deductions—royalty income                                  Schedule E (Form 1040), line 19
Code J. Section 59(e)(2) expenditures                              See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code K. Excess business interest expense                           See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code L. Deductions—portfolio (other)                               Schedule A (Form 1040), line 16
Code M. Amounts paid for medical insurance                         Schedule A (Form 1040), line 1; or Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 17
Code N. Educational assistance benefits                            See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code O. Dependent care benefits                                    Form 2441, line 12
Code P. Preproductive period expenses                              See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code Q. Reserved for future use
Code R. Pensions and IRAs                                          See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code S. Reforestation expense deduction                            See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Codes T through U                                                  Reserved for future use
Code V. Section 743(b) negative income adjustments                 See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code W. Other deductions                                           See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
14. Self-employment earnings (loss) 
Note. If you have a section 179 deduction or any partner-level 
deductions, see the Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065) before completing 
Schedule SE (Form 1040).
Code A. Net earnings (loss) from self-employment                   Schedule SE, Section A or B
Code B. Gross farming or fishing income                            See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code C. Gross non-farm income                                      See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
15. Credits
Code A. Reserved for future use
Code B. Reserved for future use
Code C. Low-income housing credit (section 42(j)(5)) from          See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
post-2007 buildings
Code D. Low-income housing credit (other) from post-2007 buildings See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code E. Qualified rehabilitation expenditures (rental real estate) See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code F. Other rental real estate credits                           See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code G. Other rental credits                                       See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code H. Undistributed capital gains credit                         See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code I. Biofuel producer credit                                    See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code J. Work opportunity credit                                    See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code K. Disabled access credit                                     See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code L. Empowerment zone employment credit                         See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code M. Credit for increasing research activities                  See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code N. Credit for employer social security and Medicare taxes     See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code O. Backup withholding                                         See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code P. Other credits                                              See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
17. Alternative minimum tax (AMT) items
Code A. Post-1986 depreciation adjustment                          See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065) and the Instructions for Form 6251
Code B. Adjusted gain or loss                                      See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065) and the Instructions for Form 6251
Code C. Depletion (other than oil & gas)                           See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065) and the Instructions for Form 6251
Code D. Oil, gas, and geothermal—gross income                      See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065) and the Instructions for Form 6251
Code E. Oil, gas, and geothermal—deductions                        See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065) and the Instructions for Form 6251
Code F. Other AMT items                                            See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065) and the Instructions for Form 6251

                                                          -22-                            Instructions for Form 8865 (2022)

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Box Number / Item                                                Where to report or where to find further reporting information. 
18. Tax-exempt income and nondeductible expenses
Code A. Tax-exempt interest income                               Form 1040, line 2a
Code B. Other tax-exempt income                                  See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code C. Nondeductible expenses                                   See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
19. Distributions
Code A. Cash and marketable securities                           See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code B. Distribution subject to section 737                      See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code C. Other property                                           See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
20. Other information
Code A. Investment income                                        Form 4952, line 4a
Code B. Investment expenses                                      Form 4952, line 5
Code C. Fuel tax credit information                              Form 4136
Code D. Qualified rehabilitation expenditures (other than rental real  See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code E. Basis of energy property                                 See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Codes F through G. Recapture of low-income housing credit        See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code H. Recapture of investment credit                           See Form 4255
Code I. Recapture of other credits                               See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code J. Look-back interest—completed long-term contracts         See Form 8697
Code K. Look-back interest—income forecast method                See Form 8866
Code L. Dispositions of property with section 179 deductions     See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code M. Recapture of section 179 deduction                       See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code N. Business interest expense (information item)             See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code O. Section 453(I)(3) information                            See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code P. Section 453A(c) information                              See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code Q. Section 1260(b) information                              See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code R. Interest allocable to production expenditures            See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code S. Capital construction fund (CCF) nonqualified withdrawals See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code T. Depletion information — oil and gas                      See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code U. Section 743(b) basis adjustment                          See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code V. Unrelated business taxable income                        See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code X. Reserved for future use                                  See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code Y. Net investment income                                    See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code Z. Section 199A information                                 See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code AA. Section 704(c) information                              See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code AB. Section 751 gain (loss)                                 See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code AC. Section 1(h)(5) gain (loss)                             See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code AD. Deemed section 1250 unrecaptured gain                   See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code AE. Excess taxable income                                   See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code AF. Excess business interest income                         See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code AG. Gross receipts for section 448(c) (information item)    See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)
Code AH. Other information                                       See Partner’s Instr. (Form 1065)

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Codes for Principal Business                                 Using the list of activities and codes below,     subcontractor to produce the finished product, but 
Activity and Principal Product or                        determine from which activity the business derives    retains title to the product, the business is 
                                                         the largest percentage of its “total receipts.” Total considered a manufacturer and must use one of 
Service                                                  receipts is defined as the sum of gross receipts or   the manufacturing codes (311110–339900).
This list of Principal Business Activities and their     sales (Schedule B, line 1a); all other income               Once the Principal Business Activity is 
associated codes is designed to classify an              reported on Schedule B, lines 4 through 7; income     determined, enter the six-digit code from the list 
enterprise by the type of activity in which it is        reported on Schedule K, lines 3a, 5, 6a, and 7;       below on page 1, item H7. Also enter a brief 
engaged to facilitate the administration of the          income or net gain reported on Schedule K, lines      description of the business activity in item H8.
Internal Revenue Code. These Principal Business          8, 9a, 10, and 11; and income or net gain reported 
Activity Codes are based on the North American           on Form 8825, lines 2, 19, and 20a. If the business 
Industry Classification System.                          purchases raw materials and supplies them to a 
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing,        237310 Highway, Street, & Bridge              Paper Manufacturing                    333200 Industrial Machinery Mfg
and Hunting                                          Construction                    322100 Pulp, Paper, & Paperboard       333310 Commercial & Service 
                                       237990 Other Heavy & Civil                       Mills                                    Industry Machinery Mfg
Crop Production                                      Engineering Construction        322200 Converted Paper Product Mfg     333410 Ventilation, Heating, 
111100 Oilseed & Grain Farming         Specialty Trade Contractors                   Printing and Related Support                Air-Conditioning, & 
111210 Vegetable & Melon Farming       238100 Foundation, Structure, &               Activities                                  Commercial Refrigeration 
       (including potatoes & yams)                   Building Exterior Contractors   323100 Printing & Related Support           Equipment Mfg
111300 Fruit & Tree Nut Farming                      (including framing carpentry,      Activities                          333510 Metalworking Machinery Mfg
111400 Greenhouse, Nursery, &                        masonry, glass, roofing, &      Petroleum and Coal Products            333610 Engine, Turbine & Power 
       Floriculture Production                       siding)                         Manufacturing                               Transmission Equipment Mfg
111900 Other Crop Farming              238210 Electrical Contractors                 324110 Petroleum Refineries            333900 Other General Purpose 
       (including tobacco, cotton,     238220 Plumbing, Heating, &                      (including integrated)                   Machinery Mfg
       sugarcane, hay, peanut,                       Air-Conditioning Contractors    324120 Asphalt Paving, Roofing, &      Computer and Electronic Product 
       sugar beet, & all other crop    238290 Other Building Equipment                  Saturated Materials Mfg             Manufacturing
       farming)                                      Contractors                     324190 Other Petroleum & Coal          334110 Computer & Peripheral 
Animal Production                      238300 Building Finishing                        Products Mfg                             Equipment Mfg
112111 Beef Cattle Ranching &                        Contractors (including          Chemical Manufacturing                 334200 Communications Equipment 
       Farming                                       drywall, insulation, painting,                                              Mfg
112112 Cattle Feedlots                               wallcovering, flooring, tile, & 325100 Basic Chemical Mfg              334310 Audio & Video Equipment 
112120 Dairy Cattle & Milk Production                finish carpentry)               325200 Resin, Synthetic Rubber, &           Mfg
112210 Hog & Pig Farming               238900 Other Specialty Trade                     Artificial & Synthetic Fibers &     334410 Semiconductor & Other 
                                                     Contractors (including site        Filaments Mfg
112300 Poultry & Egg Production                      preparation)                    325300 Pesticide, Fertilizer, & Other       Electronic Component Mfg
112400 Sheep & Goat Farming            Manufacturing                                    Agricultural Chemical Mfg           334500 Navigational, Measuring, 
112510 Aquaculture (including          Food Manufacturing                            325410 Pharmaceutical & Medicine            Electromedical, & Control 
       shellfish & finfish farms &                                                      Mfg                                      Instruments Mfg
       hatcheries)                     311110 Animal Food Mfg                        325500 Paint, Coating, & Adhesive      334610 Manufacturing & Reproducing 
112900 Other Animal Production         311200 Grain & Oilseed Milling                   Mfg                                      Magnetic & Optical Media
Forestry and Logging                   311300 Sugar & Confectionery                  325600 Soap, Cleaning Compound, &      Electrical Equipment, Appliance, 
113110 Timber Tract Operations                       Product Mfg                        Toilet Preparation Mfg              and Component Manufacturing
113210 Forest Nurseries & Gathering    311400 Fruit & Vegetable Preserving           325900 Other Chemical Product &        335100 Electric Lighting Equipment 
       of Forest Products                            & Specialty Food Mfg               Preparation Mfg                          Mfg
113310 Logging                         311500 Dairy Product Mfg                      Plastics and Rubber Products           335200 Household Appliance Mfg
Fishing, Hunting, and Trapping         311610 Animal Slaughtering and                Manufacturing                          335310 Electrical Equipment Mfg
                                                     Processing                      326100 Plastics Product Mfg            335900 Other Electrical Equipment & 
114110 Fishing                         311710 Seafood Product Preparation            326200 Rubber Product Mfg                   Component Mfg
114210 Hunting & Trapping                            & Packaging                     Nonmetallic Mineral Product            Transportation Equipment 
Support Activities for Agriculture     311800 Bakeries, Tortilla & Dry Pasta         Manufacturing                          Manufacturing
and Forestry                                         Mfg                             327100 Clay Product & Refractory       336100 Motor Vehicle Mfg
115110 Support Activities for Crop     311900 Other Food Mfg (including                 Mfg                                 336210 Motor Vehicle Body & Trailer 
       Production (including cotton                  coffee, tea, flavorings, &      327210 Glass & Glass Product Mfg            Mfg
       ginning, soil preparation,                    seasonings)                     327300 Cement & Concrete Product       336300 Motor Vehicle Parts Mfg
       planting, & cultivating)        Beverage and Tobacco Product                     Mfg                                 336410 Aerospace Product & Parts 
115210 Support Activities for Animal   Manufacturing                                 327400 Lime & Gypsum Product Mfg            Mfg
       Production (including           312110 Soft Drink & Ice Mfg                   327900 Other Nonmetallic Mineral       336510 Railroad Rolling Stock Mfg
115310 Support Activities for Forestry 312120 Breweries                                 Product Mfg                         336610 Ship & Boat Building
                                       312130 Wineries                               Primary Metal Manufacturing            336990 Other Transportation 
Mining                                 312140 Distilleries                           331110 Iron & Steel Mills & Ferroalloy      Equipment Mfg
211120 Crude Petroleum Extraction      312200 Tobacco Manufacturing                     Mfg                                 Furniture and Related Product 
211130 Natural Gas Extraction          Textile Mills and Textile Product             331200 Steel Product Mfg From          Manufacturing
212110 Coal Mining                     Mills                                            Purchased Steel                     337000 Furniture & Related Product 
212200 Metal Ore Mining                313000 Textile Mills                          331310 Alumina & Aluminum                   Manufacturing
212310 Stone Mining & Quarrying        314000 Textile Product Mills                     Production & Processing             Miscellaneous Manufacturing
212320 Sand, Gravel, Clay, &           Apparel Manufacturing                         331400 Nonferrous Metal (except        339110 Medical Equipment & 
       Ceramic & Refractory            315100 Apparel Knitting Mills                    Aluminum) Production &                   Supplies Mfg
                                                                                        Processing                          339900 Other Miscellaneous 
       Minerals Mining & Quarrying     315210 Cut & Sew Apparel                      331500 Foundries                            Manufacturing
212390 Other Nonmetallic Mineral                     Contractors
       Mining & Quarrying              315250 Cut & Sew Apparel Mfg                  Fabricated Metal Product               Wholesale Trade
213110 Support Activities for Mining                 (except Contractors)            Manufacturing                          Merchant Wholesalers, Durable 
Utilities                              315990 Apparel Accessories & Other            332110 Forging & Stamping              Goods
221100 Electric Power Generation,                    Apparel Mfg                     332210 Cutlery & Handtool Mfg          423100 Motor Vehicle & Motor 
       Transmission, & Distribution    Leather and Allied Product                    332300 Architectural & Structural           Vehicle Parts & Supplies
221210 Natural Gas Distribution        Manufacturing                                    Metals Mfg                          423200 Furniture & Home Furnishings
221300 Water, Sewage, & Other          316110 Leather & Hide Tanning &               332400 Boiler, Tank, & Shipping        423300 Lumber & Other Construction 
       Systems                                       Finishing                          Container Mfg                            Materials
221500 Combination Gas & Electric      316210 Footwear Mfg (including                332510 Hardware Mfg                    423400 Professional & Commercial 
                                                     rubber & plastics)              332610 Spring & Wire Product Mfg            Equipment & Supplies
Construction                           316990 Other Leather & Allied                 332700 Machine Shops; Turned           423500 Metal & Mineral (except 
Construction of Buildings                            Product Mfg                        Product; & Screw, Nut, & Bolt            Petroleum)
236110 Residential Building            Wood Product Manufacturing                       Mfg                                 423600 Household Appliances & 
       Construction                    321110 Sawmills & Wood                        332810 Coating, Engraving, Heat             Electrical & Electronic Goods
236200 Nonresidential Building                       Preservation                       Treating, & Allied Activities       423700 Hardware, & Plumbing & 
       Construction                    321210 Veneer, Plywood, &                     332900 Other Fabricated Metal               Heating Equipment & 
Heavy and Civil Engineering                          Engineered Wood Product            Product Mfg                              Supplies
Construction                                         Mfg                             Machinery Manufacturing                423800 Machinery, Equipment, & 
237100 Utility System Construction     321900 Other Wood Product Mfg                 333100 Agriculture, Construction, &         Supplies
237210 Land Subdivision                                                                 Mining Machinery Mfg


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Codes for Principal Business Activity and Principal Product or Service (Continued)
423910 Sporting & Recreational       455210 Warehouse Clubs,             485990 Other Transit & Ground        522299 Intl, Secondary Market, & 
      Goods & Supplies               Supercenters, & Other Merch          Passenger Transportation            Other Nondepo. Credit 
423920 Toy & Hobby Goods &           Retailers                           Pipeline Transportation              Intermediation
      Supplies                       Health and Personal Care Retailers  486000 Pipeline Transportation       Activities Related to Credit 
423930 Recyclable Materials          456110 Pharmacies & Drug Retailers  Scenic & Sightseeing                 Intermediation
423940 Jewelry, Watch, Precious      456120 Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies,  Transportation                       522300 Activities Related to Credit 
      Stone, & Precious Metals       & Perfume Retailers                 487000 Scenic & Sightseeing          Intermediation (including loan 
423990 Other Miscellaneous Durable   456130 Optical Goods Retailers       Transportation                      brokers, check clearing, & 
                                                                                                              money transmitting)
      Goods                          446190 Other Health & Personal Care Support Activities for               Securities, Commodity Contracts, 
Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable     Retailers                           Transportation                       and Other Financial Investments 
Goods                                Gasoline Stations & Fuel Dealers    488100 Support Activities for Air    and Related Activities
424100 Paper & Paper Products        457100 Gasoline Stations (including  Transportation                      523150 Investment Banking & 
424210 Drugs & Druggists' Sundries   convenience stores with gas)        488210 Support Activities for Rail   Securities Intermediation
424300 Apparel, Piece Goods, &       457210 Fuel Dealers (including       Transportation                      523160 Commodity Contracts 
      Notions                        Heating Oil & Liquefied             488300 Support Activities for Water  Intermediation
424400 Grocery & Related Products    Petroleum)                           Transportation                      523210 Securities & Commodity 
424500 Farm Product Raw Materials    Clothing & Accessories Retailers    488410 Motor Vehicle Towing          Exchanges
424600 Chemical & Allied Products    458110 Clothing & Clothing          488490 Other Support Activities for  523900 Other Financial Investment 
424700 Petroleum & Petroleum         Accessories Retailers                Road Transportation                 Activities (including portfolio 
      Products                       458210 Shoe Retailers               488510 Freight Transportation        management & investment 
424800 Beer, Wine, & Distilled       458310 Jewelry Retailers             Arrangement                         advice)
      Alcoholic Beverages            458320 Luggage & Leather Goods      488990 Other Support Activities for  Insurance Carriers and Related 
424910 Farm Supplies                 Retailers                            Transportation                      Activities
424920 Book, Periodical, &           Sporting, Hobby, Book, Musical      Couriers and Messengers              524110 Direct Life, Health, & Medical 
      Newspapers                     Instrument, & Miscellaneous         492110 Couriers & Express Delivery   Insurance Carriers
424930 Flower, Nursery Stock, &      Retailers                            Services                            524120 Direct Insurance (except Life, 
      Florists' Supplies             459110 Sporting Goods Retailers     492210 Local Messengers & Local      Health, & Medical) Carriers
424940 Tobacco Products &            459120 Hobby, Toy, & Game            Delivery                            524210 Insurance Agencies & 
      Electronic Cigarettes          Retailers                           Warehousing and Storage              Brokerages
424950 Paint, Varnish, & Supplies    459130 Sewing, Needlework, & Piece  493100 Warehousing & Storage         524290 Other Insurance Related 
424990 Other Miscellaneous           Goods Retailers                      (except lessors of                  Activities (including 
      Nondurable Goods               459140 Musical Instrument &          mini-warehouses &                   third-party administration of 
Wholesale Trade Agents & Agents      Supplies Retailers                   self-storage units)                 insurance and pension funds)
                                                                                                              Funds, Trusts, and Other Financial 
and Brokers                          459210 Book Retailers & News        Information                          Vehicles
425120 Wholesale Trade Agents &      Dealers (including                  Motion Picture and Sound             525100 Insurance & Employee 
      Brokers                        newsstands)                         Recording Industries                 Benefit Funds
                                     459310 Florists                     512100 Motion Picture & Video        525910 Open-End Investment Funds 
Retail Trade                         459410 Office Supplies & Stationery  Industries (except video            (Form 1120-RIC,)
Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers      Retailers                            rental)                             525920 Trusts, Estates, & Agency 
441110 New Car Dealers               459420 Gift, Novelty, & Souvenir    512200 Sound Recording Industries    Accounts
441120 Used Car Dealers              Retailers                           Publishing Industries                525990 Other Financial Vehicles 
441210 Recreational Vehicle Dealers  459510 Used Merchandise Retailers   513110 Newspaper Publishers          (including mortgage REITs 
441222 Boat Dealers                  459910 Pet & Pet Supplies Retailers 513120 Periodical Publishers         and closed-end investment 
441227 Motorcycle, ATV, & All Other  459920 Art Dealers                  513130 Book Publishers               “Offices of Bank Holding Companies” 
      Motor Vehicle Dealers          459930 Manufactured (Mobile) Home   513140 Directory & Mailing List      and “Offices of Other Holding 
441300 Automotive Parts,             Dealers                              Publishers                          Companies” are located under 
      Accessories, & Tire Retailers  459990 All Other Miscellaneous      513190 Other Publishers              Management of Companies 
Building Material and Garden         Retailers (including tobacco,                                            (Holding Companies) below.
Equipment and Supplies Dealers       candle, & trophy retailers)         513210 Software Publishers
444110 Home Centers                  Nonstore Retailers                  Broadcasting & Content Providers     Real Estate and Rental and 
444120 Paint & Wallpaper Stores      Nonstore retailers sell all         & Telecommunications                 Leasing
444140 Hardware Retailers            types of merchandise using          516100 Radio & Television 
                                     such methods as Internet,            Broadcasting Stations               Real Estate
444180 Other Building Material       mail-order catalogs,                516210 Media Streaming, Social       531110 Lessors of Residential 
      Dealers                        interactive television, or direct    Networks, & Other Content           Buildings & Dwellings 
444200 Lawn & Garden Equipment &     sales. These types of                Providers                           (including equity REITs)
      Supplies Retailers             Retailers should select the         517000 Telecommunications            531120 Lessors of Nonresidential 
Food and Beverage Retailers          PBA associated with their            (including Wired, Wireless,         Buildings (except 
                                     primary line of products sold. 
445110 Supermarkets and Other        For example, establishments          Satellite, Cable & Other            Mini-Warehouses) (including 
      Grocery (except                primarily selling prescription       Program Distribution,               equity REITs)
      Convenience) Retailers         and non-prescription drugs,          Resellers, Agents, Other            531130 Lessors of Mini-Warehouses 
445131 Convenience Retailers         select PBA code 456110               Telecommunications, &               & Self-Storage Units 
445132 Vending Machine Operators     Pharmacies & Drug Retailers.         Internet Service Providers)         (including equity REITs)
                                                                         Data Processing, Web Search          531190 Lessors of Other Real Estate 
445230 Fruit & Vegetable Retailers   Transportation and                  Portals, & Other Information         Property (including equity 
445240 Meat Retailers                Warehousing                         Services                             REITs)
445250 Fish & Seafood Retailers      Air, Rail, and Water Transportation 518210 Computing Infrastructure      531210 Offices of Real Estate Agents 
                                                                          Providers, Data Processing,         & Brokers
445291 Baked Goods Retailers         481000 Air Transportation            Web Hosting, & Related              531310 Real Estate Property 
445292 Confectionery & Nut Retailers 482110 Rail Transportation           Services                            Managers
445298 All Other Specialty Food      483000 Water Transportation         519200 Web Search Portals,           531320 Offices of Real Estate 
      Retailers                      Truck Transportation                 Libraries, Archives, & Other        Appraisers
445320 Beer, Wine, & Liquor          484110 General Freight Trucking,     Info. Services                      531390 Other Activities Related to 
      Retailers                      Local                               Finance and Insurance                Real Estate
Furniture and Home Furnishings       484120 General Freight Trucking,    Depository Credit Intermediation     Rental and Leasing Services
Retailers                            Long-Distance                       522110 Commercial Banking            532100 Automotive Equipment Rental 
449110 Furniture Retailers           484200 Specialized Freight Trucking 522130 Credit Unions                 & Leasing
449121 Floor Covering Retailers      Transit and Ground Passenger        522180 Savings Institutions & Other  532210 Consumer Electronics & 
449122 Window Treatment Retailers    Transportation                       Depository Credit                   Appliances Rental
449129 All Other Home Furnishings    485110 Urban Transit Systems         Intermediation                      532281 Formal Wear & Costume 
      Retailers                      485210 Interurban & Rural Bus       Nondepository Credit                 Rental
Electronics and Appliance Retailers  Transportation                      Intermediation                       532282 Video Tape & Disc Rental
449210 Electronics & Appliance       485310 Taxi Service                 522210 Credit Card Issuing           532283 Home Health Equipment 
      Retailers (including           485320 Limousine Service            522220 Sales Financing               Rental
      computers)                                                                                              532284 Recreational Goods Rental
General Merchandise Retailers        485410 School & Employee Bus        522291 Consumer Lending
                                     Transportation                      522292 Real Estate Credit (including 532289 All Other Consumer Goods 
455110 Department Stores             485510 Charter Bus Industry          mortgage bankers &                  Rental
                                                                          originators)                        532310 General Rental Centers


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Codes for Principal Business Activity and Principal Product or Service (Continued)
532400 Commercial & Industrial      561210 Facilities Support Services   Other Ambulatory Health Care         811120 Automotive Body, Paint, 
Machinery & Equipment               561300 Employment Services           Services                                  Interior, & Glass Repair
Rental & Leasing                    561410 Document Preparation          621900 Other Ambulatory Health       811190 Other Automotive Repair & 
Lessors of Nonfinancial Intangible  Services                               Care Services (including                Maintenance (including oil 
Assets (except copyrighted works)   561420 Telephone Call Centers          ambulance services & blood              change & lubrication shops & 
                                                                           & organ banks)                          car washes)
533110 Lessors of Nonfinancial      561430 Business Service Centers      Hospitals                            811210 Electronic & Precision 
Intangible Assets (except           (including private mail centers      622000 Hospitals                          Equipment Repair & 
copyrighted works)                  & copy shops)                                                                  Maintenance
Professional, Scientific, and       561440 Collection Agencies           Nursing and Residential Care         811310 Commercial & Industrial 
Technical Services                  561450 Credit Bureaus                Facilities                                Machinery & Equipment 
Legal Services                      561490 Other Business Support        623000 Nursing & Residential Care         (except Automotive & 
541110 Offices of Lawyers           Services (including                    Facilities                              Electronic) Repair & 
541190 Other Legal Services         repossession services, court         Social Assistance                         Maintenance
                                    reporting, & stenotype               624100 Individual & Family Services  811410 Home & Garden Equipment & 
Accounting, Tax Preparation,        services)                            624200 Community Food & Housing,          Appliance Repair & 
Bookkeeping, and Payroll Services   561500 Travel Arrangement &            & Emergency & Other Relief              Maintenance
541211 Offices of Certified Public  Reservation Services                   Services                           811420 Reupholstery & Furniture 
Accountants                         561600 Investigation & Security      624310 Vocational Rehabilitation          Repair
541213 Tax Preparation Services     Services                               Services                           811430 Footwear & Leather Goods 
541214 Payroll Services             561710 Exterminating & Pest Control  624410 Childcare Services                 Repair
541219 Other Accounting Services    Services                             Arts, Entertainment, and             811490 Other Personal & Household 
                                                                                                                   Goods Repair & Maintenance
Architectural, Engineering, and     561720 Janitorial Services           Recreation                           Personal and Laundry Services
Related Services                    561730 Landscaping Services
541310 Architectural Services       561740 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning  Performing Arts, Spectator Sports,   812111 Barber Shops
541320 Landscape Architecture       Services                             and Related Industries               812112 Beauty Salons
Services                            561790 Other Services to Buildings & 711100 Performing Arts Companies     812113 Nail Salons
541330 Engineering Services         Dwellings                            711210 Spectator Sports (including   812190 Other Personal Care Services 
541340 Drafting Services            561900 Other Support Services          sports clubs & racetracks)              (including diet & weight 
541350 Building Inspection Services (including packaging &               711300 Promoters of Performing Arts,      reducing centers)
541360 Geophysical Surveying &      labeling services, &                   Sports, & Similar Events           812210 Funeral Homes & Funeral 
Mapping Services                    convention & trade show              711410 Agents & Managers for              Services
                                    organizers)                            Artists, Athletes, Entertainers, 
541370 Surveying & Mapping (except  Waste Management and                   & Other Public Figures             812220 Cemeteries & Crematories
Geophysical) Services               Remediation Services                 711510 Independent Artists, Writers, 812310 Coin-Operated Laundries & 
541380 Testing Laboratories &       562000 Waste Management &              & Performers                            Drycleaners
Services                            Remediation Services                 Museums, Historical Sites, and       812320 Drycleaning & Laundry 
Specialized Design Services         Educational Services                 Similar Institutions                      Services (except 
541400 Specialized Design Services                                       712100 Museums, Historical Sites, &       Coin-Operated)
(including interior, industrial,    611000 Educational Services            Similar Institutions               812330 Linen & Uniform Supply
graphic, & fashion design)          (including schools, colleges,        Amusement, Gambling, and             812910 Pet Care (except Veterinary) 
Computer Systems Design and         & universities)                      Recreation Industries                     Services
Related Services                    Health Care and Social               713100 Amusement Parks & Arcades     812920 Photofinishing
541511 Custom Computer              Assistance                           713200 Gambling Industries           812930 Parking Lots & Garages
Programming Services                Offices of Physicians and Dentists   713900 Other Amusement &             812990 All Other Personal Services
541512 Computer Systems Design      621111 Offices of Physicians (except   Recreation Industries              Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, 
Services                            mental health specialists)             (including golf courses, skiing    Professional, and Similar 
541513 Computer Facilities          621112 Offices of Physicians, Mental   facilities, marinas, fitness       Organizations
Management Services                 Health Specialists                     centers, & bowling centers)        813000 Religious, Grantmaking, 
541519 Other Computer Related       621210 Offices of Dentists           Accommodation and Food                    Civic, Professional, & Similar 
Services                                                                                                           Organizations (including 
Other Professional, Scientific, and Offices of Other Health              Services                                  condominium and 
Technical Services                  Practitioners                        Accommodation                             homeowners associations)
541600 Management, Scientific, &    621310 Offices of Chiropractors      721110 Hotels (except Casino Hotels) Other
Technical Consulting                621320 Offices of Optometrists         & Motels                           999999 Unclassified Establishments 
Services                            621330 Offices of Mental Health      721120 Casino Hotels                      (unable to classify)
541700 Scientific Research &        Practitioners (except                721191 Bed & Breakfast Inns
Development Services                Physicians)                          721199 All Other Traveler 
541800 Advertising & Public         621340 Offices of Physical,            Accommodation
Relations, & Related Services       Occupational & Speech                721210 RV (Recreational Vehicle) 
541910 Marketing Research & Public  Therapists, & Audiologists             Parks & Recreational Camps
Opinion Polling                     621391 Offices of Podiatrists        721310 Rooming & Boarding Houses, 
541920 Photographic Services        621399 Offices of All Other            Dormitories, & Workers’ 
541930 Translation & Interpretation Miscellaneous Health                   Camps
Services                            Practitioners                        Food Services and Drinking Places
541940 Veterinary Services          Outpatient Care Centers              722300 Special Food Services 
541990 All Other Professional,      621410 Family Planning Centers         (including food service 
Scientific, & Technical             621420 Outpatient Mental Health &      contractors & caterers)
Services                            Substance Abuse Centers              722410 Drinking Places (Alcoholic 
Management of Companies             621491 HMO Medical Centers             Beverages)
(Holding Companies)                 621492 Kidney Dialysis Centers       722511 Full Service Restaurants
551111 Offices of Bank Holding      621493 Freestanding Ambulatory       722513 Limited Service Restaurants
Companies                           Surgical & Emergency                 722514 Cafeterias, Grill Buffets, 
                                    Centers                                Buffets
551112 Offices of Other Holding     621498 All Other Outpatient Care     722515 Snack & Nonalcoholic 
Companies                           Centers                                Beverage Bars
Administrative and Support and      Medical and Diagnostic               Other Services
Waste Management and                Laboratories
Remediation Services                621510 Medical & Diagnostic          Repair and Maintenance
                                    Laboratories                         811110 Automotive Mechanical & 
Administrative and Support          Home Health Care Services              Electrical Repair & 
Services                                                                   Maintenance
561110 Office Administrative        621610 Home Health Care Services


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                                 Exceptions to Filing 3                                           Schedules K-2 (Form 8865), 
10% interest 5                     Constructive owners 4          S                                Partners’ Distributive Share 
                                                                                                   Items—International, and 
50% interest 5                     Multiple Category 1 filers 3   Schedule A-1. Certain partners   K-3 (Form 8865), Partner’s 
                                                                      of Foreign Partnership 10    Share of Income, 
A                                F                                Schedule A-2. Foreign Partners   Deductions, Credits, 
Acquisitions 3                   Foreign Address 7                    of Section 721(c)            etc.—International    16
Analysis of partners' capital    Foreign Partnership  5               Partnership 10              Schedules K, Partners' 
  accounts   17                  Future Developments   1          Schedule A-3. Affiliation        Distributive Share Items and 
Attached statements     16                                            Schedule 10                  K-1 (Form 8865), Partner’s 
                                                                  Schedule A. Constructive         Share of Income, 
                                 G                                    Ownership of Partnership     Deductions, Credits, Etc. 15
B                                                                     Interest 10                 Specific Instructions  7
                                 General Instructions 1
Balance sheets per books      16 General Reporting Instructions   Schedule B. Income Statement–
                                   for Schedule K-1   15              Trade or Business           T
C                                                                     Income   10
                                                                  Schedule D. Capital Gains and   Tax Year 7
Categories of Filers 2           H                                    Losses   11                 Treaty-based Return 
  Category 1 filer 2 8 10,  ,    Hyperinflationary Exception    8 Schedule G (Form 8865).          Positions  6
  Category 2 filer 3 8,                                               Statement of Application of 
                                                                      the Gain Deferral Method    U
  Category 3 filer 3 8 10,  ,    I                                    Under Section 721(c)  11
  Category 4 filer 3 8,                                                                           U.S. Person 5
Change in a Proportional         Identifying Numbers and          Schedule H (Form 8865). 
  Interest  6                      Addresses   7                      Acceleration Events and 
                                                                      Exceptions Reporting        W
Changes in Proportional                                               Relating to Gain Deferral 
  Interests 3                    L                                    Method Under Section        What’s New  1
Consolidated Return     7        List of Codes Used in                721(c) 13                   When To File 5
Constructive Ownership        5    Schedule K-1 (Form             Schedule N. Transactions        Who Must File 1
Control of a Corporation      6    8865)  21                          Between Controlled Foreign 
Corrections to Form 8865      6                                       Partnership and Partners or 
                                                                      Other Related Entities 17
                                 P                                Schedule O (Form 8865). 
D                                Partnership 5                        Transfer of Property to a 
Definitions 5                    Penalties 6                          Foreign Partnership 17
Dispositions 3                   Purpose of Form 1                Schedule P (Form 8865). 
                                                                      Acquisitions, Dispositions, 
                                                                      and Changes of Interests in 
E                                R                                    a Foreign Partnership  19
Exceptions for Filing:           Relief for Category 1 and 2 
  Category 4 filers 4              filers 4


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